8 THE OMAHA DAILY HEI2 : r\VKDXKSIUY , APRIL lo , 1802. Oil Charged with Forgeries , the Well Known Architect Leaves the City. ESTIMATED TOTAL OF HIS DEFRAUDATIONS Coulemoil Illi Crlmn nml Illntril Tlmt Ho Might Commit Snlrlilrll of tlio 1'orgorlm Slutlo In Ono Ji'iimc The Details. Architect Sidney Smith has decamped. Ilo left Omaha Saturday night. Tlioro nro Innumerable charges of forsor.v ngalnst the nrcliltcct , nnd this U tlio cause nscrlbcd for his sudden departure front the city. Friday afternoon Tun Ben published ox- cluilvoly an nccount of Mr. Smith's slrango actions In trying to dispose of a promissory note for ( ' 'GOntn discount of $25. The note bore tlio signature of Kmory A. Cobb , of the real cslato firm of Potter , Cobb & Mclklo. It was mndo pavablo to pseudony mous "Henry J. Stevens. " Mr. Smith tried to sell It to Attorney Barnard , who nfnrm- cd Mr. Cobb of the dual. Then was the llrst tlmo that Architect Smith was suspected of being a forger. Ollirr rorgrrlr * Alleged. Now It appears that Mr. Smith has forged a score of notes , aggregating to thoamountof about $2,000. It transpired yesterday that ho had the signature of Krnory A. Cobb on thrco notes payable to ' . "Henry J. Stevens , " The llrst notcfor ; $2150 , Is the ono nbovo referred to , nnd the two others are hold by John Dak1 , 11 loanbrokcr and real estate dealer in Iho New York Llfo building. Mr. Dnlo simply negotiated the notes for other parties. Knch Is for j'J50 and tnado pavablo to "Henry J. Slovens , " endorsed by Sidney Smith , whoso signature upon cluso inspec tion boars a rosatnblancu to tbat of the forged signature of Emory A. Cobb. Hinted nt Suicide , In ono of his letters to Mr. Unlc. Smith trios to explain matters and Intimates that ho might possibly commit , suicide. Whether or not ho has , Is a. question. Hut at all events ho has disappeared and the Hoard of Trade has taken possession of his ofllc < ) furnltuio. Ho had an ofllcc on thoflfth Moor of the CUambor of Commerce building. In speaking of the forgery case Mr. Dale told a reporter for Tin : Hit : thai ho had never thought the notes bore forged sig natures unlit ha road ilia urtiolo In Tin : Bir. : Satjirday morning. Then ho was con vinced and immediately \vont to scokMr. Smitli. Mr. Dale gives tbu details of tbo transactions as follows : Itccn nt II u Year. "About n year aj'o Smith came to my house wo wnro neighbors to sco mo about iiegoliatlng t\vo notes on Elmer Frank , cleric of the United States circuit court. Ono note was for $ 01 nnd the other for ? I7 , > . Ho wanted mo to discount thuni. 1 asked him him why ho did not discount them at his " ban If , ns I know ho was doing business at the b'irst National bank. Ho explained to mo ttint ho was In acbt to the bank nnd said , ns an excuse , that the bank would place them to his credit , thereby ho would cct no money. 1 thquglit this was plausible. I know Mr. Frank and knew that ho was good. "Smith told mo that Frank was hard pushed for money and that ho. did not waul to injure Mi- Frank's credit by noddling the notes to everybody. I discounted the notes , nnd later Smitli came and lock them up bcforo they became duo. Kalscil tlio Limit on Thcso "On January 15 , last , Smith again came tome mo with two moro notes. Ono was dated January in and xvas for ninety days for 8100 , duo April 14 , 1MU. Tlio other was for S100 , dated December " 0 , 1SU1 , payable March -0 nnd 33 , lust. This last note was also Inner. up , but a few days later Smith came back nnd asked mo if I considered the notes of Emory A. Cobb good lor J.100. These were for S-'ol ) each , and made pavablo to this man Horny J. Stevens , endorsed by Smith. I told Smith that Mr. Cobb's notes were very good. The signature of lliem I never queslloned. In fuel I never dreamed of iinythlng being wronp. I then discounted thcso two Cobb notes , and 1 never rcali/ed that they wcro forgeries until I read Tun BII'S : expose of Smith's action IQ tryinp to dispose of ono to Lawyer Barnard. It struck mo in an instant that all wcro forgeries. I wont to his ofllco at once. Ho was not in.I loft word that I wanted to co him. Later I again called upon and met him at the foot of the elevator In the Bourd of Trade building. I called his attention to the article. Ho said It was all right and that bo would fix mat- tors. Ho told mo he had money in the bank and I asked him for a check. < ! : ivi- Worthless Clicclt , "Smith cave mo a check for 1250. When I presented it the paying teller told mo that Mr. Smith needed Just $ riU.OI to meet It. The check was dated April 7 but was given April D. 1 wont hack to Smlln's ofllco and found the following letter : r. > rta Letter. "OMAHA , Nob. , ISO-Mr. Dale : I have ponolo South Omal-a about the matter of uoto. l"o ) not bo alarmed. 1 will protect ' vou in any event Monday. SIDNEY SMITH. " " "When I came down Monday morning I found in my mall this letter with no date , but the postmark was April 0 ; " 'Mr. John Ualo I rely on your friendship to help inn In ibis matter. I am after funds which I shall havolin an hour or so without fall. 1 am waiting for n friend here 1 missed In South Omaha. Say nothing. I will cnmo directly to.vou. If you have loft the olllco I willcun.o to the houso. Will llx it tonight If 1 live. Yours. SIDNIIV SMITH. "Of course Smith is dead , " added Mr. Oalo In a Jocular manner , "as ho hasn't lived to Mix it. " This is the last I have hoard of him. " llrrn Kntcrs tlio Piano. It Is now said that Mr. Dale is the victim of Smith's forged notes , although Mr. Dale will not admit it. A Irlomt of his says that ho will notncunowicdco being duped bucauso ho has been conlldonced before and doosn't like to appear In print ns ono of the "ono-a- minute torn suckera. " Mr. Dale tried to ulloviato his sufferings ns much us possible jostordav by going to Smith's house , 1241 Boulh Eleventh street , aim taking possession of Smith's ' famous piano , which was ono of the central Humes in tlio lirs.t act of the "Scrap of 1'apor" drama. This musical in- Btrumonl xvas to ho traded , according to bmlth's storv , last Friday to tbo Illustrious Henry J. Stevens on paper for Cobb's note nnd a Soutli Omalm lot. Ttio uoto was "lo t , " but the piano Is a reality. Mrs. Smith hurdly know what to make of the proceedings of taking the piano , ana us its possession was gotten without logul process - cess the Instrument din not remain in Mr. Dale's possession very long. It was ro- plovlnod by Ucod & Sclby , real estate and loan brokeis , who also have llvo of Smith's notes. Hut these nro not forgeries. The llvo notes aggregate fSlfi ono for $115 ami each of tlio others for flOO , made bv Miss iiattio Beagle , n sister-in-law of h > mIth , Sbo mndo tbo notes payable to Smith who endorsed nnd transferred them to Itcod ft Sol by. They were secured by a inortgaco on Miss Beagle's household goods In ix Hat over Hughes1 drug store , Twenty- fourth nnd Furnam streets. All of thcso notes were usuod December 22. 1SOO. The first becotno duo In sixty days , nnoUie" tq ninety days , the third in four months , the fourth In siic months , uud tbo fifth. In nine months. When the climax coiro Heed & Sclhv felt uneasy nnd nout their bookkeeper to * Miss Beagle to "purchase the furniture. " But she aclra honestly and said she could not dis pose of the household poods as Hood & Soibv fcelu a mortgage on thorn. This notion on her partsutistloa the IInu and It decided not to tiush her to the wall. Hut as the piano was included In their mortKngo nnd mul econ removed from MUs Bcaglo'a homo \o that of bcralMer , Mrs. Smith , and afterwards taken by Mr. Dale , Kceu & Sclby decided to replevin it. it.Told Told It- lilt Hlstcr-ln-r.mr. A story that Smith had decamped with uli wife's sister was also allool , mil this , upon investigation , WAI ascertained to bo un founded , as Mls Uoaglo was at her homo ycnterday afternoon outraged nt the washttib. BUo almost went Into bysteriod wbeu informed - formed that Smith wu charged with tortfog notes. She wouldn't believe It , find thought tlmt her brothor-in-law had gene to 1'ort Worth , Tex. , to do some architectural worn , Instead of having skipped. She said that ho had been talking of solng to Texas , for the past thrco or four weeks. Smith had great hopes of being awarded the contract for drawing the plans nnd superintending the construction of the proposed new library building. Six years ago Mr. Smith was the president of the Western Aichllccts association nnd was also administrator of the Aust citato. It is claimed that ho owes Mrs. Aust some money on the settlement of it. DoWttt'sSamparlila cto.viiaj tha bloaJ , Increa ostho appetite and tones up tha sys tem. It has bonelUted many people who have suffered from blood duorJow. It wil holpyou. Farnnm Street theater , Wednesday inntltioo , Spoonor Comedy company , "Inez ; " any reserved scat , Hoc. Dr. Cullltnore , oculist. Uoa building ( Irnit Itciliirtliin In I'limn * . Colby & Duncan $ -150 uprlpht piano , $200. C. A. Smith walnut case- upright piano , 811)1) ) ) . Hnlo upright piano , $12-3. 1 square tiinno , 8IW.OO. 1 SlollT piano , $83. Wccuum pianos from 350 ! ! tip to S050. IIAYDKN 13KOS. , WITH PROVISOS. If Submitted HID Iloiitl rroiiiinlllim Will Illltl ) Sllll'RIialMlt , There Is a chance that the proposition to vote $ . " > 00,000 of county bonds to aid the Ne braska Central Ualhvay company in the con struction of its brldgo over the river at the Toot of Cass street will co heforo the people of Douglas county with a string tied to it. The commissioners will meet In committee of the whole next Monday , nnd nt that tlmo will probably make up their minds ns to whether or not they will call the special election nnd submit the bridge bond proposi tion. At the siitno meeting they will con sider the following resolution , which was in troduced yesterday by Chairman Timmo nnd referred : llosolvcd , That when this toard submits to the \otors of Onmhti iitul Douglns county Mi proposition tu vote J.VM.OOO In twcrty-yoar bunds to aid the Nebraska Central K illro.id company In tlio I'otiMriii-tlon of Itsbrldco over and across the MUsmirl river ut Oniiiha. lit the saints tlmo there ah all bo submitted a pi op- oslttcu to vote tlio sum of P-1M.OUU In bonds of tba count v for thu purpose of iinieiiilninl/liiir , urothurnhe Improving , nt leusl thrcoof the lending roads or public highways fiomOrimhiv Into the county for an uqiml distance mul us far us Iho sum of nionuy ronll/od fiom thu b'llo of Hie aboxe named proposed Lends may nnJvlll Durmlt. Mr. Berlin , chairman of the committee of the whole , reported progress upon tbo propo sition of the Nobrask'a Central Hallway com pany and asked leave to sit again next Monday. Mr. Stcnbcrg thought that that was delay ing the matter for too long n timo. Mr. Berlin said that on next Monday the county attorney could look up all legal ques tions and submit his report. The report of Chairman Berlin was adopted. The town of Bennlngton was incorporated ns a v'llaco ' and Hy rilmonson , II. C. Timmo , Eirger.1 Oft , Peter Hoist mid Gustavo I'aul- son appointed trustees , to hold their ofliccs until after the llrst election. Frank Shannon , justice of the pcoco for West Onnhn precinct , was ordered to appear before the commissioners next Monday morning to answer to the charge of having token illegal fees. Residents in the vicinity of Thirteenth and Arbor streets potitloned to have Thirteenth street graded. They offered to pay one-third of the cost. The street in question is a con tinuation of the grading that was discussed by the Heal Estate Owners association last summer. When graded itorcns a continu ous thoroughfare to Fort Crooic , Bellevue nnd the country to the south. Hoary Ditzon llled his resignation ns as sessor for South Omaha and il. H. Haven Was nppoluted to fill the vacancy. The members of the Fifth Ward Kickers club presented a communication asking that the commissioners deliver the $500,000 of bridge bonda which it is proposed to vote to the lirst company which will brldgo the river. Kamsey Crooks was employed to work upon the 1S03 tax list ut n salary of JOJO per annum. It was decided to Improve the hospital groiinds as contemplated by the plans drawn by ex-County Surveyor Houso. Ono Minute. Ono minute time often mikoi a groit dif feroncc a ono mmuto rcjmoJy for bronchitii choking up of the throat , lung-s , etc. , o ourso is a blessing. Cubeb Cou h Curj is such a remedy. For sale by all druggists. CubebCouiih Cure Oneminuto. Washington Hull. Rcmombor tlio N. A. S. E. charity ball , Kualor Monday evening , Anril 18 , for tlio benefit of the city charities. Tickets for sale at the Creche , Child's hospital , Max Meyer & Bro. Co.'a store , John Baumer's store , Fnirban ! : , Morse Co. 'B store , M. ijivrr , Tenth and How ard streets , Richard's drujr store , Twen ty-fourth nnd J strc6t. South Omaha. Science hns nt last overcome disease. Ro.id Dr. Shelby's journal and sco what. it is. No poisons put in , but all pulled out. A CiRiiHl Ituvolntlon. The days of "heroic" treatment for the liquor habit will soon bo In tlio past The Houston Cure is a sure remedy , and at the same time is absolutely without dantrcr. Patients can continue their work while taklnp the treatment and sutler no inconvenience. Institute N. E. cornet1 15th and Howard fats. IN THE COURTS. Ciscs : thut Are Dmniiiidliifr Attention of tlio Judges mill .Inrlcs. The criminal division of the district court is today Hearing testimony In the case of the stuto tigainst Peter Coggina and \Vllll.im Kclnor. The prisoners ut the bar are charged with burglary and house breaking. The In formation in the case alleges that on January 2 , 18'.U ' , the two men forced an entrance into Julius. Triotskoy's saloon ut Thirteenth nnd Howard street , where they robbed thosnfo of WRtchos , Jewelry , bonds , notes , mortgages and inonoy , nil amounting to & ,403 , The Jury in the case of Edward F. Trnpp ngalnst Norman ICuhns returned n verdict of &J50 for the plaintiff yesterday Trapp sought to recover f5ooo with which to patch up n damaged reputation. Ho was cbargot with havingstolen carpenter toois and hard- wnro from n dwolllnp which ICuhns was erecting in the nortn part of the city. The casn originated in pollco court , where Trapp wiia arrested nnd upon ttio hearing discharged. _ _ "Lato to bed nnd early to rise -vlll shorten the road ( o your homo in luo skiss , " Hut curly to bed and a "Uittlo Early Ulsor , " the pill thut makes life longer and bolter and wiser. C. D. Wood worth & Co. , successors to Welly & Guy , lain Knrnatn street , man ufacturers and dealers in harness , and- dies , etc. _ lruiikMiiii > 8s. A disease , treated ns such and permanently nontly cured. No publicity. No infirm ary. Homo treatment. Harmless nnt cllectuul. Refer by permission to Bur Huston Hawkoyo. Send io ! stamp foi pamphlet. ShoUoquon Chemical Co. la. Wnutii Noun of HID Wllo'x DpinUo , James Christian o ( Albany , Mo. , has n friend who would bo pleased to hear ft on the chief of pollco that Mrs. James Chrlstlut baa loft this vale ot tears. James married a woman of the town who made things-warm for him for n few weeks when ho wont to Missouri. Ho has slnc < learnoa that his better half , known in Nintn street society us Culllo Taylor , was Killed last December and is anxious to have the news confirmed. . Sick headache jlclds to Becclnm'j Pills. YELASCO'S ' DEEP HARBOR Arrival of tbo Steamer Atntorlitz from Glasgow , THE NEW DEEP WATER PORT OF TEXAS Catnlii | .I.iinoi I ) , 1'rnzlrr Cnmo Into Vrliuco O rr tlio ItirVltliout Un- liiiidltif ; mul rinili Seventeen I'cct ot AVntcr llcppVntcr. . Prom the Vclnsco World of April 8 : jhmilttmoously with the pnssti'o ( of the bill by congress limiting Volaaco n sub- ) ort of entry the steamship Austorlltz > f Gliispow arrived ns the pioneer steam er to carru , cargo of cotton and oil cake to Liverpool from this , the ne\v tml only dcon wntcr port on the Texas const. The ice has been broken nnd from now the commerce of half a conti nent will continue to peek an outlet to the markets of the world through this Voting commercial giant until it has be come the commercial and industrial metropolis of Iho Gulf coast. With the linn belief tlmt Captain Tames 13. LYa/.ior of the steamer Aus- tcrlilK would have something to say concerning - corning the mouth of Iho IJimos nnd the rlvor to Vclnsco that would nmko very interesting leading , a representa tive of the World culled on him on board Lho steamer this morning and was most liospltably entertained. Tno reporter asked the genial captixin if lib was at all surprised to find the present depth of wutor ever the bar nnd Ills opinion of the river. The captain bald : ' 'Indeed , I may say 1 was very much surprised and highly delighted to IInd such donth of water nt the mouth of the river. I consulted my boolc , the West India Pilot , issued several years ngo by the Lords' Commissioners of the Admiralty of London , nftor receiving orders to proceed to Vclasco at the mouth of the Bruzos , and found Hint there wcro only eight foot of water ever the bar. I naturnlly concluded that I would bo compelled to load outside , and I dreaded it. Imagine my surprise and delight when I came inside the jetties and ever the bur drawing 14 fcotO inches at very low tide. A measurement dis closed the fact that there was at least seventeen feet of water over tlio bar when 1 crossed it. As Tar ns Iho river from the mouth to Volasco is concerned , I never saw a bolter in my life , and I liuvo entered " nearly nil the"porta of the world. The rior is wider and in every way better adapted to the needs of commerce than the Tyne , tlio Thames , tlio Clyde or Iho ports of Rotterdam or Amsterdam , which it very much resembles , but wliich nro not nearly so nice to enter , so convenient or so s1fo ; ns the I3razos. Tlio dillcronco in favor of Volasco as n safe nnd convenient port is as fifteen against live. "There obstructions are absolutely no tions to contend with. Wo came up the river most of the way at full speed and if a vessel should happen to strike the bank at a bond it is impossible to hurt it i n any way for they are all soft mud. The width is not only greater than I anticipated nnd greater than most of the great ports of the world , but ii of sullicicnt width to be eminently practi cable for nil the commerce of this great western country nnd possesses possibilities for an immense trade. Your banks all the way to the mouth are as fine as I ever saw and you can Liuild wharves from Volasco to the Gulf and accommodate the shipping of a continent. In so far as your sea connec tions are concerned you are fixed as well as any port on earth and all you need now are the rail connections to bring you the products for export and a grout city at this point is absolutely assured. " Thus talked a man who has boon over all tlio world and been nearly every port and whose judgment in matters of this kind is as sound as that of any man's. The Austerlit'/ was secured through the enterprising firm of Rots , Ilo wo & Mor row , ship brokers and ngonts for the Gulf Ports Steamship Line , who have of fices in New Orleans , Galvcston , Mo bile , Ponsr.eola , and now , last but not least , Volasco , anil who do perhaps tlio largest business and handle more vessels than any ether firm on the gulf coast. The vessel is now being loaded with cotton and the cotton will continue to ar rive ever the Vclasco Terminal until hoi- cargo is completed. Other charters for vessel ? are now being arranged for and cotton , grain and other products \yill continue to leave Volasco for foreign ports. It Worked Wondcrq. The following is un extract from n letter ot Hov. J. W. Carter to Hov. J. T. Mumford : "It hns benefited my wife so much 1 want her to continue the use of the medicine. Talcing Into consideration htr nge 0 ! ) ycnrj and thu long s > tandlns of her Jcidnoy nnd liver troubles the Tree of Life has worked won ders in her cuso. " For sale by all druggists WILL HOLD THE FORT. Sldncy'd Post Will Ho ICc'iliiccd In MumlierK Hut Not AlMiiilonvil. The citizens of Sidney , Mob , , will be much Interested iu the following orJcr issued yesterday by General Brooito : "In accor dance with telegraphic instructions from the headquarters of the army , dated April 11 , IblU , company GT\\onty-ilnt infantry , is relieved from duty nt Fort Randall , S. U. As soon as practicab le , nnd before the 20th inst. , the company will proceed liy marclilni ; to O'Xelll , Neb. , and thonuo by rail to 1'ort Sidney , NOD. , talcing station ut that post. " This settles for the present nt least the question of the proposed abandonment of that post. When the order was issued u short time uco transferring the four com panies nnd band now stationed ut Fort Sid ney to Now Yorlt , the order to tnle eiloct on or bcforo May 1 , much speculation was in dulged In and considerable nnxiety experi enced by the peoplo'of Sidney over the re port that the post was to Iu abandoned. Influences wore ut once sot to worn to pre vent tlio carrying out of the project , and although much opposition was met with Horn military .sources it booms that the Unlit ban boon us successful us was the ono made two years ago , when a similar attempt was mudo to abandon Fort Sidpoy. The reason given out In army circles for abandoning the post Is that it is now Iho lixod policy of tha War uopartuient to abandon till the outlying small posts as ( Illicitly as poi&lblo and establish the regular army posts near the largo cities , where the forces may he rcadliy utilized Iu cases of riot , and where also they may b3 iu once put upon trains iu coed Miou bodies for transportation to any point where their ser vices may bo needed , without' experiencing the delay that is unavoidable under the pre sent bysteiu of walling for detached com- Mr. IIiiusi TmvnATT , of Olean , Tito County , Ala. , says Unit SWIFT'S SruciFics cured him of n painful case of Kczemir , of which he hail suffered for 35 ycanr. llu took eovcn bottles. cures by driving out tlio germs nnd poE- son. Itjs entirely vegetable. Send for book ou the Skin and Blood. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. . ATLANTA , Ga- , nanlos to tusemUlo from the vnrlous remote posts ut which thov may bo tiitlonsil. His stntcj thutthoro U now no reason to npprohontl further Iron bio with the Indian * , nmt that there Id therefore no ronson for innlntnltilnp Isolated posts lor the protection of settlers. As far ns Tort Sidney is indi vidually concerned , It socms to bo very unpopular with tbo aoldlors. The oftlcurs cUlm tlmt the mon ro ills- crimlnntcd ncnliut to nn extent that innkm llfo there nnytliliic but ploasnnt. Tlioy nllcgo Hint It Is the policy of the cltlrons to hnvo ovor.v soldier nrrostcd wno Is nt nil under the Influence of liquor , nnd throw him into Jail , whlto civi lians , whoso conduct , Is even moro obnoxious nro not inolostod In any way. This has cnuscd frequent complaints , but whether or not they hnvo boon Instrumental In causing the selection oT Sidney us n post to bo nlumlonod Is not stilted. Certain it U , however , tlmt two attempts hnvo been mudo In this direction , though both have thus fur proved futllo. Under the now order of tlilnps , Tort Sidney - noy will bo n less Important post than here tofore , ns Instead of belnu the headquarters of tlio Twenty-first Infantry tind the station of half tlio coniimnlRS nnd the regimental band n single company Is henceforth to bo stationed thcro. Cnptnin Louis S. Tesson , nsststan ! , ktirpcon U. H. A. . Fort Sidney , nnd ono prlvnto of the hospital corps nro ordered to accompanv the headquarters nnd companies , A , H , O , K nnd II , Twenty-Ural Infantry , to their sta tions In the Department of tno Kast , nftor which they will return to Fort Sidney. PrlvntoVllUnni H. Ilorryhlll , company 11 , Kicrhth infnntrv , has been granted K-avo of nbsenco from Alay 2 to AiiRtisl 1 , on whlen latter date ho will bo discharged on his own application. _ Don'l become constipated. Take Beech- nm's Pill" . I'-ltOM 'JtUV * l > AllOUT VS. A \Vllbor firm shipped 17,000 dozen OCRS dumiK Murch. llioro Is n woman nt Wcston who clnlms to hnvo been born in Uolieuiiu in ITTb. She Is very fooblo. L. W. Frazlor , editor of the Fairmont Chronicle , has taltcn n llfo partner. Miss Annn Shall of Urafton. After dividing thu inonoy in the treasury nnionc the members , Spring Drool : alliance , Hunan county , disbanded. Hurlburt it l.oftwiek's clrcu , which lias wintered nt Norfolk , will p.tvo its llrst exhi bition of the season April UU. Hov. Wilson Dcany of Chicago lias no- accepted n i-nll lo the pastorate of the Cou- gregntloual church at Ashland. Wilbcr expects n liiK building boom thU season. Among the nioto important bulld- inss to bo erected Is n Sin.UOU onera houso. Fire at Lexington destroyed the Brum baugh bulldlu ? , which was occupied by MM. Dumas' rostuurant , causing a loss of $ IOUO. Tom BovernRo , n 12-ypar-old Plattsmouth boy , tried to break n colt on Sunday , unu is now laid up wilh a gashed chin and a broken nrui. nrui.A A son of Alexander Grimes of Sterling foil and broke hU nrm. A uuy or two later Mr. Grimes was summoned to Chirks by his mother's death , and before the burial a telo- Rrnm announced the death of his baby at homo. A fi-year-old boy of 1'olikart Grubor wan dered uwny from his parents while they u-oro trading at Imnan.nml crawled under the tan- dor or a freight engine. When it utarlcd the boy's unlclo * wcro crushed , requiring amputation. Ho may recover. Kearney lumber dealers received two car loads of lumber from Texas the other dny. Two negroes were found in onch cur when the seats were broken nnd the rnnsigneo kicked on the weight. The darkies were weighed nnd the amount deducted. Mrs. Snrah Fairbanks of York county died In the insanu as > lutn nt Lincoln last week. She was crazed by the death of her husband , which occurred April 0 , of last year , nnd was adjudged insane nnd taken to the asylum in Juno , licr death occurred April 0 | just ono year after that of hpr husband. The iKiobrara Pioneer. ihaa.issued nn ' 'Ar tesian Well Doomcr" edition which is n credit to the town. The nnpor is neatly illustrated xvlth cuts of the famous well iii various stages up to the time of Its comple tion. Editor Pry knows how to got up a nice paper every week , and ho has done him self proud on this special edition. A warrant has been issued by the county attorney- Butte , Boyd county , for thonrrest of n Inrmer named Bowman , charged with cruelty to his 7-ycar-old stenson. Tha boy , It is alleged , was com polled to live in n hole dug In the Hillside with liny for n bed and covorliiEr , and n bunch of hay to stulT In the opening to keep out the col'd blasts of win ter. Hepontcdly ho would escape , traveling several miles on foot through the clcop snow , and seek an asylum with some settler. Ills body would bo covered with scars nnd cores from repeated whippings nnd blows. There are several ugly gashes in his back inflicted with a pitchfork , l loVislihl ti > n. W. B. Taylor has boon requested by the secretary of state to po to Washington to testify on the scaling business. Mr. Taylor was special agonl of the Treasury depart ment at Prlniloff Islands some years ago. Ho hns nppeared repeatedly before congressional committees and is considered un expert on scaling matters. Mr. Taylor cons to Wash ington this time to nid ttio government ! n making its cnso acainsi Great Bntlan in the Bering Sea controversy. A'nttea nf flat Itncinrlcit wider ( hit hcadflfty ccntn ; each < ut < ltltMl line ten cents. MVYRIl Adrian , ton of Mr. nml .Mn. .lohn iHvyor. April II ! , nt tliulrrf.ldence.iue llam- lltcm sued , of dliilillierla. I'uuurul occurred yesterday afternoon. GOETHE'S ViSIT TO CARLSBAD. H I.lfe Crcatly 1'i-oloiijicU. Tlicro H no doubt tlmt tbo life of tlio great poet was gicatly prolonged by drinking tlit > waters of the Sprudul Spring. In our day wo have the Sprudul Spring brought ( o us in tlio form of Salt , which" in obtained by ovapoartion from the waters of Carlsbad. Tlio Natural CART-SIUD SPIIUDKI , SALT ( powder form ) is in no scnso ft inoro purgative , but is an alterative and eliin- inativo remedy which dissolves tenacious bile , allays irritation and removes oh btructions by aiding natiiie. It acts Btwthingly nnd without pain , and is therefore , far Superior than pills , purga tives irnd other remedies. The genuine hah the ( signature of EISNER & MEN- DELSON CO. , Solo Agents , Nuw York , on every bottle. SCHIFFMAfJN'Q ASTHMA CURE Sovi-p falls 10 wlTO Instant rollff In tno worttl carts , ami rlTrrUi rurra hero ulUcru full. TrUI I'.tl.U FIIiK : of U.util.l. or If Hill. Itirrs * DR. lUtJCIflFFMANM. SI. I'.ul , U | . Or , Bailey , $ The Loading Dentist Third Floor , Paxton Telephone 1085 , Kith mul l-'uriuiii SN. A lull ict ot troth on rubber for IJ. Perfect lit IVctli nllliuut plnlei ur ivmorublu lirliluu work ] u l tlio tlilnu for nliiglTi or put/He luuakuri , nuver tlropUonn , TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUr PAH , All Illllni ; ot reutonabio ratei.all work wurrantsJ ul tlili out for n l 0SEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS , A Case of Bright3s Disease , , ' 'About ' n year nro I noticed Hint my r.nVles nntl lop < were swelling , nml n ron. pnlntloii ( Hlilr. O.t. MiiUniir.otToiiekM. Knn. , developed Iho fnct lli.it I Imd llrlRlit'i ! < ll enfjp , his nnnlynlo Mioulng tlicprcirnco of n Inrgo amount of nltmmcn In my urlnr. 1 conllinied lo travel , feeling 1111111 roiitil , iiotaffordto eh eupmy position on tlicrond. 1 kept myjelf uniler close niedlrnl Irent. mint , but the Knelling nml nnfjuorntilo f-yniplom Increased fo stentllly Hint 1 enuld no longer do my work. Onbdiigrocxnm- I nod the doctor unlil my ronilillonm rrltlcnl Anil aihlfcd me to po to KxcelMor Hpflng ? , Mo , I nrrlveil July C , con nllcd llli n resident plijslclim.cnxenptnfillclno , nntl lia\ou nl rt-gnl.irly iLd'crro Mnnpnn- rjo mid Snlplio Mllrio waters nml tlio hot r-nll Sulphur Ilntlis dully. My rceoverywn ranltl mul ln lcad of being n enl ; , emncl.i- ted , drnpslcnl wrrclt , I nm ( o dny n lienrly , rolm t nifin , welRhlnp lfi. ' > poiiml , nnd wlili rplrntlld nppetltonml digestion , feeling bet- Icrllmii I lm\ulntvnyenifi. Tliercremnlns nnlrneoofdrop lrnl fuelling nr nllminen- nrm. I bcllcxo tliovnter. . < nnd bnths r > n\cd With K. T. W. Mclrr.Wliolrralc ( JucVnswnre.'Mt nml MS North iluiu btrcct , bt. Lould , Mo. August 8,1SU1. Tlit iiatcrt art liotllett cnty Itj the Excel- elor Springs Comiiaiiy at Excelsior Springs for J'atipMet. Richardson Drug Co , Agls. , Omaha , Sc The Llebig COMPANH Cattle are reared on their fertile grazing fields in Uruguay , solely to provide prime beef for making the world-famed Liebig COMPANY'S ' Extract of Beef , .Competent . chemists supervise every do- tnll , finni the euro of the cattle nnd through tlio nroct'ssus of tniinufueturo srruiiuloiH clcanllm11" * prevails to tlio ipottliu1 of tlio completed oMr.tct. This preserves the QIMI.ITV. rr.AVon and ruii- ITV of this famous product , which Is to day , us when llrst. put up by tlio Kr chemist , Justus von I.lubis. Incomparably the Best I'or Improved rind nunnnniic Cookery. Kor Delicious , Hefreshliip Iteef Tea. A ID-MOTE TALK wltli nn able , conscientious , skillful ana suc cessful Specialist , such ns cicli member and each trained assist , in : of the famous Orm of Drs. Bells & Belts Is universally conceded to bo , nay to worth moro than $10,000 to Iho man who la Blcl : . and who has tried Ml muermeana to secure relief , but In vain. And j/ct that talk , valuable . .s U Is , Cosls Nothing- , If held In tlio private consultation rooms of Drs. Bells & Bells , Tor consultation Is free , not only to those who tall It ) person , but also to all tbe nllllctecl who wrlto tnelr Eytcptoms fully aua cncloso stamp 'or reply. Maybe the patient Is siiflorliiR from porno ono of lliosa numerous , yet delicate maladies , which polite society doca not eeo proper tu discuss as a soc ial topic. Iu short tno may bo afflicted wltti Syphilis , Gonorrhoea or Gleet. Wo can cure him. It may bo Seminal Weakness. Bad enough , but no matter , we can cure him. 1C may ba Slriclure , or Ilydroeelo. or Vurlcoee Great rrlefor- tunes , truly , but nu can cure him. 1'robably Piles , Fistula or Hectal Jlccra. A terrible affliction , but no can euro hint. Sexual tlloortlcrs , dlesaees and weakness , Nervous , Chronic nna 1'rlvato Dlseases-wo euro them nil , eiifely , burely , f iioeillly and cllecttmlly , by methods the most ndiaucld , humane umlsuc- rents for our handsomely Illustrated 120'i > ar.o book. Consultation Ireo. Call , or write , enclosing Btamp. 119 South Uth St. , N. K. Corner l < Hli and Doufjlas Sts. Omaha , Neb. ] ) H. U C. WKST'H NKHVKANIMIHAINTIIKAT- MKNT. u upcclfloror llyalurla , llUrlniiia , I'll * . N'ou mUla , Iloniliiclio , .Nervous I'rumiit on ciiunol by iilcolml or lobiccoVukafiilni' * ' .Montnl IH'pri'H uluii , hullnomof the Drain , c inning IniiniiltjMiiliiory. drrty , iluatli , I'renmtiiro ( Hit Ate Iliirrrno' ' " , > - < * ut I'unur In I'llhiT tut , ImpiiU'iicjr luuc..rrlif nuU all roinalo Wc.iUni'nii'ii , InvoluiUniy ] .ni > iu < , tc | > r niutnrrlina caimM liy ever uxortlon ( if lli'i lir.iln. t-L'If-nliuionvcrliiiliiluoiiit ! . A month' * tri'nt.ncnl ll.liforT'i. liy mall. Woyuarontooiilx boxmiiii-iirii Knch onlur lurii IJOXDI , nlth f > nMI pcnil written Kimrniito to rofiiml It not curoil ( jiinrantcu Itsuucl Ur ( ioiulmnn UruiiCo , llll ) Kurnnra ni ' " < \ E rw no ony thing but Sour Mash are now calling for Cream Pure Rye " ia the statement made by a liquor merchant operating three of the largest bars in the west. This is not strange when you consider tbat the purest , richest , smoothest and most wholesome whiskey produced in America is Call fpr it and take no other. For sale at all first-class drinking places and drug stores , 14 DALLEMAND & CO. , Chicago SPECIAL ALL EASTER THIS WEEK OFFERING LN.OUJI CHJLDREN'S DEPARTMENT QJL 300 FANCY FANCY CASSIMERE KNEE KN1EE _ PANTSUITS PANT SUITS SUITS $4.50 $4.50 QUALITY CHOICE A SUIT- of rpl r M i Come in nil the hnndsoms shncles 1 ilC OilCVlOtS of brown , Havana , tobacco , but ternut , snuff , wood and tan. They are strictly nil wool. They are gotten up in neat and natty styles , the coats having four corded plaits clown the front on each side , and seven more down the middle of the back. o pants have two front and ono hip pockets , and the waist- bnndsnre made of Naumkeag Jean. T1-in Poooi'mnrnn in handsome plaids.in light I III I'ISS I I II IS and medium spring shades. JL 1I\ > . _ 1IVwClwJwJl lllv J. wvJ , , They are strictly all wool. 1 hey are gotten up in fully as good style as the cheviots , though different , the coats having four corded pln'.ts down each side in front and either four moro down each side of the back , or one wide flat plait in the middle of the back with four corded ones on each side of it. The pants are made same as the cheviots. wearing new "Nebraska" two-fifty suits 800 Boys on Easter1 Sunday. EIGHT HUNDRED THANKFUL BOYS 1 DR. J. S. McG-BBW , THE SPECIALIST , IN THE TREATMENT OF ALI. FOKMS OF PRIVATH DISEASES GONOR RHOEA , STRICTURE , SYPHILIS , GLEET AND ALL WEAKNESS AND DISORDERS OF YOUTH AND MAN HOOD. IMMEDIATE RELIEF WITH OUT LOSS OF TIME FROM BUSINESS. Write fore iculuis. N. KC'dr. lltti in 1 I.1 main t3. , Ornilri. No ! ) The Original and Genuine ( WORCESTERSHIRE ) the iacBt delicious taste arid zest EST15ACT SOUl'H , cfnl.UTTI.l'.ftcra ft MEDICAL Ol.N- TLEMAN at Mail- raa. to hlfl brotlitr FISHi \VOIIOE8TEU. . May , 1851. HOT * CID ( "Tfll LEA k rtltUINS' til.t DlClT K.1I1CO iB .i , r.n.1 if ic my CJiclou , the most fii .tf.Ijlo , 113 Wfll ni the uiost whnlo. toirio K3UCO tlut : ia jaade. " A-c. 33s . 'e oflmita ions ; Gee that you get Lou & Peirins' ' S s J _ , C CUf Mj Rlfrnatiuoonovrrv Irettlc-nf OrJxInV k Oeniilno JOHN nifNOAN'H I ONS. Nr" ' v > " ' RHEUMATIC PAIHS ° Stop niicilntlrif ; , nml nj'ply ' to the tJCt [ lllat I.dlCS WOOD'S PENETRATING p,1 , , , ? ; coiitinuou'.ly. Hi P5I ACTfTt ? Fpcci.il power ( o V LHO I Eitt .lilntu HIM pore ? , pcmtrnte < k < ; | > lyiiJstoppaii ! ! , rcmlcr * it far cupcrior to ordinary porous plasters , K DRUGGISTS X. V. Depot , yiVil.am ! St.f [ _ rhlcliri.trr'l IliiclUli Illamunil ITn. Orlulniil onn Only Vvnulfic * milt ! > ; rtlUMe. l Dit , ' , , _ Hfurnl-1 for TAlclii'm luillik HiJ fj\\ nunil tlran.1 U Krd M | > M U"C l.lt\VfV liotrl nlfj Mllb bluf rllUD Tuke Hu t > lli vr. Af/ul , driH tffu' lubihlu * fi ii i,4 iMUjIfoni At Uruf * ! ( , or ifn < S 4c. Iu klaoit , fur ( itrllcuUrl , trillotbDUli aoi 'Urllt fur l.uillet * * * f ttlltr. Lrrruru Slull. Ill IIUO Tr tln > &Dl U A'aw I'Jptr , U > 14 l > jr 4U lctl Ur ii > " < . REGULAR Army and Navy p Soldiers in the Regular Arm and Sailors , Seamen and I\lar- incs in the United States Navy , since the War of the who have been discharged -Tram the service on nccount of dis abilities Incurred therein while in the line of duty , are Entitled to Pension nt the same rates and under the same conditions as parsons ren dering the same service during the War of the Rebellion , except that they tire mt entitlc'l under the now law or net of Juno 27 , 189O. Such pors ons ro also en llll f < l tD pension whether disohargctl rom the service on account 1f disability or by reason of expir ation of term of service , if , while in the service and line of duty , they incurred any wound injury or disease which still disables them for manual labor. Widows a n d Children of persons rendering service In the regular army and Since t/ie War are Entitled to Pension. If the death ofthosoldlor wnsdua to his service , or occurroU while ho was in the sorvico. Parents of Soldiers & Sailor dying in the Unito-.l States ser vice since the War of the Rebel lion , or after discharge from tho. . service , from n cause origlnat-l ing therein , leaviny no widow ! or child under the ago of nlxtconj years , are entitled to pension i now dependent upon their owi labor for- support , whether th soldier over contributed 'o ' then support or they were dopondonl upon , him at the tlmo of liif death or not. FOR INFORMATION OR ADVIOI Afa to tltlo to pension , TMK- Bee Bureau of Claims ROOM 2UO , HKH UUILDIXO , U 1DBA. IK * ADVERTISING. .Address suddenly , without notice , Oiniiliii .lilicrlttlnii lliirfini. JV. l'