THE OMAHA DATL BEE : SUN DAV , ' APRIL 10 , 1892 M. Quad's Corner. ARIZONA KICKER AND OTHER STORIES. BY "M. QUAD" . r. n. n CHANCED IT. While wo were ever nt Lone Trco the other day , Steve Watson wanted us to marry him to n pirl niunett Rarason , who baa bcon liv ing In the family of Major Uastines , \Ve knew wo couldn't do it as editor , but wo were not BO certain in our capac ity as mayor. Wo finally agreed to take the chances on It if Steve and the girl would , anil the result was that they were made one. We used the regular form followed by clergymen , but put in n proviso that if Steve ever stopped his subscription to our paper the marriage ehould bo considered null and void. Until wo have time to look up the Isw in the case wo will marry any and every couple appearing before us for that ob ject , charging only one year's cash sub- ecription to The Kicker. If it transpires later on that wo had no authority the ceremony can be gone through with elsewhere or things left as they stand , but the subscription must be considered n go Please call at the mayor's office between 2 and 4 in the afternoon. GAUD OF THANKS. The undersigned takes tbis method of returning his heartfelt thanks to the fitly or more citizens who gathered on Thursday evening with the intention of pulling him up to a limb , but who courteously and patiently listened to his explana tions and finally decided to give him one more ihow : I cstnn to this town under Jalso pretenses , as I hereby publicly admit. I claimed to be a bad man Irom the Bad Lands , and extract ed to sort o1 run things. I am not a bad man but only a weak imitation. Instead of bar- ln < r killed flvo men , as I publicly boasted , I struck the wrens town , and instead of trying to play bad man any longer , I am troing to work. I will put tn ten hours a day at any ort of labor for $ ! 5 a week , and I trust that I may in Umo secure the respect ana Rood will of the eentlemea who sqjfnndly refrained from pulling1 on the other end of the rope. My two guns and my bowie knifn are for ale cheap , as I bavo no further use fortbem. HANK SCOTT , Ex-Bad Alan from the Bad Lands. TALLY AOART. Recognizing the fact that this town has done much for Ihe Kicker , and feeling deeply grateful and desiring to show our appreciation in a substantial manner , we have purchased in the eatt and shall present to the town a hand fire engine of latest pattern. At the present date the solo outfit of our Ore department consists of a step ladder and an old tin pail , and we are at the mercy of the devouring element We are no plarmist , but we must confess that o.ur slumbers have been nisrhtly disturbed by visions of red tongued flames licking their fiendish course up and down Apache avenue devouring saloon after saloon , wiping out ono poker room after another , attacking one edifice after another , until the haavenb for miles around were lighted with the baleful glare of a conflagration full of disaster to our appalled and helpless citi/.ens Our present will bo named after our paper. We are not as thoroughly posted as wo hope to be on fire engines , but we venture the statement thnt this ono is full jeweled , return flues , patent cylinders acd copper bottomed , and that every citizen of the town will be proud of it Wo understand that his honor the mayor ( who is our&elf ) , will soon issue a call for a public meeting to organize n fire companv. Wo suggest that ho be made chief of the fire depart ment , while wo hereby announce our readiness to serve as foreman if elected. Tne encino is expected to arrive in about four weeks. IT'S Oun WAY As our contemporary ha = only -160 circulation and is often obliged to come out on a half sheet or t.filcip publication altogether , what lie says regarding us has BO opportunity to reach the public. For this reason , and because we are kind hearted by nature , we permit him to use our columns this week as fol lows , and make no charge whatever : "We hereby announce to the public , and have documentor ; evidence to prove our al legations , that the editor of The Kicker fol lowed the traffic of body snatching for iubrn than five years in the state of Ohio , and that be escaped Irom Jollel while ho had yet two voars to serve. We further add that we havu armed ourself to shoot him on sight. EniroK Bio BONANZA. As to his changes , they are chestnuts two years old , nnd will only make people - plo smile. As to his shooting us , bo has tried it on five different times and mis erably failed. Wo will stand up against a wall nod let him shoot six times at us from a distance of ton feet , and if ho plants ono bullet within twelve inches of any part of us wo will donate { 50 for a local hospital. Ho doesn't be long' out hero at all. His sphere lies in peddling popcorn in the effete east. M. QUAD'S CAT SPECULATION. As you came up the trail you first truck "Big Hopes" diggings , which hod a population of about 300 miners. r'Two miles farther on you came to "Aunt Sally Flat , " which had a population of 100 loss Only a mile farther down was "I-want-to-go-homo" town , tbo popula tion of which was anywhere between seventy-five and SCO. Some men who wanted to go home packed up and lit out ; others who wanted to go had to around for wings to fly with. Ono day notices were posted up in all the towns for a public meeting to be held at "Aunt Sally Flat" on the third day after. It was announced that a crisis bad 'arrived , and that able speakers would be present to discuss it and point out the remedy. Mining was hard work and poor pay that season , nnd we wore ready to welcome even a crisis. There were plenty of miners who didn't know a crisis from a climax ; but they were will ing to loan thn difference , and on "the date appointed everybody knocked ofi work , washed bis hands and put in an appearance. If any one expected to bear that the time bad come to declare war against England , march into Mex ice or demand that Uncle Sam furnish us fresh butter ho was disappointed. Colonel Bill Taylor was ono of the "able speakers" ami be began with the landing of the pilgrims and scaled down to "Aunt Sally Flat , " and announced that we must import 500 cats as soon as possible or prepare to abandon the neighborhood. Wo were not only being overrun by rats nnd mice , but every man v , a. homesick for the presence of a cat. If 600 women could be induced to come out and marry us and make our homes happy , then get 600 cats. "Wo men first cats a good second. A gri malkin ou the hearthstone , after the toil of tbe day , would remind us of home , soften up our hearts and make better men of us. Without the refining influence of cats none of us could hope to reach that bolter land. Cats long- tailed or bobtallod , striped or spotted but wo must have cats. lie was followed by Judge Hopkins , who acknowledged in a sneaking sort of way that ho would rather see the old family cat than his wifa and seven chil dren. He wanted a cat to hold on his knee as ho eat and looked into the fire and called up recollections of days gone by. He wanted to stroke her fur nnd hear the p-u-r-r-r-r. which wouH 'jring up a vision of an idiot sottin// / out from his farm in Ohio to slash around among the mountains of the west with a pick axe and a backache. The judge wept as ho talked of homo ; ho wept still harder as he talked of cats. Give him n cat and he would live on and not care a cent whether school kept or not The old oaken bucket , a smoke house , a pig pen. a barrel of soft soap , any of these would gladden and cheer and encourage , but only temporarily. Ho didn't want 600 women to come out there , as his wife would be sure to bo ono of the drove , but he did want cats , and he wouldn't be captious about the color. Other speakers followed in the same strain , and it wr.s finally voted to con tribute a purse and send a man east for cats. No contribute no cats. On their arrival each cat was to become currency , representing S10. Any attempt to dis count was to be considered the same as murder in the second degree. As 1 had a broken arm nnd was laying off , the choice fell upon mo to go cnst , collect the cats and lead them into the promised land. In due time I struck Leaven- worth. In two days I cleaned that town up so thoroughly that for six months afterward the owner of a cat was too stuck , up to speak to the mayor. Then I went to Atchison and secured every thing down to a kitten which had just got its right eye open. They still insist that I sot that town back fhe years by my fiendish expedition. St. Joe was bed rock. I took 322 cats out of that town behind a two-mule team , and was out of range before tbe terror-stricken people had recovered their presence of mind. It is firmly believed in St Joe today that but for mo there would have been no Chicago or Kansas Citj\ Real estate had declined " 0 par cent before I got across the Missouri. When I finally left Topeka I had 606 cats. There was only ono left in the state of Kansas , and she was blind in one 030 and dying of old ago. I had two wagons fitted with cages and had two tender hearted men employed to help me care for the cargo. I started with an emigrant train , but after the first night out the people threatened my life and I had to cut loose. The cats were reasonably quiet during the day. but as soon as night fell it seemed tis if the front and back gates of pandemonium had been swung wide open and a prize chromo offered. Strong men turned gray haired that night and next morn ing three innocent children were buried in one grave When near the Colorado line we were attacked by hostile Indians. They had been hovering about during the after noon and as night fell they gathered to reap the harvest of scalps. There ee med to be about four hundred of them , all imbued with a great deal of entnusiasm , and they had closed in for business when a Leavenworth tomcat happened to look cross-eyed from a chap from St Joe and a row was the cense quence. In one minute after time was called COO cats of all ages , sizes and colors and each with a voice strictly his own , began singing out. It was a calm , still night just the sort of a night to bo scalped by Indians and the row in the wugona could bo heard five miles. We heard the chief calling out to his war riors not to bo alarmed , and not to desert their country in her hour of peril , but he couldn't hold them. They fell over each other in their haste to get away and scalp some tenderfoots camped tweh'e miles to the north of us , and we were not again molested. The same Indians afterwards went about the coun try warning their esteemed contem poraries that we were "bad medicine" and would steal tomahawks off a dead warrior's grave and to have nothing to do with us. It was a mean piece of "businf-ss , but you can't expect much good of an Indian. Ono fall day we drew near "Big Hopes' diggings. Everybody in the three towns dressed up in his best and came out to welcome the conquering hero and tbe cats. Every man who had two shirts tied one of them to a pole for a flag. Every ono who could yell did so. Only eleven cata had died of grief en route , and there was still a cat apiece. Speeches wore made and a quartet sang , 'I Want to Be an AngeL" Men who had never exhibited tbe slightest emo tion , oven when accidentally struck with a pickax , now wiped tears from their eyes. Wo went into town with men cheering , mules b-aying , flags waving and cats yowling , and it was unani- inouslv Unsolved. That we celebrate the day : that after the celebration is over tre divide UD the cats. cats.Wo Wo celebrated. There were three barrels of "celebration" rolled out , and no ono was excused. Next morning we crawled out to divide up , but there was nothing to divide. Some boozy idiot bnd opened all the cages during the night , and every cut was gone. Some we're making for Pike's peak others were on tboir way to Leavenworth to renew old ties. We st > ent a week track ing ono old Tom who was undecided which route to take , but he gave us toe dodge and we packed up and abandoned the country. "We know that luck was agin us. GOT LEFT OX UYENA ROAST. As we drove along over a South Carolina lina highway we encountered a circus and menagerie on tbo move , and when clear of it vro came upon a dozen men standing around the dead body of a hy ena. The animal had .died in his cage und been hauled out on the ground. Ho was old and faded nnd hia fur rubbed off in spots , and the circus people decided that his pelt was not worth taking. The party was about to move on when up i ode the proprietor of a country hotel about four miles further down the road. "Look t-here gentlemen , " he said when tbe incident had been explained to him , "would yo' hev any objections to my cuUln' off a hind quarter ol that hyena and takln it uoma ? " "Of course not : but what can you want of it ? " "Wall , Jedge Ridley , of this circuit , will be along today and he will utop with mo fur dinner. The jedge is a mighty old man. Ho'll ride up to the hosa block about half post 11 o'clock and sing out : " 'Hellol the tavern1 ! " 'WulU jedge , glad to see yo1 , ' " 'Kin I hev dinner1 " 'Ofco'ee. ' " 'Kin I hev roast hyena fur dinner ? ' " 'Yo' kin. Git right down and come In. I was expecting yo' , and I've got the nicest piece of hyena yo' over did put yo'r tooth into in all yo'r bo'n days. ' ' "That's what I want a hind quarter fur , ' continued the landlord , "The jedge is odd and I want to please him. " He was told to take the whole body if he wanted it , but ha contented hiouelf with a quarter , and was in a ha ppy frame of mind as ho rode on with u . Wo were booked to stop at hl place fet dinner , and wo cot around there jusr before the judge and his white mule came into vlow down the dusty road. All wera anxiously waiting when his honor rode up at a jog trot , stopped at the horse block and called out : " ! ! " "Hollo the tavern "Hollo , jodgo ! " replied the landlord , as ho stepped out into view. "Kin I hev dinner yero ? " "Of ' ' " co'seyo'kin. "I'm powerful hungrv. " "Glad to hear it , jedgo glnd to hoar it" "And I'm sorter perticklor about my catin' . " "Yes , I know. " " ' mind made fur "I've got my up fur' ' "Reckon yo' hov , jedgo. and yo' won't bo disappointed , " put in the landlord as ho grinned and rubbed his hands at thought of the roast hyena back in th a kitchen. "As I was savin' , " continued his honor , as he slowly dismounted , " 1'vo had my mind made up fur some rhinoceros potpie - pie , and bein' as you'vo got it I guess I'll stop with yo' while the rnowl takes a rest" Wo tried to urguo the landlord Into the belief that life was worth the living , but it couldn't bo done. Ho sat down nnd beckoned for death to come and strangle him. M. QUAD. Whitman on LlncitJn. Ono of the poems of Walt Whitman that hat especially ondnard tnru to the American people Is the ono on the death of Lincoln. It is not only more rhythmical and musical than most of his verso , but it ts wrUtcn in tuch a form as to nppaal to those to whom the poets usual method Is a mystery. It is as follows : O captain I my captain' our fearful trip Is done ; The ship has weathered every rack , the prize wo soucht is won ; The port Is near , the bells I hear , the posple all exulting. While follow ej-es the steady keel , the vessel prim and danup ; ButO heart' heart' hoartl O the bleeding drops of red. Where on Ine deci : my captain lies , Fallen cold and dead. OCaptnin * my captain I rise up nnd hear tto bells ; Rise up forvou the flag is flune for you the buplo trills ; For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths for you < he shores a crowding ; For you they call , toe swaying mass , their caper Janes turning ; Here captain' dear father' This arm beneath your head ; It is some dream that on the declr , You've fallen cold and dead. My captain docs not answer , his lips are pale aadstlU ; My father docs not feel my arm , ho has no pulse nor will ; The ship is nnchor'd safe nnd sound , its voy age closed and done. From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won. Exult , O shores , and ring , O bells 1 But 1 , with mournlul tread. Wain the deck mv captain lies , Fallen cold and dead. HON. FKEUEHICK DOUGLASS And the freeman , the Grrat > "e ro Xeirspa- per , I'nblUhrd at President Harri son's Home. The twenty-five or thirty years of freedom and citizenship which the black man has had in this country has demonotrated ois sterling worth and his ability to cope with the white man In nearly erery profession In the pulpit and iu Journalism , perhaps more than in any direction , has ho shown his ability to keep up with , and in tact almost lead the proces sion. There are more than 200 colored news papers published in the United States. The largest , tbo greatest and most successful one is the Freeman , published at Indianapolis , Ind. , President Harrison's home. It is a negrc journal in the broadest sense , that its type-setters , artists , editors , and in fact ail of tne work done on the paper is done by colored people. Another novel feature of the paper is that it is illustrated , and each week is fnll of illustrations showing the witty and humorous side of negro life , and eiving the pictuies and sketcnos of repre sentative colored men and women uho have won distinction tn the last two decades. Hon. Frederick Dojglass writes to the ed itor ot The Freeman thus "CcDJin HILL , AXTIACOSTA , D. C. , Sept. 13 , 1S9L My Dear Cooper : Great Is yonr cour age in publishing such a paper as The Free man. I thought I showed soma confidence in myself , and some faith in my people , \vhen more than forty years ago 1 b can the publi cation of the Northern Star in Rochester , N. Y. . but my courage was feeble hen com pared with jours. You have taken noon vourself a peculiar burden that cnrtainly amazes me. and I have been looking and lis tening for the word 'failure. ' I can not im agine how you keep up such a paper. Vou have ability I know , but something moro than mental ability is needed to publisn a paper lue your paper. You need money as well as mind. Yours. Tbe Freeman is an eight page quarto paper. printed on fine book paper , and gotten up in artistic stylo. It is recognized as the na tional organ of tbe nine millions of colored people In tbis country , and is a fearless and independent champion of their rights. The subscription pnce is fi40 a jear , a very low price when toe style , quality , and general worth of tbe paper is considered. Agents are wanted in every city and town in the United States. Sample copies and instructions will besent to all persons addressing The Free man , .Edward E. Cooper , publisher , Indiana polis , Ind. Wer-riso WATER , Neb. . Ost. 23 , 1S90. Dr. Moore My Dear Sir : I have just bought the third bottle of your Tree of Life. It is indeed a "Tree of Ufe. " Dr. , when you so kindly gave me that first bottle my right side was so lame and core and my liver enlarced so much that I could not lie upon my ngbt side at all. There vrus a soreness over my Sidneys all of the time , butnow lhat trouble is all over. I sleep just as well ou one side as on tbo other , and my sloop rests aud refreshes mo and 1 feel the best I've felt in fifteen years , and I know that it U all due to yoor Tree of Life. Youri very tr uly , D. F. DCDLEI- . AOniCVI.TUIt.lL UU31OK. American farmer. Political straws ryo. Good feed needs good sense mixed with It , half and half. Do theop payl No , anyone ought to know that sheep ba-o. Improving our national waterways is some thing \\ecanawl approve. The most profitable plaoo to put feed li to stick it onto the animal's ribs. Tbe rooster that crows off his own fence must be ready tn fence as well as crow. More furrows in the field * would some times make less furrows in tbe forehead. When the snow banks begin to liquidate it will bo a good time to float your saw logs. "Your : for homo consumption , " said tbo boy as ua climbed to the jam shelf of the pantry. The f.rst political agitator begun by per suading the first farmer that ha was "down trodden. " A good farmer can discover more In a forty acre farm than Columbus got out of the whole continent. Tie the old plow handle with twine and buy a KO willow baby carriage upholsters d with plnih and blue silk. An urcbln Interviewed a bumblebee on the window pane , and repotted that ba had * 'bumicel d him wii his bum. " A man who signs himself "A Plain Farmer" ought never to allow himself to bo ruffled if ho U called "countrified. " Notice. Unscrupulous dealers bave been detected solllnc spurious Bitters under tbe name of India and Indian Bitten ofour "Ken nedy's East India Bitters , " We shall prosecute all such persons to tbe full extent of the law. Our "East India" Bitters are never sold in balk. Call for the genuine , which are manufactured and bottled only by oursalvej and under our trade mark label. luta&Co. co.v A vn H r IT/ES. Dusky wives csnbohad in New Guinea for an ate apiece. Fashion note for yoringmsn this leap year is remarkable for newdotlgns. Of course whan a man marries his flitao be expects she will butia the kitchen fire. A young man can never pain favor with a pretty trirl by telling her noxv pretty he thinks some other girl of her acquaintance U. He I don't see how a girl can rainy a maa she's known only two weeks. She And I don't see how she can marry one sho's known longer. Vickers When I wai first married 1 loved my wife so much I felt a though i cuald oat her. Brown And nowl Vickers Ahl now ( sich ) 1 wish I had. " 1 have boon In nineteen engagements,11 boastcd Colonel Battles , the old war horse "And how many times have you boon married 1" asked Miss Elder , with deep interest terost Sue Would you bellovo that I h&vo no fewer than five young men on my hands a < the present tlmol Blanche ( glandag at Sue's hands ) Yc * . dear , I can nudity balfovo It. There is ample room for them. A Denver man wanted to get rid of his wife and accomplished his ond. flo Indulged in perjury to sucb a degree In dlvorco pro ceedings ho instituted that the judge gave him fourteen years In the penitentiary. Alonzo Will you marry mo , Matilda ! Mm- tllda ( not wishing to Appear too willing ) Ob , Alonzo1 You are so sudden. Really i will have to take n whole month to think It over. Alonzo ( retiring ) Very well : do so. I will do likewise. The encasement of Miss Anna Margaret Gelssenhainer , daughter of Congressman J. A. Geis enhainer , of New Jersev , to Mr. Charles Elliott Warren , son of Dr. George William Warren , of New York , is an nounced. Ihe wedding Is booked for April 19. Mr. Vntter ( apnroaching ladv in black ) Mrs. Jonc , will you honor mo" with the first dancol Mrs. Jones ( with a slow smile ) V "ith pleasure , Mr. Vatter. But you must oromlso to dance very , verv slowly , for I am still wearing mourning for dear Mr. Jones. Tbo wedding of Mlis Elizabeth French and Colonel the Hon. W. Eaton is to take place at Newport in June. Tne latter is a son of Lord Cheylesmero , ono of the Jubilee peer ? , a great silk manufacturer of Coventry , who is enormously wcalthv. and had the peerage conferred upon him for what ho had done lor commerce. A unique triple wedding feast xvas enjoyed In a Bohemian village early this month , when a young couple were married on the same day that the parents of tbe bridegroom celebrated their silver wedding and his grandparents their golden wedding. On the same day a diamond svoddlne was celebrated at Helllcenkreuz near Vienna. Mis * Mao Knowlton of Brooklvn and Count Johannes von Francken-Sierstorpoff will be married on Wednesday. Apru 27 it will bo a brilliant wcddintr. The bride will be ar rayed with great splendor in sj.tin , point lace aad diamonds. Count Sierstorpff will bo in his uniform ot first lieutenant of Second Dra goons of the Imperial Guard of Berlin. Anent the wedding of Frank Carolan r.nd the younsest daughter of George Pullman , it is reported that Mr. Pullman ha * pur chased the famous Colton mansion on Neb Hill , San Francisco , and will present It to the yonng people. The mansion is the finest specimen of Greek architecture in the coun try. It was built Uv6aty years ago and cost over a million. r You may ive a bride a silver ohotograph frame , with a tinted -picture of yourself in it ; a stiver smelling bottle , a pin with her name in gold scroll studded with perns , a silver menu book , cookery books bound tn white and gold , a batrjrle bracelet with your initial and hers interwoven , a pair of silver grape scissors , a gold safety pin with a diamond mend upon the bar , or a chock. Tne engagement is announced in New York of Miss Alary Tallmadge Trevor and Mr. Grcnvlllo Wintbrop. Miss Trevor is verr much liked She has a fortune of J3,000.Xb ( ) or more that she inherited froni her father , the late John B Trevor. The motner of the fiancee , Mrs. Trevor , U Ida vice president of tbo Society of Colonial Dames. Ono of her ancestors , named Talltnaoge , was the com mandant at West Point in Washington's timo. A little more than sixty years ape in the town of Littleton , Mass. , John P. Keed caneht in his outstretched arms the form of a young ladv who hud jumped from an upper window ; a panic bad resulted from the civ- inp way of the floor and the supports of tne church gallery. Quick-witted braverv had its reward. Lost Monday Mr. Head aad tbo eirl he had caught celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of their wedding at their homo in Lexington , Mas ? . WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP For the Skla , Solp and Complrxlon. t The rcxult ofo years * experience. I At OlUl. . or -.t l 7 mull. 3 50c" * Sampla Cti and 1U p re fBotk on Itrm rnlory and * t lllnttrtttxl , on ftlu zx-alp Nerroo f ana Eloml Dl ruei and a. lr trn t- US Bwut. BMll fee&leii. fOf lHfittre- -r IDMIU , Birth Mark I , Holei , Warti , loiila gr Ink and Potrdtr Xarki. Scan , PUtlno , KMuei rf Jfon , . - EopentniMil Hair. Hm- , . _ jetc. removed. Oonisltatlanttve , at oOweor bjmaU. JOHN H. WOODBURr , Dermjtological Institute , 15 Treat 12nd &treet. Kevr York City. Baby's cheek is like a pe ch. Is it Madame Ruppert's bleach ? No ! but baby's mania's cheek Volume ? to its praise doth speak ! Call for Mme Ilnppert'a book , llnw to 1 > 8 Deatitl fal of Mrs J Benson. 21& S. loth M. Omiba , Neb STOPS THE ACHE AS NOTHIHG ELSE WILL. NO KLMEDY KNOWN PENETRATES THE TISSUE LIKB WOOD'S PENETRATING in advanc : of or- dinar ' plas- pi flCTCD ) porous r * * * i ur -w is ters < lhat whr lt succeeds uhjr WOOD'S PLASTER is worth taking trouble to get. SOLO IV DRrCCISTS EVERYWHERE N. V. Dcpat , 91 William St GONSUMPTiON. I h a pmtiTo remedy f or th aboredueaM , byiti nte thousand ! of ca c of the wont kind and uf lane clandi&ff bare been cored. Indeed to etrone is my futh in lU efflcacy. th t I will aead TWO BOTTLE * FBIKrith a VALUABLK TREATISE oa this daeu to any raf ferer vbo will send me tbrir Kxprrei and 1 * . O , addrena , T. A. SIocuui. 31. C. , 183 Pearl fM. . N. V. PINE SPECTRGLES Eye Glasses. or tba correction of aHdefect of rltloa { Solid Cold Spectacles From K 03 op ward Fine Steel Spectacles from II Oa upward Protectani improve your eyesight. Your eyes tested trea by a prastlcal Optician. MAX MEYER * BRO. CO Established JB6G. KAUNAM and ICth. _ PEQUOT A 10-MINDTE TALK wits an able , coniclentlous , iklllful and tae > cessful Specialist , inch as each member and 6 oh trained aislit- ml of itie famous Srm ot Drs. Belts & Betts Is anlversilly conceded to be , mar be worm more tbaa $10,000 to tbe man wno la tick , and who has tried all ther means to secure relief , but in rain. And ret that UUz , valuable .3 It IB , Costs Nothing1 , it held la the private consultation rooms of Drs. Betts & Betts , . 'or consultation la free , net only to those who nil In person , but alto to all the afflicted who writs tuelr symptoms lallr aul enclose stamp 'or reply. Maybe the patient li suffcrlnc from * ome one ot those numerous , ret dellrato malaale * , which polltt tocletr doea not see proper to dtscosi at a seoUl - Ul topic. In short too mar be afflicted wlta Syphilis , Gonorrhoea or Gleet. We can cure htm. It inar ba Seminal Weakness. Bad enough , bnt no matter , we con cura him. It mar be Stricture , or nydrocele , or Varieocet ? . Great misfor tunes , trulr , but we can cure him. Probably Piles , Fistula or Rectal Ulcers. A terrible affliction , but we can cure him. him.Sexual Sexual JitiortJtrs. diseases and weakness. Nervous , Cnronlcand 1'rirato Diseases we cura them ill. salcly , snrelr , speedily and eflectnally , br methods the most advanced , humane ana suc cessful. Sena 4 cents for cur handsomely Illustrated 120-naeebook. Consultation free. Call , or write , enclosing stamp. e 19 South 1-lth St , N. E. Corner Hth and Douglas Sts. Qinalia , KTefo. PURE RYE. is a whiskey smooth as cream , particularly pleasant to the taste and guaranteed to be absolutely pure By reason of its age and nch quality it is recommended by physi cians to sufferers from Inng diseases , heart failure and weakness succeedin g La Grippe. It has no rival for sideboard use. You may know it by its delicious flavor and the proprietary bottle in which it is served. Call for Cream Pure Rye and take no othr. For sale at all first-class drinking places and drug stores. ir DALLEMAND & CO. . Chicago. \ \ s ud th * marTploDB Fr nrh 'p f * Kemedy CALTHOS fiw , and a I b Cx \ lesal guarnatoe that CALIHOS will * "PE" S r CURE Si r > rmctnrrlirmHrtxtIe ? 6 - \ And ItESTOItELoctIcor. . C'sc i/ anrfay ifzaitf ed , A4dr , VON MOHL CO. . I Anicma iffcaU , OBci B U , Okie. Easily , Quickly , Permanently Restored. V koe" . JSer oa nf , Drblllly. and all the train ot evlli from early errors or later ercessei. toe reiulu of OTerwork. sleknesa , worry , etc. Full strength , derelopmect. and tone ctTen to erery organ and portion ol tbe body. Simple , natural luetb < xl . Immediate Improvement peen. r allure Imp nsiblo S.UUO references. Uouk. explanations tnapruofa mailed omledlfreo. Address ERIK MEDICAL CO. , BUFFALO. N. f AWNINGS KASKETs OMAHA TENT AND OMAHA BASKET FACTORY - AWNING CO , TORY Hats , hammocki. oil aal Capacity 6000 oer day robber clotnlnz Send for racking boxea to order. catalogue , 1113 Farnani OlHie 801 Can.Av. Tel 17T5 BREVKRS. . FRED KRUG BRfcW- OMAHA BREWING ING CO , ASSOCIATION Onr bottled cabinet beer Guaranteed to equal out- oellTered to any part > ) < le bran-li Vienna of the city Export boulea bwr 10U7 Jackion Street dfUrere4 to famlllei 130XKS. OMAHA BOX FACTORY JOHN U WILKIE , and Doretallal Manufacturer of paper bcxei Capacity 5.UU per boiof lBT-i ! Bt.Mary-1 diy E it Omaha , Tel. U ! U BOX noi Avenue. UOILEKS. 1 BUILDERS. WILSON DRAKE JNO P. THOMAS Contractor of brick , iton * Tabular float , oil and & all ktudi masonry and voter taaks. treoca- mfc Uulldlnz. evrer and tu ( , ( neei Iron work. etc. klderalk brut. 1 * . O bar 1Mb. and Pleroa ObJ I BUIOK. WESTERN STEAM BRICK YARDs All kind , of t > rlckt.ita & I1. & . U. U ! L J. i'Tnomai Proprietor OARIUAGES. THEOSTEflHO'JDT. dprtn Wazoa Mf Co Incorporated. BepalrUu on itorl no tice. CWrUj * palBtinz. UU11303 Cai * . Tel Itil. COFFEE , ETO , I COPPER. CONSOLIDATED I HONACK i KAESSNER COFFEE CO CopperimltUf. . " Copper work of all klnU. Importer * aid Jobberj , , HU Uarntj fit 1 EU3.18U. Mcuruna Uses SANTA CLAUS/ / "for Clothes Too- l/SE SANTA CiAUS SOAP * e = = - = 3 . CHICAGO , la THE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and bowels , purify the blood , are pleasant to take , safe and always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness , Blotches on the Face , Bright's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation , Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered Stomach , Dizziness , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence , Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives , Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite , Mental Depression , Nausea , Nettle Rash , Painful Digestion , Pirn- pies , Rush of Blood to the Head , Sallow Com- plexion , Salt Rheum , Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling , Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every other symptom or dis- ease that results from impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating are benefited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross $2 , sample bottle 15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY , New York. .1&9S + ThfUNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS that the Behr Bros. & Go's. PIANOS Hare attained , and the hili nrai-e they tone elitltcl from the world'- MOST UK- NOW NED AKTISTS. from the press and from a public loti ? prejudice 1 in fcror of Ider makes it N safe to asitiiiiB tliat Hii instrument mint be possessel of UNC JI 31U.S ATTRIBUTES. ATTRIBUTES.MAX MEYER & BRO. CO. , Sole Agents , Omaha , Nebraska. Established iS66. CHICHESTEK-S BHCUCH. RED CKOSS THC ORIGINAL AND CENUtfJE , The only Safe , f > tirr fcQ4rriaE > Ic pl.l for tale * , itsk D recast * " CUc& * ter j fgUl / ) am < mJ grand in Ked ai4 C&W metallic Piled itb * lnerfW > fln TiLc n othrr Llnd. JZtfwt tirnrvr oru and fmilatio. . . lit tnra tebord t < itr , plLK TT t > pen ar d Bccr n c * nnlrrfrlt * . 4tX > ranlsuuT rut i * " " " C ' " - - Jnfi" iSV 7aprr 'CHICHCSTCR CHEMICAL CO , - - " - 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. The eminent ipeclalltt In nerrona , chronic , prtTate. blood , skin and nnnary < 3l e ei A rarnlar and reetitered cnduateinroedctoe. an dipiomaianfl ceniOcaleiiaow. isjuil treailnpwitb tbefrfaieit BUCCCU catarrh , iperan-torrhoea. Ion manhood , seminal weakneit. nlcnt lauei. tmpotency. irpbllt * . stricture. eon orrhoea , sleet. rarlcoc le.ctc l omercnry n ed. It'rw treatment for lost of rltal powrr. Parties unable to Tlstt me maj be treated at borne by correspondence. ie'1lclu ' or Initmmenti unt t > T mall rexpr * e- eureli packed , no marks tc indicate contents or lender. Ono personal Interview preferred. Consultation free. Corre'pondenos itrtctlj private. Uook ( Myaterlu of ufe ) aent Ire * . O3cu boon 9 a m. to 9 p. u > Sundays ID a. m. to 11 m. Send atamp f of reply. HOME TToV-nT-PC INDUSTRIES By Pin-chasing Goods Made at the Following Nebraska Factories. If you cannot find what you -want , communicate with the manufacturers as to what dealers handle their goods. 3 I \ . C. C , S O \.TS Xcbrasha Cliu Cereal KATZ-NEVINSCO. 31UU Mix rereal 1:00,11 , Auk jour fc'rocer for quailed rolled