Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1892, Part Three, Page 18, Image 18

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A Healthful Revival of lutarast in Matters
Pertaining to the Turf.
rho Stnto Shool The IlykerV Hadf-el
Movoinrnt4 oi th Hliort-IlulroU Th
Tiiji-or-U'nr Honrli ftlninr nnd
Sports of All Kind * .
i HE reorganization
the Oontloraan's
Roadster club nnd
the plowing pros-
pools o ( Omaha's
now Driving Park
nssoolntlon , the
beautiful spring
weather and other
Inspiring elements ,
nra effecting a moat
_ _ gratifying anlran-
tloti lumrniTour local horse owners , and the
prospects are prlmo fern gooildoal of healthy
sport this season. So fur In nor history
Omaha has boon a langard In racing affairs.
There has boon plenty of Intent interest nnd
n largo number of line nnimaU owned here ,
yet but nu Insignificant figure has been cut
in the nffttlM of tha turf. Not Brown , to bo
sure , has made repeated olTorts to awaken
the right sort of an Interest , but nlono nnd
single-handed almost , not , much of a general
stir could bo expected. Still ho has given the
two cities several line racing mcuts , and is
reudv nnd anxious to ugnin put his
shoulder to the wheel and glvo Oniatm
what she is entitled to , a IIrat class
spring nnd fall running nnd trotting session.
Mr. Gnrneau , prosldentof the now Driving
Park association , assures mo that the now
project is undoubtedly n go. Ho has boon
nntlllcd bv the board to molto another assess
ment of IU per rent upon the stockholders ,
and to push the work forward with all possi
ble vlpor nnd expedition. Owing , however ,
to the enormous amonnt of work to bo done ,
It is doubtful whether the association will bo
enabled to arrange for a meeting hoforo.luno ,
IBM , wnon everything will bo in stinpo for a
tremendous success.
It Is the Intention of the association to
Bake the thing u big go from the very outset
and the initial mooting , which will comprise
both running and trotting , is to bo ono that
Will command national attention. The ag
gregate purses are to foot up not less than
MO.OOO. and all the details of the moot
are to bo laid upon lines that will
compare favorable with the most famous -
mous courses In the country. Nothing Is to
bo done by halves ; everything is to bo up-
nnd-up , anil thoioughly legitimate and ilrst-
closs. We are to have crack horses , runners ,
trottoia and racers ; the crack jockeys and
the cruck drivers , in fact all the concomi
tants ot a Brooklyn , a ( Jouoy Island or Wash
ington Park.
It Is a well-established fact that no city of
Its class has moro beautiful streets , boule
vards cr drives than Oniatio , that is when
they are in condition , nnd it is but natural to
look for much handsome horseflesh here , nnd
B very general interest In matters partninlnc
to the track. And such Is really the case ;
largo number of our business men nnd cap
italists have possessed themselves with
horses of the true American tvpo , modern-
bred , fleet , graceful and staunch , and any
pleasant evening they are to be reviewed on
any of our popular drives , out the
avenue or on the broad boule
vard connecting this city with the
Bluffs. Polo teams , single drivers nnd
saddlers , there' nro by the dozens nnd the
Bcoro , nnd when out for a general brush the
pcclacln ts sufllclcnt to accelerate the blood
In the veins of the most conservative or coin
inonpluco ndmiror of the horse.
.T. A. vVood is the owner of a magnificent
polo team in his brown horse Dandy and bay
torso Frank. The latter has a private mark
of 20 madeon a half milotinek. Asa polo
team their owner has driven them in 40. They
make a remarkably hnnosomo pair , nro ns
pontlo as plugs and can bo driven anywhere
with Impunity. As a polo team they have
never been beaten in the state , and on the
day of the late clam balce Jack is said to
have made munkoys out at the park of some
of the aliened fast ones in the city.
Tom Swobo of the Millnrd possesses a pair
of beautiful chestnut geldings no can call un
for an attractive exhibition.
J. II. Millnrd is proud of a pair of bay cold-
Ings , formerly owned by Bob Knoobs , while
A. J. Popploton , Jamoa Stophonsou ,
W. A. Paxtbn , sr. , J. II. McWhortor ,
Frank Kaluga , the Patrick" , W. II. McCord ,
John T. Clark , Will Mlllard , Dr. Leo , Joe
Withrow , Dr. Peabody , Bon Wood , William
Bnyder. Frank Colpeuor , G. W. Hitchcock ,
Clint Brings and many others ornament the
drives nnd boulevards o' pleasant ovenincs
with teams with style , speed and get-up suffi
cient to attract attention anywhere.
Billy Hughes , the druggist , claims that his
little chestnut bute , Oklahoma , has a now
pair of wings this spring , and ho is do tor-
mined to get down into the 20's before fall.
Dick Wilde still glorlos In May Clark , who ,
although u trillo aged , manages to skip along
yet at a very merry clip.
Joe Gnrneau has a good ono in Rose Cough-
lln , nnd Culoucl Sharp , Lou Hill and Frank
Parmolco are all able to keep out of the dust.
W. A. Uodlck has a black gelding who can
got down to 0 , while Froa Davis , W. W.
Morse nnd II. B. Iroy all possess fast aud
Btvllsh animals.
O. D. Edwards , manager of the Columbus
Buggy company's ' repository , has two horses ,
a trotter nnd n pacer , the foimor a chestnut
gelding by n son of Green's Uashnw , aud one
of magnificent presence , It ) } hands high , per
fectly balanced , and his way of going is
about right , Mr. Edwards' pacer , Columbus
Tom , Is a bay gelding , with wblto legs and
face , a free-and-easy sort of u fellow , but
when straightened out on the road and asked
to go along ho can do it and without any mis
Bob Wells knows n good ono when ho sees
him. His bay inaro is very speedy and very
stylish. Bub is ono of tbo men who gets a
wholesome enjoyment out of his horses.
Billy I'uxton | r , , with > ils black gelding
hooked to a naily sldc-oar , Is over ready to
test quality and speed. If lie is beaten
down the rend ho Invites item out to the
Keystone fiirm to sco how John Turner cun
tnovo. Ho has a whole lot of 'om , and some
day Is destined to take a stand in local turf
affairs. .
Dr. Ramacclottl.Robort WlUon.C. F.IJood ,
Ralph Stout , United States Marshal Slaugh
ter , Dr , Hayes nnd Mnson , James Ainscow ,
R. O. Bocbus , Dick Smith , Andy MurphyW.
I'rltcbard nnd U. M , Buck nro also owners of
moro than ordinary animals.
It IB honed that drying weather will soon
coma so that the tracks can bo gotten in
ihapo for the troltois to bo put to work upon
or elsoby the time ol the earlier meetings
but few will bain form to gn miles right up
to speed.
The bay gelding , Sarny , by X.ulu , owned by
Mr. Burkett , Is looking about right. Ho 1's
In about as perfect racing lorra as you will
often sco them this early in the season , und
by the tlmo the bell taps for the matinees
those who nra competitors in dashes will
have to l > o keyed up pretty well and possess
ipecd to stay with him , for unless form and
( uallty go for naught , ho is a fast ono as
well as a race horso. Then himself and
iwner scorn to agree nicely , nod they
Kill bo u hard combination to beat.
Frank Carimcnaol is the owner of the live-
rear-old gelding , John , 2:35 : , an ideal road
horse mat one that the boys will have to
trot some to head , Mr. C , hopes to be able
10 tnako it Interesting for some of the people
this season.
It Is a good thing wo have some in Ouiaha
who realize that * trotter must possess speed
ind are willing to put up some money for It.
I'lie buv Illly Mary , recently bought of It I ,
Leo of Tonoka , Kan. , by Nat Brown U one
( hat is welcome. The writer saw her doin-
inttratu tor ability in races , and to win
Ihom as aha did , it took a trotter. She had
to heat big Holds which wore composed of
the vorv elite ol the west , bred as perfectly
ind prepared as completely a was ponlbla.
She will bo placed in Bob Kneeb's stable thU
( eaton , and as sbo is nominated in the great
110 000 stake for 2-year-olds at Columbia.
Venn. , to bo trotted in October , it U hoped
til will go well with her. Whoever bents
her will have to make better than 25. I trust
that too much will not bo asked of her prior
to that event , and that she may come to the
( core perfectly Jit.
'lucre are three things that the attention of
legislators shpuld Ui called to ; First lathe
Wro wire fence. It I * rare to find in the
vert ft mature horse that hat vor been run
at pasture at nil that lit not marked or
maimed in some way by thin murderous wire.
Second , tbo "overdraw" or Jackson
chocK , as It la moro properly called , is
another dlurosslng appllanco to sub-
cct n horse to while in harness.
for the puruoso it. was originally
designed by its Inventor , the croat
rnlnor find driver , Hlmrii Woodruff , it
t reasonably applicable still ; but to bo used
n every case regardless it is n great evil.
i'ho one who wilt IMO ono and loive a horse
ditched to a post full reined up Is most
thoughtless of the animal's comfort , or else
is a fit subject for the society who nlm to
prevent cruelty lo animals , to look alter.
Who Is so callous as to nnjoy on an exces
sively hot afternoon Roolna n party of year
lings driven to the top of their speed for ono ,
two , three nt.d over four miles , y would
scent much more as it should bo were they
allowed their freedom In nbluo grass pasture
at so tender an ago. Glvo nature a clmnco
to work IU perfect development , with par-
jnps nn ocvaslounl handling , so that In n
measure thov may bo kept tractable. The
colt trotters , as a rule , show at a malnro
ago In the box stall. It Is not very prob.iblo
that Axtol , Allorton or Arlon at ton years of
ngi ) will bo able to trot within live to eight
seconds within tholr present marks ; as miles
near 3:10 : at nn Immature ago llnds the wenk
parts , ami decline necessarily comes to them
onrly , unless the colt racing Is abandoned In
n w iv.
It will not bo long till only In the "non-
standards" can u perfect individual
bo found , for in the crn/e
for early speed they nro dis
regarded , nnd nature has u
chance consequently at n mature
year a stout and capable horse
is the result. If present practices are per
sisted In It will not bo long 010 the most
moasiy nnd Imported class of horses extant
will bo the fushlonnbly bred trotters of
The sires of trotters living or dead nro
thosu who wore allowed the proper years to
perfectly mature , therefore they possess all
the powers of prepotency nnd begot n clnsa
that nro of hardy constitution and correct
conformation , which , coupled with modern
appliances und brains , plenty of speed will
result ,
As perfectly n bred ono ns was the great
colt race horse Phnllas , ho has never distin
guished himself in the stud , having only
three in the : KO list at 15 years , while Hod
Wllkos , who never went n mile in n TJCO
butter than 3 : JO , has sired moro speed than
anv other borao of his ngo.
There nro stallions who are getting a service -
ice fee on account of their loniarknblo cell
performances whoso product will bo rare
mat will possess speed that will make them
worth the service price.
The writer looked at two young horses at
the Stillwnter farm , Calhoun , Nob. , one nson
of the great Wilton by General Wilkc.s. the
othorosonof llappy Medium. Both had dams
us perfectly bred und ns good Individually
as tholr sires. Anyone might palronlzothcso
nnd reasonably expect a trotter from the
union as from those that are the top twice ,
vvbllo tholr foe Is but nominal and is within
reach of the brooder of but moderate circum
.1. H. Gettv has sent thn M. G. Mollie
Sprague , together with three ii-yoar-olds to
Fairlleld , la. , to bo trained , K. B. Woods ,
trainer. After preparation they will bo cam
paigned through the lov\a circuit. Mr.
Hetty has quito n polo team in the b. m. Fan-
nlo and g. g. Joo. Be present at the mallnco
laces duting the season and sco how tlwy
J. McLauchliu , president of the Cedar
Uanids , la. , Driving Park association , has
been stopping at the Merchants hotel the
past few days. Mr. McUaughlin Is an ad
mirer of the American trotter. At his farm
in Iowa ho has a very select band of standard
mm os from which ho hopes to raise a
F . J. Garnish expects to bo "In it" the com
ing season with the load brigade , Judging by
the team ho Is gottlnc toeetbcr , which nro
the b g. Bay Frank , 2:28 : ! , and n bay mare
by Saturn , that Is a trotter. They ought to bo
ublo to lead the procession.
H. T. Kncobs arrived at the Union Diivlng
park one day last \\ook with his stable. They
will be shaped for a season's campaigning.
Among tnom nro Jessie Games , 2:15 % ;
Bethel , S : ) } $ ; Malllo Stlpp , pace , with a
last mark ; also. several others of lesser re
nown , that will ba candidates in different
classes. The b. s. Ignis Fatuus , 2:21 : , and b.
f. Mnrv , will bo of the comMno.
McKvoy will train his stable of trotters at
the old half milo track north of the city. The
star actor of the string is the b. s. Salaam.
by Onwaru , who ought to quit tlio reason
with a fast , mark , us ho is trotting-bred sure
and stout looking.
Mr. T H. Barren of New York state is in
the city. Mr. Barren i a trainer und driver
of yenrs of experience. Ho bus an Men of
locating here. U is hoped ho may , ns first
class men of the profession , are "scarce thu
way. Animals that would make trotters' if
properly educated , nro plenty enough , but a
peed many of the schools they are in are not
what they should bo.
Itotiirn of tlm r
One moro week and the championship sea
son of the yonr 1S93 will be inaugurated in
Omaha , and I had a notion to add the voice
of tbo umpire would bo heard in the land. I
have a faint remembrance , however , of hav
ing run across that expression mice or twice
before , nnd rattier tban bo charged with
plagiarism I will forego the pleasure of mak
ing a bit.
But next Saturday is the opening day , and
in the afternoon thereof the excited populace
will bo engulfed in a maelstrom of base hits ,
liners , curves nnd inshoots ; Hying black nnd
white legs around the diamond , nil to the
melody that arises from the scores of healthy
lunps crowded in the golden sunshine of the
The Apostles will bo our opponents , and
what n wild , unbridled shriek of Joyous de
lirium will swell up from thousands of burst
ing throats as. old Cy Sulclifle's Adonis-like
form ambles from the seclusion ot the dressing -
ing room nnd takes 11s spraddle behind the
pan. The memory of that symmetrical frame
in the halcvon days of last spring is a horror
to all the old players of the Western associa
tion , but to the local fun It is a Joy nnd a
beauty forever. No faults cnii they see
In that anthropomorphous batch of skin ,
gristle and bone. 10 ven the little itvulutsnC
tobacco juice that erstwhile wore wont to
riil and trickle ndown hi ? patent leather
Jowl la the heat of intorueclno strife , are re
called with tbe uiuiio exquisite fervor that
ono feels In midwinter when tiio recollection
of the sunny summer \voodland , with his
murmuring brook , winding In mid out line a
fabulous silver serpent amung the luxuriant
herbage , unbidden aloal * o'er the mind.
But Cyrus , love , you oeserted us in the
tlmo of our greatest need. After shooting
oil your tlrccrnckors on the glorious Fourth
and swelling your tank with John Whitzol's
boer , you , with the remorselessness of a bar
barian of the liunlo age , turned your bark on
us and tied to Washington , The plaudits of
u madly adoring people here were too
much for the swelling propensities
of your cranium ! Its tumoroslty be
came something frightful ! Alone with
Summon you pined for now worlds
to conquer ; longed for faster company. And
you found it to your deep humiliation nnd
t OK rot , Vou didn't ' oven make a good ostoa-
logical specimen for the National museum ,
your throwing ilnscr became petrified and
your brain turned to glass , , und at the end of
tha semen that whilom massive head of
your * wouldn't have made a eood door knob !
But jou have soured on the big league ,
Cyrey ; you will hurry and go slow after
tills ; jou are back with us. a-d white it Is
tough , we forgive you. Welcome , Cycliffo
Anil Sn thu Ill-lull ! Druiiin
The Western association , which passed
Into history with iho formation of the new
Western league , had a ohocUert'd ca
reer. Its existence extended through
but four years , nnd following ro
the teams which won the successive cham
pionships : The first Hug foil to Dea Moluos
In 1BSS , and the team at the close embraced
these players :
Ilutctilnton , Cushman , Smith and Ken
nedy , pitchers ; Traflloj ana Sago , catchers ;
Stearus , Qulnu aud Alvord on the busosMa-
cullar sjjort , and Van DyVo , HollWay and
George Shaffer , the Orator , In the outtteld.
Ot this strong aggregation all are in ac
tive service today with tbo exception of old
pie-face. Toady Kennedy , und the man with
tbo perpetual jaw , George Shaffer.
In 16ya Omaha tore of o strip of tbo bunt-
lug , the young men responsible for the
achievement boincr Nichols , Knoll and Clark ,
pitchers ; Naglo nod Cooney , catchers ; An
drews , Crooks and Cleveland on the bases ;
\VaUh shortstop , ana Cauavau , Willis and
fatrauss ju the outfield.
All of those player * are atill cavorting
eleofuily over the dlamotcl today , with the
exception of Cleveland , who U arduously
struggling for a second nomination of the
presidency of the United States nt the hands
of the democracy.
In 1801 the Cowboys tnndn the grand
roundup , the chief punchers being Smith ,
Con way , Pears anil Swnrtzel , pitchers ;
Gunson and Donahue , catchers ; Stearns ,
Manning nnd Carpenter on the bases , Hol
land short , and Nicol , Burns and Hoover In
the outfield.
These ex-Kansas Cltyans , barring Danny
Stearns , nro all still "in it. Stearns won't
sign because ho cnn't got thrco or lour times
ns much ns ho Is worth , nnd just now ts
jinnnglng to cpo out thrco squares i\ day by
keeping tub on the bangtails In u Kansas
City pool room.
Last year , the fltinlo of the old Western
association , nnd thu Corn Hushcrs captured
the led car. Halter nnd Hhiot were the
pltchors , ICarlo the catcher , O'Brien , Nichol
son nud Raymond on the bag ? , Stiolbeck
short , and Van Dyke , Genius and Strauss In
tbo ilcld.
All of these men Imvo positions
today , Kholbock being the only ono , however ,
with the now Western league , the Omnlm
team , and ho ulll proven popular man from
the ] umna9 ho is a ball player of pronounced
Vale the Western association :
In peace.
'fl \i'\v iiu ; or Itnso Itiill.
Spurtsman's park presents today a moro
attraotivo appearance than over bolore.
When tno now management assumed control
two weeks iigo , the pluco looked ns If It nnd
been on familiar terms with n cyclone. Hun
dreds of feet of the fence wore prostrate ,
white great holes ornimontod the standing
sections , the grounds thctnschos were cut
up and corrugated by ttio hoofs of numerous
cattle , hogs nnd her o3 , uml the crnnd
stand looUf.l lllco u dismantled
ship in u storm. The interior was
n .sight to buhnld , whllo loose boards Hupped
grusomely in every passing brcrre , the walks
were displaced nnd upheaved , nnil the whole
place looked ns If It had been ncglevlcd and
uucnroil for years.
Butagicat change has tnlion place , and
today the nark is an neat , clean and invitlui :
as nny ball park In t lie west. Matei ml Im
provements have been made upon the grand
stand. A new broad entrance marks the site
of the old pigeon hole , a commodious box
ofllco has been built ; thu stairway
to the souls in the stand has
been quadrupled in sln > , and u broad
exit has been pioviucd immediately nt tbo
foot of this , making incress nml egress u
matter of perfect convenience , freedom und
comlort. The old nnriow stairway nuninst
the uall leading up to the seats has boon en
tirely done away with and ttiu change is n
most admirable ono. In udtUMon to this the
wonthorboardini ! between the toplloor of the
grand stand ana thu roof , extending clear
nround the south side of the amplllicatcr lies
been lornimay and a ueatrulliug substituted ,
thus enubllni. " the Invigorating breezes 10
unvo full play over the spectator
tater * in the stand. Formerly , on tills
account nscut in the stand with u
crowd on a hot day wns like occupying a
bhclf in a crematory. The ladloi1 depart
ment has alto received much nei-ded atten
tion. All the folding chairs huvo boor re
palled and many additional ones uut In ,
while the ticpirtmunt Us el I has been sepa
rated from the grand stand proper by u ntn' .
la lice-work. ThU rear these so its will bo
maintained exclusively for lailios ana llielr
escorts , ana uo encroachments bv p.irtle *
who have no iiht or t-uslnes > s there will bo
sulTciod nn Instant. Ladic-s attending the
games can roit nsjuied of tho&.une freedom
from onjeetionaolo features nnd tha same
courtesy and nttLiition thit they are ueuus-
tornod to in thu theater. UniformoJ attend
ants will bo on hand for this purnosp.
Apnia. there will bo no hawking of peanuts ,
gumorotner refreshments during tbo pro-
gioss of the game. Tno intervals botuoen
innings Is the time that will bo allottc-d to
these vcna rs and the score card llond ? .
and to this the masse-i will ropoud nnieii.
But llio buildings and fencos'atid walks are
not all that has been improved , as much
muscle nnd moaoy has been lavished upon
ttio grounds themselves , and it is no exag
geration to state that thiy never were in
such lluo condition at this time of Iho year
before. Dave E. Rowe is a munngur
who possesses all the quulifl-
cr.tlons requisite to the position , nn appre
ciation of iho likes and dislikes of the pi-
trona of iho purk. cnergv , ability , ititelli-
cenco and discrimination , qualities the
lifiurohcad of lost season was an absolute
stranger to. 13uuk Keulo has been auuointrd
uroundkcepor. und in the splendid condition
of the grounds and the clednliiie s of the
stands , tlio wisdom of the selection is fully
exempli tied. The stands , Buuksajj , will iv-
celvo a thorough bweouing after every game ,
nnu on Saturday eucning a complete scrub
Tlio arrangements for policing the puns
this season will uUo bo u vatt improvement
over that of past -seasons ; for In addition to
the club's piivato oiliccrs , throe mom bors ot
the regular metropolitan lorco will bo on
hnnil at every iramo , nnd or , the occasion of
holidays und big crowds this will bo in
All of those many improvements and
chances hbould ba umplo to convince the
public that Omuhr. is about to outer into u
now and UP familiar era of base ball manage
ment , nud the generous spirit and enterprise
displayed should bo abundant inducement
for tlio most generous , liberal and cordial
support. _
The Slate Shoot Novt Month.
The sixteenth annual shooting tourna
ment of the Nct < rasla State Sportsmen's as
sociation will be bold at Grand Island next
moutn , May 10 , 11 , 12 and 13 , du'ung which
Iho annual mccling of thu association will
also be held. Tin : Br.B returns thanks to W.
H. Harrison , editor of the Grand Island Club
Journal , I'or a copy of iho same , which is a
neat pamphlet embracing thu program of the
shoot , together with much incidental information
mation of Interest. The tournament , judg
ing from the cneivy displayed by the tnun-
ngiitnent , will exc.'ud in magnitude ) nnd im
portance any similar event isver held in tno
state. It n distinctly for trap shooters and
no one is barred. During tlio four days only
four usboclation matches will bo shot , and
these all for mounts. These" are the only
races not open to thu world. Kxperta will
only bo handicapped in uvo events 'and
conditions are imposed by the donors of two
splendid prizes which nro hung up.
Tlio Stale association races for iho Plaits-
mouth champion team cui > , teams of tour ,
and the old Western association loam badge ,
teams of two , nave been arranged with a
view of reviving a moro lively interest in the
contests. Of late years but few entries in
these contests have been made. Why this is
the case it. would bo hard to state. Certain
ly every gun club in tlio state should strive
to carrv off ono of these trophies , and the
winners may well feel proud of their victory.
Horotoforc , owing lo limited entries , winners
have usually been a small sum nut of pocket.
The management has added a liberal sum of
inonov in both cases , and hope every mem
ber of the State association will como to ttio
tournament prepared to strive for these lion-
01 s.
Nebraska shots should bear In mind , how
ever , that they will uot bo eligible to modal
contests unless the club in which thov have
membership has remitted its annual duos to
the secretary of tlio State association , . ! . 10.
Stoufer of Grand Island , Secretaries of
nun clubs should attend to this at once , ns
competitors .will want some considerable
time for preparation. There will ho from
ten to twelve regular Mioots dnilv , both at
artificial targets aud live birds , end as Grand
Island ndtitt $1,000 to the various purses , it is
reasonable to uxncut nn assemblage of many
of the crackor-juoks of the country , J. A. 1C.
Elliott of Kansas City , champion wing shot
of America , who has for two years held tlio
American Field oup againKi all comers , will
bo on band , with a doicn Kansas City aud
St. Joe cracks behind him that will inaUo llfo
anything but a uloasurofor the Chicago boys ,
the Denver and' Cheyenne contingent , under
the redoubtable JaUo Sudani , and tbo Iowa
pirates , who will bo tnariballed by Charlie
Budd. Captain FranU B. Parmaloe , who
will have charge of the Nebraska forces , ex
pects to a little more than holJ tils own. Tbo
full programme will appear In a later issue
OfTllEjlBE. _
Tlio OtimliH Kennel Cluli.
"Timid doKoburk loudest. "
For a little moro than a year the Omaha
Kennel club has boon emitting a series of
barks which have recently become so numer
ous as to sound qulto loud. Wo would not
have tbe public bollovo , however , that the
club is really a timid animal. The nplse
should be takun , rather , as an evidence of In
creasing vitality ,
It should bo remembered that the clue U
lust emerging' from pupnyhood , and , during
Its period of growth , has been eubjoct to all
the Ills that frequently overtake high bred
dogi. "It has had distemper" and has shown
some lymptoms at , chorea , yet wo believe
that with n pee < t tonlo end proper treatment
It will develop into o line specimen that wlil
bo admired at homo and abroad.
The club will appeal to the public for thh
treatment and especially the tonlo. The club
Is Incorporated under Noblnsna laws nnd
was admitted to membership In the Ameri
can Kennel club September 24 , 1891.
Its new constitution nnd ay-laws Is now
ready for nny end Interested , nnd will show
that it is being'conducted on strictly busi
ness principles. Tlio now board Is manntrlnp
its nffiilrs on safu lines , and merits the conll-
deuce ot nil. With a gradually increasing-
membership and encouragement from others ,
the clnb has decided to give n show this fall ,
and will soon fix * Uoflnlto date.
Tlio club believcii that , owing to Omaha's
central location , It should give a show that
will crowd fiUOonlrloi. Jt certainly should
not rank tower than other western cities In
this respect ,
Tbo prizes offered for the coming Denver
show aggregate fcJ.OOU Can Omaha do ns
well ? It requires a good premium list to at
tract the best dog * and'iiako a successful
show , nnd the present membership of Iho
club Is not largo oiiouph and wealthy enough
to do this alone. They have brnius nnd en
thusiasm , but want moro members and a
puaraiitecd premium list , and Invite all In
terested In cuinDlotlnjr Omaha's list of at
tractions for lb'J.3 ' to subscribe liberally.
The quarterly meeting of tbo club will beheld
held Tuesday evening next at the Collins
pun store. A full attendance of members is
desired , as Important business Is to bo trans
acted , much of It pertaining to Omaha's first
legitimate bench show.
A lleinuiistriilKni lurtlin Opening Day.
Next Salurd-iy nnd llio ball wilt bo sot
{ "oiling. It will bu the first championship
pamo of the season of ' 02 and the manage
ment is making elaborate preparations for u
memorable occaMnn. The St. Pauls , with
Old Cy SutclliT , Collins , Motz. Pop Smith ,
Billy Alvord , Holland , Ilogrlover and the
rust of this .stronp ngsrcL'ntlon will bo here ,
Iho first to test the metal of Rowo's Ruslli-rs.
1 ho opening day , It Is the determination of
Iho mmwRemcnt , to iimku bollttinp of what
Is to presumably bo a prosperous und success
ful .season , und shortly after 1 o'clock
thu two tcnms in uniform hcudcii bv
the b.irracks bund will paradu the principal
thorough faros , then repair lir.meciiaielv to
iho prouiuK Hero from 2 llll ! ) Iho bind
will pivo nn open air concert , rendering a se
lect prost-nm which is being prepared for thu
occasion. The s nrs nnd stripes will lloat
trom thn apex of the crand stand , and ban
ners and bunting will bo flung to llio brcczss
from vauous points. With propitious weath
er n lurgo at tendance. U nu assured fact , nnd
ii is hoped that n gnino will bo ployed ns to
rondcr the occasion a notiblo ono in the local
history of the panic. Haves und Vicker.v
will occupy the points for Uin Rustler * .
Iiiillo4' Din at spiiriflui.ui's Park.
The voting on Ladles' day at Sportsman's
park ihU season It u bsun quite spirited nail
up to uato Widnc'dav has Iho cill bv n ma
jority of ! ! 'J ' votes. Monday has received II ,
'I uesdny \VpdnoMljv S7. Thursday I'l ,
Friday 3 and Saturday il. This is a healthy
showlnp ami encourages the manupi-men' in
thu hopj tuat the fair sot arc- going to tur \
out in unusual numnors this soison. The
voting will roinimiu up to Friday evening
next , when iho day receiving the irost ual-
Iot3 will bo sot ) tiMdu and designated us
Ladles' dav. on wlioh | occasion no admission
will bo cbarcci ! Ijio v-cntlu ones.
Fiftv votoi in a lump luvj boa'i receive * !
from the hul.v rmjilojyos ol thu Union I'ueiflc.
headquarters , which wns accompanied bv the
followi nir nolo :
thu hporliiu l.dllor of run UKKIVu ih'i nn-
deislKnod 1 idles.'p i ployed bv Ihu Union 1't-
elllcrnl wny , do request that ( Saturday he thu
liny selccled us ' 'JiuMcV day" nt thu Scoris-
man's UIII'H. Th.H ouheonu day that wtinul
do us any couil , IHJCUISC. iii yon lire .twain we
litvvc Idiir * until * > i > m , ail thu wci'k
Trusting you will .tild lliusu few voles to
IhcHo that have' urohahly : u cumulate. ! by
this lime , uo Men iogrsulvcs , your most en
Uinslnsllc ranks. -
Then follows the lifly names in the delicate
cato calligraphy of each.
At ICiMtr'i'ii Heft Volume.
Al Ucach's cfliUal base hull guiao for JbOJ
tins reviewed , nud the decision ii that
it is one of tbo mbst complete ami instruc
tive of the old votern's whole sones , com
prising a period of ton yoara. It opens up
with n review of thu season of " .M , with its
vicissitudes and mutations , Dually culminat
ing in tlio grand consolidation ot the two old
bodies. H treats intelligently upon ttui
present season , Uovotcj considerable space
to the luno.'ation of the Westcin league ,
goes over tlio past of thl < organization , glvus
the full scoio of many of its greatest uiaics
along with other interesting matter. Of
cdurjo it contains thu national rules , agree
ment and the different schedules , and i * In
fact a valuable compendium of ivovtlung
that is inter 's'iiij ( connected with our clon-
ous national game.
The Smitr ol Ihu Dickey Itlrd.
Frank Leonard , Omaha's manager in'90 ,
bus caught on wilh Binshamton , N. Y.
Georcio Shock bus been pivon the run b"
Washington , nnd may bo looked tor out this
way soon. Hope uu get him.
Omaha will havn more and stroncer ar j.-
lour teams ihan ever this year , and in aa-
vunco they arc notified that score sheets can
l.o obtained I roe at. this ollico.
Thu Ohio State Journal will provide their
nnwsboys with tickets to the first Columbus
game nml inuicli them out to Uccreation
park headed by n brass band.
Toledo lias set aside Thursday for ladies'
day , but from the Indications Wodnosdav
will bu the ilny given ui > tu thu lair ones
hero. Thursday well , I gucs-i not.
Elmer FoUer is a candidate for tbe Min
nesota legislature , und , tbuv say , \\itli a good
chance of rutting ibcrc. ThU should be thu
signal for Spokane's utcrnal blacklisting.
Tlio Western Icn un bias iair to ijivj as
good exhibition of ball plaving this soison ,
with their 3 > l',0)0 ! ) tennis , na llio vunou3
cities in Ibu circuit have been witnessing
for thrco limes tiiat salary. jJ m Johnson.
Sir Isaac Miner of fiimo is
gelling out ino Omaha scoiu curd , which
will bo issued for iho lirst time Saturday
next , Iho lOlh. It is AH elegant affair , ami
will bo u treat compaicd with the flimsy
sheet of the past.
Tha Loulbvillcs Jumped onto Dad Clarke in
last Tuesday's ' giiniK with iho MllwauUees ,
and made it seem Just like old limits. They
only bit him for 11 runs uud 111 safus in 4
iuntnur. That's nil I
It is Ctiuwloy , not Sammy Morton , who
will manage B iron Hach's Minneapolis team
this .Aoar. It was Charles who managed thu
Prohibltloniais ihuyoar they won the \\cst-
crn nssocialion punnunt.
Papa McCiinley has Jumped into the good
graces of Ihu ( .ranks out at San DIcgn , Cal , ,
notwllhsinmltng ho was ono of tUodosi-rtci-j.
Papa Is Ousting Hie spheru uud playing first
lllio a veritanlo spring onion.
It nil ! ho Captain Howe of Omnhu , Man
ning ot Kansasb Oily , Alvord of Sr. Paul ,
Shlnnlckof Minneapolis , Tivitehall of Mil
waukee , Ncuull pf Toledo , Compau of
Columbus and lion lo of Indianapolis ,
The Toledo fans huvo dubbed their team
tbo Black Plrutas , Jut for a Kid , Ken Mul-
ford ays , Bu that as it may , we'll give'em '
piu-rntes at regular chop-bnusu figures when
they ooze out lliH way wcok utter next.
The umpires of the Western league will bo
compelled to , llannel inilfoims on
the Held this season. Tlio paraphernalia ,
worn by George Strluf last summer was the
means of bringing about this felicitous inno
And Spokane , too , will cut a figure In the
North Pacific raco. She nas Brcnnao ,
catcher ; Sowders nnd Klopf. pitchers ;
Strauss , llrat ; Kecder , second ; Marr , third ;
Beard , short , und'Clino ' , Wolf nnd ono of her
pitchers In the Held.
. Jim Burn * , the Pool , will limber up his
crystalizod arm for the benefit of the deni
zens of Quincy. III. , his native village , this
season. W. H. Watkins , manager of tbo Kan
sas Cltys In ISsS , paid the Omaha inanngc-
montOOO big Iron dollars for thu Pnot'a rolejse.
Bug Hoillday tumbled out foity-tivo in a
shako for a $100 watuo down in Cincinnati
the other Uay , and as that was the best
throw walked oft with tbo ticker. Bne can
recall the day out in the wooly west hero ,
when a homerun was good for a whole Jew
elry store.
Jerry W. Jacobs , on oof the most enthusi
astic base ball fans In the city , and who ruus
the barber shop under the Union Pacific
ticket utllco , will give the first member of
tbe Omabas making a homo run on tbe local
giounds In a championship , a card for his
season's barbcring.
Columbus' Catcher Merritt U one of the
host throwers in the profession. Ho trapped
cvcrv ono of thn Hods who attempted to pur
loin second. Stevens , their pitcher , who
/szyzzyz zsttzsyzfyy
nondor : Are you not asking
the question : Where shall 1 go
to select my WAL.L , PAPER
with the least voxatlon nnd an
noyance , generally supposed to
bo Incident to papering ? Boar in
mind , that there is NO other
stock comparing to ours in va
riety and choice of designs and
finish , and within the roach of
your purse. Our assortment
comprises EVERY grade , OUR
workmanship ONLY insures
neatness and promptness , and
our prices n'nd terms are the
ONL.Y ONES consistent with the
best class of work. We ask for
your consideration.
Henry Lehmann ,
1BOS Douglas St
L pViptrtrriJ
Perfect Work
played in Green Bay , Wis. , last yonr , Is also
a trickcr-JncU. Helms excellent speed nnd
coed control of the ball. Cincinnati Corc-
In Columbus' oneninc pamo with Cincin
nati a wool ; URO. that rubcscont son of
Omaha , Joe Walsh , rather waltyoa oft with
the Ianels for his team , making two hits out
rl the live und ono run out of the three they
fcoicd. As it wns , Cincinnati only bca't
lliem 0 to ! ' , and on the day folio whip , ! to 'J.
Tacoma has Robblcd up a number of first
class pliucrs as their rosier , which is as fol
lows , shows : Borchors , Griilllh , Cross ,
pitchei'o : Cartwright , first base ; Sippi. second
end base ; Laurer , third base ; Patlon , st.ort
stop ; Houtchfle , left field , Work.contcr field ;
GonricnouRh , right fluid ; Cody. Speers ,
Monk Cltno , tbo anthropo-nrirphous indi-
\idual who used to sot Iho bleachers howl-
inp by liii antic.- ! when at HID but , has drifted
oi t to tbo north Pacific coail. but whether
to pav ! ball or catch seals I Haven't loaniud
vet , probably , however , thu former , for
Monk isn't in tlio slate of senility his ene
mies claim ho is.
Cbippcy McGnrr , who can nlay a trroat
third wlienlho can. will captain the Brewers ,
and the result is that ho has pot a hcnvlro
bouth Boston Mvuupcr on him than ever.
"Ah. Tommy , ir.o hey , you'ie not , com-
pcoicnt , ' ' as bo used to put It at Tommy
Naclo when the two onpasjcd in a wordv
wr.r over their respective powers as stellar
And so Jimmy Cannvnn has joined Anson's
cells , has hoi Veil , Grandpa will ICBOD on
until ho pets a team made up entirely of old
Western association material. Canavan ,
since ho left Omaha , lias developed Into quite
a ball 'jlayur. He hasn't been allowed to
loaf through the panics in Ihu Iwo older
hodlc * , nnd the consequence is that ho plays
for all he's worth.
Abnor Ualrymplo still resolutely declines
to make his mark on n Western lenpuo con
tract , uud declares he'll go lo .work before
he'll play at any such hand-me-down prices.
Well , Abnor , old gent , you're nn awful nice
fellow , and still a proat ball player , and it
pains mo to think that you will even contem
plate for n moment entering the picbian con-
lines of n brick-yard.
A Columbus correspondent says : "Man-
aser Schmclz has not matlu out his battinp
order \ el , but it is very likely that Abbey
will bo dvon tbe AlcTamany ond. Abbey is
said to bo a hard hitler nnd sure , nnd they
say bo is Ihu quickest man to pet to lin > t in
tlio Hiiolo Western Icaeuo. These nro the
elements necessary for a man who is the first
ntbit. " How much did that cost you , any
way. Clmrliof
Captain Tim O'Hourko of Columbus has
been tnlkiup throuph his glass mouth. Ho
siild to n cullelcss Journal reporter the other
day : "Ye" , l consider Columbus the very
strongest team in Iho leapuo , and the best of
is , thcie's not one of us who drinks a drop ,
pud wo oupht to bo easy to pet nlontr with. "
"Tark" O'D.iy and His Hewcrpipolots Jant-
xen nto both members of Tim's pang.
Buck Kccfe. the now pround Ueepor nt
the OmnUa park , is putting the enclosure in
proat sbapo for iho opening of Iho season.
He lias sot out a bud of crocuses and Johnuy-
jumiJ ups just back of Iho catcher's ; > osiiion ,
und has plats of peranlums , chry.sanlliu-
imnns and jcgcnicns all along llio haso
lines. Buck says that no dlfforcncu how rot-
icn the bovs mav play , the spcrtalors will
always have the fragrance of flowers in
tiiulr nostrils.
If the plaj iti of the Columbus team can oo
laltcii as a line for comparison Iho city has a
much better team all around than the ono
which represented the Buckeye Cunitnl on
HID diamond lust year. In Stevens and
Clausen Minmpor Schmol/ has two pitchers
of the water , and should Tank O'Uav
develop his usjal stronpth the club will b'o
well fortlllod in ibo box. Tbo team outclasses -
classes Toledo to a murkud deprco nnd should
make n stronp bid for thu pennant honors of
the Western association. Cincinnati Com-
mercl'il Gu70tto.
It Is snl'l Trunk Do II , Kobinson ol Cleveland -
land , Wednesday nipht made implication to
President Williams of the Wostoin associa
tion , for admittance into that ioapuo of the
Kort Wayr.o club. Doing interned that tno
quota of clubs was full , lie asked that in the
event of any team being withdrawn Fort
Wnyno bo regarded as tno first applicant.
Ho stands rcuuy it any time to place a Jlrst
class club in that hustling Indiana city. All
of which , however , is roi , pure and simple.
The Western association has bad ils quan-
lum suf. of dead rabbit teams , and the Fort
U'uyncans van go right on trapping rouskrats
und bo happy.
Cnmmoriono Twltcbelt Instead of Chippy
McGnrr , will captain the Brewers , Twitoh-
ell , Twltchell , vos that name sounds famil
iar , L.ot me sbe , wasn't ' It Twitch who oc
cupied the box for Omaha in their opening
championship game with Milwaukee last
season. M'innpor Shannon had heralded
him ns the greatest twlrlor of the ago -that
ho had regained his old Detroit , form , and
would make a barrel of tnokeys out of the
Badgers. Biffl crack ! smash ! bang ! that
\\asthoutory of Larry's debut , and when
the anioko cleared away the Brewers H. col
umn show 13 and B II. 10 , while Omaha
contented herself with U and 7. But the
Commodore had been out training the nl nt
before until about half past two in the morn
ing and. of course ho couldn't bo blamed.
Week after next wo will try end take a fall
out of him Oiisolvus.
Tit-Tuttl of tlio King.
Danny Daly has been matched to fipht Sol
Smith before the California clue , San Fran
cisco , Mav S. for a f 1,000 purso. la addition
to this the club offers Danny hl transporta
tion to 'Frisco nnd $100 for expenses , but
Daly insists on a ticitot for himself and Gal
lagher , bis trainer , nnd J150 expenses. Tills
is his ultimatum und ho is wailing for the
club's action on Iho same. His demands
will probably bo acceded to.
Sol Smith , the opponent selected for the
Omnium , was tried at the club last. Thursday
night , with Harry Dally the Australian , and
msdo a mot favorable Impression by his
shiftiness nnd hitting powers.
Dick Moore left for Kansas City Friday
evening , and on the 5lh of May moots Joe
Fielderlinc ; in a finish contest on Iho turf
for a $500 purso.
Jack Stanley , the man scientifically bested
bv Moore in this city Thursday nipht , is no
less a personage Ihnn Tom Itynn , a brolhor
of Jneic Ryan , Jack Davis'old sidu sparring
"Fighting" Dobbs , well known in this
city , and who wns recently knocked out in
'Frisco by Tom O'Brien , will try it over
&L'ain Thursday night. He claims it was a
chance blow that did the business for him in
the lirst mill , nnd thmus bo can reverse thu
result. O'Brien , too , Is equally con lid out.
lit ) says lib will whip the colored boy again ,
. but mobahly in not as short a space of time
.as in the lirst battle.
1 If Danny Daly's ' match In 'Frisco fails lo
pan out , ho will consummate arrangements
for a little affair .vith Billy O'Donnell of
Sioux City.
Jim Corbott nnd his sparring outfit are negotiating -
gotiating for a date hero April 23.
Whisperings ol th Wheel.
Vour membership in the League of Ameri
can Wheelman expires this mouth ; don't
fail to renew.
"Birdio" Kastman is practising a now an-
I nouncament which ho will use with surpris
ing effect nt the meets this year ,
Prof. Sutorius of Iho Mandolin club wns
elected an honory member of the Omaha
Wheel club last Tuesday evening.
What has become of young Hattanhauer ,
the Council Bluffs "speeder" wno showed so
much promise at the Missouri Valley races ?
The celebrated Council Bluffs training
course is llkoly to bo lllllo used this season
by the racing men , as the pavement is becom
ing very rough in places.
Several of the local wheelmen took ndvan-
taae of the lovely moonlight nights lust week
nnd podalcd over IhobrhlRO to the Bluffs and
out Twenty-fourth stveot to South Omaha.
The retiring odlcers of the Oraaba Wheel
club tendered a b.innnot to llio merntiers of
the club nnd their friends last Wednesday
evening. A delightful time wtis bud by nil.
Tno roads nro rapidly becoming rldcablo
under thn smiling ravs of the April sun , nnd
soon the health booking cyclist will bo speed-
nip aloup the country lanes and over grass-
grown shallows far from the city's dust and
The Boarlnps of a recent date contained a
portrait of tbo plucky little rider , W. A. Pix-
luy , an Omaha boy who has won moro races
than nnv ono of llio local racing men in iho
amateur ranks. "Pix1' will be a fouiuro on
Ihu IrauU again this season.
The now caps which , will decorate tbo
heiuiH of the Tourists- this season nro the
prettiest thing out navy bluu cloth witli
Email gold wheel ( llio clubs emblem ) worked
on thu crown , Thn boys will appear quite
nobby in the now headgear.
The Tourist Wheolmoa are requested to
hand In their renewals to the Ieauo lo
George F. Waldron , the club's secretary-
ircasurer , as near April ! ! 0 as possible , so
Ihat he may bo enabled lo send them In ,
Nebraska should not losu her league club
this season.
At the annual election of the Omaha Wheel
club Tuesday evening , Auril 5 , the following
gentlemen were chosen to fill the responsible
positions : James E. Kbersolc , niusldont ;
K. L. Lytlo. vice president ! Fred Pearce ,
secretary ; K. U. Smith , treasurer ; John M.
Conradt , captain.
Tno Young Men's ChiUtlan association
cyclers intend lo "ba in it" this season , nnd
ns the club is composed of some of iho most
enth'uslasilc of tlio local wheelmen , there U
no apparent reason why thu1' should not have
tholr anticipations realized. Captain Grant
Is a hustler and has his club's interest at
The competition for the Tourist Wheelmen
clue mileage medal will commence this
month , with the first called club tun , and
will continuo throughout tbo summer until
November 31. A new sot of ruu * govern thu
contest , and the mlloagn will be published in
TUB BKK every two wooks. The medal will
bu , If anything , of a much moro handsome
design than the ' 91 prize , und will bo of gold ,
suitablv engraved. No member of thu club
Is barred , every onn will tm placed on an
equal foot , and thereafter will win only by
his own efforts , so speaks the committee.
Watt Morris will bo found at tl.-o head of
the scorchers again this summer. How about
that Florence iccordl Will It be lowered
this season < Spouklng of records , hero are
some that tbo boys ca-i have a shy at as soon
ns tbo roads become rldcablo end in a condi
tion for record making and bleating. Morris
nnd Denman hold the record to Bellevue , 41 %
minutes. Frank Mlttnner holds the Flor
ence record ( round trlni , having pedaled
over the course in something like Dl minutes
or less. B. K. Smith holds the Uik City rec
ord , 3 hours and 17 minutes ( ordlnarr ) . The
Tourists hold the record from Calhoun to
Omaha , having made the record on a club
run last season , 63 > minutes. Tbo Uollevuo
record has blood tbo longest and will very
likely be Iho first to fall , as several of the
hills or knolls have been trimmed down , and
ns Iho "scorchers" nro now all mounted on
pneumatics the task is much easier to accom
Chief Consul Porrigo , the senior member
of the bicycle house of A. H. Pcrrigo & Co. ,
with his usual enterprise and foresight has
arranged a little surprise for the "boys" who
occasionally dron in to see him nnd talk over
league politics , pnoumatlo tires , etc. Only
by a moro accident was the scheme which ho
has nursed through the long and dreary win
ter como to licht , a "Pooping Tom" here
gives the whole snap away. In the first
place , "Perry" will build a handsome stool-
trussed bridge with polished brass hand rail
and rubber cleats from the edge of tuo curb
In front of his emporium to the pavement
thus spanning the cutter , this will bo appre
ciated by the "beys" who have boon obliged
to lift tholr mounts tb tbo sidewalk when
oallinp. A beniiliful little natural provo of
shade trees will bo sot out in front and artis-
tiu rustic benches will bo distributed about
carelessly for the wheelmen , this will bo ap
preciated by tno "boys" during the sultry
hours of the summer's day. A soda founlain
which produces "brown soda , " a revolving
fan , a delightful shower bath , a brass band ,
and a half mile track will bo added ns the
season advances. The "doctor" and his as
sistant who have charge of the repairing de
partment will bo costumed In evening atilro ,
nud will wear a fresh boutonioro each time a
"session" is held. Fragrant flowers will
smile and nod to Iho bieezos which will lie
tiained to blinv from thd river and the club
bucler will sound the "assembly" and "re
call" each evening perhaps ! may bo !
Itllscolliiucou * Ioal .Sportti. \
Dr. Grim and Will Kimeral spent n couple
of days out nt Rogers this -week , bagging
twonty-nino mixed geese and ducks.
The big kill of pceso made out the
PJntto Ihls spring was that by Henry Ho-
man and Robert Wells , some 130 ! birds , in a
ten days' ' outing.
The yellow lees , greater and lesser , havj
begun to drop in on tbo meadows turn
marshes , and several small wisps of Wilson
snipe have been scon.
Harry McCorralck , Clark Redlck ancUono
or two others spout several days out at Pat
rick's ranch recently. Five ducks were
bagged , ail falling lo McCormick's cun.
It is reported that some line baskets of
black bass and croppio are being taken nt
Ncshobotnn lake , down near Langdon , Mo. ,
those spring days. Fishing with the spoon
will bo at Its prime in another month , ami
many local aaglcrs are preparing for an out
John S. Prince , with ono of Omaha's
bankers , is poing to got up a tug-of war nt
the world's fair. It will bo given under n
In mo tent that will seat 10,000 people. There
will bo twenty teams from twor.ty different
states , The champion team of ouch state
for the interstate nnd international cham
pionship of America. There , will also bo
110,000 in cash prizes , .lack bays the winners
of the coming tournament wilt represent Ne
braska at the world's fair.
The Bearings of last waek contains an ex
cellent cut of Will Pixloy. and in connection
with the same says : Billy has ridden many
a fast race and his frlenus will back him
against nnyono of his class , which is : Half-
mile , safety , 1:14 : ; mllo.2iO : : i-Dhalf-mile : , or
dinary , 1:10 : ; mile , 2:31. : Out of forty-one
races in 1801 ho won twontv-Miio firsts , two
seconds and two thirds. Ho believes in cash
prizes , but not In "divvies. " Ills friends
claim that ho rides to win. Pixloy Is a stocky
built fellow of five feet HO ven inches and
weighs 145 pounds. Ho was born in Angola.
Ind , in 18711.
At a meeting hold by the Lincoln , Nob. .
Gun club March 27 , 18lt2. tocleut now elllcoH
for IS ! ' ' , Georpo Rogers was elected presi
dent , C. K. Latshaw vice president , W. F.
Coolo secretary and treasurer , A motion
was made by J. R. Drinker , late president of
the clnb , that "section ! I article 0 of oar by
laws , relating tu fish and game law , bu en
forced as far ns II Is in the power of wo. the
members of iholull , and that the president
of the clnb shall notify ibo game warden or
oilier proper olllcers of the law for the pro
tection of game or fish Hint rue brought to
liis notice , mat wo , as individual members
of thu club , nbstnin from violating the gama
laws of the stato. " Met ion carried ,
Omntlonn nml Aiiinvorn ,
llpsMoiNKS. In , April 3 To llio Hportln ?
Kdllornf TiiRllKKi I'loiiso lot mu know by
.Siindav'H IIKK what llio population of Norfolk ,
Nub. , wns bv thu I89J census. Also. In a uainu
of iluulilu hlnli five- , doe * thu man who M < ln the
highest and malUH the Irnnip liuvu to load ft
irump first or ijnt ? MolC ,
Ana , Four thousand ono hundred and
twenty. Wo.
AI.IIION , April 4 To the Hportliu IMItor of
THIS HUB : To docldu a bet , in wluit time cnn
u wild KOOSO fly ur how many miles Dor hour
cnn It make ? Hilly U'llrlen.
Ans. Ono hundred mile * .
OHKI-NA , Neb. , April < . To Ihu Spotting Kill-
lorof THE HEBVlllyniiiiloiisu \ r.nswer the
following questions In Hum ! ly'rf JIKK nnd sut-
tlo a dlitmtoof ucoupioof frlemJa. 1st , A , U
and 11. 0. wuroplaylna high llvn. A. U. | mv-
lnK < r ! points , It. U. 01 ( In panic of Co ) A. 0. bids
8 and makes I'l. II. ( > , suvlnx jack. Who wliu
thu gamo2nd / , Musi a person drawdown to
Iriiiups In drawing cards In hljjh Uyo. J , It.
WllHUII. '
Ana (1 ( ; B. and G. win. (2) ( ) Yes.
Sioux Cnr , la. April -To the Sportlim
Editor of TIIK HEK : In the aainu of "hlk-li
IIvu" U It outloiml with Ihu deulur , whuru It U
mutually agreed that IIH shall rob llio duiik ,
whether lie diboards his surplui trumps or not.
or can hu hold lliu sovun triiimx und play
Ilium an I'U likes. I'luano unuwor In your next
iiiKe. . "o , a. j. "
Ana. Ho mutt dUoard all but ilz cards.