Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Boyd Wins in the Democratic Primaries
with the Greatest Ease ,
Tlio Oiwrnor Scenros the Mention of Sixty-
Nine Dclegiitei , While IIU Opponent
( lots Only Thirty In the City
The Returns.
The democratic primaries hold yesterday
for the purpose of electing delegates to the
county convention , which Is to take place
this afternoon , aroused a great deal of Inter
est among the loading worker * of the parly
nil over the city.
It was a Boyd and antl-Boyd fight all the
way through , with tno Boyd wing of the
party so far ahead that the race bccamo a
walk .away lo/ig before the last quarter polo
was reached. There was some very peculiar
features connected with the contest. It wa
openly assorted by the Boyd men , for In
stance , that the Martin faction had boon dis
tributing Hill money , and on tlio other hand
the Martin supporters declared that Mr.
JJoyd and his friends were handling Hill
money. The light brought out all the fac
tions that have from limn to tlmo opposed
Governor Bovd within the ranks of his own
party , and ho had to moat them In n hand-to-
hand light nt overv polling place , although
the Martin or nntl-Boyd party was not strong
enough In some of the wards to make the
contest even interesting.
The Immediate object to ho attained by the
successful lender In yesterday's contest was
supposed to bo the leadership of the Ne
braska delegation to the democratic national
convention. It has been assorted , however ,
that the ultimate object in view was the con
grcsslonnl nomination. It was remarked by
disinterested parties that there wore several
congressional aspirants among those most
energetically engaged In working for the
success of thrc nntl-Bovd tickets.
Returns wore received at Tun BER ofllco
lost night from Chicago , Mlllurd und Flor
ence precincts , showing that the Boyd
delegates had been elected In those precincts.
U was Use learned that four of the llvo
delegates from West Omaim were Boyd
delegates. In Clontarf the Marilu delegates
won the light.
Result of tlio Struggle.
The vote cast In most of the wards was
largo for n primary and nt some of the poll
ing places the interest was somewhat oxclt
Ing , but there wore no personal encounters.
The Boyd ticket was elected in the Second ,
Third , Fourth , Fifth , Sixth and Seventh , and
elected three out of eleven in the Eighth
ward , making n total of stxty-nlno delegates.
The Martin ticket was successful In the First
and Ninth , and elected eight out of the eleven
delegates In the Eiphth ward , making a total
of thirty delegates in the city.
Mr. Boyd will therefore go into the con
vention today with a backing of sixty-nlno
votes from the city and Mr. Martin with a
backing of thirty votes.
The Delegates Klccteil.
Following ere the delegates elected :
First Ward Charles M. Conoycr , Frank
Saulcr , Anton Ziskowsky , John Mulvihill ,
Low Herrman , Laurs Ilnnsen , John Power * ,
M. Schlnkor , Louis Ulm , John Shoahan ,
James Scullan.
Second Ward Jock Monroe , Albert ICuca ,
J. P. Muilnndcr , Charles Bnlzor. Matt Hou-
Innd. M. Vollovlch , II. Eisele , M. J. Foonan ,
Ed Wlttlg , James Norton , Peter E. El-
* asscr.
Third Ward Richard Burdish. Louis
Schmidt , Jmnos Carr. Patrick Ford , Anthony
McAndrows , W. A. Wallace , Henry Parrish ,
Jack Moynihan , llonry Uichards , Henry
tjoldler , Mike Killgnllon.
Fourth Ward B E. B. Kennedy , Wnrron
Bwltzlcr , Dana S. Lander , Henry Anderson ,
Nat Brown , Pat Cnry , Ed. P. Mullen , F. J.
LnngeV. . P. Breuunn , M. J. Dowllng. J. H.
Fifth Ward Thomas Dallcy , M. Loary , E.
C. Erllinp , John McUorry , Thomas Borming-
uam , Ed. Mcadimbcr , J. Harding , T. J. Con-
wav , M. Welsh , Pcto Connolly , Frank
Sixtti Ward-Ooorgo . Tternoy , xV. S.
Fclker , Ernest Wipes , James Steel , \V. C.
Bullaid , William Siovors , T. F. O'Brien ,
( Jeorgo Shrooder , Jerry Beaver , Dwight
llustln , Fraud Sastrom.
Seventh Ward - James G. Mogeath , Lewis
II. Korty , J. Clarlc Abbott , W. J. Kennedy ,
Peter Gees , James Scbncidowind , Alma
Jackson , Samuel Uosnoy , John S , Knox ,
John J. Hnnlgheti , John OznpltmsUi.
Eighth Ward James B. Sheoan , M. Ilon-
drlckson. C. B. Keller , William Saxuucr ,
Thomas Sullivan , James Kclloy , Joseph But
ler , W. a. Doano , John Kllkcunoy , F. C.
Wcymuller and J. P. Connolly.
Ninth Ward C. S. Montgomery , T. J.
Munonoy , E. Gursko , W. A. Gardner , J. A.
O'Kccfo , John Hope , J. McDonald , George
\V. Ames , Patrick McKonua , Peter Walsh ,
W. N. Babcock.
Notes of tlio Fray.
After the votes had been counted In the
First ward and the result announced some
of the Boyd wing of the partv gave it out
cold that the ballot box had been stuffed by
Martin men. According to the Judges 8"'l
votes were cast with a majority of UCO for
Martin. Tom Lowry and Owen Slavon wore
openly accused of manipulating the returns.
According to the statement of the kickers , a
man wns otationed at the door of the voting
booth all day , whoso duty it was to takeoacn
man's name as ho entered and cast his bal
lot. The tally of the spotter num
bered Just nil when the polls closed ,
When the [ result wns made public by the
judges a great howl of fraud went up from
the Boyd followers and the kicking which
followed would make a government mule
bang his head. Mr. Boyd's friends in the
First ward spent the night In gathering evi
dence of the nupposod crookedness which
will probably bo picsoutod to the con volition
today ,
The Rcmilt In .South Oinnlm.
There was not so much Interest manifested
In the contest nt South Omaha ns in this
city. The lesult was the election of a list of
delegates chosen by the Jeffersonian club nt
the Thursday nicht meeting , The ticket is
a compromise measure , and is composed
of about an equal number of Boyd
and Martin sympathizers. It is under
stood that tno delegation will favor
Eocuring harmony by sending both Mr. Boyd
nnd Mr , Martin to the national convention ,
ono as dologato-at-largo und the other as
delegate from the district. The delegates
nro : W. S. Wultten , Frank Sholanoy , E. J.
Koykorn , O. II. bobotkrr , Franit Uolczal , J ,
II. Bulla , Thomas G. McGulro. II. It Welch.
Tim Maloney , J. L. Olson , F. D. Jankovsky ,
A. N. Hugau , W. II. Stonsloff , Herman tel
ler , Ed Johnston , J , S. Walters.
. ,
< /g The Sprlug ,
Of all seasons iu the year , Is the ono for
making radical changes in regard to Health.
During the winter the system becomes , to a
certain extent , clogged with waste , and the
blood loaded with impurities , owing to lack
of exercise , close ronllnemont In poorly von-
tilalvd shops nnd homes , and other causes.
I'lils is the causa of the dull , sluggish , tired
feeling so general at this season , and which
must bo overcome or the health may be en
tirely urokoa down. Hood's Sarsapa'rlla has
attained the greatest popularity all over the
country ns the fuvorlco spring medicine. It
expels the accumulation of Impurities
through the howcls , kidneys , liver , lung *
Rtidsklu , gives to the blood the purity and
quality necessary to good health and over
coinoa that tired feeling ,
T1W NKiniA ! > l.l UlSTlt.lL JT..1.VS.
OMAIU , April 7. To the Editor of TUB
BEE : In .my letter of the 3d lust. , bearing
upon the advisability of building a line of
railway to the northeast , I promised to show
In another article the importance of the pro-
poiod connections at Fort Dodge nnd the ad
vantages to bo derived by building to u con
nection with thnso throe railway systems ,
rather than to wall for one of them to occupy
nd monopolize the Intervening territory. In
compliance thorcmlth I respectfully submit
the following !
The only direct connection between Omaha
and St. Paul , Minneapolis and Duluth Is vli
the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha
railway , and that company Is controlled and
operated In the Interests of the Chicago It
Northwestern Railway company , so tkut ir
tact wo have DO oouipotlUon botwoeu the
lines leading to Duluth and tboso loading to
Chicago. The proposed Nebraska Centra ,
line to Fort Dodge , In cooncntlon with the
Minneapolis & .St , Louis nnd the St. Paul &
Dulutb railways , will furnish n competing
line to St. Paul and Minneapolis fifteen
miles shorter and to Dulutb twenty-six miles
shorter than the existing line , nnd only
twelve miles longer to Duluth than the aver
age length of the existing lines to Chicago.
This route will not only give a direct outlet
for the products of Nebraska by the north
ern lake nnd rail routes and access to the
mining districts In the vicinity of Duluth ,
but will also afford a good connection with
all the Important railway systems centering
ntSt. Paul , viz. : The Northern Pacific , the
Great Northern , the CanndlMi Pacific nnd Its
protege , the Minneapolis , St. Paul and Sault
Ste. Marie ( "Soo" ) railway , nnd rench the
stone quarries nt Manknto and the important
milling Interests nt Redwing. The Wlnonn
& Southwoslurn , with which n connection
will eventually t > o made at Fort Dodge or
Webster City , Is being constructed In the In
terests of the Delaware , Lackawannn ft
Western Railway company of Now York ,
Tlia latter company is ono of the strongest
corporations In the cast. Its mam
lines extend from New York to Buffalo
on Lake Erlo and Oswctro on Lake Ontario ,
and its branch lines pcnctratu all the best
coal and Iron distrlots of Now York nnd
Pennsylvania. It Is the owner of u largo
fleet of vessels on the lukna , and by trafllo
arrangements with the Grand Trunk railway ,
which crosses Canada , roaches I'ort Huron ,
Mich , , whore it connects with the Flint &
Pore Mnrquctto rallwnv , which It controls ,
the latter having a line to Ludlngton and
Manlstce on the eastern shore of Lake Michi
gan. It also controls the Toledo , Ann Arbor
i * ; Northern Michigan railway , which ex
tends from 'I'oledo on Lake Erlo to Frankfort
OH Lake Michigan , giving It n second inde
pendent line across the peninsula of Michi
gan , traversing the best hard-wood lumber
and fruit districts of that state. Bv moans
of largo steel transports It handles Us busi
ness across Lake Michigan from Llldlncton ,
Manistca and Frankfort to ICownneo , where
It connects with the Uroon B.iy , Wlnonn &
St. Paul railway , which It also controls , the
latter commoting at Wlnonn , Minn. , with the
Wlnonn & Southwestern railway , giving It a
direct line under Its control from Now York
und Ponnsylvanli to Osage , In. , the present
terminus ol the last named ) , and passing
on route tbo chiot lumber points in the states
of Wisconsin and Minnesota , viz : Warsaw ,
Stevens Point and Wlnona , and also the
cedar swamps of Wisconsin , estimated to
cover 1W5OUO ; acres , nnd to contain 03,800,000
posts , telegraph poles , piles and railroad ties ,
In addition to largo quantities of tamarack
and spruco. It will bo noticed not only that
this Is a laka and railway routo. but that n
portion of it passes through thn Dominion of
Canada , which relieves it from tho-controlel
ho Interstate commerce act and places it In
i position to compote- for business without
restriction. There is no system of railway
ivblch could bo extended to Omaha'that
ivould give it the facilities for handling lum
ber , COA ! , grain and other heavy products ,
and raw materials for manufacturing pur
poses , that would bo afforded bv the Dola- , Lackawnnua & Western lake nnd rail-
ivay routes.
The connection with the Illinois Central
railway will not only give a llrst-clnss line to
Slucago about the satno length as the "Q. , "
And roach the important coal districts of Illi
nois , but will also give a competing line
to southern points , ns the Illinois Central
roaches not" only a largo portion of
the state of Illinois , but basan nlr line
by the way of Cairo and Jaclison
to Now Orleans , and branch lines to tot.
Loul < " , Memphis and other southern points.
Much of the grain and other products of this
western country is already llnding its outlet
through tbo gulf , and the imports at Now
Orleans nro constantly Increasing , nnd would
bo greatly augmented by the opening of this
connection. As the Illinois Central has no
ines reachicit northern points , it would not
bo hampered in its business relations with
Omaha , as the Milwaukee road is at presort.
No argument Is necrssary to show lhat it
would bo very much more to the Interests of
Omaha and Council Bluffs to have the terri-
ory between Council Bluffs and Fort Dodge
occupied by ono railway line friendly to the
interests of those cities and independent of
any of the above three railway lines , than to
allow the territory toco occupied and mouopo-
li/od by any ono of the tnroo.
If you will allow mo spjico I will also show
In another communication that the connec
tions to bo secured by the building of a line
of equal length to the east instead cf the
northeast would bo of almost equal Import
ance. Also , that the construction of tboso
lines will secure to Omaha and Council Bluffs
tlio trade of a largo section of western Iowa
which should by right bo controlled by these
two citioi , but which is at present , in fMct ,
controlled by Chicago , largely because the
railroads naw traversing these sections are
interested in the long haul to Chicago , nnd
the service is purposelvslow nnd unsatisfac
tory. It is much harder to do business satis
factorily within the district immediately east
of Omaha than within a line district west , or
northwest , and there is a larger trade to bo
secured if It can onlv bo conveniently nnd
promptly reached. Respectfully ,
J. 11. DUMONT.
ACIosu Call.
Mr. J. P. Blaize , an extensive real estate
dealer in this city , narrowly escaped ono of
the severest attacks of pneumonU while In
the northern part , of the state during the recent -
cent blizzard. Mr. Blaizo had occasion to
drive several miles during tbo storm and was
so thoroughly chilled that bo was unable to
get warm , and Inside of nn hour after his re
turn ho was threatened with u novoro case of
pneumonia , or long fever. Mr. Blaize sent
to tbo nearest drug store and got a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , of whioh ho
had often Heard , nnd took a number of largo
doses. Ho says the effect was wonderful
and that In a short time ho was oroathing
qulto'oasily. Ho kept on taking the medicine
and the next day was able to coma to Dos
Momes. Mr. Blaizo regards Ills cure as sim
ply wonderful , nnd says ho will never travel
again without a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Ramody. The ( Dos Momos. Iowa )
Saturday Review. 25 and 50 cent Dottles for
sale by druggists ,
Till ! I'KOl'LK'S.
Special for Saturday Only.
Coys' pants 19c.
BOJ-B' suits Too.
Boys' lltior clothing in prouortion.
A toy fjivon free with every article
bought In our bova' department.
Tomorrow nnd tomorrow only wo will
soil the celebrated bull breeches , jouns
limits for 4'Je ; every pair wiirnuitod not
to rip ; only ono puir to uny ono cus
Tomorrow , nnd tomorrow only , wo
soil blue Jlnnnol suits for men for 81.50 ;
Ihov uro worth just $7.60.
"SYo also ofTor special values in suits
for men from $0.75 to $9.60.
For tomorrow wo offer n. line of men's
suits for Slo.OO that are actually worth
unto &JJ.OO. *
For tomorrow wo offer n line of crush
lints for 89c ; wo have thorn in all shapes
and colors.
For tomorrow wo oiler a line of shirts
for -loo worth $1.00 ,
And a necktie goes frco with everyone
ono of these shirts.
180t : Douglns street ,
2nd door west of 13th street.
Dr. Culllmoro , oculist , Boa building
Omaha compressed yoaststrfctly pure
The Indies of Vesta Chnptor No. 0 ,
Order of the Eastern Star , will glvo a
progressive high flvo social Saturday
ovonlnj. ' , April I ) , at Mnioniu hnll. All
Masons and their friends are cordially
invited. These desiring to compete for
prizes nru requested to bo in their places
at I ) o'clock sharp.
A disease , treated as such and perma
nently cured. No publicity. No inilriu-
ury. Homo treatment , Harmless and
ofloctunl. Refer by permission to Bur
lington Huwlcoyo. Send 2a stamp for
pamphlet Shokoquon Chemical Co. ,
Burlington , la.
operators are convinced that life
U too short to write wllh the pea.
Abundant Evidence That JTrado in Every
Section of the Country is Inproving.
Itrgnrilliic tlio SlnrknoM Thnt
litecl hi Tntilo llr.iiUtrprt'n Weekly
Jlovlow of Wall Strout mill Clear
ing Homo Statements.
Nr.wYotiK , April 8. U. O. & Go's
Weekly Kivlow of Tr.\do says : Another
week brings additional proof of actual Im
provement In business at many points , while
slackness nt n Tow Is explained bv causoi
obviously local nud tompDrary. The money
market continues abundantly supplied and
Two theories exist regarding the state of
business which llnd frequent expression
that tntdo has jlisappolutotl expectations to
some extent Is obvious , and there
nro some who claim that a reac
tion has begun of unknown dura
tion , which appeared In Europe last year
ncd was only In part dofoiTol hero because
of extraordinary crops. These have to sup
port them the unusually low prices , and in
some departments a shrinkage of sales. Rut
others argue that disappointment U duo to
excessive expectations , and especially to the
failure to take into account the treat volume
of indebtedness loft from estate specula
tion at the west and south , and the Influence
hero of bare crops and financial depression
abroad. These have to support them , much
ovldonco .hat the actual business transacted ,
all branches considered , Is creator Ihan over
before at this season , In spite of all obstacles
and complaints.
Reports from Trait o Centers.
The reports from other cltloi nro on the
whole favorable. At Boston there Is fur
ther improvement In the dry poods , the job
bers ore active and mills very well employed ;
western reports are favorable and southern
At Philadelphia the failure of an iron
house , following Hint of the Lohlgh Iron
company , depresses that trade.
At PHtsburg iron stoclcs IncMaso and
there Is no Improvement in products , ship
ments of coke ucltifj the lowest for the your
thus far. but the glass trade Is steady and
trade in hardware orignter.
At Cincinnati the hat trade exceeds last
year's ; but In building prospects are clouded
oy a threatened strike.
At Cleveland all lines Improve except pig
Iron and ore , and money U In more demand.
At Detroit trade equals last /ear's ' , but
freights are loss firm.
Chicago reports largely Increased sales of
merchandise , with collections easy In nil
branches. Hocclpts of corn and barley in
creased throo-foUl , of wheat and rye two-fold
compared with last year ; of dressed beef one-
half "and of Hour one-third , and some Increase
is seen in hogs , cattle and wool , witti decrease
in lard , butter and cheese and especially in
cured meats.
At St. 1'aul the Jobbing trade Is brisk , and
at Minneapolis there Is a marked increase ,
with unusual prospects for the lumber trade ,
out sugar Is dull and low.
At St. Louis trade is reasonably strong ,
with special improvement In all building
materials in spite of bad country roads and
railroad washouts.
Trade nt Kansas City is quiet , though re
ceipts of grain and cattle nro light because of
baa weather.
Act Ho nnil Fulr nt Oirmlm ,
At Omaha business in dry goods and shoos
is very active and other trade fair.
At Louisville business is quite satisfac
tory , but dull nt Memphis , slackening at Sa
vannah , though prospects are bright , mid
only fair at Now Orleans , thoueh In cotton
thoru is some improvement and sugar Is
strong and active.
t'uymonts through clearing bouses outside
of Now York nro larger than over at this
season. Railroad earnings shew a substantial
increase over last year's ; receipts of breadstuffs -
stuffs still exceed all past experience and re
ceipts of cattle at western cities are liH ! > , G15
head for the llrst quarter , a gain of lii per
cent over last year's. Sales of wool at all
principal markets for tnls year thus far ex
ceed last year's , indicating a largo manufac
Shipments of boots and shoes now exceed
last year's , thought for the year thus fur 4
per cent behind , but some shops are now
wonting overtime. Coal is dull but linn ,
sellers gradually gottinij up to schedule
prices. A better tor.o is seen in iron , for the
output has been reduced 5,700 tons weekly ,
and improved demand is seen lor plate ,
structural and sheet iron.
Copper is dul1 , witli indications that the
combine has fulled. Some concessions are
seen m coke. Tin plates and load are dull ,
but tin rises a little.
Speculation has boon stronger , wheat ad
vancing three-quarters of n cent , corn 3
cents and cotton a sixteenth , with smaller
Oil is 1 cent higher , but coffee tnroo-quar-
tors lower.
The business failures occurring through
out the country during the last seven days
number 2S. ( ) us compared with a total of 213
last week. For the corresponding week of
last year the ilgurcs wore ! M4.
Influences Which Huva All'octeil ( ho Market
ISiirimruglii ; ; 1'rosni'cts.
NF.W YoiiK , April S. Bradstroet's Wooiily
Wall Street Uoviow says : In point of activ
ity the ranritot the past week has not exhib
ited any startling improvement. The pro
fessional element maintains its supremacy
and the fluctuations in prices have in the
main been the result of manipulation orig
inated in such circles. Speculation Is cer
tainly norrow iivml has not presented nn.v
great element oflrtntorcst. Nevertheless It
would seem thatiruchnnco Is In progress In
the general condition affecting the market
and that tcndon-oles have developed which
promlso to cxoroMa n decisive influence on
the future coursoraf prices. The disappear-
nnco of the free silver question as nn
element of uncertainty and disturbance has ,
It is true , tailed thus far to stim
ulate the slhggisu jntorcst of our own public
in the share market , The effect of the mat
ter upon foreign linnnclnl and speculative
circles also was not nt ilrst very marked , It
is , however , becoming more and moro evi
dent that this Mactor , In conjunction with
other circumstances , is giving increased firm
ness to the confidence which Is experienced
In the London and continental markets in the
stability of American securities and immi
nent possibility of a further rlso therein. It
Is also to be noted that the circumstances
affecting the London market Itself li&vo undergone -
dorgono moro or less manipulation within a
short tlmo. The Importance of these events
to this market Is that , they indicate not only
n cessation of pressure to sell out
securities for foreign account , but en
courage the ballot that London may become n
purchaser hero on an extensive scale. In
fact , such anticipations have boon partly
realized this week , the foreign absorption of
stocks , whlln not of the largo proportions ,
being quite steadily maintained. 'At ' any
rate it was suniclont to cause a marked dc-
projslon In foreign exchange rates and ren
ders gold exports Impossible for the tlmo
baing. Homovlng , ns this did , ono of the
clouds which has boon hanging over the
speculative situation , the further prospect of
effective support to the market from nbroa d
hasoxcrclsod n tangible sustaining Influence
and given to the general market n renewed
bullish tone. Apart from this change of son-
tlmont the actual effect of the week in con
nection with railroad and financial matters
has not boon of nnv decisive character.
ft Pi-rcoiitngo of Increase Very nat
tering From Other CItlrs.
NEW YOIIK , AprllS. Tno following table
compiled by Uradstroot's gives the clearing
house returns for the weook ending April 7 ,
1892 , and the percentage of increase or de
crease as compared with the corresponding
week of last year :
is practiced by mnny pcoplo , who buy in
ferior articles of food because cheaper than
standard ooas. Surely in rants are entitiocl
to tbo Dost food obtainable. It is n fact that
the Cuil ! Uorden "Eoclo" ; brand condensed
millt Is the best infnnt food. Your grocer
and druggist keep it.
C. D. Wood worth & Co. , successors to
Wolty & Guy , 1310 Furnam slroct , umn-
tifnctiirori and doalurs in hiiraesd , sad
dles , etc.
Wo will for thirty days soil 3125 full
cushion safeties , 18)2 ! ) pattern , new , for
$95. Write for our catalogue. A. II.
Pcrrigo & Co , 1400 Dodge street.
I.clnml Hotel , Chicago.
Change of manasromont , improvements
of nn important nature will ho intulo : xt
once , including now lavatories , now
decorations , now furniture nnd carpets ,
etc. , etc. Location finest in the city.
Table strictly lirst-clas ? .
The Tariff
Has not raised the price on
Bull Durham
Smoking Tobacco.
There are many other brands ,
each represented by some inter
ested person to be "just as good
as the BUL.L DURHAM. " They
are not ; but like all counterfeits ,
' they each lack 'the peculiar and
attractive qualities of the genuine.
We attach this tag to '
every bag of BLACKWELL'S
for the protection of DURHAM TOBACCO CO.
the smoker. DURHAM , N.C.
250ZS.FOR25 ?
$2,25 a
Catarrh , Bronchitis , Asthma ,
Consumption , Deafness ,
Nervous Prostration.
Produces NATURAMA'
Pure Rich Blood ,
Soft Rosy Cheeks !
Glowing Health !
Oxygen Book and Advtco Free.
Inhalations a Delightful Pleasure.
Precious Llvos Saved Daily.
Call on or write today.
Cn h Cnpltnl 1100,000.
MOElicolr Buliainp , cor. nml Howard trect
Omntm , Nebr.iikn.
Family- *
StudGnt |
School g
Library J
> S-H-O-U-L-D o
! Own a Dictionary. J
> Care should bo taken to . ' . . ' .
> * . ' . . % GET T11E BEST.
* I
O It Is n thorough revision of the au- *
* thentle "Unabridged , " fully abreast of *
< r the times. i *
Y The \vork of revision occupied over
T ten years , moro than a hundred editors T
Y beini ; emplbycd and over 3300,000 exT - ?
T pended before the Urst copy was printed. T
O " Tlih work , ttcll moil In n fnmlly , will bf
S nf moro iKlviinuiKO In tlio infttulicrfl thereof
limn tiumlreiJi / ilollart l.Ul up In money. "
Sold by all Bookeellers.
* O. & C. MERRIAM & CO. , Publlahers ,
Springfield , Mass. , U.S.A. *
A ATI-Do not buy reprints of obsolotoj ?
X editions. Y
X CirSond for frco pamphlet containing A
A specimen paces , Illustrations , tcstimo-
mats , and full particulars. f
MI3NT , a spoclllc for lljstorla , IM/zlnciJ , I'lti , Neil
rnlula. llonilnrlio , .Nervous I'rostrnt on CIIUBUI ! by
alcohol or tulwcco , Wiikftiliu 9s , Mental Uoprca-
plon , oitnosHOf the lliuln. rauMng Intimity , misery ,
dociydeath. I'rcmuturo Old Atro , lnrrunud < , 1.033
of Power In olthiT ov , linpotcncy , l.cucoirlien and
nil Fomnlo WcnknossiW , InvglunUry l.oaaus , Spur-
nmtorrhon caused by over exertion of Ilia brain.
HelMiluKC over-lmhilKiMico. A month's Ue.UiiiL'nt
(1 , t > for P , by mull. We KUnrnntcofalx boxca to euro.
Kncli order foriboxoi , nlth $ " > will senil written
Kimrant'oto refund If not cured. ( lUnrnntco Issued
by Goodman Unit"Co. , till ) Fnrnam St. , Omaha.
wltli an able , conscientious , skillful and suc
Rnch ns each member anil each trained assist
ant of tlio fatuous firm of
Drs. Belts & Belts
li untvoreallr conceaed to be , may bonortli
moro than ,
to ( tie rnan who la sick , and tvtio UAS tried all
other means to secure relief , but In vain. And
yet tliat talk , valuable as it Is ,
Costs Nothing1 ,
If held In the private consultation rooms of
Drs. Belts & Bells ,
/or consultation Is frco , nrtonly to those v.'ho
tall In person , but also to all the allllctecl who
v/rlta tuolr symptoms fully nu'l enclose Btani"
'or reply.
the patient is BuHerlnu from porno one of tjinsn
iiiunerous , yet delicate maladies , which pollta
i-ocluty does not sco proper to discuss as a soc
ial topic. In short the may ba nmiuledvlth
Syphilis ,
Oonorrhcca or Gleet. We can cure him. U
may lie
Seminal Weakness.
Had enough , but uo matter , we can cure him.
It may bo
SlrieUire ,
or IIydroele , or Varlcocelc. Orertt ir.lsfor-
tunve , truly , but no can cure him. Probably
Piles ,
Fistula or Rectal Ulcers. A terrible Affliction ,
but wo can cure him ,
disorders , dlieaici and rcaknoog , Nervouo ,
Chronic nna 1'rlvato Dleeascs wo cure them
All , safely , surely , Epeedlly and eltectimlly , hy
methods thu most advanced , luunauo and sue-
Bend 4 rentafor our lianajomely Illustrated
ISO'UaRo book. Consultation fieo.
Call , or write , eocloeltii : stamp. ,
110 South 14th St. , N. K. Cornop Mth
and Douglas Sts.
Dr l
, Bailay , $
The Leading
Dentist '
Thiril Floor. Paxtou nloj'.t.
Telephone 1085. lUlh nml I'timum Sts.
A lull et ( if tectli on luLbtrlur IS. I'erfoct t
Ti'otli wltliuut plale * ur rviuovablti urldua work
) u t tliu tUlui for lui't'ra or public > pcaker > , ucivr
dlOlllOHII | ,
All tllllcK Bt rratonub'c ' ratci.oli wori warrutitcU
Cut tills out for a guldu.
As you pass our store any day this -week
you'll see dozens of men in front of the east
Douglas street window looking intently f
through the glass. JLike ev-/ 'fj
erybody else Suit your curiosity
will be aroused and you'll step
up and take a $7.25 peek yourself
you can't help it. On looking
through the Special. glass , you'll sea
arrayed some- thing like forty
or fifty very handsome business suits , each ono
bearing a card similar to one of the four which
appear down the center of this ad. Step inside
the store and you'll
crowds of men Suit are u'n d the
front tables on the 1 e ft. On
these tables $7.50 you'll see as
soon as you can work
your way
through the Special. crowd , great
piles of the " BST same suits you
saw in the windows. "You'll see dark suits and
light suits you'll see cheviots and homespuns
you'll see cassimeres and silk mixtures
you'll see plaids and checks .
you'll see Suit stripes you'll
see plenty of those h a n d -
some pin head $5.25 effects that the
merchant tail- ors sh o w so
many of this I pCCiai. season. You'H
see suits worth ? , „ , „ , , I twelve dollars"
thirteen dollars fourteen dollars you'll see
men who can afford to wear fifty dollars suits
and men who can't afford to buy five dollar
ones , buying f new spring suits
from these tab- Suit les , FOR this
is the week of
our annual sale
of spring suits , $8.50 and we are of-
f e r i n g the h a 11 d s o m est
line of suits we Special. have ever offer-
ed at special sale , at seven
* ta&ga „
j yyyy ffj flm aynarrwy
twenty-five seven fifty eight twenty-five and
eight fifty ; suits that are actually being sold
around us for from twelve to fourteen dollars.
Come and see them it costs nothing to look-- *
and not much more to buy.
Open Till 8 p. m. Saturdays , 10 p. m
are "Treated with Carbonate of Soda , Magnesia ,
Potash or Bicarbonate ot Soda. "
To partially supply the loss of
natural flavor and color caused
by this treatment , fragrant gums
end dyes are used.
DR. SIDNEY Uivr.nR , Professor nf Medicine at
Universi'y CtiUese , London , and Physician to Ilie
College Hospital , pcrli.ips the Kre.Ucst KncUsli
authority on the action of tlrnss , states in his "Hand
book of TherapeuticT * ' that " thcsustainetl admin
istration cf alkalies and their carbonates renders the
blo-vl it isiaul , poorer in solids anil in red corpuscles ,
nnd impairs the nutrition of the body.1 * Of ammonia ,
carbonate of ammnnu , and vpirilsof ammonia , he
says : ' * 'lliese preparations nave many propcities
in common \Mth the alkaline. pot.i'Ii , and sod.i
croup. 'I hey possess a strong nH ahne reaction , arcs
freely soluble in water , have a high ditfusmn.potver ,
and dissolv1 the animal textures. . . . If admin
istered ton Ion ? , they excite catanh of the stomach
and intestines. "
for more than 1OO Yearn the
house of Walter Hither 0 Co.
have made their Cocoa
M.tliifi NO JL'atent .Process ,
Alkalies or > i/ea.
W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass ,
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul R'y , as represented
on this man.
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH. Gen'l Agent.
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.
is n choice production from selected grain ,
distilled by the old hand-made process
and doubly aged. It is more wholesome
and palatable than whiskies made from
corn ( known as Uourbons. ) and , by reason
of its age , contains no fu&il oil. It is thu
purest , richest , smoothest , most t'eliciotts
and healthiest whiskey produced in Amer
ica , You may know it by its flavor and
the proprietary bottle in which it is served.
For sale at all first-class drinking places
and drug stores. Call for Cream Pun Kye
and take no other ,
jo DALLEMAND & CO. , Chicago.
IVj | iU l'ir Dlitrlut ( ir.ulliifr Honda ,
Funlcd bids marked "I'ropos.ils for district
uradliiB bonilb" will uorcruhud uttltu olllfo of
thu city truusttror , Uniulin , Nob. , up to li
o'clock noon of ihointli ilay if ) Aprj , JMr ' . for
thu imrohubuof tll.'JiTJ.iKJillsti Jutni.nlliiir bonds
of the flty f Omaha , Nub , h.i.d bonds uro
dated .May 1st , IS ! ) ! , and iiru payable fiom ono
to nlno yo.irs utter ( Into thuieof. in ilciioinlnii-
t Ions o ( und f.VW.OJ cacli.utli liitonii > tit :
the ralo of 5 pur ci'nt iit-r unntttit , paynblo
scinl-niiniiiilly , I'Miivinal nml Intciobt payable -
able at KIIIIUUO Urcw . Now orb.
tlou)3.aj of iaatiis ; District No. 31.
| , .VJO.OJof C.rudln , ' district No. at
TOO.OJof tlradinij District
29,00jouof ( Jradlni ; DMrlctNo W.
Kuch bid jiiiist prlco nml amount
fcotixht for And Inuludu ucorurd Inturubt tu
Uutuof ( lollvuryutUiiiuliu , Ntib.
Thorltflit Is jcscrvcd to rojcct any und all
Issued under charter power of cltloio ! tlio
metropolitan olufcu nnif Ordlmiiico No. Wib.
iiuprovcd March Utli , lw ! > , . .
ln | y .ni \
Mch''CdSUw. 'ouyTroaiurJr.
Bee Bureau of Claims
RqunI with the Interest of tliu n hivln * rlnl-Q
nitnlnit tliuKUTcrnniunl li I'rit ' of 1NVU.STOH9 , wh >
often lose tlio bailout of valuable ) liwcntUii ] buaiai * (
of Ilia Incompotancy or Inattention DC tin iittornafj L. I
employed to tibtitln ttiulr patcntf. Too iniioii c\ra
cannot uo oxorclsut In oniploylne co'iijotont nrvl
rcll.iblo ( iollcllur.1 to procnro p itonti , for t'u vuliii
of it pitontilupaniliKruitlir , If nuloiitlrolr , upoa teen !
en re unit &klU of tlid nttonuy.
Wlllitha vlow of protostliu Invontorj frou worth
less ( ircireliHj nnornayi , nml o ! M > JIU | l" t. m oa
tlons iiru well protaotoil bv.illl pitunti , TUB Ildld
IIUHIOAU Imi rotnlnoJ couiuol oK.jjr ; Iu " - >
vrnctlco ; n < l li therefore preparuJ tJ
< ibt < , ln
Comlitct Intcrfcreiissv ,
3Inc Hpcolitl I'xamliuitloni , t. ,
I'roHccnta rejected ctmet ,
llcitstcitrade tntirlta fintl coiyrli/tt
Jti-inlfi'oiilnloiii tmtoNcujm nml raIM >
itu ofjintcHta. f
J'roHrcHta it nit ilafjnl In frlnyrino't
HIlltH , CtC. , Ctl > .
Ifrou have an Invontlon on Imnfl scn.1 TUG niCII
BUIiKAUnBkotcli or photovrnph thereof , Uuotinr
wllhubrlof iloscrlptlon of tlio Important romiiroi ,
nnf you trill bo oncjndvlaol as to tlu luit oonr a
pnmue. ModeM nro not nccon.irnnlini the Inrna'
tlon Is of a compllcntoJ n 'it nru. If othuri araln *
frliiKliiit on rour rlgliti , or If you uro cmar.'umHfi
liifrlnuuinunt by ottior , tiubiiilt ttio inittor toTHIB
IIUltKAUlur a rjllubla OPINION butoro actlu/oa
tlio matter.
220 Uco Uiiliaiii ? , Oiu.iln , Xol >
fWTMa Ilitrortn Is cinrnntcod by the
Oiiiiihii Hco , the I'lonoer 1'iusi unJ tlio fclaa
Kranclsc'o l.xainlnor.
Cut this out nnd send 11 with your ia
DB , J ; E , McGtKEW , !
Write for olronliira.
N. liUor. Hlhnnd 1'urnnm Sts. , Omaha ,
National Bank.
Cniillal 8100,000
iirpliM. t < < 5G'J3 ( !
O Ilk era nni > DlrartorHoncf W. Vatoi , prailljn\
. . . . . . _ .
' - - - - - - . - - . . \V.
II ( 1'inlilru" . ilc.iiiroildjnl. ii a. jiumloV.
Mi.r-u . lo'in ' < . folllm , J " ' J.JTl *
Ucc-il. Cnihlcr.