THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : JiuDAY APRIL 8 , 1892 JOT FOR HOME INDUSTRIES Oo&gr&seraan MeXeighan Determined to Oppose the Sugar Beet Bounty. NEBRASKA'S POSITION NOT CONSIDERED Kll < Conntlturnt * On Not Influence Him In a Mnttrr Which He ronrt-den to lie ol I'urcljLoral Advantage to the ttrst. BrnEAt ; or THE BSE , 618 FOCHTFEXTH STHGCT , } WisniNOTov , D. C. , April IT. J It was stated today that already Represen tative McKcighan nas hearing from his con stituents upon the subject of Us Urifl speech in the house yesterday , wherein he defied the wishes of those of bis sugar beet pro ducers Wio had asked him not to press his proposition to repeal the s-jgnr bounty fea ture of tLo McKinley tariff bill and mane ucar absolutely free , Mr McKeighan re- Tuxes , however , to be Intiuancod in that re spect by any ot hit constituents. Ho says be will not support a sugar bounty tu tbo in terest of his constituents or anybody ol o , und no amount of threats fron : D et growers or sugar manufacturer * will turn him from his position. In short , Mr. McKelgnan doe % not propose to represent tbo specific interests of Ne braska or anybody in it. He fools that ho owes a duty to tbe country at larre first , and that the country is opposed to any encourage- -tnent n taatover to the beet sugar industrv. Thus the representative of tbf old Second district of Nebraska has grown in his views , and thus he becomes a representative at large for the United Stales per so instead of the humble state in which bo resides. Slllrncr for Un eateil 'i A very unusual bill has Just been reported favorably to the senate from the committee 'on ' claims by Senator Vllos , and boars the en dorsement of at least a majority of that body It is to pay the mileage of on unseated mem ber of a territorial legislature. It probably bas no parallel and is thus interesting for rjuoro reasons than ono. William H. Hbott , nnd George M. Shearer wore candidates lor the county of Idaho , in the then territory of .Idaho , for represontatlvo to the legislature at the election held in November , 1S74 , and the canvassing board gave Shearer the certificate Tbo legislature assembled on tbo 7th of December. 1SS4 , and the claimant re-con tested the seat succesifuliy , so that on tbe ICth of December , the tenth day of tbo ses- , _ ion. be was seated in place of Shearer. The bouse of representatives , however , by a resolution elution passed on that dav. declared Shearer entitled to the mileage and ten days' per diem allowed by law , and the territorial sec retary paid such mileage and per diem to Sbearcr accordingly and ithheld the amount from the claimant HhetL Theory of the Subject Explained. Tno senate committee through Mr. Vilas , In reporting the bill , says "Not only ac- oordinc to the general usage of legislative bodies in uch cases , but according to tbe in- utruction to territorial secretaries by the Treasury department Mr Hheltvas entitled to tbo per diem from tbe beginning of the session and to his mileage , as was also Mr. Snearer to what ho received. The territorial secretary made the mistake of supposinc that he could not pay two for the same ser vice. " A letter from the first comptroller of the treasury addressed to the sub-committee \rho bad tne bill particularly under consid eration , shows the facts of the cose to bo that bo w as clearly entitled to the sum of F-'SS , the same amount which was paid to Shearer , being 522S for mileage and fGO for per diem. According to tna circular letter of instructions to territorial sfecretaries is sued Iroa the first comptroller's office and accompanying the first comptroller's letter. Heir Prohibition Prohibit * . Mr. B. F. Tllllnghast , editor of the Davenport flowa ) Democrat , now here , ays : "Prohibition will D-S Just as much an issue as ever in Iowa , because tbe legislature has made it so by refusing to take action Prohibition U a failure in Iowa. In Daven port thcra are 250 saloons open , and in Du- Duquc , Burlington and Dei Motiics saloons , re running all the time. Most of them in Des Moines are run as blind tigers , but it is no trouble to get a drink The silver ques tion and tbe tariff will be the other issue. Tbe state will be for Boies first and Cleve land second for president. They are opposed to Hill. If Hill should be nominated the state would go republican by 30,000. " Mlsrellanoout. Senator Paddock today recommended the appointment of Joseph W Beiaer as post- tn&ster at Eagle , Neb In answer to aJetter from W S. Waters , cashier of tbe American Exchange bank of Elmwood , Net > . , making inquiry for a patron of his bank and heir to a suppo'sed estate in Germany , Senator Paddock has just re ceived a communication from the secretary of state , in which he says that all letters of this character are answered by circular let ter issued by the Department of Stute , which ihe encloses. It Is not probable that this claim will be allowed Colonel Guy V Henry garrison No. 43. Regular Army and Navy union , District ot Columbia , gave its first military hop at Grand Army boll last evening. It was well attended and netted a considerable sum for the garrison. The arrangements reflected treat credit upon the management. The hop was given under tno auspices of noncommis sioned ofilcers of the company of the gallant Ninth cavalry , stationed at Fort Meyer , Va. Mrs. Bryan , wife of tbo representative of tbo First district , leaves for her home at Lincoln on next Sunday. In the cose of Mary C. Wilson , Wallace B. Gillette , transferee , from Cbadron , Assistant Secretnrv Cnaudler today affirmed tne de cision of the commissioner , holding her pre emption cosh octrv for cancellation. ' P. S. H. : CVUUT. Xrore dliic * Und Before Nebraska's Highest Tribunal YeMi'rdny. LINCOLN , Neb. , April ? . | Sp cial to TUB Bee. ] In the supreme court today the fol lowing proceedings were nad : Tbo following penUemcn were admitted to practioo : C. H. Aldrich , esq. , of Butler county , L. S. Hastlncs , esq. , ol Butler county ; J. L. Roberson , esq , of ttarlan county. Stale vs Kloman , motion for leave to re plevin property , overruled ; G tlio * pie vs Cooper , motion for leave to amend pleadings to conform witn proof , stistained ; Hall vs Pierce , dismissed unless plaintiff corves nnd "files briefs in ten days ; Miller vs Errickson , aismissod , State ex rel School District No. 1 , Hitcbcoclc county , vs Cornutt , dismissed , Zonr v * Miller , dismissed , unless plaintiff scrvs end files briefs in ten days , Tbe following causes were continued Solomon \ s lloynolds , McKnight vs Tborap- on , Ward vs Urmson , Skinner vs Commer cial and Savings hank. The following causes were argued and sub nutted ; Woods vs West , llobertson vs Kel- ter , Ecclcclon vs Pollock , Boyd vs Pumas , Suiltusou vs Smitbton. .MoCaguo v Grueter. Appeal from Douc- lu county. Reversed. Court adjourned to Tuesday , April 12 , 1S92 , at S ) o'clock a. m. , when tb causes from the Fiftsentn district , Including tbe counties of Holt , I lock , Brown Keya i'aha , Cherry , Sheridan , Dawes , Siouz , Box Butta and Boyd , and the foot ol the docket will be called. Tbe following cases were decided : Atwoot ) vs Atwater. Error from Saline eountr. Judgment of the district court re- Yersod and tbe prisoner discharged. Opinion hy Mr. Chief Justice MuwelL While In s > civil action tbe failure of the Court to Und the facts ujitm which tbe Jtidr- loeut Is predicated is cruuiiJ of error , but < Joe not render the judcmcot rold. jot in a criminal prosecution where the accused hss pleaded "not culltr" tbure tuust lie a dndlng or verdict of cuilty to sustain a t.enteoco. euoh finding wtiou made bjr a mueistr : need not necessarily be formal , but must Iu Some way show cause for the seatence. l-rror will He on the part of tbe ktaWtoio- Tf r a an order diseharstnc a rrlso&or after Cotnlctlon. Broun vs. State. Error from Douglas county. Affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Justice Post. By the provisions of chapter IU laws of 1537 , section JUJ.T , criminal code , larceny from tbo jx'i-ion Is u indepundeot n.b tkutlvu crime and Is a felony without retard to tbe * alueol the property stolen In a prosecution for robbrry when U > ev1 deiica tends to sro e I recur trow Ihe perw > n on y and there Is 110 etldeuc * or oooucuun on the part of the uncased hst tbe property | nnuestlnn wn stolen ntberwl e tlmn from , the pnrnon of the party named In tbe informs- tton. It Is not error to in trnct the Jury that bey cannot rontlct of petit larceny. Harrison v * Stipes Krror from Sirpy cetinty. Affirmed. Opinton by Mr. Justice Narral. Hrtlowinc Lntntnprs vs NM en 4 Nebraska , m. nnd ItKsell rs Meteber , HI Nebraska 7 % . t wat bpld thnt an entry of rovernment land , bounded bv a meander line does not in clude land lying at the time between sncb meander line and tlie bank of the rUer. It u proper to direct a TcrdXt for defend ant wlwrv the erldenco fails to sustain the niatntliTi cause of action. l r i Co. vs Croatn. Error from Clay county. Affirmed. Opinion bv Mr. Justice Norval. An action to recover the penalty Imposed by section 34 , ch puir 2n , complied statutes for the Uklng of it ea.I fpcs bv an officer can only be brought by the party injured or dam aged by tbe taking of such fee * . State ex rel Tcnnlson vs Cole man. Man damus. Writ allowed. Opinion by Mr. Justice Post. Where several persons Mn In a remon strance and objection to tbe granllnc of li cence to an applicant to sell liquors. It Is the duty ot the board to which the application Is addressed to set a time for tne Hearing thereof allowing the objectors a reasonable opportunity to procure the evidence upon which they rely to defeat the application. In such ca e one of the objectors cnnnot de feat the object of the remonstrance by with- draiiinc It and aUonlnc the license to bo Issued in the absence of other signers and without their consent. Ish vs Fioley. Appeal from Douglas county. Affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Justice NorvnL Where fraudulent ropre entat Ions are relied on as .1 defense to an action , the same must bo oroten by a clear prepouderancp of the oviflcnco. K ldcnco examined and held to justify the Cualnss of the trial couct. Owca vs State. Error from Hamilton countv. Reversed and remanded. Opinion by Mr. Chief Jnstlco Maxwell. In a prosecution for uttering a forced promissory note knowtnz it to hate been forged , held that tlio proof was insufficient to sustain the verdict Patrick vs Paulson. Appeal from Douglas county. Affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice MaxwelL A chattel mortsace was made October 19 IS-s. and Hied for ryord Uccernbr r "L lMat 1 15 p in On December lis. IKis , the same morteacor executed n scoond morlgaco on the same and other property to secure certain sureties who had signed his notes. This mort- pace was filea for record U ve minutes after the first. In a contest between tbe mort- cncocs it did not appear that the s-ccond mortsagoes had paid any actual conMdcrn- tlon therefor. Held that to entitle them to priority It must be made to appear that but for thu failure of the lirst. mortgageo to Gle his mortgage tor rtc-ord tnov wnu d not bate become sureties for the mortgacor ; that he wa Insolvent nnd thtit tbej" would be com pelled to pay the debt Roche vs Coscrovo , Error from Dourfas county. Affirmeo. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Maxwell. Under the provision of section 2 , chapter 54 of the laws of lvl ! a person who Is a candidate for an ollice to be t otwl for by the electors of tbe precinct Is not eligible to tbe office of supervisor of registration of such precinct , but If he receive the- requisite number of votes for an ofBci > , as asse---or. to elect him to that position , be will not be debarred from holding suth ofHro by rt-ahon of having oeeii a kuper- vlsor of roclstratlon. The prohibition Is acaliiat boldlnc the office of supervisor , not the ollice to which the party may be electod. \ \ here the incumbent of an office holds over by reason of the non-election , or non-appoint ment of a succes-or. or of the necloct or re fusal of his successor to qualify , he must qual ify .mow within ten Jays from the time at which his successor should ha > p qualified Sharp vs Brown Error from P erce county. Judgment reversed and cause remanded to tbe district court with directions to enter a decree for plaintiff upon his paying the amount of taxes due the defendant with interest thereon. Opinion by Mr Chief Justice Maxwell. Proceedings in error in the supreme court may be commencca within one yeur from the tune the motion fora new trial Is o\erruled. lioljenbock vs TarklngUm , H Neb. , 430 over ruled A cause in Ihe Seventh district was sub mitted to tbe judce of the Ninth district , and by him taken under advisement and held for many months and a decision rendered at a time to vrni = h. it nas claimed , the court had been adjourned No journal entry showing such adjournment was produced and the affi davits were too uncertain to Justlfj the court in holding that there was an adjourned term I'pon tne record presented held , tfiat tne tax deeds did not convey the title to the land nnd the plaintiff would have the ri ht to re deem upon paying the taxes duo with interest thoreon. After a cause is Submitted to the court tbe rlcht of a plaintiff to dismiss the c.iuse with out prejudice without leave of court is ut an endThe The Sandwich Manufacturing company v ' Feary Error from t.eward county. 'Re versed and remanded. Opinion by Mr. Chie Justice Maxwell. A written warranty of a reaper contained these provisions "If on starting tne machine It should in any way prove defectUeor fail to work tbe purchaser shall gl\e prompt writ ten notice to tbe agent from whom tie pur chased it , and allow sufficient time fora per- 'on to be sent to put it in order and tbe de fective parts , if any. replaced , the purchaser rendering necessary i nd friendly assistance " Held , that a substantial compliance with th < se provisions was necessary to entitle tbe purchaser to rescind the contract and return thn machine. That the manufacturers had acted with rea sonable promptness after notice of the defect in sending experts to adjust the machine and put it In runnlnc order , and that the refusal of the purchaser to permit them to adjust the machine and put It lu order was a. waiter of tiifl defects. Burk vs Dempster. Error from Fillmore county. Affirmed. Opinion by Air. Justice Nnrv&L Held that the evidence justified the jury In finding that the defendant was H bailee with out hire , and that ttie bailee was guilty of gross neullzence. A gratuitous bailee is liable for injury to property Intrusted to his care occasioned by cross nepllsrnce. The instructions given fairly state tbe case to the jury and those requested by defendant were properly refused Burger vs State. Error from Cnster county. Reversed and remanded. Opinion by Mr Justice Norval. In an information for arson in setting fire to u buiidins the ownership thereof may be al leged to be In the party In possession , because the offense U u.'iiu t the habitation. Where , howetor. the otfunse charged is the burninc of certain "stuck * of wheat of the value of SJOO , " etc. , the names of tbo owners thereof must be alleged and proved Under a btatute nhicb declared "if any person shall wilfully or maliciously set fire to or burn or cause to bo burned any barrack or stack of buy. wheat. " etc. * the prop erty of another , to the value , of ta or up wards , an instruction that the property if "of some taluo ton will find said Edward lluaslnnd guilty" Is eironeous. An Instruction that "if you find the defend ants tendered a reasonable doubt" is er roueous , as it In effect shifts the burden of proof ou to the accused. 1 he true rule is that if , upon all the otldenco , the jury entertain a reasonable doubt of the guilt of the accused , they should acquit. Standard Distillery ccmpanv vs Freyhon. Error from Colfaz county. Petition in error " dismissed. Opinion by "Mr Justice Norval An order of tlie district court quashing the srrrlce of a summons cannot b : eviewed by this court before final judgment il rendered in the action. Whitney vs , Leavon. Error from Sarpy county. Judgment of tbe district court re versed and xietv trial allowed unless defend ants in error withm forty days remit all but nominal nam&ge aud give notice thereof to tbe clerk of this court \vritag In case otcesjive doroago is remitted judgment will bo affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Justice 1'nst , Where a chattel mortirazo Is executed on a stock of lumber and iuerchand ! ti to secure a toua fide indebtedness fur money advanced by the mortgagee unil tbo mortgagor I * per mitted to retain pusi 01.3.011 of ihe property mortjiiijml without BIIV authority from the mortgagee to soil nny nart toereof , the fact that a few articles of km all value were old bjr the servant of the mnrtcagor. without the knowledge cirotiiucut of the Jj-ortk'ajee is not ofiuelf suClriunt to raise a roaclusite pre sumption that the niort.aso u fraudulent as to creditors , Eridtnco examined and held , that the value if tbe property luortKuced u not sin greatly in eic ssof tbe debt secured as to raise a pre sumption that the mortgage U fraudulent as to creditors. Where L Is entitled to the po cislon of prouurtv bj virlueof a chattel ; i ortsago exe cute : ! by D , a sheriff who seize * and taken It into hi * poni'iilou under n order of attach ment KUtj&eQueatly Issued acalntt O is a wronsdoer us ugalust U sod it Dt not ut > re- 6rjr for tbo latter to dc-mii-id the property before he recovers it to an a t on of replevin. In replevin. hnre iprclul unuic es are claimed , they must be specifically aliejtd. itulo applied In an action to ruc4jvtr a stock of lumber the allucutiiia rf damuzu was Hint "The defendant wrongfully detain * said property und has so wr nsfullv detained It froui plate Utf fnr sevcutoen days , to plalti- tlfTi darntce. " Held , that the pUluUS could not recoter for injury to tbe lumber. Uewitt's Sir > aparuls oleaniei tbe blood , Dr. Biruey cures -iiti.-ra. Bas BRINGING STRANG UP SHORT Proceedings Started by the Attorney Gen eral to Force an Accounting. BONDSMEN MADE PARTIES TO THE SUIT Itr nlullon < Adopted liy thr StMr Hoard KrnifMlnc Him tmm the OHIceof Presi dent of the Nebraska Morld'i Tnlr Cominl lon. Nob. , April 7. iSpocial to THE BEE.J Tbe Nebraska Colombian commission finished up Its business today , having been in session for tbrca durs and evoslncs. After tbe reading of tbe journal tbn first matter token up was the consideration of tbe Strang settlement. No reply having been received from Mr. btrnng In response to tbe numerous letters andtolecrams tent him , Mr. Weiss introduced the following resolution , whlcb was unanimously adopted : Whereas , 1'rcsldctit A. L. Stranp Is by law tlie tiuasurer and disbursing acont of tbe Ne braska Columbian commission , and \\berea * . He has ncclected and refused , and still ueslect * and refuses to render an ac counting and an itemized statement u > tlie commission of tbe funds connnc Into hi * bnnd < belonrlnc to the commission , though often requested * o to do. therefore bo It Hesolved By this commission , that the at torney general be and be is hereby instructed to at once institute It-sal proceedings aculnsl said A. 1 * stran ; : and his bondsmen on his bond on account of ) jli default thereon ; and also to institute such other proceedings ai may be necessary to compel him to render full and complete statement * of his doln ; as president and disbursing oBiccr of the > t- brHSka Columbian commission , und to render a true and itemized account of all moneys re ceived and disbursed by liim as president and disbursing offlcor , and to require tbe said A L. frtrans to pay any and ah balances in his bands to unv person designated by said com mission to roccire the same. The following resolution , presented by Mr. Mobley , was also adopted without a dissent- inp vote Whereas , President A. I , Stmns has per sistently fulled to perform his duties as presi dent and disbursing officer of this commission for a period of more than tnree months and \\bereas. Ho has. a oresldcnt , absolutely icnorod und defied tbe by-laws prc-criblug hU dutlus. and \\ Ho has for three months failed to meet with the commission and make sottle- mt'Lt as requested b ) tbe commission and promised bj the s.ild 1'resldent # trans at the meetinir of tbe commission lield January I'l , 1181 and as required by law be It Kesoned , Tnat Uie ollieo of president of the Nebraska Columbian .commission be aiiu Is hereby declared vacant A committee on the revision of the by-laws was appointed. Messrs. Mobley , Weiss and Gale \\cro appointed as such committee and they were instructed to make their report at tbe next meeting. The matter of the adoption of plans for tbe state building was deferred until the nest meetint : in order to allow architects who have already submitted plans to complete their specifications and estimates. The commission then adjourned to meet at Omaha at a date fixed upon by the commis sioner general. 1'rettltlent Strang KrslsrwB. in a telegram received from Houston , Tex. , PresidentStrang of tne Nebraska Columbian commission tenders his resignation to Gov ernor Boyd , the same to take effect on April 15. It is believed that Mr. Strong will return from Texas bj that aato and present his report to the commission. The members ot that body regret excoedinely that it nns been neoessarV to resort to ex treme measures and all expressed their be lief today that too resolution adopted at this forenoon's session of tbe board would have the effect to orinc out a statement from Mr. Strang that will be in every xvay satisfactory Tne commission will be practicallv a new body when it meets at Omaha , ivhich will be m about ten days Secretary Powers has al- readjr tendered his resignation and it bos been accepted by tbe governor His place will be filled before the" commission meets again , as will also the place of President Strang. New officers will be clioseu at the Omaha meeting and new by-laws adopted. How a Kearney liank "as Wrecked. The failure oftho Commercial and Snvincs bank of Kearney has already been recorded In tbo e columns itccoiver GlbBons filed his first official report with tbe dork of the su preme court this afternoon. It the peculiar methods which were in vogue at the Kearney institution and shows the manner in is hich the business of the defunct bank was conducted. In his reporttho receiver savs. In comnlianco 1th the order of the court I be ? leave to submit the follow Inc report for your consideration Tne following amount in notes and other nominal assets have been turned over to me- Original notes jrj.712.G3 Notes In Judgment. t6s.iK > Overdrafts TU5.12 furniture and fixtures 2.UJ.L76 Credit Items arj.50 Cash ) .70 Total J4U.OO5 ( The original notes Include those of John Barnd , cashier , to the amount of J1S.S54 , nearly all past due : the Mutual Loan and Imest- ment company by fa , S. St. John us secretary to tbe amount of EQ.1H9. nil da ted January 3J , ISUi due in June and July , without Interest till maturity A. U Herrand , assistant cashier , to the amount of JJ.MS. The Burnt ! notes are secured by 100 shares of stock. In tbe "Nebraska. Land companv. " which company is owned almost , if not alto gether , by John Barnd , and two notes are endorsed by L. N. st. John , secretary of the Security Land company " These two notuc amount to IVi j. I do not consider the security or endorsements any better than the not-ei The notes of tne Mutual Loan and Invest ment company have no security behind them , while Uertrand's notes are virtually un secured. The "notes on Judament" I consider of little if ot any account The "oxerdrufts" are about half bank errors that have been accounted for in this way instead of proUt und loss , and the other half , with tbe excep tion of a ( ew dollars , is overdrafts by stock holders and ofllcers of the bank The "fur niture and fixtures" probably can realize about one-half ot tbclr nominal value. Of the f 1J.W1.4J ( balance of notes after do- ductlmr notes of officers of the bank ) 1 find f7.'MO past due. Of this amount t. are past due over one your , and of the balance fl.275 are past due over six month * . These notes as a whole I consider the poorest kind , and it seems incredible that men with any business capacity or who nnd arijr desire for the safety of other people's money could pretend to loan il as seems to have been done. The liabilities of tbe bank are as follows Deposits subject to check. UI.SU 10 Certificates of deposit. . XWOi 10 Due United states National bank at Oroivha 10270 l ue Union National bank , Chicago . . W Uedlscounts * ftX ) OJ Total. . > Q,000 00 Of the certificates of deposit there are so- curnO flT.MJ und the bank has put up to se cure this amount not * > s to the amount of ISiSa" 11 GIUIIO-.S , Receiver In addition to the above report , .Receiver Gibbons filed a petition asking the supreme court for an order requiring the Mutual Loan and Investment company and S. is. St. John , John Soott , O , P PolisonV F. Pickering - ering and T N. Hartzell to appear on April 13 and render an itemized report of all moneys , notes or stock received from Jahn Barnd , cashier of tbe defunct bank. Tbe matter referred to in tbe petition was a deal Detuoon Cashier Barnd and the parties named above by which the latter were stockholders in tbe DOW defunct bank and who evidently had a premonition ot the com ing disaster , unloaded their bunk clock upon Barnd and received in return a block of the Mutual Loan and Investment company stock as well as a large amount of tbeir notes which had been held by tbe bank. According to Receiver Gibbon's peti tion the investment stock is of con Ideraolo value , while tbe bank stock is comparatively xvorthlesa After tbu panics named in the petition bed transferred their load of bank stock from tboir oivn shoulders to Barnd's they very prudently resigned and left tbo latter to carry the responsibility of tbe bank failure , Uoara of Ilralth M ratine. The board of secretaries of tbe State Board of Health held their regular mnntnly meet ing at the state bouse this Afternoon. Tbe only business transacted was the examina tion of diplomas and the granting of certifi cates. Following i the list ot certificates issued U. L. btevenson , Bennlneton : C. N. Tcrrv , li yooldi , J. H. Long , Hay Springs ; J 6. ( Jarmon. Hastings ; . H. Heston. E. W. Inc , U. F. Kennedy , Pickoroll ; J. F , Bren dell , Avoca. H. N , Mlllt , Osceolu , Peter YonLaoura , Omaha , B , F. Dougherty , B ro ry Dougherty , Lin coln , Uenry Baker , Kearney ; J A , Kelley , South Omaha , A. J. Clark , St. Ed wards , G P Shoemaker , WUsonrllle. H. M. JnlUu Cairo , Theodora M.lon , Omin , L. W. Critrer , MeCortk < J L Oompton , Bl&lr. C. L , Oftrk. Nebraska City ; D. C. Stanbcrry , Stockholm , U. D Sllier , Beatrice - triceW , S. ButterMngn , Bloomfleld. J. A. Dunlap. S. K. DanUrr , Albion. Sherman Vaanoss , Omaha , A.V. . Williams , Crete. J. W. Hitcbcocit , Lincoln , Jacob berc , Lexington. E. C. I'ntn&tn , Hepubllc&n City , J. W Epier. Jntlio ; H. M. Ochlelroe , Haddani , Kan , C. H. Maxwell , Dakota City. Thomas Henderson , Omaha. P. Bald win , Clinton , A. B. Cox , Purdu : Charles Oxford , West PointD. . L. McLauchltn , Tekamah Francis Naulteui , Hastiocs , A. J \\Urd. Stiver Creek. HV. . Partchem , Snyder. E .1. Austin , nwlnp Thry Will lluro Some rrnrtlrr. According to law each company of the Ne braska National guards is required to hold five drills In each year , for which payment is made by the state Tno appropriation is so nearly exhausted that the stale will bavo funas but for throe drill meetings for each company In order that the law will bo fully compiled with the adjutant general or the inspector general will hereafter bo pres ent at each drill meeting of each company. Adjutant General Ylfqnaln tonight Issued an order designating the following datej fur the drill meotincs of each company First rcsi- ment , comp ny A , Yoric. Mnv 0 , June 11 , July 15 , company B , nllerton. Mav 24. June 22 , July ! ! 1 , company d , Beatrice , May 2 , Juno 2 , July 1 ; com pany D , Lincoln. May 11 , June V. July 13. company E , Fremont , May 21 , Juno 2J , July 28 : company F , Jnniata , Mav 17 , June IS , July 7 company G , Geneva , May fi. June 14 , JulyO. company H , Ntlson. Mav 4. Juno 4 , July 5 , company 1 , Bennett , May 10 , Juno b , July 12 company K , Central City. May 14 , June 17. julj 20 , Second regiment , company A , Kearney , May IS , June 1ft , July S , com pany B , Ord , May 'J6 , June 23 , July IP , com pany C , Nebraska City , May 9 , June 7 , July 11. company D. Falrbury , May 3. June 3. July 2. companv E , Chadron , May 29 , Juno.'tO , Julv 30 : company F , HaytSprlngs , May29 , JunelK ) , Julv 30 , company G , Long Pine , May 20 , June2S , July 20- company H. Tekamph , May 2- % June 27 , July 25. company 1 , Stromsbnrg , May 13 , June 21 , July 10. companv 1C. Schny- ler"May20 , June IS , July 22 , troop A , Milford - ford , May 12 , Juno 10 , July 14. Settled the Hulo Complaint. The secretaries of the State Board of Transportation were at Uulo yesterday and today to investicate the complaints of tbe citizens of that place , which have been pend ing before tbo board forsomo time. The Hulo people complained that the B. , k M. rail road , in constrnctinc its line tnroutrh their town , had closed up their most important business thoroughfare. The secretaries found upon tbeir arrival that tbe matter was in a fair way to bo amicably adjusted with out further legal proceedings They also found that it would ba perfectly imnractica- " bio to open thn street as demanded" by the ' citizens' as it would necessitate a deep cut in the heart of the town and make an exceed ingly dangerous crossing to the public. State Ilonse ( .osslp. A suDscnption paper \vas circulated about the stale bouse today for the benefit of tbe cyclone sufferers at Nelson The sum of $70 was su ascribed. Governor Boyd had already made a donation of 100 to the cause , which swells tbe amount raised in the state house to il 0. Superintendent Goody returned from Weeping AVater today , wbere he had been attending a county institute. Articles incorporating the State Bank of Cardova , Seward county , were filed this afternoon. Hon. J. F Ballanger ol Hastings was a calier at the state house this afternoon. The celebrated case of John Fitzgerald against the Fitzgerald i Mallory Construc tion company and the Missouri Pacific Rail way company , reached the supreme court to day. The transcript and bill of exceptions covers 2,207 pages of prmted matter. The document is the most voluminous one ever filed in the Nebraska supreme court. Awarded Ileaiy Damage * . The breach of promise case instituted by Miss Florence Dole against Thomas A- Stratton - ton was concluded an the district court to day , tbe forenoon being occupied By the court in reading his instructions to the jury and by tha arguments of the attorneys. The arguments of Messrs. Stearns and Strode , who anpcared for the plaintiff , and of Mr. Lnmbertson for the defendant were bril liant. Mr. Strode , in closing the case , made an evident impression upon tbe minds of the jurymen bv his allusion to tne case of Cap tain Yocuin at Hastings. The jury at 2HO this afternoon returned a verdict awarding the plaintiff tie sura of $12,000. The case will in all probability go to the supreme court. New Conservatory of Music. Woric was commenced today on the new building to be occupied by the Nebraska Conservatory of Music. The new building will be erected on the corner of Thirteenth and L streets and will be a four story struc ture , 50 bv 150 feet in size and constructed of stone. It will be built with special refer ence to the purpose it is intended to answer and according to the contract will be com pleted in July. From the Court liooms , Stephen Crouch , who was injured by a fall through a defective sidewalk ana woo sued the city for 5,000 , today received a verdict of J13G.23. A. B. Johnson today filed a petition for & new trial in the Ogden Commercial case. John Place today filed a petition for a divorce from his wife Sadie , whom ho al leges deserted him twenty days after they were married Judgments were rendered in Judge Hall's court today in the following cases and amounts C N. Dietz against H E. Chapel , for SOW. 33 Entitled to Ills salary. The case of County Commissioner Churchill against the Board of County Com missioners of Lancaster county , which has been pending in district court for many months , was settled today by a decision handed down by Judge Chapman this morn ing. Churchill had refused to vote to pay tbe livery Dills incurred by the commission ers while attending to the duties of their pu- sitious. In order to get even with him the other members of the board refused to allow him his compensation as a member of tbe board. He took tbe matter into the district court and today Judge Cnapman held that the commissioners had no right to withhold his salary The cae will go to the supreme court. DeWltt's Sarsapanlla destroys SUCQ pol sons as scrofula , skin disease , eczema , rheu matiim. Its timely use save * many lives. Ilailroad Aflntrs. President Weller of the Commercial asso ciation is so hopeful of the abrogation of tbe bridge toll by the lowiTrailroads that the ex ecutive commlttoa will take no action before tbe meeting of April 'G. Vice President Newman of the North western railway did not talk in tha most encouraging vein. la foct , bo bold up Sioux City as a "bugabo-j He as serted that if tbe bridge toll at this point were removed it would lot Omaha jooocrs into tbe territory of bKJux City on tbe east , and the Jobbers of that'place would then in sist on tiia abrogation of tnelr bridge toll oa shipments into Nebraska. He argued tbcro- from that Omaha nod o tt r let well enough alone. ' Toe Tranimlssouri Cisociation has made a rate of a fare and a third for the democratic late convention to , be held in Omaha April 13. U General Manager ClArk of the Union Pi- cific left tUis morning for St. Louis. Sick headache ! Beecbam'i Pills will re- lave. Bottles of SWIFT'S SPECIFIC relieved tr.c of a severe Blood ( rouble. It has also caused my liair lo grow out tgain , as it Lad been falling out by tlie hand full. After trying many phyaciana ia vain , I am so happy to find n turn In S.S.S. 0. II. EUIEKT , Galvcstoii , T . \ PTTRFS Vy forcing out rerms of disease ( kMtu.and the prison as well. O r It is entirely vegetable ynd harmless. 0 ) Treatise on Blood and Skin mailed free , SWIFTS tP nC CO. , Atlanta , Ga. CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE. Men's Spring Overcoats It wont cost much today to get suited to a light weight overcoat. We are selling a very nice all wool Melton for $7.75 , new shades , satin sleeve linings , shop made , worth $12. The season for the sale of overcoats is short. We have decided to unload. Nobby homespun overcoats , $11.75 , all s worth $18. A special line of dark meltons on sale today , which cannot be duplicated outside of the Continental for less than $15. Special Suit Sale $5$6.50$7.50 , . , . , ยง 7.75 & $8.50. On Friday and Saturday you can have your choice of a dozen styles of the best values ever shown in this city. Prices on some of this line have been cut in two. Sawyer Suits , $10.00. On Saturday we will offer another line of the celebrated Sawyer Suits at $10. You will be in luck to own one at this price. They are retailed in this city as high as $18. We have sold them for three seasons and know how the goods wear. wear.Nobby * s Spring Suits , - - > In all the new shades of browns at $9.50 , $12 $15 and $18. In YOUIIPT Men's The new Cheviots cost $10 and $12. Boys' Spring Clothing. Prices and quality unequalled. Styles all new. Nobby Vest Suits , Reefers , Long Trousers and Kilts. On Saturday We will sell 100 Suits of Boys' all wool Cheviot Suits in double and single breasted at $3.50 each , worth not less than $6.00 , in sizes six to fourteen . years. years.Knee Pants 25 , 35 and 50 cents. We will have oar Short Pant counter stocked again on Saturday with half price goods. Hats 50c. Our new spring- shapes for boys all go on Saturday at 500. Souvenir for Boys on Saturday.A . A league hard wood bat and Spaulding ball for all our boys on Jfc s1 5 ci t u rd s v GONTINEffTKL6LOTH6fiOU8E REGULAR Army and Navy PENSIONS : Soldiers fn ( he . -1 t'w and Sailors , Seamen and JLir- fttfs in the United Stales Naiy. since ihe ll'ar of Ike Rebcll > t. who have been discharged from the service on account of dis abilities incurred therein whili in the line of duty , are Entitled to Pension at the same rates nnd .under the same conditions as persons rendering - dering the same service during the Jl'ar of the Rebellion , except that they are not entitled under the new law or act of June 27 , 1S90. Such persons re also en till r 3 pension whether discharged rom the service on account o disability or by reason of expir ation of term of service , if , while in the service and line of duty , they Incurred any wound injury or disease ul iJi still disables them for manual labor. Widows ccnd Children- of persons rendering servica in the regular army and navy Since the War are Rntitled to Pension. * * if the death of the soldier to his service , or occurred whila he was in the service. Parents of Soldiers & Sailsrs dying in the United States ser vice since the War of the Rebel lion , or after discharge from tha service , from a cause originat ing therein , leaving no widower or child under the age of sixteen years , are entitled to pension if now dependent upon their os % n labor for support , whether the soldier ever contributed to their support or they were dependent upon him at the time of his death or not. FOB INFORMATION OB ADVICE As to title to pension , ADDRCSS THE ; Bee Bureau of Claims ROOM 220 , BEE Bt ILD1XC , Or tbe Liquor IlabEt I'onltiirl.r Cured by ailininUK-rinir l > r. flaium' OllldOIISlX It can be ciren In & oup of oaaro or tea. or In fool. without the fcaorjrip of Uae patient. It Ic absolutely liarmleca. and wfll effect a pcranDent and operdy care , wbetber tbe pfrUont ! a moderate drlukcr or an alcoholic wreofc. It & 6 been CTVOII in tboufiandB of casor. and In every instance a perfect cure cat tal > lowed ft teTer KutlM. ThetrBtemoncelcirirrrn&i'd with the becomes an utter lapow.ibUltr for lh liquor appetite to exlbt. GOLIIO M'EtiriU CO , Prop'n. Clnrlimutl , O. 4&pwre book of Dartlonlari free. To be liad ol Kuhn .1 CoIJth aud Douplus Sis. and ISlli li CuuilncM * Wholesale , lliukc. llruoo A. Co. Qund Kirhardion Drug I'o. Minima.ol ! > PKUl'U-ALS POU INDIAN fl'UFb A.ND trun pjruitlon Department of the Intcr- or. Ofllcf of Jnalun Affulrs. Uai-iiiiiEtoii , April S. le'C Scaled proposals , endorsed 1'ro- posiil- fur I left , Ajlus for lii-cf must be submit ted In setriutf em fiopoli.icori. ) . Hour , ( . iulhin ; or 1 rau.-port.itlim. etc. , " ms thu case may be > . und directed to the Comu ts.Inncr of Indian Affairs. Ixus 05 ana CToo tersiio t , New YorK. will bo received until I i > m of Tuesday. May 3. l 'ii for furoishlnz for tlie ladlin scrv co about TOJ.iiiu pounds banin , Jl 0 . ( KW pounds liouf on th" hoof ! MniltOD ( ) pounds lift bocf , ulMKJJ pounds beans , 7o,0)3 ( ) pounasliuUlni ; po acr. r , C.X)3 ( ) pounds corn 5 O.OwU pounds cotToe. ll.KKlaio pounds flour , TS.O 0 puutuls feed. ! ) "i. 100 uounds hard bread 40. On pounds houiiny.Jfl.ttiO pounds lura..Vv'l bar- alB mess porU. l.MHJJ jioundt outmc l. 1 > 7UUUO pounds outs. H ' ,00.i pounds rice. ' .0 0 pounds tea. 1 0,0 0 pounds eo.irso salt. l-'CUIDJ pounils flno f. It , JiU.lKW pounds Bonn. l.U'JO.uuo Dounds fcusar. and tjajiOa poundb whoat. Also , b'unk- els. uoolen ana cotum goods iconaULinr in liartof Ik-Uini : 13.IMO yiTils , stundnrd calico. 1 1.00 jyjrdb. dnlllur iH.MKi viiriN , duck , frcu from nil flzliii : . a003 ynrdij denims , IU.IWJ ynrtls clnsliuius. .cxi.UK ) yurds , Kfntuil.y jcaiih. fi.f. 0 yards ; cn < nloU xUJUynrilshronii slmetlnn.'W.lWr yrris : Muauhed blicotlMS. U5.UUJ yards , hickory shlrtinsUiOu yurds ; calico frlilrtinj : . G.WIO yardhr clothlus. croeer- les. notions luirdwarc. uiodlcal buppltes. sciiool books etc. . and u Ions list of rulscel- lanuuusartiolos. such ash.irnoss , uloui , , raKci. forks , eU- and for about WO tuoiik rnjnired for the fc rrJce. to He delivered ut Chlc''io , Kansiih City and rioux City Aluo lor kuth waon ; as rnaylie required , udntaed to Uie climate of the 1'aclIIc coast , with California driherej uv tan Pntnclvm A ao transportation for such of the amelus. cooils and kuuplies that muy not bo coutrailfU fur to be do 1 lured at the aench s. llids nianl bu made out on coiiTnniCot blunkk. obeduR K tlio kind , and < iuiiutltle of fcubtit- iipplles repulroU for each agency and school , ana the Kinds and quantities Iu cm.-a. of nil otlirr couds nnd articles , tucether v. til lilank propOMils , coi.dit.ons tube obburttii by bidders , timu and plucv of UvlUery U'in : of contract aud payment , traifiportatlon routes nnd all oilier nt-re-sary Instructions nu > te furnUhnd upon application to the ludinn Uf. Uce In \ \ aililnjton. or No ( Ti aud 07S or > ster htreet , Jsew \ ork ; the Coininlssarifs r > f 9ub- L' S A. at C'liityenne. l hlcauu. rtb , Oniulin , saint Louis , fcalnt I'uul , and han 1'rnriplsco. tbo i'o tuiu ter& at Mom City , loua : VanUton t-outli Dakota ; Arkan- susCUy. Uuldue-il. Topeka and U'lclnta , hLti- ka'k nnd TUM-OII. Arizona. The rl ta U re. served by tbe no * Rrnmeut to reject anr and all bldnor any part of any bid and tlu-io propo. sals are in vlt d under pro\ Iso that appropria tion shun be made for the kapplles Ly con * pre.s Illds will beonuiied ut tne hmir and day above stated , und bidders ure \lted to bo present ut tbe opening t'orUflod cherka. All bids must tie uccmupanlrd by cu-rtinod cliuckk or drafli unou some Unltod Mates Du- poiltoior the Kirtt National Hank ofati FranclkCO , Cil , for at least Uvu jitr rent nf the amount of the proposal T J .VlUlfN Couiuiluiooer , ATd"ltta I'rupuutls for 1'nblir Library KullUlii ) ; Iliiiuli healed bids n-arlfoa propohali. fur publlu library buildiiu bonds will bo rechod at tha otilre of tboclty treasurer. On. aha , Ne' < up to 12 o'clock mxin of the i&lii day of Apr I l-'J'- , for tlie purchase of llfxi.iui ( i.O pub Iv library bulldlns U < nda ol Uie city of Omaha. Nib. , dated May 1st. IMC. and payable 30 yrars nf t < r date , loterenlat the raioof S percent per an num , payable > nil-aiitiually I'nn ipai and intercut payable at Kounue liros , .Nf . > rlc. Kaob bid must state price und n i u t bousbt for aud Include aocruud ititurest t ? U a to of doll i dry at Omaha , Nab. The rljrlit li ruicrvnd to rcjttct any a ilnll l > lds uudcr chartar power of cities f tlio lltju c I it kg. aud ordluunie NJei. . aiinrovcd Mart b JUu 1 91 JIEfKV 1101 UN L'ny j-e ur r.