THE OMAHA DAILY B15& SATURDAY. 7P ML 16 , 1892. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFa OFFICE ! - NO. 12 I'EARL STREET. ttlhmdly Carrier to nny pnttof the City 11.V. . TII/TON , MANAGER. HuVnoMOfflco No 41 ttlltor N Y. Plumbing Co Council Illuffs Lumber Co. , coal. Croft's chattel loans. 204 Snpp-block. Steve nnti conl wood dry. Tor salent Thntehor's , 10 Main street , Thu Sunday school lesson study nt the looms of the Yomur Men's Christian nssocln- tion led by Henry Luring. Ladles and pen- tlcincn Invited. Krcd iVustanrap , Jr. , nnil MnRalo Oliver , both of this city , wcro ycstordnv afternoon married nt the homo of the brldo's parents by Justice Hammer. The city treasurer reports the total amount In the several filnds ns reaching $7i'Hi ! , nnd tbo ntnount overdrawn In other fuirls ns amounting to { Mi5" ( , leaving a real cash bal ance of 17.141) . Wintilo Hess , an Omaha damsel , was un- nblo to glvo n satisfactory account of herself to the police last , nlqlit and was locked up to t'xnlaln seine rather objoctlomiblo street con- uuct to JutlgoMcCU'o this raornliiR. Olrls Industrial school at the Union Chris tian mission , SIS Urondwny , from 2 toI o'clock p. m. ovcrv Kntuidny. Hoys Invltoil the first hour. Lady visitors especially In vited. Miss Emnm Main , superintendent. The regular meeting of Ktchotnh Council No. ! I , Deeiooof 1'ounhontnv Improved Order ol Hod Men , will bo held this cvcnlnp , in their wigwam , corner of Urondwny and Main Etrcut , nt U.o eighth tun. A full uttctulnnuo Is dcblrea. In the illstilct court yesterday some equity cases and motions were belnp heard uy Judga Dcemcr. 'J bo dreariness of the procecdliiRS mny bo well judged by ' .he fact thut ono at torney him to servo tiUo as witness and cross- oxiitnino lilmsclf. Johnson , ono of the prisoners who escaped from the count ; Jail hero about the tlmo that hhorlft Hnzcn entered upon his now duties , is serving a Ilvo months tonn In Ottumwn , and the promise Is given that when the ofll- cinls thc'ie get through with iilm they will turn him over to the authorities hcio. The ladles of the Methodist Ladies Sow Ing society ( tin organization devoted to char- ituble purposes alone ) dcsiro the pntronugo of the cltlrens of Council JJtuffs In the sup port of their cxchango. Choice cnlio , blown and wlnto bread , pics and n great variety of homo cooking may bo found at tholr rooms on North Main struct , Mr. W. J. Lovott ol Sioux Falls has tntten n position as head bookkeeper in the First National bank In this city and has entered upon the discharge of his duties. Ho is a very pleasant gentleman , n. former news paper man , and will bo uorthy of n generous welcome in Council Blurts. A delegation of Council Bluffs members of the Order of Iho Worlii went to Omaha last evening to tnlto part In Iho banquet given by the Otnnhn ledge in honor of the opening of their new quarters on the seventh door of THU llBi : building. They were royally 011- trrlnincd , nnd Imvo decided that n return bamjucH must bo nrrnngcd , to bo given the Oiuahn lodge within u few weeks. John Snnkeo. the well known Culn&man , feels that nn injustice was done by the news papers tliut have erltlci/cd him for rentine fromo of his rooms on North Main street to linpiopcr parlies. The parties complained of signed n lenso ns man nnd wife , r.nd the laud- loid had no means of knowing thnt they wcro no' , such. Mr. Snnkeo is nn upright rnnn , n church motnbor , nnd would not bo the means of Intentionally permitting n wrong. When Harry In man closed up his saloon nnd cigar More nt midnight Thursday iilght no loft $ " . > in uuango In tlio cash drawer in tbo barroom nnd a couple of hundred cirais near oy. When he opened the plnco yesterday morning tlio money was gene and the cisara wcro scattered around the rear part of the room. An entrance was effected by climbing over n transom over a door lead- Ins from n hallway on the second floor nnd then following an Interior stairway into n Binull hull in the rear , whcrp another tran som wiis forced leading into the saloon. The trouble nmong the Pythian Slstnrs was settled yesterday by a stipulation. The pi ul nil IT , Mrs. Aiinottn Tipton , is to lorfeit nil court costs advanced , the remainder of the costs to bo paid by the defendants , Mrs. A. A. Young nnd others. The suit before Justice Hammer is nlso to bo dismissed nt plaintiff's costs. Mrs. Tipton is to receive ihl ) out of the ledge funds , nnd Is to with draw her membership nnd relinquish nil financial intcicst In tlio ledge and ledge prop erty. She also ngrces to transfer all her financial Interests In the lodge to the defend- iintK , who ncreo to pay the indnbtoducss of 1' " > lodge , Including the amount duo Mrs. You nji. XOVII.TIIS. : ISoxtnn Store , Council IIIull'H , In. , IIANmCKlU'IIIEL-'S. Our stock nt this time is now complete with ovorythlnjr suitr.blo for Ku&tor. In our handkerchief department wo fahow mnny novelties from the Ic ! hnnd- kcruliiof to the llnest silk or hand oin- hroidorcd. Our line ut 5i ! , 7e. or four for ITo , and lOc , three for 25o , 12'c ' , 15c and Ho ) surpasses nnythitig over shown in the handkerchief line , OI.OVKP. In kid cloves wo lead. Our line of ecniiiiio Fostots la now complete at SI.DO , $1.25 , $1.60 , $ I.7.$2.00 and $2.25. Every pair from $1.2o up warranted and fitted to the hand by export fflovo litters. SIT.CIATj FOHT1IIS WKKIf. f > 0 do/on ladies' Itid gloves , assorted colorn , for this week at > 0o per pair. Marked down from $1.00 , $1.2J nnd $1.60 all in ut 6Cc n pair. IIOS1URY. Wo show almost everything in the liosiery line from the cheapest cotton to the finest silk. Ask to sco bur fast black nt lOo and I2jcn pair , also our full regu lar made ladies' fust black oynx Ilorms- dorf hoeo at 2oe n pair , worth 'Mo and IIAc a pair. In children's hose our lines are complete ; anything and everything in children's hose from the 7c hose to the llnost silk , Boston store , Fotlior- inpham , Whitolnw & Co. . Council Blurt's , In. Horees For Sole Finely bred drivers , carriage tnnuis , brood marcs nnd lllllos ; J0 ! , more or less ; would e.xuhnngo for peed land or city property. Dr. C. II. Pinnoy , Council BlulTs. Thomas Tostovin. civil onglneor nnd surveyor , over DoVolV , 601 Broadway. t'Eltl > U.\.ll. i'.lll.KIJUl'llM. W , O. Wirt has roturncd from a successful business trip to Colorado. Yesterday wns Iho fifty-second wedding annlvcrsitry of Mr. and Mrs. 1) , U. Hloomur. J. J , Shea has gone to Uonlsun on business. Homy Sablnof Dos Moinei was hi the city yesterday. J. V. Hlnchman of CJlonwood visited the 13luffs yesterday. The King oMiiuiilliio State * . The old single generator Dangler was the best gasoline stove ever made , bu' Shugnrt A- Son have a nuw Dnnglor that is unquestionably the king of vapor Blovos. It is culled the Dangler Sur prise , nnd is simply the old reliable fetovo with n perfect process generator added. It burns n \ > luo llamo when lighted nnd hns no odor in slopping or blurting. Shugnrts nro the only people who handle them. Easter novelties for sale at the parlors of the Congregational church Saturday evening , Wehnvo our own vinoynrds In Cullfor nln. Jurvla Wine comp.vny , Co , Bluffs Birnnsou Muilo Co. , Musonlo toinnlo. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Oity Schools Conducted Underneath Free dom's ' Starry Gonfalon. PATRIOTIC CEREMONIES WERE OBSERVED Alnny I.iy of Ourrfiil rrrpnrntlnn Crowned byn Mint SitccrMlnl ( 'oimimni itlon or tlio Clillilrrn'ft Drnrcsl Kmlrc Details of tlio Affair. Yosterdny wns flag day In Council muffs , n new temporary nnd semi-holiday In the public schools , nnd the popularity that the Irst celebration of the day achieved was of such Immense mngnltudo that teachers nnd tupils t\tul some members of the Board of Education'aro discussing the propriety of making each subsequent anniversary n school tiollday. It was the day fixed by n resolution In the board decreeing thnt the Amorlcnn ( Ing should bo unfurled simultaneously over ovcry Bctioolliouso in Council Hluffs nnd every pupil given nn object lesson lu patri otism. C Preparations for the event have boon going on for the pnst two or three weeks , nnd the object of the board has been fully rcnllzud by the Intcnso Interest awakened ntnong the children. In every room every child wns required to take some pnrt in tlio patriotic demonstration , nnd original cssavs nnd orations were plentifully mingled with the llery panegyrics of the old masters. All the patriotic literature of the century hns been dllligrntly conned by parent , put > ll nnd tcnchcr for the pnst few weeks searching for appropriate declamations , nnd on the rostrums of the school rooms thousands of llttio hearts boat with n pride thnt wns stronger than any timid fear. It wns nrtnnged to huvo the lines raised on nil the buildings at the same instant , nnd to have the children In the school yards to wit ness Iho spectacle , when it wa'j expected that the triumphant shout that would nrlso from nearly -IUOU Hula throats would make n mighty voltimo of sound. But this plan wns not altogether carried out. In some of the schools the exercises began ns early ns 1 o'clock , nud In others ns Into ns ' - . All the schools were crowded with visitors , but the buildings that seemed to attract thu most at toiitlon from the general public were the Washington nvcuuo nnd the Bloomer. Both nro located near the business center , and the crowds of children and ndults flocking into thoui nttrnctod additional attention and drew great crowds of citizens. Mticli Interest Taken. In the Washington nvenuo building the exorcises begun nt 1:3 : ( ) , but the lirst part of the program was llttio moro limn the mar shaling of tlio children nnd getting them ready to march into the yard in military fashion nnd wntch the hoisting of the Hue on the polo that had been cioctcd on the roof. The hallways were almost tilled wi'.h visitors and when the pupils began to lllo Into the ynrd and cnrolnumilv upward the attraction became infectious nud everybody on the streets for blocks around were drawn me- chanicnllv to the spot and stood with upturned - turned faces wntching and waiting. Homo of the curious crowd in the street forgot what the event was to bo nnd gathered the vnguo Impression thnt there was n lire or something-equally important transpiring up on the roof. Tno 000 pupils filled the yard , and it was n perfect ocean of faces that mot thoga/oofll. H. Field , n member of Iho board , who had volunteered to take charge of the ceremonies on the housetop , when ho looked down before ho began to pull up the Ilajr. When it became visible above tno curvature of the roof there arose a mighty cheer nnd every pupil wuvcd n ilag of some proportions as the cheers and thu Hag went up. After viowins the flag with Intcnso Inter est for some time , the lines of inarch wcro formed nud the pupils marched back to their school rooms , whore the remainder of the afternoon was spent in literary and musical exercises , ivitnossed uy us largo n number of visitors ns could crowd Into the room's nnd the hallways. The exercises were Interest ing nnd splendidly adapted to enforce the lessons Intended. At Oilier .Schools. The spectacle nround the Bloomer building was equally enthusiastic and inspiring , nnd the throng of pupils nnd friends was so dense thnt the ynrdnj filled , ns well ns the build- Ing. When the tlivf was unfurled it was enthusiastically saluted by hearty cheers nnd the waving of small Hags. Exorcises were held In all the rooms , ana In some of the rooms prominent citizens addressed the pupils. The most Important of the exercises , of course , were held In the Hlpli school , where the ltd vnnccd pupils presented availed and Intelcstlng program. B.v 2 o'clock every ono of the nineteen or twenty school buildings was decorated with the national cntblom and In all the rooms the children wore holding patriotic exercises. This miiirnlllront trlb'ute of the children to the Hag of their country has not been made without some sacrifice on tholr part , nnd this sncrilice gives the event of the dny n still greater importance. For the past two weeks the children have stayed hnll nn hour nfter school each day and many of them have tnkon u largo portion of the time fixed for recrea tion to prepare for the event. It is some thing of sacrifice for n boy to glvo up nn hour of plnytlino each dny , nud the fact that the teachers all say that this sacrifice was will ingly made is the host proof that the object of the demonstration has been fully attained. Tliu I. ust Ii.v. ; Today is the last ilny before Easter , imil the hist opportunity the Indies will Imvo to select their Kustor millinery. The bright wcnthor for the past two days iinil th fine display nnd splendid bargains at Misses Sprfnk it Foaron's caused almost a crush thoro. Crowds of ladlea will bo expected today nnd ample provisions will bo m-ido to take euro of them and show thorn the many now things that have just boon arranged for display. _ JarvlslST" brandy , purest , safest , best. A Motor Hoi ; , The train employes of the electric motor railway have n dog. It Is a common sort of a dog of n mahogany color and has but ono ambition , Thnt ambition Is to make a trip cnch dny on every motor In the city. Ho cnico to the boys of his own free will aim has taken every possible means of assuring them that he has come to stay nnci wants to bo considered ns ouo of tbolr nu nit ; or. For the llrstthreo or fourdaya ho contented himself with following tlrst ono car nnd then another - other nround town nnd between tbo BlufTa and Omaha. When ho became vorv wearv with his long runs between the two cities ho uskod as Intelligently ns a dog oould ask for the privilege of rldliiir , nud Mnco it wns grnnted ho has boon the happiest cur In thu Missouri valley. Yesterday the motormen chipped in and raised n fund to pay the Council Bluffs nnd Omnhn dog tnx ami pur chased him nn elegant collar , nnd today ho will bo decorated with it. Helms been given u rcgulnr conductor's badge nnd n number , MX ) , and christened "Dynamo. " Ho Knows the difference between thoOmnha uud South Omaha motor trains , and that is more than many people do , _ Studio , Haying removed her studio from room .0 > 0J to HIM , Morrlam block , Miss Corona Laughlin is now prepared to receive callers and glvn instructions in oil , pastel , crayon or water colors. Come and arrange to join the class during the Bummer vacation. Worlc done to order. See sped mo MS of portrait work at the Council Blurts Carpet company's store. I3o euro to get your Easter lint nt the Louis. Such bcnutios and BO cheap. Masonic block , Dc'lltll or .Mm , . The death of Mrs , Nellie lluber Mecgm. son , which occurred at her residence In this oily Wednesday , April 13 , brings sadness tea a largo circle of friends hero , whore she bus lived over since her girlhood , Her father , Mr , E. A. lluber , brought bis family to this city In 1 CS , aud for years , up o the time of bli death iu 1875 , heYQ out of the most active ami prominent re&l cstata dealers hero. In 1831 tbo daughter was married to James O. Mogirlnson nnd re moved to her now homo in Monroovlllr. O. , where ho remained until the death of her husband live years Inter , when she returned to Council Bluffs nnd again made her homo with her wlrlowcd mother here. Tha two have lived n mutually dependent aud nlmost Inseparable llfo , Mrs. Huber bclnp the only survlvlrg member of n l&rjfo family , with the exception of n very nitod father. Tno lois of the dauehtcr Is therefore n peculiarly heavy blow to her , nud her loneliness excites the tondcrest sympathy. Mrs. Mcgglnson has been In 111 health for Fomo tlmo past , nnd has of late been seeking relief from her lung troubles by n stay In Colorado , from whence she returned only to dlo. She was of n very cheery , Imppy na ture , winning friends easily , and holding them flrmlv. In her Mrugplo for health and for llfo sho" was hopeful nntl bravo to tbn last , but when she realized that , the end was nppronchlne sbo yielded with alovltic sub mission to tbo higher will , and the feelings expressed by her lo the friends gathered nbout her bedside seemed Inspired by visions of the opening future , The funeral services will bo held ibis afternoon from the resi dence , 203 Fourth street , Hov. Mr. Unbcock , rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church , offici ating. _ Don't Ho ii Drimhnril. There are thousands of inon In the world who are nddictod to the tiso of alcohollo stimulants , morphia , chloral , opium or tobacco. Mnny of the bright est lives ot the ngo are being wrecked by thcso pernicious drugs , nnd human will , no matter how strong , Is Impo tent to break -the bonds in which the victims are held. Got help in your ex tremity. The Blanchard Gold Cure In stitute lias been established in Council Bluffs for the purpose of aiding nil , men or women , who dcsiro to break away from the destroying vlco. A euro nbso- Into is guaranteed , and only the small est fee is charged. Como and sco for youi solves , or wrlto to the managers of the now institute , room 5 , corner Broad way nnd Sixth street , opposite the post- OlliL-O. Supper 25 cents nt Congregational church Saturday evening. Just received at Davis' , a carload of Heath & Milligan Mfg. Co.'s paints. Absolutely pure , nnd the best in the market. _ Patronize blue ice wagon for river channel ice. Mulhollnnd & Co. Tel. 102. Gonulno Rock Springs coal nt Thatcher's , 10 Main street , always on hand. E. II. Shoafo has money on real estate and chattels , Broadway and Main. Jarvls' wild olnckborry is tlio best Roitor , the tailor , 310 Broadway , has all the latest styles and newest goods. Satisfaction guaranteed. Homo made candy at Enstor festival Congregational church parlors , Satur day evening. NEW STAKS. Candidates Who AVmit to Shine In Scixvej's rirmunipiit. All yesterday afternoon the Ftro nnd Po- Hco commission snt ns nn examining board for aspirants for police honors. Over 100 ap plications for positions on tbo force were on lllo , but only about sixty showed up to go through the orileul. Several of the patrol men who had boon discharged during the past year appeared for examination nna ap plied for reinstatement. In executive session the following men were ordered to report vto the city physician for physical examination : ' ' M.'M. S'tnrkey , SamuefG. Hoff , Daniel Her , J. U. Graves , Pat Uusick , Henrv W. Dunn. S. E. Plsic , Daniel Davis , E. F. Burrows nnd John W. Loverton. The now appointees who pass the surgeon's examinations will bo ordered to report for duty May 1. - - Senator Allison Is for Harrison. OIIICAOO , 111. , April 15. Senator W. B. Al lison of Iowa said today that no was not a candidate for the prcsidcntltJ nomination , nnd bnd not hoard bis name mentioned for the place. Ho spoke very flatteringly of President Hart [ son , nnd considered his nom ination n foiogono conclusion , and said the lovvu delegation will bo fo. * him. < JF Domestic. Secretary Illalno has ordered Minister Tester - ter to return to Italy. Mnrtliibvlllc , Vn. . has been visited by a dis astrous conllnFrntlon. A case of small pox has been discovered In u sctt.emunt of Poli-li Jews In Cincinnati. Tlio governor of Louisiana has Issued n proc ninatlon putting In olTe-a thu ijuar.intlne laws. The New York assembly has passed the bill giving uonien thu ilxht to vote at all stuto election" , Tlio covermnent sale of lots at Hot Springs , Arl. . . continues , I'rlcoa p.iUI have been better than nntlclp ited. The shcrill's posse hunting Louisiana train robLorslth bloodhounds batons yet failed to c.i pi lire thu fugitives. \VilllnmTiielicrof Cincinnati shot and Killed a Mrs. Itosa Ciicener , with whom he had been lling. . lie claims It ucclduntal. The tr.iln. shop and section men all nlong the line of tlio l-.ilo road are discontented be- uuiiB ] of the re I notion of working foicc3 and thio'its of ii strike are he.ud. John Wancr , n full 'iloodi'rt Clioet-uv about M years old , was hanged at T.ilcqnali , I. 'I' . . In thu jail ynnl for the murder or John Daughlery of I'llnt dlstr ct last July , Jones and Henry , supposed to bo Implicated In the Itarber murder e.-iso at Mirlnetto. : WIs. Imvo boon arrested at Denver , Colo. , und the hlierllV has t'one to bring them for trial. The ' : ir of Vlco President Klpley of the Chicago cage , Milwaukee .t St. 1'aul Jumped the traelc near ( ! round u. Miss. The occupants wtio Imdly Blmlfcn up , but none were seriously hurt. The Interstate National bunk of ? < ew York has closed Its doors and will go Into voluntary liquidation. The depositors were n.ild VU per rent and within u week the stucKholdora will be paid a per cunt. Chleaco health ofllccrs stopped a train load ot emigrants near that oily , and lifter < > x- nitilntiiK thriu for Minllpov and tliorou ; hly fiimUutlns the people and Ihulr baggage al lowed them to proceed. Harry Leo. bon of a prominent banker nt \YhcolliiK , W , V.i. . and nephew of ( iiinural l'ltHui'h Leo of Virginia , attempted suicide at the Hotel llaiiinni , tit. Louis , swallowing three ounces of laudanum , He la expected to die. die.Kults Kults ngrrozatlng } ? )5fOO ) have been Insti tuted nt ChloiKU by Hie pacUln. IIrm of ( ieorjjo II , Hammond & Co. upaliibt varloun rallio.ul companies for aliened o.\L'OS3lvi ) frelcht rliarKt's under the interstate com mcrco law , Mrs. John Kirk and her daughter /.ulln , \\lilloualliiu2 nlonsj the Uliusnueuko & Ohio tracks near HuntlnKton , W. va. , wcro run down by a puhsciiiiur train. Mis. Kltk was In stantly killed and bur daughter lived only a few minutes. The Tinted States league of bulldltu nnd loan associations hns elected the follow Inn olllcord : President , fcoymonr ) loxtor ) , ICImlra , N , Y. ; vloepicslduiit , David H. Stowiirt , Kt. Louis ; treasurer , 10 , LliiUH.iy , Throe Illvera , Midi. ; secretary , 11. O. Vusln , Qnlnuy , III , The National Steamship company of Now York has siitnundu.l its pussunKur traltlc. It blurted In ItM as n freight line with only four steamers , At the present day thu company owns a licet worth more limn * . ' > , ( ) JU.'ii'U. ' The company will devote ItseK to freight business. I'mvitii. Canada oHlclals have discovered a plot to siiiiiirulu Chinese Into the Dominion by means uf false eeitlllcates. President DlaIH almost certain of a renom- limtlon und election to the presidency of the Mexican republic. The minister of Jusilco 1ms Issued n letter to the Ciitliolk' priests In I'rance , forbidding them to critieUe the laws or the nets uf that government. Thu llulRarian government has dciranded from Itutiiln Iho extradition of the supposed murderers ot Dr. Vulkovlteh , the former diplomatic agent at Constantinople. Tlio Hpanlsh anarchist ? have promised the authorities that thov will behave themselves on May dny und make no demonstrations cal culated to Incite violence nud disorder , Spain ransoms to the return of American missionaries to the Caroline Islands , pio\lded they do not Interfere with local government matters or iiuu tlon liutueou the Island uuthorltleu and the natives. Advlcca from Hrlt'sh Columbia say thnt further noun from the S eenuriverU Unit the Indlunu lire preparing to roan the warputh If the member ot tholr tribe who U under urruat ( or murder U tout to Victoria fur trial. ROBBED A TRAIN WITH EASE / Three Men Hold Up nn Express Seventy Miles froiOew Orle.iDS. THEY DIDN'T ' HAVk TO FIRE A SHOT nutter orThclrllovoivors In.lnccd Iho Kn- Rlnecr , rirpinnn And1 I2tprc ยง M to Siirrcnilrr Without n lllooillioildils on tlio Trnll , , Ln , , April 15. A during nnd succos fu.l train robbery was committed last night within sovoiity miles of this city. Tlio amount carried by the railroad is snld by ofllclnis to have boon small , nnd hardly com mensurate with the great risks Incurred , Passenger train No. ! j of the Illinois Central , not Inbound , loft the city at the usual hour last evening. It was In chat-go of linglnosr James and Conductor Robertson. The train proceeded on Its way north without incident , nnd such n thin ? ns a robbery was not thought of , nnd least of nil npprohondcd. When the train reached Hammond station n man boarded the engine. To the surprise of Iho engineer nnd the llromnn , the unin vited passenger thrust Into their faces a big gleaming pistol. The railroad men were or dered to go ahead. The command was obeyed reluctantly , but with seeming good grace. Passenger train No. 2 was scheduled to meet No. 3 nt Independence .and to tnuo the tiding at that point. To this lltllo sta tion , therefore , the engineer | llotod his train of human freight , who llttio conjectured thnt tholr guldo was nt the tlmo under coercion ntid apprehension of hN own lllo. When No. " reached Independence , the tiding wns tnkon nnd the switch barely iocltcd when the southward bound train caino thundering along. Ills not customary for trains to stop nt meeting points , nnd the botith bound train proceeded on its way to Now Orleans without the slightest. Ittiowl- cdgo thai the train which they left behind was nbnut to bo robbed. The south bound train had scarcely IllttoJ by when two men , confederates of the man on the englno , skipped nimbly nboard and Joined tholr pal. The engineer was ordered to reverse tno en gine , nnd nt Newsom's mill , nbout seventy mlloi from the city , was told to como to a halt. halt.Tho engineer nnd llromnn were then used by the robbers ns n parleying party , nnd were instructed to go to the express car nnd to order the messenger to open the car , which wns compiled with. An entrance Into the car , which bears the treasures of Iho express company ns well as thnt of Undo Sam , was then effected by the robbers. The enfo was emptied of Its contents. Having completed their work , the knights of the road disap peared in the darkness , leaving the malls aud the passengers undisturbed. The truln proceeded on its way north and when it reached Anglpaho thn news of the robbery was telegraphed back to this city. Superintendent Flshoi' of the express com- panv said that tlio amount cniried off by the trnin robbers would hardly exceed $ ; t,0 ( > 0 , in his opinion. Every'effort Is bolng made by the express nnd railroad officials and thu i > ar- ish ofllclnis to ferret out the robbers. fJlood- hounds were sent for and were convoyed to the scene by u special train. The robbery occurred at t > :45 : p. in. roil lotr.i i'inunns. No .Municipal Undy Miiy Imposeiccsslvo : I.lrvmu Fri-8. Sioux Cirr , la. , April 15. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bni.J-/rho fignt which has been bitterly waged between the rotnil groceries and street peddlers ended today in n victory for the latter. The grocers pro cured an ordinnncotreuiring ( ] the peddlers to pay a license of $10 pnr day. A test case wns brought in and. It.was todaiVdeclared In favor of the peddler ? , The court holds that the license Is unfair and boyoud the power of the city to Impose nnd that as peddling fruit and supplies Is not against public policy , a city can impose oulv a reasonable revenue llconso. Public sentiment is with the ped dlers , who sell better goods and far cheaper than the grocers' combine. No Miners .Strike at I'rcnent. OsicAi-oost , In. , April 13. The State Miners association ndiourned today after passing hot resolutions denouncinc the stnto legislature for not enacting sovcrnl bills wanted by the miners. Kesolutlons wcro nlso adopted demanding the eight-hour day for miners. The next meeting will bo hold In October. Tt is said no stiiko will occur this bunimor , but that ouo may como next fall. Will Utlllro the ItUcr. Sioux CITY , Tn. , April 15. [ Special Tclo- irram to Tnu Buc.J The Sioux City Jobbers and Manufacturers association issued n call for a conference hero April 22 , of ropresent- atlvcs of all the towns on the MUsouri rlvor north of this plac" . The object , is to organize n line of paclcot boats to ply the river. J'horo U n wldo scope of territory uot reached by railroad alone the river. I'ariloni'il u ItiirlliiKton Murilpror , POUT MAWSON" , In. , April 15. John Mai- loin , n Swcdo who killed n girl In Burlington and was sentenced for llfo in ISSH , wns par doned by Governor ISoios todnv. Mnlloin re turns to Sweden next week , this being the condition of the pardon , I'ast Tnilll Contests. CIIICHGO , III. , April 15. fast train compe tition Is becoming n factor in the western railroad sittntlon. Together with prepara tion for Improving their Chicago-Usnver service , with additional trains , the Itock Island nnd Burlington roads nro perfecting arrangements that will enable them to shorten the run an hour or two nt least. To do this will require a fifty milo nn hour schedule. The announcement is mndo by the Hock Island pcoplo that they will tulio nn hour nud n hnlf off the time between Chicago and Kansas City May 1 has awaken ed thu AtchUon. It is an old-fashion notion that medicine has to taste bad to do any good. Scott's Emulsion is cod- liver oil with ijs fish-fat taste lost nothing is lost but the taste. taste.This This is more than a mat ter of comfort. Agreeable taste is always a help to di gestion. A'sickening taste is always a" hindrance. There is only harm in taking cod-liver oil unless you digest l' < 1J" it. Avoid tlyjtaste. SCOTT ft DOWNS , Chemiiti , 131 South jth Avcnut , New York. Your drucEl" ktep > Scou'i Emulsion ol cod-liver U all druggist every whtr * Jo. ( i. Extract of Beat , Do you \vnn t n copy ol Doof Ton ? See thut it is made from Iho Cor , uiiio Ini'ompiirubly the best , I'uro , eoluils clourly- See Baron T.ol- bip's In blue on lubol , thus. When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to recctn- niend some brand of Smoking Tobacco , we unhesitatingly pronounce BSackweH's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco to be the best in the world. Ahny times imitated , but never equalled. Get the genuine. Made only by Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co. , Durham , N. C O7S VX _ < M } . ABSOLUTELY PURE F.r.JAClUEi 8v. CO. KAN3AS CITY.MO. Kvcry MAN can be S'/nONO .mil V1O- OUOUSinallre.pcris _ Jby iishiK Sl'ANISH N1JRVINB , Itemeilv. YOUNG M1JN OH OLD suffering fioin NlvUVOUS DRBHITy , I.OST 01 lrAIIINO MANHOOD niRlitlyi luisstons.c miilsiolu , ncivout . prostration , cnusr il tty thcu c of npiuni , tob.icco or alcubol , wnkc * fulness , mutual depression , loss of p wcr in either set , sptrmator- DEFnoRK AN n AFTER usic , rlicra caiifcil by stlf abuse ami o\cr iiiilulRencc or nncrsonal wrak * ness can be restored to pet fret health urnl the NOIifcli VITALITY OK STHONO MIIII. We glvo a written puaramcenli 6 boxes to cure any case or return ! the money , } i a boi.C boxes $5 For sale in Omnhn bv Snow , Lund & Co. TWIN CITY STEA.M DYE WORKS , G. A. Sshoadsaok , Proprietor , O.T1333 621 Broi.lway , BluffsandlS-H Far-namSt. , Oaiaha. Dy3 , clea'i ' and rafinUrx goods of everydasaription. Pac'.tagos racsivei at citli3r o.Tica or at tha WorksCor. Ave. A and 23th St. Council Bluffs. Sand for prica list. Merchants who have shop-worn or soiled fabnea of any char.wtor ei-.n have them redyotl nnd flnlahoJ equal lo new. BBD'FEATHERS RENOVATED AND CLEANED BY STEAM , with the most approved maeliSnoryate3t at loss co3t than yo i ovo.- pill JSCHJFFrflANN'S ASTHMA CURE HNcvcr fulls to ulvo Instant relief In tlio worst ! Senses , anil ctTi-cti. curon where nlhrni dill. Trlal l-itla.e FUI'.K of llrumUU r by II. I. S&S" " SOUIFFMANN. 81. l < inl. i ! , . 10-MIHDTE TALK With an able , conscientious , skillful anil sue. ceesful Specialist. Buoh aa each member ana each trained asoUt < tut cf the famous Ilrm ot Drs. Belts & Detts Is universally conceded to be , mar ba worth moro than $10,000 to the man who Is sick , and vlio lias tried all Dlhor means to cecuro relief , but In valii. And yut that talk , valuable us U IB , Costs Nothing1 , If held In the private consu'.tatloa rooms of Drs. Belts & Belts , /or / consultation (9 ( free , not only to those who tall In person , but nlso to nil the allllcted who wrlto tholr uymutoma fully nu > l enclose stamp 'or reply. Maybe the patient la suffering from fomo ono of thosa numerous , yet dellratn malaule ? , which poll to society docs not eeo proper to dlscnaa as n soc ial topic , lu short the may bo aUllctcU wlta Syphilis , Gonorrhoea or Gleet. Wo can euro him. It may bo Seminal Weakness. Ilad enough , but uo matter , we cau curd him. It may bo Slriclure , or Hydrocele , or Varlcocelc. Orsnt rrlsfnr- luues , truly , but vre cau euro him , 1'iobably Piles , 1'Utula or Rectal Ulcers. A terrible affliction , but we cau euro him , Sexual ( Unorders , diseases and tvcaknfss , Nervous , Chronic and 1'rlvate Discuses v.e cure them all , safely , surely , epetdlly and t-Hrctimlly , by methods the most advauced , huicauo und sue- ceiiful , .Send 4 cents for our handsomely Illustrated IZu-imeo book. Conbuliatlou ( reu. Call , cr vulte , eDdoslng turny , Hi's. ' Betts A Mb 110 South 11th St. , N. K. Corner MUi u nil Douf'ltu Sti Omaha , Neb. INDIAN DEPBEDATIO.UUIH3 I'crsnnslio bavo loit properly fro n foil in raids choiild II o their claims under tbo ! ml. an Dupro uton Act of Mar-'h ' , IS 1. 'Iho t moU limited , un I the claims are taken up by tha court > n tbo orJer ! n will -h they arc ! ic.'olvul Talc 3 Notice that all contractJ cntoro I into with attorney. ! prior to tha At arj mill mill r.nJ voi.l. Infi > rm itlon Kh'uu unl al claims promptly a tciulc 1 to by thu BEh BURliAU OF CLAIMS. OMA1-IA. , rCfThls Iliiroan Is ciiarantcc 1 by the Omaha IU > c. Iho I'lonoor 1'10--i 'in I Ihu = jn I'xiiinliiur. tOUHCILB.DFFaSTS\MDYgW03i ! All lm isof Dvu.iif anil Cluiiiiln done In th. ) bl'-'htst htyloof iho ait. K.uli'il an I htilnol fabrics mailo to look us t'uuil as now. Hod fo.ithi'rscluano I by ttoani In flrst-olass niun * nor Work jironiptly done and dulivuroj In .ill ] iuts of iliu lountry. i-cml for urlvo Hht , 0. A. MAUIIAN. - - IMI 1 H.IIlio idw ly. No ir Vorlh voitjri ( JOUXv'II < lliU.'ifl , 10 VI. We ppni ! Iho mnrTnlniiB French. rneJy CAI.THOQ fet-p , nml al lc nl guarantcuthat CAMIini , I.TIII * DUcbnritc * A Knitoln , { 'Dili : Mirrmilorrirn.I'.rlcucclc I uud IlKHTOICi : l.iul Mfor , L'seit ani fav tj'satitf.rit. > dJrriiVON MOHL CO. , Hall inrrtnn Acriti , dntlouill , Chas. Lunkley. I'lincriil Director autl Undcrt I'd- Ull Broadway , Council UlulTs. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. \VANTKI- Hood Rlrl for Ki'iioru hous- v > \\orlc. Cull tit IU - Tlilnl iivi'iiuu , small fiunlly ; guod wnurs. Mrs. II , lo , Wlilinuy. iriT A KOUII yoiiTiTTiorto pay In oarpuntur work. Apply to f.cunurd K\orott , Council Hltiira. IU IU\VA fiirms for s.ilo , Iinprovud 18) ) acrua In llnnlMin county , uorufrr ) ! 1'Jincrca , Improved , IW.UU : H } uurvs. tlT.U' . Kor bar-'ilns In Iowa ami Nolirnslcn faiinsciill nn or wrlto to JuhiMon k. Van I'.ittun , Coiinell IllnlU. riAI-KOH KXOHANaK-Clty und fnrni propurly. K. II. tihuafu , il'way and Main. | rJlTiliNT ( : DnoliTnZH In all "parts of tlio L' city. K. ll Shuafo , llroadway and Muln. iroit HAliU Acro.iKo nuarolty ailaploil for JL1 fruit and Kardmi iiurHasea. U U , fhuafo , llroadnuy nnd Mnin streets. DrsiHMIIiKhouto formula \Vo Imvo for Kulo thu ulojnuit licmso dI A , Mlllor , bit- nut ud nt the corner of riccond iitonilo anil KlL'htli btrout , Inuluilln , ' two lots. Ono of tlio llnuit houses In thu oily. Day & lle.j. SML Insldu ri'Shlonco anil business property at a bargain. If you \\.mt. an In- Vestiiicntorn housofceo us. flay , \ Hess. KOOMK to runt anil fnrnlturo for b.ilo at a bargain , Knijulru ul 'Mi Moriliiui block. 7 to U D. in. 1/UJlt HKNT--A iooil { furinof iliO aorou , only -L. si miles from Council llluirs. Apuiy lo l.uouurJ Evorutt , 1'ourl l. , Cuuucll lilull * . FOUND AT LAST After Yis of Unsucosssful Soarcli for Cure- , Atari nnil rtiu Qot Holloffrjn the Chlnuj Doo.or-V / Tn. monlal. OMAHA. Nob. . .Tun. 18 , I83i To whom It May ( 'oncorn : This Is lo cortffy tliul 1 huvo boon a constsuit sulToror for iniuiy ventM with cnUirrli , nslliiiuv and bronchial nlToo- lions of the Uiroit. : ami trioil nil the ixitont medicines and romodloj I overheard hoard of , but with no success. I heated with doctors in various parts of the country , but none of thorn i-onltl do mo any < 'ol ' further than tflvlnjj nn shop temporary lo'.lef. I MitTorod nlirht an day. and continued to tfnw worst ) not withstanding all the niediclno L htv.l takon. I hail almost clvun upmyciso ns hopeless when I WMH informed by frlondof Or. O. Coo Wo , the Chlneso doctor , and advised to o and see him in the hope o ( tfottinir relief at least , if not a permanent i-tiro for my trouble I was blow in nmkinir up my mind to malco Hiu-h a radical chanuo in my treatment , as I know a trlil with the Chinese tloc- tor would brinji mo , but I dually con cluded to give him a trlil. BO I called at his olhce with that intention. I round thn doctor n clover , entertaining pontlo- mn.ii , thoroughly Dost'oii on my condition ' tion , and it took'otily n vary short tlmo to convince mo th it ho was the parly I was BO long in soaroli of. Ho told mo my case was curable , and that ho could euro me. nnd prctured mo a stiecial tie itinont to suit my condition , and in two weeks t was so much boltc- : that I bud the fullest confidence In the doctor's ability and committed my case to his treatment. I continued to { jroiv batter rapl ly and am mpw onti olv well. 1 owe my euro to Dr. C Goo Wo , and am not ashamed to admit it. ladvisoall who want relief from their troubles to c-illon Dr. C. Ueo Wo. and they will bo cured. For all particulars np'dy OP write to MAIITIX L. ANI > IUSO.V. : ! 5121 Cuminjj St. , Omaha , Nob. 1311. C. GKKVO , Iloziitnrrrulunlonf Oliliipsa modmliip. oljht years' study. Ion yu irspiajfca Tro iw 1110- eessfuliy ull dlso.isos Known to snirerliiihu- nmnlty. KooH. plants and herbs nature's remeilhis bis iiiiMU'inut the world liU wltni-sH ; 1'JJJ toi- tlinonliia. Uill nnil set ) him , Oonsnit uloti free , lias also < onitantly on Ii > n I romtul 01 for the following ( llseasot roiulv | in ; ] > iro.l : Astlrna , Catarrh , Khuilin it sin , I inline Uon ; , Lost Mnnhoo ' . 1'otnaio W ikntss. hleU Ho id- 11 die , H'oo.l I'lirlllnr. nnd Klein y an I 1'vor. ' 1'rlco , one dollar jiur boltlo or six fur lire ilnl- Inrs. Those who o innot rail , one osa - ' - 'unt at.imp for question list an 1 full p irtl"H ars. Onlia Medical and IHSTITUTE. Eye & Ear INFIRMARY Wi FREATMENT OP ALL , it in SniWil : f.iBll lies , Hppnriliis nnd Uu.uolloi for snuei'ssfiil tr > ! aliuoiit of nvory form of illsuasn ruijiilrln r or Mir ie il tru.itiiniit. M boas for p.ulonK bo rcl nn I attendances. lltHt luToiiinJntions In tlio west , ivr lo for fir ulirs on duformit us un.l I riiMjtruses , club fool , o irvitnrusaf < ; > luo , lilies , minors c inuorcifirrh , liront'h't s. In- uclrlL-lty , pir ilysls , rulliMisy , Icld- noy , b a.ldi'r. cvc. , lln an I bloo 1 an 1 nil Mir l ' 'iI on T ition-i. HNPn Pv ! HP WflM'PJI A SI-HOI MTV. UlODAuD'J Ut WUlllDn llnolcnn D.soism of Women I ItKK.Vo havuliitolv ad led i lyin- In < lop irtmoul fur women durln. eiiiiltnumonU Hrlrtly IT v ile.l Only Itoliahlo Jludleal lu- bllluto nialiln : i Snocl illy ot I'UJ VATIC DISl-IASICH A 1 II oed Dluuasos Rili'cussfuily troatoL ynhliltlo I'olson icmovcil ( rum thu systoiu without nit'ruiiry Now Urstoratlvo I'rual- niont for l.o s of VH'AIj I'UWI.IL l'nr-.oiis 1111- nblu toKtns nmv bo troituil at homo hy loiinsimii oiiei1. All communications eonli- duntlal. Mo I eliiL'N or Instruim-iU .stint l < y ma 1 ' , - . ! od ' ori'Npiest si-euro.y pac > , no niii'\sto Hid cntiieiintuntHor sundor. Onu pi-rson-il In- \i-rr \ i'vv prt'fi-rro I. Call and consult. IM or sonj history of your etiso , and uo will sund In p'.aln wrapuor. our TH MhM I'llER : Uiinn I'rlvnta , iu men , or xorvin on. s. Iinpotoncy. S.-phllls , Gluut an I V.ulcu- cu'e , with ipiiHt on Hit. llru'es , Apnllnnocq for fufnrinltlo4 > 5c Triisai , Only manufactory In the Westof i/ < i > < > t n- I'J ) . ( I I'l.l iAL'r.,1 , Tltl/ati. * , Kl.l.UL'lllO ll.l Tl'Klt I'.H A , \ H Jt 1:1. 7.S. Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , 2Oth and Broalway , Co inoll BluTi. Ton mliiiiti",1 i Ido f rein cunlur ot Jin ill i on Omaha null iViiin 'II lllillT * iMnc-lrli ) miilor linn. THEGrtANJ HOFLL , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Now , modern , woll-nppolntoJ , thor oughly woll-Uopt , $ J a day , OI Council HluHi. Oupttii itcotc 8i.ooon euiplusuiiJTrollta HOOtHt NctOupltil an I Surplm . 8VtOOUtt llructorJ ) l > Kil nJ.iliai , H. Ii Hlrjfirt , K ( ) Cilomon , K tt lUrt , I. A Mllllr , J V ilHa'iun uniH.'Imrlo H llnnnnn Trunsnct KCiiunil iMiik- lux biuinum. l.triosl caplttl unil surplus oT liny hunli In i-outhwoblorii lowu. NTBBE33T ON TIMS DBPO3IT3 W. C. E3TEP , tetor I BnM 14 H. MAI ! ) ST..CDUNOIl BLUFFS.