THE OMAHA DATL BEE : SUNDAY , APUIL 10 , 1892-TWENTY PAGES. The Only Store High in Omaha Grade that Believes in tn Cloak QUICK SALES and Sale. SMALL PR OFJTS . THIB WEEK- TTT-TTT "WON""DPR PI IT T ° moiTOW morning at 9 o'clock sharp begins our Wonderful Challenge Sale. It will be the greatest , most astonishing - ishing , the most sweeping in prices we have ever made. Every item will be an astonishing bargain. The prices C T T AT T PTXTOT S AT IP quoted f ° r this sale will bury out of sight all prices made by other houses. We are bound to sell the same goods for less money or better goods for less money than any other house. Be sure and read every item quoted below and it will convince you that this is the sale of the year. Come one , come' all , and bring all the cash you can scrape together , you will need it and be sorry you haven't more. more.SALE SALE BEGINS AT 9 O'CLOCK SHARP AND CONTINUES ALL WEEK. Ohnl.oiiffo Prices. Silks Left bund nlsle. India Silks , 1 ! ) In , 18 dilTeront colors , 21c Figured China Silk , 20-in , ] 2 dilToront patterns , 33c H different weaves of silk,75c worth up to $2. OhaMongo Pi-Iocs. Black Dress Goods Left hiiud aisle. Black dress goods , SSc , Actual value , $1.75. Black dress goods , 590 , Actual value , $1.00. Challenge Prices. Perfumes Center of store , Kirk's perfumes , igc , all odors ; the price is for an ounce. Florida water , 750 ; the bottle tle contains one pint. Bay rum , 25c ; the bottle contains one. pint. Challo-go Prices. Gapes Cloak department Capes , $5.98 , Made of fine broadcloth , with feather trimming tit the neck. Capes , $7.50 , 8 styles to select from , our reg ular $10 capo. Challenge Prices. Velvets. Uioss Goods Department. Velvets 390 a yard All our 10-inch Velvets worth up to $1.00 go tit this price. Velvets 750 a yard All our 12 and $3 goods to close out nt this price. Challenge Prices. Pocket Books Left of door Pocket Books , 25c , 8,000 sample pocket books and purses at this price , and they are worth up to 75o ouch. Pocket Books , 390 , 5,000 sample pocket books nt this price , boino of them are worth as high as $1.50 each , being the finest Russia leather. Challenge Prices. Drapery Silk Ioft hnnd nUlo Drst counter , Plain china , 240. This is the -lOo quality of drapery bilk. Drapery silk , 690. This Is the an-inch figured drapery silic , and has been reduced from $1 aynrd ; comes in beautiful patterns. a bnllengo Prices. Boys' ' Waists. Right hnud alslo. Boys' Waists . 150 Plaited front and back. Worth fully a5c. Boys' Waists . 450 In 15 dilToront patterns , blue , rod nnd white , worth fully 75c. Challenge Price ? . Colored Dress Goods Left liaiul nlilu Henrietta Cloth , 12 i-2c , All colors , full 38-iu wide. Bedford Cords , 740 , These are nil wool , worth $1.25. Crepon Cloth , 950 , 10-in wide , fufly worth 81.60 a yard. Ohalloncro Prices. Notions Itlj-'lit tmnd alslo rear. Tooth brushes , 5c. Coraiine stays , I5C. Book pins , 2c. Linen thread , ic. Ohallense Prices. Table Linens Left hand nlslo rcnr. 58-inch bleached , 590 , value up to 850. Turkey red' cloth , igc ; the value of this cloth is 35c. Unbleached table linen , worth 25c a yard , Challenge Prloss. Ulsters Oloak department Ulsters , $7.98 , With 44 inch capo. Ulsters , $9.98 , With largo capo attached. These ulsters arc so made that you can detach the capo and wear the capo separate if you wish. Ohallenue Pr'ces. Wash Goods. Loft hand aisle second counter. Pineapple Tissue i iJc Special price for this week. It is really worth 20c. Sunny Side Suitings . . . .SJc Regular price of thee goods is 18c. They are double width. Challenge Prices. ChiffonLeft Left of door Chiffon , 28c a yard. This is the 50o quality , and comes in 18 different colors. Chiffon , 480. This chifTon is worth $1 a yard , and has a draw string. Challenge Prices. Furnishing Goods Itlght hand nlslc first counter. Men's shirts , 390. These are beautiful llannol ovor- shirts , the 75c quality. Black shirts , 39c. These are the finest quality saline ovorshirts , the 71)o ) quality. Challenge Prices. Children's ' Underwear Middle right hand alslo , Elegant quality double silk stitched in either long or short bleovos. Also tn Pants , 9C in the small sizes , and Rise 50 for each size larger. Clint'oncro Pr'cos. Millinery 1,000 hats , i2/c Colors and blacks , worth up to Toe. Trimmed sailors , 150 Worth up to10c. . Trimmed spring hats , $1.50 Value up to $5. Gha'longfo Prices. Ribbons Left of door. 10,000 yards fancy all silk ribbon. Actual value , 2oc a yard , Challenge Pricoa. Sheeting Loft hand nlsle rear. Lawrence L. L. , 4c ; this muslin is worth Bleached muslin , 4c ; this is the genuine Peabody make , full yard width , worth Challenge Prices. Muslin Underwear. night hnnd nlslothird counter. Night Gowns 740 An odd lot worth up to $1.50 each. Wo have them in all sixes. Drawers 740 Worth up to $1.CO onch. Also a lot of bkirts tit tlio tame price It will pay you to look nt these bargains. Challenge Prices. Umbrellas Loft hand nlslo second counter. Silk gloria , silver handle , silver trimmed , 68c , worth $1.50. Silk serge , extra good , all the latest style handles , $1.35 , w-orth $3. Challenge Prices. Napkins Left hnnd nlslc--rear. 3-4 size napkins , $1.19 a dozen , value $2. 5-8 napkins , 790 a dozen ; these are the. regular $1.25 quality ; they are pure linen. Dhallongo Prices. Suit Department Itcnr , left hnnd nlslo Suspender suits , $11.75 Value $25. Navy blue suits with reefer jacket , $7.98. Value $15 Challenge Pr'oes. Soaps Right hum ) alslo second counter. Hawthorne soap , Honey soap , Glycerine soap , i5c- for a box containing three cakes , actual value 5oc a box. Challenge Prices. Domestics Left hand nUlo second counter. Indigo blue calico , this is the American brand being the best quality manufactured. Dutch blue calico , 8c ; this is the regular 12Jc quality , being the celebrated Danzig make. Cbal'engs Pricas. Challenge Prices. Challenge P. ices. OUR FIRST CHALLENGE SAL DON'T HISS READING EVERY "AD" THIS WEEK. Challenge Price ? . Challenge Prices Challenge Price ? . Remnants. Dress Goods Department. 300 Remnants of DRESS GOODS. They go fcr this great challenge sale tit half what they are marked. They are marked in plain figures. Challenge Prices. Buttons Loft of door Pearl Buttons , roc doz. , Como in all sizes , worth 2oo. Pearl Buttons , igc doz. These are extra superfine quality , and wo do not exaggerate when we say they are worth 50c a do/on Wo also have u line of 30 different kinds of extra largo pearl buttons. Challenge Prices. Sash Ribhons Left hand alslo flrst counter. 25 pieces of 6-inch wide sash ribbons at 150 a yard. These come in all colors and different patterns. This is a wonderful bargain. Ghnlloaco Prices. Ladies' ' Hose. Hlght hitnd alslo. Ladies' Fast Black Hose Sc Worth 15c. Ladies' Fast Black Hose 240 Worth 50o. Wo guarantee the color of till our black hoao to bo ubsolutc- l.v fast. If they prove otherwise wo will refund the money and you can keep the hose. Special. Tinsel iJc Banner Rods IDC Plush Balls ic Embroidery Silk 3 ! ° for a dozen spools of Holding Bros. ' or Hemingway's embroidery Bilk in nil colors. Challenge Prices. Dress Trimmings Left of door Dress Trimmings , 29C , In all colors and black , regular 50o quality. Dress Trimmings , 590. These are the moss trimmings that sell at $1 a yard nil * over the city. Over I00 ! dilTeront styles of dress trimmings. Challenge Prices. Drapery Nets Klxhtlinml alslo third counter. Drapery net , 49c , This is 48-Inchcs wide , is all silk , and worth $2.25 per yard. Drapery net , 990. This is an odd lot that wo bought , ono piece of a kind. It is worth $2.60 per yard. Guaranteed all silk. Challenge Prices. Children's ' Hose. lilght hand aisle. Children's Fast Black Ribbed Hose At 90 , worth 2oc. Children's Fast Black HOEO , At i5c , worth 250 , Children's Fast Black Ribbed Hobo At i9c , worth Scrims Curtain dcpaitmcnt Scrims , 3 0 , Full a yard wide , and worth 7i cents. Scrims , S/c } , 15c quality , 38 inches wide. OhaUongo Prices. Ginghams. Wash Goods Department. Ginghams jlc. Regular 15c quality. 80 dilToront patterns. Imported Ginghams. . . i2jc All Xophyr Ginghams , And all 2oc goods. Challenge Prices. Fans Might hnnd nlslo second counter. Fans , 25c. This lot of fans is fully worth 75c. Fans , 99C. This lot comprises fine ostrich fans and gau/.u fans worth up as high as fl.50 oacli. They are a lot of sampler wo bought of a manufacturer at 25c on the dollar. Challenge Prices. Handkerchiefs. Hlght hand uls'o. GREAT BARGAINS. THREE LOTS. Lot i. , 30 ; worth IDC Lot 3 9c ; worth 250 Lot 3 150 ; worth 500 These are hand embroidered , Ecallopod edges , and worth COc each Ghni'ongo Prices. Wrappers Hear , rlshl hand nlslo Ladies' morning wrappers 49c , Value $1.23. Ladies' Wrappers , $1.35 , Kenl value $2.25. Wrappers , $1.65 , Actual value $2.75. Ohcllocgo Prices. Corsets night hand nlslo second counter. Extra long- corsets , 68c , actual value , $1.50 , comes in tans and grays. A big lot of odds and ends in corsets placed on our counter at 500 on the dollar Challenge Prices Lace Curtains Left liana nlslo third counter. Lace curtains , $1.10 for a pair , and wo throw in a polo and fixtures free of charge. Lace curtains , $2.98 for a , pair that is extra wide ; wo also throw in fixtures with this special offer ; these curtains are fully worth Sea a pair. Challenge Prices. White Goods Left hand nlslo second counter White Goods , 5.5 0 , 0 patterns , worth up to 12Jc a yard. White Goods , roc , All our lee goods go in at this price. Challenge Pricoa. Outing Flannel Left hnnd nUlo second counter Outing Flannel , sj c , 27-in wide , comes in 20 different patterns , positively worth IOc yard Outing Flannel , i2 c yd. , The regular 20c quality. Challenge Pr'cos. Pants Goods. A lot of Pants Goods , Bought at Auction , i9c a yard. Those goods are worth up as hicrh as Too. DON'T MISS THIS SNAP. Challenge Price * . hat 1 ulslo. Laces , 8c. ! Those are hnnd-nmda torchon laces worth up as high as SJ3o a yard. Laces , 8jc. 25 pieces of odd laces woshall throw in , worth up us high as Mo ) u yard , llo on hand early for these laces. Challorff3 Pjicos. C Stationery. Hour , right hand alslo. Box of Stationery , at 4c ; worth IDC Box of Stationery , at 90 ; worth 25c Very best Stationery made at 150 ; worth ChallengePrices. . Flowers Mllliiory department roar Daisy wreaths , 50 , Milliners' value 25o. Rosebuds , rubber steins , iOc , Milliners' value 5Uc. Roses , iSc , For hunch of 0. Oha longo Pr'cos. Stamped Linens We have a big lot of stamped linen in doylies , splashers , tray cloths , etc. , on which wo will make a big reduction. They are till marked in plain figures and wo will soil them a great deal loss than they are marked for this week. Challenge Prices Dotted Swiss Left hnnd alslo third counter. Dotted swiss , I9C. Fully a yard wide and just the thing for curtains. Dotted swiss , 250 a yard. Extra quality , and worth fully 4oc per yard. Chal'orgo Prices , Black Saline goods department Black Satine i2j c , 2oc quality. Imported satine , 250 , Th's is IOc under what any other firm in the city sells this for. Challenge Pricop. Jackets Oinnk department Blazer Jackets , $3.98 , Beautifully embroidered , regu lar $7.60 jacket. Broadcloth Jackets , $9.98. Our $15 jacket for this special sale , Irlimned with very large pearl buttons , 1 ip scams , just the thing for spring. Challenge Prices. Colored Buntings. Loft hand alslo third counter , Colored Bunting . 27 inches wide , in till colors. Colored Bunting , double width . 7 Full -12 inches wide , 28 different colors. Dhallongo Prices. Linings Left hand alslo second counter Cambrics , 2.c , This is the best quality in ado. Selisia , ice , This is the 25o quality , 38 in wido. Wo will foil linings this week i less than in any other houeo in the city , hallongo Prices. Kid Glovs ; Kllilit of door. P. & P. Berthold , 980. P. & P. Fontaine , 980 , Those , are the celebrated 1J. & P. gloves advertised by other firms for $135 as a bargain. They como in dressed and un- drcsbcd , in all colors and black.