PflRT TWO , OMAHA ! SUNDAY PflGES 9 TO 16. I T I TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , Al UL 10 , 1892-TWENTY PAGES. NUMBER 261. HAYDEN BROTHERS , GREAT SPECIAL SALE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT' Wash Dress Goods. Now Is Iho time to buy your wash goods if you nro particular us to styles , IIH wo are showing a great many se lected styles , which wo will not bo able to duplicate. The latest styles In Brandenburg suit ing , llc ) yard. Now stvles in saloon , 25c. . Black figured and brocaded satccn,35c yard. yard.High novoltioi In French sateenstyles of 1802 , only 45c yard. 32-inch wide American ratcons , S\c. \ Full line of plain black sateens. Printed henriotla , double fold , lOc yard. 40-inch plain color honrlolla , So yard. 3G inches wide double fold Armenian Bcrgo , oc yard. The biggcht bargain in Omaha , 30 inches wide , only 5c ytud. We are headquarters on wash dress goods. Wo have the best selection and make the lowest prices. Scotch homespun suiting , 12c. } 'Hi-inch fleeced suiting , 15c yard. New spring styles in angora suiting , lOc yard. Double fold India casl more , 12k1. All these bargains in our wash dress goods department in new building. ' Special. There will bo a great rush on Monday in our center aisle , 10th street bulling. Wo have purchased from Murdoch Nephews , who are going out of the im- uorling business , 500 Italian bilk slum ber robes. There nro over 20 different styles to select from , they will bo bold oti Monday r.t OOc each , worth $2.50. Don't iniss this bargain as there will bo n rusher them. They will sell on Bight Wo will also placoon sale at same time 200 fancy fringed chenille table covers at UUceach , worth more than double this price. Also 300 fringed bed tpreads , plain while and colored. These snrcads weigli over three pounds each and would bo cheap at $1.50 , on Monday 9c ! ) each. On Monday wo will olTor some extra bargains in linen department , also in mubllns and sheeting. Wo carry the largest stock in domestics and make the lowest price every time no matter vhat the cost. Carpets. A few more left of those all wool ex tra Minor carpels for 50c per yard. Albo a good Brussels Monday , -17c per An elegant line of the celebrated Lowell carpets found only at Hnydcns' . Woare soiling the best white blank wall paper for 4c per roll and others in proportion. > - ! Our curtain department is booming. All lace curtains foduccd this week. Wc ) and 75e buys them , worth $1 to $1.50 per pair. Opaque shades , 23c each. SOME PRIVATE SECRE FAMES Trials of the Mon Who Answer the Gorre- spondenoa of Famous People. PRESIDENT HARRISON'S ' IMMENSE MAIL All SortB anil Conditions of T.otteri Itc- liy Cabinet MlnlHUTs Triink Cur pent IT l.ticilm llelilnil thu bceni-8. WASHIXOTOK , April 8. [ Special Correspon dence of TUB BEII.J This is the age of the private secretary. Every public man Tiero in Washington requires ono or more watchdogs to protect him from the public and the richer thu man is or tbo higher bis position , the more careful nro the watches placed around him. President Harrison is guarded by mes sengers and secretaries ut every point nnd every cabinet minister has a messenger sitting - ting before the front door of his ofllco and a secioiary or two through whoso hands tbo visitors have to pass before ' , hey got to iho Kicut "I am , " within. Ills the same wllh ipgard to letters as It U with persons. Thcso men receive thousands of letters n month nnd tbcso all have to pass the nrgus oycs of the private secretary. If they are Important they reach him. If they are foolish , cran ky or impudent they are consigned to the wnslo basket. President Harrison'a mall contains nt least HOO letters every day or more than 2,000 n week or over 100,003 a year. If ho nufiworotl these loiters himself It would take nit Ills tlmo merely to road thorn nnd to die- Into replies , and the result Is the mail Is wcodotl out again nnd acaln bcfoio it reaches bun and only the really important matters nro called to his attention. Tncso lotlors are brought to the While House by a special messenger. Tnoy are llrat given Into the Imnds of the executive cleric , Mr. U. I"1. Tib- bolt , who opens thorn with n stool paper cutter - tor and rapidly roads their contents. As ho BOOS ever a lotior ho passes upon i la impor tance and decides its fntoas far as its probable future Is concerned. If It is n request to President liurrison to look up a piMiilon case lie marlvs the \vord "ponslons" on it and It BOQi to tbo pension ofllce. If it affects a treasury claim it gees to the Treasury de partment and If it Is a request for an auto graph or money It Is droppad into the waste basket. Trio important letters are laid aside und are carried in lo Mr , Halford , the presi dent's ' private secretary , wno uses his hoe on tbo epistolary garden and cuts out all letters but tnoso which the president must sea , By iho tlmo the mall hrota lo tne proiidont it has been cut down a half or two-thirds nnd ho rapidly disposes of the balance by dictation. Mr , Tlbbott U his confldonllal stonozr.iphor and ha goes to the president' * room from tjm < { to time during the rtay whenever Mr , Harrison U at loUnro nnd lauus his answers to his mail. Ho loll a mo the nroildout dlo- tales very rapidly , raraly changing n' word or a sontoiicu and that ho rapidly looks over his lottcii after Ihoy are presumed to him In typo-wrHI"t-'i ana signs them himself. ' How Tlu-y live or the 1'roildciit. " . The begging letters which come to the j Will to Houie are numbered by hundred * every wook. They coma from all parti of tha country and n number are received every day from foreign lands. The majority of tut ) begging letter * from thu different tales re. from foreigner * nnd tbo only onus of any account that como from .native Auiericant re appeult for aid from cburcbes aud char * Black Dress Goods , SPECIAL FOR MONDAY. 18-Inch bcilford cords , the very best for spring wraps , $1.50. 48-inch bcilford cords , for spring jack ets nnd wraps , 91.So. IS-indi bedford cords , $1.10. Hertford cords for spring suitings , war ranted all wool , 7Sc ; worth $1.00. Bedford cords for suitings , equal to any tiling in the city for $1.2-3 , our price for Monday will bo SK'ic. Bedford cords in fancy weaves SI. 15 , worth SI.50. Extra , heavy double warp bcdford cords $1.23 for Monday. Extra line tamiso40 inches , $1.15 ; would bo good value at $1.50. 48-Inch stcol 'gray sylvania , all silk and wool , $1.75. These goods wore im ported to soil at $2.50. 40-Inch all wool Henriettas 50o. 40-inch all wool honriuttas OCc. Iho very best satin linish honrlottas 8Sc. 8Sc.42inch albatross , guaranteed all wool , 59c ; would bo cheap at 75c. liO-jnoh cashmere 2oc. 42-inch cashtucro U8c. Silk Department. Monday wo make special prices in Ibis department. Gros trrain dross silks in blades , usu ally solil for $ ! . > , Monday , $1.00. China dross silks , now and sold for 81.00 , Monday , 83c. China dress silks , printed , sold regu lar at ( We , Monday , 450. Oropes in new shades and worth $1.35 , Monday 81.00 and $1.10. Lining silks , 2oc. Good black surr.h , worth COP , Monday , 50e. 50e.Velvet Velvet for trimming , in new and desirable - sirablo shades , chnap at $1.50 , Monday , $1.25. A full line 25-Inch nlushos , in good shades , worth $2.00 , Monday , $1.00. Special for Monday. 2o inch art plush in all colors , at $1.00 per yard , regular price $2.00 per yard. 2o (3o7on ( line mouiio splashers , stamped , only 1'Jc , worth 30e. 2o do/.on line linen dresser scarfs , drawn thread and stamped , only 25c each. 20 do/.on drawn thread tidies , nicely stamped , only 15e each to close. Fine linen dresser scarfs , hemstitched and stamped , with commode covers nnd splashers to match , only $1.75 per sot. 50 dozen pair stamped pillow shamsto close them out only 8c per pair. 60 do/.en line embroidered felt tidies , only lOo each to close. Ity organisations. Some of these begging letters are full of pathos and too majority of thorn are from poor tiud iphorunt people. The president - dent Is addressed In nil sorts of ways. His correspondents call him "His Hiehness , " "Ills Excellency , " "Mr. Con Harrison , " "Tho Hon. Bon Harrison , " "His Uoducad , the Piesldcnt , " and the letters nro full of the rudest ot spelling and writing. About half of the envelopes uro marked "inivato , " "porboiml , " or "for tlio president only , " and some of thorn are sent in care of Private Soc- ictary Halford. A largo number aio sent In care of Mrs. Harrison or ore enclosed In en velopes addressed to Mrs. Harrison \vltn a note that she pieient them to the president , and all sorts of pious dodges are resorted tote to got the president's oyo. The worst of ull are the autograph fiends. Hoys and girls , men and women all over the country whoa they start a collection write tolling the presi dent they want uli name llrst In their hoolc and they send cards for him on which they ask him to put his autojraph. They want presents of bis photograph , locks of his hair , and samples of Mrs. Harrison's dresses for crazy quilts. There is ono Ohio man who has written regularly lor something of this kind every week since the president was nomlimtodl The day after tbo convention ho wrote for two photographs pretending they wore for a Harrison club In his town. They were sent nnd a week or so later the man wrote that they must have gotten lost in the mulls und asking for tnoro. Other dodges were altornptod as to ether things and the man Is probably an autograph peddler as well us nu autograph collector. Mono of these autograph loiters are losponded to , though some hogging letters and letters on business of various kinds rocolvo on answer signed by ono of the president's secietarlos slating what has been done with them , llio J'nlr riiuii'ou mill the I'lculdent's Necli- Ilr. Some of the letters received by the prosl dent are very funny and some are so witty that they command an answer In ttpUoof Iho Demon of thu Waste basket. This was iho case with a letter from a young-western girl ast week who wrolo her screed In pooiry and usked for something that the president had worn for paioh in a crazy quilt to bo- sold at a church fair. Her letter fell Into the hands of ono of iho young ladles con ncotod with thoWblto House and she was BO much amused bv It that she got a necktie of the presldcnt'sand sent It to'.ho girl. The letter Is so clover that I give it verbatim. It roads : "My dear Mr. Harrison , I know it's a shumo To bother you now ; /But I'm ' not to bUrao , At least not so much , For Jack is the ono \Vuu first put mo up To the thing I have dono. He told tno lust night If I'd ' maUo for the fair A crazy patch quilt , And put in a square Ot so.nothlng that Harrison Had worn , he would buy The thlnar for himself , No matter how high The price I might sot. And so , don't you see , If I manage this plan , How nice it will be. Jack gives a neat sum Toward our fair for the poor , Kccelvlug In&Umd r , What ho values much tnoroi , And then whet I marry Dear Jack , it Is plain I'll own both the quilt And memento again. , Now , dear Mr. Harrison , Please won't you , Just ask Your wife to sentf .me ' 'Tis not much of a task An old silken necktlo Or handkerchief , say , Some fragment of what You'vo worn any day , And not any further Your patlonca to tax , I will close , juit adding This1 , b. toiay ; If your own secretary 13 * out of thi WBJT , Laces , Laces , MONDAY'S RULING BRICKS. 50 pieces line black yacht laces to close 5u per yard. Machine made torchon 5c. Go , 8c , lOc , 12c. 14c per do/.on yards. Now und cxqulslto patterns in valon- clunnos laces , special value at 3c , 5c , 7c. lOc , 15c , 10j , 25o per yard. 25 pieces colored Chantllly lace only 20c per yard. 25 pieces ! ) inch black Chantllly demi flouncing at 12Jc , llc ) , 2.5c , 37c , actually worth 25u to (15o ( per yard. 40 pieces Russian and llsh drapery nets , this week price 35c , 40c , 67c , 07c , 87c , $1 , and $1.2-- ) . Point do Irlando is all the go. Wo h.xvo it in all widths in black , cream and white at 12ic , 15c , 19c , 25c , 2'Jo ' up to $1.25 per yard. Embroideries. Embroideries. Manufacturers' odds und ouds at 1 manufacturers' prices. 50,000 yards all sorts of embroidery and In all widths from 1 to 0 inches wide , all in 5 lots at 1o , 3c , Si.1 , 7c , lOc per yard. 10 plccei black embroidered flouncing 87o and $1.25 per yard. 25 pieces black and white embroidered flouncing $1.15 , $1.23 , $1.37 , $1.50 , well worth $1.50 to $2.50 per yard. 50 pieces white embroidered flouncing Monday only 37c , well worth 05c. 100 pieces line white embroidered llouncing at 73c , 98c , $1.15 , $1.35 , $1.50 , up to $5.00 per yard. Handkerchiefs. Handkerchiefs. 100 dozen children's school halkar- chiefs at Ic each. 200 do/en ladies' fancy bordered hand kerchiefs only 3c , wortli 5c. 100 dozen ladies' hemstitched hand kerchiefs , tomorrow 5c , worth lOc. 100 dozen fadies' embroidered hand kerchiefs , only 15c , worth 25c. 200 dozen "pretty embroidered and scalloped handkerchiefs , only 25c , regular price 35c to 50c. Just received , the finest nnd the cheapest lot of embroidered felt table scurfs and covers ever soon in Omaha , They will bo put on sale Monday at 50c , 79c$1.00 , $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.05 , $2.23. Our Stove Department The best made on the glebe in cooks , ranges , gasoline , gas , oil , und the steel ranges. Baby carriages. Another invoice from $1.75 to $50.00. Velocipedes , tricycles , wagons and wheelbarrows. Or too much encaged This petition to read , Because it is small , Just toll him to hood This admonition. It never is wise Tbo day of small things To neglect or despise , For sometimes , perhaps , In yeais not romolo , Wo women may have ' The real riuh't to vote ; Then it ho wished To bo President , ho Might have some aid From o'on poor little mo. Very respectfully , OUI-CT Letters of Cabinet 'Ministers. The great departments get bushels upon bushels nf mall ovary day. It Keeps ono girl working constantly to merely cut open the envelopes of the letters received by tbo Ponblon ofllco and the average number open ed a day is 10,000 and these all have to bo disposed of by the various clerks. The whole Interior department has a queer cor respondence nnd Secretary Noble's mail is full of curious loiters about lands nnd titles pension Baud patents and the parpotual mo tion crank and the man with a hobby send In their letters by the score. There is a man In Philadelphia who writes the president from six to olL-ht fat loiters every week and signs himself "His Godhead. " Heevldontly thinks bo is a god and ho Is a cra/.y Washington lawyer who was once an able praclllloner , but whoso mind became unbalanced and whoso chief business now seems lo bo in try- It.g lo instruct the president. Secretary Foster's .Mull. The queer lotlors lhat come to the Treasury department uro numbered by the lens of thousands every year. Tbo letters contain ing conscience money enclose sums amount ing from ten cents to thousands of dollars und there are thousands of loiters referring to war claims and those all go to iho second auditor. Secretary Foster's personal mall amounts to about IfiO toilers n day. These are handled by hU private secretary , Mr. H. \Vynnoand only iho really important ones moot the secretary's eye. Mr , Foster Is very charltabla but the begging lotlors novcr got to him. They are torn up as n matter of principle nnd thrown in the waste-basket. Tbo other dny the wlfo of n state senator from Ohio who know Secretary Foster qulto well came in and took him to task for not answering her letter asking for nid for the Ohio church wllh which si o was connected , Secretary Foster looked up astonished and said : "Why. my dear madam. I never got your letter. You must bo mistaken , I did not see It. " "Well , I wrote it , " was the lady's answer , "and I stamped It , and I know it must have coma hero , " "It must have gone to my private secra- tary If It nid , " said Secretary Fosler , "How about U , Mr. Wynne ! " speaking to the man .across the table. "Do you remember tbo madame's letter I" "Yes , I do. " said Wynne , "I remember it very well. I toro it up and throw it In the wusto basket. I do that with all such loiters ters , and if I didn't you would bo as poor us a church mouse before this administration is over , They como hero on all sorts of pretenses - tenses asking for thousands of dollars , and if they wfcro answered or considered , all your tlmo would bo taken upjvllh them. " Mr , Wynne thou explained to the lady how tboio letters came In and she loft the ofllco , seeing that U was impossible for Secretary Foster to attend to them , but asking Mr. Wynne to hereafter make an exception In her case. This bo promised to do. A vast number of letters are received by Secretary Foster In regard to green goods circulars , and the men who writer " them always say they are willing to help" thQsecretary ferret out the offender * for consideration. There Is a little toy now told wnlch through a trick enables one to apparently make good green back * out of white paper. It U done with genuine bllU , however , and is only a clever sleight-of-hand arrangement. The other day the lecretary received a loiter telling of this trick and saying that the little clothes , wrlnger-llko macnlnos would make any kind of bills from ( I up to f20 , that the machine would bo n very bad thing tor tbo govern- Cloak Department , i Special Sale of Spring Wraps. UKAU THE STARTLING PRICES. ' Ladies' top coats , the very latest gar ment for spring , in title of all the latest fabrics , and satin lined. Top coat at $4.50 , goer ! value $0.50. Top coat at $5 , good value $7.50. Top coat at $7 , good value $10. Top coat at $9 , good value SI2.50. Top coat at $10.60 , good value $15. Thcso nvo all 3 } Jtichos long. Ladies' spring capos for strcot or evening wear. ' The no west and latest novel ties. Ladies' spring capos $5 , good value at $8. Ladles' spring capos $0 , in tan , black and gray , good value at $9. Ladies' spring cuues $8.50 , good value at $12. Ladles' spring capes $10 , good value at $15 and SIR Ladies' military capo ulsters with detachable - tachablo capos , full 30 inches long $1250 , tomorrow$8. , $10.50 , tomorrow "SIJ.GO. " Our spring opening ealo ot ladies' waibts of all the newest and latest designs - signs will bo placed on sale Monday at groatlv reduced prices. Ladies' wash wranpors nnd loose dresses , tnauo in the very latest B yles. $1.25 wrappers 87o. $1.60 wrappers 9'Jc , , $1.75 wrappers$1.25. $2 wrappers $1.37. Furniture. REMEMBER WBJCARRY A FULL LINE OF FIRST CLASS FURNITURE. Note our prices : Bedroom eults , 810,50 , $1-1.50 , $15.50 , $18.50 , $19 , $19.50 , B.3 ; $27. Extension tables" $3.45 , $1.25 , $5.50 , $8.50 , $0 , $9.50. Center tables , $ li25. $1.50 , $1.05 , $2 50 , $3 , $3.50 up to $13.50 ; all oak. Sideboards , $16 , $10 , $17 , $20 , $22 , $23. Bed lounges , $8.50 , $10.50 , $11 , $12.50 , $13 , $11 ; all have woven wire mattresses. Mantel folding beds , 10th Century or antique finish'mtliflrst clas * wool mat tress , $20 , worth andjiover sold for loss than $25 ; a rare plmhco : Parlor suits , J271 , S820 , $35 , 0-pioco suits ; our prices pnjijj kludfl > f chairs , and roc-leers nro 20 nor c"qnt loss than th o regular price for' auth goods ; our sales prove this. ' L. Headquarters--onxTsprings nnd mat tresses. HotolB , anu boarding houses furnished with all kinds of mattresses at i special prices. J mont and that be would expose the man If ho wcro paid for It. Ho tiut'Tcn ' Dollars. \ The private secretaries nro expected to keep beggars and cranks away from their chiols , and it will bo surprising to many to know that bosrjrnrs "como right up to the ofllcos of the cabinet ministers and try to got at them while they are at work. These men wear all sorts of clothes and It is hard to de tect the crank or mendicant from a business man. Ono called at the Treasury-department the other day and said ho wanled to see Sec retary Foster , whom he knewvory well. Mr. Wynne received him in the anto-room. The man were clothes of ; a preacher's cut aud ho had a whlto cross on the laool of his coat. Ho said bo was n minister and that ho had known Mr. Foster in Ubio'aiid lhat ho merely wanled lo pay his ijWpects to him. Ho pro tested that he did not want any ofllco or any monov but merely 'to ' shako hands with bis old friend the secretary. Mr. Wynne con cluded to risk him.ji.Ho'was admitted. Secretary - rotary Foster did. n6t remember him but ho talked In a moit familiar way and llnully struck the sect Diary ; for $10. As Mr. Foster took this out ot his -pocket and gave it to the man ho looked \yynno as If to ask bow tbo man got In there , and Wynne stopped up to him and said : „ "Didn't you sayithat you did not want cither money or an ofllce and you would ( not nslc Secretary .Foster for anything If I lot you in I" ' The man said : ' 'You , I did , but I changed my mind about the money utter 1 got in and I forgot what I told you. " "That seems ratbor thin , " said Wynne as ho lot the man out , "and 1 can assure you you won't got in again. " Mull Hug. The postmaster general perhaps receives more begging lotion * than any ether cabinet minister. Ho is known to have an cnor.nous income nnd the vast sums which ho bin spent on Sunday schools and other charities have miulo bun the target of all the piofesslonal nnd other beggars of tbo United States. Ho gets ihousands of IcUais every year of this " kind and churches tf .ovory "denomlnallon , Sunday schools and ; lecture rooms send ap peals tq him every day for old. Ho gels tain- drods of lottor.s from cranky business men asking for a little Capital to start them on the road to fortune , nivd lils letters for charity como from almost , oyory country of the world. Ono lies Jx faro mo .from Germany , U Is not translated , < ut there Is u brief con nected with it ai I this brief states that "Gottlieb Hcss. . of ) axo-Moiningen , Ger many , states that bou in the habit of keep ing daily family iitpjcp and that bo can play the piano. Ho thills these family prayers might bo miioh mow Impressive if tuo.Mng- Ing could bo accompanied by a piano , but ho is too poor to buy ono and asks Mr. Waua- maker to Kcnd him. a'chcd : for enough money to get ono. " j Some U'jf Cr llcgturK. ' These loiters 'i nj.of courjo never pre sented to the postmaster general , und it is only luoso of real .merit that ever moot bis oyo. It is imposslMa } o Investigate the cases , " ' and did the IoHors'"prosont'gonulno want , tbo fortune of Jsy4Uoula would ho too small to tatUfy t em. I tlookcd over n largo number pf them . today In a pile which represented the pickings of those received duriip ( the pjwt week or so , I give a few by way ot illuatrblion. Hero is ono from tbo south ; . i . * Mr. Wanamakurt 1 am a poor colored boy not having a cianco ' to-school , never seen the insldo of college , 'not ( iblo to get books. I ask you , the great hvad oLtue Philadelphia Sun day school , \uitho \ nnipo.of. th ? Lord , piousu scud mo tbo bpok called the American Cyclopedia pedia containing 2,700lOjHis. m Itako all , my Jdlo time trjrluK to'rbatr'and.wrlto . and I think vo'j are a great alid good man. ' Our Tostofllco bpxjs 181 ; ' Yollri'trUly , Here U a tatter ( romOmahn , , written evi- ' doutly by a.Swecto , wmch'n Us MrVana - maker Ior"t5 , ft or II ; ' ft .60 conU , or 5 ' cenU , " 'and. closes witni „ You nro rloh and I am p.6or. If you tend mo somn. 1 will bo ' ' ' ' very tnankful.'f Some of these hejgluif letter * Quote Latin , and not & few of them qUou the icrlptures. , Tnoy ojTer to sell blolds.and . ( J lDtmg and ovorythluff under the iuu , to Mr , Whna- Watches ! Watches ! Watches ! SPECIAL SALE ON MONDAY. Gouts' silverlno Elgin , Springfield or Wallham , stem wind andfot , warranted first class timekeepers , $1.75 , worth $10. $10.Gents' Gents' gold filled hunting case stem- wind watcli with Elgin , Springllold or Waltham movements $7.93 , jowolors' prices $15 nnd $20. Ladies' Boss filled satin finished hunt ing case watch , sot with jewels , stem wind and sot , with Elgin , Springllold or Waltham movements $13.60 , jewelers' prices $35 to $10. Ladies' gold filled hunting case watches , stem wind and sol , Elgin , Springfield or Waltham movements , $0.75 , jewelers' prices $15 to $25. Ladies' solid silver chatelaine hunt ing case watch with full jeweled move ments , stou wind auE sotl 4i , jewelers' prices $12 to $15. Solid gold baby rings Oc. 14 karat solid gold wedding rings l)9c ) , worth $3. Solid silver thimbles 13c. Beautiful real shell pins ornamented with gold and brilliants 35o , worth $1.50. Gents' patent lover alburnum cull buttons 35c , Ayorth $1.50. Grecian hair bands , 15c. Silver napkin rings lOc. Rogers knives and forks $1.25 per set , warranted 12 dwt. Rogers A. A. tea spoons SJG per set. Rogers A. A. table spoons $1.05 per set. set.Nicklc Nicklc alarm clocks 55c. All goods warranted as represented. Why pay fancy prices to jowolors. First class watch and clock repairing at half jewelers' prices. All work guaranteed. . Saddle and Harness Department. Wo arc headquarters for cowboys' stock saddles. Wo have the largest line of any house in the city and the best makes ; also a full line of side-saddles. Buggy tops of all kinds made to order , sunshades nnd umbrellas for buggies , buckboards , carts and wagons. Single and double , harnesses from-the best to the cheapest , straps of. all kinds , halters , whips , curry combs , brushes , collars , sweat pads , bridloa and every thing belonging to a first class harness shop at the very lowest prices ; further more , everything guaranteed to be of first class stock and manufacture. makcr.and the appeals for aid are based on all sorts of grounds , from prospective mairiagcs to possible breach of pron.uo suits. Some of the letters stale that the writers will vote for Wanamaker us president if ho comes out. Hcroisono : "Sir : I am on the warpath again , beggin' is bettor than steeling. I think where there Is so much wolth and prandurc among the citbens of Washington the president and con gressmen they might help a poor republican from being sold out by tbo shonft for J.VJ in- torest. I work hard every uav ns my nurvost hands show it drink no strong drink and make the boit of nverlhing 1 can't keep the wolf from tbo door. Could vou sooiik a word among the welthy and help mo u little this spring. It may bo like broad cast upon tbo waters when you como out for president , if not i bopo to meat you in the kingdom. " Itcqui'st * Tor Loans , Requests for loam como from everywhere nnd they range in size from $10 up to thou sands of dollurj. A Wisconsin man wants &JOO to take the mortgage off bis farm , an Ohio woman wants $ \on \ which sbo will pay as soon as she can. A Kcntunky mother has a bov who is In some sort of trouble with a girl and needs money to got out of it , nnd there are preachers and business men from everywhere. Hero Is n letter from Oregon from a woman who wants $500 wbich uho will pay in three years , and hero is another from ono of the northwestern htates asking tor $ . ' 1,000 to lift a mortgigo from a rarm. Many of these loiters stole that "Tho Lord loveth a cheerful giver. " they are full of " ( jed bless youi" und of pious cant , nnd a grout number of them arc from professionals who nro evidently working the world for all it is worth and this is ono of thsir molhods , I would say to them , however , that it is purely n wnsto of postazo and that such let ters never meet the eyes of the men they nro intended for. FIUMC CAUI-KXTCU. The refrain of a story to which ft frlond called the Chicago Inter-Ocean Uystandor's attention has been rinzing In his oars for many a day , A little girl's pious father was wont lo comment bitterly upon the civil things ho saw nnd hoard , alwavs ending his denunciation with the consolatory reflection , "'s nonoot tnbusiness. . " Ono cold winter - tor day tha liu'o lady was out riding In tbo city , wrapped In fui-b and closely niuflled In warm robes , when she saw a child of about tier own ago scrambling along on tbo icy pavement crying hltlcrlv Iho tears almost freezing on her cheeks. She was very poorly clad , having only some rugs about her foot , leaving Iho lees baio to snow ana frost. The sight made a deep Improsblon on the little one's mint ] . All any long she could talk of nothing but the poor ragged little girl , nnd -in her prayer before retiring she was moved lo lay the maltor before the Lord in the fol lowing addditlon to her accustomed nightly petition : , "And , ob , Lord I saw a little girl today. It was awful cold and there was snow in the street , too ; but she only had on a thin , ragged dress and "no shoos at all. Oh , dear , she did look bo cold , and I dm feel so sorry for her , but it Isn't any of our business , it it , GodJ Amen , " * i * "My brethren , " said the fiustratoj preacher who was mailing his first attempt to preach without notes , "you have nil heard tbo old saying that whom the cods \yould de stroy tboy first kill , I mean , " ho said as ho became conscious that there was something wrong with the quotation , "that when the ( rods got mad they or but not to dwelt on this aspect of the case , I would beseech you to consider , etc , " Couwlgjfor I suppose you'ro looking for- Kdstor with n great deal ot pluus- .ureable anxiotv. Ilov. Dr. Primrose Yes , Indeed. It. de. ponds altogether upon the number of mar- ringoslamy congregation whether I go to Kuropa or spend the summer In Jorsby , A clergyman ono hot Sunday obiervlnir a deacon asleep In church , called out ; "Brother Austin , please open tbo window a HUIe. Physician * iay It is unhoalty to tleey iu warm room. House Furnishinff O Goods. Imported engraved pits globei sold every whore from$1.25to$1.50 , our price tomorrow 35c. The Western Washer $2,05 ; this is warranted to bo the genuine Western Wnahor. Crystal berry ( Italics 10'j. Why iiay 75o and $1.00 tor the same dish olsd- where ? 100 pieces decorated dinner bets $7.00 , in nil colors. Toilet sets $1.78. Tumblers Ic each. Copper bottom wash boiler 69c. Wash boards Oo. Folding ironing tables 05c. Iron frame wringers $1.50. Wood frame wringers $1.75. Lamp burner and chimney lOo. A complete lamp for the price you p'iy for a burner olsowhoro. A solid steel ax 50c. Hammers 5c. Wash bowl nnd pitcher , 29o each. Chambers , 35c each , Cups nnd saucers , 2Jc each. Dinner plates , 2c each. IJuttor ciocks , 3c per gallon. Iron hound 0-foot stop ladders , 75e. Tea kettle * , 15c. Dippers , 2e } each. Wash basins , 3c each. Sugar bowls , 3c. Butter dishes , 5c. Spoon holders , 3c. Creamers , 3c. Hanging soap holders. 5c. Portable gas lights , $1.30 , generally sold for $5 to $ (5. ( Wire toasters , 3c. Children's garden sots , 25e. Shovels and spades , 3'Jc ' each. Special for Monday. 100 dozen mnn's fine saloon , madras und cheviot shirts , this sale only 5c. ( ) 100 do/.en Hlaekstono unliiinulorcd shirts , double back and front , 50c , actually worth 75c. 200 dozen men's suspondora , special price , 25c , worth 50c. Wo will sell nil our silk umbrellas at half price to start the season. Ladies' jersey ribbed vests , 23c , re duced from 40c. 1 case of children's fast black hose , double knee , solo and lees , 25e , reduced from 40c. 1 case children's fust black hose only 15c , reduced from 2oc. Ladies' real kid gloves , black and col- orgv.hook\l , Worth $1,50. Ladies' slllf Tnffota gloves , 35c , re duced from 50c. 1 case boys' shirt waists , percale and domot , 25c , worth 45c. Wo have a lot of corsets In odd nnd makes , wo will close out at 35c , 39c $1 nnd 50o worth to $1.25. HERE IS THE PROPOSITION Simple Conditions Upon Which the Appeal for Nebraska Central Bonds is Based. EVIDENCES OF GOOD FAITH PRESENTED N'o Money AHliccl Until the Work In Com. plt'lcd Tliu ( , ' < > in I'll ny Prc > | io r3 to J'uy tlu < Untlro Cost ( if the ISoinl Kl OMAHA , April 0. To iho Elitor ot Tun 13m : : I urn asked on every band , by people is bo seem to want to glvo the Nebraska Cen tral propositions careful consideration , ques tions which show that the propositions hayo not been carefully road , nud that the terms of the sarno are not correctly understood by the puollc. Ploasa publish the following brief resume of the conditions : Tliu I'roponllloii to Omaha. First On condition that the Nobras kn Central shall purchase the tract of land located within the district bouuded by Elev enth street , Fifteenth street , Chicago streol and California street in iho city of Omaha , being a tract about ono eighth of u nillo wide by ono-quartor of u milo long , and erect thereon n Union depot nt the corner of Fif teenth and Chicago streets , said depot , to gether with the other railway improvements upon said grounds to cost not less than $400,000 , the city is to deliver to the compiny , when said improvements nro completed , $ ICO,000 , of its twenty-year 5 per cent bonus. Second When the company has completed not less than 100 miles of railroad east of ttio Missouri nvcr and connected the same with the lines of two or inoro of tbo railway com panies named in said proposition ( none of which are now doing business at Otnaha or Council Bluffi ) , nnd when , and not until ono or more railways in addition to the Nebraska Central railway shall bo actually using said union depot , the city shall deliver to said company 9100,000 of its twenty year 5 per cent bonds. Tim I'roposlllon lo Douglita Comity. First On the complellon of n double-track stool railway bridge ever the Missouri river at the foot of Cafes street Douglas county shall deliver to said company f-iO.OOO . county bond * . Second That upon the completion of u iloublo-traolc railway from the west approach preach of the bridge to South Omaha , Including n largo amount of uou- Slo-traclc elevated road and n double track tunnel , Douglas county shall deliver to ha Id company 0UOO additional county bonds , Please note lhat not $1 of llicso subsidies Is to qo delivered until the Improvements con * tomplnted are actually completed. To insure the city and county the greatest benefit la the erection of tbeJO ) uiprovqaionU tbo com pany agrees that in oousidora\on ( of receiv ing the subsidies it will allow all railway companies dosldntf to u o the suuiu thy \lghl to run their pattaeuR < > r und frulRut itfaius 'over thu GBld brldgo1 and ovup sald > , < louola truck railway oolwccn Ornaun ana HquiU Omabn , and their passenger trains 0.0)1 ? a i nald bridge Hurt Into bi\d ( utllpH Uepo "UPQU just Btid equal tOrrai. ' * * within vpn.f. Hy the'\erm of bo\h propoiilion * the com. pany mutt -bofe-la the r ctlon of iho im- provcweuts. irithln crao year from July 1. 1SV3 , aqd PUJU , th ma to completion win- oufunnQCCnuiy uolay , * nd complete the * m jr.'Uhln thr < 3 year * from the aforataid To fcvoldtw/flOMlblllty xbat tue OJBI- Flour. I'illsbury's best XXXX flour. . . . ? 1 IB \Vaaliburu , Crosby & Co. , Superla tive . $1 15 All Ictullnpr brands $1 15 Minneapolis bust Superlative . . . ; ! )0 ) o Snow 1 lake * . ( lo eVery Very bust rvo 85 O | Uest kiln dried corn meal 1 io Tall jolly 40 o Stritwbcrrtos preserved In sugar syrup 12o } Raspberry preserves 11jo ! California nlllotl plums 1-io Hvanoratotl apples fl li California evaporated peaches . . . . HI o S lit Lake ponchos Ho Pitted cherries 15 o Kvuporiitod raspberries 17jo Imported I'Yciicli primus 10 o Curojl Turkish prunes 5 o California apricots l"io Ilnlslns. . 12jo , Uo , JHo , fie , 81elV ( , lUJo Soda crackers , "i o Oyster orai'kors 5 o Imported clio'.v-chow , per quart . . 15 o Mixed pickles 15 o Potted hams ( pur can ) 5o 1'ottod ox tongues 5 o Deviled hams. , 5 u Picnic hams Tijo Sugar cured hams ! ljo Donolcss hams "lo Liolognti 3alis.igo 60 Liver sausage 5 o Head lihoOhO 5 o Sapolio 5 u Finest Scotch orange marmalade put iii ) in PaiHly , Scotland lo o 1 pound can cove oyslors 7 jo - pound can cove oysters lo o Imported French Soup Terrapin , ox tail , MulUgatawnoy , coiibomme , jtilionuo , per can 20 o Gieon turtle , chicken , mock lurtlo , per can 25 0 Vegetable , prlntairo , mutton broth , beef , tomalo , tea , bouillon , per can 20 d 3 pound best pumpkin 7ju 't nound can boat clam chowder. . . . 10 o 3 pound can best hiked bcaua lo o 1 pound can best little nock soft shell clams 15 o 2 [ ) ound can best coosoborrios 8Jo ( 2 pound ran pineapple 10 o 2 pound blnekbori ios 7Jo 1 gallon can beat Now York apples 171o Butter. l At TIaydou's you cau buy country but ter for Ifio nnd 17c per pound , aud Dodge creamery for.ISc Monday' " Art Department , . Just racoivodn beautiful line of chenille ( lowers , and art novelties. , ; Will bo placed cm sulo Monday at lOc , 16c , ll'c , 2 c , 8Cc , 40c. pany miglit bopin the work simply to hold its rights nnd not progress with It , it is specifi cally provided that should worlt cease for n period exceeding ninety days , before nsuin exceeding ? -,000,000 sball have boon ox- pendca upon said project , it shall forfeit all rlpht to iccoivo said bonds. I will refnun from all comments , uocausol want this article to be so Brief that , everyone wbo is interested in this subject will road it. ' Tliu Cost of jit > clloii. I dcniro to say further ; That in dofcrenco to tno sentiment expressed by loading citi zens thai wo should pay the en Uro cost of tha election , wo have decided to do so , and are nrepun'd to enter into n contract I o that ef fect. Hsspectfully , J. H. DUMO NT. 1 j.v Tin : ZAIIOH 1'iKi.n. ' Rochester has 3,000 oloctrlo workers. Franco leads Europe in the employment ot women clerks. Great Britain boasts of 10,093 teetotalers among Us railroaders. British statistics show that minors are not n Abort-lived clans. There were nearly 700 lives sacrillccd by mint ) explosions in Kuropo aud America last year. Tno morhlo monument to the Chief of Po- li(0 Honnessy of Now Orleans , who was ns- sasslnnicd bv the Malla , is being cut up ia Mninooy Italians. A now Industry has been invented by a clover girl. She caUa herself nn accountant nnd auditor for largo households. Sun 11 nils plenty of employment In looking after tha business of n few families of largo expendi ture , whoso hoaas have not lasto for the work. To remember people's namoi Is a great ) thing. A man in a great wholesale establish ment In Chicago la paid 7,0)0 ! ) a year just for remembering names. His business Ja to speak to every ono who cornea In by nninu and to introduce the customer to the cleric of Iho department soughl. If ho does not introduce troduce- the person lo iho clcik by nnmo , tbo clerk is uxpuclcd to llnd out the name ami communlrato It quietly to iho gentleman , near the door , who bids him or her good-by by namo. This always Hallow people and they cotnu hack again. The handbook by tbo Fedoraliou of Labor fihowa iho strength of the seventy-four na tional trade unions ot the United Htntoa lo ba 075,117. Tno Carpenters' brotherhood leads wllh (15,000 ( members ; Amalgamated Iron and Steel workers , 00,000 ; Iron Moldun' Union of North America , 43,001) ; Interna tional Bricklayers' and Sloncuiasorfa' union , : t5OiX ) ; Brolhorhood of Locomotive Kngl- noers , ! 1U,000 ; International I'vpogruphical union , -8,000 ; Ulgarmakois1 Intcrnatloiml union , U7iHK ) ; lirolhorhood of Uocnmotiva Mrotnon , 'AUOO ; United Mine Workers , UO- Ouo ; ( Jranltu Cullers' National union , UO.OOO ; Journeymen Dakcr.V National union , 17r > 00 ; Journeymen ' 1 nilors1 union , 17,000 , und tha IlrotbeVhood ot Railroad Traiumun nnd Iiroherhood of I'alnlers and Decorator * each with 10,000. Ktory f l > The visitor to Medora , the little Da- , kotti village that was the euono of sqmo of Iho exploits of the Marquis do Moren is pointed out as object of grout Interest , tbo "chateau" wlioro the occontrio French nobloinun lived. Tljo ruins ol t biniill stabio mark tliQ..spgtvhuro ha. fought Ills bnttla with na ovur.wholtnlni ; posse and killed ono of them , wliilo ha put the rest to rout Afterwards when n mob tried to lynch Do MoreatthoehorlJt pJTored him protootlou. " 3 icro , noiij" eald ho. "J. hufo very goot pistol. I vill bhoot tup II rat faille that offers met yat you call inaoolt. " Thou U 0 iuur ( jiils walked About In a very iioifchulent jnatmor , and the ct'oird admlrlnff hla pluclc , failed to tnolcflt him. " * - , Very thn | tulle voiU In pula bluel Vfln3 r , plpk- palo graou and cnrlut r wof n WUM bonnolt.