Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Icllutcdl ; Cnrtlcrtoany partof the City
Uin'nc Offlco . No 41
jl8llt inlr ;
i .wi.vno.v.
N Y. Plumbing Co !
Council Hluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
f tail's clinttcl loans. 204 Sapp block.
Btovo and cord wood dry. For sale at
1 lintchor's , 10 Main stroot.
Hocuinr mcctlnp of Fidelity Council No.
1MI. H. A. , tins ovoninR ut 8 o'clock.
There will bo n rncottntf ol the voloran flro-
men of the cltv nt Koscuo ungino bouso tnn
evening at 8 o'clock ,
W. I. Hurhort ot Chlcaeo , connected with
the Icpul corps of ttio Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul , is In iho cltv on legal business.
Tlio dinner nnd suncor given uy the ladles
of the Christian chinch \\lll bo nt th" Ma
sonic tctnplo instead of at 114 Drcaduay.
Mr. 0. S. Lnwaon has kindly furnlshod
.luilso for the reading room of the Yount ;
Mnn's Christian association for another year.
Mr. Luccoclt , who was n photoprnphorlicro
for years , died tccrntly nt San Diego. Cala ,
of HrlRht's disease. Ills wlfu expects to re
turn to this city to reside.
The funeral services of Mrs. Nellie lluber-
MuBRinson will bo held from her late resi
dence , Ml Fourth strcut , Saturday , ut'J p. m.
Interment nt Falrvlew.
John Moore , the young Uurglar captured lu
the act of pilfering at thu rcsidcncu ofV. . T.
Cole , waived examination yesterday and tils
uaso was taken direct to tlio grand Jury.
The social arranged by the Calantho as
sembly for Wednesday evening was post
poned , on account of the weather , until this
c'venlnp. These having tickets dated the
Kith will llnd them coed for tonight ,
The Prco Methodist district ronforenco
commmiccs tonight nnd lasts over Bundav nt
the African Mission chinch on William
Btrcot. Hev. T. II. Alloti of Dow Cltv , In. ,
will conduct the meetings. Hev. 0. H.
Anton , resident pastor.
All members of Council Illuffs lodge , No.
4(1 ( , Independent Order of Odd Follows , nro
requested to tnrot at tholr hull this oven ing
nt H p. m. to arrange to attend the funeral of
our late brother , F. Johnson , on Friday nt
111 a. in. All Odd Fellows are cordially In
vited lo attend the funeral.
The regular semi-monthly mooting of
( olden Hod camp No. 7 , Koval Nolphoors of
America , will bo held thlsovoninir In Knlirhts
of Pythias hall , over 10.1 Main street , ntTiJIO
o'clock. The ritualistic work will bo exem
plified in ample form , after which a program
of entertainment will bo given.
The Al ( } . Field minstrel company drew
nnd delighted ono of the largest audiences
that has been in Uohany's ' this season. Every
fcaitno was new , and this , coupled with the
fact that Mr. John Morkol , a popular Hluffs
boy , was ono of the leading artists , accounts
for the ciowd and the delight. The perform-
nn co all the wa ' through < vas ono of the best
that has burn given on the minstrel stngo in
IhlH city tnls season.
It Is reported that the members of the
First Uaptlst church , or these who have rc-
innincd members since the rctcnt snllt , have
about decided to extend n call to Hov. T. F.
Thlck.stun , iho old pastor who wnb rcspon-
tibln for the organization of the society and
the building of thu present church cdlllco on
the corner of First avenue and Sixth street.
It is believed that ho can bo induced to
the work and rehabilitate ! the church.
Mayor Lav.-ronco has determined that tbo
saloons shall not bopcrm'ttod to remain open
on Sunday If there is power enough invested
in the executive department of the city
government to prevent It. The police have
received instructions to arrest every person
found in an open saloon on Sunday and every
pci son connected with or responsible for it.
management. This order will bo probtbly
carried out and will result In hermetically
Healing every plaeo in the city whoiolt has
uern possible heretofore to got n drink be
twuon church services.
A minstrel band playing on the streets
\ \ yesterday afternoon' tlio cause of a seil-
ous runaway and smashup on the corner ot
Fourth street nnd Broadway. The occu
pant , of the carriage were two ladies and
two children , the youngest n R-months-old
bubo. The vehicle was upset nnd all were
thrown on the pavement , the children undor-
noalb. The baby was thought to bo sort'
ously injured. The ladies abandoned the
wrecked vehicle and took the motor for the
western part of the city , without giving any
of the crowd on opportunity to lenrn their
Uan Farrell Is distributing a very nlcclr
potion up namphlat dovotcd to the interests
of Lnko City , Colo. , and its tributary mining
country. Mr. Fnrrcll has some valuable
mining property In the vicinity of LaKO City
ntid can ho pardoned fur taking a mora thun
culinary iulerost in the subject matter of th
pamphlet. Ho represents the little towr
. that lies 8,000 foot nuovo tno sea , surrounded
N. . by mountains that penotnito the clouds , us
glvine greater promise lor the linmedlnt
futuio than any of Iho other phenomena
Colorado toun , and conlidcntlv predicts tha'
it will have a population of over RliUl , ( befon
the present season ends. IIowill leave lot
the H est In a few duys , but expects to ictuin
duiini ; th3 summer ami arrange for an cxcur
sion of Coancll IllulTs people to visit tb
place during July or August.
ISiiHton Storr , Council lllnlN , In. ,
Our stock ut this time la now complete
with everything stiltr.blo for Ua
In out1 handkerchief tlcpartiriont wo
hhow ninny novelties from Iho ! lc hiiiul
kcrohlcf to the linusl silk or hiunl em
broldorcil. Our line at fie , 7o. or foil
forSJ'c , and lOc , three for We , li-'jo. Id
nnd IDc Biirpassos nnything over uliown
in the handkoruhicf lino.
In Icid gloves wo lead. Our line o
pen nine Fosters is now complete : i
$ , $ . su.oo , $1.75 , $ aoo mi $ i2r ( ,
Kvory pair from $1.2o up warntntod urn'
fitted to the hand by export
, r)0 do/on ladies' kid '
) / ( jltn'osi assorted
colors , for this \vcok atfiOo jior pair.
Marked down from $1.00 , $1.25 and $1.60
ull in at 5Cc ti pair.
Wo show almost everything in the
hosiery line from the uhcapost cotton to
tlio liticBt bilk , Abk lo ECO bur fast black
at' lOo and l-o ] a pair , alho our full regu
lar iniulo ladies' fast blade oyn.x Ilorms-
dorf hose at - < "jc a pair , worth ! > 3a nnd
! l5o a pair. In children's hose our lines
uro complete ; anything nnd ovorytliing1
in lihlldron's lioso from the 7o hose lethe
the tlnost silk. Doston store , Fothor-
inerliam , WhltoJaw & Co , Council
.UlulYs , la.
from Riiurt ,
In the aistrlct court fho testimony was
closed in the case of tbo old Doston tea btoro ,
but the case lias not been submitted ,
It Is rxpcctod that the controversy bo'-veen
the Pythian Bisters and the I'ytdlan Klstor-
liood. two lmllar but rival societies , will bo
icachod lor a hcnrlnp , and if so tboio wilt bo
u good sized and eager audience ,
Horses For Sale Finely bred drivers ,
oarringo teams , brood mares and ( lilies ;
0 , moro or less ; would oxohnngo for
peed land or cltv property , Lr. ) C. II ,
Pinnoy , Council Ululls.
Having removed her studio from room
SOU to 821 , Murrlnm blook , Miss Corona
Liui 'hllii is now prepared to rucolvo
callers und give instructions in oil ,
pastel , crayon or water colors. Como
und arrange to join the cltihs during the
Mitnmor vacation. Work done to ordei.
Kco snoclmons of portrait work at the
Council UlulVrt Carpet com puny 'u store.
noltor , tlio tailor , 310 Broadway , has
nil the latest styles and newest goods.
Bullsfuution guaranteed.
Extensive Improvements to Be Made This
Summer at Lake Munawa.
Wtmt M Tropned to Ho I ono for tlio Ac.
commnditlon anil Kiitcrtitlnmrnt of Vl -
UOM There Hit ) Summer Items
Ironi Across tlin ItUcr.
Colonel Uccd and others Interested In Lake
Mauawa and various phases ot the popular
summer resort have decided that the Imme
diate necessities ot the place call for tbo ox-
pcndtturoof largo sums of money und give
It out cold that nt least $100,000 will be ex
pended tbero during the year , including the
extension and Improvement of tbo motor
"Inc. Just what the nature of the Improve
ments will bo has not been announced , but
ho work will bo of such a character as to
niako the place moro than ever a permanent
ilcaauro resort. Colonel Itccd , S. P. Mac-
Jounoll and others hoavlly Interested hnvo
been traveling around a good deal of late and
hnvo socn enough of other pleasure resorts
: inil watering places to convince them that
Mnaawa libs some advantages that nro
peculiar to it and abundantly sufllclcnt to
ustlfy ttio expenditure ot the largo sum
ncntloncd. They are thoroughly convinced
that It , will become ono of the greatest resorts
'n the west.
Among the improvements upon which
work has already been commenced Is the
rebuilding of thu motor lino. New standard
oak ticn and stcol ruih aio being put In pl'ico
of the old material. All the old cars hnvo
been repaired nnd rebuilt nnd the facilities
Increased by the addition of six now andllrst
class coaches. The linn will bo extended
across tbo eastern end of the laio and will
terminate at Manhattan beach. Tno track
will bo laid upon an embankment that will
afford n pernnnont bank for that end of the
lake and innko n decided Improvement , und
trains will run through solid to the beach.
This will rcmovo a serious objection that
mutiv people urged , the trio across the lake in
the boats. There will bo no curtailment ,
however , of the boating facilities. On tbo
contrary some now last naptha steamers will
bo nut in service.
N curly all of the Improvements contem
plated will bo completed by the time the sc.i-
son opens In May , and the lit st visit of the
public ; to tbo popular resort will afford some
eenulno surprises.
Homo mntlo candy nt Easter festival ,
Congregational , church parlors , Satur
day evening. _
Don't Ho n Drunkard.
There urn thousands of men In the
world who nro addicted to the use of
ali-oholic stimulants , morphia , chloral ,
opium or tobacco. Many of the bright
est lives of the njjo are being- wrecked
by these pernicious drugs , and human
will , no matter how strong , is impo
tent to break tlio bonds in which tlio
victims nro held. Got help in your ex
tremity. The Blunchard Gold Ctiro in
stitute has been established in Council
uri's for tlio purpose of aiding nil , men
or women , who desire to break away
from the destroying vice. A cure abso
lute is guaranteed , und only the small-
eat fee is charged. Como and see for
yourselves , or write to tlio managers of
the now institute , room 5 , corner Broad
way and Sixth btroot , opposite the post-
KxonrrntiMl the Itnllrimtl Company.
Tbo news was received by wire In this city
last evening that the jury in the case of Mrs.
Worth against the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul Railroad company , which was tried DC-
fete Judge Shlras In the federal court at
Cedar rapids , had returned a verdict in favor
of the company. The case was the first of a
largo number of similar suits that grow out
of the accident at Coon Haplds on the 10th of
last June , when n passenger train was
wrecked by a gang of revengeful Italians
and a largo number ot tno passengers in-
Juicd. Tbo suit was for personal damage ,
the plaintiff alloging.carclebsuoss and noglcci
on the part of the company , and as there uro
pcrhapb $ i")0.000 worth of the same suits in
which Council Bluffs und Omaha people nro
interested tbo news \\lll bo considered
of considoraolo importance. The suit was
regarded by the attorneys for both sides as a
test case , and the very Best efforts of both
sides were ca'lcd out. The company khoweii
by unquestioned ovliionco that th'o wreck
was caused bv nn obstruction placed between
the guard rails on the bridge approach , anil
that it was placnd there for the purpose ol
wrecKing the train ; that the company's men
employed for the purpose had passsea over
the line forty n.inutes bnforo the train ap
proactiod and found the track clear , and that
the accident uns duo in no sense to any fault
or neglect of the company or its employes.
This view was sustained all ntcund and a
verdict for the company was promptly re
Altogether there arc nro about $ .250,000 ol
these cases pending , which will prob.iblv
newer ccmo to trial , Js the plaintiffs wil
know that there is no possibility of a vordicl
in their favor.
Supper 2.1 cents at Congregational
church Saturday evening.
Just received ut Davis' , n airload of
Heath & Millignii Mfg. Co.'s paints.
Absolutely pure , and the best in tlio
The Klnp : ol ( iiisolluo Stoics ,
The old single generator Dangler win
the best gasoline steve ever innJo , bu
Shugnrt iS : Son have a now Dangler that
is unquestionably tlio king of vapoi
stoves. It Js called the Dangler Sur
prise , and is simply tlio old reliable
btovowitha perfect process gonorntoi
added. It burns a blue ihuno whoi ,
lighted and has no odor in htupping 01
Blurting. Shugarts nro the only people
who handle them.
Ho Studies the ir ann ,
Council Bluffs has some local scientists
whoso tremendous conception nnd prolouiu
erudition deserve a bigger vehicle to carry
them before un astonished public than is
affoidod by the local press. Ono of the pro
foundest of the number , who Is a peer of tb
immortal Brother Jasper , and who fro
quontlv proclaims moro startling truths that
Jasper's Imperishable "thu sun do move , " Is
connected with an evening paper. Amen
the "market items" of the tupcr las , t tils li
was the following astounding original ess a ;
on &un spots :
Thu present Mm spot period U the lartfcs
since IbH when thu iirlnelnal biiot nas II
mllfsacioss. Another sun spot cr.i occimcc
In IbTI , and another In iMi , hut wimellmos
they are only iovuii or night years p.iru Mil
HIOIS | uro eausoil by thu wholesale rush o
cold miittor Into the sun , coolhu it oir am
cunning I'oid uuathur on thooarth. lint the
ncatlicr may ( Inctti tte suddenly and vlo
lently. for m joon as the cold mutter th. .
htinw slldu thai has rushed Into tlio sun lias
had lime to become emu er ted Into bteam am
calorie eleutilelty there Is a tremendous out
burst of hunt fiom old * -ol. nlilch N liable
mote tliiin niuko up for the recent coldness
It neeu not be dinpilfilniMu thu Globe ruaUcrs
therefoie. If they shall boon be nearly oxtorm
Inattid by ( ucusslvo neat , but thu wonthor
may cluiiiKo Btiddcnly nnd aualn become
cooler , for now him spots mmiotlniui appear I )
thu bolus left by thu old ones.
Kastor novelties for sale at the parlor
of the Congregational church Saturdui
We have our own vinoyarda in Califor
nlo. Jurvis Wino comp.iny , Co. Bltilfa
Thomas Tostovln , civil onginecr nnd
surveyor , over DoVolV , 601 Broadway.
Jan Is 1877 brandy , purest , safest , boat ,
lltldliii | > i'liool .M
The somi-oDinfal upportlonmont of the
ftchool fund among tbo districts of this
county has Just been completed. The upper
Uonment consists of $10,007,43 , made up o
13,30 ; . 10 school fund lateral , fl2,3t > 3.3J or
ho 1-mlll school Ux levy and W23 of nnes.
'horo are twcnty-flvo district townships ,
contalnlnp 0,751 persons of school age , ana
wonty-throe Independent districts , contain-
nc 12,443 persons of school nge , thus making
ho total school population of the county
0,103. Of this number 0,230 are males and
0,8. > l females. Tbft apportionment Is an
average of over S3 cents for each person of
school ago. _
The latest nnd last consignment in of
Busier novelties wore received by Mrs.
. 'feiiTor yesterday , and they will bo on
exhibition nnd s'alo nt botli her stores
from now until nfter Knstcr. See thorn
tnd all the other beautiful millinery
hat will bo sold nt very low prices dur-
ng the next two days.
Oo sure lo get your Knstcr lint nl the
Louis. Such beauties nnd so cheap.
Masonic block.
Patronise liltio Ice wngon for river
channel Ice. Mulhollund & Co. Tel. 102.
Imllrtinrnts round.
The grand jury is still at work , but stopped
long enough yesterday to report n batch of
ndlctmcnts. Among those Indicted were the
rollowlnir.who nro ull under arrest : M. Hook ,
lor burglarlinK L. U. Bmpklo's bouse ;
Gicorgo Anderson , the burglar captured at
I'ostmoster Troynor's residence ; Fred Clark ,
for larceny from Blodorman's old store ; Xed
llcthcrs , for larceny of a wagon belonging to
George Moschendorf ; James Harris nnd
James Fox , for the liucony of n watch chain
from Jacqucmln's store ; John Barker for
stealing an overcoat belonging to M. How
ard , _
Genuine Rod : Springs coil at
Thatcher's. 10 Main street , always on
E , II. Sheafo has money to loan on real
estate and chattels , Urond wry and Main.
Jarvls' wild olackborry is the best
Swanson Miulc Co. , Misonlo tomplo.
ln\pniort-\Vrllcr ,
Yesterday was an Ideal wedding day ,
made particularly so by the lowering sklos
and dripping weather which charactoilzod
the day preceding It , It seemed , ns If the
day hod been exclusively designed for MUs
Olllo Wcller nnd Air. Olln Davenport , for nt
5 o'clock , nt tno homo of the former's
parents , yesterday these two \oung people
were united In marriage. Bishop John P.
Newman nnd Hov.V. . 1C. Beans oQIclntlnr.
The house was brilliant with spring
flowers , palms and Easter lilies predominat
ing In thu lloral arrangements of the beauti
ful homo of Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Welter
at the corner ot Twenty-first and VVlrt
streets , ICountzo Place , father nnd mother of
the bride.
The ceremony was performed In the north
parlor , whcro a temporary altar had Been
erected , made particularly olfectlvo by a
background of palms and lilies , while Just
overhead hung a floral boll made of bmlUx ,
roses and hyacinths , the clapper of which
seemed to oscillate in tune to the music of
Bishop Newman's voice as ho pronounced
words which united two worthy and well de
serving young people.
After the County Scut.
CcninRirius , Nob. , Apill 14. [ Special to
TUB Bii.J : : A mass meeting was held in iho
city hull last evening in pursuance to a call
by the citizens of this place to take measures
in regard to building a court bouse and have
the county seat located hero instead of at
Albmn , whcro it has been located since the
organization of Boone countv. It is the pur-
posn of Iho people of Cedar Haolds and the
adjoining towns to raise fdO.OOt ) . The meet
ing was called to order and they arranged
for n mass moating of the people of tbo
county to bo held Saturday. April 211. At
that time ' .ho wbolo matter will be discusseii
and measures taken to ascertain tbo senti
ments of tno people. Great enthusiasm was
manifest. Twenty thousand dollars Is a.-
ready guaranteed. There has been no court
house built yet , nnd Cedar Ilapids has de
cided to show Its appreciation of the countv
seat by offering $ T > 0UO ( ) as an inducement to
secure its location at this
I'rcabyters' Closing Work.
At the closing session of the Omaha pres
bytery , E. H. Duncan was nominated as
financial agent , Hov. J. A. Henderson ns
superintendent of missions and W. M.
Lonmor as Presbytoriui Sabbath scnool
superintendent. These nominations will
como before tbo general assembly for ap
The piesbytery decided to request tbo
general assembly to direct that all funds In
tended for objects included in the board's
appropriation bo paid by the financial agont.
Hccords of tno different sessions of the
presbytery for n number of years past were
reviewed and approved.
Reports from Sabbath school superinten
dents showed n decided Increase in attendance
as well as increased interest by the young
people in church work.
During iho lutter part of Juno the
presbytery will hold n circuit meeting at
Hushvillo , Alliance and Gordon.
Xclmislcn Ministers Meet ,
Cnnvit Utrin * , Neb , April II. [ Special to
Tins HrE.J-f-Tho Methodist ministerial meet-
ini ; which has Ccon la session ut this plnco
since the llth inst. closed last evening. It
was not fully attended by the ministers
owing to the bad weather. These In attend
ance were : Hov. J. B. Lcctlom , Columnus ;
liov. il. D. Footo , Belgrade ; Hov. J. il.
Moore , Urnnd Island ; Hcv. D. 1C. Tindoll ,
Central City : Hev.V. . H. Pillsbury , Grand
Islnnd ; Hov. D. C. Worts , Wood Hivor ;
Hov. W. M. V/orlcv , Albion ; Hev. George
.MuAdams , Grand Island ; Hov. N. M. Mar
tin , Fuilctton ; Hov. G.V. . Martin , Kcarnev ;
Hov. H. M. Henderson , Albion ; Hov. H. U.
Brown. Greeley Center ; Hov. L. Campbell ,
Hev. C. Balson nnd Hev. J. A. Bulrd , Cedar
.1 nines Corcoran \uis killed by tlin ( .tiling of
u lioain whllo hu wni engaged In moving a
building at Vilina , Colo.
KUh illhcoverlcs of gola nnd mica have been
Hindu In the Bun AndroiiH mountains In thu
vicinity of White Oaks , N. M.
Tlio main building of L'larKo university for
colored students near Atlanta , ( in. . , was do-
btroycd by llro. Loss about if IDO.OW.
1'iiEseii'or triiln No. - ' , north bound on the railroad , was hold UN by rub
bers In Louisiana und robhe 1 of * JUOU.
At Whllo Oaks , N. .M. , the residence of Mr.
ErrlcUson win destiovod bv lire. A bov 4
ycaisoid and a bubo wuru In tlio house. Tlio
uldur child was burned to death.
A terrific snowstorm has blocked the Ilur-
lington , Cedar Uaplds & Northern for
thirty miles south of Albeit I.oa , Minn. Tlio
drifts are from six to tun feet deep , Ti.illlo Is
much obstructed.
A bhortujo of t.0,00) ! In the funds of the
Kingbi'p'.ng llulldlni ; and lo.m assoulatlon of
I'lilludelnnla been discovered , Thomas 1' .
Ulorg , thu hcciotarv. It Id reported , will ac
count for the dullclt.
David VaiKrhan , n 75-year-old negro of
C'liui lesion , 8. I' , , WUH fuiind dead fiom the ef
fects of arsenic poisoning. Ills Il-year-oldson
huh been arrested , It being suspected hu com
mitted thu erlino because his father had
whipped him ,
The special commlttpo iippotntod to rep
resent thu Interests of wool n.aniifxctuiers
and to act lib thu olllnlnls of tmiUhlc.igo
Columbian exposition have met In Now York
to confer with representatives ofthotrado
fiom various parts of the country ,
The mmiasers of the Delaware and Hudson
Citnnl company havu rent out a ri'iuiest for
uroxles to la tn > ud at the niinual eireilon ,
The leanest states thiit llin pioxles will bo
u ed to elect a directory uhlcli will not al'ow '
the company to become subordinate lo uny
other corporation.
The final repot land iioeountlnz of Charles
\V , liouUi , nsilKnoo of H. V. White .tCo.liui
been tiled In the court of common pleas o
New York , The actual assets over the
amount of secured Indootedneis were f.LVJ.-
--'h.ll. 'j ho iiBslgiico paid nut ruMWT.'jpj uy.
leaving it halanco of JX > ,0)0 which U uvullablo
for the eJipeiiiea of uceouiitliiK.
The Ilrltlsh troops In India have been victo
rious In several cntfuKcinenti ! with maraud
ing tribes.
An uxainluntloii of Deeming by Melbourne
authorities ostubllshcs the fact that the mur-
deicr Is aue.
The Honduras government has refined to
renew the charter of the 1'nglUh conin my or-
ganltud lo build un Interouoanlc railroad In
that country. The privilege Imb been granted
an American concern ,
Kliic Ilulianxln of Dahomey , seized atVhy -
a h , the port of D.ihomey. tnenty KuropuaiiH ,
Including nun * , und ho has tuken them tc
Aboinoy. his cupltal , where ho will hold them
lu iho ovout of au ultauk by the 1'rcoch.
* in
Pro'pcoia for Oponhg Iho Basa Ball Season
in Omaha Brighten.
Orcnt 1'tnn * llrlng T.niil to Oho the Toning
a ( Jimil Kcnil-Oir How the Tu\or-
Itc.i at .Mempllj | rtmikeil
Other Sport * .
Jupiter Pluvius , probably in answer to
thu prnjors ot Otnatia'a Icclon nt bnso ball
cranks , was gracious cnoufih to rclcnso his
grip on tbo string of tlio celestial shower
bath cnrly yeMerany morning , aiul jcstorJay
gave Old Sol a show for bis wblto nlloy.
Anil maybe ho dltln't appreciate and im
prove It. All day , through ( rngmontary
suds of whtto clouds , ho poured hit health-
Insnlriticr nnd nll-iiryinR luster and the
drifts of the buixutlful that ombnnKca the
sidewalks nnd hlRhwuys gra.luully but
surely disappeared , the ephemeral torrouts
In iho guitars dwindled awav to silver
threads , and the mud In our beautifully
pnvcd streets became Ucssicntcd and crusted
to thoiollillty ofnsphaltum , and last night
the funs \voro all happy ana content that the
opening of the base ball scasun would coma
under fnvornblo auspices ou schedule tltno ,
Saturday nftcrnoon.
And It looks moro and moro as If their
fondest hopus were to ho realized , ns the
winds huvo veered to the south , the tcmporu-
turn Is partaking of the languor of rent
spring , and all indications point to an Inter
val of pleasant weather.
In couicquctico the management has re
doubled Its work of preparation , and by to
night ovrrything will bo in readiness for n
big Saturday. The bt. Pauls will
reach hero this inormn , ; , and In the afternoon
indulge In n little ncuacd practice ut Sports
man's pork. Tomorrow afternoon nt 1
o'clock the parndo will start from in front of
Bundle's headquarters , Fifteenth nnd Fnr-
nam strculs , ami traverse a modillcd route.
The procession will first move south to liar-
ney , tbcnro cast to Ninth , north
to Fariiam , wet to THE Bur. build
ing , countermarching to Sixtceuth ,
thence nortn to Douglas , cast to Tnlrtccnth ,
north to Dodge , west to Sixteenth , whcro
the members of thr band will take tbo cable
for the grounds. Oucolicron delightful cpen
nlr concert , for which a spocinl program has
been arranged , will bo given , occtiD.vlne the
time from 2:30 : to ! :30. : At tbo lutter hour
Billy Serad will roll to the pitcher one of
Kencho's now balls and the season of 1S9J
will be duly inaugurated.
National I.C.IKUC Guinea.
All games scheduled for yesterday were
postponed on account of rain , The games
for today are :
Boston at Washington.
Brooklvu at Baltimore.
New York at Philadelphia.
I'ltlsbur * at St. Louis.
Cleveland nt Cincinnati.
Chicago at Lou is villa.
hrnint KINO.
Kntrlrn Ut I'oiirn.
POXCA , Nob. , April H. [ Special to Tnn
BEE. | Entries for 1KB July meeting of the
Ponca Driving and Fair association aru com
ing in rapidly. Already bver luu of the best
horses l'i this and surrounding stales nro
among the number. Among the moro promi
nent norsotncn who hAvb made entries nro
the following : DuBols-'Bros. , Denver ; Gould
& Miller , I'ullerton , Neb. : C. G. Couls.Sloux
Falls , S.D. ; John \V ; Tlklon , Goldendalo ,
Wash. ; Arthur Everett. Lyons , Neb. ; A. J.
Halo , Beatrice , Nob. , ' and John T. Fisher of
Elk Point , S. D.
The Diamond Horse company sold yester
day to Obo Ctiurcb of Uordon"Noi , ) . . the bav
stallion Diinonda Np.'MJTT , by Bay Diamond
No. ISl'J. ho by Marabrlno Patchen No. flS ;
dam , Gold Wave b > 'Ooldenbow No. 1M3G.
The purchase nrico was'fl.bOO. '
"Moinphld J'aiorlti-H I'liinltod.
Moii'iuo , Tenn. , April 14. The books
carried off a cartloiid of money today from
Montgomery park. Moose , who could not do
anything at Now Orleans , was a winner at Ute
to 1 , Eugonio , n 10 ti 1 snot , sent a chill up
the spine of those 'backing ' tbo favorites bv
winning' the fourth , and John G , at 15 to 1 ,
laid them out cold Dy winning ttn last event.
The track was slow and quite heavy.
Weather very cold. No racing tomorrow
Good Friday.
First nice , s'x furlongs. Elslit starters :
Sunny South (24 ( ! ton. won. Josephine Ous-
sldy (0 ( to 1) ) . second , Qrulkhhunks (8 ( to 1) ) , third.
Time : I.1 : ! ! , .
ijpcontl race , liulf u. Mile. Tour starter :
Moose ( B to 1) ) , won. Enoloh (0 ( to 1) ) . second ,
Johuutti (4 ( to 1) ) . third. Time : Kl\ .
Third race , mile und an eighth. Three start
ers : faithful ( li to 5) ) , won , 1'lrst IJHU ( > tj ! ) .
second , Annie llrown ( uvcn ) , third. Time :
Fourth race , seven furlonps. Six starters :
K'iffonio (10 ( to 1) ) won , C'oslu HICJI ( II to I ) sec-
uml. Miss I'lckwlck < 4 toll third. Time : 1:47'4. :
Tlftli race , mio mile. Ten starters : John
O. ( is to 1) ) won. Coronol (12 ( to 1) ) second , mid
Mcunbough (4 ( to 1) ) Ihlrtl. Time : 1:51. :
Kosult * nt ( SloiiccHtcr.
Gi.oucnsTctt , N J , April 14. Weather
threatening , track fast.
First race , lovon-blzhthsof a mile , scllln ? :
\ iindyKo won , Slumber sitcom ) , Hoylo Khodcs
thlid. Itunnlo KingTapiiahaunoelt cinil
Kblla drawn. Time : li'i. : :
Hecoud nice , sovoii-slxteuiithi of : i mile , for
" -year-olds : Msbou JIald itho favorite ) won ,
Itnnollii , colt , hccotid , Jerry McUiulhy third.
Time : 4- .
Third race. flftcon-nUtconths of a tnlle ,
special \ \ eights : Lonely won. Socinol sucoml.
'loin I'lnlcy third. Mohican ( the fiMorltcl tun
unplaced. Tltnu : 1IU.
1 oiuth race , three-font ths of amllo. soiling :
1'iirlc KUeoltho favorite ) won Jontestbccond ,
Unmet third. Time : 1:10. :
i'lfth race , live-eighths of n mllu , Boliliii : :
John At wood ( the favorite ) won. Cniiiit-Mo-In
seconil , Tlio Kail .thlid , Jim Olynn dr.iwn.
Time : irisj-j.
.SI \ th , one and ono-olzhth miles , sell-
In : Issutiemi. ; | lilly , ( the favorite ) won ,
Iliii/hiir , : Hccond , Krank 8 third , Donsman
und Carnet drawn , Time : -UI. :
( iiilni ; nt CiiittciiuurfT ,
GuTTCxnEiio , N. J. , Aoril 14. The track
was In good condition today. The attond-
uncn was large.
I'irst race , six and n half furlongs : Karly
Dawn won. Ethel II sccon 1 , Vandal thlid.
Time : lsiy. :
Second race , live furlongs : Mplfoover won ,
Gladiator hocond , Johannes third. Time :
Third race , six fmloiiRs : Ilencdlctlno won ,
SallHburv second , L'nceitalnty third. Time :
lMU. :
1'oiii-th rare , four nnd a half furlonss :
Illunchu won , Ofaleuo second , Qnlbblcr thlid.
Time : 5V
I'lfth race , six furlongs : Vocallto won , O
1' llfcecond , llollvnrtlijid ; Time : Il7. :
t-lvtli race , ono mile ; Lady 1'ulslfor won ,
I'Mrclly sucoml , Mr degree third. Time : 1:41. :
Out HI < tuIiroriiU.
SAX Fiuxcisco , Gal , , April 14. The first
of tbo blood horse rdcoi today wa&a half-mile
dash for 3-\ear-oIds . ! Monown won , Bridal
Veil second. Orrlu thlnl. Tlrno : fiO' .
i-econa race , owners' liandlcap , ono mile :
Acclaim vion , Oapttflii Al uecontl , Goraldlno
third. Tlrno : 1H.IV , ,
Third race , Jlftignl.tccnths of n inllo :
Initiation won , l.oulrt Mills second , llru\v
Scott third. Time : ( HH ! .
Kourtli race , M.ioa.f mile and one-quarter.
Nliu'siartem : bliorlUan won , Oscar bucoud.
' . ' .
Time : 'iltU. L
Ilust inn * ( Wheelmen.
lUsrisos , Nob. . April 14. [ Special to TUB
BKU.J Tno Hastincs branch of the League
of American Wticolbiqn bus been making extensive -
tonsivo proparatlonso'rtho state tournament
which will bo hold In this city July 4 , At
the now base ball park at Cole's park a cin
der quarter milo track , the tocond in the
country , has been 'aid ' off by the city engi
neer. nnd msoon us the weather permits the
work of gradlug and fencing will begin ,
Chlnf Pcrrigo of Omatu predicts that UUO
'cyclists will ho piosont. At the annual elec
tion held a short titpualaco the ofllcer * for
the ensuing year uorooloctcd : J , A. CJccrgo ,
president ; Charles Scbuufolbergcr , vice pres
ident : Prof. Avoriti , secretary ; M. A. Hartl-
gan , Jr. , corrcfccaniling secretary , U. U. Bur
ton , treasurer ; II. U , Hanson , captain , and
H. G , Klruy , lieutenant , Messrs. George ,
Clark and Burton were appointed a commit
tee of arrangements for the tournpy.
Duly Incorporated ,
The Omaha Goutlemon's Uoadstor club
has Hied its articles of Incorporation in thu
ofllco of the county clerk. Tbo capital utocu
Is $1,500 , with Kicuard Smith , U , T. Mount
and G. I ) . Edwards the chief promoters.
Tbo object of tbo company Is to provide and
arrange for races and the Improvement of
roadster bones ,
> Water may keep perfectly healthy and happy if lie
is careful what kind of water he drinks. It is hard
to get good drinking water in large cities. "That is
why thousands of families use nothing but spring
water on the table. They *
If they find a water free from disease germs. We
ofTcr you a water not only free from disease germs
it is a medicine as well.
The man who dines too well and exercises too lit
tle may escaps gout ; and the man who is already
afflicted with rheumatism or gout can cure himself.
This Natural Lithia Water is strongly recommended
by the medical profession.
You may read every word of this , or you may read only
what is printed in heavy type. It is nil true in cither case.
For Sale by all Druggists and Grocers.
Distributing Agents for Omaha.
GHARLESB , PERKINS & GO , 36 Kilby St. , Boston , Mass , , Selling Agts ,
Worth Knowing.
That ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS are the highest result of
medical science and skill , and in ingredients and method have
never been equalled.
That they arc the original and genuine porous plasters , upon
whose reputation imitators trade.
That ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS never fail to perform their
remedial work quickly and effectually.
That this fact is attested by thousands of voluntary and
unimpeachable testimonials from grateful patients.
That for Rheumatism , Weak Back , Sciatica , Lung Trouble ,
Kidney Disease , Dyspepsia , Malaria , and all local pains , they
are invaluable.
That when you buy ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS you abso
lutely obtain the best plasters made.
Beware of imitations , and do not he deceived hy misrepresentation.
Ask for ALLCOCK.'S , and let no solicitation or explanation induce you to
accept a substitute.
ten Biinrantoo to euro nil norvout dlstn'ci. such Hi JVi'uk Memory ,
Lovsof llraln 1'owi r. llcudactie. Wiikefulncas , I o t Munhood. Nlpluly Eiuls-
j tlons. Nervousness , Laasltudo.nlldralns and loss of power ol thotii nurallrn
r Orcans In cithersoxcaiiso I Iiyovorerortlon , youthful rrr c.or pxriwtva
< % U8oof tobacco , opium or Ktlmulant3 which soon lorul lo Intlrmlty. Con uinp-
i > X ! * 'ilR ! < ! ii kL8 > 4tlonandIti'anUy. I'utupconvrnlcnttocarry In vett jiotkct Si porpnck-
SSK tlBi ! iZfirS < i , .
< lSKit7njUynlIlof0ri5. ( | | | ! with ovcryfxinlorwn rfreanrutcn vuurantte tacurt
usrouB > sujirTEni-siNO. or rejund tits money. Circular free. Address NcrioHuccI Co. , C'Jilcuno , III.
For sale In Omsiha by Sherman & McConncll , ] fii : Dolc-sl. : {
Tor Xorvo-i Proitratlon. Nerr.
ouaand 1'lijslcal Uolilhty , vital
Exhaustion , Insomnia I'a In In *
Ilia Hack. Cold Hands or toct.x
lliil Circulation , Illuo Lines
under tno fres , I'linplos '
nnd all other Vcrvou * or ' to I he
l''AIEI >
cr sax. They rnako check , tuf-
non healthy hlood ' fercia from
restore ttio Men
ous Bystciii. of the Nervef ,
Impure niood
end brlntr or
IheroieatB. ' I'an trrore. should
nt InLu . '
flush or once DU.ueiiD'0
licalth Ncrvu Tonlo mil , Ui
CrtstUfe n D wir * bOccnte
a Ylal. Far ale by I > ruff-
or cut I'y inalC
iiouirs JTIIJBICJNI ; co. ,
"HAN jraANviHcoorciiicAao.
foil BALK IN OMAHA. KE1J. , 11V
Kuhll if Co. , Co r 10th A loUKla > Sis
J A. rullcr ft Co , Cor. 14tli A Douglas Sts.
A. O 1'oster & Co . Council llluft * . In.
at any tliite wlb
A 5 cent Bottle mayoavo you
$100 in Doctor's bills-may eave
your life. Auk your Druggist
Dr. Acker's English Pills
Small , plrH nut. a fuvurlla nltli tlio ladloi.
W , U. 1IOOKKU V/eiv Iiroadway , K. r. i
. . . * . . .Iff. . . . ' t. > l.fl > . , .B. . . . . . . . . .r
For sale by Kukn & f'o. . and Sherman
&McConriull , Omaliu.
Chas. Lunkley ,
I'imrnil Dirrctor anil Uiitlert.i\cr.
811 Broadway , Council UluflTa
To promote health ,
preserve nndlength
en life , stimulate
and invigorate the
whole system , tone
the- stomach , aid
digestion , create an
appetite and repair
the waste tissues
of the lungs ,
nothing surpasses
an absolutely pure
whiskey of deli
cious fl ajv o r ,
smooth to the taste ,
mellow , mature
and of richest qual-
ity. Unlike inferior whiskies it
will not rasp or scald the throat
and stomach. Call for CREAM
PURE RYE and take no other.
For sale only at high-class liquor
and drug stores.
JIKNT , u poetic for lljrslorln , III | M3S | , I'lti Nou
ralvln , lloudniliu , NIT > OIIS rroitrntun inimoil ur
nlcoliol or lubutruVakefiilnes9 , Montnl llc'pru *
Ion , SoltnvBuOf Ilia llrnln. caii < lnxln aiiltf , mlnory ,
decayilcalh , I'reiiiutura ( Jl'l Acu , llaruno < , Lou
uf 1'onvr In illhiT tax , lni | > uti'ncy Leiui rrhca anl
ull roumlu Wenkiic t , Involuntary IKJJJBJ , rpfr
maturrhpa caiibinl by over uxurllon ol tin hniln ,
( nlf-nbiuoover liululicenie. A montli'i trculmcnl
II. li for IV l > y luitll , WuKUirantuuiilic buxen tocuro
Kaih unlor lonllioiu * , nltli ( i will teml written
Kuurunt otu rufuiul If not rurocl < uurHiilcu ItsuoU
ty cioiklmau DruuCo. , I1IU Kariuun M , 'Jiuulm.
the vtoiuiuhliter ituuutHtK i > urlT
fy 111 * ) blood. i OKI ft * auil tlfttlualiZ
the U l inulUmckiinHiircirblhruiif !
Lriii'lh. 1 ruiiiu InIK ui ll.urn , { < na nt
ftnjHtKc , meulttl ilijucAtlou , ludiiftil *
Olifc tlun , jiliniilitH , willow ifdiiiilix
Impure bleeder u rwluiv by Ih ktomui li , Ihi i ur tu
letillacn to | xirforni tlit'lritror rfuuLlloiiit. ] Vj > onii *
Ttrlvcn toovi r Lallnte are Ix nt illtC4lbjrtakli > uoneufUrT
Tpaif ? nii-al. rrl < t < I.T nrnll , 1 ( fruiw.tKihiiniilf.iJi * . r
J lill-ANH CIIKMAJA1. ( V ) 10f : | < nicubt.Krw Yoik J
( * v * * * * 004
Ill South mil Street ,
Next to I'ostolllee , Omaha.
Practical Opticians
And brnnrli of worM rennnnM optleM t.ibl ) li-
nirntofA. H .Moo A Oo , St. I/ouli Our uiolliPi ! !
Inferior to ll othcr i nur l n < ar < > ouprrlort wl'.l
not wiMtj or tire Iho 0701. Tbo fraraci propttl/ -
the furo.
EyoB Toatod Proo of Chnr o.
Prices Low for First-class Goods.
\VAVITI Hood Rill for housf-
M \\ork. Cull ut 10'J I'hlrd IIMMIIID. Smalt
family ; good \\asrM. Mrs. II. \Vhlttioy. .
" 1711111 A I.II-A cooii yount boric. WTiTtalTo
J- ' pay in carpenter work. Apply to I.conanl
i\erutt. : Council IllnlTs.
10 IOWA farms for sMc. Iinpro\cd Ifl ) acres
In Harrison county , J pum cm ; 12J ncrcs
ImnriHeil , SW.O'J ! 83 aero-i. Jli.U' ' . Kor bariUni
In Iowa anil Nebraska farms enll on orvrito
to.loliinon , "c Van Patten , Council mull's.
'AI.KOtl nXlMIANOtt-l'lty MM I farm
' . i : . II. '
propoi'y. Shuife. ll'way ami Main.
. s In nil p irts of the
city. Ilro.ulwiiy and Mtiln.
. . . _ _
Foil SAM : Acroaito near city adaptoil for
fruit and Kiirdun nurnj-sus. i ; . II , fhoafo ,
llro-id\\uy nnd Mum streets.
DisilTVllIn : hmisu for sale. We for
sale thu oloeant housu of I A , Miller , "It-
tmteil at the corner of Second avoiuio and
r.lehth i-ticut. Including two loti. Ono of thu
llnusl bouses In thu city. Day & Ue < 9
TjlOU SAIiK Inxldo rrnliliMico an I biislnoss
* - ' property at a nln. If you want an In-
v.atn.ent ot a house see us. Day .V Hess.
1 > OOMS to rent nml furniture for sain nt a
-I * bargain. Kiiiiulu at 3JJ McrrUm block. 7
to ! ) D in.
iroit UKNT--A iool ( fnrtn of XII acres , only
* - ' L'J mlles from Council lllutrs Apply to
Leonard I"\eiett , I'uarl st. . Council lllnfTs.
'Jl '
llrst facilities , apparuus nnd Komodlui
for snccuvifiii tiuatmunt of ovcry form
of disease roiiiilrln : medical or troatmunt.
M beds for patients , ho ird anil attcndanco.
Host uecomoJatums In thu wesi.
\\rllu for vlreulirs on duformlt'os nnJ
braces tiusses , club foot , cnryaturos of siilno.
plica , tumors , e.incor.oat irrh. bronchitis , In-
haliulon.u'ectrleity , p ir.ilysls , epilepsy , UU-
nuy , b uddur , eve. oar , skin nnJ blooj nnd all
surglenl operations.
Women 1'KKi ; . Wu ha\ulntuly adiled u lyln -
In dcp irtinent for women during coiillnumonU
strictly nr.vuto. ) Only liollablo Mudlcul In
stitute maldiiK n Specialty ot
All K'ood Diseases snccussfully troateJ.
Synhllltlu 1'olson removed ( rein tlio Hynlcin
without im-reiirv Now itustoratlva Trcal-
inent for Lossof VITAL I'OWCll. 1'ursons nn-
able to visit us mav bo troatud at liiiinu by
loircxDon Icncc. All cominunluatlons eotilf-
dciillal. .Me'Iiclnes or Instriimonts sent l > y
mini oro\press , seouroiy packed , no < ft to
1ml catu contents or scndor. Ono personal In-
tervlow pruferro I. Call und consult us or send
hlstoiy of your case , and we will send In plain
wrapper , our
VRCE- upon iTivut
Rnnif Tn MFN *
auun lu men
, bUUUi , | nr NUmns ) DH-
easps. Iinpotcncy. Syphilis. Gleet an I Varlco-
oele , with iinestion list.
llraecs , Appliances Tor Deformllles fc Trusos.
Only manufactory Intho Westof tuil'tittM-
fll .U-J'i.l 1.0/i.A , JltUnai , * , KLKUntia
Jt.lTTKUII'.SA * II ItKr.-lS.
Om.iha . Medical and Institute ,
20th nnd Broa Iway , Oo moll Bluffs.
Tun minutes' lido from center of Om ib.i on
Omaha and Uonnull Illiilli oioctrlo motor lino.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
NONV , modern , wall-appointed , thor
oughly well-kopt , 83 u day.
E. F. CLARK , Prop.
All lilndNof DVO.IIK and Oluanln ; donu In Ui
hlchcHthtylo of the art. K.uliul un I ht.ilnoit
falirh'H made to look an i-ood as now , llutl
fuathuiuuluaiiu.l by kloam In llnt-cl.m man
ner Work piomptly donu and dulivuro. ) In all
purls of ilie country. Keuil for prleo IUU
U. A. MAUIIAN , - - I'llOl'ItlUl'OIt.
I Ulllioulw ly , Neir North vaitjr.i
' - llttuirt. lo VL.
Of Council limits.
C.-iplttl stcok . . .
Net O.uiltal nnl Burplm . ,
I > lriUorI. . I ) Kit nuil < oi , K , I * Hhuriri. K.O
demon , K. 15 Ilirl , I , A. .Mllljr. J , V illnn'iiMt
anilMutrlot It llntinun. Trans ict BCMIUI. il liiiitk-
lii ! { hiibiiivhM. l.nrxoat imU suiplusot
liny lyiuik In bouthwustuni luwa.
MDInctor.Bieli .
Xf Attorneys at luw 1'
a u | 0 uw ute uui
federal courts. Itoonu I , t ual i
IJcuoulbck , Cuuuoll Uiuir * . Ix