? r THE DM ATI A DAILY HEBr WKDXKSDAY. APRIL 13 , 1892. All the Life Was Taken Ont of the Bulls Yesterday , NEWS FAVORED THE FRIENDS OF WHEAT Kipnrt IlinlnrMV.i Menem nml the Ainiiiint tit Ulif.it nml I'limr Sliowoil nil Inereino During HIP I.iisl W .Th StiicUii nml IlmiiK Cntctno , III , , April 1 ? . "Duaii M dro oii foeof" was the condition to lay of tlio bulls In the wheat trade.Vhllo the hilllnbiloo win out nf the pit , Mr , I'urilrhlKOinste.ndof nilslni ? number hurricane bv uttcniptln : ; to l > roil : thu prlco to his favorite "TV cents a busluil , tojlt mlvnnUwo nf the prevalllm ; woaknesi and liurclnscd steiulllv from morn until eve. Tonight ho pro-lalmcd lliit ho was sifo entirely nut of the way ot tlio bulls All the nowssaemo I unfavorable fur ttie fr end * of wheat , ( bibles wnro heavy anil lower , ilomcs- tlo markets were tendlm ? downw.ud , the export business was meagre und tlio ninount of wheat nml Hour slio , toil an Incioaso durlm ; the last week of 8JO,0.,0 bit The exports from India wi-roV ) per cent l.iwr thin the week proxlous-oi irJJ.im nsalnst Gll.OOi bu and the slilinnunts from ill p irts of thovvoild to Kuropo vvcro riIJ,03) ) liu 1-ist woqk iiK.ilnst 4.TIflJhil ) tlio weisU previous. I < oii3vhcit came out freely und for a tlnio tliero w-ts very llttlo duinuiid And although oirly do ils of May wore at snino ndvinco over last nlsht's close with sales 3 hlchis M' c. the nmket was Rr.ulunlly honoyodinbo I with weakness nml It did not t iko loin to got the pr.co to 7 'iP ' foi May and 7)'iC ) for July. 'J'lio moro ( ho K'uotnmont report wai dis cussed the stroinor bcc.iino thu condition In n Rood iniiny minds tint It was by no mons n bullish document. Thev admit that It un doubtedly luillc iles n mn illor erop than last ye.ir by possibly lin.oio.oio bu , but they also contend th it the ciop last year was 130,03 > ,010 Iju Inicor thnn could well ho disposed of. oxen With the bill condition In Luiopo mid tlio withdrawal of liussiu from the IJKtof t'Miort- IIIK countries , as shown by the unusual If not iinptccoilentt'il uniount still unsold. The roinltu croii. thc-sn peoplu contend , with the nn omit to bo iMirrled over from the old crop , will Klvu us miii.li as wo ha\o been able to Hurl a market for the past so ison , while the nros- jioot Is that linropo will not want near MI much After tlio nmrUut cot duwn to 7''Jc ' ) ' thoio was some reaction , mainly on generous covering by tlio iiowd , which Hold short yosleidtiy and th s mornln. . anil thi-ro was a reliction toM ? . , c. but It did not hold and goon went back to lll'ie , I'lirdrldco turned n bit ? huverit Mo And liulow mi I undoubtedly uiv- cred a I > IK portion of hlsshoi I lino. It was thu Konur.il IniMicMiOii that ho was dispose 1 to won up. 'I ho I.nullsh markets vvcro not only' quoted lower , hut the dlsp Helios tram there Indi cated tliut the fculuiK approached demoral- Irntlon. and tluit lovvar prices wcio expected , At II ! o'clock May wheat was about M'ai' ) ' . During the last hour May wheat sold up to hOV , but suiirliialv at that , and boon > -o'd olT iiu'alii , uolnir to T'J'ac : the c'oso ' was T'l ' c , or iia nnilci yesterd iv's final llKiires Somuprl- Mite c ihles todav assorted that llrltlsh niiir- Kolswlll look for coiHlenincntb of Aueiitiiio \vhoitnflm tlio May deliveries of Amcricin Kraln , There were any nninlxir of crop mes- nak'es. and thov vvoro M-ry conflicting. Illinois p oints Kvnornlly roportcil Improvement. 1'iom ansas Lily c imo the rciort | tn it the presi nl wont hi rduvo.oppd mm h d.'imiijc done by the late hard wcithcrlu Kansas llulds Thomp son ot Dnluth wlicd tluiltho outlook for the mirln.1 crop was never poorer at this so iron of the year. The dlsii.itchcs also reported suc i nil uxucss nf moisture In the Itu I rlvei couu- lr\ that It will bo libellous obstacle to spniiK worK The coin trnrtowns rather light. The ten dency , vns doniiward In svmp ithv with the tlopre lee In May win at , May corn w is rol i- tlvuly vvL-.ikur th in Jiiiy. the former closing with ndeollnuof V and tholatter virtually at the tame prlu as on the day before. In outs Iho oirerlnes were iiicuo liberal. Wheat and corn vvem lower but on the de clines ihcio was good buyliu and pi Ices lal- llcil sonic. lticolits | vverollil cars and ovui- ran the cstliniilcs. Ma v and .1 line close I with n loss compaieil with yesterday of Horn 'ac ' tov. . The market for provisions closed a shade lower and ions sled only In the main of trans- notions between a prominent opciatoi who was tcllliK and a leading p icUng house. The openliu was steady but the mirlcut full otr In response to the wuaKnuss In wheat and then lluotiiatcd with It. Them was consielcrah'o chancing ov or fiom Jlay to July by the coun try at Hi'je dlllinenco In faxor of the latter 'Jhi ! reason for tlio nariownessof thocairjliii as comp irod with a jo.ir USD , whun It wa84Ucli > said lo bo that there Is a largo short Interest. The main c in so for the wcaKnoss in this market Isol timed to bo a icneral feeling that the receipts of ll\e hius from now until the end of May will bu ( inltu lar.e. There WIISH f.ilr,1uinand for \ussul room and \oiy lljlit ( ilTerln s ItitosoioSo for wheat and IV for torn to HniTalo. The estimated retulpts for tomorrow are : Blxty cars of wheat , IM ) cars of corn , 14u cars of oats and ' - ' I.OW ho id of hos. 'J he loading futures ranged as follows : C'ut.b iiuntatlonsero as follows : riouK-lemorall7ed ) : hhls within rcasonablo limits , cnetally accepted , WIIKAT No. 2 spring wheat. 70 * 0 ; No. a pr.n-- nliti.it , 7PNo : 2 rod. bP4c. Uoit.s No. ' . ' , 40e ; No. a , , U'io ' OAts No , 2 , J-1ffi.io ! f. o. b. ; No. 2 white , WO 82He : N < > J white. Jj ie. Ku-No. 2. 71c. lUiii.i.No 2. RVSGOc ; No. a , f.o. b. , 45 < aWc : No. 4 , f o. b. . iriliUe. 1'i.AX r-rrn No. 1,67'ic. TIMOTIIV t-l'KP-I'rlme , il.2iai.30. 1'oiiK-Mess. perbbl. . JlO.i0 10.02' ' , : laid , per ICO Ibs. W ISftlUT'i : hlmit ilhs shies , ( loose ) . f5.&Tli& . " > < > 0 , dry Kaltei ) hlioiililniH. ( ho\ud ) . } | .10 .MO ! short clour bldoi. ( bo\ed ) , W.I7liau.l ( ( ' . \\llihKr Hlbtllluib' llnishutl foods , porKUl. , fciiiAit ( Uiiclmnceilj cutloif , Jl/t-liro : zran- ulntuil.4'ac ; Ktundard "A4 , c. Keceli3 | and shipments today woroas fjl- IOHH ; On the I'rodncu oxchiiiiKo today thu bniter miruot s blow ; fancy uroainorv. 21UQ'J2o : line \\eslern , 20S''lo ! ordln.iry. isa U.-s line dulrlcti , Ibtt.'Oc. l ys. ste uly at IJii New York .AlnrUrts , M'.vv YOIIK , April 19. ri.ouil-RncolDts. 52- 0 ukus.i uxnort.Oiu bills. . , rJOHacl n : iinir- kut dull am ) unsettled ; tiles IMUO libls. I.ovv nxtras. JJ.T.ViiJ )0j ) winter who it , low Brinks , fJ.7-Viin.4l : fair to fancy , JJJJCtSM : liulenlH , fl IvajlXJi Mlnnusnta clour. tllkHj , 44 > ; str.ilKhts. $1.1 (31 ( (13 ( ; patents. tll5 < I& ' ij ' rjo mixtures , MOMil.'S. UOIIN.MBAI. Unlut. WHEAT llccelpts. C-3,000 hu | exports , P.OOO lin.l bales , IS.'ilJ.U ) ) bu , of futures , 110,000 bn , of spot. Spot oiilul , lowur and unsotllid ; No , S ! red , lijljwli 'io In ttoru and oluvntor , iS' o ullout , HccdJJI.iO' , f o b , ; No J ml , Ulo ; un- Kriiutd rod , 7M < ill.uiiH No. 8 nortliorn , Ol > 4o ! No. 1 northernUiXft'iT'iP. Options vvuio a-'aln uxcltvd uiidurmanlpubitlon In the Interest ot onnor two lurso upcculatord , and aftur u inoinunlary mlv unco of from HiO to l'io fully iloulmcil J'io on April and ie on other months , llulpluu the bn.irUh tendency thuro were lower cables , Incronbo In thu amount on palace , lncreat.0 In vvorld'w bhlunionts utnl Kiu.it frlcht amoiiK the lon.'s. Thuru was an mlvnnco of-c In April nml Iho close U slu.uly tit from \o to He undur ycHtt-rday , vo ' April , KKfclMo. closing Bt lUus May , IK ) ) , O.'Uc.closliiu at'JOVot June. fi'JHGUJfce , oinilni : ath'Jhi'i July. bO < } 4iuiic ! , cloilnic ntb'i'io : An- pust. bS'jfi.'XiSo , vloslni ! lit bUHc ; bupluinbur. I8j tts3'li < , closing at s < jc ; JJecombur , Wfi'ii ' U.r. clonlni ; ntlj0. ) ) IU u I.ottor ut t-s&KM - llAMiL-v-Nomliial : No. S Mllwnukro. lUlll.CV M ALT uiiKrani-ii innou , 4U > | | ] ; ii. . .1 , r-uo ; biuunur mixed , < r.WH > oi oiitloni ! iloyrosscdTltli uhuat and Aprlli Mu > - closed I'i ( it Pit1 down , wiio | | rtl.cr month * were unclmnnea to L ooll on dull trnnln > ! | April. 4SJ.S400 , closing ut4s\oi tin ) , 4C 4'il7.- ' , cloj'n , ' at JGHUi Juno. 4S nv. iliijcut r > c ; July , ll'taiSHc , closluu uilSJic ; .h , | i OTIE : ulin. | lll.r.'ibu ; exports , 1.700 bu HAY Qntot. ftcfvdy ; ehlnpln ? , 7.Q.7JC ! good to rholco. ff 4Wc. lldiS1'irin , qiilott common to choice. 2 O 31c ; I'.iclflc const. 2/illlc. SiiAH-Hiw. inoder.-itoly active And xtoadv ; snlos , ISO liluU , ! muscovado , K ) test. 2'ic ; ox * chip nnd PA'KJ IJICH miifcovailo nt U'ic , und rnllncd , quirt and steady. Mnt.AS4K < rotolcn. dull ; snlci. IM blids. ; Manic inalln. ll'ic Mat : Now Urle.un , dull , lllCK-Qillet but steady. rr.TltOI.EOM-btCMlyi united cloiod M' 0 for CoTTONsnKiiOitStroiiBcri crude , 2Sc ; yel low. : ilio. ! TAM ( iw Ftpndy nnd tinlot. Ko.MN-Dnll but linn. TtJiii-KNTlvr yulet and toidy nt .IG't'iM.C. ' 'i I'.ilr demand and sli.-ad ) ; western , Wool , Dull and oiiy : domc tla flccco at : 'fa.lJepulled , 2.1'arjci Tex is. KiU.'Ic. I'oitK Moderate iloninnd , steady : p'cltlcd bolllefi'CKtlc ; middles , dnil : clear , } )4 ) > I.AIIU 1 , islcr. dullvc : lcrn ntcam , closed $ ) rO asked : sale , I.11J tlorces. pirt at ill ) ; options , no silci : May , ? J I'J asked ; July , JuuJ asked : AAtuuit Hi * HliTTEii Pair domnnd , firm : wrstorn dairy , : western troamcry , ICJlci wostoru factory. IJtAiTc , Hlitln. 2 a. .rlc. Unii. : < i' Moileratu dum nul , weak ; p-\rt , I'm IKON Aetlve : Amrrli'nn.tll.7liJlfi'J."i. UoiM'iiil ( Jtllutt lal.-e.JI 1.1 ibid , JII.OO aaUed. I , BAD DII I : domestic , jl ' . ' "ilol.'JT" . Ti&to.uly. . iiuloi : Htinlis. ii'J'JJbld. Omali i I'loilueit Alurhot. IliliEi-So 1 crecn silled hlclo , 4Uttl'i ? : Nn 2 green salte I hides , ; i'i@l'ie ' ; No , 1 ureen hlun , 21 to 40'b3.l ' < 7 > l'ic , No J eroon hides. 21 to 4 1 Hit . S74.p ; Vo I veal calf , H to II 11)4 , ( Ic : No ' .Meal e ilf. s lo 11 UH. . 4es No 1 dry Hint hides , 74f se : No J dry Hint hides. ! iOu ! ; No 1 dry salted hides , . " .tite. Tuilow. Nu. 1 , il'iHK ' : tallow. No 2 .I'icj Kroasevhlto A. 4c : BIO.IM. * , wh te II J'i ' l'jci Kroiso , yellow. Jlis : ( jrcase , dink , 2VfCi old butter. 2TWSCi bcoj- nx , prlmo K'.e . : roiish tallow. I'Stjl.'c. ' J'IIUITS California lll\ ers do oranifos. JI.71T5 \Vishiiulonn.ncl3 ( ; fl OO'tJI Jl : cholco ap- plu-i. HO' ' ; choice lemons. $ IOi ; f mcv lemoiH , JI2VSI1J ! bin in is , oralcd i..OOcS..i ) : cran berries , shlpphu stoek , bushel boxes. $ . ' .J > : Htr iwhotrles , 40oqt. : I'lnrlda tomatoes , JI.5JU 7,01 tier ernt'j of six b islicls . VKU.TUII.M I'luiuy Muse.itlno sweet potn- tou . J.MHJ2 7.ieed : sweut pot ncie , iJ.lJ ( ) 'Ml California e-ibbajo. 2'Jo ' par Ib. In criles : homuKroHii lettuce. lOj pjr do/ : onions , ( We © Sl.H ) per bu : NobrisKa hand pleKod lii'ini , JlTSTslhl : medium. 8l.uai.GO : Oall- forula coiury , * I.OO : Color idn and \\u < U rn Ncbrasua poiiilocs. , lle ; n itho pol.ttooj , 2U ® 2.Vlima ; beans. 4o per Hi : water cress , 24-t | eases. rJ'i'iJI.lo ' nor ijt : spinach , JI10J per bbl , ; Sp inlsh onion" , tl.li per cr ite : radishes , 40c : rut iba as , $1.75 per bill , ; now turnips , , " > Uo per do/ . I.ons Kucoipts not soboivy ; m.irltot ll'Sc ' : occasion il s lies -it Uc. llfTrt.li-Somo of the best country roll coos at IVSJJc. but a lar o proportion ot tlio re ceipts 1 . © Hein I as Unv as He 1'out.Tin Dressed ililukuns 1015'lc ; llvo fowls , cood. $1.1 > : lUe , peril ) . , UHlUcj spring chleUens jl.ioSii ( > 0. Kansas Cllj KA.SSVS OITV. Mo. . April 13. WIIBVT Waa \crydull : No 2 haul. 7JoNo. : J ruJ. HIiJ' . Units Was llrmj No. 2 , mixed , J > c ; No. 2 while. : i7c. OATS Were film : No. 2 mlxod , SO'Jei ' No. 2 nli Itu. .inc. ItVE l.onor : No. 2. fil'ie. ' I'i\\ bi 1:11 : hoc on the basis of pure. HiiAN I'lrin : sickej. OJc. HAV btioiuur. but itnch-inscd. I'l.ouit Dull , decllnlii ! ; hleh natcnt , JJ.40 ; pitent , t.'J-l : choice. $ . ' .10 : XXX , fi.bOQl.7u. IIUTTKH Quiet , sioady. 2Jffi.'oo. IjJO3 ( Vorv wo lit nt lie KrcEitTShoat , lioou bu , : corn. 10,030 bu , ; oats , l.ooil. t-liii'Mi.NT < Wheat , 1,1,03) bu. ; corn. 11,000 bu. ; bu. ; oats , l.OJO bu. I.Ucrponl Mm kets. Livpnpoor , Ajirll IJ. WIIHAT Onll : holders olTor freoly. No. 1 Cillforina. 7s 7'5d ; red western , sprlnz. 7s 4'sd uar eontil : No. 2 red winter , 7s I'idQ's lid. Uecolots of wheat In the p-ibt three days , 'Jil.OOO centalIitcliitlliu ] 7J.OiO American. COKN l.hi'ot ' ; niKod western , 4s.1d per cen- tul. Uoi-elpts of Amerlcin cini In the p ibt three days weio 48JOJ centals OIIIKSI : : American , linesthlto and colored , 5.1s bd per owl. Cotliiii .Murlci-t. Niw VotlK. April IS. Quiet ; silo , IfiTlOO bilesAptll , ? l.7d ; May. JuM : June , id ! ) I ; .liilv , $7.01 : AiiKUst , 87.IJ : i-epleniber. J7.21 ; Oe- lobei. i . 11 : No\ombei , li.41 ; Dccomlier , J7.51 ; Jutiii irv. frul. NiOKI.KANS : , L i , . April 12. M irUot was stoulv : mlddllnii'icj low mid lllns. d'ac : peed ordin iry. ,1'au : KIOSS lecolpts. o.SJI Dales : expoits mist , .1.ISJ bales , sales , 24JOJ ( bales ; blocK , 4cG'Jyj bales. Colleu .llarkot. 71. . t * iv .J , .liilliiv.i. l , .liiir , is 11 iniyii it JVII- cust , ill bl : fceplemhor , Jll hl@H.UI ; Octoboi , * 11 tiS ; Decemher. Jil bJ. Spot Hlo , dull and noii'lnal ; No. 7 , $1,1.7.1. Now Yotk llry ( iiioiU llurltet. Nr.W YDIIK , April 12. Dullness continued to chai lUcrl/c thn in irket for dry uoods at Hrst h mils Orders for repleiil-bmonts were ll hl. Tr idow llh Jobberb was \cry ( air and the week is promising. ruiflltii il .11 irk-t. I.OMIOX. Aurll U. OAI.CUTI LINSREU 'JJs jior iiiartei. | TUUI-LMI.M : Si'iittTs 2Gs porcwt. TradtiTalk. . OiilCHfio. Ill , April li Counsolman A , Day to UouUioll \\liuatouonodoiioirly : \ i illy of l c on shoits covering , became dull and salted oT 1'aC. and closed dull at nearly tiio low point f or the d iv Neither the shippers nor bpeculalho conditions were such as to im Ite operations , and shoi tscovorod leisurely us pt4i-es Bulled their fancv. The latest lonu ladle iled an easy m irkot tomonow. Corn was In excellent ilein mil for shipment andsimplo lots sold wol , but futures \\ero e isv and holders inciineil to soil In h ml spots O us were dull nnd followed corn In Ve decline Provisions lonlinuo quiet with 11 lack of spoi-ulatlvo foitures and the dully sales ijjnlnsl p leklns fully supplies the de mand and lves the mat Kot a anil , dra ln , ; appeaiaiicelthout boms.at any ilmu lually weak. CniCAno. III. , April 12. P. fl , Losan A , Co to Duncan , llollliuei- - Co : 1'ho wheat market has lieou dull and without any spccl il feattiio. May opened at b03ie. inlil as hlsh as floanJas low as 7'l4u. ' | u os-d at 7'l1iC. ' All foieUn advices tending lower Ijitest icpotts fiom I'i inoa tire \ory encour i ln.'for the Krowln crop Here the dem ind for c ish nlic it Is gnoil , ptlnclp illy for e\pnrt , but llio premlnni of 'to to le in or llio Mitprlco Intur- feros with tmyiiiA The fuel is. II Is dlllic-nlt to buy cash who it o\on nlthlsbU premium. The late Bprln sowliu andnowlnter whoit delloiles atotho factors for bolter prices. The line weather and the Improvement of the growing plnnl U nsn.l as an nrumi'iit In favor of a fin thoi decline. Hut vvllli ihe Rcarclty of winter who , t ami no deliveries tromftrmors woe innot bellovo In much doline , The price la low uniier nil circumstances Corn and oats weak and we bellovo coin. : lower. Tlio uiibl- ness dolu 'n ' hoj proluct lUht. The market Is vvoak. Itecelpts keep much above o\pecta- tlons , UuiCAdO. Ill. April 11. Ivonnott , Hopkins & Co. to S A Mowhortcr : Who.it has been weak t ) dnv lather because of the Impelus It received In that direction yesterday than because - cause of any now foaluroi. The Increase In tlio amount on aceouut of pissnU was larger than expected , but uablob weio not partleu. Inrly vvoiik and llio weather In the sprint ! vvhe.it sectloiib was cold nnd stormy , 'I hero have also been MIIIIO complaints from Kansas lli.it wheat hashhowiiiconslder.ibio dotorlora- lion over portions of that slate this month. Oloirauces vvuto lluht , but new onsa.-o- inents show marked increiiBo Hlmo break und lute cables show nn Improved ilo- ninnil. His piudont to take Iho long bide for a tuin on boflbiuits. Corn and oats eontlnuo to rule rather thin. Itocelpts of corn binull nnd the short luioreHt is kept anxious on this nceoiintIf they do not iucioaso inateil illy before the end of Iho month hither prices will probably prov ill , as the conbiimptlvo and ox- nun demand U fairly u-ood. I'rovlslons have been he ivy and very dull , Tnerosoumsto bo Huh ) dumanil from nany bourco foi Invest * muut , and the price clunos are InsUiiltiuant. STOCKS AM ) ItONOS. Operatois Conllned I heir IeallniH to u l.lmltid .Sninliur uf tlio l.eaduig , NKW YOIIK , April -Today's stoolc market wan as near a stand.till is It Is likely toeomo. The mov emoutscro con fined loan uuusuallv iiartow limit. Thd niinouncomunt thataomu block of the Dalawaru .V Hudson had brcn transfurred to thu New Yoru Central man- iisur , opouod tbnt stOttK over 1 per cent , while the Improvement In lilclimond A. Wi-bt 1'olnt was loultt the o nrly dealings , cotiHldcr- ablostrputh shown In riu ur , Cotton Oil und Now Curl mil , and later In the day In the coal stocks but In none of thusu vvii3 the advance wholly rol ilnod. UIK' the co-itlnunl tendency In both the wcuk dlooki and the strong oni-s w.ib to return to tlio Itvul of tlio openl I.B Thoiutler traditiK > va < marked by co nsliler i- bio bear pressure on ilia cinnscn , cspeelullv M. I'.iul nnd llurllnudin , but iho atti'inptie * nulled In nothing but Binull fi iclin nal losii'i , wlileli were atorinU ( ro alncd. Consult , uutiul O.i.i rose Iporcont but Muiilmttan IIHI iluotlierslk-DOf its Into a'U invo , The raid vvas'uld to bo by thu bonrluadors , but Ihonf- fect upon tlio rt-bl of llio Hit vim Impercepti ble , and uUllu tl.o latudoal liu In miny di- rcciloiu dovolotied nn oper Intonilciuy iho remit W.IH nntUlii- further than tint iuu.il In- Hl.-nlllennt ( luutiiiitlotii. Nuvv Unuliiud. uMih hud tmuiionouf thou irly Rirun : HOIS. | yielded , nut t'jo ' market m n whom chucil dul ! nnd ktuaiiy at Irregular oli\n ; es for fie day Miirii was thti IIr l * to-lc which snowed a > u-i- terlal vhan.n , ifulnluj I par cent. Thu following ire the cloilui ; quutat icn for tlio lending stocks on the Now York Stock ox- today : Tlio lol-il si'csot sleeKs ( o lay woto 2)1 ) , SD7 slrirco. Inehulitu : AtcltUon , T.SHil llulttw.in ) . I.ieK.iu.xnni , V U'ustorn , 'i.ti'll ' ; Ddlawaro A lluilson , 4,0r > ; Krlu. 0.011 ; f.'inlsvlllo . . X.iMlt- \lllc. 7.100 ; Maiihattiin. .1110 ; Missouri I'.i- elllc , ; il'H ' ! Notthurn I'.tclllo profotrod. f > , - ilfil. t\o iiilimil : | , : i'i , 'ill ; Itoi-llna. 'J''iOJ ; Hlchniotiil .t West 1'olnt. 5U ! ' u I'.itil , Ui.'OJ ; Union I'aclllc , ,1,500 ; Western ITnlon , - rinanehil Itcumt. Nnw YoitK. April 12. The I'ot s-iyi : The contso of toilav'i prices showed how nbso- lutuly the rucunt market h n lioen built on London pnieliusao. Todav. p.ully hocanso of the , lo\\lsh ho Id ly nn < l p u tlv hop iitso eoxoi- liri pureli.is"S for the eiitront settle nunl are L-oninlotuil. l.oinlon co iscil to operate In our market Thu tesiilt w is an Inline II ito s u- KliU of pi lees aieomp uiyini a inirUotof o\- ticino ( lullnoss. Tlier.i u.is nothln r In the lo.is * . abnormal in toil iy' ininoinentof prleos blneetho in ukot e.iino to , i niitnt.it eiiilllb- | r inn after the e\tliK'tlon of slioit Inteiost a week tiKOStocki lias o boon slowly nil vaneln ; nml stooil this morning on i level from 1 lo ,1 points hlKlior than lasti'iio * < l.iy. Inltho malii the adMiiiL-es were represontoi by Ions stooU In the h mdsof spoeu-atUo tr.iiloH As Lon don's operations uero merely of a tempor.ity flint. ictor this stock \\as bound toeomo on the imirLet again anil nuit-li of Itv is sold today. Xnw Vi > rk .tlone > . ' \Iarltet. New YORK , April 12. MOMIV ON CAM. I'isy : at 1'ilioJ ' percent ; last lo.m 'J per L-OII' ; closed offered at 2 per cent. I'lttMi : MtiUrANTII.K I'At'MI tl'tftf ' DC ! eeilt. STI.IIMMI I\CIIAMH-QU : et but ste uly at fl.SJ for sixty day bills an 1 JI.S7'j ' for de- miLlld. The closing nootatlon < < on bonds : * bid. 1 asked I'ln.iiM-lnl Notes. KAS US CITV , Jlo , April 12. Clearing' ' . JI/.OJ. IM Nl.w Viiltic. Amll li-Ulo.irlnjs , JllOJBCil ) ; bul.iiiuos ? ' , 'VII,4s ' ) I'AUI > . . April U. Thrco uor cent routes OJf , Ole for Hit ut-connt. lUi.TiMOUi : . Mil. Aptil 12. Clou In ; * . t'.TJJ.o-slj baliincos , SlI-VJJl ; r.ite. (1 ( peruont. .MKMI-IIII , Toun . April 12. Now York o\- cli ingu , par ; o.o.uliiss , $ tol,0jlj b il.inoos , iM- hlS. I'liiiADKi.iMHA. I'll. . April U Clo irlns . $1.1. M.j.uj'l ; balances , J'.100.2J3 ; money. ,1 pur LUllt. IIOSTON , Mns ? . Api 11 li. Clearlnsflfl S78.- 01(1 ( ; b il.inccs , $ l,7i'l.'IIHi ( ' money , 2 per cent ; o\- cb.inso on Sow Yorlf. 17ii'0o dlsuonnt. OltlCAO ) , 111. . April I ! . Mono ? In boltor iloni ind. 1 porucnl for cill .mil time. Nou Vorl e\c-h in o 10c promluins.torlinso\ch.uiro ! dull : sixty-day bills , Jl.bJ ; dutnuiiil , 81.67' $ ; ulc.tiliijs , ill'Jj7,501. llmtdii NtocK Mailiet. llosrov. M.iss. April 11 The followlns were the closhu mlciMon stouKs on the llos- ton stoolf in u Itct toJny : Atchlnon .V'lopeka. Huston A. Miintanu. 4 ! Hohtun \ Alb iu > . . Cilumet A llecl.i . . " llotton .V Mulnu . . . hranklln "ioi 0 It A.y Kuirs irco Kaslurn It It l.i . Uscc-ola Hl.hhnrt- 11 . . . . autii lu Copper . . . rilnl A. 1'ero M , . . . ram-irack . . . 1 lint A , I'eruM pTil W-M \nnlston Land Co . 1C C.-t I AC II Ts 1.1) ) ll.iHton Ianil Co l.ltl Ho ; k A. 1 t > ? . . 111 Sin llu < o Land Co. 11,14- MaKi Cenlial l\est ind ns xlex ( en com Hull 'lulephonu . . rw N V A N Kilt-laud. .anison Moru ? . . . , X Y \ .N I'.ni , ' 7s . II'J H'.itor t'oner. Old Colony 174 ent Mlnlni ; . . . . \ \ In ( en. coin 17 t i : , V 1' Wit ton pieterrud < 0 I , V II Atl.intU- 1 hom-uin Houston l.oiuloii Mock IiirKo lCoiiurl'ilitc < llt)2iii Jinei ( larJnn LOMIOV. Amll U iXow Yotk ller.ilil C.ihlo Speoi il to 'I'm : Hir.l : I'lojsuiof the soltlo- incnt has ii'nmit ' oNolushely uti iuod atton- tliin on the Sloc-lv oNuh.inzo today , thoio holiu no illiiKHltlnn to enter Into now on/i oinonts onthooxoof the I' iMor liolliiays. I'lindsnio \\ell in.ilntiiliiQj Inill.iu rnnoo piper li is Klveniiy 'u ' pelcaul. . Thu foittiid , iinoii { foreign Ko\einmont suoinltlos IMS licun ile.- inmils fori ontino Kiivoininont codiilits liond- , , \\lilelielosoat a KOIIOI il initoilil ad- \.ince , oulii to the pro-nliini on polil h.ivln ; further iloc-llnoil lo J.l ) pur c-ont ilomo i.ill- W.IVA h i\o boon inoio or le- > - > dull all il.iy , ut tho" > imo tlnio they luivo boon \ot v llttlo ilo ill In , ( 'ilcdonl in ami North Itrltlsh hi\o boon especially ilepiusbu.l and show a iloullno of "a to J per cunt A sin til f.ill h is oceurrol In i IH.-hton dufoiroil. Miiitha istora iloferieil , .Moiiopollliin. Uroit Western ana Mldl.inil uro u fi act loa boltor. Antoric il rail ways openoil linn at a Koncr.il aih'.inue , but In the .iliioiiuo of support , they soon hoe imo ilnll nnd umllnueil moio or less so to thu ulo e. Money lias boon In moduiatu dumanil , ulth an abiiniliint supply of Moulin ; ; capital , so that short lo ins h i\o boon oUl lined at fiom 'i to 1 iier contillscoiint Thodom ind has boon qulot. Two and thico-montlia bills were ijnotoU ut from 1 to 1'a per cunt. IjONDOX , Apr.l 1.--Tlio following were llio London stoulc iiioiuloiu | oKHln ; at 4 p in : HA i Sir.visit JJO-Kid , Mosisv USI per cent. H ito of discount In thoopon mnrlcot for both bliortand tin en mjiillu'bills. I'up-ircont Amoiti.t of bullion eono Into the Haul ; of Knjjliuul on biilanco todiiv. i' 1.1,003. Sin rriinelscn .tllnlnt ; oniitiillons , SAV KKANCISJ > . Oil. April U. "I ho olllal.vl closlni ; qiiolulons for milling bto.ks to lay weto as follows ; Nuvv York .Minim ; Oiiotiitlnns , New YOIIK , April 1' . The fo'lovvln ; are tl.o losliu mlaliustouk iiuotatlous : J.IVi ; bTOUK .M.YUKIMS. ( ii-nt-ml ConilltlniiH Unriuoi.iblu anil Truil- hit" ! ut WoaUt-r 1'rh-J-J. OVIA.IIA , April 19. Kcculpts for two d iys , 4 , IDl o.Ullo , .s'.Uil ' hus and hdl shcfp , n alnsi ; i,4.'i ! cuttle , i.'ibl hojs anil u'.bd ) Bheup Monday anil TuuKiluy of lusl week. Thu Ltunural c-attlo niurkct was dnil and mean , Ihn vvoot of thu boason. Conditions coniuullud a hloiv , ncuk iniirknt. In the llrst place thu niarUut hus been very \veak , with u ( li-L-lilcillv lower teiitluni-y for thu p ist tun d-iyt. i\en : Mondny'ntonip.ir itlvuly lUht ru- leluth fulluJ to Improve prices. BO thai with UJ cms In slunt a bad break \\ii3 luuv liable , K.istcrii nurKcts vvuro ooiniilclolv denioralUnil , unit this fact prevcnltil any activity on the- putt of shlu- liliU anil export buyers. Dri-sscil In'cf buyers hail mcrylhuij : thelt own vv.iy and made tbulr IiuiLhtibC ! > at prkis nil of lUu toj e loner tliuii Moiulay. bellois vvuru nntiii.illy blow to uc- icpt thoHltuutloii and traUiiu vvas blow and ur.uu'lnt all ( lay , the cloau llnilliu a iniiny loiiU ct vury ( looont c.ittlu ttill unuld in the puns Uooil hu ivy 1.JJJ to 1,4(10 Ib. ulucm were hard to uiova ut u prlco. scll'ns ' from mil lols > . Mslit. h indy tccM that viltoa Ono drowsed beef tr.ulo worn In fivlr dom uiil. liui oUI slovviy at from 1133 to $ .1 M , with cotiiiuim llaht. thin steers li irilly conil enough for ttedors sollliu from } ) OJ to $ J.5 and even lowcn Uvvlni to the mrtl | supply of cows nnd mixed tosV. nnnni 13 cat" , business In this branch of tltn thii)6 ) was molcrately uctlvo uiirt at contr illy MU hanzeil prices lxtrcmo ; s tloi were from ) j to JI.3V the bulk sollltu at from ? .VJ3 to ! J 71. nulis. oxen nml stiirs were docldinliy lower .it from Jl.ftu to Si'in. ' O.ihei nnchatucil at from S'.l > 10 $1.73 for common ye irllnus \orj4txil veals. In spite of the ilicnn market for beef steers there was a very fair tr.ido In slockors nnd feeders an 1 priou * ruled stronger. Yard hpccit.ntors were iho prlnclp-il liny UN , tbo country Hem mil helm ; llJlit I'alr to peed stock nlu largely from JJ.S3 to JJ20. Hopro- sentatlNO silea : STKKIf. lloo-i The snpuiv , 70 u.ir , wis r.itlierll- er.il , but not rcm.iil.-ably so for a Tuesday , and thu past tun d iys" receipts show comp.ii-- alholy llttlii Ino-oiisu conipuud With last Mond.iv and Tuwilny. As to qualltv. iccolpls aio running \cr\-evjn \ ami navu blionu no p irtluiil.ii clnuiL'i' , llnslnt'ss opcnuJ modorntoly brisk with both sblpnln ? and lo : il Imvur ; bidding ptk-us ute.idy to.'i'j louer tli.ui Mondny , nnd the bulk of the tr idlu ; \ \ is on that biiis I.I 'hL mid butcher weight hois sold at the ontlro i.uuo of pricefiom $ l.17'/e to JI.VJ. butliu ely ai $1 41. I'oninion , ho ivy anil mixed pacUurs sold mostly ntl.4J. Un ruculut of iiiifavorabload- vkcs from Chicago the m.irKot cased oil con siderably , closing \urywuaL and a Hat fie loner than Monday. The pens were clu-ircd , howu\or. before noon , i ho bulk suiting .U from # 1 40 to t4 nzalnsi from W4) ) to $1.1) ) lion- SllRtii' lint ono load of slioup was recuhod nnd It was bltlod dlicct lo a local nliuin'litoior and notolTerod on th. ) inarUet. The sltimilon Is mitei Lilly iinchaiuoJ. 1'iilr to K od na- tlnesl lO&OOOi r.ili toRond wesiorns. Waft KIM ; cominiin and slouk shaup , * l.ilJi//I.J" < ; to cholco 40 to UU-lb. Iambi , * l.lOiU.5 ; . Iteeelptx anil DlnpiMltloii ol Stock. Ilocolpts at the Union Sto1 ; y ir U , Hiith Omali i. Neb , for tlia twoiity.fonr lu.iti und- Ing atSo'clouk p. m. , April U , lu ; . IKIHS .IMI.S Can lluad Carji IlL-Hll CarH llit.il. lT' 0l | 1 7'J. ' .UISI'OSIIIOV. o Mock .Mnrld-t. OMICAOO. lll..iAuxll 12. [ spool il Tel esram to Tin : HKK l-Ordluarlly so livbt a inn of c ittlo lib U recorded fur today 10JO liuiiil would have resulted 10 an iuU.iiicobut ; thopnbll hu < l H iles fall to kliut/uiiy clmii o for the better. There was a Hluculsh moveiiient from 11.21 to tPJl for Infeilor to aliuiun cowd , linlfurs nnd bulls nml nt frojiiifl.UJ to * l HJ for eoininon lo oxlr.i hlouib. AfliioiiKb nothln ; reuehed the Hitter tlKiire It was llum ht hoiiKithliu of the rlKht sort would li.it u sold there Tneru were only bcattorlnKH iles at over tt.'i\ from * J.O ) tot.J.uo for cows and bulls uiid from $ . | < JJ to tl-Jl foi'bteers Iniliii llio pruvallln ; , ' pilcos. There wuBijulie i buoyant tone to the ho ; market ut the optmlnK of business IhU morn- In ; , but that boon uavu way to u feeling of do- pruMlon , and tlun-loio was sjurcely as good 113 for Monday. The r ur.'o of ijiiotntlons vvus from ( MO to JIM for ho ivy and medium \u-Uhti unJ fiom il.-l-l . to { I 7U for llk'hl. I'liern vvus .i saloor tvv iiniiin I the opening at fl.H'i for heavy and at il 73 for ll lil. but Iho-u MK- uies could not hiivu been ruall/ui iinj limn uflerllo'e ock ; Indeed , bJmo a ilesnion note Inclined to lvo l 7ins thu top of thu muikel at Iho close. ( Yllalnly Iho late fooling was very weak. Most of llio tr.ins i < lions were wlinlii a raiiKe of from d w to (11\ There vvascuittliuied uoikiie slu the bboep und lamb market. The latter did not bulfor any further decline , but sheep were about lo lowei thin ycsttmluy or IJo lower than ut thu clixoof last VU-OK. Mies uoro i-lovv at from II 2J to W.vj for poor to oxtri sheeii , ind at fromlMto tlHi for Iambi. KecolpU vveru : Cattlo. l.Oifl : lio.-s , IS. 0) ; bheep , , ' 0 'i'ho nvenlnj- Journal repoilsi OATTM : He- i-eltils . ' 1.000 ; bhlpmeiitH , j.oooj market nlow uuj stuadv ; vuu.1 tu uliuluo btcers , tJ.7U I,2U , common to f ilr. $103ffll S ) ; Texan * . JJ 05 150 ; COW . ( l.OKitMli. Hom-KceetpK 17,00) ; ililp-nr-nls , none ; marxpt steady : rotuh nnd common , } ) POiftl.Vt ; mixed nnd Dicker * . Jl mill. 70 ; prime lu-avtr nnd butcher. * ' nclg'ils , f l.7JUI. u ; light , } I.V ) ( til. 70. PllKKP Hooplpt ! , S.003 ; slilpmonts , 2,15 , ) ; mirket Hloidy : owc , ? 4 Otil V ) : mtxoJ , Moo fiS17i | wet linn and yo.n lln s fl 7.111" OJ ; wcst- erna. IV20S1-2.1 ; lambt. $ VJ.lit821 NPU York l.l\t < Still h New YniiK. Apr.l IJ.TTI.B Itecolpto. ino head foruAport uud slnuihterors ; no tr ide. dull ! dre'SPd moats , ( lIMe Sh pnionls to luy. 1.S.1) beeves and .1. . ' ijuarlors ot buef ; tomor row , ri7Jnu trtori. SiteKt * Kocclpts 1.031 hold : market sto uly : tiiishorn sheep , JiVJ.15iM.71 ; iin-hnrn lnmln. Jl 71 tji ni ; rllpped. W. iOil7.nietresseil ; mutton Ilrin utlUli Ic per Ib ; dressed InmUs higher at U'je. lions ItccolpK , 1,7J bead : market llrm at KIIIIRM : City l.lio Stock Mnrlfot. KANSAS CITV , Mo. April 12. CTTIK He- cclpts n,2W : slilpniciits , dOi ; stools wore iliill nttJ lOo lower , sellln. ' nt 8I.2.VU4.11cows steady ut . ' .0ii.i : > 0 ; stockers and feeders. \\oiil { at Jl.tuai.lJ : Ilium Hecelpts , O.OOi ) : shipments. 1.103. The market vvus uctlvo nud steady to * .c loner. mostly * K > lower ; all u'railoa. f-LUJQil 474 : bulk , f I. ,0itl : i7' { . bin. FIItecelpts. . 1 Ml ; slilpmonts , 1.3)0. ) The matlcel was uiieh m'ed. SENTENCED TO DEATH. , TnilK < - llorldi Conneinns n llnrdeneil Crlml- tml but the Order U'us fruitless , A iloR nntncil "Bustor , " nfter n fair nnd irni rtl.il til.il before JuJiro lionet , was found guilty of Indiscriminate end tntultoiis ciissodncss nnd ilulv sontonccd to Uc.itli , Buster \ \ as u hnrdcncd niul utirogoncrato plug ugly ntid rucolvcd bla sentence with n charactcrlstlu snort of cotitomnt. TUoti Oillccrs Uaoly nnd Housor nnd Buster - tor vvciit out touel'aei' Into tlio drlzzlo nnd mists to entry out tlio program. Dooly nnd Kouscr htld O.IUUU3 ns to the method of inlllc'.ltii. tlio iicatli pcunltr to which Buster listened till begot tired when bu slouched olt Into a corner of Mia jitil yard , Iny down with 0:10 : ujo closed aim burloj hittisclt in uliu-r 10- flections. The mucus finally resolved that ho should be shot in the head until do.iu and the til Ill- lory was brought forth , Uustur said never n v\ord but blinked calmly along Iho two gloaming barrels leveled tit his head or , ns the sequel proved In that vli-lnlty. The repoit of the artillery echoed through Iho corridors of the jail , the sinoUo slovvlv lifted nnd discovered Buster still cnlmlv blinking. H was evident that Buster huu moved at the critical moiiont and Knusor was sent for chloroform to keep him in tironcr position. Several moro volleys were lirod nt ranees varying from three "feet to Uiroo paces , and the execution was over. Kimsornnd IJooly wont m to clean their guns. Buster crow tired of playing dead dog after n wttllo ana started down the street to flnd the dog catcher , who Ulllcil him with an axe. Uowltt's Sarsapurilln cleanses the b'ooJ , A A .VU U A t'I IB Vrj. "Tho Power of the Press" is to bo given a first pi eduction in this city at Bond's opera house , roinmoiiclnt ! tomorrow , for three nights. Tha play was received with mueh favor during a long run in Now York and is announced to remain ono wcclc. It is de scribed as nn uncommonly strong melo drama , which illustrates with rare effect tbo great , influence exerted bv the public ptcss when in the hands of competent , journalists. Theio nto said to bo no less than thirty sneaking characters , tlio puncinaht being as follows : Steven Carson , .Tntnos G. Wilson , Annie Uarson , MUs Ida Waterman , Tut tier Morgan , Charlie Mason , DoWitt Norwood , C. II. Kiogrl , Mr. Horsford , Charles 13. Poor. MilioO'CalliUan. Luke Martin , May Hois- fora , MUs Sally Williams , Julia Seymour , Miss Lnvinl.i Shannon , bomo notable rcalis'.ic effects ate Kivcn. among these bclnir a reproduction of the entrance of the Manhattan club of Now York , the Imperial hotel looby in the same i-ity , an Ijusliiver wharf scone and n shi'.i vnrd with n vessel on the stocks. Scats for thu entire cnLMgomunt will ha put on sale at the box ofiico of Boyd's theater this moining at 0 o'clock. Miss OJnle , ono of the best equipped act resses , will bo the attraction ut ] 3ojd's ' theotor nil next vyoelt and appearing hcto for the llrst time as ii star. Tno openm/ play will to "Uomoo and Juliet. " Will 1'uy : i ( ) 1'i-r Crnt. Tlio rccsivcr of the estate of C. B. Moore it Co. , ( he groccts who failed in business n few weeks ago , has filed a petition in the county tourt , inhioh l o aslts to bo allowed lo accept the bid of William riominjr , who olTerjd to pay fTi , ! ) " ) " . IS for the atock. The sum offotod will pay ISO per cent on the in debtedness ot llio llrm. WOODHUHY'S FACIAL SOA ! ' lurtlm Miln.ScAlp nml Complexion. , JllP lOrilltt If .U Jllllrt' UXLlltIlCO. ] AI IHuUis nr bt itl : i * iilitlE. 1 KOe. A Hamiilo Cnko ami 1.9 jUfO ) f Hut k ni Dtrniatoliij-.v nml llointy , llliiktrutitl , ( n SAM ! ixalp N r\oua / ni > 1 lilou I J > Icimti uni ] thilr iitat- nunt Font teiiktl fOf.i DtMifiuro * "noiits Itlnh MirkM MoleBRit Indli Ink ntnl I'Mvikr MmkTnrn , I'ltUiiKB , _ Ho Ino't i f N w * > uHr(1u | UH I nlr 11m- pic8 , f ic , ri'moToJ Consaltatlon Hit' , nt ollltc or b > mall. JOHN H. WOODCURY , Oermatotogiccl Institutfj 1C.Vc t itfnii Street , > * -\v Yoik City. ; WANTED , Totul l inm uf OITIE5 , 0 H I ? B COUNTIES , SCHOOL ox voy u J V& 33 J DISTRICTS IV/ATER COMPANIES , ST.R.R.COMPANIES.ttc. Correspondence pnllcltcd. H.W.KARRIS &GOMPAHYBankers , 183-165 Donrhcrn Street. CHICAGO. IS Wnll Stront , NEW YORK. 2O State St. , I3OSTCH. SOUTH OMAHA. _ Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. Host cattle , hos and fcheop marKet In the west COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. BURKE < FRAZIER i STOCK COMMISSION. mi : iiAi : > iit : < - Write to this house for cor- root Market Reports. Wood Brothers , Onmli'i Chleago. - Telephone 11 > 7 , Mm ! .oi reports by mall nnd wlro chourftilly furnished upon application. THIS James 11. Campbell Company , Chlcaiin , I''istM. I.onls. Kansas City , boutb Uinah.i , sloitv U\ly \ , Ton Worth. A Trill , W Illoany iFr TallnuclKo Chlujk'o lint : Niksnmn. Catllo Miluiman Crill , Denny & Company , I.l\o block Cuininlshlnii llooin''J Kiclmniio Illd'e , boiilh Ouiahii A. D. Boyer & Company , M nnd . ' ' ) r.NclKiir.'o llnlldlns.houtliOiniilri. Correnpondenco nolli Ili-d nnd urouiptly anawuroj bpeclal uttuntlon lourdorj fomloclura X fee-dura KatnblUhed 16 i . . . Incorporated , I6AI Capital fully paid , ? . > 0UOO Waggoner Birney Company , IVrltu or nlru ua for prompt nnd rullublo market rcporta Perry Brothers & Company , I.lvo Stock Commission. Itoom 51 KxchaiiKu Iliillillnhoutli Omaha. Telephoiio 17u7. Miller Brothers , lluom A Kuliunuo llulUllnn ' " Hcmtli Oi.'inln SOUTH OMAHA BANKS" Union Stock Yard National -UANIv.- Iha unlr bunk nt Ihu yarili tupltnl and > itr- | iu | > , li.iU.uuO Cullc < cllun tiruHliit : uul uf Ihu livu Hoik Uuilnu thuulil lie iL-ril ill rod lo Itili lunk r > hlppv mnilopo lt forucJilot tliolr Uuuiu OMAHA AWNMNQS AND TENTS. HAGS AND TWINKS REMIS OMAHA BAD 03 L , , Importer , nmlmrf. flour I ; upi * , K"\tn"eJ , mirk Inirlnii mc * , buriat * mine . , Uln , „ , „ , , , „ ; „ , , roll , J uijoj le SUM | | | rt BICYCMJS. I H.n.TODD , Hicrennr toJ J Wllk- M , 0. DAXOH , ttum > t'f ucldnr , piper s told on monthlr pncklf t > usu < All nuvul par in cuts l.-O.N lth el Uu Ui IMIX tad llll ) l bt. BOOTS AND SI10KS. rilDRSE-CQESHQEOD. ll'JJ ' llo < rirl Stroii. I "ft0tory oornor llllinnl lui/la .im'i \Vo nr" making cloio prlcoi u en'i biyj nl ira Mlllllli a dm ( if u-ouli w-ilcili Vjr ) < MJ- nbla nlfi moroli i r.i. KiniUNDALl , JONES & CO. , ED SHOE CO. \VIinlcinlo Mfrs Aucntit Hoots shocv rubbers Ilii'tnn Itubber Slioi l' < i lelt euuiU Kill li llnr- Ilu. ' , llui HOJllarnu ) tl JOS. SCtlLITZ URE- HID no. ODleo. P. ' .iili in I 1 pnvcn- iu > rt1i SiOnmtiii lohll ALirhovor..t | CXDNFECTIOXHttY. VOEQELE DINNINO i omfectlonem nml jolibors of lorelKa and iloinontlc fruits , 1110 Howard ot. CARRIAGES. OnrrlnRi ) tuilklom lld'O Hint p itrol wnKona n rpcclilt ) . ISth , opp Court llonso CARRIAGE TOPS. OMAHA OARRIAOE TOP C. J. ANDERSON , CO. , Mrf.i tops , ImchK. A.T Dnrby , Mcr Tops , , etc hum ! lor cushions , b icks , etc catalog JW d IJtli ! U _ 2U North 15th st COAL , COKE , | CORNICE. OMAHA COAL , COKE & . EAOIECORN CE WORKS LIME CO. , Mfr Knl\nnlzcd Iron Hard and noft conl S K cornice , window cnpa , . inetallc BkjrlUlitr , etc. c ( r loth nr.d Douglas . its. 1110 , Uli Dodso-Bt. CLOTHING. BLQTCHKY& COHEN , GILMQRE&RUHL , Clothing notionfurnl- nnufr nnd wholes do IIIKS ( Itvo us n trlnl clothiers lltM lluruuy batnples prepnld by ex press HMllnruoy DRY GOODS. K11PATR1CX-K03H M.E. SMITH & CO. , DRY GOODS GO , , Dry coot ) ! notions , fur- Dry Rood' notions KCHI'S nl-hliiK ( tooili Corner lurulshhiKiruuilti Lor. llth nud llonard tls llth and Hunaril el ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES WOLF ELECTRICAL CO.i Illustrated cntnlo ; frto 1014 Cnpltol axe OMAHA UPHOLSTERING BEc3E&RUNYAN FURNITURE ING CQ. NITURE CO. , Uphol tered furniture liU''Mi ; Mcliol.ii a- ( irnco nnd thirteenth \\liuli v.llo uiily utrcuts. GROCERIES. DRUGS , Etc. D. M. STEELE&C3. , DLAKE , 150I-K01 Jones Direct , 10th nnd Hurncy streets , Oin.ilm , Oui.ilm GRAIN. S. AMC WHORTER , 215 Hi ! of Trade llroker In uraln clu 1'rluito w Ire to N V , CMcuiio und M l.ouls HATS , KTC. DATE CITY HAT CO W. A. L. GIBBUtl & .CO. , lint * cap" , strnw i oed , rtr-iw Hat- * caps K L-IO-OH , niltu-nt OHIICTB UloMS. llllttt-119 < " " iLlLbrntetl Lit" uud lluruty liat llth and II iri-u ) HARDWARr. . RECTOR & WILHELMY L03ECK&LINM , CO. , Denlcrs hnnlwira auj Corner lOthnna Jockton meclinnlci tool ) 1101 Douglas Mroot. LUMBER CHAS.R , LEE , JOHNA.V/AK5FIEIO Hnrdirood liimbor , wool earpon nn I pirquit Impo-tol Vmarletnl'or N Hooting , lintpo ip-il , llw ax * hrdraulle cn-nont nnJ fill nnl Douslii. sulnC7 ) whlti IImo. LIQUORS. HER & 03 , , FRICX& . HER3ERT. l.tquor innro'mm , 1113 11 army-st Mfrs Ken nedy a Knit InJIi Hit Wholesale liquor donletl ter ) . lUOl l-nrnim si. MILLINERY C. ASTONEHILL , J.nBERFELDER-VCO , , linporti rs nnd Jobbpr of Millinery notions cloiks inll'lru't ' ) niiiluni Mnll etc. I1U 113 s lull st. urdiri. pionud 2WU8. lltli st MUSICAL. A.H03P2 , J3. , THE MEIIIQEnO CO. , or i-is nrtluld lO-'N irih st I'lnnim , innterlils , uc. I5I8 mii-le nnd tnusual In * utruiuuits of nil OILS. CONSOLIDATED TAN ( LINE 00. , No bid iiilur no smoHo chlmn'yi no ihnrrliirf Hetlned n-nl lubrlcatlns of lcksnst jou oils , n\lu Kitnso etc cur for It OYSTERS. A.EQOTHPASXINQ DO. Tuckers of ojsters llsli OyMuri Hill nnd p tarr. I lint eulory ojjl.oaxon SI I H luilist Iliua north nt. Cole , mi i OVKKALLS. SIJIHTS , HTC. KING . SIMEAO" Mfrn of "K \ . s- p , , , t , Mfrs c'lebrntcd "nuci- Slllltl U nl ( IMIIUllS.ltU i-klu ovcrnll pants , 014 IBM litst nlilrt . luatj , etc Ulllllllll PRODUCE COMMISSION. KstnbllBhcd , 1B73. WHITNEY & CO. I'roilmo frnln of nil lluttor , ecus nnd poiillr ) liliiil-i , oysters J17 S , Jl > Utii,1 lith at. KIRSDHBRAU.'lii JA3. A. CLARK St. C ! ) . SONS. , Uultor , chcoio Duller , cess and poultry poultry nnd u-ime. l./.t lloivnrj-n. 317 boutli 13th Str oL ! . A. RYDER & CO. 0. PEDAU , tlntler.ejigsclicoscpoul- trv , hides nnduamo 1'rodLco ttutter 1/11 Howard stri-ut t ite.ii und poultry. liefer to Cum'l Nut Hank l.'th aid Howard si MULLIN&MCCLAIN fcpiclr.ltlebutter cuss , clu-cie poultry , ite No 415 t lltli Itef. Ist.Vntl SCilROEOER & CO. MQDR- FEaBUSOH. llllttoe i ( litnuj. Cash bnyoM butter nnd Jiull , puillry , ( .iitiij. Ok'k" . h indies nil other Ak'vnts for My r producu on commh > lun lliiynl horse nml c.iltla Uii llth bt. tplce M.I * llth sU 1. 0. HJS-i , 03. Ilutlcr , efrt-j p iiiltr 'cnr ' | i- 1 iltloi 11utl' rl Lame , hide i unit In I I L-.UJ mil p niltry. UlJ inn llow.ird struct I ju > u lalrunt W. E. RIDDUL RIDDELL& CO. , Wholsnlobuitcr A e s llutter , cliee-- * essfs , \exetnli-i | > frultspoul lluis nnd sells fur try und c.nuu c.ish 413 b llth at 1'APEU CARPENTER PAPER CO KINO PAPER CO. Cnrry n full stock of \VrapplnKpnpir nllklall printing urnppInK and of trpios do 14 ) J llnu-ira street. Toli > - rlllnt { paper , card pi- phuno , KiJ 1 or tic STOVE UEPAIKS. OMAHA G1QVE REPAID WORKS , btovorepilrH and irat V utlncliiuonts fur nnf kind of rtovu mailu. Ill , Douglas SASH TOYS. M.A. DIBBROW- . ( 'loK doili a I b u mi , Manufacturers nf pa > h liinev pi | s Imusufiir * ( Inors blinds nnd nlnhlnit A ' nH chll niuuldlriKs llraiich of- ilrin n t u riuoi Uli tlte , Uth and Uaidbts 1 nrnnia trc-Ll. 'PHE RIPANS TABULES icgulate the stomach , liver and * bowels , purify the blood , arc pleasant to take , safe and always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness , Blotches on tie ! Face , Bright's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation , Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordcicd Stomach , Diz/.ines , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Ecicmn , J-'latulentP , Female Complaintb , Foul Breath , Headache , llcaitbiirn , Hives , Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Tioubles , Loss of Appetite , Mental Depression , Nausea , Nettle Rash , Painful Digestion , Pim- pies , Rush of Blood to thc Head , Sallow Corn- plexion , Salt Rheum , Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick llcadnchp , Skin Diseases , Sour Stom- aoh , Thed Feeling , Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash r.nd every other symptom or dis- case that rcbiiltb from impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their functions by the blomacb , liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating are benefited by taking one tabule after each- meal. A continued use of the Ilipans 'I'abules is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing tluit can be Injurious to the mo.st delicate. Price : One gross $2 , sample bottle 15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or .sent by mail postage paid. Address THU RJJ'ANS CHEMICAL COMPANY , New York. Rubber Boots and Sandals. TENNIS SHOE IS ; , RUBBER CLOTHING MACKINTOSHES , GOSSRMERS , FISH and SHIELD SLICKERS. PRICES REDUCED , Send for my new lists ; no # oods sold nt retail. Z. T. LINDSKY , - Omaha , Neb