' PRRT THREE , FHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE PfiBES 17 TO 20. T TWENTY-FIRST YEAtt. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , A1MUL 10. l8r-2-T\VENTY PACKS. NUMBER 261 , Atthoenrncst solicitation of hundreds of our best ( fiends nnd out of town customers , wo hjld this ' grand opening" all day. By special request ro-sonally and by mall , of hundreds of our out c flown , ns well as our ally friends , this opening Is continued oil day row. A.ddress Your Mail Orders To theDBoston Store , Northwest Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts. , Omuha , Neb. JEWELRY vcrjVntch \ warranted nnd kept In repair < pair for 5 ycnra. Ladies' Elgin or Illnois Walcli In best fold filled cases , warranted M . years. From $12.50 to $20. iif. < iUiAii rJiicr.Qio TO guv. Cents' Elgin or Illinois Watches In 1 cat gold tilled CIIECS , warranted so yours. 1CKGV1.AU Elgin , Aurora and Illinois full jeweled ami adjusted movements , In best told III led eiibes. From $2 ! to $29.TO TO SI. ' , . LADIES' OB. GENTS' 14k. Solid Gold Watch $33 THE BOSTON STORE CARPETS N. W. Cor ICth and Douglus Sts. , Omaha. The Our Load Brussels and Tapestry Oarpets Bought from the Railroad Company ON SALE TOMORROW IN BASEMENT Patterns , Xcw Designs Suitable for lHlN , rino rnrloranml Itril Itooms lit the I'olluwine Jtcmurkiibly Low 1'rlcos Great Uarfnlus These ! Double chain ingrain carpets , anlen- did patterns , 2oc a yard. Extra bupor wool filling ingrain carpets - pots , very rich ollects , handsome designs - signs , 49o a yard. Palisade tapestry carpets , one of the best wearing carpets made , elegant col ors and patterns , 49e a yard. Superb tapestry brussels carpets in entirely now patterns , in high or low and soft colors , larao or small design , 59c a yard. The finest brussels carpets in this car load will ho offered to you at 75c a yard for the choice of the lot , these qualities being considerably greater and bettor than the price , in fact they are worth at least twice what we usk for them. Splendid stair carpets 69c , a. great bargain. 183 pairs Nottingham and imitation Brussels not lace curtains at $2.19 , worth from 3.tr)0 : ! to io.OO a pair. Also a number of Immense drives in lace curtiiiiib at 9Sc , $1.25 , and 81.50. One solid case very finest grades of imported curtains , Irish points , Tam bour , Swiss , real guipure , etc. , in fuel ns line as can bo shown in Omaha which will bo sold tomorrow at 8-1.60 , $5.CO , SG.9o , 67.75 and $9.00 a pair worth from twice to live times the amount. 1 case elegant marscilles bed spreads atOSc , worth $1.CO. 2 big bargains in portieres one In fine chenille at $1.S ! ) each and elegant chenille curtains at 34.OS a pair. Send iu Your Mail Order It will bo filled at once. CROCKERY AN EXTRA SOUVENIR Q'.ven to ovary Lady Customer in tlio Orooksry Dapnrtmont Everything at Reduced Prices. 112 PIECE DINNER SET Now English shupo and decoration. Fine Gold Uandlo Dinner Set 100 pieces Maddock Porce lain E3TINWARED AT COST DURING TUB OPENING. PINK Electric Burner Hand Beautiful Painted \4 } LAMPS 01 NEWEST STYLES GLASSWARE AT PANIC PRICES , Beautiful , Given Away to Everyone Artistic , Tomorrow. one . Pleasing GRAND TOMORROW OPERATIC AFTERNOON GRAND OPENING ' 'I ' Our millinery department has been greatly enlarged , occupying the entire front of our well lighted second floor , making it unquestionably the most complete department of its kind in the west. Over 2OOO Trimmed Hats and Bonnets will be on exhibition. No two of them alike and their prices will be a revelation to every visitor.l * People of moderate means as well as the most opulent and fastidiouswill find something to their taste , whether in trimmed oruntrimmed hats or trimmings. * WE HAVE EVERYTHING BUT FANCY PRICES. During cur opening we will ALL OUR 160 offer some of the grandest values In Trimmed Hats. 125 PATTERN Trimmed Hats In monturc. flowers nnd silk ribbon , HATS Mlll.ncr'bprleenSO. Fn CHOICE OF 97 FINE Including some of the greatest OuTrimrriBclHats gems produced in New York nnd in Paris will be on sale at In elojiitit niontiirc , flow era and silk ribbon. from Milliner's prlcusSI toM. CHOICE OF 150 ,50 , Trimin'd ' Hats All onrofnlly ileslRnod for the boat trudu nndvull worth double. CHOICE OF 132 FINE Straw , Lace or Crepe up to $8. Some of thess hats cost the importer from $1O to $2O dc Chine Hats. abroad. These are perfect mar Finest In Omaha. vels of the millinery art. JOe for Rose Montures worth 35o. 2Bo for AssorLod MonLuros.buLLorcups. cornflowers , etc. , worLh 56o. 5Oo for Fine Rose Monburas , with velvet , or satinloavos , worth Sl.oO. ! Z5o for Large Rose MonlAtres.wlLh velvet or saMn loaves , worth S1.O8. TBol'or verij Large Carnation Monlures , worl.li SI.75. Mail Orders Mail Orders Filled. NEW SPRING WRAPS , Filled. JACKETS AND BLAZER SUITS Outside of New York city there never has been shown so many styles of fine high grade , artistic wraps , or such an immense stock of medium grade yet equally good style spring jackets and blazers , as will be seen at this our grand spring opening. THIS BLAZER SUIT SR 98 ci ! ° IPUBtiU Below These come In nil wool ladle1 elotn. with new belUklrtlD blacktacs , raya unU ua\y. ALL NEW. ELEGANT IMPORTED CAPE J'olnt-do-Cpna I-afc , , trimmed , 4Mii. : fotijc , l $9.50 LOUD SPRIIIQ , CAPE llluclt and colors , Bilk faced , ' IMP. BEDFORD CLOTH REEFER JACKET Lurgo pearl buttons , i > Ilk lined , IMP.BLK. DIAO. LONG' TAILOR MADE JACKETS Hut llruld Edge , Ellk I.lnca SPRING , ' 92 All Wool Blaolc Spring Reefer Jacket Xnvy nntl I3hick Srlnc ] ) Reefer Jacket Handsomely Hruldocl All Wool Cheviot Tan & Gray Reefer Jacket Kino nmbrolderca Collar Pine Quality All Wool Diagonal Reefer Jacket Collar ntid culfs finely cinbtuldcred TI1EBOSTON STORE SHOE SALE N. W. Cor. inth and Douglns Ste. . Omaha. Celebrating the Finish to the Greatest and Moat Successful Shoo Deal EVER CONSUMMATED IN OMAHA And Oircrltiff Thousands nn < 1 Thommruls of rail's of rino Sliucs lit Absolutely llulf the 1'rlcc they OilKlit to Uc bold I'or. Wo positively warrant every pair of shoes wo soil to give peed satisfaction nnd wear well. And we further guarantee to replace any pair free of charge that docs not do so. so.JUST ABOUT HALF PRICE. You can take a pair homo and if they don't suit or fit bring them back nnd chancre them or got your money back. , -JUST ABOUT HALE-PRICE. This stock of shoes consists of ' "almost entirely hiph grade shooa , such as im ported dongolas , button shoos , colored ooze and swede tics , English welts in opera too nnd a grcnt nuirtber of super grade , fino- fancy enameled cordovan quartered and tipped low shoos. MEN'S SHOES ABOUT HALF PRICE. Men's , line French calf shoes , bench made , in medium weight , shoes that must give infinite comfort and splendid wear , in many styles of too and differ ent lusts , In lace and congress , regular price 80.00. tomorrow , $3.f,0. LADIES' SHOES ABOUT HALF PRICE. Superb enamel cordovan quartered and tipped imported French dongola hand turned opera button shoes , 11 , 0 , D and E , regular prlcoST.OO , tomorrow's prlco SI 00. Extra line button shoos , imported up per stock with enamel calfskin tip , hand turned , finest silk sowing , worth 83.00 to $0.00. tomorrow , Sli.OO , $3 25 , $ 60 and Sa.75 ; in B , C , D or E , or EE , both opera and C. S. lasta. In addition to the above we will plnco on sale the following uninatchablo bur- gains. $5.00 suede oxford ties , $2.50 ; they come in many colors. i 0,000 pairs ladies' plain and fancy ox ford tics , all hand turned , worth from $1.00 to 81.01) ) a pair , will go on sale to morrow nt 40c , Gc ! ) , 85c. $1.00. $1.25 , 31.50 , $2.00 , $2.25 and $2.50 , 500 pairs ladies' dongoliv high button shoos , $1.00 , plain or tipped. Meiil Orders Killed. Your order by mall receives th most cnrel'ul attention and is filled - ed at onc3. OPENING-BARGAINS DEPARTMENT. Children's School Hats , In nil colors. Regular prlco Mo. LATEST STYLE Men's Stiff Rim Hat In brown nnd b'nok. ' 11 Ice cut. Worth 83 00. 3OOO MKN'S In Soft Felt Hats , from 7OC tO $3.50 Wofth'twico the nrlo GRAND SPRING OPENING SALE rilK II OKl.lt KKXOWXKIt GLOVES IAA.DIKIS' KID The I'ollnnlii ) ; TploKr.un UBH Itcan Ho- culvoU hy tlioVojturn Union Tulc/jruph / Co. NlJW YOKIC , Mnrch 20 , 1802. THE noS'l'ON STORE , Wo authorize you to inform the nub ile that you are tlio aolo agents for P < k P. Chaumont , IJorthohl and Fontaino Mel glovoa. Wo will prosoculo anv in fringement. I'INGS & PINNKK. We Are the Sole and Only Agents in Omaha. $1.50 Kid Gloves 39c .Y0drc } ° soil and undrussod liooU , mousqiio * tii I re , Iliumutc. . , In nil nl/.a , bluuks and col- pair. Tluiso uro tlio seconds of the $1 , $1.23 , Jl.r.O 1111(1 $1.73 K OVU3 , U'JO , An immense line Trade nark. ) of bhick and 7 hook real k id tana in & P. & P. Hook & Button GLOVES A PAIR ThcBo nro regular PAIRWarranted dollar gloves. Warranted Wo will poll 7 hook undressed 1J. & P'a KID guaranteed C'hau- iiiODt kid gloves P. & P. dressed and un- drcsbcd , in blaci ; , Gloves mode , tuns and In EVERY COLOR browns , at PAIR. A Pair-