Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1892, Part Two, Page 15, Image 15

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t UK
Sample of the title page of our new i3O page Illustrated Catalogue just issued. Write for it. The finest catalogue of House Furnisnings ever issued in the U.S.
TV ) YOU lira nt n dlilnnre ) Bond
mi-US CATALOGUE ) - - ( U 3 two-rent Mnmi > nnd yon will
, rpoolrc br return mall tliolnrcml
rntnloiitio oi llotiro limiHliltm
WRITE I PLHASK bear in mind , only represents n fractional part of lloixl * lit tlio Unllcit Stnte * V\n
I our stock. But also rctnombor wo hero show our jiKSl Cnrpel pur freight * IUO tulles Smnilcs | or
1 sryfjKS. outNKVVl _ T GqODS nnd our GUEATHSf
HARGAIN3. Wo have ONK PIUCE for nil , nnd you can "
CAN order by mull nnil bo
' Y"OU i
FOR. send for goods und'bo as wall served ns though you visiUd our stpro. well i > orvotl ' though you vl-
Disabuse vour mind of the error that housekeeping goods cannot llnj In bnrlni" our store. . itulToil Oonclo trltli nro Kieclolor oowoil tip ,
bo shipped to you nnd arrive In the very pink of condition.Vosow unit reiicli you In perfect eomlltlon ,
them up in burlaps , stuff sumo with excelsior and they actually ronch linncver Rtoat tlie distance.
orator you in bettor shape than as though they wore sent across the city on
one of our teams.
Kcmomber , wo keen everything for the homo , from the Lower A CARD. 'Fill L ? rooiilo's Mnnimntli ln tnll >
. input lloimo l < one of tlio Inri-
Southeast Corner of the Collar to the Upper Northwest Corner of the CM nnd mott rcllnhla oUnhlMi *
Attic , nnd our Mull Orders are perhaps larger than all other Furniture E ARE aware of the fact that the remarkable motif In tlio II S. nnd our romlori
rely on tliolr , their
tuny tooili
or Ilou-ofurnishlng Establishments In the WEST combined. able growth of the PKOI'UCS MAMMOTH prices nnd tliolr nun Ice. .
MAILED FREE. SEND FOK SAMPLES of Carpets. Oil Cloths and Linoleums. f iNbTALLMKNT llousuhns not only as
. Send for Sample DiMics. Send for Special Catalogue of IJiiby Carri tonished the west generally , but it has
ages , Rattan Goods , Folding Hods , Chairs , Refrigerators , Church and aroused the jealousy of the trade farand "
I MANHAtl ) "Nul
Lodge Furniture , Desks , Olllco Furniture , etc. Send a trial order. 'near. Wo do not know , however , ns wo /V ItnltPd Stntn * cnrrlen nl nil
SEND IT NOW. are to blame for selling goods lower than tinier for linnietllntu tlellser ) Mich
nurcil imortmiMit of Oirpct , lln-
they have over boon sold , and at prices peril's anil Ituui n * iloai tlio vrldp
which dealers hero in our largo Cities nwnko. provtunho I'ooplo i Mitin
niotli Iiitt llmi'iit llon p , nml nt
Bay will not pay a living prolit. If the pupuHr price * , not onljr juit iu v
best Manufacturers , far and near , choose ( as they do ) to make US Tins inn nliynyn "
SOMJ OL'TLIU' 1 oit Tliniu GOODS IN Tliu WKST , and nro willing to make
us largo concessions in view of the fact that they thus sell more goods ,
and nro at nd ristc or expense , pray are wo to blame ? Wo huve never
asked or demanded in any way , anything but a "Fair hold and no fa ANOTHER CARD.
vor. Our motto is "Live and lot live. " Wo were bold enough to in .
troduce Eastern methods into IhoVost , chief and foremost of which is E ARE able to adequately represent our
our "One Price System. " This is , indeed , the chief Coriior Stone to goods , as this catalogue attests , and the
our prosperity , and the main secret of our being able to build up such f least person in the remotest hamlet in
an extensive 'Mail Order trade over Nebraska , Iowa , Dakota , Wyoming , the West can buy by mail any article in
Minnesota , Montana and on to the Coast. Wo tnko pleasure in promptly our stock nt the VilUYHAMi : t'ltiri : i aid
answering all inquiries and wo guarantee satisfaction. by the Mightiest Dignitary who visits
Hir btoro. As to prices , wo do not , and
honestly can not , iihk the same that the
small Establishments do , and this is in
SOI.I > on our partia no wav disparaging to them. They are
GOODS anywhere tills Mdo I only getting R fair margin AIIOVI : THE IMUCI : TIIKY AIM : om.iiii : > TO
of ono-fourtli.or Hie I'nclHo one-Httli Oconn down. Ono-third Ual , l'A Y FOR THKIU GOODS. A word to the wise is sufUi'icnt
nnco monthly Ono price tu all. Now about our Liberal System of Payments. Our "Terms" hdiod-
ulo on the inside of cover explains itself. We give all the time needed
by any person in which to pay for till the Furnishings required. Wo
sell on time ATSAMi : vint'i : AS'rou CASH , and charge no Interest , i or
" ii \TO persons ordering liy mnll over i down , balance monthly. If paid within sixty days , nothing extra is
pnl'l muro for nn nrtlclo than Is
WRITETO cu tnracr who % Ml our added ; if a longer time is taken , we add a nominal charge of 5 cents on
WRITE more Wo pay frnlght lOOrallus each dollar to cover the actual expense for carrying the account open
a series of months. No ono need wait until ho or she is forehanded
before making the homo a place that the Children will remember with
l > KMKMllKll.ffokeep overruling delight. Many who are now living in Sumptuous Homes would still bo
-FOR. -iv northunst used In the corner home , of from tl.e ntilo tlio upper to without the meagre comforts of lifo had they not availed themselves of
the loivur southwest corner of the our Partial Payment Plan.
Carriage Catalogue foliar.
ODIlMnll Order llcpnrtniont hnn
tbreo Mutioiirnphurs uml type
writers for tlio nlo inirposo of
qnnwcrlni ! explicit ! ) nil communi
cations frotn uur out-of-towu cu -
People's Mammoth Installment .11 House , 1315-1317 FarnamSt
Goorso W. Mercer's ' Rambles Among the
Ancient Euins of Central America.
gclentlllc Turtles Semiring the I.niiti A
Cato Tltut KltnU tlio Miiimnotli Ono
of Kentucky Itlrli Find of
Ancient 1'ultcry.
, . U.s-ios , Salvador , C. A , March S.
irrospondcnco of Tun Biii.J : In Iho early
t , of the sixteenth century tbo vast do
main , now known as Central America , extending -
tending from Mexico to the Isthmus of
Panama and including all territory between
tbo Atlantic and Paclllc oceans , was called
From that date a few traces of history nro
in oxlstoiico from which wo can obtain a
meager Idea of tbo notable events which oc
curred in that country during Iho next hun
dred years , but hoforo that data everything
is durlt , and vo can only make conjectures
and draw our conclusions from tbo wonder
ful aud interesting disco voiles that have
boon mudo there In the last few years. Prom
the relics nnd ruins and antiquities that have
boon recently brought to light wo have posi
tive evidence that Central America ut some
far distant tlmo was Inhabited by a race who
wore masters In sculpture and architecture ,
In science and In engineering , but as lo what
race it win , where tbo people caino from , or
at what time tboy llourlibod , no one has yet
boon able lo iloterinlno.
Tbo localities in which the principal ruins
are known to exist nro the ancient cities of
the Yucatan uonlnstila , the rulnod city nt
Quingun on the oust coast of Guatemala , uud
tbo ono at Copan in the republic of Hon
duras , The latter place bus recently at-
traotod Iho particular attention of tbo
nrcbicologlcal world , nnd the Honduranian
goWrnwent granted not long ago a con
cussion to the. 1'oabody museum of Harvard
college , allowing them the free use of the
ruins for purposes of exploration. At tbo
moHunt 111,110 , u party of gentlemen from that
Institution are nn thoriold _ , and although ibo
excavations have bcon going on but a short
tlmo tbe discoveries already made are
pufUoiontly encouraging to KIVO
AuMiriiiU'o of hpli-mliil ituiulta.
At Copan , hi particular , a great many ovl
donees of an antique habitation nro visible
.without any excavating. Numbers of splen
didly carved columns , often sixty foot high ,
usually surmounted with some work of
ouolont sculpture , are to bo found almost
anywhere in the forosta about Copan ,
govern ! arches , tbo Ilka of which Irnyo never
beuu found ojsowhero on tbo western hemis
phere , protrude more than twenty feet above
tbo surface , und from the width of their col
umn * it is estimated that tbis is not ono-
half tholr oullro height , A great many
pieces of broken pottery , many jars ,
yhsos nnd poU , which are still Intact.
, fuifl , a Jarcu and varied collection of
, etoiip' onirraveii images have alreadv
been ( akon out , and 1 am told that tba lza
and quantity of these increase as the excava
tions proceed. Nearly all the articles so far
discovered are cither beautifully engraved
with Animals or ( lowers or are covered with
bteroBlyphlca , tba Hey to which has not yet
been determined. The members of the parly
now at Copan are highly elated with their
success aud say that they are confident that
the rums of Copan uud iboio in the otbor
Central Aircricau states will definitely prove
jS\b * oxutocco of a civilization whlcb lived
and perished oven before the Aztecs of Mex
ico. As yet none of tbo tlguros or hieru-
so far examined bear auv resom-
eypbios tbe relics of tbo Aztoo civilization ,
Hid the carvings and eculpturos are said lo
' " superior toany jut found which are
KUrlbutnd to tbo period of the Aztecs ,
% Tbo Qulrlgua ruins havoiiover boon ex
plored by oxporti In archoiologr , and as
they nro situated In a region which Is five
day's distant from the nearest port or rail
road , in a locality In whloh yellow fever is
always prevalent , it Is probable that they
will not bo visited by the scientific party
now in the country. I am told , however ,
by the gentlemen who own tbo finca on
which they are situated , that they are even
moro extensive ana scorn to have an earlier
data than these of Copan.
In tbo northern part of Guatemala , not far
from ibo boundary line of Mexico , in tbo
wildest ana most remote region of tbo
cordilleras of Central America , there is said
to exist a cave which can rival
Tli Alnnimoth Cave of Kentucky
in extent and magnificence , and which for
the numberless curiosities nnd wonderful ap
paritions to bo iseou tboro would ho worthy
of a description In ouo of Hldor Haggard's
it box never oecn explored to any extent
by white nion , and tbo Indians who llvo in
tbo vicinity bold it in such superstitious
rovorcnco that they can hardly bo persuaded
to go within eight of its entrance.
A mining engineer who was prospecting in
thiit vicinity told mo that ho visited the
plnco and spent several hours in tbo cavo.
There is nothing very rornnrkablo except tbo
beautiful limestone for the 11 rat 200 .feet , but
then tbo explorer enters a passage almost too
small to allow a man to stnud , at the cxtrcim
ity 'of which is a room of circular shnpo
which is at least 200 foot In circum
ference. Around tbo walls of this room nro
arranged u series of shelves , built out of
sulid rock nnd readied by sovoial stone
stairways. Seated on tboso shelves , at a
distance of about eighteen foot apart , is a
collection of stouo Idols , extending around
the whole room. The smallest of tboso stone
imacos is about two and a half feet high and
all tboso on the llrst shelf nro of that sizo.
There are thrco shelves In nil and on tbo
upper ono of tbo tbrou trio images are about
six feet blgh , At ono extremity of the room ,
on the toil shelf , Is a uptcndldly ouravnd
tbuir or thronu , in which is seated a stone
Idol not less than elcbt feet In height
and rrownod with n wreath of delicately
carvoil marble. Between tbo lips of this
king of Idols is placed a ruby of considerable
size and smaller stones of tbo satno variety
uaoiu his eyes. In the canter of tbo room is
u stouo fountain with a basin twenty foot in
circumference iiround the entire length of
which nro placed stone engraven lions of
anmll size but of splendid sculpture. The
gentleman who described this place to mo
has in his possession ono of the smallest of
the idols , a relic wbioh his party
brought nway with them m a mem
ento of tbo cavo. Ho Hnds It necessary
to put his mptnento on exhibition before any
aUdience to which ho relate * his story , for
few people would bollovo without proof such
n wolrd and unheard of tola as ho lolls.
In another apartment of tbls cave ho as
serts that bo discovered at least u tundrod
earthenware jars each ono of which con
tained the skull of a human nome. Tbeso
tars nro arranged in a line near tbo wall of a
long , narrow passage , and ubovo i-acU Jar is
an Inscription in hclroglypblcs , probably giv
ing the description of its oivnor or tbo date
at which it was placed thero.
I'urloiii c'lillci'tlon nf Cofiini.
The parly in question also appropriated as
rolic'-s iovoral of tbeso singular bead cofllns
and have In tholr possession many otbor curi
osities from the rave which clvo absolute
evidence that it was at some distant porlod
tbo place of worship of bomo unknown raco.
This cave would certainly bo very Interest
ing to persons inclined to bo antiquarians ,
and there is a probability that it will shortly
bo nivestteatcd in a scienllilo manner , as tlio
United States conmil general iu Guatemala
is much Interested In such affairs and has al
ready begun a thorough svsumi of exploration -
ploration in ono locality , with the ul
timata intention of extending this work
to all places important to archaeologists.
It ls a well known /not that Guatemala and
all Central America is a laud subject to fro-
( jnont and often to violent ami destructive
earthquake : . , out it Is probably not generally
known that tbo capital city of Guatemala
has bcon twlco destroyed and twice moved
from tbo locality iu which tbn disaster oc
curred. When tbo conquering Spaniards ,
under Pedro Alvarado , tint- entered Guate
mala in the curly part of the sixteenth cen
tury they found tbo capital city , then called
Aim * Longa , located In a most beautiful aud
ferttla plain which Is now called tbo Autl-
qua vnlloy. This valley is surrounded on all
sldoa by high ridgoa of rocky mountains
whoso lofty peaks extend far above tlio sum
mit of the ridge line tbe watch towers on an
ancient fort. The most Important , of these
ueiiks are tboso of Aqua and Fuego , both
volcanoes which glvo evidence of violsnt
eruptions In former times.
"At the tirno the Spaniards took possession
of the country tbo crates of tba Volcan do
Aqua was a vast lake ot tvutor , tbo accumu
lation of centuries , out the Volcan do Fuego
was in n stnto of soinl-acllvlty. The Span
iards Boouiod to have no fear from those
sources , however , and erected a city of considerable -
sidorablo magnificence on tbo slto of Almh
Longo , Here Alvarado llvoci as governor of
the province under the king of Spain until
the year 1541 , wbon the lake in the crater of
the Volcan do Aqun broke through the side
of thn mountain and with tbo force of a
Johnstown flood completely demolished the
city nnd destroyed most of its inhabitants.
A subsequent eruption of tto snmo volcanoes
covered the ruins of Alma Longa with
lava and it has slnco ' been known us
"Clndnd Viojo" ( the city of the ancients. )
The few inhabitants who escaped
destruction removed further down the val-
Icv , which is about thirty miles in oxtont.
arid laid tbo foundations of the llrst Guate
mala , n city which grew rapidlv in wealth
nnd population , nnd which , through the in-
lluonco ot the Spitnards and the clcrgv , soon
became ono of the llrst cities of tbo Spanish
possessions in Central America.
The Kurtliqimlio'ii Dm into tins Work.
Although tbls city from Us foundation was
peculiarly subject to earthquakes , many of
which were quito disastrous , the industry or
perseverance of its people did not jrivo way
until the city was totally destroyed In the
year 1773. Accoidiug to the testimony of an
author of that period the city bad been very
unfortunate from the early part of that yearned
nod the people were in such terror of tbo
earthquakes that they ilcd from their
houses at tbo least quake of
the earth. As a conscqonco , when
the disastrous shocks of July " 0 Jn that
year first began to bo felt every ono lied
into tbo streets nnd plazas as tbo only place
of safety.
If the accounts of the tlmo are authentic
the shocks of this oatthquako are among the
most violent in history. The earth seemed to
move in horizontal and vertical jerks , und
sometimes to tike tbo motion of sea wavoi.
The shocus lasted from four to ten minutes
at n lime and continued all night lonf. .Largo
crevices opened in tbo earth , Intu which
many people wcro tumbled hoaalong to de
struction. Many were suffocated by the
duht and lima from fulling houses ; und to
add to tba misery , tbo immense aqueduct ,
which supplied tbo city with water , broke
loose with grent destruction , drowning
many and ronaermg all efforts to sava prop
erty useless.
After tbo survivors had somowlmt recov
ered from their confusion und terror iboy
found that the cnttro city was completely do-
moralized. Uesidos the majority of all the
smalt buildings In tbo place nil the chief edi
fices wera destroyed , including tbo govern
or's pnl cs , ibo residences of tbo archbishop
and mayor , the mint , university und several
largo academies and seminaries. The church ,
however , was the chief loser , all the principal
churches being entirely demolished , aa well
ai sixteen convents and monasteries , four
hospitals and three prisons. Although so
much destruction had been wrought by the
earthquake , tbo majority of tbo people
oscaiKiJ with their lives , and after tba
"Coumel of the \VU . "
and tbo "forces of the valiant" had delib
erated on tbo matter ibo inhabitants decided
to move away from tbe valley and out of the
unfortunate district. They selected us the
slto of their now capital a beautiful spot
about fifty miles distant nnd there built tbo
city which is at present tbo pridn und too
capital of the Guatemala of todnv.
The old city Is now called Antlqua and is
probably ooo of the raoit interesting and ro
mantic plucas In Central America for tbo
evcry-dny traveler to visit. For some years
alter the great eartbquaka faw pooplu re
mained In the vicinity , but the wonderful
fertility of the Antlqua valley has gradually
led people to return ther ? , and todiy the
town of Antiquu is a bustling little coffee
On a person's first visit to tbls town ono
cannot ibolp being Immediately Impressed
with what tbo stately grandeur and magnifi
cence of the place must have been. The
churches and monasteries wcro especially
splendid with their bronzed and glided ceil
ings , tboir enormous choirs and domes , and
tboir labyrinth of vestry and communion
rooms , all erected with walls tlx orolgbt feet
thick , showing an idea of permanency a well
at of ooouty. No construction of that airo ,
however , could prepare for sucn ruthless de
struction as tbo earthquake of , and
the greatest ana 'strongest of nil
these substantial edifices are now ruins.
The anclout edifice formerly known as the
monastery of Belon is ono of the most exten
sive ruins In Antiqua. It. covers In-all about
eight acres of ground. Within its walls are
two immense churches , ana before tbo days
of tbo earthquake it was tbo homo of moro
than a bunarcd Franciscan monks.
A few years aw this building was pur
chased by an enterprising Spaniard , Scnor
Don Jose Maria Fernandez , who has recently
turned tbo place into n nirnituro factory , and
today ono can find sights far from nppronrl
ate in that splendid old homo of the monks.
The whistles and blasts of steam
engines ring through tbo corridors of the
finest old chapel in tbe establishment , the
buzz of a hundred saws Is heard in the
sacristy , the private appurtments of the
nbuoy in command storou with cofllns ot
tbo latest , patterns , tbo .fonts for holy water
nro now tilled with lubricating oil , the statue
of the Virgin Mary has bcon tnkon down
from its pedestal which is now occupied by a
clock of larcro dimensions , nnd tbo bonco of
the pious saints who died in tbo days of
yore have been taken from the crypt to fer-
tlliza the coffco land in the roar of lha fac
Hurled Treasures of ( ho Church.
Many other scones of tbo same kind greet
one's eye in all parts of the town. I noticed
an ordinary appearing butcher shop , built of
mud , adorn oil with n splendidly carvoa aoor
and casing , which would and probably had
done credit to some extensive mansion , Tbo
only livery stnblo In Antiqua bus for nn en
trance an nrch carved out of solid stone , with
the well sculptured llguro of a lion guarding
each approach.
Tbo whole city of is undermined
by an extensive system of subterranean
passages connoctinijoachmonnsterv and con
vent with thuothor nnd tlio entire lot with
the palace of the archbishop and the palace
of the governor. Tboso passages have bcon
but little explored nnd ate to a Brent degree
broken up nnd In ruins. It is said , however ,
that they contain a largo amount of treasure
nnd valuable belongings to the church , which
were hidden there by tbo clergy at the tlmo
of tlio earthquake.
Taking it as a vvbolo , Antlqua , with Its
busy populace , worftlngund living among tbo
classio old ruins , gives tbo visitor a vivid
contrast botwecn the past and tbo present ,
tba romantic nnd the real , and is surely a hi
place for some second IJulwer to produce a
a novel equally as interesting as "Tho Last
Days of Pompoll. " lk
_ _ , la.-Aun. 8 , ' 00. Dr. J. B.
Moore ; I foci It Is nOt.Uitly n privilege , but
a duty , to say a good \v\jW \ for your Catarrh
Curo. After ( Iiiuinring1i , < aith several of tbo
best specialists of the country without relief.
I was ndvlsod to try vour Catarrh Curo. and
am pleased to say I nin iJIOTrolv cured , Yours
truly , ' ' - 'W , A. STIIOXCI.
Traveling Agentftiijrbank * Scaio Co.
For Halo by nil druggisisi
When his wlfo sugLrosti the inevitable
Easter bonnet the avcfftjgo husbund nes a
feeling n if a cold castony wind were blowIng -
Ing through his stnrboanl whiskers ,
A I'rlze Uiurlr.
If a frojj in nt the tfjjbm ] ! | of n well , ton
feet dcop , how iniiny ( lays will it who
him to trot to the torrtf Jio cliintH up ono
foot ouch cliy : tuid sllilod buck six inclius
ctich niuht. . qjj-
Ono Hundred Dollars in cash will ho
puid to the person Who bonds the first
correct unfawor to the nbova pri/.o pu < >
zlo , nnd elegant piilr of Uininond ear-
riiifs in solid pold sattinjjb given to the
or sending second correct answer. A
comptotooiliumtion nt liuslnoss'collcfro '
given for fourth correct answer. An
Imported Music Uox ( playing nix pieces )
given for llfth correct answer. A nil ! ;
uro.-s puttorn for eucli of tlio next llvo
correct answers. A handsome parlor
lamp to each of the next ton. AND A
SOLID Gou > WATCH rou TUB rutyr
livery pordun answering must enclose
six U. S. two-cent stumps for two sntn-
plo coplob of Iho tlnest Illustrated publi
cation on this continent. We glvo those
prizes simply to IntroJuco it. Address ,
onto , Can.
KaJ.mno ( finDitpitch. / ) .
In the house of a gentleman in this
city wo saw a poem written on the fly
lent of nn old book. Noticing the initials
"K. A. P. " nt the bottom , it struck us
that possibly wo had run across a
The owner of the book said that ho
did not know who was tlio author ot the
poem. His grandfather , who gave him
the book , kopl an inn in ClicstcrllolJ ,
near Richmond , Va. Ono night u young
man who siiowcd plainly the murks of
dissipation rapped at the door , asked if
ho could slay all niirlit and was shown
to a room.
That was the last they saw of him.
When they wont next morning to call
him to breakfast , ho had gene but
had loft the book , on the lly leaf of
which ho had written these versos :
Leonnnio Angels named bor
And th y took tbo light
Of tbo laughing slurs , and framed her
In a sulto of while
And they made her hair of gloomy
Midnight , und her eyes of glowing
Moonshine , and they brought her to mo
In the silent night.
In n solemn night of summer
When my heart of gloom
Blossomed up to proot the comer
Like a rose in bloom ;
All forebodings that distressed mo
I forgot as joy caressed mo
Lying Joy that caught and pressed me
In tbo arms ot doom.
Only spako the llttlo lisncr
In the angel's tongue ,
Yet I , listening , heard bor whisper :
"Songs mo only sung
Hero below , that tboy may grieve you
Tales are told you to deceive you
So must Leonardo len/o you
Whllo her love Is young. "
Then God smiled , nnd it was morning
Matchless nnd supreme ,
Heaven's clory seamed adorning
Earth with its esteem ;
ICvery heart but mlua seemed gifted
With tbo voice of prayer , and lifted
VVbero my Loouanlo drifted
From mo Ilko a dream.
U. A. P.
Heally J. Whltcomb Ulloy.
HUSKY fOll THK A.1 / > / / : .
The now silk bcngatlncsaravery handsome
and nro much used for visiting und promenade -
ado costumes.
After a young woman fiats to bo thirty sbo
stops calling attention to bor birthdays by
giving parties.
flower bats will bo universally worn dur
ing the early summer , nnd for tfioator wearer
or atsUmmor festivals tboy arc lovely.
The Tartan sleeve Is of Scotch cheviot ,
wl'htwo guuntlut cuffs in darJrpusb. | and
light colored silk , edged with double corelng.
Kusstan blue , a "dark electric bluo. Is tbo
numo given to a urotty color which Is said
to bo tbo newest shaao for gloves and Block
"Your wife must take moro exorcise. "
"Out , doctor , what can I Uo < Sbo refuses to
stir. " ' 'Give her some money lo co shopping
with. "
Tbo Welch orown i * the name of ibo odd-
looking high crown which is conspicuous oji
many of the now hats. It Is very quaint and
Hruldod robes are not now as much In de
mand us embroidered robes , which coino in
beautiful spring shades aud uro omoroldcrcd
In lloral patterns , wheels , circles aud crescents -
cents ,
Handkerchiefs' are very much to the front ,
nnd women nro spending their incomes upon
them as of yoro. The simple , dainty bits ot
filmy lacu and Insertion are higher priced
than ever.
Hunker Miss Bond is quito a Uollo.
Go lin Yos. but i can't iuy I admire her
excessively , She told mo to go homo at 1 1 : ; K )
last nlL-lit. " Hunker Then sbo is u II ro
belle. "
Irish point lace and embroidery is used on
iu miner cuaHles , silks aud ibo imported
ginghams , and rlbbou outers largely into tbo
ornamentation of such dresses as wall as lace
or embroidery.
Importers of tbo choicest French millinery
announce that the largo brimmed Leghorn
hats , that never go wholly out of styloarn to
bo among Ibo most popular and most ornate
of summorbcnd covering.
Fashionable modistes are making dainty
chemisettes and blouse vests of pink , white ,
cream and palo blue surah or silk batiste , to
bo worn with open-fronted toilets tboy are
finishing for summer wear.
There is a very largo Invoice of tbo very
popular challios uud pretty ilgurctl veiling's
this season , these goods having In a largo de
gree usurped the place of the Fionch
ginghams , batistes , chumbrays and other
wash fabrics.
Cropons deeply crinkled of soft , Una wool
goods , dainty snow-llakoa crepes , and dotted
or striped fabrics iu slllc nnd wool , corduroy
materials us sbeor us cropou , yet ribbed like
Bedford cord , are nil popular dross goods
this season.
A bnndsomo coat is made of gray cloth
with a sleeveless jacket of olaok lace over it.
Tlio lace jacket is open iu Ibo back as well
as the front , and the cloth back Is embroid
ered with jot linos. The sleeves have cuffs
of lare over cloth.
Nearly all of the spring walking dresses
have a deep band of waterproof goods on
the under side of tbo skirts that nro cut to
sweep tbe ground , The band can bo brushed
and sponged each time that it has dragged
the mud after it.
Biotelies , braces and suspenders nppoar
upon very inanv of the ohurmini ; French
dresses for summer wear. Some of the grace
ful brotelios diminish to n more point below
the waist line , widening gradually to almost
cover the shoulders.
For an Easter gift give a llttlo girl a doll
sachet. Let tlio doll bo Japanese and dios-t
It in China silk , liberally supplied with too
powder. The initiaU nnd tlio dnto may bo
painted or otnbroldercd on tbo front of tbo
skirt , which is made iu the form of u
Tbo Importation of shot-silk parasols is
very largo this season , and these with models
of lustrous corded silit simply Hiiisbad with
gathered frills o ( the same , or with double
silk tape fringes nt tbo edge , will bo very
generally carried , except on dross occasions
und in carriages when something very smart
is In ordor.
The fashions for the spring are In some re
spects usually graceful and piaturesque.
Mantles und long capos were navor prattler
nor made in moro becoming style than now.
Tboy are composed of aovorul materials , ns
a rule , silk , velvet , lace und jot mingled to
gether as suits the fancy , and the results are
very pleasing.
A pretty dross for n llttlo girl may bo made
of palo apple croon pongee silk. It may bo
smocked across tbo yoke nnd around the
cuffs. With the dress gees a palo pink sash
of tbo full width of tbe pongoa. The sash
should bo earned loosely around tbo wulst
und lied In ibo back In two bows und two
long ends.
Veil pins are now quite necessary in order
that a woman's toilet should bo complola
Of course sbo wears a veil , and in tbeso
davs it Is attached to , her hat by numerous
pins ; half because It is the fashion und half
because u gives her comfort. Those pins
are usually Jowullod ; bugs , buttorJIos and
bowknots are usod.
Now dross galleons sboxV boautlfullv shaded
od arabesque leaves , palms and scrolls , liny
rasas in ribbon work , Ilowor bouquets In
solid colors , ulbo Persian effects ilcli In cut
jot , and mixtures of reseda with rose-pinx
und damusk-rtid , unge-green ullh copper-
pink , otc. Largo and small buttons , stamped
and enamelled , ar < i made to match tlioso gal
An Kaitor bonnet whlch"U as stylsh | us It
Is odd has the brim of black lace studded
with jot. Below tbo brim 1 a tuft of orange
shaded anemones with bluett centers. They
are arranged quito high on tbo side , A
huge orant'opllk boiv fornu tbo soft crown
of ibo brninet and act * as the trimming for
both back und front. Narrow black velvet
is used for the tic-strings ,
Wbito in croum or ivory is said to have re
sumed Us old supremacy fn ovonlng gloves
abroad , while taking high place iu nnlllnory
and gowning , especially iu full dress , where
wholly wluio toilets , white hats adorned
with either white plumes or ( lowers , white
parasols , fans , ana cwou while sandals and
wblto silk ho o , will bo in blgh favor.
Silver bouquet holders are now made small
enough to hold a boutounicro. A small glass
bottle In the exact aliapo or tbo bolder is pub
within it and filloa with water , tbis is placed
in tbo button-hole and the stems of violets
and other spring ( lowers which are in the
water nro kept fresh ana fragrant for nn as
tonishing length of time. Those llowor-
holders promise to bo very popular Easter
Ir you do not use a wbolo bottle of Cook's
Extra Dry Champngnont once , u rubber cork
will keep It for days.
ii > vu.iTHt\tr. .
Three hundred nnd sixteen Americangirls
are tcacblng in China.
The New York Times claims that city is
tbo pioneer of American common schools.1
Berlin university is the third largostln the
world. Paris , wilh l > , ' lf > students , and VI-
cnnn , with G'J2U , , nro inrgor.
Tbo town or Washington , Mo. , at Us annual
spring meeting , refused to appropriate any
money for n free high school , out voted to os-
tubllsh a liquor agency.
The annual catalogue of the Michigan uni
versity discloses tbo fuct that it bus tbo larg
est attendance of any American college or
university. The attendance this year is , ( > ' . ) 3
Oroou What is tbls university extension ,
anyway ) Uiowno Oh , it's a cbaritabla
dodge foroxtaudlnc to professors In third
class colleges opportunities to deliver locluros
at $10 a lecture. *
To got rid of tbo married teacher question
in Germany tbo minister of education has
passed a decree that tbo engagement of it
teacher ends nt the close ot the year In
which she innnics.
The division of Iho Tiidun estate in flow
York has boon completed. Over $1,000,000
was divided nr.vonc the hairs and $1,700,000
placed in trust for tbo library the save of
Granimcrcy park designed to found In Now
York city.
The directors of tboPresbyterian * college *
at Caldwell. Idaho , have decided to build ,
thli summer , n brlclc building for school pur
poses , to u > n 510,000. The site has boon so
leototl and the clearing ef the ground com *
mcncod. Thorn are over fifty undents
pledged tor tbo full term.
Mrs. Mary Shuliion Barnes , wlfo of Pro
fessor Karl liarnos of ihe chair of education
in tbo Uolund Stanford , Jr. , university , has
been unpointed assistant professor In modem
history in the same institution. Her wiirk
will bo ( or ibo present In thn history of 'tho
nineteenth century nnd in tbo history ( if 'tho '
Spanish West , in which course the history
of California will naturally form u loading
part. |
Prcsiaent Harper of Iho Chicago univer
sity offered Prof. G. 11. Pnlmor of Harvard
$7,000 , nnd bis wlfo , Mrs. Alice Freeman
Palmar , 1,000 to coma to Chicago , and later
bo increased tno latter llguro to $5,000Hut
the Boston Advertiser intlmatoH that this
lloarulllv is not lo bo uccoplcd , as Prof , hnd
Mrs. Palmer prefer to remain la Cambridge.
Fuw college classes have contained so
many men destined to bo distinguished in
afior life us tbero wnro In a class that was
graduated nearly half a century ngo ftom au
unpretentious and now unknown academy In
Frankfort , Ky , In that historic , class were
II. Gratz Brown , ( i. G , Vest , T. T. Crlt cn-
aen , Joe Blackburn.V. . C. P. Biccklnridgo
und John Mason Brown , They ull lived
within u few miles of Frankfort , wora
brought up us boys together und yjoro
luuirht by tbo same iualnt | od | school
master , a man immoa B , B , Bayers , who
bad more than n local reputation us a dis
rinaiiriiil AdifirlUlug , '
Of all branches of advertising , the cndoav *
or to roach tbo investor direct , with real es
tate , utouks , bonds , mortgages and mlaos ,
forms ono of ibo most InturuitUiL' , Wo have
boon very much interested , therefore , in
reading u ithort , sensible boon ; "Ciuu ; How
to del It , " Just issued bv Lord & Thomas ,
the advertising ngonls of Chicago. Homo
fuc-slmllo loiters attesting to the result ! of
tuu plan outlined in the book are Included.
Doublloss they would send n copy of the
llttlo nook to any ono sufllcloutly Interested
lo tend for it.
A very simple hat is made of black chip ,
with n band of yellowrlrnw lot Into l'io prim
a llttlo above the odga. Tbo brim Is broad
and lluted at tbo front and turned up at the
back and ibo "crown , " which U 10 % i
intmei ) with trirntnlug.