THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : iftjVTUUDAY , APRIL 16 , 1892 , f I XTtT PIT/MI Tlir' TMIMIT Tin CAN T CATCH THE FARMERS "Western Agriculturists .Would Not Accept Prce Coinage Theories , l\ EXPLANATION OF A NEBRASKA DEMOCRAT Hon. J. HtcrlliiB Merion Kxprevnc * I Opinion 1'rroly Aliiint tlin 1'iillry of III * I'urtr lit Homo Why They Itcjoct tlin Itlen. WASIMNOTOX ntmr.AU OF TIIF. . B'l Dili FOUIITP.ENTH STIIBBT , , > WASIIINNTOX , D. O. , April IB . , I "Yes , I suppose the notion of the NobrnsKfi democrats m tholr slate convention the other dny , when they turned down n free colnnjo plunk hy a InrRO majority , was a Brent nurpriso In the east , where the idea appeared to prevail that the democrats of my state were simply a pack ot Tools. " Those were the words of ox-Governor J. Sterling Morton , ono of Nebraska's most distinguished democrats , employed In do crlb'tiR to Tun DEB correspondent today his opinion ot the sentiment on U > o free coinngo ' of silver nuostlon In the w'o.t. ! CSovornor Morton nrrlvod In Washington trotn Nebraska braska last nignt nnd will remain over Sun day , when ho proceeds to Now Yort ; He said further In hU conversation today : "Tho democrat * as well us othorlovol-honded men In mv state want n sound curronuy. Oar ( armors want nothing nut par value for their nroaucts. They uon't want nionoy worth loss than n dollar for any purpose. Above till the farmer Is the most Interested in u sound currency , for no cannot escape calamity like n banker , merchant or capital ist uun'who is at the icat of llnauclal trans action. " "What is your opinion ns to how Iowa lands upon the subject of free coinage I" No I'nvors fur I'ron Coinage. "Iowa , " said Governor Morton , "is stronger against free coinage than Is No- brasku. The loading men of both parties In both states oppose free coinage and both itates uro overwhelmingly against free coin- ago. Why , I do not know n man In Nebraska over 60 yours old wlio favors free colnngo of liver. 1 ho advocates of the craze are the younp man who run after theories. " "Is there much interest taken in free coin age at thlu tlmo in Nebraska ! " "No , not hitlf as much as thcro uas a few IE on ths ago. The farmers were the ones to bo caught hy free cotmico. It was proposed to give them silver gnlorn to pay oil their inorlJi\L'Os , but they would not bite. They soon learned that whenever there are two mot tils in circulation as money the baser goes Into tholr hands , Into tbo hands of the common people , und the better motnl goes Into the pockets of the mliors and the foreigners. If wo hnd free coinage , Europe would buy nil wo had to sell , pay us In silver and soon we'd have nothing but a depreciated currency. Our people have soon learned that familiar scriptural admonition , 'By cvhutsoovor you mote It out will It bo meted to you again.1" "Will the democrats again Join the allmncd In'Nebraska and return the domo-ulltanco members to the house now here ( " "No , the democrats have had enough of political capons. I do not bcllovo either of our two alliauco members of congress will bo returned. " Governor Morton believes the farmers have grown weary of political bombast and that they will prefer to vote for men sound upon llnanco and other great lsucs rather than for men who support theories only. Nubruskii's Curoul 1'ruductlou. The figures which were reached by the census ofllco a few days ago concerning the corcal productions of Nebraska were us much ot a surprise to Mr. John Hyde of that state , who is in cbarpo of the division having supervision of those statistics , as they were to anybody else , the corn crop exceeding by Cti,000,000 bushels the estimate of the Depart ment of Agriculture. Ton counties in" the southeastern part of the state produced as much corn in the census ns did the entire state in 1870. Forly-throo counties carli raised from ii.OOO.UOO to 11,000,000 bushels "of corn , Ungo county standing at the head witn 8OWl ( > .i bushels. Keainoy county led in the production of wheat , Flllmoro in that ot oats and Otoo m barloy. The average yield per ncro of tbo ten dif ferent crops was as follows : Barley , iiJ.O ; buckwheat , 70.1 ; corn , UU.4 ; oats , 2'J.IO ' ; rve , la-UJ , und wheat 1II.'J3 bushels. Hail is re ported ns having destroyed the crop In portions tions of Boone , Buffalo , ( Jhoyonuo , Qarllold , Greely nnd lied Willow counties. The average - ago yield per ncro in the newer counties iu thu west end of the state is somewhat lower or t ho general slate averages , gratifying as they arc , would have been still higher. The Increase in tboacroncoand production of oats is oven more remarkable than that of corn , being upward of COO percent. Mr. J. M. Hyatt of Alma Ik In charge of the cereal in vestigation under the direction of Mr. Hyde , both boinij Nebraska men. The state inny bo sure it will not sulTor at tholr bauds. Nebraska will staud at least fifth and possioly fourth lu rank among the great cereal producing states of the union in the present census. Dctcmlcrs ol the Nutlon In Wiint. Senator Mandorson has received a sot of preambles and resolutions from the Uniform Veteran llopubllcau club and from Farragut Post , Urnud Army ol tbo Republic of Lin coln , against the passage of any act appro priating money for the entertainment of visitors to the Grand Army of the Republic annual encampment hero next fall. Thov hold llialthoru are hundreds of thousands o'f honorably discharged union soldiers who nro unable to ot pensions from congress although suffering from want , and that this precedent of making appropriations for prl- vuto put poses should not bo jnado , that thu money hud bettor bo applied to the amollora tiou of needy indigent soldiers. They en dorse heartily the manly course of Senator Paddock In opposing the appropriation. This bill , having passed the senate before the re ceipt of these resolutions , there is no way in which the senator can alvo them point or forcu unless they are returned to tbo posts for transmission to the appropriate house committee or send them direct tc Uoprcscntattvo ilrynn. The bill In which this appropriation appears Is ou the pon\cer's \ ' desk lu the house , The bill makes appropriations for the District of Columbia , of which Holman of Indiana has cbargo. The measure will soon bo called up from tbo speaker's desk for concurrence In the senate amendments , ono of which is the Grand Army of the Uopubllo provision , and , \v ben thu bill is before the house , use will no doubt bo made of the resolutions forwarded to the NcbrnaUa senator , provided It ntoaso * Itvpre- cutatlvo Bryan to do so. MUrellanooug. Assistant Secretary Chandler today raodl < ' fled tbo decision of the commissioner' lu the land raso of James B. Holmes nqalast Wil liam H. V. Dillon , from McC'ook. The coin mlaslonor bold Dillon's homestead entry foi record subject to Holmes' right to make Him ! proof on his tiling. Assistant Secretary Chandler holds that Holmes has the prloi and batter right to the land and that Dillon's final proof eliotiM bo rejected and bis entry cancelled. Hu ruvnrsou the decision In the rollnquUhmoni contest of Ernests. Turnoi against Ellsworth D. Palno and Christian i Voss , from Cbudron , holding that Turner's entry shall remain intact. General J. C. Cowln loft tonight for New York. William B. Iluphos , U. S. A. , Omaha , la t the Kbbitt , Miss Lena Shoup of Idaho Is at Wlllarils , 1C. J , Ulch ot 1'ttris , Idaho , hat the Amerl- can. can.Keglstor Clark of tbo Lincoln land office loft for home tonight. Ho wilt stop over n couple of days ut Wheeling , W. Va. , cnroiito. lion , Joun M. Tburstau of Nebraska came down to Washington from Now York this morning , spent the day hero nnd returned to Gotham tonlehu Ho will go to bis home within a wuok or ton uavs. Tbo bond of Vnnu P. Phillips. United States land register at Waturtown , H. IJ. , irrivcd this morning and tvnj Immediately ipproveil and ho was dlrooled by wire tc tntcr upon his duties today , W. H , Whlto was today appointed post master at Borkln , ICuya Pnhi county , Nob. , vleo It. K. Dutton , rc lgnod ; A. J. Klllott ai Klk Creek , Lawrencn county , S , JX , vlco O W. Hurlbut , roiUued. The IIm assistant postmaster general hai again , after lull and fair consideration , do dined to glvo Increased sorvlca on the mm' ' route from O'Neill to Darkey. Thu second posttnnitor general 1ms con < cludoJ to act favorably upon the Inspector1 ! report couc-jrulnjf thu relocation of Ui South THE MORSE DRY GOODS Co. GRAND EASTER OFFERING OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S PRING GARMENT This department is a spcciilty with us , and contains a largo' assortment than any garment department in this country. Any lady who wishes to buy a garment of any kind neglects her best interests if she Jails to examine our IMMENSE slock before purchasing elsewhere. Ladies' Tan Cheviot REEFERS At Only 5.QQ Ladies' Fine Quality BOX COATS At Only $7.98 Ladies Military Capes At Only 9.OO Ladies' .f U < t' < C-O Paletot Capes At Misses' Box Coats At Only .00 Omaha postodlco and place it on the prom ises of P. J. Bock on Twenty-fourth street. Assistant Secretary Chandler has nfllrinca the decision of the commissioner In tbo tim ber culture contest of John Klein against Alice Bochot from Aberdeen , S. D. , dismiss ing the contest. P. S. H. bOVTll O31.1II.I. Arrangement * for 1'astcr. Easter Sunday will bo observed with ap propriate ceremonies at the First Presby terian churcli. The church will bo beauti fully ornamented with flowers and an inter esting musical program , consisting of soloa , ducts , quartettes and choruses , will bo ron- dorod. Following the morning service will bo the reception of new ministers and the sacrament of baptism. The choir will be composed of the following well known vocalists : Sopranos , Mrs. W. H. Sago , Miss Jean Mullen ; altos , Miss Emma Wood , Mrs. Goorco Klsor ; tenors , J. C. Corley. O. U. Sutherland ; bassos , J. M. Smith , W. F. Sazor. The ladles will incut to decorate the church this afternoon. At St. Agnes' Catholic church the serv ices will be of unusual impressivonoss. At 8 o'clock this morning the mass for the day will bo preceded by the blessing of the Pas chal Lamb and Easter water and the reading ot the propbocics. On Sunday four masses will bo chanted , respectively ntQ , 7:30 : , 0 and 10:15a.m. : At lOMTi the solemn hlih mass will bo celebrated by Father Ilickio with Father Morlarlty deacon , and Father Nu an , sun-deacon. After this all the sodalities and societies of tbo church will receive communion. The musical program will bo especially elaborate. Mrs. Epos Cory will act m or ganist , and the choir has boon augmented to fourteen voices. Among tbo numbers on the program is Millard's celebrated mass in G. The following will participate in the musical service : Sopranos , Mrs. Epos Corv , Miss Maggie ICain , Miss Colin Madden , Mrs. M. Hoamond , Miss Multclc ; altos , Mrs , Joseph Hitter , Mrs. Bert Wopnor ; tenors , Thomas J. O'Grndy , J. Mohar , J. Brady ; basses , Joseph Hitter , Thomas Flaherty and others. No Hotter Oir. Some of the stockmen who are In tbo habit of sanding their stocic onto Chicago when the market here Is not high enough to suit them , are beginning to learn that it Is possl- bio to go further and faro worse. The mar ket is very low hero nt times , but It gen erally develops tLut the other markets are comparatively Just as low or lower at the same time. An Illustration of this occurred this week. H. Drake of Sumner , Nob. , shipped in forty bead of steers that averaged 1,800 pounds apiero , Ills best ofTor ou this market was fci.SO. Ho refused to sell and shipped them to Chicago , where they were old for Si.tJS. As the extra freight and shrinkage amounted to over SO cents on each 100 pounds ho was con siderably worse off than if ho had patron- nod a homo market , lioimnii'H Hail Hoy. A boy named Benson , whoso parents llvo over GrtUlot'a grocery store on N street , was arrested last night for hitting Dr. Solomon's 10-yoar-old boy , Alonzo , with n bricK , The Benson ooy throw the missile from a winnow as young Solomon was passing on the itroct. It hit him on the teinulo and inflicted a seri ous wound. Notes anil I'omiuinli. A. J , Clarke of Inumti and H. II. Smith of Pierce , Neb , , were In the city yesterday. Joseph Pupp was fined tl and costs in police court yesterday for peddling without a license. H. Homlund-hns taken a permit to build an addition to bis pluco of business , ut Thirtieth nnd S streets. The Ladle * Aid society of the Prosbytcrlaq church will hold a business moo ting at the church this afternoon al'J o'clocv , Tbu now Hag was railed nt the Third ward ichool uouio yesterday afternoon. A ropre ] actuation of tlio Grand Army o ( the Hepub- lie participated lu the ceremonies. A gang of tovcn mou are ucitor arrest at the police station for stealing a qudallty of chlouoni , a harness and a sot of carpenter tools at Albright Thursday ulghu They covered the chickens over the whole town and were caught with the itolcn property In their pos okalon , They are suppotoii to con- itlluta the irnue that has Icon doing petty thieving hero all \vlutor. Ladies' TOP COATS [ Same as Cut ] At the Extremely Low Price of $10. Children's Reefers At Only $1.00 Ladies' Blazer Outing Suits At Only DEEMINC'S ' BLOODY RECORD Five More Brutal Murders Have Boon Traced to the English Fiend. DETAILS OF HIS DOINGS IN AUSTRALIA Women I"nll Knsy Vlctlmi to Ills Suave Manners UxfittMuuut In the Colonies Otcr the Kovelntluns 1'ollowliiK Ills Arrest. SAN FiiANcisco , Col. , April 15. Sidney and Melbourne papers received hero show that nothing since the early days of the set tlement of West Australia has so stirred the colony as has the discovery of Albert Doom- ing's murder of his wife and subsequent de velopments. AIL business was stopped al every place through whioh Deomlpg passed on his way to Melbourne. All classes of people ple turned out to look at the criminal. Tuo crushoj and mangled body of a woman was found in a populous suburb of Windsor , five miles east of Melbourne , March 5 , and three weeks later Deeming was in custody , charged with the murder. The last occu pant of the house was a rnnu who gnvo the nnino of Drew , and ho disappeared suddenly. Ho complained of the leaky condition of the walls of thu bouse , und told the landlord that ho was a practical man und if ho bought sotno cement ho would patch up the walls himself. Ho cemented his wlfo up in one 01 the walls. Drew was apparently of sporting proclivities. Ho dressed in the height ol fashion , was bedecked with diamonds ami carried himself vilth the air of a lord. Ho was traced to the steamship Kaiser Wilhelm , where ho was identified as Albert \Vllliaius. Eight days aftortho crlmo Williams sought another victim through a matrimonial agency In Melbourne and went to Sydney by steamer. Un the voyage h < j maao dcsperato love to a young lady passenger named Miss Kato Hounsefell of Dathurst. and when they had arrived at Sydney atio bad promised to become his wlfo. Ho was then traveling under the inline of Uaron Swansou , At Sydney Swanson was identified as Albert Deeming , a plumber and gus Utter , who was accompanied bv his wlfo and twc children , and n ho bad served a sentence at Darlughurst for larceny. Eventually the record of the man under the nMnos of Dooming , Baron Swanson , Drew , Ullllums and Lawsoa was laid bare to tbo world. Ho was traced by the police to the South Cross mine in the Ylelajrara gold Held , West Australia , where ho was working as engineer and was at the tlmo furnishing a house in anticipation of his marrlHgo to Miss Hounsofell. The lattor's father was a tradesman who died sorao yours ago leaving a widow and obildron. At tbo tlmo MUs Uouusefell became engaged to Damning the was returning from a visit to her brother at Hrokon II11I and to her sis tcrs at Outburst. She was a couttry girl n ! 1'J and novcr doubted tbo sincerity ot Deoin- lug's ' motives. Her sister was so tauon with tbo alleged baron that sue readily guvu her consent to the match. Wbllo Deeming was at the mine ho wrote THE BEST. 206 Front St. , San Francisco , Cal. "I used AI * ' one bottle / > tle of St. vJmJ Kr Jacobs Oil/or HSajSwP'j Rheu matism _ Ja afl5fta | , 'n t'ie ' jnuscc5 ! z i A3wi 'of my shoulder and arm. It gave im mediate and permanent relief. " < W. H. McAusTiju. Men'f Sox 12 Double heel and toe , scam- less unblcached"TJalbriggan 1-2 liose worth 200 , , at 12 i-ac. Black Sox iSc. Seamless fast solid black double heel and toe , Herms- dorf black dye 150. worth 250. Black Sox 25 c. Very fine 40 guage quality , Hefmsdorf fast non-crocking black worth 35C , our price 250 Men's Ties 25c. You can see these in i6th Street window ; they are regu lar 500 ties , on sale tomorrow at 250. 250.Men'sTies 50c. New Easter shades in very fine 4 inch hands , worth 750 ; 500 tomorrow. ' / his unsuspecting flnncco constantly , and one of his letters under dntn of February 8 said ho was in trouble , having had ono of his bags stolen from Ills cabin with 130 worth of jawolry in it. Further on ho writes : I must now toll you , dour , what I have done since jay arrival here. As soon as I got hero I put un advertisement In the paper , whkh I liuvo sent you. by which I Imvo boon unpointed inuuagiiu engineer at JL'8 pur noox with : i lioiibo for six months , und i'8 ( I shillings per \\colc In tlio future , liusldca this cxpocl to tnnkoJCl per week. * * Soon us you got this lotlur. dour , send mo a wlro and lot mo know whether von can coma nt once. I will have 11 homo for you and everything prepared for our nmrrlugo on your arrival. Do not konp mo waiting , dear. So long us we arc to be liusb.ind und wife , why not lot it bout once ? * * 1'loaso send mo By clnoy papers und Molbotuno if you can cot thuin. Now , , with love to sister , I must conoludo. From your over loving and u e. llAUON. The young lady believed him In everything and wont about making preparations for her wedding. Everything was ready for her departure when the news of her betrothod's arrest came , crushing her completely. She was taken to Melbourne to give testimony , and assisted as much as possible to urlug the baron to justice. Swanson , in spite of the anmaftlng proofs against him , declares his Innocence. A number of photographs belonging to the murderer , which may prove olows of value , have been handed over to the police. One it is behoved remcscnts Mrs. Williams , the victim of the Windsor tr.igedv. Ono is that of a young woman , another of a lad and an other that of an Infant. On tbo photograph of the woman supposed to bo the Windsor victim , the imprint appears to have been carefully rotnoral. other photos , according to tbo imprint on their backs were token at Sheffield. Liverpool , England ; Ohio , United " States ; Syanoy , N. S. W , , and Rookhamton , Quo. It has not been established that Deeming is the notorious "Jack the Hipper , " but five more brutal murders have boon traced to him and the evidence thus far gatnorcd points to him as the Whltcchapol fiend. DoWitt'sSarsaparma is reliable. PoatoUlco htutUtln. The business of the Omaha postoffloo shows a constant and steady increase , that of tbo quarter ending March 81 , 1893 , being the largest over done In history of the ofllco. Postmaster Clarkson's last quarterly state ment shows tuu following Items , and no bus in a Jo a comparative statement with 1891 to show the increase : ) Postal revenue fromsnlo of atnmps , stamped envelopes , postal carda.'box ' rents , cto : 1601. IS02. January . . ? -'M.'HM f2l.lUI.IX ! February . , .t 1U.S82.SJ i.M.IltV.- . ' Muroh . . „ , ' ' 'I.OS'.IO . mi,087.Ha Tot n is . " au.9s : jTTarr.oj Incroiso over I8UI , } fli .00 or 10K per cent. , r IB'Jl. 1JJ2 Deposits received from tlird | and fourth class poitolllcea llrst quurtor . < vu. . 1X1,401.68 ( 1,531.19 fnureaiu over ISUI. , . ' . . . . 0ittJ. " > 0 ( Juurtorly dopostts already rcuelvud on sucond ter . 1,211.00 BI'I-CIAI , IlK.mHiUV T.KVTKItS. First Quarter. , -j IHUI. 1892. Luttura ruuoheil and dutycred. . . . 1,71/2 / ] , ettnrdfUmt ! ] < ; liol. . . . ) v.l . ) , 'JJO „ . , ) . , . .IK Incieaso dispatched . 'Jl'J ' BKCONII CJ.ABJ MATTEIl JCAlr.EO II V fUlII.IBIIEIIS IK I'OUNUa. 1881. 1SU2. Flnt qunrtor . , 4.M.U5 47.4Vt ! Incruaso . 17 , 11 HEdlriTllV UUlil.VKSS fOU rillST giT-tHTl'lt. iB'ii. ' IHW. l'lecn < i received and delivered . 8,571 H,7U I'lccoi In transit . , . .fO.UJO U3iOJ 1'loce.s iiUp-itehed . . . . . 4U 4,717 J'loL-ns bundled. , , , . .W.U71 103,4 ? ) . , . B.'JiS Money order business for lln > t quartori No. Jftll. No. 1892. Domestic money orJun Kstiod 4,70 ! IIS.WT.Ol 4,323 OomL'silo money orders p ild . IJ.7J5 Ul.SOiSl H 000 IS. ' ,783. 37 Inturnul immuy eider * Ibsuod. . S03 8.P11.33 499 0,03a51 Intorniil money orders pnld. . . . 14 ll.B40.03 148 t.ocAKl 1'Oi.till mites Is'd U.4I8 qjbr.UO 3,770 0.702 1 > 1'on'l notes puld.ll.Ui3 17iJ78JO ll.lBtf W,07.M8 Hoinlttunceb ro- celved . . . . , KSM Dr Bhnuy curca catarrh. Bui : GLOVES THAT FIT At this season of the year EASTER Mosquetaire undressed Kids , tans , brown and gray , $1.25 , Worth $2.00. Kid Gloves 65e. Courvoisier Jourin and several other standard makes worth $2.50 a pain but only in sixes 7 , Boys' Hose Double knee , seamless ; our second shipment ; sizes 7 to § \ worth 4oc. CAUCUS NOMINATIONS. Cnnilicinlcs I" Ho Votoil for nt the Kcpul- llcnu I'rliimrli'H. Lost night the republicans of Omaha and South Omaha assembled at the places designated in tbo call and placed in nomi nation candidates to bo voted on at the primary elections next Thursday. Much Interest was taken in the proceedings. The candidates are : First Ward : Messrs. Hauctiett , Stub * ) Cornish , Elfiutter , Henderson , Uurston , lion son , Back and Hosicky. Second ivard : E. M. Stonberg , M. II. Uediield , John Tidcman , S E. Bachelor. W. C. Kelley , Charles lloyo , A. C. Hart , Frank Swoboda end W. C. Cloud. Third ward : Sol Prince , -rhomas Swobo , W. B. Poyton , A..D. White , Nate Brown , Charles Hrniicu , Howard Watson , Sotu Cole ana B. Silloway. Fourth ward : N. B. Hussoy , Frank Hallcr. T. W. Blackburn. F. Swartzlaudcr , A , Locknur , C. H. Turnoy , . ' . T. Lucas , II. D. Duncan and A. C. Troup. Fifth ward : Henry Bolln , Charles Soun ders , John H. Kvnor , George F. Munro , Harry G. Counsman , Ucorco llcimrod , John J. James , C. B. Coon and John Wallace. Sixth ward : Chris Snocht , W. H. Stephens - ons , John McLoario , John Kick , Dorsoy Houck , B. C. Smith , H. C. Williams , P. O. Hanson and Cat r Ax ford. Seventh ward : Samuel McUood , George Sabine , Charles Howes , Andrew Stouedabl , C. N. Povoll , James C. Ish , James W. Carr , F. W. Xaumann and J. J. Nobos. Eighth ward : Cadet Tnvlor , J. W. Nich ols , J. H. Jacobson , J. W. Pumas , James Ilcndrickson , Thomas Flu orald , Uharlos Soudonberg , S. L. Barnett and T. ti. Carter. Ninth wnrd : H. ( J. Alken , C. .I. Johnson , Charles Unit. N. H. Tnnnlclllt , L. Bllckins- dorfer. J. F. Wilcox. J. L. CanC. . D. Hutchlaion and E. P. Davis. South Omaha : George L. Brunor , Hugh Caroontcr , James .Austin , Nols Lundgron , JanTos i < \ Wilson , Colonel K. P. Savage. C. C. Stanley. L. C. Gibson , J. W. Cross , Scott Konworthy , G. W. Thompson , E. 1C. Wells , N. D. Mann and Samuel Davis. Aiioui TIIK IAYIO.V Samuel Hjiencer Hnlcl to hn Slnlnil for the 1'renldonoy. NEW Yoitir , April IS. The rumor is re peated that Samuel Spnnccr , now with Drexel - ol , Morgan & Co. , formerly vice president of the Baltimore Ac Ohio , may bo elected presi dent of the XJuion Pacific at the coming stock holders meeting. It Is understood that the foreign stockholders , the standard Interest and the floating debt syndlcato hava poolea their issues on a now management for the company. To lli-iil KfttiitflMen , Do not fall to uttoiid twlo of property nt cast side court house lit 10a. in. April 19. Al G. Field's minstrels tickled a great audience at the Farnam Street theater last night with a good performance. The com pany Is made up of clover young men , who introduce quite a number of novelties and put lots of "go" Into the performance. Dr. Dlrnoy , nose and throat. Hoe bid ? A Lax of BEECHAM'S PILLS c , uiftdi- cum elicit. Stele Itrad- aeht , Weak Slotnarli , lauof Ap jttHIt , IRiut ari'l J'ulti'n IbrHtomncIt , ( Hildiiirtt , UrawitntM , Cold CIMU. J-ttuMno * of Ural , tthortnni of Urealh , < * > ittifiirt. aiotehtt an th Hlilti , JHilurl > d Blrrji , and alt nervaui ami trntilling trnta- llont are rtlUvedby vtlng thftt 1'illi Covered with a TtiUlait and Soluble Costing | New Vnrk IJnpot. SflS Cnnnt Bt. THE MORSE DRY GOODS Co. EASTER PARASOLS ( U ( lOUlOj Moiiriiii Parasols mm , Parasols , ALL m. OORRROT STYLES Entii'o now spring stock of parasols umbrellas and shades. On 2nd floor , Farnnm street wing. DRESS GOODS 35e. A line of double-width chev iot mixtures , reduced to 350 , worth 5oc. DRESS GOODS 55e. A lot of choice styles chev rons , cheviots , tweeds , all pure wool , worth 75c , for 550 DRESS GOODS $1.25 A few pieces of choice col ors new alligator weave bro cades that came in late ; worth $2 ; rather than return we sell for § 1.25 MABHOFF'S © TORE ! Removed to 1514 DOUGLAS St. This PRECIOUS OINTMENT is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing ; has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a CURATIVK and HEALING APPLICATION' . It has been used over 40 years , and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. For riles External or Internal , Blinder or Bleeding ; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or Bleeding of the Kectum. The relief is immediate the cure certain , For Burns , Scalds and Ulccration and Contraction from Burns. The relief is instant the healing wondciful and uncualcd. [ For Boils , Hot Tumors , Ulcers , Fistula * , Old Sores , Itching Eruptions , Chafing or Scald Head. It is Infallible. For Inflamed or Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. Trice , 50 Cents. Trial tire , 25 Cents. Bold lyDrnxKi.ti , or irnt t > nt-i > Kl < l on recrlpl of prlro. WITCH HAZEL GIL. nn.K.a WEST'S NKIIYK AND IIKMN HUNT. * Kiiuctaofor llr'tarl * . IMnlnon , Klti , Nou ralgla , llaidaaliu , hurruui I'ru > trallunaauio4 tif < U coliol ortobucoo , Wnkafiilnvii. SlunUI Depreiilun. Butionln.- tUo llral-i , ( ivailiu lunnltjr , mliar/ , , iloilli , I'rumatiiM ( ) I < 1 A < o , llnrruaiaii : , I/on of I'onc-rInultluirsoir. Impotuncf , l < iicorrliuo nI ullKcm lo Wu < kno < iai , Iiivoluntirr latiat , Hoar- iuntorrboeiicaiiu4 | ! > / oter-orurtlon of the brain. Belf-nbuie.oror-lnduUonca. A muiUh'i trottmunl 11,0lot fi , Ur mill. Wa OtiBranloj tic b'nei to euro. Kiktmorlor forO but.ii , wlihlV > rlll onJ > rrlt IBU liUaratitoo to rpfunJ K not cural. Oiurantai Uiuoilonlr IIT A. ticlirotvr , DruvicUi , ola uvonu , . * . K. tar Mil anil fc'arunm t , Oiujlia , Ncti Me larccat. Viuteat nnd Floeit lu the WorlO. . raueuK < > raccoiuo < uiloniunrircllt > u. NEW YORK , IDNDONDERRV AND OLA8DOW. KTcry H turdnf , NUW VOltir , miilCJriit and NAI'LKS , Atr Knlir IntctTiila. 8AIODH , 8ECOHD-CIASS AND BTEERADE tataion IdirOBt lonn t'j nod f rnm thu ixlnclplo C33ICU , snausn , iwn i ALL COKTIHUITAL KWIO. Licuralonllcktti arilUtlo tumturn by tlUitr th plo ) uo Cldo A.North at Irrlu4or Kiplea < t OUralur r.l Uui ; C-itri ( ct Ar Accut t Ltvnt Bttii. Applr tu uir o ( ur local AfenUarto JiltOTUUltt. C'UlCRgo , III NOTIONS. TOILET ARTICLES , Lundborg's perfumes Me. Lubin'fl porfuiuod . Crown Cnib Apple Blossom f > 0o. Slmnilon Hulls Mu. 4711 Cologne boltlo COe. Maria Hnriim In wicker doc. Murray & Lniiilitmu L'Morldn water 21o. Uost , Hiy : Ruin , r > < Jc. Pear's lavender water 75c. Crown liivonuor suit (10 ( c. Kspoy's Crciini 20c. Lubin's nursery powilor 10 and loo. Bailey's Rivnndown face powder lOo. Po/.zoni dovu face powder 20o. Pozzonl medicated face powder 35o. Chardin's nail powder 2Uc. French rico nowdor 25e. Pear's glycerine lOc. Circassian lOc. Culicura loo. Oakley's violet ISc. 4711 glycerine 18c. Shandon Bolls 21c. Hodfror & Galliot's violet 2/ia Williams' shavinp soap lOc. Williams' shaving sticks illc. Brushes , Combs , &c. , at very low prices. The Morse Dry AMUSEMENTS. . . NEW I LAM NAY THEATER , THIS ( SATURDAY ) APRIL 16. Last Two Performances or Hie Original Amurlcan Drama , 150 NlKlHa ut llin Miir Tlioatvr , Nuw Vork , to I'liLkud llouttCH Bring the Children to Sea the Great Pro di otlon. Matinee This Afternoon at2:3O- : Pricaa HrH floor , " ; > c ; liUcouy , Sic. Evening Performance at 8. I'ricos rafqunt , fl ; paniuot circle , " > < > nnd $1) ) balcony Mc ) uml Tac ; Kallirr. 'ir. Boyd's New Theatre OHM CiniiniDiiuliiL' 'VlDiiiliiy , Ai > rll JMatliiuo Mituriliiy. bnpDorted by MR , OUIXrON CLAKKK And an pAcolluilcimiinny , liicluJlni ; thu prliuliiul luuuibura oftUo lute ItUOTIluiiJ IIAItUKTl' urtianlyaltoii. .Mo BrT ; ! , , " , . AS YOU LIKE IT 'Jliiinulnjr iivonlae. TIIKIiAm * Ol * liYONH. KtlilwyoiunliiKMUi'll AIM ) A1101U' KUTIUNO , I'rlccs Mo , Kc ) , 7.10 anil tl. Hulu open * tjiiturilajr , Farnam Street Tlicatcr. I J TdiJ KlutilH Oiilu F ) lilnii ( ! .Sd/iui / ! iy , Apt ( t M and IK , Mitttitc isatiinlttuufJ : . ! ) m. Al. C. Field & Go's MINI STRESS liesorvrd xeats'tle now ojicn. Elclen Musoo Co. , WON U IS K U A. N D - AMU - Grand Opera House. Corner r.Umiul Capital Avoiuio. Open dally from I to I'l p , in , ouuiosrriKs AND rnm'oit.MANOEa 4 I > oroumiinuo4 dully , sit'1 : , -1. 15 , h uml U J ) p in. Uunural Auinlbslon Unu Dliuu. FARNAM STTHEATER , fo Hituru ensuiieim'iil for onu koll I vreok , cuiumoialnu duuilur .Miillnuo , April IT. OllAB \ . . KOUliH , In 'I hu ( itenl Cuniedr , OH ! WHAT A NIGHT H J'roUrltrU ! n.l . Kuunir .Mull U. 'JliofJ.WW Knjillili Wundori TMI-i IHTIilHW LxliHGM In Ttiolr Uurulutx Act , Tim DANCINI1 DKMIHION TUB SHOHTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaulcea & St. Paul R'y , as represented on this man , Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Yestibuled trains leave O'maha daily at 6:20 : p. m , , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Oilice : 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gcn'l Agent , C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.