It I 1 tl THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNIXArV , AP11IL 10 , 1892-TWENTY PAGES. 8PEG1HL NOTICES. nVHHTli'KMI'.NTB FOH TI1KSK COT.P.MNS A will bo taken until l.3Up , m for the evening tnd until B.W p. m , for tbe morning or Sundar tui tion. tion.All fiilTrrll-crncnl * In thrre columns 2 cents s word fornmtln rtlon.nnd Iccntnnord thereafter , rrRprr line per month. No d crtHemcnt taken Tor IC B tlmn Mccnu for the first Ineertlon. TorniB , r th In advance. Count nbont icrcn words to the line. Initials. MfMirpi , nymboH , etc. . cnch count n troid , All ndvrrtlfomcnls muni run COIITCII- lltply Advertisers , by requeuing n nnmbcrod thcck. tnn have the letters ndilrcffcd to n niim- * r d letter In care of TIIK IIKB. Answer * 'o ml- flrc cd will bo delivered on presentation of Iho rhrck. SITUATIONS WANTED. - WA.NTKI ) , Pi.-ITION BY AN K.XPKII1KNCKI k- Blrnogrnphfr In wholonlo homo or railroad oflico. where there Is plenty of correspondence pro- Tcrrrd. Addrcs * A. V. S. , northern corner J.itli nnd H.Mnry B nvcnuo. MCKI 10 XVANTKD , A POSITION AS THAVKLINO fnlesinnnby nmanof W with Bomeexptrlenco. Correniioiiilcncoiollclti'il. Hex 5'J2 , Ynnkton , s. I ) . -WANTHI ) . POSITION WITH BAH11KH AH ntiprenllcci hate dmlr nnd few loolf. For pnr tlculnrt nildrcBB Hex V7t' , Cnirlcyja. MUJ7-12 * WANTKI ) , l'OslrT(7N W"T\'PhIllKNCKD : A Imly ilpnographor. ItcforenccsKlven. Address A , Bee olllce , Council lllnHi. 741 10 - POSITION AS MANAdKH OF LUMBKH , COAt. or rraln bUBlncus In counlry. 18 years ex ixirlcnce. Best of references. Address V 42.llee. ( WANTHD..MALE HELP. WANTi'.ii sAI.KSMKN" SALAHY ( in COM- inlsslun to handle the new patent chemical Ink crnclng pencil. The greatest celling novelty ever Iiroilnicili rrniipi Ink thoroughly lu two rccotnli ; no ubrahlnn of paper : ttx ) to MA ) per cent prollti one DEI nt' sales fitnountril to iraj In Blx day.i , another t'fl lu two hours. Wewnnt onogcnernl ngent In mcli ttnlonnd territory. For terms nnd full pnr- tlcitlnni iiildress Monroe 1'raser Mfg. Co.La l'ru i' , AVIs. , A 3-1. 274 I-5S II. H.LAHOItKllS WANTKD I'.YKHY WKKIC Jlfor Wyoming on the 11. & M. It. It. , frco trnns- pollution from Omaha. Cnll nt ( XX ! S. 10th street. ' J-riTYCANVA8SKH8 , HALAHYPAII ) WKKKLY. JSIngcr Bowing machine olllce , I5U ! Douglasftreet. Mlitf-nll J-AOKNTH WANTKI ) . KXCKI.SIOIt I'OltTItAlT 'Co. , Ware block. 777nlS' H-WANTKII. AtJIINTS CAN MAKK f.'O PKIS J'weck Imnilllni ; the lltinren novelty blow Kim. Jiidtoiit. Hells nt Bliilit. Aililress the LnCronbo Hloff tliin Co. . La Wla. S 3 11 WANTKll. AT ONCK. A (1KHMAN COMPOS- JJltor who hm hail n year or two experience. Ail- 1re tiforKo K. l.unco , eilllor 'IbnoB , llrhU-i'wnlor , tjpiith . . . II' B ISOLICITOUS. . SALAHY AND COM. PAH ) I American : Wringer Co. , KWJ Howard. 525-M4 * " " " "TiOODCOATMAKKH , APPLY IG07 FAHNAM , ita is * B-WANTKI ) , A ( ! OOI ) HAH1IKH , ( ! O01) HKFKll- rnecs in ii * I bo fnrnlihid. Address Box 111 , Ulooinllclil. Neb , M5'JO ' 10 * IJ-WANTKK To ( JOOI ) L1YK SOLICITOUS : 'references rciiulred. Hew Haven ( Juarantco Furnishing Co. , Hoom i 2 , llco bldg. ml 10 * f-WANTKI ) T11AVKL1NOSALHS.MKNTO SKLL -Dbnklng powder to retnll grocery Iradc. We- put our goods up lu glaiB lolling | .ln * . Wo pay ( 0 n nionth ralaiy and expenses or 25 per rent commls Ion. We wnnt men who nro now on the road to mrry nn n side line , liood oppoitunlty for clerks nnd other ) who want to get On the road. Wrlto for , send stnmp for reply. Chicago Baking 'ondcr Co. , 7(17 ( Vnn Huron street , Chlcngo , Ull 15 * " | > -AC1KNT8 TO HANI'LE TIIK VAN DOHKN -J lnipllHcd account Illo. Call on or address Jomi'ti F. Hnrnip , Jennlng hotel , Omnhn. rt > 9 14 * T > - A Yoi'NY"iN'FKLLIOKNT MAN FOH C.HN- A'crnl work nboul a slove store ; one with some ( canollne Btovo experience tireferrcd. Apply to Win. Lyle Dickey A Co. . 1403 Douglas st. til8 10 T > -WA NTKI ) . AOK.NTS ONA NKW lJ"Kuro | > 8 In florin nnil Calm , " fully llhiFtrateil ; It 1'ortniysllh pen ami pencil averyborty , every ' unil uverythlnK In all Kuropc : nuentH mnkliiu J'lnrc . Aililrcer John Cowan , Publisher. In- < llanapolls , Inil. tilil 1.1 * _ TJJ-HAI.KSMHN WANTKI ) TO BULL OUIKJOODH J'liy nnmplo to the whnlcsnlo nml retail trnilo. l.lbernl tmlarv nnil expenses | > .ilil. Perinnncnt po sition. Money nilvnnccit for WURCB , nilveriltilinr , ctc. For full pnrtleiilars nnil rofercnco uililrosa Centennlnl Mftf. Co. , ChlcnKO , III. MIS4 10 * TJ WANTKIJ. TKAMSTKH3 ANI ) SCHAPEIt J'LoldcrB for U. U. woik In Wyoming ; good WDKCS ; tree imss. Albrlflit l.nbor Olllce , 1120 Fnrnani st. ' - Oti B-STONK KCAIIIILKIIS WANTKI ) . APPLY AT yard , Cth nml JnckBon. Vnn Court & . Ilennlson , _ _ T01 10' -WANTKI ) , ONK F1UST CLAbS CITV 8ALKS- JJni.'ui. Itefcrences rcqulrcil , Aililrcsi V 41 , llco cfliee. 700-10 * _ IJ-WANTKD , KNKIIRKTIC YOUM ; MAN FOU JoIllco work ; gooil referenced nnil $ WO cash cnpl- txlrt-qulreil ; snlnry flOO per month. Address F. M. Hartcr , Kenrnoy , Neb. _ 703-10 * R-WANTKI ) . FIIIST CLASS HKGISTKHKI ) JJphiirinnclst , single , for Nebraska. Nebraska IITIIK exehangL1 , Omahn. us 10 * " | > WANTED , TUAVKLINO SAI.KSMAN. CAN J > mnkefiO per week. Trnilo Bpcclaltlcs. Tabor. lit ) Monroe utrect , Chicago , CS3 10 * -WANTI5I ) OKNKIIAL STATK AtJKNT TO open hcnilqnnrtern In BOIIIO principal city , as- nine control of our business anil appoint local anil BubinienlB In every city In this state ; KOoilb In nnl- versal ilemanil unilpaynnot prollt of M tolOJ per cent. The Union Couipiiuy. 741 Uroailwuy. New York. -HOY WANTKI ) . A OOOI ) KTltO.NVS HOY nbont 1C yonrs old vrnntcit nt Oiuulin Printing company , cor. 10th nnd lJouthis Btrects , Apply at ofllcuMoiulny. till 10 T > WANTKI ) ( JOOI ) CITY CANYASSKIta FOIl JDWlieelcr , t Wilson Sowing Mnchlncs. Kstjy anil Camp & Co. . Pianos und Organs. 61 1 So. I0tl > t. M 723 _ * TJ-WANTKI ) AT ONCK TWO ( JOOI ) rU KUH . I'WIiculur &JWIUOH Sewing Machine oltlec , .114 Ho. ICth H. M 723 1 > SAI.ICHMKN. WK OFFKH 111(1 MONKY , K.V. -l > clnslvo territory. Our now patent iloor check ccIlK at Bight. Ono ngent nuidof.VJ first ilny ; so can roil , f-umiilc.WJe. Unity Uoor Check Oo. , Chicago , JL _ U5i 10 * B WA NTKD AOKNTS ANI ) SALKS.MK.V. 111(1 Inilucenii'iHH. city Chemical Works , 411 Austin vc. , Chicago , 111. l 10 * 1AKNT8 ) IN KVKHY TOWN TO ItANDLK Jllni ) Una of specialties. ( Jooil money to lire KKcntB , Artilross 51k-hlian Door Plato und Hell Co. , ( iraiul Itnplils , Mleh , iii ; ; lo * BWANTKI ) , A MAN OF C10OI ) IlKPUTK IN jour vicinity us Balcsmnn. Will employ for ono year If Urn month's tales are atlsfaetory. T. M , \Vllllnms , uiunager , 07 Fifth uvenuc , Now York TO 10 * _ -WK OFFKIl ACK.VT8 UK ) MONKY , IN EX- cliiBlvo territory. Our new patent sates xell nt tilKht In city or countrv. Now nitunta Drat In lloh ! actually Kotllnit rlcb. Ono agent In one ilny cleared IHl So can you. Cntnlojiuu f rec. Alpine Safe Co . No. mtl 871 Clark St. , Cincinnati. O. 53 10 * -WANTNI > . KNKIUIHTIO IHISINKSS MK.N J'nho mo willing 10 Invent f JOO.OO In coeds to se cure tbo solo agency for tlio Bale of anew , pat- ruled. Imllipcnsablo houieholil , article which wholesales to driiculsts , hnrdnnro ami crockery lores , grocers , dry goods houses and cnnvahsem. Uechcr A , Moskotutz , Hi llrooiuo Urcct , New York - CM ) 10 * _ I > -SOMKTlllNll NKW , AKNT8 ! Oil OT1IKHS - ' to iccure the monopoly In all sections of the nlcof our perfection niljualnblo shoe , recently ii iutentcd. Over 100 agents are making from ( UU.OO 1 76.00 per week. Adilrcsa , wltli 2-cunt stnnip , Con. olldnted Shoo Co. , Lynn , Mass. u 10 * 1AOKNTH WANTKI ) KVKK WIIKIIK FOU -vino only prnctlcnl lawn mower sharpener ever tnrrnlvd. t-ells nt Ute ; easily operated ; largo lirollts. KcllusoTool Co. ,80 Dearborn St. , Chicago , IMi-IO' _ _ _ -THAVKLINO SALKS.MAN ON HPPCIALTIKS -I > for dry gooda , grocery nml iicnernl stores ; big t y to k'ood man. AIIUou , in Monroe bt. . Clilcago. 74U 10 * , _ _ -WANTKI ) . IIOOKKrIKPKH , OSH OF SMITH'S -l-fOnmlm bookkeepers prorurred. Address llnnl- yarolleo olllce , Council Illutrs , 7iu ] Q , -WANTKI ) . CITY AND D1STHICT AtHINTS ifor must populnr plan of life Insurance. Hood nd profitable contracts. Wrlto or call , I ) , o ' lumber 1,437 chamber of commerce , Omaha , Neb 717 10 * TIOO LABOBKHH WANTKI ) AT FT. CUutijT J'ono mile west of Belluvuo , Neb , Aiiuly nt mill tary reBcrvntlon , April 14. Keofo & McUar , con- truitorB. MTM 11 * -\YANTKD-A(1KNTS TO INTHODUCK THK * > bt ) t. elllng houniiliold article on tbe market ; big cOuiuilBilonn. AI. H , Tyler & Co. , Muncle , Ind. 75010 * -WANTKD-PAHTIK8 WITH ( I.ICO to ( S.OOOTO buy andoperuta In their own to n automatic lot machines for renting opera glaises In I beaters ; Mrnlnci run up lo IVO per cent on Invc.tmom Opera ( llast Supply couipnny , Lincoln building , l Union Square , Nun York , N. Y. 751 jo * B-THAVKLIN-p MKN WANTKI ) FOH MlSSOUilL Kansas and Nvbraiku to carry ildo Hun to hard ! tinrfi dvalun. Our Iowa salesman IB making SI u ) in I3.U ) per Uar on the sldo line alone , btar Manufuo- turtn Co. , DCS Motile * , la. OKI 10 * WANTED-FEMALE HELP. 0-WANTKD--UOOU SJJCONl ) UlllU ISH li ) . Ciitt ttrcot. Minn , C i-YOUNtl4ADlK3t IK ) YOU WANT X HaiiT K you do. mil on Sloan Johntou Co , nholr.ialo crocers.thl * cltybutwc < m I bo tiouri V unit ndllrn. Wu'wlih solicitors to > ell our coilcu to couBuiocr * from homo to booto lu thl city , iia ' ' ' (1-WANTKI ) . Ulltli FOU CENEHAL 'norm : . Vuork. IHICImrlemt. MM 10 * -WANTKI ) . A YOUNd OIHL TO ASSIST IN llgbt uuutenork iiuil take oroof children , at t8 ! S , Wll. t20 1U -WA.NTKD , OIHL FOH 1IOU8KWOHK , MUBT bOKOOdcouk. Cull 25J7 CallforiilK it. W * " \VAN'rKD , A F1H8T CLASS TIHMMHU AKU C marker ; noun other not > U piy | | toMU < Ilac i3 l , U7 Btcadnay , Cvuucll Blum. X1C.-J 11 WANTED-FEMA LE ltoN I HKCKIVK is keep book * In Sonth Omaha. J. 11. FmlthW5 New York Utc. M 10 * " _ - WANTF.II. COMPKTF.NT ( iini , foil KN- c crnlnonsework. 2113 Cnpllol nvcnuo , MiS3 II * LAiiTKsrMDAiLV TO ADiwKss ci iicri.A us v 'nt home. S end iclf addrosied Mampcd envelope to Miss Kthcl A. Sprngue , South Bend. Inil , C87 10 * n WANTKI ) . TWO LAD1KSTO INSTItftT THK V urcofiiftw No. 9 Wheeler ts. Wilson towing tna- thine , ( ice , W. Lancaster & Co. , Ml S. ICth H. .20 10 " / -l.ADIKH , 1)0 ) VOIT WANT TO .MAKK II KVKKV v. hour ? Yon rim do It Introducing our supporter * mul other Indies' ninl children's goods. Send ntnnip nnil no will tell you nil nbont It. Dnlsy lloto Supporter Co. , 818 Ogrtcn avenue , Ihlcngo , III , LADIF.S WHO IIAVK TO KAHN THF.IH I.IV- Ing ran uinkn It enslor by felling our Hygcl * Klcetro-.Mngnctle corsets than nnythlne else. For tonne apply to Western Corset Co. , St. Louis. Mo. W7-10 * /1-1 Wll. I. I'AY LADIKS A HALA1IY OK 110.00 ek to work for mo In their locnllty nt homo ; light work ; good pay for part tlmo ! write , with Btamp , Sirs. H. B. Fnrrlngton , Box 702. Chicago cage , HI. " 4 10 * -MIB CAMILLA AVKHY. SOPTII IIKND , INI ) . , Box 45 , pnyndSn week to ladle * for writing , elc. , nt home , llcply with Btnmpcil envelope. TO 10 * ri-t.AIll'.S KAHN MONKY WH1TINO FOH MK. V/Scmt adihos cil stamped envelope to Franco * L. Hale , South Bend. Ind. , for particulars. CC'J 10 * A TllHl. FOH UKNKHAL 1IWJSK C work nt 4HJ7 No. 2llh. M74J 1 1 * /-t-WANTKI ) , A flUlli TO DO C.I'.NKHAL HOtJSi- : v/work. Call nt 2115 South lltli st. MTU 13 * _ -WANTKD , A THOHOIHIHLY CO.MPI'.TKNT nncl experienced wallrcfs nnil house wald. Cnll nt21'Ud DollRlnnnt. 703 10- ri WANTKI ) , NIAT : LITTLI : iuii TO TAKI-J V/cnipuf bnlijr. Apply between l'SO nnd 11 .Mon- ilny. < 0l : .V. Itttli street. T02 10' rUNTF.I ) . A FIRST-CLASS TItlMMIIll AND V mnkcr : none other nceil nnply to Mln HIIIES * ilnlo. : T llionil ny , Council llltifls. M7 11' JT1-WASTKH. A WAIST HANI ) ANI > AN AP- vvpiouiicc. .Mn. A. lllcc , It. U , DUBliuinu blk. M721 li' _ p -WANTKI ) . AN ACTIVK , AM1I1T101'S IA1)V v/of fnlr education , who can coinu well rccoin- tnemleil , fern ponltlon of tru > t ; compcnifntlon cat- Infnetory. Apply Momlny nfler UUO. : W. T. .Mar- ( .hall . , U. CrclBliton block. Blli 10 * _ " FOR l'SKrt AN ! ) AP 1) ilenco block In city , blli d. r.'U street. Tel. ITIM. D-FOH HKNT. AHOVK NOS.fl24 AND ( SO SOUTH inth Mrccl. 9-room Mat , every moilcrn conven ience. Including Inriso kitchen range. Apply Wlnd- tor , Kemp .V Co..203 .N. Y. Lite bldg. in71il -FOlt HUNT , 0 NICK NKWLY FUHNISHKD rooms , 52'j N. IBtli. llrennan llats. M43U I-FOH HKNT , HOUSKS , (7.00 PKH MONTH AND D upwards. The O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam tl. | 50 ! - 12-HOOM FL'HSISHKD HOL'SK D-KLKGANT , near llrowncll hall ; (10J.03 per mo. C. F. Harrison , tili X. V. Life. U40 all -FOH IlKNT , IIOUSK 1347 N. 17TH ST. . HOOMS , bulb. etc. . (2J per month. F. B. Woodrow , Neb. N'r.t. bank building , Ii4i D-IO-HOOM HOU8K , ALL CONVK.NIKNCKS. Heed A Solby. 335 Hoard of Trailc. U30 -HOUSKS. STOHK-TANO FLATS. A. c. FHOST , D room 23. Douglas block , 10th and Dodgo. 951 A23 1V-5-HOO.M IIOUSK , HKNT LOW. 1NO.UIKK27I1 -LMlouglaa st. JUil -FOH HKNT-S1X-ROOM MODKHN COTTAOK , : O.I7 California Bt. . (18 pur month. 44 ! ) "jri-FOIl HUNT. 4 BOOM FLAT IN NKW CI.OWIIY -I-'block on Chicago St. ; ( i and 7 room Hats on 10th St. Hoberts. 1(114 ( Ihlcago bt. M4S2 10 * D-li HOOM HOUSK , 831 S. 21STST. 600-12 * -FOIl HKNT. DKSIHAHLK IIOUSK , fi ANI ) 8 D rooms. Inquire 2iilU Cnpltol avenue. MLU7 14 * 1-V-FOH HKNT , COTTAOK WITH LAIIHK BAHN -L'.anil grounds on outskirts of city , (10.00. Hicks , 805 N. Y. Life bldg. CC'3 10 * I V-BKST 7-HOOM HOUSK IN TIIK CITY ; ALSO -l-'j-room lldt. all modern Improvements. 'lizard block , 2Jd und Davenport. MG32 15 * D-FOH HKNT , 7 HOOM COTTAC.K , KAST iront , splendid location ; will sell furniture or remove It. Address Y M , lice. Mliitl 10 -FOH IlKNT , 3-HOO.M HOUSK , 340U WKBSTKH street , 2 blocks from motor , (7. 047 10 * -FOH HKNT , 4 HOOM 1LAT , FHONT MTU Hickory. 04915 * -15-HOOM IIOUSK ANI ) BAHN , 2018 DAVKN- port street , all modern conveniences , Including itciimhent , hct bowls nnd laundry , eoutb front , overlooking high t-chool groumlB , newly painted and papered throughout , 'ibos. F. Hull , OU7 Paxton - ton block. U50 -7-HOOM FLAT IN (3OOI ) LOCATION , HKNT $55 per month , price of furniture COO. on time ; also n 14 room tlat with furniture for sale rensonabla. Co-opcratlvo Land aud Lot Co. , .Oi N. ICth t.ti4l ti4l 11 -FOH HKNT. 523 SOUTH 2STII ST. , BH1CK news rooms , Inundry , ull conveniences. K. F. ScnverN. Y. Life bld'g. < 13i ) 10 -7-HOOM NKW BII1CK KKSIDKNCK 231) AND California , gns , furnace , bnth , etc. , (35,00 per month , choice locution. C. A , Starr , lice building. U4i 10 * -FOlt IlKNT , 5-KOOM HOUSK , (3.00. 10TH AND Bancroft sts. U4I II * -4-HOOM IIOUSK ANI ) STABL1S IF NKKDED , D cheap. ; 2IKRI Capitol avo. 114311 * DSMALL IIOUSK , I.AHDK LOT , SUITABLE for garden. Inquire 1501 Vlnton. U52 10 * 1FOll HKNT. MAY I. 10-HOOM HOUSIJ , CASS .1 'and 2Uth btrects ; modern couvfiilence4. Apply to James McKonnu , Flrat Nat' ) Hunk. 707-lu * D HOUSF. 12 IICOMS , WITH HA UN AND LA HGK yard , on car line , $10.00 per month. Siorr-rooiii , 2117 Fnrnniu street , with fixtures , flO.lKJ pemniilh. . ti room lint nnd mcdorn cor.voulenscs , 3119 Fnr- nam street. tM.ul per mo ith. S-room house. 1515 N. 2Jti ! s'roat. SIOOO per month , bouia , 15IUN. Ziil itieot , tT.OO per month. Potter \George Co. , S. W. corner ICth and Farnam street. D -FOH UKNT--MODKHN I1UILT8-HOO.M 1IOUSM near llantcum Park. Hlckb , 305 N. Y. Life Illdg. 753-10 D-.I-HOOM IIOUSK , HATH. SKWKH , CITY wati'r at 2J11 Chicago street ; JJO per month. In- qulrotMS. Kith street. Mill ) -FLAT. 7 IIOOMS. 2ND FLOOH ; HANGK ANI ) ullother conveniences ; J O. Call nl 701 S. ICth Btrcet. George ClQiiscr. 74310 * T\-AN KIGIITHOOM FUUNISHKI ) HOIJSK FOH -i-Ahe summer. Knqulro 205 N. 23d st. 701 10 * FOB RENT-FURNISHED BOOMS. 1J1-FOH HKNT. ONK l.AHGK FHONT OH TWO -Jbcck furnished or unfurnished rooms. lr. South ! 5th Btreot. bUl -FUHNISHKD HOOMH FOH GKNTLKJIKN : rcferenccB required , till N 18th. f.3 A12 * -FUItNlSHKD HOOMS. 517 N. 18th street. MI35U * T3 FHONT HOOMS. NKWLY FUIINISHEI ) . SIN- 1-Jglu or en sullc , all modern conveniences , nt lilll Cumliif street. M571 10 * 1 OH 4 HOOMH , FPHNIKHKI ) FOIl HOIISK- keiplnp , model n conri'iih ncos , yery desirable , near liuiucaiii park. AddruBs , V 44 , lleo. M723 13 * FUKNI3HJ3D ItOOMB AND BOARD. 1-FJH HKNT. NKATLV FUHNISHKD HOOMS -L1 with board , 2019 California bt , 628-H * F-VKHY DKSIHABI.K FIHST ANI ) 8KCONI ) lloor , aoiith and onit , furnished rooms nt "The Frenier , " 110 No. 25th Btreet. M78I-17' 17-NICKLY ' FIIHNIBHKD BOOMS AND FIHST class board , 2533 St. Mary's ave. M54J 12 I -KLKGANTLV FUUNISHKI ) HOOMS , KN - iiilto , 2ndateryfront ; tlrsl class boardU13 South Mh Bt. ' 101 F-NKWLY FUHNISHKD BOOMS KN SUITK OH Blnylo ; Mrsl class table , 1819 Farnam. till 14 * \ fHOOM AND BOAHI ) IN PH1VATK FAMILY -I for man nnd wife or two lndk' | 15.00 n week each. 515 N , SJd st. 723 lu Tf. N1CKI.Y FlIHNIriilKD hOUTIIKAbT FHONT -L room with alcove und bay window , all modern i,0.lLvl'l'l" ' ! ' < ' * ' I'f'vato ' ' faintly , board If dctlrcil , No , KJS , S9th t. M73'1 12 * U-KUUNIBIIKI ' ) HOOM HOIl HUNT WITH J' board , 135U Norlh lath ttreet. twa 10' _ -FUHNISIIKI ) HOOJI8 WITH OH WITHOUT -L board , ISa Howard slrept. N , K. corner inth 751 10 * _ _ FUHNISHKD LAIIOK FHONT HOOM. - Board 13. . ' * ) per weuk. 2i > U i-cwuril tl. MWJ ll > FOR / J S IINFUHNISIIKD CIIAMIIKltS Foil HOUHK- V : lLeciIiiK | to man ana wife. No children. 31V N. I'- ail _ _ _ -SIX UNFI'HNISHKU HOOMS , THHKK FHthT Hour , prlvllegu uf houtckiieplnif. 254 ! Capitol nvcnuo. 7H lo * BOAKDINa- , _ _ T.1-PULLMAN HOUSB , 1JIODoiHlK. FOH GOOD -i t board , nicer rooms , couvcnloncus , rates and lo- tlou It cannot b cxcolloO. Mr . Horn , proprietor 3)1 ) A 10 * RENT-8TOnE3 AND -FOH UK.NT , BTOHK , i T FOH HKNT. THK 4-STOIIY IIHICK BUILDING J-lMUruriiaiintrun. The bullului ; ha n ( Ire-moof rciutnt bnsciienl. complulc ilcnm himllng n turi > , Jb ? ° in * l ° Boor * ' iB' ' e > Cl A * ' 1lr | l " 10 " ' "co FOR , -OAIIDKN KAH.MS TO HKNT. T. MUHHAY. 278 ,1 BIlTcK YAHDS FOH HKNT. T. MUHHAY. , 279 T-FAIIM3 ( Oil IlKNT. 11. T. Cl.AHtt. t * C0401I I -WAHKHOUSK , INQUHIUSIGSO. I5TII STHKKT. 1--JOIlOOM 1IOTKL. DKSIHA1II.K LOCATION ! < > nil modern. Apply lo F. W. llnrt , Jr. , Mliroitrl Vn'i'ley" , In. MS53A * ) I-FOH HKNT. . PAHT OF OUIl VIVK-STOHY " brick warehouse ; itooit elevator nnd track farm- tlci > , Omnhn Warehouse A Stornijo Co' . , 121:1-15 : Leavenworth st. 516-13 WANTED-TO KENT. - ) , TKN 11OOM TWO STOItV 1IOU ! > K : modern convenlenees ! In ROOI ! locality ; will rent for n number of yenrs ! satisfactory refer ences. Address VIll ! , lleoonicc. .Mi'JJ 1U * -WASTKtl , A YOt'.NO MAN DKSIHK8 HOO.M nml lionrd In prlrnto family In north pnrtof city. Address V t.l , llco. 710 10 * WANTKU MAY 1 , 11V CAIIKFUIi CASH TKN- nnl , 10 room modern house , ynril. ntnlile , pro- ferrcil , west of 18th : perninnont If lulled In lioiiso nnil rent. Address V 47. lice , MT43 U -WANTKITWOOIt TIIIIKK XNFUUNIS111JI ! ) K rooms for Hcbllious3kcopIiiR,5o N. lUtli St. : RW 10 * RENTAIi AGENCIES. - . C. OAHVIN A. CO. , 203 SIIKI'.LY BLOCK. L I-K. 603 - STAH LOAN AND THUST CO. UKNTAL DK- pnttmcnt. M9H-n2l slrqRAOE. OL D KSTC11 HA 1' KST ANI I IIKST STO It A OK house In the city. Williams .V CroMl2ll Hnrncy. 280 -CLKAN , nilV AND PH1VATKLY HTOHKI ) furniture. Heating stoves stored over summer. 1207 Douglas st. Omahn Stove Hopnlr works , till -HKSTSTOHAdKlN CITY. OMAHA WAHK- IIOBBC A Slornge Co. , 1213-15 Leavenworth slrecl. lloiuchold nnd other goods storeil and cared for. Low rates Private npnrlmcnla If desired. Phone , 4111. M454 1C WANTED-TO BUY AT TnmWTTmK "BOUGHT , SOLt , STOHKD , 1Wells,1111 Farnam t. 281 TV-WANTKI ) . (1001) ( HIIMINCTON TYPK- li writer , btnte pnrtlculnrs. Would trnilo good bicycle. Address V 45 , Omaha llco olllce. 718 IU * TVT WA.VIKI ) , SOMIJ LOW PHICUI ) CLKAll LOTS L'ns llrsl pnynicnl on n nlcn IIOUMO nnd lot. Will built to suit nnd cell on monthly payment. Why pny rent ? SeeN A. Kiilin. 15th nml lloiiBlny. 'Hi m3 XTWANTKI ) TO 1IUY , KK1IIT Oil TKN 1100M 1 house with modern Improvements , nnd cooil elied lot , locntcd within ono mlle of the postolllco. blnlo price , sUe of IIOIKO and lot nnd full pnrllcU' Inrs by nildrcaslim M 47 llee olllco. _ 712 TVDON'T ANY KUUNlTtTlll ! UNTIL YOU 1' see the Omnhn Second-llnnd rnrnlturu Co. , J'ut opened. lllthL'st prices paid , C01 North lUtli st. ai'J 12 * _ _ JFOB . SALE-FTJHNITtrRE. 0 MllVATK HAr good no new ; low price ; plain bed room set nnd uood slnulo bed now ; call at onco. 2221 Hpiueo street. M 721 11' _ " FOH HA"LK. HIUNITUHK OF A NICMJLY furnished ten room house nt n prent sacrifice ; ac count pnrty leaving city ; rooms nil rented nnd liousu ( orient. Inqulro 1812 UodKC. 720 W -FUIlNlTL'ltlC , 11A8E 1IUKNKU9 , ANIJ GAS fixtures of lroom l house , for snlo cheap before April ; nlso honpo to rent. Apply to owner , 201U Leavenworth street. M7tO : 12 * -FOIl 8ALK T1IK KUIINITDIIK COMPLKTH of u ten-loom , finely finished house , ut n great bargain , Immediate poi-sest'lon given , parties leaving city , llooin 405 , Now York Life building. FOR 3ALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. "P-FOII SALK. LAHQK FINK YOUNC. HOHSK J and delivery wagon ; horse gentle and wagon nearly new ; for sale cheap. Inquire at lull ! Farnnm. -NKiV KXPHKS3 WAOON , II KST MAKK , J. never been used. Also two-seated family cnr- rluuc. custom made , llrst-clnss , cheap. Address Y M , Bee. M5I2 1'J * P-FOHSALK , 1 SUHHKY. BUILT BY SIMPSON ; - 1 phaeton , by Drinnmonil ; both Hrpt-class , good as new. L. II. Korty , 253U Poiilcton. ] ] IVJ 13-Foil "SAI.K , A TIIOHOKOHLY HKLIABLK I family drlvlnc horse and phaeton. 1305 Park avenue. MC27 10 * 1FOR SALK , STYLISH YOUNO DHIYING horse nnd llglil buggy. Inquire 1702 N. 2etst. ! Clti 10 * 1)-TWO-SKATKD BUGGY VKitY CIIKAP : ALSO single collar hnrnesH. Apply at Livery on 23th between Farnam and Unrncy , orto Manger , printer. Hi 12 Farnam. 745-10 * 1)-F01l SAI.i : . A PHAETON , SIMPSON MAKE , very llfcht. nearly new. Inquire room IS , Darker block. ; ' . ! 10 FOK SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Q - PUG PUPPIKS , K 80 , BAHKKH BLK. - SALK OH THADK FOH FAHM LANDS IN Q-FOIl eastern Nebraska , n35 barrel sleam roller Hour mlllsltuatcilatTekamah. Neb. Thos. Crouch , IIXK ) llurdcttest , Omaha. ait 10 * - SALK. SKT OF "AMKHICAN1/.KD KN- Q-FOIl cyclopedia Hrlttanlca ( snmo no furnished by the Hoe Publishing Co , last year ) , full Morocco bind ing , new , 10 volumes , at f2U.OO ; oout ( J5.00. V 31 , lleo olllce. MKil 14 Q-FOIt SA1.K , LKA8K ON 7 HOOM COTTAGK , cast front , Leavenworth and Pnrkuvc. , with or without furniture. Address V 37 , Uco. MCI7 10 - FOH SALK CIIKAP. 835 S. 19TH ST. Q C,48 10 * Q I'-FOH SALK , FINK WATKIl SPANIKL , 22I3 Leavenworth st. 651 15 * Q-T1IKYALLTKLL IT , THK OLD SKTTLKH3. how thuy bought lots In Omaha for (25 and afterwards Bold them for lij.OO'J. Vyu will he tollIng - Ing the snino ktury some day , how you could have once bought lots for $10 each , did not do It , and now they are worth f IO.UOO. etc. All this week you cnn buy a nlco level building lot for exactly * 10 , clear nnd frca from cmcuuibrnncc. Warranty ilecd , nbslrnct nnd pint given with each lot sold. This addition lies between Omnhn nnil now Fort Omiilia. HBIII ! So postage for plat and lull Informa tion , Open evenings. Charles P. Benjamin , solo agent , 1500 Dodge street. U73 10 * Q-2.1.00 WILL BUY A GOOD. FAHl , SF.COND- hand organ on payment. Max Meyer & lira. Co. , Hithanil fnrnnm. MS ( ) ] ' . ' Q - HHKD LIGHT HHAHAMA EGGS 2013 S. 16th St. Mrs. K. M. Cox. U90-10 * Q--FOH SALK. CO.MPLKTK DHUG STOCK AND naliitit tlxturcs ; (3,500 eauh and trade. Apply 317 N. 15th etrcct. 733-10 * Q-SAVK MONKY , HK1S US BKFOHK PUHCHAS- Ing piano or organ. Max Meyer & Bro. Co. , Kith nnd Farnam. Mlijl 12 MISCELLANEOUS. HAY FOlt BALK. THK BTANDAHD CA'ITK II Co , oiler 1,000 tons selected , barn etored hay for on track , AUIOB , Nebraska. M892 17 LADIUS' CAHKD FOH DUHING CONF1NK- XVmonU Mrs. Burnltr , German vruduntcd midwife , 13IUSO. Kith , 954 A 22 E -CANAU1ANKMPLOVMKNTOFF1CK'I503FAH- nam. upstairs ; male anil ft-in ill eh elp. Tel. Ki4. 403 RPAPII.LION DHIVINU PAH 1C. 0. C. SMITH- trainer and driver , Makes n specialty of break Ing anil training colts. Slakes a specialty of treat ing horses that nro sore , from hnrd roads and bad feet. Heasonnblo charges. Bourdlui ; horses by the month. UI1-M3 * R-HO-HUV ONK FOHYOUH BOY. IMKANA lot In Omaha's latest addition. 110 In full pay ment for a choice building lot , free from mortgages. Abstract and plat given with each lot sold. These lots arc better than government bonds ut the price. Itlch men of the country ninde their money out of real estate. All had nt sumo tlmo to makn an In vestment. 1 doubt If nny had nn opportunity to bogln for less tlmn (10. 110 loth may deceive you nil homo of these days. Strange things liavn happened In Omaha dirt. Lightning has struck where wholly unexpected. History may repent Itself. Vltlt the tale at 150tl Doilgo Bt. this week or enclose 2u pout- ugofor iilut und full Information , C. 1' . Benjamin , iiL'cnt , 150(1 Doilgu st. Open erenlnus. b74 10 * 1J-TIN ANI ) BHKKT1KON WOBK CHKAP AND -IXwell. ( lute Clly Tluncm,622 N , 101 h st , M070 II * 1(75.00. . YOU CAN ( JKT A OOOD , SQ.UAHK PI- Jvano on pnyuicnlg. JtaiMeyer A llro , Co. , b.tb and Farnam. MUSI 12 CLAIRVOYANTS. - . .NAN.N1K V. WAHHKN. CLA1UVOYANT reliable business medium , tilth year at H'J N. ICth. lift S-MADAMK FIHT3X20 CUJIINIi liTllKKT. clairvoyant mid trance medium ; -Independent voices ; tells past and future. to1 M7 * S-AHIUVAL KXTHAOHD1NAHYVONDKIIFIIL : revelations. Challenges the world. Mrs. Dr. M. U'grnvo , dead trance clairvoyant. iiBtrologlst , palmist and life reader ; telli your life from the cradle to grave ; unites the separated ; causes mar- rUiie with thu oiia you love ; tolls where you will succeed and In what business best adapted for ; ha * thoeolebrutO'l Knyptlan breastplate for luck anil to destroy bad Inlluuncet ; cures tits , Inteiuperaiice nndull private complalntB with massage , bath * and alcohol treatment , bend fj.00 , leek of hulr name and date of birth ami reculvo accurate llfo chart ; J cent" In stamps for cliculars K | O Initial * uf one you will marry ; alto photos uf BUUIO. Olllce. 1007 outh llthstroul , tlrst tloor ; hourn , V . m. lo U p.m. Come out ) , couio ull , and bo convinced of this wonderful oracle. M371II * O MHS. K. (1 , 1IAWTI1OUN , | i KOIITI1 I4TII Oftrcct. having had year * of experience , will glvo readhigB of patl , prvnent und future , bluings to lailk'B only , 50 ct'nH , 10 n. ui. to V v , ui , dally , Bun- day > excepted. .MT3I 10 * MA SB AOE , BATHS , ETC. 'P-MI8S bTOWK , MASSUUtit : KLKUTH1C1AN tiluck. Aiaw.ll BtABSAOE , DATHS , P. MASPAdK TttKATMKNT , K.LKCTKO-TIIF.ll. J inn I balliB. i-calp nnd hair treatment , manicure nndchlropodltt. Mrs. Post,8IWJS. 1MbWllhnHI blk. fP MADAMK SMITH. 1121 DOUOLAH STHHKTi A room 7d door. Alcoholsulphur and aa balhi. M93I 14 * _ _ _ PERSONAL. PKHSONAU W. W. l.YON , V0t IIAVK L1VKD In Omahn 10 yearn nnd not ono foot of real es tate do you own In lbl city. Your friend * have nil become rich through real cslnte speculation. N"v I rrnnt you to go to IMn Dodge street nnd buy ona oflhotc lots for do. You will never get nnothrr chance to buy n lot for , f 10. nnd If you fnll to get one of lliesa lots itiirtug Ibis neek's tale you mny consider our acquaintance ended. 1 cnn listen tone no more stories nbout your lost opportunities. Now remember thu number , 1500 Dodge street , all this week. Mary S. Lyoii. t"l 10 * U-A. 7BOWKN. . WTTlLK SOFFF.HINO FIIOM the grippe , hns wandered away from Omnhn. A reward for his whereabouts will bo puhl. Address Wm. Man , Safe Deposit lo. , No. 3 Kast 14lh street. Now York City. 7.S9-IO * U-I10W TO Pl'KCTi.ATK-SKNIl FOB OUH little boolt , "How to Bpeculnti'i" mailed freei nil lnfotninllon.ncccs ary to enable nnyonu to op erate In stocks or grnln ns Inlelllgenlly ns Iho most experienced. Address , Tbco. Holmes A Co. . 34 Pa clllc avo. , Chicago. C$5 10 * -TIIK FOLLOWING PKHSONSi .1. W. VINTO.V , Chns. K. Bntlcr. Fred Alley. ( ! co. H , Wnkelleld , cnn hnvo suits by calling at olllco. Harry llrowu. 733 10 * MUS g-JvM AND LANGUAGE. " V- < ' - * ' . ( Hn.I.KNiiKCK IAN"JO TKACHKH , > wlthllospc , or.Ma X. 1Mb si. IU2 \r-HiFOIIK HL'YINC. A PIANO H.VAM1NK Till ! > now scale Klmball plane. A Huspe , 15U Douglas , -I1KFOHK BUYINO A PIANO 15XAMINK THK new ecnlo Klmball piano , A llospo , 1513 Douglas. i FL'HNISHKI ) BOOMS. 1SW CASS MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. IAN\VTHIJST co. UKK IILIKL W-OMAHA SAVINGS BANK MAKKS LOANS on real estate nt lowest market rate * . Loans made In small or l.irgo sum and for short or long time. No commission Is charted , and the lonns are not sold In the catt , but can nlwnys bo found nt the bnnk on Iho corner of 13th and Dotiglns street" . A\ SLOANS , o. u. WALLACK , 312 BHOWN BLK 291 \\r-LOANS ON l.MPHOVKD ANI ) UNIMPHOVKO ' clly property. S3.IMO nml to H percent. No dclnys. W. Fnrnnm Smith .V Co. , 15th nnd Hnrnpy. " \V-PHIVATKMONKY. IST AND211 MOHTGAGK < ' loans , low rales. Alex. Moore , 401 Bee building. \\r-C. W. HA1NKY. 315OMAHA NAT , H'K lll.DO. ' City mortgagiD. LuncBt rales. Money on hand. \\f-MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPHOVKD CITY ' property , low rnto. A. C. Frosl , Douzlns blk. MONKY TO LOAN ON HKAL KST TK. THK O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam st 501 HKAL KSTATK WANS , OTO7 PKH CKNT ! no addlllonal charges for commlnslon or attor ney's fees. W. B. Melkle , First National bunk bldg. YI7" LOANS , W.M.IIAIHUS , H. ! 0 FHKN/.KH.BLK 297 AV-INSUHANCK MONKY TO LOAN. APPLY TO V J. U Lovctt. 2A ) 8. 13th. 294 A\r LOAN. HRAI/KSTATK ANI ) HKNTAL AOKN- ' cy. Parties huvlug clly houses ly rent and farms to sell should lst | them at once. Splendid farms lu l.ognn YjillayNeb. . , fosnle. . hustern money furnished. ( * uo.i NV. P. Conies , Hep. 1014 Far nam. . 5b7 \\r-ANTHON\rL6A.-r ! AND THUST CO. , 318 N. Y. ' Life , lends at low rates for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farn s or Oinulin city property. \V "MONKY , MONKY , MONKY. (100,000 TO LOAN 'i In sums of C.tiO to (5.000on Improved or unim proved residence business property In the elty of Omaha. .No dclny In closing lonns ns money Is on hand. No dealing wltti eaBti'rn parties , all business transacted here nnit Interest payable hero nnd not In the cast , also make building loans on most fnvornble terms. " Videllty Trust Co. , HiU Fnrnniu. Y17" LOANS , CITY PHOPKHTV. K. NF.B. AND W. ' ' Iowa farms. K. F. Hlugcr , 1519 Fnrnnm.MOill MOill n23 * \\r-0 PKH CKNT MONKY. PHILADKLPHIA ' ' Mortgngo nnd Trust Co. Thomas Brcnnan & Co. representatives , 217 Knrbach blockKJaltj W LAHGK LOANS ON INSIDK BUSINKSS properties at low rates. Qrouud leases bought Uco. J. Paul. 17 Board of Trade. & 27 II * \\r LOANS MADK ON HKAL KSTATK , ( i TO 7X1 * ' per c < ; ut charged. Star Loan & Trust Co. , 1st floor , N. Y. Life. M572 13 X-DO YOU WANT MONKY ? If BO do not fall to get our rates before bor rowing. Wo mnko lonns without roaiovnl or publicity , on furniture , piano j , horses , wagons , etc. , nt the low est possible rate. There Is no unnecessary delay , but you get the money on the mime dny you ask for It. Wo will carry the loan ns long as you desire , giving you the privilege of paying It In full or In part at any time to suit your convenience , nnd any part paid reduces the cost of carrying ; the loan In proportlou to the nmount paid. There nro no chargus of any kind to be paid In advance , but you get the full amount of the loan. Our otllcus are centrally located nnd nro * o nr- ranged that parties calling on us cnn be wnllod on quickly und cortcously. If you have a loan with other partlo ) , or have bought n piano or other furniture on tlmo und 111 id the payments n little larger tban you can meet conveniently , wo will pay It for you nnd carry the loan as long as you desire. It will bo to your advantage to see ua before ee- curlng a loan. OMAHA MOHTGAOli LOAN CO. , Iloom II , Crelghlon Hlock , 15lh St. , south of Postol C3 X -MONKY TO LOAN. FIDKLTY LOAN GUAHANTEK CO. On household good * , pianos , organs , horses , mules , wngons , etc. , ut tbo lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or change of possession. Time arranged to suit the borrower. Payments of any amount can bo made at any timereducing both principal nnd Interest , thus giv ing patrons nil tbo bcnentBof the partial payment plnn. Cull and ice us when you wanta loan. Money always on hand ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates ; business contldcntlul. FIDKLITV LOAN ( JUAHANTKK CO. , B. F. Musters' old stand , 11.4\Vithncll blk.,15th and Hartley , 300 X WILI LOAN MONKY7 b5 ANY KIND OF security ; strictly conlldcntlal. A K. Harris , room I , Contlne ntal block. LO I _ X HOB'T PHITCHAHD , it 3 , W1TUNKLL HLK. . 302 WHKN YOU WANTACHATTKL LOAN SKK W. U. llavl . room 80 , Continental block. S03. -110,000TO LOAN FHOM 110.03 UP ON FUHNl- tnro , horses or nny good security. lowest rates. Nebraska Loan Co. . 131U Doujlas ntrcot. MTO1 A22 "V-120.000 TO LOAN ON CHATTKL BKCUHITV. -ivbuilneas conHUuntlnl. Itoom 403 Knrbnch block. M3M AM * -LIFKINSUHANCKPOLICIKSLOANKDONOH bought. B. F. Moats , Maes blag , Kansas Clty.llo. -MONKY 7TO I.OAN. CHATTBL MOIIT(3AOK ( 30U ) , W iliiyn , mifurniture , pianos , livestock , etc. , without publicity or removal of property , at the lowest rates and the easiest payments No duluy , Cash on hand. Diinilireen , It. a A.U , Burker blk , t tin 552 BUSINESS CHANCES. r-BUY THK CUitMKHClAU TIIK LKADlNli - hotel at lirokon liuw , Neb. No land lu trade. V I'0" SALK , , J1Y , BATHING HKSOHT AT i Lake Mauawu. AUJrex J. J , Malowiioy , Hebron Neb tyo IW Y HAHNKHH HHOr FOH SALK IN A GOOD town. Block will 'invoice ' from (1,50) to II.WJ ; good reason for milllngi only ono other shop In tl > nn , H. B. ThouiliLbn. lock box 102 , Humbiirg. InV VA1IIY FOH fakLB. J. F. HOCH , AMKS AVK. i l ' V.-FOHSALK , TIIK BUST LOCATKD AND PAY- 1 Ing butcher shop In Council llhiiln ; over f'fl dully cash , HeaBiins for selllngi Poor health ; or will Bell one-half to good meat man who under stands the business. Address M. S. , cate Bee. oltlce , Council BluH . M5411-I3 - ) . PAHTNKH ( IVITH ( ! , CAPI- Y-WANTKI ) buslnco. Good location , Address V 25 , Deo. M540 10 * ' - FOH KALK , MCK , CLKAN M.OUO TO ( IOOJ Block of drugs lu one of Iho bent locations in the largest city on thu Missouri river. Will take some trade. J. I.Ittle , Brown block. MO V-FOH SALK Oil THADK. FIFTY BAHHKL 1 Holler mill ] walcr power ; at Murengo. la. Ad- drcKBO. I ) . Illllln , > eola. ) a. M5'/8 IS * VHALK , KSTABLIHHKIHIHOCKHY ; CKN- J. trul location ; poor health reason for Belling. Apply V3 . Heu , M.1V5 -(4.MJO HTOCK MKIIC1UNDIKK ; WILL TAKK half cash , balance clear laud. Box 750tchuyler , Neb. lilO 13 * V-I10TKL IN OMAHA , LKA8K AND FUHNL -I turn for tulo ; great bnrgulni doing good busl- iieas , low rent , Addren V 5 , BBC. MB3III V-PO SALK. ONK HALF OH TIIK WHOLK OF L a hardware dock , ( lood location , t.ood busl- noauDdlon run. AUdrc i Lock Box fc57 , Lincoln , > 'ub. BUSINESS CHANCES. _ _ V-A (7.JOOOO TO ( O.OOJOU STOCK OF olcNKHAl , 1 merchandise , conklstlng of dry Rooits , boom , tliocs and Broccrlcs , clean anil well nclcclcd stock , Will enchango for land lo the value of ( uuH'Jnml the rest rash or Rood notes. Stock Is Inn town of MX ) people nnd him n tlno trndp. Liberal dl connt for nil cnsh , Address P , O. Box No. WI or No , R83 , York , Neb , Write for particular ? . .MA ( M9 _ V FOH SALK , A IIUOI ) LOCATION FOH A -LMncksmlthini miles from Omaha on the I'nlon ' Paclllc rnllroad : shop nnd tools on ensy ternin ; no competition , Address C , McLoughllti , HogctK , Neb. MCJ9 10 * _ V WANTIID. A PAHTNKH WITH J.iOO 00 , (1KNT 1 or Indy , for ono of the best thliif s out. For particulars address V 4ii. lieo. 731 10 * _ \f- f 4.000 made In live wcokn. Noc.ipltnl required. . 1'orfull pnrtlcnlnrs se-ut ( lamp. London Spe cially CO. , Chicago , HI. da 10 * _ VFOH SALK , BLACKSMITH SHOP. SATIS- 1 factory reasons for felllnr. Addres * M. I ! . ( ioocli. lxlgh , Neb , M7I7-12 * SALK-A DIHKI STOIIK IN PHOSPKIl- . oustown In South-western lown. Invoice ( J.'AiO sales , 16111. (3OOJ. Adilrc'S Y 40 , care Bee. M IM7-13 * FOR EXCHANGE. /-ULKAN STOCK OF ( iKNKHALM'D'S'K ; WILL Altnkc real estate A money. Hex 7 > 5 , Frankfort , Ind. 307 _ 7-IFYOUHAYi : AdOODUPHKlHT PIANO TO "trade for lot 4(1 ( , block I , Armour Place , South Omahni clear of ull liicutnbranco. Address N4j , Bee olllco. MZIJ y-i\CllANlK YOUH PHOPKHTY. 111(1 ( LIST /-Jcnll or wrllo. Alex Moore. 401 lleo Mile. UStl r/-FOH THADK. NKW 3 S'lOHV HltlCK FLAT /-'building , modern. A I location , ronn rendlly. Closest Investigation Invited , prlcj (25oto. ; Trnilo eqully for iinlnciimbered vacant lols. Ames Heal Kttnto Agency. l.W Fnrnnm street , u'J ' FOIl'rirAD'KrCO.OOD WOH'FlI OFIJNlNCtlM. /Jbered city property to trnilo for fnnu land * . within IU ) nillen of Omahn. Ames Heal Kstate Agcncv , l.W Fnrnnm st. ff liXCIIANdKUU i u' . A FINK EO HAH ' rel roller mill on whcnt nnd 100 on grnnulntcd meal for good fnriulng land In Nebraska or lowu sltiialed In 'I liurnmn , In. Addresi J. S. Jones. Thnr- innn , la. 657 IS * _ V Ol'll NiW : LIST OF PHOPKHTY Foil Kx"- ' -'elinngo Is Just out. S-end for It. Western K.\- chnnga Co. , Coliiiubus , Neb. lUMS'a y-THADK. CI.KAIt LOTd IN 1IILLSIDK AND ' -'Sunn } side additions for ncro property. Addrets W. A. Webster , 40(1 ( Bee blilg. C42 11 * _ y-K.\CIIANCK. WANT A TVPKWlllTKIl ANI ) ' -'letter press , llnve lots , tlcyclu and ; od shoo boxes. Address Y SO , Bee. I > 7S 10 * VIIOUSK ANI ) LOT , CKMKNTKIM'KLLAlt. CIS ' Jtern , well , barn , Inrgo chicken hoiito for vnciin lot. Address VS'.i , lice. .M705-12 * _ FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. A T HALF YALL'K. LOTS. ACHKS. 11O.MKS. BUS- iiiiess property. Alex Moore , 401 llco bhlg. K > 7 \\rn Y "RHoITUToirivrY"iiK > rT TVND TT TifK snuio time own n vnrixnt lot when thellilelly Tiust Co. will sell you n beautiful coltngo homo In 1 n Fnyettc place nnd perhaps tnle your vacant lot ai part payment ? Come nnd teu us and let us show you the cottages. I'd ? "OKAUTIFUL LAFAYKTTK PLACK IS LOCATKI ) .1'on N'elfon street , one block west of Lowe nve. Six new , elegant modern dwelling * , of 7 to 9 rooms cnch , of which four are tttll for sale. You cannot Judge of tbe beauty of this terrace , or the com pleteness of the oottnges , without Beelng them. Open for Inspection , Prices rensonnblo and easy ternm. Cnll nt our office and wo will ( how them nt nny time , whether you wish to buy or not. Owned nnd for Bale by Fidelity Trust ( ompany , 11)14 Fnrnam Bticet. Bticet.I7 17011 SALK , 1IOMKS. ANY PIHCK. (750 , (1,250 L'P -I easy terms ; take clear properly an first payment G. U. Wallace , Brown block , Itith and Douglas. ; roa TVT K. COHNKH S.ITH 'AND H1CKOHY .WXI.'fl 1' .feet ; 11 bargain for n few days only. F. K. Dnr- ling. Barker block. 2KI 17011 SALK ATA IlAlltJAtN , LOT lo , BLOCK 3. JW. . L. tclby'n llrst addition to South Omiiha. Small payment down , balance monthly If dcelrod. Inquire O. H. TZBchuck , Omahn Bee. 334 1'OH SALK-4CO ACHK FAH.M IN III.UK HIYKH i valley , rlha > er coiinly , 10 mile ? west of Hebron. Ono of the very best farms In the county ; good house , barn , grnnniles. cribs , etc.nnd an nbiindanco of fruit , timber and running wnler. Also lor snlo or exchange for good lands orclty properly , n brick pork pncklng house nml fixtures In Hebron , Thnyur county , near H. & K. depot. For particulars lu- quere of any real estate agent In Hebron. 310 HOMKS FOH SALK. THKHti IS NO IKKIIIT BUT that wo huvo the most satisfactory list of really desirable cottngcs to bo found In tbo city. Prices , from C..OOO und terms range up , arc ex ceedingly liberal. We have sold six during the past montli and the best of our list will noon- be selected. Wo con recommend the following nt price * mined : S..SOO ft H model , new , Popplcton Park , within two blocks Hnnt-com Place. 7 room within two blocks Ilnnscom Plnce. (2.000 7 HS front , full lot , barn , etc. , Omahn View (4.0007 roam K front , new nnd complete IIAlh st (5.000 La FnyMto Plnco. tlnest In city. Heo them. Olllce open Saturday nlgutB. Fidelity Trust Company , 1014 Farnnm street. 3UJ-a39 F I OH SALK ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS , M ) UOU92S ! & lots. The O.F. Davis Co.,15'J5 Farnam at , 501 & 123.000 TO LOAN ; SU.MH OF * 3,000 UPWAUDS ; < ipcan place loans on any Inside Improved property to any nmount where value Is hack of the loan. Ames Heal Kntuto Agency , UOI Furnani et. : i33 ONMOUTII PAUIC HAS TIIK MOTOtt. CITY wntor. grndcd ntrectv , sldawnlk , pchuol. beauti ful location every thing to make It nltractlve. For lots or homes In this beautiful addition on easy terms see U , ( i. Wnllncc , trustee , 312 llrjwn block , Itith nnd Douglas. 308 poll SALIt . HALCYON HCIQIITS. Acres , half acres and lots on electric motor rond. Also houses nml lots In Halcyon Heights U.MAHA'S IIKAUTIFUL SUllUltll. Only thirty minutes ride from center of city Uusy paymcnt't , low rule of Interest. Now Is the time lo secure n homo. William 11. Crary. 205 New York I.lfo Hldg. M S3.-AI9 _ \\TK W1IJ. CONSIDKIl A CLKAK VACANT LOT ii ns s-irt payment to\\nrdb n home In Lafuyetto Place. 1117 FOH8ALK , CIIO1CK ACHK LOTS IN SOLOMON'H Add. Prices reasonable. K , U. Solomon , Mil nml Ames nve. M.VJ3 10 * WHY PAY HUNT WIIKN YOU CAN IIIIY ONK OF the finest modern cnttages ever built en easy terms In Lafayette Place ? UI7 WKLL LOCATKI ) LOTS : WH.Ij IHAVKAFKW bullil houses to milt yon und tell on easy terms. J. D. Xlttlc. llrown block. SCO OLOHA'JO FOIIT COLLINS. IMPItOYKI ) faims Mountain r.iicli and Block , lied nnd while Bitndslono quarry , &U-room I.oU'l 14.000 aero 8 osk ranch In Wyoming to eoll and trad3. Address up to 2Mb. . Yoslur , ( irennvllle , Mercer Co. , Pa. IPJ-IO * FOH SALU , S-KOOM COTTAOK ( ONLY ! SITU nled 1014 UnrJ Btroiit Callon A. llospa Jr. 813 IT'Oll ' 8ALK-S-K COItNKIt 17th , DOHCAS. 82 ( X J ISS. 3 cottages , stnblo for ii horses , can bo dlvldod Into 5 lots. Inquire at premises IIS 13' H1VK OUT AND HKK LA FAYKTTK PLACK. T ) 17011 SALK. A IIKAUTIFUL LOT. 3J.NI ) ANI ) -L Woolworth , park front , will bnll.l lo cult pur chaser , easy terms. Dnvld Jumlcson , 412 llco bldg , .184 OMKS-SKVKHALKLKOANTCOTTAdKH close to motor. Lowe nve , and CiimlnK slrut-t , 12.000 to H.CWJ , nbout Imlf their value ; owner lelt city nnd must sell. Cull 10 to 1 , or 4 lo ii. K. F , Seovcr , banemont N. V. Life. HOT II VOUNT/.K PI.ACH-1) ) HOOM HOIJSK , * H,100 ; WILL Jvtako f-.OOU In trade , fMW In rash , balance , t35UO per month. J , J. ( ilbson. CreltMilou Illk. 631 LA FAYKTTK PLACK HKFOHB HUYINfJ SKK . UI7 i01t SALK , 4 COHNKIl LOT ON PA VKD jSTHKKT , 1 suitable for grucer , butcher or druggist , only SIOU. DuvldJninli'Son , 412 llco bldg. Ml INK FAHMH ANI ) HA.NC11ICH FOU SALK E cheap , tieorgo W. Keys , Oberlln , Kun.M553 M553 11 W'ANTKD-IIAIUIAINS IN IIIISINKSS HKSI- deuce and ucro property. Address W. A. Webster - ster , 40U Bee bldg. 1142 li' TJANKKHSCAPITALISTS. MKIICIIA.NT.S. .Dcloiki , vorUlrKinim huvo all Invested In Iho 110 lotH lyliu between Oiiinhu and the Now Fort. All i.thcm make a nilttnko when they ci n pnrchnso u lot for (10 and don't do so , Theruli i > o wortuiigo on this | rjp , r.y i warranty deed , ab Ir.ict und given cacii purchaser ; BI'O me. ) living o i the ad dition , Cull lu nml gel nn.noi of fainlies now llv- lugon this ulillllon , vlall them , usk tlnm II Uny will sell for wlat they pal.l ( till : wo don't csk yi u (100 for a t n do.lJrlot. but muko yon u piopvrty owner free and e oir for exactly flu. Knclonu 'to for plat und more Inforinaflon , Opunuvi n- ugs. Charles P. HenJBinln , sole acent , 1500 Dodge street. J-75 lu 17OH SALK , KLKGANT MODKIIN HlJlLrTioUSK. -I nil conveniences , near llansr-om park : can plvo liumcdlule pOBBCiBlon. Hicks , agent , 3W .N. Y , Life bldg. 753 10 17011 SALK ATA IIAHOAIN , 10 ACHKS OUSK TO 1 city limits In Went Omaha. HIckB , ateut , : HJ5 N. V. l.lle bldg. ? M 10 ) ( , HOOMH. WALNUT SPLKNDnCOTTAiKHOMK,7 terms ; Ci.K * ) , worth H.UJ ) ; must sell ; big bargain. A , K. llllrr. room 40 , Barker block. _ .3. ; lu * T > HIVATK PAHTYllAH ( : i.IOC ( 'o"ToOO TO IXMN. i 7 percent , t-co A. K , Hllcy , room 40 , Barker block , tra ; IP * T.-'Oll SALK , KLKGANT DOUBLK IIOUSK ON ONK I of rlnot reildeiico BlrcctBi will lakngood lard us part payment. Hicks , nguiit , 305 N. Y. l.llo. 753 103 TI7O11 SATiToH WILL KXCIIANCK FOlt FAHll i.'land , 44 lots lu Went Omaha nil clear of Inciiiu- brnnce , price (24,000. AUdre HIckB , ngont , 305 N. Y. Lite. 7M 1U ACKY'S ADDITION TOO.M All A JUSTPLATTKI ) Jit Is eatt of Buntuu on clci-lilu motor line. Lo'B I'JUJ to 50. Term . ! i cnib , btlinco In three u-iiuil piytucnu , duo In 2 , 4i ( i years und 7 per ct-nt lutert'it. Potter CJcorto Co. , B H coiner luth " " ' " audlaroam. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. H owsToH : ( i < C WK Aifie TO SKI.VA few- more loin In ( ms.hnj's Intect ndillllon. If Ing belwrcn Omahn nnd now Fort ( Imnhn. for (10 n lot. This tidltlon is good , honest pierorty. No swamp or net land , but every lot fnisrnnlrcil n nice level building lot , frco from mortKSRO or Infunihrnncp. Warranty deedabstract anil pint given with cnch lot sold , dais full payment tor n lot. deference Riven. Cnll In. lim > ; tlunta nnd get names of pur chasers nnd parties now living 611 thl niHIllun. or Inclop2c puMngn rUmp for maps , plnls , etc. Chn . P Hcnjnmln , solo agent , U < W Dodge st , Open < > vrn- Ings. BT.1 10- 1'Olt SALK. 5.0KI ACHKS OF NKIHIASKA LAND i nl grcnl ontrltlce Apply for parllriilars tn tl. HMVterton. UU S. I3th st. , Omaha. 070 10 * A\ri : iiAvu A TAH < ! K LtsT ( < F tiKsfimiu : ' south Oninhn property for sale. Potter A. George to. , S. W. coi-ner loth nnd Fnrnnm. flSMti LOST. CTIIAYKII OH STOLKN FIIOM 300H MASON Street , n liver nnd whlto 3 months old Kngllsh pointer dog pup with sninll brown collar. Itifurmn tlon of him or bis return to above number will bo rewarded. rjj 10' TOST , A SMALL HIM ) IHISll SKTl'KH DOG ; Jrthon InM seen hnd n collar on with name nnd address of owner. Kindly relurii to U ? N. list nv enuc nml iccclvu liberal reward. .4910 * LOSTTV KL f.ov siTiT pTi iTiTi fiTJi i it k wrA HD J.'or his return to C. W. Hull , 8201 Fnrnnm street. 'M 1'j * BOOKS WHAPPKI ) IN HMD . Finder relurn lo 317 S. ISlh tl. nnd re- reive , 10 * PllKIJM011LK , OFF1CK lilllj KAHNA.M ST. 311 SNYDKH'S LOAN OFFICK , 1510 DOIXJi : ST. M043 nSU * HAIR GOODS. LA1KIKST STOCK IN KNTIHK WKTTltM.VP : rlcnl wlg nml bo.inls n sp olally. W l t. lint snitches , hair oh : lns. etc i sen 1 for c.ittloziu .Mull orders solicited. D.ivlca , HIM. Ijtll St. . Oiu till DKESSMAKINU. A miKSSMAKKIl I'HOM Till ! KAST WOl'M ) jVllkolomaku engiigemonts by the dny or week. Mil Is fat tlon guaranteed , AildrCBB .Mlis Ilossiim , 1WSouth 17th si. M7II 13 * MANUFACTURINO JE\VELERS. 1ASII PAID FOH OLDiOLI ) . "cAHSONT IIANKS . -room U ) , Barker block , Omaha. 313 RE-IW I N C TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , 1607 Farnam Olreet , OMAHA RRILWHYTIMEGRRD Leaves IIIUULINOTON .V MO. IllVIClt. I Arrives Omaha. | Depot loth nnd Mason Ms. I Omaha. ,30 n ml . . .Kansas City Dny Kxprcss. . . . I { > . .V > p m it.45 p mlC. | I' . Nl nt Kxn vln U. P.Tram I .4) n m Leaves I UNION PACIFIC Arrives Oninhn. ( Union Depot 10th iind.Marcy Sis , Omaha. V.'M a m Bontrlco Kxprcss . 7.00 p m 10.00 n ml Denver Kxpreis. . . 5.00 p m 2.16 pm | Overland Flyer 11.15 p m 4.50 p iiiiBluoSpVs.t FnlrlleldKxox ( Siinjl2.5 , Ip m 6.30 p ml Paclllo Kxnress , I1.7J u m Going CHlCAtlo. It. I. ti PACIFIC. I From Knit. Union Depot 10th A Mnrcy Stf. I KnsL 10.00 n m ] Atlantic Kxpresa li.V ) p m 4.0.'i p m Vestltmlo Kipron 1.10 p in 11.10 p m | Night Kxpress. . H.40 n m ( Joins i UltlUAdO. K. I , & PACIFIC , i From Woit. I Union Depot 10th and Mnrcy Sts. I West. l.SO p m1 . . . .Denver Limited 13.40 jT"ra 7.03 . . . .Denver Kxprcsj | 7. : < 0 a m LcnveB ICHIOAliO , M1U & ST. PAULIArrlvo rOninlinl U. P. ilcpot nnd Marey gt . I Omnh-t I1.VO p nil Chicago Kvprojs | .i.'i"i n m l.UO p m | Chicago K.xprcas | . ' > . < i p m Leaves f"dIOU.X CITY A PACIFIC. ( Arrive ? Oninlnl Depot. IQIh nnil Marcy Sts. I Omalia .yl n nil Sioux City Pasnonger IIC'l'lp ' m 6.35 p m | SI. I'qiil Kxprcji llO.OOa in .oaves I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. I Arrives Omahal Depot. 15th nnd Webster sts. I Omaha 6.11 p m | St. Paul Limited I'J. ' 'i a m Lcnvcs ICH1CAUO .V NOIlTlIWKSTrlltN I Arrive ! OamhnU. | P. depot , 10th and MarcySts. [ Omaha 7.VO a in ( Kr. Sun'y ) Carroll Pasicncor. Kl.'Jp in 1.20 n m Chicago Kxpross C.03n m 'i.03 p m Vestibule Limited li.M.i m H.I5 p m Kaitern Flycr 2.15p m 7.UJ p m ( Kx. Sat.l Chic. Puss. ( Kx. Moil. ) 8.05 a m Leaves 1 OMAHA * bT. LOUIS. ( Arrival OmahalU. P. depot. 10th nnd Mnrey St . ( oimha 4.10 p ni | St. Louis Cannon Hall 112/15 p in Leaves I F. , K. A MO. VALL10Y. [ Arrlvoi Omahal Depot. l.Uli unit Webster St ) . Omnhi Leaves I ! . , t > T. P. , M. A O. ( Arrives Omaha I Depot. 15th and Webster Hts. I Omaha MO a m . .Slcux City Accommodation H.Oi p in 1.00 p m Sioux City Kxpross ( Kx. riun.ry ) 12.41 p m 5.45 p m St. ' Piii'tl Llralto'l . . . . . .I Si.Si u m 5.1 , ' ) p m llancroft PIUHjnirjriKv. Sun I'yi I B.l > n ni Ijivcs "MISSOUTtI PACIFIC. I Arrive i Omahn Depot 15th an.I Webster St' . I Oniqhi 10. : n ml til. l.ouU Kxpre-n fiTiiO u m C.IIO p m ! . . . _ . _ , . . .St. Louis Kxprfsj . _ „ . _ „ , . I 5.10 pm Leaves I'HICAGoriTT k PAtJlFTtJ Arrival Transfer Union Depot.Council IllnllJ. Transror G.O ; p m Night Kxprcs * 9.20 n m 10.21) a in Atlantic Kxpross .V.Vi | l m 4.30 1 1 Vestibule Limited. . . 12.50 p m Lonvcs | " K. C. , ST. JOK X C , 11 , lArrlves Transfer ) Union Depot , Council Bluffs. ITrauafor 10.00 n m.Kansis ) CltD.iy Kxpri 4. . A.2 p 111 10.15 ii m1 . . .Kansas City Nlglit Kxprim. . (1.2J ( a m leaves lUIlIlJAGO , HUIIL'N & QUINCV.IArrlvji Traniferl Union Depot. Council Illufls | f ) 4.40 | . . . . . . Louis Canon Ball 112.13 p in Leaven I SIOUX CITY 4 PACIFIC. | Arrives Transfer I Union Depot , Council Blurts. I Trans for 7.4'i u ml..Sioux City Accommodation. 110.00 p m 6..10 | i m | . St. Paul Kxprsm. . . . . . . . | jl.40 u m Leaves lOtlCAGO.V : NOItTHWKSTHItNArrlviJ7 | Trnnsforl Union Depot. Council HlnlH. | Tr.iinfur THE SHOKTBST LIM TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , as represented on this man. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vest ! billed trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar riving" at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Qflice : 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NA.SH , Gen'l Ag-ent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. HMVHlM'Pl.lKfi-DKPOTQIJAHTKHMAfe'- tt-r's Olllco. Omnlm. Neb. . April Till. 1HX' . t-oiiloil inoniHiils In ilupllo.ito will Un ruculvi-d nt thlKollIco ni.lll Ida. ni. . .Saturday , .Muy 7th. IMI.1 , nt which limn mid | iluio : they will ho oponi'O In Iho picsunrc of attundlni ; hhlilcru for thu dullvory of stiitloiiery. tinners' loom , loulher , hunlwuio , lumber , wauon imilrrlal , wutcr hiiiillon. | | me. Lists ilvnhiioclllou ; ) - tloiiK. ( lUuutltluH und other Information will Do furnlsheil iiinn npplleutlon ut tills oil loo. Preference will ho Klvon to uitlclcs of doini-- tlc iirodnctlon or inuniifuultirc , c-onillllon of iiiinflly unil prlci < ( Inolnillii' ' In Ihu nrloo of foreign iiii.iluctlnn or n.unnfiictuiu the ilnty tboronnl hnliiK ciiai | ; nnil. further , Dint no contracts simll bo inviudeil fur furnishing : ir- tluluHnf foreign [ iroiluctlun or nuintifituluro tvlifii tbo urtloloH nt siiltnblo ciiulliyofdo- nifstlu iiriHluntlou or iiKiniifuotiltti ofiu ho ob- tuliKMl. ThoKovoriiiuenl HHCI-VI-H the ilirhtto rojuat uny or nil | ire ) > - > 'il . lllildcri should nttuch u copy of thm ndvertUu'ncnt to their hldh. CIIAUI.hH HUM ) . Ouptin : | iiinl Asslbt- unt Qiiartcrmuiter , U. . Army , u'j Hiiii5-0 PropovuU lor lllliulu Mr C'lty Hull , Scnloil bl < ! s will bo received nt the coiiip- iroller'nolllcu. Oiuiiha , NuD. . nn to 4 p. in. April I'Jtb. ' H-'J- ' . for lillmU for the clly hall. The rlzht U reserved lo reject : iny or nil hldt ulOaUtM Tutu. Uust.v , Coiuptrullcr. Ladies ' "Success" SYRINGE IT IS WITH THIS SYUKNHK OKM * thnt you nro ' Sl'ltKotntliilnliinyour desire , nnil It In the heat , mean * of retaining your Rooil honlth through cleiuilltic s. Soft rnliior bulk llnr.l rubber tubr. Ask your driujclst for one , und bo y UK Kit bus unit the trailo niaik , "FISH BRAND. " 1'or ono woolt wo wll sell them nt $1.50 $ Eacli. S.'c extra If sent by ox- Into Iho country. Money to accompany the oiilcr. A LADY ct.riiK will at tend to the wauls of our lady pillions. OMAHA RUBBER CO 1 * Cor. i6Ui. I'OIl INDIAN SL'PPI.IKS AM ) triinipoiliiMoii. DcpartmtMil of tholiitor- or. Ollk'O of InillnnIVnlrs , Washington , April i' , 1M1'\ Scaled proposal * , endorsed "Pro posals for Hoof , ( bills for brut must bo submit ted In separate iMivoioposi. llacon , I'tour , ( 'lttliln Ot-Traiipportatlon , ulo. , " ( us the cii'-o niiiv ho ) , nnd directed to tlio ( Jotutnlsslont'r of Inillnn Affairs. Nos. 05 ami ( i * Woostiirslreot. Now York , will bo received until I 11. in. of Titi-siluy , .Muv ; ' , IS'.fj ' , for furnishing for the . Inillnn i-orv co about 'Ol.WoO pounils bacon. : i.V U.MIUU pounds hcof on thn hoof , ' . ' , UOOOOJ pounds net beef , KI'.OJ ) pound ! ! henns , 70,003 pounds baking powder. t.VliQ.OOJ pounds corn , 110,0 U pounds coireo , n.OGli.uu ) pounds Hour , 711.0 Onounils food,0.1,000 pounds nurd hrcnd , 40U ) pounds hoinlny.ii.iOCO ; pou nils lardJ.V ) bar- ula moss pork , 15.00 J pounds natmunl. 070.000 liounds oats , 111,00)1101111111 rice , -"J.oro pounils lea , 10,0 0 pounds cnarso salt. I''O.ODJ poiliuls line salt , ' 'no.raj pounds soap , I.OOO.UOO pound * sugar , und IHI : , ( H ) pounds whom. AIMS blank ets , woolen .1111 cotton goods , ( consisting Ins part of tlcktiiir , IILOIO yards ; staiiilnrd calico.v - - wi.liO ) yards ; drlllliu HI.OJO yards ; duck , frco from nil sizing , : i\000 yards ; dunlins , 10.WJ yards ; Klnshams , JiOO.tiOO yatds ; Kentucky Jeans. rV" 0 yards ; olinvlot. Is.UJO yards ; lirowti houtliiK. i'JO.ODi y.irds ; hluaehrd shcetlni ; , II5.1X1I yards ; hickory shtrtliii ; , UM.IOO yards ; calico shlrllni ; , ( iU"i yardb ) : ulothln ; ; , Kroour- lus , notions , hardware , nicdh'al Hiipullea , school books nit' . , and a lone list of mlsr-ol- liini'oiiMirtlcIo . HtU'h ns harness , plows , niKos. forks , etc. . anil for nbout iMO wagons required for thu service , to ho dollvoreU ut Oilcuzo , Kansas Ulty and floux Oily. Also tor such wtiKons as may ho reiiuircd , adapted to the ( llmnloof the I'nclllc coast , with California liatiS ) ! , dellvori'd nt tan l''raiiclsi-o. Alto transportation forsnuh of the articles , cooda and siiilllL's | ) that may not ho uontrauled forte to ho delivered nt the nciinclus. llids must Do made onion eovornment blanks. b'ohi'duli'S showing the kinds and ouantltlcs of subslK- tcnoosupplies rotinlreil for each aKcney and srhool , aim the kliuls andiuantltleH | In gm > s. of nil other Roods nnd articles , to other with blank proposals , conilltlons to he observed by bidders , tlmo nnd plncoof delivery , terms of contract and prxymunt , transportation routes nnd allothor no.-rssary Instriiellons will ho fiirnlshoJ upon applluatlon to the Indian Uf- llco In Withhln4toii. or Nos. M and 07 WooMor htruut. New York ; the Commissaries of Suli- sIstoncL1. IT. 9. A , ut Chcwoiine , ( 'llleauo , Loavonwortli , Omaha. Saint Louis , Saint Paul , and San l'ranolseo ; the Poslmastors atSlonx City. Iowa : Yankton. Soutli Uakota ; Arkansas - v sas City , l'aldwo.1 , Topeka and Wichita. Kun- . has. nnil Tuscon , Arizona. Tbo right Is rev - served by the eovnrtiincnt to reject any ant ! nil blds.or any pnrt of any bid , and tliosu proposals - sals are Invited under proviso that approprla- tlon shall bo made for the supplies by con- Kress. Illds will boouened at the hour ami day ubovo stated , and bidders uro Invited to bo present at the opening , fertltlcd checks. All bids must bo aeonmpanlcd by certified checks or drafts upon seine United Slates leer - or the First National Hank of San 'i-anclsco , Uul , , for at least live uer cent of the amount of thu proposal. T. J. MO1HJAN. Commissioner. ATu.'ltm IIKPAKTMENT , . Olllco Super- vIslnR Architect , Washington , I ) . ( ' . , April y. IKIi Scaled oroposnls will ho rocolroU at this ollk-o until 'J o'clock ' p. m. . on the ! ! ttli ) day of April , lblf. , and oponeil liunioillately tbore- uflcr , for all the labor and materials reijulrod to put In plnco ccmplnto the Iron Loams nnd. Rlnlcrs In hahomont nnd first lloor. basoincnt eolumns , etc. , for the I'nltrd States couri bouse , custom house and poslolllco biillil- Iny at Omaha. Nol > . , In inoorUanco with the drawings and snoclHL'atlons , copies of vrlilch may ho had at this of- flco or the olllco of the superintendent at Omuba. Nob. Kach hid must uo nncompiinlcd by a certified chock for a auiu not less than a percontof the amount of the proposal. The rlsht Is reserved to reject any ami nil bids , and to walvo any defect or Informality In nny bid. All hids received attor the tlmo filmed will he returned to the bidders. Proposa's must bo enclosed In envelopes , sealed and nn.rked , "Proposal for the Iron beams and Klrilurs In basement and llrst lloor. ha cinr.nt columns etc. , for the United States court house , custom liouso und postolllco hill ding at Omaha , Nob. , and addrcsaod to W. J. Kd- brookc , Supervising Architect. AC.8-10-1S-U-10 Prnpiull IMUrlci ( i.-vllu ? II ri It. Foaled bids marked "Proposals for district urailbr , ' bonds" will bo roculvod at the olllco of the clly treasurer , Omaha , Nob. , up to 1'J o'clock noon of the -ith day of April , IMi , ' , f the purchusoof ill/.HlO.nOdlslrluLKradlni : b of the city of Omaha , Noli. Sa.d bondsiiro dated May 1st , 181) ) . ' , nnil uru payable from ona to nine yours utter date tbei-eof , in donoiulna- tlons ur'JloO.lWanilioo.oo each , with Interest at the ruto of ! > per cunt per annum , payable facml-nnnnally. P-lncltial anil Interest pay able ut Koiint/.o llroa. , New York. J.0,003.00 of OradlnK District No. .Tl. Ir.'JO.OO of Cradlns District No , TI. 700.00 of Gradlnif District No.IW. 20OOJ.OU of Grading District No. W. Kach hid must state price and nmount EOUKht for and Include accrued Interest to date of delivery at Omaha. Neb. TherlKht Is reserved to lujoct any and all lads. Ishiicd untier charter power of cltlosof thn metropolitan cliiss und Ordinance No. Jih. approved . , , . . [ < LNi UltyTroa surer. PROPOSALS FOR SEWER IJONDS Healed bids marked Propos-ils for Hewer llonds will bo received at the ollico of the o y treasurer of the elty of Omaha. Nob. , up t. o o'clock , uoou , of the Ultl ) day of April , 18r ' , 'of the puichaso of tAUOUV.UJ sewer bonds of the city of Omuba , Nob. , dated May 1st , ISOJ. pay- ubluLMyear.-i after dalo. Interests per cent per annum , payub'.o hoinl-annu.tlly. Princi pal and Interest payable at KounUo Urns. . Now York. Denomination of nonds. SI.OOJ.03 cncli. Kach bid must state price and amount sought for an'J Ineludo accrued Interest up to dnto of delivery at Omaha , Noli. Tlio rjzht If reserved to reject any and all bids. Issued iindoi charter power of cities of the niotro- nolltan clans and ordinance No. SMI. aiiprovcd Murch S3. lbW. ! IIKNKV IKHJ.N. M'diIt.M : Cilty Troasim'r. Notice Is lioreby Riven that pursuant to an order of the District Court of H.illne Ciu > 4 Nebraska , I will , an recolvor. of tlio > IITiii o Dawcs and Toss , olfor for Kiilo to the hUhen bidder for cimli all of the law llbriiry-ahou l.IIOOvoliimescoiiiposcdof text hooks , digest mill reports all the olllco furniture , flxliiro und appointments , desks , hook oases , nafo stcivo , typewriting inacnlno and all of the of lice furniture , flxturi-s and appolnlmcnts of every kind and description bolonslnir to the Kiild Urn. of Dawcs it 1-oss , H.ilo to bo at Oniti ; . Nobr.tHk , ! . ( oniinanoliiK nlUo clock u. m. A pi 11 L'l , isici Text liooks will bo tiold In KOIK , in will also rojKirts and dlKCSts. The various articles of oflico furnttiiro. flxtuics and ap- poliitmontij will lie olfercd In pieces. A oitulouoorllstof : ! all of snld properly oan- " bo obtained bv nddrosfllns moat ( 'into. Nub , U O. WlUTK , ICCCOlVlT. W. 0 , lUSTINO" . JllllRII. PROPOSALS FOR PAVING BONDS. Himltnl bldH miirkod proposals for navlir ; bonclii will b rucelvud at the olllce of the city liouMiror of Omaha , Noli. , up to I'i o'clock noon of the "J5th day of April , WM. for the purchase of t ,0,000.01) ) nuvlni ; bond * of Iho city of Omaha , Nob. , dated Muy I , Ih'J. , payabln it ) years nftnr Unto , Interest S per cent per annum , payable noinUannuallyi principal and Interest payable at Kount/.o llros. , Now York. Denomination of bonds. { I'H'Joo ) o.icli , I v noli bid muhtHtuto prluo and nmount ouvht for and Include nceruod Interest to dale of deliv ery at Omaha. Nub. TliorlKhl IH recurved to reject anv and nil bldH. Issued under charter power of cities of metropolitan clubs' und ordinance No , yyjei , approved Muroh . lhl > 2. HKNIIYHOM.N. M20-13U.M I1IF.K QUAKTKUMAbTKK'H KKR ! C Omaha , Nob. , April ii , ifa'.i. ' . Soatud propo > - nU will bo received at this oflico until 1 o'eyjck p. in. , contra ] 1 1 mo , Muy ( ith , U'U. ' and tl V' opened , for the construction of sewer vysteiiir * . drainage und plumblinr. and for hulHHui : brick water olosoU ut I'ort Nlobr ra , Nob. The rluht la reserved to i eject any or all bldf. All informiitlon furulsbr.d on uppllcutlon hero or to post quartet niBntor , I'ort Nlobriiru. ,1'u- volopes uncloslin ; propo : tU nhould bo nuirkcd "I'roponaU for Sownr. oto. , " end addreiiscd to tlilsolllec , UIIAHLKH 1 < \ IIUMI'lllUvV.Yjap. tuln and As 't Quurtermnster , V , B. A. . Acting C'blcl Quurtcruiuitor. At'dltMl-U '