Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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Hastings' Grand Army Members Pleasantly
Surprise Judge Burton ,
Ilnrtlngtnn llnfiliicxs Men Amloiis to Secure
mi Ont Mcul Mill llnriiril' * HrlRlit
I'ni'prcln llonnril Count ) ' Dninn-
crnU I'ntor Uotcrnor lluyd >
s , Nob. , April 10. [ Special to Tun
Br.K. ] Friday niRht on onon mooting of Si
las A. Btrlcldnml poit , Urnnd Army of tlio
llopubllo , was hold In the post rooms , during
which County Judge W. 1C Hurton wis sur
prised by being presented with n line gola-
beaded cano by the post through the depart
ment commander , Ooneral C. J. Dllworth.
The post was presented with n couple of pic
tures a llttlo Inter in the ovonlng ,
Contrrcssmnn MctColeuan has given the
press o notice of an examination to bo hold in
Tvlny at Hastings of candidates for West
1'oint. Cndot Arthur Kdwnnli of this city
will graduate this summer , and It is to fill
this vacancy that the examination will ho
hold ,
McKlbben and Fuller , n couple of the
Hastings base ball team , have reported hero
Tor duty and will begin work Immediately.
Tuov plav respectively second bi.o ! and
pitcher. MclCih'bon Is of lur.t year's Hast
ings and Fuller of last year's ICearnoy towns.
The Hustings Uonubllcan club has titled
up very comfortable quarters in the Alex
ander bloclc. Tno club Is Increasing in
numbers , and Is already beginning campaign
worir. The republican county convention Is
to bo held tioro on the lOlh Hist , , and the club
has secured on address from Hon. . .1.V ,
Lansing , president of the State Henubllcan
league. In the evening of the snmo day.
i'otltlotis have boon circulated in Hastings
nsklng Governor Bo.vd to pardon Captain A.
JJ. Vocum , tlioslavor of Myron Tun Fleet ,
who wai convicted of manslaughter. On the
other hand , friends of the deceased have
formulated a remonstrance ognlnbt the pro
posed pardon.
Countv Judge Burton has boon arranging
for a convention of the county judges of the
ntata to bo hold In May. The object of this
mooting is to devlso moans to redress the
Bl'iovnncos of the probate Judgoi , and to so-
euro among thorn a moro uniform system of
practice. The convention will probably bo
bold In Lincoln.
Yosloraay , for the first time In months ,
a flro alarm was sounded In Hastings. A
barn was dostrovod by n flro caused by
children and bonfires.
South Sliiux City8 drouth ,
SOUTH Sioux CITY , Nob. , April 10.
[ Special to THE BcixJ J. P. Twohle ,
formerly county cleric , is now secretary of
the Equitable Building and Loan association
of South Sioux City.
The forryboit made a few trlpj over the
river Thursday and Frlaay of last wool : ,
being the first chance for loams to cross the
rivorslnco the ice wont out two months ago.
John Klostor , formerly city marshal , was
employed some time uco as watchman by the
Short Line Urlilco company to watch the
rip-rapping on the Nebraska side of the
river. For some reason when his bill was
prosuntod the company failed to pay it.
Klostor cnteroa suit to recover the same
and Justice Stinson of Dakota City gave a
verdict for the plaintiff for S3 par night.
There is an effort being made to guarantee
n yoarlyl ncomo of10,000 to a bridge com
pany to induce capital to construct n brldgo
over the Missouri Hvor at this point. Those
backing the movement claim thu money is in
sight to construct the bridge as soon as the
guarantee is given. South Sioux City people
ple nro working on tUo deal with flattering
hopes for success.
Articles of incorporation for tbo Solzor
Bros.1 Broivinc company will bo filed in a
low days. Tbo urowory is to ba constructed
in Covlngton and will bo of the most im
proved plan. The architects buvo the plans
completed and expect to boxin work upon
the proposed plant in the near future. Tho.
estimated cost is S130.000.
Since prohibition has boon partially in vogue
In Sioux City llttlo of the old time enthu
siasm has entered into business la Coving-
ton. Already several now houses are in course
of construction. John McLaflln will begin
the erection of a theater building , 40xl50feot.
two stories high , as soon as lumber can bo
transferred across the river , and various
other enterprises nro contemplated. There
has be'on olcrht applications made for saloon
licenses already , while gambling houses nro
opening up In every vacant room in town.
The recent election of trustees for the vil
lage resulted in a complete victory for the
liberal element and Covington will undoubt
edly bo the place toward which , tnn saloon
element of Sioux City will turn and they
will bo received with open arms.
Alonroo Noiri Note * .
Moxunc , Nob. , April 10. ( Special to Tnn
Br.E. ] This place is beginning to feel the
effects of last year's food croos.
Joseph Webster & Son will put In n bank
and lumber yard hero this spring , and will
commence building May 1.
Salloch ft Zeitflon's now olovaior is nearing -
ing completion and will bo in shape to help
handle next year's crop. The Farmers olo-
vatorhas shipped 165,000 bushels of groin
from hero this season.
Tno pontoon bridge across the Coup river
Is almost an assured fact. It will civo thU
place about ono-third moro territory to draw
Tbo Union ParJlio Railroad comnnny has
promised to llnlsli the sidetrack nud put in c
depot hero this summer , which will bo c
great convenience to the increasing trade
and travel from bore.
Farmers have commenced .seedlug , al t hougt
tbo ground Is wet and not in us good con-
uitioa for work as they would like.
Norfolk's JluligiouH llntltiil.
NOtiroi.K , Nob. , April 10. ( Special to Tnr
Br.u.j-rA wonderful revival of religion is
now | n progress in this city under the leadership
ship of Rev. N. L. Hooplngarnor , the dbtiu
guishcd western evangelist. Tbo meeting !
wore commenced in the Methodist Episcopal
church , but the uhurch proved too small t (
accommodate the largo crowds that assembled
to hoar tha praaohlug and the meetings were
adjourned to tho-opora house , which is lllloc
each ovnnlng. The moating-i have boon It
progress little loss than one week and a large
number have already been converted , uonrlj
all qf.whoni nro adults. The meetings tvil
continue all of next week. Mr. Ilooplngarnoi
holdn Rorios of meetings in So ward Stroo
church , Omaha , last winter ,
Clay Center Notrn.
CUT CBNTEH , Nob. , April 10. [ Special ti
TUB BKE. ] The Jury In the case of W. H
Hammond against the city of Harvard wai
taken in carriages to Harvard Friday to yjov
the property ! n litigation. This Is a sul
agftlust the city for damages claimed on ac
count of a change of grade in the street , am
has been pending a number of years.
L. H. Buckus br Harvard was in town Fri
day circulating a petition nsUIng for the par
don of Captain Vocum of Hastings.
Stops nro being taken in some parts of tin
county tor the rollof of the recent ovclom
Note * from Tahiti Itock ,
TABLE HOCK , Nob. , April 10. ( Special t
TUB BsR.J Miss Mattie Bulldridgo , who hn
boou lying at tbo point of death for seven o
eight months at her father's homo , snmo fou
allot from hero , died Wednesday morning
The bride works have Just resumed uctlv
Ity , nod are grinding out the supcr-exeellou
Tuble Rock brick by thu thouiuhd.
Tbo creamery will , next week , send outUi
croum gatherers on full time. Those me :
have been working only Lalf Uma daring Ui
Sinnll Vire ut
LEXIXUTOX , Nob. , April 10. [ Spoclal Tele
pram to TUB BEK. ] A uiall hlazo hero tbl
inornlnu destroyed the Dumas rostnurant
The IMS Is about $1,000. Thotlro companies
No. I ana 2. Uid nmffuMoont work in pro
TonUojr the tire from preadug. !
Aisiitoil tlm Association.
Cuuniux , NOD. , April 111. ( Special to Tm
Bun. ) Last night Btotton's minstrels , i
company composed of Igcal talent , gave i
fco : : flt 'for the Cemetery association bafor
ono of the largest and most Intelligent audi
ences over assembled In this city. Some
thing HUe 8200 wan taken in for the asiocln-
tlon , which will bo used in ranking needed
Improvements. -
IlnrtliiBtnn'A I'ropnscil Out Moat Mill ,
HAKTI.NOTOX , Nob. , April 10 , ( Special to
TUP. BBK. ] The leadlnir business men of
this city hold n meeting nt the county
Judge's ofilco Friday night , the object of the
mooting being the consideration of having
an oal meal mill placed In this city. The
mooting was largely attended , and a great
deal of enthusiasm was manifested. A
committee was appointed to solicit $30,000
worth of stook. To this amount , the com-
piny which is to put in tLo plant will add
$100,030. The null is to have n capitally of
UOO barrels per day , and to bo completed
within ninety days from the time the agree
ment is mada with thu company.
.Still figuring on Klcotlon llrturns.
BnArntCK , Nob. , April 10. [ Special to Tnn
Ben. ] Tbo ofllcial count of the recent city
election was made by the city council last
night. Harry Phillip's nlurallty for mayor
Is 15 , .1. S. Urldlo's plurality for treasurer Is
US. J. T. I'ntlllas for city clerk received
l.rfS'J votes , no opposition. Republican can
didates for coiiucllmen are elected in each
ward bv majorities ranging from forty to
170. The Intersection bonds are defeated by
fifteen votes and the fundlnp bonds proposi
tion is knocKed clear out.
llnx llutti- County Litigation ,
HcMiNoronn , Nob. , April 10. [ Special to
Tun BEII.J Judge Alfred Bartow yesterday
morning closed the shortest terra of the dis
trict court ever hold in Box Butte county.
The term Inslcd only throe days , yet nn Im
mense amount of business was disposed of.
This was Judge Barlow's Hrst appearance in
this county In the capacity of Judge und the
way bo treated all parties concerned and
managed court affairs has won for him the
highest esteem of all.
Ueuulllul Corcinonlnln Observed Coiillrnm-
tlon ut Trinity.
Services yesterday in the Catholic , Episco
pal and Lutheran churches wore sotnowhiit
festal in character in commemoration of
Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem ,
which in the ohurcu calendar is called Palm
Suudny , the Sunday before Eastor.
Hundreds of devout worshippers were seen
on the streets yesterday after church hours ,
cither carrying or wearing in button holes
the pretty branches of the palm tree , which
in the olden time wcro cast beloro tbo Lord
during his triumphal progress toward the
city which was to become famous the world
over as the dwelling place of the Master.
Priestly hands had blessed the palms , and
for the day the branches were emblematic
of Pusslori week , which began with yester
day.Tho services yesterday nt Trinity were
particularly impressive , it being confirma
tion day at the cathedral. The chancel , altar
and rarodos were beautifully decorated with
the spreading branches of the palm , whllo
the choir stalls and pulpit were ornamented
with the pretty evergreen.
Rt. Rov. George Worthington , bishop of
Nooraskii , ofllointed nt the services , preach
ing the sermon , and was assisted by the dean
of the cathedral , Very Rov. O. H. Gardner.
The bishop ehoso for his text the words ,
"Who is This , " found in the tenth chanter
of St. Mathew and twenty-first verse. The
speaker reviewed the momentous events ,
which began with Christ's entry into Jerusa
lem , and pictured Unoly the storm and stress
of Christ's latter days on rarth.
After the sornion the bishop confirmed a
class of thirty-six persons , admitting them to
communion with the church.
The choir sang with great spirit "Los
Sameaux" ( the Palms' ) , by Fnuru , arranged
tor solo and chorus by Dudley Buck. Mr.
Jules Lombard's line buss was heard to ad
vantage in Iho solo , a selection which never
crows tiresome.
A beautiful benediclto by Foster was also
sung by the choir in n manner -which loft ,
ittlo to bo desired , also several Grcconan
chants , which are always interesting because
of their simplicity , yet show great strength
.n composition.
It is c ploas.uro to hoar the choir at Trinity ,
for their work Is always intelligent.
Very J'uliuiblo JTnkc ,
AUIUQURHQUK , N. M. , April 10. The fight
at Quoensbcrry rules between Jim McCoy of
this city and Joe Cotton , late of California ,
came off this afternoon two miles south of
town In a Mexican corral. Up to the llfth
round the fighting was furious and the
people present were satisfied that it would
mcnn to n finish. In this round McCoy went
to the ground and said bo was knocked out.
The majority of these present denounce it as
a fake , The genuine sporting fraternity of
Albuouorquo , who hnvo tried to conduct
things on the square , uro us named of it. Tbo
roofs of nn adobe house adjoining , on which
were about lifty persons , went down during
tbo excitement at the end of the ugnt , but
no ono was seriously Injured.
Tips for Today.
Hero are some horses on which much
money is going in the belief , that they are
the best chances offered by the cards :
1. Klnfax John lllckoy.
2. I'oUestrlan turvus.
a. Dixie Irrosular.
4. iliibollo Kdiidon ,
5. 1-ouU It Craft.
0. Cantaur Purest Kin ; .
1 FanKliiK Critic.
2. TooQulolc llaydou.
a. I'lill llwycr Ultlo Bllllo.
4. Costa Hleii Orov Oooso.
5. Cams Tom Jones.
General Sporting Ohscrvuiuln ,
The general opinion in London is that the
Corbett-Sullivnn light will never take place.
"Lucky" .Baldwin's racing string will
leave Los Angeles , Cal.within ten days fet
Jim Hall knocked out Jack Floyd of Port
Richmond lu forty-nino seconds ut Phila
delphia Monday night.
Jim Corbott writes THE BEK that ho would
like a date hero for his sparring combina
tion about April 23 or > .
Slavln , of course , is the favorite across the
pond , lu his coming light with Jackson. The
big black Australian has a world of backer *
on this side , however.
By cable it is announced that Slavin will
return to America alter his baltlo with Jack
son , und n well-known bookmukc-r will ac
company him and lind stukcs for him to fight
the winner of tbo Sullivan and Corbett light.
Tom O'Rouruo , George Dixon's backer ,
says ho will bring Ted Prichard to this
country in 'August und back him ngninst
FitzslmmoiiB. Such u fiUtlo affair would
rank only second to the SulUvun-Corbott
Ed Smith , the faking Don vorbaavy weight ,
cow offers to moot Peter Mnhcr for a purse
of $ 'iT > UO , Ho has challenged about every
tlKhtcr , big und llttlo , In the known world up
to data and. yet has his ilrst iood light to
Potcr Maher will make his appearance in
Chicaco in about u fortnight in an atblotlt
entertainment to bo given by "Parson"
Davlw at tba battery. This will be the
"Pardon's" last show prior to his departure
for Europe.
Torn Ryan and Con Doyle will spar eight
rounds in Uubinjuo Monday night. The
match is exciting much interest und specula
lion in the IOWA city. Doyle may boon.Uc
matched to n ilntuh with Billy 'Hawkins ,
llehtwcight champion of Canada.
It is quite probable that Goorgt * Plxon will
bo matched to tight the English foulher.
weight , Fred1 Johnson , in England ; a pur c
of $1,000 and aside bat , of $5,000 having been
pronVrod us an iuduceinont. This J3Uon' <
backer savi Is satisfactory to him.
Iho Metropolitan club of New Orleans is
in tiuublo. Jack Burke says bo did not receive
coivo his $ . " > 00 , the losor's end of the fight
with Noodbftm , and Ncodham had to bo content -
tent with $1,500 Instead of the full purse.
Tbo referee has not got his (100 , and the out
look for the future of the club U bad.
Uooawln Bros , of 241 Broudwny. New
YorK , who execute wintorbookcommissions ,
report the following handicap quotations ,
Suburban Tmtau. 0 to 1 ; Montana , 20 ;
Porlcbestor , Turriller and Longford , 40 to 1
each ; Tournament , SO ; Clarendon aud Hlelj-
ccr , 30 to 1 each ; Falrvlow. 40. Brooklyn
Longstreot , file 1 : Tenny. ID ; Russell , 30 ;
I'lutrtifuanto , o : India Rubber , 40. No
are noted In other prices.
Peculiar Condition of Loading Stocks Dur
ing Last Weak.
I'nlluro of the Anticipated Movement to
Occur Knrllor Ciuiscd Much Uncnftlncas
Among u Crrtiiln C'lass of Operator *
I'pnturcs of the Truilc.
Nnw YOIIK , April 10. TSpocial Telegram
toTnn BRE.l The rally on the short inter
est duly raado Its nppoaranco. It has como
and pone. It was n llttlo late , having boon
expected two weeks ago , nnd Its failure to
come exactly on time madosomo people think
that * moro long stork had boon shaken
out than wns really the cnso.
But Iho borrowing demand for stocks
showed n tendency to increase rather than
diminish aud tha points whore the boar posl-
nlon could bo assailed wcro thereby indi
cated. Tbo general Impression in the street
is that the turn was mmlo by Mr. Keene , ono
of those old time seven-day moves in the
market which recall his operations in the
days of its prime. In a narrow nnd profes
sional market the trading of n single Iprgo
operator may bo distinctly manifest. In a
broad market It would bo lost in the mas ,
but when public trading is at n minimum
nnd most of the largo operator * nro doing
llttlo , then a sudden attack on the market or
n rally may often bo chnrgaa to ono man by
the peculiar way lu which the oparatlon Is
Tno mental characteristics of the operator
distinctly discover thonnclves , nnd Iheso
characteristics nro ns dissimilar in different
operators ns handwriting. If several men
write the snmo sentence , although the written -
ton words nro the snmo , ovorv man will
write them with distinctive variation of
style , and these will bo so marked and so
constant that if the observer gets once to
know the handwriting ho can recognize it.
How Operator * Work.
In operations in the stoclc market it , is a
fact that every ono of the leading operators
who huvo boon known In Wall streat for the
last ton or liftecn yoara has ( or had ) a dis
tinct individual style of hmidlinc the mar
ket , and when the field happened to bo
pretty cleat for him his style could bo roc-
ognlzed. Mr. Gould has n known way
of driving stocks ono way or the other. Mr.
Commark's cavalry charges on a weakening
general list nro well known , ns also the ra
pidity with which ho will swing round aud
retreat when ho finds that the line will uot
yield. Mr. Woorishoffor had a thrashing
way of going nt things which , when
ho was bearing the market , reminded
ono of a man violently swmcing a ilnll.
It was a sort of all round slaughter. Mr.
Keono's method is ono ot rapid movements ,
quick surprises , vigilant searching of weak
points nnd Instant attackHo has always
had a liking for making short , quick turns in
the market , such as that of tbo last week ,
which was simply n arivo ut the short
Just I.lko Tlirlr Handwriting.
The diQlculty nbout analyzing those specu
lations nud tracing them to their source Is as
dllllcult ns learning the handwriting. Once
learned it is cnsv to recognize it attain. To
make this requirement it is necessary
that one should have a chance to
watch how the market acts when
you have persounl knowledge of
what a largo operator is dolnc. In ether
words , you must nt some time bavo soon the
actual pulling of the string. Such chances
do not occur to every one. Then again , to
trace the movements clearly the field must
bo comparatively clear , for If there are many
forces at work the manipulations of a single
operator are most Indistinguishable unless ho
is confining his efforts to ono or two stocks.
The favorable time for seeing the handi
work of a single operator is a period of dull
ness like the present , when fornxumplo Corn-
mack or Mr. Keene will yield to mental im
pulse and give the market n twist one way
or the other in such a manner as to plainly
show their band to experienced observers.
It does not follow , however , that tbeso snort
operations are always a financial success < o
the operator who makes them. They maybe
bo done at a loss , but the style of opera
tion remains the same. During last week
when the vote of the Reading bill by
Governor Abbott failed to break tbo stock
because there were lursor support orders in
the market for it , the bear position was
greatly weakened.
NVaa the Leading Stock.
It was almost a certainty thai the market ,
which had been declining for a week or ton
days , would bo sharply rallied , since an
event which might have been expected to
give the bull side of speculation a severe
blow , had in fact failed to make any im
pression. Reading rallied quickly nnd" the
rest of the active list ( not n broad ono , however -
over ) , followed suit. Saturday there was
little doing and such stocis as were quoted
showed a dropping tendency.
The rally on Iho short Interest had cul
minated the day boforo. There is one cause
for congratulation , the Reading bill is out of
the way. That bad became a nuisance. Why
it should have boon kept as long as it was in
the executive chamber is a mystery. There
Is nothing in the veto message which
suggests a reason for the pro
longed delay. The suspicion in
Wall street is that itt wns
connected with speculation la the stock. As
to the coal combination , tor all essential pur
poses that will stand Just where it did bo
foro. The question what Heading is worth
is the same now as it was before , what can
the company earn ( To uiscovur what it can
earn under the now condition * and In rela
tion to the now obligations tbo company has
ussumod , a couple of years at least will ho
required , that is to reach a basis of calcula
tion ujion which the future may , with roa-
sonnbio certainty , bo forecast.
Reading stock is likely to continue as ono
nf the most highly speculative in the market ,
The following ntu-o boon indicated as stocks
to which a buying movement is tending from
various causes : Western Union , Cordage
common and preferred. Cotton Oil preferred
nnd Lead preferred. The former sold Satur
day at 00 , a price ut which it hud not
hcon quoted for exactly ton .vonr * . Tbo
trouble with most of the railroad stock Is
tnatthoy nro alroadv selling on ubout n ( }
per cent basis. This Is well lor the stnci
tuvostor but i ) , gives little margin for bul
speculation in them.
I > lsionnt IOUH K Kxptirt Thut the Itnnl
Kiitn Will lie AKiiln I.oivori'd.
LONDON , April 10. Discount was easy
during tbo nast wook. The last quotations
were 1 per cent for three months
und throe-fourths of 1 per cant
lor short. The distribution of dlvi
aends has increased the supplies in the
money market and the abundance is such
that at llmos money U almost unlcndablo.
Discount houses expect that the Bank ol
Ki , Gland rate will bo again lowered. The
silver market continues to attract anxious
attention. The week before India banks
woru buying silver ut 40 punco und tne&o
purchases , with some outside inquiry , as
sisted the rise to 40Js ponce. Now York
then showing a disposition to sell , the prlcu
daily relapsed until HHJf panco was reached.
On Friday the price recovered \yt panuo and
.yesterday one-eighth , New York having
ceased to sell and India having renewed buy
ing. Mexican dollars moved with tno ban ,
but for the last few davs so little business
was done that brokers did not give quota
tlons. With bars at ! J9K ponce , dollars were
cillod at & > % poncu. Tno Stock exchange
shows slight symptoms of an Improvement ,
the extreme cheapness of money stimulating
The more cheerful tone on tbo foreign
bourses helped to briuhton the Stock ex
change business In high class investments.
British funds gained ono-clgblli of 1 percent ,
linked with the silver movomontlostono-hall
of 1 per cent Foroltin securities benefited
by the active condition of the maruot und
pained un average of ono-lialf of 1 per cent ,
exempt Chilians , which lost one-half of 1 poi
cent. The American ran roans were the
busiest , recovering from tbo rcconl
stagnation. being the feature o
the woelc. Support came from all
quarters as soon as Now York gave tba load ,
London and provincial buying orders \ver
followed by continental buying. The activity
did uot amount to a boom , but it seems to bo
the forerunner of one. Yesterday , although
the boat rnco GHrtCtnany operators off the
street , dealings In American railroads were
the highest of tKo Ivcek. Variation * for the
wool ! in prices of jAmcrlc-in railway secur
ities Include thqflfoUowitiK increase : Louis ,
vlllo ft Na-shvllln , JU per cent ; Atchlson nnd
Union 1'dclUosbarm , a per cent each ; Wn-
bash preforroo , i r per cent ; Atchlson Incomes -
comes nnd WnbTttfi debentures , l poVccnt
each ; Lake Snorb ? 1 per cwt ; Uonvor ft Klo
Grande prefcrrtJ nnd Missouri , Kansas ft
Texas , throa-tountis of 1 percent each ; Den
ver fe Kio Oramlp ppmuion , 1 nor cent ; Mox-
icnn Central , Now.York ft Western , Now
York , Pennsylvania & Ohio Ilrst mortgage ,
Northern 1'aclflb mid Ohio ft Mississippi ,
ono-half ot 1 por"cont each ; Erie , 1 per cent ;
line seconds , tlfrco-foutths ot 1 per
cent ; St. Paul common , ! tV | per
cout ; Now York' Central , throe-fourths
of 1 per cent ; Pennsylvania , 1'j" per
cent ; Canadian railway securities
shared In the strength of American
linos. Grnml Trunit first nroforonco gained
7 per cent on the vveeu and ordinary 2 per
cont. The securities of Mexican railways
wore weak , seconds losing l'.f per cent nnd
firsts threo-fourths of 1 per cent on the woek.
Copper share * vcro depressed owing to the
'ormor announcement of the If sue of a third
lnortgngo to cover tbo largo floating dobt.
Klo Tlntos declined 1 per cent for the weoK.
Among the enterprises placed on the mnrkot
during the woos nro the California nnd Mexi
can Land company , offering land warrants
covering 4TU ! neros nt 10 per ncro , the
Canadian Milk com pan v " wllu n capital of
100,000 In JE10 Kttaros.
Iliivnnu Murkrt Kevlcw.
HAVANA , Aprino. Slnco the mlddloof tbo
week the demand fur sugar has boon slightly
Improved , but the market closed rather
weak. The quotations nro as follows ! Mo-
lnscs suirar , regular to good polarization ,
S'J.lSJ fg'J.Illif gold per quintal ; Muscoavdo
fnir t'o good rotlnlng , CS to TO degrees polar
ization , $3.1'Ji ( g : ! . ' . ! . < i ; > contrlfugal , 9J to 0(5 (
uogroes polarization , W.or)3ji'2.0iJS' ) Htocits
in sloro house nt Havunn , twonty-ciuht
boxes , 847,000 bags and 2,80,1 hogsheads. Ko-
colnts ot the week , Dll.UOO bags nnd 4'JO
hogsheads. Ex ports of the week , 'JS.nOO bags ,
of which 2'J.mK ) bags to the United Stntos.
BACON' H.2f ) > gold per quintal.
BuTTBit Super American , $30 gold per
FLOUR American , $7.00 gold per barrel.
HAMS American sugar cured , 512.00
gold per quintal for northern ; $17.00 for
southern ,
Lint ) In kogs. 53.50 gold per quintal ; in
tins , $11.00.
liUMiiBit Nominal.
WHITE NAVY BEANS J4. ! > 0 gold per quin
CIIEWIXO Toiucco 520.50gold per quintal.
HOOPS Quiot.
FllEIOllTS Dull.
E.\CHANOK Steady.
-f'-JO4/2.47. .
On the Frankfort llourso.
FitcticroiiT , April 10. Only a limited
amount of business was transacted during
: ho past ivook. The closing quotations of
Saturday include .Hungarian gold rentes ,
J2.3 ; Italian 5s , SS.fiO ; Portuguese bonds ,
tt.SO ; Russian 4s , 03.50 ; Spanish 4s , 5U.70 ;
Austrian silver rente's , 70.80 ; short ex
change on London , 20.41 ; private discount ,
1J per cent. The lending llnunctnl paper
hcio attributes the increase in Iho gold re
serves in the Reich's bank and the Bank of
England and Frn'rtt-'o ' to the silver law in
America drlvintr 'nwav gold. The Actionar
soys that Gould. Mnckayjind Vnnderbilt are
sending largo parts o"f their fortunes to
Europe to oscnpe threatened losses through
Lho depression in Silver. The city of Madrid
lias entered into negotiations hero for a loan
of 4,000,000 , olLjrins to pledge certain excise
receipts therofor , bijCU is doubtful whether
the offer will bo a'coopted.
On thv llgrlla liourso.
Br.w.tx , April lb ! 'On the bourse during
the wootc business was quiet. Hnmo funds
were a shade weaker. Russian securities
were heavy on % the , announcement of the
minister of finance. jjOthor foreigners were
firm. The final gustations include : Prus
sian ( is. 10.70 ; Dnptscbc , 1C.IK ) ; Hnrpener ,
143private ; alscouri ! } . . The Rclchs bank
hat sent 23,000,000"silver , thnlors to 'the
Vienna mint'AdStria pa.vling"-"tho Helens
bank in notes. This is the iirst consignment
ot the Austrian thalors , of which the Reichs
bank hold 215.000,000. Another portion will
be the and of' a year and the last
portion aftn'r. two years. This arrangement
is part of the plan regnlallng'tho Austrian
acceptance of a gold'standurd.
On tlu > 1'nris
PAHIS , April 10. Business on the bourse
was fairly active duriug the past week , al
though only foreign securities show o rise
on the week. Throe per cent rentes are
quloVwbilocroditfoneierlostlO francs. Amer
ican securities gained 2 per cent on the ar
rangement of n treaty with the United States.
The suspension of Brullo & Co. , private
bankers , has precipitated the failure of Alc-
mand & Co. , wholesale Jewelers. The liabil
ities of the lirms nro heavy. The whole
extensive diamond and pearl traoo of Paris
Is dlsorganizod , partly through heavy diamond
mend speculation.
A ClmrinhiK Story.
Ono of the most interesting aad exciting
stories that has boeu published recently is
"Tho Princess Mazaroff ; a Romance of the
Day , " by Joseph Hatton. These who like
sensationalism in its most tragic form will
hail with delight the last production of this
ontertalning novelist.
Tbo plot briefly is us follows : Richard
Gordon Tiavor.tha only son of a /nmous
iron founder of ftliddlcsborough , in England ,
and Middlesborougb , m America , happens
meet with Prince and Princess Mazaroff nt
Brindisl and travels in the same steamer with
them on n trip from that place to Paris.
Now , the prince , who is u Russian by
birth , treats his wife with great indifference
if not absolute ciuelty , and she being a
beautiful woman , full of lire and spirit , con
soles herself by accepting the attentions her
many admirers are only too willing to lavish
upon her. But she never experiences la
grande passion until she becomes acquainted
with Richard Gordon Travcrs. with whom
she falls desperately In lovo. Sbo conlldos
to him on board ship that she is unhappy
with her husband , and bo , in a moment of
weakness , tells bor that bo will always ba
nor friend and that if over she is in
need of aid she can rely on him. Young
TruvcrH did not think' ' much moro of tLo
matter , but is very .forcibly reminded of his
promise when , while in Paris at a lute hour
lu tbo night , tbo unarming and amorous
princess rushes suddenly into his room. In
forming him that she has loft her husband
forever and has como to llvo with hi > n.
Truvers , whl'.o not being a saint , fools
the situation a .Vo"ry awkward one , nnu
scarcely knows WuBtlo do , but finally suc
cumbs to the nibtandishmenU ot thu
fnsclnaliuir Princess. . Mazaroff , nnd for u
time t'aey live a sorto'f turtle dove life. After
a bit , however , thio iEugUshman : boglns to
think bo ought toDatura to England ana
straighten out his 'affairs and acute down.
He returns to hls-Vmtlvo land and wliiio
there falls tu love with a wealthy young ladv
and his love beiiiV nviurocated. lit ) deter
mines to marry hoHn short order. The pas
sionate princess , liJJVJver , cannot bo so easily
shaken off , Shey l irs of his impending
marriugo and .ojin tbo day it is to
take place KJXwL appears on tbo
'I stood between hl % now love and ho has
lulled mot" Of COUMO this inakos matters
look very bluutc for Travers , but in the und
he comes out all rliht and marrlos the Inuy
of his chmco. I'ubJUbud by tbo United
States Coon company , 150 Worth street ,
New York.
In Aberdeen , Scotland , tests are shortly to
ba mudo on cattle hilled by electricity to as
certain if the current lias any detrimental ef
fect on the quality of-tho meat ,
A colored man has obtained prominence as
boiuc tbo first of his race to malio an inven
tion in electricity. The patent ho applied for
was for u now method of supplying electrical
energy to cars.
A recent electrical Invention Is a self et-
tlng annunciator by which the indicating
needle | ints to the last call nnd remains In
that position cat 111 cull is inaao lu another
Ridiculous Reports Being Gabled to London
About the United States.
Clillt'd Statesmen Making i\cry imirt : to
JU-gtilntr tlm AtV.ilr.t oftlin ( ! o\crmm'iit
oils to Innplrr Vonllilrnrr Her
JSxporls anil Import * ,
VAU'Aimso , Chili ( via Galveston , Tex. ) ,
April 10. ffly Mexican Cable to the Now
York Herald Special to Tin : Buc. ] United
States Admiral Walker sent ma n dispatch
Loday denying In Iho strongest terms the
London Times story that ho , Mr. Pltkon , Iho
American minister to the Argentina Re
public , and the Uruguayan minister of for
eign affairs had entered Into u quasi secret
agreement by which Uruguay was to pro
vide n naval depot for the United States ,
but that falling to secure Llbortad island In
Montevideo bay , Walker nud Pltktn per
suaded the Argentine government to enter
tain n proposal lor the concession of laud at
the mouth of tbo Rio do La Plain. Ad
miral Walker says that the Times story is
not only entirely false but uttotly ridicu
The financial condition of Chill is causing
much comment in the lending Journals. Ex
change yesterday receded ISd. The nrob-
ability is that it will fall more. Ills known
that the government will have to meet en
gagements in Europe this year of i.'iUO.OOO.
Furthermore , lu the present stuto ot the
world's markets , Chilian exports of wheat ,
copper and silver nro * f very little import
ance. This is nnother cause responsible for
the fall of exchange and docllno of prices. A
factor serving to dofdal Chill's exchequer Is
the largo amount ot money remitted monthly
to Europe to supply wealthv absentees , such
as Scnor Cousino Claudia Vicuna , the two
McKennas and Catapos. The balance ot
trade is unequal.
Imports l coctl tlin Exports.
The Imports nro largely in excess of the
exports and require remittances , as the value
of the exports is so small. There is no
doubt that tbo present and fuluio adminis
trations must grapple with the problem of
curtailing the national expenditure that has
assumed proportions far In excess of the
country's ' needs. Et Hornldo in an editorial
yesterday advocates cutting off Iho subsidy
to the English mall steamers on the ground
that there uro iivo lines now run by Chili.
The project or Senor ValueVergara ! to com
pel the payment of export duties on nitrates
by ninety-day bills on London will bo recon-
siuorod at the comlngsesslon of congicss. If
passed it may prove n solution in part of the
iinnnciiil question , uutbo long as members of
congress and the government rely for polit
ical support at elections on national em
ployes ou railroads or in other branches there
is llttlo hope for great reform.
The rallroud service is demoralized. Grain
nud other produce is umiblo to bo moved
owing to the luck of cars and the cupidity of
onlcors who want to receive n ice before
graining applicants transportation fncilitiej.
Senor Edwards , , the present minister ot
finance , is giving his utmost attention to the
rehabilitation of the country's llnancus. Uuon
tno return of Sunor Augustine Ross from
Europe his advice will bo asked. With a
raise of values of Chili's exports her future
will be much briehtcr.
JiiU-r.-sUnj , ' KoHslp trom Chill.
German Minister vonTrckow was received
yesterday by President Moritt.
Senor Ilurror Luce has bocn appointed ou
the council of stale , in plaoa of Carlos
Wulkor Martinez , who resigned from the
Dr. Trumbull yesterday gave mo a signed
statement in whlcn ho assorts that ho has
undealablo proof that ono of United States
Admiral Brown's olllier. , on August
JO , 1801 , gave Intondent VIII of
Valparaiso the robiilts of the s > an
Francisco's observations nt Quintois.
Dr. Trumbull claims publicly that ns u result
of such information this ofllcor is chargeable
with being death's ally at the battle of
Placilla , as the military situation of the con
gressional army at the Concor engagement
was such that bad no news boon given the
Balmnccdist * the battle would never have
taken olace. An investigation of the affair
is solicited.
The overnmoat proposes to erect n monument
ment ut Santiago in honor of the victims of
the congresslonalisls.
The conservative napers nro attacking the
cabinet in regara to railroad management.
An inspector of the southern division bus
boon Jailed atConcepcion forrcRponsimlityir.
the recent rallroud nccidont , in which sev
eral persons were killed or wounded. The
minister of public works , Riesco , who is an
engineer by profession , Is giving much con
sideration to railroad affairs.
I.ouls roiiu Chosen Pronldrnt by nn Otcr.
whelming Miijorlt } " .
BUENOS ATKKS , Argentina ( via Galvoston.
Tex. ) . April 10. | By Mexican Cublo to Iho
New York Herald Special to Tun BRI : . ]
Everything is quiet in the capital this' even
ing , und so far us can bo learned , throughout
tbo entire country. The voting for presi
dential electors who are to cheese a successor
to Pclligrinl was conducted in u peaceful
manner. As I bavo often predicted ,
LouU Saenz Puna , the coalition
candidate of the Roca Mitre party and all the
other parties , with the exception of radicals ,
bavo carried everything beloro him. Al
though n state of siege was proclaimed on
Aprils after the discovorv of the nllcged
dynamite plot and the arrest ot a unmoor of
radical leaders , it was lifted today. Tbo
government allowed the radical Journals to
publish telegrams only after they had been
subjected to the strictest censorship.
El Argentina , n prominent radical organ of
this city , issued a manifesto culling upon all
the members of the party to abstain from
voting. The coalition or aquondlsta ticket
in consequence met , with no opposition. The
polls were gunrdod by the police and sol
diers to keep onlur uud ttiuir pretence pre
vented uuy tioublo. DUputches from the
various provinces received hero tonight state
that SacnPuna's victory nas been us
marked as in Buenos Ayres ,
Trotililii In lira/if.
Rio JANIIUO , Briuil ( via Galveston , Tox. ) ,
April 10. | Bv Mexican Cable to the Now
York Herald Special to THIS Bisu.J Presi
dent Polxotto issued n manifesto severely
rebuking the recent military pronunciamento
in which the deposition of governors in some
of the Ktatoi was condemned. Not satislled
with u moro rcbuuc. ho has caused several of
the onicors signing it to bo dismissed from
tbo service. Many other military men have
been imprisoned. General Meio Barreto ,
Mho is mixed up in the affair , has run uwav
to avoid being put in Jail.
Why Wllllo NCIII | > ) IT J.liurr ( l > Var Iliiutli'i
Door Iroin rnUdiiliiR.
Little Wllllo Schuylor , the 10-year-old son
of S. B. Schuylor , a waiter In the Boston
oyster house , is lying cloi.o to death's door at
his homo , 201 South May street , a victim of
his Inquisltivonoss and his penchant for
patent medicines , says tbo Chicago Tribune ,
Wllllo sot out for the Skinuor school us Ubuul
VYo < | nosduy morning. Like all other small
boys at this season of the year ho had a largo
pocketful of marbles und a strong dlslika
for study. When bo reached Harrison
street ho ran across a group of small boys
ui well equipped as himself with marbles
and dislikes for aduoatlunal duties. They
soon found a secluded spot under bholtur
from the rwIn and settled down to asocial
game of "keeps.11 Luck went against Willie
and ho wus soon relieved of his store of mar- ,
bios. In the meant line school had begun und
the small boys started up Harrison street In
quest of something to amuse them during
the forenoon.
Before they had gone n great ways they
found what they were looking ior. Down the
street cacao a man with a sock upon bis back
Jilled with small yellow envelopes , each con.
taining fourInnocent-looklrg little while pills
and a card , upon which was printed tbo an
nouncement that it presented at a certain
Wast Harrison drue store n bottle of nurvo
trcdlcinc would bq given in ox oh an pa free of
charge. With the pills ana card wet A gaudy
circular , announcing that the little pills were
"tho greatest , most unparnllod success In
the hiitory of mejlelnc , bust seller * , not ex
celled , and sura to glvo universal satisfac
tion. Sure to cure anylhinc from flu ,
spasms , opllopsy , and St. Vltus' ilanco to
heart disease. "
Willlo fell that ho was In possession of n
sinecure that would easily take the place of
hii lost marbles , mid tn company with his
companions ho > ot out to lay in n s'oro of the
surprisingly successful quack rotnod.v. They
kept close behind the man with llio sack.
Whenever ho stopped and loft a snmplo thov
stole cautiously up to the Ooorwav and took
possr.sslon of the onvelopa. Soon they had n
oreat quantity as tnnuy n thov thought thov
could tiso. Then they hunted up Iho drug
store , cashed In the cards mid received
many bottles of the splendid nerve food. The
bottioi were hard to open mid thov thought
it best to trv the pills first. Tl.oy sat down
on the curbstone mid coinmsncod to doctor
themselves. The nills tasted good ami
Wllllo , not wishing to lese A bargain so un-
oxpccteilly found , nto until lie had con
sumcd nuout 100 of the llttlo pt-llots. His
companions also nto copiously of them , al
though they finlo.1 to como up to Ins record ,
But .soon it canio tha pills'turn. Presently
Wllllo boean to fool sick. Ho crow worse
mid besought his friends to talio him home.
They also had become sick at thulr stomachs ,
but they nmdo n supreme effort to got
their lender back home. Wlion they reached
the corner of May anu Hurrison streets
young Schuylor fell to the sidownlk In con
vulsions. Ho wns picked tip and carried Inlo
his house , only a few doors distant , null Dr.
P. MoPhersou was called.
When thn physician arrived ho found the
boy suffering from .strychnine poisoning and
nt the point of death. The stomach pump
was used and antidotes wcro freely adminis
tered , and dually after persistent olfort from
10iu : ; a. m. mi 111 ! l p. m , Iho boy's condition
( hanged for the bettor. During that
time his miflorlngs wcro terrible. The
convulsions continued unceasingly. The
muscl03 contracted , nnj In his great ngonv
Wllllo ground two of his back teeth int
atoms nunlnst the \\odgo thnt'had been Inserted -
sorted In hU mouth to prevent him from bit
ing the tuho to the stomach pumn. Lust
night ho was pronounced out of Immediate
dauiror , but ho is still fur from recovery.
Examination of the pills showed that onoh
contained a littlu loss than oiio-slxtloth ot a
grain of strychnine , which Is considerably
less tuannn ordlnarv doso. Wlllu > . ho 'over.
nto enough pills to ralso the amounlof strych
nine to about ono grain , enough to kill two
boys of his ngu and constitution.
In the meantime the other boys had fared
almost as oadly. Dun Dcsuioud , who lives
nt 31 Gurloy street , was taken homo In n bad
condition ana the stomach pump wus again
called into requisition. In the case of the
other boys nature took the place of the
stomach pump and a violent nausea \va ? the
only evil effects that they suffered from their
In Willie's pockets were found enough bottles
tles of the "wonderfully successful" tonicnnd
pills to start nn extensive drug store. He
will not use them , however. When ho re
covers BUfllciootly to reali/o that ho is alive
ho doubtless will promise to go to school for
the remainder of his days. Indeed , It Is pos
sible that ho will fore-go the pleasant ols-
sipition of "keeps" foravor. Ono thing utlenst
is cerium. Ho will ncvor iigaln meddle with
white pills in yellow envelopes , notwith
standing the fact that they nro l > the great
est , most unparalelled success in the history
of medicine. "
The Spooner Comedy company bagan on
engagement at the Fariiam Street theater
yesterday in "A Fight for n Million. " U is
not n piotontiou-t company , but it Rfivo n
smooth prescuUtion of its llttlo play anu
caught the fiivor of yesterday's audiences.
Cecil Spoonor plays n ooy part Duller than
mutiy girls who attempt it , and Edna May
Spooner was qulto attractive as an unsophis
ticated girl who becomes uu hoiroas. A
number ol bongs and dauocs and n Uhinoso
orchestra woio introduced during the per
formance nnd gave variety to the entertain
Mr. Stuart Uobson and company pre
sented thu over woluomo "Honriottu" at the
Boyd last night.
PJHtltUfi'.lL I'.lll.-tUIC.IlHS.
C. D. Hyatt of Lincoln is at the Mlllard.
H. C. Mabanua of Fremont is at the Pax-
ton.AV. . D. Waldo of North Platte is nt the Pax-
ton.Clyde Opolt of Plnttsmouth is at tno Dol-
lono.O. H. Wilson of Chadron , Nob. , Is at tbo
F. 3. Blade of Oikaloosa , la. , is at the
George Schcmrnorhorn of Lincolnjis ut the
B. T. Dunn of Norfolk is registered a't the
E. L. Heath of Uuslivillo , Nub , , is at the
J. G. Ackorruan of Ainswortb , Neb. , Is m
Iho A rondo.
J. N. Paul of St. Paul , Noli. , is stopping nt
the Pnxton.
- J. A. Brown of Tilden , Neb. , is registered
nt tbei'axton.
W. E. Mollcnry of Doadwooa is registered
at the Millard.
E. W. Adams of O'Neill , Nob. , Is a cuost
at the Millnrd.
W. A. t'lshor and wife of Red Oak , la. ,
are nt Iho Pnxton.
Charles E. Benson of Dos Moines U rofiis-
tuied at the Deilouo.
Edward Bounoau of Toknmah , Nob. , is the Dollono.
W. E. Pooblos oJ Ponder , Nob. , Is
stopping at tbo Mlllard.
Burnott Scott nnd wito of O'Neill nro
quartered at the Mlllard.
Mrs. A. Huzclott of Uoatrico is among the
lady guests at the Piucton.
Georco E. WInn and Charles Gunthor of
Grand Island uro at the Arcaue.
Manager W. J. Uiirposs of tha Farnam
Street theater loft last evening for Chicago
on tmslness. Ho will loturn nbout Thursday
next.Miss Gonevra Ingorsoll , an Otnaha girl ,
who Is nn esteemed member of the Sluurt
Uobson company , vlbited with George. Can-
Held ana family duriug the company's on
gupoment for yesterday at the Boyd. Sbo
has very many Oumhu friend who fcol proud
of tbo position she lias already obtained In
the profession , and who will bo plousod to
notu her further progress.
Eight minor permits aggregating $3,075
wcro issued by the supe.intendent of build
ings Saturday.
Jolt Bates , a colored tough , stabbed n
sipcltcr workman in a saloon tight about six
Avceks ago and then skipped out for Iowa.
Ho returned to Omaha xcsterday und was
taken into custody by the polico.
The bisters a'St. Joseph's hoipltal reported
last night that Dnn Rica , the colored man
who fell from a third story window , was
nbout the sumo. Tbero has been nolmprova
mont in his condition since ho was taken to
the hospital.
Jock Conway , who attempted suicide l-Vi-
duy night , is not gaining any ground. Dr.
Chadwlok , who has Uio casa in charge , said
last cisrht that Conway was on the fonoe ,
but that a turning point in his condition was
looked for almost any moment.
Albert Allen h charged ou the police
blotter with embezzlement. Saturday Allen
was bent ta the polloo court with JS to pay
the flue of u colored courtesan. Eight
dollar * wns n good doU of for .Allen to
have at ouo time , and it is Inferred that 1m
spout the money , though he claims to have
lost it.
A meeting will bo held this ( Monday )
evening at the Young Men' * Christian Asso
ciation building to complete the organization
of Iho Omaha Kclentiliu association. All
persons interested in founding a complete
museum of natural history here , luuluduii ; a
botanical nud zoological garden In oneof Iho
parUs , aroiuvHod.
Between the hour * of 1 aud 7 a. in Sunday
tbo Omaha Street Railway nompatiy lalu
seven miles of now cable on the Dodnu otrcet
line , Ndarly half of Iho conductor * and grip-
men xvoio kept on duty to help In handling
tno bt/tvy ropa Assistant Kuporiuinmlunt
Ted hunter did the splicing , at ivnich kind of
work ho is an expert.
I. F. Dunlap of Hastings reported to the
Dolico that be had bocn conflnenued out of
(14 while on n train yesterday. A stranger
encaged him In conversation and stated that
ho wus taking his brother's remains hnmu ,
but had run out ot money , lie utkcd for tba
loan of $14 for a short tftno aud pot it , nftnr
which lie skipped. The stranger's story ivus
uatruo. '
Mr. S. G. Derry
( If S'io\Iletiro , It , I , ,
Widely knownnspiopiletorofDeuj's WMor-
in m if llnincssOII , tells below of his tcullilo
sultcrlngs fiom Kcrema and his euro by
"Oentlcmcn ! rillecn jears ngo I knlnnnt-
tack of liifliuiim.iloiytlicumatlsin , tthlrhrns
fi > llin\pil hy pwpma or salt ilirinn , luonUIni :
nut on my iluht leg. This liuniui spic.ul all
o\ci my legs , Imck : md nuns ,
swollen nnd Itching Icnllily , causing Intento
pain If the sKIn uas hioken I > J snatching ,
: mdi1hchn : Ring constantly , lilt tmj > ns < < | | > ln
to desciIlK' niy stilleilng in these > ears of
iignnyaii.l Imlmo. 1.spout
" * - "
T/ionsfiml of Dollai'it
In fiitllo cfToits topetcll , nnd ns illscour-
iigcil mid icnly : to tllo. At this time I uas
unable to llo down In lied , had In Ml up nil Iho
time , nnd wns nnatilo lo \ \ nllcHliout
crutches. I had to hold my nuns avfiom \
my liody. nud h\il : lo linvu my : unn , hack mid
Icus handngcd by my faithful \\Uot\\lcuiuUy.
"Finally n filendlio vas \liltlni ; nt our
house , urged me totnUo Hood'sKusiipnillla.
I began by taking half a Icaspoonfnl. My
5/omnc/i / / ir s All Out of Order v "
Hut the medicine "onn corrected this , nnd In
six \veeks I coulilxen a. clianco In thu con-
illllonuf the humor \\hlcli neulyco\eicdiny :
body. It wm dilvcn to the smf.ico by the
S.iisnpnillla. Iho soics soon healed , and the
scales fell olT. 1 as soon able to give up
lumlapx-s and ciniches , nnd a happy man I
wns. 1 had been tailing Hood's Saisnpaillla
forscu'timonths ; uiul.slnco that time , neiuly
t o j irs , I liavooin no li.mdngpsIintcvr
and my loip ) and aims me sound aud well.
The Vcllalit
ot mvself nnil wife nl my recordy It Is Impossible -
possible to loll. To all my Imthtuss fi lends
In HIM ton anil over the country , I iccommciul
Hood's Sarsaparilla
fiom personal oxpeilcnce. " S. (5. liiuv : , 45
lli.ultonlMrect , j'lmldciiri1 1 ! I.
If you 1110 liniouc , tnKu Jlooil'N Pills.
11U.K.C. WT.ST S NHltVU AND 11IIA1.N T1115AI' .
MKNT.a s | > jjllornr llrUorU , Dlz/lnou , Klti , NJII-
rulgla , llavlii'ho , Namitii 1'ronr.ulon cnuiol bjr .U-
cohol or tub M.-CO , Wakufulnoii , MouUI Dj.irouljii.
Buftunln ? ot ttu llr.ili , otuilnx IniinUy , mlsor/ ,
iloc.i7.doi'li , I'rjiiiiturj Olil Aid , 11 irr.mnoii , Iin
vt I'ower In clttioratit , Iuu > ot3'ioy , 1,3 icorr 100 % n il
nil KomuloVotkti3ttoi , Involtitit vry I.OIIQI , rfujr-
mntorrhoeiciutul by uvor-cxortlcm o ( Uu liriln
Bislf-ilu i , OTor-ln lnUuno3. A > n inth'j tnmtujrit
11,1) for $ j , liy mill. Wu Oinr.liU.1) alt boiet I )
cum. I'.vciiurJjr fur J bjru , wulii ) nrlllo H , r-ll
Ion cunr.mteo to r.'Cnnl If not carol. ( JunrintJj
tssuuilonly by A. Kchrotor , DrujfuHt "Mlo agents , d
K , cur. lotli uuU runmm Hts , Oinali.i. Nuti
Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing ,
Ohtvppod Hands , Woimils , Burns , Etc.
Komovoo aud Prevents Dandruff ,
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard ' -Vater.
E beg to call the attention
tention of the public to
the following' :
oston Store
Is the only authorized agent
for the following brands
of P. & P. Kid Gloves :
Any kid gloves sold under
these brands by any oths
dealers are not genuine , and
we warn the public of this fact ,
and call their attention to the
stamp which is inside of the
glove. I'l.VGS & PlXNIiK.
' _ . UAlt
Farnam street'llicalcr. IMUOKri.
51Uglita Domine-icingSunday Mat. April 10.
Suinluy matlnvo uiul nlvlit , tlunilannd'J'nu.iUr
nlulitt. A Miihl for a Million. " Wi < iliii ! iix | | mat
Inou , "Jnoj. " M'cduoiUtf nnrt 'J'liur d jr
"t lliLT' UuarUcun. "
Musoo Oo. ,
T * j i j
Grand Opera House
Corner irthaii'l C'ajiltul A'.onno.
Oi"i | dulljr from I to 19 p. in ,
< IVrfu imsticn Ua ly. , I. IS , tiuil l/'JJ P
ui , CicniiiMl AilniUiuni Duo Ulme.