THK OMAHA DAUA' HKE : SUNDAY , APRIL 10 , 1802-"PPWE TY PACKS. IVELl PLEASED BY OUR BOYS Kansas Oity Cranks Endona the Omaha Team Mos Iloartily. IIMMY MANNING'S GANG LICKED THEM ilillt * Kltoljorg1 * Arm Is All HlBht Nnw- Nlro l.lltln I'nictlcii ( liiine Oxfiiril Dofrats UninlirlilRr Unit to I'll/ . fllmmuiiA Onuo .More. ANSASCITY , Mo. , April II. fSpoclal Telegram to Tiir. Bii.J : Omaha did notvin today's game because Presi dent -Stout would not lot his pitchers exert themselves. Ho cave all throe n brlof trial , while the Kansas City manage - _ ago m out pitched through the game. From tbo out- tot the Omnhiis were favorites. The day was inw nnd bad , but n goodly crowd was out to see the ilrat game of the Boason. On the field the flno team from Omaha presented n splendid iippouranco , al though they showed n lack of practice. The performance of Collopy nt third base was eploudld , showing him up well in his nil around advantages. Sbclbeck it short showed himself to bo n very pretty plnyor , accepting nil of his chances with n grace that captured the spectators. Hayes , the catcher , found it too cold for peed work , al though his was qulto equal to Hint of the Kansas City man. Phenomenal Kelly In leftflo'ld did cot have much to do , Init 'ho displayed on activity tnat was very pleasing. The battln ? of the team was peed nnd the bases wcro all run exceptionally well. Gllks In center Hold did soico very line work on nil tbo opportunities offered. President Stout is very much pleased with tbonhowlng made lioro by his team , and considers It very Mat tering In view of thu lack of pr.ietlco of bis team nnd the chilly atmosphere ot today. The Omabas began the game with Darby in the box. Ho officiated for live Inntncs , und nltbuuch ho did not oxoit himself the Cowboys only made seven hits. VicKery throw in for three Innings und Handlboo went In in the ninth inning. It was the ( list appearance of the Cowboys In anything bearing a resemblance to n real contest , and they created quito n favorable impression. Eddie Eltoljorg , who has been In trnininn for two weeks , was at his best and pitched his hardest. A local man acted ns umpire. Alany of his decisions were yory Bauswinc , but tbo clubs suffered about equally. Score : KANSAS CtTV. All. II. 1III. 811. SU. I'D. A. E. Mannlni' , 21) ) 5i \ S a n J 1 Sunday , in Mayor , Hi 5 0 U 1 1 8 1 0 Ciirnoy. : ib 5 0 X 1 1 8 1 0 l.ytlu. If It Andrews , rf 4 2 1 0 U 0 1 Alburts. ss 4 ) tolllns.e 4 i i o a o o Klteljor , : . ] ) . S 2 Totuls . 33 12 13 3 2 27 10 5 OMAHA. Tot.iis u a a 27 n a bCOllii 11V INNINGS. Kansas Olty . 1 : i 1 3 2 0 0 2 0 12 Omaha . 1 : i 0 0 2 0 0 0 1T BlIMJfAltV. Earned runs : Kansas Olty , r > : Omaha , 2. Thiuc-b.iso lilts : Munnlnir , Collopy. Homo run : Kltoljor , Doublu plays : HnolhcuK to Collopy ; I'U/torald to Kowe , llasoon bulls : PIT Kltuljorir , U ; olT Darby , y ; olV Vleltory , a ; nir lliindlbue , 1. lilt by pltrhcd hull : AlhortR , Hunday. 1'assud balls : Ho I II us , 4 : llaycb. 5. AVIld pitches : Klteljorg. 1 : Darby. 3 : Vickory , 1 ; Handlboo , I. .Strnclc out : lly Kltoljorg. 7 : by VloUery. : i : by Handlboo. ] . Tlinoof game : Iwo hours and ten minutes. Umpire : Nufow. . OM'OHDS WOX. Vor tliu Tivouty-hlxtli Tlmo Cambridge Couirs In Srcouil. LOXPOX , April 9. The annual boat race between loams representing tbo Oxford and Cambridge universities lo take place on the Thames championship course , from Putney to Morto Cake , took place at noon today , and for the twenty-sixth tlmo since the Inaugura tion of thcsn English college contests the Oxford crow passed the winning line ahead of their opponents. The summer weather thnt has prevailed in the vicinity of the course for the past week continued today , and tbo banks of the Thames were crownod.wlth an unprecedented crowd. The crows were made up as follows : Cambridge E. W. Lord ( bow ) , S. C. Neil , E. T. Fison , W. Lundaiiio , G. C. ICorr , C. T. Fogg-Elliott , G. Elln , G. Franklin ( stroke ) , J. V. Braddon ( cox ) . Oxford U. B. Cotton ( bow ) , J. A. Ford , W. A , Hewott , F. E. Uobesonf. . Nickails , W. A. L. Fletcher , K. P. Prowe , C. Al. Pit man ( stroke ) , J. P. Hey wood ( coxswain ) . A gennrol east wind wns then blowing which had the effect of rendering the Surrey side of the river some what choppy , while iho Middlesex sldo was sheltered from tno breeze nnd the water was therefore smooth. Oxford chose the Middlesex side , thus galling Iho advantage ot the smoother walor and moro of Iho bunolit of the moderate wind during the last portion of the journey. Alldway the wind was fair for both crows. The Cambridge crow wcro the first to outer their boat. They pulled to the stake boat , being received with loud cheering ana pvery token or ontuualasm. Three minutes latertho Oxfords followed nnd thcro was u repetition of Iho cheering and enthusiasm as they puddled to the starting point. The ex citement was Intense. Both crews were In line condition aud everybody anticipated a keen struggle. Oiiiubrlilce I.Kil Well. At exactly 12:10 : the starting signal , the firing of a pistol , was plvon. Cambridge took the water ilrst , pulling thirty-eight ttrokos to the minute , nnd their boat jumped to the front. Oxford started pulling thirty- lima strokes. With Ibo perfect rythm of a machine iho oars Mashed In and out of the water , but strain and struggle as they would , Oxford could not close tbo gap between tweon themselves and Cambridge. The light blues on the shore were wild with ex- cltouiont and yelled encouraging words to tbolr favorites. But the cheers and erica fell on d af ears. Bending to their oars , the Cambridge crow saw nothing but their op ponents behind them , aud th > ) muscles of their urms and backs roio and fell as the Mnady atroko that kept them ahead was con- ilnuod without a Haw. The Cambridge crowd on the Putney pier on the Slur and Garter nud Duke's Head and along the con. , oroto wall on the opposite of the river cheered and yelled , but in u Hash the boats wont past them , almost Hying up stream. At Clasporo boat bouse , about three fur longs from the start , Cambridge was a quar ter of a length Iu the lend , nud tbis advan. luge was still retained as they passed Craven Stops , about three furlongs further on , P s ( the Gass wharf , Hose bank , the Crabtrees and the Malt house the position of the boats won unchanged , but as they neatcd Hammer' imlth brldga tbo faster and now strougoi Rtroko of iho dark blues boRan to toll , nuii they drew up to a level with their opponents Oxford to thti Front , A few seconds later Oxford had issued th < load and put a gap of three-fourths of i length between herself and Cambridge. Botl crows were well In tbo center of tbo river Now oniued splendid bit of racing , but tbi Oxford uecamoallghtly ragged , Cnmbrldet was doing boiler and this raised the hopes o : the JlKlH blues thronging the river banks Tbo Oxfoidi , hoiYoviT , pulled themselves to K lbernDd quickened their etroke and : wagulCcunt uUptuy of raring followed. bpurt followed itpurt , wbiln thu cpnctaton theiUHdlvc * hoano in uttcuipU U cheer on tbolrf avorltos , .Tust below the oil mills , about two miles from the acquoduct , the Cambridge tonm hegnn to fall further behind. When the boats reached Chicks- wick Eyot , about two miles and a half frcm the starting point , ttmy were very close to tbo ahoro. Hero the coxswain ol tno Oxford steered rather bndly but his crow still hold their ndvnntngi * . Cambildgo spurted manfully , but the pace sot by Oxford wns lee much for them nnd they fell to pieces. At Thornycrofts. just beyond Chlckwlck Eyot'Oxford croiscd over and took the CnnUbs' water , giving the lat ter the bunolit of their wash. The Cam bridge crow were too far tohind , however , for the wash to affect them. Only n I'rorrsslon , The race now dttrciipratcd Into n proces sion , .lust nbovo Thornycrofts Oxford was fully three lengths ahead and nblo to In crease. The Onntubs showed increased signs of distress. Around tbo long bond at Barnes- bridge , nbout three miles and llvo furlonps from the start , Cambridge pulled thorasclves tocothor and made n despsrato endeavor to regain their lost ground. They were then llvo lengths bnblnd nud their efforts were useless. The Oxlords slackened their utroko before leaching Alorto Lake , n short distance from the winning line , nnd allowed their op ponents to approach them. Thou ensued an exciting race. The Can- tabs , worn out by their struggle , braced themselves for n final effort. Sturdily they bent to their oars and jumped forward with now impulses and lusty strokes , hut all was of no avail. The dark blues pi ay oil with their opponents nnd crossed the line tit the Old Ship Inn by two lengths nnd n quarter. Oxford's tlmo wns nineteen minutes nnd Iwenty-onc seconds. The time is the best over made over the present course ; the best previous tlmo was nineteen minutes , thirty-five seconds , mndo by the Cambridge crow'whon they won in 187IJ by three nnd one-half lengths. It was In this rnco that the sliding seats were llrst utlli/.ed by the uni versity crows. The slowest llmo was In liOl ) , when onmbrldgo won by ono length to twenty minutes tindt on seconds. Comparing the form of men , the rngftod rowing with round shoulders ot tbo cnnatnbs were most practicable. The Oxford crow seemed lo have returned to old tradlllon of university form. They rowed with the steady movement of n piece of machinery. The race was n thorough contrast between university and Thnms rowing Cambridge pulled like the London eight , while Oxford rowed in the old poker back fashion. Oxford finished in as perfect form ns when they begun , but thcro was u lot of splashing nnd rolling In the Cautbas' boat , JIM TALKS UOKV. Hull Olvrs Itlg Itoli u Selcntlllo Month Whipping. Pjin.AiiELi'iiiA , Pa. , April 9. Pugilist Fltzslmmons , evidently blufilng , in reply to Jim Hall , angered the latter Into saying many things regarding Fltzslmmons' methods , aud in nn interview to bo printed tomorrow , Hall , among other things , says : "Filzsiminons knows In his heart that as a pugilist , I nm bis master , but ho has not the mantioad to admit it. I had intended to i emain In Philadelphia for a fortnight , but 'n the hope of mooting Fltzsunmous face to 'nco , I shall leuvo for Now Yoric tomorrow , .f ho means business and wants to light me , a match between us eni bo arranged. I will concede everything within reason nnd ask in return but ono point that I light ut 103 lounds. Ho can light ut any weight ho chooses. L-Mt'/simmons knows that I can't light at less. Ho pave Alayhor l. > 0 pounds. His tweddlo about lighting Sullivan is the utter ance of a conceited idiot. Ho would have to allow Sullivan faom ICO to lu. > pounds nnd would drop dead if ho was dragged into tbo same ring with John L , . The controversy between us has reached a point where ho ins either got to light mo if bcdaros or crawl Jko the coward be is. " TWllJli FEVKlt IX HKTJIUIT. Fours Ihut the DUrasn Will Iluuomo Kpi- dcmlr In That City , DETIIOIT , Alien. , April 0. An investigation is being made into the origin of the case of typhus that was discovered here yesterday In thoC/appa family. The disease may have been brougnt by a family named Hotnow , which ) s living almost opposite. The Hot- news arrived in Baltimore eight days ago and came direct lo Detroit. It is not Known tnat tbero were anv cases of contagious disease on the steamer , hut Airs. Rotnow has informed N. H. Duillcld , the city health ofllcor , that two children died on the voyage. She thought tbo deaths occurred from scarlet fever , but was not suro. The Rotuowa have small children , which have played with Czappa's children , The situation is alarming from the fact that the bouso they Iwo In contains two lariro families , the members of which have been passing in and out of the favor slrickon patient's chamber. Till ! 1TATA VAHK HUt'lUll ) . Appeal * Taken from thn Decision ol Judge Itoss ot C'alirornlii. SAX FIUXCISCO , Cal. , April { ) . Two ap peals have been Hied in the United States court of appeals from the decision of Judge Ross in thb Southern district court regard lug the steamer Hata and her cargo of muni tlons or war , which played so prominent n pan In the controversy between the United States and Chill. An is for the re hearing of tbo case dismissed by Juaga Hess and It also prays that his decision bo reversed ' versed and the'Itata condemned. They also nsk that the ' . ' ,000 cases of rifle cartridges , fi.OOt ) rifles and 5,000 bayonets bo returned tc the United States. Sprccklua NlciiH nil Agreement. SAN FitANcifcco , Cal. , April fl. The con ference which has boon held hero for the past few days between Claus Sprccklos and T. H. Davis , Paul Eisber ? , Albert Wllcox and otnor.s interested in the Hawaiian sugar plantations , resulted In an agreement be tween Iho planters und the Western Suear military , which Is controlled by Air. Sprocklos. The agreement is to take date from the present contract , which expires In January , ItjOI ) . "Tho contract will bo signed shortly , " said John Spreckles , "and it will bo just like the old ono , with a few slight modilicaolons. Thu new contract will extend from the ex piration of the present ono for ilvo years. " WaltliiR for thr Woril. ST. Pu < ( , , Allnn. , April I ) . Ever since the arrival of tbo roaular soldiers nt Brown's Valley , Allnn. , last weeit there has been no effort mndo by the Indian police to guard the border , and the soldiers remain close In camp yet. The chances to got on tbo reservation dining this lima has boon good and hundreds of InndsoakoiM have gene to look nt Iho lam : within the past few days , Thu town Is lining up rapidly with prospectors and homo-seeker and tbo rush is well commenced. Hundreds arrive on every train and long strings of covered wngons Hnd camping places nloncr the river. I'liitTil u Walking Diilogiitu lluilmItonili Pnuuiiii'Hu : , Pa. , April 8. Emil Huvors a mumbar of the cablnotmaitor.f union was up for hearing ou a charge of breach of tbo peace , growing out of the stnko last Novom her , llo bad lingered about and reviled the workmen. Ho UtAtillcd today that ho re colvcd $15 \vrolc from the union for wutoh lug around thu factories. Judga Flnh'ttor suld DO rccognuod the right of n workmai to bolter his condition by striking , but no man had the rtkht to Interfere with nuothoi who wishes to work. Ho required Buyers to enter f 1,000 , bull to Keep thu pcaco for a year lie llutl Ktviillonodit l.liard , Sriiot'ifiiii'iin , Pa. , April 0. Fredcricl Phillips several year * njjo began to suffo from peculiar pains In his stomach. Ho bo llovod bo had swallowed some kind of an animal while drinking water , Tno doctor * however , treated him for Indigestion. Finally ho began to doctor himself nnd u few days ugo ho look u strong liniment internally ac. the pain was lessoned Ho took a second dose and tbeio carau from him n full gnw i li/ard about ilvo Inches in length. Passed Its Third Heading , TOUOXTO , Out. . April 0. The bill to Incor porate tbo Ontario Ship ana Hailrond com pany , with power to construct a bhlprosd from Ontario to Oregon bay , has had ita third reading In the legislature. M u lr Hun ( lot tlio Archduke. Pit ui K , April 0. Arohduka Otto of Aus tria , nopaow of Kuiporor Francis Joseph , U lufferlug from tuoaiioi. IEPDBUCAN RANKS CROWING County Conventions ThtougliDUt the State Indicate Uuusual Uaninuy. "EVERAL INSTRUCT FOR HARRISON Tfiinlilo AIIIOIIC tlir Ormorrnts ttnntlttiirs t liirrriisn Not n I'ult on Any Still. Jrct l.ltl of li ) > lPKHt s Nnineil liy Itnth rartlrt. \V\noo , Nob. . April 0. [ Special to Tun Jr.u. ] The republicans of Saundcr.s coutitv .eld their convuntlon today nnd selected delegates to the state niut congressional dls- rlet conventions. J'ho delozatos to the state convention nro ; 1.V. . ( Jllchrlsi , It. 1C. John- .1011 , S. I ) . Michonor , Ulf. U.illsoack , II. M. Clnrk.V. . F. Plmley , F. A. Gilbert , uml SI. S. Hills ; district , 10. B. Good , K. A. Ho.uon , S. O. Byron , W. J. Lobr , C. V. Swanson , 12. F. I'ock , J. S. Collins , nnd T. J. Plolcott. All tbo delegates were Instructed to us a nil moans tosocliro delegates to the niitloual convention thnt wilt favor the re-nomination of President Ilnrrlson. Hi * ail ministration was heartily endorsed. Delegates to district convention were Instructed to work for E. E. Uood of Wnboo , ns a delegate to the national convention. UI.NBV : \ , Nob. . April 9. [ Special Telegram .o Tut : UKK.J Tlio county convuntlon met hero today lor the purpose of nominating dcloznlos to tliu stnlo nnd congressional con ventions. The meeting was one of the most uH-monlons ever held in Fllmorn county for many years. The following nro the delo- jalcs : 11. Younger , \V. C. Mussov , .Iniueft Jlbson , . ) . .lonsnn , J. U. Jenkins , C. A. fowler , J. M. I'erklns , Clark Hoblnson nnd S. Logsdoii. 1'otor Younger is chairman of loth ) delegations , ana the stixto delegation Is instructed to secure his nomination for state treasurer if possible. Fllmoro county will bo warm this rail , with n splonuid cluinco for ono of tbo old-fasbluncd republican major- Ulos. Ulos.YOIIK , Nob. . April P. [ Special Telegram to Tan UKK.J The republican county con vention raot hero this nftornooa for the pur pose of electing delegates to tbo slate and eoncrossional conventions. It heartily en dorsed the administration of 1'rosldont Harrison. L. D. Richards as a candidate at largo for the national convention was en dorsed. The delegates were Instructed to do all in tbolr power to elect C. A. McUloud of this city us a representative from this dis trict to the same convention. Tbo delegates nro : State convention 13. F. Willis , W. H. Nichols , M. M. Wyrlclt , L. P. Hanson. C. O. Shamor , N. M. George , J. II. O. Bromor , Pnrncr Ellis. E. A. Warner , Bon Campbell , Harvey Picked , N. V. Harlan. Congres sional T. E. Sedcwick , N. ai. Ferguson , George Sbreclr , A. B. Christian , D. N. Ulood , N. M. George , E. C. smith , W. F. Morrison , W. O. Downing , AI. D. Einsol , Cnurlcs Brown and S. A. Meyers. YOIIK , Nob. , April Id [ Special Telegram to Tim I3ii : : . | The republican precinct cau cus to elect delegates to the county conven tion was held hero todav. Ai uom , Nob. , April 9. [ Special Telegram toTinBEi.l The Hamilton county republican lican convention , hold in the opera house of this city today , selected the lollowmg dele gations : State E. J. Hainor , AI. S. Stan ley , Joshua Cox , J. , T. Farley , E. E. Eaton , F. P. Corrick , U. C. liostnw , Peter Jacouy alternates II. AI. Green , H. H. Poara , H. K. Huehos , IV. J. Williamson , J. S. AUrtol , E. E. Carr , Gcorpo Washburn and P. C. Cul ver ; congressional H. M. ICollogg , F. Al. Tim blitz , William Cox , 1. D. Evans , James Huby , H. B. Hart , F. C. Putnam. W. J. Newell ; alternates D. A. Scoville , J. H. Sauls , W. W. Foss , H. Misuer , .1. P. Jones , Gcoriro Fowler , B. F. Turner , George Corn- mine. The convention was perfectly har monious. E. E. Carr and W. W. Sbombor- ger were elected chairman and secretary respectively of the central committee. KiMim.t , Nob. , April D. ( Special Telo- grarn to Tin : Bcn.J The republicans of Kimball - ball county bold a harmonious conVentio # hero today. C. F. Hobertson and James Newell wore elected delegates to the district nnu stat < 3 conventions , S. A. Pierce and I. N. Broylos alternates. A republican county league was organized with A. B. Board as president. Hon. George Hist from Sidney gave a short talk upon the political Issues of the day. Kimbnll county will string into line as tbo banner republican county of the state in tbo coming contest. CcCooK , Neb. , April . ( Special Tele gram to Tni : BnK.Tbo ] republican county central committee of Red Willow county mot In this city today. April 13 was the day selected for holding tbo county convention at AlcCook , the primaries to Da bold on the -Ttb. Tno reports from the various commltteemen abow nn increased interest in the approachIng - Ing struggle. The republicans who have itrayed into the alliance fold are returning , ropontontant to the old party , and lied Wil low county can bo counted on for a larger republican publican majority than last year. CIIETI : , Nob. , April U. [ Special Telegram to TUB BIK. ] At 4 p. m. tbo county i-epuu- lican caucus was bold hero , and everything was going on swimingly without a skip whan some one discovered that tbo ticket put up for delegates to the county convention was entirely made up of socallod Dawos men. Then there wns a row. The Fossites kicked nnd kicked very bard. After n great deal of talk it was moved to adjourn until 8 p. in. , which was carried , to give the Fossltos time to rearrange the ticket. In tbo evening anew now ticket appeared with F. I. Foss' name ou top. Thnt ticKet carried the caucus nearly by acclamation , and then there was peace. UKMOOItATS IN CONVENTION. Cu < litr Cnunty'8 nch'Riitlou Will Support rlo\ttlaiiil Men Only. HAHTixriTox , Nob. , April 9. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bui-Tho ] Cedar county democratic convention was hold iu this city this afternoon. The delegates chosen were instructed to support only a Cleveland dele gation at the state convention , The follow ing delegates wore selected to attend the state and congressional conventions : T. H. Cole , J. J. Gobol , E. B. Baxter , J. W. Mc- DoviU , Alex Irlo , T. Cecil Grimes anu T. T. Llnklmrt. BitoKux Bow , Neb , April 0. [ Spccin Telegram to THK BCK. ] The democratic county convention mot hero today. H. E. O'Nell , Smith I ) . O'Neal and W. Kotmro were elected delegates to thu state conven tion , Resolutions were passed endorsing Governor Boyd nnd W , N. Thompson for dolegatcs-at-largo to the national convention , ulso endorsing James Holland a * district delegate. Sciifvi.un , Nou. , April U. ( Special Tolo- grum to Tuii Bnc.l At the democratic mass convention hold hero today the following named were elected delegates to the state convention : George II , Thouias , F. K. King- smutl ) , F. Folda , S. B. Alloi , L. C. Spang- lor , B. DonavDii , Al. J. .Smith and H. h/ . Phulps. It Is nn uutl-Boyd delegation and gooj unlnstructcd , SIII.MSV , Neb , April ! > . [ Special Tolojratn to Till ! BIK. : | Tbo Chovonuo county demo cratic convention WAS held hero today , with every precinct represented. Dalegutes to the state convention are as follows : Joseph O'Her/elder , Curtis D. Esslg , Jnmei B. Hagan nnd Fred l.olunkulil. lion , C. D. Essie was made chairman of the county central committee for the ensuing year. Sr. I'AUt , Nob. , Anril 0 , [ Spoclal Telegram - gram lo THIS UBK , | Tlio democratic county convention today named the lollowlnu dolo- gutos to thostalo convention : Colonel J. P. U. Hildobrand , A. Ij Cnvoy , J. D. MoOon- uld. F. M. Ludlngton , R. Scrlbner , X , I'm- fcucki , ( Jus Selvers. Grover Ctovolnnd was endorsed Inthu convuntlon , while Governor lioyil wits t Jnglv condumned. llo seems to have no friundi in this delegation. Ai'iioiu , Nob. , April Si. [ Bpoclal Telegram to Tin : Bnn.j The domocriU of Hiimlllon county assembled in convention today ar.d nominated the following delegates to the state convention ; A. M , Glover , Mayor John Shcan , J. O , linker , L , W. Shumau and George Gray ; alternate * , 1) . 'J1. Kwmu , K AI. Wilton , 10. VV. Hurlbut , Art Arnold uml .M , Kohii , Then ) was quite a lively contest - test over the selection of the delegation , thu convention being divided into Boyd nnd anu- Boyd factions. Thu Boyd men were In thu majority , out by superior tactics thu nutl- Bo.rdlsts got two out of the live delegates elected. GIUMI IHUNII , Nob. , April t ) . ( Special Telegram to Tin * . BKK.J The drinocrallu county convention was Held this nftnriioon , resulting In the election of H. N. vVolbacli , Jamns F. Coitollo , A. II. Huker , J. II. Alul lln , E. J. Hall , Henry Bohlotfuidt. Charlui Kolllim , Putor AIcC'iillniiKh , Jerry Ituwcn , J. F , Rourku auU H. F. llolluvvoll ui duloimlox to the state conre'inion. Nine Of llicso olavon 'nvor ' Boya. Iim i cUoinvxvero jilvon to vote naa unit for VV. I ? Thomwon of this city o delogito-at-largo ( i tbo nationnl convention. CiiKtn , Nob. , Al II 0. ( Special Telegram to Til B IlKK.1 f day lius boon one of the most oxcltablo hrmo polltfcsl history of'this city. The domocr.itto prlmarlo * worn held LhU afternoon nnd evening nnd tboy had factions In their ranks. They worfl divided Into Bovd and upll-llnyd men. They had their skirmish : { ifa o'clock"nnd nftcrntiard flRhttbo Boyd inbn boat the nntl-Boydby 15 to IU. This nssiiros the endorsement of the action of the ilanworatlo county central com- inltteo yesterday h selecting Boyd delegates to the democratic state convention. The so- called Bowlbvltoa were routed and tbo Boyd men nro on lop. Bt.vni , Nob. , Ann ! { l.f-ISpoclal Telegram toTniBir..j : : The Washington county dem ocratic-convention was Hold bore this nfter- noon and the following delegates were selected to attend the state convention : Tom Kelly , S. G. ( .Honor. B. II. Clark , George Nell , John Fitch. V. Coupal , Frank llarriinan and linns Loin p. The same com mittee was appointed to attend tbo judicial convention. The following resolutions were passed : Ki < Milvcd , That this convention Is in favor of drover dovol-uiil ( or president us llrst oliolco nnd llnracd K , Holes as second choice. Kosulvvd , That the dolouatrs sulootrd by this convention to uttond thustntuconvunttoti nro hereby Instnietoil to support tin man for delvgatu to the democratic national conven tion who Is not In sympathy with thu foro- izolnir retolnllona and will pledge himself thereto , Ono peculiarity about it isthntTomlCelloy , tlioir chairman , selected today , was chairman of the Independent convention held a few days ago to uominato city ofllcors. SI , I'anl Itopulillviins Orj"iinl7r , ST. Pu'i , Nob. , April 0. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin : Bic.J : There was a rous ing mooting of republicans tonight , resulting in the organizing of n club of fifty members nnd this with only n fo\v hours notice. The follow ing are the ofllcors : President , It. Hannibal ; llrst vice president , Ed Amman ; second , II. TJ. Cook ; secretary , Cbarloa A. Robinson ; treasurer , D. E. Mnrrill. An Invitation was sent to Hon. I. W. Lansing , president of the state league , to meet the club and speak next Saturday nlcht. CmiMissccl the lloatrlco Voto. BcATitu'c ' , Nob. , April -Special [ i'olo- gram to Tin : Bii.J : : The city council mot In special session tonight to canvass thu returns of the recent city election. The olllcial can vass resulted In the same general result as published In Tin : Bin : the morning following the election. Alnvor-oloct Ilnrvoy Phillips and the other olllciajs elect will be formally Inaugurated at the Auditorium next Friday evening with brilliant ceremonies. Working lor lloimlillciiii Sumy * * . FAIUMONT , Nob. , April 0. [ Special Tele gram to Tim BiiK.l The republicans of this city nro preparing to take an active part in the coming campaign. A club has just boon organised with forty members as a starter. Curls Mussclmnn was chosen president and C. S. Miller and Clark Robinson vice presi dents. General Vim Wyck at York. YOIIK , Nob. , April 9. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BEK.J Thd county alliance met hero today and the opening mooting was hold this nftornooii. It was addressed by Hon. C. H. Van Wyck. A larco uudionco was present. Itliilni ) uml the I'rumilcnry. PITTSBL'IIO , Pa. April U. The Times tbis morning prints the following from a corre spondent in Washington : In the course'of I conversation with Air. White , ono of the leading physicians of the country , and who has occasionally attended Secretary Blaiu'Klle { physician remarked , I sno the newspapers contmuo to connect your name with tbo presidency , Air. Secre tary. " _ a _ _ , Air. Blaine responded : "Tho presidency is an office without sleep. I nm npwlB years old , antl although you have tola mo , and I believe it , that iif hearf kidneys , lungs nnd otherwise I am free from\orgunlci. . " diseases , sufforflig only fronit'crpldlty of.tho liver , jl do not believe that if I wore to bo inaugu rated president tomorrow I would live out my term. If 1 werq elected to the prosi- dcnoy I could not a'coo t'lK At my "ago "and with rnv temperament nnd knowing what the effect of a long life of exhausting labor has been upon my vitality it would bo construc tive suicide. " Tbo secretary spoke with the emphasis of perfect candor and with au apparent doslro only to make himself definitely understood. Indorsed Clovcliiml. BAI.TIMOKI : , Md. , April ! ) . The Calumet club of this city , the representative of organ ized democracy in Maryland , on motion of Mr. Freeman Bcsin , tbo recognised right- hand man of Senator Gorman , seconded by Air. Harry Welles , u representative in con gress and president of the Calumet club , to night adopted preamble and resolutions en- doising Cleveland and bis view , liiHtrtu'tct ! for llnrrlrton. KNOXVIM.U , Totin. , April 9. Tno repub licans of the SecondTennessee , district held a convention today. Delegates to Minneapo lis wcro Instructed for Harrison , ar.d Air. HotiK was ronominatcd for congress without opposition. Contest * In Itliodu Inland , PiioviuiiXcE. H. I. , April 0. It is generally asserted by republicans that thu seats of Burton from Providence , Wade of Glouster , Senator Foster and the three democratic assemblymen elected from Newport , will bo contested , AXOTllKll Fit hi : TH.I1W Jlll.T. . Hy u 1'arty Vote thu Cotton lliKflii1)111 : ) rumen the House. WASH 1x01 ox , D. C. , April ' . ) . The river and harbor bill was reported and placed on tbo calendar. Consideration of the cotton bagging bill was then resumed. DnUsell of Penn sylvania spoke In opposition to the bill. Air. Turner of Georgia closed the debate. Ho spoke forcibly in favor of tbo bill and In general denunciation of tbo McICinluy act. The bill was then passed. Yeas , KIT ; nays , -10. This was a strictly party vote , except that Air. coburn of Wisconsin , Mr. O'Neill of Missouri , and English of Now Jersey , demo crats , voted in I ho negative. Air. Shipman of Indiana , of the committee on ways and means , reported a bill to rc- ducu the duty on tin plnti-.s nnd it was re ferred to thu committee of the whole. Public business \vaa then suspended nnd the house paid duo tribute to thu l.ita Repre sentative f'ord of AllOhigan , Eulogies were delivered by Mess'rsJ O'Donnoll ' , Youmuim , AIcMillln , Bolknup. The house then adjourned. , IN ANsHvicu TO CHINA. A lHtaut Seerolary of Stiito U'lmrlon Tallin on Hi * Illulr Allulr. WASIIISOTON , D C ? April U. The text of the letter of ( jig ( ( Secretary of State Wbarton to ] ) mibv , , | # > lnistor to China , to re ceive ex-Senator Blilr us the teprosentativo of till.- country ; Ubs been uiudo public. WhurUm says thp"\fclinatlon of Blair loaves the question of bt'j1j ' ithdrawnl by this gov- crnuiont out of thjq < iiiestlou , nnd admits tbo right of China ta:6bjuct : to any minister , but the comity of natlonl requires that it should not bo done witliblifr&unielont | rousou. The reason assigned by China was that It was he-cause of the unfriendly ut- titudo of Blair toward China as a senator during 1)19 ) pendency ol the Chinese exclusion act is not well taken , us the record shows that ho was respectful throughout toward China and lun toward her people , Thu objection that ho cast his vote In favor of thu mil was In reality an objection to any incmboi of concrusb who votes lor any moiis lire objectionable to China. This act U now a supreme law and commands the obedience of all uituuns , and any person appointed minister to China U bound to obsnrvo and as sist In Its execution. This objection to Blair cannot therefore , bo taken to account in the appointing of another appointee. The objection , moreover , is Illogical , us the act hot boon in force for throe ymrs without the discovery of It as a bar to Ibo reception of uii envoy from this government. Don by In dlivoU'd to rotmuuntcalu these views to the Chlnoso government , Thu Kunntii In executive session discussed nnd loundly denounced the attitude ot tbo Chlnoss government but has taken no action , ns the matter Is still in the hnnds of the State depart menu c nor in "I.I.HT i N . Conilllloii of Uron Ing Crop * In Viinom Sec tions ot tlin Country. Wvstn.vnTov , U. C. , April fl. The \\oather Bureau furnishes the following ! The rise In the river at Cairo approaches the estimated rise of the next two days of two foot , which will brine It to the forty-six foot mark. The river nt St. Louis Is sta tionary ; at Memphis It will rise to thirty- throe foot by April II ; nt Helena , Ark. , U forly-threo feet by the Iftth ; nt Brownvlllo , AIlss. , by the 17th to forty feet ; nt. Vicksburg - burg by the 10th to lorty two foot ; nt Baton Hull no by the U-Jnd to thirty feet ; at Now Orleans by tbo " 3,1 to fourteen foot. The scn on was generally l.ito In the west nnd In the southwest , and later in the states sf the Atlantic coast. The untnvorablu seedIng - Ing conditions , draught , dlfllculty in plowing lumpy soil , slow permlnntlon nnd tin imper fect stand \VCLO naturally followed by into and fcoblo growth. Thu plant was therefore - fore generally small when the winter sot in , and apparently of weak vitality , its condi tion In Uccombcr averaging S. ; . The pros- out return Is n i eduction ol 4.1 points. Winter - tor protection by snow was qulto general In Now York from January until Into In Alarch. In Pennsylvania the covering vuis loss continuous or general , but was enjoyed when most needed. In Michigan Uioro wns n fair dogrooof pro tection , especially in the sovurost weather. In Ohio , Indiana and Illinois the snow covorihg was not continuous or heavy , In some places very light and partial , In others better than for years. In Missouri nud Kansas thcro wns less snow , but there wns some protection tit tbo tlmo of the Alarch freezes. It la quite uniformly reported that the winter was not very severe nnd was In many sections nnld. Winter killing wns excep tional , oi * limited to Hut uml xvot nrcas. Some correspondents note thu lumpy condition of iho soil as modifying the Injury by fioczlng. Almiy correspondents report the crop im proving In nppparuuco at the data of Iho re port , nnd iiullcato a probability of further improvement with favoaablo April weather. The fact that the low condition is loss the re sult of winter killing than of Into germina tion and slow autumn development , renders material recuperation possible under favor able inctoorlogical conditions. lSIViit-TAM ; > llAltltOKS. Tin 1'lato Attracting tlin Attention of Con. R1TSS ( iUtll-ritl AVllHlllllKlOM NC H. WASIIINOTOX. D. C. , April D. The river and harbor bill was reported to the house today. The committee thinks the most Im portnnt feature of thn bill is the extent it cocsto in authorizing the secretary of war to make contracts for the completion of more important river nnd harbor Improvements. The departure from the old driblet system of appropriations wns lound to work so well that the committee determined to apply it on a larger scolo than In tbo last act. The report of the committee on ways nnd moans on the tin plate bill wns submitted to the house today by Mr. bhlvoly of Indiana. The present law , it says , subjects every American industry which uses tin plato to now nnd burdensome exactions. The pro posed measure is a proposition to release those industries from such exactions. Tbo distinction in principle between the two is tbo distinction between a demand by ono citizen that ho is licensed to tuko that which is not his own , aim the petition of another citizen that ho be pcimitted to keep what is his own. Tbo AIcKlnloy act granted privil eges supposed to grant these rights. Relief is not granted to American industries , to which they are unquestionably entitled. Tbo house committee on IndUn affairs has decided to recommend non-concurronco in tbo senate amendments to tbo Indlun appro priation bill. Tne htib-committeo of the judiciary com mittee , having under consideration the WusbDurn anti-option bill , will prooatly re port to thn full committee Alonday. The bureau of American republics has tboenotllcinlly. . informed that the Mexican government has not authorized the estab lishment of the so-called Juarez lottery , or guaranteed the payment of its pri/us as ad vertised generally in tbo newspapers. The Mexican government requests all newspapers to glvo this denial general circulation , SOUTH O.UAU.I. .Saloon License Ad\ertlHlnu. Tbo South sOmaha saloonkeepers hold a mooting ut Pivonka's hall on Twenty-fourth street last evening. The object of the gath ering was to consider tbo matter of license advertising. John Prey was made chairman and Jumoj Fleming secretary. Speeches \vorc inndo by u numbci of tbo saloon men present. They argued that the rate allowed the newspapers by tbo rqc'eu } , decision of the supreme court fn" advertising the licenses was exces sive and vaiious measures to meet the difli- cultv were discussed. It was agreed that thu law wiu plain and that the matter could not bo contested with any hope of success. On motion of Rhoda Redmond a committee consisting of James Flonnnu , Rboda Red mend , Henry Mill-tin , Nols Luudgron aud F. E. Adams , was appointed to visit Tnu But : otlice Monday afternoon und endeavor to ef fect a compromise. The report of the com mittee will bo heard at a second meeting which will bo held in Pivonka's hall Alonday night. _ to Tujr , The German carpenters tug of war team is in regular traitiini : for tbo international tug of war which will begin at Exposition hall in Omaha , April 19. They will represent the German nation and their friends will expect to see them give a good Account of thorn- solves. Jack Prince was in the city yester day and saw them in training. Ho ex pressed the opinion that no team in tbo con test stood a batter chance of winning than the South Omaha Gjrmans. < > ro\vtll ot tint SclioolK. Last week was the opening week ol the spring term in tbo publlo schools. Superin tendent Alunroo reports that tbo average dally attendance has boon nearly l.'JOO pupils. T'ueso 11 cures bear witness to the rapid growth ol the city , us tbu greatest nvorugo daily ultenddticu heretofore has boon 7WJ. The High school building is very much over crowded , as are seine of iho departments in the other buildings. By nuothor year addi tional now buildings will bu\o become a no- Not en nud Personals. Alts. Frank Hay ward Is snondliiK a month with relatives at Hot Springs , Ark. Captain J. E. Hart will leave the Ill-it of the wouk for a trip to Hot Springs , S , D. It Is hoped that the trip will roatoru the captain's health , which has b on poor for homo tl mo. AlUs Helen Secloy nnd Miss Lodoma Jones of the publio school department nro spending the Sabbath with friends atl'apil- lion. lion.W. . 1C. SUInnor , general traveling agent of the stock yards , has returned from Cheyenne - onno , Wyo. , where ho attended the cattle * mun's convention. Thomas Grinith of Sioux City , la. , is the guest of his father , R. H. Grinilb. Lawrence \ \ . Shultz nnd Airs. J. Pogno were murricd by Rev. C. N. Davvson at the Methodist parsonage Friday evening. Prof. C. C. Powroy of Toronto , Can , , will binj ; ut the First Christian church to day. There will boa special meeting of the Jeltorsonlan club nt Hunt .V CockreU's olllco Wednesday availing. The contract for furnishing the stonoanct sand for tbo Hammond company's now buildings bus been t-'Iveu to / , Cuddington , D. S. Plncoy will build n cottage at Twenty-fourth ucd G streets. AIlss Nclllo Culver returned yesterday frsm a vUlt with relatives uf 1'Vomont. QUAUTKUMAHTKUV UlTJOi- : OHIBK , April U. INrfualeii ! m'OJjp ils. In triplicate , will bo lacolvml ut thUuilj/'n / lint 1 ! ! o'clock n. m. . Aluy 10. Is.1 ! ) , and tlion piionod , forfuruUhliigu.iiE and liny rrimliud In Do- piirtnicnt of the 1'lnttr. Uunnst liio lUcul year { -ndlng-luiio : w. I'W. Tbu United Mutes re- horvcs ( ho rluht to reject any or all blda. All Information furnished on application to this oHIuonrli ) the t > o\ural pu t iiuuiteriiiustcrs. iiuuliiCH : cmiulnlnit propolis to bo n.arked 1 Proposal * for for.i.'u. " and uddro.tol to OIlAUI.Kd T. UUMI'lllinV , captain mid ah- Blatant iii.urturiniistiir , U. b. tinny , ohluf yuarloriuaalur. li' ( rnoM TrsTF.mui'.s SRCOVH EDITIOV. ] ffilTFICIlT TO THE LAST Venezuela Revolutionists Not Vanquished by Govonimout Troops. PREPARING FOR ANOTHER ENGAGEMENT Ilitnilrrils of Cltlrniis AntlniK to liitnr tlin ItrhvN , Hut IVnr the Krsnll iifl'ru- R tliu AiiRpr ot tlin 1'olk'o. [ Cnfiut fulited JW Ii/Jiimf ; < fjonliitemu'l ' ] C\iiii't , Venezuela , ( via ISalvoston , Tex. ) , April S [ Hy Mexican Cnulo to the Now York Ilenild Special to Tut : Ilr.n. ] Clencral Crespo'.s revolutionary forces unquestionably mtt with a severe rovoMo iu the recent Ik-lit with iho government troops , but It scorns pretty certain now that tbo engagement was by no means decisive and the lender of the opposition forces in Iho Hold has not boon ut terly crushed. llo 1ms withdrawn from his former position and Is cngagr-d In organizing for a moro effective position , and his ad herents hope for a moro successful inovo niont. 1 am Informed from reliable sources that the volutlonlsis are constantly rccnlving accessions to their ranus nnd the activity ot the loaders of the movement 1 mooting with cratlfying results throughout the country. Tno main dlfllculty with the robots is Iho lack of nrms , und to siiyply this do- llciuncy Crojpo and his lieutenant's are bond ing every energy. The government is doing all It nan to nmko the censorship of the cable and telegraph sorvlca elToctivo. Thov now oxumino nil susiiclous ) mall nmttor. Little or no criticism of the government i& ucard In Caracas. The imprisonment of the supreme court has overawed the people nml convinced thorn that any oxprcsslon of opinion not fa- vorublo to 1'alucio is llablo to load to un pleasant consequences. It Is asscrtod by these friendly to Crospo that n great majority of the people through out iho country are against iho govornmoui , but they are afraid to declare openly for the rovoluiionstrv movement until it has been bettor organized and shows strength enough in Ibo Held to make success reasonably sure. " The condition of affair * here , nnd "in fact throughout the country , amounts to almost n reign of terror. There Is n feollnp of uncer tainty nnd dread among all classes of the peoplo. .Mlnlntor Kgan'n I'tans. VAI.I-AHAISO , Chill ( via Ualvosion , Tox. ) , April S. fI3y Mexican Cable lo Iho Nun- York Herald Special to THIS IJm : . ] United States Consul McCreerv told mo today that Minister PatrioK Euan hod boon olTored by Secretary of State Hlainu tlio appointment of minister cither to Paris or to I'okin. Mr. Euan , so Mr. McCreerv says , after thinking over the matter , declined both offers. llo did not want to go to Paris on the ground that it was too I'xpiuisivo. His objection to Pokln was the distance. . It has been decided by the vice presi dent of tbo Chamber of Doputics mat ho will not cull a so&sion of that body for tbo consid eration of matters relative to the accusations against the late President Halmacoda's min isters. The senate will meet for that pur pose , however , during tno latter part of tbo month. AVOIJIC OF A CONFIOHNGi : 31 AX. Ho .Sncccpils til Securing l/.uxo Sums uml OutuIttiiiK the 1'ollcc. ICopi/jfo'il'd ' biiJifnti rc.utto'i Dennett.t LOXDOX , April 8. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tuc BKR. | The police have not yet succeeded in capturing the en terprising swindler who masquerades under the names ot' Horicshoff and Guntor. I hoar today that his confidence operations cover a much wider aud moro ambitious arena than was at first supposed. His story to people who might bo supposed to have personal acquaintance with Gunter is that ho was an only brother of the author and was himi-olf a dramatist , but owing to the machi nations of a wicked partner his succosgfu tour of Australia with his own play came to " sudden grief , therefore no Unas "himself pen niless in n strange city. Among his latest victims are Kob rt McClure , llobert Barr , Lulto Sharp and Florence Wardentho novel ist. In each case , howovrr , the sum ob tained , owing to a suspicion excited by his manner , was smaller than it otherwise would bate been. Ho skillfully adopted the means to the end and , shedding his Gnu- tor skin , called upon the editor and yachtsman in the character of HerrosholT. His weak eyes , which nro family character istics , helped the Impersonation. Hero ho obtained an introduction to leading jacht brokers , one of whom entertained him nt the Junior Carltun club , whore after n liberal flow of wlno ho bpcame boisterous und at tempted to bieak a dinner service. Thit convinced the ynchtinir niaii that something was wrong in Herrcslioff's composition aud when the swindler called the next day bo was shown the door. Until the police cap- Uro him ho will endeavor to add luster to the namoi of Uunternncl Herrcshoft. Ex-Cougroastnun David It , P.dgo of Akron , O. , senior member of Pnigo , Carry & Co. , the New York nqueduct contractors , whoso notes to ( lie extent ol S-100,000 dollars have cone to protest , has turned up In London. Ho evidently intends avoiding observation. John Bookwalkor of Ohio saw him this after noon. liouUwulkcr and tbo fugitive are old friends but Puigo declined to recognize him and disappeared as rapidly as possible. IIo looks worn and haggard. Ho Is probably on his way to Carlsbad to talk matter. , over with John Huniliigton of Cleveland , whoso endorsements Poigo forged. iiuuti'itourrv. \VJmt Slid DrHlrca riu-tlrnliii ly from Iho United ntntrs .Mc-rclmntn. ICnpyrlylilHl IK ) } liy Jiimei d il'i > /eiinsl/.l PAIIIS , Apiil 8. [ Now Yarn Hor.tld Cable Special to Tun Bui : . | I have referred al ready many times to the tentative commer cial agreement between Franco nnd the United States. The question took u now turn today in the customs committee of thu Chamber , Al , Hocho , minister of com merce , explained that thn cabinet at Washington wanted to apply to Franco paragraph U of the AlclCinloy bill. Franco , bald the minister , prefers to nego tiate the mailer. \\oHond 17.OtW.OOU franoi worth of morchnmliso to America wo pay u duty of l. DJ.UJl ) francs. Amurlca demands equality. Franco demands ( inclusion , coffuo not fulling under paragraph ! ! of the McKinley - ley bill. America accepted. Then the American ilgurod were taken and the gov ernment proposed to allow tno United States to outer frto > ot duty 7iUO.OiJ ! ) ! francs worth of American inorchundlso composed of merino stuff ! ) , wooden paving blocks fresh fruits nnd staves for cjbks. The committee unanimously adopted the covonimcnt pro posal. JACQ.I-K.S Sr , Cr.iii : . p.ilil tlio rmiiilty Tniliiy. K'ojw W < I l * > > ! I' l J nnn < lnr t' > n I JsipuM. 1 PAUIN April H. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tin : BKI : . | Louis Anoatay , son- loncod to death for Iho niurdnr of Baronno Uellnrd , o-.i tbo Bojlovard du Temple , will bo ( { ulllotlnod at daybreak Saturday morn ing , The condemned man Is owaro of his fate , and is vary much downhearted. Ho has had n long interview with the chaplain of ( .iiiioijuotto prison , but at the snnio tlmo writes long loiters about hU posltivlst theo- lies. His father mudo u last attempt Friday to delay the execution by calling Jor a new medical examination us to his bon's sanity. A ! ialn * In ICK.vpl , [ i'niUiluMr < l iMiliuJame * dunlin lienneU 1 Cuito , April b , [ Now Yor-t Herald Cable Special to Till ! BIE. : | Tto ) sultun conHontod to Issue trade supplementary to the llnnan ut the request of iho French nnd Husslun ambassador * . Tim relieves the tension of the situation In Egypt. Keadintr of the llrnmn will piobaoly take placu Alon- uay or Tuesday , thus ullowlinf tbo French squadron time to arrive at Alexandria from Pioraus. _ HKU'l'Ktl IIIM Iff FOUII MIUXIM. .lark l.itU AdinltiUlrr4 n hlcoplnt ; Jlrauglit to I'liKllUt Krrr . Sioux CITV , In. , April 8 , [ Special Telu- t1 ram to Tin ; BKK.I Jack Davis of Omaha und Ifcefu , a local pu # , eugagcd In a tot to this ovonmtr. From tbu stcrt DuvU dcmuu strntctl his superiority over Ivoofo In sclonco nnd hitting rniuois , In fact had n wnlk- nwny. The go was a jughntullnd affair , mirt In the fourth Jack put hh opKnont | to sleep i with n vicious right bander In the jnw. Dnvls en mo out of the ring without n scratch. Will rli\7 a ? ( IrnniT iHlntul. GiiAMlsi.iN-t > , Nob. , Aprils. ( Spoclal to Tin : BKK.I- Frank Strntlon , nn outfielder of Jncksonvillci , Fin. ; William Hoafcr , of hist years' Cedar HapliU , nnil Ted Hoddy , tlio well known catcher , have been secured to piny ball for Gtaiul Island this season Work has nlruady bcijuii on the grounds and the fan is happy. _ itist'tr /JI.S.S/IMT/O.V. . Stilcldo of u Young louii Druggist . \llnr n I'rotnicli'd Drunk. Pr.tnir , la. , April 8. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BKK. ] Chnrloa A. Croft , n prominent young druggist of this place , committed stii- culo lust nl ht by taking thirty grains of morphine. Ho had boon in DCS Alotncs for two days dissipating , and on his nrrlvnl homo wns severely reprimanded by his father , llo Immediately took the morplilno und by hard iind constant attendance three doctors were nblo to keep him nlivo until about noon today. Ho \ \ as.M years old. It Is feared the mother may lose nor mind , Municipal Four Donne , In. , April S. | Spooinl Tele gram to THU Bii- : : ) Every cow In Fort Oodgo Is for sale. The last xosllgo of the sovereignty of the once famous Fort Dodge bovluo whoso supromai-v over the city wns explained far nnd wldo has ended. A your ago n coutitv herd law wns passed by county votes and it wns thought that the cow was doomed , The city government , however , was for iho cow nnd the county law was not unforced. The Usiio was not raised in the recent municipal election but vorv quietly nil atiil-oow nldor- men weio clcclod. The lirst ordinance passed by them was ono prohibiting any llvo stock irom running at largo in tho' city limits nt any time. Sold ( llcliuooil timid * . Gi.r.N\\ooi > , In. , April 8. [ Special to Tin : Bnc.J At tlio mooting of Iho oltv council last night sealed bids wcro opened for the purchase ol the if 10,000 vtor works bonds. A number of agents were In the city anxious to secure the bonds for tbolr respective houses. The .successful bidder was SplUer & Co. of Boston , paying the mapnllicout pre mium of $ Ull.fii > for tbu bond.- , , which run llf- tcen years at 0 per cent interest. Thruu vcars ago ? < ( ,000 was put into nn arioslan well pro Jcct which was only a partial BUWOSS. Tlio $10.000 will now bo lidded to thnt amount which will glvo Glonwood a Urn-class water works system. _ CoiicliiKlou of tinCoiifprFiirr. . CIIIS : > TOIn. . , April 8. ( Special Telegram to Tun Bni : . | Uov. H. AlnUlll , Jr. , of Cleveland land , O. , addressed the Evangelical confer ence last evening. Kova. L. N. Day , .1. H. Yaggi , S. A. Allllor nnd J.W. AlcCnrdy were today elected ns n board of examiners of the junior preachers for tbo ensuing year. Uov. J. II. Yuggi was elected editor of the confer cnco journal. Kov. .1. II. Yuggl wns elected conference trustee for three years. Stony City. la. , was selected as iho place for hold ing the next conference. lo Kduriitorx III Si'rtslon. BOOVE , la. , April St. ( Special Telegram to Tuts Bni.l : The central Iowa superinten dents' Kound Table convened bore today with superintendent ! ) present from Marshalltown , Cedar Hapids , Ues Moincs , .IcITerson. Knoxville - villo , Ames , Nevada and ono representative of Chicago schools , Prof. Piper. The meet ing continue * tomorrow , boingdevoted to Iho discussion of school questions. Dninugi'H for tin1 Virtlm of il Wrrrh. CCIIAH K.M'IIH , In. , April 8. ( Special Tele gram to Tin : BKC.J The case of C. C. Car penter against the Chicago , AIHwmikeo & bt. Paul railroad for $ -0,001) for personal in juries received In the Cnon Haplds wreck , was decided tu the federal court today , Tbo jury awarded Carpenter W59. Agrcril Hltli tlin Itallro.iiU. Sioux Cirr. In. , April 8. iSpeoial Telegram gram to THK BKU.J Alter two years of no- gotmtlon and wrangling the city council and tbo Illinois Central nnd Iho Chicago , St. Paul & Minneapolis companies today acrocd on plans for nn extensive viaduct over tbo railroad traclts. The cost will be about $50,000. _ IOHII Minors Will -Urot. OirrsiWA , la. , April 8. President . S. Scott of tbo United Alino Workers associa tion of Iowa announces n state convention ot Iowa miners nt Oskaloosa April H and 15 to discuss the legislative action reiuslng miners certain laws. runcral ol .Mrs. ,1. Walll * Ohl. The remains of Airs. J. Wallis Ohl will arrive in Omaha Sunday aftornoxm nt 5 o'clock in n private car , accompanied by Mr. and Airs. E , A. Thayer , Key. .f. Wullis Ohl and Mr. Byron Graves. , Tbo funeral service's will bo held at St. # f Barnubas church tit 5:30 : uml interment ilier bo mndo in tbo Human family grounds In Prospect Hill cemetery. ] Imm : Do Stoiu-K Isllril. Slotx FALLS , S. D. , April 1. The bill of exceptions for a new trial in thoDo Steurs divorce case rnakci the now point thut thn court hero had no jurisdiction bcau&u the baron is cmbassador to Franco und'tho stat ute of the United Stains declares that the supreme court has exclusive Jurisdiction Iu suits against ombassadors. The statute is meant , of course , to an ply to embissailors to the United States. SleaincT ArniuU. At Bremen -Truvokon , from Now York. At London Sighted : City of Chicago and Island , from New York. At Now York Hermann , from Bremen. At Stotln Ilecln , from Now York. The United States nnd Bra/11 mail steamer Soiruerauea , from Now York Alarcb 111 , ur- rived at HIOiTunoirn April 7. Slio will sail for Now York April 10. WORST FORM ECZEMA , i mod Bo.-t Motlicul SldM for Eight Months. Ouroil 1 1 Two Montln by Outlcuru BomodlcH. 'Ilil * l toroillfy tliat dill I uf mlim Im I I In Its worst furm niul wlilr'i tlio IM-V uinlnMl" * skill which could lie cuijiloyuil Intro. Tlin I ttlo uf lorcr wu tr i > ; > ol In nvuny for Mtlcuit I'l.ulil nmnllii Mr immilis ut llui' Hum IU Miirnrhu "M * Huii'l/ iniloM. Ilirn I licv'iui tliu i Hiuf tln < ( 'iitlfiiru lleimi illfx. In tnn iiHuitlit Ihu IIWlllI lIlHCHVO llU'l Ct'llHU I I t.i M'rcciiiKc , uml nijr i mlli.i : I"X liml rut. itml li nil MI | irnriiuiui tliu ill- mi ic liuil jk'Mi'il but I iriulmii'il tlio mcilUInu for uru > id munllii nftor no tni1' ! ) oonl I liu fci'i'n of It on ativ imri of 111 * bo Ijr. Tlio tloi-loriilu'rij nlclic'il tliu III.U.IHD wllli inun.i , niul tunlil oiihr my. y o liiorm ! " Tlio iii.uwn l.iiii ill Hf iu I nllo.nnil murlHMlr iiiutli Miri'Hn * ! . l' l tmiiki to l till cum liuimil ut. foul I liu roluiiiiiltliliivuiii'iirtlilliul wiiuliioiukuu father to njolcu ft nm > , y Him il Im whmt tliu nttlulimmoiit i.miuoulil liiu : > niu-li ! \ igui- ely uilinnU. Cji-uiioitriillliuroKllli I J. A. MLULi- : . Hunker lllll , Iml. A . li 1 1 will hrmiuh t to mo with c hrtinlo COLMIIH Hint ( mil iiuiloil fpU'inlul Irfiiliiiunt from luimr v inlilo tur . . \ ii'Uiilnr il. l ) . , lioiilil IIIIMI ibiitluuuil Klin Iliirlirutincni , Init IhoiiJ'it It unulVM N > pill It oil UI.IHUIM. . . ' " ' ' " ' " { S'1 , ! , HV. M. U . l-u > u. la. Cuticura Resolvent Tliu iinw DliKjU unJ Hkln rurllh'r , InUtriiulljr , aii'l ' Crrn i'ii.tliu uifiti ' kin ( % iin . nml iTrn mi hu i * , tli uiquKltu Hkln lIuHiillller , internally. Int'uiiliy rullVunml ( | > um. | yeurftuvorx ill uii u nu.l liuuinror tha .kin. pcalji nii4 liluul , ltli lux nf Inlr , fruiu Infancy t" mo.lroui iilinplci tu surutulu. fciiM eviTjwiuri' : . I'rlce , cirriri'MA. tfic i , 2.V. , IU.SIH.V , il riciuiu | > i uy tim I'm run lmiu ; /.Nii'ilK > iitAi.i'i > irniiAiiiiN lioiton. l/fhi'iiilllor "lluw to turu Milu ll ) ca ci. " Cl p.iu'u , io llnisirallociinnil luitoiilliiionliil * . n t nV ) ( f Bklu iiial Uculp purllluil uuJ tuuutlUuJ by DAD I o Cl'ricflU boApAbiolutPly P'lro , * TEAK , PAINFUL BACKS , ICIdiu-y nud Uterine I'ttlnn ami Weuk nu > u * rullotii'l In linn iiiliiulu hy Ilio l UUCl IU AMI I'AIV I'l.AMTl.ll. tliooul/ lnn ul iit'"U tiul