THE OMAHA DAILY liEK ; SATUU1UY. AVRIL 0 , 1892. 8PEG1RL NOTICES. AnVKRTfsKMKNTS KOR TIIKflK COLUMNS will ho titkon until 12.30 p m lor tlio evening nnd until S 30 p , ra. for the morning or Sunday edi tion. tion.All nrttcrtlnemonM In thr n column * 2 c nt \ word forlirn lnne.rtlon.nnrt I cent a word thereafter , or Uper linn , ! " " ' month. No advertisement tnken ( or less limn 23 cent * ( or the flritt Insertion Terms , caih In ndtnnce , Count ntiont seven words to the line Initials flKiirr , symbols , ftp , oncli count n n word. All advertisements muni run eonsecu lively. Advertisers , by requeuing numbered check , run Imvo the loiters nddreafoil to n mini- bernd loiter In euro of THE Urn Aniwcr o nd drcK cil will bo ilcllTcrod on presentation o ( the chock SlIUATIpNa WANTED. . . . , - ) , POSITION llT AN KXPKIIIKNCK A-WANTKI In whotenlo homo or rnlltond office , whom there Isplenlr orcorrcspondonco pro- rerreil. Aildre i A. C. S. , northeast corner Jilh and tit. Mnry's nvcmio. MM 10 WANTED--MALE HELP. WANTID , SALKSMKN ON SALARY OR COMmission - B mission tu handle the new patnnt chemical Ink rrnilng pencil The greatest polling novelty ever produced , erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds ; no ehrnnlon of paper : ZUD to un per cent profits ono Agent's sales ninonnted to f,20 In six dnyii , another ta In two hAiiM. Wo wnnl ono general agent In racli state and territory. Kor terms and full pnr- f Irnlnrs address -Monroe Kruiur Mfu CoLn Cro o , Wls , X M. 274 l > -6 R. It. LARORKRS WANTKD P.VKIIY WKKK J'for Wyoming un the S ) . A M , R , R , free trnns pollution from Omnha. Cull at GOO a lUth street. IMnlO- H-riTVOANVA88Klt8.SAI.AllY PAID WKKKLY J'Sinner euwlnu tnachlno olllce , 1610 Douglas street. Mli7-r.ll -AOIINTS WANTED. K.\Cii.SlC : Co. , Wnro block. 77Jnl3' 1 > - WANTKII. AOHNTS CAN MARK MO ITU .I'treok Imnilllnn the llunson novelty tilow Klin , lniilout. Hells ntnlnUt. Address tlio IA Crnssa Jllow ( Jun Co. . La Crosse , WIs JI8J U-WANTKD , AT ONOK. A ( IKIIMAN JJltor who linaliniln yenr or two experience. Ad- rlroM CCUKO K. Lance , cdllor ' 1 lines , llrlduiiwaler , Bouth Dakota. MMT II * , HALAHV ANI ) COM. PAID B American ; WrliiKcr Co. , KiO".i Howard. 55l4 B-WANTKD , A MAN TOCLKAN WALL PAPHIl at HIT So. l.lth street. John llnmlln. .MJTO'.i' ' "lJ-b6oi ) COATMAKKH , APPLY Tttn FAHNAM. J > 5W ) 13 * 1WAvni > , A COOD itAUiuni. ROOD UKKKU. 'cncus must bo furnlBlud. Address Box 111. Illoomtlcld , Neb. MMU to * I'WANTKD ; , 10 OOOD l.IVIJ SOLICITORS ; I' mforencwi required. Hew llnvon Uunrantco Vo. , Room IJrt , llco bid ? . CUI 10 B-WANT1H ) TIIAVKL1N < 3SALK9MKNTO HULL bnklni ; powder to retail uroinry trade. Wnput our uoods up In Kla < s rolllnR pins. Wo pay ft * ) n tuonth unlnry nnd nxpenses or 2S per cent commls nlon. Wo want men who are now on the rood to carry as n side line. Uood opportunity for clerks and othtrt nho want to set on the rend , Wrlto for particulars , send stamp for reply. ChlcaKo IlnkliiR I'ondcr Co. , T7 ( ! Van Huron street. Chicago Oil 15 * - TO HANDLK THK VAN DOIIKN B-AflKNTS slmplllled account Hie , Call on or addrcns Jnruos r. llurms , Jeiinlnc hotel ( Jinalm. COS 11 * 1A YOl'.NU ' INTI'.LLHUKN'F MAN 1 Oil CllIN- iJ-'orul work about n atovo store ; ono with BOIIIO Rnsollno Ktiuo experience preferred. Apply to Win. Lyle Dlrkcy A Co. . 110.1 Donxlns st tilB 10 -WANT1JD , AtJK.STS ON A NIIW WOHK. "llnropo In ytorm and Calm , fully llhiitrated : It portrn > with pen nnd pencil everybody , every plnco and e\er > thine In all lluropo. nuentii mnkliiK IOU weekly. Addioer John Cowan , 1'ubllshcr. In dlnnapolls , Ind. GI.1 If T > - WAvriiCOODHALKSMKN : ON THK ROAD .IJto sell ndiertlslng card * , fans and calendars on commission dlroct Ironi mnnufiic nror. You cnn inako tVIpur wiok. AUdiass , Advertising Epoclnlly Co. , , lluffnlo. N Y. JIC21 ! ) 1 > - WANTKD , A FIIIST CLAHS TUIMMKIt ANI ) -Dmarkcr , none other need npply to .Miss Ilnestlalc , 337 llroadwny , Council lllulla MB2S 10 _ I > -SALKSMIN : WANTUD TO BULL OUUCJOODS .lby nnuiplo to the wholesale and retail tnulo. Jjlhoral aainry nnd expenses paid. Permanent po * pltlon. Money ndvaneod for wa C3. advertising , etc. lor full particulars and laferunee address Centennial 51 IV. Co. , Chluaito. 111. Miai 1U' T > WANTK1) . TBAMbTKUS AND SCllAPKH J'hoUlcra for II. U. work In Wjumint : : wood WBECS ; ( rco pass. Albright Labor Olllce , 11 JU turnnni st _ 1MAN WANTKDs 8ALAIIY AND HXPHNSK1 ! ; J 'permanent phico ; whole or part time ; apply at once ; Drown liros. Co. , Nurserymen , Chicago lltii ! B 'Tt AUK YOU A CATHOLIC' AUK. YOU U N KM JJployed ? Will you work for fIR.OJ per week' .Wrlto to mo at onco. J , K. Uny , 101 Madison street , iJlilcaso. Ill MK.MJI * _ 7 > WANTHI ) , MI5N10 TllAVKL I Oil OHll CAN vJJnda nurseries , btono A WelllnKton , Mudlson WAMTED-FEMALE HELP. WAN1KU-UOOU 8KCOND Q1UU C cust street. M'.nll. - OIUL FOHHKXKUAL IIOUSK C-COMPBTKNT work. IWJ Hiorman nvo. ' 3M -HMA11T , OAPAHLB WOMAN AS WOHK1NO housckoupcr , must bo neat and a good cook. fdS 8 VOth Bt. 421 C ! WANTKD , fiOOI ) OIUL KOIl CKNKUAL housework ut 2110 Olilo st. 620 C-YOUM ; LAiiiKS : DO YOU WANT A SITIIA- tlon' II > uu ilo. call on bloan Johnson A Co. . wjuih-siilu unicorn. tills clty.bctnoun tlio uo"ur U and ani | 12 \YiMrUli8Ollcttorsto sell our coITuo to consumers from house to liouSo In thin city. fi5.'l C TAlLOltKMiKS. PANTS ANI > VIIhT MAKK11S nantcil. ( label tlio tailor , 1.VJ3 Karnnm street. > 15fi8 U * -HI11IIT IIUTTON-11OLK MAKIIlt. OMAHA bhlrt Knctory , IIUI rarnnm. 683 tl ! -WANTKD. ( ! 1RL K ( 1IOUSK- work. 22J1 Charles st. ilS'JS 10- ri-WANTKD. A YOUNC t.lltl. TO ASSIST IN hunsework uud take euro of children , at .S. ISth. ! -WANTUD. CilllL FOR UKNUUAL HOUSK- work. IU8 H. 101 h street. UP I 8' ri-WANTIJI ) , GIRL KOR 11OUSUWORK , MUST l/bu good cook. Call 2527 it ( Mil . jn-WANTKI ) , A HKW1NO jj CAI , | , 403 th street. 019 C-WANTKD. A FIUsT CLASS MILL1NKR , ALSO saleslady. Ml Alice Isaacs , SOT S. ICth.MR359 MR359 -LADIKH , DO YOU WANT TO MAICK HOT orery hour ? You can do It by Introducing our tupportors and ether Indies nnd children's Koods. Hond stapip and wo will toll you nil nbout It. Dnlsy llose Supporter Co , , 418 Oxdcn nvouue , Chlcnxo , III M031 'J' FOK BENT-HOUSES. - AND APAUTMKNTS IN HKhT Rls | D dcncu block 111 city , SIC S. : .M street. Tel. K'JX B FOR RK.NT , AIIOVUNOS. 121 AND ISO SOUTH IClh street. 0-room Hut , every modern conven ience , InrludlitKlnrKO kitchen rntiKC. Apply Wlnd- Bor. Kemp A Cu./.UI N. V. Lite bldit. m7UI D-rFOR RKNT. n NIOK NKWLY rUllNUIIKI ) rooms , KJ N , I'Jtii , llrennnn tints. .VH i - RKNT , HOUSKS , I7.U ) PKR MONTH AND D-KOR . 'IhoO. K. Davis Co. , 1503 barnnui it. TV-KI.KUANT 12-UOOM 1'URNISIIKD IKIUSK .l-'nll modurn , near Ilrowncll hull ; S10UW per mo , C. K. HarrisonBUN. Y. Life. * UU nit iV-KDIl RKNT , IIOUSK 1.147 N. 17T11 ST. . 1) ) ROOMS , J/lmthetc. . f2J pur month. K. II. Woodrow , Noli , Knt. Imnk bulldlntt. MS -10IUHM HOUHB. ALL CONVKN1KNCKS. ) llcod & Hclby , 3.16 Hoard of Trndo. V30 _ -BrllKrt ANJ ( | .IlATS Ai c > j'nosr , Douiilns block , loth and Dodiic.V31 V31 AT3 \ 4 1UWM HOUbH , RKNT LOW. \-mii RKNT-PI.V-ROOM AIOKIUIN COITAOI : /.iM7 ( Callfiirnln st , f H pur month. III ) D-KOII HUNT. 4 ROOM KLAT IN NKW riXIWIlV block on Chlcnuo Ht. ; o and 7 room tlutsonliilh PU Roberts , loll Lhlcuvo bt. M4S'J 10" D -t ! ROOM IIOUSU , 8J1 B. IlUl'bT. MO 13' D-NKW , MODKRN 7-1KHJM IIOUSK , KURNACK tmtu room , etc. , locnUnl on puvi'J struct , 1518 Kan nnni it. Apply ut room MM Htst Nation Hank build * Ing , uq IU -Kill RUNT. DKS1KARLK 1IOUHK , ( i ANI ) B rooms. InqulroVolO Capitol uvcmui. ilW7 14 * f V-Oft RKNT , COrrAOK WITH LA1K1K IIARN J aud urouudj on outskirts of olty(10UJ. Hick * . 104 N. V. J.lfo bldtf. / CW 10' IOOM IIOIltIK IN THIS CITVi AI.W /4-roum 6t , all modern Improvements Tliard blotk'j3d and Davenport. JKB3 15 * -K ) R HUNT , 7 ROOM COTTAHK. KA81 front , spluudltl loeallon ; will mil lurnltnro o IIIIUOTU It , Address V JM , lire. Jluti IU JPOB IIBNTUKNISHED BOOMS. _ _ ' " 1 -hoit RKNT. ONK'LAROI : KRONT"oTt TWO Jbnck furolthud or unlurnlihcd rooms. 121 tjoutli M hstrout. E'KURMbHKI ) ROOMS KOR UKNTLKMKN _ _ rcfcrcnces requlroj. till N 181h. na AH' E-KURNISIIKD ROOMS , fill N , Uth street. _ MIIJU' -NICKLY KURNIRIIKD bOtlTHKAST KRON'i J-iroom with olcc-tu and bay ludnw , ull uiodru onTi > iileuct > , prUato faiull ) , board U dcslrrd , No BJa tU l 619 t > _ 1.TPUIIM8IIKU ROOiia , ALL WSVKNIKKUKS J-\UH | ) Capitol sro. 654-S' _ 1-i FUONT ROOMS , NISWLV PUUNISUKU.8IN J Slo or rn suite , alt modttrn coiivonleuocs. at lull Cumlnv > U rt. MMI 10 * V UBNI8HKD HOOjaa AND RKNT. NBATLY -lJUNIBllu l > ROOMS wltu board , MIJ Callforolu t- tiill' ROOMS with board ! Also tnblo board. IT21 Dnrcnport strrot. 8S38' " _ -VKRV IIRSIHAIII.I ] KIItST ANI ) 8KCOND floor , nontliandonil. furnlshail rooms nt "Tha t renter , " 118 No. ? Mh street. Mg-17' | _ | ? -NIfKLV FtlltNIBilKIl ROOMS AND HIRST JL1 class board , 2.M3 fit. Mary's nvo. M5U II * --KLKIJANTLV I Ft MINTS ! TlKD ROOMS , KN * suite , 2nd story , front ; nrst cln s board , IIS Hnnth ythst 101 _ L--NKWLVHtRNISIlKD ROOMS KS SUITK OR islmtlu ; llrst tints tnlilo. I81U Knrnam. BI4 If to man and wife. No children , 81 N. tlh. 341 H PUIJjMAN HOU8K , IMoTtKlK , KOIl OOOD board , nicer room * , ronvcnlonc ( > . rates anil Io- atlon It cannot u wicollod. Mrs. Horn , proprietor 3)1 A 10- _ ' " ? OIl nBN 8TOnB3 AND T KOR RKNT , THK 4 STOUV IIIUCK 1HIILDINO -Ipln l-nrnnm street The bulldluR hns n lire proof tcmenl bniement. complete stenm licntlim llxtures , wnter on all the Hours , K J , eta. Apply nl the olllco ofTholloe. 18 -I'Oll HUNT , IN II1MT RKTA1L IXCATION IN I Omnhn , entire second floor or department * In ( loldun Kaulo Shoo Store , III S. ICth st. 2T7 WANTED-TO KENT. K-WANTED. .1 OR ( ! OOl ) UNrURNISHKl ) rooms for Unlit lieu < ckoc.dna | or bonrd with fnm- lyt must hn In coed locution ; references ox- chntiacd. Address H , IL T. , cnio Pcycko Can.If Co 6M 9 * KVOUMI MAN WANTS HOARD ANI ) ROOM IN fninlly where there uro no other hoarders , for ! I.OU per week ; Ideation , between IGth , 3Utli , DodKO and ( .rnooMs. Address VII , lice , 6SS-8' FOR RBNT-MISC L f -TL\imiN7Aii\ib : TORKN rr' I-I1RICK YARDS KOR RKNT. T. MURRAY. 279 I-F AIIMS I'Oll 11KNT. 11. T. CI.AHIv. r WAHKUOUrfi : , LNQUlUKSIIisO UT1I bTUBKT. ) M'.liS 1-SOUOOM 110TKL , DCHlttAIILU LOCATIONi ' all modern. Apply to K. W Hart , Jr. , sMIssourl Valley , la. M3.VI AM "I FOlt HKNT PAHT OK OUIl 1'IVK STOUV " brick warehouses uood elevator and track facili ties Omaha Warehouse A Ktornnc Co. , 121.115 Leat cnu orth st , 516-18 WANTED-TO BENT. K-WANTKI ) , TEN 11OOM TWO HTOHY 1IO1ISK ; modern conveniences ; In ttood locality : will rent for a number of years ! satisfactory refer ences. Address V IN , llco olllce. M51W 10 * KENTAL AGENCIES. - 15. C. UAKVLX & CO. , 303 H1IBKLY 111,0CK. L 603 LST LOAN ANI ) TKUST CO. HKNTAL IK- Dnrt mcnt. M'Jll-iUl STORAGE. M-OLDKST , CHKAPKSTANII 11KST STUItACIi : house In thu city. Williams & Cross.Uil llarncy. 2S ) M-CLKAN , UllV ANI ) PI11VATKLY b'lOUKI ) furniture. Ilpntlm ; stores stnrcil over summer. 1207 Douglusut , Omnlin t-tovu Hcpnlr works bit 1liSTbTOKAOKIN : CIT\ ' . OMAHA WAI'.K- M huusu A. htnrilKO Co , 1213 15 Lcarcnwurtli street. HnnschoUI ana other eonils stored and enrol for. Low rates Prlvulo npartmcnts If doflreil Phone , 4111. M4 l la WANTED-TO BUY. nOUOHT , SOLD , S10RKD , I Wclla.llll Knrn-ii st. 231 "NT-WANTKII TO UUV , K10HT Oil TK.V ItOOM -L honso with modern ImiirovoniDiUs , anil peed sltud lot , lurntcd within ono nillo of tlic postnllico. htntetirlcp , slio of hnuio nnd lot nnd full particu lars nddresHliiK S 47 llou ollicc. 712 \T-1 > ON'1'SULL ANV FUKNITIIIIK UNTIL YOU - 1SPD tlio Oinnlm Second Hund rnrnlturoCo. , Just opened , lllulicst prices paid. 111 North ICth st FOR SAI.E-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. i ) -loii SA"LK"A LO r OK in .us ns su itfti : YS 1 nnd buggies nt your own prlco ; ulso stuclo liur- nrsKldcllty Loan Uuarnntca Co , room 4 , With- ncll bulluliiK ' 17 1KOIl SALK , LAI1QK FINH TOUNO IIOltHK nnd dollvurj HIIKUII ; Iiorso k'eUlo and wnnon Hourly now , for snlo clicap. Inquire at 1910 Kurnnni. p-NKff EXl'ltKSS WAGON , 11KST MAKK , never been used. Also two-scntod famlljr car- rlauo. custom mndc , llrst-closs , choap. Addrosa V 2o , lice. J15I2 10' P-KORSALK. 1 HlIRltnV. 11U1LT HY SIMPSON ; L I phneton , by Driiminond ; both flrst-class , good is new. L. H. Korty , 2ioi I'oppleton. WJ > -l'Oll SALK , A T1IOIIOUOHLY IIKLTAULK 1l'Oll fnmllr driving Iiorso nnU phaeton , 130J Porlc avenue. 1I,2T ( 10 * FOB SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Q -FINK 1'UQ t'Ul'PIKd , U SO , llAURIilt 11LK. - IIKV WOOD KOU SALK IN CAll LOADS Q-1IAUD cords , North Omuha , 4 < 02 21th st. A. It McCandleis & Co. 3SU 8 * - SALI : oiiTiiADi : FOR FARM LANDS IN Q-roit eastern Nebraska , a33 barrel steam roller Hour mill situated at'lukauiali. Neb. The a. Crouch , IUM Uurdutto st , Omaha. 93110 * ' -lOll SALK. SKT OF "AMIiltlCANI/.KD KN- QlOll cycIoiHidlu Ilrlltanlca ( same as furnished by the llco Publishing Co , last yenr ) . full Morocco bind- In ir. now , 10 volume ? , atfSaOO ; cosl33CO. V3I.1IS4 olllce , MMl It Q-FOIl 8ALK. LKASK ON 7 HOOM COTTAOK. cast front , I.eavenworlh and Park ave. , with or without furniture. Address V 37 , llco. MIH7 10 MISCELLANEOUS. -HAY FOlt SALK. THK STANDARD CATTK Co , otter 1,000 toni snlertod , barn stored tiny for on track , Ames , Nebraska. MB ! R-LADIES' CAKED FOR DUUINCI CONKINK mcnt .Mrs. llurnltz , Uerman irraUuatcd midwife , 134UKO. 16th. S tA23 -CANADIAN KMPLOVMKNT OFFICK'1509KA - -LVnaiii , upstairs ; inalo uud fcmalcb cp. | Tel , 631. Hi PAP1LL10N DRIVING PARK. G. C. SMITH- triilnur nnd driver. Makes u specialty of break InK nnd tridnhiK colts. Makes n specialty ot treat- IIIK horses that nru sum. from hard rnads nnd bad fct-t. Reasonable charges , Uonrdlutrliorscs by the month , 601-M I * R -FRKK. 10 DAYS TRIAL , 1IKST SURK < ! A Inrrh turn In the world Immediate relief. Will nmll , once only , cLch iierro'n , lull i'o packnito tor lUo. Oco. N , Modilnrd , llutTalo , N. V MOM 8' CLAIRVOYANTS. S-MRS. NANNIi : V. WARKHN. CLAIRVOYANT reliable business medium , tlftb yenr nt IU N. S-PIIOK. Cllls'io , lun Howard. 2nd lloor , rovoali ecruts of pn t mid fiitiiro , lovound innrrlu-jo. Rallnblouusluesi medium , S-MRS. K , G. HAWTHORN. Ml NORTH UTH etioet , ImvliiK had years of aiin-rloiicu , will nlvu rondliiKs of imsl , present and future. Mttlncs to ladles only , M cents , 10 u. m. to 'J p. m , dall > , Sun days excepted , , Mi,0 U * S MADAMK I'RITX , 2330 CUMlNl ! STRKKT , iilnlrroyant und trance niedhutir Independent voices ; tolls past nnd future , uil M7 * S ARRIVAL ICA'IHAOltDINAltY : WONDKRKUL revolution * . ChKllunxui the world. Mrs Dr. M Leiirnve. dead trfiuco clairvoyant , aitralotrlst , palmlttnnil Illo reader : tolls your llfo froui thu iradlo to uravii ; unites the separated ! caueea mnr- rl ia nlth the ono you love ; tells whoroyou will utcend and Intlmt business brut adapted for ; bus Ihocvlebriiletl Ktypilun breastplate for luck and to destroy bud tnlluuncut ; curus His , Intemperance and nil private complaints with lunssuKO , baths and alcohol treatment. Bond 'OO. lock uf hair name nnd date uf birth and reci-lvo accurate llfo chart : J cents In stamps lur clrcnlnrt Klvo initials uf ono you nil ) marry ; also photon of same , OIBoo lUOTSoiith Uth streettlrsttlour ; hours.I u. m to'J p.m. Como one , como all , and be convinced of Ibis wonderful ornclo. MM ) It * MAjBSAOEraATUB , ETO. fp MASSAOK TKKATMKNT , KI.UOTKO THKH- -I inal baths , scalp and bnlr treatment , manicure ami chiropodist. Mrs , I'Oft.SlilHS.lilli.WIthncM blk , fV-MAIAMK BM1TH. llil .DOUGLAH 9TitKET , . .iiooia7.ldflour , Alcobol.sulphur na sua tmtlu. UbJI H * 'P-MISS fcTOWK , MAbdKUSU 1SLUCTRICIAN JKfl RamgH block , MiOJ U _ 'P-MADAM13 LA RUK. MASbAdK. 413 SOUTH -a. lith lmut. 7ld Hour. Hat I , anlitaut. MJJ33' . - - r-tt. K. UKI.LKNUKCtr , IIANJO TKACHER , > with Iloipc , or&8 ! N. lith it. tU ) r -IIRFORK IIUYING A PIANO KXAUINK THU > UBW scale Kluiball piano. A Hosjiu , lil J Douclas. ilUYINQ A 1'IANQ BXAMINK TII ' uow acalu Ktmball piano , A Uuspa , UU DousU * . aai _ _ V-UCAUTIKULKURNISIIBD ROOMS. iai3 CAUS. * cis u- _ _ * Ar-lllSS IIOIITKI.LK II A8 UKMOVKIl HKIt KIN . dcricartrn and primary toliool to 191V Doduo t , Afternoou sotlou at U-M t ) . lh at. 616 ir MOWKY TO LOAN-HEAt. ESTATE . ronllnurrl. \\r-OHAtIA SAVINGS HANK MAKK3 IX1AN8 ' on real rstato ntlowrtt market rrvtci. Ix > an > made In omall or lartrn mim ami for short or Ionic time No commission Is chnrcod.nml IIio loan < ara not sold In the eost , but can niwnyn txi found nt tha bank on the corner of tilth anil Dounlai street * \Y J LOANS , 0. (1. ( WALLACK , 311 nitOWN LK "VTIJANS ON IMIMtOVKll AND UNIMl'ltOVKI ) ' city property. 11 IWOnml upwardn.nto 8 percent. No delays W. Farnam Smith A Co. , 15th und llarncy. V PIUVATK MOST.V , 1ST AN1 21) MOKT(1A 1K loans , low rates. Ale * . Moore. 101 llco bvilldlng. \tr-C. W. RAINKY. SIS OMAHA NAT. U K III.DH. Vi City mortgages. Lowest-rates. Money on hntid. A\r MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPROVKI ) CITY 'i properly , low rato. A , C. I'rost , Douglas blk. \\r-MONKV TO LOAN ON RKALK9T TK. THK II O. K. Dnvls Co. . 1303 Knninm at SUl \\r-RKAI. K TATK 1.OANS , OTO7 PKR CKNTj ii nnadilUloualchnrRcs for conmil slon or attor ney's tecs. W H. Mclklc , First Nntlonnl bank bldit , 2811 \ir-LOANS , W.M.HARRI3 , It. 20 KRKNX.CR IH.K * V\ ZU7 AY ' INSURANIT. MONI1Y TO LOAN. APPLY TO J. KLovott. aaiH. Ulh. 2M4 \\r-LOAN.RKAL KSTATK ANI ) RKNTAL AOKN- > > cy. Parties having city homes UP rent nnd fnrmi to sell should list them nt once. Splendid fnrms In l.oitnn Valley , Nub , lo- ante , llmtern money furnished Ceo , W. P. Contcs , Rep. 1011 Knr- nnra , ' tf > V\r ANTHONY UAN AND TRUST CO , SIS N. v7 i < Life , lends nt low rates for cholcu security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Oninhn city propurtr. \\r "MONIJY , MON'KY. MON1IY. JIUJODJ TO LOAN ii In sum * of fK ) to fi000on Improved or tinltu- proveil rc ldeiic . bnslnesi property In the city of Omahn. No ilnlar In cloplnu lonns ni monny is on linnd. No denlliiK with cnslern parties , nil builneii transacted here nnd Interest pnyahlo hero nnd not In the iMi't. nlso mike building lonns on mo t fnvorablo terms. " Kldullty Trust Co , 1014 Knrnnm. Uit ) TV-LOANS. CITY PROPIIRTY. 13. NK1I. ANI ) W. i * Iowa fnrius K. K. RlUKcr , 151'J ' 1'nrnnm..MUlVI .MUlVI aW -\\r r PKR CUNT MOS'P.Y. PHILADK.LPHIA I' Mortungo and Tru t Co. Thomas llrennnn & Co , roprtH > ntutiviH , 217 Knrbnch block , 17iniJ ! \\r-LAltdK LOANS ON 1NS1DU 1IUSINK3S 'I properties at low rates. Ground leases bought Goo. J I'aviI , 17 llonrtl of Trudo. K1 II * 1\T LOANS MADK ON HKAL KSTATi : . TO 7t $ > per ci < nt chnrEcd. Star Loan A Trust Co , 1st Ho or. N Y Life. MS72 1,1 MONEY'TO I.OAN-CHA 'EI.S ' X DO YOU WANT MONEY ? If so do not full to nut our rates bcforo bor rowing Wo uiako loans without removal or publicity , on furniture , pianoshorica , wagons , etc. , nt the low est possible rate There Is no unnecessary delay , but you tret the money on the eaniu day you ask for It. Wo will carry the loan as lon as you doslrO ) lilvliiKjou the privilege of paying It In full or In part nt any time to suit your convenience , nnd nny part paid reduce * the cost of earning the lo cm In proportion to the amount paid , There nro no charges of any kind to ho paid In advance , but you net thn full amount of the loan. Our olllces are centrally located and nru so ar- raniicd that parties calling on us cnu bo waited on quickly niidcorteonsly , Ifyouhavo a loan with other partlo * . or Imvo bought n piano or other furnltuio on time and tlnd the payments a llttlo larger than you can meet conveniently , we will pay It for you and carry the loan as long as son desire. It n 111 bo to your advantage to sco us before se curing a loan. OMAHA MOHTOAGI ! LOAN CO. , lloom U , CrolRhtun Illock , 15th M. , south of 1'ostolHco 2'JJ ' ' -MON KV TO LOAN. F1DKLTY LOAN GUAUANTEE CO. On household goods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , wagons , etc , nt the lowest possible rates without publicity , roraovnl of property or change of possession. Time arranged to stilt the borrower. Payments of any amount can bo mndo at nny tlinc.rcduclng both principal and Interest , thus giv ing patrons all the bcucttta ot the partial payment plnn. Cull nnd sco us when you wnnta loan. Mono ) always on hand ; no delay ; no publicity ! lowest rates ; business confidential. MDKL1TY LOAN C.UARANTEK CO . B. P. Masters' old stand. It. 4Wlthncll blk.,15th and Ilnrncy. 'BJO X WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OK security strictly confidential. A. K. llnrrls , room 1 , Continental block. Ul ) -ROU'T PHITCHAHD , il 3 , WIT11NELI , IlLIv. uu \V1IENYOU\VANTACHATTKL LOAN SKK X W. U. Davis , room 20 , Continental block. M3. V-J10OOOTOIXANKIIOM $1000 UP ON KUIINI- ( Vturc , horses or uny Rood security , l.uwest atcs. Nebraska Loan Co. . Ultl Douglas street. M'.Ol AK X-f ) , UOO TO LOAN ONCHATTKL SECURITY , business contldontlal. Room 402 Kurbnch block. .M353 AW X-LIKK INSURANCK POL1CIKS LOANKD ON OR hounht. U. K. .Moats , Masa bldg , Kansas City , Mo. X-MONKVTTO LOAN , CHATTEL MUlt'lGAliK 30 , I/O'M rtuys. on furniture , pianos , livestock , etc. . vrlthout publicity or rc'inoval of propert ) . t the lowest rates nnd the tmslcst imyments No delay. Cash on hand. Dull tirccu , 11. a \i > , llurkcr blk. BUSINESS CHANCES. \T-IiUY THK CO.M.MKIICIAU Till ! LKADING Jliotel ut Ilrokun How , Nob. No land In trade. SOtl Y-KOIl SALK , MY UATIIINO UESOHT AT LakoManana. Address J. J. Mulownoy , Hebron Neb OTJ Y-IIAIlNKbS SHOP 1--OU HAL1 ! IN A ( JOOD town slock Hill Invoice from (1,000 to I1.8UO ; good rcnson for eelllnK ; only ono other shop In tovru. It. 1) . Thompson , lock box 10 } , Humburi ; . la awn- Y- KOIt SALK. J. V. HOCH , AM1IS AVH. Y KOIt HALK , A WULL KSTAHI-IfillKI ) DUUO store : In K od location In the city of Oinnlm. Kor particulars address WM room 321Omuhn Nut. bank bulldlnK. 331-S * V-FOH SALK , THK BUST LOCATI1I ) ANI ) PAY- 1 \ng \ butcher shop In Council Hinds ; over } X rtnllj cash. Iteasuns for scllliiK : Poor health : or will sell ono half to good ment mnn who understands - stands tlm business , Addrosa M. B , care lieu atllcc , Council llluffs. M5IU-1U Y' WAKTKI ) PAUTNKK ( WITH 1,000 CAPI- Itnl ) In drug buslucss. Uood location. Address V 23 , lice. JI6IO 10 * Y-I'Oll SALK , NICK , CLKAN ? 3,000 TO $12,000 stock of drugs In ono of the bust locations In tlio lar est city an tlio Missouri river. Will tslio some trade. J. 1).lltle ) , llrown block. W ) \r-KOIl SALK OR TIIAIIK. KlhTY RAP.RKL J-Roller mill ; water power ; nt MarunKO. la. Ad- ircss U. D. DIllln.Neola. la. -MW1 18 * AT-Kim HALK , KSTAIILISHHI ) UltOClCIlY ; CRN- i trnl location ; poor hualtb. reason for sulllntr , Apply V3. , llco. Jiiyjj VM.MO STOCK MKUCIUNDISKv WILL TAKU -L half cubli , balance clear land , llox "DO.Scliuyler , Nob. CIO h * IN OMAHA , LKAHK AND KU11NI- J-turn for salot Krrat bnrKaln ; dulni ; iood busi ness , low rent. Adilrvu V35 , Hoc. MtUIll Y--A HMWOO TO M.000.00 STOCK OK OKNKKAL niercliandlst ) , coiulstliiK of dry goods , boots , shoes ana groceries , clean nnd well sulcrted stock. \V II ) uxcliaiuiu for land to tlio value of IIMX ) Uu anil tliu rest cash or good notes , htock Is In a lown of IWJ pt-oplo andhuiift Una trado. Liberal discount for all rash. Address P , O. llox No. MJ or No , 88J , \ ork , Neb. Wrlto for particulars. MU3 Ml ) \r KOU BALI : , A ( JOOD LOCATION FOH A J. blacksmith ! ij miles from Oinalm on tlio Union I'aclne rullronu ; shop and tools on easy terms ; no competition , Address C. McLouuhlln , Itogers , Neb in.xj | FOR EXOHANQE. ' r/-"cLIAN STOCK OF aiNKTtALTiU'8'KV1LL : ! /Jlakcrcal estate i money , IloxTJS , kroukfort.Ind an y-lKYOUIIAVKAOOOIMJPIllOHT PIANO XQ A/tradofor lot 40 , block 1 , Armour Place , South Oiuaba ; clear of all lucuiubranco. Addrets N49L Uceotllco. ly-KXCHANQK YOUIl PUOPKIITY , HID LIST //call or write , Alex Moore , 401 llco bldg. U6 > ) y-KOHTHADK. NKW 8 S'lOHY IIUIOK FLAT A/biilldlng , inoderu , A t location , routs roadlly. Closest luyi'illuatlon Invited , prlco (23,000. Trade oijiiltr for unlnomuberoil vacant lots. Auics Itcal Letutu Agency , I'M ! Kurilura street. WJ r/ FOIl TIIADK , 170,000 WOIITII OK UNINCUM- /-Vboreil cltr property to trade for farui lands within 160 miles of Omaha. Amci Heal Kstate Awuncr , 150T Farnarust. S89 y-lO K.XCHANUK. IIO.OUO STOCK OKNHltAL ZJuiBicUindlBc : want laud and cast , Addre , llox fed ) , Dos Molaos , la. 4'J I b * I/-F011 KXCHANOKOU 8AI.B. AKINKS01IAU / rt-l roller mill on wheat antl 100 on granulated uieal for good farming land lu Nebraska or low situated la ' 1 buruian , la. AUdrcss J. a. Juuo . 1 bur- miiq , la. K > 1 la- Z , UT , WMJO. OMAHA Vluwi lot Fowler Place. UxlOO. ) total Tuluo J3.JOI ) , mortvago ( Law. trade for city lots or farm ; ueus * . c rooms , tirnot si. , for sale. Kasy chauco to get a borne. J. I. Kennedy , l-nllim. Kun. tits * gQH SALE-HEAL ESTATE. AT HALK VALUU. I/TTS. ACltK.-i , HUM IIS , HUol- utiis property. Alex Moore , 101 lieu blJg. W ESTATE. 1 JK AUfr'UIi L A KAY RT I'l.AC K IS "Loi'AT Kt ) J 'on Nclmn street , otio.Wf'Ck nfstof I.oirnnvo Sir now. olocMIt M0\ftn \ nwoIllnKs of 7 to 9 roonn cntli , of which fdltrnreMiil for sale. You cannot Jmlco cftlid bounty of tWy'tcrraco , or lha rmif pletencu of tlm oottngrM."nltliont sfplnx Hum. Open for Inuppctlon. Prlftl rcnsonntilo nnd ca y tcrm . Cull nt otir offlco neil we will show them nt nny time , whether you wlnht i buy or not Owned and for sale by Fidelity Trim I onipniiy , 1(13) ( 1614 Varnnui street. r. 817 _ _ 17011 SALE , IIOMK& ANV'PniCK. f7M. Jl.JiO t'P ' J- easy terms ; tsko closr Brvperty ns nrst pityment G , \Vnllnce , llrown blot * , totli and Douglav " ' 303 _ ' AT K. COn.S'Kll 28TI1 'AND IIICKOKV M.Xl.'O il .feet ! a bargain for n few. days only. K. K Dnr- ling , llnrkor block. _ , " . _ wi lOll BALI ! ATA 11AH(1A1N , IXJT ti , 1H.OCK H. J W. 1 > . Splhy'n first nddltlon to South Omaha , Snmll iinymcnt down. Imlanco montlily If desired. Inquire (1. H. Tuchuck , Oinnlm llec SI i ? OU8AI.K 400 ACIIK I'AltM IN 1U.UI ! UIVKIl Tnlloy , Thnycr county. 10 mile * west of llobron. Ono of the very best fnrmi In tlm county ! good lioniu. bnrn , grnnarlcs , cribs , ctc.nml nn nbnndanco of fruit , timber nnd running wnlcr. Also for < nlo or rTclinngo for good Innds or city pmpcrty , n brick pork packing house ! nnd lUtura * In llebrnn , Tltaynr county , uenr 11. A 1 ! . depot. Kor pnrtlctilnrs In- quora of nny real estate ngunl In Hebron 310 nfMKS POlt 8AI.K. T1IK1IB IS NO DOUI1T HUT that we hnvo tlio most satisfactory ll t of really dcslrablo rottnxcs to IMJ found In tliu city. Price * . rnnga from (2.000 up , nnd to run are pt- ceodlnnly liberal. Wo have sold six during tliepnst month nnd the boU of our ll t will pnon * tic selected. We can rccomuiund the following nt price ) ntmml : fJ.ICOS U model , now , Pnuptcton Park , within two hlocki Hnn com Plncc. I2.HU07 It h front , full Int , barn , etc. , Orrmhn View f4.D 07 room K front , nair nnd compluto 3Jtn st ( S.OUO Lti Kayetto Plnpo , nnost In city. &eo thorn. Olllci1 open Saturday nlRliti. Fidelity TrustCompanr , 1011 rnrnam street. _ 3i)0-a30 IfQH SAl.K-ON MONTHLY PAY.MI5NTS , SO JL1 housbs A lots. The O.K. Davis Co.,1403 Fnrnnm st. _ _ ( 123000 TO LOAN ; SUMS OK * 50i > UPWAIllT 7 Venn place loans on nny Insldu Imiiriivcd iiropcrty to any amount where value l biuk of tlio loan. Ames Itciil Kstato ARcncy , I.'O ? Fnrimm st. 333 ONMOUTH PAUIC HAS TIII ! .MO roll. CITY i\ler. graded street' , slilonnlk , rebool. banutl fill location every thing to mnko It uttractlvu For lots or homes In thl * beautiful addition un c y termt w ( i. O. Wnllnco , trustee , 31 J llrjwu block , Iblli nnd Douglas. JUS F Oil SALE- I1ALCYON Acres , half acres and lots on olectrlc motor road. Also houses and lots In Halcyon Heights OMAHA'S IIEAUTIFUL SUIIUIIII. Only thirty minutes ride from center of city. Easy payments , low rnto of Interest Now Is the tlmo to secure a homo William 203 Now York Llfo Hldff. _ MBH-A19 | \rE WILL CONSIDER A CMiAK VACANT LOT ii as part payment towaids a homo In Lafuyetto Piuco. " ( .17 17011 SALK , CHOICE AC KB LOTS IN SOLOMON'S JL Add. Prices reasonable. IS. G. Solomon , 52il nnd Ames ave , M&od 10 * 17OK HALK. AT JtOO CASH. 1IALANCETO SUIT , new modern sot en-room liou&o : furnace , splen did plumbing and finished In hand oil ; located on paved street. 4S18 Farntim St. Cnaulra at room 50ti , 1 Irst National Dank tlldg. iiliJ 10 \\rilY PAY HUNT WHEN YOU CAN 1IUVONE OK "I the Uncut modern cottaiics overbuilt on easy terms In Lafayette Place' 017 IHAVU A FEW WELL LOCATED LOTS ; WILL build houses to suit you and sell on easy terms. J. 1) . Xlttlc. llrown block. , . 6flO 7-UOOM HOUSE AND IK'tiOTS ' NKAU HAN3COM I park. Kast front , on paved street. (4,500 ; tl.OUO cubh. Hutchlnson AVenU , 15JI Douglas. M573 U pOLOUA'JO FOIIT. COLLINS. IMPIIOVED V fatms Mountain rnncV.-nnd stock. lied and white nnndMono quarry , . , 5U room hotel U.IWO acre s ock ranch In Wyomlni ; to fell nnd trade. Address up -IJtlir.N G. Vosler , Greenville , Mercer Co. . Pa. 1 10310' _ _ Oil SALE , B-UOOM COTTAGE ( ONt.Y ) SITU ntedlGUUnrd street Cell on A. JIospo Jr. CIS BEST UAUQAINS IN ( OMAHA ACHES IS A llvcncro tract three blocks from motor ; sightly and ! li,000. Ilulchlusoa A > Wcud , 16'Ji Douglas.M573 < M573 0 _ TOlt SALE-S-K COUN IItlUll. DOUCAS. 83 X X 1S3 3 cottages , stable fur Dliorsus , can be divided IntoSlots. Inquire at premiss II. 13 * ItlVi ; OV'T AND SUE J.A 'AYKTTi : PCACK. dI7 WOa SALE , A IlKAUTIf'Ur * LOT. 32ND AND J , Woolwyrtli. park front.wgj build , tOr ull , pur- . cliasor , epsy teruis Diulu.Juaileoou , 1R llco bldg. 5j4 OMES-SKVEUAL ELEGANT COTTAGES close to motor. Lowe ave. and Cnmlng street , U.OOO to 11.009 , about . half their value ; onncr left city nnd must sell. Call 10 to 1 , or t tot ) . K.I' . Beaver , batfcnicnt N. Y. Life. U)7 ) 11 TAOUNTZE PLACE-'j HOOM HOUSE. $ ( ! ,500 ; WILL -IVtiike S..OOO In trade , J50B In cash , balance , f35 00 per month. J. J. Glbsou. Crclghton Ulk. 631 SEE LA FAYETTK PLACE IIKFOUR UU7ING a homo. GI7 17OH SALK. A COHNEIl IjOT ON PAVED 8T11KET. JL siiltabla for grocer , butcher or druggist , , only t300. David Jamlcson , 443 lleo bldg. 634 _ INK FAHMS AND UANCHES FOIl SALE cheap. George W. Keys , Oberlln , Kan. M5HJ 11' _ \\riIY SHOULD YOU PAY HUNT AND AT THE ii same time own n vacant lot when thorldcllty Trust Co will sell yon a btautlful cottngo homo In I a Fnyctte place and perhaps Inks ) our vacant lot as part payment ? Como and see us and let us ihow you the cottages. iil7 QMALLIlLAcc Oatl5U3 H. Uth and get reward. 68. ' 6 BOG LOST , UAIUC 11IIOWN WATEH HPANIKL pointed tall , long cars , wearing leather collar brass pad lock and lag , with owner's name and ad dress. Finder will be rewarded by returning to W. C. Hodman , 1'rJl S. 23th st. 67'JO * STIIAYKD Oil 8TOL1CN FKO.M StKM MASON street , a liver and white 3 months old Knglish pointer dog pup nlth small brown collar. Informa tion of him or bis return td above number will be rewarded. LOU 10 * T OST. ONE IlltAB SILK HANDIIAO , KMIIHOH ) -LJercd Initials M , K. U. , containing valuable pa pers ; also niunll amount of money In purse. He- tarn to StilS Douglas street and receive reward. MCJt'l PAWN JJj'HKD A10I1LE , OFFICE 15II 1'AKNAM bT. 311 S.BNYDKR'S LOAN OKFICK , 1310 DODOK ST. . MU4J aJO * HAIR OOOD3. LAlUiKfeT STOCK IN KNTIRK WKSTTHKAT ; rlcal wUv.inil bennU n spaclalty. W U < . bint snltchiis , hair olmlus. ntu. ; sonil for uitiliuiia Mall orders solicited Davlcs , HI S. 15th st. U'mhj .112 DRE88MAKINQ. WANTKD. Dlll SMAKINJ IN PIUVATK KAM- lllus or will tuko It ut homu. 1807 Hurt st , , Miss A , Hey MIM-i ) ' MANUFAOTURINQ JEWELERS. CASH PAID KJItOLIHiOI.p. CAllbO.N i , HANKS room 30 , Darker block , Omnha. 813 REM I N C TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , IB07 Far mm Street , OMAHA ORDINANl'l'T NO. 3005. An ordinance to aincndi retlon 5 ut Onllnnnoo No. STiri na amcndod by bocllon a uf Ordin ance Vi',0. He U ordained by the city council of the city nf Omaha : .Section I. That neetlorr fi of Ordinance No. 2701 , holiiK an ordinance relatlnir to the re moval of uurhugc. etc. , ns amended by suction : i of Ordlniuice No. yjjp , bo and the same Is horehy amended so us tfrfjjad im follows ; "riiiollon fx The Doanr tif health shall have power and U hereby aumorlrod from tlmo to tlmo to divide thn city inta uarhauuillntrUMB , not less than seven lu njOiMmr , and .issl u Hie perfons. eompintcs orlvorporatluim holding permits for tha removarpfzarbiiRo to one dis trict. It shall bu unlawful for any person , company or corporal Ion to collect orrotuovo earhtiKe except m sncli dutrjet or districts us eucli pertion. company or corooratlon shall bo ahslzueil to by the boaid of health , und no person Hhall ho ussltcnod mora than ono dis trict , H Bhall bo tlio duty of such persons , companies , or corporations promptly to ro- movu and properly dispose of Karbagu In anoli manner ab may l > o directed by thuhourd of health , clilofnf police or other olllelal rnpro- beutlng the board of health. All Karbaga shall bu removed at such times aim from Kttcli places as may bo dlreoted by the hoard of health and shall bo dispose : ! of at MIOI ! pUcei and In such manner as thu lnmrd of health may from time to tlmo authorize and desig nate. Section S. That this ordinance tuko effect nud bo In force from und aftur Its pas- sago. Passed Murch Mlh , ISO ! . JOHN GROVES , OltyOlerk. n. i' . DAVIH. President ( Jlty Council. Aporovod Aprl Ut. IMtt. OEOHGK P. IJKUIS , , Mayor , RBILVmYTlMBOBRD leaves H-UlfAOO lll'RLlNO POX A y.l Arrlvj Omaha I DepotJOtli anltn on Sty I Jmn \ 4W p m .7 . . . . .Chicago VoMlbnlo SoJn m R0 a-m n..rinraeo Kxpr < " 941 n m JO p m Chlcagit F. prom IVOJ p m CM p m .I'hleano A Iowa Ijocal MS am I ave | Ht'RLINt > ro.S , t MO UIVKlt. ' Arrive ! Omaha , I Depot lOlh and Mason SM I Onmhn. ORDINANCE NO. 3000. An ordlnnncu creating Street Impiovcment Districts , Kos. 4211. 424 , 423. 4CO. 427 , 42d , 4SO , 4M. 4.11 , 4'J. ' , 4A 431. 4J. . , 4. i. 4t7 , 4iS ; , 4.W. 440 , 441 , 412 , 41,1 and 441 , and deflnlni : the boundaries thereof , lie It ordained by the city council of the city of Omaha : Section 1. That street improvement district No , 423 Is hereby created and shall comprise nth strcut from south line of Pierce street to the north line of Hickory at root , and shall include - cludo the folio"hip ical estate , to-wit : Lots I , 2,7.8 , block 265 , elty. Lots3,4 , ! > , G. block 2I > G. city. Lots 3. 4. \ 0 , bloek 4 , Credit Fonder add. Lots 3 , 4 , \ 0 , block 15 , CredltFoncler add. Lois .1,4. 5 , 0 , block 22. Credit Vendor add. Lots 7. 8. block 37. Oreilll Koncler add. Lots 3. 4. ! > . r. block 33. Credit I'onclor add. And east KB feet tax lot : M > . 3. sec 20-15-13. bectlon 2. That street Improvement district No. 424 Is hereby created , and shall comprise Lcavcnvtorth stroct from vioot line 10th .street to east line of 11th street , and shall Includu the following real estate , to-wlt : Lots j , U , 7 , ti , bloek 10- ' , and loU 1,2.3 , 4. block 20.1 , city. Section That street Improvement district No. 4ii > Is hereby created , and shall comprise 12th street from .south line of Jones street to north line of Lo.tvimu orth street , ami shall In clude the following estate , to-wlt : Lota3,4. f > . ( I , block IU.I , city. ' Lots 1. : ' , 7 , S. block 11)1. ) olt'y. boL'tlon 4. Tliat street Improvement district No , 4'JO Is hereby created and shall comprise Spencerstior-t from bherman 'ivoniio to24th street and shall include tne followlni ; leal estate , to-wlt : Lots I. 2 and nil of 3 , and 11.1 , 2 , 13,14 , 15. In block 13. Lots 1 , 2 , 3,4 , B , 0. 7 , In block 14 , Lots 1 , 2 , a , 4 , S , 0 , 7 , In block 15 , Lots 1 , 2. 3 , 4 , 5,1 ! , 7. In block 16 , Lots L 2. 3 , 4 , 5. 0 , 7. IP block 17. Lots 1 , 2.i , 4 , r > . a , 7 and ni ! H In block IS , bouth 18 ft lot 8 and lots U , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , II , 15. block I ! ) , Lots V , 0,10 , II , 12 , 13.14 , block 20. bouth 13. feet of Hoserve. l Jtst. . . l > . 10 , 11,12 , 13 , 14 , bloek 23 , bouth IS ft of lot 3 and lota 4 , 5. 0 , 7 , 8 , 0,10 , block 24. 24.All In ICountzo Plnco. Section 5. Street Improvement district No. hereby 427 Is created and shall comprise Latbrop street from Sherman avcnuo to Isth street , and shall Include the following leal ent.ilc : North : K foot lot 3 nnd lots ] , 2 , II , 12 , 13. 14 , ! . * > , block 24 , Koiintzo Placo. South 18 it lot 3 and lots i , fl , 0 , 7,3,9 , 10. block Si. Kount70 I'lncc. bectlon 0. That street Improvement district No.US Is hereby created and shall comprise Hurt street from \vcsi line of IM b street to east line of Itllh street and shall Include the following estate : Lots 5. ( I. 7. 8 , bloek m city. Lots J , 2. II , 4. block3.V. , city. Section 7. That struct Improvement district No. 4.1) U hcrchvrunted and shall comprise bprticostiect from west line of 22nd street to line of 21th street , and shall include the following estate , to-wlt : Lots 1 , 2 , J , I. 5 , U , 7 , b , U , 10 , Llock 1 , Idlowlld add , Lots 1. 2,1' ' , II. 12 , 13 , II , 15 , 10. 17 , bloek 2 , Idle- wild add. Section fl. That street Improvement dlstiiet No. 110 Is hcioby ciuatcil and shall comprise Cuss street from 2.'nd ttreet to 24th street , and Bhall Include the following rualcHUilu , to wit : Lots 7 and S , block 'M' , city , and 20-ft strip adjoining lot8. Lot 1 bloulciWlclty , and 20-ft strip adjoining lot t on cast , Lots r > , U. 7 , B block 17. city. Lots I , 2. .1 , 4 block 4'J ' city. Section li < That street liiiiirovcmont district No. 4JI Is hereby created , and shall comprise Mason slieut from 2ith street to USIth avenue , and Hhall Include the following real estate , to-wlt : LotsO , 10 , 11. 12 , U , 14 , 7. 23 , 2l , 3) , 31 , 3J. In Terrace addition. And loin 1(1 ( , 17 , IS , 19. 20 , l-l , 22,23. 21 and 23 , In Hoi's Place. Bectlon 10. That street Improvement district No. 4U la hereby created and shall comprlsu Mason street from oa t line of iiutli bticetto east line uf 31st btrri't. rncl shall Ineluduthu folloHtni ; real estate , to-wit : Lots Li' . 3,1ft , 0. B , 10 , 17 , 18 , 10,2J. 21. ir..SI , 21'A 20. In Illmebau ; ) ! I'lacu , und lot No. 4 llartktt'sadd. " Boctlon II , That street Improvement dlMrlct No. 413 Is hereby eruatud uud shall comprlso U2d street from north line of Kuolld Pluua to north line of U'oohvortb avenue , nnd shall In cludu the following real estate , to-wlt : Lots 1.2 , X 4 I' S Dundy Jr. sub. Lola 15 to 21 Inclusive blouk ( I , Hiinscoin Placo. 1'J Incluslvoblock 7 Hanscom Place. Lots 1 to II Inclusive block S Haiibeom Plucc , Lots 12 to _ ; Inclusive block Ullaiiacom PlateLet Lot 7 to 1'J block 1 i\iclld : Pluco , Lota 1 to H block 2 Kuclld Place. Hoot Ion l'i. That street Improvement dlatrlct No. 4 ilia hereby cieatod and shall cumurUe C'ullfornla street from IStb btreet to Kith street and shall Includu the following real estate , to-wlt : Lota5 , < i.7,8blockOclty. Lots 1,2.U. 4 block21 city. bectlon IJ. That struct Improvement district Nu. 4.U Is hereby created und shall comprUo lizard street from lith street to llth street , and Bliall Inuludo the following real oatute to-wlt : LOIB s , a , 7. , btook 318 city. Loth 5 , U. 7,8 block 311) ) city. iMla 1,2,3,4 block 3.'J city. Ixtsl , 2.3,4block32Jo.ty. Houtlon 14. That btroet Improvement district No. 4381s hereby created und bli&ll comprise Parker street from 21th street to'-tlth street , und shall include the following real estate , ° ' Lots'l , 2 , U , 4 , 5 , fl In block II Klilnn's 2nd add. Lois7,8,0. IV , II. 12 In block L bhlnn's J add. LotH7 , K , U , U. 11,12 In block O tihiun'bSnd add ( SlrlcUland'H sub ) . Lou I. 2 , it , 4. 5 , 0 In block P Shlim'sodd ( Cuuiyboll's aub ) , Uic a 3) cad 1 Imd terrible ECZEMA for 18 wns in bcil FIX monllia nt ft tlrtio l > o ly nnd limits swollen and scnly lika n ( lend flsh. The Itdiing wrw terrible , nnd LOST MT SIGHT , After treatment by five physicians , nnd other remedies without relief , I took S. S. S. nnd it cured mo. Jty skin Is soft nnd smooth , nnd the. terrible trouble Is nil gone U. N. MiTCHKLt. , Jlncon.On. I know thonbov't ) statement to bo true. S. S. HAUMOX , Mncon , On. Send for oar book on ( to Illood. MVi'-r ttrmt'ippfj A1 | iMn.Go. A Written Onnranto S toCuroKvory Onso o Money KofiinitoJ. Oiircitrol < peimikm > ntiiilnotn pntchln * up. Cn o treated 9oron Venn nizo ha\o norcr POOU A flymptum clnco. Hrdo'crtbln c o ( ully trecvn trott you hy tnnll.and noxlTO thoramo tronn eu.irnntoa to runt or refund all money. Thoio wlu prefer to como hero rorlrt < ntmpntci < ndonnudwo wlllpiy rnllmndfnro liothw ) and hotel bltl whllohoro. If wo fall to euro \Vochnllongothawurldfora caio that our Mnglo Itpmedy will not cure , write for pnrllculars ami et lioOTldenco In our seven year * practice with the Maglo llcmotly It lm been ino t Oldlcnlt to otcrcotno the prejudices ngalnst noculleU Bpecltlr' . lint umlar ourntrong Kiitrantoc thoiinind < nro trying It and l > c- Ingcurcil , WeKnnrnntoo to euro or refund every tlollnr.nnd ntnoliave a reputation toproioct , nl o llniinclal tmcklnif ofy llMlt ) Is perfectly iinfotnal whowlll try the treatment , Hcrotoforo } ou Intro | iuttlniupantl pnyliiKout your money lor dllTorent treatment * , nml although you nro not yet cum I ti > one has paid back your tnunoy.Vo trill poMtlvoly euro ) oil , ( JM , chronic1 , ilocp onto I cttio curollti'D ' totUd.iys. InviMtlitalo our tlnnncltl utantlln ; , our ri'imlutloii n hu lncs men. Wrlto us for nnmos rxn.l adilresacsof tlunavalinro cured who Imvo nlvon pennt : lontorefertothoni It co'ts you only uo t * npotodo thl . If your 8ymptnni9 are i-orc t'iroit , mucous pntchcsln nmtith.rhoumuthm In bones nnil Jiilnts. Imlr rnIMiiK out , eruptions on nny pnrt of the body , fcollnnof Eoneral iluprosMnn , | > nln In hcnlor bones. Yon liavono time to wute. 'Iluxolio nro conntnnlly tnklnx mercury and luni'h , Ahould dlv continue It. Constant u uof thoxo drills will surely bring sores ami catlnu ulcers In the cml. Don't full to write. All correspondence sent sualutt In plithi en velope.Vo Inv to thomoit rlulJ lnvo > tlK tlou and will do all In ourponer to aid you In It. AddrcM , COOK REMEDY CO. , - Oniahtv. Neb MAGIC CURE 8500 fora ctiio nt LOST or PAIMNCI MANHOOD - HOOD , Gonor.vl or Nnivou DKIIIMTV * . weak ness of body or mltiI. ( the offouts of errors or x- cosscsln old or yotini ; that wo cnnnut euro. Wo cuuraiitcoovory ease orrcfinul every UolHr. Five ilays trial treatment 81 , full course an , I'orooptlolo bonolks roillzod In three dnjrs. Hy mail , Bootiroly pioko.l from obsorvntlon. Co. OMAHA. NED LADIES ONLY MA RIP I'WtAM : UhXIiULATOi : . $ nta nnil ninUlU L'orl.ilii to a day nr iiinnoy rofiiiulcd. Hy mail S. . Soauroly so lo I from obsurvti- tlon. COOK JtEJlEltV Clt. , Unialin , Neb. Lots 8 , n , 10. II , 12. Ill , 11 block 1. 1'aiUur's ndd. Lots 7 , S , [ i , 10 , II , 12 In lloolc. ) > Parker's adtl. Lots 7 , P , ' . ' , 10. 11. 12 In liloak 0 , Pnrtcar's adit. Lots 1,1 ! . , 4 , S , U. In block 7. I'nrKor'a add. Lota 1 , " , II , 4 , . " > , bin block 8 Parker's add. Lots 1 , ' . ' , y , 4.ri , 0. 7 In block U Purkur's add. buotlon 15 , That struct Improvuniuiit district No. 4.17 Is hereby cieatod uud sliull comurlso howard struct from -Itli st root to . " > tli street and shall Incliulo the following real estate , to-wlt : Lots 1 , 2 , : i. 1. 5 , G bool ! ; 1 Shlmi's ucld. Lots 1 , ' . ' , 3 , 4 , ft , block 0 Milnn's add. Section 111. struut Imurovomont district , No,4Ja Is lieroby created an'l slntll comurlso Uliieaeostieet from Hail htreot to Xlrd street and sliu.ll liioludti tliu foIloirluK real catato to- wit * Lots fi , n , 7 , 8 block 49 city. Lota 1. U , : i , I block rj city. Section 17. Tliut street Improvement district No. 4ill Is Imroby cru.vteil and bbull comprise ) Calilwoll street from -4tb .street to west line ofbliliin's Mildltlun , and sliull Includu the fol- lowliiK real estate , to-wlt : Lots 1. - ' . : ! , Jrj , Gin blook A [ Shtll'saub ] , Lots 7 , S. 0. 10. II. U In blouk H Lots 8. U. U , II , K1. ia. 14 In block Xo 10. Lots 7. 8 , 9. 10 , 11 , 12 In bloek No II. Lota 7 , 8 , U. 10 , 11. 12 In block No. 12. Lots 1 , ' , ' . : t , 4.r > , ( i In block No. 13. Luis 1 , S , a , 4 In lilojlc No 14. Lots 1 , ! ? , : i. 4 in L'ruyn's sub blooli No 14. Lot 1. 2. .1. 4. D , 0 , 7 , 8. 0 , 10 , 11 and 12 Joostcn's sub block l'i. Lots a. 4 , ! > . G. 7 In block 15. All In Milnn's add. Section lg. That street Improvement district No.11 J is berobr created and sliull comiirlao bbormnn avcnuo from soulli lluo of Qrand avenue to Tort street , and sball Include tlio folIonlnK real estate , to-wlt : West liJ- foot lot 7 Il.irkor's3ubdlv Inelud- lug rlKbt-of-way. Eots7. 8. U , 10 , 11 , 12 bloek 3 Hllleko add. Lots 11. 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 10 , 17 , IU. U ) , 20 block 4. Hllleku add. Kast half block 1 Win. llaeadorn's add , In cluding railway riKlit-of-way. Lotsl. 'i3 , 4 , 5 , b , 7. a , U. 10 , 11 block 4 Wm. ' Lot , r > In block 2 intli street add , Ineludln ? railway rlsht-of-way. Lot i' In block II lUth street add , Including railway rlglit-of-way. Section 1U. TliatbtiuotlinprovHinont district No. 441 Is hnrcby cruated uiul hlrill cninprlsu : wtli btreet from rirnum htuiot to iioith line o IDavonport street , and shall Include tlio folloulni ; real estate , to-wlt : IotS III. 14 , 15. 10. 17 , IS , 19 , 2J , 21 , 22 , 23. 21 , 55 111 block UCiObcunt Park. Lots lo , II , 113. . 14 in bloek 1 .Tnromo Park. Lots I , 2 , & 4 , ft. 0. 7 , 8 , 0 In block'J Jerome Park Lots 1 , S , a , ui of 4 and 1) In block 7 Jeron.u Park. WVi ot 4 and lota 3. (1. ( 7. B blocks Jerome Lot's 1. 2. 3. 4 , 5. fi. 7 , 8. 0 , 10 block 4 Kllby 1'laco Lot 2 block 1.1 Smith's add. Section 20. That street Improvement district No. 4li ii In-ruby eru.ited and sliull comprlso D.iveuportslruet from UUlh ntreot to west line I'Jtii ' btroet , and ahull include thu foliowliih' real estate to-wlt : uart , of lots I , 2 , 3 , 4 , B , 10. 17 , 18 , ] ! > , 20 In block 4 Kilby Placo. e.iat of west line of 40th street Lnorth ] oxlundod South l.a feet of tax lot i , ace 20 , nest of DJtli street axlendud , , t-ect Ion 21. That struct IniprovomcntdUtrlct No. 443 Is hereby crontcd anil shall comprise 40th street from north line of D.ivonport street to Viimltrf street and shall Include the follow- In ; ! real estate , to-wlt : Lois 1,2. Ill , 20 and o'J'ft of lots 3 and 18 111 Klnir's add. Won l.U ft lots 14 and 15 blonk3 Park I'lacu. West l.f. ft lots U and n bloek I I'ark Pluco. Lots 1,2,3.4,5 , fi. 7. M ) bloek 8 I'oppleton l"k. . ' , : i , 4 , \ b block U Ponplelon I'm If. Lots I , 2 , : . ' , 4 , 5 , O. 7 block IU I'opploton Park. Lou , 1 , L' , 3 , 4 blouk 2 I'oppleton Park. Lots 4 , ft , II , 7 , 8. II. 10 Morno ft llrunnor'H Place. West 1112 ft of a ft strip north of Webster sticut In iMorfiu & llnnincr's Place. I , ots r > . ( ! . 7 , 8 block 2 rihorwood Park. West 12 ft lots 4 and I ) blouk 2rihbrwood P. irk LotsV , 'M , J7 , 18 , W , JO. 41 , 42 , 13 , Uand45bte- w.irt Plaeo. Wt-t 1.12 ft of lots 45 and 47 In .Stewart Placo. Lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 block 1 LaVeta I'l.ico. \jil3 I. - ' . 3 , 4 block 3 L-i Vi > ta Pluco. West ir : ' foot tax lot 4 sea 3) . KiisnilVi feut tat lot Msoo 17. Kast lllli feet talot2J > eo 17. bectloii V. . That Htrcol Imlirovoment district No. 411 Is hereby uruuted and shall comprise MndlRon axenno from Uth Htroet to Khennan avenno and bhall Include the following real estate , to-wlt : Lota I. 2. 3. I , , r > , 0. 7 , 8 , ( t , 10. II. 12 , 2' , 21 , 2. . 23 , 24 , SI , 20 , 27. 28. 2U. HO , ill In Wuslilniston square. r-octlonU-l. All nrdlniinces or purls of ordin ances that conlllot with tlio provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section . ' 1 hut thin ordinance ihall Uko uffout and bo In foreo from uud after Its pus- SHCO. Passed March 'JOth , 169. ' . JOHN GHOVE9. cjlty Olerk. K. P. DAVIH , Pros , Id on I of Ihu ( Jlty Uounfll. Approved April I t , Id'Uor.o. ' or.o. r. HHMIS. _ ilayor. PllOPOSALS FOU 1JAVINO 1JOKDS. Sealed bids marked proposals for iMinds will bo joeolved ut Ihu olttcu of thn city treitstirer of Omaha , Nob. , up to'l \ o'clock noon of the 2-Hh day of April , 1BJ- ' , for tlio purchase of i' .i-OO.uo oavhu bondH of Ihu elty of Omaha. Nub , datnu May I. IHU. ' , p'tyablu 20 yours after ( late. Interest & per cent pur annum , payable somi-aunimlly ; principal and Interoat jiayablu at ICounUu linn. , New V ork Denomination of bonds. Jl.uui.uj each. Daeli bid mini state prleo and amount sought for and Include accrued Intorckt to date of deliv ery at Omaha. Nob. Tim right Is reserved to reject any ancLall bids. Issued under churtor power nf cltres of inetropolltun class and ordinance No , 294. ; , upprovoif Murcb'/J. Wt. . HKNUY HOLUN , M20dait.M City Treasurer. NOTICK TO SRLECT MATERIAL FOH PAVING. To the owners of lots and lands fronting upon street Improvement district No. Ii5 , com- lirlilnit the alley In bloolc a. llaiiHcom 1'lace. In the city of Omaha , and subjuot to utscis- inont for the ropavlnx of tliu same. You are hereby notified in pursuance of or- dliiHiico No.aOOJ , passeU and approved April Int. 1BUto select and dnlurmluo upon tliu kind of mutorlal to bo used In paving said Im provement district on or before the 1st dny nl May , IbOXor the city council will dotcrmino aid material. Dated at Omaha this 7th day of April. IWi p. w. mfuciiAUuim , Ch lruiau ot the Hoard ot Public Works. AnrH7TJ ! Whnt Onmhn Noeils , OMAHA , April 8. To the Kdltor ot Tim HK ( ItoforrlnR to the quorjrtjf 'nn ' b lcrn cnpiUHat , why more rMlronds did not run into Otnuhn , it soonis lo mo that It Ii high limn komothlii ) , ' wns done to Rot the rAllronda , nto Omalia Instond ot nt or by the clt > % The railrontt situation hero 1 * n pooullar ono. Nowlioro oUo In the United Stalespar- inns , Is a city ot .such Importance nt tills , n way station ( or so mnnjr roads niul n tcruilnnl for so fo\v. As the .vonrs hnvo como nnd pone proat trunk lines have cnmod the rlvor nbovo nntl below u ; rrnttliiR In buck of us ami bulldliiK up Jobbing and mnnufnctni-liiH conlors west ot us. Uiiinhn tint boon plnylng Mlcawbor In the nioantlnio "uailing for BomotliliiK to turn up" that would s-olvo tha rultroad iiroblom for tlio peed of the cltv. Doing this and cur.sinp the I'nion I'ftclllo lrlil'o ( , Juit as If the Union Paelllo would nU low nnolhor bridpo to bo built ns lone as Mio could stop It , In ether words , doot this com munity blninon railroad for r.illroullnul The Union t'noilio Is In the buslnoss for what money tuoro is In It nnd llko every other In * iluttry strlvoi to Itoop out all tlioootnnotltlon It cnn. 1 nm of the opinion that wo want to quit cursliicrtho Union I'nctflo brldponnd look toward Rottiiiff other brldRos that the Union 1'ndllo won't control. . The Nubraska Oontrul nropoulldn scorns to bo fair mnl should rocolvo the OUCOUMBO- tnot.t cf nil when the proper snfogttnrds nro thrown nround it. The thliitj proposed In this cntorpriso Is just what Oinalm needs. His thovonu uroat factor lacltlnc lo inaka Lho city commercially Tno pro | > osoil location of the brld o is rl nt , too. Tha property cast of Tnlrtoonth street nml north of Dodge , whllo boinp is about ns dead ns the proverbial door-nail , but with tills brtdpo nt the foot of U.m atroot nnd n Union depot \vost of It thnt section ot the city will bb redeemed and becoino valuable. As to the bonds there Is onlv oiin tliliuf wo ( if this ouorntlon need tlptiro on , and is the interest , Our children will loolc nfter the principal. The Interest will bo $ ; irnOO liorycnr. 1'ho ndvmicomont of values on the property nbovo iloicrllictl nnd the prop erty of the company itself lo say nothing of the ndvnncomont of realty wilt malto un Incroaicd revenue trom taxation that will p.iy this interest nnd onouph loft to oroato n hlnltlnp fund that will liquidate tha princi pal in twenty years. Hy all ino.uis lot this Kroat enterprise po forward nt onco. As before slated , throw the propar safeguards around It nnd then give It nil the onnour.ico- incut Dosalblo. M. A. Ul'tos. LKIVKNWUIITII , 1C , .luno 15 , 'tJ. ) Dr. J. il. Moore : Mv Dear Sir 1 have been sutjcct to slclt iioailncho nil my life Over two years npo I bepnn usinj ? "Mooro's Tree of Life" for It and never had n casu of sick heaancho since , uxi'cpt when the medicine wns nt one end of the road nnd I at the other. It Is worth more than money to mo. I heartily recommend it to nil sufferora of sick headache. Very trulv yours , W. H. Li in. Pastor First Dnptist Church , Tor snlo by all drupgists. TIII : III.VI.TV M fNSTKUMKNTS plaoeil on record April 8 , I l&ytjj WAItrUNTr DKRIH AtiRiistHrithniiinnninvlfoto Kuhl Ilroii. lots 1) niul 10 , Mock 10 , lumilnitoii ! < S.TtO II I ) Oiilnii to MM O O Uulnn. lot 17. block ) . W I. Solby's 1st add to South Omnha Polur UoNlandlta to Otto and Mln- nlo Ilnnscn. lots IS anil IU , and u i lot JO. ttookfl. llonnlngton 1,150 M P O'Donnoll to W II Kyne , lotII. hlock 101. South Oniiinn. 1.80J McOi\ook : , % O'Koufo and wlvos to Kr- IIIIK ! ICuhiny , lots IS und 11) ) , blocks , McGiM > ck , sc ICoofu add to South Um.ihu ( lulllo ) 1.500 Arthur KunniiKton ptnl to lllldnr Liu * Imri ; , lots , hloclc 13 , Omaha Vlnw R.V ) S H Mayers and husband to T K Hull , \v''i lot n , lilofli ; 2. . Omaha 21,030 M U lIoilL-ln and litisband to Ulllu Do Vlorc. lot2i ) , block 4 , .Innctlon View Turr.ico 400 Suno to same lot ! 1 , nanu ) 40-J UV I.OKIUI and wlfo to H U Oil/be , lot 14 , block 1. Kutli & jSclliy'b add 500 Total amount ot transfers 531,001 PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY AND UUV ( t : .l. I ) I" PUmp , ono lutule. tUiy ! M ) OTIIKU niul BCO tlutttt hnu tlio "H"h JlraniV , ' Trade Price 50ccaci ! Hy mull flit your risk ) udd M : .Money lo ncrnm- liuny order Ask yourdrufixlBt for tliem , or Omaha KiiMer Co I'i20 Furunm St. Cor Illlli , pHOPOSALS I-'OIl INDIANSWI'PLIKS AND 1 transportation. Department of tholnUir- or , Ulllcu of Indian AlTulOs Wa hinuton , April 2 , IS/-1. ! Sealed proposals , endursod "Pro- posulrt for Iteef , ( bldH for hoot must bu ubnilt- led lu huuarato cnveiopesi , liacon. flour , CJIotliliiR OT'l'Taiispiirtiitlori , etc. , " ( us the case may be ) , nnd dlrvcMecl to tlm Coniinlsslonor of Indliin Altalrs. Nos. IB and (17 ( Woosturntroot , Nuw York , will bo received until I n in. of Tuebday.May U , Irt'jJ ' , fur furnishing for the Indliin about 70)uiii ) poiindH bacon , : i ; , OMiOO pounds beef on the lulof. 2lnxMXJ ) puiinds net beef , : 'U.W3 pounds beaiii , 70,003 piiundiibakliii ; ptiwavr. - ' , t-O.DO ) pounds corn , .ilO.O.O pounds cotroe. ll.oiuj.uoo ptiuiuls Hour , 7U.O 0 pounds food , U" > , ouo pounds li.ird broad. 40,1 00 pounds hoiiilny.M 1,030 pounds lai ( I AID b iir- ols inchs purk , lfi.JO ( ) iioiinds GTO.O'JO , ll',00)onnds ' ) ] ) rlee , ' . ' . ' .o 0 pouuda ten , 1HO.U U pounds tonrhu salt. I2D.03) polindM lliiu salt , 2ii'i.iOJ ' ( poiiiids soap , 1OOO.UOU poundi , and lllo.Otu paundu nhuat. Also , blanlc- ots. woolen anil cotton oods , ( consisting lu part of lleUIni ; , 1LUOU y.irds ; htandard calico , ( AWJyniUh ; drllllnj lil.Oix ) v.trdsj duck , free from all nl/bu , : t,000 yaniu ; ilunlins , IO.IKX ) yards ; KliiBlinins , ; ii , mX ) ynriln ; KentiicUy jeans. 8 , % Uynrilf , ; chovlot , i'i.UJUy.irdu ; brown uK. U'lO.OOi yirds ; blu tebcd nheeilni ; , yards ; hickory i-htrtln ; , ' , ai.tou yards ; calico shlrtliiKi Uli4) ) yardH ) : clothing , grocer- it'H , nutloiis , h.irdwiire , Hiipnllea. school books , ueM | and a lonir Hit of inlnonl- laiKKiusaillulos , smelt us h irneai , u own , raid's. fiii-Us , etc. . and for ubuiit 540 masons rciinlred for the tut vice , to bu dollvcied ut ( . 'blea ; , Juuisii.s ( Jlty Mini Kluu.v Ully. Also Kir uucli WUKOIIH as may bcl reiuired. ] adantrd to tha cllinntotif the Pncllln const , vrllli C'nllfornla bruUi'3 , dullvrred nt ran KraucUco , Also u jiiaiiorlatlon for inch of iho articles , uoudi and Hiipplles that m.iy nut bJ ( conlravli > d fur lu bo duilvoied at the a--enelus. Unit , must bo iii.ulomit cm L'ovcriiinonl bl.tuku. r-o kinds arul iiuantltles of es roptilrcO fur uach uuoiicy anil biihnul , aim thu kinds iitidiuanlltlcH | In Krosn , of nil other needs nml arllules. tuxethcr urltli blanl , proposuls , conditions in he obsui ved by h'dders , lliiio und iiliicouf delivery , turmaof i-ontraot and payment , traiiipnrtatlun run tea and allnlhur uuci'sHary Institutions ivlll ho furiiHIio I upon application u > tlm liidlnn ( ) f- llco In Wa-sbliuton , or Nos. y > itml ti7 Woustur htrcdt , Now Vurk : thu Commissaries of Bub- hlstcnce , U. H , A , at ( Jh yonno , L'hlciiRu , Loavtiiiworth , Oipahn , ritilnt Louis , H.tlnl Paul , and Kun Kruiiolneoi the I'OHlmaiilcrs jitaionx Cllv , Idwa : Vankton , r-outb IhikoUi ; Arkuti- naHUUy , t'aldwoll , Tnpeku und \Vloblln. Kun- bus. und TIIHCOII , Atl una. Thu right In r - norvi'd by thuitovKrniiicnlturt'juctauy und ull bids , ur any p rt of any bid , and these propu- ' ilsuro Invited uiidor proviso that apiiropilit- tldu shall bu muilu for the xupplluif by cori- KreKs , JIIdH will boiinenod at thu hour and day above mated , and bidders are Invited to bu present ut thu upeiilni ; , furUlled clioeU * . All bids must bo ai-compaulcd by I'ortlllod clu'oki ur drafts uiion sumo UnltdU fet.iU'H Iu- ) poillory or the l-'irit - Nii' Hunk of Han I'rnncUeo , Oal. , fur at least llvo Jer cent of thu amount of tlio proposal , T. J , .MOKCAN , Ciininilsslonur. A7d2Itm PUOPOSALS VUH bB.WKH JJONJJS Seuicd bldH marked Pruponalu for Hewer Ilouds will he received at thu ullleouf tboo y treasurer of tlm city nf Omaha. Mob , , up t o o'elo'k , uoon , uf tlioUitli duy of April , IBii , for the puicbasuof e.VJix .UJ hiiwnr Ixiuils ot the city nf Omnl'a , Neli. , datud M.iy I t , 133J. | my- u bloW years after date , Interest 5 par cunt per utiniitn , payable Homl-aniiually. Prliiul- iialund Interest payable at ICuunUo Itroj , Nuw York , Denonilimtlon of uonda. il.WJ.OO ouvh. Kaeh bid mubtHUto prlco and amount boiislit for an'l Include accrued Intoroat up to date of delivery at Oiniiha , Nob. The rlttht K roecrtod to reject uny aud all bids. Isiuod tindet charter uowur uf ultloaof the inetro- nolltiin clriss an J orJ'nanco ' Nu. zni , upuroved ilnroli " 'J. Ih'Jl. JIKNIIY IIOLLN' . MijlJHM City Trenuror ,