r FHE OMAHA DAILY BEE. . . , . . TWENTY-FIRST YEAK. OMAHA. TUESDAY MORMXG APRIL 12. 1892. MEMBER 26\ TRADE RELATIONS WITH HATTI Ti y An llait the Sabjeci of a SAMTA3WM F08 Ptfl.MO.NA5Y PATIENTS Senator lll C - ' Itm nffei-rH t the lp- prunrtate Cwwsstttee II e Pr c * l- tags p < ' lnn Bore * * l Tc 4c5 tlon V ? ar rrox D. C. April 11. la Use v n- ate Mr. Morgoc oiecd a reeolattoo re aest- log the presBnt to fanrts * the ttec of tax ation OG tafxsrti from tbe Carted Slated im- powd by Haytt upon wrfeidi tao prevalent based bis jsrodamatioc. under tM tariff Jaw , that Hayti was reciprocally twjast * la < Called States also the eorrespoo ence an the aafciect. al o whevb r the president lias made any agreement with UertBaar relative te tLe admission into tats coca try from Ger- nsaay , free of doty , sagar , aides , tea or coffee , ana whether Germany bis accepted such arreement , what artides are to be ad mitted free into Gennaay trad U > TTnitsd States ia retara , aad the correspondence en tie subject. Tae resolution was laid over nctfl tomor row. War Vessels on the Lake. Two resolution , oy McMUlaa , one la re I gard to the rejection of bids for the construction _ struction of war snips at lake ports and another is recard to the irreement between the Caitea States and Great Bntain rever- Inr the question of the naval force to be maintained on the great laie wera agreed to. to.Mr. Palmer introduced a btll to remove the limitations in reimrd to the payment of arrears in pensions. air. Stewart offered a resolution calling on the secretary of the treasury for information connected w'tta the purchase and coinage of sHver. end cave nouce that he n ochl spak briefly tomorrow on the swwthlv statement of the secretary of the treasury on finances. After remarks by Mr Galltncer on ha Ma for a commission to select a site for a sanita- nnm tor pcimonarv patients , toe bill was referred to the committee on epidemic dis eases. 1 hen the" senate proceeded to eiecn- UTC Business. When the doors reopened this afternoon tic senate aajcnmea. In the House. W isnrjrGTOS , D. C. , Aorfl IL The poor waj train , carrying as Ireisat the interests of the cacital city of the nation , win started " ou its Journey" today by Recrescatative Hemphili acting a tram dispatccer Over and over again this train has"oeea delayed by the tariff limited and the appronrianon express. , but today , with these obstructions removed. the local acconioaatioa was an ready to proceed. But it did not ran smoothly , znd there were many obstacles on the track. It took several boors before it reached its terminus and then the freight discharge ; vas small. On motion cl Mr. Durtnrrow of Eino'.s the bill was passed repealing the Joint reso lution passed by the Fifty-Hrst congress. authorizing the secretary of war to lease tte pier at tte taouth of the Chicago nver. The floor was then accorded to the commit tee of the District of Columbia , A few local measures were pasted aad the bouse adjourned. 3IULDOOX WILL JSOT TJ1AJ > BL.\J > fE. 2lrs. IJamson 111 Indian Lands to Be Ihrmvn Open Wa hin rt-on > otrs. WMSUISGTOV , D. C , Apnl IL A story rrtntea by tne New York Sun , to the effect that Secretary BUJae had entered into aa arrangemeat with William Muldooa , tha wrestler , by which be is to receive instruc tions ia physical culture , aad giving ia some cetaii aa interview purporting to have beea held with Mr. Blaiae by Mr. Maldoon , was emcnatically denied by Mr Elaine today when a reporter asked him about it. Mr Blaiaa is not acquainted with Mr. Mu'doon , bus never seen him ia his life aad Has no dnmceiaent of aay kind , name or nature with him. Attcrnev General Miller left Washington this evening for the purpose of inspecting the judicial districts of Louisiana and Texas . Amcnz other places be will visit Pans and San Antonio for the purpose of investigat ing the charge acaiast Cnited States Mar shal Fncks aad other federal officers crow ing out of their conduct dunnr tha military operations arainit oana aad his baad of insurgents. Assistant Secretary Nettleton says the runior that he was soon to resiga is without foundation. Messrs. Jummne. McKaaaa and Julio B. Espinosa of Chili had an interview with Sec retary Blaiae today , the character of w hica cannot be ascertained They were presented bv Mr George Astaarbaro , secretary of tne Chilian location under a former regime. The president today issued a proclamation cpenmjr to settlement on Apnl 13 , Islfti. at 12 o'clock noon , the surplus laads of the Sisse ton atd Wappeton reservation in the Daito- tas. The land to be opened aggregates 537- 200 acres. The supreme court will adjourn for the term on Mav 10 and will close iti argument of cases on the last Fnday m April. Mrs , Ham on , wife of tte president , is saffenng tram bronchitis About a month ago she was taken with a rather mild form cf la gnpp < % aad while her condition was not at all senous. she has not fully recovered from it and early last wee * symptoms of bronchitis made their aapearance. Dr. Gardner was called aad on Thursday she was so much better , although still confined to her bed , that tae president felt safe ia leaving her for a few days' tbootinff. On Fnday , however , she was ta en worse , her couch and fever increasing in seventy Since that atnc Dr. Gardner hoi visited her several times each day , and while ate is now somewhat better , she still aas the fever and cojga. IT FULLY IN MITIGATED. Ex-Senator Blair Want * to Know Why H * Ilat Been Rejected bjChina. . W HrwJTdD. . C , Apnl 11.-Oiandter today presented to the teaata a iaemon& from cx-Senatcr Blair , asking fur in investi gation as to the reason for taa refusal o ; China to receive him as a minister. Mr. Blair says that the Chice > a minister has several times caused him to be informed of his ferret at bis rejection aad of his < the ministers strong desire that our govern ment saocld ask him to request of his government - ernment the interchange of friendly expla nations which would be taa means of settling the matter. Mr Blair then taia that aa Invrstigauoo wia disclose a detestable conspiracy H expresses the Belief that his rejection was tej'.red by false representations made to uie I'bme&e hcow gwerLment tcrauch tba ( . tinef. legation ia this citv , wa4e the min ister himself was abtont , and by other luse cad di b < ! QoniM meaas. He says ae is ia possession of facts teadiag to Drove tbe diffi culty rguated ! , at IB its t Ji part , in and aas been farced by the rivalry of wiuaus ; ictar- estv , nicb Ui their oouutouoo vnti eocta otter aar * eaptored saihoas aad lastru- incatiliues the suture of wtuca iheold bo ascertained by the pwenuoeuU , vtot-a friendly muttons bare boea thereby un paired. U not endaagered. Peaceful la % csiriBla. . WtwrccTox. D. C , Ajinl 11T w Navy departmwBt bu boao iaforaiad that the United Ststni teamer Narwal < bas sailed from La Guayara for the West Icaies , This U takec ta anar. that peace tas been restored ic World' . Fair InTctUcitUoa Camiulttee. WASUI CTOV , D , C , Apnl ! l The world s fair inrettigati&ff tuo-eomzcittee rouimcd ta V ih.agtca todar fnta Ch.cago , ted Uiccrrow mcmin f w u. again Ufce ap tb vorK of aseerta.aiae ; ti e aod cf expenditure of tbe aooaat berrtatoca atefi try congress te aW ef MM i exposition. tail ta eoaitaiUee bad reached o e cca.- da ttm aooo its mve tiration , tat Caatr- BK Doelterr said that BO eoactmioa SiJ eee raartod a pom any ittglf matter exacrioee into. Titoctimim * e bas aotamc to de wtta tbe St.QOB.09a ap nrprtatwo ashed by t eaxp < ttMa DECL.XRED TUEOITICE \C.\V f. Tp Clerk T BC f tfc1 senate I Vow Wit heat Emfrfoymrnt. . D. C. , Asrd 11 Alter three bears se Bt ia ax cattre ess o Isehiod dosed aoon. aad after a stormy debate , the seaate tedav yte 4 d M the powerful pres- sara orao = kt ta boar by the cecnmlttec oa forsira relottoBs aad vacated tea o 5cc of exeeatire deriE , flUed for t-en years bv James R , Vooag. When tae doors wera dosed a dHSnito proposition was taitea up. tt was to order aa investigation ef the conduct of Mr. Yoca . who aad beea exciaded from the executive sesstoas ever stoce tiw Beriag s-ea trouble was laid before the seaate. This was defeated , after a spirited contest , tawhich Mr. Maaderson commented in terms of bitter sarcasm oo tae course of seaators who were wiluns to cast aa imputation upon aa honorable employe without affording him aa opportuaity ta vindicate himself. Mr Cameron presented a letter from Mr. Ycuac , in whica the latter , rrhue simifviag his wiUiazaess to s-urreader ais o25ca at the request of the senate , ia a plain and manly way requested a tnoroush investigation , stating taat if he had betrayed sacrets he wocid be liable to pnnlshment under the law , and that ha was perfectly ready to await the result. There was much difficulty In rettiar a quorum , but finally this was secured , aad the motion looking to aa investigation was defeated by a narrow majonty Aad so strall , lnde dv was the majonty taat the members of tae foreign relations committee become alarmed , jad under tha leadership of Air. Shermaa. aided by Mr Hale , tney re doubled their efforts to reap the fruits of their victory through the adouoon of a reso lution declaring the oiice of executive clerk vacant. It was stated to the senators who betrayed reluctance to join in the movement to convict the clerk without investigation tnat the com mittee on foreica relations had satisfied its * ense of justice of its position. FinaUv the committee maae the matter a personal issue. aad imolied that tae senate mast caooso be tween its members and Mr Yoang.inttmating that they could refuse to participate in executive - utive business if the clerk was aot dismissed. Despite the efforts of members of both sides to secure aa investigation , the senators who sympathized snth tte clerk weakened , and fearfui of incurring the ill-will of the pow erful committee on foraiga relations , voted reluctantly for the aoohsament of the o&ce. which waa earned by about tea majority. REPAII1 TO THE MOHIC VX. Taeomi People Objert to Th-l- Being 3L de In on Encll'li Xarj Yard. WisniKG-rot , D. C Apnl IL The Navy department is laformed that the Cnited Suies steamship Sloaicoa tns gone to E > - oaisault far doddge in tha Bntish navy vard there for accessary repairs. She re cently raa oa a rocir and lost ten feel ot her false ksel. Iho secretary cf the navy received a telegram from a merchant of Tdcoma , Wash _ todav , protesting agaiast the vessel coing to aa Eadbb. dry dock when sae might hare been repaired j tas well at Tacoma. It it saia at the department thai while the secretary was informed ia February taat a dry dock was la course cf construction at Tacoma. he was not awars that tt is fiauhec. or taat it is capable of rsceivia a vessel of the s zo of the Mohicaa. It is said further , that the repairs required ar ? of a comparatively trifiing aature , and that inasmucn as the Mohican is oo her xvay to Baring sen it was deemed auvi-afale to have the work done ea route in preference to having the vessel drought back to baa Francisca There is nothing unusnal in tse renainas of war vessels of one couatry in tte aavy yari of aaotaer country. KEFl > ED TO AXaWEK. Tire Witnesses Called In tne Penslun Inres- tl uriuu It-esialn llcte. W\-nrs TjD. . C , Apnl 11. la the Den- sioa inveatirauon Georce W. Wavson , for- merlv assistant cashier of the special exam ining division cf the pension bureau , de- cliaed to say whether or not he had borrowed money or secured endorsements from bis subordinates. He admitted that he took the deposition of aa examiner named Wilson , showing that tbe latter had oorrawed monev on pension certificates contrary to law , but denied that be had kept t&is deposition in his desk six months to prevent Wilson's proscrcutioa. W.tness still refusing to an swer the questions the committae decided to report to tas aouse a resolution requesting the commissioner of tensions to discharge nim. The same action was takea in regard to Harvey C. Ellis , who declined to answer questions. Several witnesses were examined as to money transactions in the pension odce , and their testimony snowed that the practice of borrowinc money in the o2ce is prstty een- eraL lu sonw instances chiefs borrowed from they sjbordia.ites. COLD ALL OVEJt THE COOTKT. Tlie Temperature Twenty Decrees Lower Tli.in it Outfit to be. WisarvoTot , D. C , Apnl 11. The westier bureau faraubos the follonlug spacial bulle tin . The weather reports yesterday aad tais. moroiag show the occurrence of ua- usoally eold weather for this season over neanv the satire eonntry east of the Rocky mountains. Tne tcmoerature taroaghout tee rerian east of the Mississippi nver , " except"ia New England , ranged fram" W to 35 degrees below the average for the season. Freezing temperature was reported as for south as central and sor.ta- wcstcrn North CoraUna , central Tennessee and Illinois , aortaera Missoun and southern Nebriislra , Light fruit occurred as far south as Charleston , > . C. Stationary or nightly higher temptjratnre is Indicated for Tuesday east of the Mississippi. iv Itoys and a Han Lo > e Tbelr Llret Tuu OUien ! > > cuit. . Mass. , Apnl 11. Last eveain ? A. F Nortwrg of the Boston farm saboet , St. Tbeia aa's ULiud , left the etty with tae boys eooBeeted with the school in a sail bo-it ta co to the island. Midway tbe beat was upset by a sqcalL All were thrown icto the ley wawr. Alt aiaaaged to dug to tae vessel , but co relief cam * aad one oy one they were cbiUeJ tareags , slipped from their lasecnre support and arowoad , caul Ue uatruetar and eight bays wera cooe. At uie eud of tour boors tfea txwt dnft d Hshors witii tw sarvivers. Tke sata s of tto drowsed boys were : FRANK F. HJl-CHCOX. HCMkKT THATCHER. GEl > KGkT ELUS. THOMAS PHILLIPS , H. GRAVES : HAJOIY K. LOIT ) ADCLBEKTH. PACKARD. ( .olUeu WrtlUlnc Kellouwt IJjr Direrre. Wacrusu , Vf Va Aonl IL Mrs. btraa Aaa Sbeeaaker , tgod T5 , U suwg fer divorce fro fier bos bond , aged bA , a prominent au&itkarte eharges craelty asd neglect , aod its said knotLer viotnaa has .r.laijated her bust tu.d Mr an J Mrs. S-hoeiaa < sr have u'tterfjr fifty y ars aud are great- J REPUBLICANS G CONVENTION I Earaoeioea aad Zatka asac"5 htri2es ia , Maay Setroika OwatiflS. MUCH PRAISE FOR PARTY LEADERS President Ilarrl en' AdmlnUtntlen Gener. ally Endorsed Principle * f Ir lrctUm C mnirndnl Bluine' * IaUc7 Tar. ortril Democratic II t Jlrtt , , Nek , Aprfl 11 oeaal te THE BICE.j Tae Lancaster eoaoty reoebUcaa coaaty coaventwn as embied this aad wai a harmonious as well as an bxstie catherias. Major A. G. Hasdncs tras made temporary chairman aad S. E. Doug las temporary secretary. Bath ofleers were aftenrards aiaae peraiaaeat. ComcritVees OD resolutions aad to select delegates were appointed and waile they were in coasslta- Don the convection received itself into an old tirie enthusiastic rescblicaa assem blage. Speecaes were made by Hon. G. M. Lam- bcrtson. Hon J. B. Stnme aad Judge Field , while Joe McGranr cnhveaed the occasion with a song cr two. The committee on reso lutions reported a platform endorsing the administration of President Harrison , de claring in favcr of the pnaciple of protec tion aad commending tie poiicy of James G. Blalae. The delegates to the itateoon ventlca'were instructed to use all honorable means to oriac abotil the selection of Hon. Amasa Cobb as one of tha delogatas at large from Nebraska to the national convention , while the delegates to the district convention were Instructed to put forth the sama efforts to elect Hon. C. H. Gere as a delegate from the Second congressional district HKBi Bi.HG , Neb , Apnl 1L iSnccial Teleir-am to Tai BEE.J The republicans of Banner couaty met in convention here today and it was one of the most enthusiastic po lineal meetinss ever held in the conn'.y Every precinct was fully represented. Tae following were elected delegates to Uie state and congressional convention' H.L. Graves , B. D Lewis and E M. Cowen. WILBEK. Neb , Apnl 11. "Special Tele- rram to TUB BFE" At the republican county convention held hens today J. H. Grimm. F. W. Miles , J. E. Johnston. C H Gore. H. W. Hewitt. T. C. Callahan. C. E. Elder. F. S ConnlX G H. Chambers , tL D Coe. C. F Lee , W E. Broct. William Knap and James \V Dawes were elected delerates to the state convention at Kearney. Thev are uninstracted. H. M. Wells. EL P Kins , J. N. Van Dura. E. Whitcomb , W P Fish- onmV. . H. Mom- , John Jaclc , vV O Chat > man. E. E. McGinUe , A. N Dodson , L. O.Yestcott , J. T Alzsworth , D R. Steouens aad C. Duros were elected deie- patas to the congressional district convenuoa at York. They are nnmstractei but favor A. N. Dodson for delegate to too national convention. DEMOCRAT1- HAVE TROCBLE. Inilicatlont That the tate CoaTentlon Will - -c Juclitrifr. . "Wiuicji , Nea , Apnl 11. 'Special Tele gram to THE BEE. | The democratic county convention to ebct delegate to the coagras- sional distnct conreaUoa was held here to day and was vreE attended. The foHowisir resolutions were pissed-unanimously t Wbereas. T B. P-irUer , clialrtuar of tlie democratic central coram ttec. cun ned the central committee1 at WilDer QQ April " for the purpose ofelect nz deleiateh to the iate conrcntion at Omah'i : and. W kiereas. Tbe actton of our said cb.tirmon n ain perfect harmony nnd accord u ith dem ocratic prereJeat for more than tureatj years , t&erefore be it Eesolved , That tha action of our ald chair- m < m Is heartily ender * d and the defecates so ele"teJ by said comniittets are hereby declared ' to be tbe'choice of this convent-oil. Le-oived. Tbuttiic delegates so chosen are earae uy ared u > a-.e every honorable mean. , to secure the eleet.on of Ooreruor Jarcei t Boyd and Uou. Tobias Castor as delegates ut larze to the democratic national convention at t'hiearo EP401 red. That the act.on of C. J Bowiby in cahln ; this convention nd r.pp-jiutinr pre- emrt cnairmen throurbout the c-ounty. Ignor ing the rerujarly elected and appolstej ch ilr- uien is undemocratic and tfnus to disruot. dfmori Ize and mislead the democratic onler la halite c-ounty. liesoived. That the "ourse lie pursued la at tempt nc to disrupt the den o-nt c organiza tion ot saline county de-erre < i the een-ure of every true democrat ia the county ind itate. IleiOived. That the de'ezateselected by the county central conunitt.ee be In-tructed to vote us A nult and empowered to take any action they mar deem proper in reference to tbe selecnon of delegates i < i the u.itional con vent.on from the oonjrebfcionul districts , pro- vidin ; the state convent-on sbail Ce.e.ate sacb power to tbe rourth cansresiKlonal dtt- trl t. t.Fiirvovr , Neb. . Aaril 13. 'Special ' Tele gram to THE BEE.1 The democratic county convention met in this city today aad selected the following delezat s to the state conven Uon John Dem. C. H. Holleabect , J E. Sherwin , E. W Ran kin. John Thonisen , Miite Dowlmc , G C. Kerkow. W H. Weeks. James Murrav. F. W Vauphaa , C. D Gard- anier D Eastede , P Flaanagan , L. P Lar- snn , Ed Ryan aad O D. Harms. A resoln- tton wa adopted recommending to the state convention tnat Congressman , Bryan and Wikian H. Thompson be selected as dele gates at large. Sa far as Bovd and Marua are concerned it is a mixed delegation HASTINGS , Neo , Apnl 11. special Tele- cram to THE Bee. The Adams county de mocracy met here this morning to elect dele gates to the state convention at Omaha. DJS C. Brswa was made chairman ord Gi.oert Faber secretary. Resolutions were adopted favoring tanS for revenao only and declar ing trat tha Adams county democracy is a unit for Grorer Cleveland , but a clatise in structing the Adams county state delecation to support hio was Tithdrawn. A resolu tion wa carnea favtnng Judge R , A. Batty for d' trict de.ecaw to tha national convan- non. The state delecation is as follows Judge R A. Battv. A. S. Cimpbell , John Braaigan. G W Tibbet * . GHbert Faber and R. B. Wahlquist. A motion to organize dem ocratic dntu In tne several townships in the countv ivas earned. A. tariff reform club will be onrinized in the city Saturday n.gnt. P piti.iox , Neb. , April 1L Special to THE BEE. 1 Tbe democratic convention held here svatnrauy was attended by forty dele gates. An enure lack of eathsiiasm charac terized tne convention and it was the most inharmonious political gutnermg ever held in tae county The split was between tha Boyd m ! anti-Bovd factions aad in the Inn ? wrinkle the convention almost broks up in a raw The following delegates were finally selected to attend the convention at Omaha J. E. Cairpoell. K. C Lefler. Amos Gates , ttuy Whitney , Clau Lirell. C L. MoKanna aad T. B Hounan. The mouoo to instruct for Boyd was lost , bet a later motion to in struct for him in case he is for Cleveland was adopWil , whereupon Amos Gates with drew from tie delegation. Tha deieratei to the state convention at Litieoln are Howard Whitney , Psterson , M.V Laacdon , John Bacley J-oob Pavae , Wu.iam Hogaboon and A. W rrnmouJl. Ise cocgre siocol deljgatrs are R. Barton , Georira Bartch , Gorge Luigser , John Chase , T. B. Kleman .Sam Startaer ind li. M. HmklP. The atate cud ooogres&ional d > i - gattuDs gs aciostractei Tae spht in tha democracy of tne county is DOW quite en- i ct and laey express litt'a ' hope oV success ia the 0001107 campaign wita the present feeling prevailing. Hojrii'u Attitade Tovaril Cleveland. Laartx jr , Neb , Apni 11. Special to TBB With regard to adipatot which ap peared in tha Cbfearo Time * of Scsday g. stating that the figbt tmocg tha from Docglaa cocatywas upon the lines of support for either Hill or Clcve- iand and taat Gcveraor B yJ , who woo at tte primaries and the cuuntv cocrentum , WM frr Hui , thown to the pcvernor todsr and ha a.d "That < Ls.aic3 U ab o.tt-y w.thcut aad was erueatly eat set for a parpoe. I am Dot aad sever Have beea oope ed to Gcsver CJeraUad. Mv posm a is cioar'r ' * rder > K > il by the de-aocrats f Nebraska to be taat 1 sa rery friendly W Grorer Cleveiantf , aad.1 mind sooner vote for aim for president lfe o aay otbr man ia the ecus try Bat , la view of the fact that it Is ccwsary tar democracy to carry New Ysrit tf t * r woulfl trwmpa. I tatak it best to wait antti tbe asvarabiare > f the dem ocrats of t.fra ne-lron befare deolanog am- * aair cally far aajoe. . New Vorit , Con- a ctieet and New Jerer are contiguous states , tfce eleclonl votes of trhwfe ar aec- essanr to elect a tfen crKie oresWeot. I am , tbenfors. fr the man who can carry tbcse states , a weitera maa d he needs be. Cleve- liad if be can do It , or Hill , if it is piainiv cricent that he is tite only mAa wh caa lead democracy 1 April 11. Tba fo- sz' tetter fram tiravsr Cleveland was re ceived today by a.promlneat democrat ia this city , I KEWOOD N. ll Asrll 7 June * Bllle. Cbnttsnoora. Tean-S My Deir wlr-I de lre to than It yon for Uia report of the aieeUnc at Lbattancxjcn whtrh you kladty ent me. aad for the friendly varus you spoke at me on thnt occasion. I am eirewilmty "tTious to nare ar party do eractly tbe nnt thuir t the ( "h c .co con vention. and I hooe tbe deieiatei * 111 oe cu.ded by jadcment and urtaated by true democratic spirit and tt > uia le desire to snc- ceed In nrinclp'e. I bou < dnotbe fronU tf I dW not ay to you that I often fearldu notde- Mrve the kind th'n such trtcnd as you ay of me. and I tmre Cre(5uent mi nvln ; as to the mtJoa of acaia putt n ; me in nomina tion. 1 therefore- : anxioos that sentiment and unmeaMiroJ uersonaj devoUoo should be ehecUed when the deJemtion to the conven tion reach the per od of tl"LSeraU"a. In ny ercnt there WH be na drwppolutment for me In the result. Yours verv trjlv , GnoVER VLETEUA5D. Second Election In Ithmle l.lanit. PnoriDKCCE , R. 12 , Apnl 1L Th s second election In Ctarlestown V > dav resulted Sen ator , Joseph C. Charch , republican : renre- sentative , Heroert A , Gates , democrat. The representative is a gem for the democrats , . Nrw DEITAIX , Coca. , Apnl 11. For the first time in the history of the city the dem ocrats elected their complete city ticket. PREP UttSG FOb IIIS KCfll. -U etoa Boomem . .Vlren.flla Line la ' - oaths s , S. D. , April 1L The heart of tha Sisseton boomer is exceedinciy giad. The reservation it is asaonaced will Da opened at noon of tha 13th. The Uae at thi land uSce has formed aad thd boomers are keeping tneir positions regardless of chillv nigats. Alone the line of ton reservation ia a cene at activity. There J-oo find the boomer and Sis famuy occupying , nraine schooners , all waiting patiently the fcrnral of Friday noon \rnea they will partdcipaie in the go-as-you- please race for Dakota dirt ; The Indians aavs tn'wn their land in a scattennc manner and UKH.C who rssh la aad begin operations as tqoatters stand a chance el trespassing on the pos = .esio = 3 ot some of theIndians. . Mfjor Barnard , U S. A. , stanoned at Brown s Valley , on the-eslzo of the Sweton reservation , has made 32 , his arrangements for the opening. Tip" troocis will be s.catterec along the entire boundary of tae reservation. The signal for the ooeninc-anll Da given by the discharge 01 firearms oy the scldiers. Arrangements nave been made for extra passenger trains 4tpm. St. Pant The plans that nave been formedia.lhe last fevr months by the boomers ara'nasr cociinir to light and there will be some starniag cevdcnmsnts irfcan the grand sho'criocss nest Fndif. * : -Tlrelr J-tock. R4ni > CJTT. S. TJn April U. [ Special to THE BEE. Robert fehcua : 3f tae Cheyenne river range , returned" homa this mcraing towa ilountain City Tenn _ bringing with. him ten Bear and trolf bounds. Wolves have become mora numerccs and bolder along the Cheyensa the past few years , which has canned the tock and ranch men to carte in an eSort to exterminate them. The-tounds. which ara evenly derided as regards sex are mediam sized aaimats , and have points of both "the stag and blcad- hound. Ihey are Miid to ba good workers and flchlers , sranerally killing tneir fame before the hint-era can come BH. It Ltee Intention to have a big wolf bz = t ia the near fa tars. * _ BT FLOODit. Loss of Life anil Property In Loalsiana Talet ot -affer/nif ana Dlstrt ss. NEW OnLEAX ? , ui , April 11. The Pica- jTine's Coiumons , iss. , special says : The recent heavy rams 'fiave swollen all streams ia tLis section jf fSie country to a paint never oefore knowi and , as a result , the de struction of 'ife and property is fnghtfnL AU farms along the Tombigbee nver ara abandoned. Houfetfall ) kinds are washed awav , cattle and nmles by hundreds have been drowned. Maiy floating houses have passed down tha fever. Every available craft here has bten" used day aad night in relieving the sufferers , carrying out food and tnafin-r in the destitute people. ( Ju one sinau mound there were four peo- Die and as many more cattle- and males. On another there wera"-seventy people aad cat tle ey tha huaoredsl The negroes on all the lowlands have last everything on earth taev ' had. and there are anndreda'of them here. The white people have oeen unable to get the negroes to do aay kind of work toward rescuing other negroes witnout payia ? in " Twelve negroes hare been draivaed within three miles of this rity. At poiats on tae nver below here tha loss of life is very large. The railroads have abandoned all trains westward , and thare ars many washouts. The waters are receding slowly One rescu ing party saw threa negro Boys drowned , but could not reach them. Another rescuing partv wera upset and soent twenty-three hears in the trees. MOBILE , Ala April II. Tae Torabigoae river has not , siaca 1547 , bad to sudden and great a flood as present. The farmers on the nver were wholly anpreswred , and frota- Columbus , Miss. , toPclton tbe less of hags , cattle mules and .cottonsead has been un precedented. Macs farming stock has been swept away aad peopla rendered destitute. A great deal of laad planted is under water About eighteen fact additional rise is ex- Reports of heavy } r % of Ufa come from Colambas. Mist , 03 "the Tomhigbec , the number cf drowned , jtvmg placed at from twenty to fifty , moslly negroes. IPTVRED. Negro Train Wreriuinand Cobber * Arrrktvd Ala lApnl It At Wilaite station between Blcxlngaaai aad Deoatnr on the Louunild 4. N as avail a road this morning tha crew of B traia tned to arreit some negroes who wef ? stealing a nae. The aid of an ofiicer at FtlxTiUa was called in and a figUt cccon d > On of the negroes fell aerially troKudel. The others were captared. The man who was wounded gava the cams of Tom Wnsnt. The otners gave the names of Tom Headio , Henry VViiliamm , Join POBCV and Tom ftan- net. Headin confessed that he aad his asso ciates were the ineawho attsa&oea to wrecic a Louis villa & Kastrruia train at Buvies three weeks ago , but were successful ia robbiiic the Gecraa Parade mad train two weeks ago. They had been driven to the railroad ay the aigb water ana vere trying to ieare the ojuatry when cagtured. , Px , Apr ! 1L The Lcbigh Iran company has auigaed. Eacrts are being Bmda-tsSreorgaaiiB it. LOSTBO , April II Rumors were correct toaiy f tnalaiiure of Borrowmaa. Phillips k i t , grain meretuuita at Lood > n , but tea fa..reh s cot been odcix.v announced , fte . .at > i-'oei art be.uJTwl U be sr.a. itf- feet 3g Amunca ; ARE DRIFTING FROM EUROPE South Aaerioaa GflTeraaeata Owsss j late tie Uaited States' F feL HLCtrHOCITY AND THE MONSOE DOCTHC4E Two I'pon s Ur i > cin t4e rr the Change- lie CtH n Kaml. . France asd Gcriuxaj- Act , < Jori-i April 11. OJaw Y rk HeriM Cable Sp ctel t T E BKE.1-Tke lade- peadeatce Beige \ritl today peWish a second arude by MaximOltoaa Ifojei oo tae United States , Soota Amencan republics and n- rape. He eonlsnds that while the Monroe doctnae In ao way justifies the Ucited btales tolaterfere ia Sonth Amencaa aSoirs , the American goveraaient has put the Monroe dortriae .n saw shape to Encg South Amer ica under Its thorn b. Ibanez adaalts th'.t the statesmen of the American uaioa ara far too clever to taiak of annexing aay South Amer icas territory , as tha incorporation of aay LJ.Ua republics would bring about a xvar of races aad would shatter the union itself Blaine. however , sees with equal clearness that with their enormous ladastrial prod c- tioas the Caitd States is threatened with immense dangers unliss they fiad fresa out lets for their products. Tnerela lies the se- cr3t of tte potiey of eacroachmeat toward Santh America , Ihaaci contends that the Washington cab- taet will aever bnag the Soath Amencaa re publics ta its reciprocitv by mere force of persuasion , as the Americas Latia aations would have to pay the United States 'M oer cent dearer far the products than they pay bv purchasing the same in Europe. Tbe writer aot onlv accuses rilaine of at tempting something stronger than ptir- suasioa to compel the compliance of booth America , Ha insiocates that tha reciprocity treatv with Brazil was wrested from da Foaseca br illea.timate means , that the United States only supported Balmaceda sraiast tne national rising la order to obtasa from Chili a camsurcial treaty wbollv la favor of the Caited States. The reirublicaa party will renew it with fresh vigor , if the democrats do act oust them from power : that it will likewise attempt to coerce Arreatiaa unless the latter combines with Brazil and Chili to resist Yankee encroachment. Lastlj luonez quotes tha figures oa Eng lish , French and Germaa trade wita Soath America to show how deeply taete European countries are interested in tns toilers of taa American oolicy. He concludes by appealing to the goj-eraments of France , England aad Germanv to combine with Brazil , Cluti ana Argentina to thwart the deiigas of the gov ernment waica rules aader the stars and stripes. Sir. Got-rhen Presents the Badcet Eng- laud * Czpeniiire Garersmrnt. Lo3Ti > ox , Apnl IL Mr. Gorcaen , chancel lor of the esca ner , presented the audget la the Hcase-of Commons today , Tnera was a fun attendance of members aad the scene was very animate-a. Mr. Gosrhen said that as a traveler in ascecdiog a hill fancied tiat he had reached thi highest ooiat osiy to find above it oth ers , so bad been for three weeKs sis espen- cisnts witn the finances of the country. The estimates haa been tramad oa the theory that tha top aad been attained , yet a carve led onward and upward. Good fortune again oermitted him to submit a budzet showing a surplus of 1,007.000 Ttus was ' largely due to the expanding departments , "for It was not to aay extent due to an expansion of the revmus. 1 here has oeen times when he had suffered great anilely In tbe last bsdiret the esumate of expendi tures was 95.2 5.000. The actual expendi tures were y9H > .OuO lea-nar : a sjrnias of i3. UKU. ) This was a remarkably small difference between the esnmates and acrual expenditures. The total estimates of ex nendttures during the lost taree years was The total difference la the ex penditures was onlv i J7 OJO. This state ment was received with cheers. Analyzing the revenue. Mr Gosbea said that the customs produced i 12,73(5.000 ( abovn tie sum calculated upon. It was not alconol that aas caused tha inci-ease this year , nut tobacco. The rtveane tax from it TTIS ex- exceedinglv satisfactory , yielding i.(4.000 ever tae estimate. Tobacco produced it,3. ! > 3 , 000 , being -Jls,01lO above the orevious year -til this. Air Goscaen declared , proved "that wae < s. tad not fallea , aad that there was still a wideiy diffused prosperity among workinzaiea. The escise revenue" showed 543,000 over the estimate. Tne increase in the consumption of home smrits was rreateria Enslaad thaa in Ireland or Scot land , being.6-j. psr cent in England agaiast 1 i-3 per cent in Scotland aad 1 per cet.t in Ireland More spirits wera consumed thaa boer. llr Goscben estimated the revenue for the current financial year at 1 U,477,000 , and tee expenditures at iQ ( , 33oyu , leaving a small margin of i i24UCW. Tats would not allow of a remission of taxation , with th * excepuoa of a minor redaction la patent fees , absora- laz .10,000 , aad the fixing of duty oo parjf- liag wiaes from -f. . Gil and la per callon to a uniform rate ofs. . Mr. Ua&chen taiJ he held himself respoasiole for the pradenoe of tne estimates. The mighty nver of prosper ity still remained broad , and be trusted taat tha various water courses of the national wealth would continue the stream uadizaia- isaed in volume. Cheers I Mr. Go&caea spoke for two hours aad be announced tha resignation of Mr. West , chairman ot tao Inland revenue ooard. Mr Gladstone suggested that tne house follow the u ual custom to avoid discussion of the budret until the day fixed lor its ma ture consideration. He hoped tha change of duty on sparkling wines , wmle benetituag some wine producing countr.es , wouiu not involve trouble on other covutnes. He eulog ed the services of Mr West. Tbe resolution conrerniag wines was passed. Mr Gcrscten fixed tbe general discussion of the budget tor Ann ! Si. The palntlesi etiaracter of the budget was a surprise to alL The conservatives regret that Mr Goscben presented imbing tnat caa be used to inuuenee tbe popular vote ic tae general elections Tbe hberais on the ther hand are pleasantly ur > n ei by the aarml4sss character of the statetaeat. aved by a Narrow Margin. Apnl 11. [ New York Herald Cable Special to THE list I The Chamber of Deputies discussed today tae qsesUaa of Hupplles for tbe Saudan aad taa lupole- mentary credit ot H.O'M.dOO ' francs for jjahomey The session was a stormy one , and taousii the demands ot the government were granted by an apparent majority , tae formal. Business of the day as arranged bv tba ministry was cot allowed to proceed without frequent qaetucai la regard to ILs raoact events In Dubomav aad tba pot.cy pursued in ttat country Finally tbe order of the day ras aocepUKl oy a vote of ocuy .70 bi. CCBE. Dttlioiirtt Apni 11 Kcbart biwpwKi and Kewlaod Jones , Uoyal hene gcardimfm , were reminded ia tbe p uce oourt today OB the cbarjo of stea.ng nngs , montv aad surgicanstrssienti vi. ed at tin. troa Pauip B.air ao Anier.can res. 3. 15 .a 11 jr. tagae itreet. Acc.r * as to Mr L-.Jjr a t.rr mst arrrred ia L * doc m SepteF rJ * last and net th gear * awj ia the ciiyi 'j * ir toaad Bade freqaect visits M all di " = Lr ! On ta occaiioa of one rHit blalr r"Jaat tbe property &e ewcplains el lo i & be a takes froas ais kori. Pawa tiefet feor t * jewelry were found ia Siapson ; V % t n WMB n'aa arrested. Jooes wiJt iMresMd oa ta eaarge ot keiag impitei BL ; * ta i-vCSI * jr' rffjajS . 'flw OX THE "TXOE. Conntr n c1 .Ipprur * a * t Perforatrr hi it LtHHltm Thenter. LoT ot , A ] nl 11Ia t6 Roya ! t at r te tJife city a p rfo'-MiBce was given tfeu eveo- tag for tbe bee&t of UK National Life Bo t tBs tt ttofi. Then was a larrd cro ril nf fasaionaMe pcrsoas preceat. Tlia Oaatesi Rjsseli , xvife of Earl Rus eU , from wbota she recently made an w- soccessfal att ta ) t to &e dtvorosl. and her sist r. Mr * . tHct Rns eil , appeared IB a penalty. The e porforaiers were kand- socaeiy attired in sttaiior cos'vaes of Maek aad surer , with w aite wics and ciiariag Clack laces. Tnts countess had a corset , fast ened caB picuotisly to the front of b r ac- cardeen-pJeated ore s. Tae lades received qaitd aa ovation when they re&dc their appoaraace. Ta-eir contribution to th per formance consisted of a skirt daacr. in n-tieh they were assisted oy the Maisrs. F aad C , Lambert , who were also ittired ia fantastic costam's. They were enthusiastically re called thrae tiiaes aad finally left the stage amid a perfect bombardment of Sowers. AV1H Vet ravtlnrarc < 1 Notc . E-S , Aonl 11 .sir Hard. Mr Joha Huatiagton's sun-m-li\v , who is now ta the city 13 connection with tha alletred forgiag of his father-in-law's endorsement on certain notes , says thnt no matter what comes Sir. .riuatinc'won will act pay the forced notes. Mr. Huntiagtoo , who has been ! ll at a private hospital here , is much better. He Sad a long consultation with Mr. Herd today. Mr Haattnirton thinks that tae ruiity parties kacwmr of tis poor health , speculated upon 613 eorlv death conTealin the lorrenes" He ani wife are therefore aroused a uast the treorherous inend who aas forged his name , and wu : fight aav sails brought on the notes to the bitter end. Mr. Hon reasserts that set one genuire Hjntingtca endorsement is in circulation. Affidavits to that effect ars beta ? prepared aad they will ba sworn to before Mr. Palmer , the Amencaa consul hers , in the event of Hnntington s deata so this testimony against the renuineneis of the endorsement will still be available. Ma < le DrUrloua liy tbe Czar. . April 11. A St. Petcrsburs dis patch says Mt-ister VishaegradsSy was seized with a delirious fainuag fit attributed to araia disorder while making a report to the czar. A Berlin dispatch comments on the mystery of the affair aad suzcests that the minister's illness was due to excitement broccnton bv a puiafalinterview which was a prelude to dismissaL Vienna LncemlLiry flren. April 11 lacendiary fires con- tiane here l ut o ms to the extraardiaary prpcaitioc of the authorities little damage has beea douo so far. Tha fires areattnou- t d to anarchists , hut it is believed many of tnem are set with a view to roobery during the excitaseit. A similar stare v.f affaira is reported at Lionleldea , upper Aiiitria. in l > .inrer. Acnl IL [ New Yorir Heraid Cable Special to Tnr BKE. ] A tliB taioy-belcai- iag to the American yacat Sultaaa was pick up off Goza yesterday. The Salsaaa sailed Tor PhilipptviUs. Algena , on the 5th in a stiff gale , but it Is not oeiicved hers sac has met with aay disaster. TVlll Kf Thursday arr. ICopyTTfffitfld Ji' . ' by JiiTtra ( jr-Jj i Baia .1 CURO , Apnl U.N [ w York E rald Cable Spccaai to THE BEE. The reading of the Srman is irrevociblv fixed for Tbursdav. The admirals and priacioai oKccrs of the European squadrans co.v in Egvptiaa watera will be present at the creis3ay. Jfurii Mooev "o-nl to Tol-tol. LO-\T > OT , April U. The Chronicle's cor respondent in the famine distnct who has been visitiagBececbeS wntss that he saw Ccmnt Tolstoi's d inghter open ia a single dav letters containing receipts amounting to 3.000 rouoles. Most of the letters were from America and England. PA.IUS. April 11. Ravachol's sentence tas been ccmnuted to imprisonment aad hard labor fcriife. G TUK slCK. Latter Day < iUitn Attempt to Perform Mo. , April ILThe base ment of the tetaple of the Heorgaaizad Church of Latter Day bdlnts looked like a hospital today. The elders in attendance bad advertised that they would heal the sick by tbe laying oa of Hands , and many -persons suffering from various ailments were taken to the temple , some oa stretchers , some on cots aad borne on caatrs to be curse. The manner of their treatment was very simple and consisted of pouring a few drop ? of oiivi ; oil , which had been previously blessed or Prophet Josenb South , upon the head of the patient and the layine on of tn < j elders' hands. No caras were effected , although several professed to expenacce some r = Uef. At the business sessiou to lay it was de cided to hold the naxt conlerauc-e on Aonl 6 1533 , at Lamani , Ia. , the aama ot Josepa Scuta. Mliiursota Crop C kadition ST PACI , Minn , Aonl IL The Minnesota crop bulletin says : In the nortawestera counties the spring seadiag will oe iloae rather .ate. In the otner oounties seeding is retarJed bj the recant nuas. The southern coanties ara in a t.mUar oooiHtioa , At soce Dlac-cs Eeedm ? ts. under war , but in the raa- joritv tae farmen &n waiting for the grsuad toiry. Some locahties repcrt winter wheat to be la pocr coadltion. B-ceat raias have faraisbed BUtarieat moisture to insure a gvod start for tha crowing era pi. IB many places the ground is too wet for seeding. Tn Sn.peuil Ilorlag fur Oil. Pa. , A prill L The leading oil producers cf the soata vest are prepanss for a general suspension of drilling op rations for six mcotas to bring about an advance ia pnces. Orricc or WE THEH OMiHi. Apnl 11. ' The low Parameter bas lengtbaned out 1014 a trough of iow premier a esutod > 7 ever tha mountain rezucs. A huh area is acteni.g in tee extreme oorthwesL Geccr& y idir weather prevails eicepj cloudjvus. ia tbe lower > UM cn valley uud iigat rain ic Dakota. Tas teapcmtare ha * rinni ovar to * westers , aad more especially tbe sacttwest- em teotiOQS. Far Eastern Neoraska , Ooana and Ylei- uy Fairw atb r , waraier ; s > euti : riy wiciis dursBir Tuesday. flftWisJUJCTuN , i ) C. , Apnl IL P r lotva Geoaraliv l-ir. siigfaUy warmer , soatiierly wiiiis. For Xesraskalair , colder hyTuemaf aigU , souUaast wicds. &acijis s aorta- welt For M siourl Fair coo raUr pneeadAi by * aow rs In souttsAst iii-tty ! * ncfr. touuiuut wUiili. Far Kansas-j43&rjiy : fajaoldor ' y Tuesday night , east win is. For the liai ta Generally _ f ir , by rain turning into SBOMT 10 North much colder by Ti sil < y tight i wnda , * > cuminif aorta * esteny. * Fsr 1 ojirado Fa.r , colder by i eight , Tir.abiewiuJn. FOUGHT THE SHERIFF J feaawi Oosatj OSoan ia3 Cattlemea Sdd te Ea ? Met. NEARLY FIFTY MEN BtfWrED K'UED ONE VKTIM B300GHT TO THE REAR AH PacitfTtt raa Uta Swaa Beiaj Ciasel by Ars d Mao. ENGAGEKENT3 AT NOLAN'S H.VNCH TrouWe CmiHarit to No Tartlcnlar Locality If the YT. r I * Carrird Into the Big Horn Uatn It Ma t De oa Snovshoej. CASTEK , Wyo- , April IL Soocial Te.e- rna toTBK IIEK.J A maa from R.ver fe. a reports that SbenS Ajgusot Johaocn ccacty aas swora ia 153 deputies aaj gae cut to urrest the army A rumor is afloat that tha sheriJT tned to take them in yesterdiv and thea tweaty-eicht of tha army were ked aad eighteen of the deputies. No one has yet arnved from Powder nver itacethemaa was ia after aaman. ioa but 3. courier is looked for tonight. Preaus of the rastlcrj say that if tbe rattlers had got the worst of it news of it wouia have boea here long before this. So If a fight tas taken place the r utiers have helJ tae.r owg or tae army is on a mission of peace and the con troversy has seen amicably settled. ve-y- bodv here hopes for Uia best. o..t .s gcn- eralJy believed that the report of tne iigai a true. Surveror Brallev from S.voetwiwr re ports Evervthirg as quiet ia that J recln Friday meat a maa stooped at the boda lakes and said ha had been at a camn f abcut tn-enty-ave men the night before 4- t wesv of Lost Cabiu and that they claimed the ? were going to the nark on a horse r aaj op. Dan Qarke reports everything as qu.et in , the Bates Hole country. Dnc Wi omsoa from tas Big fiora hasta rcoorts a grsat fa l of saow there last Friday night aaj taat it Is impossible for the army to cet .3 cere ca- less they go in on saow shoes He savs they don't exnect aay trouble in tha Bcnaa-a part of the basin. FOUGHT AT > OLA > 'i UVNTIL , of a Hattlv Iletirren natlrri and -.foclnnen Folly ContSrtartl BCTTALO , Wyo. , Acnl IL - "Saaj. . Tele- rramtoTas BEC.J The telegruph j.ne to Douglas , which has Been cut tor tte past su days , was repaired tills morcisg aad out in worsting order. This is the firzt tcie- graaa which has been seat out ot BaJTaiO sinca Trresday night. It is beiieved the rustlers -will cot'illaw the line ta remain in worMnz order long and camiacnicanoa by wire may be- cot c3 ut any monysc. A report reached aero yesterday cf a fisht at No.an's ranch oa. tae north f JTJT of tha Powder rivpr. between tha suiclr men "and rustlers. SbenJT Aaras aad a posse started ta taat direction after dark , and trra not since oeea heard from. Aa authentic report has been received that fifty stock men reached the is raaca Saturday night , and ara noiv at the f A ranch , thirteen miles from Buffala Ras' crs guard tha road and allow none to pass. Jark Flasrg and Lew Webb cam" in Jist ai ht and confirmed the repnrt nf Scrnticj at Nolan's. The rustlers are in fo-tre hero. At W o'clock last night a pany cf th rty five left la the direction of tne T A roach. OXEVOONDKD 3l.V > FOCND. -3t ; VnthcntJc Rej > ort froui the sit ofTar Declare TU it i RUtlig U t. a-rjL GILLETTE , Wyo. , Apnl 11. specie Tue- gram to THE Bat.j Today's itags aas j st arnved aad briagi the folio-via ? ae"vs from the cattle rustlers war on Pnwder nver south of BaSalo. Fifty wellartaad moa ara ou. Powder nver , iad 05 Kred Hasae a > nd another party of about the same aumber of men comnsandod by Charles Ford want inta camp twelve miles south of BuTilo ut tha T A. raacne at 10 o'clock this moraine ; About noon yestarJjy reuao.a news reached Buffalo that Natd Caampioa and posse bare been surrounded and over _ J3 saots exchanged , bhenff Angui and possa , wh left hare yesterJay , ara cjt oil from towa. A wagaa has just pa.sea through tawa beariug wounded maa to th hospital near Fort McKlnnev. Others ara reported , t.u.ei and woaadeJ. About forty rustlers aavo passed through towa ia the d.recujn of tha wrei * of action. These raparts cajie from a source that is reliable. Farther Kviiiooco of Hard Doct..i % vtfyo. , Apnl IL A telrgraa , from the sheriff of Jouasoa oouaty to z-rZ Campbell of Cuav r a coaaty states 'hit a fiirnt occurred bjtwaaa tha stockmen and ra tlers on PavrtSer nver , and d'rec's b.-c to arrest fagiuvas. Uadar those d.r ct.ons tha Converse ooaaty autharitiiM hi 3 guards stationed at ail bndgai along th3 P.atto mrth aad wast of hera , aad at tae rv-rf-rd , The aiail earner oa the onfierj J r - cl tne mail route batty aaa BiZal a J J ajlas came is this afternoon , but bad .0 tna , 'rra Buffalo. Ha rsportod having nec-j < " t.vo fuglties at FeWarajan , retarn.rg froai 'so reported bjtid * . T.vo dspaty 2 rl trera sent oat after the fugitive * . Tt3 men Lad stopped at William vVemcr's house at Tet- terai&o. Taey were aiaorstad n floe t"r e"r T stood aad Uadiy jadsi. Thv wi us 5 3 exchange - change her * * . sayias tb y bfll-'n ' . " > a t eatue ouifit , waic * wucUl jwy t t ca-sira-i. Oue of tbain wa wounded ia t-.1 * ar x Vrr nnr r f a * d to give Vnoa fa a alms's a-.i USPV pu ued on ' .Ma d putj STT"S * . - lowed tbar Ln.il far savenu is M i * ! ) cf Wraer's n.B E. A short duta- c- ' cy Jo-aud a place of oaarso i7hii m _ - , nt- ttrated wtOi ! a * o < i. wfetoa ! a4 eviuji ; fc i roiled into a plus aad inserted n a D. .ct woaad. There wera drapi ot - ecJ oa the Tlie f ugtilves lelt the taaa when ul s a&ove Utm iai aad * he.to. . W2 * > * , Werner said tfc y rtocld talk j ; ' e fat said that they w > re vrito tb ! o-tfit ihit.v it north en W d e > dar H U & j or half-brMul DT WL , Cola. , JLyrii II. A later ir r tl Itwo Daugiiu. Wyo. , te tk : > awi .a rcta'-J to tbt ogM Wtwaw BsUltfAea BO J r s * ri Kid OoeiAUy of ttua I' ivder r ru- . - T' . igot imrd tor rr.t 3 ABtc sp -Lrti r o orbf a'aia ' at * " I - 11 Qi TU I j