8 THE OMAHA DAILY 80EE : SATURDAY , APRIL 16. 1892. SUING THE STOCKHOLDERS Another Sharp Turn in the Nebraska Insur ance Company's Affairs. ED KOEN GUILTY OF CRIMINAL LIBEL Verdict Itctnrncil TliU Afternoon A Donkey nil n Trco Claim riRiiro In the C'ourl Tito Verdict loin .Murray. The nflnlrs of ttio defunct IOWA and No- brnka Insurance company nro again In the courts. When the company wont to the wall ono year ago and after the appointment of A. U. W.vman receiver , thcro were numerous cha KCS of fraud against the stockholders and ofllccrs. In Rolnp through the assets Mr. Wvman found nothing but a lot of worthless notes and claims. Hit Investigations , however , did not cease , but wcro followed up until today , when suit was brought against the National Hunk of Commerce , Honrr Lamb , B. II. Johnson. Ucorco F. Wright , .1. T. Hart. Kll Clayton , C5. W. Ktngsnortn aud J. W. Atooro. The petition charges that In 1S97 the of ficers of the compnnj borrowed $ J > ,000 for the huncllt of the policy holders from the National IJanlc of Commorco. This note was never paid , but on May II , IbOl , Jotinson and Wright conspired xvlth ono M. J. Hunts In ucli a manner as to have the fT > , OOJ np- pllod to the payment of u personal note plvon bv themselves nnd other stock holders , lunvltiK the policy holders to shift for themselves. Attachment proceedings have followed , nml tlio property of tlio several dr.fondauts has boon levied upon. Kocn round Guilty. After being out twenty-two hours the Jury in the case of the state against Ed. A. Kocn returned a verdict of Rullty , as charged In the Indictment , at 2 o'clock yesterday aitornoon. The fact * In tno cato nro familiar. Kaon , as the representative ot the Kansas City Sun , published n series of articles rellectlng upon the character of Miss Nettle Wilson , a lady of this city. The case was brought to the attention of the grand jury nnd au Indictment was promptly returned. The cuso was put on trial Wednesday morning and glvon to the jury last night. On the first ballot the Jury stood 8 to J for conviction and until noon today thora was no change. The jury wns taken out to dinner and upon returning the twelve men voted to convict. As soon as Cleric Mooros road the verdict , Attorney Dick remarked , "I want the Jury polled. " "You can have It , " said Judge Davis. In response to the question of tlio clerk , "Is and was this .rour verdict I" each man responded l\rcs , sir. " The jury was then oxcuicd until 10 o'clock Monday morning aud Keen was remanded to jail to await sentence. During the proceedings Ivoen was the coolest man In tlio court roam. Ho chewed gum and paid little or no attention to his at torney who remarked , "This Is too bad. " The punishment in cases is confine ment in the penitentiary for a term of not less than ono nor more than thrco years , In the discretion oE the court. \Vlio Onus the Kngliic. Judge Ferguson Is listening to toUimony In a case which the rignt to the possession of n sloiim cnglno Is the bono of contention. The tltlo to the cause Is John A. Fuller against J. A. Silvnr. In 1S9J Fuller had a lien on the oncinc in a nlaning mill in South Otrmha , but about that tinio Silver got hold of the mill and the machinery and refused to deliver when the demand win made. Trouble OvcrnTroo Cliilm. A Dakota trco claim and who owns It Is the question that Judge Irvine Is trying to settle. Eaily In IS'JL ' August Fclaor bad this tree claim , which was lo cated lu the Black Hills. A few weeks later , coming to Omaha , he soon con vinced Lewis Schwolr. that the Dakota land was good stuff to have , especially as ho agreed to givoSchweir and his wito steady employment at good wages until the spring of IB'.M. The land was traded for a lot in Grandviow addition to this city. Schwolr wont to the Uluck Hills and was convinced that ho was defrauded out of his Omaha lot , and hence the law suit. ATlor Agnes' Scalp. August Lionlng , a Swede from the rural districts , aided by the county attorney is attempting to convince n Jury In the criminal division of the district court that ho was robbed by Agnes Donnelly , an Inhabitant of the burnt district , According to the tale of woo told by August ho ctttiio to town to have a Joyful time. Ills first act was , beneath the glare of an elootrlo light , to gaze upon the sights of n grnat city. Ho drank any quantity of beer and then rounded up at the resort where Agnes hold forth. That was nil ho knbw until the next mornlug when ho discovered that the woman , his watch , and $ X > In cash had taken Illglit. Discounted Him Liberally. "Wollba Nelson swore that her husband was a common street drunkard ; that his con dition bad been caused bv liquor that ho bought at James Adams' saloon. Behoving in the truth of her averments , slio sued Adams and his bondsmen for $1.000. Tha Jury listened to the testimony and tbo argu ments and then lixod her damages at f 100 , holding that her husband had boon worth that amount prior to the time ha fell by the waysldo. A Verdict Against Murray. The jury which had under consideration the facts In the caao of Amelia UarlicK against Thomas Murray returned n verdict fixing the Injuries of tha plaintiff at $ : > 00 , Amelia IJarllck sued for $ . " > , UOO , alleging that while employed as n housekeeper Murray at tempted to tnko certain liberties. Falling to accomplish bis purpose , ho boat , bruUod nnd wounded the plaintiff. A Donlu-y .In tlio County Court. Some of the contending factions of IClk- horn are before JuUgo Idler for the curposo of having him untnnglo some legal complications into which they have worked themselves , Thu parties to the ault nro I'rcstou Hooves and Patrick Me- Evoy , both being members of llio same family. The trouolo is caused by a donkov , which Uoovos most solemnly overs that he owns. The animal is valued nt JOO , and on the night ot February tfj it wan quintly eating hay in his stable. At midnight Me- Evoy , his son-in-law happened that way and coveted the donkey. Ho though the matter over nnd the longer he thought the mora ho wanted tlio beast. At last ho wont lor the barn door , broke It down nod led the donltov away to his own staolo. As soon as the fatbor-lu-law learned of the that t ho brought the suit. After Their Attanipy. Maria Btrommga , Francis Mack , Warren Mack nnd Mary Mack , heirs of Francis M , Mack , deceased , have brought suit against their attorney , Alrrcd Iallies ] , to recover the sum of fJ.OtM. In their petition they nllcgo that Francis M. Mack died on or about February - ruary H , 18S4 , loavuifc' property , both real nnd personal , In Turner county , South Da kota. On February 1M of the same year A. B. Sago was appointed administrator of the estate , and afterwards , whllp acting as ad ministrator of tbo estate , ho received money which bo unlawfully applied to his own usd. Shortly after this , Grinith Evans , guardian for the minors , hired the lawyer Hninrs to prosecute Sago and his bondsmen , The stilt was brought in Turner county , South Da- kotn , but on account of the negligence of lluluos it was dismissed. "Late to bed and early to rise will shorten the road ( o your homo In the skies. " Hut eurlv to bed aud a "Littlo Early HUor , " tlio pill that makes lift ) longer und better and wUer. _ Driiuli riuit'ii. A dlsoaso , treated as euoh nnd perma nently cured. No publicity. NoWinu- nry. Homo treatment , Harmless uiul cffootunl. Refer by permission to Bur- lin ton I Jaw key a Bond "a btninp for pninnhlct ShoUoquon Chomlciil Co. , JJurllngtou , lu. Interrupted tlie SnlintlonUti. Frank Myers it cue of the class which coma never to loara that tbo law ol Omaha will protect the members of the Salvation irmy In any particular variety of worship .hoy mny fancy. Ills conduct nt the moot * n < { Thursday nlpht was characterized by untcomly levity , and ho paid (1.50 yesterday for the fun ho had. Blood poisoned by diphtheria , the grip , lyphotd fever , scarlet fovcr.etc. , Is midopuro and healthy by Hood's S.maparilla. Spcclrtl fur SHtunlny Only. Toys glvon nwjvy free with every our clmsu ol boys' clothing. Kneo'tniits llc ) , worth 40c. Hoys suits 7oc , worth 81 50. Mon's suspenders lOc , worth COc. Pine ties Slc ) , worth Toe. Shirts with stnrchcU collars nnd cuffs 7oc , wortli $1.60. L-lpht weight Inmb's wool underwear 8oc , worth * 1.2o. All wool blue dnnncl suits$1.50 , worth $7.r > o , Grtw cnsslmoro suits S0.75 , worth $10.50. Uliick worsted suits 89.50 , worth S15.00. SPECIAL. Wo offer special bargains in flno Prince Albert otiits ( of which wo carry u very largo stock ) so as to plvo you an opportunity to dress up for Ens tor. SPECIAL. Tomorrow wo Boll titfor hats for 81.00 ; votir cholco of nil shapes tint ! colors. That is positively for tomorrow onlv. " PEOPLE'S CLOTHING HOUSE" . ia03 DOUGLAS STREET , Almost opposite Mlllard hotelnoxt door to Omaha Savings bank. Dr Culliraoi-o. oculist. LJao building Union soap excels all others. DEATH OP JOHN I. PATNTER. Another of Omaha's I'luntcrs Has 1'nsacd to Ills Kuuiiril. Another pioneer hai gonp. John I. Pnyntor , who came and settled In Omaha In IS. ) ! ) , died Thursday night of heart failure. Ho was 70 years of ago and was apparently in excellent health. Ho nto n hearty supper at bis homo , 2I"il Kmmot street , after which ho went into the street for n little stroll. Shortly afterward ho suddenly fell dead In front of his house. Mr. Pnyntor wns a civil engineer , and camu to Omaha In tbo employ of the govern ment In 1S.VI ftom Salerno , Ind , , wboro ho was born in January IS'JJ. Ho was accom panied to this city , which wns then an open prairie , by Jeasu Lowe , Omaha's first mayor. For eight years Mr. Pnyntor was the pro prietor of the Occidental Hotel nt the corner of Tenth nnd Howard streets. A wiio and four children , Laura , Lotta , John I. , Jr. . and Win Hold , survive him. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon nt 2 o'clock , and will bo conducted bv Kov. Mr. Turklo , pastor of Kountzo Memorial Lutheran church. The pall bearers will bo sclcotcd today and they will all bo old settlers. Tbo remain ? will bo interred In Prospect lllll cemotor.v. " 1 have been afllictcd with an affection of the throat from childhood , caused by diph theria , and Imvo used various remedies , but have never found anything equal to Brown's Bronchial Troches. " Kov. G. M. F. Ilamp ton , i'lltoton , Ky. Sold only in boxes. Union soap is the kinp ol soaps ! OMAHA AND 1CUTUKX. Ono I"aru fur the Koiiml Trip. For the accommodation of those desir ing : to visit tit points east of , in the vi cinity of , or tit Omaha in May during the session of the Methodist General Conference , the Union Pacific will sell tickets to Omahii and return at ono faro for the round trip. Tickets on sale April 2S to 30 inclusive , limited to Juno 1 , 1892. For any additional information apply to your netirobt agent U. P. system. Oppnliifr Wyoming Oil Wells. Colonel E. C. Bnrtlett has just returned from Wyoming'where ho has on Interest lu extensive oil fluids. A Boston syndicate with which Colonel Bartlett la connected , bas recently gotten control of over ? 50,000 acres of oil lands about twcntv miles north of Casper , nnd will expend $100,000 In the de velopment of the property. "That country Is full of oil , " said Colonel Bartlett to n Br.i : reporter , " nnd wo are going to tap It. Wo have a well within a few miles of Tlsd&lc's ranch , whcro the great light took place be tween tbo rustlers and the cattlemen. The Pennsylvania company is pushing ahead with their walls , and our company will not fall behind In the work of developing those rich oil Holds. " "All my reports 50 with the modest truth. No more nor clipped , but so. " Bradycrotiuo always euros all headache at all times. AIKTIIODIST OKNKItAl. At Oninliu , Mny , 1802. For the accommodation of those desir ing to visit ut points enst of , in the vi cinity of or at Omaha , during May , the Union Pacific will sell tickets at ono fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale April 28 to JiO inclusive , limited to Juno 1 , 1892. For tickets or additional information apply to your nearest agent Union Pa- cillc system. _ _ Y. 1' . S. C. K. nt the Y. M. C. A. Next Sunday will bo Young People's So ciety of Christian KnUoavor day nt the Young Mon's Christian association. All societies in the city nro Invited to bo present at the service nt 4 o'clock. The address will bo made by Prof. C. A. Murch , president of the Christian Kndeavor societies in this state. All the members of the society , both ladles und gentlemen nro invited. The Omaha icato quartet will sing. _ _ DoWltt's Sarsaparilla cloanies the blooJ , Incrcasostho appetite and toaei up the sys tem. It has bonollttod many people who have suffered from blood disorJorj. It wll heipyou. NEMESIS OF THE REBATERS Special Agent KrotecLmor of the Interstate Oommcroa Commission Interviewed. OMAHA CASES WILL BE TAKEN UP SOON Matter * \Vlilch Wcro rostponpil from l.nst No\cmli ir Will Go llcforu tlio IVdcrnl ( Ininil .Jury Nrxt Month Situ ation In tlio Stnte , Frank O. Kretschmor of Chicago Is In the city. TliNt simple fact is calculated to 1111 certain railroad ofllclats with forebodings of grovious trouble. Mr. Krotscbmer is the special agent of the Interstate Commerce commission who has worked up all the cases against the railroads for alleged violations of the interstate commerce act , nnd the shadow of n grim Justice which hovers In his wako Inspires wholesale fear. Mr. ICrotschmor was In Omaha last No vember with evidence tending to show that thoMIssouri Pacific had manipulated rates on meats shipped from South Omaha to Kansas City nnd that the B. & M. had given favored shippers preferences on consignments of stouo ftom Colorado to Omnhn. Ho purposed presenting these cases to the United States grand jury , then In session , but was prevented - vented because several of the most impor tant witnesses eluded the sorvlco of sub- pccnas. Another grand jury will meet in Omnhn on May 12 , which explains tuo spe cial URcnt'.s presence bora nt this tlmo. Will HUM ) tlio Cast's rruKcnti-il. Mr. ICrotschmor says bo has several con flicting engagements , but hu Is trying to arrange matters so that District Attorney BaUer can tnko up the Missouri Pacific cases with the approaching Jury. The special agent has been preparing statements of the circumstances of the allowed violations , to gether with lists of needed witnesses , and will bo present if possible to assist the dis trict attorney in the presentation of the cases to the grand' Jury ? it is known lutit Mr. Kretschmor has boon In thn Interior of the state recently ntid it is learned that some now charges will bo laid before the jury Uiat will involve moro rail road ofllciols.Vhen askea about this report Mr. ICrotschmor said : " 1 cannot tell you my plans , because if tboy were published some of the witnesses might go Into hiding1 , just ns they did last Isovembor. You mny say , however , that some Important railroad matters will bo laid before the next grand Jury , although I may not bo present. The \Vnbash cases nro sot for May 7 In St. Louis , and the Swift cases nro to bo tried in Chicago next mouth. You see It Is rather difficult for ono man to per sonally attend to nil cases , and naturally the most important receive precedence. " "It Is reported that you have boon looking Into railroad matters In the interior ol the state. What is the situation 1" was asked. Hating \VhoIc3omo lllluct. "I hnd nn excellent opportunity to learn the general situation at the meeting of the Nebraska Grain Buyers association recently hold In Omaua. I Interviewed a number of tbo prominent buyers from various sections of the state , and they informed mo that since tbo investigations were Instituted and in dictments returned n bettor condltitlon pre vailed , nnd smnll buyers nro now nblo to com pete for business in tonitory from which they were barred formerly owing to con cessions made to favorite shippers at that tlmo. The public now understands tbat com plaints of discrimination will bo promptly in vestigated and alleged wroncs righted , and no costs incurred by tbo complainant. Twonty-flvo indictments nro now pending against prominent railroad ofllcluls for fav oring large shippers and discriminating against the smaller ones. This has been brouglit about through the assistance of small dealers , and railroad ollleluls begin to rcallzn that the masses are bound to have the act enforced and are willing to give testimony. " TI1U UNION" Hin'OT. I'liiiis or the I'roposril Compromise Jlcliiff rromliicut Citizens. As already explained at some length In Tin : BUB the Union Depot company has made overtures for n settlement of the con troversy between it and the city , and the movement In that direction la now actively under way. The oftlce of Mr. Thomas ICtmball , presi- aent of the depot , company , looks like an architect's shop , the walls being hnng with biu blue print copies of the depot drawings , whllo other blue and white sheets nro spread out upon tables and dcslcs or rolled up In n bundle for want of room for exhibiting them. This elaborate display was made for the odlllcation of a conference hold yesterday for discussing the proposed compromise. A committee of influential citizens repro- sontiui ; the city government and the Heal Estate Owners exchange , and in cluding such men us Herman ICount7O , Andrew Uoao.vntor , W. J. Con- neil , John Uorbach and St. A. D. Balcombo , mot Mr. IClmball , who represents tlio Union Pnclllo Interest. In the depot , and General Manager Holdroge , who speaus for the B. & M. Tbo conference agreed upon the following proposition as n fnir basis for settling the union depot contention : - . Thu city Is to give the depot company n quit claim dcod to the land in the depot silo nnd to lolcnso tbo Union Puclllu from its $ ' . ' 00.000 bond guaranteeing nn equable rate to other railroads for the ut > o of the bridge across the Missouri. Tbo depot company is to relinquish all claim to the $ ir > u,000 of viaduct bonds and to complete the depot now under construction within a year. The Union Pacific asked for a quit claim deed to all the land acquired by the Saunders - ders deed , and the committee suggested that the railroad surrender the 00-actv tract re cently fenced In by the city. It was agreed , however , that these two controversies should remain independent matters nnd not to bo considered In tha depot compromise. The terms of the proposed settlement were wired last nlpht to General Malinger Clark , who Is In New York. If agreed to by the Union Poclfld'nrtithorltlos the proposition will bo laid bo fart the city council. SSo fora box Bocchnm's Pills worth a KU'nca' ' - Union soarfurtiploys nearly fifty per sons , all Nebraska labor. Other soaps which advertise to employ Nebraska labor , omploy.onlv ono man n salesman. Which dosorvoB Nebraska patronage ? * TO CHANGE THE PLAN. Kent Kstnto Owrtcri M'nnt n Hotter Mode lif AnscsMiirut. At a nicotine of the Real Estnto Owners association yesterday afternoon n resolution was adopted requesting the county commis sioners to appoint n committee of thrco to co operate with llko committees recently ap pointed by the city council , tbo Board of Trade and Ueal Estnto Owners association , for the purocso of considering the present plan of taxation nnd assessment , and dovlso n better ono by framing such laws or amend ments as will admit of n plan being put lute practice and carried out. The council nnd commissioners wcro there fore requested to odd the city nnd county nt- tornnys to their respective committees , with Instructions to old the Joint committee ultH Buch lcg.it itdvlco ns may bo required. The secretary of the association was Instructed to arrnngo a mooting of tha committees at the earliest possible dnto nnd assist thorn In car rying out the woik contemplated. In n communication the II. A. Seymour Manufacturing compiny , which makes butler packages at Mllford , Nob. , stntcd that it would Itko to orgaulzo a stock company to conduct the business. The matter was re ferred to the secretary to cot respond with the company. Warren Swltzler. who was n week ngo ap pointed as n member of the board of directors of the association , sent in his resignation. Ho said lip did not have tlmo to devote to the association. A form of n subscription paper for n man ufacturers' fund was prepared nnd read. It is lor the purpose of creating a fund to ho used by the association in encouraging tbo building up of manufacturing enterprises in or adjacent to Omaha. The form that Is to bo fiignod was loft in the hands of the man- ufncturoiV committee. Pastor First Bnptlst church , Plo.isnnt Grove , In. : Dr. .1. B. Moore , Dear Sir : Mv \\lfo has been afllictcd for several years with a complication of kldnoy nnd liver troubles. Your "Trco of Life" has boon of great bone- lit to her. Sue joins tno In thanks to you aud expresses the wish that others suffering from similar causes mny llnd equal relief. Yours , Kov. .1. W. Carter , Pastor C. T. church. For solo by all druggists. There are soaps made outside of Ne braska which pretend to employ Ne braska labor. Do not bo deceived. Union soap is the Nebraska brand. WILL MAKE IT SURE. Honrd of Pniillc Works nnd City Council ( inttliiK on the -S.Uo Mile. Several of the members of the city council nnd the Board of Public Works held n Ces sion yesterday afternoon to do a little llgur- ing in the matter of tno Squires street swooping controversy. The councilman thought the boatd could go ahead and sweep the streets without moro ado , hut the members of the Board of Public Works thought otherwise. They hold to the opinion that they could not Incur an expenditure exceeding $100 without lirst having the authority of the council to oacit them up. In order to bo on the safe sldo those councilman wbo were present ngroed to introduce a resolution nt the next council meeting instructing thu board to go on with the cleaning. There was but ono bid for paving the In tersections of Douglas ut Eighth nnd Ninth streets nnd it was rejected. Hugh Murphy was the bidder , and ho enclosed as nn evi dence of good fnlth a certified chccic for$500. Thl $ cheek ! was off color for , the reason that It "was not negotiable.Some wocits ucp when bids wcro invited orrpubiic work Mur- pby bid , but ns his bid did not carry off the contract the checlt was endorsed by Chnir man BIrUhausor and returned. Yesterday the same check came along with the bid , but subsequent to the endorsement it had not been made payable to the city or the Board of Public Works. Caligraph writing machine is the best for telegraph purposes. Never out of order. .i.v. Miss Gala comes to the Boyd theater next Monday for an engagement of ono week. Of Miss Gale's dramatic abilities and personal attractiveness little need bi said to the theater-goers , for her admirable work , first ns leading lady for Lnwronco Barrett nnd then in support of the Booth-Barrett combl nation , Is well and pleasantly remembered. Miss ( Jala has secured a promising Uniting man in tlio person of ( Jrcstou Clarke , the nephew of Booth aud the son of John S. Clarke. The gonoial .support Including old members of the Bootn-Barrott company , will , so it is promised , bo capable at all points , The opening play will bo "Homoo and Juliet. " Pitou's great company will clone their en gagement at Boyd's now theater today by giving two performances of the American drama , "Tho Power of the Press , " n matlnoo for ladles and children at : 'iu this afternoon and the regular evening performance at S. * Dlsoaso nnvorsuccessfully attacks a sys tem with pure blood DoWltt's Sarsaparllla makes pure , now blood and enriches the old. Itooms Tor Visitors. Hov. Ilodgetts , secretary for the Methodist conference , is receiving iv great many cnlls fiom outside for rooms and board during the conference In May. Many of these letters of inquiry are sent by people who will como merely as spectators. Kov. Hodgotts suggests that people who have apartments to let dur ing the month of May would do well to advertise In Tin : Uni : so that the committee and these desiring accommodation may bo enabled to Mud them when they want them , Mrs. L. H. Pnlton , Kociuord , 111. , writes : "Fiom pnrsonal experience I can rucommond DoWltt's Sarbaparllla. u euro for Impure blood and general debility. " Royal "The Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure , for I have so found it in many tests , made botli for them and the U. S. Government. The Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly the purest and most reliable Baking Powder offered to the public. "HENRY A. MOTT , Pn.D. , Late Chemist for U. S. Government. " "All chemical tests to which I have submitted it have proved the Royal Baking Powder perfectly healthful and free from any deleterious substance. It is purest in quality and highest in strength of any Baking Powder of which I have knowledge. "WM. McMURTRIR , E. M. , PH.D. "Late Chcmist-in-Chief U. S. Dep V of Agriculture t Washington , D. C.- "The strength of the Royal is shown to be 23 per cent , greater than any other. " As a result of my investigations I find the Royal Baking Powder far superior to the other It is pure , contains none but wholesome ingredients , and is of greatest strength. "F. X. VALADE , Public Analyst , Ontario , Dominion of Canada * The latest investigations by the United States and Canadian Governments show the Royal Baking Powder superior to all others in leavening strength. Statements by other manufacturers to the contrary ha've been declared by the official authorities falsifications of the official reports. WORST FORM ECZEMA Dnfllo J Best Modlcnl Skill for Bight Months. Ourod la Two Months by Gutlcum Romodlcs. ThM < to certify that n ehlllof mlno ti1 ! 1 Kctomn In Hi worst form anil whlc'i batllrd ttio Ii ? < t mo lloil fklll which roiiMtio employed lioro. The little * nf fcrcr KHI nrnppoil In atony for nt len l clulit month * MX nioiilln of Hint tlmo Its MiffcrlnK was Mniply untold , then I ticann Ilio use of the Cutlcun Homo * illc . In two month * tlio nnluldlteiKo hml ccmeil Us vcnccnnco , nml my ilnillnittKy Imtl rrsl , nml to nil appearances tlio ill- Mn o Imil ylclcH'il. litit 1 rontlnucd tlio mcillclno for several month * nttor no tinco coiiU bo eenof It on MIT port of lilMioly. "I IIP doctor * hero wnlcho thnill < oi9u with tniicli tnlcivM , nil I mull only iv , Wo'.liliino ! " 'lliornMsw unknown far nml wide , nnd rrvobndy wn < much snriri ; i'il. l.iil t innk < to fiitl- curn Hi < nuVet. ( CnulillluTi < lii > nmtliliiiri > n curt lit lint wotiMctiKuu fnlli'f tn rejoice It Min-T would bo when the llltlolnnoiont iiiuciiiicl h.it a such 11 lotn- cilr atlmnil. ( S-eiM'Ottnilt imrcwlili i J. A. MCULKS. Hunker lllll. InJ. i ' ; ' " ! < 1n"il1iH"iiio ; lthrhrnnlc ecjeninthnt hml iiellpcl | ilinillil IriMitment from mum cooil doc tor * . .A'liitMiilnrM I ) . , should Imp coiitlnuo.l Mm- llnrtrrntmont , Inn lhonii < it II u clvj so nut ' It on CiniciMlAS. Tlio child l < wi < ll 0 I. ( lUIINHYM.Iloiii ) , In. Cuticura Resolvent The new Itlpod nml Skin IMrllliT. Interimnnl ! ) ( I'Tlt I'HA , Ilio Kri-iii kin Cur.1 , n 11 lYricm v J-OAI- llm otquMta SMil IlonutlKor , mlern.illy , ln lniitl > relieve nml speed v c-iroi-vcrv dl enoiiii : I liiinmr < ir thy skin , scidii mill Moot , with lo > < of hnlr , from mfnncy to iwu , from pimple. ; to scrotulii. toM evor.vwhore. l'rcc ! , Cl'TirtMflV. . : Polp , MO.I UMiit.i KVi. il I'reiMiroil lij thu I'UTTKU Dlil-il .tMlClIKMII'Al , CUUIMHAllll.V , IIOVOI. M'iidiror "lionto euro U i Diseases. " Cl , fiu Illustrations nnd00 \ U'stltuonl.iK Hclniuid Sculp purllloJ ami leititlll"il \ > j Cl'TiUfllA toAl- Absolutely pure. Khlner nml Ulorlnn 1'alns nml Weik- no so9 relieved In onit tnlniito by tlio ( urtcniA AMI 1'us l'i. tsmt , tliconl } Instantaneous pnln-klllliii ; plaster IT MIL KM- eoio A 25 cent Bottle may save you : $100 in Doctor's bills-may save your life. Ask your Druggists for it. IT TASTES GOOD. : PURE PINK Dr. Acker's English Piils : CU K ItJLJOSJSNKSS. Pmnll. t > lrii unt. n t'u\urto ! with tlio latllcn. * * W. II. IIOOKEit & CO , West Hruadway. N. T. ' For sale by Kukn & Co. , and Sherman ifcMcConnoli , Onmhiv. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics , Curoa Obapped Bands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A DoIIghtful Shampoo. MANHOOD RESTORED. "SAMATIVO , " the Wonderful Hp nlsli lirnirdy , la mid nltli Written Guarantee to euro all Ncivoua lilt- r\MR. euc.li asfak Munory , Ixw of llraln 1'owcr , llvnilnclie , Wnkctiilnc8sIo tMAn lined , Nen minnow , I.as elliide , all ilmlui and Doforo & After Deo. loji of | iiiw r of tne rhotoKraphcd from life. Generative ! ( ) ians In . . . . _ . n cither Bex. cau-nl by ovci cxcitlon , joiilliful lii < llMirtnniinr ! Ilif escrsilje iMnrtotiircii.iiiliiiiii | > i ntliniiliiiu , Hlilili iiltliiiutcly lw.il l Inilriiiliy. Ciinniiiiplliiii m l Iii'iuill } 1 t "P IncmneiiUhtfmm In inirv In HIP Met | "xlut 1'ilco | l n imcUuc. or 0 fur f . \\lllineij oulci eKlia xvrmen guarantee to cure or refund the mono" . " < nt lij null lu m ml.lrcM. . rcular lift lu | > lnlncntelo.c | . .Mention Ililtumi fi. AililHEJ , MADRID CHEMICAL CO innmh omccfoi U s.A. 353 Drniliorn Street. ( 'II ICAfiO. II.U FOK BAIT IN OMAHA. KED , , BY Knhu & Co , Co.r 15lli & IKiugliifl Me J A Hillcr & Co , Cor. Dili A Doual A D Foster & Co. , Council Illulfs. In. QUICKLY. THOROUGHLY , FOREVER CURED ljr a new perfected fcdcntlllo method that cannot foil unless the case la bo > oiul tinman aid. You tctil Improved the firm day , feel a bcno- tltevcrrdayi soon know youreelf n klnu nmoni ; inun lit tiody , mind and Mieart. Dm Ins nnd losses ended. Kvcry obsmclo to Imppyuiiirrlod Ilforo * moved. Nerve furco , wlll.tmcrur. brainpower , whou lulling or lout are restored bf this treat ment. AllflinnllmnUveuk portions of thu body en- larced und Btrcnmbened. Victims of nbutca nnd cxceinen , reclaim your manhood' Buirercrs from ( ollr.ovcrwurk.lll licnlth , rcK.iln your vli/or ! Don't di xpalr.in en If In tha last ttaitcr. Don't Lodlshcart c > ncd If quacks Imvo rut * brd you , I.otuSBliowj-im thatiBodlral eclcncound business honor ft 111 rxltti Iicro no hind In ImnJ. AVrllo for our Hook with explanation * & proofs , nailedicnledTree. Over , O ( ) ( > references. EEIB HBDIOAL CO. , BUFFALO. N. Y. nornnlna Ifnliil cured la GO to UUday * r 6TEUl.MU.l. t > ajn.O . . 3URE , . YOURSELF ! , , Aalc your Druggist for a a bottle ol Uli ! II. 1 tie only , / neil jioliotwui remedy for all I / Ilie unnatural dbcinrtvii ) and I nrlMiie ill" " ' e ol men aud the I debilitating titaVnfks peculiar I toHomtn. . It curts in u few dati without tbo aid or L publicity of n doctor. kJVi I'niwnal Amtrican Cure. Manufactured by I L The Evacs Chemical Co.1 CINCINNATI , o. U , C , A. SPECIAL AM. EASTER THIS WEEK OFFERING INCHJR _ _ CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT OF ' 500 WOOL FANCY FANCY _ CASSJjyijiRE .CHEVJOT J < NEJE _ KNEE : PANT PANT SUJTS SUjTS 1 $4.5O $4.50 QUALITY QUALITY CHOICE A SUIT. Come in nil the hnnclsomo shades The Cheviots of brown , Hnvnnn , tobacco , but ternut , snuff , wood nnd inn. They nro strictly nil wool. They nro gotten up in ncnt nnd nntty styles , the cents having four cordon plaits down the front on cncli side , nnd seven more down the mlddlo of the back. T o pants have two front nnd ono hip pockets , nnd the walst- bnndsnre made of Naumkeag Jean. rpi f \ Are in handsome plaidsin light 1 IIP VjHSSl ITlCrCS nnd medium "spi'HiB shades. a. LiwtivjkJii.L.i. . 1. They are strictly nil wool. They nre gotten up in fully ns good style os the cheviots , though different , the cents having four corded plaits down cnch side in front nnd cither four mora down ench side of the back , or one wide Hal plait in the middle of the back with four corded ones on each side of it. Tlio pants are made same as the cheviots. orvrv "H wearing new "Nebraska" two-fifty suits XI I I KfW on Easier Sunday. ( J\J\J \ JLJUyO EIGHT HUNDRED THANKFUL. BOYS SAYE YOUR EYESIGHT THE OPTICAL NEW HOUSE OK TUB ALOE & PE8FOLD CO. , Ill South nth elrccl , Nu.\t to I'ObtolIk'C , Uiiinlm. Practical Opticians Ana brunch of world rcnnwnail option ) oitnljllih. mint of A. P. Alee & Co. bl Louis O.ir method Is inpi'rlor to all othurs ; .our Icnso nre superior , wll ! not wearjr or tire the ojes. 'Iho framc-i propetlr d- Inilcil to the fnco Eyes Tested Free of Charpro. Prices Low for First-class Goods. The best whiskey for consumptives and invalids must surely be tlio most whole some for those who use it as a beverage. is the best for all purposes , because it is guaranteed to bo absolutely pure and doubly matured. You may know it by its delicious flavor and the proprietary bottle in which it is served. Call for "Crtam J'nnrtye" and take no other. For sale at all first-class drinking places and drug stores. 3 DALXEMAND & CO , Chicago Dr , Bailay , < The Loading Dentist Third FlosPaKtJn Jlloa'c. Tch'pliono lOS'i. Kitli unil Tanum Sts. A full set of Ifoth on rubber for ? 3. IVrfoct III Ti'Clli nlllioiit pliitoi or removabli ) brliluo work Jiibltho thlii lomliuerd or public upoakurs , never ClIUJIllUUIl. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAH. All llllliiitnt rt-asonabio rate , all work warranto I cut this out lor u Kill lu I'll | < llllH fl f lllhtlli t CillllllllK IIOIKlH. Pealed bids miirkod "I'roixmls for district Krnilliii ; Ijoiuls" will hn rocolvu I at thu nllluu nf thu oily truasiiriir , Oiiiulm , Noli. , up tu U o'ulouli noun ut tliotlMh day of April , I ! > - ' , for thu iiuroliiihuof JII-lWllHtilet ) ) ( , rullir. \ > OIH\ \ * of thu city of Oniiiliii , Nnli. hid linnilH aru dutfil .Mny Ibt , IHu : , nnd nro | iiy.ilji | ( fnnii onu to nliiu yunrs uttordatotliuiuuf , in ( luiio nln i- tlonsnf ilOU.UIiiinl iVJU.U ) u.iuli , with lntuiust.it thu ritu of .1 | ior cent per iniiiiiiii , ji.iy.iblii hL'iiil-'uinii.illy , l'lii'ltivl und Inturudl. p iy- ublii ut Koiint/u Ilroi . Now Vorl ; . f.0uji.o > of Ur.idliij KUtrlct No. .11. lr. o.uJof < r.ulliu Hl'sl-lut No ,11. TflO.lKlorOr.iilliu DIslrlotN" . H. 29.00 i.OO of Cradliii ; Ill-slrlot No. 'i. ' . Kuuh bid must ht.Uo pru'ii nnd amount sniiKlit for and liiulmlu auorucd Interc-st to ( Into of dullvory nl Unialii ; , Nub. Thorllit | ? la rcsorvod to rujuot any mid nil Ubiicd minor clmrtrriiowcr of ultlosnf lliu inctropolltiiii dusi und Oidlnunou Nu. sun , t/'lty I'roa 1'iiiponiiU lor I'lilillo l.lljrary ItulldliiK Ito/uls bciulL-il bull niilrkud iiropos'ils for pub'.lu llbl.iry building liondM ulll bo reunited ut thu oltliu of thoclty truasiiror. Oinuliu. Neb . up to 1'Jo'ulnA noon of tbu r > tliluynf A pi II. Id'/ . ' , fur tbu puiulmsu of ilU.o > UlO public ; llnr.iry bii.Idlnu' l.oiuls of thu city of Uiniilin , Nol ) . , ( luted May Ibt , lh'.U. anil piyublu JJ yoaii iiftfr ( laiu. Inturu'ilut tlio rate tif " > per ui nt pur un- mini , payable hunil-aniiiiully. I'rlindp.tl rind lnti-rrul. puyublu at Koiint/u lln > , .Sow York. J.'acli old must stutu prlcu unil aiii'iiuil KotiKlii for and Inoludu auuruud Inti'rcst to dulu of ilollvory at Onialiu , Nub. Thu rltfht Is reserved to rujuot any und all Ithiicd under charier poucr of cities of the metropolitan cluMj , und ordlnancu No. "Jb3. " ( ' "WireVllMlirchl'ltliiNuVllOM.N | , City i'toasuror. Unlike Dutch Process No Malies OK Oilier Clieniicals arc iiacd in the preparation of nf.Mui flul ' which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Slureli , Arrowroot or Sugar , and is fnr moro cconoini'ji f costing less than one cent a cujf It is delicious , nourishing , and LABILT iiGisTr.D. Sold by Crocoro everywhere , \V. \ Baker & Co , , Dorchester , Mass , DR. J. E , THE SPECIALIST IN THE THEATMKNTOF ALL OF PRIVATE DI8KASK3 QONOIl * IUIOBA ; STnioTUKB. H YMIILIS. QLKETANK ALL WEAKNESS ANIJ DIHORDEUS OF YOUTH AND MAN. HOOD. IMMEDIATE RELIEF WITH. OUT LOBS OF TIME FROM UUSINISS3. Wrlto for o roulnn. N. IJCor llthnnl K.irnun Hi O n u i lilt III WUVl'S NKIIVH A.NK MUAIN'l ItHAT- .MK.Vl' , impcclrto for llyatorlnluiuu \ \ \ \ , I'lti , Nun. rnlxlii , llouilathu , Nvrvou * I'ruslruloii catisod b/ uliolio ! or tobacco , Wukufuliuix , M'Mtrtl Dopm * . rlon.Hultnaeinf the llrnln eiu ltuln > unltr iul cr/ , ili'ciy iluith , I'ruiuiitura Old A u , lluriunux , l.oii of 1'iiMor In Hther , Iiupottnor Luii'-orrhon ' ni | nil I oinaloVoilkne jb , InvolllllUrlnici , t > pur > iiiatoirhrii c.i in ml by ever uxiirlluu ol tliu bruin , hell uliuse over liidulKunt A niniitli II Ofori'i by mall WUKU iruntcuiU boicntocura. 1'uih order foril boim , with fi will bund rllt a KunranUoto refund If not turn I uu rnntvo I UM by ( iooilnmn llruitCo , 1IIU t'uriiam iit . Jn.alia- NEBRASKA National Bank. "V > U. S. DEPOSITORY. OMAHA , N 3 Cniiltnl $100,000 . , < J03,0)Q Olllcorj andDlroctori lloiryV Vntai , II f Cu tdnif Tlojiiraillont < 1 rt Miailoj. W. V Mor o. Jolind , Colllni , J H II. 1'ulrliu. 1 , TU A lltuJ. Cuthlur THIS IHON