THE OMAHA DAIL ? BEE : WEDNESDVY , APRIL 20 , 1S92 , MILWAUKEE IN THE LEAD Drawers Hop Onto Qus Echmclz'a Grow for a Nice Easy Game , TOLEDO WINS BY ITS FINE FIELDING Oinnhn pud Knnnnn City < limo Postponed National l.ragnn Uninrs I'rr-scnt i yuerr Combination of Winnow The Ulj : Tug < > t Milwaukee , 3 ; Columbus , 2. Toledo , 7 ; Indianapolis , 4. CoLi'Jinus , O. , April 19-Columbun out- butted nndoutlloldod Milwaukee todny but the decisions ot Corcoran gave the visitors the gntno. JJoth O'Day ' nnd Uurroll pitched Bplonilld ball. The weather wns fair nnd clear. Attendance 1,000. Scnro : Totnt. . . . . " - ) 54 12 Abbey out for Interfering wllli Holder. BCOIir. IIV INN I.Ml3. rolitmbUK 0 U U 0 0 2 00 023 Milwaukee U 2 U U 1 0 0 0 -3 8UMMAHV. . 1. Two Iftrnrd nin : Milwaukee. linno hlti iJilly , KrolRli. Stolen tinRi'v ( Vllourkc , Abbey. Lull on timuBi Coliiiiiliun. Si Milwaukee , I Irntbai-oon liitlli : ( Vlmy.S ; llurroll. I. Struck out lly O Iliiv , It l > y llurroll , II. I'li-weil bnlli ; : KtelKli. 2 Wllil pilch : HiirrBll , 1. Tlmo : l:4j. tjtnjilro Coicurnn. Tulcilo ItroUe the Iro. IsoiANAi'OMH , Ind , , April 10. Brilliant Hold vvorlc by Toledo saved them today's ijame with Indianapolis. The homo club had isevernl chances to win , but rank errors by Clliigtnan nnd Hondo cost several runs. The weather was rnw and cut the nttcndauco to BOO. Tbo score : BCOIIE IIV IN.NI.Vfi.s. Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 ' -7 InJIuunpolls 0 1 U 0 1 0 U 2 0- < 8UMMAKV. Two bnio lilt1 Cllnuiimn. Double piny : IlcnglP. liimislstoil. llnncen balls : On ChirUf , 1 ; I'i'nrn. 1 , Ulllllvun. I. lilt by pitcher : Nim > ll. Struck uiit tlnrko , rnrpcnier. Ullnfftnun , fcnlllvnn. Wllil pit dies ; Clurku. I. I'lisjuil built : lliirloy. 1 : yiillin. 1 Tlmo of Knmo : Ono hour nnil tlfly inlnutcs lluiplto McQunld , I ft on I > M. H ; Toledo , 3 ; lndli\n.ipolls , 7. Stolen IJUBCD : ( ieltlnfcr , Nlchol , llenglo. Will Try 11 This Altornoon. Minneapolis nnd Omaha wore Unnblo to play their Initial game yesterday afternoon owing tn the cold weather. If possible , they will got together this afternoon , and a good game may bo expected. Like Omaha , Minne apolis in composed almost entirely of young blood , nnd the honor of the tlrst victory will bo stubbornly fought for. The two teams nro as follows : Omaha. Position. Minneapolis Vlokcry Pitch. ' . Swartrel Hayes Catch M nny.-in Howe First West Kltzzorald Bocoml Shlnnlck Oollopy Third 1'arrott Khclbeck Short Griihatii Kelly l-eft KaU Ollka Middle Newman Camp Klght. Carroll KAXBXS CITT , Mo. , April 10. Kansas City- St. Paul gumo wns postponed on account of- rain. rain.ST ST Louis , Mo. , April 19. The St. Louls- Cleveland gnmo wns again postponed today ou account of bad weather. Stumtliig of the ToniiiH. I'layod. Won. Lost , Per Ct. Milwaukee 8 1.000 Columbus 3 2 CO ? Omaha 3 1 GOO Ivansiis Olty. 3 1 MX ) BU Paul 2 1 000 llliiiicniMillH 2 1 6CO Indianapolis " 1 SCO Toledo 3 1 NATIONAT , I.IAGIJI ; : . Clnclnimtl Content with Heating Uncle Tivlco In One Day. . CINCINNATI , O.f April 10. In two ranldly played and closely contested games hero this afternoon Cincinnati defeated Chicago. Tbo Hi at game was lively up to the seventh inning , when ono raoro run was added to the Cincin nati score , and in the eighth Holliday's splendid homo run orivo to the club house in the loft Hold iravo the Ueds a comfortable load. Luby was responsible for tbo two runs made hy Cincinnati lu the llrst inning of the second game , n base on balls and his wild throw helping in the runs. Mullano In the box was invincible nnd his support wns errorless. The only hit made by Chicago was n scratch Infield hit. During the entire pamo only two Chlougoans reached llrjt and neither of thorn wont further. In spite of the chilly , cloudy weather , 6u2l , people watched the games. Score : Cincinnati 1 0 0 n 1 o 1 ? 0 f > Chicago 000010100 2 lilts : Cincinnati , 6 : Chicago. 7. Krrors : Cincinnati. U ; Chicago , " . Earned runs : Cin cinnati. 4 : Chicago , 1. Ilnttorles : Chamber lain and Murphy ; llutuhln&un and KlttrcdRO. Seccmd game : Cincinnati 5 Chicago 0 Hits : Dlnalnnnti , 0 : Chlcaco. 1. Errors : Cincinnati , 0 : Chicago , 'i Earned runs : 0. Batteries : Mullano and Harrington ; Lubv and Sclu Ivor. Washington' * I'lrst Vli-tory. WASIIINUTON , D. C. , April 10. in Wash ington's llrst game won thlsnttornoon Brook lyn wns the loser , The homo team bunched lilts in the sovPiilh Inning mid , aided by Imses on balls by Hart uud n bad throw by Urlflln , secured u winning load. Hartuus replaced by Stern during the bovonth Inulnc nnd the latter was more effective. Attend- once , 11'JOO , The weather was fair , but the grounds wcro in poor condition. Score : Washington , . . 7 Brooklyn -O lilts : WiiNhliieton , 7 : , Errorn : > Vashlngtuii , : ii ; lli-ooklyn. : i. Knrnod runs : Washington.i : llrooidyn.a Ilutterlus : Mulli gan and OnslrlKht ; Klnslovund Harlandtoln. NlrTliuothyAll Ulcht. Pnn.iiiii ) : > iiu , Pa. , April ID. A timely two-bnso hit by Clavksou saved Boston a shut-out this afternoon , ICeefn pitched a plondld iramo uuu was magnificently sup ported. The 1'hlllins batted ClarKson hard at thJ right time. Attendance , a,045. Score : Philadelphia 100020 'J 00 s Iloston' ' . lilts : rhlladolphla. 7 ; Huston , c. Errors : Philadelphia. ' . ' ; Iloston , ' . llaUorlos : Keutu and Oloincnts ; Clarkson nnd Ki'lly , Httrnuil rum : 1'hllndclphla , U ; Doston. 1 , Took I.Ihcrtlu * lth Jllg Aincis. BALTIMOHB. Md , . April lit. The Baltimore team today lu the prosecco of1,0'JJ people Us llrst came this season , The Now York Uiunts , with Hu le in the box , wcro the opponents. Weather good , J , MoMnbon pitched for Baltimore , and although he was untied hard , ho was given good support. The Orlulos batted Uuslo In n lively man- nor. Score ; Ilaltlmoro 012000222-1) ) Now York 0 0 0 3 1 u 0 1 o4 lilts ; Ualtliuoro , 0 : New York , 12. Errots ; UnltlmorH. 0 ; fsow York , 4. Earned run > : Jlultlniorr NO T York , U. llalturles : Mu- ilaliouand Itoblnson ; Hublound Hoylo. ( iri'at Uumo at l.oulstlllv. Lot'lbViM.u , Ky.Anrll 10. Although the weather was cloudy und cold , und thouttoud- nnca small ibo best game of the season was played at Kctlpso park today. Jones , Louis ville's new pitcher , held Iho hard billing IMttsburgs < lown to four bits. Itlookodllke Louisville would score In the first , tlfth and eighth Inning , but Baldwin by great pUobiut : jirevoutod them. The home team H on the guino In Iho ninth Innlug on Pfeffer's siflglo and Baery's base hit. Pfeffor's batting was a feature of the eamo. . Atteudaucc about C.UOO. ticoro : LouUTlllo 0 1- ! I'ltUburif , - Illlai Louisville , II ; I'ltUburr , i. Errors : U | fjltsburg , 1. Earned ruuii l/oul Tllle. 2. Iliittorlev Jones and Orlra ; Ltildwlnand Mack , Wood llelong * to rtnltlmnro , lUt.TiMoiiR , Md. , April 10 The mnnnfrc- montoftho I'lttsburg hiwo ball clun has tologranhed President Van Dcr Horst that the Baltimore club could not have Wood , the released Washington outfielder , and that bo belonged to Plttsbure. Mr. Von Der Horst limno'dlfUoly put hltniolf in communication with Chairman Young nt Washington , nnd wni informed lhat Wood belonged to Balti more. Mr. Young sent n letter to Pltisburs nhnwlng why Wood was now a part of the Baltimore team. Stnmllug of tlio Tc.tin * . Played. Won. Lost , Tor Ot. loimvlllo 4 n i .vro Now Yoru : 2 1 Ml itosion n 2 i .m ? I'lltshllW [ i a 2 .COD llrooklyn fi a a .000 Cincinnati 7 4 a .5,1 I'hllitdulphla. 4 U 2 , WJ chicaco 5 a : i .WJ dlnvolnnd : i 1 2 . : WiiNlitmtlon .33 St. I.oills 4 1 3 .SiO Ualtlmoro .250 Cam Today. Boston nt Philadelphia. Brooklyn nt Washington. " New York nt Baltimore. Plttsburg nlLoul vlllo. Cleveland nt St. Louis , Chicago nt Cincinnati. Ncirirmn Uroio'4 l'roio cil Chili , NK.WMVN QKUVK , Neb , , April U ) . fSpoclol to THU BKn. ] There was n mootluir nt Bunon's hall last evening to organize a base ball club nt ihls placo. J , T. Hoffman was nppointcd chairman nnd L. Montgomery sec- rotnry of the meeting. The following ofllccrs woroelocted : Alfred rinnc , manager ; Lon llodman , treasurer , and J. T. Hoffman secre tary , A committee ou finance wns elected Ed Soufi , C. A. Unmlnll and Frank Barrett. The incotlng ndjourncd until April ' i. Yrlps Iron ) thn IMi'ikclu-rs. All Sunday games will begin promptly at n o'clock. ' Spider" Swnrtzol suys ho'll ' fool Joe Kelly this afternoon. Yesterday's postponed game will probably bo played off Friday. Lon Knicht has been appointed umpire in the North Pnclilc circuit. Billy Alvord snvs ho llnds no need of a chnnga in any position in his team. Toledo , with Dad Clnrko in tow , will bo hero for games Saturday , Sunday ana Mon day next. Sir-Thomas Vlckcry will essay to put n few crimps In Charlie Morton's tenderfoot this afternoon. It is big odds thnt Omntm has by far the most exemplary sot , of ball players In tbo Western association. Sprague finally writes that ho has con cluded to stick to his Job in Brockton , Mass. , and give up base ball. Big Milt" old "Cigar Sign , " Is with the Minnies. Ho weighs a Ion and is said to bo hitting in his old llmo stylo. Jncit Carroll , ona of Iho old Union Pnclflcs , is hero with Minneapolis. They say Jack is stacking up like u young blood this spring. Will Hart pitched his first game for Brook lyn nnd ho got away with It nil right , although hit pretty hard a total of lifteou bases. \ \ Ith good weather n largo crowd should greet the Hustlers nnd the Minnies this aftoruoo.i. The game will bo called utll:3U : sharp. The Minnies passed the afternoon yester day around the radiators in the Merchants swapping reminiscences. They are a likely looking lot. Bob Uilks says this afternoon that ho is colng after that season shaving ticket Jerry Jacobs offers to the first man of the Omaha team-making n home run. Well , Boh , hero's hopln' . The St. Louis Globo-Democrnt says that Crooks , when out torn holiday , wears n suit of clothes mat boar a striking resem- blnnio ; to Sheridan's umpiring ? which in an other column is described as rotten. The Chicago Times says that bovond n doubt Martin Dulto is the wildest pitcher on earth. Ho gives at least six out of overv ton mon their bases on balls. Ho has torrilio speed , but what does that amount to when ho can't trun "era over. The Enquirer sa/s : Holllgan's position at tbo oat is n picture. Ho stands there in a way that seems lo say , "It has got to corao over or I won't hit nt it. " Ho is a natural corn hitter , nnd Comlskoy thinks him one of the strongest mon at the bat ho has over had under his command. .Ron Mulford : Billy Trafllov , who was with the Ueds in 18S4 , nnd made n record then of being able 10 eat moro In n glvon tlmn than any man in America , h. lu luck. Ho is up in ppndwood. Dak. , manager , cap tain and chief "maggot" of the team that will represent that city in the Black Hills loaguo. Fortunately for Oinnhn nnd the Omaha ball team Charlie Hoover does notcomo hereafter after all. Ho was forwarded a ticket nnd $ .23 lo get here on , but telegraphed back that ho must have 8100 moro. Thereupon Man ager Howe recalled the ticket nnd the twenty-five cases , which had luckily been forwarded to the railroad authorities , and all Colonel Hoover gets is the high-low. No club can advance any reason for even negoti ating with players of Hoovor's ilk. Sl'KKU KING/ Results at ( iloucaator. GLOUCESTKII , N. J. , April 10. Weather clear ; track fast. First race , flve-elghths of a inllo , selline : Kismet won , Aquasoo second , Valodla third , I'ardon drawn. 1'rlnco Edward ( the favorite ) ran unplaced. Tlmo : 1:03' ' ; . Second raee , nlno'Blxtoenths of a mile , sell ing : Turk II ( the favorite ) .won , Sunday second end , Comrade third , Mute and Sterling drawn. Time : 53. Third race , ono mile , soiling : .Tuiglor ( the favorite ) won , ( ionoral Oonlon second , Dar ling third. Honnlo Kmir. lllrthday and Illlan drawn. Tlmo : l4bU. ; Koui th race , fit tcun-slxtcrntha of a mile , spo- wplglits : Elyion won , Tom Klnloy bocond , I'arkKldgo thlid. l.onoly ( the favorite ) ran unlimited. Time : 1U1 : ! . Fifth race , nlne-slxtt'cnths of a mile , uoll- Inji : Austral won. Vance ( the favorite ) sec ond. Money Maid Ihlrd. Time : M. Sixth rnco. eoxon-olghths of a mile , solllns : HU-lin-rd lu Fox ( the Javorlto ) won , Prodigal second , Harry Allhero third. Time : 1U1. : III ( illtlOlllMTK- . GUTTBNIIUUO , N. J. , April 10. The track was in good condition today and the attendance - anco largo , Klrat race , live fiirlonzs : Hannibal won , IIeadllght ; second. 11 ! , s Olive third. Time : 's-ocond race , llvo furlongs : Inferno won , bullsbury ( .ecoiiri. Ulnfax tlnrJ. Time : 1:01U : , Third race , llvo fnrlniiss : Llttlo lrod won. llol Arbour second , Derungo third. Time : ' ' 'I'oii'rth race , ono nnd ono-olshth miles ; Unnibler won , Iady I'ulblfer hccouU , ChurchIll - Ill Ihlrd. Ttiiiut lV4' : ! ? . , l''lfth ' riieo , seven furlongs : Hover won , Onko John second , Uontiiur third , Tlmo : SIMh race , one nnd one-eighth miles , over ( ITU hurdles : Futurity won , St. Imke second , lloheinian third , Time : ii'ilij. Clixiil Day at MomuhU. MBMPIIIS , Tonn. , April 10. Track fast , sport good , attendance largo. Klrst ru'o. six furlongs : Wild I'lnwor (2K ( tn v-on. Lrneit LCltol ) second , titover (8 ( to 1 ] ' ' Second nice , o'no'-hnlf mile : HoKiilchols ( I tel ) won. Kiiiiiiuu to5)bocond. ) l''rlnio ; (8 ( lo 1 ] third. Time : ftl , ' v.'f''lr'\ ' ' ' \ . " " " Ceiton Bfiko . ono mile : Helen N (4 to I ) won. Mlas Dixie (2 to lUocond , Mon- tevldlofJSJ tolMhlrd. Time : li . Kourth rni-R , BUVOII fiirlonss : J'ovall (2J ( ! tc 1) ) won. 1'al Conloy i2Hlo 1) ) second , Klldaro (1 ( to 1) ) third. Tliiin : I:3J. Klflh riici1 , eorrnlxloonths ! of a inlloi Oosta Hlca (4 ( to I ) won. First I < | i (10 ( to I ) see- nnd , BuIlrossC ! to 1) ) third , Time : 1:50 ! ! . Tips for Toiluy. The following hordes are thought to bo the good things on lojaj'a card : aUTTENUBlll I. Roy Glen mound. % WIIIIR Ib.ibolle. : i. CllniHX ( ilastur. 4. niinslono Ju1y ; Kltlmin. 5. Kluo 1'unolon , 6. llassunUj Westmoreland , 1. Dliappolutmont Urbana. 2. Indian Corn Athlenu Fllljr. : u 1'iirnwpod A. O. U. 4. Burrrnto lliirtlioim. 5. llliiek Chlof-Jurdlno. 6. I'rodlgal llarzburg. sr.vitics ui < ' si'oiiT. IIIff T c AVV1I ( itnrtril. The International tug of war ouoned n < Gxpoiltlon hall Un night , and deiplto thi cold and rainy weather there was nn 1m- monso crowd of oxcltod and onthuMnstlc lovers of nthlotlo aport.s on hand to cheer tholr respective favorites. At different stages of the bnttlo I'm excitement was nt fever boat , mon leaped upon clinlra nnd swung tholr tints , shouted themselves ln > ar e , wtlllo the Indloi , nnd there was a coodly number present , clapped their hands nnd waved their laeo handker chiefs vigorously. Tho.hail wn * ntlroctlvcly decorated with Iho Hags of all notions , Iho Fort Omaha band furnUhod most excellent muMc , nnd nltogothcr the wocn's sirucclo opened under Iho moil nromiMng nusplces. IannIor Prlncu Is preparing for a Jam to- nicht , The trouble boean with the Americans anil Bohemians pitted against each ether , with Captains Klnnoman nnd Peri'ovnl com mand. Tbo two team * made n natty npponr- nnco In their nonl uniforms , nna werocheercd to the echo ns they inarched upon the long platform. The sporting editor of TUB Br.r. was so- ujtcd ns referee and Colonel Fran It S. Par- melco ns oQlclnl timekeeper , nnd promptly nt 8:1(0 : ( the pistol crnckod and Iho lug bogan. At first it looked ni if n long nnd stubborn pull was on , but suddenly nt the expiration of nlovou minutes Captain Kinnoman sounded his well known slogan , nnd In forty seconds morn the muscular Bohemians were pulled cro : s the line. The cheering that ensued was electrifying , nnd after nn inspiriting plftco by the band the Danes nnd (5 ccmans took the platform. The Dunes were In charge of Captain Nobel and the Germans under Captain Woisman. The big Danes cored n flno victory lu Just thirteen minutes nnd thirty-four seconds. The next nations were Sweden nnd original America , nnd when the brawny rod warriors , with old Thunder Board nt their head , Hied out upon the platform the cheering of Iho oxoitcd crowd was deafening. The Swedes were eaiy victoir , pulling Poor Lo over on his shirt front In Just eight min utes and thirteen .seconds , The closing contest wns between the Irish mid tno Scotch , und was the star contest of the evening nnd the only pull whore neither sldo wns pulled over the lino. After n herculean struggle the Scotch won , but only by thrco Inches. The tup Is a great success ami largo crowds will doubless witness the remaining contests. Very Sueci-nslul Draw. Minn. , April 10. Iko Weir , the Belfast spider , nnd Tommy Whlto of Chicago foughF ten rounds tonightnt the rooms of the llonnonln Athlotlc club for u purse ot $000 , of which $30J wont to the winner. Weir's weight wns announced at 110 and White's at 111 % There must have boon some mlstnico , as Wolr was fully ten pounds the hoavior. It was n good light from start to finish. At the end of the tonlh round bolh were fresh. The roforco accordingly declared Iho fight a draw. Weir , however , apparently had the best of the fight. Willing to IMght. INKW OIII.EANS , La. , April 19. The Olympic club has received news from Hall nccoptlncr the 812,000 purse offered for the light , with FiUsiramotis m September and asking that articles bo forwarded nt onco. * M10T UUAl ) 7V ,1 DOCTOH. tns Over a riiyBlohin'H 1'Yo ' Closed Fatally lor u Young : I'urinvr Near Qiilncy , III. QUINCV , 111. , April 19. Charles Aaron , liv- icc In Chiola township , near this city , was brutally murdered this morning -by a negro doctor named Smith , alias Jamlcson , who had boon attending Aaron's mother for cancer. The killing grow out of n dispute over payment - mont of the doctor's too. Jamioson shot Aaron , Killing him almost instantly , then compelled Aaron's father nt the point of a revolver to draw n check for $300. Neighbors armed with guns started in pur suit. Jamioson kept up n running llro ns ho rotroalod. Finally , after a chase of three miles a donuly sheriff shot and seriously wounded him and succeeded in lauding him in jail hero. A crowd of 1,000 assembled about the place. Aaron" was about 23 years old and ono of the best known mid most popular young mon in the county. Ho had several hundred acres of 11 uo farming land and made a specialty of raising fine stock. Ho was a member of the hoard of supervisors about a year ago. ' Jamlcson studied Indian medicine in the Cherokco nation ahd had quite a reputation. Ho hod an ofHco thrco years ago in Little ttoek , Ark. , wboro ho Is noxv wanted for at- tomutod rape on a young woman who visited his ofllco to consult him. Ho jumped bis bonds and changed his name from Jamioson to Smith. Ho claims that ho had been at tending Mrs. Aaron for two months without taking off his clothes nnd had bean drinking gin to keep up his strcnth. Ho insists that , he was drunk , having too much last night , and knows nothing about the shooting , and thai ho never had n word of trouble with Aaron , but was treated like a king and made ono of the family. Ho is very cool nnd col lected , but all the circumstances point to tbo shooting in n manner , .Strange Sighto Iteiorto < l OU' the Delaware Coast by Aliirluors , PIIIIAIIRI.PIIIA , Pa. , April 19 Captain Newton of the steamship A. C. Mitchell re ports that on Friday ho experienced n heavy southerly gale , but on Saturday it moderated and the sea Docamo calm. At 0 o'clock In the morning there appeared on the horizon ob jects which occasioned great curiosity. Some on board took it to bo n phantom ship , while others believed it to bo merely a cloud for mation. Tbo sblp was then about 2UU miles southeast of the Dataware oauoi , and as Inn objects on the horizon grownoaror and nearer the ship it , was discovered that they were a number of waterspouts , following closely In each others wako. Tut ) nolso created by tbo phenomena was do.ifonlng ana the rush of water was greater by far than that of Niagara Falls. Quickly seizing his class Cactnin Newton discovered the dlroolion in which the waterspouts were moving und realized tbo danger , altering his course to uvold being struok. Cnntaln Newton Buys' ho never saw such largo watcrapouts before nnd say 3 the sight they presented as they passed the vssel was thrlllinc : Hugo bodies of water were being carried In ovary uiroctlon for mlles nround. Cotinturfeltura Ammtiid lu Chicago. CHICAGO , III , , April 10 , Nick Dunn , James Dalton , Martin Lewis nnd Edward Maok have bean orrostod by the police for counter feiting , The mon wern found In a room at 117 South Grocn street , and when arroslod wuro actively engaged in making counter feit coin. Dnlton Is a shipping cleric for a prominent hard wuro houso. Lewis wns re cently released from tbo Louisville peniten tiary , wboro ho served n lorm for counlor- foitlug. Hold Incomlliirlnx nt Sun Antonio. SAN ANTONIO , Tox. , April 10 , Tbo citizens have formed un organization to protect property orty against the Itu-onUlurlos who have boon at work lately. Last night COO citizens as sisted Iho police to patrol the town. In snlto of this , howcvur , another attempt , to Eot a llro \va uiaao. KKW8 U * ' YKSTKKn.vr. Domnstlu. Antl-llconso carried hy a majority of ono In Iroquols , 111 , Ktaton Island dyeing establishment burned ; loss , „ Knims domocrntm convontlon Instructed delegates to vote for Oluvul'uul , hlquor Doalnrs iibsoelntlon oxcUc bill 'passed the Now York aunutt ) and now goes to thu gov ernor. Itegular republican stuto oonvontlon nf South Uarollnu Instructs Ha dulugjtiM to vote for Harrison. llerr Most rotiirnnj to Now York from n year's forced sojourn on Uluokvvo 1s island. Will ho tonrturon a reception at Cooper Union , Now Jorsuy state prohibition convontlon oluut'id C , T. I'urkorV. . II. Nlcholwrn , ficor-'c luiiont : uud ICuv , It. 11. Uraw ; is dologatud-at- Four negroes wnro handed by n mob at In- vurnubs , Flu. , for iho murder of Stuphenson and 1'ayiia. They confcjsui ! and Implicated two ether negroes , The 1'onnsylvanlaroad ha * made a cut of 2 cents per ton between the iiilaoa and New York , made to niuet. It la uald , a nlmllar Huurolcut by the Heading. Tua tdioriff took Dcmess > lon of the stook of Edsunaaiualn , silk danler and commission merchant , under an execution for fliJ."JJ for money advanced on a piamlssary note. Durliic a performance In the World's the ater at Molieusport , 1'a. , KrnnK farjuiit shol and probably fatally hurt Frank Funuison In an endeavor to hhool uu apple from the latter' * hond. DETERHINSIfTO BUY PARKS i.jj . Oily Oonnoil ifosolves to Purobnso the Tracts Select fl y the Commissioners , SQUIRES' STRE TwSWEEPING ' CONTRACT Itoscilutlon Dot-larlT/R / It 1'orfrltoil ' 1'aMeil mill Now UliU j ripr < til AilvnrtUoiI lor llseii < nloii-nf Severn I Mutter * of rns&ffi * Interest. | The city council indulged In n spirited con test last , nlRht when the question of park matters came up for consideration. It started wlion Mr. Edwards Introduced the following resolution i Ucsotvod , That tlio council dee * hereby ratify , npprovo mid eonflrm tliu roeoiiiriiemlu- 1 lun of the llour.l of 1'urk Commissioners of the city of Oniiiiiit in the so.uctlon of SUCH nnd Kruunda for iniblio purls * and 0001 hereby ratify , upurovo nlttt ionllrin ; the soluo- tlon of auuli situs , irounds , luutU nnd locu tions for puhlhi p.irks us liorotoforo iniiuo hy said p irk uoiiiinlsjloncrs. nnd lit the price , compunsallun ami consideration imiuuU , reported - ported mill rocotninondcd. . , , . Krsolvou , That said city council , for anil on behalf of the city of Omaha , deus now urocouu to uequlro nnd procure by purchase , In the niimuof said city , and for tlio consideration and ui the pnco a * sot forth , the tracts ImVliiK huen nolvctod , ropurtud and rnuotnmonduu for p.ul ; purposes. ltusi > lve.d. That lor the purpose of further carrying this tcsoiullon into otfoet , the olty attorney bo nnd Is hurooy authorised , ru- qu.rod and dlreuton to inauo oroausotolm iiKUlu u full and complete examination of thu title to I ho property ho re by proposed to ho so purclm-Mid ami anu , < ie.d , und to tnako u fu.l , ciuiiplutoand vviluuii toport to the council at , an early dalo. Resolved , That when said titles to said piopertles. or any or all thereof , shall ho found to ho perfect and complete In the name or names of the Hurtles proposing to convey tlin sumo , the attorney shall prepare or raitso to bo prouared peed nnd sufUelent vvarr.uity deeds for thu purpose of convoying said hinds and properties to mul rusting thu title thereof In the city of Omnlui. HusolVL'il , That for the purpose of providing niuiiev for thu puyiiientof the sanio the city treasurer bo and ho Is hereby authorized and directed , upon the Issuance of the park bonds provided for , to advertise and soil to the high est bidder iiHUllluletit amount thereof to pro vide for the consideration of said lands. Unsolved , That for thn purpose of maKliiK pay inunt for said lands and when advised of the suillclency of title and preparation ot deeds , duly e.\ccnlod , the city comptroller ho and Is herouv authorized and directed to In sert items In the Rnnorul uppropilatlon orill- nance covering and loprcsontlni ; the several amounts for said several purchases , to ho drawn upon the "park bond" fund In favor of the person or persons entitled to receive the samo. Discussing the Kosolutloii. Mr. Prince ooposod the adoption of the resolution. It was n direct slap at the city nttorcoy , who had prepared an olaoornto opinion upon the subject of condemnation proceedings. Mr. Edwards saw no now points In City Attorney Council's ' opinion. The attorney , ho said , did not show that the council had any right to condemn land for park pur poses. Mr. Edwards dolled any man to prove that the council had such , power. Further than that , no did not think it was right to condemn .a , . man's proportv and say what it should , .t > o worth. That was not nil. After the council had condemned , granting that. Jt had such , power , whorb would the money coruo from to make the tender. The city had no money to make such'ftonders. Wo attorney , Mr. Edwards saidow.ould doubt out that the city would have the fight to purchase. The bonds were voted with such an understand ing and nothing else was thought of until some person sprung upon the public tbo right of oiniuEtntdomuhu ) Mr. Tuttle ugrepd'wlth ' Mr. I'Jdxvnrds , and hoped that the resolution would pass. Mr. Elsassor honied' ' the city bad the right of eminent domain. ' If people know that the city wanted a traot-of land they would ask the highest murkotiprico Jor everything they had to sell. Ho wanted jtio resolution re ferred to the same cpmmitteo that had the " " city attorneys opinion * , ' Mr. Muuro did not favor condemnation proceedings if the city could buy the land at fair prices. T \ Mr. Howell thought , the land given for boulevards would offset the difference in prlco if condemnation proceedings were in stituted and maintained. Mr. McLearle did npt think any of the prices nskcd for park laiidb wore too high. If the city had the right of eminent domain ho did not , think it would bo wise for the city to exorcise such rights. If the city was going to assess benefits It should commence ou tno people owning aero tracts. Mr. Prince did not hold that tbo prices were too high , but ho thought there was a scheme. The Bomib Park company had offered seven acres at a fair price , und at tbo some time if tno so\'on acres wore improved , the value of Its other property would be in- oreascd at least : ? ! , 000,000. Mr. Specht did not think that the city had authority to place a value on any man's ' property. Mr. Uruner ventured tbo opinion that the proposition to condemn was bimply for tno nurposn of delay. Mr. Tuttle said the whole matter was to knock out the nark proposition. The motion to refer was lost by a vote of 10 toI , after which the resolution was adopted oy a vote of 1" to 2. Wlmt Unch ThlnlcH of the Other. The ghost of the street swooping contract was culled up. Chairman Birkhausor of the Hoard of Puullo Works , in a letter stated that ho was ready to go on with the work If tbo council coul'd llnd funds to pay tlio mon whom ho might employ. Mr. Elsusbor thought some action should bo takeu , but the mutter was referred. To again atari t.ho ball to rolling Mr. El- sasser introduced thl * resolution : leolvoil. ( That the Hoard of I'uhlla Works ho hereby directed und ordered to at onuu cutisn thu pavotl stroota to be clu'inud and swept by umuinylug the iioeosmiiy men ai'd loams required for thu purpose. Kcholvt'd , Thnl mild botri also advertise for bids for doing said eleanhi' ' and swooping fioin the time of the acceptance of bids to the end of the term prescribed In the contract with CJ. K. tiijulrei , sikl Squliea having re- fusou to do the vvorlc. City Attorney Council stntod that ho no- proved Mr. Elsasscr's ' resolution and that it was the proper action to take if the council proposed to do anything towards cleaning the streets. Then there was a tilt between the city at torney aud President , Davis. The president stated that ho did not like the resolution ; it was not in proper form nnd would not , huvo been in such shape if prepared by tbo olty attorney. "The city attorney not only suggested the resolution , but wroio it himself , " responded Mr. Conuoll. " ' > "If that , is tru , H answered President Davis , "I have lesiirojrnrd for you und your ability than I did Iwforo " "You have us mpcb record for my ability as 1 have for your * , " rdiortod Mr. Council. Hold on there , " sitd the president , lib ho shut Mr. Connell on'ft"You ' ( are out of order and I don't vvani tohfear from you. " The resolution wAsjndoptou. Mr. Steel then offered , resolution pro viding that cost of Cleaning the btrools bo ohurgod against Kituiros and his bondsman , Inturtistlni ; tOniuliit Vuuplu , Mayor Hoinis vcf dd the concurrent reso lution appropriating tlio sum of $ ' 473 fur the purpose of tendering reception to the mem bers of the MotliojWrf oaforoiuo that meets in Omaha In May. 'JTfio mayor stated that. nls sympathies w'iro.'with ; luo movement ; but , that ho regarded the expenditure Illegal , Ho inclosed hU pyjy ial check lor fund suggested that the members of the council raise the balance of the sum by BUbsorlp- lion. The veto was rejootou , all of the mem bers voting to pass the resolution , The clerk was ordered to roturu the mayor's check. The opinion of City Attorney Connell with reference to parks nnd boulevards ; the right of the city to institute condemnation pro ceedings , and which Is published In full olsovvhuro In THE HUE , was presented , read and referred to the corumtltco ou public property and buildings. City Engmoer Hosevvater presented the pionosed plan of assessment for damage * awarded for change of grade of Hamilton Btroot from Twenty-fourth to Fortieth slroot. The Idou U to aiiesi the damages back tbo abutting nrppnrty. It M the sumu old grndo which has been a bone of contention for yours. Notice was served upon the comntrollor and the city treasurer to got ready to move from the ofllces in TIIK BEB building , which they now occupy , ni-ttiolr rooms m the new city hnll would bo rondy for occupancy ns early AS May 1. The council resolved to holcl its next moot ing In the council chamber In the now citv hall , and the aorgenut-ut-.irms was In structed lo move Iho council furnlturo Into that room. A communication ? received from .tndgo \Vakol4VonthostlbJoct ot Iho proposition nifldo by the Nebraska Central Hatlroad com pany ; rend nnd referred. The contract nnd bond of Newton Nlilny for carinc for parlmgo was proscnled and re lucted. Nldny had agreed to clva $1,000 for Iho privilege. Mr. Mcl < oario Anoko against the npproval if the contract , tearing that It would result In nn nbuso of thu duties of the ofllcc , M under the Mornssey rtilo. The whole matter was afterwards referred to the commit too on sewerage. itKrinviaxn" AM.if. Srlzuro III Chicago of l.tirgi ) Humilities of Conlinlmnit Toharro. Cmoino , 111. , April 10 , Extensive ratifica tions of the tian Francisco customs fniuds are said to hive been dlscovorod in Chicago nnd other eastern cltlos. Last night United Suites treasury agoutR scoured $4,200 , worth or Sumatra wrapper tobacco at the establish ment of ,1 , Mayer & Sons hero. The tobacno was consigned from Lilobs it Co ' Now York house and had boon bought by Mayer & Sons at n remarkably low llguro. Hlllcr & ICcllenb.ich is another Chicago flrm which has been visited by the treasury agents , but it was found that It had not closed the contemplated trade with Llob's ngonts. Seizures of the goods that hnvo escaped full duty nt San Francisco uro expected at Cincinnati , St. Louis , Detroit and Minne apolis. Enormous quantities of contraband tobacco nro believed to have boon disposed of in Chicago. Llohs & Co. and the purchasing linns nro not charged with guilty participa tion in the frauds , San Francisco importers being hold as the culprits. DrlitgiltCN Adopt u Schedule. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , April 10. Delegates of the conductors and tralnmon of the Hock Island railroad held two sessions today , but llnnlly succeeded in adopting a schedule , which will bo presented to Manager St. John with the request that it bu made effective May 1. This schedule asks for a reduction of the run between Daven port and Atchlsou by putting on an additional crow , with the pay of conductors increased' to $150 per month and on the run from Davenport to Chicago an In crease of pay for conductors to $150 per month. The present schedule mattes the run from St. Joseph to Philllpsburp , Kan. , 295 miles , and from Philllpsburg to Colorado Springs , a27 miles. It will bo impossible to fix these runs so as to secure sntifnction to tno company nnd employes nnd the schedule will ask for an increase of pay ou the St. Josoph-Phlllipsburgnnd also on the Phillips- burg-Colorado Springs run. The run from Harrington , Kan. , to Liberal , Kan. , is UK ! miles and an incrcuso of pay will bo nsltoil for both conductors and trainmen. Jlllitary Surgeons in Session. ST. Louis , Mo. , April I ! ) . The second an nual meeting of the Association-of Military Surgeons of the National Guard of the United States convened nt Memorial hnll this morning. The convention was called to order by Lieutenant Colonel Chandler of the National guard of Missouri , vice president of the association. Addresses were made by Governor Francis and Mayor Noonan , and by Dr. T."F. Prowltt of St. Louis. An nd- drcss was then made by Colonel Charles G. Greonleaf , assistant medical purveyor. United States army , who baa boon detailed by the surgeon general of the United States "urmy to speak on behalf of the regular army. Lieutenant General Fostezzl of tno National cuard of Alabama replied to s pooches of wel come , after which General Nicholas Sonnen of the National guard of Wisconsin and president of the association , delivered nn ad dress on the purpose and value of thn Na tional guard and the Association of Military Surgeons. llr.ntlicr UliiuroUn Will Jlo In Charge. CHICAGO , 111. , April 19. The announcement wns made this afternoon by Bishop Snald- ing of Peoria , acting president of the Gain- olio educational exhibit , that Cardinal Gibbons bens ana the archbishops of the United States have re-invested Brother Maurolin , president of the Chnstain Brothers college of Memphis , to act as soorotarv of tbo Cath olic educational exhibit nt the Columbian ex hibition. Brother Mnurelin has the approval of the superior of his order and enters upon his duties without delay. Headquarters huvc been established for him in Chicago and are nt the northeast corner of Thirty-fifth nndVabasb nvonuo. I/lot to Kill the King of Spain. MADUIU. April 10. Molipo Muno'z , the loader of the anarchists , who was arrested some days ago , bus made n confession , which , It Is believed , will lead to the nrrast or expulsion of all the lending anarchists in Spain , lie mnao further sensational dis closures , declaring that nt n secret meeting of the anarchists lots had been drawn to de cide which bhould kill the boy king. Special precautions are being taken to prevent , the consummation of the rccicidu. Several of the anarchists under arrest .havo confessed that an attempt was to bo nmdo to blow up the royal palace. KistrrScrvlcm : iit Ilolynku. Iloi.voKE , Colo. , April 19. [ Spaolai to THIS Bnn. | Easter services were hold hero Sun day bv the Catholic denomination. Father Fahor of Donverolllolutins. The ceremonies throughout were both bsauttful and impres sive. Ho admonished his brethren to never forgot that to the coining of the humble nnd loving Messiah they owed a debt of gratitude that they could never repay , except in one way , Unit of loading better lives and depart- uie'from their sinful ways. At the close of the serviced of the morning the child of Albion It. Grout , mayor of the city , was christened. Diiriunpril With thu Onlor'n Funds. SAN Fuixcinco , Cal. , April 19. The San Francisco Examiner says the Western Mutual Boueiit association has collapsed , nndV. . H. Kiddle , the manager , Is allowed to have decamped with t0,00'J of Its funds. I.UU.M. JUS IS I'JTJ/ . Twenty dollars and costs was the sentence imposed on .loft , Inmo < or patit larceny yesterday by the police Judge. Mlns Viola King , who live * nt 1703 South Twelfth strcft , lost her pnrso rontalnint ; fT.fiO whllo on Thirteenth btrcot yesterday afternoon. Owen Gallagher claims that Hugh Dally stoio from him n gun valued nt 510) ) nnd two checkb amounting to ? . " > 0. Daily has not yet boon urrostod , The llro department was called to the resi lience of Patrick Desmond , lUi : : ! North Sev enteenth street , yesterday afternoon to ox- llnguUh a small bla/o. No loss. The meatlnir of the stockholders of the Exposition - position building , called for last evening lo elect ofllcors failed to attract u sufllc'.unt number , and another call will ha made later. A complaint was filed yestcrdav by Isaao Cohen allowing that .1. Becks , M , Isaacson nnd Joseph nnd Sam I'inUolstcin maliciously destroyed $10 worth of listi belonging to the complainant. Judge Berltn made William Patten's heart blood yesterdnr when ho uuvo him ton days on the hill with bread and water dlot. Patton is n worthless vagrant who frequently - quontly trios to break into jail in order to get led regularly. The charges of criminal assault against J. M. Leonard were changed in police court yesterday to two cases nf assault , one against Lena .laoobson and the other against Alice Orr. The ease will bo hoard by the police judge otS p. in. today. E. J , Boll of Council Blufts was looked up at the city Jail yesterday afternoon and bookua ns n fugitive from Justloa. It was alleged that Bell was ono of tno parties im plicated in the removal of the mortgaged furutturo lu tbo Bellinger medical institute. 1'KKsux.iL i"nt.i < ; n.ti-Jia. John W. llnlllday of Burlington , la. , Is in the city vUStlng friends. Johu W. Holiday of Burllugtou , la. , It in the city vlsitlng'/rlonds. Mrs. Marv Wluemger and Mrs. G. II. Albright - bright of Liucoln are visiting in the city for a few dayi. MAY PICK THEM OFF. [ CONTINUKO ritovt Final 1-Aon.j no uncmlnoss on account of the soldiers , ns there wns no reason why they should bo at tacked , nnd even If they should bo was con fident of tliPlr nullity to protect themselves nnd their prisoners. It was his opinion , how ever , that Iho troop * will accomplish tholr purpose of taking the prisoners to n nlnoo of safety without encountering nny serious opposition. It Is understood orders have boon given to rc-cstnbllsh telegraphic communication with the sccno of the trouble as soon ns possible. NOTII1NO DKI'INni : KNOWN. Clipycniio Cltlrrns Murh Disturbed Over Humors from the Soit ; ot Wnr. CiiKvr.xxr. , Wyo. , April 10. ( Special Telegram to TUB Bii.1 The suspense hero over the situation In Johnson county Is get ting painful. With the wlros down nnd storms raging , llttlo that Is ilellnlto can bo hoard , although the town is Hooded with rumors. General Brooke today telegraphed Governor Barber that ho had learned unofll- clally that tho.troopi had loft FortMcKinnoy on Sunday last with the captured stockmen , bound for Douglas. As for the reliability of this report , the governor bus no moans of knowing definitely. Ho slates that ho has ordcrod no such move. Thcro nro two very Interesting subjects for .speculation with reference to the matter. First , did Colonel Van Horn forcibly tnno from the county Jail the two stockmen now conllucd there , mid If ho did , what occurred 1 Second , If the trcops have tnnrchi-d south ward with the cattlemen , has there been nny lighting ? The feeling hero is Hint the sheriff and posse would glvo no violent re- slstauco to the United fatales troops because of the Hag nnd uniform , but In the proaont In- llamod condition of the public mind no ono knows what may have occurred. Private letters nro beincr dully received hero from Iho imprisoned stockmen nt Fort McKinney. They prefer Cheyenne to Fort McKlnnoy as n place of residence , but nil nro comfortable. Kurnitto with Iho I'rlsiinurH. CABi'nn , Wyo. , Anril 10. ISpecial Tele gram to TUB BIK.J it Is reported In Casper on good authority that the United Slates troops started with the regulators from Buf falo for Douglas yesterday. Trouble is looked for. The general opinion is that the war has just startcu. Public fooling is very bitter and men are arming themselves for self protection. FUitl-llill XOTV3. inln\lci ; C'H Slur ill I In ) Ascendant. 1C ] ) | /I fijltteil ItUUiy Jciinn Uirdnn llsiintlt , ] BCUMX , April 10. | Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun Bp.B.J Caprivi has boon dropping out of sight siuco his with drawal from the Pamian premiership. Ho seems to have no wish to retain the chancellorship. There is every probability that within three mouths , perhaps loss , we shall see Count Eulonborg installed in Cnprivi's position. The now Prussian premier , I have reason to believe , has decided to lean chiefly on the conservatives , who will , of course , have to Join hands with the other parties if they uro to maintain their In- lluence. Among his friends ho has the repu tation of being astute and moro bkillful than his bluntncss might lead ono to suppose. At heart ho is certainly not liberal. * Dlar. KrnmnlimU'd. Cirr or Mexico , April 19. At the third session of thoconvontionof the llbaral party , which assembled in the hall of deputies last night , Piesldsnt Diaz was unanimously elected a candidate for ro-olcotion , repre sentatives of twonty-two state * , two terri tories and the federal district voting on the nomination. When the roiult wns announces to President Dinz ho made a brief speech rt- ploto with patriotic sentiments nnd promised lor the future. IViir In Ah Ion. , Africa , April 10. The expedition sent by Franco under Colonel Humbsrt to punish King Samory , after being in n perilous position for a time , has , according to latest advices , mot Samory in a senos of engagements and routed him , killing a great number of his mon. The French loss was trifling. MliilKtcr Smith Starts for Home. LONDON- , April 19. The Times' St. Polori- burg correspondent states thnt Mr. Charles Emery Smith , the American minister , ac companied by his wife , has started for America nnd will probibly not return to Russia. Moro Dyimiiilto Kvploslonl , Biiussni.s , April 19. Explosions occurred on Saturday and Sunday at the residence of the public prosecutor , but caused no danngo. An explosion nt the homo of the manager of the CocKrclls iron works cansod extensive damage. niooiislilnnr Killed hy OOlrors. LITTI.K Kent , Ark. . April 10. A desperate flgnt between United States authorities and a band of moonshiners took place yesterday near Big Bav. T. C. Itynn , a moonshiner , was killed und his outllt and two moon shiners were canturcd. HK.ITUKU FOllEC-lST. OITICE OP WisvTiinii Buitmi ; , I ' OMUIA , April 19. j There nro no indications tonight of a clear up. Pressure has increased over the lake regions nnd the storm continued central in Texas. Persistent easterly nnd north easterly winds and wretched weather there fore still prevail from the lakes to the mountains. Generally threatening rainy weather prevails over the western parts of the country , nnd in South Dakota , western ' Nebrask.i.'Wyoining and northern Colorado Jt is .snowing. Santa Fo also reports snow with a of yi = . Below Iroe/ing weather oxlsl.sln Wyoming and Colorado which will probably nrovu to bo the nucleus of a cold wave for Kaunas and the southwest. For Eastern Nebraska , Omaha and Vlcinitv Continued thro.iionlng wpathor with r.ilns probably turnlntr to biiow Hurries : becoming colder durini : Wednesday. WA-WIXOTOX , D. C. . April III. For Ne braska Showers onst , snow llurrio- , west , east winds , warmer hy Woilnusduy night. For .South Daiiota Light showers , east winds. * For Missouri and Kansas Uiin , northeast gnlos , slightly cooler nt Wichita. For Colorado-Showers , slightly warmer , northeast winds. For North Dakota Generally fair , Hllghtly warmer. 1)1 Kl > , XiMcu nf five Itnfi nrCM nivlirtlilt head , jl/ty cctitu ; uiclKUi lIUiiwil KM ten cent * . BOIIMIOT Goono Kdwuid , Infant HOII of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Kobmldt , on Anrll 1' ' ) . Kunuial notice hereafter. On tha road to honlth Iho con- 1 Eiimptivo who roufloiiH nnd thinks. Consump tion ii developed through the Wood. It'nn scrof ulous direction of Ihn lungs n blood-taint Kind n jxirfrct icniody for Burofula , lu nil it * forms something tliat Mcdlcnl Discovery. " As n btrcngtb-ruElortr , blood-cleanser , nud flesh-builder , nothing like it is luiomi U > modicnl science. For every form of Bcrofula , Uronchial , Throat , nnd Lung affections. Weak Lungs , Bovcro Coughs , und kindred ailments , it'i. the only remedy BO euro that it can Ixj ywiruHtced. It it doesn't benefit or cure , in ovury cose , you Uuvo your iiionoback. . " You got well , or you get f 500. " That's nlint Is promised , in good fnlth , liy the pro- prietorH of Dr. Bage's Catarrh Ileinwly , to bufTcrera from Catarrh. The Moret cases , no matter of how long fltnndinj ; , or tiwjtly cured by this Itomody , o iiii' < iiif ( j. ir. of Hoot I'oil , ( ? . A it. of Syincusi' , N. Y. Wounded at Gettysburg "C. I. Hood ft Co. , Lowell , la . : "I wai In Iho Anuy of Iho I'olonmc anil In IhoKrcntlmltlo of ( ! i-tl > shnrK vias struck Intlionnklchyninhuilo hall.xvhlch smashed the hone. My IPJ ; was ninpittnUil In the flcM , nnd nfirr n loni ; llmo U hiwlrd. I wai dhcli.'iijioil ami wontlionut. A Her 8 years My Wound Broke Open nficsh. Dr. 1'ciisp ninpiilaled nn inch of iho honu , and It healed. Four joiui later It once inoio oiened | , nnd for eight JC.IH how I suffered I I do not hellevo It possible for n human helim lo suffer worse iiRony. DinIng this thnu T hnd to co on cinlohus , l > ehiK utiahln tovir \ \\oiiden leg. When- e\er potslhlo 1 tellovcd my stillt'ilims hy t-iklng opiate , hut when 1 was uhllKCil loco without It , 1 suITeieil fearfully nnd thoughM nliouhl ixomiyr. I Itledoveiy tlihiK I eoilld got with my limited moans , riijsli'laimsald 1 would never ho any better. Finally my Blood Became Poisoned nnd It hroUo out nil over my facu uml on some paits of my hody so that my face Is all covered v > llh seals now. Ono day I lend of v > hnt Hood's Saisapmllla would do. The first dollar 1 uol 1 Ncnt nnd huuiht ; a hottlo and hcRan laMtiK It. AeeU or t\\o later , my wlfo in dies tins my K'R. said H seemed lo ho Improving , mul after taking Hood's Sarsaparilla a few months , thank ( led ( and I say It i over- ently ) , the soles all over my body had healed , nud now , four yonis later , have never shown atiyslgnof icappi-iiiliiK. " Ohoiuiis JI. HAM- MONO , lilO MngnollA btieet , Syiiieuse , N. V. Col. C. A. Weaver Commander of lioot 1'ost , O. A. H. , himself n one mined vetcnin , fully eonllitu * Mr. lliun- mund's slalcmcnt , and J. L. lieldcn , thu phur- inaelst , also endorses It. Huod'a I'llla euro Slek llvadaeho. D11.K.C. WB.HT'S NKItVl ! AND I1IIA1M UKtlT.i ipoclilofor HrJt-jrl-v , Dliilr.oii , KUi , Xau- rnl 'la , ll iilich'J , Norruit * 1'rostrilluii aaUHU by at > lOliol orUliH3.0Viikctalnoi1. . Montul DoprDiiUa. Huftu.nliu of tu llniln , oi'iiliu Uinnlty , mliorr. dce.ijrdai'h , I'rdiittiiraOM A u. Ilarrinnaii , Lou of lower In eUtiertuv , linpotonuf , I'S'icorrliooi ' n 11 nil KemitloVo \ - _ , Inruluntiry IHIJIOI. smr- imtorrhoo.ioi.noJ bj uvor-cxerllun of tlio brain Bclf-nbus .ovor-ln.liils'onoj. A iiunth'j tre&tuiont II , U for f.i. l > r mill. Wo nix botai I ) cura IlvshorUr for'l ' bo ii , wlihfi will HOT I > rrlt- ten ciinrintoa to r.'fiinl If not curjl. Otnrautti ) Igiuoil onljr br -clirutor. . IriiK'l < l , nolu iiKUiitn. d. K. cur. Iblb anil Kuril.uu iti , Omaha , Nob. Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing , Cures Chapped. Hands , 'Wounds , Burno , Eto. Removes and Prevents Dandruff. Specially Adapted ( or Use in Hard Water. Ditii'i'p Woui Thoofni' 'I'i | ! ' BOyil S nBW ! llBdier OF TI JYIIKK Wednesday , Thursday , rriday and Saturday , April 20 , 2' , 22 and 23. SATUUUAY MATINMIS. hupnortcd hy MR ( HHXl'ON rf.AKKK Anil an cxtollunt uunip my , liiulinlliit tin * ! | mi.Miiljorj ol tbj Into IIDOTllauU H.UtltKTi' Wcdnwrt-iy ntii FI\F IT YOU I \ ' IUU I'UVI" ' . fflmr Fnt.mlny ov < , nlay ening. 'PI NIL 1 17 | L'll'l A hV ' Ol : L I Yl\'S ( ) ' . Much y\rlo \ About Nothing. . ROMHO AND JULIIiT. ! Uc , 0c , 7 > o nnil FARNAMSF , THEATER , p ° WiWs Mutinoe U'ltlinsilny tinl Saturday Oil AS A. I-kODlSH. , In Tlio Hreut Comedy. OH ! WHAT A NIGHT' ' U -I'ri-lly lilrlt an I runny Jlpn-II. Tliu f i.UUJ KiiKlUliVuniliTj TM M B1 sST K K-rS I i KI f 5 H In Tlielr Jlarvoluui Art. ' 1 lia DANCINO OKI.UnIOV Musno Oo , WON IJ 13 , li LA , A N U Grand Opera House. Corner I'th and Capitol Avon'ie. Til IB WiatilC ONl.V. IH IA J-x A bl W 1 N O . 8 foctilricln : < s in holslit. That lull slrl fioin JllssourL Upon dally frum 1 to 1' ' ) 11. in. Admits on Ono | ) lmu. uhaira I0o Crciiliton COLLBGB DALL MUSICAL For the Benefit of the Poor. WeJncsday , April 20 , at 8 p m Admission 25c. Y. M , C , A. Hull I-Vlduy Evening April 2 WII.I , OXUKKTON Author of Farm llulluds , Iletnoy and I am Out , Ovur ili Hill to the Tour House , Thu l' ril 8oltlii' ! Story , &o. ( ! "The Druiiia of liuiiiaii N.ituro' Intorjpcrcod with original pooius puhlUhud an.1 iinpulllbhi'J | ! ' , Kukurrcd xi-uts , ll.U.i , 7"i aiiil&lcitiitn. Onu.tlb atldusloi-'iillriitr aUiro , a.'i. South lath si ri'ot.tJoriierF'inmni , Wednes day , Apr < l l , Uu , in.