THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : W13U&ESDAY , APRIL 13 , 1892. KlJI SUBJECT TO DISPOSAL Official Information About tha Sao and Pox Reservation in Nebraska. \ tURTHER LEGISLATION NECESSARY of t.andd In the Nchnnl .Srctlnn Allotments | | nIlrrn 'Matin Im portant llomcfttrad Kntrv Cano l > o- cldod Washingto WASIII.VOTOK BUHP.AU OP TUB Br.B , ) Bill FoOiiTRBNTM STIIBBT , , > WASIIIXHTOS , U. C. , April . } Today Senator Paddock received n letter from Lnnd Commissioner Carter concerning the Sac nnd Fox reservation in Nebraska. Commissioner Carter says thnt allotments have been made on tbo risorvatlon under thu fifth section of the not of February n , 1637 , but have not yet boon procured , It Is stated In n loiter from the Indian ofllco accompany ing the schedule of allotments that lC5l iicrcs rom In vacant. Until a treaty bas peen made and ratified by congress , ns pro- Vldcd in section G of the not named , the va cant land will not bo subject to disposal. Just what will bo the status ot lands In tbo school section In the reservation remain ing vacant , If any there bo , cannot bo said in advance of such legislation. The stale may have selected land Indemnity for such tracts. The commissioner ays furthoi that if finy correspondents should desire informa tion ns to n particular tract a latter addressed tohlm dcscilblnptho land by section , town- khip and range will secaro It. IMIsciilliinentis. Secretary Noble today decided an Import- fmt homestead entry case from Lincoln. It wnn tlio case of the Central Branch of the Union Pnclllc llallroad company nnd Arnold 1'arll ugatust John B. Stewart , Matthew H. Wymoro nnd the St. Josunh & Denver City Hallway companyan application to purcbaso b homestead entry under suction 5 , net of Mnrch 3 , 18S7. The sec-rotary afilrmcd the t. decision of the commissioner , holding that at the Umo of Parll's application to purchase the government did not own the tract , in fact it has had no title thereto since Mnrch 28 , IS'JU , when the line of the St. Joseph & Denver City railroad wns definitely located. At that time the records of the commission er's ' ofllco show no claim lo thu Iract nnd tbcrofoic it inuied to the company under tbo terms of Us grant. Huv. K. D. Roberts of Beatrice , president Of the Beatrice Chnutnuquii , is in the city. A resolution has boon received by Sonntor Pnudorlc fiom the National Dairy Commis- sloners association recording its appreciation of the valuable services rond-ired to the country by the sonntor In the unlnlllng tact , unromlttlnu vlgllnnco nnd the tndonilnltablc courage and perseverance with which ho has conducted , Ibrough its various utops In Iho Bonnie , of ihu bill for Ihu prevention of the fidultcratlon nnd mlsbranding of food and drugs. Senator ICylo appeared before the senate commlttco on Indian affairs today to oppose the conllimntlon of Frank Lllllbrldgo of Pierre , S. D. , nominated to DO airont for the Cheyenne river Indmns in South Dakota. lie naid the charges which ho preferred ngalnst Lllllbrldgo caino to him in private lutters and nt present ho did not want to Btnlo t betn or glvo'.ho names of their authors. Ho asked for a week within which to prefer tbochurges formally nnd mnko proper objec tions to confirmation. The commlttco granted the time requested and there will bo no action upon the nomination before the lat ter part of next week. P. S. H. KKWS VOK TIM : Atc.nv. Coinpli'lo List of CliitiK04 : 111 tlio Service. WASIIIXOTON , D. C. , April 12. [ Special Telegram to TUB BKC. ] The folloxving as- iijrnnicnls to regiments of oilleora recently promoted and transfers of ofllcors are or dered : Second Lieutenant Kugono I. Loveridgo , Klovcnth Infantry , is iclievod from the opoiiitlon of general orders of March ID nut ! will bo retained on duty by the commanding geuoral. Department of the East , as post quartormaslor at fort Niagara until further orders. The leave of absence on surgeon's certlllcato of disability grained Captain Joseph II. Willard , corps of engineers , February IU , is extended ono month on sur geon's certillcato of disability. Wuittcrii I' WASIIINOTOM , D. C. , Aptil 12. [ Special Telegram to Tun DEI : . ] The following list of pensions granted Is reported by THE Bnn nnd Examiner Bureau of Claims : Neorrslta : Original William D. Lee Joslah E. Lowes , Ellas E. Andrews , J. A. Gibson , George W. Newman. Additional Bilas J. McClure , James W. Balloy. Restor ation , reissue ana Incronso Anson Soulos. Increase Johannes H olden , Marion I'onnil- ton , NVHlIniuN. Wtutloclc. Original widows etc. Amanda E. Roberts , Hannah L. Swan , 3D. Harrington. Iowa : Original James Cnlvert , George sEarbartGeorgo H. Spaulding , John O'Neill , Lewis A. Doano. Charles A. Crawford , Hiram Wait. Additional John G. Kick , Abnor Allison. Jeremiah W. Crawford. In crease Lulto Horoblu. George W. Withorn , Lewis U. Marltbam. John Shelley , Willian : Itt. Potty , William W. Morton , Nowull II. Blnnchnrd , Chauucoy Wolton. Uolssuo Peter L. t.eminillVashington M. Knight. Original widows , etc. Stuckioy S. SalTord , lather ; Emma Daley. South Dakota : Increase Charles J. Esch- back. _ AVestiiru ratents. WASHINGTON' , D. C. , April 12. [ Special Telegram to TUB Br.n.J The following Us of patents granted H reported by TUB DUE nml Examiner Bureau of Claims : William D. Arnctt , Caldwell , Idaho , grad Inc machine ; George F. Durtlott and A. J O'Neill , Butte City , Mont. , ore roasting furnace nacoVilllam ; Clnypool , Co/.nd , Neb. , water elevator ; John D. Farouhar , assignor of ono third to H. E. Long , Dos Moines , la. , antl friction cur wheel ; Uouben L. Garllck \Vaterlown , S. D. , car coupling ; Carl Hlnzo Des Moines , la. , sounding board for pianos Thomas L. Hogostor , Tokamiib , Neb. , wind will governor ; John T Smith , Sabula , la. miap nook ; James W. Taylor , Vormlllion , S D. , Jlfth wheel for vehicles ; \Villlam D. Wit liaras , Ogden , U. T. , car coupling. 9 The great reason for tbo success of Hood's Baraaparllla Is found in positive merit. I cures where other preparations fail. > t w STILL PKOSELYTINQ , llunka of tha Aliinuliioturiirs Assorlutlm Heine Itiipldly AiiKineiitixl. A meeting of the executive commlttco o thuMnnufiicturors and Cousumers nssocla tlon was held yestoruay afternoon nt thei room , 004 Bisii building. The following llrms wore elected members of the association : Industrial Iron Works 714 South Fourteenth street ; Adamant Wat Plaster company , Hast Omaha. The regular monthly bills were road ana ordered tmia. It was decided to send Secretary llradloj out Into the state to Norfolk , York , nni other I owns , with tbo object of interesting the manufacturers of these places Iu tut homo patronage movement. The coining exposition came In for a largo hare of attention and all the reports pro eon ted neroed that the ichemo U progressing In a most satisfactory manner. The inaiiu faclurors are very enthusiastic ! over tbo exposition position , and nro leaving nothing undone to innlio It a great success. Whllu tbo apace has not been all taknn , there nra already enough uppllcatlous In to urnuo it certain tha every nvallablo foot In the bulldlug will be occupied. A good many of the manufacturers are prcimring to manufacture certain lines o Roods at the exposition , which will add greatly to the Interest. DoWitt's Snrsaparllla destroys aucn pol ons us scrofula , skin disease , eczema , rhou mat Hni. Its timely use saves many lives. The Oinnliu Meillcal Society. The Omaha Medical society at its annua moetlnc last night elected the following onicors for tbo ouaulng year. 1'roaldont , Dr AV.-O. Bridges ; first vlco president , Dr. H GlfTord ; fucond vice urosidttnt. Dr. Klenno S. Dalloy ; accrettry , Dr. CJ. W. Wilkinson treasurer , Dr. S , 1C. Braiding ; bo n Of on or § , Drs. Womor loy , IlamUton nd Homers. A commlttooconshting of Dra. Indgos , Lord and Crummor w * appointed a ninko nrrangomcnti for n banquet lo bo tendered by the Omnha Medical socloty to ho Nebraska Stale Medical society , during ts meeting in this city , May IU , 11 nnd 13. MJIT/I UMAII.l , Council C'oniinlttpcs , The now city council mot last evening with Mayor Miller nnd nil councllmon present ox- opt ( Inloy. The first business transacted vns the election ot a president of the coun- II , John S. Wallow was elected by accla mation and accepted the honor In a neat pooch. Mayor Mlllor then npnolntod standing com- nlttcoa ns follows and they were contirmed ly tbo council : I'lnanco Wymnn , Wood and llulla. Blroets and Alleys -Wood , Walters and Irnce. Ortl I nances Waltors. llulla and Shiill/o. Klrc and Water Shultre. llruco and llowloy. Police Ilrucp , Itiilnv and Shultzo , Public llulldlnss-lfaloy. llowley tvnd Hruco. tas ! and Public Ijlghlsood , llowloy and Kloy. Licence Hnlla. Wymnn and Walters. IPrlnllng llowloy. Wood and Hhultro , Olmrltles Wyman , llruuoaml Wood , The nalarlas for the lire department for the month of March were ordered paid. An application for the appointment of pound- master was referred. The report of Chief of I'ollco Bronnnn for the monlh of March was read and accepted and that of 1'olico Judge King was referred to the llnaure committee. The council rrsolvod to sit as a board of equalization to equalise special sidewalk and gradinc taxes in district No. 8 on And I 2 , " ) nnd ' . ' ( i ati \ a. m. Thu usual allowance of bills were road nnd referred. Councilmen Walters , Bulln nnd Wood wore appointed n committee- prepare rules for .ho government of iho council and report at the nuxt meollng. Mayor Mlllor then appointed B. O. May- Hold building inspector and the appointment wns continued , Ttio chief of police wns instructed to place ofllccrs on the viaducts at L and Q strools , with Instructions to arrest any person who drove over faster tlmu n walk , The council adjourned to next Monday evening. Notes mid I'emaimln. Dr. T. II Ensor loft yesterday for Carroll , la. Miss Hattlo C. Mahus of Denver Is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Berry. Fred Slado of Oskalooao , la. , and Harry Smith of Tokaniah , Nob. , nro visiting .Too Cornish. B. S. Grlggsof the Hammond meat Inspec tion force is visiting at bis old home at Al bion , Nob. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Edwards and daugh ter ot Syracuse , Nub. , are guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gosnoy. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ivaohlqulst of Twenty-fifth nnd H streets nro receiving congratulations over tlio birth of twin girls. The Knights of Pythias gave a vorv pleas ant basket social in their hall last evening. Tlioro was a largo attendance nuu enjoynblo entertainment. A. J. Baldwin will leave this morning for Wayne , Nob.whoro ho will go into business. Ho takes \vltb him the best wishes of a largo circle of South Omaha friends. The ladles of the Christian church will pivo u social at Iho residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. C. Clifton , Twenty-fifth and F streets , on Tuesday evening , April 2. A. N. Mlllspiugh has roslgnod his position as business manager of the Ensor Institute and has been succoodcd by C. J. Jnycox of Albion , Nob. Mr. Allllspuugh will act ns traveling agent. Ellen J. , the 3-year-old dauehter of Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace , died at their resi dence , Twenty-llrst and N streets , Sunday. This is the second child Mr. and Mrs. Wallace - lace have lost within a few weeks by the same disease. The South Omaha Chatnuqua Literary ana Scientific circle mot last evening at the residence of Dr. Stewart on North Twenty- s > econu street. An interesting program was rendered , Including an addres ? on physical culture by Dr. Kirkpatrick. The Sons of Veterans' Dramatic club wilt give the drama "Forced lo Ino War" at Blum's hall Tuosdav evening , April 10. TLo entertainment will bo civen under the auspices of E. K. Wells camp , No. 7:3 : , Sous of Veterans , and the Sons of Veterans' or chestra will furnish music. Tno cast of characters includes several who have won la- vorahlo comment in amateur drama , and the .vounjr people deserve a liberal patronage. Ono ol the features of the performance will bo the safe-biowinc scene In ibo second Lot. DEMANDING REDUCED RATES. Tlio Santa Vo System Working for Omaha'a I l\u Stock Interests. O. H. Brown , assistant general frelcht agent of the Santa Fo system , Is In the city. Mr. Brown has supervision of the llvo stock interests of that railroad ana visited the South Omaha packers In order to thoroughly post hlmsolf on the situation. "Our company Is soaking to open the Omaha maikot to the cattle raisers of the southwest , " said Mr. Brown , "nnd Is deter mined to use all legitimate measures to that end. The stockmen of Texas nnd Now Mexico nro prevented from shipping to thi city Uocauso of tbo high dif ferential ratoagulnst Omaha , whicn operates in favor ot Kansas City. The railroads be tween Kansas City and Omaha got u $ " 30 division of iho through rate , which practi cally shuts southwestern cattle out of this market. "Tho Omaha packers have only nskod for a reduction of the division to SI'-.VJ ! per car , out the Santa Fo has gone before , the freight associations with a demand for a reduction to fr.5l ) . On cuttle from Wyoming and northern points Kansas City has almost as low n rate as Omaha , and Iho rule ought lo work both ways. "i'bo Santa Fo's demand was opposed by othoi-lines and has been nppoaloa to tlio com missioners of the Western association , Iho court of last resort. Wo are now awaiting thuir decision. Wo may not suc ceed in gotllne the $7.50 differen tial , but , by putting iho demand at that low figure It may result In a compro mise and a reduction from $20 a car to the $12.51) ) asked for by Omaha. " NiitvHitnd 1'ursoiiiil * . The state commltto of Iho Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor bas selected tno Chlrago & Northwestern as the ofllclal route from Omaha to Chicago for the national cou- venllon. Ono of the Pennsylvania railroad's ' Cali fornia excursion parlies arrived in Omaha over tha B. & M , yesterday afternoon en route < msl , and ono of the Raymond nartios is expected over the Union Pacific today. Dr Blrnoy cures catarrh. Bun * UNITED PRESBYTERIANS , Spilng Session of thu Omnlm I'rcsliyti'ry NIHV Iu PriiKrens. The spring assembly ot the Presbytery of Omaha Is being huld nt the First United Prosbylerlan church , Twotuy-Jlrst and Emmett - mott streets , in this city , The opening ses sion was held yesterday afternoon with liov. John Williamson of this city , the moderator for the past year , In the chair. Clerk J , M. Wostertleld of Omaha and fifteen other members of tbo presbytery were also pres ent at the oponlni ; roll call. The opening sermon was proaohod by Itov. W. U. Purvis of Kearney , who took u bis text , "I am tbo light of iho world. " Tlio presbylery considered tba statistical report and reports ou uarrutivo and state of religion. Kev. W , H. Cox of Kushvlllo was elected moderator for the ensuing year , tbo other o Ulcers holding over. Messrs. J , A. Honaorson , It. S. McClena- uan and J , F. Uoss were appointed a com mittee on statistic * . The following \vtiro appointed a coramlttao on condition und needs of vacancies : Messrs. Clinton Kiddie , Thomas McUagua aim W. M. Lortuicr. [ lev. J. F. Uoss , the new missionary at South Omaha , was received Into the presby tery from tbo prMbyiory of Monmoutb , III. The evening- session was on oocn con ference to consider "Changes In the Home Mission Svnteui , " and "Tho Law of the Tenth , or How Much Ought Wo tc Give. " The former was opened by Hev , Clinton Kid dle , and the latter bvltev , J. F , Uoss. Tbo business of tbo presbytery will hardly bo completed today , and the llntl adjourn ment will probably Uo tomorrow forenoon. LINCOLN ENTERS A Object ? to Congressional Aid in Entertain ing tbe 0. A. B , at Washington ! STRONG RESOLUTIONS ARE DRAWN UP ApponU Made fur Caplilii : Vocnni'i t'ardon Dentil of Mlrlmrl HORIII : at n Illpu Old ARC , V lllu-IUMiy Itobbnr tolloTrlfil. LINCOLN' , Nob. , April 12. iSpoclal to Tnr. Bun. | The action of the citizens of Wash ington , IX C. , in unpoallnp to congress fornn appropriation to defray the expenses of tha national encampment of the Grand Army of thoKopubllc , baa aroused Intense Indignation in Lincoln. The Nebraska roprosontntlvos In congress will bo asked to do everything possible to brine about the defeat of the bill , and a series of icsolullons bnvo been prepared - pared which will bo sent to the country at largo. The resolutions are as follows : Whoru.m , At the national Grand Army of thu KcDiibllc oncampinont held In the. . city ot lletrolt In ISOItliuclty of Lincoln und Wash ington City were competitors for the location of the oiic.iiiitiiiietit of 18'JJ ' , and o.ich or siild cltlos rnado a willton pruuoslUun asreoliiR to entertain said encampment In IMl.'and uro- vldo thu nccoss.iry futuls thurefor. the propo sition of tlio ell y of Lincoln bulng cuarantuod liy responsible Kontlemon , wortli at iuust ll.000.two. Whereas , Washington City secured the lo cation of tliu encampment or ISU : upon the written promise anil plodKQ that it would on- tertaln the same and provide the nceuisary funds Ihorofnr ; and Whereas , \VashliiBton Is now asking that } IOOUJU bo appropriated by congress from tlio nation il treasury to doTr.iy thu uvponsus of said uncampmuut , the very tiling uliloli It , In writing , promised and agreed to do ; thori'foro bo it Uuiolvcd , liy tha citizens of Lincoln In m.lss nieutlng convcacd , that wo dommnco the action of Washington Oily In asklim for this or unv other appropriation ax an act of bad faith and a violation or thu written promises and agicoinpnts madu by it at Detroit. Uosolvod , That It Is unjust and wiong to ask the people ot this nation to do what Wash ington Uity promised to do and wo hero now solemnly protest aj-alnst the pussngoot any law appropilatliu JIW.UOO or any othur uiiiouni from thu national treisury for this pu rposo , Hesolved. That wo respeotrully but earncst- Iv ask our jiomirablu sun.itors and renrcsenta- ilvus In con rnss toonposo s.ilil iippronrlatlon. Kesolvi'il , That wo huro sontl gioutlni ; to thu br.uo and honorililu soldlurs or our nation and wo say to them Hi it If Washington will not carry out Its promises and pledges mudo at Detroit , the city of Lincoln , that Is the greatest monument or the iiiartyicd Lincoln , Is ready to c.irry out In good faith the propo sition It niailo ut Detroit and no appropriation uskyd , KuMitvcd. That a copy of thuso losolullons bu Toiwatdcd toour senators , and to reuru- sont.itlves of the national Uiand Army or thu Uopubllc. AIoio AlBUinents for Yociliu's L'arilon. The arcumonts of the attorney * In the Yocura cnso before Governor Uoyd were con tinued this forenoon. Attorney John A. Cnsto , for the state , opposed tno petitions for the pardon in an earnest as well as elo quent niaanor. la most rospacts bis address to the governor was the bust presented on the D.irt of the stato. Wh1 ; : ; ho had completed Mr. J. D. Calhoun , editor of the Lincoln Horala , arose and asked permission to say a row words , do then proceeded to malco nn eloquent , impas sioned plea for the Utterly of ttio convicted man. Ills remarks mndo a deep impression upon tha minds of all who heard them , the tnoro so because ho was a total stianger to all thu parties concerned. Hon. J , N. Harwood of Lincoln closed the presentation of the argument in an ublo ad dress. Governor Boyd then made n few re marks , In which ho expressed the deep re sponsibility that bad been laid upon him. Ho promised that ho would glvo the matter bis earliest and caruful consideration and arrive at a conclusion as early as possible. CoiiKrcssuiiill Ilrjnn's ICccuptlon. Congressman W. J. Bryan returned homo from Washington tonight. Several hundred citizens mot him at the train with bands of music. Considerable enthusiasm was mani fested in spite of tl'n dri/zltng rnin which prevailed. No attempt was made to lend political color to tho" demonstrations and a largo number of republicans turned out to welcome the young congressman. Theontiro crowd proceeded to the Hotel Lincoln , where Mr. Bryan was introduced by Judge Broady ai the man who wont to Washington a Jew months nco as W. J. Bryan , representing the state of Nooraska , and returned tonight as W. J. Bryan. A letter was read from Gov ernor Boyd expressing bis regrets that ho was unable to bo present. Dltitl Snililcnly TlilH Morning. Michael Hogan , ono of the oldest ana most respected citizens of this city , died this morning at I ! o'clock at his residence at 81'J K street. For a number of years bo has neon in the employ ot the B. & M. railroad bore and yesterday afternoon burst a blood vessel In his head. He was removed to his homo and medical aid summoned. Despite every thing that could bo done for him , however , ho slowly grow weaker and death came to his rollof'oarly this morning , as stated. Ho was 55 years of ago , Charged uith lllgliway Holihcry. James Canny , who has been under nrrast for many weeks upon tbo charge of highway robbery , was finally arraigned today. The crime which Canny is accused of was committed last May. Ono night In that month a man forced an entrance to the drug store in the Lludell hotel and at the point of a revolver compelled W. A , Ecker to glvo up what money there was in the storo. Suspicion fastened upon Canny nnd the ollfcors wore put upon his truck. After various wanderings no was finally located at St. Louis. Abo'it ' two months slnco Chief of Police Dtngos rocnivod a telegram - gram from the St. Louis police saving that the man was there under arrest. Canny will mnko n vigorous defense und will endeavor to establish an alibi. Depositions wore read In court toany by parties from St. Louis , who swore positively that Canny was It , St. Louis on the night that the robbery was committed , The state has a number of the police nnd detective force ot St. Louis bore to testify that Canny was not In St. Louis at the time the crime was committed. "My wife finds Brailyorotlno the host thing she over used for headache. " W. E. tinflin , Claremont , N. II. WITH A IIANDSOMEK MAN. Ar . Hubert Kcnni-r Voiinil Her Utah Home u Trllln Ton Hull. Robert Konnor of Sterling , Utah , Is In deep tribulation. Not long ago ho was married to an 18-yoar- old wife a bluo-oyed , falr-sklnnod , JUxon- hatred buxom piece of womankind whoso pro once was tbo one thing necessary to inuUo Hobort's path through lifo a road that led through daisied meadows und by the still waters. It was love's youns dream for n tlmo , nnd neither saw creeping up Into the sky of their golden day the cloud which was to Dlacken It forever. Last /all a man came to the placa looking1 for worn ana Introduced himself as Juhn Howies. Ho was a fair spoken stranger , and Konncr took him up and gave htm n homo tor tb ? winter , Kowloi was not n bad llj- ; uro ot n man slight In biiHd , dark complex- oncd and with n irmentflcbnt mustache but ICouner had great faith Jn bis young wlfo nnd had no misgivings In allowing the stranger to bccomo ono1 of the family. So things went on until spelntr , witb everyone apparently hnppv nnd contented. Last month Kcnnor noticed that lib wtfo was growing restless ailfl'lrrltable , but would glvo no reason , On the 8Mb of tha mnutu she suddenly nnnonncodjier Intention of vis ing friends In Salt Lake vity , nt.d loft , prom ising her husband to rotutn in n few days. That wns the last tlmo ho saw hor. Soon after her departure Howies also dlsapucarcd and wns next board of ( n Salt Lake City. Mra. IConnor WAS at the homo of a man named IlnllUUj In Salt Lnko Cltv and tboro sh received n letter saying. "Daarlovo ; I am boro. Sterling has become too hot for mo. 1 want you to moot mo at , " and signed "your lovor. " This oplsilo came In tlmo to the hnnds of the husband , when his eyes were opened for the HrK time lo tlio guilty rotations of the pair. Ho wont at once to Salt Lnko City , but the lovers had disappeared. Ho now wants Tun Bnr to publish the facts slnco ho fools certain that Howies , whom he calls an unprincipled adventurer , will soon desert tbo woman ho has led astray. Howies1 relatives are snld to llvo somewhere about Omaha. Wonderful results follow the uo ot PIso's Cure for Consumption. Soa. Alt drnegists. ONLY A NATURAL KESULT. How tlio War Hrtnt'iMi tlio Storkmrn nnd tlin Itustturs Originated , In order to glvo oven tin auproxltnato idea of the merits of the present dispute between the stockmen and the "rustlers" of Wvotn- Ing , It Is nocossnry to go back to the early days ot western settlement mid development. Thousands of Nebraska residents can ro- moinber when the lortllo valleys of the state afforded nasturago to uncounted thousands of cattle that ranged at will amid the suo- culeut and nutritious grasses of the vegas. l'eo [ > lo who have watched the dlsnppcaranco of these great herds , who have soon the plains , described by an enthusiastic orator as "hky-boundod and horizon-staked , " cut up Into small farms , who have soon the camp lire of cowboys dicker and die out , nnd have watched the smoke cuil upward from tbo dugout or sod house of the homesteader , will Know moro of the causes for the present demonstration than TUB BKI : can tell. It is the natural law of the "survival of the littcst,1' the consummation of evolution applied to national growth. ( jattlo raising , as commonly understood , in its very nature must bo pursued In unsettled or sparsely populated regions. Oolv where the btoad llanos remain virgin and untr.un moled by the plow can bo found range ° uf- llciout for the successful .support ot cattle by gra/ing. Another essential Is wator. This must bo found in streams. Away from the railroads , far from the border of "civili zation , " between the eastern nr.d western limits of "tho frontiof" lies this land which until within n tow years was the cattle man's paradise. Hero the "big outlits" found conditions ideal , and the cattle king and his retainers the cowboys led n life whoso only counterpart in history was that of the barons who nattlod and reveled in modiajval times in the Old world. And thu downfall of these Now world barons came from the snmo cause as did that of their Old world predecessors through the oucroach- ments of the common hbrq. "Westward , ho ! " Is ft common enough cry. It has resounded since the day tbo llrst white man wended his adventurous way through the Appilachian forests , and sot his cauiu so that the ruys of the setting sun shone through its op < ; n door. But in this cry of the pioneer wastho ( death itnoll of the cut ! ! c king. Bcloto its magic spoil n race of people has fallen back , giant forests have vanished , iniphty rivoVs have been tamed , cities have grown up from the wildernosi , n species of animal Ua $ boon exterminated , geography has been changed , miracles have been wrought , and are being wrought , and before it the cattle blue and the cowboy are fulling away , oven as have faded the buffalo nnd the Indian. When u man S2ts forth to < nako himself a homo in the 'wilderness ho cbo6ses sucb a place as will afford him water , fuel and shel ter. In thu west these could bo found only along the watercourses. His neighbor sought the same , and his neighbor's neighbor , until next season when the cattle sought the stream which slaked their thirst last sum mer they found the way barred by the pioneer's fence. Then caiuo the tug of war. The cattlemen farced a passage to water and the settler retaliated , and a feud was born as relentless as that botwcen the offspring of the woman and the descendants of the serpent. Attack was followed by re prisal , and the history of the west is a his tory of a conflict between cattlemen and farmers , and the former bavo had to retire before the latter. Such in general are 'ho relations between the cattlemen and tbo settlors. As the formnrs coino In unmoors the water courses were soon fenced in and tbo gracing land bauk was taken up. and tbo rnnuo for cattle was gradually narrowed year oy year , until in Nebraska , Kansas , Colorado and South Da kota It has well nigh disappeared. The farmer saw the pro lit of stock raising. Ho bad a cow or two , and they roamed at will on tbo prairie. In the spring the round up came and in the cenoral sweep the farm er's cows wore carried along and with their calves were lost iu tbo great droves of cattle gathered by the cor don of cowboys who scoured every nook and cranny ol the prairlo , oxplorme draw nnd coulee In search of ovorythinc with horns and toofs. If the farmer bad boon wise enough und ambitious oaough to pro vide hlmsolt witb a brand and bad had that brand duly registered , ho stood some show of recovering his stock. But ha had to at tend tbo round-up and BCD to it m parson that his cow nnd her calf were not , numbered with the XY / or 1J D Q outlits' annual "calf crop. " If he had no brand ho might as wnll stay at homo , for his only resource was In force. By the law of the herd a calf was supposed to go to the brand berne by the cow with whom it was found. If it had strayed from its dam it became a "maverick" and subject to bo branded bvit.s Under. How many cows and calves belonging to settlers have boon "mavoricked" by cattlemen or vice vorb.n can never bo told. It is sufllclent to state that whllo thq cattlemen wore Iu the majority on the plains they did as they pleased , and they didn't encourage immigra tion. When the settlers finally bccnmo num erous enough to establish and maintain their rights tha cattlemen moved on. This , then , is tto situation In Wyoming today. In n general way it presents the equities of the case without going Into details - tails or attempting to differentiate- between Iho big und the llttlo stock raisers of Wyom ing. Mrs. L. H. 1'atton , Hocutord , 111. , wntos ; "Fioin personal experience I can recommend DoWitt's ' Sarsaparlllu. u euro for Imtiuro blood and general debility. " Wanted loS John Cahlll had on war paint and a revolver In his pochot for which bo is now duly sorry. During * Monday ovenlntr ho wandered into asaloaaJ at Fourteenth ami Williams street andlmgapcd in a game of pool. Hu failed to P1"lut ( ns many balls as hu wished and proceeded to provoke a quar rel with his opponent * miring which ho diow a revolver and taroatcHb'd to blow tun top of tbo head off the llrsUofaan who trod oil tba tail of bU coat. A policeman wns called who Gathered him in. Ho wiu , lined 20 and costs for currying concealed - Council Committee on Railroads Makes Its Report , OMAHA'S INTERESTS TO BE GUARDED tntrrslnto Itrldgo and Htrret Knllwty Com pany Drdatrd In Itu Acting .Merely u * nil Obstruction to Oilier llnter- prlnc's Hiiitlliui Work. The raombors of the city council com menced work promptly on lime last night and rushed the business of the session through nt n good rate of speed * About tbo lirst thing that wns brought up for consideration was the report of the com mlttoo on viaducts and railways. Chairman Prince submitted the following , which was unanimously adopted : Your committee , to whleii was lofcrrod the ordinance and i > ro | > u < ltlon relating to the Nc- br.tska miluuy , would rospuctfully i upon as foilons : Tlio Importance of nn Independent railroad in UlRo ami union depot , opi-n to tut railroads seeking tcimlnal facilities In the city of Uinalia , cannot bo overestimated. Omaha's Intel t'sts have been too 10114 mtcrlllevd to a imnow and sellUh The ral.rouls . which should have been our friends have not onlydono thulr utmost to stunt ourduvolou- inuiit by dlreotlnir tr.ulo nnd ccmmcrco Into unuuliiril and Intel.n chtinnuK hut have piirnlsUMitly Imneil the way toother ral'ro.uls ' which have KnocK-d at our gates and sought entratiL-o toouri'Uv. 'I ho lu it grain tralllu which should pass In nnd through our cltv as an entry port is sent by duflinmuys at on ml the metropolis of ISobr.iska. Thusu toads have boon bulltupitnd cnilcbed bv the money .md liberal coiicusslons of our taxpayers , hut they lm\u persisted In making the cltv of Omaha u nicro wuy-st itlon , timing their 11 ains so that a stop of not longer limn llttuen or twenty minutes Is made by tialna going east and "cat. .Smile Itellel Demanded. Any comp'iny which shall olfer to Omaha n relief from I In : oppression or lliusn discrimi nations and intiku our city the treat tormina ! COURT It should bu. should receive from thucItUuns und taxpayers their hunity sup- not t , co-operation und assistance. Hut your ciiminltteu considers Hint thu utmost cure and viilamo ! : Is nui'CKsnry In granting such con cessions as mo a Kcd for. 1'ho InlDiests of the city should uo ptotcrtod at evoiy milnu 1'rolltlin ; by pastoxpotlcncus.suchsafagii.irds should bu piovlded and such guurantccs bu tcquuud n.s sh ill insure tbo city or Umalia airalnst grantum \alunblu frinchlsu to a company which. ptMlmps , will make no moro USD or thu frinchlsu and privilege than to hawk them through thu country and sell out to thu highest bidder It may bo to the very toads mat an * now tisin ; Ihuli utniostundoav- ors to keep computing roads from entering our city. city.our committee would thcrufoio rocom- tnnnd : I'lrst That tbo Nebraska Central Hallway company bu iciiulrod , as an evidence of good faith , lo pay thu entire expenses or thu special election. Second , That the company bo requited to boKlu work within six inonthsaficr the voting or thu bonds and a eertiln pint of tbo work shall bo tomnlntcd In one you-from s ild election ; a certain p.ill In two years and thu entire work , siilllclent to call foi the payment , of I ho balance or tliu bonds , shall lu completed within tlneu yo trs from such uloctlon ; and for thu purpose of more folly protect nthu lights of the cltv. we lucommctid that a committee consisting of Hon. 12. Wakuloy , lion. Ueorgo H. 1-aUe anU Hon. Leo Kstollo bo lequcstsd by thu inavor and city council to cxiinlnuthu pionosltloa nml oidin.nice , and it-port at an early day , < nv they may deem desirable to bu madu lo pro tect tlio Interests of thu elll/cns and t.ix- payors. and to ruijulro thu Nubiaska Central Itallway company to perform Its agreements , malting tlmo the essence of the contract , which , ir completed , shall retain the city fioni its obligations Iu the proposed Issue of bonds. Immediately thereafter he hit the Inter state Bridge and Street Hallway company a heavy blow in this form : Thmiglit it Wns > ot In Omul Faith. Your committee to which was loferrol a communication fiom thu Interstate llridzo and Stiect Itullway company h < i\u cuiofullv examined the same and bo. : loavu to submit thu following luport : Up to thu time that a proposition wn , received fioni thu Nebraska Central 1C.nlwav company and an ordinance granting s'lld comu my the riijlit of way over euttaln stiocts and alleys nothing was hoard by thu eltl/ens of Omaha of tliu bridge of w liich thu communication speaks , and even In ibis protest against granting thu NoliiasUu Central Kallway company the privileges it asks ( for the communication Is nothing moru or less than a protest ) , nothing was said of a union depot and no dellnlte piin of terminus In thu city of Omaha Is provided for. Your committee theiefore lo aids the communica tion as merely an ullort at obstruction and would recommend that It bu placed on file. Then the communication went to the iilos nnu the transaction of routine uusiucss was declared to bo in order. On tbe night of April S Mr. Steal Intro duced the folloviiift resolution , which was adopted : Hesolved , Hy the city council , tbo mayor concurring , that the Itoaid of 1'ubilo Works be and Is hereby directed , with the least pos sible delay , to set the btrcet sueopin. ; con tractor to work to pinuaro the paved .streets for.sweeping , when they are In .such a condi tion Unit they cannot bu swept , s.i Id wor 1C to bo done under thu 10 percent clause , and then proceed with tha uwcuping under the schedule of 18D1. Last night the mayor vetoed the resolu tion , staling that under the contract the duty of Mr. Squires was clear nnd plain. The action tauon by the Board of Publio Works was in accordance with the provisions of the contract , and that there wns nothing for Mr. Squires to do but to go on with his work ergo go to law. The mayor's vote was sustained by the following vote : Yeas Brtiner , Edwards , lilsassor , Howell , Jacobson , Lowry , Mutiro , I'nnco nnd Speeht. Naya Bechol , Mc- Loarlo , Steel , Tuttle and Mr. President. Ttio mayor nninod John Spoorl for the po sition of dog catcher und the appointment was couhrmod. The secretary of the Heal ICstato Owners association named A. L. Hoed , Jon" W. Bed ford and Cndot Taylor us a committee to net with tbo council to consider the present method of assessment nnd suggest Improve ments. Concerning TlllrH to I'rnpiMeil I'arlts. City Attorney Council reuortcd that tbo defects In the titles to the park tracts could bo cured or overcome by the time that it was necessary to oxccuto deeds or approve any report under vondomnution proceedings , Gas Inspector Ullbort , In u communication , stated that the Metropolitan Lignilng com pany was not living up to its contract. The lamps had not onon promptly lighted ; tho/ hud not been kept clean , and besides , the full number of lights had nut boon lighted , The Board of Trade served notice that to represent that body A. H. Dufrono , U H. Wheeler and John Kvaus had been ap pointed a committee to confer with the coun cil relative to framing u law to dovho u new nlaii for assessing property In the city , Mr. Elsassor introduced a resolution in structing tha Board of Public Works to go ahead and 010.111 the streets , cuorgitig the ex cess of $15 per inilo to the contractor , C. K. Squires. Ho stated thnt ho did not think the resolu tion necessary , us the Hoard of Public U'orlis had the power to go on without reso- luilon. Mr. Lowry said that tbo matter hud pot right down lo whoio something had to bo done. Squires had a contract and it should bo pushed. The resolution was defeated Messrs. Bechol , Bruner , Lowry. McLourio Prinoi > , hpccht , Steel , Tultlo and Prosi. dent Davis voting no. The lOJiptroller was instructed to adver- 1(0(1 Royal Baking Powder is reported by the U. S. Government , after official tests , highest of aUin leavening power. It is the best and most economical ; a pure cream of tartar Baking Powder , , tlso for two wcolt * for bid * for itroot signs to bo placed At thostroot Intersection * . In the * nmo connection ths comptroller WAI In * ttruclod to notify dog owners thru the dog tax would bo iluo nnd pnyublo In txvo weeks , The olty aitornoyvn n ked to furnish nn opinion man onrly ( Into na to ; vhothor or not the city had n rliht to bring condemnation proceeding * in park innltors. The sura of $ jr5 was ordered n ] > proprlulod for ttio pur- IKXO of tonderuiR the dele Mci to the Meth odist con foroiieo n reception on Mnv ' _ ' . The commlttco on SOWOI-AKO vn < instructed to Investigate und report upon the Markings of ihodop.trtinunts of buildings niul plumbIng - Ing , nnd report tha lltidlngs to the council. Newton Noldiiy olTorcd # 1,000 for the privi lege of handling ttio gnrbngo mutnoM of the city during the year. Ttio proposition wna nccoptod nnd the city ntlornoy will prepare n con tract. tins mains xvoro onlcrod Inld on North Sev enteenth street from Ohio to Corby nnil on Ohio from Sixteenth to Nineteenth street. The oond of A. J.Voub , clerk of the police court , was presented nnil approved. The committed on railways nnd viaducts reported that the street ralhvny roinpuny would soon clvo the pcoplo ofnlnut Hill bettor slioot car service. Uofora buying tint tvi > o.vruer , why no look nt tlio bust ( the C.iligr.iph ) t HOW WAS HE HURT. l' t r McCurmlrk din Not Toll the Miiinirr of lU'crlxhiK Hit InJttrliM. The unknown man found In MnilUan county last Friday with liU bond badly braised up and inustntoof mental nborrnuon was brought to the MolhodUt hospital lust Saturday and Dr. Kooto operated upon nls hcnil. Ilo is now ublo to talk and snvs hit name Is 1'ctnr McCormlck , but as yet ho can glvo no intrlll/jont / solution as to the causes Unit led io hU melancholy and plttablo coiulltlon. 1I > ) was round wandering through tha Holds with no hat on nnd hU bond very badly bruised. It is supposed that he full oil a railway tnnn nnd the shock not only bruised ' him lu'a frightful manner but unsettled UU reason. Dr. Btrnoy , nose uiul tliroit. : 13oo bhlg All alont , both iu the way it nets , nnd In the way it's sold , Is Doctor 1'ierco'fl Favonto Prescription for women. It nets In this way : If you'ro weak or "run-down , " it builds you up ; if you sulTer from any of the painful disorders nnd derangements peculiar to your sex , it relieves and euros. It improves di gestion , enriches the Mood , ilispeli nchea and pains , brings rofresiling hlcx'p , nnd icstorcs llesh and strength. For nil functional weak nesses wid irregularities , il's n positive rcmpdy. Hcnco , it's sold in this way : It's guaranteed to give satisfaction , in every case , or the money paid for it is re funded. Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets prevent and euro Sick and Dillons Headache , Constipa tion , Indigestion , Bilious Attacks , and all de rangements of the liver , stomach and bowoK Thoy'ro the binallest , the cheapest , the easiest to take. But all that would bo nothing , It they weren't ' also the best to tnko. VETERIMY SPECIFICS For Horses , Cattle , Sheep , Cogs , Hogs , AND POULTRY. Hook oiiTrralinrnt of Anlmnls unit C'hurt Senl Frrr. nit toil A.A. i ispinnl OIuiiliiRlliH , milk [ ' "r\cr. 11.11. " Mralns , IininenrnH , KliriiinaliHin. ( il'"lliHtlMIlllOr , NflNIll IlHCllUri ) CH . . Crulis WniniH. l.l--IIiilH or , r..l\--onulii ! , llruios , I'ni'uinnnla. 1' . --Colic nr Crliu-fi , licllyarlio. ( ; . ( ; . - - llHciirriiU'f. lloin u rrliaues. II. --Urinary unit Klilnoy DlfteuxcB. ] .l.--Kruill\r DiHriiM H , .llaniie."lisi'aniMi of Diuchtinn , 1'iirnlyxlH , FtngloUottlo ( o\crCOdosca ) , - - . ( ! 0 Hln 111 Uanc , with Snecinci , Mannc.l , Veterinary Cure Oil anil 'UwllcaUir , 37.00 Jnr Vutrrlnury C'nrc 4)11 , - - 1.00 SoM IIT DrnircUUt nr hrnl jirrjinM nnjnhrre nnd lain/ quanllly ou lirrljit of | trlrc * I. ( I ) . , int. H3nillaniSt.V ! ! < rTori. HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No , In UEO 30 ycnrs. The only piiccessfnl remedy for Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness , anrt 1'ror I ration , from over work or other canson. gl par vial , or ivlnlsnndlnruo > inl jiowder , for IfS. Sold lif IJrUKClm , or Hcnl | Oitplrlun receipt of pries. CAN PROVE TO WIVES AND MOTHERS this that DR , MILES' ' NEW CURE FOH Tlin HEART Is the only reliable euro for the tlroil feeling pecu liar to wotui > n Buffering with \\cak hearts , pain In BlUe , ohonldcr and arm , weak nnd htinury spells , irregular pulee , fainting , smothering , Tliouajnils tostffv to thnlr permanent euro. KI.EOANT llooit PKEJJ AT DnuouiSTS. DH. MILES MEDICAL CO , Elkhart , Ind. I'orS.vloby Kuhn&C'o , Ifilh and Douglas Sis & 's ' m DOCTOR i IT WILL CURE A COLD I j m TWELVE HOURS ; \ A 25 cent Bottle may save you : $100 in Doctor'a bills-may Bavo ; your life. Ask your Druggist : Z for It. IT TASTES GOOD. : Dr. Acker'o English Pills : ; C-VHK IIIMOUSNKSS. ; sRtnltll , | > U > i > lllit , li I'dtorllo with tlio Indie * . S W , H. & CO. J Wt Hi Broadway , N. V. j Kor 8-ilo by If ukn & Co. . und Shot-man &McC'oiiiioll ! , Oiimliiv. NEBRASKA National Bank. U. S. DEPOSITORY. OMAHA , NE3 Onpltnl $400,000 nrplin. . . , ( IU,5J ) onirars nni llrotiri lloriryV. . Vntoi.prjil Ijit II. tXiuihliu. ylcBirailcUnt. | ll S. MiuclD ) , VV. V Mono , Juhnd. Colllm , J. N. II. I'jlrlui. Lj/rli / A. llftid. 1'mUlcr THIS 11 ION BA-NK. Tlig&IIT INTERESTPAIDONDEP05ITS ATOMAHAlOflNSTRUSTCO 5E.COn. CAPITAS ! : IOO.OOO.OO DIRECTORS ! A UWYMAN-tT.W.NASIl JHHlLUnO-CUY-CDARTOH-C.B.LAKE. J.O.BFIOWN-THOS-L.KIMBALL. WORST FORM ECZEMA Enfflod Dost MoiUonl Skill for Eight Months. Ourod In Two Months by Outlouru Romodlcs. 1 hUH to certify Hint n clilllof mlno li.i 1 Kc/cmn In Its worst form ntul which Innicil tin' lic > mo licit jiklll which could IIP omptojcil hero The Illtlo itf crcr wn vrrain'O I In nizony for si lomt t-ialit ninnlhi SU tmintlK or Hint tlmn lt nifTi'tln * win ! > lni | < lr untnM , then I I'cutnn tin MSB Of tllM'lltlCllrll llOniO' < llc < . In Inn ninntlK ( hi nw rid Ol i-n o linil ccn cd IM toiijrpnnco , nml my ilntllnK 1 < y hflil rct , nnil to nil n | > | < i'nr mi > < the ill < tn i > liitil jlcliletl. but 1 nitillmiril ttui medicine for sou-Mil immtlK nftoi no Irnco coulI l t een ot It on nnr imrluf hl l > oly. Tim doctors licro wnlohoil tliiiiii n wllli much Ititen" ! , nml uml.l nnlv miy , " \\oiitom ; " ' The rn o win known Inr mitlnlilc , ainl ntrrybotljr vn much Mirirl | nl. liiit thnnk < to Cull rum Itr-tmil'o ' * . I'oiihl ihrrolinnmllilnKonrnrtlillml would c\\i o 11 miner to rrjnlpo II ti.i'iy wnuM lui when llm llttlo Innoront tuition ilil Imvo Mich ft IBIII- oily minimi. ( ScomiitmllhtiriMvrh t J. A MUMIIS , Hunker lllll. I ml. A ill III win lirmiehtto mo with chronic oofomnthM hixil delicti < nliiiulut Irt'iUnienl front IUHHV uoo liloc * lir . As rnniilnr.M I ) . , < 0umlcl hut a ronllmiisl mm * ItnrtrtMilinow.lmt tlinna'it It nvlen Ni mil It on CrTirriMs. Tin-chllil Is mill C l-dfllNHY , M I ) , DUDII , In. Cuticura Resolvent The ni'w ntoml nnil Skin 1'iirltlor , Inli'nnllr , nnit CrTlci'liA.lliKL'ri'nt kln CiiriMiml Oi TU'fiiA Sou1 , Ihn otqul'lto Skin llpniitlllt'r , I'vlrrnnlly , lii lnully mllcM ! iuul pi'0i I v eiiroinery < ll i > n < onnii liiiinor of the skin , PC.ilp unit Moo I , ulih lo < ot Irilr , from Inrnncy to HKO , from iilniplc ! to crolu ! i SoM I'tcrjwlicro. I'rlro. C'l'Tlcf'tv ' , f > V SOM1 , SVvi llKsiut.r , t\ \ i > roi.imil | iiv ino I'orrhii Duru AMI CIIIMIC : M , i iMUMiiAriov , notion. Cr M'iuUror "Ilinv t ) Cnrokl i ll | ivi i > " fit | i i i'M Illiiiimtlont anil II U U'MlmonliiK RARY'Q ' klniinil Scalp luiMllpil nnil lionilllkMl hy UHD I o Oi'Tici no M1 Alitoliitolj pnro Klilnpy nnil I loMno I'aliiH nnil Wink- no-iim relkMpd In nno uilnntu hy thu ANTl I'.vts l' i uiict HA \ , thuonly In tnntinrous itnln-klllln > ; pln ti'r MYBlOURKJJJSlGH' THE NEW HOUSE OF Till ? ALOE & PEUFOLD CO. , 114 South I.Mh Street , Next to 1'ostofllcu , Oma ha. Practical Opticians And brunch of world ronownml optical oitnMlnli- nu'ntof A. S. Atoo \ Co. St Ixiuli. Our inotuod l niorlortonllotliorj | ; our IIMUM nro nuporlur ; will not weary or tire the ujea. 'I bo trurno proporlr ail- luitoil to tlio fnco Eyes Tested Free of Prices Low for First-class Goods. Unlike the Dutch Process" No Alkalies . Oil Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W.BAKEIl&CO.'S iBrealfastdocoa which Is ali ptiro u nil soluble * Itlwtmorcthnntlircctliiici I tlinttreni/tli of Cocoa mixed with Utarch , Arrowroot or _ ' Sugar , and Is lar moio eco nomical , cnitlii'j less than , nno cent n flip. It Is delicious , nourishing , and IASII.T DIQESTII > . _ Sold by Grocers orcrjnhcre. W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mans. Or llit > Liquor llnlilt E'onllltdy Cured by ( Ultsiliilntrrlnc r. Iluliick * 4 liloii ttiMTltlr. It can bo fctvcn In a cup of coOce or tea , or In food , wilbouttbokDonlrdeeortliopatlent. Itlaabioluteljr harmless , and will ofleot a permanent and speedy cure , wbethor tha patient ia a moderate drinker or an aloohollo wreak. Ithaa bean Riven In thouaanda of easer , and In every Instance a perfect cure h&a fol lowed. Itnnrr 1'nlU. Thoayatemonoelmpreenaled nlth tba gpeoiflc. It bcoomeM an niter Impossibility for the liquor appetlta to exist. UOl.DKN M'KClrill Oil. . Prop-ra. Clnrlnnntl , O. 48-paao book of narticnlarti free. To ba bad of Knhn & Co. . l.'ith and Dinighis Sts. . and 18th & UCnmlne Kts. Wholesale , IlluUo , 111 nco & Co. nnd Klchirdsoii Drnu Co. , Om itri. IN eh. 1'HOaUKEl ) OV TUB Bee Bureau of Claims OMAHA , NEB. Kqunl nlth Iho Inloroic of Ihoin hirlni clil n til it of INVK.VrUltS. wh > Of lull lOSU UlOljDMUlH Of VllimlljlllVlJMtljnlK3llllJ ! of Iho Incnmputuncy ur limltontlou of tin uttoriuyi employed tu ubtuln tlulr patonti , Tou muclioiM cannot ba uxurcUol In o-iitu/ln | | curnrotont ait rellnUlo jollc'ton ' lo prociiro pntonti , for t'i vnluj of nimtontilipoinltKraitly , It nutimtlrjlr , upon tin cnro nnd nklll uf Ilia uUoriiay. With tliu vlovr of prutoctliu Inruatori fro n trarfi loss oroarclui * nllornay * , iui l of vojlni titilin Ja- tloiu nro well prutuntoJ Ur r lUit lutonti. Tlllt lldrl 1IUIIKAU hm rotilnud ouiiniul uxpart la oitoal yrnctlco ; and 1 1 tliuroforo prupiro J ti lilitatn Ctnnliift I'jrtintlnntlnni , t'ram'imtft rpjnrtetl CIIMVH , itt'l/lHtt-r trnita imtt'ki unit ovH7' J Jt < 'ii < tttroi > ! iili m imtoHuuiio anil ttilt.l- niul ilisfan.1 Sit/V/iij/nmo i , rtv , , ttta , Ifrou Imronn Inruntlon nn hand cn > l Till1 ! MI11I niJHI'AUi ( : kutcli or pliuu > iirnil | > tlioroof , Ui otluf nlth n brlof ilojcrlptliin ot thu Imiiorltnt lutuurJI , onfi jrou will bu nnca mlvUu.l u , to liu bait ut'inatt purvuo. Moduli nro nut uucuiiiitrr unle 4 tlia Inrori- lloii Is of it complicated naturo. If ntlian laa In- frlnidiuori jrour rlnhti , or If yun nr > ctnr ol vrlfi InfrliiKUinunt uy onion , sulimlt Ihu uuttar fiTji.t lllIHIJAUIuf u rolliulu Ol'INlU.V butorj acting 0.1 tliu inatler. THU BKB BURK/VU / 01J CLAIMS 220 lice IlulldlimOin.ili i , Nol ) , Itiiroau Is cu.irinleod by tlio lleo. thu 1'loneor I'ruis aii-1 Ihu H.ui uu hxumlnur. Cut this out and sonti it with your la INDIAN DEPREDATION CUIHS r r nns who have lost iirouertjr fro u Jndhin raids should fllo their clairns under tha Indian DoproJatlon Act of Marjh ' , 13 1. The tiinoti llmltud , unl tliooUliu tno tukcn up by llm court in the order In whUh they are ro.'olvud. TakoNoticu thatull contraou unttiroJ into willi attorneys prior to tha AJt urn mill null and void. Inforiu'illon nlvuu unJ ull cluluu > orumptly uttonduJ lo by tha BHh1 BUKUAU OF CLAIMS. ano lien /tnlltllnu. OMA.HA. , NISUL.A.3KA. tV'I'hU lliiroau H miaruntouJ by tin Omahu 1 1 co. tlio Honour i'ru * * uu4 the tUi V'ranolsci ) Kxumluur.