10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , APRIL 10 , 1892-TWENTY PAGES PREPARING FOR RASTER. . We are preparing Spring Garments for several thousand gentlemen. We have the facility for a great many more , and invite every gentleman who may wish to spend $ S to $50 for garments made to order. Trousers to order $5 to We have the largest and best assortment of fabrics under any roof in America over one thousand entirely new styles in to date. MINNEAPOLIS s Not HOW MUCH but HOW LITTLE we can ask you for BOSTON DENVER CINCINNATI splendid made to order is our plan. WASHINGTON NEWYORW2 Place your order with us-1 you cannot do beterwe INDIANAPOLIS believe not as well ANYWHERE. 207 S. 15th St. 207 S. 15th St. Bet. Farnam and Douglas. . TAILOR Bett Farnam and Douglas GOSSIP OF THE ANTE-ROOM 1/1 "Frators" AJe What Doing Throughout the , ' , . ' City and State. ' . ' .ROSE'CROIX WILL EXTINGUISH THE LIGHTS Muvninonts nnd the Order's Growth Sons of Veteran * 1'ropnrliifir fur Tholr Annual Knctuupmunt .V Herd of GoatM. The order of Masons and the Eastern Star " lodge of Jnniata gave a grand banquet nnd " supper In their elegant hall Tuesday night to several visiting brothers nnd sisters from i Hastings and Konesaw. To say tbo least , they had a magnificent time und a grand supper. Mho visitors present wore : Mr. and .Mrs. tichanfclbcrgar , Mr. and Mrs. Hursb , .Mr. and Mrs. MattueKs , Mr. and Mrs. Me- Whlunoy , Mr. and Mrs. Hartigan , John H. Hnrrii , Mrs. Sykos , Mrs. Crane , Mrs. , Btoyvart , Mrs. Collins , Mrs. Holbrook , Miss , Marshall , Miss Bornhardt , Miss Faxon , Miss Howard , Miss Nollis of Hastings , and Mrs. J. J. Hazlett and Mr. and Mrs. Norton of IConosaw. ' . " 'ho ceremony of extinguishing tbo lights and the feast obligatory of Semper Fidolls , chapter No. I , Uoso Cralx , Ancient ana Ac cepted Scottish rite , for the southern juris diction of tha United States , will bo hold at Freemason's hall , Maunday , Thursday evening , April 14. The ceremony of extin guishing tno lights will begin at Op. rn. , and the banquet , to which the wives and sweet : , hearts of tbo members are bidden will take place o ( 7:30 : sharp. Capitol lodge will do work In the Appren tice degree ut its next mooting , the rest of the meetings during the mouth will bo taken up with exemplifying tbo Master degree. St. John's lodge No. 25 is booming and will bo represented at tbo grand lodge by mom- Dors wno'uill take pleasure in calling atten tion to the fact that it has the largest mem bership of any loiliro In the state. Tbo commtuidorles of Knights Templar at Cincinnati have united In an Invitation which will bo presented to the grand commandory of the United States at Its Denver meeting to hold the triennial conclave of lb ! > 5 In that city. A guarantee fund of $40,000 has already - ' ready been subscribed by tno business men of tbo city , und wore is promised If needed. The following Information has been sent out by the local committee at Denver having In charuo the arrangements for the Knights i Templar conclave to bo held in that city next August , Humors having gone abroad that rates of MO to $500 per day for headquarter * would bo quoted , the committee reports : Hotel i rates In Denver , Amorlan plan , range from i $3 to # 1 per day per person. Contracts nro mode for live days , with an average assign ment of three people to each room ; 1. o. , v ' Bomo rooms to accommodate four people , others two people each. Tbo H. Cr Brown 1 J-'alaco hotel Is the .only . ono that makes a 1 ' charge of fil a day , nnd that on account of Its , ' benig n'hotel which will be second to o'ono in the United States , This building now being i' filled precludes it being quoted as a bails for any future-contracts. Wo have room loft for several hundred people In first class hotels at u f5 per day per person. Aside from this tbo highest rate that can be paid Is fl.por day. H < These who doslro to make arrangements on * the Kurop un plan can be accommodated at > from $1 to fj per day each , and there is . u scarcely a limiE to the number of such places 1 atour.dtsnosal. Meals bo had . can at routnu- "I rants at from 15 cents to tl.50. Headquarter * . can bo > secured at rates varying from (10 to .u , j'HOO per day , ' ' A'congross of representative Masons will i < > -bo bold at Chicago in 1W3 for tno purpose of t' interchange of thoughts and ideas for the "i i benefit of tno croft generally , and to inau gurate a movement tending toward more uni formity in worn , manners and methods , i - Joppa commundery No. 10. Knights Tom- i > par ) of York bold their annual election lost week and toe following were elected : W. K. Williams , R C. : Robert McConaueuy , general ; D. M. Blood , captain general ; Uoo- , rt ArmstrongH , W , ; Parker Kills , J. W. ; C , U Melssner , treasurer ; W. L. wnodon. ecretojry. KM OUTS OF I'VTIIIAH , Nebraska No. 1 I * booming , the Interest i growing seemingly with each mooting. Last Wednesday evening tbo lodge bad a par ticularly'pleasant mooting. After the initial tion ot candidates refreshments were served , Brother Frank Spore continuing to be la and out of order nt , tuo same tlmo. Next Wed nesday the lodpo will do work in the Esqulro degree and a fine program will bo arranged for the occasion. -Marathon ledge So. 83 in their hall at Twenty-fifth avonno nnd Cumin ? street , con ferred the rank of Pairo on Frank Wilson last Monday night. Thore.wns a largo uum- bor ot members proacnU This fine spring weather seems to ranko the Knights once more to turn their faces In the right quarter on ledge nights to spend a pleasant as well as a useful evening. Next Monday night Brother Wilson will take his second ride on Marathon's Pythian goat. Mnrj ladgo No.ICO , located nt Fort Omaha , hold Its regular mootlncr Wednesday eveuiug. There was a largo number of members pres ent in addition to several visiting brothers from Omubn. BrotherWare , district dep uty , and Brother Courtz , 'past chancellor commander of Triune ledge , Knights of Pythias of the World. Under the head of "Upod of-tho Order , " the members bad n pleasant entertainment , A decidedly unique feature was .tho answering of questions drawn from a hat , and so successful was the affair that it is to bo repeated. There were two applications received from parties who wish to bocorao members of tlio order. The rank of Page will bo conferred on two candi dates at the next ineotintr. A cordial wel come is extended to .all members of tuo order. SUNS Otf VKTKHANS , At the meeting of the division council , Sons of Veterans , hold nt David City , the following was unanimously adopted : "Hesolved , That it is the sense of this meeting that in tbo competitive drill held In David City next Juno the camps competing be drilled according to the now tactics now in use in the United States army , " The tactics referred to in this resolution is the ono reoontly prepared by a committed ot army officers nnd approved bv the secretary of war October , 1891. They entirely supersede the Rood and Union tactics and are also used by the state tuilltio. The camp at South Omaha ho'ds ' regular meetings now for the purpose of drill and intends to capture ono of the prizes offered nt the David City encampment next Juno. General George Crook camp of Omaha has 120 names on their roll and moots every Mon day ovoplng'at Grand Army of the Republic hall , 110 North Fifteenth street. At present they are having weekly discussions on the current topics of the day and many of them prove quito Interesting. The subject for consideration next Monday nlgbt is "Should Mllitiirv Education Bo Compulsory in the Umtod.Statoil" . Colonel Frank J. Coatcs , past division commander of the Nebraska Sons , has Just returned from a trip through the statu look ing after the camps. The camp nt Columbus is Uolng-nlcoly , having boon muca encour aged by the recent encampment of tuo Grand Army of the Republic hold in their city. Tbo camp at Grand Island ho found in good working condition and gaining gradually. Camp ll'J at fair bury was mustered about a year ago , mid in honor ot Colonel Coatcs selected tils narna for their organiza tion. Wlillo there. , ho addressed a publlo meeting which had been called on ac count Of ills coming , using us his subject , "Tnero Was a Call , Como Over Into Mace donia and Help Us. " After the mooting had adjourned the camp was called in special session and mustered four now mombors. At W liber a meeting had been advertised for the court house , whicb was n great success and will stimulate the Sons to renewed effort , A "hardtack and beau supper" was the drawing card , though several tine plooos of music were well rendered' This is near the colonel's ' old homo , and nls remarks wore en thusiastically received. TOMAHAWKS J'OH U1UI SIiN. Yali-nun-dah-sl's tribe No. 3 was greeted by tbo great prophet of Nebraska , B.'J. Don- ins of Lincoln , at its last meeting who made a very eloquent speech aauV auo exemplified tbo secret works of the order. Ho will ro- rualu In Omaha and bo present at the next council fire of Yahaundahsi's tribo. All vis iting chief * and brothers are cordially in vited. Yannundahal'a tribe will celebrate St. Tammany day by giving a grand ball at Gur- tnanla hall on Thursday , May 12. St. Tam many is tbo patron saint of. the Improved Order ol lloa Men- , and in tuo east is cele brated with great display. Yahuuudauii's tribe will eudoaror | o moke this ball one worthy of the day in which red men love to participate. Toe affair Is in tbo bauds of following Noble Rod Men. Chairman , Will- lam Young ; C. Hafer , G. W. Alli . G , W. Knolton , William Hill , William Lauder. A. O. U. W. The Northern , PAcifla Railway ha * made a remarkable reduction in passenger faro for members of the order who attend the supreme premo lodge at Helena , Mont. , Ibis summer. This will glvo many who need rest on opportunity to spend sonic time in the moun tains mid take in the supreme ledge session. The work in the ofllco of the grand re corder is getting more and more voluminous. The grand recorder will span have to take advantage of the extra clerk provided'for by the last grand lodgo. Ncbrasua is now the tenth slate In the great Ancient Order United Workman pro cession. Wo nro apt to stay tenth for a long tlmo as the noxtor ninth state.Pennsylvanin , has 1(5,000 ( members. Union Pacific ledge is keeping up Us re cord in increasing its membership. The Omaha and Lincoln lodges should mauo an effort to erect workman halls in the near future. Little lodge * all over the state are reporting the fact that , they are now in their new homes. It is a big advertisement. Try it. The first three months of this year Nebraska - braska had no assessments and California had ten. The reputation the Pacific coast bos enjoyed In the past on account of iu healthful cllmato will no doubt decline in the face of these facts , while that ot Nebraska will continue as of old. Mrs. E. M. Henry , Norfolk , Va. . savs : "Finding much relief from hcadncho In the use of Bradycrotinc , I am desirous of intro ducing it in our now hospital. THIS THi.lTllltH. This evening , nt Boyd's New ( hooter , Mr. StewartRobson , the well known comoaian , will appear for the second tlmo tills season in "Tho Henrietta. " The play is n satlro written by Bronson Howard , tbo successful author , upon modern American life , or rather some of the features of it features otter all , In Imitation of or borrowed from our English cousins , the moat pronounced of which are the money and stock speculations of the duuu. The dude is not an American production. In' characteriza tions of course tl.oro uru exaggerations in order to malto the scones more vivid and im- prossivo. In "Tho Henrietta" is the com bination of n ballot dancer , n mining company and n racing colt. Of uourso these got mixed up In a farcical way , but there are more than these elements to the comedy , which to bo appreciated must bn seen. Sir. Woodward Is a Wall street magnate with a Yandorollt face , while Stuart Robson , who love's pic tures of actresses and nuys them in whole sale quantities from photographers and gives a premium for autograpn signatures , possesses tno love of a delicious young girl and that certainly sboutd bu sufficient happi- ness. ness.The The attraction at the Farnam Street thea ter , commencing Sunday matlnoo and five uigbto with tbo usual Wednesday matiuco , will bo Edna May anil Cecil Spooner with the Spooner Comedy company , in "A Fight for a Million , " a comedy-drama In four acts , with numerous specialties and now anu novel railroad scone , in which three trains ore used , The company consists of seven teen persons and they promise u creditable performance. , Al. G. Field & Co..s minstrels will be the attraction au the l-'anian Street theater on Friday nnd Saturday , April 15 nnd 10. They have a now first part , entitled "War and Peace , " which has been pronounced very handsome by the press wherever they iiavo appeared so far this season. The stage sob- ting Is said to bo a novelty In military nnd the costumes gorgeous. Tnoro are a number of bright now specialties promised. Al. G. Field , James H. Wall , Jerry Hart and Andy Mclxiqd are on thu end and will disperse fun , give old gags now Ufa , nnd eend out now ones on their never enalng rounds. Each of the four hns specialties In dance , dlalogu-j and mimicry which convulse crowds and doe light their admirers , Tbo vocal stars nro also numerous and said to bo good. Among them are W. J. Mack , Stoadman Jones , Will Collins nnd Harry Earlo. Tlio specialties include Howe , Wall and McLood , musical kings. The Sparrows acrobatic comlquos , JooE. Lewis , the Apodal Wonder ; the Mg- | naul family and Clayton and Jenkins. There will bo a rnatiuoo Saturday at 3 p. m. For & weak commencing Monday , April 11 , Wonderland will present Doddreitl tbo modern Samson in feats of strength with bis teeth ; Lilllo the beautltul trained Albino dog , who read * , spells and adds ; tbo Royal quartette In cboico suu.iy selections ; tbo U BV comedy sketch artists ; tbo Mlltona priomer musicalnrtuti ; Johnson trio slogon , dancers and vocalists ; Uroumtnd' * new wax group * , cupid at work and the Uulliontlno ; Cave Mullen views of Franco and Spain and L. Amphotrlto ; the angel of thu air , the mystifying illusion. ( Will Carleton , whoso touching poems have EASTER GREETING EASTER GREETING. FOR THIS WEEK ONLY the GREATEST , GRANDEST Spring 9pcning and Tremendous SALE ever held in Omaha in the Jewelry Line. Prices lower than ever ; a SPECIAL reduction in all our Departments. Look at the following prices and call to be convinced. See our Grand Display in the Six Elegant Show Windows ; all articles contained therein marked in PLAIN FIGURES. Watches. Cents' pold niletl watches from { I2..10 up- wnrds. Iiiullcs' KOI ) ) tilled matches from tll.iV ) tip- wards. Cents' nolld gold watches from * 2i.W up- war Is. l.mllos' solid cold \vntclics from Kl.V ) up wards dents' solid silver watches from JM.M up wards. ladles' solid silver watches from I1.T5 up wards , Nlckul stem \\iurt watches Trotii f.1 upwards. Clocks. 1,00)lineclecks.ovcr ) lOOdlllcrrnt styles , vood , Iron , lironzo. tmirljle nnil .Mexican onyx cam-- , from W up to JUM. We nre.clo.slng out 0) ) clocks , a HUB K-day and 'p hour strike , with ornament , f'jr JMU. boo the clock In our show window. Souvenir Spoons. Auondlcis vnility ; ( olid silver. JWO diircient styles , trom Hue to ilO each. Conic act ! see the Omulm .spoon.Vu oru thu innunfiutuicrs , Diamonds. \\V are constantly replenishing our stork of line ( llumimili and oilier piodmis slone.i. and canstato without fcarof contradiction Hint our avaortnunt or these LeantItnl gems IH the largest west of New Vork. Remove all doubt of this by romlng in und thlclng a Ionic through our establishment Von will llnd liuuiltodso ? elfgtuit 'ollhitre.s and cluster diamond tinker rlnu'S ranging In prices from KM up to Jl.UJO each. _ llamoml ) lureiiitH and pendants from $7 to Diamond catrinuH , alt slz3S und Htyles , from JT.Wl to Sl.ltO Diamond studs from $5 to JI.WJ. Dlumoiid collar button i fromto ) $101. Dliimond sc.irfDlns , great variety , fiom W.OO to JUKI. In addition to our Immense assortment of mounted guilds , we Imve thousands of loose diamonds In all sixes , from 1-1)4 ) of u kurat to III karuts eitcii , a-id worth mini * ! up to jl.DOJ c'ach. whlrh can ho set us acslred , as we inanu- fftutuiuonruwii dlamouJ soilings. Diamonds recut or reset. Music department. We carrv a fiUI'nnrt complete line of all the most populardad latest sheet music. Polo agents for Stattnvu.y. ' ' Knabe. Vosj Sons , llehr Hros. and bterltifg pianos. The celebrated and only ntnoiyuiiltiirs and mandolins ; Fairbanks & Cole's artlsjjbarijcs. Silver Npy lties for i" ' Easter Presents. We have tho'iuost complete line In the wo . and our prlcei lire lower than the lowest. Call mid see our Kjsjfipr spoon. been read moro 82nsively than thee or any other American .poet , will make hl.s first pub lie appearance in Omaha , in Young Man's Christian association nhall. Friday evening , April 2.s 'Oibria-tho ! Hill to- the Poor House , " "Botsoyuind i Are--Our-"lGoho ; with a Haii'soiilerMan. . " "Out of the Ola House , Nunoy. " nro among the most , widely read of his compositions. His Farm Ballaus bas reached a circulation of 40i,000 ) copies and is si ill selling .largely . , Mr.'Pltou ' , In "Tho Pnwor of the Press , " which opens a three-night's engagement at BoydM Now theater Thursday evening next , bus undertaken to furnish a local drnma In fourteen scenes , which employs thirty people in the cast. The pictorial range of the play will bo apparent' when it is sald' hat it brings into view with artistic veracity the warden's office in the Sins ; Sing state prison ; the Manhattan lUnlotto club ; the corridor of the now Imperial hotel ; a wharf on the .East river ; a vivid picture on buuth street ; a view of the Battery and bay and a full ringed and equipped bark , upon whoso dock ttm linal struggle takes place. The plcturesquo me chanism Is therefore unusually elaborate and varied. Into this series of local scones Mr. Pitou bus worked the story ot two men who are lc.il astray by drink and evil com panions , and who * are sent to Sing Sine. Both of thora haVif heroic , self-sacrificing wives , mid one ot > thorn is the victim of a ruthless villain and is unjustly convicted of manslaughter. This man is , properly , the here of the drama , ilo is a ship carpenter , and when bo Is released from prison ho wears the social brand of tbo convict and cannot obtain work. His suffering wife stands by him through nil his mis/ortuno nnd disgrace , both shielding and stimulating him with a woman's lovo. The nidus of the play , suggested by the title and shown in the fourth scone of the third act Is brought into view , when ev.sry means bid boon ex hausted py tbo bora to reinstate ninuolf in society and provo nl.s innocence. Mrs. Soy- monr.'tho wife of the other convict , lifts him out of the depths qf despair by announcing tbut there is u power than can right him. It is the power of thepress. . Mr. Pitou claims to have based this inci dent of tlio play unon an exploit of u Now York paper which is doubtless fresh in the minds of the public ; For the purpose of the story it Is sulllcicnt to any that an influential newspaper tiiko.i hold of the hero's case , brings to licbt now fuels , nnd succeeds not only in proving tbo man's iniioconco but in obtaining an ofilcial recognition of it from the governor. Dramatically , this cleinnnt is said to bo ono of .unseen power and Justice. Tbo profits of Pattl'a 30-43011 are estimated at $0.-,000. Tbo Now Yorl ? season of grand oper.i closed last wobk. Eighteen theaters in London are given up to rollglous'sorvlcns-otiiSunday. A piny now running in Uuw York adver tises "a rainstorm o'f real water. " W. S. Clovcland' 'wlfo manages his affairs during his illncss apscnco. The New YorkiWtfria says Frederick Paul- ding is making tnuWW out of "Struggle for Life. " - Remenyi nnd co'd/bany / will play a return engagement at they HSyd on the afternoon of MBIT J. IHfllli „ j , Sarah ItornuanlLuwlll sail for England April 'J , andsUa niiU dpnoar in London next month. ' ' ' < : 'm Itls wsertod tb'.at , ! 00 ! ) frcti ticket a wore given out in ouo vvcali for thoIiarnum-Uailoy circus In Now YorKJI Jauausohccu , wli .logan her professional career In 1648 , iM'atiiiouiicod that she is about to retire frpmlibo ntugo. Stuart Hobgon'slMjsou will close May 7 at Buffalo. Mr. anq'tyjra. Holiaon wilt spend the summer at ( Joj' ( et , ass. Charles Kroiimanajmld to hnvo about OOd actors In his ernplbiv'imd ' he Is oxccodlngly liberal In the mnttor'bt sularlos. Fay Tomploton , It 'is reported , will head anew now company iiojt year in a burlesque by William GUI , entitled " 1'he Lolluh. " W. T. Uarlotou na * engaged Lillv Post , wife of Manager Morton of Herman's thea ter , Now Yorlc , as a pow prlma donna. U is to bo hoped that Miss May Waldron , Stuart Hobson's wifa , will give Iiorchannlnir imporsonatlon of tbq widow In "i'ho Henri etta. " Ma'lo Tempest is to head a now opera company next season under tbo management of J. M. Hill | n a work by Koginaia do Ttoven , John L. Sullivan presented his partner , Duncan B. Harrison , with o Mystic Shrine emblem sot with diamonds end rubies and valued at $ .150 , When Stuart Hobson reached Hutte ho found every Beat sold. They bad boon .bought up uy speculator ! , who made a hand. emu profit and wora to vroll uleaiod that 500 Fine Stiver 1'lalcd ' Cabinet Frames , worth $2.50 , go this week for $1. o -i1 o CD CDO O o This Elegant Frame , warranted triple plate , at $1 , former price $2.50. Perfect Sight MORE THAN PRECIOUS GOLD. Wont your oycs SCIENTIFIC ALLY "by the ONLY CORRECT METIl'OD ; for which NO CHARGE is made. lilllli'iiUCis s a Specially. Our " P13UPKCTION " Spoctaolos nnil Eye Glasses are the BEST IN THE WORLD. Our prices are always the LOWEST. SOLID GOLD SPECTACLES OR EYE GLASSES FROAI $3 UP. FINE STEEL SPECTACLES OR EYE GLASSES FROM $1 [ JP. OPERA GLASSES , FIELD GLASSES , THEUMOME- TERS , BAROMETERS , LORGNETTES and nil ether OPTICAL GOODS of the VERY BEST QUALITY and at LOWEST PRICES. OUR OPTICIAN has hud an experience of OVER FIFTEEN YEARS , and \vo guarantee a PERFECT FIT in every instance. they serenaded the actors after the perform ance. Pnderowskl had twelve private engage ments while in America , nnd charged Sl.OOO for each of them , A'profcssional rat catcher bas aslted Hoyt to write a part for him in his next play. And of such is art. Wilson Barrett is said to have six Ameri cans in his company , and all have found favor in Kngllsb. eyes. lllohard MnitMicld contemplates playiiiR minor parts occasionally to show hla subor dinates how they ouRht to bo done. Mrs. John Drew is active ! v at work forlior appearance iu Philadelphia in "Tho Love Chas.0. " She traveled 1U.OJU miles with the Jefferson company. The Kendals will play tuo Encllsh prov inces next full and have oticagod the Prince ofValoa thaitcr. London , for six months , beginning January 1. David Ilo'nrioreon's now extravaganza to succeed "Sinbad" will be "AH Baba. " The costuming is steadily employing twenty-lour seamstresses at the Chicago opera nouso. "Undo Celostine , " which had ono of its lirat productions in Oniatm several months ago , has not boon n pronounced success at the Casino'in Now York and is about to betaken taken off. Cora Tanner , who recently closed her sea son inVlll She Dlvoruo Him" In Nouraska , will open In New York a week from Monday in "tlu'band and Wife , " with "Hearts" for u curtain raiser. When Manager Palmer talked of raisine $1HOJO ( ) Jor the actor's fund by moans of the fulr to bo held in Now Yorlc next month ho was thought mildly crazy , but already about f40.0JO have been contributed. Oscar , the Wilde , is now using n green ( lower in bis buttonhulo. It is a wWto car nation dipped iii sulphuric acid , or some thing of that sort , the effect being to make it look blue by day and preen at night. An Irish comic opera entitled ' 'Tho Cur- ragh of ICilaoro , " Is to bo given in Now York , Gus Kerltnr is composing the music , and' two newspaper men are writing the book. Irish ballads will bs introduced und the Killarnoy lakes will flgurointhoscenory , A Kansas City paper says that Uobert Mantoll when asked about u rumor that ho was to head u stock company , replied ; "That rumor has cost mo Just * 3 : . 1 paid that to have it denied in the tluoo leading dramatio papers. " It this is true it accounts for "tho mill : in ( another ) cocounut. " A program of a variety performance at the Howard Ailianii > uin in Boston In 1SHJ con tains the mimes of N. O Goodwin , Unmnun Thompson , George S. Knitiht , Lizzie Web ster , William Bnrry , Julia Wilson und ether well known professionals who were oaco well known lights of the vaudeville stage. Do Welt Hooper's musical absurdity , "Wang , " Isasu6ject of dispute. Mr. Hop per and uH manager , Mr. Slovens , have been asked to pay n grnatlv advanced roy alty for tliu piece , which is owned by a Now York publishing house. The consequence In that the opera will bo on the road next sea son without Mr. Hopper. The chorus girls at the Casino , New York , are rebelling at un order ot Stage Macagor Conned to wear the reputation costumes of Highland luddies in the now comio opera , "Child of Fortune. " Their objections are not bused on moral grounds , They are afraid thaoxposuroof their knees to cold draughts will lead to rheumatism. Mr , Tnitbnr has engaged Padorowski for sixty concerts next season , nnd bays : "It is probable that the tour will begin on tbo 1'n- cillo coast , as tnnt part of llm country is less upset by n prosidonti.il election than tbo east. The tour Just cndud Included no city wait of St. Louis. Jlorr I'aderowsUl'.s share of the prollui of the season of four months amounted to about 175,000. " It is announced that Sir Arthur Sullivan and W. S. Gilbert have agreed to collaborate in a new comio opera , which , however , can not be completed before next year. Sullivan is at present engaged upon the composition of music for n comlu opera for which Sydney Urundy recently completed a libretto and which will 1)0 ) produced as the next attract ion at the Savoy , London , The elephant in "Wang" Is a mechanical contrivance so arranged that the two men In- sldo of its immense body do not carry its weight on their backs and heads , as popular ly supposed , but in their hands , as they would carry a Sedan chair , while the Intri cate system of wheels and pulleys which reg- ulntos'tbo morcuiouU of thu head , eyes , ears , tusks and trunk is managed uy the inoljon of the bead in front. When Mme , P.ttti was tinestloncd s to tbo secret of her good health and the reten tion of her rolco , she aald : "I keep my torn- per and stlcu to regular hours , " hue added tuts valuable suggestion : ' Never lote your temper. No woman can keep young who often IDJOJ her tomuor. When 1 foal that my temper is getting the bottcr of me , I got up and leave the room Avoid all excesses of every liind. Bo moderate iu all minus. Padorowslfi has sailed away with bis mop of red hair nnd flll.'JSO of American money guthcvod during a four month stay. Paul's managers will maUo $00,000 to 70,000 from bcrsbott tour , In addition to tno $ . > ,000 a night paid the diva , i'oung J. K. Emmet's prollts from a thirty-two WCCK tour nro esti mated at § ! ! 0OOJ. Facts like those are carcu- lated to excite the linger of theater-goers every time the price of tickets is raised. "Jupiter" Is the name of the new operetta in which the Digby Boll Opera company is to while away tbo summer. In the story Jupiter makes a visit to earth , and , in'order to indulge his flirting propensities , no dis guise * himself as a cobbler. His celestial spouse , Juno , disturbed over his prolonged absence , ultimately follows him , mistakes another cobbler a beery Christopher Sly for her husband , nnd transports him to Olympus , whither Jupiter soon follows. The complications ensuing make up the plot. The latest sensation in Boston society is the discovery that Miss Oleoa Bull has g'ono on the stage. Miss Bull has had u somowbat unusual training , which , added to her tem perament , rundots her very attractive. Edu- catad by her governess , she has had little companionship with girls of her own ago , and this served to foster and strengthen the characteristics of a nature not cast in the ordinary mould. Miss Bull's mother is not disturbed , having perfect confidence in both Miss Julia Marlowe nnd her daughter , and fooling that the latter' * individuality is cupa- bio of making itself felt in n wider sphere timn her social lift ) permitted. Miss Bull is persounlly attractive , slender and graceful and highly oducnto.1. She certainly has everything In her favor. Several'of the re quisites of .successful acting are already in cluded in Miss Bull's accomplishments , nota bly that of dancing. She has for some time enjoyed In a limited circle a reputation us a grucolul skirt dancer. Hern U an anecdote of timely Interest : At the Fifth Avenue theater , Now York , in 1S77 , t'io problem wai how to malto u star out of Madnmo Modjoskn , und Mr. Bouclctvjlt superintended the dross rehearsal o/ "Adnonne Lucouvrour" In order to solve it. When the company asked Madame Alodjoska liny questions about tbo business of n scone , she replied , "But 1 do not know.1 ' As the loading laay she had always ueon directed bythosla o manngcr , and had no idea of directing other peopleBoncicauit inquirua what sha wanted tbo people to do nftcr shu bud inado her exit. "But I care not vat doy do " she snld . , " 1 , .smilingly go to my dressing - ing room. What does it matter I" ' 'All right , " said Uoucio.iult , "then Marshal Saxo shall do lliU , " and hustod In the middle of the stage , ins logs wide apart , und swung his watch Ijy the chain , "But no , " cried Mod- joska , "uat vood make laugh ! Ho must not do dut ! He must bo serious , alarm , sur prise ! " "Ah , then , it does mutter what the otlmr pcoplu do when you are in your dressing - ing room , " retorted Boucicnult , "Thoy must carry on your exit , and show Iu oitect upon thiitn. Now toll them what 10 do. A star must ho her own H ugo manager in this coun try. " Thus encouraged , Modoska ] 00311 n to direct her company , nnd lioucicault , coming Into the box.ottlco , Klioolc his head sorrow fully and whispered : "Sbo will never make a star never ! A good leading ladv , but too ola to learn any thing more ! " For once Bouci- cault was mistaken. M. A. B. Cochrun , Bangor , Mich , writes ; "I cannot say too uiuou for Bradycrotino headache euro ; it is u blessing to ma and I intend It shall lie to others , if 1 have any in- lluo'noi' . " ttKisruuni. xoriss. A Parisian forced violets by electricity , Blumiuum Is tbo best conductor of elec tricity. All telephone llnoi In Belgium will bo placed under the control of tlui government at the close of the present yoar. Tbo trend of experiment and discovery in electrical matters is touay toward a solution of the problem of sending telegraphic mes sages without wires , or , In other wards , through the nlr , A novel experiment In connection with norse racing will , it U sold , be tried on a St. Louis race truck , The Idea Is to have racing at night , and for that purpose the track Is to bo lighted with a large number of cloctrlo lights. A recently designed Incandescent electric lamp supported by springs is intended for use in carriages and otner vehicles. Cur rent U to be supplied from a storaue battery carried under tuo seat or in any convenient place. Ohio U jutl now going wild over electric railroads between towns. For example , roads are projected from Maslllon to Canton , Palueivillo to Falrport , Warren to Nile ) , Stationery Dcpt. \Vo hnvo the lltiPU line of stntlonory In the city. I'lne writing paper ( with envelope * to unit cm Hold by the qulro or ' 4 team boxes very low Wedding Invltatlonandcnrd plnte engraving n specialty , FOR THIS WEEK ONLY \Vo will cni'rnvo your name on copper pinto nnd print 100 Visiting Cards from same for $1.25. Now Is yourchnuco to nvnll your.solf of thla opportunity. Uainumbar for this weeic only , ItOURltS' TUU'liK I'liATHl ) Knives , Forks and Spoons. Hot ot llogors , triples plnted kntvos only $ l.r > \ .Set of Uogers trlplo plnted forks only SI. I'M. Sot of Uogers' A I plnted teaspoons only $1. Set of Holers' A 1 plated tablespoons only ? ' - ' . Complete carving uet ( kulfo , fork and steel ) reduced to J1.5U. Lamps AND SILK SHADES TO MATCH. WohavotlioMnoUHuoor gilt , gold , silver nnd wrought Iron lumps in the west , nil with the latest Improved burners , ranging luprlcofnim Canes and Umbrellas. Kino silk umbrellas , with gold and silver handles , ranging In price from i . 'M to W. The latest style cmies , the English Crook , mounted In sterling bllvcr or gold , from HXi to $ . ' 5. 1CO ) nickel silver salts ami peppers at SI per set. set.M'O M'O ' silver plated ctblnet frames at $1. a > line fountain pens ut $ l.r > a a > J line lolld gold puns with pearl handles , $1.50. Repairing. Watches , clocks , music boxes and all kinds of musical instruments repaired by experienced workmen and at ruasonaolo prices. AU work warranted. Coma In nnd compare with our correct time. Niles to Mineral 'Ridge , Cuynhotra Falls > o Akron , Cleveland to Chagrin Falls , fin it Cleveland to Boroa. The Boston Board of Fire Underwriters will refuse to approve the use of woocion cleats or fastenings for conductors designed to carry current for electric light or power after the 1st of May. A recent improvement in Incandescent lamp sockets for use in dye houses , bleach- erics und 'damp places has been invputcd , which , it is clultnc'd , can bo used in steam or under water with perfect success. A recent application of electricity Is for the cure of deafness. Tbo apparatus consists of a-buttery , a bolt , an electrode supporter on the belt And shaped to rest on the cur , nnd connections between the olcctrodo and the battery. The current , la applied in finely graduated strength. Perhaps the most prominent feature of the electrical industries nt the present time is the general activity in tLo application of oloc- ' { trie power for the performance of heavy * " work and in larger unit ! ) than have formerly been called for. This Is especially noticeable in tno mining industry. A now arc lamp has a wire gau/o protector upon the top of it , the object being to prevent the escape of the dangerous sparks which occasionally fly from the carbon poles and are the cause of Hros. The gauze Is fine does not interfere with tbo diffusion of light nor with the placing of tbo carbons. Brooklyn starts out for her oloctrlu road with nu order to the Thomson-Houston com pany which will tax the utmost capacity of " that company's factories for the "next six months , and a contract with the West- inguouso Ktnctric nnd Manufacturing com pany for 53,000,000 worth of motors and gcnj orators. Prof. Ellhu Thomson In a recent nrtlclo states his belief that 1311,000 hone power at & 00,000 volts can be transmitted miles through three wires' about as largo as a goo 1 sized knitting needle , and , moreover , that this can bo sent underground through a small plpo. using only cotton and oncap oil as un Insulator. Edison hns patented an alternating current generator the feature of which Is the fact that the Hold magnet has several polo ? and consists of overlapping mugnotlu nlntos bolted together so that the plates shall bo In contact at the ends but shall bo separated for a portion of their length. Kop.iirs to the magnets nro thus easily made. According to the recent report of the Massachusetts Uas nnd Electric Light coin mission , only live persons wore Injured by electricity from ok'ctrlu wlroi In tnai slnto during thu year it'Jl , and but ono of these fatally. Thirty nro put down us having been Injured by Illuminating gas , .slxtoon of whom dloa , including two suicluos , Mr. ( Jriinvillo Woods , n colored man , has made u successful invention that Is just now attracting intention In the east , it Is the method of supplying electrical energy to moving cars ami trilns. The car ? , by tMt now system , will bo supplied wth | power thro'jgh wire brushes winch make ca.incc- lions with "heads" from underground' ' con ducting wires. There will bo no exposed wlros. The electric welding of street railway rails ns n substitute for llsb platen has jieoli the subject of experiment for some time at th works of the Johnson Kail company , Johns- town , Pa. The experiments are now said to bo entirely successful , and it is possible to weld ny electricity two pieces of steel of twonty-tivo square Indies suction , and u solid steel rail , three or four miles long , < san Ue had If required. Tno tuns also arc said to prove that tlui necessity of Joints to provide for contraction and expansion U uutsp. npparruit us supposed by onitlnooM. The proems has also boon successfully uppllodto woldln , , ' of wlro cables , The United Stales commercial agent at St Ktlonno , Franco , reports that the silk and ribbon industriiuof tuutsccllon Imvondoptad electricity as a power. It is to bu applied to all tlio hand looms , ' 1 ho dynamos which will furnish the power will iio iirlvun by water from the city reservoirs , thus reducing the coat to tbo lowest point posslbla To grasp the Iraportaiicn and fur reaching re sults of this Innovation It U necessary to understand that the bulk of ononnouH out put of ribbons ( tiQOO,000 ! a year ) h the product of housu Industry. The woavnrs of the most part own their own looms and oper ate them by hand in thdlr own IIQUSO * . There nro 1B.OOO loomi which are tnu dis tributed amoug the liouies of juti weavers , while thu number of looms driven by steam iu the few ribbon factories of tbo town Is only 5,000 , Tbo 18,000 looms of the Inde pendent wnavum are valued in tbo aggre gate at fi ; . ' > 00,000. What the city of St. HUenno proposes to do U to convert each ono of the 16,00" ) hand looms into a power' ' loom driven bv electricity. lOlcc rlq llpht will also bo furnished. The coanga will have an important effect on luo industry on botU Europe and America.