THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , APRIL 12. 1892. SPEG1HL NDT1GE8. ADVKHTISKMKNTSKO11 THF.St ! COLUMNS will bo tnkon until 11 30 p m for the arming * nd until 3 no p m ( or the mornlnit or Sunday edi tion All ndvfrtl mnent . In thMfl columns 3 rent * a word forftrH Insertionand I cento word therosflor , or 12 j' r linn | , < > r month No adv i-rtlsoment taken forlom than 2. " > cents for the nr t Insortlnn Tormn , l-ath In nrtvancfl. Count about even woraito the line Initial * figures , symbols Me , each connl i a word All advi-rllir-menH mint run ciin ccii tlvelr. AdvcrtlncTKif \ requcullng n numbered check , rin hnvo the letter * addrosned to a mim tiered letter In euro or Tiir. lU.n An weri no nil 4ro < pil wilt bo delivered on presentation ol tlio clicck SITUATIONS WANTED. -WANTKD , A POSITION AS THAA KL1.MJ A * ali > mnn tir i nun of IB with nonio eipurlr-ncn orrnponilcnco solicited DOT SW , Vaul"0a. ] - ) . 1W1TIO.V WITH HAHHr.ll A3 A-WANTK1) : have clmlr unit few tooli. .foTfnf tlculnrs address Ho * TO. Carter , In MIM-IZ * - ' AH MANAtlKH OF LUM1IKH , COAIi A-1'OSITION In cunntrr 18 yearn ct licrlcnce Host of reference * Address \ . lino. , -SITUATION 11V HOY 13 YriAUS OLD. 813 Mouth 'tli stront. 7(3 ( 11 * AWANTKD , I1Y AN KXPKHIK.STKD ( JKUMAN mnn , position In dry Rood * store , good refer ence , fit liberty. Addrcis , II BJi llox 1 * . O. York , Neb. M7BS11 * A-WAVfKD.TOADDHKSS CtHCULAHSOH ANY kind of work afternoon nndnvi > nlngs by young nmn , 11 Hefenmccn. Addro-n Vf > 3 , lieu. MSU ) 1J * WANTED--MALE HELP. B-WANTTD.SALKSMKN ON "AI.AUYOIICOM- mlsKlon to hnntllo tlio new patent themlcal Ink ern lng pencil Tlio greatest f filing novelty over proituiiMlt iiriKpi Ink thoroughly In two necondsi no abrasion of pnpor ; a l tn Ml per cent prolll , one niipnfii colon amounted to ft.-'U In lx days , anothrr IIJ In two hotiriowiiul one general agent In -nch tnl ntiil lorrllorj For term * mid full par ticulars nddross Monroe Krasor Mfg Co..La Cro ; , WIs.X'M s' 1-AOK.VIS WANTKD HMKLSlOlt POHTIIAIT Jt'o . Ware block 777nl8 % 1J-WANTKI ) . AOIINTS CAN MAKI5 * . ' I'KU JJweek hnndllnir the Iliinsen novelty blow uun Just out Hell * atslxht Address the La Croso Blow dun Co La Croso. Wl * < Wf -hOLICIIOIH , 8ALAIIY AND COM PAID S American Wrlncer Co. , 1UW Howard KB-MI * 13' - ' ( ) . : , APPLY 1W7 KA11NAM , MO 13' - ' Kit THAVKLINO HAI.K8MKNTO HKI.I. E-WAN'I haklnit powder to rotnll croiery trade. Wo put our Roods up In elans rolllnx pins. Wo pay tou n month salary nnd expenses or S6 per ccntcommls alon. Wo want men who nru now on the rend to cnrry ns n oldn line , ( inod opportunity for elerks nnd other * who wnnt to net on the road Wrllo for particulars , send stamp for reply ChlcnKO Itnklni ; Powder Co , 7R7 Vnn lluren street Chicago till 15' B-AOKNTS TO IIANDLK Till : VAN DOIIKN slmplllleit account Hie Call on or address James F llnrms , Jcnnlng hotel , Omaha UH U * ' " ' ' 5'-w'A'xTKI ) . AOKNTS ON A NKW WOlllf , O"Kuropo In Storm nndCalm , fully Illustrated , It portrays with pen nnd pencil overbody , every nlaco and everything In nil Kurope : tiKouta nmkln t IIOU weekly Adilrear John Connn , Publisher , In -fllannpoll * . Ind 61.1 IT B-WANTii : > , TUAMSTKHS AND hCHAPKH holders for U It work \\jonilnir good wages , free pass Albright I.nbor Olllcc , I1JO tarnnni st 20U TJ-WA.NTKI ) C1ISNKHAL STATB ACIIINT TO JJopen hcaditinrters | In some principal city , ns sumo control of our bu lnos * nnd nppolnt local and ubnKcnts In every city In this state. KOOI | In uni versal demand and pay a net prollt of W to 103 per cent The L'nlou Company , 741 llroadwny. New \ ork. MoS'J 12 * B-WANTIID (5001) CITY CANVASSKI13 I Oil Wlifoler \ Wilson SonbiK Machines it : y nnd CampVCo Pianos and Organs 614 tie Kith st _ M 723 Tl-WANTKI ) AT OXCK-TWO (5OOI ) CLO4KHS J iWheelerIWIIson bowing Machluo olllce , SI4 bo icih t. Ma BTKAVKL1NH SAI.K9MAN * HPKCIA1YT1KS forilr > uoods , grocery and ccneral stores ; big pay to good mnn. Allison , 177 Monroe st , Chicago p-LHAKN HOWTOMAKiS75TOfMOMOM'HL1 Jinl IOJ lleo bulldlnit. 770 1. p WAXTii > , SALKSMKN TO THAVKI. POIl J > liolusuolil ! kyllnu Kino cnso goods spc clallr Addre'H. with stamped directed envelope , Lock llox 601 , Lexln.'ton , Ky M7fi U1 -WANTKIYOUNG ! MAN TO WOHK. UJ1 Douglas street M7BI -WANTii : > . THAVKLINO bALKbMAX. CAN innku fa per week. Irndo ipoclaltles Tabor. 179 Monroe.street , Chicago. 31TJS 12 * - lWANTKD. . CANVASSICIUOHJOH PU1STIM1 J'Will pa > milnry and commission Adilro-i VfiJ , lieu ollica a &I787 13 * TJ-WANTKD , IMMKDIATKLY , HKLIAHLK PKH. JJnmncnt man In Omnhn . Neb , nnd four onlaldc. In new husli si ; f.W ) llrsl year. Address , "Morrl , " cnrrlce. M7' < 2 U * -SOMKTHINO NKW. AliKNTS OK OTIIKH8 lo secure Iho monopoly. In all se < HlonH , of the Halo of our perfection adjustable nlioo ( recently ) , Over 100 ngcnts are ranking from | i > 0 to 75 per week. Address wllh 'i coul Bluuip , Cannon tlatad bhoo Co. . Lynn , Mass. M771)18' ) WANTED-FEMALE HEliP. WANTKD ' -GOOD SECOND GIHU 1PI4 LO. C cust street. MWI. C-YOU.SO LADIKS : DO YOU WANT A SITUA- lion ? If you do call on Sloan Johnson & Co. wholesale grocers this citybetween the hourx 9 and and 12 m. We wlih nollcltois to veil our coffee to consumer * from house to house lu this city. 553 -WANTKD , G1HL KOH HOUSKWOHK , MUST bOKood cook , ( .all 2527 st. UXi -WANTKD. A tilHLTO DO ( iKNKHAL I1OUSK- work. Call at J1I5 bouth llth st. M714 12 * /1-WANTKD , A WAIST HAND AND AN AP- Mrs A. nice , 1U 15 , Uushman blk. M721 H * -WANTKD , LADIKS TO AfeHIST SIK , WOHK light and fniiclnnUng. WIIKCI flOOO per week. Call on Madam Hoblusun , Metropolitan hotel M753 17 * C-WANTKD , A GOOD COOK , 513 NOHTH 17TII street. M7IJU-13 * -WANTKD. KXPKHIKNCKD SALKSLADIKS In kill glove , hosiery and embroidery depart- monti only experienced clerkn nci-il uhply Also t experienced bumUu wraipur | . 'Iho lloston Btoro , ICth anil DouRlun etruuts. rf.t i i C WANTIC1) . GIIIL XU ) ( iK.SKllAl , 1IOUHK- work ut 51S N. 18th. - 77 * 1J * C-1N1KI.LIGKNT LADIKS WANTKD 40D IIKK building ; 771 17 * C WAM'KD , fi (30OD S-OLICITOHS fc'5 AND COMmission - mission 109 lleo building. 772 ! ; WANTKD. AN KXPKHIIINCK.D COOK AND laundress wheru second sin b kept. Family of three. IJJI S. 'ialli slreet. M7B3 13 -WAM'KD. YOUNG OIHLTO ASSIST IN OKN- eral housework. 1113Jeorijln ate M7S1 U * CWANTKI ) , A COOI ) LIVi : CITY SALKSSI AN room Wl lleo blilu. Mini II * C-KII18T CLASS COOK AND LAU.MWK . 2115 bl. Marjr'n avenue. M793 H * C-WANTKD. AT ONCK , AN KAPKHIKNCKI ) hand shirt Ironer. Apply to Metropolitan uteniu laundry , MI-COOKNeb. M79T 17 * TAIUW1CSSKS , PANTfl AND VKSTMAICKHS nted , ( iatei the Tailor. ISlit Karuaui St. .MSUI 14 * FOB BENT-HOVSBS , AND A1AIITMKNT.S IN HKhT IIUSI demo block In city. blltS. Kd street. Tel. I7W. D-KOIl IlKNT. AIIOVK NOS (31 ( AND KM f-OIH H 10th street , ! ) room Hat , oM > ry luocU'rn COIITCII- lencu , InrludliiKlarifu kitchen ranico , Apply Wlnd- ser , Kviup \ Co.UU N. V. Llfa tUU. iu7il \-FOH 1UCNT , U NICK .NKWLY HJU.N1S1IHI ) /rooms , i33 N , 1Mb. Hrcanau Hats. M4W \-FOH IlKNT , HOUSKS. f7.U ) PKH MONTH AND /upwards. The O. F. Uavls Co. , 1505 Fttniani at. TV-KI.KUANT IMIOOM FIHINISIIKD HOUSK .IVnli modern , near Urowiuill unll ; taua ) i > er mo. U F. Harrison , VI * N. Y. Lift ) . t40 ! all D-KOH HK.ST. HOUSK UI7 N. in II ST. . II HOOMS. bath , ita. , fjjpcr month. F , 11. Woodr6wNcu. NuU bank building. uj | -V -10ltOp\l HOUSK. ALL . JL/ llceJ .V belby. i Hoard of Trade VM D-HOUHKB. solKsND FIiATrl. A. C. FHOST. room ZJ. Douslas block , 1Mb and Doili.ii. U31 A COTTAGK a St. , ontli. IIJ \-Q HOOM HOUSK , Ml S. ZlbT bT. y-tOH IlKNT. DKS1HAIILK HOUSB. C AND -/rooms. Inquire Him Cnpllol n\ciiuu. M49J 14 * j-1-IIKST I-HOOH HOUSK IN TIIK CITY ; A1O avj-room Bkt. all modem luiprort'iucnts. Tliard blockiOU mid Davenport. uasj 15. HickoryUKNT' HOOJJ rLAT.FHONT 1STH /Hickory | _ I -S ) HOOM IIOUSK , UATII. SKWK1I , CITY water at 11 Chicago struct , JTO per uioalh. InI I qulro&Ur ) . liftti itn-et. J17IU j I } - VFSHOOAIS. IKQL'IHK WITH KKKUl 'cnco. ' W.U. llaldutr , llitbitiid I apllol avenueS I r\-MOllKUS CO-ITAUK FOH HUNT AM ) ALL lyfurnltuiu foraale. WoodcUaucoto rlitltl psrlr. lit r Z lu stroot. 70-j -FOllTlBNT. AS HOOM HOUSK. MIS CHAlll.KS t. Inijulru at roll Cuarlcs st. US JU * -roil HKrriTTilc'K" TiTlST CJ.Ab3 8-HOOM C43tteIJl5 Davenport at i clljr waUsr au both ; Ii ) pet mouth. lujulr 0. L. Krlcksou Jowulry Cu . tjis. inuiu su nr H * FORREMT-nOUSE3. n-4 HOOM HOUSK AND STAHLK IF NKKOKD. cheap MB Capllol ave Oil II * BIS IIOOM IIOU8K AND IIAUN , MI8 DAVK.V port streft , all modern conveniences , InclndlnK steam heat , set bowls nnd lannilry , south front ovrrlooklnu huh school urnuncl * . newly painted And papered throiiRhoiit , Uhos t Hall , Ou ; Pat tun block. 6.M " . IN (1001) ( LOCATION , UK.STKi iier month , price nf furniture ( 'Ml on llmei Also nil room Hat with furniture for sale rf-asonabta Co-opuratlvo Land ana Lot Co. , .Oi N. li < tli at atHI HI II J ) -7HOO.M MnDKHN FLAT. ALL CONVIIN lenco * . Inqnlrn 101S llth street SI7W 1.1 * FOH nENT-FURNiailED UOOMS. _ _ ' l ? roniiKNT O'NK LA HOI : FRONT oTi TWO -iJback tarnished or unfurnished loom * I. Houlh 25th street. Oft -rUllNlSllKl ) 1UXJMS oil aKNTLP.MHN ; references rcr | lrod CU N IBlli va AH * _ 17 30114 1 UX ) MS , FIIIIMHIIKI ) FOlt IIOUSH- -Ijkcf plnir , modern conveniences , very dcalrablo , near Itanscom park. Address , V 41 , HoeM722 M722 13 ] ? NEATLY VlMt.NHIIICD HOOM toil ONH OU 'two Kcntlcmcn at WM 8 , Mill st 7U H E-KUO.NT ItOOMS , FiilN18Hii ; : > OH UNKUIl- nlahod , 813 H. Vith nvcnun. M7 i II * FURNISHED HOOM3 AND BO AKD. : _ ; " it "KJ. . , T. NH AI Tv KUHN is 1 1 1 : i > UOOMS J nlth board , alit Cnllfornla st. KM 13 * nll7iTur iriTsiUA'iii.K i IHSTANI ) SICONII : lloor , south and eat , furnished rooms nt " 1'ho J-renier , " 110 No Z6th street , MT8t 17 * 1/-NICKLY UritNlSlIi : ! ) HOOM3 AND FIlVfT JL class board. : > .LI&t. .Mnry's nvo 7.I.MI IJ > l-KLKfiAMLY H'UNItHIKD H ( ) M * < , UN J dulte.Snd stuiy.fronti llrstelaa bocrd , , : nth st - F NnWLYFL'HNlSHKD HOOMS UN HUITK OH , ; llrst CIH tubla , 181'J Farnam Gil 14 * I ? XIOin.Y Fl'llNLSHKD SOIIl'llKAST rilONT -L room with alcoo nnd bay window , all modern cometilcnro * , iirlMitu family , board If desired , No. C2J S yjth si MTr.i IS" 17-ONK bMALL HOOM W1TI1 HOAUI ) 5105 1. Douglas St. MWJ l' > * FOB BENT-UNFUnNI8HED ROOMS. G S 1'NKUllNIHIIKD CIIAMIIKUS Poll IIOIMIJ kcepliiK to man nnd nlfo. No children. 3IU N l-ih 311 G B ILVmitNlPIIKD HOOM9. 2 FIIlhT FI.OOH , prlvlleia of housekeeping , ' . ' 5U Capitol nvenue. MTWi II * FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES II-OHKKNT. TIIK4STOHY IIHICK HHILDINO Dili Farnam street. 'Ilia building has a llro proof cement basement , complete otcam-hentlni ; tlxtures , water on nil the Moors , go. * , etc. Apply at thu onico ofThQlloc. 013 FOR BENT-MISCELLANEOTJS. -GAHDUN FAH.MS 'IO HUNT. T MUUIIAY 2T9 HIllCK YAHDSroHURNT. T MUHUAY 279 -1AHM3 FOll IlKNT. II. T. CLVKK. CO ) ll 12 1 WAHKlIOUfeK , INtJUlHESlOsO I1TII STHF.KT. ) Mi'.y 1-10 HOOM HOTHU DIISIHAHLE LOCATION : "all modern. Apply to F. W Hart , Jr. , MUourl Valley , la. Mo.VI A O 1-1 Oil HUNT PAHT OF OUH PIVK bTOHY 'I brick warehouse ; uood olnuitor ami track facili ties Omaha U'nrclioubu & . fctorucu Co , 121115 Lonvennorth st. SIS IS WANTED TO RENT. 1C -WANTKD , MAY 1 , IIY CAIHIPUL CASH TKN- nnt , 10 room modern home , yard , atable. prc fcirud , west of 13th : permanent If suited In hoiisa and runtAddrcs * V 47 , lleo. MTU 1J > K WANTHD rtlllNlSIIKDllOOM POIl MNCLK man ; nny hero between California nnd Ilarney nml west of luth streets Htato terms Address V 43 Heu onice. 717 12 RENTAL AGENCIES. L n. C. OAllVIN A. CO , JJJ bllKBLY ULOCIC. 103 ' STAIl IXMN AND THUsT CO. HKNTAL UK Jpnrtmonl. MOll-n.'l STORAGE. M -OLDB8T. CHKAPKSr ANO BKbT STOHACI ! house , In tbo city. Williams A , Cruss,1241 llnrney. ' M-CLEAN , DHY AND P1UVATKLY STOHKD furniture. Heating Btovcs stored over numncr. 12U7 Douglas st. Omaha btovo Itcpalr works , til UK3T8TOHAOKIN CITY. OMAHA WAltn- M house & . Storage Co. . 12IJ-1& Lca\enworth street. Household nml other goods stored and cnrcd for. Low rates Private apartments If desired. Phone , 41 ! ) MIM HI WANTEp-TO B U Y. KIJ lTim OUGin\ bOLD , Wells , 1111 Knrnnmst. N WANT Kl ) , bOMK IXW PHICKD CLKAK IXJ T8 ns tlrst pa > menton n nlco hou c nnd lot Will built to suit und Mill on inonthlj pnment. Whypny rent ? beeN A. Kuhn , 15th and Douglas. 7l < JinS X' ' WANTKD TO nUY , I5IOIIT OH TUN HOOM i-i IIOUHO with modern Improvements , nud good sited lot , located within ono mile of the postotllco Htnte price , olio of hoitso nnd lot nud full pnrtlcu Inrs by addressing M 47 lloo ullli'Q 7IJ T-DON'T SULL ANY KUIINITUHK UNTIL YOU 1 * sco the Omaha Sccond-IInnd furniture Co. , just opened. Highest prloeu paid , ( VI North Ibth t ' 't J 12 N-WANTED , TO 1IUY ASKCONDHANDSAPK ty bicycle In good condition Address V I'.i lleo onko. 7W U' JfOJt SALE-FUKNI1URE. O-KUKNITljllK , 11AHK HUHNKllS , AND CAS rlxturcs of l.t-ruoru house , for ala cheap before April IGth ; also house to rent. Apply to owner , 201 ! ) Lcavenworth ntreet. M7JU 12 * FOK SALE-HOUSES , WAGONS , ETC. p-ion HAM : . LAHUK KINK YOUNG HOHSK 1 und delivery wagon ; horse gcntlo and wagan nearly now ; for sale cheap. Inquire at 191(1 ( Karmim J > -TOHSALK. I SUKHKY. 11U1LT HY SIMPSON ; L I phaeton , by Drummond ; both first class , good us new. L. II. Korty , SiSi ! Popplcton. iB'J P-KAMU.Y MAHH. VKHYISKNTM : AND POUND t. phaeton nnd harness goodagnuw ; cheap Ad dress V 61 , Hue. 77,1 II' p-KOIISALK. A PIIA15TON , SIMPriON SIAKK , I very llbt | , nearly new Inquire room IS , Darker blotk. jirtu FOH SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Q , FINK TUG PUI'PIUS , It W ) , 11AHKKU IILIC. -roitSALi : . SKT OK "AMKKIOANIXKII KN cyvlopedla Urlttaulc.1 ( vamu n liirnlihcd by Ihn biUhlni : Co Init ) cnr ) , full Morocco hind Inn , new , 10 volume * , nt2uUO , coitiJUO. vil : , lloo ornce. M.VJI II Q ' -KOH RALK , KINK WATKIl blANIKIh | J lx.'nvpu orth tt , Ul 15 -K5U ) WIU , 1IUV A tJOOI ) . hanil ornnii on pariueul. Max .Meyer .V llro. Co , lothaad harnaiu. MwJ Ii Q-HAVKMOKKV , HKH IW UUKOHK rui Inii jilnno or oru' n. Max Muyur & Hro Cu , Ibth and Kanmm , ilGJl u Q-H > ll HALK OH THADK TOH KAHM LANDS IN eastern Nebraska , a Jj barrel Mourn roller Hour iiilllKltuatwtntTckumah. Neb. Titos. Crouch , IIIj ) HurOelte st , OinHliu. all 17 * MI30ELLANKOU8. 11HAY foil KALK. Till ! UTAMDAHD CATTK ? , .offer 1,000 toni sclonted , bara stored hay for on trailt. Amui , Nobraika JiS CAHKD FOH DUHINO CONKINK Mrs. IHirnlli , lierman vraduatod midwife , 1311 , Ho. Kith. US I A It E OANAIIA.VKMPIAYMKNTOK'ICK'I50JFAHI | nini , upslitlrs ; niaUaud feuialuU elp. TV ) , m Wi HPAPII.LION DHIVINi ; PAH1C. II. C. SMITH trainer anI drlrer , Muku aupcclalty of break Inicand traliihn : cons. Makes a specialty of treat- tug horkon that urn sore , trout hant rends and bail fttt. Heasonnbla charges , lluardlng horse * by thu luuhth. WI-.MI 1r7:00 , YOU CAN < JKT A UOOD , hQUAHKPI IVanoou intrnients Xlnx.Merer & llro , Co , lith and laruaiu , Mtisl 1 CLAIRVOYANTS. S-Mlts. .NANMl ! V WAHHKN. CJ.AIHVOYA.N V rellablo business inodluu , lllth year at IU N. 10th. ) S MADAMK FHITWK ) I'U-MING 8THKKT. elatrMiyaiit und Iranco me'lluni ; ludapondvnt yokes ; tvllt past aad future. ult M7 * S-AKHIYAL KMHAOHD1NAHY : WONDKHFUL rervUtlous. Clinllenuot the norlit Mrs. Dr. M Lccravo , dead trancj clnlrroynnt , attrulunlit , palmist uudllfu reader ; tells > our llfo from the rrndle to jiravo ; unites Ilia apparnlcd : c iuui mar- rlsg wltli the ono > ou love ; tclU nheruyoii will utix'oj utid la what business best adapted for ; h Ihu celfbratM Kvrpluta bruastjiUtu for luck uud to Ueitror tad Innueiites ; iuro Nts , lotempornnco nnd all prlvatu cuuiplaliits with tuaisakti. baths nnd alcohol treatment. Head tlCO , lock of Imlr Hume and date of birth and recelro accurate life chart ; J rents lu tamps for circular : ylro Initials uf ono you wlllmarrr ; also photos of same , Onico 1007 tvoulh llth streal , Ur t floor ; hour * . y m to 9 I > -iu. Ciiiuuonn , conit ) all , and bo LOnvlnowl of this unndsrful oracle. 1137111- O it US. K. (1. HAUT1IOUN. ttl NOHl'H 14TH C'ttroel , huTliitf bad Tear * of eiperleuc * . will jilvu readlaKS of past , present aud future tunings to ladles onlr , lu cvats , 10 a , to. to p. u , dally. Hut ) . Oar * gxc ut il. M734 1U * MASSAGE , PATHS , ETC. P-MI1S tTOH-'Kr 1 3J5 Ilamjrr block. r\1 \ MA11AOK TtlRATMKNT , KLKCTHOTIIKH J mnl balhs scalp nnd balr treatment , mnnlcura andcblropodMt Mrs. Post,3I9KS lith.WHhnell blk rr MADAMK SMITH. ITI DOUGLAS bTHHKT. JL room 7.3J Hoor. Alcoholsulphur and sen baths. V83I II * rp-MADAMi : LA IlL'K , MASSAIIK. 410 SOI Til JLlJth street 'rd floor , flat 4. nMlstant M7W II * MTJ3IO , AKT AND LANOUAOE. " " " " " ' * HKMSs"ii"KtKr"liASTo"'aKAt. < HKIl - . F , with Ilo po or6IS N lilh st I113 ' -IIKKOIIK IIUYINO A PIANO n.VAMINK TUB Yn cw scale Klmbnll piano A Hospo , I5131)OUEA9 ) ir-HKFOKi : nilYING A PIANO KXAMINK THK V new scale Klmball piano A llojpo , 151.1 Douglas. \-HEAUTIFULKUHNISHIl ? ) HOOMS. 1311 CAS3. \ Cl * > U * MONEY TO LOAN KEAL ESTATE. > TAND21)M01UIA(1K loans , low rates. Alox. Moore. 401 lleo building MTO W -C. W HAINKY. SIS OMAII A NAT , II K IlI.IKl. ; Cllr mortgages l.onmt rates. Money on band. AV " -MONIIY TO LOAN ON IMPHOVKD CITY property , low rale. A. C. Krost , Dotialnj blk. \V-MONKY TO LOAN ON UHAL I'.ST TK. TIIK O. F Davis Co 1501 Fnrnnin at 601 \\r-HKAL KSTATU LOAN > , OTO7 1'Ktl CKNT ; < < no additional charges for commission nr attor ney's fees W II. Mclklo , First National bank bldg 23'J ' \V-LOANd , W M.HAHIllS , 1U W ntllNY.lMt HLK > > 8JI7 \\T INSritANCU MOXKY TO LOAN. APPLY TO J. KLovett. SJUS Mill. Z9I ly-CKNTHAL LOAN > * c ' 1HUST CO. IIKK 11LDG. \\r-OMAHA SAVINGS HANK MAKKS LOANS on roil mlnla at lowest market rates. Loans made In small or Inrge sum nnd for short or long time No commission I * . chnrgcd. nml the loans nro not sold In the cntt but can nlwnys bo found at the bank on the corner of Uth nnd Doughls streets Ay-LOANS , O (1 WALLACK , 313 11HOWN HLK \ir-LOANS ON IMPItOVKD AND UNIMPUOVKD ' city property JJ.lWOnmlupwnrds.ritd 8 percent No delays \ \ . Farnaru Siulth& Co. , llthand Uurney Wl \\T LOAN.UKAL KSTATKAND ItKNTAL AOKN- > i cy Parties havlnx city houses to rent and farms tosoll should list Ilium nt ouco Splendid farm * In Logan Valley , Neb , fo snlo. Knslcrn money furnished ( loo.V P. Coatcs , Hop. 1611 Far- nnm. * K W-ANTHONY LOAN .AND TUUST CO , 318 N. Y. LI to , lends at low rates for cholca security an Nebraska or lown farms or Omaha city property. \\r "MOX12Y. MOXKY. MONKY flOOOiM TO LOAN In sums of S2UO to $5.000 on Improved or unlm- proxed rcsldonca business property In the city of Omalin No dolny In closing loans ns money is on hand No dealing with o.ttcrn parties , nil business transacted hero and Interest payable hero and not In the cat , also mike building loan * tin most favorable terms " Fidelity Trust Co , 1011 I'nrnim. \7" LOANS , CITY PHOPKIU'V. I * . NKI1. AND W. * town farms K. lllugcr , 1519 rnrnaui.MM3 MM3 n23 * \\r-n run CUNT MONIIY. PIIILADKLPUIA > T Murtuaeo and Trust Co Thoma * llronnan ACe Co representatives , SIT KurlncU block. K.'a'ij \\r-LAIHii : LOANS O.V INSIDU HUSlNiS3 : M properties at low ratea Ground lenses bought Gco J Paul , 11 lioanl of Trade. 533 11 * 1\r LOANSMADKO.N HKALK8TATK , B TO 7 11 per cent charKOj btarLoan A , Trust Co , 1st lloor , .V. Y Llfo M572 13 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. X DO01T WANT MONKY ? If so do not fall to gut our rates before bor rowing Wo uinko loans without removal or publicity , on fuinlture , piano i , horses , nra ons , etc. , nt the low est possible- rate 'I lieio Is no unnecessary delay , but you get the money on the same day 3011 nsk for It Wo will carr > the loan as IOUK as you desire. KlvlnK you the prlvllczo uf | mpn | | t ] u lull or In part at nny time to suit } our convenience , nnd nny part paid reduces tha cost of currying tholoanlu proportion to the amount paid. There nro no charKes of any kind to bo paid In advinco. but } oil Ret thu full amount of thu lonu. Our oilicos uro centrally located and nro BO ar ranged that parties calling on us can be waited ori quickly nndcorteously , Ifyouhavo a loin with other partial , or bnvo bought n piano or other furnlturu on ttmo nnd llnd the payments a llttlo lariter than you can meet conveniently , wo will pa > It for you and carry the loan ns loim us you desire. It lll be to youradvnutaKo to see us bcforo so- curlnx a loan. OMAHA MOUTOAOK LOAN CO , Itoom U , CrclRhton lllock. 15th bt. , south of PostoWoD 2D9 X -MONEY TO LOAN. FIDELTY LOAN GUAKANTEE CO. On household goods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , wngon * , etc , at the lowest possible rates itlthoiit publicity , removnl of property or cbango of possession. 'llmonrrnnKed to suit the borrower. Paymcntu of any amount cnn b made nt nny Minireducing both principal nnd Interest , thus giv ing patrons all the beucntsof the partial payment plan Cull and sco us when you wanta loan. Money always on hand : no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates : business confidential. KIDKL1TY LOAN GUAUANTKE CO , 1) . K. Masters' old stand , U. l.Wlthnell blk. , 15th nnd Ilarnoy. IOO X WILT. LOANTlONKY ON ANY""KIND * Ot1 security ; strictly contldentlal. A IS , llarrls , room 1 , Continental block. M X-HOU'T PHITCIIAHD , rt \V1TIINELL BLK. Utt X WIIK.V YOU WANT A CIIATTKL I/AN 8KB \Y. U. UavU. icKiu2U , Conllnonlal block. 8UJ. X HO.OOOTO LOAN KItOlt 11000 UP ON KUHNl- turu , liurios or any KOOJ iccurlty. Lowoat rates. Nobrujkn l < oan Co. . 1310 Uouslaa treet , < M1UI AX ) J20.WX ) TO JjOAN O.VCHArrKL UKCUltlTV. iiuslucss conllJontlnl. lloom 40 ! Karunch block. AW X-L1KK LShllKANCK I'OLICIIW LOANKI ) ON OU boutiht. II. T. Moots , Moss blilf. Unman Cltr. Mo. X MONiVTO : LOAN , CHATTBL MOHTKAOE SOUU ! ilnys , on furniture , plnnos , IHc stock , etc. , without puhltclty or reinuvnl uf ( irupprty , at thn lowuatratui ami thu enslcjat payments No delay Cmh on Imnd Dull ( , It. b UtO , llurker bile. BUSINESS CHANCES. Y-ltUV THU COMMI2UCIAU TIIK LKAPLNG hotel at Itrokou Dow , .Nub , Ko land In trade.m \ LnkKOIl BALK , MV HATII1XO IlIMOItT AT L Lnk Manawo. Ailclrcjj J. J. Mitlanuay , Hebron - Y IIAIINHSS SIIO1' KOH BALK IN A (5OOI ) to n. htock will invoice from JI.MU to Jlw ; Hourt rrniion for holllnn ; only onu other nhoplu town It. U. TUomi ou lock box Wl , llmuburK. la 3JM2 * T-DAIHV ' 1 OH BALK. J. F. HOCH , AMKS AVE. MJaJO * Y - FOK HAI.H , TIIK IlK T LOCATK1) AND I'AV I Inn hutchor shop In Council llliittsi liter fW dulljrcnuh Iteuson * for HPlllngi I'oor health ! or will sell Olio-half to uood incut until who under stands the bunlncis Addruss M. B , care lleo onico. Council lllulls. M51C 19 V-.10'1 ' HALlt. NICK , CLKAN H.HW TO W.UOJ J- stock of druija In ono of the best locations In tholun.'iMlullr on the Mltsourl rlfcr , Will take onia trade , J I ) . Zlttlo. Urown block , M/J y-nm SAU : ou THADK. Kirrv IIAIUUI. I Holler niUI : water | iu < vcr , at Murciuo. la Ad drensUD Dlllln , .Seoln la. MSrt lb * V HM HALK. KdTAIILlbllKIIUIIOUKItV. CKN .1. trnl Iccutlon , poor heultli reason fur sulllni ; , Apply V3i , line. - 'M HTOCK MKHCIUNDISKi WILL TAKK half cash , balance clear land , llox 7WHcliuyler , till ! IJ * V-I'OH hAI.K. ONU HALK OH TIIK WHO1.K OF 1 a hardware stock liood location. < ! ooil bus ) . ne 9 and low rent. Address Lock Uox 837 , Lincoln , Neb iJ | l \ ' A * 7'iOOOJ TO MUUOO STOCK OF UKNKHAL X incri.handl > o , cunslstlng of dry uoods. boots , > hoe < anil irrororleii , clean and nell solectud stuck , \\lll rxchanvo for land lo the value of ILUOUUland thu rest cash or Kood notes. Mock la in a town of ( OUi-eiiplo and has it Him trade. Liberal UUconnl forallinsh. Address I' . O. llox No , 93J or No. S.ii , York , Neb. Write for particulars. MOT MS V-W bALB. IIIMCKSMITH BIIOI1 , BATIb- 1 factory reasons for selllutf. Address M. F , Couth , 1-oUh , Nub. M71M'- K-A DKUU bTUHK IN I'llOsI-KK- i oustown In houth-nestcrn Iowa ln eKe I/.V sales , IS'Jl. li.OUJ. Address Y IU , care lice. M ( VI U * I'AHTV WHO CAN 1NVKHT I'HOM D to :5.1U ) can si-curu position olth it loan uud Iruil couipituy. Address V W , llee. Tii 17 V A ; OOD MKAT SlAllU'KT roil BALI ! IN A 1. good Missouri town. Address F. II , Kllcnhaum , riaUimouth , hcb JI7'JO Id * FOB KXCHANQIi. y-CLKAN STOCK oV UKNKItALM'U'n'K , vfliTT. . f-iuLc real estttv d aiouuy. llor rjj. Fraukfoit Ind m y-KXClIANOK YOUll ' ' I'HOl'KHTV. Bid LIsT / c llor wrU . Alti Mourn. 401 Ueo LM . UiU = = UU- FOR EXCHANQE. rlFYOU HAVKAOOOnm-HHWr 1'IANO TO /Jtri < 1o for lot Id , block ( Ij rmoar I'lneo , o lll Omahat clear of all Incur diancD Adtlreu N , lleo onico. t MSU r/-TOHTHADB. NKW .3 . 'STO11V 1IHICK KI.AT /JbullillnB , modern A UiUVatlnn , renu rendllf Clo eit tnvpstliiatlon InvUml prlco * 5iOUO Trade nnillT for unlncumtirre < l.f cl > nl loti. Ames Heal Ki-tato ARt-ncr. IWJ atnJ trocU _ .j55 ! . ' / KOH THADK. 70000 /Altered cltr propcrtr t'1 trada for farm lands vtlthln 1M1 nillo of Oiunhn , , , Amen Ural Kstalu AftctV ( | 1M7 Karnam st , ? J ' / FOH K.XCIIAMIK Ort' ALKm lNi : ffl HAH /-'re I roller mill on what .nml IK ) on iirannlated uiunl for itood fnrmlnK land In Nol > rn < lui or town itllualcd In'lhurman , la. Imrc3 J. S Jonc . Thnr- nun , la. - iAI 15 * _ _ rOUH NKW LIST OF I'HUI'KIITV FOH KX- / chancp Is JUKI out. Hcnd for H Wcslcrn Kx chanvo Co. . Coliinibm , Neb ( VIP 13 * i -THADK. . OI.KAIt IATS IN IIIIXSIDK AND /JSunnysldP addition * fur ncro pruportr. Aililrms W A Wchslcr. IU-1 lleo liltly CU 11 * AND IXT. CKMKNTKD CKI.LAH , CIS- n , nell , Imrn , larpe chicken hotiso for racmi lot. Addrc vaty lice. MTli.V _ FQK SALE-BEAirESTATE. T HALF VALUK. UrTH , AC'HKHOMES , ness proportf . Alex Moore , 101 Hoe bldg. W \\niY8HOUlYOU I'AY HKvAl ) AT TI1K > ' samp time own n vacant lot trhpn the HilolItT Trust Co will null you a beautiful cottage huino In 1 it l-arcttp place and perhaps take your vacant lot a part pajimenl' Comu nnd too us and lot us Bliuw yuu the cuttaRC9. I > I7 I KAUTIFULLAFAYr.TTK 1'LACK IS LOCATKD I'on .Nclfon dtrci't , ono block wctnf Lowe nve BIT new , clek-ant modern dwelling * , of 7 to 9 rooms each , of whlLh four nro > tlll for * ale You cannot Juilito of the beauty uf this tnrrnco , or tha com pleteness of the cotlnk'cs , nllhout xpplnit them Open for hi'puctlun 1'rlcei reasnnablo and easy Icrm * Call nt our nlllco and we " 111 i > ho < r them nt nny time , whether > ou wish to buy or not Owned uml for sale by Fidelity Trim Company , Kill Fnrnau ) struct. struct.U7 U7 IWIl SALK , 1IO.MKS. ANY IMHCK , 1750 , 11,1'a VI' JL easy terms , lake clour properly as tlrst pn > iiicnt ( J. U. Wallace , llrown block , loth and Douglas "M K. COUNKIl ZU'll AM ) HICKOHY M.MM Jt.i foctl a bargain lorn few days only. lK Dar ling , llarkcr block. lU'i l.'Oll fiALM ATA IIAIK1AI.V , LOT 15 , 1ILOCK 1 I. W. L. Colby's llrst addlllon lo South Omalin , Small payment clown , balance monthly If desired. Inquire U. I ) Tzsclmck , Omaha lice SSI L OH BALK 4U ) ACHK KAHM IN IIIUK HIVKH valley , llmjcr county , 10 miles west of Hebron Ono of the very best farms In the county , good house , barn , granaries , cribs , etc .amlnn nbumlinco of fruit , timber and running water. Also for iitlo or exchange for good lands or city property , a brick pork patktng house and fixtures in Hebron , Thayer county , U. A. i : . dcpol For particulars In- quoru of any real estate agent In Hebron .III ) HOMKS FOH BALK. THKHE IS NO DOUIIT HUT Ihat we have the most Batlsfactorr list of really desirable cottages lo bo found In tha city. Tricon range from ? 2UUU up , and terms are ex ceedingly liberal. Wa liavo sold six during the past month nud Iho hcst of our list will goon be selected. Wo can recommend the following at prices named f..MO 5 H mode ) , new , Popplcton 1'nrk , within two blocks Hanscotu I'lace. 7 room within Ino blocks llnnsootn 1'lacc R 01)07 ) Kb front , full lot , barn , etc , Omnhn View I.UOU7 room K front , nctv and complete 3'ith at K 000 La Kayt-ttu I'laci. Hncat la city. Bco thorn. Olllco open Saturday nights 1'ldcllty TrustComptny , IUU Fnrnam street POH 8AUK ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. .50 housoa & lots The O.l' . Uavls Co.,1503 Hiriinm st Ml ( & 123000 TO LOAN : bU.Mb OP $5 000 UPWAUUS : % Tcan place loans on nny tnshlo Improved property to any amount where value U back of the loan. Ames Heal llstato Ap-Miejr , U 7 Fnrnam at 333 MONMOUT1I PAH1C HAS TIIK MOTOH. CITY walor. Krndcd MrccKiatdawalk , school , boiiutl fill location uierylhlng Vi miike It uttrnctlve 1'or lots or homes la this beautiful addition on easy terms si'o ( ; O. Wall.ico , < trustec , SI.'Urjwu block , lull nnd Douglas SIM J7011 SALK HALCYON - HKIQIIT3. Acres , half acres and lols on olcclrlo motor rond. Also houses ami lots In lOtlcyon Helehts OMAHA'S HISAUTU'UL SUIIUIUI Only Ihlrty minutes ride fron ) center ofelty Easy payments , low rule of Intercut. Notr la the time to secure a , home. William H Crnry. ZOiNew York Llfo Bide. \\n : WILL CONSIDBHtA CLKAH VACANT LOT * i ns part puyiueut tunrds a home In Lnfnyctto Place. " tr fl" \V V ' 'AY IlKNT WIIUS YOU CAN UUY ' tbo Hnesl modern cottii os oror bulll tornis In ljtfa > .etto Place ? M7 IUAVIIAFKW WKLI .I'.OCATKD LOT8 : WILlj build houses to suit ) OU and sell on easy terms. J. D y.lttlo. Urown block. 0 ? OH SALK. 5-HOOJI COTTAGK ( ONLY ) SITU - ntedlOll Itnrd street Call on A. llospo jr. 518 17OH 8ALK-S-E COHNKH 17th , DOHOAS. -L11S3 3cottages , stnblo fnrOhorsas , can bo divided Into5 lots. Inquire nt prumlses Hi U * D HIVE OUT AND BEE LA PAYETTK PLACE. G17 FOR S.ALK. A UKAUT1KUL LOT. 32ND AND Woplwortb , park front , will build to suit pur- chajcr , onsy terms David Jnmleson , 4(3 lleo bltlg. ' 5S4 HOMES-SBVKHAL KLKGANT COTTAGES close to motor. Lowe ave , and Cuuilng struct , 82,000 to J ) 000 , about half their value , onnur left city nnd ruuit sell. Cull 10 to 1 , or 4 tut ; . E. F. Heater , basement N. Y. Life. 1,07 11 KOUNT/.E PLACE-'J HOOM HOUSE. K500 ; WILL take f..OOO In trade , (500 In cash , btlanco , IJJW ) per month. J. J. ( llbson , Crelghton lllk. 531 JKI3 LA KAYKTTK PLACB IIK1OUK BUYING n homo. 017 170H bALE , A COHNKH LOT ON PAYED dTHKhT , -L Hultahlo for grocer , butcher or druggist , only BOO David Jamleton , 44J Dee bldg. Ml IJMNK FAHMb AND HANCHES FOH SALE cheap George W. Keys , Obcrlln , Kan.SI5SJ SI5SJ II * WANTKD-IJA11GAINS IN HUSINE S , HHSI- dcuconndncro property , Address W. A Wub- ster. 4UO lice bldg. ( > ! . ' 15 * LACKY'3 ADDITION TOOMAIIA.JIJST PLAITED It Is oist or Hunson on electric motor line Lots tM ) to f 450 Terms. H cash , balance In throe , equal payments , duo In 2. 4 , ( i yuars and 7 per cent Interest. Potter & Gcorgo Co. , a w. corner Hah anj harnam. Wl.M'J iWH SALK A SNAP IK TAKEN AT ONCR. 3 room house nud lot In Orchard Hill : by O. J. Johuson , IWW Dodge street. M762 13 * LOST. LOST-A PKNSION CEHTIF1CATE AND DIS- chnrgo paper signed James Kurgoson Any person llndlnf immu Juturn to .lames Furglson , Plattsmouth , nnd rccclvo liberal reward M73J 1J * LOST , A COCKUH SPANIEL DITCH PUPPIE ; black , with white feet. Named Jilo. | llevrnrd. SI3 N , I'Jlh strict BUCK IIOHN HANDLED UMHIIELLA OUT OF carrlngu near Union depot. Saturday morning. Liberal reward. A. K. Illlcy , llarkor blockM780 M780 IS * PAWN BROKKKS. KUIE7J 410ULE , OFFICE 151I FAHNAM ST 311 S.SNVDKIt'B LOAN OKKICK , 1510 DOIX1K BT. . t J1013 aim * HAIR GOODS. T AHOKST FTOCK IN I5MTIHK WKSTiTHKAT -L-Tk-ill wlii"3nd boiinls u spuclaltr , W lei bint awltchet , hair chains , etc ; Huud for cjtahuua Mull orders uollcltcd Dnylca. Ill a. 15th sU. O inln .tli DRESSMAKING. A lUK8SMAKiil : KHOAf Till ! KAbT WOULD Ilkuto make cuKUKOiuents by the day or week butUfnctlon Kiiarautted Address Miss lluminiii , IWbouth Utliot ' M7II 1J * WANUFACTUBINO JEWELEB3. CASH PAIIhOHOLI > OOIil > . C ARSON 4 HANKS room SO , ilarkur block , ( ) > iaba Jl I Cert If lento o l'ulillciition. Oflluoof Andltorof I'ubllo Accounts State of NeliriiuUa 'ILtlncolii , 1'ub. L Ib'J ! . It U hereby oortlHixin that tlio London nnd I.nncnklitro Klro liuurunco Coiniiiny of Liverpool , in riulumliolias eoinplleil with the liibimuicn law of lUlHutHto and Isuntlioi- Iretl to transact the InHnl'ssot tire lusuranco In this. Htato for I ho current year. Witness tny liancl anil tlni he.U of the auditor of public accounts ttiu.ltl.iy mid year abuto written. mill. IIIIiNTO.N. il4U Annltor I' . A. ItabcoL-U. Duimly. Orlllkulu nl Putillciition , Olllco of Andltorof 1'ubllo Accounts St.tto of NobruMUii. Lincoln , I'eb. ] , itiU-J. It Ii lioroby ocrtlfled , that tlio fecoltUb Un'on and National Insurunuo Company , of l.dlnbnrn-b , Scotland , lias compiled lth tlioliiburincolan of thUhtitlo ai'd Is autlior- Ued to transaut tlio bilblnesa of Uro IIIBIK- unco In tillsstatu for tlioi-iirrt-nt year. iMlness my hand unit tlio boil of the auditor of tiublld oocounta the day and above wrlttun. T. II. IH.NTON , Ifcoull Auditor I' . A. 11. A. Ilalicook. Deputy. ( Jurlllle tin ol Ofilco of Auditor of I'ubllo Accounts State of Nubrubku. Lincoln , Tub. I , IbVJ. II U hereby certified , that tlio Wcatorn Aoouraneo Company , of Toronto. Uanada , hai compiled wltli tlio law of tlilHklatu and U iiilttiurUed to the buslnossof llro Ir.buninco In tills state for the current year , Wltnuus my liaud and Ilia t.e.1 of ( ho auditor of pnbllu ucconntH HIM day and year ulnivo wrltlen. T. II. IIKNTON , Auditor I' . A. II. A. llalteock , Deputy. REWJ I N C TYPEWRITERS TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Mcgeath , Dealer , 1807 Firn m Sine ) , OMAHA RHILWHYT1MEGHRD Leaei lUlCAIIO IHHlMNll I'lM t U | Arrlr a Omnhn _ _ Pi-pot 10th an I Mno-i % < " 4 so"p m . t'hlcnzo Vnitlbuls I 80J n m 850 a ra - . . .Chtcuo KTprcsi 9 II m Via p ra . . . .Chicago Kiprcsl (10) ( p m 6 M p m . . . . . .Chicago Jc Iowa 1/ocol 8.11 n m "UTVKII Arrives ) niaha. _ 10 ' & a ni . Donvcr Ves7lbuio TjmlteiTTI 1 tt ) p m 10.IS n tn Devlwood Ktpresi , . . . I m p m 7.10 p m Denver Kxprcsi 0 35 n m 7.10 p m Denver Kspont PR ) p m MO P m Lincoln Lltc'.tcd ( KxccptSun ) MTU n m ( US a m Lincoln Local 0.70 p in lipnves" I . Omaha. Depot luth and Mnin ti ) n m.Knnsn | < City IHjr Kxpra's. p m Dlip mK | , C. Mglit lxp via U. P. Trnn n m leaves 1 UNION PACIHC TATrlvoJ" Omaha. ( Union DepotlOth and Marcy St . | Omaha 830 A mi . . . . . .Hoiurlco Kxpress . 1 U ) p m 1000 a tn Denver Kxprcss MW p m 1 IS p m . .OvcrlAnrthlyer 6 15 p ra 4 SO p m lIluoSp'KsAKAlrlleldKx , , 115 Ip m 6 M p in .1'acllle I'.xproas . MM n m doing I CHICAGO. 1U I , V PACIUC. iTem l2.i ! lUnion lcpotIOtli _ A Marcr Sin _ Kn t. _ 10U ( n m Atlanllo Kxprcss na ) p m 4 05 p m VotlhuloKxprvss . I. to p m ( ' .10 p m NlEht Kxpre * * . u 40 n m ( Iplng I CHICAGO , H I , , < v PACIHC , I rom I Union Depot 10th nnd Marcy SH Wo.L p nil Denver Limited . 13 4U p m 7.05 p m | . . .Denver lixpren. . . . | ; . ,10 n m ' .M n in ! .Sioux Cllj Pus cngcr. . .110sup m 6.15pm | tfu Paul lC\prea . 11000-i in 81OUA CITY A PACIHU I Arrives Onfahal Depot , IMIt i\n \Vobt 1 r st * Omihn 6 45 p m | bu Paul Limited | 'J 2.1 u m l < -aves I F. , i : . A MO VALLKY. I Arrives Omalinl Depot. ISth and Webster HI * lOmahi POO a m . . . . . .Dcndwood Kxprass . . A 'U p m IUU n ra ( Kx , Sat. ) Wyo Hxp ( Ex. Mon.l A 'JO p m MO p m Norfolk ( Kr Sunday ) . 11 10 a m 6 45 p in . 3t Paul Kxprus * . j II25 n m Leaves I c. , sr. p , M. & o Arrives Omaha ) Depot. IMh nnd Webster 8U Om'iha 810 n ra Clly Accomraodntlon li Ui p m 1 00 p m Kxpress ( Kx buud'y ) I..i ) p m 5 45 p m . . -.St ; Paul Limited . . . . O''i n m 615 p in Hancroft PnisjiigoMKY. Sund'y ) OHIUAOO , H 1. A. PACIFIC Arrival" Trnti'fpr Union Depot.Council HlutN Tranror G 30 p m Nljtht Kxpress . , P VO n m 10 : J n m . . . . . . . .Atlntitlo Kxpr * * 5A5 p m 4 JO p m Vestibule Limited 15.6U p m J-enves 1C. (1 , &T JOK A. C 11. ( Arrives Trnii'ferl ITnlon Depot. Council 1111117 * ) Transfer 1000 a in ! . . . .Knurls City Diy I 6 li ] i m 1015 p nij .Ivansts Cltr Nlsht L'xpra * * it'J a in Lento * JUHICACK ) , BL'Ut/.V A. QPINCYArrlvji ! Transfer ! Union Depot , Council lllutTa rlranf 3 Chlcngo Kxpress 540 p m Chicago Kxprosi HS5 n m Croslon Loctl 7 Ii n m leaven OMAHA iST. LOUIS ( Arrives Union Depot. Council 111 u Its [ Transfer 440 Tin | St Louis Canon llall Ii 15 p in Leaves I blOL'X C1T4. . PACIFIC. lArrlvei Transfer ! Union Depot , Council Illulfs | Trnnfor 7.45 n m . .Hlour City Accommodation .11000 p m 6M p ui St.Pnul llxprss | 'J 40 a m l.cnve I CUICAOO&.SOUTH WK.SI'KIINI Arrlvoi Transforj Union DepotCouncil lllulls | 1ran for 1301 p m Chicago Kxpres * S 10 p ui &lr > p m Vcntlbulo Limited V 10 u in 10 CO p m .ICastern > lycr 1 JO p m 800 | > m ( Kx bat ) AtUntlc Mall ( Kt Man ) 7.55 n m 7.40 u m Carroll l ajibenucr 1000 p in GRADE ORDINANCE NO. 169. An nrdlimnco uhaiiRini ; the icrado ofllntnll- toiiftruut frotn ltlibtroot to 40th street and the liiteraootlns streets. In tlioclty'Of Oinii- lin , anil repo.iUii so much of Oiulnaucc No. f lunl so much or ull orclliiuiiuuj In coiilllct liflrowltli : lie It orditlnotl by the city council of tlio city of Omaha : Section L'.Wliorcnslthas been declared nec essary lo cliatiKO the gr.ido of Hamilton street from 24lh htrcct to 4jth street , and cer tain parts of the Intersecting streets lierulu- nftorspoclllcd : And wlidteas , three disinterested freoholdera liavo bobii appoluteil by the mitvor and con- flriued by the city council to appr.ilso tnu dninaces urlslnR by reason of said change of grade : ana WheroHS. said nppraUors , ufter duly nnall- fylnB nocnrdlnz to law , and ( ivainluini- the proportynffectctl , liavo nmflo their rcrjortaud thu cltv council bus approved the siine , riierefore , thocrudo of said part ; , of Ham ilton street , and Intursectlnz stroett. Is here by changed and ostablishcil so that the elov.i- tlons sliull bo as follows , the grade batuoun the points cited lioln uniform straight Hues : Gradoof ilunillton street Elevation Elevation oftouth of North , , Curb. Curb. Hast curb of Lowe avanuc , now 40th sin-el . . . . .2SJ.O 23J.O West curl ) of oSth street , formerly 1'loasuntst . . . .210.5 240 5 Hnst euro nf With street. formerly I'leusantat . . . .240 0 24' ) . 0 West curb of Uitlist . 12.5.5 Kiit curb of uiithst . 223.0 ± r.o West curb of. 'lithbt . 2120 212.0 Kiibtcurbof Xith st . 211.5 211.5 West curb of lilt list . 2J3.0 20.1.0 Bastcurhof 114th st . an.O 21 ! 0 \Vest curb of .tlrd st . . . .2oO 0 200.0 r.astcnrbof 3lrd st . COO.O 200.0 \Yestcurbof Xnd ! st . Ib'.fi 18-,5 nastcurbof : Und st . 18J.U 1B2.0 Wubtcurbof.'llHt St. , . 172,0 K2.0 Kasteurbof Illstst . 1 ? > .0 17J.O \Vcst euro of 3 Jth st . 170.5 170.5 Fast curb of 'lOtlist . 17(1.5 ( 17(1.5 ( \Vudtcutbor2athst . IhO.5 ] ; , istenrbof lth st . 180.5 1H0.3 Weitourbof 2Mhst . li'i.o 151.0 K.istourb of 24th bt . liS.O 1M.O West curb of 27th * t . u ; o 1U7 0 Knst curb of 27th bt . Ki'i.U ' l.di.U Wostcurbof2lthst ( . 11J.O 112.0 Kiist curl ) of aim ht . 1115 111,5 Wostuuibofath ht . U10 * Dl.O Kabt curb of 2'th st . ( K.U ua 0 Webt curb of 2Hh st . 71. 1 71.2 Section 2. Grade of 25th street Kloitllon novation of Wi-ht of iast Curb Ourl > South onrbof Charles st . . .Established grades North curb of Ilunillton st. UI 0 DO o houth uurb of Hamilton si. ! ) | ,0 1X10 North cuth of Ualdwull st Katnbllshcd tirades fc-uctlona , Criidoof 27th street Fottthcnrbof Churlc st Ksliihllshoil gradui North curb of llamlllon st K17 0 l.W u houth curb of Hamilton st.liT.U l.W.o North line of alley south of Hamilton st. . . . .140.5 140,5 beetoi4 ! ) Gradoof 2-ith street Routh curbof Clmrlcb st Kstubllshcd crniles North curb pf llnmilton st.ivj.o 1M D toutb curb of Ilunillton fit I VI 0 153.0 Section 5. Orudo of 2Uth strunt South curbof Charlosst. . . Ktt.ibllslioil crades North curb of Hamilton st Ufl.r. IhO.5 houth curb of Ilunillton st.IKO 5 iso 5 North cuib of Indiana t . .two 1UI.O .Suction ( I. Grnauof 31st htrout f-outhcurhof Uhnrtesst. . .KstablUhed grades North curb of Hamilton st.lT-.U 1TJ U "oution 7. Or.ido of : " d atrret South curbof Chnrlonsl. . . . Established cra < ] c < i North curb ( if Hamilton st.'uu.o 200 0 hontli curbof lltiintlton st 2Uu " 00 0 North ouruof Myulo iito-KHtabllbhetl beutlon H. Griduof it'ith atieet South unroot Uhuriusbt . .Kstubllshod grades North curb of Hamilton nt.'li U r-iinth curb of llamlllon bt.2i',0 211.5 North curb of Lnfayotto ( ivoniio. . , , . Established grades SeotlonU Ur.ido of : i'Uhstrt ' > el South ourh of CJharloi st. . . Established cradon North uurb of Hamilton si.2JT > .5 223.U houth uurb of llamlllon st . ' . ' 5.5 22.1,0 North uurb of Lufayutlo atrunua . EstablUhed grndes Sootlon 10. ka much of ordlnunuo No 8.H nnil sd inucli of all other onllnanciu ittillnln- the grades of the above streets , iw conlllcls with the nrnviiliiiia of this ordlnunco. Is hereby - by roiiealod. r-octlon 11. ThU onlliinnco shall take blTuct and boln fort-o from und utter lu IMS- 8RKC , I'asaod March 30lh , 1M ) . ' . JOHN cntOVRS. 01 tv Olerlt. n. I' . DAVIS , I'rosldt-nlUity Counoll. Approved April 1st. isii. . UKOKQi : I' . IIUMI9. Mayor. Corllllralu nf I'liliUculliin. Olllro of Auditor of 1'ubllo Accounts-Htnto of Nuhrat-ka. Llnwjliu Tub I , lo'J-i. It Ii hdruby ccrtlDi'd thnt thu ( iunranteo ( ! o. of North America , of Montreal , Canada , has compiled with thu Insurauru luw of this atutu anil U authorised to tratisaut the bnsl- ncuof Kumanty Insurance lu this btalo for the current yoar. \Vltnesi my < l nnU thu .seal o ( the auditor of public account ! the day null ubuvo written. T. 11. ItKtVroN , Ifcuul ) Auditor 1' , A , II. A , Uabcoc'k , Deputy. A Wrllton Gtmrant * ) SYPHILIS to Cure Kvorjr Ca Money UotundoJ. Our euro I * ppjninnontunflnol n patch n < up. 0 .a treated seven yonrsnxoh .t nofct Men n symptom slnco. H ? describing ct.o fully wocin trJit yea by mall , and wo giro the sitmo strong cunrantoo tn euro or refund nil money. The o nha prefer to cnmn bero fortrcntniciitcfinio ! oanl we will | > ny railroad faro both ways and hotel bills wnllo hero. If tve fall locum Wo challenge the world fora ca u that our Manic llemedy will not cnns wrtlo for particular * anil got ho evidence. In our seven year * prnctloo nltti tlie Mairlc Homodr It hn * been mot difficult to overcome the prejudice * against ocallod * peclllc , lint uiiilor our strong guintntee thoimmls nro trying It ami lie- Ingcured. WoKuannt o to ciiro or refund utory ilollnrand n\fOliaTC n rouulntlon tuprotoct , al o nnnnrlal backing of &UOJJ It la perfectly sifo t i AJ who will try the treatment , Heretofore you tmva putting up And p.iytnx out your money for dlrTorent treatmentnmt Although you AI not yet cuntt no ono hns paid b ck your money.Vo will poMtUolf euro you , OU , chronic , deep * elol rn 3i euro I In fl ) to'.Odny * ImoitUHo our financial * tan > lliu , our reputation nbuiln < s * men , Wrllou * far names nnd nddro sc > of thee \MihATo cuml who havfl Riven permlsMon to refer to them It eo < ta you only ti > * l- Btetoilo thl * . If jour symptoms nro fore llmmt , niueoiispaUheiln mouthrheumatMm In bones and jointlinlrfnlllnR out. eruption * on nny pirt of the bodyfcolln > ( of Ronoral ileprossltin , pain * In healer bones. You have no tlinolo wa to , The o uho Rro roiiflanllr tnklnit mercury nnd potati , ehouM dli- continue It. Coiutnnl u oof theJO drugs will tiuruly brlim sere * mul rntlnf ulcer * In the rnJ. IXm t fall to write. All correspondence sent sealed In plain en velope. Wo Inv'to thomot rlRll Invoillnatlou and will do nil In our power to nM you In II. Adtlro * * , COOK KKM13DY CO. , - Oniuhiu Neb FOR MEN ONLY V300 ( or a cnso of LOST or PAIMNU HOOD , Uuunral or NruvotiA | ) IIIII.ITV.cak : - tiussof body oruittul , tlio otlootiotorroriorox- cossoslu uUlnryotiiiK wocaimotoitro. Wn ctinrjiitooovory case orrnfiiml every doll tr , Klvc diiystrlnl trniitniciit HI , fltll coimn s l. I'orcoptlulo bonollts ruilUoil In three divi. lly null , sooiiroly pvoUo.l from observation. COOK ItKMKnr Oo . OMAII v. NKII _ LADIES ONLY MARIP I'KMAr.i : UKCUI.ATOK , Sufi ) mill ninUlU Corttilu to n day nr niniioy rofunilud. lly : . Hoouroly so ilo 1 from obsurva- tlon. COOK KK31KI > \ ' CU. , Omaha. Nob. MANHOOD RESTORED. " 8ANATIVO , " tli Wonderful Spanish Itrmrdy , Is sold nllli n Written Cuorontoo to cure nil bcivous Ills- cased , such enVfik Memory , Ixis of nraln Power. Iteadaclie , \VaLefuln iiilLoitMan- hood , Nfrroiwness , Ijis- altuile , all drains and Before- & . After UGO of power of the rbotocrnplicil from life. OcncriUlvo Ortain In L ! ! cither sei cau-cd by overiertlon. . youthful Indiscretions , or the ei awof Inbncco , npliun.oi stimulants , wlilcli iiltlnmtely lend to Innrmlty , Oiiuumpllon mul Iii nnll > 1'iit up Inromeitlciilforin lo earn In thc < "t jwlvft I'llce | 1 a pncknge , or 0 for $5Uthufi ) Kicmlfi neglrr a wrltton Btmrantoo to euro or rofniul tlio nionoy. hem by mail I" an ) nddrtss. Cluiilnr fice lui > Ialucntilo'C | Mention this pn | > or AaJtcra , MADRID CHEMICAL CO. Ilrnuch . foi U. 3. A , SIS Dcnihorn Street , CHICAGO. ILL. FOll SALE IN OMAHA. NED. , BY Knhn & Co , Co r 15th A Dougls 6t * J A Fuller A Co , Cor. llth A DoUElM 8U. A D Foster & Co. , Council Ulufln. In. tTARAJSTESJrS Anew anl Complete Treatment , conslntlnz of Suppositories , Ointment In Capsules , al > o la llox nnd Pills ; n Positive Curj for Kiternal. Inturnnl Hllnd or llleoillng Itching , Chronlo , llucent or Hereditary I'llos This Itumedy hn * no for boon known total ) . ( I per box i ! forj ; sjiu by mill , \\liy sutler from this torrlblo dlsn whoni writ ten guarantee Is positively given with U bixai or refund tha money It not cur.I H-ju.l at.iuio tor free Hamplo Uuaranteo Isiual by Kulin & Co , DrucglsL * . Solo Agouti , coruar li'.h mil Uuuglai t roots , Omaha. NOD. irjoHliaioiioapliclito , IiidlKostlun , riutulencr , SlrU-llcuilitclie , "all run B doiTii" or losing llcsli , UiUo * They tone tip tin ) M'eaU Btonmcli nnil build up the rla cliiK oiiprfirlc * . aSc. "HOME PATRONAGE" All our syrlngci nro made In Omaha 'Fish ' Brand1 Fountain Sjrlngc - - Ench ono has nix hard rubber pipes In wooden bar lloturo the trarto mark "F1S1I IlKAND"lson ouch ono , taku no other Ask your druggist for them urOnmualtubher Co. , IKKi Furnam bt , Cor. loth. Lady clerk In attendance. Crrtlllr.ito of Publication , Ofilco of Atnlltor of 1'ubllo Accounts-Staid of NeliruHUu , Lincoln Toll 1 , 18'r. , HI s mi ruby eer tilled , that tlio HurUord fUiitin Holier Inspection und Insiirunco to. , of Hartford , In tlio stnto of Connecticut , lini uoniplluU willi the Insurancel.iw of tills st.ito nnd Is tiuthorl/ud to tniiiHuct tlio Ijnalinjss nf stoani lioiler Insurance In this btutu for tlio cnriont , Wlttiubs my hand and the seal of tlio auditor of nubile ucuountb tlui dity nnd yotrulio\o written. T. U. IH'N'TUN , ISoal ] - Auditor P. A. II. A. ll.tbcock , Deputy. Orllflratf ) ot PllliMcatloii. OHIcoof Andltorof 1'uhllo Accounts-Statoof I\tihniska. Lincoln , 1'ul ) . 1 , lU'i. . Hit hctuUy certinod , that tlio Insurance ( Jo. , of Noith Ainnrlc.i , of I'lilindolnlila , in thu stallof I'unnsylv.inl.i , hah coninllod ultli thu liisnraiiL'o law of thlH stale and IsuulhorJzctl to tranaaut thu hustiics of Urn liiburanio In thU statufor the iMirrent year. Wltnoasiny hand nnd ttio KOU ! of the auditor of iiubllo accounts tlio day and yoir aliovo written. T. Ii. 1IKNTON , i.Seal ] Auditor I' . A. II , A. Ituhcouk , CcrtKlcuto ol Publication , onicoof Auditor of 1'ublio Accounts State of Nuliraulca , Lliuoln. i-'ol ) . ] , ip'X' . H U huruhy cortlflod. tliut the United States Guiiruntpo Co , of Now York , In ihu atuto of Now York , has coinpllod with the Insiirunco Intt of this bt-ito and in Htithori/od lu transact tha buslnuss of xu.iruntv Inauranto In this slate for the eurrcnl year. Wltntiss my hand und tno seal of the auditor of public accounts thu day mul vuar above wrlttun. T. H. JIKM'ON ' , ISoall Auditor 1 > . A. II , A. llitbcocU , Deputy. Ortlllruta of I'nlillcatlon. Onieo of Auditor of 1'ubllo Accounts Ht ita of Nubiutiku , Lincoln , Tub. 1. Irtj-J. U Is huruby ccrtlOcd. that the Lloyd PlutoUluss lnsiir.un.-o Co. , of Now York , In tint Htato of ow York , hus coinpllod with the Insurance luw of thin staiu hiid t.s aiithorl/cd to traii ac-t the bu-ilnoss of plato ulass Insur ance in this stnto for the current your , Wltuub * my nund und tho.Heal of the auditor ofuublfo ucuounu thu day und yo u ubovo wr'.ttim. T. II. IU : > TON , [ buull Auditor I' . A. H. A. llalicok. Deputy. Ort Illcute of PnlillcntInn , onico of Auditor of 1'iibllo Accounts State of Nuliraka. Llnoolii , 1'iiU. I. isrj. It Is hereby ccrtlllcd , that the Homo IiiKiirani'aX.'o. , of New York , In thu st.Uu nf Now York , lias compiled with the Insurancu law of thl * Htuto and U authorUod to traninot thubtiBlnesb- llro ltsuruneo ) In th a state for the current year. Wliiioviiny luind and the seal of the auditor of uublleaccounts thu day and voaritlO ) > o wi 111 on. T. II. IIKNTUN. li-oall Alldltnrl' . A. II. A. Hubcouk , Deputy. L'orllllcato of i'ubllcatlun. Ofilco nf Auditor of 1'ubllo Accounts rituto of NuUnuku. Llnt-olu. 1'ob. I , lAfi. It In hereby certified , that the Hanover 1'lro liiburanco Co. of New Vork , In the Htato of New York , hus roiupllcd with the Insurance law of Ihliatatu nnd Is author- Ued lo transact the builncssof lire Insurinco In Uilv flute for the Witness my hand and the bual uf the auditor of public aucounU the dity und year ubou < written. T. II. IIKNTON , t ual ] Auditor. I * . A. II. A. llabcock , Deputy. THINK HE IS DEAD. l.le.rrrlvnVlltlniiK' Iteltttve < llrllovo It * hit * Cninmlttoil .Siilrlde. ' Mlns Annlo WllUnrtM the victim of iho recent Risnult nt the hands of her undo l.louclyn WlllUini hft $ to Inr rooovorod ns to bo out of JaiiRor. No tr.tco of heir nssnllant hns boon found though the pollco wore nftor him with n Rood ' description almost tit > - mcJintol.r. Ttio fnmllj fool posltlvo thnt ho hns commlttod sulcldo und that when nou lionnl from hU body will bo found in ttio river. Ho Und thnt kind of n tomporntuont , they gny. Ho was well educated , rm exjicrt book-keonor nml atcnocratihor , but too larv nnd * liltle ( < i ntnl IndllTeroiitto oven look for work as IOIIR ns ho could apoiiRo from tits rolntlvo * , Thov feel qultaconndent In their own minds thnt It Is usolcts to look for him nltvo. WKRI-I.NO WVTKII , Aoh. , Oct. 38 , 'DO. Dr. Moore : My Dear Sir I Imvo just boiiihl the third bottle of your Tree of ulfo. H Is Indeed n "Treo of Llfo. " Doctor , when you so Itltidly unvo tno thnt llrst bottle my riRltt sldo wns so lame und sere and my llvor on- Inrirod so much thnt I could not Ilo upon my right sldo nt nil. There wns n sorauos * over my kulno.vs nil of the time , but now thnt Iron bio is all over. I sloop Just ns well on ono sldo ns on the other , mid my nlcen rests ntitt refreshes mo , nnd I foci the best 1'vofolt ' In fifteen yontnml 1 know that it Is nil duo to your Treoof Llfo. Vours very truly , D. V. Uuii.ur. ) For sole by all druggists. rnnnritl nr .Mrs. Olit. The funornl of Mrs. Amy I ? raves Ohl , whoso doinlso occurred in Aspen , Col. , took place aundny afternoon nt St. lJurnnbn ' church , The services wcto conducted bv Hov. John Wlllinnit , Dcnn Gnrdnor nnd Canon Doherty , The remains nrrlvctl In Omnhn In n prl- vnto car nml wet o luvomnitilod by Mr , nml Mrs. U. A. rtinyor , Hov. .1. Willis Ohl nnd Uyrou Omvos. U | > oii their uriivnl the ro- innliis w cro conveyed to thrjchuttih , followed by n funeral cortopo composed of forty unr- rlaies coutulnlng rolntlvos und frlotuU of tbo deceased. The uall bearers were Clement Chnse , Daniel Wheeler , Jr. , Nuwlon llarknlow , Hlchnrd Carrier. Fred MlllnrdVllllnm Hedlclc , Hnrry McConnlck ) nud Clinton Urlgps. The remains were deposited In the fnmiiy vnult of the lute Utorio W. Houtaii iu Pros pect hill comotory. DoWltt's Sarsnparllla oloausoj the bloail , luoroasostho nnpetlto nnd toaas up the sys tem. It has bouolUlod many paoplo who Imvo suffered from blooJ disorJori. It wil holpyou. > 'ott School House * . The Moitmouth Park nnd Clifton Hill schools were opened yostordn njornltitf Too former Is n two-rcom Dtilldliif : , but only ono will bo occupied for the present. Miss Ln- Kuo will hnvo clinrco thero. The other bnllilinc contains four rooms , but ono of them Is not yet seated. It , will bo Cotton ready for occupancy us soon ns poislbln. The teachers : nsiincd there nro Misses Stiles , McCoy nud Campbell. The hns not yet been ntimod. No special fontutos nltotiOod the opening. The ICcllom bchool Is still utiououplcd nnd unaccepted , pending the completion of a few minor details. As soon as the blackboards nro rcndy and the grounds nnd walks In shape the build in K commttteo will be notlllod nnd the property will bo formally turned over to tbo Hoard of Education , "Late to boJ and onrly to nso A'lll shorten the road to your homo in the skies. " But early to bed and a "Lttllo Early lilsor , " the pill thai makes lift } longer aud bolter and wiser. Callnlmn'H Case. The case brouRht aininst ; Ed Cnllahnn by the East Omabn squnttcis in which ho was charccd with shooting with intent to kill , has been dismissed ana the defendant dis charged. So this trouble with its smal nrmy of witnesses. Its oceans of Ji'Rnl quib bling nnd torrents of legal cloqueneo , Its in terpreters and Scandinavian spectators , after having corflo before half the Justices In the city ROCS Into blstorv with tba contractor on top. He has removed the shanties of the squatters ; they Imvo boon bound over to keep tbo peace and be has uceu freed. m Pullru Court Xfitos. Fred Mullen , n 15-yoar old boy , wns fine J f 10 nntl costs In pollco court yesterday foi being drunk. This was his third arrest for Sidney Allen , the negro accused of tboom- bo/zlcmont of $3 from a disreputable woman , wns given sixty tlnys lu thu county jail with sixteen on btead nnd water. Albert Hint/or wns lined ? 3 and costs for plying his vocation without a license. The judge gave the crowd of Rxpre smori present to understand that this would bo the futo of nil charged with similar ofTer.sns. TIIK UK.VLTV II < VIKIT. rNSTRUMENTS placed on rocorJ April 11 , WAIlllA.NTir IlKKnl Christian Andersen and wife to OH Nel son , mid'/j lot7. blockI. HaUei nlacu I 3.-.0 O It No son and wife to Sori'n Nulsou. Jot 7 , block It , sntno GO Same * to same , undi ; lots I nud 2. block 1 , ( " ratnniercy pari { . . . . 1,039 J T Alton and wife to Kll/.tbolh Ilnrd- ln ? . lots 1 and 2 , block 11. Park 1'oiest S.SOO Lh IJend and wlfo toV L.Sulhy , loin ID and 17. block . " > , Allnio plaza 7.000 W L Boby ! and wife lo Martha llhiek- well.same 8LO : Martha Itlaclnvoll to II I , Lockwood , w 111 feet of lot 17 , block 5 , Hiimi- 1,103 M V Solomon to H D Jones , lot I. block 7 , Solomon's add WS llyanand wlfn to H N llond. lols It und U' , lilouk UVNo k I'aimujco's add II \Vpstorllold toO 0 llann , lotH. blouk S , 1'iirk 1'orest . . 400 Henry I'lo'.io ' and wife to John Wlpf. n > i fvr Hvr 2J-I3-1-J . . . 3.000 I'I KxEurand wife to I'uti-r 1'ui'lis , lot 18 , blouk I. Ninth Omaha Vlnw Auziintus llrown nml wlfn to .M.I Prllch- ard , lot in , block If. llenson m QUIT CLAIM DKlitll Lewis Invohtinont company to A L Alel- ? ol , lot U , blouk 5 , Oniah.i View. . Total amount of transfers It I Kit. N ( ( cc nl ylir linn nr leu wulsrllrtt lien t , cent * : cticli niUlltloiinl Urn ten cnti I tOTI I SOU I I.D-W Illl a m. at iVl s iuii\l \ I y resT- dunce at 4:41 : p. m. . azod 81 years. I unurnl \Vndiiunday at l.Wi. : | in , from family rest * denco , Sill Douglas street. Inlerinent at Pleasant Hill. sorivo. fi'iittcet nf flat Hii < nnrlim umltrthli litait , fl/ty cente < irlitul-llll < iiMl lint trncfiili. Thu fiinoral of Klllott W. Hall will tuLu place thU ( Tuesday ) afttirnooii , April lAat o'olook. from thu rrsidunco of hU father-in-law , IL K Itainsuy , 1'Jr. North Nineteenth street , to 1'roi- pcct Hill comotory. 1'rlcnds invited , Cfrllllriilu of Publication , Onlro of Auditor of I uhlle A ceo nn IK Slate of Nebraska lilncoln , I''eb. L 1H/-1 , R bhurobv certified tin t tlio ( Jurmanla. Kiro Instiraiifu Co , of Nnw Yoik. In thu btuteof Now York , lias roiupllcd with I ho iiibiir.inco law of tlilh li > and IH uutlioilAed to trnnsuct the business of lire Insurantu In this bUtu for thu current yoar. \Vltncbsiny liand and the seal of the ttidllor of public accounts thn ilav nnd your above wrlitcn. T II , IIKNTON , ( Seal ) Auditor I' . A. II. A. IlabcoeU , Deputy. GVrllllcittii ol I'lihlltiTlloii , Onico of Auditor of 1'ublln Accounts-Ktalo of Nohraxku. Lincoln. Fell 1. Jh'r. ' . It U hereby certified , that the Truduri Iiibiiianco Co. , of Uhlcuco. In the stale of Illinois , lips compiled with tlio liihiir- unco law < if this ktale and Is niithorl/od lo ( ransaet thu ImilnoHhof tire luturance In this htatu for the current year , \Vltnes ! . my liand and iho seal of thonudltor ot public accounts the day und year above written. T. II. IIKNTON , Auditor I' . A. II. A. llnbcock. Deputy. CVrllllciitn ul riiblliatlon , Oftlcn of Auditor of I'ublln Accounts Stnto of Nubrahka , Mncoln , 1'ob. I , Ik'Ji. It Is la-ruby ccrtlfled. that Iho Uiirman I'lro Insuraiico Cu. of 1'txiriH , In the ututu of Illinois , lias compiled tvltli thu liuurunco law of thU stall ) and UuuthorUud to transact tliri btislnuBi of flro Insuraiico In tuU tlitufor the enrrentyuur. WltiiUBS my hand nnd thu seal of the auditor of public ucuouuU the day and yuariibovo written. T. IL 1IENTUN , tHualJ Auditor I * . A. U. A. llubcouk , Donuty.