THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNJDAX ! APRIL 10 , 1892-TWENTY PAGES. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL KLUFFa OFFICE : - NO. 12 I'EAUL STREET. tcllurtclly Carrier to any partof the City II. W. T1I/TON , - MANAGER. IJHslncM Office No 41 itor ; | | No2J MtXUIl MKXT1OX. N Y. Plumbing Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal. Craft's chattel loani. 204 Sapp bloel' . Frank Btanborn , n pntlont at Ilclll hospital , dlod yesterday morning , aped 3.i years. A mnrrlaec llconso was Issued yesterday to Frank C. Siller of KOR Urcok township Pot- tawnttnmlo county , nnd Oertha F. Mcueo of Mills county. Dr. T. McK. Stuart will lead the Sunday school lesson study at the rooms ol the Younp Men's Christian association this oven- Inn nt 8 o'clock. Lnuies and gentlemen are cordially Invited. The CHSO of Larson & Jensen against .T. J. ttrown , In which the plaintiffs nro seeking to recover what Is claimed to bo duo them for plastering the house of the defendant on South Seventh street , was on trial In the superior court yesterday. Ed Johnson , L.Vlntcrs , William Davis nnd Sudlo Leo nto dinner at n North Muln utrcot restaurant yesterday and went away without paylnc for it. Ofllccrs located thorn later on and placed thorn under arrest on a charge of beating a board bill , M. J. MnNcrtry , secretary of the Denison , la. , whist club , has sent n challenge to the whist players of this clcy for n match tramo , the sldo winning two games out of three to bo declared the winner. They can play from fourteen to twenty on a side. Messrs. McGco anU Troynorhavo engaged I'rof. J. H. UcMotlo for three lectures at the assembly , commencing July 12. Prof. IJeMotto's lectures , illustrated with stereoptlcou views , have been very popular features nt foimcr assemblies. The annual election of oftlcersof the Young Men's Christian association will occur Mon- dav ovenlnu. Flvo ofllcors and fourteen directors will bo elected to 1111 the vacancies caused by the retirement of the present In cumbents , livery active member of the as- Koclatlon is entitled to a voto. The Grand hotel Injunction case , which was to have been brought up in the district court yesterday , did not como up on account of the absence of the attorney for the prose cution from the city. No day has been set for the bearing , but it will probably bo had In the course of a day or two. Two men wcro caught yesterday trying to dispose of n lot of pocket Knives that , looked ns though they had pussod through a llro and been badly damaged. One of the men who gave his name as M. J. Doyle did all the work , the other bolng too drunk to talk nnd therefore a silent partner. They wore arrested nnd are supposed to have stolen the knives during the burning of the Omaha liardwuro establishment a couple of weeks ago. The King < > f Uuftolino Stoves. The old single generator Dangler was the best ( jnsolino Btovo ever iiinJc , bu1 , SliuRart 10 Son have n now Dangler that is unquestionably the king of vapor stoves. It is called the Dangler Sur prise , mid is simply the old reliable steve with a perfect process gonoriitor lidded. It burns n blue llamo when lighted and has no odor in slopping or starting. Shugarts are the only people who handle them. Wuiiutn'B Keller Corp * Anniversary. The Woman's Relief corps will cele brate their third anniversary by asocial entertainment in G. A. R. hall on next Monday evening. Literary and musical program flrfat part of the evening and dancing , cards and refreshments in the nftcr part. Admission to all only U5c , VKltSOJfA L 1'AK.lUnAPHS. Waltor'Vaughn of Chicago Is visiting in the city. Miss Olla Cook has returned from Lin coln , Nub. , where she visited friends this week. J. F. Bracdomoro of New York is In the city in the Interest of a New York perfume house. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stubbs loft yesterday for Denver , where tnoy will moke thuir future - turo homo. J. Locmvood Dodge , ton of N. P. Dodge o this city , is to bo one of the speakers at tbo April dinner to bo given by tbo Republican club of Massachusetts. 13d Howe has leased the Park hotel as At lantic , but will not take charge until the first of next month. In the meantime ho will con- llnuo showing his samples and filling his order book. John Morkcl , who is well known over the country as a burnt cork artist under the name of John L. Howe , Is expected homo next week for a day or two visit with his parents , Mr. and Mrs. L. Merkcl of Wash ington avonuo. _ Just received at Davis' , a c.trlond of Hun th & Milligan Mfg. Co.'s paints. Absolutely pure , and the best in the market. _ O. Yunkorman ifeCo. , feed , seeds , com mission , country produce , 108 Broad way. Itnom fur it IlimicHS Factory. A couple of wealthy capitalists from the cast are In correspondence with local parties with a view to locating a harness factory hero which will employ In the vicinity of 100 won the year round. Tnoy have a capital of 1.10,000 which they nro willing to Invest In tbo enterprise in esso a man of the right Kind can bo found to go in with thorn , furnish a share of the stock and undertake the management of the business. They bavo been led to look up Council Bluffs as u pros pective location on account of Its excellent railroad facilities , and according to the state ment of a prominent Implement dealer the only thing that now Hands' In the way Is their Inability to Interest local capitalists In tbo plan. It Is to bo hoped that tbo scbomo will not bo allowed to fall through. There are only two harness factories of any size In this part of the cointry , and almost the entire supply lias to bo brought from the oast. Thcro Is plenty of room for an enterprise of this klud , and what Is waiting for tbo men who cngago In It may bo Judged irom the cnso of an Omaha tirm which embarked Intha business olfila or ten yours ago witti a capital stock of nothing but push and Is now rated at 570,000 by the commercial agencies. How are your awnings ? J. M. Lamoko , 131 Pearl. Only homo factory. Thomas Tostovin , civil engineer and Eurvoyor , over DoVol'f , C01 Broadway. Ill * rather Will Kettle. William Ohlrlchfl , who stole a watch , chain , overcoat and pair of gloves from P. D. Ilurk vfbllo occupying his room aud sharing his hospitality , has been located at his homo In Lcavonworth , Ivan. , wbnro ho went Immediately after his disappearance from this city. A letter has boeu received by Mr. JJurk from the father of the culprit offering to settle for tbo stolen property providing the case against him Is dismissed. This will probably bo done , as JJurk'i main object In gettmgnfter tbo young man was to force ) him to n ottloment. Bwnnson Mublo Co. , Masonlo tomplo. Dr. A. W. Gordon Is now the happy possessor of ono of the Jliicst phuiost in the city , having purchased of the Swan- Eon Music Co. a cabinet grand Schubert. Jnrvisl877 brandy , purest , safest , best. Jtirvls1 wild blackberry Is the best. Bolts it Bolts want to buy a car load of horses and maros. Will bo at Boquet'a born , Council UluITs , Saturday , April 10. Pay cash. E. II. Sheafo has money to loan on real estate und chattels , Broadwey and Mulu. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Improved Freight Facilities Required by the Burlington. WILL MAKE SOME IMPORTANT CHANGES I.nmtirr for tlio Addition * to lie Mmlc to the Company' * rropcrty Already on the Ground Other Local NCMH Notes. The DurllnRton Railway company is mak ing prcparallons for Improvements In the freight depot which will enable them to fur nish their patrons bolter facilities. Tbo tre mendous amount of business which Is bolng done In the Implement line renders it Impos sible for the Improvements to bo made at once , but they will bo begun as soon as the spring rush Is over. T&c freight depot , which is In two sections at present , will bo brought to grade and the two sections united , the whole being surrounded by a platform , which will bo about 100 feet longer on each end of the depot than It now is. The road which encircles the depot will bo pivcd , so lhal the heavily laden wagons wl 11 not sink oul of sight In the mire ns Uioy have done in the past , Tbo luniDcr for the platform is already on the cround and work will bo commenced as soon as possible with out Interfering with the freight tradio. \Vithroforencotoanow passenger depot , matters nro nt n standstill. W. J. Daven port , freight agent of the company In this city , slates thai the ofilclals of the company nro all ready to build u new local depot ns soon ns It is decided dolimtoly that Council HlulTs is not to have a union dcpol. Ho has been trying for many months past to Induce the company to build without waiting for the other matter to bo decided. Thooftlcials , however , nro not willing to spend $10,000 or $15,000 on n local depot with a probability of having to spend $3. > , UOn or so on a union depot soon. Incidentally It might bo mentioned that the construction of the Northwestern local depot Is to bo commenced at once , word to that effect having been received from head- quarlnrs. The ufllclals of Ibis road stnto that the erection of a local depot will have no effest , whatever , on their connection with tbo union depot scheme , either for or against. They nro so situated tbat a depot will bo n necessity to their business , nnd they still consider themselves bound by their contract to go into the union depot scheme when tno other roads arc Induced to fullll their share of tbo contract. _ aoi.u cum : IN TIII : m.urrs. The lllnneliitnl Instlttitu ICoaily to Cure tlio Victims til Whisky , Morphine Hint Tobacco. With moro rnilronils than nny other city in the west , with nearly 100 passen ger trains coining and going clnily and the largest and finest hotels in the Mis souri vtilloy , the wonder has been for months past why a bichloride of gold cure institute has not been established horo. No city in the west utTords such opportunities for people to slip in quietly and ttiko a course of treat ment and got away without the annoyance of publicity. It is not sur prising Unit while local physicians were making elaborate arrangements for opening a big establishment , shrewd parties from abroad should perceive the opportunity and quickly take advantage of it. The Hold is now lillea. Com mencing Monday the Blanchard insti tute will bo able to take care of all who desire to break the thraldom of alcoholism , the opium , morphia and tobacco habits. Olllcos have been fitted up on the cccond floor ever thoo"Corner" bookstore , opposite the postollice building , ana Mr. Blanchard and his assistants will bo glad to meat any and all the unfortunates who desire roitef. lie will guarantee a quick and safe euro of all these terrible habits , and will iiiBuro a disgust for the pernicious etimulants that will bo nn effective and permanent preventive. During the coining week ho will treat a limited number of patients free of charge to show the prompt und wonderful ofToct of tlio cure. Handsome and cozy ollices have been fitted up and they will no doubt bo visited by raany people from > 7cstorn Iowa in the future. Reitor , the tailor , 810 Broadway , has nil the latest styles and newest goods. Satisfaction guaranteed. Xcnriii the Und , The term of federal court is noarlng the end , and It Is likely that the middle of next week will see court adjourned aud the law yers , witnesses nnd booileggors gone to their homes. Thew have boon slxty-flvo bool- logglng cases disposed of durinir the term , nnd fl'ty now Indictments have boon re turned by the grand 1ury for next term. The following parties were sentenced yesterday : P. D. Viers , JlTfi and thirty days ; Charles Ulark , ! 500 and ninety days : CharlesUhoados , { " .JoO und forty days ; W. W. Douthil , $17. ) and forty-five days ; Dan Williams , $150 and thirty days ; Frank Brnltb , $150 and thirty days. The case of the United States against Har- lan Thompson was tried nnd occupied nearly the cntlro day , It being given to the jury just bcforo thu hour for tno evening adjourn ment. Thompson Is a young in mi of Hi years or thereabouts and is cliprgcd with entering a building last September nt Nodaway , which is used as a store and post ed ! co combined , and stealing $1.50 from the cash drawer of the postoftlco. Detectives were put upon his trail , and it was not long before Thompson was arrested , the clew by which the crime was fastened upon him being a insrKed Canadian 50-cont piece which It was alleged ho had pasica on a mer chant of tbo town. A number of witnesses were Introduced nnd all were put under a searching cross-examination by Attorney James McCobo , who appeared for the do- fonso. Assistant District Attorney Howell of Kookulc managed tbo prosecution , tbo prosecuting attorney , Lewis Miles , having left for his homo In Corydon yesterday morning. After a short absen co tbo Jury returned a verdict of not guilty nnd Thompson was dis charged. Wo have our own vineyards in Callfor nlo. Jurvis Wine company , Co. Bluffs Genuine Rock Springs coal at Thatcher's , 10 Main street , always on hand. County buncnlsors. At the meeting of the county supervisors yesterday the petition of C. Dectkon , asking that the dam might bo removed from Mos quito creek at Qroon'i packing house , was brought up for consideration and rejected , the board deckling tbat itnad no Jurisdiction In the matter. J. It. Gorman , overseer of the poor , put In a claim for tv.0.33 for cash Items paid out sluco tbo last meeting of the board , nnd showed credits to tbo amount of $51 $ , The auditor was instructed to pay him $ .300 fo cash item * tbat might bo needed bcforo to next meeting. The auditor was Instructed to issue a war rant to settle the Judgment granted the plain- tiffin the case of Benjamin against Potta- wattamle county and to file a claim for that amount and for whatever other claim the county ralgbl have against the estate of 13. A. Uabcocu. M. H. French presented a petition atking that the county take steps to prevent the encroachment - croachment of a washout on the road near Loveland. The petition was refused , the board having no Jurisdiction In tno matter. This decision was In accordance with the re port of the county attorney , to whom the matter was referred for navlco. Mayor Lawrence and the linauco commit tee of the city council paid a visit to the board in the afternoon and spent some time discussing the Cut-Off island caso. At tbo conclusion of tbo conference tbo supervisors decided to make an appropriation of $300 as ttieir share of tbe amount needed to carry ou the litigation. In tbo case of Dommo & Dlrrlics against It. Morgan , lu whlcu a Judgment was ren dered two or three weeks npo In favor of the plaintiff for tini.O. , nn execution was re turned yesterday unsatisfied. The plaintiffs mada application for an order of court to have the defendant and his son. C , A. Mor gan , brought In for nn examination as to their property. The order was Issued and the case will have a hearing this afternoon at 2 o'clock In the superior court , lltncknmltli Shop llttrclnrl/ocl. A blacksmith shop belonging to John Abies , the redoubtable socialist , has been made the objective point by n gang of thieves for some tlmo ptut. It Is located on Broad way between fourteenth and Fifteenth streets , and the dainago Is supposed to have been tlono by some of tbo people living in the neighborhood. Nearly all the tools In the shop were stolen early In the week , and yesterday it was found that the shlo of tbo building had boon broken In and the building Itself almost demolished. Thetaller scorns to bavo been done oul of pure malico. AMUNHMKXT.i. The retirement of Edwin Booth from the stage , which promises to bo permanent , leaves America without a great "Hamlet , " but Iticro are several younger mon striving to become worthy Iho succcssorshln of that cminont actor. This aspiration is wholly commendable and Is the justification of nny earnest , Intelligent effort for Its realization , Mr. Robert Mantcll has entered the lists for the coveted honor , nnd Omaha was afforded the opportunity nt , the Boyd last evening to test his powers and measure their premise. The result ' sult Is hardly reassuring to' the critical ob server. Mr. Mantoll brings spirit and intel ligence to his work , and in some of the passages - sages of stormy emotion sweeps away criti cism , butby far the groalor time his acting Is palpable. Ills posing Is too obvious , his falsetto too syblllant , his roaalng too decla matory nnd his subtioly too olusivo. Despite lUoso faults Mr. Mantcll presents an Inter esting Interpretation , which finds much favor with thu general audience. Miss Charlotte Behrons Is an act ress of modcrato turners , who has Iho good sense to keep within her limitations , and shn presented a graceful und nccoplablo characterization of "Ophelia , " Of tbo bal ance of the company litllo can bo said In praise. Their merit was indifferent if not wholly wanting , but their use may bo Justi fied In the assumption thai the ambitions star must employ such agencies as ho can aflord. TIKED OF LIFE. Jack Comvity Seeks Stireciiso from Life's Tu multuous Ntrllc. John L. Conway , better Known as Jack Conway , the brother of "Tim the council man , " attempted to commit suicide last even ing by shootincr a 3.2-callbor ball through his loft lung at his room at tbo corner of Six teenth and Corby streets. Young Conway had been drinking heavily all day. About noon Conway remarked to his land lady , Mrs. Stevens , that ho would rather die than live , but no attention was paid to his talk as ho was pretty drunlc. About 0:30 : Mrs. Stevens hoard a pistol shot up stairs over the saloon aud alarmed the mon who were in the saloon below. TUo door loading into tbo room occupied by young Conway was locked , but wan broken down. Conway was found lying on the bed with a bullol holu In bis left breast Just above the heart. A doctor was called and after an examination ordered n removal to some hospital. This was objected to by his friends. Ho Is badly hurt , the doctor says , but the chances nro favorable for his recovery. Discussed PiirkH ami Dirty Streets. A meeting of the Heal Estate Owners as- soclalion was held yesterday afternoon in its quarters In the New York Life building. In regard to the deplorable condition of the streets the following resolution was oasscd : Wliereas. The taxpayers ana people of the city have waited far beyond what could reasonably be expectoJ of them for the city contractor to sweep the streets and Keep them In decent condition. Therefore. Kesolied , Thit : In our judgment the time has come when It Is tbo duty ol the city of- ; llclals to eettlo the miestlon \ \ bother business men und other citizens are to suffer from the neglect of contractors or whether they have rights which contractors are bound to re spect. Wo are In fnvorof vigorous. Immedi ate and Imperative action on the part of the mayor and city ofllclals which will place the streets of tbo city In the proper con lltton nn'l so keep them. If there nro any differences between the city and tlio contractor for sweeping streets the place to adjust such dif ferences Is in the courts. Meanwhile- the streets of the city should not ho neglected. There Is a very Rrluvlous wrong holng ucrpe- tiatod upon onreltUons by the shameful con dition of the streets and wo c.ill upon tha proper authorities to correct the evil without delay. A comtnltteo of thrc'o , comnosed of Messrs. Taylor , Heed and Bedford , was appointed to act in conjunction with a similar committee of the council in devising some moans to remedy the unequal assessment on taxable property. The nark question was also informally dis cussed. Mr. Boggs said lhal the city needed inside parks for tbo poor people wbo could not afford every evening to expend their savings in street car fare to go away out. Mr. Benson , who thinks that the price of the parks , as accepted by tbo park commis sioners , is excessive , said thai the owners of ono of the accepted parks was , a few weeks uco , trying to soil him the identical picco of property for one-half the amount of money that the city will pay for it. Air. Benson would not mention the park or owner to whom bo referred. In relation to the Nebraska Central rail road's bond proposition a committee com prising Moksrs. Benson , Taylor nnd Hicks was appointed to confer witn J. H. Dumont nnd A. L. Hoed , who will in detail explain the proposition of the now company. The committee of three will then make a report to the association. Warren Switzlcr was elected ou the board of directors , vice W. S. Popplcton , resigned. Organized Labor Notes. An open labor meeting will bo Held Sunday afternoon at 2.-30 o'clock In tr.o B&rkor block. The meeting will bo In the Interests of painters , but the Central Labor union extends - tends nn invitation to all tradesmen to at tend. Thursday night Organizer Musser of the central union organized the electricians with nineteen charter members. There are about I'-'O electrical workers in Omaha and Council Bluffs , and It Is tbougnt Iho majority of them will Join the union. As soon ns tbo organization was ef fected a charter was order from the National Brotherhood of Electricians of America , which has its headquarters at St. Louis , Tbe charter Is expected Monday. At tbo next meeting of the local union tbrco dele gates will bo elected to represent it at the meetings of the Central Labor union. Arrcsteil the Attorney. Attorney William Slmoral enjoyed the ox- penonco of being arrested In Council Bluffs Thursday on a charge of oinboz/loment. Ho went over there lo cuuso Iho nrrosl of Ktnll Schurz , a B luffs attorney , on a slmllarcharco , and was successful. Ills owu arrest was the result of Schm ' attempt to retaliate. It seems that Scluir/ collected 19.15 duo Milton Hogors & bon from H. L. Williams , and refused 'o turn It over when the demand was mado. Ho claimed thai bo was about to collect ii on execution even after It was In his possession , and wbon Simeral went ever on tbo first of Iho month and In sisted on a settlement Scburz gave him a chock on tbo Citizens bank In part pay ment. The check was protested when pre sented for payment at the bank , Schurz al leged that Williams did not pay the full amount of tbo Judgment and tnat when bu ( Schurz ) refused lo rorolpt the docket In full Williams instructed him not to turn over tbo money. Williams , howuvor , > denlod this and showed Schurz1 personal receipt for tbo full amount. Simeral decided to act , and bad Schurz arrested. Tbo latter filed n complaint alleg ing that Slmoral had collected a note for $ -3 ! and withheld the proceeds. Simeral states thai ho did nol collect ibe money , but ou tbo contrary roturuud the note to Sebum some time ago. Both defendants were released on ball In the sum of $300 each. Simeral states thai bcburz1 assertions lo the effect that the matter will oo settled nnd prosecution dropped is without foundation , as bo proposes to push tbe case to tbo end. The Nehruiku Futurity. The Nebraska Futurity btake of fJO.OOO lias bceu secured aud such horses as I'alo Alto , Allerton and Axlell have Ucn nomi nated. Theraco is to bo trotted in tnls slate In Ibtia by colts of thl * season. The truck has not yet bceu named. WON A DlftdHATIC VICTORY England Scores > /Success Against Franco and Russia Ifi gyptian Matters. OBJECTING TO AN IRISH PARLIAMENT Ileil Hot Tnll < nt n Meeting of the UUter He- fenso Committee Happening * In 1'nrlln- incnt Teototulorn In Manchester Mm. MnjTtrlck Interflowed. [ Cnpi/rfohtat IKfiliu Rew York AtioclnM LONDON' , April 8. Lord Salisbury has scored a victory In the diplomatic contest with Franco and Kussta over the firman of Invosturo of the khodlvo of Egypt. The po sition has for a past week harassed and per plexed the foreign ofllco , perhaps inoro than even the Boring sea question over did. The sultan stele a march , upon English diplo mats in sending a firman so phrased as to exclude from the Egyptian frontier the whole Slnat peninsula nnd part of tbo Uod sea which has boon hold by Egypt for half n century. Uoforo the llrman was drafted the English ambassador at Constantinople , alive to sorao action of this sort , demanded that tho. document stiouUl not Introduce any ques tion concerning the frontier and received assurance that the llrman should not touch tbo khodlvo's rights. Suspected Duplicity. When the sultan's envoy , Aoub I'asha , ar rived at Cairo , the British minister , Sir Evelyn Baring , suspecting aomo duplicity asked for a copy of the document , nnd when Aoub Pasha refused to communicate the con tents of the llrman until after the tnvosturo Minister Baring advtsod the khcdlvo not to proceed with the ceremony. Aoub Pasha then disclosed the substance of the firman , thonaturoof which Had boon known to and approved by Franco and Russia before tbo missive loft Constantinople. The consuls at Cairo at once ar ranged themselves on two sides , the Italian sad Austrian representatives meeting at the English embassy and tno French and Hus sion diplomats at the residence ol tbo Turk ish plenipotentiary. Tbo Italian squadron. which was about to leave Alexandria , got orders to stay nnd the ofllcors on leave were recalled to their ships , Including thoadmlrnl , who was Junketing at Cairo. Yesterday the British and Italian ambas sadors at Constantinople sent a note to the grand viceroy saving tnat the firman mus bo altered or Aoub Pacha recalled. There seems to have been no mistaking the em phatic and peremptory character of the note and there was an Immediate result. A tele gram was received by the khedlvo from the sultan today , saying that the ilnnan would bo modified , omitting the dotlnition of the frontier. it transpires that Aoub Pasha bad two documents of invcsturo. uno setting oft a portion of Egypt and the otbcr consonant with Lord Salisbury's view. Tonight's Cairo dispatches say that the statement has excited tho" great est satisfaction tb'erc. The foreign oflice u reticent , except that it cor.llrms the statement that the dlfllculty is on the point of solution , although tno day for Invosturo of the Khodlvo is not lixod. Meeting of th I'Utcr Dcleiuc Committee. The meeting in Belfast of tbo Ulster de fense committee , the mayor presiding , to provide for a convention , went a degree beyond , the recent Ulster commissioner's "gathering in the violence of their tirades. " The pretense of secrecy of the proceedings enabled the speakers to indulge m war-llko trumpotlngs , aud the resolutions recorded Ulster's determination , to bavo nothing to do with the Dublin , Parliament , \vujcu is certain to bo controlled by men who are responsible ! for the crimes of the land league , cruelties and boycottmc , and mere- tools of clerical domination and an attempt to set up such a parliament will inevitably result In disorder , violence and bloodshed to an extent that has been unknown in Ireland fora century. Major Saunders denied tbat the British Parliament hud any right to bund them over to another legislature which they would novr obey , and the sentiment was received with cheering. T. W. Kussell predicted a ton-fold increase of trouble in Ireland under the Dublin Par liament. Finally an executive committee was ap pointed on the public son o of the danger and purport of this agitation. Over 100 nonconformist ministers have agreed to bo deputies for the Ulstorltos and blump Great Britain to arouse a religious animus. The Irish unionists in the Houseof Com ment ) nllirm that their policy of resistance to the Dublin Parliament is limited to a refusal to pay taxes and that an active armed op position from the people Is Inevitable. The homo rulers In the house consider that their host policy Is to minimi/.o the importance of the movement , and have so far Ignored it. JlnppcnliiKH in I'arliiimciit. Dr. Goshen , tdo chancellor of tbo ex chequer , will issue his annual budget on Monday. Before the bousn adjourns on Tuesday for the Easter recess , the only gov ernment bill near will bo the small boldlnc bill , this being the barrcncst record for many weeks sitting over known. The labor candidates who refuse obedience to tbe liberal electoral executive are every where disappearing. Mr. Scnadbort's agents have succeeded in inducing the district com mittees to oust the independents. The executive has approved twenty labor candi dates , most of whom are certain of election. Tbo payment of the labor men selected Is secured partly by the general and partly by local funds. Mr. Gtadstono hart promised to vota In support of the Scotch local vote bill , and tbo government has decided to remain neutral. The passage of the measure , which affirms the local option principle , will boa triumph. for teototalors. Its practical application until the new Parllamnnt is elected will bo impossible. Out of 210 English burroughs forty-four bavo elected teetotal mayors , and this result was duly celebrated in Man- choitcr. The speeches then made pointed to municipal authorities using certain Influ ences against the liquor trado. The great cotton spinning lockout will begin on the 1.1th inst. There Is no sign of employers giving way. Most of the mills uro heavily stocked and tbo storage will bo advantageous to them. An agent of Baroness Rnquos has Just visited Mrs. May brick In Wpklug prison , Mrs. Maybnck.wlio is Just recovering from an attack of Inlliieuza and who is still very weak , says sbo resolves every consideration from tbo authorities. IX COM ) Itl.OOl ) . A " " " " " " i } Dr. I'milmikl , uj/tliiRiiUlioil I'cclesluht of 1'oneii , AatiilKfllimtcd l > y AimrehUtx , BBIII.IN , ApriH 8 , A story comes from Posen that Dr.isPonlnskl , a high I'ollsn occloslast , was jjdl 'upon and assassinated by four men , lie refuted desperately and killed two of the man. ' Tbo other two suicided , Cards wcro lyn'l l on the bodies showing they wore anarchists selected to kill Ponln- slk. The causQ'sjunknowi ' ( ) . Further dctalJmregardlng the murder of Dr. Ponlnskl shotir that the llrt report was inaccurate in so'ire ( respects. It now appears that Dr. Ponlnskl was sitting In n room when tlio four assassins appeared at the house and requested to see him. They worn ushered into the presence of tbo aged doctor , who asked thu'ii their business with nlrn. In reply ho was handed a rod card on which was printed a command , slgnod by the ' 'Committee on the Polish anarchists , " culling upon him to surrender all the money be bad in his possession , for the bonollt of anarchists. The card stated that It ho re fused to obey the command ho would bo killed. From his position in the church the doctor had largo sums of money , and this fact was well known und tuiten advantage of by the anarchists. Or , Ponltiski , who was fory Inilrm from old nifi , was startled from tbo message hundoa him. Hu ran to u window and jumped to the garden , The anarchists followed him to the window , and before ho could reach a ptaca of safety they poured a volley of bullets Into him. Ho tell dead and tbo asiasuliis Hod , but the alarm was given , anil the owner of Koictilelego castle , u brother of Dr. Poomskl , aud twenty incn , at once armed themselves , nnd mounting horses ttartcd In pursuit of the murderers. Drntli of the Murderer * . Thojr wore soon overtaken by the band of pursuers. A desperate battle followed. The pursuers fired H volley Into the group and ono of the murderers fell dead. The band then realized that their pursuers wore deter mined to avenge the death of Dr. Ponlnskl and , ono of them seeing that nil hope of escape - capo was out off , turned hit weapon against himself nnd blow out his brains. Tbo remaining two fired upon their pur suers again , fortunately not hitting thorn , and they were replied to with another volley that killed another of them. Tliou the fourth man , rather than surrender , shot himself fatally. The officials of Kosehiologo have mode nn Investigation and have already loarnnd that the four men were residents of Berlin nnd they came purposely to murder Dr. Ponlnskl : The names of two of tbo men were Pela- wasklond Urbtanlk. Some persons claim tbat the men wcro nothing but common rob bers , who took advantage of the prevailing feeling caused by the anarchists' ' out rages to prepare the card for the pur pose of frightening Dr. Ponlnskl Into surrendering his money to them , They claim it Is hardly rcasonablo to suppose that the committee of Polish anarchists , If there is such a body , would scud tour men to rob and murder on old man , when one , or at most two could have committed the crime equally as well , with far less chance of de tection. . The whole affair Rooms to have been bung- llnglv arranged from the first , and none of the facts thus far learned go to contradict the assertion that anarchists nro to bear the blame of ncrlmoof which they know noth ing. The authorities are , however , search ing In every district , und if it should provo true that the assassination was really tbo work of anarchists , it is thought the whole baud of conspirators will soon bo arrostod. TALK WHICH DIDN'T COUNT. Squires' Street S erplll | ; Contract Hls- < MiN c < t by the lloanl ol I'uhllc Works , The street sweeping controversy was bo- lorejtho Board of Public Works nt tbo session - sion held yesterday afternoon , but It was not settled by any means. Major Furay pro duced n copy of TUB HIE : , from which ho road the correspondence that passed between Mayor Bemis and Contractor Squires. After concluding hn turned to Mr. Squires with the remark : "Is this final and conclusive ! " "Tbo mayor and mvself nro attending to this matter at the present lime , " answered Mr. Squires. Chairman Birkhausor explained the con dition of affairs and what brought about the writing of the two letters , lie denied that ho bud any personal fooling In the matter. "What you have talked don't count , " re sponded Major Furayas it Is the contract tbat speaks now. " Ho was of the opinion that Mr. Squires should bo allowed extra compensation for clean MIC some of the streets. "While that may bo true. " answered Chairman Birkhaubor , "you must take into consideration that the city has paid for cleaning at Its own expense , eight miles of the worst streets in the city. " Then Mr. Squires spoko. Ho said that If n running conversation was going on , he would msko a few remark * . When ho went to work last season It was witb a string tied to bis contract. Ho had spent f l.OOU and had received $900 in return. This spring ha had been asked to clean streets where breaking plows and wheel scrapers would do better work than sweepers. Major Furay asked what streets were in that condition. Ho was Informed that North Fourteenth Harnoy nnd West Dodge streets were burie beneath the mud that had been dropped b graders. For months ho had submitted , bu did not propose to do so any longer. Major Furay stated there was considerable truth in the remark , and said that some streets hud been thrown out that should have been paid for. Mr. Squires told about storms that had washed dirt Ubon the streets after they had been swept. There had boon limes when the streets had boon swept clean and a rain would como on before the inspector had gone ever the work. In such cases tbo streets were Invari ably rejected. Chairman Birkhauser replied tbat tbat was something the board could not help , as ex- City Engineer Tillson bad refused to send an inspector out to follow thoswenpers. Colonel Egbert suggested that the talk did not count , and Immediately it was cut off. Tbo bids on tbo repaying of Park avenue from Leaven worth to Hickory street were : J. B. Smith & Co. , vitrified brick , 81.37 per sijuaro yard. The Barber Asphalt company , sheet as- phaltum , $3.20 per square yard. ( Suitors Sioux Falls granite10 ! ; white Colorado sandstone , (3.37) ; red Colorado sandstone , Ut , " > ; Woodruff , Kan. , sandstone , W.-15 ; vit- rifled brick , J3.S3. John Grant , shoot asphaltum , ) .OS } . nor square yard. Gullers Sioux Falls erunlto , S3.MO.J4 ; white Colorado sandstone. f3.KJf : > : red Colorado sandstone , $3.30' ; Woodruif , Kan. , sandstone , $3.33 ; vitrified brick , f3.20. For extra concrete the bids were $0 per square yard and 20 cents per cubic yard for gradinc. _ jt.ti'iit cur r < ir \Veelt All Commiinlriitloii with the Outxlilo Wurlil Was Cut Oil' nu'in CITY , S. D. , April 8.-Special [ Teio- gram to Tun Bisn.J From Friday of last week until yesterday but ono tram entered the Black Hills from the outsida world and until today all wires were down and press messages were refused. While not as severe as In Kansas or Nebraska , a fierce snow nnd wind storm raged all day Sunday nnd Monday , the snow drifting six foot and more in tbo streets and on rough lands. Owing lo the warm weather which prevailed dur ing und aflor the storm , very few cattle wcro lost. No fatalities have boon reported , though fears are expressed for several per sons who started to cross the reservation Friday and Saturday and who must bavo been caught in the bad lands. Dlell In Aulul Ac < my > Dis : MOI.SKS , la. , Apill 8. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEE.I Mrs. Annie Carr % wife of Adolphus Carrs of tnls city , was so badly burned | bv gasollnu last ovonini : that she died In great agony this evening. She was 37 year * old. _ HONORS TO A" SCOTCH HERO. A Vine Ftntim of Sir William Wullnco lo Itu rrencnteil to ll.iUlmnrc. Scotchmen all ever the country will bo interested in the colossal foron/.o statue of Sir William Wallace , to bo presented to the city of Baltimore hy W. W. Sponco. The statue will bo placed on a pedestal representing a series of crags , which will he thirteen foot six inches high and will occupy a prominent position in Druid Hill parlc. The Jitfuro represents Wallace clad in u null of mail and brandish ing liis sword. Tlio loft hand rests on a shio'.d ' , part of whicl : is con cealed behind the flgut'd. A Scottish horn , like the ono with which Wallace summoned his clansmen , is swung at tlio side. The boarded face bears an expres sion of determination and courage. The whole figure is full of spirit. Tlio Htutuu is an exact reproduction of the national monument to Wallace' * memory which standu on Abbey Craig , a mass of rugged stoiin near Stirling , Scotland , It was designed by D , W. Stovcnson , in whoso studio in Edinburgh Mr. Spence saw it before the unveiling in 1887. Mr. Spence has commissioned Mr. Stevenson to make the reproduction for Baltimore. The following inscrip tion will bo placed on the pedestal : "Wallace Patriot and Martyr /or Scottish Liberty 1805. " Triijiivul Fruit. Some of the revelations of the census will Btnrtlo ti good many people. For instance , there are now more than COO- QUO almond trees actually bearing in United States ; there are hundreds of thousands of bearing cocoanut true.v. there are moro than 1150,000 olive tre a producing fruit equal to the best Medi terranean varieties. There are more than 600.001) bearing banana plants , 00,000 bearing lemon trees , 4,000,000 orange trees and 'Jl.000,000 pineapples. And the value of tropical and buinl- tropical fruits grown under the Amoi 1- can Hag is nearly $20,000.000. NOT CONSUMPTION But His Condition Justly Alarmed Him. HE EOUQUT RELIEF IN TIME AIM ! Vroinptly round It-minrrli of the input 1'ajd. ICatarrhiil bronchitis Is often mistaken for consumption ; and. If nenleeted , miiy result In that dread und fatal malady. Couah , pains In the chest , soreness of the lunss. shortness of breath , loss of Hpnctlto and Mesh , dohlllty , chllNnnd fnver , sweats , thouith slUlit. are lill warnings that cannot safely be Icnoreil. rroinpt and curly treatment Is Imiirriillve lu such eases procrastination is the thief of many prccloui lives. ] In u recent Interview Mr. Chrlstliin .Tenson. n resident of llnhbott 1'luce , C'ounell lllulTs , Iowa , s.ivs ! - - "Last September I ho- gnu having trouble nlth my lung * . My brualh- Iiu bo.'iiimi very shorl mill at titnus I could H'nicely gel my breath. O\er my IUIIRS I felt \cry sort ) and al o fi'lt Blmru pains through my batk nnd s'llcs and tit-omul mv hoait. 1 lind n rough that distressed mo ireally and made tno V.Mi.ik nnd .soro. My throat bucninu dry mill soro. my nose Illleilup si ) a T- iv > ii in \tiiiiTt < ji , in tliiouicliIt , and my eyes werowoak anil wat ery. I liail linailuuiio niiihotlmu , and itiixa- \oro that nf Itself It was cnoiiKli to maUe mo a very sick man. I eould not sloop cll no rest iiml foil badly oieh inoiiitiig. nnd hud no am bition to do anything My nppotlto wus very poor , I dlil nol rel sh food mid did mil net liiin- F ' -nJ' ' . " catl"-f 1 felt iilelc ami wanted to vom it Ibis nausea I also had when my stomach was empty. I became veiy wunl : mid finally pot so bad that I hail to slot ) my woik nml try tn recover my health , rurtlneo months I UUH treited by ene of our leadlnt ; doctors but In Milio of all his efforts I not worse usury duy. I saw my dlsu iso was rapidly becoming seal ed mid 1 began to fear there was no hope for me. me.Tlmillv , I decided to try Drs. Copolnml .V bliunard s system of truatmunt. I had heard of Mime bad eases thoj had cured , but had lit tle fa th that I could ho huipeil. I feel It Is > iio them mil tlio public to KIV ; Unit under their trcatiicnt I boKim to gut better tit once and now am rapidly Improving. In fact. I feel well mid stroiiB. ami am rateful for my ro- eouiry. I\ery bad symptom Is gone and It Is ninny months since I ha\o foil M > thoroughly well as I do today. Drs. Copolnml ft Shepard treat their patients with ireit ; : euro ami In my case the results have been truly rumurkib o. N JI\SIN : : , " THEIR LABORATORY. The medicine ? prescribed by Drs. Copclnml & Shepard are the purest an J most reliable that can bo obulncn In thu market 1'atlonts may rnly upon putting the full Lenollts that como from accurate doses and pure drugs. No remedy , however costly , Is spared If It ! > need ed. All medicines aie picpared un < Jcr tbo pei- por-on ; supervision of lrs , Copclmul A. Shepard. The Alee & PcnfoU Co. , tlnnlers In Snr leal Instruments , Physicians' Supplies , Optical Roods. Dttus , Chemicals. OMAHA , Nob. , April 7. lh9. . iVo hereby certi fy tlmt wo furnish Drs. Copulaml ft Mieiurd wlih the puiost ilniKs nml eliemlealH that we can obtain. THE ALOE. & I'ENI'Ol.l ) ( . 'O. $5.00 Per Month. Catarrh and kindred diso'iscs treated til Iho uniform rate of $5 u month , medi cines free. For nil other diseases the rates will bo low and uniform nnd in proportion to the actual wholesale cost of the mcOicines required. SHE NOW HEARS. Cntarrh With DearnrHg nnd K r Trnuhle Xcurnlffla unit Uy prpNiu A ( iroilp ill I ln- trcHslnir Symptoms Kutlrcly Itrllevcil. [ Catarrh affects every part of the system. Deafness Is u common result of catarrhul ex tension from the nose ami to the car. Thu cyos often sulTcr crcatly. Intense , knlfe- llku p.ilns soreness and burning often occur , The eyes are watery und e moot bear lliiht. ItcadniK Is p.ilnfnl und the sight Is poor. In tense headache ( lull or sharp Is present. The scalp nnd muscles of the neck areoftcn , Miry sere mid ualtifnl. In these cases Uio btomach Invariably suffers too. Its membrane belli ) ; diseased and thickened a condition known us DI BPKIVIA ] An Intelligent young woman lives at 144" > Honth "Tth street. Her 11,11110 Is Miss K ma Hut/fold , und she tolls a story of hiilferlnK und relief tint will Interest in inv. "For manv month * , " says Miss Hut/fold , "my nils- HI.MA IIUT7.KIKM ) ery was creat. I had HKonMmc piln In my head that nearly mudemo wild. U w.isoro by spellH but was piesont nearly all the time. Sly eyes ached terribly und I could not bear the Ifu'ht. When I tried to read they would get w [ i lory and p.ilnod mo fcoverely. I had to constantly hank and spit mornlniiH ami Inrcn musses oC mtiuus camu fiom my nose ami throut , aMy hoarlin : was very dull urn ! hud been Brewing wmso for at least one At times I hennl pietty uoll hut a slight cold would nil eel my heiiilm ; . Kuiihcolil made mo vort'Oiind when Dis Uipnlnnd & Shep.ud ho- IMIII my U'iiho I was cettlns deafer every iluy. 1 wan very tired n.oinlnKH and rested poorly nt nlphu My htomaeh was In 11 bailstitu. After en tint' 1 always had a heavy pain In the stomach ach which would hours. 'I him It would ictiirn upon my eat in ; a--aln. I was often ullloiH and hail iiiiusca , with'n und tenderness over the stomiiuh and boueH. "I have hteudlly Improved under DIN , L'opu- Innil i Khuii.ird's lieatintint aii'l each vbll , to their olllco has been of ( treat benefit. Thuir treatment Is mild 'ind easily tuKon , and so ef- fecthn that ) ! hasro torud my hearlu ; , uhun mo u blcBsod relief from puln. and Improved mo bo muub that I do tint boem the sumu pur- son I was u few weeks nco. I e.innot buy too l.iueh foi them und what iliay IMJO ( liiini for mi " I.IjMA lit' I /I I.I.I ) , I'Tth Mreet. STATEMENT OF A WELL KNOWS CITIM I Many people hut o the Idea that eutiinh af fects only the nose u ml tin nut , Thl * Is u trout error , for thoinoro surlousresiilln of this ills- ease uru frequently found nlleet'iiK Iho heart , luiiX * . Htomiich and bowels. In such euses there Is Immeiibo uiuletv nnd hiillerlnv. In t'imi ' thi'Ho form * of catarrhul dlse.iso become HIM Ions , if not fatal. It Is the im | iiei.s of the Him out Just what'a Hie mutter. Then the euro U eiisy. ) At No. : WJ4 I'lnkney ' street IhoiMr. D. I'luek , uho Is nn old and null known lealdent of Omaha. Mr. Kluolc suya , "For manv months I hud bcon a tery IIIMT- | ablu until. My suirnr.iiK wad nuuli tint It U hard to fully descrlbo , 1 hud uieai trouble with my Htomauh. It was very weak , so tlmt my fooil caused cri'at puln and ( INlrcss , and I could out veiy lllllo. .My uppetlto win * very poor and I hail no rollsh for food of nny kind. When I did my Muuii'c'h would lilt with CUK , HI inueli kutlint I thought J would hurst , I aisifolt very veryWKtK .AMI SKIIvnilS , w s very feeble nnd liiosnlar. e- every duy I hud : ittncl > s of pal- , i Unit iinvo me mii'ih distress und a I m. At tlli'MJ time * 1 foil us Ifl could not. IlVD much longer. I could not He on my left bide nt nil. IIH that position unmtly disturbed myhoirl I bud u feullnnof emit pressure over llm he.iit and pulne through my ohest iiud buck , My sleep uasuUo vuiy much dis turbed nml broken. "I consulted bim-ral uhyBlcluns for relief , but. i-otiiu bolter until Dr . Cupelund &Shrp- urd touk my cube , Under Iheh Ucalu.entmy Improvement has been prompt and stcadr. und I am now better ttuin I o\croxpoctcd to bonnaln. 1 eat well mid lm\o u coed ( linos- V MM. H. FI.VCK , NOtiOSI I'lNKNl'.Y STIIKr.T. i ; , ' " , ' " | " ' - i1. . . l' ! ' " " .ll ! " "lllvl1 M nisor. ! ) ! . I'opc- irwiVVn1"1'1,1 hnv ? "iy ' " 'artfelt Rl-atltl Io for wluit " hu\o they \ done for me D. ri.i'oic. THEIR AIM. The aim of Hrs. fopeland & Hiopard If tn bring the scientific tiontment ofdNciiso withIn - In the readier all. Their rales 1110 so moder ate that no one need ho burred. Thopublto npproeliitooii tbo part of a phy lcliin honeMy and candor , coupled with a high Krudeof pro fessional ability.Vhen these requisites can bo hud without pnylng nn exorbitant price , the proplo are not slow to l.estcw their com- memlatlon iiml patroniice. DM. Connland & Hiepiir.1 TUIAT : AM , ci'itAiiu : otaisASKd ( itnu'ti , women nnd children. In their meth ods of diagnosis and tieiitmcnt they employ sueh means iiml iiKents as huve been proven by modern meillcul sc'uiieu to lc most valiui- blo for the prompt ami permanent eilio of dis ease. Drs. Copelnnd .fcShcnaril are IsnUMANHNT- I.Y I.Ot'ATii ) In Oiiiahn. I'KH.MANnXOV , UKSl'ONSIIIIUTY AM ) SKIM , form the busis of every claim they imiKo , Copcland Medical Institute , ROOMS 311 AND 313 , New York Life Building Cor. 17th nnd Farnam Sis. , Onia'ti , Nob. \V. II. CopKf.Axn , M. I ) . C. S. SiiKi'Aiii ) . M. D. Consulting I'liys'clans. ' Speelalto' ? : O itarrh an 1 all ( lisa isji of tha Kye , Kir. 'I an I Linus. Nervous Dis eases , skin Diseases , Ohronlo Dlsoisos. Onioo Hours 0 to 11 a. m. , to 5 p. in. , 7 to 8 i < in. tumlny IDii. m to 1 p. in. Catarrhal troubles ani kindred dlsoisoi treated successfully by m ill. Suml 4o In stamps for question circulars Addrosi all lVur.t0 , . ' "Poland Mndlcil Institute , ov York J.lfu Ilulldlni ; . Omaha , Noli. S5 A MONTH. CATAHim AND KINDKED DlSRA < ? r.3 TKKATKI ) AT THE U I\JK | MUATl.OP A MON'I II UNTIIj AIMUti luTII JIIUJI- IMNKS Kl'UNlSIIEU HtEE. Bails/ / , $ Dentist The Leading1 5 ThlrJ FIooPixton Bloj't. Telephone 10S5. Kilh mill r.iriintii Sl-i. A full n t of teeth on rubber for $ i I'erfort nt Teeth without iilules or remuviiblu urlilKU work Just tin- tiling for singers or jnibllc aiiuukiTd , never ilrup TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAH. All Illllnc nt rrnsciunli'i ' ! ratesnll ucirlc nnrrnntccl Cut tills out for uKiilclo. SPECIAL NOTICES , . COUNCIL BLUFFS. X i -00 IOWA farms forsale. Improved-'BO aero -i farm In Harrison county , W.ilj per uero ; ir > ? acics Improved , $111.01 ; ( ! ) acres Improved , K.UIK ) , UO acres. J.'llOJ. Ify011:110 : iKirnnins cull und hee us. Johnston ft Van 1'utton. ITIOK HAM : OU KXCUANQICity : nn I Jproperty. . K. II. Hhe.ife. ll'ivny and MH.IX TToiTltENT Ihvcllliiirsin all imTts of t'lio - Icity. . K. II Hhiiufe. llro.idw.iy and Mnlri. FOR 8A LIZ Aero.iso noarclty adaplud for fruit aud c.irdnn U II. fheafo , Hiouilway und Main streets. "WANTED Good uirl for kltolicnorlt , UXJ S. hoventh street. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Ilium. Cupltil stcc'.t . , $ t. iOOtHt fcurnliisunJ 1'rotlts HO , < HHt XotCapltil anl Surplus. JJIreclori J , II. UJiiu I l ni , 15. I. nluinr , , h'U. Rlcaiou , K II. ll'irl , I. , V , Mllhr. .1. V UlnaUnil nnd Clmrloa ll. llnnnan. Trans' lunlc- 1ns Imsmess. Lur est capital und surplus of any bunk In ( outhnestcrn Iowa. NTEEEST ON TIMB ] Omaha Medical and IWSTITITTE. Eyed RMARY OK TM1I I'REATMENT Host facilities , iipnaritu-i and llcjiiie.llin fur Hiicci-ssfiil tru.itmont of nvury form of disease rccicilrln ; mo.llcal or HUivluiil tre.ituit'in M boin ] for patlontK , bo ird nml attnnclniico. lluhiacc-onioUatioiis In tlio watt , Wrllo for circulars un deformities nnd braces , trussus , club fool , curvatures * of Riilna , iillen , tiimord , o.inctir.euliiiili , bronchltlN , In- , paralysis , rullcn.y , kid ney , h adder eve. oar , tkln an I Ijlou I und all iliL'r.itlcms. UJflMPM A fiPKCJIALTV. _ . IfUlUuK llookon DNui : ui ot Women l'Hii : : . Wu Imvolately ud led .1 lylnx- In department fur women ( lurliu confinement , hlrlolly nr.v.itu.l Unlv Itullablo Medical lu- ttllnto muklnj ; u Kiieelulty ol , J'HrVATJSJifHJ'JASKH All II oed Illseusos biicceHsfiillr troato ) . rynhliltlu I'olscm lomoved from tlio HVHtem wllbont nmruury Now itttstorullVB Troat- nienl for Loss of VITAL I'IMVKIC. I'orioim un- iiblti to visit us mav bu treated tit homo by ( niruiiuoii once. All communications eonll- ( lontlul , Meilielnes or Instruments Bent I1/ innI orcxjiress. securely pucked , no niurks lu Indicate ) contents or mmder. Uno iiernonnl In terview proforrod. Call and eojihiilt un or Head history of your ciise , unit wo will sund In'plain wrupuor , our ROnif TO MFN I'lMIBi Ilimn 1'rlvato , Asisisii i \ * ii9titt { .puujni i > | - Xurvous Di1 * * cases , Initiotcnuy , tiyplilllu , Uluot un.l S'urlco v ccile , with cjuostion list. * Unices , Appliances for fleformUles & Trnsoi Duly manufactory In thu Wedtof lii'i'ilt.u- 771 ,11-J'i.l IA ( ' ( . . . , , Kl.l'.Ul'HKJ H.lTl'KltlKHAMt IIKI/IH. Omaha Medical anil Surgical Institute , 26th nnd Brou'lway , OoJnoll Bluff * Ten mnnli ! ! ! , ' ildo from euntur oC Omuli i on Oiuuhu and Cuuiiull lilulf i uiuctilu mutur llaa i / ,