Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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Tom Elliott by Luke Blackburn Wins the
Great Tennossao Derby ,
Drcnt Sport nt Mcmplilt * rir t tiny Omaha
ItnniUtor Cluli Itirnrpnrntril (
Iho llnitn Hull Sonmin ( loncrnl
EMPIIIS , Tonn. ,
April 11 , The open-
InRdnyof tliosprlnk'
incclliiR ot the now
Mom phis Jockey
club wns hold to
day. Wenther wes
ploninnt mm nttond-
nnco largo. Con-
sldorltiR Iho condi
tion of ttio trncir , which wns nnUlo deep In
mud , the sport was Rood. The event of the
dny the Tennessee derby , was won by J. M.
Brown's liay colt , Tom Elliott , by ijiiko
Blackburn , in 2:0f. : ) Uollver Uucltncr , a 10
to 1 sliot , surprised the crowd by winning
the fourth , about as ho ploaiod. Holler
Skelter ( jallOiod | In easily In the llrst.
Twenty-six books did n rushine business und
broke about oven with the crowd. race , Hlx furlong , twelve startcri !
IlultorSkaUor. IIS , oven an uiuy
winner by four Ioiifflli ; Ainorlciin I.nilv. I'Ji' ' ' ,
io to I. second : l > rltlc , Wi , I to 1 , tlilid. Time :
ItlU'i. '
t-ucond race. lour furlonai. six starters1
fill idow , Id ? , ( i \\oniinilcrtliowliliibyliulf
n lotmtli ; Ton QnlcK , IU7. II ) to 5 , second ; 1.1
I'nsothlid. Time : 1I.V : { .
Third met1 , Teniicsseo uurby , ono and one-
pl litM mill'sJim Mnrnliy. IV.'llJ. Williams ) ;
Tom 1:111011,115 illrltlon ) ; Low Weir , 12-Ie- (
] , nii2) ) ; l.lttlo Hilly , lltitllosxutl ) ; I'lill Dwyur ,
IS ( Overtoil ) .
It was uUdont as soon as tlio Corrifian
entry aopcaied on the track that they had
been overtrained. Phil IJwyor looked the
plnic of porfootlon , but. his step denoted too
much training an a luti'py track. The others
seemed In good condition. As tbo horn
sounded odds were : .Urn Murphy , 8 tel ;
Tom Elliott ntid Little Hilly ( Brown's entry ) ,
to'J ; 1'hll Dwycr nnd Low Wotr ( Corrl-
Rin's ' octry ) . 8 to 10. Brlttou with his usual
tactics kept Tom Elliott IIUIIKIIIK the mils
and bad his horse's note In front when they
started. .lira Murphv was Hocond , but only
by n nose , for Llttlo Billy was anxious to bo
ai the side of his companion ami was push-
InR ahead. CorrlRan's horses were close up ,
and all made a line bunch as they cnino to the
Btnml. In pn-isint ; the stand Llttlo Billy baa
passed both Elliott and Murphy , nnd wns
smelling clear nir for the stuff. Murphy
was third. Corrignn'a horses wore no bettor
off than whcii tlioy started. They kept
thnio positions to the half. As they passed
the inroo-quartor Llttlo Billy was still lead
ing. Weir had been pushed Into second
place. Elliot was third and Dwyer fourth ,
with the Irish her u two lengths In the rear.
Into the stretch came Billy first by auout
half a length with VVolr crowding him haul.
Elliott , still runnlnir with apparent case
without urging from Brltlon , was third. At
the stretch the netjro , witli a grunt nnd a
cut of the whip , hnd his here past Weir and
on oven terms with Little Billy in a twink
ling. It was soon ovor. Another move of
this kind and Elliott was up with Billy. The
latter , however , was pamo und oojouted to
being put down. But Elliott bad n swing
on himself which could not bo broken and
Brltton kept him going. Ho had been well
saved for tbo finish nnd showed lias ho came
down the strotch. Ho scorned to go faster
Hearing the end of his Journey , and wns
going at , a terrltlc pace when he ptHsnu under
the wlro , ono length In front of Billy. Low
AVelr wns the same distance ithcnd of Murphy
nnd the Corrlgan utar , llwycr , wns last.
Time : 2:0. %
fourth mod , seven furlongs , nine st.irtors :
Ilollvnr ItiiuKnor , 110(10 ( to 1) ) , won o islly by two
lungths ; 1'oiuiy , 117 ( S tel ) . was second ; Gray
Unosu , 10,1 (4 ( 11) . " ) ) , wan third. Time : l10. : !
rifth raui * , 0110 mill' , alxstirlors : Jim Dunn ,
IDS (5 ( to 1) ) , won easily by 11 vu loncths : Kd
Shelby , UO (12 ( to 1) ) . second , and Low Janet , 110
(8 ( tel ) . third. Time : 1:49. :
" * iiciDiu : TO INCOKPORATI : .
Omaha < ioiitlcaiiiu' loilntcr : Club Tukos
ou I.t'Klll ixl ; ton < ' , ' .
A mooting of the ( iontlouian's Roads tor
club was ticiulast ni bt at tno Mlllard hotel ,
and the association decided to discard Its
constitution ana by-laws nnd Incorporate the
club * . This was done , as a committee to
which had been referred the advisability of
Incorporating submitted articles and they
were approved.
By the articles of Incorporation , which will
to fllod today with the county clerk , the
organization will bo known as the Omann Oou-
tlomati's Uoadstor club , nvlth a capital stock
of tl.r > 00 , divided into 300 shares of $5 each ,
all of which stock will bo non-assessable.
Thin object of the association , ns sot forth by
the articles , is to maintain a driving club for
tlio Improvement of roadster horses ; to
furnish outdoor exercise ana promote the
health nnd enjoyment of their owners ; to
arrange races and race matinees on the
grounds that may bo selected by the track
Tlio oQIcors ot the club consist of a presi
dent , thrco vtco presidents , secretary and
treasurer , and a board of seven directors.
The president , secretary ana treasurer are
three ox-ofllcio members of tlio directory.
Tbo following ofllcors wtro elected to till
these posr.lons : DIcit Smith , pnuldont ; D.
T. Mount , llrst vlco president ; Dr. C. U.
Hpraguc , touond vlco president ; William A.
J'axton , Jr. , third vice president : O. D. Ed
wards , Hccrotary , and Cleorso Wolsoii ,
As the president , secretary and treasurer
fill three positions on the board of directors ,
the remaining four dlioctors were than
elected : H. 1C. Burkot , 11. U. Terry , W. J.
Hughes and Henry Hainan.
The affairs of tbo club will bo conducted
by this board ,
On motion of Hobort Wells , the track com
mittee , which Is composed of Messrs. Burltct ,
Mount , Terry , Wells and Metcalf , was in
structed to confer with the Umahii Athlotlo
association and the Bicycle club with n view
of combining their Interests and together
procure ) grounds for all sorts of outdoor
The following new mombois were ad-
inltto'l : ! ' . J. Johnson , Frank W. Car-
inlchaol , Tliomus Brounan , General Esta-
brooko. Dr. V. H. Coffnmn , 1C. C. Barton , H.
A. Hainan , Clark Ucdlck and John 1. Iledick.
Another meeting of the club will bo hold
noit Monday night ,
CSoluf ; nt ( iiittonuiiri ; ,
GuTTKXiiRiio , N. J. , April 11. Track in
Coed condition , uud a good aitandanco.
First race , < > lx and onu-balt rorloiiKs ; Hln-
fax won. Ulostur second , Karly lan third ,
Tlini' ! 1:151. :
Si'cond r.iiaulx furlongs : Persian won ,
fitrrnns second , Arthur Davis third. Time :
Third rai-o. Uvo nnd ono-lnlf furlongs :
Salisbury won , Alum T second. Dixie third.
Tlinot I ail
Konrth lace , ono mlle and nqunrtor ; I'on-
oloi won , frUptn govond , 1'ellmm tlilrJ , Time ;
1 Ifth race , govon furlongs ; I'ottlwlt won ,
Graft second , Arohltuot third. Tiniu : lilVi. :
hUtli raeo , suvun-olKhtliH of u inllu : Uen-
. taur won , Ofaleoo second , Sandstone third ,
Time : lUl. :
Tli | < lur Todiiy.
Hero nro some hones thought to bo the
pick tor today at the tracks mentioned ;
1.n . Vandal Ottnrn ,
1.Ii Vojullto Alum T ,
Ii ! Uucurtnlnfy Oliaraeter.
t. Ilmlnii l.oi onio.
6. Ouo Kluuiior.
6.C , Illanuho Ulndlator.
1 , Jim Head Sir Olmrlu * .
' . ' .
, Uotiuutto-rltovouno.
a Klluy-Kiiltliful ,
4. KusumiMit lluttlna.
C. Marlu K-Suiuiybroolc.
& ICcu L'rmcu Iteditone.
TIIIIV orus/ .
Oniahu'n 'foam Will Uo hlicil Up ut tloiui
Kuturdity ,
The bate ball patrons are still speculating
upon t o capacity of Omaha's new team , bui
If tba dUagrocablo weather that bas rolgnac
BO far thl * aprlug continues they will bo compelled
polled to wall for Iho opening champlonshli
Kama next Saturday nud tbeu do tholr cnti
citing. As yet they have boon aeon but lit-
Uo , even In practice , find it would bo pro
sumotlvn In any on a attempting to givn an
estimate of tholr Rtrength. In Kaniaa City ,
so tbo papers down thrro stntocl , the tosm
gave decided evidence of strength , nnd bad
they had oven as much preliminary practice
as the Cowboy * bavo thorn would have been
n different story to tell. But let that tto for
what It Ii worth , next Saturday no will all
have n chance of sizing the team up In n game
for blood.
This will bo a game , too , Ilkoly to develop
the latent strength ot the two teams nllko.
Nottbor has had any preliminary limbering
up worth speaking of , nnd will consequently
bo on an equitable footing , and If there bo
nny advantage nt nil It will bo with the homo
team , as St , Paul , so far , has had literally
no practice.
Some of the alleged criticsaro chalking the
Apostles down os u mark , but what grounds
thcv bavo for such an opinion It Is dlfllcult
for a disinterested partv to discover. They
have Old Cy SutclllTo nnd Collins for
catcncrs , as good a pair ai there Is In tno
whole league. Old Cy led the American as
sociation batting list last year with n tremendous -
mondous per cent , and all Omaha fans know
What ho 1s behind the plato , For pltchcM
Cunningham , Wndsworth nnd Koofo , Just
as line u trio as nny other team can show , at
least until It Is demonstrated In actual ser
vice that they are not. If Cunningham gets
back In his old time form well , look out ,
that U all. And their Inllcld Is there any
stronger In the circuit than Motz llrst , Old
Pop Smith second , Holland short and Billy
Alvord Ihlrdl Ifso I'd line to see thorn trotted
out. Their outllcld Is the least known quan
tity , but it Is composed of young blood , Ho-
griuvor , Donnhuo nnd Paost , all promising1
players , and who knows what Ihoy will de
velop Into in the class they will find thorn-
aolves this season. It's all a tnUinko about
St. Paul bring weak , ns n good many people
will likely find out before tha season is far
AVImt TlH'j- Think of lt ?
In speaking of Saturday's game the ICansas
City Times has these nlco things to say of
Howo's Hustlers : "Chief Stout and his
Omaha braves came down to Kansas City
yesterday and fell Into nn ambush , thorooy
losing their scalps. It was jun a Ilttio chilly
at the pane , but about SDO cranitssaw tbo
game , In which the braves wuro beaten by
the score of 12 to 7.
It was n well played patno considering tbo
weather und both tc.ims made an excellent
impression. Although beaten , Omahu has n
much stronger team than was expected , and
by Its showing yostcriinv looks to bo ono ot
the most formidable clubs In the Icaguo. It
wont on the field yesterday with practically
no practlco work , uud with Its pitchers In no
kind of condition and put up a fair gamo. It
was n kind of game , too , that attracts and in
terests play all tbo time and no foolishness.
Collopy nt third did the star work of the
day and Captured everything that came near
him. Ono of his plays , u ono handed pick
up of n slow ball nnd n lightning throw to
llMt , was particularly brilliant. Kelly at
loft field , who Is heralded as the king
boo fielder In the west , had Ilttio to do ,
but bo ran out toward the loft field
bleachers and silenced u foul ball In n way
that won tbo crowd. Ho handles himself
HUe a ball nlaver. Then , there Is Bobby
Gllks In center Held , who covered plenty of
ground nnd batted hard. The reliable bhoi-
bonk at short , n graceful , actlvo player end
uccurato thrower , safe on ground balls und a
sure thing on files , is well known tp Kansas
City "funs. " Ho is probably the best short
stop i u the Western league. With
"n the right field Omaha has u team of
iolders equal to nny and If lu pitchers de
velop the team is worth watching , as it is
sure to coma out near tbo top.
Tno bmos won the game handily by hard
hitting. In this they had tbo advantage , as
' 31tclorg | was In condition to pitch nine in
nings and none of Stout's twlrlors could
stand tun pace. Darby , a Ilttio pitcher from
the Northwest league , pitched feur Innings ,
Vlckory four and Hnndlboo onn. Nouo of
them were in condition , however.
At the bead of the Omaha rustlers is Man-
Who-Alwavs-KicKs-Howo. His tnlklng
organs are in tbo best of condition und ho
begun "roarinc" as soon us ho pot in the
park. Ho objected to n local man umpiring ,
nnd made u stump speech just before the
game. It is nlwavs safe to lav odds that
David Ell is not going to bandio the short
oud of anything it kicking will help matters.
After a dtsplav of lung power that showed
bo was in perfect condition , Dave consented
to lot tbo game go on.
llano Hull fur Council lilulfr.
The Council Bluffs Base Ball club is or
ganized and Manager Vnndonburg is pleased
with his team. The management bus secured -
cured u club that will play good honest ball.
Every man signed is a good first class
player. Following is the players who have
signed : Nichol , third base ; Arnold , center
field ; Mitts , first base ; Hardin shortstop ;
Oliver , loft field ; Tullieldsocond , base ; Mar-
tlu , catcher ; Cummmgs , pitcher ; Vundon-
burg , right field.
Olllclal AxKlKiimcut of Umpires ,
COI.UMIIUS , O. . April 11. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BIB. ] The following assign
ment of umpires for the inaugural games in
tbo Western loaguohas been made bv Presi
dent Williams : Billy Serod , at Omaha ;
CharlioSnydor at Kansas City ; Jack Mc-
Qnaid , Indianapolis , and Dan Corcoinn ,
I'orti'H Hull Tcunig.
Panu , Nob. , April 11. ( Special to Tin :
Br.E.I The base ball season at the Normal
was opened Saturday by a rattling good
game between tbo hrst and second year
classes. A largo crowd of students and town
people witnessed tbo game , which resulted in
a victory for tbo second voars by a score of
12 to 10.
Almost Itundy.
ISHNI ) , Nob. , April 11. fSpoclnl
to THE Bin.j Work on tbo base ball park
was begun this morning. A largo force of
carpenters und diggers will bo kept at waru
all week , the object being to have the
grounds ready for pluv next Sunday ,
AnxloiK for u < iuiii .
BELI.EVUB , Nob. , April 11. The Bellevue
College Diuo Ball club challenges all amateur
clubs outsldo of the Omaha city league.
Address , H. A. Carnuhan , manager , Bellevue
vuo , Nob.
A Hatch of lMft od Hull * .
Jimmy Donnelly has sent in his terms to
President Williams und will likely bo signed.
First Baseman Campion of the Toledos
had n fuss with Manager McGregor und
yesterday deserted the team.
The base ball editor received another
batch of votes vostordny for "ladles day : "
Tuesday 4 , Wednesday 4 , Thursday 7 ,
Friday 1 , nnd Saturday 8.
I.ouhvlllo bout Milwaukee yesterday by
the following score :
LnuUrillo 2 10
Milwaukee ui : 000000 u U
Manager Itowo snys there isn't n sign of a
cut glass arm in the ranks of his team. The
boys nro all In good condition , and with a
Ilttio moro practlco would bo u formidable
crowd Indood.
The championship of the National league
opens this uftornoon , Chicago plays In St.
Louis , Cleveland in LouUvlllu , Pitts burg in
Cincinnati , Boston In Washington , Brooklyn
in Baltimore und Now York in Philadelphia
Catcher Doll Darling hat boon awarded to
the Toledo club by the players' committee ot
iho Western leuguo. Negotiations have
boon ubout completed for signing Torn Nich
olson , with the St. Louis Browns , to manage
and play second base for Toledo.
Manager Cushmnn of ho Milwaukee * has
applied to the pi ay orb' ' committee for per
mission to sign Gooigo Shock , recently
released by Washington , but there is no
danger of pormls iou being gran tea. If
Shrek signs u Western league contract , tbo
Brewers will stand little chunoo In getting
Chicago Times : * In u recent game between
Cincinnati and Toledo "Mullauo caught
Third Baseman Newell under the chin with
his heel , inflicting an ugly wound. " The
Cincinnati boya are great people. Last sea <
son Latham caught ono or twp third baseman
ur.dor the chin with his fist. Variety is the
aplco of base ball ,
Tluies-Star : "Wild Bill" Wldnor will
doubtless bo eocn on Milwaukee's roll In a
few days , Ho baa sent his terms tc
Columbus , and Manager Cushmau has pul
In a claim for him. Since Cupid and Ilvmen
landed "Wild Bill" ho has given 'Kio
Gombrlnus the sbaka. Ha 1s really in
sbapo to do good work for the westerns.
Fitzgerald has-clipped oft bis rasmataus ,
and ' -Spud" Farrlsh Is now trvlug to In
duca him to got a lot of photographs taken
and allow him to paddle them In the grand
stand. By the way , President Stout sayi
FJtr Is u marvel on the second bag ; hh
double piny In Iho game with Kansas City
last Saturday being of the phenomenal do.
The sccdnd game between Omaha nnd
Kansas CitV Sunday was proirorttod"bv wet
grounds , The Omahas were Very much dis
appointed , ns they hoped to tufa the tables
on the Cowboys , However , it will be n
good time for revenge when Jimmy Man
ning and his crowd como up hero for tholr
first whirl ut the championship. O , my I
O , mol How Shannon's Lambs did larrup
this .samo gang last season. They never won
n sin glo game until nftor the reorganization
In July.
Manager Cushman of Milwaukee bas boon
dickering to sign Albert MuuU late of tbo
Pittsburgh club , and Catcher Boner ol last
year's loam. In case ho can goi the proper
consent ho wilt sign thorn nnd re 1 on90 three
tnnn ; ono of them will bo Jones , the pitcher.
Ho refuses ID name the other two. lln Is
nlso figurine wltn Pitcher Thompson of the
East End Gymnasiums , n strong county
league club. All throe nro excellent mon ,
much bolter than some now in tbo teams ,
The Plttsbutgs made but six hlU blf Thomp
son In n gamo.
Nothing has boon hoard from Fielder
Spraguc , although transoortation nnd expense -
penso money was forwarded him two weeks
ngo. It begins to look as If the old south
paw twlrlor bad concluded to go Into the
banking business somewhere , nnd glvo base
ball Iho go-by. Anyway Manager Howe telegraphed -
graphed to President Williams yesterday
that bo cither wanted Spragdo right away
or another man.and wanted him bad. The
opening championship game takes place next
Saturday , nnd Omaha's right fielder hasn't
scon a lick of practlco this year.
Advices from Minneapolis atato that the
Millers have not bean nblo to got any prac
tice nt all , owing to the continued severe
weather prevailing thoro. The team was to
hnvo played exhibition games with St. Paul
Saturday and Sunday , but iho games could
not be played because the grounds In both
cities were frozen. The Minneapolis team
leavns there tonight for Kansas City nnd will
roach there tomorrow night. They expect to
got permission from Manager Manning to
practlco ut Exposition park , mat if they can't
do that will llnd sonio other grounds in the
city to limber tip on.
The list of last year's Western association
players who have" signed with the Eastern
Icaguo Is us follows : Big George Wilson ,
Tom Flunnagnn and "Hoddy" Hniiruban
with the Philadelphia team , Billy Hoover
with Kochestor , Harrv Fournior , Jake Wells ,
Tom Morrlssov and Dan Shannon with Now
Haven , Tom O'Brien with Providence , Mc-
Mnhon with Albany , Henuio Knppoll with
Buffalo , Sandy Griffin with Bliigliamton nnd
and McGlono with Troy. Blnghamton and
Troy got the cream of the whole outllt In
Sandy Grlfiln and Jack McGlono , both old
Omaha players.
Opening or tlio TiiR-nf-War.
The great international tjg-of-wnr which
opens ut Exposition hall next Tuesday night ,
tlio 19th , promises to prova a most exciting
nthlotlo contest. Manager Prince has nil
tenms ready to start into the battle ; onch
has regularly nnd systematically organized ,
and by tbo opening night will have had their
lull month's training nnd practice. The
winners of this tournament will claim tba
championship of not only Nebraska but the
whole northwest. Thn winning team will
pull down several thousand 'dollars In cash
boildo tbo hamUomo prlzei hung Up.
A feature of the tue will bo the grand liar-
udo on the uftornoou of the opening. Each
team arrayed in the garb of their native land
and carrylag the colors of their country ,
will occupy a position in the long line , while
the Fort Omaha band will bead all. The Indian
team , composed of members of the regiment
of scouts at tbo Fort , will appear In tbo wild
costume of war , with headdresses of hawks ,
plumes and wauimusos and leggings of door
skin. Altogether the parade will bo a snec-
taclo worth witnessing. Exposition hall
will bo brilliantly illuminated , and hand
somely nnd attractively decorated through
out the seven nights' struggle.
Work has begun on the democratic wigwam
at Chicago.
Kloven now cisos of smallpov have bqen
discovered In Now York Olty since last Satur
A meeting of lioston , Muss1. , Congregational
ministers has condemned the Chinese exclu
sion net.
The steamship Fulda. from Hromcn. which
nrr.ved nt New Vork , hud four cases of smull-
pox on board.
Howard Kcbols and .Tonnlo Harris , colored ,
of St. l.ouls , engaged In a duel with pistols ,
lloth tire dead ,
Fifty mm , proprietors and attaches of five
HnlTulo , N. Y. . pool rooms have been Indicted
by tbo grand jury and arrested.
The late ho ivy rains In North Dakota have
caiibcd the Red river to overllow Its banks
nnd much damage bus been done.
Inhuman cruelty Is charjieiby the Inmates
of tlfo Dolawnio county , Indiana , infirmary
against the otHalals of t > : it establishment ,
It. .1. Cortls of
, agent Ilumbnrg-Ainort- -
uan stoamsblu line nt Tienton. N. . ) . , liis ; been
lined $300 for violating the alien contructlabor
Boomers still continue to crowd to the now
country ( o bo opom'cl to settlement In Oklu-
bonia and tliotiaat.ds upon thousands
waiting UDOII the borJor of the lands soon to
bo available.
The Now England Methodist conference put
Itself on record ns being emphatically against
thoononlng of the World's fair on Sunday und
nlso to discourage the publication ot Sunday
Justice Patterson of Now York refused to
admit complainant Iti K. J. James In a suit
ngumst J , Henry Work to recover I.'UO.U ) ' ,
money Invested and urollls In und from con
tracts hold by tbo linn of Grant & Co.
H. 1 * . Thomuson wns drowned whllo at
tempting to load his water wagon In n lalio
near Lovoland. Colo. Ills young son ulso went
into the water , lint succeeded In escaping.
Thompson's body has not yet been found.
Dr. M. ! ' . Ilorino of Chicago filed suit in the
United Slates circuit court against Alfredo
Il.irlll of Kansas City. Mo. , for allonatln the
ulluctlons of the doulor'x wife , Dr. llorlnu
ual < s for J.'fl.oou us balm for his wounded feel
The partly decomposed bodv of a man
Unown us Ivfd hits been found near
llllllntrs , Mont. He had been murdered , Ha
wus shot In several places und had been duud
for llvo weeks. There Is no clew to the mur
If the eastern window glass manufacturers
Indorse tlio nctfon of the western manufac
turers , who have decided to shut down all
factories on May : il and remain Idle until
October 15 , It will bo the longest w.mlow glass
shut-down since the long strike of IbN'l.
The mammoth central n roll of tlio manu
facturers building ut the World's fair ,
Chicago , wus completed lust evening.
Tlio Immon&o structure ) has u hols lit of 212
foot , and u width at the base of : i75 feet , and IB
tbo largest arcb over constructed for nny
building In tbo world. It nan bo plainly Been
from the center of tno city , over sqven miles
uway ,
I'roiiucdlngd have boon boun In iho com
mon pleas court of I'hlladolnhla by tlio com
monwealth of Pennsylvania against the Mu
tual Hanking Surety Trust and Safe Deposit
company of thatulty to Inivo the nlfulrH of the
company adjusted. Application has also been
made for tbo appointment of u receiver to
taUocluir.'ouf the business whllo the proceed
ings wore pending ,
An uprising of anarchists In Ilfn/l | has been
suppressed In Its Inulploncy .by the govern
ment ,
The Trench steamer Arnollo has foundered
at sea , Part of the orow were Havod'ubd bavo
been lauded at 1'ailllac. _ ,
H. W. Walters and Frederick Illack ,
swindlers , have been seutonuod by u London
court each to u long term of Imprisonment.
The Krench Chamber of Deputies , by u vote
of UIO to 71 , has luloptol the credit of IWU.tXJU
francs ( or operations a aijst | , Iho Ualiomo-
Kx-Manueor Richardson of the Deposit bank
of Sydney , Australia , has becrr Benlonuud to
tour years' imprisonment. forrdoolurlniffaUo
balances ,
A boat containing six army oiigluucra was
oapsl/ol ut Uruvosond , Cuxluhd , uiul three of
tbo ovuupuntsuiro drowned. The othois
swum tuhore.
A crowd of antl-1'arnellltcs In Dublin at
tacked u I'urnolllte band at Watorfdrd'und iv
free flKht ensued. Many stones were thrdwu
and several persons severely in hired , ,
The Ilrltlsb hhlp VUcount which Balled from
San Francisco January Si , for Liverpool , wus
wruekud and lost at Stanley , 1'alUland islands ,
on March Ul. Three of the crew wuro
Doomlnz pusses most of his time In the Mel
bourne jull In writing his dofonsu. HU coun-
bul proposes to apply for a postponement of
the trial on the urotind that the present pub-
lie excitement would prtijudlco u ftilr trial.
Tun villages In Hungary have boon buriiod
The spreading of the llro was assisted by dry
and windy weather. Large stores of coin uud
many head of cuttle were burned. 1'lvo per
sons were killed and thousands uro houiclui * .
Two moro anarchists , who were denounce !
by Muuoz , havu bean arrested by the Madrid
police. Muuoz Informed the judgu that Du
llccho and 1'elorruru worocho eu at u meeting
of uoarolilsu , hold near Madrid , to blow up
tbo ChumLer ot Deputies.
Joatrico Delia N t Strong Enough to Hold
'Two ' Burglars ,
BfJUI. -
, -tiiii
Wnntcit for Knctiit Crlinin In Tlml City
How tlio I'fnirlomitli < 1. A. It , Annual
inruini < iif.Iiit of Nrbnukn Will
BBATIUCK , Nob. , April It. [ Special Talo-
tram to THR 15 KK. ] The two Onmhn crooks
odRcd In tlio city jail Saturday for burglary
committed at the Now York racket store ,
uccccdod In escaping from jail last nlRbt by
ircaklng the padlock from tbolr cell door.
Vs the Jail corridor door was loft unlocked
bo fugitives once outsldo tholr cells bad
clcnr sailing. Another prisoner , held for
drunkenness , also escaped. The trio are
still nt largo.
lullrulhniH Tliul tliii Fourteenth
( I. A. IE , I'vtiniiin Will Unn Sticcrm.
UIUND ISMND , Nob. . April 11. [ Special
to Tin : Unn. 1 From Indlrntlons which have
0 far bubbled to the surface , Camu Sheri
dan , or the fourteenth annual reunion of the
Grnnd Army of the Republic ot Nebraska ,
vlll bo another brilliant success. The re
union committee Is beginning actlvo work
earlier than heretofore , tbo object being to
invo everything In complctu readiness sev
eral weeks before the thousands of veterans
and visitors roll In.
Tlio reunion com in it too luul a joint mooting
vtth the guarantee com nut too Sutnrdny
light. Comrades Victor Vlfqimm and I. 11.
\Iter wore ulcctod member * to till the vacan
cies of Charles Howell and J. D. Mooro.
The cuarantco committee reported on
srounds. Camp Sheridan will bo erected on
the sumo stto upon which Camp Sherman
stood last year. It Is tbo best site obtain
able. Chairman Seth I * . Moblay apnointod
ho following committees : On speakers ,
1 cargo II. Caldwell , .Department Commander
nilworth , C. I-1. Uontley , A. Allen. J. U-
Uoaglicr and Victor Vifquam. Music ,
Joorgo P. Donn , George K Hyan , J. H.
MeoRber , Cook and Alter ; on program entire
committee. IMutluR aim advertising ; Ilnrry
Harrison , George Caldwell and George P.
Utrnu. On grounds , Harry Harrison , I. H.
Alter , George P. Doan and Goorco Culdwoll.
On motion Senator Charles F. Mandcrson
, vas added to the committee on speakers , and
S. P. Mobloy to tbo committee on advertising
and printing and to committee on grounds.
Instructions woio given the secretary to
enter correspondence with the Trnnsmis-
sourl Trafllo association for the free trans
portation of a limited number of bands.
Harry Harrison wa elected quartermaster.
Captain Murdoch's ' battery will bo invited to
Utcnd , aside from which there will probably
Do no militia and no regulars. It was de
cided to obtain three speakers of national
reputation , ono from onch political party ,
with the understanding that the speeches
nto to bo nonpavUsau. The guarantee committee
mittoo wns Instructed to have tbo supply of
wood on baud six weeks before tbo opening
of the camp , Au'gust 20. It was decided to
liolil the next meeting oC the committee Juno
I. wuon a program will bo prepared for pub
lication. I
CIIHTE , Ncb.jvApril 11. The Nebraska
weather service In co-operation with the
United States weather bureau furnishes iho
following weeklj'vbathor crop bulletin :
DOANE C'or.i.KOK , 'OiiKTK , April 0. As the
month of March * aA unusually cold , having u
niunn dully temperature moru tliiin : i = below
tlio normal over k'ntliur more thun the soutb-
otn half of tliostittui' while the participation
was somewhat uU < ; yo tbo normal the season
opened lute nnd , tdu ground was saturated
with moisture td"tr { extent wlilcli delayed
scudini ; In nranyo'nai-tsiof ' the state. 01110
sBudlni ; WHSdonotatciii $ . < uo second week | n
Murplu tut little Drnziossv , was iu.ilodiuliir
this lesfof the mono ! In most sections at the
During the first woel < of April the tompcr.i-
tnro wassllditly bolo\r the norninl und the
amount of snnsnlnodceliLcdly so.
Tlio rainfall generally auovn tlio norma -
ma ' excepting In ihoouth-contrul poitlon of
tbo state , and In tlio northern part conslbem-
bly above the normal , reaching it maximum
of0 Inches : it vilciitliie. Along the .Mission
river generally U exceeded an Inch.
The early part of the week wus ponerally
rainy and the later pare fair and the week
closes with farming operations In rapid pro
gress. The soiruiifof Is well advanced
and that of oats beginning.
All fall sown grain is rouorted In excellent
condition , some early sown spring is
already up.
Note More observers are desired , and wo
should be glad to eonospoiid with any who
am willing to report. All blanks und postage
will bit fimilsliou. Observers tire requested to
furnish , If convenient , statement * of thonuro-
ago of small grains ns compared with pluvious
years. GOODWIN D. DWK/.KV , Director.
0. A. LovpLAMt.
Weather Itnican Assistant.
HiilIroiKl IIinployoH Orgunl/.i1.
GHAND ISLAND , Neb. . April 11. [ Special
to Tin : BEE. ] The railway employes met
Friday night and organised tbo Grand
Island Hallway Employes club , the object of
which will bo mutual protection and social
communion. II. Knodoll , state organizer ,
of Omaba was present. The club consists of
over lot ) charter members. Jamas Ferguson
was elected president , II. P. Makelv " , vice
president ; U. 1. Hill , secretary ; O. J. Wim ,
treasurer ; J. E. Wright , Thomas Hoblnson
and Mouroo Taylor , exncutivo committee. S.
P. Ay era was elected delegate to the stale
Viilou I'uclllr liriikomnii Killed.
Smxnv , Nob. , Aprjlll. [ Special Telegram
to THIS BIK.J Charles E. Wheeler , n brakeman -
man on the Union Pacific rulUvay , was
itlllod hero today by ougitioNo. 033 , Engineer
Frank Wlnn. Wheeler had just stopood oft
bis caboose and was In the act of going to
tlio depot when the engine , wblcb was on
tbo other track , bucked up , completely cut
ting Whoolor's ' head off. Wheeler leaves a
wife and child at North Platto. Ho was a
member of tbo Anclout Order of United
Workmen. _
Lincoln 1'roli'nis Vigorously.
LINCOLN , Nob. , April II. Amass mooting
of roprescntatluo citizens tonight. General
John M. T hay or presiding , protested against
the passage of the bill now bcforo congress
appropriating flUO.OOO to defray the expenses
ol the next Grand Army encampment , to beheld
hold at Washington. Resolutions were
passed Instructing Nooriuka member * of
congress to vote against the bill , and a pretest -
test will bo made before tbo house appropri
ation committee. hnO
ii H.I D bnlvailor.
FIIKMONT , Neb. , April 11. [ Special
gram to Tin ; Buc.J J.V. . L.OVO , consul to
San Salvador , loft for'that country today to
resume bis oflicinl dubos there after an absence -
sonco of sovuralj ripnttis from bis poet to
loon after hU prlvftWibuslnoas at homo , Air.
Love goes by wa d | Washington to confer
with Secretary Ufalna relative to certain
policies to bo pursuji < } * by him In Salvador.
BRATIHLT , Nob.Mjjrll Jl. [ Special Telo-
grara to TUB Buu ft-airs. Mury Blnlrwldow ,
i t John Blair , wholSapi i killed by tbo cars In
this city in FebroarV last whllo returning
homo in a state of tlrtftxleation , has sued for
$ loK ( > 0 damages nKoTust Salooulsta Bradt.
Scgclko , ( Jrossholz , Braun and Henry Wolf
and their &overa | | ajarlties. The petition
tills twenty typow3 < tn pages ,
Worklni ; ou the Depot ,
GHANU ISHND , Nob" . , April 11. [ Special
to TUB BEK.J Assistant Eugluoor Kmory of
the Union Paciilo arrived here yesterday
and has beaiin the work bf surveying tbo
grounds for the now deoot , and for the re
moval to other points in the yard of build-
lues which now stand on tbo slto to bo used
for the depot. . f
Nolinmkn -
Sciiovr.Eii , Web. , A'pr'1 ' H. [ Special to
Tun BBB.I Following U the statement pf
raort ago lodebtednoss of this countv for
March : Farm mortgages Wed , 50 , f35.0-.J5.70 \
released , 62 , MI.03I.SO. City mortgages
filed , 11 , ? 5,8l US ) ; released. 7 , f4.047.5U. Chat
tel mortgage * tiled , 01 , fJ7.Ubl.OU ; released ,
as , $ j2mw. _
llt-atricn' * Wulcr Supply.
BBATKICE , Neb. , April 11. [ Si > cclnl Tole-
cram to TUB BBK. ] The contractors of the
now Wfttof works plant hnvo finnlly con
cluded that In oHor to furnUh tbo cilv Its
requlslto water supply a nutnbar ot addi
tional well mint bo put down , The contract
ors have fnlth that the water supply Is there
but It will rcnulro nearly double tbo present
number of wells In Iho Paddock pasture to
meet tbo dcmnnd.
Normal School Societies Mrrt. , Neb. , April It. ( Spoclal to Tun
BEE. ! Lnst Friday evening bolnij the llrat
meeting of the Normal school term , the
literary societies elected ofllcois. Miss Etta
Smith of Oniahn WAI elected president of
the Everett , wbilo Thomas Uobb < ol Boat-
rlco was given that honor In the Pluloraath-
Inn society. Both will nniko ofllciont ofllccrs.
.lulled nt Itunlnllln ,
KCSUVILLE , Nob. , April 11. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Uns.J Shorlft Hcsecranz
arrested Claude Cooley this morning upon mi
information Illod by Susie Soars. The ohsrgo
U illegitimate parentage. The hearing was
continued until next Mondavnnd bonds llxod
at $1,000. Cooley is now In jail.
I.lriitctmnt Hubert Injnrril.
FOUT HontNsoN , Neb , , April II. [ Special
Telegram to Tup. BBr.J Lloutonant Hubert ,
Eighth Infantry , mot With n serious accident
yesterday afternoon , breaking both bones of
one of his logs close to the nnklo joint.
IIoiv Two Sri-grunts VTorknl Up n Cnsn
AKnlnntu I'Hlriilni'iii.
The Fire and Police commissioners made
nn effort to earn tholr salaries last night by
holding n llvo hour session.
Ofllcor Burr was on the carpet for loan
ing up ugninstn building whllo on duty nnd
citing n supposed drunken man go homo
after being ordered by Sergeant Graves to
arrest him , The testimony brought out the
'net that SorgcanU Graves and Ilazo played
high llvo mm drnnlc beer half of ono Sunday
afternoon with Edward Keen in order to llnd
out whether Keen escaped from tbo olllcor or
was lot go and told to strike out for homo.
Burr pleaded guilty to letting the man go
mil tbo board reprimanded uud reinstated
Charges of assault were preferred by
lames McCabe ngaiint Ofllcor O'Gorman" .
The McCabcs roomed nt tbopoliceman's
house and had a little family quarrel. A
decision In the case was laid over for ono
Chief boavoy rooortod that 1,223 meals ,
costing ? , were furnlshod prisoners
during March. The polioo sick report showed
that 150 days were lost by tbo patrolman
during March. The flromen lost thirty-six
days during the same period.
Choaf Soavey asked for twenty now mon
by May 1. The committee on finance re
ported that with the present force there
would bo only S1,0'JO In the fund at tbo end of
the year. However , llvo now mou will bo
apnolntod ninl Friday afternoon was sot
nstdo for examinations.
The Iho department needs tnoro mon und
aorsoi , nnd as that fund is in good shace , ap
pointments und purchases will be made.
The chief of police recommended that
Patrolmen Bruce and Von Mugo uo retired ,
as they were useless us police olllcors. The
dlschargp of Bruce was laid over ono week ,
nnd at the request of Commissioner Hartman
the Von Mni-'go matter was pigeon-holed.
Three so\s of Halo collars and two now
congs will bo purchased for the lira depart
ment , The lire alarm box at Second and
Chestnut will bo moved to First nnd Chest
nut.J. . W. Flt/muurlcc , driver of chemical 2.
drew n ton davs' leavo. Olllcors Ellis , Hn/o
and Mnrnell were als.0 granted vacations.
E. M. Lnwlor was removed as special
policeman at the Farnaui Street Tucatcr nnd
Henry Eggers appointed.
The communication from the council asking
that an ofllcer bo detailed to not ns license
inspector wus considered. Detective Vaughn ,
who wus highly recommended by Chief
Seavoy , gathered in the plum and tuo rest i > f
.tbo applicants , Including .1 nominee by the
mayor , were not even considered.
A balance ot ? 5,87T was In the treas ury of
the police rollof fund March 31.
OWcer Cory was given u vote of thanks for
chasing u couple of burglars uud getting
shot nt.
A complaint was in ado to the mayor about
school girls lounging ubout tbo corner of
Ninth nnd Capitol avenue and talking with
courtesans. Chief Soavoy will put u stop
to it.
Colonel Curtis exhibited nians for the now
lire department headquarters at Eighteenth
and LIarnoy streets. Excavating1 was com
menced vosterday.
P. O. Hanson "prayed Tor a transfer of his
liquor license from 1335Nor'.hTwonty-fourth
street to 1827 , same Btreot , granted. Drug
gist S. S. Lanvon was allowed to transfer
from 2832 to 2S02 Farnam street. M. Me-
Gulro & Co. , 3U South i-'ourtoanth strict ,
and William Nleman , 1345 North Twenty-
fourth street , were granted liquor licenses.
1' . J. Boyson , Forty-fourth and Leaven-
worth , applied for a license , but was so
strongly opposed by Mr. Gilbert that tbo
matter was laid over.
I.lbcloil Ginornor I'lilUmm.
PimAiEi.riiiA , Pa. , April 11 , The case of
William J. Jordan and J. McL/.iurin of the
Harrlsburg Morning Call , charged by Gov
ernor PaUlson with criminal libel in pub
lishing the famous "Turn on the Light" ar-
licle during Iho campaign of 1SH ! ) , was on
the list for trial before J micro Pan ny packer
today but It was postponed until Thursday ,
May 5 , nt the request of the defense. Mc-
Laurin was present but Jordan did not ap
pear , as ho thought a postponement woulu
bo obtained. Ilia ball , however , was for
feited by bis bondsman , William P. Small.
Lost 111 * J.ifc lor the ilookft.
Louisviu.u , Ky. , April 11. At Catllots-
burg the Hour mill of J. U. Patton & Co. was '
destroyed by Uro. Charles McC'oy , iho mill
er , was burned to death. The llro wai of in
cendiary origin. McCoy rau in to got Iho
books , which were on thu second floor , but
bpforo ho could return bo was cut off by the
llamas and was burned to death. McCoy
was to have boon married In a few day. The
loss ou thu mill is 50,000.
IMLAl. ItltKriTlK'i.
Mrs , Starltoy , who was arrested for shop
lifting , was held In 100 bonds.
Four minor permits aggregating ? ISO were
Issued by the superintendent of bulldlnir
yesterday ,
The case of C. Gee Wo for practicing mud-
Iclno without a certificate from tbo State
Board of Health was continued until Ibo25lh
E. II. Wilting , who lives down outherivor
front , filed a complaint against Jerry Buok
yesterday for burglary. The complainant
bluims that Quclc stele $11 worth of plunder.
"WHHo" Wlldo and Clara Hoblnson were
triad in police court yesterday afternoon for
living together without thoiiocossary Ilcctiso.
Tlioy will bo bound over to the district court
The Douglas -County Harrison club will
bold a m pot ing nt Waterloo tomorrow after
noon. Thuro are tbirtooii of the country
precincts represented lu the membership of
the club ,
Two Ilttio children Just able to walk
strayed from their homo at Twentieth and
Nicholas a I roots yesterday and were picked
up by the pollen near the fair grounds and
Bout to hoadiiiaitors | , 'ihoy were afterward
taken homo ,
A Chinaman from Dlalrcamo up to sco the
town and rati against a nlco quint fun tan
game at Twelfth and Ilurnoy streets , op
erated by ouo Ham Wong. Long Bee from
Ivooloy villa wus just able to sou at the end of
Iho game ibat ho was out f-sO and caused thu
arrest of Wong for gambling , CouitOftU-er
Koyaor wilt act us interpreter at tha trial
in Xtli'/ITIM ill' fltTtl fTPl tPTl
Revolutionists Said to Bo Gaining Strength
Desertions from the Government ,
i'rpililrnt Tnlnrlo S.tlil to Uo Honily to
I.PIMO tlin lloiintrj iiei'tlin : < In Arc 'U-
thm A llrii/lll ii ( Uixpinor In Trmi-
blr South Ainrrlvtin No 4 ,
[ Cn ) > i/i toMnl IS ) } bn J < imr ( ? nnhn
C \iui-vo , Venezuela ( vln Onlvoston , To\- . ) ,
Aptllll. [ By Mexican Cable to the Now
York Herald Spocinl to Tin : BEE. ] C3on-
ornl Crogpo , who n few days ago wan ro
portoa to have been utterly routed and In
hiding , has , ns I predicted In my last dis
patch , reappeared at the head of n strong nud
enthusiastic forco. Tl < o story ubout his de
feat nnd proclpltnto Hlght was undauntedly
a government liotlon. It Is the policy of
President 1'ulncloJ nnd his advisors to do-
colvo the outsldo world as to the real state ot
atfnlrs in the republic. Oospo's headquar
ters arc at Valencia , nud ho Is said to bo
strongly Intrenched. There nro 1,600 men
under his command.
It Is rumored that another engagement
has taken place between the covcinmont
forces nnd the revolutionists , but the result
1s unknown. The administration l. < of course
claiming that It scored n big victory. This
is not nrobaulo. for the noveinmciit troops
are discontented nud Inclined to mutiny.
They nro dissatisfied with their poor food
mid low wages , nnd It Is believed that a largo
proportion of them \\lll desert to the enemy
at the Hrst good opportunity.
I am reliably informed that Crespo con
tinues to fain recruits daily. The stiugglo
in reality has only begun. If the present
rate of Increase- his ranks Is kepi up ho
will soon bo In a position to bogln hU long
contemplated march upon the city.
The government forces have boon ordered
to uiovo upon Valencia , but they dn not seem
to bo In much of u hurry to do HO. Should
Urespo defeat them , and this appears to bo
qulto llkoly , Crospo undouotodly will make
torcod marohoH upon Caracas and endeavor
to Invest U before Palaclo can organize a re
Nearly all ot i'ulucio's men nro now In the
field and Caracas Is virtually dofcnaclcst.
People hero nro hourly expecting to hear
that Crcspn Is swoeplng'down upon the capi
tal. Pnlnclo is uaid to bo fully prepared tor
nny such emergency and u Is com mon belief
that nt the llrst Intclllguiico of tbo serious
rout of hh army ho will try to lo.ivo the
country. Ho could do so at n moment's
notice , for ho has trnnoforrod the bulk of his
wealth to n plnco of safety nnd his family Is
out of clangor. These nro tbo true lacts of
the present situation of nlTiiirs. No relinnco
can bo placed upon European cublo news
from this country belittling the rev
olutionary movement. They are like
these the unfortunate iialmncoda sent
out from Ohlli just before ho wus
overthrown. The press , mall nnd cable cen
sorships hero continuerigid. . All letters
whoso contents nro nt all the subject ot sus
picion uro examined and uuloss everything
Is clearly understood by the censor and sat
isfactory to bun the letters are not permitted
to leave the country. It is exceedingly dllll-
cult to got news out any way. The writers
of couliscatcd loiters are lluod or linpi'ld-
oucd ,
The rumors of plots are ripe in Caracas.
Everybody Is expecting nuother resort to
dyi.amitc. A strong force of soldiers and
police still guard the yolloiv houso.
JIU'ctio is In Ai-K < * iithm.
Ai UBS , Argentina , ( via Galveston ,
Tex. , April 11. [ By ( Jnnlo to thu
Now York Herald SpucUl to Tim BGC.J
The result of tbo elections in ihis city yester
day was as follows : Coalition or acuurdlcln
party , ( iill , : ; radicals , 7'J. '
Lu Prousa claims that the returns of the
Judges of elections are In excess of tbo actual
number of votes polled.
El SudM America , and Li Argentina , the
radical papers , have reappeared , nud
strongly denounce the government.
Dr. L.OUIS Saenz Pena today received many
visitors , and was warmly congratulutoa on
the results ot thu election.
Dr. Castellanos , ono of the radical
prisoners on board the government war ship
Argentina , at Ensoniida , is seriously ill.
His physicians recommend his release.
Some of the radicals who are slightly com
promised In the recent alleged plot against
Pclllgrliil , have gene to Uruguay.
.Sniiill I'ox Ita-lii.i- . ftuu Salttulor.
SAX SALVUIOII , ( via Galveston , Tex. , )
April 11. IBv Mexican Cable to the Now
Yoik Horala Special to Tin : Bii.j : Will
iam P. Fletcher , and English professor , died
hero today of smallpox , The disease is
raging in spite of all precautions to check It.
Would Not Alloiv Him to l.iunl.
Rio JANPIUO , Brazil ( via Unlvostou , Tox. ) ,
April 11. [ By Moxlcnu Cable to tbo Now
YorK Herald Special to TUB BII : : , I The
steamer Uiainnnto , convoying the now gov
ernor , Ewbank , to the state of Matte U rosso ,
arrived at its destination today , but iho gov
ernor was not permitted to land. Ho was in
formed tbnt the artillery would forcibly re
sist nny such attempt. Ho thereupon went
ever to tbo Paraguay sldo of the rivet ami ho
Is now there nwaltlng a cbungo lu the stnto
ot affairs.
Chill's MInlHtcr ti > tlin United States.
Vli.t'Aiuiso , Chill , ( via Ualveston , Tax. , )
April 11 [ By Mexican Cnulo to the Now
York HeraldSpecial to Tin ; Bui : . I The
nest of minister to the United States baa
been olTorcd to Senor Blest Gann , who Is now
in Europe. It will be tondeied bv Minister
Mntto in Paris. Uana Is u liberal in politics
and n smart diplomat. If bo acconis
the oftlco ho is sure lo bo popu
lar In Washington. There is couslder-
uUlo uungrcciuenl in iho council tvhlch
hus Iho diroclion of Iho railroads , owing to
tlio opposition of Minister Iticsco to tlio ap
pointment of Juan WalKer Marline/ a
director. Kiosco U only following the nctlon
of his predecessor In thu ofllco. Walker Is a
conservative , and his past actions In many
buslnojs transactions uro alleged to hava
been shady. Those en urges operated ucuinsi
hla appointment.
Englishmen , representing n colony of Bi'li
Ishers owning lands iu the department of
Victoria in southern Chili , visited their con-
sulnto today for Information in regard to
California. Tlioy alleged that lifo and inop-
orty were IIIHOCUI-O lu that pmof the country
nnd thutiilx natives of Great Britain had
boon murdered during the past year , Ttiofin
ot farm tools and animals , they said , were
dally happening. They nro committed hi
bands of Chilians who served In Dnlinuroda'.s
army uml who slncu Its dUbandoninont huvo
depended ou pilhitru for tholr uieuns of liveli
The colonists alleged ns n further causa of
complaint thai they could pot obtain cars to
transport wheat and limber to tno innikois.
Tlioy nddod that the uativos of houth-
ern Chill disllko exceedingly to hnvo
foreigners soulo nmont ; them. Only tbo
close tiond PxUting among tbu Ut-rinan
anbtnlcs In Valdlvlu prevents blmllur out
rages there , The British wnrshlp Gainetl
i iviveu iioro lodny. Hho is tno only warship
of any foreign nation ou-llio west coast of
South Auiorlcn.
Advices from Montavldoo state that , , tbo
estimate of expenses before coiigross amount
to 12,000,1100 in gold.
Mrs. L. H. 1'ntton , Kocmord , III. , writes :
"Fiom pur&anal uxporlunco I can recommend
UoWilt's Karsaparllla , u euro for imp nro
blood and general debility. "
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. GoV't Report
tfothinn con7 6t
wiftl in fAvor ol
the best modicln *
in the world Hint
may not IKS wild
of I ho most
worthies * In ono
case , it's true ; in /
; the other , It Un't ;
but how call
you ( llstinguM ! 1
JmlRo by what Is done. There's only our
McKxI-tmrillpr ( hnt'fi f/tmrmtf < < < / . IV * Dr
Pierre's Uoldon Medical Discovery nud this
Is wlmt Isdono with It ; If It doesn't benefit or
rnrp , In every C.TK , you got your money
iHiefc. Isn't it likely to bo the liostJ
All the ypur round , ns well nt ono lime ns
another , It clonuses nnd purifies the system.
All blood-poisons must cu , 1'or Dysiwpsla ,
IHlloiiRiioss , Scrofula , Salt-rhoum , Tetter.
Krj > lpola < i , or nny Mood-taint or tlisordcr , it
is nn tinoiiunlod rumc < ly.
It's the choni > est , too. With this , you pay
only for the goad you get
And nothing else Is "just ns pood" It
may Ixs l > ottoi--'for the dealer. Hut ho Isn't
Iho ono that's to l > o heljKxl.
" Vnluo rtelvixl. . or no pay , " you can't '
get these U-rms with any other mwllclncs , nt
wiy price.
There is nothing in a phy
sician's life that gives him
more satisfaction than seeing
the prompt effect of Scott's
Emulsion of cod-liver oil in
bringing back plumpness and
color to thin and pale chil
" Poor baby ! " Everybody
sees the sad picture. No one
but the physician appreciates
it. He knows what dangers
threaten thin children.
Let us send you a book
about thinness.
SCOTT& UOWNT , Cliciimt j , 13 , South jtli Avenue ,
New York.
Your ilmccut keep * Scolt's Emulsion of cod-llvrr
oil all dtuggi&U everywhere do. f i.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water.
For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics ,
ObappoA Hands , Wounds , Burna ,
A t ) Uehtful
MENT.i | iu lilo tor Hrilorli , Mlidneii , Klt < , NJJ.
ritlKla , ilu-vilii'he , Nurvum I'roitr.v.lun OMJIII ! br > l
toliol ortubicco , WiikufulliOK , Monti I Dj.iro ill > : i
Buftanln ot tlio llritln , otnlni Inrinltv. mlior/
dfciyilavh , 1'ru uatura OM A < J. IHrrunnaii , l.jii
of I'owor In cither tox. liupiitoiiujr , l,34corrhu jt u 11
nil KuinstuVoUnosiai , Involuntary l.onoi. ioit-
matorrliuoaciiiiul br ] oviir-axertlun of Ilia brvln
Bolf-nhm' > , o70r-ln ItilKono A'aj.illi's troatuunt
11,0 for f > , I/ null U'n Cimrantoj nlic lin < ei l >
cure. 1C wli orJor for I hux x , with Ji rll ! o 11 * rl t
tru KUar.intoa to r"funl It njt cnrjJ. On ir int
In9iiotlonlr < > r , \ . & < lirofr , llrnaalit. sulu ugi'iili , H
K. tor. Illth uml rarniiiu at * , Oinuhii Noli
nrpnlnn rial , .
N < i pay till corti. DK
Vo jcnil the mnrvelrmi I'ronrli.
lit moaCALTitOS frre , nnJ n 1 cuarnntou that CAM lion lilt
r.TOI' Dltolmrer * .1 I'mUtlon. , f
CUHKHpprmntorrliCH. \ urlroirle r
lUld Itl-.HTOHi : I.oct % Iffor.
Use > t and pavi/satis/ifJ.
Addrtu , VON MOHL CO. .
Holn Anrrinn IgfoO. , fl.tli.ntll , Uhlo , I
BOYD'S NEW THEATER I'1" ' ' M. " ' I '
Bmctitoontli and llaincy Plrei'ts.
Thursday , Friday and Satimlay , April 11 , If ) , IG
Snl.nrclatj MnLluoo.
Hnln of n-ix-rvucl u Hi oiiorm Wu Inu-iil iy IN nu
1'nniunt , * l inniuutrlrrlu 7,10 nnil II lulniny , M
uml Vio. pillory > o Jlntliioi ) iirlriJUc ( uml , .
0 Night ? Oominoacing Sunday Mat. April 10.
Hunilar inntl/iun innl nlxlit. .MnnUny itml 'I uatil i
nlishli. A 11/it lortiMllllm " Wi-lnu il.iy Hint-
liiu'j , - Inet"Voilnusaiy ami 'l'liur Jny nlxlif
MlltfCJO CO ,
W O N U 1 ? > I i I A. N LJ
- AN n
Grand Opera House.
Comer I'llmml Capital Avenue ,
Open dally fnnn 1 lo I'l ' p. in.
.riMiioMTiis : AND i'iitroiiMAM'is. : :
I IVrfo imiiiui' dullnt . ' . : ! ' . . 11. n .iml U.JJ n
in. ( Jcnni il AdmMimi Uiiti tniiiu.
Fiinidiii Slrect Tlieatcr. 1'01'dliAU J'ltlOK.t
'Jun XtulKn Onlu1'rlilnil uml . .Siilmil'Iji / ) II li
ami I'l. ' Jlntliifi. hiliinli < untHii in
AI.C. Field & Go's
Uceurvud HI'nl sale now opun