Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Operators Simply Went Wild on the
Board Yesterday.
Hli KITorU to Cmrr SIndo Slattern WOMO
nil the Hold Triul T Wn Compelled
to 1'ato tlio Mimic How " WHS
CIIICAOO. Ill , April 8.-The Jixy Gould of tlio
wheat market at bay. a thousand wildly cx-
cltcd brokers almost literally clutching at his
throat mil poc ! < ct-tlut was the spoctaelo
hero today. In the struggle the prlco of
wheat wni forced up aJiO .1 bu. The frenzy
rontlnuod long nftor regular hours and the
dial curb quofitlon recorded mi additional
ndvanco of nearly 2c. Kdward I'ardrldgo. the
ijticcr looking lllllo Individual who succco led
-Old Hutch" as the inotl cl.xrlng Brain spec-
ulalor In rhlcnga If not In the world , was the
man u roil ml whom thu crowd Pard-
ridge's opcrntloiiH of late lia\o been on an
enormous scale and whllo wheat has been
nonrly nciiinrlcrof u dollur lower for uvcry
Jjiishul tlitin nl tlio corresponding tlnio lust
year , ho Iris been a short seller with a per
sistence which wis never paralleled. During
the rtccllno to line on onu of his mammoth
deals , ho was reputoJ to have won from his
numerous opponents In tlio market conslUel-
tthlj o er Jl.000.0i ) ) .
Innsp'rltot char.ictcrlstlo bravado , ho at
that tlmo Inverted an advprllsonicnt In the
ilallv pipers otrotlng to buy that amount of
Chlciigo real eslita In small pieces Next ( lay
ho wns toportodns having said In nn Inter
view that the fo il ho was iilmlng at was the
cstnblMimiMitof aTflcprlio for wheat , from
Mo Pardildgc , with glganilc si'es ' and aided
by what seemed a romurknblo cli'iln of cli-
'ctimstanci's ' In lite fa\or throughout the
United States and no less In I.uropo. forced
thu prlro about half WHY to 7.1o. Hoforo thu was reached , the lido tinned.
Tlior.i are sluond things were
not what thev Mjomi'rt and tliil a few of the
htrongor speculator- " , with their allies in
olher American cities and abroad , wi-ro qui
etly slmplng mnttiTs for 1'ardrldgp 11 destruc
tion In lutalt.itlon forliugo losses Indicted on
them John Cildahy. thu former p irtnur of P.
1) Amour. Is reported s tlio leader In this
oxtiaordlimry initl-Pardrldgo campaign Lynn Is ulbo said to bo prominent
with ( udiihv.
Tonlizht the nstonUhlna statement was cur
rent that they h id Pardrldgo In a lulu-short
nt exceptionally low in lees on possibly l.'O- '
0 Olju. of I ho most consul v.itlvo ostl-
tn itivii4 7ll'0,000 bu Icrsovural days they
linvo worked iigiilustPariUldgo's Jo ambition.
To-lity furnished the climax.
The wheat mat kut opened \ cry strong at Ic
norbu ndvnnco on yostotdav's closing prices
J'or a slr.iUlu hour and a half , unu big WHJ o
of excited buying followed another , until
something ovn 2So had been added to the
price current for May at thu end of yester
day's session , and July In the same t mo
moved ini from > H' discount to an equality
with the Miy future , thus making a .10 uii-
turn In tin * luttei month 1 hero was a terrific
lmslne sdonoiit the biik'O ami for a quaitcr
of .in hourluindrodsof thousands of mis ids
vrorolought and suld at from Wo to Kl'.c ,
vrlth marvelous neive I'ardrldgo Kept his
brokers selllni tens and twenties of
wheat into the crowd Ho appeared
to bo In no way worried oxer thu
blgadvaniobut merely exasperated at the
i-clf-nlllcd obstinacy of the market i s H kept
aiUmu'lnc. lie and his broKcis kept tiuglug
nt the lints , but each fresh elTort of theirs In
tint dln'Ctlim appeared to goad tresli ad-
viuicc. KtiulTm inoffct Loulsstarted to cover
nboutSOii.ooJ tin ofhoit hu was hhort here.
H was while thu SU Louis man was swallow
ing his mcdli'lno that the prlco touched 8 'iC.
The alarm spro id like apralilo lire and a 1 ear
panic was In full svvln0' . with shorts climbing other to co\cr.
Cables were higherdomestic markets on the
rampage anil all the cable oircis made last
night were sild to have mot with oilers : a
i-oid vvavo wus reported reaching up Into No-
lirask-iand thro-ilenlng the more liiiportint
Tfheat Blnlcs. The Ohio state eiop wes tlo-
cldcdlv bad. showing n lomlltlon of ( .J per
cent against to percent last December and iu-
tlleatiuc n oiop of 20,000 bu.loss than last i car ,
while the condition In Indiana was not
much better. All this contributed to put
the shoits on the run. St. Louis anil
New York covered a vast amount of short
wheat at about 8l i' . Thcro was heavy real
izing and lane short selling which sent the
jirleo back to S.e. Then It rallied iiiogular
for a llmo und at 12 o'clock was about SJJc.
All this tlmo Piirdrldgc had been an Inter-
tnlttentsolloi und It was being asked In the
crowd what the market would do If hu started
to liny ' 1 hov had a slight Indication of prob-
nblo answer to th it query when upon thoup-
ucaranco of a few buvlng orUeis simul
taneously In the hands of thrco or four com-
inlhslon houses , the pi ice shot up In about ten
minutes from iiround 8J to tt4Je. It was
incioly susperted that 1'nrdrldgo was thu
sourcoof these orders mid that was about to
( .tart Iho bla/o. The gioat bulge of iho
lay was niadn item the close , when there was
tome remnrkablo buying , which the trade
ngiiln attrlbutid to Piirdrldgo trvliu to color.
This causnl the wildest ceno of all , and the
Mnj prlco went from SI'jC to &l5iO In u few
minutes Some lo.ilblngput the prlco of May
utSi'jC at the close , only to bo followed by a
fiiihtcqucnl big advance on the curb.
Hv long od-Js tli day In wheat was probably
the hardcbl that I'ardrldgo ever had to face.
Ho gut.i lasiuof whatwns coming yesterday
when ho was said to have called u margin on
] .uju IDJ bu. bold around 8/c. / Ho fought the
advance tod.iy uu lo the last half hour , but
with not such success as previously. It Is no-
1 Until ho woikcnod and tried to iccover
throuch iinki.own houses shortly lioforo I
o'clock. 11 was this belief that sent the jirlics
to M'-ie , the highest point on the regular
lioaid Uosslp contoiod almost exclusively In
I'urdrldgc. Unu tnct , frequently mentioned ,
Is thitt iho govi-rnniout report far April will
appear this week , 'Iho prevailing oxpoi-ta-
tlon iippuais to tie that It will Indlc'ito about
Ki per cent of w heat compared with DO 0 a yuar
ngo. 'Ihu demand tor bo-its was fair , but
iiKtnls wore s'ow ' to place ch irlois at ' 4o de-
ullno on i ales To IluKnloio ! for wheat and
i.iC for corn was the rato.
Thu coin niarUul started strong In synpa-
thy with wheat and whllo theio V.IIH no such
excitement as In the w heat crowd there was u
iluureo inoro than the rccunt average. Top
iirkes were from ' c to 3 c higher. The open
ing pilco v , as the lowest price of the day. May
uimuicod to4l'ic ' and hold around there the
eroaterpartof the session. Near thoclosoit
\vout to l\\o \ n nil closed with solHirs at that
price. Them was a good roall/lng on the ad
vance , the shorts bolnic the chief buyur-i. May
was u\chaiiKcd on even terms for lound lots
of cash in oluvatnr. Thu receipts wcro 1UJ cars ,
cone grading contr.ici. partook of the general strongth. open
ing nt , from 'to to > 4c higher and making u
gain of ' , c. Thcru was oniy n fair tiadij done
mid the most of It was scattered.
I'roi'lslons wore by no moans nrtlvo. iho
liog maikct was reported htrong , wlilcli , with
thu advancing cereal markets , was mioiuli to
tiring In MMIIU Liuylni ; orders , The adv unco In
ixirk wnsTiio. Lird waslnactlvu and llnctii-
ullons n.irrow , with closing prices scarcely an
nppieclablo finctloii higher than joiturday ,
Itllm wcro moiu In line with pork and show an
Kdvanco of from So tb7ic ! ,
KbtlniiiUHl rueulpts for tomorrow , 85 cars of
heat , JJ3 cars of coin , 120 cars of oats and
Thu leading futures ransud as follows :
Mil ) , .
COII.N .So. 2
OATH No. i
> u > Ponk
JA nil-
July . . . .
Bnoin Itina--
Mll ) ,
Cuih nuouitlona uero 115 follows :
. . , . , . .
, .
* ' * ' * M * /fv , .lu. u JU1IU1T ,
OATB-NO. 2. 20UO20 ic f. o. b. ) No. 3 white ,
YK-NO. 2. 7U a7llliC.
IIAIII.ICV No. 2. 53(3500 ( f. a b.i No , 3 ,
f. o , b.j No. 4 , .luffluc.
TI.AX rJemi-No. I , 07)4a)7l ) ! ) ! p.
TIUOTIIV HKKII Prime. ll.'iS . .
I'OIIK M is , per bill. , tlO.lT'iitlo.'i ' ) ; larn , per
100 Hit. . laSJCMIbSiJjj short rlli ! ! . bides , ( loosoi ,
I4.i ( ) < i 5.05i dry nulled ihouldcrx. ( boned ) ,
M Wii4.00j short clear sides , ( boxed ) , Ki.l7i& !
C.2U.WIIISKV Dlitlllort' flnishod Koodu , per gul , ,
1 1IJ.
huilAiis Unclmnped ! cntlo.if , f 35yej prnu *
ulntcd , 4'oi standard "A4ic.
Kecelpti uud uhlpinouta loduy were as fol
low it
On the Produce exchange today the butter
muruet w weak aud rocolpu liberal ; fancy
lluu western , ZIO'.lc ; or-
fine drilry.
firm nt
York .MtirkcM.
New YOIIK , April 8. KI.OUH Hecolots , n.-
4M pkpn.1 cxpuri , I.J,00 bids. 7,0 osic § t mar
ket titroiiK'or , > cry active , with iioiiiu gales 54J >
luc ovcrtiiiotatlon i sales , & 2-'UU bbls ,
IJiiiix MKAi.-ynlot.
WtlEAT-HecoipU , 01,070 bu.l exports , 70,74
bu. ! sales , 2.I.5AW)0 ) lii. of fdlnrcs ! 47,01)0 ) Ini. of
spot. Cpot initrKot , dull , hltfhar ; Nn. 2 red ,
ti.UJVCti.Ul In ntorii nnd elevator. * I.UI' ® l.n ( ! (
ulloiit , tl uuSUliM f. o. b.i No 2 red ,
uiiKrutled icd , UUcUil.uHt ( : No. 1 northern.
Jl.uoU Options iiuviincedy'i'a.lii ' ; . Consider
able activity wm oamcd Dy tnuOhlo t ito
crop report , imcli inukci the uNer.ipo stand CU
pel cent iiRntnit ut ) per cent by Iho last KjV-
crtitncnt report , besldoi these wcro lilithcr
cables , forclKit bityliu ; and frl htencd short' ,
reacted ' ( iti'4c , cloiln linn nt 2'io ojcr
ycstordiiy : No. Died , April , HCtt'i' f. closln
111117 0 ! A\nr \ , Vlfi&Vte , closlnt ! nt UlKct June ,
WWJVc , closing nt UJ'.c : July. UJSttWc ,
closltiK ut OJot Ausust , UU-UB'e'ii. ' . clo lntf nt
U2Uc ! eploinher , UJ WJISc , clnsluR ut UlfCi
Di-ceiuber , UO'iC , closliiK nt UJ'iC.
Uu ; Dull. . . .
. llAiii.Kt-julat and sleadyj No. 2 Milwau
kee , UsiibUe.
UOIIN Itccelpls , no.jOO ( bn ! exports. rAR'Oi
s ilei 2,7iAjlWJ mi of f uturc nml ft..OJO bu. spot.
Snot m.irki't dull und lichen No. 2. f 'i'tS
MJ4c In elevator. r > lc ! nnzrulcd tnltod ,
i stc unor iiilxfd. rii'i'i U'iO ' ! options
" iil'ie. ' chuiiiK llrm on IlKht re
ceipts , &malt itooUsiiuil with wheat : April ,
4 VKUi' ) . cliMhiK 63 ' ,01 M iy.41IJI' , closlntf
4S ! .fiimi , 4' ' > ( cloillif 4iUOl .IlllV. 41'iO
4il'e ' , closliu 4 , Aiuii3t , 45' * lbc , ck)3lng ,
O < T3--llccolpts , O.'aibii ! salos.nKl.ODObu of
futures and 12I.OJO bu. Hpot. Snot inurkot
itiumjCratid fairly uctlvi-j options firmer and
SudAit-Kaw , iiilut | and slo.idy ! refined ,
stonily and iiuleU , ,
MotiVfer.i ) 1'orolgn , ijulct ! Now Orleans ,
dull , llrm.
UK K Stonily. . . . ,
I'B i itoi.FUM Qttlct and steady uul ted closed
at Wo foi May.
Cono\ iFiOuStrons ! : yellow , M'Jc.
TAi.t.on-yulet ; ully tJ for pioktiRml 4 > c.
UOIIN Qiili-t. but llrm ! strained common
to xooil , il I (31.41. (
TUIIPKNTIM. Qulot nt 37i ! < aa714C.
iiiis-0iilctat : ll'ic.
or- n.
I'OUK faiotiily ixnd quiet ,
Tin MKATS j'nsyi middles , quiet.
hAiiD-rirmer and nctl\o ! we-tern utoiim
closed at Jil BS- sales , 250 tierces Option sales.
MO tierces , May. * l SliWi V. . olosliu at J < 1 37 bid ;
June , to , M , clmlns at T 137 ; July , M iiMJVwi.
lli'TYCli IJutct nnil weikori wcttoin dairy ,
Hl7c ; wjsleru creamery , MifXei P.lKln. Vic.
OIIUUMK Quiet and wiMh : ) * tklins. 314100
IMd IJION tjulct uul bte.idyj Amurlcan.
CoiVbtr-Qutot : lake , $ ll.7. > bid nnd $11.90
asked ,
I.KAii-Dull : domestic. $1 20OI.2 ? ' } .
TlN-hleady ! stt.ilts. $1U.63 bldi tU.95 | asked
St. l.oulK .tlnrkuts.
ST. Louis. Mo , April 8. Ki.oun In bettor
demand and hUlior : fiimlly. UOUitl.10 ! choice ,
( i.2ii.l.r ) > i fnncy , ? .t ( > .va..7a : extra fancy , SI.UJ D
4 II ! patents , $1.11 ® ! 4i
WIIK\T AdMincL'il slnrp at the opening ,
cabled 2c more fur May anil 1"40 for July ! do-
cllncd 1'iu ' fui .May. and on the bk Jump In
Chlc.iKoclinibuil up ! ' < - ' moro and clo o I .I'ic
uboxoyosteid.iy'h ! Nn 'Jcmh.Ss'iciMay.SSJic :
July , 7U's-"ic. ' closing at HJ'iic ; Aiuust , bOJi
( Ssl'nc. closliiK atSPuC.
t'oiis SpcculntlM ) w.isdull , but prlccsart-
vanecU with \vho it and near the close it was
l' co\er yesterday ; No 2 cash. U.I'Sc ; May ,
a.vje. closing at ibisc ! July. aoOWHSc , elosliu
atal'iSli54Cblil ( ( Half a million bushels of
corn Hero sold hero for export vl i thorhcr
and Now Orleans.
O vis Mioni ; at nn advance and traclm ?
ll\fly ; No 2 cash. UOo bid : May , ' "I'.OJ He.
closing .it .ll > 4cbld.
Ui i : No oilers.
llMttKVery quiet , onlr contract ( lo-
IU > rirmor for best sratlos ; timothy , ? 11 03
® ll.2.l ! pr ilrli' . * J 4)9 V\ \ .
Hn\N Illshcr und In better demand ; on
triicU , this side , at blfi.U' c.
l'fAsnr.n 1'irmei at'Jlc
I.KAD bteady at SIO.'Sj ; spoiler , anlot at
l in.
llUTTFit SiPiidv , but blow ; creamery , 20 ©
2 > 0 ! d.ilrv. 22TJ.MC. Hiarply IIUc.
Conv Mit , steady util.Si.
Wtiisuv btciidy atil 1J.
lUnnisn 'I'jiase.
Iito.s COTTON 1'ius Steady , but qulot ; SI.20
PIIOVISIONS Stronger , In "sympathy with the
iihauco In Chlc.ico and the = lnrp upw.ird
imncmcut In Kraln ,
POIIK Stnndaid muss Jobbing ; $3.70 for old
and ! 10.b."i for now.
IjAllli Pt line sloam , Jl . 'xlS" ! CO.
luv ) SALT Mb vrs Loose lots , shoulders ,
JI.Oi ; loius and ribs , $ .103 ; shorls , $ > .8J ; boxed
lots , I5o higher.
IIACON ito\ed shoulders. IWij lonss and
ribs , * a.ti(3ai.l : ( : : shorts , JO lOf&a.lO.
\MS-biiKTr cured , JJOOJslO 5J.
llECCins Plonr. 5,00) Ibs.j wheat , 11,000 bit. ;
coin , 47.UJO bu. ; oats , 57.UOJ bu. ; iyu , 2.1UO
bu. : bin ley. l.OOi hu ,
bmi'iiBX'ii riour. 0,0)0 ) Ibs. : wheat. 31.03)
bu. : com. .1.1,003 bu. : oats , 15,003 bu. ; rye , none ;
barley , 1'jOJ bu.
Onmhii I'roiluco .tlarlcct.
HIDES No 1 crcen salted hides. 4iiffll-Q ( :
No. 2 Rreon sailed hides , al4J ! e : No. 1 reeu
hides , 2.1 to 4U Ibs , aM u ; No. 2 crueu hides ,
21 to 41) Ibs . 24c ; No 1 veal calf , H lo 11 Ibs ,
be ; No. \eal c.ilf. ri to 13 11)- ) . . . 4c ; No 1 dry
Hint hides , 78c ; No. 2diy Hint hides. "MJbc :
No I Uiy s.ilieU hides : ! i'jc. ' Tallow , No. I ,
; lallow. No. 2. a'-ic ; grease , whlto Ae ! ;
Ric.ise , whttn ll. aiJ'SIPjc : grease , yellow , 3o :
Rre. isc. dark. 2'ic ' ; old butter , yfai'te ; bees
wax , prliiiu Hie ; rouli ; tullow. Hi5i-c.
I'ltiiiTs California It Ivors do oranges , f 1.73 ®
a DO ; Washington i.ols * 4 00 ® > 2r ; choice ap
pies. HOJ ; choke lemons. $1 Oi ; f.iu jv lemo n.
fl iVfc. ! r.J , ban mas , crated. ? . ' . < 0i..r > j ;
bnirlus , shipping Htoek , bushel IIOMH. J'J.l ;
striwbeirh's , 40oqt : I'lorldii tomatoes. $150 ©
7.UJ per uiato of U baskets .
VhfJiTUir.i I'.iiicy Sliiscallno sweet potn-
loos. * . D'il2 7.1 ; seed nucot potaioc" , ifJ.UO ® . ' 23 j
California cabba o. 2'5o 'per 11) . In crates ;
hoinoKiown lettuce. 40u per do/- : onions , ' > 0c ( 7 >
H.IJO iiei bu ; Nebraska hand picked
beans , If 1 7.VB 1 81 : medium. $1.5001 GO , U.ill-
foinla coiery , $100 ; ( Jolorido and western
Nobr.isica potatoes , .toe ; natho potatoes , 20Q >
2.1o ; limn beans. 4o per Ib. : water cress ,
21-qt. cases , 12'il.lo ' DC mt. : hpln.ich , W.OJ per
bbl. ; .Spanish onions , } l..riJ per crate : radishes ,
40c : rutabagas , } l.73 { lorbblo. ; now turnips , SOo
per ilo/ .
IGOS : market lie ,
Pour.Tiir ( loon ihesscd chlcUcns. lCllc ;
sprint ; chlekutiK , $1.003 , ui.
UUTTBH lloatcountiy roll , l < a.2)c ; , fair 11 ®
Kans.m City SIurKnta.
ICA.S8AS L'tTV , Mo. . April 8. WlIKAT llHSl-
ness was \ery lluht nnd prices lire ular.
t-a'cs on busts of Mississippi rl\ur ; No. 2 hard ,
K-4e ; No. 2 i oil , nominal at gue
UOIIN Was In demand nnd strong ; No. * J
mixed , : uiQi4 ; > 4o : whllo , : ini4 < a./ije. }
OAIStro \ury dull : No. 2 mixed , nominal
at2dc ; No. 2 whllo , 2lc. )
IlVB-Mradyi No. 2. 7l572c. !
l'l.\x HKiii-bbc on the basis of pure.
\N-llh-hor ; sacked , C-'c ,
HAV .Steady : unchmxcd ; timothy , J IOO
i:0 : ; fancy prairie , JJM ; good lo choice , J.l.uu
IIUTTKit Qtoady ; 2Co.
KSH Klrm ; lie.
1'i.oun Dctillnliic : high patent. $1.40 ; patent ,
SJ.21) ) : choice , f I.N ) ; XXX. SI.OOJJI.70.
HKCBiiTbboul \ , UuUO bu , ; corn , Q.OHbti , ;
oats , none ,
SiiirMi'.vrs Wheat , 10,00) bu , ; corn , 11,000
bu. ; oats , none ,
MluncnpoIU Market ,
MiNNiiAvotiis. Minn , , April R. WIIKAT
Advanced 4c from last nlvht's rloso today.
The nponliu wns Ihu most excited of the year.
Hull IIOVVH was Hroiu- | and the innrkHt blurted
out on asilff advance , opouliu lu over last
nUht. Mny ojienod ut 'hlie , grndually WLiit
up to 8P c. when It broke , thu crowd being
urolty well filled up. Cash wus very acttvo ,
No 1 not thorn balling nt S.'o , a bU ad
vance. Uliiso ; No. 1 imrlliorii. April , file ; May ,
78Ue : July. Klu on track ; No. 1 hard. 8 > c ; No. l
norihom , bJiic ; No. 2 northern , 7bU81u.
Liveitpoor , April B. WIIBAT Staady , do-
iniiiid ImprDvlnc , holders olTer iniidorately ;
red western , 7H 4Wd > ti7s per cental. Itccelpls
of whatt for the pa t three day , 7dOJO centuis.
luoludlii HO.OOO Amorlcun.
( 'OHN Steady , domaiid fair ; receipts. 45,10 }
lUcu.v LotiK oloar. 45ibs. , : ' 3-id ( per cwt.
OilLUSE UliItu and coloicd. Ma nor out.
1IKUI1'lrni at3s ; hlndquurlers , 5d { bleached
poitUor , i7 15s , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Oolitic Miulcot ,
Nmv Yonn. April 8 , Options oponaJ barely
.l ; uy. ; u.'iiit. HIM : h-op-
touiuer'll \IM \ ; December , fauotUlo.
uumluali No. 7 , tUC7 Oll.75.
t'liicliiiuitl Mnrkuti.
CINCINNATI , O. , Apill 8. WIIKAT lllzhor ;
No , V ! red. WSJc ,
COIIN Hcarce and hlgiier ; No. 2 mixed , 43c.
OArh bletidy ; No. 2 mixed , 31 Me.
l.nnilou IteefMitrkct. .
Loxpos ; , April H. AMBIIICAN itLritinrn on
HM r riiroijuartorn. 1 lOdj lilnd quarlers , 2s
per M Ibs , by Iho carcasi.
lliiMinu StiKur Murkct ,
HAVANA , April B.-SugnrU quiet , S.OOO bazs
contrlfueal txi toOOr ileurees- polarization , were
per quintal.
Cut ton .MarkL't ,
Nor OHLKAN8 , La , April -Market was
flrui ; uilduilu. . 00-lCoj low lulddllus , S 15-Uc ;
coed nrrtltmry , R 7-ICc. Not receipts. 4,273
bilcst pro" , 4,6.11 bales ; nxports to flrcnl
Iltltnln , in : bnlest to Princo. 7 7 bales ; to the
continent , 4m > 7 bnles : t'oixt. IG.V ) bnlo ; sales ,
4.10) biles ; stock ( corrected ) iW.llt.1 bales.
\Vcoklynotrccelpts , 24.2n : biles ) cross 27.I.H
bales : exports to ( llrltaln , l .Sflil bales !
to franco. I.I.2CU bnlcsi to the continent , 10,21.1
bales ! , 11.447 : s lies. 24,2 ( .
NKIV VOIIK , April H Cotton futures closed
Toli'ilo ( Iriilii 'Markcl.
Tot.rno , O. , April 8. WIIKAT UlRhcr ; No.
2. cash , tile.
Con.N-9tc.-idv ! No 2 , cash. 40'ic. '
OATs-fctc.ulyi cmli , > i'c.
Now York iirliiiui : ; < ! yuotntlonn ,
NEW YOIIK , Airll 8. [ Spoclnl Toloaram to
TllR ItnB 1 Kxchaiuo was quoted ni follows :
ChlriKo. IJ discount ! Huston , 17o to 2Jc dls-
count ; bt Louis , par.
Now Vork Dry ( leeds Market.
Nnw YoitK , April S-Tlio inarkot ror dry
qoods was dull and prices were unchanged ,
Trillin < 'tiilk.
Nrw YoitK. April 7 Counsclmtin ft Day to
Cockrcll tiroshcnt opened nearly la
higher an the bullish UIilo crop , hotter cable * ,
cold wuathur lu iho sprliu wheit regions and
\cryllKhtrccolptsntliiltliil points , The nt-
lonipls to (111 ( buying orders pushed prices up
la further during the iluy and In the face ot
the determine l opposition of the local boars
who hrvo undoubtedly sold moro than they
bought todny. The market closed within Uu
of the high point Corn wns stroni :
on l'ino buying of May nnd July
futures for eastern account. Local shippers
si'cm to bo over-sold on May und tr.oil lo slop
the lulvniu'o as did also a lurito speculator
who Is lie-i\lly hhort on July contracts II\-
port N deemed sjnoil. bu Louis reports.100.UOJ
bushels maikml for export. Data mlvMnucd
almost rqtrilly with coin on light receipts
and shorts covering the cash demand h'ltdlv
keeps pace with futures. PtoMslons contin
ued dull until near thu close , nnd llnilly ral
lied slupslshly on shorts covering. Pork was
lu sympathy with the slrciiKlh In trrnln mar
kets. Packers expect n morn liberal run of
liu s for u whllo and are Inclined to sell July
pin u on h ird spots
CHICAGO. III. . April S.--I' . O. Logan & Co.
to liuncan llollliiRL'r,1 < 3o. : Ilrthe pit
today It Ins been a regular Waterloo for thu
tired-out beats. May opoiiod atMUc , sold n
hldi as KISc nnd closed ntsi | c. Ite.ictions
nftcrsiich nn advance Runorilly follow and
liny do so on this occasion , hut with all thu
available visibly supply of wheat hold In Chicago
cage , .MIiiniMipolU and luliitli , and sl\ months
togolcfotu any new who it can bo had at
those points , should bo iirKUtni'iit enough fet
still higher prices , The govrrniuont icpnrt
due tomorrow should show somulmpioxemcnt
OUT the December renort , but that holoncs to
prophecy , OutsldoofMr Dodge at Washing
ton , nccordlng lo thu highest uxpurt authority ,
the late sown winter plant has intidu Hit In pro4-
tcss , the catly SO\MI looking well , although
not cijiiat to a year ago. The spring sowing Is
still delayed by unfiiNorablo weather and thu
eas'i demand hero keeps up. Corn was de
cidedly sliouger , pirtly lu sympathy with
wheat May opened at 40\iC und closed at
4U c. Hecelpts l < eop lluht with no Immediate
ptospect of Increase. The t ilk of manipula
tion lu May Increases. Wo see no direct evi
dence of It. but it ni iy exist unknown to us.
July Is ubout'Jo under May. It appears good
judgment to cover May shorts. Tuu mar
ket 11 q'llet and prices nominal. Hoc products
are Him at the advance over vcstordny.
Packets aiu ready sellers and meet all thu
demands freely on any advanco.
CIHCMIO. Ill , April tl ICminett , Hopkins &
Co. to b. A. MoWhortor : The bear panic In
who it has resulted In a very strong inarkot ,
whli'h closes near the top. Outs'do ' markets
hn > o moio generally lospondcd today to our
advances than Ihoy did yesterday , but for
eign advices lack snap anil lollcct but
sllchtly Ihu strength of Amurlcan markets.
It Is probable that the forthcoming coiern-
ment report has boon one of the Inducements
for short covering. It is a wild murknton
which no one's Imminent Is worth anything.
Corn and o its have advanced in sympathy
with wheat and closed strong. Provisions
c'o-oi ] at the best prices of the day , a moder
ate advance over yosteruay , but show llttlo
T.atc Activity of the Lenders Fluctuated
Down materially.
Nl.w YOIIK. Aprils. The stock market to
day fluctuated down materially from Its I.ilo
activity and whllo liquidation far both sides
of the account wcro still continue ; ! it was but
the final settling up aiU buslnuis at the ex
change was visibly affected by this state of
affairs The movements In prices gave evi
dence that oper.iton are again , i'or the tlma
being at , avmltliu developments. Uail-
road stocks today were moved within narrow
limits , oven the most prominent , the only ma
terial changes In quotations belli ; In the In-
auslrl.ils. from which the roH of the list
some time ago shQ3k itsalf loose. The
remnints of the demand of the shorts was
Mifllclcnt this morning to advance prices
fractionally , but realizations later
1/od these gains and. after a return to the
level of the opening II in re , dullness and st i-
n.illon marked the do.illn a during most of
the day. The coilers > tlll occupied the most
liiiportint poiltlon In the market , but their
animation vvas largely reduce 1 from of
the largo part of the week , nnd except force 1
reliction In Dolawiiro & Hudson , which was
natural In view of Its late sharp advance , their
movements weiu hardly of any Importance ,
btPaul. . Nortliorn P.iciflu preferred and Now
LiiL'land showed most effects of the catering
of the shorts , whllo liquidation of long ac
counts were conspicuous In the cualois. whllo
thcio vsas u nmrked Improvement In their
The onlv movement of Import-nice after the
first hour wns thu sliup advance In Mnnhat-
IHII , which showed a gain of a per cent at Its
highest point , but as the general list rose iho
Industrials wo'ikeuo.l and a 1 piopoitlon
of the r advances was lost. Thcro were again
free ii.\ill/ Ions In the last hour , but while
Now l nglund was LsDoclally picssod for silo
null declined I per cent , the others scored only
small fractional chiugcs , mid thu mirket
( In'illy closed iiilot | and firm , with most of the
list at small ndvancos over lust
night's figutcs. The dcolluo in Delaware & .
Iliiilson was thu only loss of Importance , and
it amounted to 2 per rent at the close , whllo
Manhattan was up 2U per cent. Cordage ! > ,
pel cent and Cotton Oil 1 per cent. Among
thu spuulillles Hiilllmoio A. Ohio was specially
actlvo and strong but only : i small Improve
tiovornmcut and state bonds have been dull
and steady.
The following are the closing quotations for
thu lu.ullng slocks on Ihe Now Voile block exchange -
change today :
actions on the ifllock cxehnnjro today hns
largely consisted-nf ; refill i tlnn In view of the
settlement which\-onimenivs \ on Monday nn 1
the nppronchlng Easter holldiys. so that the
lo.idlng nrirkcu bu\o presented a moro or
less dull apDcar.uico. Consuls are l-lo Dor
cnnt o.islor for the account. Indian rupco
paper ad vancod } A net cent. Homo railways
closed weak , though thnro his been no pros-
snro of s-ilos , still buyers hiiro boon few and
fur between. In a majority of cases a dccllnn of
from 'i to ' , percent Is established , llrlghlon
dcfcrtcd , however , recovered thu early
decline. American rallwiiys closed flat under
u steady stream iff ro.illr itlons. operators
evidently being tilfeslro is of securing profits
before the settlement , thus n altt playing Into
the hands of the bear party , Canadian lines
have followed suit In sympithv , Although
lilt lo dealt In , ( . ' inntli.m Pacific has given way
'i per cunt anil lii.ind Trunk Issues from ' lo
, per cent , Money has boon qullo a drug to
day , short lonm h i\o been obta tied at ! } per
cent. The discount market hn also bctn
xeryqnlot Two and three-months bill are
quoted at I per rent. . . . .
LONDON , April s. The following were the
London stock quotations closing nt4 p m :
Connols , moni'jvu.tlG Illinois Con IUJ. ,
tin , ntcnunt . W ( < Mexican orillnnrr . 2SH
N. V. , PA.O . . n\l ItcnillniS <
Krlo 3jj | Mcx. Cent , now to. . . 721 *
do2ml * , , IIMUI .
r ' 5il nor cent.
Amount of bullion withdrawn from the
Hunk of Kngland on balance. J UUOO.
New York Slom-.V MnrUot.
Nr.w YoitK , April 8. MO.NKV ov CAM.
Tiisy at 155W ! per cent ; last Io.iti2 per cent ;
closed offered at 2 per cent.
PlttMKMmttMNTII , ! ! PU'KH V.iQS'S DOT COnt.
bTfitMNO i\fiiANiiu-Qulet : nut sto uly ut
JI.BO for sixty day bills unJ $1.87 for du-
Thu closing quotations on bonds :
s isrec. I ll , 'f , Vlutuut Union in. .
y 4s coup 1 1(1 ( N .1. f Inl < 'ert I
P 103 North Paeltlp lets . I
Pnolllclis of 111 101 ! ( North Pm.lllc2nil9. I
LoulMnnn Ktp'it 4 . WW Nurtlmi'Mprn run I
'lenn ncwsrUn . , 101 '
11 can now net 61 . tul'i ht li. , V I M < > vn r.i.
Tonn new pul Is . . st I , & K Cun M 1
Cannitu So nilH , IOJ ) t Pnul CoiiMils. . . 1
Ccnlrnl I'ni.lllc IsU 100 i > t P.O. A. 1'nc. lilt * .
1) ) , V II C 1 ts . . . . Tox. P I. C ! 'lr. lids
I ) \ It C 4s tli-x P. It ( ! Tr. It. .
Union PncltlclBtB. :
' ' '
si. ic.XT'iSi'ii i'i fl'J Wcslblieru .
M , , 1C .V T Cen 6s. . M'i '
t > lil tuskcil
riimnclal Xotrx.
New YOIIK. April R-OloiirlfiRS , J153S331TO7 ;
balances , J30r > , U'l7.
llosTON , Mnss. , Apt II 8. Clearings. JIO.oos-
! I41 ; balances , S.Vl,117 : money. 2 | ) cr cent , ux-
chingo on Now i'ork , I'ii''Oc dl couril.
PlllliAiiKt.tMllA. Pa. . April 8 Clearings ,
ilO.SlKJ.OIfl ; balances , Jl.nn.lSO ; nionoy. a per
II UiTtMOitr , Md. . April S. Clo irlngs.
$ -,177,7i,0 ; balances , jJOS.dlu : rato.flpei cent ,
ClUCAcio. 111. , April a Money In llaht do-
inatid at 4 ® ' ! per cent , clo.irlngr , Jl ij7noO ) :
Now Yoik exclianvo , lOo discount to par ; stci-
Ilng oxchunzo quiet at fl 8.1i ! for sixty-day
bills and $1 873 for demand.
HAVANA , April 8.-Hpanlsh go d 5J.I3 > i ; ex
change. firm.
KANSAS CITY , JIo , April 8. Clearings ,
HT. Lout" , Mn. April 8 Clearings. (3.070-
010 ; balances ? 142.ldl : money , 5G pur cent ;
Kxchaugc on New York , par ,
NMV OitLKANs. ia. April 8. Clearings ,
$1,3.11.201 : Now York exchange , commoiclal
COcper JI.OOO.
MEMPHIS. Tenn. . April 8. Now York ex
change , par ; clearings , JJI5bll ; balances , (113-
CINCINNATI , O. , April 8. Monoy. 4'11C { po.-
ci'nt ; New York exchange , 5)c discount ; olcnr-
inL's , U42S.100.
WASHI.NOTOV , 1) . C. , April 8. The treasury
todav bought 2-1,000 ounces of silver at S.hU43
ao.S030. _
Host on Mnck Market.
BOSTON. Mass. April 8 , The following
were the clojlni ; tt Ices on stocks on the Bos
ton stock m.ukct today :
Alehlaon A. lopukn. ST'u Ciilumct.V Hccla. . . 270
Huston iV Allmnj . . 20 ! Cntnlpa SO
lloitun A , Slntue . . . HiSX Prnnktln 15H
i' ii Ay IICIM KcarsarKO H
Mlchliiirif U It 07 Ofceola
Kllnt A. Pcre M , ' . . . . 't.msantn Ko Copper. . . .
1 lint A Pero.M pW K'-3 ' < Inmimiok
Ma s Central ID lAnnlslon I.anil Co. . 21
Mex Ctn com nn Dlcpo Land Co. li U
X Y. A N. Knithiml Vest hnil
X Y A N. Vnii 7 . . . Hell Telephone . . .
Osd A. I.nLu ( ' com. IT ! I.atiipon htoro S. . . .
llutlnml prcfurruil 1,7 Water Power
\Vls Ccn. com . . . IT rcntcnnlnl
Alloui.'z M. Co ( new ) 1 N E T &T
Allnnllc 13U H A. 11. " 1
lloeton A Montana. 4JV Tliornon If
San Francisco .Mining Quotations. ,
SAX r A > cisc' > . 'Ciil , April 8. 7 ho ollldal
closing qiiotallons for mining stocks today
\\cre as follows :
AltH 70 Pntogl 115
llulncr 40 yavnzo 1JU
II. A II 22J blcrrn Nevnila . . . . 125
lloillo Con 4J Union Cen 121
Cliollnr 130 Utah < J
Con. Cnl & Va . . . Jclloir Jacket 103
Crown Point Commonwealth . . . . 10
Coulil A Curry N.Q ( a
Kale & Norcross. . lllslo 15
Mexican uaao N. II 1 20
Ophlr ao Dulmonte 'i
Now York Mining Quotations.
NEW YOIIK. April 8. The following are the
cloaln ? mlulii ! ; stock quotiitlons :
H. \ H i'iu 175
C.ileiloula li II . . .ItU ) Ophlr 27U
Chollnr 100 1'lyinoiilli IM )
Conolnr 410 1'oiOMl 110
Dciidnood ' . ' 00 vntio 115
Lurcka Con VUJ fclerru Xe\aun . . . . I4' >
Ooulit.V Curry . . . . 115 Standard 1M
Hulo.t X Hi Union Con 140
HomcBtiiko 11.V ) \ellow Jacket 100
Horn silver MO
Cuttle Dull and IJiiclmiiKuil HOKS Strong
.Slu-op Nominally Steady.
OMAHA. April 8. Tlie receipts of entile for
the llvo days of this week have been B.'JlJ held ,
hogs 14,803 , and shrep 4,111 , us compnied vvltli
10.0.7 cattle. 10i8 : ; hogs and 2,41(1 ( sheep during
simo tlmo last week , a decrease In the re
ceipts of nil kinds. Tl oio was little llfo tu the
catllu inarkot on hoof steers , only u modcr.ito
number ollercd und noshlpplngdemand what
ever. Trading was exceedingly blow and
prices weak.
1 hu cow market was lUhtly supplied nnd ns
a icsult values were in EOIIIU eases u sh.ido
bolter and market on that claHS of cattle
A tialu of western feeders made up the
greater part of Ihu supply on that part of the
miirUct. Country buyers weio soaico and
tiadlug WIH conlliied larguly lo apoculatlvu
demand. Prices us a rule were vvnak and
trading slow. Itupresoiitutlvu sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2 hUl * .t CO IH > 11112 $ .1 4) 15 l.l.T. J.I6TI
1 . MO U 10 ID. 1101) ) : i 41 : tl 11U8 .11 ,
2 1201 a 21 20 1.MI : i M 4'J US' .170
12 1141 U 111) U II ) ' 'I 141.1 a 7-1
101.1177 21 11(11 ( II ( IJ MO l.07 !
: tl 1171 IS 1271 J liO JbJ
I02J -to 20..K'U ( U 03
'COW 8
.1020 1 M 1 1170 2 00 2 7S
ten : i. IUM 2 ; 275
74J 1 50 S3. HUl 2 41 r.u
11.13 1 0) OsO 2 M 'Ml 285
10M ) 1 10 1. 1210 20 ( I17J 283
.1010 S OJ 10. 014 1172 UOO
& . , CI2 2 00 2. 1010 2 73
210 1 00 o . : r.0 a 25 1. . 140 450
2 23 1. . U ) S 50
i no 2. . 118) 2U."i 1 .MOO 275
ll 1IIN ) 2 40 2 , lhll 2 tO
M 1J70 2 L5 1..HWJ UUO
10JO 2 23
4. 1753 3 03
for medium welcliiilioitsnf KOIIU quallly and
prices on such \ \ VTta little belter. Iho bull : nt
Iho ho sEolliiiKut.from il.u : to * I,4U , ngaliuit
trnm fl aj to L.tSyeslordiiy.
Trading was LirWIc and the pens uoro cleared
of all olfurlngti lotu before noon , pilcos uier-
a.'aliut I4UI11 yesterduy. Kepre-
IS . . . .191 3M 3 01 1 . . . , nM - 400
2 , , m 40 4 DO 4 . .SGS ! 4 II
SiiEt.r Thcro wns only a small bunch tf
nut \cs rorolved. The market was nominally
steady. Kalr to Rood nntlvcs , IIW ) to fvfio :
fair to good westerns. * i.0o to I.V75 ! cominnn
and stock sheep , li.V ) to JIOO ; coed toeholco
40tuUO-IU litmus , (1501010.5 ] , Itcprcscntatlvo
silos :
No. Av. 1'r.
1 tjuek mo Moo
12 natlvowethors . . . . . ui GOO
llrcrlpls nnil tlMpiisltlon uf Stuck ,
llccolpts at the Union Stojk yards Houtli
Omiilm , Neb , for the twenty-four hours end
ing at S o'clock p. m. , April 9 , 1S91
CittrAno. 111. . April R-lSpeclal Telosram to
Till ! 11KII.1 The ninuL'of iiuotiitlons for cat
tle IVIIH Iho a imo as for yostord.iy. There was
no moro In the trndo than In tlio prccodliu
two dnvs nor vvas the tone of the market less
wealt. Khlnplii ! ; steers wern salable lit from
$ .1.1.1 to $1 W for common t i choice and cxtr.i
iiuullllct weroiitioted at fiom } I.T.i to $ I'J > ,
though the lust n.imud llgnro has nut been
ronchod within the lust wculc. Cows anil
heifers sold anvwhero from JI.M to J.I50 ntid
bulls nt from tl.r-0 to ? l.5. Hut whllo pr.ces
\voiu thus strung out the bulk of block was
wclKhed nt from f..Ul ) to $ .1,00 fur cows and
bulls und at from ficxi to jr-V > for btccis.
There continued u fair demand for Miockers
and feeders at from $ ? . . ' " > to SI.7.V
The box market a\eraeed f > o hlKhor tlmn for
Thursitav but It was not at any tlmo too
Hlronit at thu advance whllo the elosu wus
positively wc.ik. Although the flesh and
R | ale receipts combined did not ro ich WOJ
head the wants of Dujcrs wcro fully mot , In
fact BOIIIU lions \vuru carried over. As hl.h as
Jl ? i was p-ild null there wcro a number of
transactions at SI , TO. Most of the stutr ,
howovur , changed lunds at from $4 .V ) tel ' ! ' ) .
Culls sold at from W.OJ to tt W and some poor
lluht und mixed \vcto welched at fiom il ' . ' * > to
$1.40. There was no activity In the dcmann
and the sllxht strcnKtIicnInxof values must
bo attributed to t'.io smallnc'is ot recelpls ,
Llclit hogs closed ut from Jl.IW ! t 05 and heavy
and medium weights at from $ I.1T > to M TO.
There vvas noehaneu lodaylln Ihc general
fealiiresjof the shtep m.irliet. There veto
continued llsht S'lppllos ' and a clearance wns
easily made at former iiuotiillons. Pour to
o\lrn sheep were quoted at tfrom ? 4 50 loSflf'O
and Riles of lanibj were on a basis of from
* . > . ? . " > to JT.tiU. Hecclpts wurc : Cattle , g.OOO ;
hoes , 18,003 ; sheep , S ( .01.
OATTI.K Hecolpts 8.000 ; market unsettled ;
KooJ to fancy native steers , JKMSITI ; othcis ,
JJ MKai.-Ti : Toiitns , Mil ! stockors. t' .V)2-t a I.
lions Hccctpts. IB.liflQ ; market steady to a
sh.idu lilRhcr ; eummon , JLUO JI"i ; p.ickcrs
and nilicd. W.40MS.V ) : nrlmu heavv and
butchors' wolK'its , * I.AJS4.70 ( ; light , $ I.40I. J.
SlltKi1 Kecelpts. O.OOJ ; market steady : na-
tl\o owes , 4 SOU.-1'J.'i : mUod. ? 3 40S0.10 ; wuthera
and yearlings , J10030.85 ; westerns , Jo. 70@0.3j.
New York I.lvo Stock .ll.irkct.
NEW YOIIK. April 8. HES.VKS Kecolnts.
I.T > ! 1 head. Including ' - > cars for sale ; mai kot
dull mid lower ; iritlvo steers , M.bViJl 70 ! bulls
nml cous. J..OOiiJ.'i ; ilii'3)ul ( beef slow at Sc
per lu. : shipments to lay , 171 beeves ; tomor
row. l,47l ) beuv 1.3 , lj ) sheep anu 315 arters of
I.VES Hecelpts. 07J hoitl ; market 'Jc per
Ib hUhcr : vea's. ' { . " > Uji7. < . < ) u pnr 100 Ibs
hliPKP ICccolpts , OU ; llrm ; Iambi , 'Jo
per Ib. hl her ; sheep. } . " > 103 JIM , lambs. J7.0J ®
T.75 ; dressed muttons lv3IIc pel Ib. ; dressed
lamb's , llrm it loa'.tlc per Ib.
lions Kocolpts. l,7'l ' > hoid. including 2 cars
for sale ; maikctdull at $ J.JJ3.IO.
Kans-iH City Live stock Market.
IvANbAS ClTV , .Mo. April S. CATTt.E Tte-
celpis , 4.400 ; shipments , l.IOJ ; steers wcio
dull ut8lr © 4.15 ; cows , steady sit lt)5S.iaj ;
feeders , ste.idj .it $ - ' . .DJ3yi
lions Kocolpls f.OOO : Mhlpmonts , 2,700tho
market was active. openliiK strong and clos
ing Gte.idv ; all iiradcs , f-JUJ il 4. i ; bulk , JI.'Jj
( ai.Ilj.
hiivhi' Receipts. 810 ; shipments , COO ; Iho
market wasqulot and unchanged.
"Late to bed and oaily lo rlso.vlll shorten
the road to your bomo in the skies. " But
early to bed and n "Littlo Early Kiser , " the
pill that makes lifo longer aud better and
Refused ; On Account of His Shape ,
Fat is Inmli'n.soine ; too little is danger
ous. Health roquiiea enough for daily
use ami a little inoi o for reserve and com-
foil. If you havotoo little use Juliana
HefTs Malt Extinct. It aiils digestion ,
fat. Prof. Colemaii bays of it : "I Uieil
thoeffectof Hoff'a Malt Extract. Its iiso
was followed by marked effects : (1. ( )
Food which had hithei to been found to
jiass the alimentary canal unchanged ,
digested propeily. (2. ( ) Tlicro npppaied
HU inct eased power of ovolviug animal
heat and storing up fat. "
Beware of Milwtitutes. The genuine
has the signattiroof " Johann Iloff'oii
the neck of every bottle. Eisner & 3Ie.ii-
delson Co , Solo Agents and Iinpoiteia of
Mineral " \Vateis , 0 Barclay etieet , Now
Union Stock Yards Company
Ilest cattle , ho and thccp m.irUot In the west
Write to this lioubo for correct -
rect Market Reports. . j
Wood Brothers ,
South Omaha Chicago , - Telephone 11V7 ,
Market toports by mall and wire cheerfully
furnlKhi'il upon application ,
James II. Campbell Company ,
Chlcacn , KnslKt , Louis , ICalisas C'lty , South
Umahu , sloiix City , 1'ou Worth ,
A. frillV I' Ounnjr , II I' TiillmncUu ,
Hoj tMiliiiiinn. Cnt
Crill , Denny & Company ,
I.lvc block CommUMon Itoom 'fl Kxclmnfu IIM'K ,
buutli Oiualui
A. D. Boyer & Company ,
'kS and Wl i\oliansu : ltulldlngBoulh Oninha.
Corroponilcn folkltorl unil uronnHly niiaworoit.
hpcclal iiUoulluritoordcrb fomtuiltefii J > fceiler *
, 1SS1 . . . iDcnrporaloil , lbJ2
Cnpltnlfilllx jmld , tJOOOJ
Waggoner Birney Company ,
\Vrlto or wliu ua fur prompt uod reliable uiarkot
Perry Brothers & Company ,
I.lvu .Stock CommUblon.
Itoom 01 KxchniiKO Ilulldlnu' . youth Omaha ,
'lolcphonu 17U7.
Qas3inan& Dudley , M , H. Hegarty&Oo , ,
Kooms uo iimini , i\ : Koom at 1:10.11130 :
uhangollulldliK. llulldlnt' .
Bouth Omaha , - Nu South Omtihu , - NeU
Miller Brothers ,
Itoom r.5. Kxclninno llullillnit - - Houlh Oinalm
Union Stock "Yard National
The onlr bank at tlm yurdi Ciipltal and ur-
iiu | , liw.uuo Ooll aloD iiro liiK uul of iho ll o
ilutk UUklncM Uould bu unt illicit lu lull bank
Hhlppert ma ilopoiltfor credit u ( Ibulr huoi bank
taiifactora's' ' ' r1
, Irnld nnnln tnrt'i"
KI B , hnmmockii nllnml lln , coTpri" i > f oil klHils ,
rutibnr . , , , , ,
' " clolhlnv r > rim nnDfi Dniinorf . itr 'nll
lurcat RIIO 1111 Knninin | forcatnluguo TIM tf Hill
I -l nl. innnllli , cotton
mpnrter ninl mrfx , flour
rope , lipnip , Jiilp cotton
lack * , burlapi , tnlnc
ton inlno tnrri'il runt
aitp , i-ic 1US IZtlt t
M.O.DAXON Pnccc nr to 1 JVtlk -
, cn on M f it clunr , in | > er
" ( ilil nn montlilr c * . All novel
l.ON. litU tt n Imx llnu
1110 DoiiKlns ft.
1101 IIowiM Stroll
I'notory corner llth nml Do ulT
\Vp nroniftklnu clo o pMcoi tuonn b ijori. ml
o clisi of Knot i which II vorr > ila-
nDlonU'i rucrclnnti.
\\tiolonnln Mfrx Apcntt lloot sliocj. rubbers
llo'ton HnIiluT fclioel'o , felt Kuuds. 1 II bllur
HIT. ' , I1UI llOJllnrni.j ti no ) l
OITlop , , 'till nnil Leaven-
worth St , Oniahi
John Miirbuvur. Aui.
Mfrg tomfoctloncM nnil
Jonbersof foreign nml
iloiiii)3tlc fruits , 1110
lluwnnl l
Carriage bnllilcr * IIoso
anil patrol wagons a Omaha's InrcOUnrloty
( Ptclall ) . wagons unit mrrlnKos
18th , oi > | i Court House
CO. ) Mrfs biiirgr lobacks' \ ,
A T nnrby , XtRr Tops , i.tililoii . UiI'liil tor
cushions , backs , etc catnloif J1J B Ulh t.
211 North IMIi st
LI5U CO. , Mfr unlvnidfC'il Iron
cornlnwlmlow cnt > ,
Hnnl nml soft
nictullc rkjUtlitK , Lie
octl Douglas
rir 1110. IM
Clotblnir notion furnish Slnmifr nml wliolcn ilo
lnj(9 ( live us n trlnl clothiers 11011 llnrnc )
aniplt't prcpalil tij ex ttrcct
l.rus . * 11U llarney.
Illintrnted citalos free
1014 Capitol u\c
Miniifacturcrs of Up- NITURE CO. ,
hoUtvrcd furnlturo
Grace uud Tblrtcenth
Wholcsa'o ' only. btrects.
UU.-IJtO Mohol is Pt
1201-1105 jonca etreet , lOlhnml Harnc ) directs ,
2151lil of Trade llroker
In urn n eic I'rlvntu
wiroto N \ ,
i.nil M 1.mils.
IInt , caps , trnw cooili ,
lints , ftran K
. inlttin onnori
lovi'f , inlltins
lelebrnted Unto illy
liut. llth mid Ilunioy mid llarney
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Ill South llth Street ,
Next to I'oslolllcu , Oin.iho. .
Practical Opticians
( aitud to the face
Eyea Teatod Proo of
Prices Low for First -class Goods.
for I'ubllu Mbrnry Ilullill ntllnniU
frualcd lndi niarWea iirourHils fur pubilo
library buildliu bondt will bo recnlvod at the
ollleo of thoclty iromurer. Oinulin. .Noli. up to
12o'clock noon of the S.1th diiy of April , Hi- .
for thu imiclmso of } | Ot.XllO ( ) iiuhllo IU'riry
bulldlns bonds of the city of Oiniih i. ftuli. .
dated May 1st , IhO. ' . and p-iynblo yoiiit lifter
( lulu. Inleitstat thuiatoon per i-tnt per nn-
. Pilnidpul and
num. puyablc hoiiil-iiunuiilly.
i lerest piiyiiblo ut Kounuo Hroi. Now Voik
niich Uld iinmt utiitu prleo mid iiinoiint
BOiiirht for nncl Inoliidn aecniud Intciost to
diituof delh ry at Omaha. Neb . , , ,
and nil
ThfirlKhtU reserved to reject liny
' ' '
'islued under charier potter of cltln"f Ilin
iiiitiiipolltun wins ? , uud oidlnansio. . Jm.
approved Murch llt.jj.Ktt. . .
tlftnlwnoil lumbar , wool
cntjiut * nn t inrguot tmportol Amcrloin Port-
Unit cement , vtilwnnlaj
hydraulic comcnt unil
rtli nnit I ( Julncf nlilto II iiti.
I.lmior niorctmnU. IIU
llnrno ) . t MfM Una-
m-ilr R Kut In lit mi \Vlio1cni\lo liquor tlcnlori
tori. IIKII Knrnini st.
ImportnM niul Jobber of
Mllllnrrr. notion * clinks nilllltn'rjnoiloiH Mntl
etc Ilo IIS S ICllnu
onH-rs | iroiiiit
lllh st
No bait odor , no saioko
rlilimip ) . , no chnrrliu
of nlck , ABkour ro-
Packers of or lor llsh Oystorj , Ilih nlu | calory.
ntnl celorj WdLunven II i S lutli HI Davia
worth st. Cole , lima iujr.
Mfrs of " 1C \ S" pants , Stfn celebriitoil "llnok-
" ' nmlo\ornllslclc. nklii" ovornll iiunts ,
HI I8S. llthst , phlrlx , coats , etc haul
K5tabll licd , 1S73. BRANCH
& CO , ,
. I'roiluco
, frnlis nf all
Huttcr , opus nud poultry klmls , oj-aturs. J17 ,
JlVh ISthat. iJtliat. linr < onnl cuttlo
43JS llth bt eplui ) . Hli ti lltli at.
lliitlcr , ct'st , poultry , Our 'pacliltlai : Mittor.
Kimio hlilci nnrt fruit , O.-KJ nut p-iultry , 1D1J
1U)7 ) lIOMrnnl ijtrcoc. IIonraMBtrcat
RIDDZLli , CO. ,
Wliolinlo butter & c Butter , clic3. . ,
HUT& nnil iolls for vcvctnbk'ij fruitspout *
try nmlamu (
ctish lllh llth at.
Carry n full stock of Wrapping paper allklndt
prlutlnir , nr | i | > li > K anil of twlnui etc U'U '
vtrltlnit p.ii'or ' , card pi- llonurd Htreut. Tclo-
pur L'tJ phone , 171 J.
Movon-pilr" and nntnr . -
nttichmiMiti for any -
Kla I of store madw-
IJ'Ji ' I In lu I ui < /
1o > i ! , ilollH nlbunn ,
Mnnufnctiircri of fnsli fnncy Koodi lioiuofur
it o o r t 1) 11 n d B and n'slilnu cooilt rlill-
ntoulitttiKS. llmncli of ilron't < irrlaKOJ. Ull
lice , 12tli unil Itnrd bis raninm Direct.
NBW VOUK , lVl7l7lSV nl , NAI'tES ,
ONIWOTHUIU. milcuK . "t.
31 PiUlfe ,
itromiijo o (
71""Globe IJld'M "Boston.
Tour of 60 diiys. 8V)0 ) ; Tour of 63 dtiya ,
4100 , Tour of 00 atiys. S37o ; Tour of 45
tlnyu , WOO.
All I raveling , hotel nnd ilulit iceln ri | > oiio ) In-
° U'uil'lot toiiall nllli Mr * . 1-raznr , Juljutram -
nlilpbi JTIIU.I unard l.liiu llukl > n I
NOHTII tPIJ PAItH luniill Iniiois l > y iiearn-
lilp PA OMI from llo tun 7idnr * ) J
ApplluiUiiin muil LeiuuJjut oujj f jr llni tour
mill tor tlrciiliirniiil ruforuncii
* TrT"fi/ff" Murpnliip llnlill
_ „ . BJ JxAK.cur > 4iillilostU < ! > ; i
wnp riiilc i j
e * ft
5ca "i tuiuM.h.miriuiu VWV/.K l > ur/'l /
* " "
fy tliu lilo.vj.urmnr * uul lift ; luiilit
Itlio bcbt im-dicli r knovi u fur M.lout-
utr. lonelliuilli'iii ilycinp U. fonl (
-s luvalli , Lioilaclii .liraitliur'iluwici
* M > tlllo , liHuWlutpnwlon , | almul *
lllUlfUlMI , | > lni ) > lCH , IKlllllW tlillll'lcl
Ionanil ui in < ! l &Hrtt < ultl > ] , { ircm
,6r n failure Uy Ilio rtonim li , HTI t cr lu