8 THE OMAHA DAILY 1VEK : SIMDAY APRIL 10 , 1892-TWENTY PAGES. THE BOSTON STORE , $30,000 , Bankrupt Stock of Silks , Drees Goods and Staple Dry Goods. BOUGHT OF WM , TOPPING'S ' SHERIFF SALE In llnjliig This Complete .Stock from tlio HhcrlfrU'o Mnkn tlin ( Irnndost nnil Hot Drill ot Uur Kutlro lliiftliicfls Cnrccr. And tomorrow wo glvo our customers llin ontlro bonolltof it. LOBS tbnnn year in business nnd golnp under through outside- speculations , this Block Is Iff I to us in tlio finest condition ] )08slblo. Everything la now and dcsir- tiblo , nnd the majority of thu stock is in full plcccfi , never cut. 76G SILKS AT 25C. All tlio heavy anting , molro silks , fine nurahs und ( loured china allies , worth up to 76c , so ul SMc. $1.00 SILKS AT 39G. 60 pieces figured chiniv dress silks , satins , buralis und \vldo pongccB , worth up to $1.00 , front : tOc. $1.1- ! ) SILKS AT 600. lllnck and colored nil silk fnlllcs , pros prnln Hllks , blnckchinn silks , plnltl trim ming silks , honvy surnh silks nndvido rnuln llhndnmtiB , worth SI.1W , go nt COo. 6l.no SILKS AT Glc. ) 00 pieces now styles figured Chlnn dress silks , clognnt brocndo trimming silks , " 7-inch wash Hllks , embossed fnlllo Hllks for fancy wnists nnd evening wear , worth $1.60 , go nt 0c. ! ) 8t : SILKS AT BSc. Chnngcnblo tulTolii sillts , blnulc heavy gros grain silks , novelty trimming-silks , in fnct nil the finest altks from tliU 1m- monso stock worth up to SH po nt 8Sc. SI VELVETS AND PLUSHES AT IMC. Black brocaded velvets , fnncy striped velvole , . ' 10 inch cloaking velvets , worth up to1.00 , go ntJHo. $1.60 SILK PLUSHES AT S9C. 30 inch silk plushes and velvets , all colors , worth up lo $1.60 , go at ! ! 9c. 125C DRESS GOODS AT 8C. All the : ti ( inch Hodford cords , twilled plaids nnd brocaded hcnriuttas , worth up to 25c , go at 8c. 10-inch invisible plaids , in all shades , nnd wide twilled Henriettas at loc , worth 3oc. AH wool summer broadcloths , in blues , now greens , reds , browns nnd grays , and JiO-liich wool cheviot , plaids and striped honriottas and wool serges at 25c a yard. $1.00 DRESS GOODS AT 39C. -10 in. wide all wool serges , imported ellk finish all wool honriottas nnd nil high priced novelties from this stock , worth up to $1.60 a yard , in plaids and checks , and 51 in. ladies' oloth for spring wraps and jackets , in fancy stripes , worth up to $1.00 a yard , go at"39c. 40 in , all wool Trench serges nnd hen- riottas , all wool albatross in light Bhadcs , including black , go at 60c. The finest all wool Bedford cords and high grade novelty checks and stripes nt 76c. A yard and n half wide cloria silks in blue , red nnd gray , Windsor cords , ? .ig zngH and black silk wnrp honriottas , $1 n yard. STAPLE DRY GOODS IN BASEMENT 150 pieces best quality table oil cloth , lie a yard. 1,000 yards lace curtain ecrim , Ic n yard , Immense quantity fine black lawns , Bc } n yard. Ono case beautiful imitation china Bilk draperies , 7c a yard. Elegant French draporicshcms > titched on botli edges , 7c a yard. A11 linen crash toweling 3c a yard. Turkey red table covers C9c. Extra largo si/.o , 97c. 300 felt window shades. All coin ploto , 15ocnch. Thousands of yards now figures out ing llannel Ojo a yard. Immense bargains in white goods at 4jc , 5ie , Ojc and 8Jc a yard. Best oil turkey rod figured prints So a yard. Best American Indigo blue prints , 5c n yard. Now shirting prints 2c n yard. Hundreds of other staple articles in the dry goods line which space will not permit us to mention nt correspond ingly low prices. THE BOSTON STORE , N. W. Cor. 10th nnd Douglas. A grnnd opportunity for every lady lo got Easter hats , bonnet , toques und flowers nt wholesale prices Tuesday , Wednesday nnd Thursday next. Wo will open our largo wholesale room on the 2nd floor ; everything will bo sold nt wholesale prices for three days : hun dreds of pattern , hats will bo sold for half what other houses will ask for them. You will find the largest line of flowers ever shown and prices the low est. Our stock is too largo to quote prices ; come and see for yourself. .J. .T. BLISS. Wholesale and Retail Millinery , 1510 Douglas street. Carload Dothcsda wntor.just received , Bhormun & McCounoll. 151U Dodge. Domestic , the best hard water soap. liny the llrst , Wlicolorrilnoii Now fro. 0 sowing machine. 61-1 S. 10th street. Telephone No. 021. Goo. W. Lancaster & Co. , agents. 1Vlicolcr& Wilson Now No. 0 sowing machines , Estoy and Camp & Co. pianos and organs sold on monthly payments. Goo.V. . Lancaster & Co. , agents , 614 So. 10th street. Telephone - phone No. 921. Washington Hull. Remember the N. A. fe. E. charity ball , Easter Monday evening , April 18 , for Uio benefit of the city charities. Tickets for sale at the Creche , Child's hospital , Max Meyer & Uro. Co.'B store , John Haumor's store , Kairbank , Morse & Co. 'a store , M. i'nrr , Tenth and llow- nrd streets , Richard's drug etoro , Twen ty-fourth and J street. South Omaha. Union soap omploysNebrnska labor. Every bar Union soap guaranteed. Money , money , private funds to loan on vacant or improved property. . W. II. GATES , R. 022 N. Y. L. California , You have seen California frequently mentioned in newspapers and magazines Perhaps n friend has been there ana writes enthusiasts letters bade homo about the climate and the fruits. It makes you anxious to BOO the country for yourself. Tlio best time to go Is In the fall nnd winter. Then work hero Is least pressIng - Ing and California climnto is now pleas ing. The way to go Is via Santa Fo route , on one of that lino's popular , por- onully conducted parties , leaving Chi- .wgo every Saturday evening , and leav ing Kansas City every Sunday morning. Special ugonts and parlors in attend ance , Pullman tourist sleepers are ueod , furnished with bedding , mat- trosEcs , toilet articles , etc. Second dins tickets honored. Write to E. L Palmer , passenger agent Santa Fo route , 1310 Furuiun street , Omaha , Nob. BENNISON BROS , Great Sale of KM Gloves Tomorrow , Monday , ELEGANT LINE OF EASTER KID GLOVES 1'rlccK on Clienlllo 1'ortloro Cur. tnln * Coino In inrly : Tomorrow If Von \Vunt Them , ns the 1'rlceVI1I Sell Them Kurly , Ladies' black llslo gloves , half price , 12Sepalr. Ladies' pure thread silk black gloved , made in kid glove sizes only 60c pair. .lust arrived , nn elegant line Easter kid gloves In 8 butlon length suede mosqutalres In light greys , Heht modes nnd tana , with ono row black embroid ery , only $1.75 pair. Sold overvwhcro at 8-2.25 and $2.60. Also full line of our celebrated honrl- olla 6 hook drcbscd kid gloves at $1.50 pair. pair.Great sale Monday of chonlllo portiere - ioro curtains. Wo offer Monday 100 pair extra heavy , extra largo nlco dado und fringed on each cud ixt $5.00 pair , in nil thu novr shades. Now if you desire a pair of these portieres It will bo necossnry for you to visit our sloro Monday forenoon as wo do not think there will bo a single pair loft at 12 o'clock. Romouibor the price 85 00 pair , worth 310.00. Also n great sale of Inco curtains and carpets. If you ever expect to buy carpets got them during this sale and save money. 100 dozen ladies Jersey ribbed vesta Monday , Oc each. Pepporcll 8-4 bleached sheeting Mon day , lOc yard. Poppcrcll 9-4 bleached sheeting Mon day. ISc yard. Poppet ell 10-4 bleached shooting Mon day 20c yai d. French salines worth 35c , go Monday nt 15c yard. Scotch zephyr ginghams ISc yard , worth 25c. Now ehallies 5c yard , bettor ones 8 l-3c yard. Great line outing flannels , Cc and 7c yard. 200 pieces stundard _ prints , 4c yard. 300 stamped linen spushors only 7c each. Solid colored China silks 35c yard. Fancy plaid dress goods , all wool , 48 inches wide , now spring shades , worth $1.25 to $1.50 , go Monday at 75c yard. 28 do/.on ladies' percale shirt waists 50c each , in light and dark colore. Also a beautiful line of satino waists at 60c , OOc , 75c , 95c each. .lust arrived , beautiful line baby car riages. They run in price from S4.60 up to $50.00. Ono solid carload wall paper , just in. Wo will sell you wall paper at whole sale prices. Great sale Monday of ladies'capos and jackets ; u , special lot at $5.00 each. Great sale of children's bonnets Mon day at 35c each. Do you need n garden rake or hooV Wo nro closing out a lot Monday at lOc and 25c ouch. Come in Monday , sure. BENNISON J3ROS. Snlo of Human Hnlr. The first and only hair sale over of fered in the city. Having purchased while in New York a complete line of switches and bangs , nil being the first quality hair , wo are going to civo the ladies of Omaha the benefit. This sale is guaranteed as advertised. Switches that were $5.00 for S2.50 and all are short stem , long hair. Switches that were $2.50 for $1.75. For a loader in bangs wo offer our Bangs Hint wore $2.60 for S1.50. Bangs that wore $3.60 for $2.25. Crimping irons that are sold all ever town for 50c and 75c , go for 42c. Alcohol lamps 25c. Best quality negro switches at 50c. Best quality negro bangs 50c. Curling irons , hair tonics , face lotions and face powders at reduced prices. Remember the only ground Moor hair store in Omahaat the old reliable millin ery nnd hair store.lll South loth street , Opp. P. O. MRS. R. H. DA VIES. See Samuel Burn's "Easter" display. Knstcr lionnetB. Mmo. Hickman , 211 S. 10th st o Dr. Cullimoro. oculist. Boo building \Vlso TruvelerH Know a eood thing when they see it , und when they travel they select the Burlington route. They know that to Chicago nnd the east , to Kansas City nnd the south , nnd to Denver and the west , the "Q" is the best lino. The Burlington "vcstibulod flyer , " which leaves the union depot , Omaha , at 4.30 p , in. every afternoon is by far the most comfortable train to Chicago ; it is made up of magnificent yes , mag nificent Pullman sleeping cars , elegant reclining chair cars , comfortable day coaches , and dining cars on which ono may obtain meals "fit for the gods. " Two other trains leave Omaha daily for Chlcntro at 9:50 : a. in. and 0:20 : p. m.both of which oiler superior service , W. F. VAir.r , , City ticket agent , 1223 Farnam street Fifty (60) ( ) tons of Domestic soap used in Omaha last month. Merit wins. The lleU SowhiK .Miirhlne on ICiirth , Wheeler & Wilson now No. 0. Goo. W. Lancaster & Co. , agents , 514 S. 10th street. Telephone No. 021. Go to the Globe Loan ft Trust Co. , for loans on business & residence property. Q'ish ' on hand to loan at eastern rates. W. T. Seaman , wagons and carriages. Beautiful Clifton hill nnd handsome Grammorcy purk. C. D. Wood worth & Co. , successors to Wolty & Gay , 1310 Farnara street , man ufacturers nnd dealers in harness , sad dles , etc. Quick Time to the l.'nst. Under the schedule , which recently wont Into effect on the Chicago & North western Ry. , passengers can leave the Union Pacific depot , Omaha , daily at 9:15 : p. in. and arrive at Chicago at 11:59 : o'clock the next morning. This arrangement reduces the time to Chicago two hours , and also affords con nection with all of the fast limited trains for the east , and the journey to Now York , Boston and other eastern cities may now bo roado In several hours quicker than ever before. Til addition to this service the after noon "Dyer" via the Chicago & North western Ry. loaves the U. P. depot daily nt 5 p. in , and arrives at Chicago at 8:15 : the next morning , Both of the above mentioned trains are vostibulod throughout nnd are equipped with Wagner and Pullman sleepers , free reclining chair cars and "Northwostoru"dlnlng icurs. Bagirago checked from residence ana through slcoplng car berths reserved. City ollico , 1401 Farnam street. R. R. RITCHIE , General A sent G. P. WitST , C , P. & T , A. TIII : 111:1.1 : , . A I.Mt of rroiIlRlotii llnrgitln * for Mondny. Wo shall make a big cut on flavoring extracts of the highest quality Mondny. These nro not cheap nrtificlnl goods but nro the pure csscnco of fruit : Vnnllln oxt. 17c , worth 2oc. Vanilla oxt. 21c , worth 35c. Vnnllln oxt. 27c , worth 4oc. Lemon oxt. 13c , worth 20c. Lemon oxt. 17c , worth 25c. Lemon oxt. 22jc , worth 40c. White corn meal , 12 } Ib. sack , lOe. Yellow corn meal , 121 Ib. sack , 19c. Curtice Bros , family tomatoes , 3 Ib. can , 13c. Curtlco Bros , extra tomatoes , 3 Ib. can , 30c. Fliiq sweet oranges , "no fake , " lOc. Curtice Bros , yellow poaches , 31c. Club IIouso salmon Bleak , 21c. Fine potatoes , per bit. 33c. Our Challenge coffco , per Ib. 25c. The grandest line of coffees in Omaha at 30c , 35c , 40o and 45c pound. OUR DRUG DEPARTMENT Is headquarters for drug * , proscrip tions , toilet soap , rubber coeds , combs and brushes. Special cut on rubber goods. HARDWARE AND HOUSE FUR NISHING DEPARTMENT. Good goods. Special prices. 3 papers tacks , Ic , Sprlntr balance , lOc. L i-pt. cups , fancy , Ic , Scrub brush , lOc ] 1 doz. clothes pins , Ic. Mop sticks , lOc. lOc.Lamp chimney cleaner , 1. Coffee pot , lOc. ' Popper box , 2c. Spiders , lOc. 2-holo uious-o trap , 2c. Garden rakes loc. loc.Can Can openers , 2c. Brooms , 18c. Dairy pans , 3c. Garden lioj , 20c. Biscuit , cutters , 3c. Spade * , l5c. ! Double mutch safe , 4c. 4-lino fork , 40c. Basting spoon , 4c. Handled axes , 75c , Wire dish cleaner , 4c. Padlock nnd key , 5c. Egtr boater , 5c. Tracing wheel , 6c. DRESS GOODS. The sale on the new and attractive fabric MANHATTAN SUITING will bo continued Monday. This comes in stripes and checks and will bo sold at lOc. It's 20c troodu. Bedford Htripos in fetching designs , 12jc , worth 20c. Cashmcro suitings , all colors , 12jc , worth 20c. All wool French challios , 50c. FURNISHING GOODS. Children's Derby ribbed hose , double knee , sizes 5 lo 8i , only 15c. Wo have the exclusive sale for Omaha of the famous Linworth hose for ladies and children. This hosp has a spliced linen heel and toe and will outwear two pair of ordinary hoso. Ask to see them. Ladies' fast black hose , 8ic. Wo have received 25 dozen moro of those ladies' 4-bulton kid gloves which wo shall sell Monday at 78c. Gentlemen's largo , size plain white union handkorchlcfs , Monday , 8Jc. Special bargains in men's spring un derwear , men's collars and cuffs , fancy shirts , otc. THE BELL , N. E. Cor. Dodge and 15th Sts. Samuel Burns thinks that nothing would make a bettor impression on the visiting * "dominies" than a nice table , and to make it so got ono of those elegant - gant decorated sets in his front window marked $10.00 , formerly $20.00. iastor : Hats. Mmo. Hickman. 211 S. 10th st. , 4 * ' The lightning artist from New York now giving free exhibitions of his skill in painting landscapes is selling his work : is fiibt as made at store 1201 Fur- nain st. German yeast is superior to all ; made fresh every day in Oinatia. Drink "Perfection'1 ' Java nnd Mocha , roasted fresh ovcrv dav in Omaha. Why are ladies more pntirotic than men , they buy Union soap. 300,000 bars Union soap sold in Nebraska braska last month. It's tlio bsst. Visit the well known florist , B. Haas , 1813 Vinton street , and see his beautiful flowers and plants. Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. Needles , oil nnd supplies for nil kinds of sowing machines and any make of machines repaired by a first class ma chinist at 514 So. 10th street. Tele phone 1)21. ) Geo. W. Lancaster < Nc Co. S. R Patten , dentist. Boo building. Gorman baking powder is equal to any without exception and manufactured in Omaha. m Hamilton Wnrron , AL D. , eclectic nnd magnetic physician and surgeon. Spe cialty , diseases of women and children , 110 N. 10th street Telephone 143i Ideal ladies'hairdressing parlors-hair goods , toilet articles , 209.S loth,3d floor. Tlio First , to ItcNnonil. The widow of the late M. Ilollman yesterday received the first money on her husband's life insurance , it being paid by the Bankers Lifo Insurance company of St. Paul. To Mr. 11. B. Lewis , general ngont Bankers Lifo Insurance company of St. Paul , Minn. ' , room 224 Bee build ing , Omaha : Dear Sir : J desire to express to you as agent for your company my thanks for thu prompt payment of the sum of $2.000 , being the full amount duo on policy held in your company by my hus band , Myor Ilollman , your company beIng - Ing the first ono to pay Ills claim. Ho died March 20 , 1892. [ Signed. ] MAIIIA Witness , CHAHLES WISE. iaitor : Millinery Opening. Tomorrow , Annowalt Millinery Co. , 220 North 10th street. Latest novelties. "Nothing Now Under the Sun. " Kol not even through cars lo Denver , Ogden , Salt Lnko City , San Francisco and Portland. This is slmuly written to romitid you that the Union Pacific is the Pioncor in running through cars to the nbovo mentioned points , and that the present through cor arrangement is un. excelled. Wo nlso make tie | tlino. For details address nny ngont of the company , call on your nearest ticket ngont or write to E. L. LOMAX. G. P. & T. A. U. P. System , Omaha , Nob. What U "Tho OterlauU riyor ? " It is the only vestlbuled train running Between Omaha and Cheyenne , Between Omaha nnd Ogdon. Between Omaha nnd Salt Lake City. Between Omaha and San Francisco. Between Omuhu and Portland. It Is composed of Pullman pnlaco sleepers , Pullman dining cars , free ro- cllnfng chair cars and modern day coaches. It is run on the Union Pacific. It is the train to tuku for all western points. Ills the train foe you to fake if. you want to got there quickly , It leaves Omaha daily at 2:16 : p. m. For tickets and sleeping car rosorvn lion apply nt 1BU2 Farnam stroot.Omuluv II. P , Douol , city ticket Dgeut. THE WOT STORE Special EasterlHirgiuns Are Offered for rlbmorrow , WONDERFUL DRIVES IN BABY BUGGIES Mnteltlcjft 1'rlcov In Crockery , (1lmrnre , WooilriiunrivUrui'lry nnil SlUrrunrp , Toilet Artlolt * , l.nillci' nnil ( lent * ' l'ockoU > ( > ol < , Stationery , I'lcturcj. Tlio 09 cent store , 1319 Faruain street. Is always in the nice , nud in fnct is setting ting the pace on low prices. HOUSEKEEPERS'BARGAINS. Mrs , Potts' patent sad irons , 880 n sot : tubs , 3oeli > c and eec ; 3-hoop palls , 12c ; 1 dozen clothcJs pins for 6c ; 2-qunrt dippers , fie ; il-holo pgg poacher , lOc , worth 60c ; 6-foot step ladder - dor , 6Sc ; copper bottom boilers , 08c ; fie for line stool butcher knives , worth 2oe ; 2oc n set for knives nnd forks worth 76o. 76o.Soo our matchless crockery bargains 112 piece decorated dinner sots $7.45 , worth $12 ; 12-picco decorated chamber sets , extra largo size , $3.95 , worth $0. Picture frames , pictures and uucls ; $1.39 for a photo-engraving witha4-iuch oak frame ; 48c for n 5-foot bamboo easel worth $1.00. Pictures framed to order at one-half less than others ask ; satis faction Guaranteed. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN TOILET ARTICLES , PERFUMERY , HAIR BRUSHES , ETC. Brown's triple extract 29c nn ounce , worth 60c ; 2-iu for line bristle Imir brushes , worth 50c ; 6c , lOcnnd loc combs worth three times the price. See our wonderful values in silver ware , cutlery , otc. 25c a feet for sterling triple teaspoons , worth $1.CO ; 2oc for 3 sterling triple tablespoons , 25c for 3 sterling triple forks , ehllils solid gold rings Monday only 80 each , 5c each for bow knot stick pins , 2oc o.ich for gold and silver hair bands. All tho. novelties in jewelry. Don't fail to visit our bloro and in spect our mncntcent display adapted for easier presents. Til 13 99 CENT STORE , 131 ! ) Farnam. Omaha comprcssad yeast strictly pure Chocolate cream colTee. See tulver- libcmenl in want columns. New scale Kimhall piano. Go nnd sect it at A. IIospo's. AN IDYL OF THE PACIFIC. In nil Island Willie \\ltli .Skeletons of an Kxtliiot Inilliiu It.icc. On the lonely , wind-swept island of San Nicolas , eighty miles oil the coast of Ventura county , California , where , as far back as the "memory of man runs , hundreds of grisly white skeletons have dolled the valleys and hillsides , local nrulKuolojMbta are now busy gathering the relic of n , strnttgo , extinct race , savs the San Francisco Examiner. The Iblond is-tcn miles long and oval in shape , being four miles across at Iho widest part. Strange ulensils of scr- pcntino , sandstone and slotito are found there among the human bones , and the island and its erstwhile inhabitants have : i history so curious that it is diilicult of comprehension. i , fln'1835 the pndrea'of ' SantiuBur.bnra , 'loArningitlmt there wore butssbftccn of Iho sirnngo Indian nico- then living there , determined to rescue them from the island.They went over in n sloop nnd succeeded , ad they thought , in gut- ling nil on board. Al the last moment nn Indian woman returned for her child , and ono of the frequent storms of the Channel island springing up , the sloop was. driven away without her. The sloop went on the rocks of Point Conception and all on board were lost. Sixteen years later Captain George Nidevor and two men went from the coast on a sloop to hunt otter oil San Nicolas. On looking they wore , like Crusoe , astonished to discover human footprints on the sand. They saw no one , however , and a storm compelled them to put to sea. It was two years thoroaf tor that the adventurous captain , revolving in his mind the sight of the footprints in the uncanny island , determined to go and discover and bring over Iho lonely woman of whom ho had vaguely heard. Men accompanied him and nl longluh Ihey saw on the surf beulon shore n woman with long tawny hair dressed in a queer garb of colored birdskins and scraping with n bono knife the blubber of a seal. They surrounded nnd approached her steadily , nt.d although suddenly con fronted she did not appear in the least afraid , but smiled , nnd then falling on her knees prayed to the sun. The wild woman in ado no objection when by signs fllio was made lo understand that aho was lo go with thorn in thu bout. They readied Santa Barbara across the rough sen , and the first thing the Indian woman saw was Dr , S. L. Shaw , now 80 years old , and yet living thoro. riding n horfio. She had never scon or heard of any object like it , and thought the man nnd horse wore ono , and she knelt on tno shore nnd offered her devotions to it. Two weeks afterwards the lust inhab itant of tlio rock-ribbed tempest-tossed San Nicolas died from eating food to which she was unaccustomed , furnished by her rescuers , and the curtain fell on her Btrango race forovor. Wild dogs had oaten her child. Her dross of red and blue foalhers , n wonder ful creation of barbaric hands , was sent lo the pope of Rome. Rolio hunters have gathered moctars , nestles , alias , toy Btoatilo canoe * and other curious thing's there for soroe years past nnd shipped them to various eastern and Euro pean universities. Skeletons nnd parts of iakelclons have also boon collected in largo num bers , but toduyUho bones of thousands of Jndinns aoo scattered about thoro. Seine lie face down , indicating that they Imvo fallen in battle. There arose so many human relics there that San Nicolas is known as the "Isle of Skulls. " Tlio lonely ilnnd , whoso highest part Is but 1.040 foot nbovo the sen , is nolcd for the high nftistio class of many of Us relics. Had Uio woman rescued , then 62 yours old , not died , a story passing strange would 110 doubt have been told of the race so king hommcd in by the , wnble of waters aboul. As it is , much of Iho slrango slory Is shrowdod in mys tery forovor. A I.fitp Year Oimmlury. Detroit Free Press : "Of course , Miss Guipure , " snid Mr. Cashmere , tenderly , as ho lot his hand lie unresistingly in hers , "I fully understand that you have asked mo to bo yours , not because 1 am rich and popular , but from n genuine af fection you have for mo , but before ac cepting your proposal finally I have ono question to ask , " "What is it , denrestV" bho inquired , ns she folded her ulrongnrras auout him. "What is U'r" "I would like to know , " ho hesitated , "if after wo are married your are to bo Mrs. Cash m ore or am 1 to bo Mr , Gul- puro. " Bam Droms and J. It. Ulose spout lust Tuesday nt Honey creek , bagging Mxty-fonr aucba In ibree Uouct1 ( booting. THE BOSTON STORE Immense Sacrifice Bale Tomorrow of Tine Laces and Embroideries From FIELD CHAPMAN FENNER'S ' AUCTION SALE Never lloforo MIH There n Snlo In New York or I.am nnil Kmlirnlilerlca AVIicm They Wrnl ni Chriip nnil NEVER WAS THERE ASALE whore they will go ns cheap as they will to > morrow nt The Boston Store. 500 pieces pure silk laces In black and colors in nil widths in the very newest designs. Over 6,000 pieces of cambric , Swiss nnd nnlnsook embroideries in elegant now patterns from 1 lo 4 Incites wide hat go in lots at Ic , 3c , Co and lOc n yard , worth up lo 2oo. About 8.000 yards of ladles' white robes and 45 In embroidery skirtings in Swiss , cambric and nainsooks , in white and colored , nt 22c , 29c , 39c , worth up to $1.00. 3,000 pieces fancy laces in cream , ecru nnd white goat 3c , 5c , lOc , 25c , worth up to 75c. Hand mndo torchon Inccs ntoc,10cloa , worth up to 35c. 60 pieces all silk chiffon laces at loc n yard. All the latest novelties in luces for dress trimming such as point d'Irlando , point do gone , Rusticana. Those elegant laces will bo sold Monday nt 12c } , lOc. 29c , 39c nnd 60c , from 2 to 12 Inches wide , Which if bought in n regular way would cost from 76c to $1.50 a yard. THE BOSTON STORE , N. W. cor. 10th and Douglas. THE REAL , ESTATE MARKET. The Outlook Dully Annuities 11 More Kncour- URlnf ; Aspect. Certain forces have boon at worlt during the past few mouths wliluh can not tail of havlnc a most boncllclnl effect upon the Omuhn real estate market. The abundant crop * of n your ngo nml the liiph prices , coupled with u goou lorolcii iloinanJ , lim mailo money plenty In the west. General prosperity anil the liquidation ot mortc.iKC& hold by eastern capitalists has produced a prcat piling up of tUlo capital In the cast. From almost all parts of the country como complaints of capital incroasltiR moro rapidly thiin tbn demand for loant. Tilts kilo capital must Do Invested and It Is a foregone conclusion that the can , accus tomed to linJ in tlio west a narrower , will send her surplus in this direction. The only question with capitalists Is what part of the west to select fur their purpose. Seine section * will bo barred out by reason of overdone booms that have occurred In the past mid are now reaetlne. Other sections will DO looked upon with distrust for tiavlnc la the past bcon mixed up m wildcat schemes which absorbed vast , sums of money without limiting acy returns. When all thcso sec tions ore eliminated the Hold for profitable Investment will bo very much reduced. Omuhii , ono of the lavgost cities in the west , nnd n citv that never experienced u disastrous boom or had Its nanio connected with nny wildcat sehomo , will attract a very grqat deal of attention from capitalists. liiiiulrlni ; After Om lii : , In fact , eastern capitalists are already turulr.pr their attention to Omaha as an in viting Held for investments in real estate and real estate paper. Not ono. but , several real estate dealers are remarking on the increased interest which o.istern capitalists nro tnldng in Oii.aba. Some inquire with a view to buy ing property for speculation or for improv ing , while others are looking up the pros pects for making desirable loans on real estate. There ouht ( to oo no trouble for any ono witn good security this season to borrow money , provided tnoy will taKO it in largo cnouKh sums nnd for a period hufll- clently long to in alto it some object to tbo lender. As the season idvanccs and tbo situation Is moro carefully studied the conviction gruw among business men that Omaha is just , en- teting upon n period of unusual prosperity. * Ciltlcitlni ; the Itiinkei-H. A number of real estate men have boon hnnrd to remark on the peculiar stand taken by some of Omaha's bankers regarding real estate transactions. Said ono prominent denlor : "If I correspond with eastern par lies and at last come to some understanding with thorn regardlnganlnvestmentlnOmiiha real estate , those parties are very aptto write , before closing the deal , lo soiro Omnha banker. That means nine times out of ton that I will not only lese the sale , but that 1 will have maao an enemy of my pro posed customer , for the bunker will throw just enough cold water on the real estate sit uation in Omaha to completely discourage the would-bo purchaser , nnd sometimes even cause him to bellevo that I have been trying to rob him. "You cannot find a hanker In Omaha who owns real estate but what is asking a good stiff price for it , so that the discouraging tone adopted In giving ad vice to would-bo In vestors cannot bo on account of a lack of confldonco in the future of the city. "If the bankers will but take a broad minded vlow of the case , " continued the speaker , "thoy will discover that , it is moro to their advantage to have their customers' raonoy Invested where it will aid in the de velopment of the cltr than to bavo it laying idle in tlio ban It vaults. "Perhaps Iho bankers do not believe that real estate Is u good Investment , Then wny do they not put down values on such prop erty as they own and close It out ) It would seem that bankcra should bo very careful about giving advlco calculated to drive nway from the city a prospective investor. " Uiiftt Iroiu tint Addition * . The trolley wire Is bolne nut up for the Dundpo place motor line nnd It is expected that Iho cars will soon bo operated by elec tricity. Thli it is claimed will bring Dunuoo pluco' within about twenty minutes of Six teenth and Karnam streets. South Omaha real estate Is picking up on Iho strength of the tl,000,000 improvements to bo mad. ) this summer by the utook yards and packing houses , F. A Kemp has boueht for Windsor , Kemp ft Co. , from S. L. Wiloy , the northeast - east corner of Capitol nvonuo nnd Seven teenth street forJIOO.OOO. Too lot is 1(10x120 ( and is occuplnd by a row of ono-story brick stores on Capitol avenue and a block of two- story bricxs on Seventeenth street. M. A. Upton Bays that tbo real ostalo sit uation Is improving. The baoks have re duced their rate of interest and depositor * nro bound to look for some paying Invest ment for their surplus capital rstlior man allow It lo romalu In Ibo banks. As Omaha rent ostalo offers Ibo safest and most ro- tminorativo investment n largo proportion of Iho idle capital Is bound to uo pluMd in real oblate. A f 00,000 deal In which n number of parties were Intoresiud has ] nst b09n closed. Potter & Oeorgo company , representing A. Jj. norland , n Hoston capitalist , bought of Morris Morrison properly 10 Iho value of 545,000 in Soulh Omaha and 115,000 In Omaha. Among Iho pieces of property included in the deal wore 171 foot fronton SUteonlh Hlreot , near Vinton. JUty-tbreo lols In Morrison's addition to South Omaha , twenty-nine acres noout one-half inllo southeast and eleven acres ono milo west of the business center of Soulh Omaha. There were other scattering lots. Edwin Lacey of Pennsylvania hua platted on addition on the lionson and Halcyon Holgbls car line and just east of Jlenson place. Two eornur lots wore sold In this addition the past week at 450 each , and ono insldo lot at f 100. Koul estate dealers generally say that they Imvo under wny deals that would not have boon considered a year ago. Tno prospective purchasers in many of these cases will build on the properly for Iholr own use , thus addIng - Ing lo the vuluo of adjoining property. CJeorgo W. Amos say that hu never had amore moro satisfactory line of Inquiries for Omaha real ostalo from eastern putties and Ibat ha has shown more property lo prospective pur chasers during the past month than during Iho whole of Uio previous yoar. There never win so much idle capital , and when once ibe people como to .realize that a dollar wall Invested Is worth more Iban a dollar laying Idle ihcro will bo a great awtu- in all HUOJ o ( IMI. Kiiir.Y'.s : : M\V : The Splendid Institute nt tlio Ctlclirntnl i\rrlslor : Springs. Everybody who drinks liquor to excess or who has n. frlond who Is a victim tc the liquor , morphine , opium , cocaine or tobacco habit , has heard of Dwlght , 111. , and the wonderful cnrcs performed thorc by Dr. Leslie M Kcoloy , the discoverer of the double chloride of gold re mod lea for these diseases. Those who have boon thinking Of taking the treatment and longing for POIUO quiet and healthful resort where It could bo administered will bo glad to learn that Dr. ICeoloy has established a companion Institute lethe the Dwlght house at the celebrated Ex- , slrl" 8"l ' y county , Mo. Iho waters of those springs nro cele brated the world ever for their elll- cioncy In nervous diseases and as a temporary spocilio for drunken ness. Thousands go there every .year to recuperate ullor a s-prco. Now tlioy can while thoio bo per manently and quicllv cured wlillo re ceiving the tuhltllunul bonolU of the life- giving waters and spending their time amidst the most healthful surroundings. It costs no moro to bo cured at the Companion Institute than it does at less favored resorts. This Is the first direct branch that the Keoley company hag ever established. livery care is taken for the comfort and convenience of guests. The appointments of the olllccs , the largo opotating room , the commodious club room , Iho fine sanitar ium , the celebrated sulpho-snlluo baths are all perfect. Good board and rooms can bo secured for from $1.00 to $25.00 per week. HISTORIC GUOUND. .Speeding | u .Modern Coirlm hy tin- Spots Whuro Crook unit CuMt'r I'onght. lion , .lohn Finerty of Ghlcngomado n tour of Montnua recently , and writes en tertainingly in the Ghicngo Tribune of the famous Crook nub Custor battle fields , ns seen from the Northern Paclllc roadnnd the wondorf ul changes wrought in sixteen .years. Mr. Fincrly waa with Crook in the capacity of correspondent , throughout ll.o Sioux war of lS7il , and his reminiscences are particularly in teresting. Ho says : Tlio Northern Pacific spans Iho river just four miles north of what Is known as Cuslcr's Crossing , and 1 could bco from the windows of the Pullman car Iho tojw of the amphitheater of hills amid which General Crook's brigade en camped in the dreary fall of 1870 , tent- loss , rationlcss nnd under a polling rain , which converted the whole country into a veritable quagmire. The con trast between my wretched , muddy bivouac of that tiino and the comforts o'f civili/.atioii on wheels us now experienced - encod made mo fool as if sixty instead of sixteen years hud passeit since that unpleasant vet stirring ovont. "Aro we out of Dakota yet ? " inquired a stout man , ono of it party of four un- gtiged in playing wlilot , across the aisle in the hleopor. "Pretty ncariy , ' ' I answered , ns I saw the well remembered crcstb of Sentinel Butlch the outlying pickets of the mighty battle line of the Little Missouri blulfs rising only a short distance away on our right. Crook's scouts hud a skirmish there with a body of Indians in the memorable Slim Uuttca campaign. On our left I could sco distiuctlv the two razor-backed blulTs through which the brigade , all bedraggled and dis gusted , had defiled toward the Litllo Missouri in ' 70 , and the remembrance of many a bravo comrade now no moro caused a feeling of sadness to steal over me.Vo had camped on Andrew's creek , and on Beaver creek , called also the Indian fork of the Llttlo Missouriat the period to which I have referred. Crook's soldiers were mustered in the valley of the latter stream , ac cording to the bi-monthly custom. I wondered how many of those bravo and stalwart men would now respond to roll call on this side of eternity. But , tliougli the old campaigners have mostly pasted away , the valleys remain and they arc nraons the most fertile to ba found in the great catllo ranges of o ist- orn Montana. Night had fallen as wo passed rapidly for the train goes fasten on that section of the roi.d Glciidive , O'Fallon , Blatchfoid , Powder Hivpr crossing , and Miles City all famous in Indian history , the latter being on the site of General Miles' cantonment of 1870-77 , when ho Inflicted such heavy blows upon the hostllca in that region. A number of soldiers of the Twonty- sccoud infantry , a regiment long nnd gloriously associated with the fror.lior , got on th'o cars at Miles bound for their post at Fort Keogh , only three miles westward. Wo sloppou at the Fort douot to lot thorn olT and heard tlio chal lenge of the bontinols and the rattle of arms ns , ono by one , they passed in. A short , compactly built olllcor came upon the platform ns wo weio leaving , and I thought I rccogni/.cd in him my old friend Major W. II. Powell , distin guished in warfare against the savages. The last station I hoard called out was Rosebud. Sixty or moro miles north , near the headquarters of the stream , Crook fought his bitr battle with the combined Sioux and Cheyenne tribes on Juno 17 , 1870 , and up through that dark and winding canon General Custor marched at the bond of the Seventh cavalry leas than u week later to the point where ho turned oil to the Litllo Big Horn , where ho forfeited his life for his daring in the midst of a roaring Hood of angry lioa- UloH the 2othof that "mouth of kittles. " It IB n strange outcome Hint the North ern Choycnncs , who fought against our troops moro desperately than any of the ether tribes , have their reservation es tablished on the Hobcbud near the Hold where Cook fought , and within sight of the Cuator battlefield. They are a bravo and spirited tribe the Spartans of the Indian race and are hold in moro respect - spect by their white neighbors than any other lireod of savages. Poor fellows ! Pinched with hunger as they have been , they have refrained from breaking Iho law , nnd many a sonorous ranchman has given them an occasional beef lo "make Ihoir hearla feel good" during the hard times which seem over to remain with tills proud , gallant and justly renowned tribe of native Americans. Under favor- nblo conditions the Choycnnes would sustain the pan-pictures of Fenimoro L'oopor. They nro the Mohicans of the west. Make no haste to bo rich if you would prosper ; binall and steady gains give uompotonoy , with lr.uinuility of mind , Never run In debt unless you BCO n very certain way to get out again , Drink no kind of intoxicating liquors. CI.OTIIINd. Orenlest Snlo liver llrlil In Oinnlin. The great downfall ot prices will bo t Monday. f No morchnnl In tbo history of Onmhn / ever bad tbo nerve to crush prices ns wo ' i nro doing on man's , boys1 nml children's clot lil HIT. Monday wo stnrt tbo greatest sale ol clothing ever witnessed in Onmlia. Children's UneosultsSl.GO , worth $2.50. Children's Unco suits$2.00worth J3.00. Clilltlrun's Unco suitsSi.60worth ! $ .1.60. Cblldron's Unco suits $2.1)5worth $100. Children's Unco suits & 1.0worth $5.00. The most olcgnntsultfi you over looked nt , with vests , SI.JM to & 9.CO. 100 do/.on now styles of SOcknco pant , worth SI.00. On Monday ,100 pairs men's line wool Uorsoy pnnti , worth $3.00 , nt$1.60. 600 pairs Jeans pnutsSl.UO , worth 81.75. All "oo overalls 35c , All Too junipers 33a Men's suits $5.03 , $7.50 , $10.00 , $12.50 , SlaOO. Our clothlnp department turned Intd n pulverizing mnr.hlno Moudav. 11AYDKN liUOS. , Dry goods nnd clothing. .siMffK.s 1'noM Tin : .sr.iTi ; i.i.nuj Hoairlco Is huslhni ? to 1111 Kennedy's shoo and say tnoy will do It or dlo. Bailor's wrist Is lolally healed nnd strong and Iho slugger * are correspondingly un * easy. Bulger of Grand Island is ono of iho bast shortstops In the lo.iguo nml In scouring him Manager Kourlto Is lo bo congralulalcd. Tom Patterson has cot n slrong tonm to-- * " golhur to represent Platlsnioulh and utilcsa they fall dond wilt keep some ono moving Hits season. Caslouo Is celling Into shape at Lincoln nloiiR wilh Bud Fowler and will bear watch- Hi ) ; tins Bummer , as ho Is ono of the best in the nssocinliou. Lincoln will use Iho old grounds of last year and Iho team they have to represent thorn will Itcop up Iho reputation of the town as ll is very slrong. F. W. Fear has signed as culchor for Lin- coin and in him they have ono of the bosi lit the league , being a line thrower , catcher , bailer and base runner. Hastings is doing very liulo talking mi nn iuimonso amount of hustling anil tno signs of iho limes nro lliat they will keep thorn all guessing ns usuil. Manager "Bill" Uourko of Grnnd Island has a "sponge oako" batlvry lhat simply draw Iholr broaih on the regular pay uays , and draw water on the championship dajs. " In Ihpso dcnarlmunls they lead the league" Frank .lellon has decided to gel out , Ihll season and has cnsl his lines wilh Fremont. Manager Baker Is to bo congratulated on securing - curing bun , a * it makes complete the host ouitlcld la the stale , Builor , Finch and .lellon. Gatcwood's "I'll tell you those 1" will go down to posterity ns the most antique bluft that was ever utlored In a slalo league meet- in ? , but it created not n little nmuscmonr , and each delegalo left with a wish to hear it sprung again. Fremont has the call in the State league lor Iho llrst g-imo , having made arrangements of plav Hayden Bros.1 strong team Saturday and Sunday , April 10 nnd 17 , and iho IIaytlo\ Bros , are leaving no slouo unturned to inaUO their club a winner. Hoyden Bros. ' team will play In Froinont on the Kith nnd 17th ( Satunlavaml ' Sunday ) , and Fremont won't ' have u'nj thing like a walkover , as iho loam H Iho HtrongosB nmalour loam over put logiincr In Omaha , and under .Joel : Carrlgan will keep Ihera guessing lo win. Bealnco looks very strong on piper nnd they proinisolo lilorally "mop tno oarth" with Fremont on the 1st and tjiid of Muv , but Fremont , isn't worried In ino lease and hoops rlgnt on in Iho usual way , oauh nnd every citizen retiring every evening and sleeping Ibo " .sleep of Iho jusl. " Kdingor has talcon to anndpipTing his voice in order to have it in condition for Bauer's Indians at the opening games , but about the llmo ho has dodged a few liners and chased n few bunts out of breath , ho will bo satisfied to rest his \vary pedals nnd give his frame a chance to expand. Fremont will too the ma.-t ! In Iholr first game wilh Beatrice as follows , said Man ager Baker , when spo'.ten to on iho subjocti Graver , caichur ; Baker , pitcher ; Bowman , llrst ; Stonoy , scco-nt ; I'urccll. bliorl ; F. Holmes , third ; .lollon. middle ; Finch , ilchl ; Bullor , loft. This team sunald keep all ' coiners MlI.l.AHl ) IfOTEU UMUIA , April 8. To tllO Sp.irllnj ; Kdlior dfTiiK HIKJ : II sub-ill , referr ing to inluO In Sp.ildlii Snldufor ; tlilsyo.ir. Mllipoiuu man Is nn Ural base nud u hit la mad" ever thu fcnco al n loss distance tliau S.l'i fo3t , can HIP nriii on ( list only run to tblrd or Is lioentltlod to r.in In lumiu ? I'luiiso ims- nerm bL'NDAv's llac. Aniiitcnr Fporl. Ans. Ho can run only to third. This rula \\-ill cut down Iho chances for homo nS-SrJi ino Omaha grounds very materially. I..VONNob. . , April 8. To thu bportlnj ; I7d | . tqrof TUB HUH : Have nutlo-i aunliix lunj . ; a natural laUna rlylit tn llsh wltliseliiui , traimnal nets , etc. , iiccoidln ti > ImvAnaucr In SUNDAY'S UKK A. Huljscrluur. Ant. They have not. OMAHA , April n. To the Sportlns Editor of TIIK HUB ; will you iilu.is Htato In TIIIISUN- IIAV BKK wnuthorriii llviin ever lights without gloves ? A Snbauribor. Ans. He does not. DAVID OITV. NO'J. . March ? J To tlio Hpnrt- Ing Kdllnrof TIIK HKK : A few ninntlis slnco I re.ul an iiucount In your pauor ot n licirso HII'U hluli uuouriud , as I ruiiitMiibur It In New orl ; City , at which H lie SDIIIU liuis ) bruiiKhti JIUi.lWil , null tliustrllcin : fuaturoof the train- uotlun W.IH that there wurii Lint two bldn inncJii. Kindly Inform niu. If ] n slljlu. Ihrouuli your .Sunday l siio as la the Hum J of thebor a and buyer. L J , .Smith. Ans. St. Blnlso. " 1'oor" Ilec-d. UKDlit HMTPW , Nob. , April 4. To the Sport ing IMltnr of Tin : Hii : : : 1'lnisu dculdu ihojf following ( inclosotl dlspntuon rallro.iiloiichioiW A , II , U anil I ) lire playing ral'ro-id t'lichrc. A Is ( liillnir. ! : It calls for his n.irtuoi'ii bust ai.il ordcra A. ellH for Ills p.irtnor'n bcol nnd ulnys itlonu : talnst him It in ilicj four trlcl.i und claims four jiolnls. A ulaliiiH lhat ho U only untltloil lo two uoInK Who Is rlJlil ? Aialii. L-IIII A iilay a "lonu" u ulnsl him uftuj oil-/ } . U. Ans. ( I ) Four points. (2) ( ) Ho can. M tCKDOMA , In. , Anrll I. To the Hportliu i.litoi-or ; Tun HIKlnulo ; : otl Unit Htnmp for wliluh answer the following question by lu- tiirn mall : Wnlch Is thu f.istu-a whuul , safuty or ordinary ( lilKn wheel ) , ro iirdlusa of male or tire ? 1vuiit 10 know tlio fastest whuol up to dutu. A. H. KoeliU'r. Ans. Safety. - * " KXKTBII , Nnh. March 'II. Bpnrtln ? Tdltor of Tin : llr.K ; 1'lu.tsa answer In your SUNDAY HEM HID following : is thuru any PLa I nliliiH taken In lluilm : sea tanned or drusiuil In thu United Htalu.s ? Tills is todeoldo abut , Warren Wood * aid. aid.Ans Some Inferior skins nro tanned in Ihls co-Jiilry. Tbo host go to ICngland , OMAHA , April I. To lliu Sinrtln IMItor ot Tin : Him : I'luaso unswur in MUMMY'S HEU to ilcelilo u but : A htiH II ) point a , 11 lias 111 points : A Klvesij anil mallei Ilium , II tf low unit k-amu. Who wins ? Hlnjlu high lire , ' 'I yolut Biiniu. Win. Kod. | Ans. H. " HOUTII OMAHA , Nob. , April < . To the Sport- lnIMItor of thu JlHK ! Will yon uluuio iins.vnr hi hllNiiAY'tl Iluu : What H inujreisivu hljill llVOf IJII9. T Ans. Send 10 conls for K. C. Snydcr' volume- High Flvo , Umahn. ' K. T. U , Sioux Ully : Your question U wholly unintelligible in its prcjont shape , a WIIITMIV. la. . Aurll a-To thoBportlng Kd. Itorof Tin : HIK : : Who Is the oust authority lo refer to on clii'ckiTs , iin.l . where can the booKsbuobtitnud"W : , u. H. Ans-lA ) , L. Darlcor , Boston. ( S ) A. O. & , liroj. , Chicago. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Powder ABSOlJUTeLY PURE