THE OMA1TA DAILY BEE : SATtTlllMV. APRIL 10. 1802. SPEG1RL NOTICES , PA r > vnnTiaKMKNT3 rnu TIIKSK COLUMNS UVwlllbo taken until IJ.aop. m for the ercnln * Jhnrl until S.M p. tn. for Inn morning or Hnnrtar cdl- lion. I All fulT rtl imi > nts tn thp e columns I emu a i * 0td for tint ln pftlnnnnd I ccnlnwonl then-alter. 'or n per line per month. No mlTortlirment tnkrn Vtor lft > thi\nlSconn for the first insertion. Tormi , vcaih in mlT ncc. Connt about > prcn worrti to the Hlnff. Initials , firnren , ormtmli , etc. . each count m word. All wlTortliemonti mimt run consocn- llTi-lf , Aitvcrtliiert. br r < ? nnP < tlnK a numbered cherk. can hate the lotion ixildreMUl to anum- brreil letter In euro of TIIK 1IKE Anmers o nd- 'ril will bo delivered on presentation of the SriUATIONS WANTED. -WANTKD. 11Y VtlUNd LADV , I'LACK IN . re pcctal > ol famllr , to work fur board , mornlnci tind erenu.g * . Address bux H3 , Valley. Neb. 8J--I5 L-i'osmo.v ar AM KXI'KUIK.NCII : > .STBNO. Vgtupuer. toien ! > nco given Address V IB. Poi. 31 SSI 13 - WAXTK1) . illDDLK AOEO. KB. llnliU' U.ty to cam for -Tt nn& anlst In cooking tr hoiiBCiep--r. ; Addrets / f4. llco. _ b'jl It * - . . ON ) tnl U'n tirhainlle the n"'c palmt chnmlcal Ink rra'lna pencil. T ! ' " sron'rnt relllnn noveltj- ever produced ; I'vnccs Ink IhnroUKhlr In two necondss ' TlO Atir ! > Jon of pap.'f 9X > to tw per cent profit ; one nictnt's ralos nmountm to tivjy in MX darn , nnotbpr | J2 In two hiiur.i. Wownnt ono Kcnoral nirenl In rach ttntc and territory. Tor terms nnrt full par- tlcitlarfi nddruss Jdouroo irn : or MU. Co..l.a Cro e , > VI , .X5. K > AOKNTS WANTED , B.\Cii.hlUIt : I'OIITIIAIT JCo. . Ware block. 777nIS- l > -WAXTii > . AflKNT * CAN SIAKB f.'O I'KH Jttppk handllnc the llunrrn noroltjr blow Ktm. iltist out Hells at night. Address tbo Iji'ru. o Iliow ( hin Co. . l.a Cro c , WIs. S7 _ oiiiciToitH , SALAUY""AND COM. PAID American Wtlnscr Co. , 1GW Howard. SJJ-M4 * TYANTKI TltAVBMNdSAl.r.SMK.VTO SELL J5bnKlim powder to relnll Kroeorr trade. Wo put ourKOO.l" up In Bla i rolllnit plri * . Wo pay I'M a niunllmalair and i.aprnses or 2.1 per ccnteonitnH Ion. Wo n ant men who uro now on the road to carry n B fldu line , ( iood oppoitunltr for clerks nnd othi'M who want to vet on the roail. Wrlto for , nond damp for replr , Chicago HaMn < owder Co. , 71T7 Vnn llurcn trect. Uilcngo. 61115 * NTsTTO HANDLE THE VAN DO11UN 'Mmplllled account tile. Call on or address Jnmui F. Harms. Jcnnlntf hotel. Ocaha. HM 21 * I-WANT HI ) . TKA.MSTKIH AND HCIlATKIt holders fur II. U. work In Wyouilna ; eood waecsi free pass. Albright LaborJlllce , 1120 Farnam t 1WANTHI ) OOOI ) CITY CANVASSIIHS 1'OH JlWhcnler , V W'lson ' Scwlntt Machlnei. i : tor and Camp A Co. . 1'lanoi and OrtJin. ill bo. IGth nt WASTKIl AT ONPi : TWO GOOD CLOSEIts Wheeler AHVIlson Sowlnx .Machine olllcc , 511 So. Kth M. M 723 _ 15-SAI.AIIY I'AIII WEEKLY TO ( ! OO1) AOKNTS : JJcxpcrleuco'unucceejary.SlnKcronice.lSlB HotiKlns B-WANTED , A SINOLK MAN ; .MUST HE A gooil penman and scholar , rnpablo to keep a mnnll ret of lionkn , and wllllnu to do light farm work , fluch as feeding horses or other light chorea : ono who has had oxprrlcnro on n farm before Halary , IMW per month. Including cond room nnd liannl. I'arm abo'utiv mlier Irotu Omah.i. Addruis V54 Ilcoolllee. JISU 1C' TJ WANT1HI. A OOOI ) HAIINESS MAKKIt. TO JJtho ttiltable man possibly a year's work. U. Dick & Son. irete , Nob. 8M-15 U WANTKII A F1UST-C1.ASS nUILDINO AND J'lonn bolk-ltor for Iowa , ( iood contract for Vlght man Address immediately U. J. ICummnu , rand hotel. Council IHuBi. MSS2 17 TJ-SALB MKN. ENIIlUiKTIC MEN WANTED. JJFri'K prepaid outllt erie of our agents has rnrned over i."UUOO In tlvo years. P.O. box 11171. Now Vork. SU7 15 * TJ-WANT A COAT AND PA NTS MAKKIt , OOOD J 'pay andgood nnd steady work. Jos. Paper. . Al- lilou , IBoono co. . Neb. b'J.t 17 * B-WANTED. 2 OOOI ) NEWS AliENTSylTII cnrlty. Apply In person Itallroad News Co. , Lincoln. Neb. f67 17 T > WANTED. MEN TO TltAVKL FOll OtTU CAN X > ada nurseries , btono & Wellington , Madison WIs. - WANTED TO SELL OL'H B-SALESMEN goods by hnmplo to the wholesale and retail trada. Liberal Milary and cxpi'npo : * paid. Porrua- nent position. Sloncy ndvnnifd for wacev ndver- lining , etc. ' tor full particulars anil reference nd- dress Centennial Mfg. Co. . Chicago , 111. MW7 17 * ' n SOMKTHIN < ; NEW AKKXTS Oil OTHEItl JJto secure the monopoly In nil ecctlonn of the Rale of our perfection adjustnblu Miiore ( < o-ity ! iiatunted ) . Over 100 agents ara making from Safl.OO to VS.Vl ppr xveok. Address , with Zcntump , Consol idated Shoo Co. , Lynn , .Mast. M910 ltr ! B' MAN WANTED ; NA1.AUY AND KXPKSSKt place ; wbole or port time. Apply at once , Drown llros. Co. , Nurserymen , Chicago.M'JCC10' M'JCC-10' B WANTED-AOKNTS. SAMPLE 8ASIILOCK ( Pat. ISMI ) free by mall for Jo stamp. Immense ; unrivalled. Only good one over Invented. Heats trclghtn Bale * . Unparalleled , f 12.00 per day. Uro hard A Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. MM3 31' T > WANTED. SALESMEN TOTAICEOUIt I,1NK Def drenn goods as n aide line on commission. Ad * Ureas Schuylklll Mills. Uoxll'/J. ' Philadelphia , Pa. 1C" WANTED-FEMALE HELP. 1 WANTBIJ-OOOU SECOND GIHU . /cust Btreut. C-WANTED , LADIES TO ASSIST ME. WOUII light and fusclnatlUK. Wages flO.UU per week. Call on Madam Uoblnsou , Metropolitan hotel. M713-I ! C-WANTED. AT ONCE , AN EXPEltlENCED hand ihlrt Ironcr. Apply to Metropolitan steam laundry , McCook.Neb. M7'/7 37" -WANTED A 8EUVANT TO DO UENEHA 'houiwork ' , at 2031 Chicago street. 811-1. ' ) - . OIKI , FOll UENEUAL WOL'SL' Work. 617 KOUlhPJth Direct. Si'J li , WANTED. AN EXPEIilENCni ) COOK AND V/laundrma where second Kin Is kept. Family of three. IUI S. Hth street. MS45 17 ! WANTED. GI11L FOll GENEltAL HOUSE , work at 613 N. ISth. 711 ] ; C-WANTED. FIIIST-CLASSOIKL FOHCOOIC1NO and housework , 2115 Hartley. I 13- C-OI1IL KOIl GKNEUAL IIOUSEWOUIC " , I'M Corbjr it. 671 C-WANTKD , IJASgUK F1NISIIKHS AT OXCK , blRhent wages paid. Morie Dry Goods Co.ftlVl ftlVl 18 C [ -GIHL FOK GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 30J Farnam st. ES9 17 1 WANTED , GIRL FOK GENERAL HOUSE' /work , small family , 2223 Miami street. S'.V Iti C-LAD1K.- YOU WANTTOMAKKII KVKIl\ hour ? You can do It Introducing our aupportern and other Indies' nml rhIMrrn's Kooili , Send stimi | and we will tell ) on nil about It. Daisy lloso Hup porter Co. . 318 OKden arc. , Chicago , 111. " C-l WILL PAY LADIES A SALARY OF tlOPEI week to work for IUH tn their locality at boino. light work.K ) od pay for part lirawrite. : . Kith stump , Mr * . 11.11. Furrlngton , lloxTU' ' , Chicago , 111 Mill I IT C-WANTED , EXPERIENCED WAITERS ; Llll erol wagcii and permanent positions guaranteed. Addresa 321 Robert street , Su Paul , Minn.M M 13 20' ' TOR RENT-HOUSES. TWHOUBKS > APARTMENTS IN IIEST KESI- J-'douco block IB city. 81Gs ( . ssd street. Tel IW1. ' ' 875 _ \-FOKllENT. AHOVB NOS. P24 AND CO SOUTH /jstji streetD-room flat , evrry modern conven ience. Including largu kitchen riingu. Apply SVin < l > sur , Kemp A Cu.lUt N. Y. Ufe bldg. m7CI D , -FOK KENT. 0 NICE NKWLY FUKS1SHED roouis , i N , ICth , llrennan Hats. M4W \-FOU HKNT HUUSKP , 17.00 I'KIl MONTH AND /upwurds. The U. 1' . Davis Co. , lioi Faruam at. l -t-Oll HUNT. IIOUSIS 13U N. IITH ST. . 9 HOOMS , J bath , etc. , I3J per mouth. K , 11. Wooitrow. Neb. Kat. bunk Uulldlpg. ti5 D-IO-ltnoU I10UHK. ALL CONVKNIENCIML llerd c'elbjr. Ill llonr.l uf Trade. Uki IIOUSKB. STOIIKS AND FLATS. A. C. room n. Dgugla * block , ICth and Dodge. ui AM > _ _ _ _ _ _ D-FiIl IIKNT-SIX-IIOOM ilODKHN COTl'AGK W CalltornU st. , Hi \ < vr month. O.i D FOU ItENT , 4 11O01I FI.AT. FHONT PTH Illckorr tj ; | | j < T-J-FLATOKS HOOMS. INQUIIIK WITH liKKKll- -l-fenco. M.h. Ualdutf - - , Icthunil Capitol avouuu nrUOtlKUKlXnTA1K Foil IIKNT AND ALL furnlluro for sale. Uood chauca to right partr. Ill > ilth street. ' , < jj -J-OIIUKNT.TKN KOOM DKTACIIKO UOliiK. nil modern IrupniTomvuia. Uro uilnutca walk of puitotttce. The u. I' . l ) il. Co. , IMi Fitruam street. lA-l'Olt HKNT. A NINB HOOM MODKUN HOUSi : O/wth | all conrrnlrncrs. at KM7 t'arnain stret-t , Inqulro at M > N. Y. Llfo U'ld'g. 6IS-1U. -Ii HOOM HOUSK AND 11AIIN. 18 DAVKN. port alreet , all uioderu conrenluccea. Including steam Uvat , Kt bowls and laundrr , south ( runt. > 6vvrlouklng high * cbool grounds , nenlr iialntcd ndiiaperetl throughout. 'Jbus , F. Hall , CUT 1'ai- oa block. CoOk kIlOOM MUDK11N nitlCK HOUSK , ONI.V -Upur month. Weuavouror'AXJ huuso for i nt. 1L It. Colv. No. 6 Coutlueulal. Bit 15- D- IIKNT. I Oil T-HOOS1 KLAT. UAT1I A.0 jtcaaibrat. 7W North ICth. luijulr * engineer. PJ-T.ROOM HUUSK. UNO AND WKIISTKU sra. : UJS ) ixr uontb , C. t' . Uarrlsuo , U M. Y. Ufo. ( . ' 419 D -IIOL'HKS. CLATS A STOKE : " , LAHOK8T LIST , loweit prices fi.00 up. r rrotto.Iial > on l i blk - IIKST. J FLATS IN LINTON IILOCK. 15 D-KOIl roomi c fhj S-ttorji In good repair. Inquire 817 S. Hlh Hreot , John llamllnagent. M876 lO-IHToil'lioTsKTcHKAI'TO DK D I-MODKUN - slrabla , tenant. li California street. BKJ31 * I > IPM A 1.1 , roTTAIIK. M ACHKS LAND ! SIMTA- ablc for garden. Inquire IMI Vlnton. S8M7' 1 > . I10U8K3. 6 AND 8 rooms , Inquire 2110 Capital ara 89J 91 * 11-KOlt IIKNT UNTIL SKITKIIUKII 1 : MOD I/cm furnished house of 8 rooms. Artdres * or cnll fill South JSth street. M9I3 17 * FOU i-'oTiTiiiNTTTiNK rTio.s'T oifrwo i - - LAUOK . Jjbnck farntihcJ ( , r\iDlurnlshed looms , in South Mth street. i < > 3 I1 K U JtNISHKD IHWM WITH HATH , M 1'Kll A month , 1S03 Knrnax. p-NICK ItOOMS , ALL UONV'KSIK.S'CSS. KM -FuilNTsHKD HOOM3 , ( JA8 , HATH. IZI N. J ISth street. 8S3-M * _ FVRmtillEpnOO lS AND ir-FOIl IIKNT. NKATLV KUUNISHKI ) UOOMS J with board , 2U10 California > t. H ) IB' F-VKIIY DKSIKAIII.K KIUST AXI > SKCONI ) Hoer , iiouth nnd east , furnished rooms at "Tho m-nier. " 110 .No. Zith tlrco MT9M7 * -I FUtlNISIIKI ) 11OO.MS , KN 1 suite , 2nd Murr , front ; nrst class board , 313 South sith.t. ; lot _ _ _ _ 1-I10O.M AND IIOAllDi AIJ-O DAY nOAIIUAT I ItH Capitol BTO. _ 857 17' l-Nirii.Y : KUIISfSllKD HOI'THKAST FHONT L room nllh nlcove and bny window ; nil mndcrit cnnTcnlcnccn ; prlrato fnmllr ; board If desired. No. Kin , yjlli ft MJ7J 17 * _ IBAST KItONT KOOM WITH IIOAUlt KOIt 3 i ccntlcmcn. No. M < North li'tintrcet. ' iili 19 * KUOXT UOOMS , WITH IlOAIll ) . KOIl - Bontleincn : modern convenli'iiccs. Knfcrenco loqulred. 2MHninc7. ( M9IB IS * FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS. r < - > ' ' UNKL'IlXISUKIt VHAMIIKHA Koll HOl'.SK- * -'keeping to man and wlfo. No children. 319 N. 17th. 311 G -SUNKCIIXIPHKII UOOMS. 1 KIKST KI.OOIl. prlvlleKO of housckucpliiK , ' JlCnpltol arenuo. TOR RENT-STORES AND OFF ! CE8 I- outNlTHK s OHY iHtcK nL'lLlHNj nitlKarnam street. The bulldlni ; has n flrC'iiroof cement bnreir.unt. complctu aleanvhentlnx fixtures , wnter on all the lloors , nas , etc. Applr at the olllcu of The Hoe. 913 1-STOUK , COOI ) LOCATION , WITH HKAM J scales , sultnblu for futdstoru or grocer ) . Inquire 16U1 Vluton. 88J-17 * -DKSK HOOM KOIl IIKNT. ( ilOL'NI ( ) FLOOH , -Mie.irtof cltr , all modern convcnluuces. Address V W , Uoo. 8wSl "J-FOK IIKNT. STOItK HOOM. AND LIVINO J rooms In rear , JIS per month , at 1318 Saundera. Co operative Laml and Lot Co. , 205 N. Hith st. Wl 17 FOR , 273 I-HIIICIC YAIID5 FOIUIKNT. T. MUHHAY. I 279 r WAUEHOUSE , 1NQUI11E3ICSO. I5TI1 STIIEET. J MUM T 3D-KOOM HOTEL , DESIUA11LE IXCAT10N ; "nil modern , Apply to F. W. Hart , jr. , Mhsourl Valley , la M5M A3J 1-FOtt KENT. PAKT OF Otllt FIVE-STOHY 'I brick warehouse ; good elevator and track facili ties Omaha Warehouse A Storage Co. , I21M5 : Ix.-avcnworth ft. 51S-13 WANTED-TO RENT. K-6 OK 7 UOOM COTTAGE WITH MODEKN IM- provciueuts and barn In north part of city by May 1. Address , U , 11X1 , Esmond Hotel , city. bU7 ll RENTAL AGENCIES. L E. C. OAHVIN A. CO. , 303 SUEIiLY -STAK LOAN AND TItUST CO. HENTAL DE- Jpartment. MUII-a2l STORAGE. M -OLDEST , CHEAPEST AND BEST STOKAGE house In the city. Williams & Crops.1211 Haniey. - , DIIY AND P1UVATELY HTORED M-CLEAN furnlturo. Heating stoves stored over summer. 1207 Douglas st. Omaha btovo Itcpalr works. 841 I1ESTSTOKAOEIN CITY. OMAHA WAKE- M hocBO A Storage Co. . 1213-IS Leavenworth street. Ilonschold antl other goods stored and cared for. lx > w rates Prlvato apartments If desired. Phone , 4111. M4J4 1C WANTED-TO BUY. AT WANT ED. SOME IXW PIHCEO CLEAK IXT3 11 as flrst payment on a nlco homo and lot. Will built to suit nnd sell on monthly payment. Why pay rent ? Sea N A. Kuhn , 15th and Douglas. 71G w3 XT-WANTED TO BUY , EIGHT OK TEN UOOM -L house with modern Improvements , nnd Rood Mzcd lot , located within ono tulle of the postoBlco. State price , sirs of house and lot and full particu lars byaddresalngSrtllooomco. 712 r TO I1UY CLAIMS AGAINST RAILROAD KM I plores. Webster Collection AgencySloux SOl-intI \T-LEATHElt COVBKED LI II It A UY. LOUNGE , JLi Must bo In first class conultlou and very clionp , Address V 47 , Hco. MSB ATiVANTKD , TO BUY OK EXCHANGE. HOUSE 1 > for phaeton or buggy , IMi ) Furnam. M850 TV-tt'ANTED , TO UUY CHEAP. LOT Oil HOUSE 1 > In Iledford Place or Omaha View. E. F. Klnacr , 1519 Faruarn. MjM-li' ( T WANTED. Si-UOIl9F. POWER ENGIND IN > order , complete , Address , "Engine , " SOI S. ICth streat , Omaha. bS AT HOUSE AND PHAETON. MUSTI1U GKNTLE. 1 > Address , A.M. Cowle , Hoom 4 , Ilee bldg. .W 15J S--EAKTH FOU FILLING LOT IN NOKTHEKN part of Orchard Hill. Address VC5 , lice office. M90I 19 FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETO. 1)-FOIl SALE , LAKGE FINE YOUNG HOUSE and delivery wagon ; horsorentlo and wagon nearly now ; for salu cheap. Inquire at 1'Jlii Farnam. S > 'fl l-FOItSAIB. 1SUKKEY. IHHLT UY SIMPSON : - I1 phaeton , by Drummomt ; both first-class , good u new. L. II. Korty , 2530 Popplelon. t 1)-MAKKS FOK SALE , YOUNG AND SOUND , by the car load , Address L. L. Fisher , Laneas ter. .Mo. ai315 I ) -tOOI ; ) YOUNG TEAM. HAIINESS ANI- nagoa. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. , 203 N inth t. on 17 _ TOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. - FINK I QFINK Q -FOK SALE , FINE WATER SPANIEL , 2213 Leavenworth st. U51 15 * Q-FOK SALE OH TRADE FOR FARM LANDS IN eastern Nebraska , n 85 barrel steam roller Hour mill situated at Tekamab. Neb. Thos. Crouch , 1009 llurdolto st , Omaha. VU4 17 * rj-FOHHALB , WHAT HAVE YOU FOR SALE Ol Vxexchange : send full description at once. K. F Hlnger. IMi ) Farnma. Mi.V.-lC' - BALED HAY FOR SALE IN CAI Q-PRAIRIB lots lu warehouse on track at Ashland , Neb Address P. O. box 573. Telephone No. 11. WO 20 Q -FOU 8ALK. CHEAP. LADV'd SAFF.TV III cycle , almost uew. Address V 61 , Ilee , .M 173 1C * Q-FOIt SALK , HULL TKUU1HU8 ; Sl'LKNIIH watch dors and great rermlu exterminators Julius I Mil , Dextur , lu. , bo * Ml , .Mill I 10- MISCELLANEOUS. It UAV t-'OH 8ALK. TIIK STANDAIH ) CATTK ' Co , otter l XJO ton * > ulixnvi ) , barn itoroil har for on track , A mot , Nehruik * . KLADIf.S' CAIIKD FOll DUIHNC } CONKINK- menu Mrs. llurnlti , Uaraian Graduated mldwlfo , ' ' . 16th. Ittl A 8. 1J-CANADIAN KMl'LOYMKNTOFnCK'lMWFAIt , -IVnatn , upstairs ; uialoautl fetualoh elp. Tul. SSI. 1'AI'IU.ION DIHVINU 1'AUK , O , C. SMITH. trainer and driver , Makes a specialty of break Ing and training culls , Makes n specially of treat ing hones thai i > ro suru , from hard ruads anil bad feet , llfasonkblo charges. Hoarding horiva bjr the month , &OI-M3 * OLAIBVOYANTS. S-llltS. NANMK V , WAIUIKS , CLAHIVOVA.ST reliable tutlnoji tuciilum , fifth jrear at ilJ N Ktb. tVil S-MltS. K. O , HA\\THUItN , e NOHTII 14TI treet , huvine had jeari of uzpvrlence , reaillnm of roil , prnrnt and luturo. blttlnt' " to ladle * unlr , U ) cfnu. lu a. m. to Up. m. dailr. Hun MrJI Hi * S-AllHIVAL BXTIIAUIIULNAIIV : WONDBIU'UI riTKUllunt. CualleoKei the vorlO. Mn. Dr. SI 14-crara , tloail trance clntifO/anu attruloulit lialnilit and Ufa reader : lelli jour Ufa from the cradle lo grave : iiullv * thn wiiiaralod ; cau e * tuar rlago with Ibuousjou IOTB : tollt where ron wl | uc 4 and lu what butlneia br > l adapted for ; ha IbeetiteUriteil Kvrvllau breottplalo for luck nod lo UcAtroy ba4 laftueaces ; cures du. Inleraptfrance aiul all prlratu cumpUlot > with massage , balha aadalcohul trcatoieut. bend r CO. luck of hair name uj date of birth and roci'lvo accurate llf chart : Icenla In > Umpi for clrculari sire Initial ofuneyou wlllmarrj ; also photos of aame. OtUca lun outb lltb slroot , dr ttluor ; hours. V m. lot p. m. Como our. com * all , aJud lie coaTlccod of thl woadtrful oracle. MJII lii > OLAinVOTANTS. Conlfntifd. C-MAUAMK FIIITZ. MOT t'MINO 9TIIKKT. Oclalrvornnt nnd trxnrn tno < llum ; Inaoprnrtcnl Tolc . telln pAit and tnture. twi M. ' MA S8APE , BATH8 , ETC. STOWK , MASdEuVk KLECTUICIAN omitH block. MWO la * MASPAOK TIIKATMENT , KLKCTItO-TltKll- 1 m l bnths , fcnlp ( iml hair ircMment. maolcnro and chiropodist. Mrs. I'oit.JlD a. lith.Wlthnoll Mk , ISt p-MAHAM K. SMITH , till DOb'CJI.AS 5TI1KKT , -Lroom , , Id noor. Alcohol , talphur anil roa huths. .MM I 31 * P-MADAMKI.A HUE , MASSAOB. 418 SOUTH JISth trcet. Ird floor , flat 4. mslstant. M7.W 16 * PEllSONAL. -WILL TIIK OWNEll CALL ATOM N. 1ITII u and net blcrclc. * I877 IT1 MUSIC , AKT AND \r-j , iY * i K LI. KN n KCK , HANJO TEACHKII , l with llospr. or 513 N Hto st. 1 > " r-UKFOHK IIUYINIJ A PIANO RXAMINK THE "V new ccnlo Klraball piano. A Hospc. liUDoucl.-u. "VY 2SJ -HKKOHK BUYINCI A MANO KXAMINH TIIK Y- ew BC&IO Klinbnll piano. A Uospe , 1513 Doustav MONEY TO LOAN-HE AI , ESTATB. 1.MONKY. 1ST AND 21) AVfo1.MONKY. loans , luw rates. Alex. Moore. IUI lieu building. M'lM ir-C. W. IIAINKY , 3ti OMAHA .VAT. Il'K 11LDO. ' Cltr mortgages. Lowest rates. Monor on hand. r-MONKY TO 1OAN ON IMPKOVKD CITY properly , low rate. A , C. Frost , Douglas blk. 253 \V MONEY TO LOAN ON HEAL EST TK. THE O. F. Davis Co. . IKli Farnam st SU1 \\r-KEAL ESTATE IXJAXS. CTO7 I'F.ll CENT ; ' no additional charge * for eommlolon or attor ney's fees. W. 11. MclKlo , First National bank bldg. Alt ir LOANS , W.M.HAHIIIS , It. 3U I'ltKNXKll 11I.K' > 2-J7 ir-INSUUANt'K MONIIY TO 1XJAN. Al'l'LY TO > J. 1. Lovctt. 7.1) ) S. 13th. 2U ir-CKNTUAL LOAS & TIIUST CO. 1JKB IJLDO. \\J--OMA1IA SAVINGS HANK MAKES LOANS M on real CBtato at lowest market rate * . Loans nmilo In small or large sum nnd for Dhort or long time. No commission Is charged , nnd the loans nro not sold In the rn t. but can always bo found , at tbo bauk on the corner of 13th and Douglas etroots. -1XANS , 0. G. WALLACE , 312 BUOWN 11LK > JI A\r-IXJANS ON IMPHOVED AND UNIMPAOYED ' i city property. M.OAI and upwards ! to B percent. No delays. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 15lh and llarncy. \V-LOAN. IIKAL ESTATE AND IIKNTAL AOKN- ' cy. Parties hnvlni ; city houses to rent and farms to sell ehould list them nt .oacc. Splendid farms In Logan Valley , 'Nob. , tocnle. . Eastern money furnished. Gco. W. P. Coutes , Hep. 1C1I Far nam. &S7 W-ANTHONY LOAN AND TKUST CO. , 313 N. V. Life , lends at low rates foroholca security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property. r "MONEY , MONEY , MONEY. 5IOO.WM TO LOAN In sums of fSMtb M.OJU on Improved or unim proved rosldcnco business property In the city of Jmaha. No delay In closing loans as money Is on Iiand. No dealing with eastern parties , all business transacted here and Interest pnynblo hero and not In the east , also mike building loans on most favorable terms. " Fidelity Trust Co. , Itil4 Farnam. IHJ \r-lXANA CITY IMIOPKIITY. K. NKI1. AND W. ' lown farms E. F. Itlngcr , 151'J t'arnam.M' . M' 3 n23 TV" C PKH CENT MONEY. PHILADEH'UIA ' ' Mortgngo and Trust Co. Thomas llrennnn A Co. rcpreaentatlvoa , 217 Karhach block. 172aJ MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. DO YOU WANT MONEY ! X If so do not fall to Ei-'t our rates before bor rowing. We make loans without removal or publicity , on furniture , plonoj , horaos , wagons , etc. , at the low est possible rate. There Is no unnecessary delay , but you get the money on the same day you ask for It. Wo will carry the loan as lone as you desire , glvlneyou the prlvllega of paying It In full or In part at nny time to suit your convenience , nnd any part paid reduces the cost of carrying the loan In proportion to the amount paid. Tuero are no charges of any kind to bo paid In advance , but you Ret the full amount of the loan. Our olllccs arc centrally located and are so ar ranged that parties calling on us can bo waltod on quickly and COrteously , Ifyouhave n loan with other partial , or bare bought a piano or other furniture on tlrco and IInd the payments a little larger than you can meet conveniently , we will pay U for you and carry the loan as long m you desire. It will bo to your advantage to sco us before se curing u loan. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , Hooui 11 , CreUhton Illock , 15th St. , south of Poatofflco X -3IONEY TO LOAN. FIDET/TY LOAN GUAKANTEE CO. On household goods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , nt tbe lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or change of powesslon. Time arranged to suit the borrower. Payments of any amount can bo m&do at any tlmo.reducing botli principal and Interest , thus giv ing patrons all the benefits of the partial payment plan. Call and see us when you want a loan , Money always on hand : uo delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates ; business FIDELITY LOAN GUAKANTBB CO. , U. F. Masters' old stand , H. 4\Vlthncll blk.,10th and llarncy. SUO WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF X security : strictly confidential. A E , Harris , room I , Continental block. 01 xUOD'T PU1TCUAUD , it 3 , WITHNEI.L BMC. SU2 X WHEN YOU WANT A CHATTEL JXJAN BEE W. H. l.'avls. room20 , Continental block. 309. X-f 10,000 TO LOAN FHOM 110.00 UP ON FUUNI- turu. horses or any good security. lx > west rates. Nebraska Loan Co. . Ulli Douglas street. Midi A2I X * 20,000 TO IXAN ON CHATTEL SECURITY , business contldcntlal. Hoom < 03 Karbnch block. MS52 AiiO * : -LIKB INSUKANCE POLICIES LOANED ON Oil bought. U. F. ituuto , Mass bldg , Kansas City. Mo. 4U6-M3- V-MOSEYrro LOAN , CHATTEL MORTGAGE V.30(10,00 dujo , on furniture , pianos , livestock , etc. . without publicity or removal of property , at the low citrates and the easiest payments No delay. Cash on hand. Dull Greet ) ,'J , Darker blk. BUSINESS CHANCES. YDAIKY FOK SALE. J. F. I1OCH , AMES A VE , \ - FOK SALE , THE I1EST LOCATED AND PAY- 1 Ing butcher shop In Council lllntls ; over (50 dally cash. Reasons for selling : 1'oor health : or will sell one-half to good meat man who under stands the business , Addros * M. S. , care lira orttrc , Council HUiB . M31D-1U VFOK SALE , NICE , CLEAN S3.000 TO JIJ.003 i tock of drugs In ono of the best locations In thu largest city on the Missouri river. Will take some trade. J. D. Kittle , IJrown block. WJ V FOK BALE OK TKADE. FIFTY IIAKIlEl , J-Holler mill : water power ; at JUrengo. la. Ad dress C. D. Dlllln , Neola. la. M5/113 * Y-FOH SALE , ESTAB1JSHEDGHOCEKY ; CBN- tral location ; poor health reason for selling. Apply VW , Uoo. M 95 Y-FOH SALE. ONE HALF OK THE WHOLK OF a hardware stock. Good location , Good busi ness and low rent Address Lock llox Si7 , Lincoln , Neb. M7M-'J ] Y-A njmm TO H.UXUW HTOCK OF GKNKUAL merchandise , coniUtlng of dry goods , boots , shoes and groceries , clean and well selected slock. IVIII exchange for land to tbe ralua of li.ouj OJ and the rest cash or good notes. Stock , Is Inn town of unpeople and has a tine trade. Liberal discount for all cash. Address P. O. Box No. W3 or No. S4J York , Net ) . Write for particular * . Mtxa wa V A GOOD PAUTY WHO CAN INVEST FKO1I lllll.UUO to I25.UUU can secure position with a loan and trust company , Address S1 JO , Ilee. 715 17 V A GOOD MEAT MAtlKET FOll gALB IN A J-good Missouri lown. Address F , II. Ellcnbaum , Plaltsmoutb , Neb. Mno 10 * V VOll SALE. A COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACT J- books of Crawford rounty. low * , together with a good business of abiti acts , real o tute , loan and insurance business. Address Lock Drawer' B. Denl son. lows. . V-YOtt THE CKNTHAL DKUG 6TOHK , L Geneva. Neb. Stock an I fixtures Invoice tU" .U ) . Bales 1991 , IIO.mC.OU. L'ost establltbvd itade In city , liar * cbancu for rlgbl party. Two-thirds cash , bj onoyftr. Address box3M. Genera , Neb. bi > ; t7' y' FOll SA1.K , GOOD WAGON SHOP. UUILDING oud lhrt- lots , at Persia. 1 * . Does good busl , ness : III health compels sale. For further purlieu- Urn address -Globe , " Persia. la. ki 15 > Y FOK SALIC , F11IST CLASS PLANING illl.L on Icasad ground for term of yecrs. Kew building and tuachlnery nil In excellent running order , lisl location and business opening In the city. Will bo sold vfljy cheap. U st reasons for selling. Apply lit once to C. it. Van Duyn , Uueoln. Neb. FOR EXCHANGE. " /-EXCHANGE YOUH PIIOPEKTY. BIG 1JST < Jfll or write. Alex Moore , 401 Ilee LMg. VA FOR KXCllANQE. r/-CLKAN STOCK OF llMRl.M'l'.S'Ri WILL /Jtakc real rstateJt money. Hoir.O , Frankfort. Ind. . 307 _ _ _ _ V-FOK THADB. 170.000 WOHTH OF IJNINCUM. /Jx | > red city property H nr do for farm landi within IM miles of Omaha. Ames Htal Estalo AgenqnJW Farnam St. 3M y-IFYOUHAVBAOOODUPHIOHT PIANO TO / trade for lot fi. block 1. Armour Place , South Omaha : clear of all lucuniJ > ranea. Addrtis N tj , llco oftlco. AJ MP1 _ _ V FOKTHADK. NEW fl STORY IIKICK FLAT /Jbullillnu. moilrrn. A 1 location , rents readily. Closest Investigation InvltnUprlco I25W ) . Trade equity for itnlncumbcfed vacant lots. Ames ROM Estate Agency , IWT FarnaHl trtft. , KJ / - K.XC1IASITB On' At.E. A FINE 90 UAIl" 'Jrcl roller mill on wheat nnd 191 on granulated meal for good farming land In Nebraska or Iowa ultuated tnThurman , la. Address J. s. Jones. Thur- man , la. & 57 15' _ y-JlO.000 TO J15.COO OESEKAL MEKCHAND1SR ' . 'to exchange for tirst-clnis farm In western Iowa close to good town ; will assume Homo Incum- trance : want at least K47 acres , with good Improve- Blent * . K. F. lllnger , IJI9 Furnam , M8IT 16' _ / IF YOU HAVE OMAHA PIIOPEKTY , MEK- Alchandlsoor lands for saleAjrexchaugo send full description , price , etc. ; 1 am getting out new list to tend cast. K. F. Hlngcr. 1S19 Farnain. .M&51 1C * ' /-TO EXCHANGE. AI.MMO STOCK OF 'Jlng. hati and ftmi ! hlngs. for & good "flrst mort- gneo" on Iowa or Nebraska landDoxCS , Polo. Ill , 8g6 15' _ F OR 3 ALE-R E AL ESTATE. V T HALF VALUE. LOTS. ACRES , HOMES. I1USI- tVness property. Alex Moore , 401 Dee bldg. 1C7 \\niY SHOULD YOL' PAY KENT AND AT THK same time own n vacant lot when tholldollty Trust Co , will sell you n beautiful cottage homo In l.n Faycttc place nnd perhaps take your vacant lot s-i part payment ? Cutue and see us and let us show you the cottages. CI7 _ pEAUTlFUL LAFAYETTE PLACE IS LOUATKI ) Jon > cli > on street , ono block west of Lowe ave. Six new. elegant modern dwellings , of 7 to 9 rooms each , of which four are still for sale. You cannot Jitdcuof the beauty of this terrace , or the com pleteness of the oattnges , without seeing them. Open for Inspection. Prices ren onnblo and easy terms. Cnll nt our office and we will show them at any time , whether you wish to buy or not. Owned and lor sale by Fidelity Tru t Company , Hll Farnam street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CI7 17011 SAJ.K , HOMES. ANY PII1CE , It.'fl. H.MO UP -L easy terms : take clear property a first payment G. G. Wallace , Brown block , lt > th and Douglas. AJ K. COIINEK TU AND IUCKOKY KOXl.'O 1 > .feel ; a bargain for a few days only. F. K. Dar- ling. Marker block. _ 2W _ T70H SALE ATA IIAHOAIN , IAT 15 , HLOCK 3. -L1 W. L. Sclby'a llrst addition to South Omaha , Small payment down , balance monthly If desired. Inquire G B , Tischuck , Omaha Hoc. cSt OH SALE-400 ACHE FAK.M IN 11LUE HIVBK valley , Thaycr county. 10 miles west of Hebron. Ono of the very best farms In the county ; good house , barn , granaries , cribs , etc. . and an abundance of fruit , timber and running water. Also for sale or exchange for good lands or city property , abrlcx pork packing house nnd fixtures In Hebron , Thayur county , uear II. \ E. depot. For particulars In- quero of any real estate agent In Hebron. 310 TJOMES FOll SALE. THEHB IS NO DOUIIT HUT 11 that we have thumoit satisfactory list of really desirable cottages to bo-found lu the city. Prices. range from I2WO up , nnd terms are ex ceedingly liberal. Wo bava sold nix during the tia't month and the best of our list will soon- be selected. Wo can recommend the following : 7 houses within two blocks Hnnjcoru Park , f..SOU 5 11 model , new. Porpleton Parfc , J2.UU07 Kb front , full lot. barn , etc. , Omaha Vlow (4.00U7 room E front , new nnd complete Mtti st fS.ouo La Fayetto Place , ilnest In city. Sea them. Oillco open Saturday nights. FldelltyTrustCompany , 1CII Farnain street. SijO-a.'i ] _ OK SAl/E-ON MONTIITiY PAYMENTS , SO houses i lots. The O.F. Ua'vls Co.,150J Farnam st , . Ml O12J. W TO LOAN ; St'MS OF f3.WO ( UPWARDS ; Venn place loans on nny In ldo Improved property to any amount where valueJs\l > ack of the loan. Ames Real Estuto Agency , JIU ? Farnam st. PARK HAS 'THE MOTOR. CITY MONMOUTII water , graded streets , sUlawalk. school , boautl- fullocnllon-evcrylhlugtoJnaki' It nttroctlvo. For lots or houici In this beautiful addition on easy terms sea G. G. Wallace , trustee , 312 Urjwn block , lOhond _ Douglas. > t _ 30S F ° HI SALE- HALCYON iikiairra Acres , half acres and lots O.D 'electric motor road. Also homes nnd lots In Halcyon Heights OMAHA'S iiUAirm'uti suinmn. Only thirty minutes rldo frotn center of city Easy payments , low rate of Intercut. Now Is the tlmo to secure rfhome , WllllanCU. Crary. < . 20JMEW York Llfo.nidR. Vine WILL CO.-iSlDKIl ACI.EAlt VAUANT LOT * l as part payment towardj a homo In Lafayette Place. 617 "WHY PAY KENT WHEN YOU CAN IIUYONK OF the nnejt modern cottages overbuilt on easy terms In I ifaycttu Place ? 817 TUAVE A FEW WTTLL LOCATED IXT3 ; WILl , build houses to suit you and sell on easy terms. J. D. 7.UUo , llrown block. 'SO 7OK BALE. 5-HOOM COTTAGE ( ONLY ) SITU . ated 1CH Uaril Direct Gallon A. llospo Jr. 513 D HIVE OUT AND SEE LA FAVKTTB PLACE. 617 FOK SALE. A UBAUT1FUL LOT. S2ND AND Woolworlh , park front , will build to suit pur chaser , easy terms. David Jamleton , 442 IJeo bid ? . KOUNTZK PLACE U-KOOM HOUSE. M.HX ) ; WILL take RW ( In trade , J5W In cash , balance , (3.VOO per month. J. J. Ulbaon , Crclghton Ulk , Ml 5EE LA FAYETTE PLACB 11EFOKE 11UYING a home. . G17 IWK SALE. A COIINEK LOT ON PAVED iTUEKT , aultnblo for grocer , butcher or druggist , only t30U. David Jnmleson , 442 IJeo bldg. VyANTED-nAHGAlNS LV I1U.SINF.3HESI ! - ' dence and aero properly. Address W. A. Web ster , 4UO Ueo bldi ; . C42 15 * L AGFA'S ADDrnoNTOOMAIIA.jrjSTPLATTKD It Is east of llonson on electric motor line Loin KM toHJX Terms. } S cash , balance In three equal payments , due In 2. 4 , t ! yea and 7 per cent Interest. Potter & George Co. , s w , corner Kith and Farnam. 133M9 17011 SALE , GUEAT HAIIGAIN , 1O ACHE KAIIM -L and hay lands miles from llnssett , county seat Hock county. Neb. ; fiSO cash ; como qulci. E. F. IIInter , 1511) Farnam. MS54-1C' 17OII SALE , FHOM fi TO SJ ACKES CHOICE LAND. -L caeap. Immediately west of the new driving park. Dr. LclscnrluB. M42.I pHOICB ACHES ON WEST DODGE 8TKEET ; v sultablc for gardening or homes ; 110) per acre : 5,10 or 2U aero tracts. Wright & Lnsbury , lUth and Howard streets. MS7I iTOlt SALK. K. H LOT 4 IILOCK II , HEED'S 1ST addition , : t > ! 9 Davouport St. , 5 room cottage. The O. F. Dovli Co , IKS Farnain st. WO Mil FOK .SALE HOMES IN GKAMMEKCY PA It 1C built to suit custoniorH. flu ) down , balance monthly. Go In on the ground tloor and eel choice of IOU. A. I * . Taker FOK SALE-FOUK OK FIVE GOOD COTTAGES In Cllflnn Illll on easy payments , ri.WJ to KM/JU rach. Will touo clcnr lot worth from r.tX ) to fm tin tlrbt | ay mint. A. P. Tukey , 813 New York Llfeblrtg. PAWN BROKKR3. F KKD MOULE , OFFICE IM1W FAKNAM ST. S.BNYDER'S LOAN OFFICE. 1110 DODGK ST. . M94I ttOO- \\TK UUY AND PAYTHE HIGHEST PRICES FOR 'i niTond'linnd clothing , watches , revolvers , clocks and musical Instruments , etc , 5UI N. ICtb. Mb78 21 * HAIR QflODS. IAHGBSTSTOCK IN KNTllI WEST ; THBAT Jrlcnl wlg and beards a s uclalty W lies , ban * switches , hair chains , ctajnaaad for c&talozue Mall orders solicited. Davlcsvlll S. lith s t. . Ouinlm ' i'j 31' ' LOST.I T OST AN ENGLISH MASTIFF A11OUT I -iJnionths old has a largi/iiCDllar nlth brass lock. Tbu Under will receive roMurd by returning to 1) . M. fitccl A Co , rl B2S-I9 , MANUFACTURING , JEWELERS. ( HASH PAIDFOKOLIGOliS ) ; CAHSON & BANKS V-/room 3i. Barker block , OuAua. 8U Notice to l'rc < pijty ( Owners. You are lioroby nottBua.thnt the IiaaU at earth ( in lot 10 , ilcCandlilUI'luco , has bocn < le- clurcd by urtllnunco No. < H > 1 to bo iiulsunce. Vou nro hereby U looted t > f nbutu said iiuU- anco by craillne said ban pl earth down to iil > out tliu level of tliuiHiirroundltis streets within thirty days from MM ( lulu of tills nell tice , or Hnld nulnunco will bu ubutod Oy the olty iiuthorltlc-i anU the t-xneniu theruof levied as : i Epoclnl tax nxalntt the property oil which sula nulbiinco cxUU , Uutcd at Omaha this IMti day of Anrll. liOi. 1' . W. lllllKIIAUSKIU Chairman llourtl of 1'ubllo Works. A15-1C-1S. ProjiiituU for Street Eonlrd bids will bo received t t ho comp troller's oIllco up to 1 u m. Aurll 2u.JbU2.for in liking anil plaeliiB two street signs at each street inlerhoctlinis , glrnz | ( hu iiumca und iiiiiiitioriot stroou. A certlfiuU check of 1100 to urcuiiip.tny OHch bid. Tlio city council ro- torvci the right to reject , uny or ull bldi. TUEOUOHE OLSEN , Cotuplrollcr- A'OdTt IOI-6EHD FOR CATALOGUE. ICO * MTIO . . . . . k. t rnnlna mu. - * " rl w. a wv E , c , MEACHArii AR i'slcaTsfrouislfca PRINCESS KICKAPOO. , PURE BLOOD , PERFECT HEALTH. " By the peculiar searching and cleansing qualities of this great medicine it expels like magic all poisons from the system. No one need suffer from blood disorders who will give the celebrated compound Kickapoo Indian Sagwa a fair trial. It is simple , harmless , yet powerful and unfailing ; prepared from herbs , roots , and barks gathered by the Indians. Its ingredients are Blood = making , BIood = cleansing , Lite = sustai n i ng. It Is the , orWnnl , . InJIsn . remMy for . the hlood , Kickapoo Indian Cough Cure stomach liver kl.liifyi. and Ixiwch.ln common use for a hundred yearn or more , f 1.00 a buttle. Sure and quick relief from coughs and All drucglsti. colds. 50 cents. REM 1 iM C TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , 1607 Farnam Street , OMAHA RH1LWHYT1MB CHRP Leaves lUUKLINtiTO.N A. MO. UIVKlt. | Arrives Omaha. I Depot 10th and Mason Sts. ] Omaha. ! > , . " < 0 a ml. . . . Kansas City Day Express. . . .I i > .ai p m 9.4.1 p mJK. C. Nlu-ht ETU via L' . P. Tram I B.tO a m leaves j UNION J'AUlFlci [ "Arrives Omaha. | Union DopotlOth nndMarcy Sts. | Omiiha. 8.30 a m lleatrlce Express 7.0U pu 10.00 a m Denver Express 5.0) p m 3,16 p m OveriandFlyer. 0.15 p m 4 .SO p m lllnoSp'gs * FalrncldExex Sun ) 12.5 Ip m 6.30 p in Pacific Express 11.2J u m Uolng CHICAGO. Iw I. ft PACIFIC. I From East. Union Depot 10th A Marcy 8t , | Kq t. 1U.U ) a ml Atlantic Express ti.U ) p m ( .05 p m Vustlhulo Express 1.10 p m 6.10 p m | Night Express y.(3 a m Going I CHICAGO. U. I , & PACIFIC , I From West. lUnlon Do pot 10th nnd Marcy BU. | l.-JJ p ui Denver Limited 13.40 p m 7.05 p m Denver Express 17-W a m 9.00 a m . .Kansas City Except SundayC.5 ) | ; ! p m leaves ICHICAGO , MIU A ST. l'\tlArrive ( rOmahal U. P. depot and Marsy fcts. | Omaha 0.20 p ml Chicago Express | 'J-'I } a m l.OJ p m | Chicago Express. ( & . .ip m 1-cavcs I SIOL'.X CITY \ PACIFIC. ( Arrives Oroahal Depot. IBtli and Marcy Sts. I Omaha 7.20 a ml Sioux City Passenger | U' ' Jp m S.35 p m | St. Paul Express | lu.0ln ) m Loaves I KIUI'.X CITY A PACIFIC lArrlvus Omaha ! Depot. 15lb and Webster sts. I Oraibi 8.4S p ml at. I'oul Limited | i.2J ) a m Leaves ( CHICAGO 4 NOKTUWKSTKllfilArmo ! OmahalU. P. depot. 10th and Marcy Ms I Omaha Leaves I OMAHA & ST. LOUIS. ( Arrtvcj OmahallJ. P. depot. 10th and Marey 8t . | Omaha 4.10 p ui | St. Ixiuls Cannon Hall | l2-'lip m F. , E. A Ml ) . VALLEY. I Arrlvoi Omaha ) Depot. 15th and Wehslor SU , Omaha 9U > n m Deadwood Evpresi I .V2J ji m iUX ) n m ( Ex. Sat ) \Vyo. Bxp. ( Ex. MOD. ) 5.S1 p m bM p m Norfolk ( Ex. Sunday. ) Ill.lJn m 0. < i p ra St. Paul < I i'.2'i n m Leaves I li , aT. I' . , M. i O. lArrlvoi Omaha Depot , 15th and Webster SM I Omaha leaves I OMAHA & ST. IXJUlri. Arrlres ansfy | Union.Depot. Coiincll UluJi. Transfer 4. < 0 < | : . . . . . . Louis Canon Pall IU.IJ p m SIOUX CITV A PACIFIC. lArrlrei Transfer ) Union Depot , Council Mult. ( Transfer 7.4 * n m ! .Sioux City Accommodation..IIC.OO p ra SJM p ml SI. Paul Kxprsss | 9.IJ n m Leaves CUICAIiOA NOIlTIIWKsn'KIINlArrlToi Transfer Union Depot. Council lllults. ITranifer 11.01 p m Chicago Express 6.30 p m MS p m Vestibule Limited ) a m 10.U ) p m .Eastern Flyer LSI p u 8.00 p m ( Ex bat ) AtUntlD Mall ( Kx Mon ) 7JJ a m T.lO a ni Carroll l'ai tngor , 1000 p m SIDEWALK NOTICE. Notice U hcroby tjlvon to the owner or own- on of the following real t-stato. In the city of Omalm , to lay nnd rfimlralcjowallisln front of nnd Hcljoliilnn tholr property within llftoen (15)duri ( ) > rroiiithu 16th dny of April , I W , Such sldowalka to be constructed repaired and laid In accordance with plans an'l Mioelllcatlons on Illeln thooincoof the Hoard of I'nbllo Works , autl In nccorUancu with resolution * adoptud by the city council , viz : West slue of 3 111 street , tax lot M , soc. 10-15- I'J , Gfeetwldu. Kitst ildo of With street. Ioti39,3i. , S\t \ Ilurr Oak. 6 feel wide , pnrmnnent ernde. Kasl sUloof ) th ctruot. lota 7 , 8 , l' , 10. 11 , 12 , Ilutigk' tiubof llurr Ouk , C feet wide , perma nent gtnde. East iido of 'J0th street , blocks 2 , S , 0 , I ) u pout Place , 0 tout wide , permanent xrarlo. West side of iOth itrcul , lots H. U , 10 , blocks , Ambler , 6 fuel wldo present crade. West lido of 41st avenue , lots 1 nnd " 3 , block 20 , Ponuleton I'-irk , G feet wldo. present erudc , GHStvldeof IDtlibtreot , loU T toll Inclusive , blook 1 , Okuhomu Park , i feet wide , tempo rary trade. West Klrtu of 19th utrcot , lots 1 to B Inclusive , block % Oknhonia I'ark , i feet wide , tempo rary erode. Westildeofanlnroiiuo , loU 1. 2. 3. 11 n , 11. Heiulngton'dkubof lota 1U and ttl , Ouu's add , 6 feet wldo. present crado. Wet side of astb. street , lots t to 9 Inclusive. bio-If I" . Stiintoti's sub West Oimthu , 0 feet wide , present cradc. Knst sulo of Kith struct , lots ! 9toTll Inclusive , block 10 , West Omaha , 0 feet wide , present crude. West side of 40th street , lots 1 to 8 Inclusive. blocK ; t , Thornbur Place. 0 feet wide , present Erade. South side of Uouihis street , lot 4 , block 111 , oil } ' . li foot wide , perinunent grade. Isorthsldo a * Ami's avuntic , lot 7 block 4 , Collier , s foul , wide , established urado. KnstsldKOt UJtliMtroet. lota 10. 11 , 18 , block t. llorbach's "nil add. 0 feet wide , perinunent grade. West side of SOtli street , lot 8 blocks , Hor- -li's-nil add , n feet wldr , permanent urade. Ka > t side of iMth street , lots 11 ! and I.I. I'rank- lln square , r feet wide , permanent izrudu. Wcit side of ailh street. ta\ lot -JIJ , sec. 10-15- 13. fi foot wide , permanent ( 'rarte. North side of Uuk street , lots 12 nnd 1.1 block 2ii , U'llcuVs 2nd mid , J feet wide , temporary grade. North Ride of Oak street , lot 27 , block CO. VVIlcox's -nd adu , 4 feet wide , temporary grade. bomb side of Canton or H street , lots 2 ! to 30 Inclusive. O.ik Hill No. ' . ' , G feet wldo tempo rary grade. Smith side of Canton or II street , south Vi of lotllof the subdivision of the N W U ofthu ri H U of sco. ai-5-13 ] , G feet wide , teniporiiry grnde. South side of California street , lots 1 to 1.1 In clusive , blocK 1. Ilrcunan I'luce. U feet wide , temporary grade. South side of Popplcton avenue , lot 2J. block S. flanscom L'luce. G fool wide , permanent , grade. East sldoof : Urd street , lots 12 to23 inclusive block S. Ilunscom Place , U feet wide , perma nent grade. West Hide of IGth street , lots 1 to 0 Inclusive , block 7 , Hazel Terrace. 4 feet wide , present grndo. South side of 1'liolps street , lots 12 to 20 In clusive , Oak Hill.4 feet wide , present ratio. South side of Pheltis street , lots 1 , G. ' , 8. ! > , 10 , 11. Oak add. 4 feet wide , present grade. South .side of Cuinlng street , lots 2 nnd 3 , block 4 , West Cumlng , G feet wide , present grade. Smith side of Uumlng street , lots 1 , 2 , 3 , block 1 , KoMter's add , G feet wide , present grade. South side of Cumin ? strnet , lots I- . . ' ! . 4f , block S , Koster' * udd , G feet wide , present g rad e. West side of Olh street , north ' -5 of lots 4 and 5 , block 7U , city , ( I feet wide , present grado. North side of Hamilton street , east Vi of lot 7 , block 3 , Orchard Illll , 0 feet wide , nrcsont grade North side of Military avenue , viaduct across licit rallwav. West Hide of 43th street , block I , West Side , i foot wide , temporary grade. Knhtsiduot : ind street , lots 14 , 15. H 17block 0. Ilunscom I'lticc , t ! feet wide , purmanonl grade. KEPAIK OLD WALKS. North side of lllomlo street , lots 2 to G inclu sive block- Parker's add. North sldo of ( Hondo strot , lots 2 , 3 , 4 , block 2 , Parker's add , Westsldo of 0)th ) street , lot 50. block 20 , Wll- cov'ii2iid add. South sldo of Martha street , lot 1 block 12 , Improvement association add. South sldo of Ilaneroft street , lots l.r > . 10. block 10 , Wilcox'sSnU add. South side of Muplo si root , lots 4 , . " > . G , 7 , 8 , block I , A. S. I'.itrlck'sarid. Wests dc of null street , lots 1. 2. 3 , block 8 , A. S.'sadd. West side of 25th street , lot 105 , Olse'i nnd. Kast sldo of 2'lh ntreet. t.ii lot 17 , sec.l5l.'i West side of 2111 h htreet. tax lot H sec. MB-13 North sldo of I'opploton.ivenue , tots 15 , IG , 17 , block ir , Shnll's 2nd n'ld. Kast sldo of ' 'Jlh street , lots 14. 15 , 10.17 , IS , I'ranUlIn i-quare. Kast hide of 20th street , lots I , 2 , 3 , Hcnzon's North sldo of Ohio street , lots 10 , 11,12 , block C , Denl u's add. South side of Charles street , loU 1.3. 4 , blocU. 7 , Shlun's add. P. W. DlllKIIAUBKIt , Chalrmnnof Hoard nf Public Works , Oiniilm. April l.Mh. IbiK. al.VlG-H PROPOSALS FOR PAVING UONDS. Sealed "bids nmrked proposal * for trmirj bonds will bu received at the ollicn of the city tronsiirer of Omaha. Nob. , ui > to Vi o'elo.-k noon of the 2-ith day of April , l J. ' . for the purchase of f O.lOO.OO oavln- { bonds of the city of Omiiha , Neb. , dated May 1. I8'J. ' , payable 20 yea n after date , 5 pur cent pur annum , payable soml-annnully ; principal uni Interest payable at ICountzo llros. , Now Vork Deiiomliiation of bonds. H..OJ.ujoauh. Rich bid must stuto prlcu and amount soir-ilit for nnd Include nccruod Interest to date of doll v ery nt Omnhu. Not ) . The right la reserved to reject unr and all bid a. Issued under charter power of cities of metropolitan clabs inn ordhmnco No..V/.1 , approvmi March S3.1t'J2. UL'Nlty HOLLN , M2Gd3UM City Treasurer. NOTICE TO SKLKCT MATERIAL FOU PAVING. To the ovtnors of Icitu and liinda frnntlns upon street Improvement district No. 417 , com prising Leavciiworth street from the wes 11 no of Ifith street to the west line of suih ave nuu In tlio city of Omaha und Hiibjeut to as KogjiiiGnt for tlio repaying of the name. Vou are hereby notified In pursuance of nr- dlnnnco No. 3UI3 , patsutl Rinl approved Apr ! 13. lir. ' , to select and determine upon thu kliu of material to bo uted In paving and repaying said linproYi'inonlilhtrlct on or beforu Jloy I'J , 1)49. ) ' , or the city council wilt determine tali ] Dated at Oinahu , thU 14th duy of April. IS93. 1' W. IlimUIAUSKK , Chuirnmn of the Hoard of 1'ubllo Works. April II. 15. it ! . PROPOSALS FOR SILVER BONDS { -'onled bids marked ProposuU for Hewer Bonds will be received at HID ollico of the a y treasurer of the city of Umulm. Nob. , up t o o'clock , noon , of theSJth day of April , It'A ! tar the putchasoof f.VOW.03 sewer bonds of thu city of Omabo , Not ) . , dated May 1st , ! > . ! , puy- ubFo2JytnHuflcrilatu. Interest 5 per uunt pur annum , payable > aml-nnnually. Princi pal and Interest payabtu at Kountzo llros. Now Vork. Donomlaatluu of uouds. I.W.i.Oi each. Kacli bid must state price nnd ainoum sought ( or and Inoliidd accrued Interest up to date of dolUcrr at Omuha , Neh. 'I ho rlcht l ! reserved to reject uuy und nil bids. Utuec under charter power of cities of the metro politan class and ordinance No. SMI. apurovct llflrch 3. lti < J3. UKNItV IIOLLN. City Treasurer , cunsED ron nis PAINS. fhrrllT Itrnnrlt ] ln < nn ETprrlrnrr SltiiiK In Nrw York , ' Sheriff Bennett rcturnoJ yc'stonlnr ir.ornlne from Now Yom city , to which jilaco ho wenl wlthMrs. Mr.Mahon , the Insnns woman wtio decided a few \\TOKS ago upon making tlili city her homo. Upon rcnchltiR New Vork the shorlft nt ODCO escorted tUo noamn to the homo of a slsicr , a Mrs. Murray , residing at 420Vcst Twcnty-slith street , wucro ho received a royal welcome. The homo of the sister \vn In n touch locality. In a tenement row coil' tatnlng nrurly 300 frunltlo. , nll of whom \vor tough citltous being sailors nnd river peoplo. When tilaccd In iho Ioucla < i county Jnll .Mrs. MrMahon hail f.M. A portion of tula money \\-nt used In purchasing tl.o ticket to Now York. This fact was mentioned to th Murrnys and then their nnqor rcp.chnl vvlilto heat point , 1 hey ocmatuled Its re turn , nnd upon tlio sheriff entering-n uroloat , a number of nailersvoro called la to compel n illsgorccmcnt. Still Iho sheriff protcntod , uul revolver in hand bcked out of the prom- sas whilu curses ami throats followed hint. "Llfo hits boon % bunion to mo for the pnst iO years on account of crcnt sufTorlnp Ironi " vor.v severe anil frequent hondaches"nradv , < crotlno Has done wondori for mo. I am now a now man , anil shall proclaim tbo merits of votir medicine to all 1 cnu reach , " ticurgo i' . Fowler , attorney nt Inw , 1'aUtka , Fin. NO STEPFAT1IER IN IlEHS. Miiuil lllrhnriN dors tn the County Jail Jtathrr Tlinii Huliirti lltitno. Maud Uiclmrtls Is a vor.v pretty girl about 17 years old , but she 1ms tmulo up her mind to KO to the bad as fast as the Lord and .Imlco Uorka will let her. She appeared In pollco court yostorJar and was asked to cheese between the county ) nll anil goiiiR homo with her mothnr whey , y s thcro begging her iluuphtjr to go homo. jho chose the county Jull. Tlio niothur liai been living at IfiU'J Howard struct , but Maud spends most of her litno in the society of du- .iraviul women. She claims that the county nil is n blessed relief after Iho Ufa she has od nt homo with her mother and stepfather. I'nlmi Kuoiiiimy 3 practiced by mnnv people , who buy In- rorlor articles of food because cheaper than standard Roods. Surely Infants uro entitled Lo the boat food obtainable. It is a fact that the ( .Sail Borden ' "Eagle" Brand Condensed MilK is the host Infant food. Your grocer and drugplst keep It , Tlirndoro Tlionnin Coining to Oiunlia. After much correspondence on the part of the Apollo club , arrangement ! huvo liually bocn complotcd for the appoaranca hero of Mr. Theodore Tbotnas and his entire orches tra at Uoyd's theater on Tuesday and \Voanesdny , May 10 and II. In addition to the proat orchestra of ilfty- four membors.tho services of the popular vo calist , Ocnevra .lolmstono , lilshop ami the celebrated pianlste , Mine. Dloomfriold- X.ulsler uuvo been secured. Wonderful results follow the usn of Piso'i Cure for Consumption. Coughs quickly yield. All druggists. ic. Or IntcrvHt tn IOK Oivnprn. Owners of dogs which they wish to preserve - servo through the hot season , the arrival o ( which is not yet dlspalred of , nro notitlcd that the city treasurer has the necessary tags for ' 1)2. ) John Spocrl will preside over tno destinies of both pound and dog pound. Ha live nt'Jtin Lonvunworth nnd has his pound nt Hoffman's baru on Eighteenth street , near Howard ; telephone No. 5. The dog pound will remain near the Jones street dump. Bo surs and use Mn. Winslow's Soothing Syrupf ryour cUildroa kV nlj uitai.i . Ui cents a botllo. TIII : ISIAITY si INSTRUMENTS placed on rosorJ April 13 , JLW W J VnnApriinm to .1 II Ivlliott , lot 21. block : i. Hawthorne add $ OM Emniett Hume to .1 II Klllott , lot 1C , block 11 , Clifton Illll 600 Isiine Doupla" ; and wlfu HX K Mav , lot 21. block 4. Miintnouth nark 630 Kllon Walt.s and husband to Ulnra Illll , GOjt21ft com nt pt f.Sft s of tie cor lot I , bloc.0. ! Waterloo 500 Henry GDodman and wlfo to Frank Gmthv , et al. lot 1C , block 3 , Kxchan u place 3,000 Martin WiiKnnd wlfo to J I'Malluudor , lot I. Holmes adil 700 C K Morln and wife to T F O'llrlen , lo : 2 , b ock 1504. OiU'ihu 10,000 J C Kobliison und wlfeto (7 P Coy , undH lot' ' , block " 11 , " Itedlord ndd 740 .Mary Ihvyor to Edward IJwyor , lot L lilock 5. KountzeM adil 1 W M Stewart ana husband to S 1 > .Morse , lot 111. hlocl < \\Vstriido ! 50 Northwestern Investment company to S 1C Sp.iuldins. lot 2 , bio -k 2. lots lu and 22. block 'i. Iota block 7 , lot , 4 , block 8 , Crulphtnn Heights 3,750 Mead Investment company to Uarld .latnleson , lots 10 and II. b.ockS. Hans- coin ulaeu. oVi lot 2i ) and w 10ft Int.'il , Hickory place , anil w Lift of o 57ft nub lot Uof tax lotf ln-15-li ! ) : I Western Investment comp'iny tti W J Maxwell , trustee. Siiyxi. ! feel rotn- iix'nclnK at sw corner lot 4 , block 7 , Swoosy'sadd 18.COO guir CLVIU OKIDI. L > V Weymullcr to Virginia Snouffer. lots Hi to 21 , block 1 , Kast Umaha park. 2,700 K K I'aptnn and wlfo to O II .Minor , s 23 fuel lot li blocks , Koitnlzu's Ithndd. . 1 Frederick Volzmunn and wlfo lo City of Umaha. MX r > fitiit eommenulns at .so corner lot C block 2) , CroJIl 1'onclur ipart of I'inc street ) 71 ALKoedut al to Public , ? J3xC foot , conniieiH-Inu 00 feut w of sw corner lot ID. block 2. Campbell' * add ( hiiln : Mar tha street ftom Twenty-first to Twen ty-fourth street * ) 2 William Col fax to W L Milby. lot 15. Al- tirUht und Ayleswoith's add 1 0 W Mulntlro mid wlfo to I' A niltli , lots : ' , n.y , IU. block 110 ; lot.1 , block m : lot 10. block 114 ; lots ! ) , U. K > . H ) , block 115 ; lot IS. block IIS ; lots.1 nnd I ) , blouk * 12- ; lots N , IT , 19 , block. KM. Uitndeo plucureUlc ( ) 1 Total amount of transfers , H',0J TDKOI'OSAI.S FOU INDIAN IBUI'I'MI'.H AND L transportation. Department of the Inter- on , Ulllci ) of Indian Affilrs , Washington , April : ' , IS ) . ' . Pealed prop'Hulh. cndorsud "I'ro- posals fur lleef , ( bids for bi-iif must be submit ted In separate enveiope i. llacon. Flour , Clothing or pnrlntloti. etc. , " ( an tha ea > > o may be ) , and illreetcd to thn CVmmUslonor of liiillnn AlTulrs. Nos. 5unri i > Wnoiterstruut. New York , will Ijo rccclvnd until 1 u. in. of TiicJuy. May : i. I . ft. , for furnishing for thu Indian j-crv eo nlmut 70).unu ) pounds bacon , 3. , < K , < m pountU beef on th hoof , 2b KUOJ ) pound.4 net beef , sn.UJ ) potinds buani , 7J.OOJ pounds baking ponder , 2,3.0,001 pounds corn , r > 10.0,0 pounds I'oiroo. U.O'JU , .0 ponndb Hour , 7'J.O 0 pound s feed. 'Jao n.ird broad , 40. ' OJ pounds lioininy.lW.OXJ pouniU l rn.V > ) liur- els pork. 15.UJJ pounds , OTO.W ) pounds oils , H ' ,00) pounds rice , 22.0"0 pouada ton , IsO.O U pounds co rso salt. I20.03J ponndi linn salt , 2W.OOO iwunds soap. l.DW.WJ pijumU suar , and Iif.ioo ' pounds wheat. Also , bliink- CIH , woolen .ui'l ' rotten ifnod , ( conslstlni ; la pailof tluklni. , Rtxx ) ynrJi ; stntidar.l calico , ui.uoi yards ; drllllni 1U.IKXI yardn ; duck , free from nil sizing , 3jl03 y.trJs ; ( leiilnn , ID.tW yards ; KliiKhums , 300.000 yariN ; ICenliieky jeans , 8,5 Oyardi , ; ohiivlot. .OWyirils : ; brown -.hcetlnz. 2IO.UJI y.-inltt Meieliod slioothm , 3XOUI yurds ; lilckory Klilrtlnt ; , 2 > UOO yards ; calico khlrllnp. U,0 < 0 ynrilb ) : clothing , twor- les , imtlonii , hardware , medical supplfui. school iHioks , etc. , and u Inn ; ; list ofmUcel- luneousartleloi. mich ns harnesn , plows , raues , forks , utcnml for about ria wnaons rtxiulrud for thn service , to bo delivered at Chlcaio , Kansas Ulty and cioux Ulty. Also lor such wagon * a tuny bo reijuircd , aduptiul to the cllmatoof the I'aclUc coast , with California brakes , delivered at can FruucUco. Also transportation for such of tha nrtlelo-i , goods and Hiippllcs that may not ha rontruetca forte to bo delivered at thu uzonclcs. HidK must ba made out on Kovcrniuout bliinkg. l-'chellules showing the klnua and ( luantltlei of aubU- tencniiupplleH ropulrcn for each aRoncy and school , nnu thu kinds ndquantities In BI-O-.I , of all other Roods and articles , together with blank jiroposaU , coiaitlonn lobe observed by blduani , tfinu and place of delivery , terms of contract untl payment , IraLBporlutlou route * mid allothor ne.-e stry : liutructloni will lie furnished upon application lo the Indian ON lieu tn Wabhln-jton , or Not. at mid f > \Voostnr btrtsot. Nuw Vork : tha Commissaries of Sub- dUtunou , U. S. A. , nt Cheyunno. Chicago , liuavonworth , Omaha. Hitlnt Lou < v , tialnt I'aul , und fan Franclscoj the Postmasters utSioux City. Iowa : Vankton , Huuth Dakota ; Arkun. htiH City , Culdwull , Topeka and \VIehitn , Kun [ bus. und TuHfon , Arizona. The rl-'ht U reserved served by tlioaoverumonUorejoot a 117 and al- bids , or uny purl of any bid , und thojo propo sals are Invited uudiir proviso that upiiroprU- tlou khall be made for the supplies by conj prusi. lildH will hoouunod nt Ilia hour ano dayabovuntutud , and lilddcrii arc luvlUxl t bu present at the opening. Certified chucks. AH bid * must bo ucoonipunlcd by certified vhookH or drafts upon bomu United dutcn lo- posttory or thu 1'nt Nk'.lonul Hank oftiun I'ruiielseo , Pal. , for at least flvo p r cent of the amount of the propaxtL T , J. .MOKUAN , CouimlJilonor. A7d21ttu