Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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    HE OMAHA DAILY lOTti : FRIDAY. APRIL 8 , 1802.
Wheat Continued to Have n Bullish Ap-
pcaranco Yesterday ,
I'nnlrlilK'1' ' ' HmirU tiiSlilB the MnrUct llnil
I.lttlo Illicit Although Out * Ktilril
I'lriii Tlii-rn UITII low Triiiinc-
tlong Stuck * mill liuiuU.
CutcAno , 111. , April 7.-Tho wheat market
incmod to vvc.itivviy toJnyt bullish was Hi
Hiponnince. Tonight Iho May prlco Is up lj.o
compared with ycslcrday's close. Corn , oal' ,
pork and lard nil showed seine Improvement
I'rom the outset wheat showed decided
strength , nnd rather nervous and liav -
In ? frctiicnt | minor reactions , hold the nd
vance very nlubboitily oven In the face ( if a
icsolulo flrfhl made by 1'ardrldgo. Ilo h sup
posed to have sold a bU line under Rio , and
liu attempted to slug the market and keep It
down. Hut his tactics had lllllo Influence on
tbo nrirkol. It slirlt-d bullish and held to Its
IHist with much totiaclly. The public cvblcs
Klvo a sit oilier lone to Liverpool and
quoted an advance of < iThcro \ were also
liidlcallons ot a cold wave , which It was
feared might provo Injurious to the winter
win at Plspatchcs from Minneapolis s ild 111 it
tbo I ito storms had ilcstioyed Iho lust helm
if who it In tin1 shock and In the slick In Iho
nnilliwcsi , lhat a lattspiliu nceinoil certain
nnd that Into towing was nlwajs regarded as
unfavorable for tbo oiltcomiof the ciop
May opi-neil V higher at TllV- The active
ilcmnnd for cimh wheat , the lower freights
mill the lirgo short Intercsls , to'ethor with
the situation lu the iiorlhweNt , btirted Ihu
iiiarkels up and shorts mntlu a ilnsh to cover ,
lORtiltlng lu mi ad vance of 1'nC from t ho starl
ing po ut , but went oir seine on realls'liij ami
the liberal olTorlnirs , New Yoik ill 1 not buy
n bushel of wheat yestoidny , but Itvvnidls-
roiintcil by the toport that Iniifo purchases
had been main- today for export.
May bceamo excited .inil sold lo KI'oC ,
oil toMi'io. baiU to sic , down to Hl'ic ' , null : it ,
1'Jo'cloiU was at bO'tc. I'ho fi.ttiitn of Iho
late tradlnir In wheat was the huvliuofMay
nnd soiling of July , causing thu July to close
nl n discount of in-irly 'ic. ' Durliu the last
liour May sold toSJ'iC. ' and closed al fioin
M'4c lo hu'.c , rr IV over last night , whllo the
market acted as if It was uno.isj Shorts are
\crvwoakon both InKo anil tall II Is re-
iioilid thai contracls have been m idu In New
Yoik ut'Jlc per 103 bu for wheat from Chicago
to Liverpool. I'ardiidgo sold heavily He
was not among the scared shorts llo did not
-ven InKo ihn preeuitlon of selling slowly ,
but poured M ij' as before , to Iho oxtcnlof
L7.WK ) Uil. . 'J lie recoIpU at Minneapolis and
Duliilli were only 4IS cirs It is said that
Murray of Iho t'lnclnn-ill Prlco Current does
not expect the forthcoming government rc-
jiort lo show Iho condition of wheat lo huH ! )
per cent of a full average
' 1 ho opoiilii4 In corn was lulluonccd by Iho
bullishness of tlio wheat crowd , and II was
wanted at ' c advance over yesterday's clos
ing , May hold sparingly at 4J'ic and moro gon-
cntllr lit 411'ii1. It then advance. ! to J0' u. rulil
HIT airaln to 4 'sc , nnd durlnc the remnlndcrof
the session It Undiluted between anil V' ,
closing at fioin 4fl'/ie ' to 40'o solleis Ca hcoru
wnb exchanged oven for.May for several round
lots In convenient elevators Tbo estimated
receipts for tomorrow were ninety-four cars
and attraclcd consider ililu atlcnllon oats ruled Him with wheat , Iho
iniirkotwas vciy dull.
In prov Islons there was an rntlro abscnco of
nutflldu hpcculallun and Iho local crowd
ni' ( med to have tired of trading amoiiir Ihem-
Kolvcs As a icsiilt , the opened al
about tlio closing prkos yesterday and
Plainly. The bulk of Iho trading has boon for
May dollvery , but Iho coutiacts for July are
beginning to lake , Iho Iciul. Later Ihu market
Avvul up a few icnls , hut 11 dropped hick to
Its formei point , closing stonily ami hl.-hur.
I'orK was upT'ieand ' lara 5c cutnpaiod with
The estimated receipts for tomorrow nro :
IVheat , 14 curs ; corn , US cars ; honr.s , I7,0jo
lie id
futures ranged as follows :
WllFAl J O "
April $ BOX
Way T9J1&TS 8IHi J-l - NJS
July bOH SI
CoilN Nu i
April . . . 40 40' {
Mny 4UH
June SS'lWJS 03
OATS o. 2
.Mny 2 Ji (
June 28H
lIlhH I'OlUi-
Mny 10 U- ! 10 22 10 10 to Km
July 1U 2i ID X > 10 JiH
Mil ) ( ISO fl SI U20 r 22V , .
July. . , , 07 U J5 b 27 U Ji
BlIOHl Hills
1ny 165 657H 6 67K
, July 570 S70
Cash qnot illons were as follows :
Ki oiiu blow and unchanged ,
WIIIIAT No a spring wheat , EO'jC ; No 3
prior , 74'4c : No "red. M > 'iu. '
Ooii.v 1 lim ; No. ' . ' , 4040jc ! ; No 3 iollow.
lS'4iWOe. (
OATS No. 2. SSVja'-'t o f. o. U ; No. 3 white ,
tbl4c ; No. 3 white , "be.
Hyi-No 2 , 73c.
11AIU.ENo. . ' . ' . RTiBGSo f o. b.j No. 'J ,
f.o. b. ; No. 4 , .T.ffj > | 'c.
1'I.AX bKFD-No. 1 , IC'Jc.
TIMOTIItLri > 1'rlme , ! 1.-01.2S.
1'OIIK JI0.07'-il0.10 ; liiKl.nor 103 Ibs. . JG22'J
OO.'J.'i ; short ribs , hides , ( loose ) , -Vii"ifi7'J : dry
salted KhouldciH. ( boxed ) . flMOAOO ; sliort.
clear bides ( boxed ) . JO.I7'/
WIIISKV Dlstlilors' llnishcd goods , per gal. ,
HtKUif Tlnehnngcd ; cutloaf , ! " ) ' 3'iJicj grau-
tilated. 4 > le ; Ht.ind.iid "A49ic.
Itecclptb and shipments today.wcio as fol
lows :
On the I'rodnco o\thanio tod.iy the huttoi
in uuet vvasvvenK ; fancy ticnniury..i'SQJlo !
line \vcstoin , i.-'Jo : oidlnaiy. "OOMlcj line
Oalry , iMiJ.i'c. ll ph , steady nt l.llJie. !
Xuvv VoiK .M
Nrw Yonu , April 7 , rr.oun Kcccltits , S" , .
000 iiUps j market steady , f.ilr : sales , ' 4,501
WniJAr Uecelpts , js.OOO bn. ; exports , none :
naleii , 11.710,0001)11. ) of lutnros ; f.OOO Un. of spot.
hiol | market stionKiir , dull ; ? so. - red , OT'iO In
Here and elevator , 'lO'.o , IHeGfl 00' , f o
It. ; No J led , UJ'iiS'.Uc ' : nn radul led , UJ'jeffl
II 00 : No. 1 northern. VT ICJT o ; No. 1 haul.
W.cOtl.Oo : No Uiiorthcin , IC'.c. Uptlons ad-
vanied lOl'uJ on Htron eublcs , foiol
buyliiK lUht , Interior moviimcnt unit
local inoviMiient : declined 'aiiO'.Qoii ' loal ,
ulosed linn al 'H O up : No ' . ' red , Auill , I'lVi
tt'rt'io. olotliiK atlM'tc : Jluy , ! ) lj , < ao. " c , i-lns-
Ine at Ol e ; Jinn' , W-Ue. ulosliuot OOe : .Inly.
tOlifC'JO'.c. oloslnu at OOo : Auznst , hU ekUVe ,
ohmlii ) ; at bOKc ; b'uijtoiiiber , bs'ttbi'.c , cloalni ;
Rtf'H'if ,
V rinn and quiet ; No. 5 Mllwau-
, .
lUiit.Kv MAI.T Quiet.
fou.N llecelpts. .I1.S80 Ini.i exports , ( W.COO
lui ; miles roO.OHO hn. fntnreti. gpot In KOOI ! do-
innndiNo 'J May.UiUft-iUiia In t < lovutnr. SHJ
( UlVo nlloat ; uncraded , Mo ; No. ! l. We :
sto.iiner inUcd , SO Q'iic. ' Uptlons advanced y.
Che on Rood oxpoit demand and stronger ti-
lles ) and closed llrnii Anrll , 4'J ' ? .4ll1iiOj .May ,
lli'iOI'c , ulosini ? ut 4"o ; Jiinu , jl44)i : ; ,1'jly ,
V.wr.Ue. elosliig at 15'u ;
OATS Heielpts. Tl.TMhu ; exports , 2,778 bu. ;
ales , 69,000 hu. future ! ) and lO.tOJ bu spot ,
Hpot bt roiuor. fair ; options firmer ami dull ;
April. H > 'Bc ' : May , .IH.iUl e , tloslnj ; at J4'4o.
pot No.'Jvvldti' . JT > ' , c , vvhlto western. IlKftlle ,
IJAi Quiet ami btnaily ; Hhlppln. , W.KKif7.00.
MoLAbM-staudAii-guiotund bteady ; b'J test
nt %
.B Lower ; M test , lllie.
HHK hti'ady. hut quiet.
1'MiiuM.uu-btoady , unltod closed 5fl\o for
CoTTONsii D On.-Qulot. but higher ; yollovr ,
1 oi'8-Qnlot and firm ; I'lioldo coast. Wiio
TAI.I o -l inn , butijulot ; city t . ' for pack-
'l"ICti stral" ° a
Tuiil'ENTlM. Quiet at 3
* "U
I'OIIK Active nnd firm.
CUT MKArs-Dujl but moady ; middles , < inlet
IiAilD Opened 11 nn aiulolokcd ousy ; vvotorr
' . "iSJ Vv1 ' . ' ? W.50hldt bales , JO.OOO tierces
lit M.5'J , Option talcs. 500 tlortcs , May. * ur.'i '
July. M.UI nuked.
lliiTTEit Dull , lower and weak : \\esteri
dulrv , l. ilbc : western crcamory , ITii''jo ,
trn faetoiy. lUtolbc ; Klitln. 8 iie.
OiiLKSt : Oiilot ; part sUlmij , MClOo
I'll ! IllON Dull ; Amorleaii. Ill 7 , < J1025.
Coi'i'Lii-Qulott liiUc , ill.75 bid und t
Sl. I'll ,
I.KAlv Qiilett domestic , l 3X3.1 7:1 ; .
Tl.N-btuiuly ; strults , tlUh-Vaiaflj .inked.
Oinulii * I'roilucu Market.
HIIIES-NO. 1 crccn salted hides. 4'4acjc (
ho. 8 Kroon salted hides. 3'4iUio ; No. l trrooi
lildci. i'i to 40 His , : va.Ko ! ; No , 3 green hldts
U lo 40 Ibs , . JG.Jhc ; No. 1 veul calf , S to n Ibs.
Jc ; No. S viMilualf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , 4v ; No 1 ilr ;
Hint hides , 7Abe ; No. - ' dry Hint hides , MMe
No I dry mlted lildcs. MiOc. Tallow , No. 1
| ( & ; tallow. No. 2. ! lvo ; Krcase. vvhlto A. 4c
ircitko , whitn 11. dVi&l c ; ureusu , icllovv , ao
tro.i e. dark , V ic ; old butter , -W'lf ' ; bceb
nx , iirlmo , idu ; rouch tullow , Ui4t.'o.
I'uuiTb-Callforulaltlvorilde orauife * , I1.7X
n.00 ; Wn hlnaton nivol * II OOC14 SSj choice ftp-
plo . MOJi cliolcn lainon * . IIOii ; f incv Ictnom.
WU.vai.VJ : hnninai , cr tcd f..rftrtiri ) ; cran-
bnrrlp , slilppinK stock , linshcl boxpi , * J ;
tr iwhorrh's 40ot | ; 1'lorldti totnatoo * . JJ.'VJ ®
i.Oiper crate of lx b nkt'H .
VFdFTAiit.FS-l'aney Muscatlno sweet poll-
too * J..Wai 7 : o < ! * wrot pot-iloei , fiOO iii ;
tallfornla cibhaao. 2io per Ib. In crate- * ;
liomo growu leltuoo. 40i ! per dontitoti ; * . WcFft
1.10 tier hu ; Nohnska hand picked
lionti' , Il7llsii tiiiillitni , ( I Mftl flOi Cill-
fornl i coicry , ii " 0 ; Oo ornito and vviMtern
NebMSHa pot'itoci. .le : nitlvo pot itoos , a1 ®
2. * > o , linn bonn . 4o jor ) 11) ) ! water ercsi ,
S4-qt. ra c . IS'iffll'io iprit | : splnncli , JO.OJ | ) er
bhl. ; Spmlsh onions fl.Ai per cr ito : riullBhrs ,
40c : rutibiia , $1 75perbblo. ; now turnips , 5JO
per do/ .
Knns Oener il innrknt lie.
lll'TTPU A l.iriro pioiinrtlon of llio receipts
po at IWBI'e ; celecUMl lota In u small way to
the retail trulo n t " 'i ' 'rt : 'o
1'oui.Tiiv ( Jooii ilri'jspj chickens , 10tlc ;
spring chlcketi' , Jl OQia nl
St. I oitU Milll.rti.
HT. I.nt'i4 , Mo , April 7 I'l.otiii Hold ( Irmly ,
but prices iinch.vnicl ; (
\VIIIAT : opened i fr ittlon hlahrr , then do-
cllned but ra HIM ! lnt'T anil closed \G'4i !
iibovojcMiord i's : No a ensh. Sse ; .May closed
ul Ki'tc ; July , 7s 'ic ; August , 7'c.
I'ouv Advanced unletly an I closrd 'I'TI'jo '
nboM1 jislerday : No. 'Jcaih , J"ic ; May closed
.itll'iSc : Inly , .0 < 4e.
OAT I'lrni und slow ; No. 2 cask , 20'ioi '
Mttv. .MSc.
KtK V > sales.
llAiu.KV Qiilut ; lowi sold at Nc. )
KUAN Seaite and llrm at h/dillr. /
II \ -Julct tind iinrh nuod ; pr.ilrlc , { J.SO ®
0.00. tlmoiliy. IIHIWIUW
I.L\n-I > iill nt 8 1 0\ MI r islei at ( i'c
CillivlKUO.illot . lit II 85.
Winsuv Meady atJI 1) ) .
lUtinlNd Quiet atCii'tc.
IIIIIN I'llTIOS I1IS $ Vlhlll.3. ' )
I'lKivc-lnv - Qult't und unchnnscd.
Duv SALT Mr1 ATSst > HACOS Jobbing at
prov Ions iiuot itlun"
Hl'Li IIMS I'loiir. .1.003 lln : wheat. l..OOO bu. :
coin. KOIO bu ; oils , I410J bu ; rye , K''WO '
Ul : li-iili'.v. - , ' bu.
Miii'MCVTS riour. 00)0 Ibs , : vvheit. IP 011
bu s corn. .V < ,00) bu. ; oals. ll.OJJ bu. , rye , l.COO
bu ; b u ley , none.
Hans. is ( Mtv Markets ,
CITV. Mo. April \VlirAT-Wns
In f ilr demand and Iho ollcrlns worn to ullly
disposed of ; No , J rod , 73-Oe ; No haul , 7" ®
COIIN rirm ; No. 2 ml\od. M\c.
OATS -lion , ' ; No. 'J mixed -'so ; No. 2 white ,
KlMn Uu.ik and loner : No ? , 7liffi7.'c
lUvVik. . nnch in id ; timothy. S VKfJ
0 l > 0 ; f nicy pialrie , to " > 3 ; cooJ to choke , S3 00
a" 00
IIUTTKllVcik ; 20Sc. :
I3H ( ( rum : He , 1P.100 bti.i corn 11,03) bu , ;
: its none
silii'Vii'NT * Wheat , 10,003 bu ; com. 11,000
in i oats , none.
Liverpool Maikots.
l.ivFlli'Oot. , April 7. WIIIMT Qulot : holders
olTor modor.itoiy ; No. 1 C illfoinlu , "sod per
I'tiHN toidv nnd demand fair ; mixed west
ern , 4s , ld per cental.
Itl.Kl Kxtr.i InJIamess G3sOl per owt.
li\iil"l'rlmo vvoslcrn. .1.1s per cetifil
( 'ili-p.- < K"Amerlcaii , line vvhltu and colored ,
5Cs Jd per owt.
Cotton Market.
OAI.VISTOV , Tex. . April 7 Market w is
stead : middling G7-lHo ; coed ordlniiry , 5 n-lfie :
not and HIO'-S rceclpls , .11" . biles ; exports.
co ist , .1.1 ill bales ; sales , ' . ' 40 balossstocks , J4U.10J
I ) ile .
* avv OIIMIAVI , I < i , April -M.irkot was
Orm : nilddllii- U-IRc ; irood ordinary , low
middling. > n-lt > c ; coed nriliti.n v. 57-inc Net
receipts , , lf > 71 b lies ; silcs 7,70 ; HtoeU. $ itO : ;
block oxchan 40 closed I'rlday and fcuturday.
Collro Markot.
NEW YORK , April 0 Options steady , un-
ch insi'd to tvvunty points down ; oloslu ?
barely sto idy. llvo to ten points down : siles ,
J'- > Jrf hiRInoludlmt : April. JlidOftliM ;
Jlay , ? IJ.1240 : .IniioSII.IKXiM.'OO ; .lulv. ill >
© II 'W ' : August. Ill bOSlI f" . : fceptomhorfll 7' . ®
ll.W ) ; Octoher. fll.7Novetuter ; , ; Oo-
eumbcr , SilbJailOo. bpot Hlo , nominal ; No
- , JU75. _
NVvv York Urj ( ioniU Mnrkpt.
NEW YOIIK , April" . The dry coeds nmrkat
was quiet as ro irds demand , although thcro
continues a Road movement on execution of
former orders. A dull time Is nitur.U just
provlous to the development of moro ncncral
Interest In oods for the fall fcu.ison. The
maiket was unchanged In tone and condition ,
belli ; steady and accumulations being ilrm.
lliiv.inii Market.
HAVANA. April 7. bucar is quiet , 1.000 basis
molasses SURUI , 80'/5 degrees polarliatlon , were
bold ut JJ.-J gold per nuliitiil.
Traders' Talk.
OilICAno , III . April ? . Kcnnctt , Hopkins A
Co. toy. A AluWliortor : The hnluo In vvhont
scorns to have reaultcU fronrcconl \ DUrcbilscn
of May by a few prominent bulls They
bouuht so much that ft alarmed the short In
terest for that month which is itu'to ' lar o anil
thcro was a rapid advance hero In which
nclthoi onlsldo nor foreign markets ha\o as
yet sympathised to any extent. Kxports
hiivobeen light today. Now business sm.ill
and cotittnenlal mai nets depressed. Wcatbei
line and ciop reports favor.iblo from nil FOC-
tlons hut tlio northwest , from whence there
are compl. lints of too much rain Interfering
with beedlnz. It is claimed 011 thcothei
hand that the rilns have put the soil In good
shipeiind vvhon the seed Is sown it vvll
speedily pcrmlnato and by the middle of
May bo In aiUunco of former so isons
Corn and oats here Irivo been ilrm most of tlio
session. The decreasing receipt * of corn hav o
helped tint market tliouzh. 1'orolgn demand
Is r.ithct slack nnd cables rollcct the btrcngtl
litre. 1'iovlslons contlnuo In the Mitno oil
rut. There Is un oicislonul r illy , but lonur
pi Ices win follow shortlv It Is u vciv tins itla-
fuctorv markel to trade In
Nr.v YOIIK , April 7 Uouiisolinin & . Day to
Coekiell llros. : Wheat opened stoaov and
became sttong on purclrtscs for near dolivei v
understood to bo against u.iblo acceptance.
Shorts vscro excited buyers and caused u
lively ad v.inco of 1'iC. but later the feeling
wasoasloion small clearances and the clos-
Insiiuletatl'fcc ' over yesterday's latent prices
The holdings of cash who it and May con
tracts fcrem to hi > coiiccntr itcd Into stiotu
Immls and thcpiimtum domunds make l
dlllli-ult for bhlppeis to III ! orders am
secuto present low ocom frelzht" . Con
und oats were ( Inner on eastern orders am
bumo buying by local shorts , although the
crowd in general tire still vary bearish am
mo llxed lo make money if Iho market
bic.iks Provisions ruled very dull and n ir-
rovv : business was eonllned to p lekors chang
ing May ( .ontr.tots to .Inly and thu scalping
fintornlty did Thom.ul.u
gavu Indlcallons of seoklng u higher
Fovel ut the eloso. The light Riot-lib
of gialn outsldo of this plnco are llkoly ti
c itiso oidcrs to ho Inrnod this way ami make
an erratic market In tlu > near future. Wo
theiefoio udvlso our friends who close their
Mny deals to send now orders for thu July fu-
UII'ICAOO , III. , April 7.--r. O Logun cfc Cote
to llolllngor . \ Oo. : Wo have had i
heavy goneial buslnois In wheal loday. May
ill encd slrong ut 7li'c , which was llio lovvi-b
jiolnlof the day. sold as hlgli as HI'ic. The
Llliii prlco was SO'.c. The buying of May
and helling July has been the prominent fou
tnro In the maiket. July Is now selling nt n
discount of " of a cent. Wo bollovo July vvll
Ii iv full cairvlng charges hoforo thoondo
this month. The demand for cash wheat fo
hlilpment Is good , but It Isdlllleult to buy
1'orulgn advlcc-s arc decidedly better. Tlili
with light dcllvcrloj of winter wheat at all In
tprlor points , u good Hour demand and llgh
Blocks at Iho seaboard , till point to further
ImprovnmiMit Inilucs. . t'orn Inuctlvo bu
Him Thu iHiHliicss 1UIH. May opened ul40'c
closed at 40so and 40Hc. Thotiadlug In July
Ib on Iho Increase , belling nt 2 < Bc illsconn
uiidci May. 'Iho oat iiiiukct was llfcles * .
The fooling in hog product r.ithor better , bu
tlio business doing Is light. Thu packing lu-
icrosti sell on all advances.
Actltlly In tlio ( luneral I , Int AYiis Y rj
l.nrgrl ) Inerrased ,
Ni \ YOIIK , April 7 The now Interest In the
stock maiket manfcblcd yesterday showed no
diminution today , IUIH ! the uctlvltr In thogen
cral list was Increased , whllo further piogros
wus made toward higher prices. I'ncoiirag
Ing signs were the distribution of the bus !
ness , and the few blocks which of Into Imvo
entirely mudo the character of the markc
VTcro much loss promlnont In the dealings
The report of the Hank of.nnglaml rates beln ;
rodueoi had an effect on prices and an un
cour.iglng liillnencQ on the early dealing
In hterlliu exclmuzo rutcH. Another eucour
aglns sign vvab the sticngth of Hlehmoni
, V West I'olnt securities und the Increasing
transaction lu tbo trust receipts for ttio torn
inou block , Thu coal blocks , whlla no
occupying BO prominent n position in the
trailing , nero mill the loaders In activity , am
Do'uaio & . Hudson , on thu reltoiatlon of the
asset tlon of the purchase by the Yandcrnllts
advanced further to in The others fallei
to follow , Mending exhibited u loactloti nm
failed to rlso above its first prices , whllo
l/iH'K.iwuniiii declined matorlully on the ULMI
transactlnns Now England was ( -till u fal
nuirkut in the early donlhiEH , but ralllei
handsomely toward noon. Thorn was no newb
to account for the depression In Union I'aollic
'Iho upward movement In Delaware & HuiUoi
met a largo amount of stocks for halo at the
host llgures and the Improvement was all bu
lost ut the o Obo , loiilUatloni In the whole Us
fairly wiping out tUo moriilug's gain , In the
afternoon ,
The most prominent strength was iconl i
tlio Industrials , and both corilaiiu and cottoi
oil were conspicuous for their gains on an un
usually ) u re n business for them. Thu goncru
llfl wan moro active than usual , but foliowei
vvliha listlnet nioveincnt tiKulnbt the loadera
Iluctuntlug vvllhtn narrow irmlts , 'Iho price
ouly ilUbtly uhuUKOd from tlios
of Inst cvcnlns. Tbo o'oso wnsqulolbiil nrm ,
ho amount of biislnesf done show Ins n
nnrkod fallln/olT uinnnl the end of the ps.
Ion. 'I ho lln it I cbunsps are ccnnrally nuignlf-
canf , but whllo Northern 1'iielllc iiretiirrud Is
Own l'i and l.ackuvvni.n.i I per cent , eordngu
suu l > , Knllro.iil bonds wrro f ilrlv iietlvcall
hroiigh the fossion lodny. and while the total
riinsiictlon did not reach tiny very heavy llz-
ire thrro was u good distribution nnd a largo
lumber of Issues locrlvcd ittcntlon. A Ilrm
rout was prciciito I wlthoul t xceptlon. and
ho ( .II.IIIKO of 'n pur rent lit Itlrhmond A.ost
'olnt securities m ith- them the bluhest IP ulcr
if the list ; olhor chuiuusvcro as arulo uiiiiu-
Uovernmptit bonds bavo born dull nnd Ilrm.
Ttio rolltluluu' urn Iho closliu pilot itlou * for
ho lo ulliig stocks on the Now Yoik Sloe i ex-
ehnngo tori ly ;
The total s Oca ot Blocks ted iv woio Ml'IIS
shares liieludinir : Atehlpon. | iii40 ; Di'lnwaro '
I < ioliii\\iinna .1 Western , 5.000 ; Delawaio v ,
Hudson. lV.lli Hilo. 17,411 : l.nK ( < ' Innc , ' < . -
140 ; I.iuls\illo > 1 Nashvllli- 111 ; Mlssotli ! 1'a-
elllc , .ISK ( ) ! North estern.7.ISl ! Nottheii ) I'.l-
cillc. ai.UUI : i\ow Himlnnil , 19.090 ; Koullni ! . L'\-
WO. Richmond \ . West I'olnt , 4.4H , L 1'aul ,
4" . ( HW : Hi. I'aul A , Uinalia , J..IIO ; Union I'uelllc ,
liUj Western Union , .1 , IHI ) .
I'liiiinelal It\li'\r.
Nrw Vonit. April 7 TinI'ost si vs ; With tlio
opcnlni ; of this weuk silver bullion sconicd to
h.ixo resumed Its decline. In London It 1ms
fallen no.irly Ul per oiinco s nee Monday. It
Is app uent o\oiy nay th it the nioNonenl of
ptloes for this metal Is io iilitcd purely by
ti.ulo conditions. All London advices on the
subject IIKTO thit from dnv to dav It Is Im
possible to llnd bidders lluyhi' ' there Is nt
Intervals , as hoa\y purcliases last
week for rnillsh iccouiit slio s. Hut the
dciiiand for Indian shipments Is less constant the American uroluct anil l.on-
( lonois are so con\ltucd ot the inar-
ket'a Inti nslcenKni tint thov rcRiilarly
liold b icU their buying orders until there la a
sharp bio.ik In the price" , so usual after tlio
completion of our KOornmcnt's monthly pur
chases. Nobody pretends to Know whcio It Is
alltocn'l. Apparently no linpnncinont can
bo o\pected until extensh o re'trletlon of the
outinil at our own mines is had Moinwhllc ,
our tt.ido Is utterly dcmoi ill/cl , fet 11 Is tlio
local teudoi monov of these unluckv nations
whoso purchasing value Is bcln lic.iten donn
by Iho o\erv.liolinlns prodiiitloii.
> ew York Ato'iey I.irket ,
New YORK , April 7 MONEY ov CAII.
Tnsy at I'Jpereciitj last loan 2 per cent ;
closed ollorod at 2 per cent.
I'liiMi : MmtCAMir.c I'AI-IJU : t'4 ® * > nor cent.
SjTrnt.i.Mi iiiANdK Quiet and weik at
Mbli for slUy d.iy bills and Jl.S ? for de
The closing quotations on bonds :
KANSAS OITY , llo , April 7. Clearings ,
$1.5.10 511.
New OULKANS , La , April 7. Clearings ,
ii.r > ooo4.
NEW VoilK. Aorll 7. Clo.irlngs , 5119,403,680 ;
balances , $ J'i > .l'i75.
HAVANA , Ajirll 7. Spanish cold J2.45a24"'J ' ;
cxchaiiKO. cjulot ; London. $ . ' .14.
IHl.TlMOllK , JId , Apill 7. Cloirln s ,
$ . ' ,4Uil70 ; hal.uicos , $ 59,704 ; inunoy.n per cent.
PMII.AIII i i'iuI'n. . April 7. Clearlnss.
S 0,4ijUDOi ( b-ilaiiccs , If 14' ) , Kit ; inotioy. J per
OlNfiNNAn , O , April 7. Money , 4V'ii3 } ' pe.-
cent : New York oxuh ingo , 4l5Jo ) discount :
cloarlivs , U418.S50.
Ciui'Atin , 111 , April 7 Monov steady at4 ©
G portent. Cle .MUSE. gl'.TI'fl.Y ! ! . htorllnsr ooh \ -
oh uu-iMliill at$1.8J'i for sixty-Hay bills , SI 83
for demand.
I'Aius , Apt It 7 Sl\ per cent routes OOf
87'jC for thi , .u count , The weekly btato-nent
of the It ink of 1 ranco shows an Inciuaso of'Juf of gold and .1 dccreaeo of UJi.OJO of
r.onilou toi k 'ilarket *
[ Copi/FWi / ( lS9JlJamsi Qonlon lisnn'll. }
LONDON , Aptll 7 I Now Voile llerild
Ciihlc bneeiiil to Tin : III r.l The bank ritu
cliuiucd today from Ito2 > > i per cent llusl-
ness In the block o\chaiuo today has shown
more aulni.itlon in seine directions It lias
Dion ( ) uito lU'tho.bnt funds liavonot inotcil In
spite of the iLduclloii In the hank r.ito ot ills-
LOiint. Indian rupi'o paper oHcnert lower but
closed slightly bettut , 1'otel n KO\oinnn.'iit
securities huvo been nioro or loss actho to
day , u strong tone bolus ? reported on tont'-
nontal bouiscs Most Ar ontino Issues are.
tiLtho notwlthstandlii ? the premium on gold
advaneliu to2l' per ion t. Thofe iltiioamon
honiu railways Is the Hiiddeti Inpso
luat at the last In lli'Khton ' ilo-
foircd on seine rp.ther free ollorluj. Thu
8toc on tliuil quotations nitons .1 full of 7 per
cent. ItrlKhton dofoirud receded ' 0 pel cent ,
Lano.ishlrc , Vorkshlro and L'ulo Ionian pre-
icrred " pot cent , hoiitlioasterii ordinary and
other descriptions are a No less linn th iti they
hau been , hut the ehaiiites established on the
day were qulto unimportant , American rail
ways ha\o hoon largely iloilt In and Vvcio
linn to buoyant. Dm Ins the last hour prices
lel.ipsed a llttlo from the hon points , owlntr
to ro.ill/itlons to houuro pro ( Its. 'Iho
three months hank bll b aio quoted at from 1
to 1'i per ci'iit. C.ill nionoy is pluntlful nt'
to 1 pur cent.
LONDON , April 7.--Tho following woio llio
London stock iiuot.itlons closing at 4 p m , :
MoshV 'i pci cent.
Hut o of discount for short and three months'
bills , Ittl1 , percent.
Amount of bullion gouo Into the Hank of
Kuglafid on balunco todiiy. iTII.noO.
The bullion In Iho Hank of Knglnnd do-
croascd l'ir > 0.0 dilrlii ? llio p ist vvtoK , The
propoitlon of the Hank of KiiElmid icsorvo ,
which was 45.5 , Is now -I0. ' . " > pur cent.
IIiMivy Cat tin I.uvvi-r ( ) tier | hleaily Hogg
I.uvivr Shooii 1'lrjii ,
OMAHA , APIII T. The receipts of cattle so
far tills wii > U vvoreT..I > 0. hogs ll.T.U und shco )
4.WJ , Hjalnst 7,018 cuttle. U.lTd ho ? and ' . ' WW
thu corrcspoiuilng fouriluyu of last weoW. Thu
supplv of cattle HUH not large , but , thu du-
muiid WIIB limited to killing Hut few loads
wrrobought for hluiiivntcousciienlly ( | heavy
cattlu bold lower , If utall , uud vvcro
hnrl to get Hit W llamly fat killers olil
filrlv steady nf4 iTlnnifi'd ImniH icasnnihlv
i-Jirlvj thn c-iovi of ( no market , however , vv n
dull nnil weak Ml./ound.
( . 'IIWH nnd hc.fiiriuif Rood MiiMlly sold read
ily 11 firm IIjuris , mil otlmr crulns nboiil
sli'idy , The market on KtocU cat ! o MIUVM-U
no Improvement , mid trvlliU In that direc
tion vriislimited Itcprotcntatlvo i ilcsi
STKK if.
No Av. I'r jjn Av I'r. No. Av. I'r.
2 Ml' , t Jill 1 | ( ) VU(1 ) ( I ISniUM
: i ion ,1 n n 1177 .1 n 1 ? IM : n.
is loci ,1-j- , -j uio 3t n I7.i am
n IIHII 325 i ; ii.\ ) 351 KI r.T3 .10)
o ins , i-r. tf 1111 : ini as uvi ai-s
4 iri ; 325 u' o 34i in .un am
4 VI ! ,12. 111VJ * II 40 10 I4SI , lh7'S
10 IM a.r > i. I''u a in 4 IMIT J"o
4o r. ' * ; .13. . KI. uu .141 i HW 4 to
u 1,7j a 35 n ion a 43
2 70 1 M 10 R7f 2.r > ) 2 .1"3 2 71
0 HJI 1 fij U IirJI Sli ) a 1.70 27"
n TI.I i 7" 2 wn 2 5) a. 1057 271
a ll.M 17" . 1 KdO 2 Ml 4' ) Mi.1 2 H5
1 1140 201 n or. 2 : > ' . 2.DM ' . ' >
2 CH ) 2 10 1..1010 ' . ' (0 ( as 7ul 2 H"
2. lit. " ) 200 Hi 87S 2 0) ) 1. 1411 . ' 101
1 IH1 2 10 (1 ( > OI 2 tfl 1 UIU a 00
I lift ) 225 40.70.1 2 l II I01J a HO
M im 24) .1 ten 27i a. . OJ. ) ao , )
11..iOII 25J 1 101) 275
23. . 4'fl ! ' 2 4) 1 1010 a 03
CAM'I. * .
I. . 100 4 00 1 IsJ 4 TO 2. . 120 4 S5
1 irn ID- . a 1.1.0 .MX ) i. nw 203
1 100 2 la 2 ItO'i 20) ) 1..1SW 2W
1 U'.tl 21(1 ( 1. rJO 27- 1. 1110 2r >
i LID .too i .in : 22 , 1..145J aio
1 1340 .125
sTocur.ns ANMI i r.ntiH3. ) :
a . fn 2 r > o IA . SD. " > a in o . ww a 10
40 dlO 2 Si 4J 711 d 10 'I ICI a 1' .
4 .so * , a i 47 n di a oo n iu7 J in
1 sprlnsur $ < 03
1 cow -mil calf 2" 00
1 cow nml c-ilf . . -SOii
I cow ant calf > no
1 cow and cmf a-1 no
1 iiiw and calf . . ' " ) 0)
lliKls-l'iiokois were thochlof buyers on tbo
m trkel. liotli ouleis for fresh meat h indlcrs
and shippers beltu Hin ill atitl pilccx on all
grades dronpe I from "ic to lOe , the bulk of the
hogs i-ollliu nt from ? l.n toil .Ii and tops at
Jl 40. rholco llu'lit and prime hoavv * old as
high nsiM.4) Common pickon. $1 27' . to fl A
and rough ends nt from W.OO lo Jl 20
Halesmun wore pretty free sellers nt tlio do-
cllno and by mlddiiv but few bogs
lu Ilisl Hands , inleus averaging 4 , II1or about
7c lower ibait ycslcrlny. Ueprcsoniallvo
siles :
Nix Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. bh. I'r.
4. 1,11 J | L'O f.s 210 40l.n
7 . . . 2-0 4 2'i PI . . .1IH 4.IT >
07 . IM 410 427' } 77 . . . .21,1 240 4.1' .
f > 3 . 257 240 4110 IVS . . . 2iO l.'l 4 J"i
M . Ji ( > 4 .10 70 IDS luO 4 I * .
41 2' ) 400 4,13 1J . . . 2J' ' ) 2 0 4 .r.
03 . .217 240 433 t)1 112 80 4.1" .
7' ' ) 206 200 430 < > 0 21 < ) 1.1) ) 4.1"
Ii ) . . . . -40 200 4.11 07 21.7 KJ 4 Id
ft I . . . V. ! 120 4.13 711. . .211 HO 4 .IS
( il 24 l.'O 4,10 7- . . . .210 U > 4 J5
CO . . .2114 40 13) M 2si 200 4 J"
40 iS'J ! W 4 M 1.7. . . .231 100 4..ri
( w 231 243 430 . ' . . . .2iJ ( 120 4.15
.M . . 2.V ) 11,0 4 .IJ' } b2 . . .213 41)5 )
18 . . .i'.ti 28) 4.1 4 ( ii . .251 6J 4 37'S
(0 ( . . 2M 20) 4 : 1' , 70 . . .211 40 4 37' ' ' ,
711 . . .101) ) 4) ) 4 JJ' , H3 . .210 SO 4 37"t
74 . . .204 103 4 .UiJ 74 . . .240 40 44)
71 . . .244 l.'O 4 .U' ' , 7,1 . .UU 4 43
74 21S KM 4 : ' , G ) . . .J78 4 43
( ii . . . .224 l-'O 4 J-'li 71 2VJ 4 40
CJ . . . .207 120 4m 74 201 I'.O 440
dl . 2 < V > 4) 435 7o . . . .2J5 4 40
53 . . .77 bO 4 35
l'H',3 AM ) ItOUOIlS.
0 . . 310 40 .1 70 1 . . . .310 4 10
Ii . . .L'O H ) 4 1)0 ) 4 . 27. 4 20
H 31J 4U 4 00 fl . . 218 420
20 .350 l.'O 413 3 1.0 4 2J
Sun p Two double deck loads consigned
dlrecl to a local house and four double decks
of Me\lc in stocUors made up today's ircolpls.
Values are nominally Ilrm and demand good
for desirable mutton sheep Quotations uu-
Itccclpts niul Dlsposltlnii ot Stock.
Hccolpts at the Union Stojk bouth
Oin.ili i. Neb , for the twonty-four houia oud-
Ing ut 5 o'clock ( i. in , April 7 , IbU.
Chicago I.Ho Stock.
CHICAGO. 111. , April 7. [ Special Tolejtram to
Tin : ItEK.l If hellers were looking for im
provement today In any feature of the cattle
m.irket they were doomed tn disappointment
for none materialized , i\porturs : wanted
only a moderate number ot cattloaud with
cistern buxcrs and the dressed beef
nion also taking hold r.uhor miiiclngly ,
salosir.eii had hard work to unload
their holdings oen at the low prices of the
day before. A lar o p irt of the receipts con
sisted of coocl to choloo 1-UO to 1,0 0-11) sti ors ,
and vet them was only hero and thcro a ti ido
lit better than J4.2J. Hlpo 1,400 to
l.fibO-ll ) c ittlo sold around that nu-
ure. Quotations ran o as high ; .s Ji M ) for
extra steels uiul down to at fioin Jl.'J'ito S1.50
for Inferior cons There trading
tod.iy outs'do of limits ot from J2 00 lo if I - ' . " > ,
cows .mil bulls iroliiK mostly at fiomt.'OO to
JtOu nnd from JJ.50 to SI 2J takliis the bulk of
Anotlior lOc knocked off the value of
lie s. The best of thorn could not be inmcil ut
o\or at from il.W tofl 70 and ut tlio close ,
$1 G. > was the extreme top of Hie market Trade
uas dull early In Iho day und o\cu moro
Intensely so further alontf , 1.astern orders
were again llmlied and local p.itUeis had
things \ery much tholi onn way. Thi-v
1 ought most of their liiys ut from J4 4" . to
Hii' ' . Milppors paid from $105 tj (470 for n
verv few and llieio were many silos of poor
und common stnlF at from { 4.21 to $4 40 'I'liuso
are the lowest pi Ices that ha\o prevailed
ulnce the bo lunln of I'ubruary.
The fact 1'iat the dem mil w as ll lit did riot
result In unv softening of pilces forhhcop , thn
light arriMils chocklni : any tendency to weak
ness. ' 1 ho ollcrlngs VOID promptly taken on a
basis of fiom ! , r > 00 to 4J.Ui for IIOOP to ovtr.i
sheep and f5.T > to JT.DO foi Iambi. Ilea\y
sheep were not In good fiuor with buyers ,
light and medium wolghtb belllnj to the beat
ainant ige ,
Hecelnta were : Cattle , 15,000 ; hogs , 22,000 ;
sheep , dtOO.
The Ironing Journal reports : OVTTM : Ho-
colpts iri.OUO ; bhlpments , r.OO ; m irkot sljw ,
hloady : peed to i liolco steers. tl'JV3l AO ; oth
ers , * J 2iOMO ; To\ans , Ji40.l 4i , cows , j.2' > 2 >
a si.
lions lleeeipts. 24,003 ; shipments , S.fOO ;
markets'ow , liiliil'io lower ; lough and com
mon , Jt, 2Ti ; ml\ed and pickers. . $1 47240,1 :
jirlmo heavv and bulchors' wolg'its , tl.M&
4.0' ) ; llRhtK , JI.2GO. ! . plgH , * ) OCKiil 11.
biil.ui' Uecelpts , 7..VJJ ; hhlpmonts. 701 ;
market fair to net ho. Htoady to t-hudo
btroiiKor ; mixed. r > 403,0.10 ; natives , r > 2fl.iO : ;
wothors and lenrlln-'R. $ ' .OOGO'J5 ; iM'stcrns ,
JJ.750.aO ; lainbe , $ t. OOJJl'M.
' Nu York Ll\o Stork .Market.
Nr.w YOIIK , April 7. llicvns Kecolpls.
0,200 ; all for oxpoit ; no tr.idu ; dresicd beef at
Ltic pcrlb. ; shipments today. G.V ) : tomorrow ,
181 bi.ucs and lilo iminors | or beef
C\l\hB Hciellits. 78)oalH. [ . ll.2" > S02"i per
100 Ibs.i b-lclm milk calves. J. ) coftl.ou.
bllicci' blc illy | lambs easier ; unshorn
hhcop. JUUOiMi ft. unahoin lambs , i7.OOQ.770 ;
clipped Iambs * 1 liX2d 75 ; oiesbcd muttons
firm atMf.Hc lid r , 11) . : drcssod lambs , loc per II )
Hoils-WoilcUri'ColptH. 1,117' ) lie id , consigned
direct ; noniliially sto.uly at tl UJo ! > ) .
Knnxan tlity l.lvo Stoilc JIniknt ,
KANSAS OirV'Mo. April 7.-l'Arn.K-Hp-
celptH , 1,0-Wj Mllpmeiits , 2IOo ; hiceis wuio
weak ut M.I ? 3ilM ; cows , il 7.13.1V5 ; .slocKcra
and feeders sluady ut K.'iiP V.
lions Uocefpls 4,400 ; uhlpniPiitK , 2,800 ; the
market oponwli stoadv at yestordav'h close
and closed btrong to higher ; nil grades , JJ.W
fel.10 : bulk. JJi2yftl.3S.
Snti p Heculptfl , 2 , 03 ; Milpiiionts , 1,100 ; the
market was fairly active and btoady ,
Cfiiuntl l'rnp , < A'tlins lining .M ulo for tlio
Next' : ' Kxriuitlon.
United States Marshal Blauglitor has
graco/uily roccdoil from the position tJlieu
some titno ago , when ho declared that no rc-
poilors ehould bo porralttod to see the con-
denmod murderer Dlxon , or Know anything
about his execution. Ho has concluded to
admit n couple of nowspaperrepresentatives ,
but the execution will uoi bo nt all on tlio
spectacular order. Other than the few wit
nesses nocojsurv , tlio Hmltod numborof press
lourosontativos and tlio umisliul anil Ills as
sistants , thciolll bo no spectators.
The marshal will not oven use un open
otocltado , but will see that il is roofed In so
that adjacent telegraph poles and ncii.'b.bor-
i.ig Uousetopi will not provo coigns uf uii-
vantQRO from wUlcu tUo morbidly curious
may view the ox-soldier's iliial tuning off.
No arrunKoincntsxhetevor have yet been
made as to the details of the execution. It is
Mm ply known that a stocUado will bo con-
struucd , presumably on the sumo spot
us thut within which Ud Neal mot
his fate on the Utt or October last.
Kotulni ; has been done toward securing a
rope or eallow * , as Marshal SlauBhtcr mulu
tnlns Ihnt two or three ilnyn I ) nniplo time
for attctidltn ; to such matters.
The itmr < hal In not dhioicd | to bo particu
larly communicative regarding the inaltnr ,
ns ho docs not roparil It ns n very itgrccnliio
subject. Ho could not SBV \ \ ticthor thn Neal
Callows wnulil bo tisod or not. In the IIrU
place , ho did not know whit ImJ bocoms of
that tit'pnratus , ntul In ttio second plnco.
uhllo lia ( Mil lint nay so , ho g.tvo
the Impulsion thut hoVM not pleased
\vllri the tnntinor of Us constrtictloii.
I'cisonallv the inarsliul Is In favor of having
aU'cxcciitlons take plnco within the ponllan-
U iryvalls ns in Now York , nnd bcliovos ,
too , thnt tiicro should bo nn oniclnl whoso
duty It should be to hatutlo such matters.
Whllo nothing cm bo told Mot , of tlio
scafTold to bo usoil two weak * from tomor
row , II c in bo safolv sot down as n fact that
tt will bo n loss cumbersome and moro easily
manipulated nffnlr than the one us ml llvo
months ngo. Sotnottilnc less nwltwnrd than
n lever that rcciultcs n live foot pull will bo
Another ttilni ? that Iho marshal does not ,
bollovo in Is re test of the rope , \\hlch ho
holds ( .imply weakens it without civlnr the
Mliihtcat assuranuo that 11 will hold at the
ciltical moment. Ho bolloves Unit the test
at the fiiu.ory is sufllclcnt ami no preliminary
strain \\ill thrroforo bo put upon tlio rope on
the Ulxon gallows.
Mis. Wlnslow's Soothlne Svrup rcducn
nllamnntloii whllo children are teething , -i" )
cents u bottle.
1'rsllvc IM Iliibliell Ch irgnlVltli Stealing
Anotlier Mini's I'lilaltlilol Ulfo.
Tlio crstwhilo station n cnt of Portal , I'd
Hubbcll , Is occupying quarters In the county
Jill , but ns ho Isn't ' snylug n word It's
hnrd to toll whether lie Is plensod or dls-
pleased. When thu propertlme comes tbo
joung man will go down to Sarpy county ,
\\horo ho v.lll nnsuci lo tha eharco of
AH of this trouble Hubbcll has brought
upon himself , nldoil nnil nbollod by n woman.
Six months ago the young man , who boasts
of having seen twentv four hiirtl winters ,
wns selling tickets nnd pounding n telegraph
key nt 1'ortnl nnd nt the sumo time was
diawlnp a salary of $ . " > J per month.
Not far from the rural town of Pottal
lived n t'otcr Peterson , who with n wife and
six children eked out nil existence
bv tilling the soil and marketing
farm nnil dairy pioducts. The wife
o' Petersen though upon llio shady < Ido
of forty , was fair to looit upon ana'was n
woman who had n gicat heart that was
oveillovvlngllh love for ttio opposlto box.
Being lonolv and of n social disposition ,
young Hubbell would go out lo iho Peter
son farm , \\hero hoould spend his Sun
days. Mrs. Pclcrson rather liked tlio j 011111 :
man nnd unbeknown to her husband , told
Hd that ho was the only man that she over
loved. Ed thought this was great nnd at
once proceeded to return the love. Whila
not blind , Peterson saw nothing , as ho had
implicit faith in his wife. Whllo he was
out milking Iho cows and giving
the pigs their Sunday supper.
I2d nnd Mrs. Peterson would spend
their ovonniRS on the front porch billing and
cooing like spooney lovors. Tills continued
until walonmlou time , and ono day whllo
the man of the hou o was in Omaha to dis
pose of a wagon load of luscious melon fruit ,
fcd deserted his lailroaii station and Mrs , .
Peterson dosortcd her family ana the cbuin-
During tbo afternoon Peterson returned ,
but his wife was absent , and the information
was convovod to him by his children that
Mrs. Peterson and Hubbcll had , dressed in
their bobt Sunday clothes , uono for a walk.
Potcrbon watched ana waited , but the
watching and waiting was in vain.
Tno next morning ho went to
Pupillion , vvhcro ho laid Iho whole
matter before Deputy Shenff Bill Lidilier ,
who started after the fupilives. Ho had n
hot trail to follow , but they gave him the
slip and led him on n wild ana roman
tic chase. They were followed to
Salt LaUo , Portland and a number of
other western points , but they always man
aged lo got away. At last the search was
abandoned and the officer returned homo.
The husoand nursed his anger and swore
vengeance upon thodestrojor of his home.
Ajfowda > sago lie received word that the
guilty pair had returned as far as Broken
How , where they v/oio stopping wltu ono of
Ilubboll's relatives.
Tuesday morning the officer slipped the
well worn warrant into his pocket
and stalled again. This time ho brougt down
hlsL'amo , surprising Hubbell and iho woman
Just as they were propaiitig to start on a trip
to Iho soulh.
Mis Peterson was allowed to go on her
way , but , Hubbell was gathered in und will
remain in jail until Iho courts can dispose of
his caso.
Not So ll.ul After All.
E. V. Wood of McKoc's Hoclts , Allegheny
county , Pa. , in speaking to a traveling man
of Chamberlain's modiclnos said : "I recom
mend tbcm obovo all others. I have used
thorn myself and know thorn to bo reliable.
I always guarantee them to my customers
and ha ro never had a bottle returned. " Mr.
Wood had hardlv finished speaking , when n
lltllo girl came in Iho store with nn otnpty
bottle. It was labeled , "Chamberlain's Pain
Calm. " The traveler was interested , as
there was certainly u bottle coming back ,
but waited to boar what the lilllo girl said.
It was ns follows : "Mamma wants another
bottle of ( hat medicine ; she savs it is tbo
best medicine for rheumatism MiooverusoJ. ' boltles for sale by druggists.
1 or the tkln.Bcalp runt Complexion.
Hi * result of S ) years' cxitrlenco.
1 I At l lujuUtt ur ftt ni Ityr mull ,
; . AHimplft Cnko nml ica pogo
: rn Dinmitulogy nml Ileituty ,
_ _ . . . .trtli. . 1 , i u hkln , hratp Nervous
/ nml Itlood DUtabta tuu ) thrlr ireut-
tncnt ( tent nalod iOe.i Dlsfljiuro-
iciits , lilrlh JIuikB , Moloff , WnrtP India
Ink and I nwdtr Markn , carB , littln g ,
. .p ! iiei' if NoM * . tMiiKrlliiinm linlr , Ilia *
pleo.etc , tctnaTod Consultation free , nt ofl.coorbi malt.
JOHN H. WOODBURY , Dernatologlcal Institute
1 * IVcfct l ncl hlrcut , .New York City ,
Union Stock Yards Company
Best cattle , hog and Micop market In the west
George Burke & Frazier ,
Llvo Stock Commission - - The Loaders.
j-inilh Oiuiilm Write to this house fur correct
market reports
Wood Brothers ,
Potith Omnha Chicago - Telephone 11Y7 ,
Market reportw by mall and vvlro cheerfully
furnished upon application.
- THIS -
James II. Campbell Company ,
Chlc.r.'o , r.astSt. Loulx , Kansas Olty. Soulh
Omahu , loux City , I'oit Worlh
A Crlll , W T llo-injr. II K
Cnll , Denny & Company ,
Live Stock CotninlB loii lloom 'f ! i : Illcl'i ; ,
Huutli Uiimlui
A. D. Boycr & Company ,
M and f.'l i\cliaiiso llulldlng.South Onmhn.
Corri'niionilonro BOllcllcil und urumptlr nn > ruil
hpeilal attention loonlcra furBliitkor , \ foi'dum
ICslnLIUlail Ihhd. . . . InpuriKjrntud , JS.C
Capital fully pnlil , 130000
Waggoner Mirney Company ,
Write or wire ui fur prompt anil reliable market
report !
Perry Brothers & Company ,
Live Stock Commission.
Hoom SI n\chango Ilullilliii : . bouth Omahu.
Telephone 1707.
Union Stock Yard National
The onljr bunk ut thu janli Cupltal nnd mr-
| ilii * . fioOWJO Lulluetluim vruKlni : mil uf lliu live
Huck tiu lnu H ehuulil tin KT.I illruit tu tlili bank
hliippfm cunile'iu | ltfortfuUltol lUuIr liouiu bank
Manufacturers' ' ' Diroctofy I /
ING COMPANY. Trntu nwnlmt * .
I \ntf \ linimmirk * oil ntul lln . rotrfK i f nil kind * .
rnlitipr ( loiMiif * rn I nn\ii \ > tmmipr * rlr vi > ml
fur cat KIIU Ill I Knrnniu lot cntnloguc "Ui * Iitli
lflnl nmtililn. cotton
Importer * nmlmrff flour
r tn houip , Jnti rut
snck , utirlnp * tnlnp Ion i lnr < tnrrnl run !
I4LMCtC 05 " Utll t
M. o. OAXOH > < iirri' ( ir lo I Jv uu-
, cn o i M f it clunr | uier |
lllcyclc * iiold on monthly pin Vlrttf liixi ! All nuvcl
imymentB l.-i ) .N 15tli at HIM III IHIT lllll *
inu Puud-n t.
I It ) i lloirnrtstroit
rno'ory pnrner Ill'i tin t Ifciitlt' lriJ ( <
Wo nriuimklni cloio ptlroi tu OM'I ti iron , nil ire
tullliiK n cli of mioli very * ila
nlilowlt'i niorili vnti
KIRXtNDAU , JONES & , AMERICAS HAIil 5 ' . ' / -
Wlmlpfnlo Mfru ApentR HonH slim-
lloHnn HnlitMT Hlinc ! i ) ll'lt k'llmll I HI < liar
HIT. ' , IIUI IlOillnrne lie } Bt
, . 1'hiinl tonvcn-
worth Si" . O n
John Jtarliovcr. Ant
t otnfcitloncrs ntul
Jobber * of foreign and
ilumoslle trulls , 1I1U
llownnl nt
during liullilcrs llo o
und ] iitrul vvngoiis Omnlin'n laruo't vnrlety
Hiiclilty nuil L. in I nucs
ISth , opi > Court lloueo
Mrf.i luik'xy ti'l" bncki" ,
A T Dnrby , Slur Tops , ciuhlun * ttc cnd for
onslilum , bnck % ole catalog Jll ) S lSth ft.
214 .Snrth IMIiI
LIME CO. , Mfr pnlvnnlrpil Iron
cornice , window cnps.
Hinl inil ROftconl S 17
mi-tallc skjIlKhts , etc
ecr luh niil Douglas
111U ,
Clothlnp notionfurnish Jlanufrs nnd wliolpinlo
InKB ( > lva UH ii trial clothiers HIM llnrncy
baiuplett pn paid b ) ev
press liltllurnc ) .
M.E. SMITH & , CO. ,
Dry Koodt , notloni fur- Dry Roods notions ,
nl'lilni ; ponds Corner Cor.
Hill nnd llonnrd &ts llth nml Hunnril ntCor.
Illustrated catnlo ; free
1014 Cupltol me
Manuf act u i ors of Up NITURE CO. ,
holstered fitrultuio
Wliolus.i'o ' only. Ornco nnd Ihlrtcenth
llO.-llfl ) Nlcliol-is Pt
I201-II05 Jones Direct , 10th nnd llnrncy etrccts
Oinalia. Uiualm
SIMM of Traile llroker
In i/rnln etc 1'rlvnto
wire to .N Y , UilcaijO
ami bt l.o n 13.
lints , cnpn , ntmw coeds ,
Klovo9 mitten * thrnerti IlntK CTIIII , Ftruw KOOdH ,
< I'lebrali-il ( .ulo l Itv Kim is niltttna K'lh
hut llth nnil lliirnoy anil lliirncj
- - -M- - EJ mlm
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Ill .South nth Slrcot ,
Next to l-ostofllci * , Omaha
Practical Opticians
And brnnch of world ronnwnod optical ountillih.
ruontof A H A leu V Co , bt I/mil Our nietliod Ii
inperlor to nllcilliorfi imr li-ntei nro iiprrlor nlll
not wenrr or tire Ilia ujc Tiij fruaiei properly * ( !
( uilod lu the fine
Eyes Tasted Free of Charge.
Prices Low for First-class Goods.
rcr oiu who have lost proporljr fro n Indian
raids lioiilil IIID their claims undci ihoIiidUn
Depro lallo-i Act of March ' , 18 I U ho t mo U
limited , mi I tbo rlalm aio taken up > > y Urn
court in thii orJoi In wbluh they uro lo.-ulvod
TaksNotic\3 thatall contracH unlerol into
with attorneys prior to tha Ait lira mali
null nn I void Information nml all
clalmb urompl.y attondu I lo I y the
ifttu ltn > Jlitllttlny.
fWThis Iliireau Is puarantcod by tha
Omaha Iluo , tnu I'lonour 1' uuJ thu tiaa
CO. , 1'c lori Imnlnnro i\nJ
Corner 10th and JicVson mrclmnlc * tool *
s UOI HonglM Street.
_ . _ -J
National Bank.
rnpltal 8100,000
in-plus . . .t. ( illo'J , )
Oniiorn nndOlroctors llonry W Vntoi.prmTdonl
II (3 I nalilnif , Tlci ) proiliienl I' H VI uiilnjV V
Mono. John S Collins , J .V II. l' trl. < ,3 ill A
lleoil. l anliler
Corner liith auJ Fnrnam St3.
l-rij ) mil for DIUrlct ( j-.illn ; llouili
hnalril bids marko'l "I'roposils for dlstrlcl
nradliil ! bonds" vvlll hn roculvo I al Iho olllco of
tno city truaKiiror , Dmalia , .Ni b up to IJ ,
o'clock noon of thu "Mh dav of April Iblr.1 , f or
the purchasoof * ll . ' 'JJ.ii'ldlhtiitl ' ' railliiL'hoiidi
of llio < lly of ( Jm.ih i. Nub . * i d bonds uro
di.U. ' < l May Ist , IsT , and uio pav.ihln from one
lo nliii ) yuars alter dalallioii of , in ilmiomluu-
lions of * IUti W and fiUD.oie ich with inton'St at
the raid of 5 pur tint | > u annum , piy.kblu
hcml-i.nnu illy , I'-ui Ip it ind luteiobt juy-
u'llo ' at ' ,011111/0 Hros . < iein l <
5 0,00)OJ ) of Urioliu District Nu Ji
Oiuofciradlng Dlifli i No 11.
'imoocif ( < r.idlni ; Dlstrli t No A\
2),00)00of ) Urudltu l > lsirl I No. ' ' ! .
Kuli lil'J mui > t st t prko nnd amount
suughl for nnd liiLluilu .icot ud iiitcrcbt to
d.itn of ( lollvi'iy at Oniiiba , Nub
Ihorl ht U rtacricil to joject any and all
Ihsuod iiiiuor charter power of cltlo-iot tha
nit tropolltan clnm unu Oidlniincu No Wit ,
approved March Uth , IW.- ,
Mch''CdJHin. ( /It ) iruaiuror.