Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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World's ' Fair Commission Pre
\ paring Estimates of Expenses.
Another Appropriation of Conililcrnlilo
MnRtiltuilo Will Ho Aftknl for Aililltliinnl
Displays I'rcMdrnt StruMR Not Mount
From Lincoln Nc\r Notes.
Nob. , April O.-fSpaclal to TUB
Jip.S. ] ThoNohrnska Columbian commission
today demonstrated the fact that It ha * busi
ness ability and energy to use it. Although
the results do not taako a lengthy showing
upon nnpor , yet the commission has today ac
complished tnoro rc&l work mid made moro
progress toward the matter of the state ex
hibit at Chicago tban it has during lUowboio
period of its existence.
When the commission mot this morning it
took up the matter of the settlement with
President Strang ; but It was stated that
tbero wcro good reasons for the belief that
Mr. Strang would bo heard from during the
jday und consequently the mutter was do-
( drrod. The matter of thn plans for the stale
'building ' was also deferred.
I The commission then settled down to the
to-ork of m.iltlne an estimate of the actual
'nocossnry expenses that must bo Involved
jfrom now until the opening of the exhibition
In 18'J3. The wuolo matter was thoroughly
diseased , and a careful estimate tnado. It
Svas ns folloxvs , the cstlmalo being mudo to
carry the work to March 1 , lbt)3 ) :
Building 114.000
Arcliltt'L't for ulnns 100
ualnry ot ( uniinUsliiiiur Kunornl 2,500
I'crMnml expenses ot coiumlsjlonor gen
eral 1.00
Amount drawn to date . . . . 4MO
'unorlnlcmliMitnf constriiettou : t )
3ccoriilliiK building 4.00)
'lolElit mid express on exhibits. . . . l.3ou
HootliiRs uf coinmlssloi.ers 11,00) )
liisuriineoon Imildlnz ItOJ
C.'irtiue und lubor IH.O
J'rlntln , ' uml postage 2,50
Total 8.UTOO
The above Includes , of course , only the ox-
ticnio that must bo incurred up to March 1 ,
18U3. It does not Include the maintenance of
the building and exhibit during the fair.
Kolthcr does It Include the amount ticcossnr.v
to umlio displays in the main buildings that
Sylll bo creditable to tha state of Nebraska.
The whole matter of the expense of the ex
hlbtts of the agricultural , horticultural ,
dairying , live stock , educational and other
departments has yet to be arranged for.
Thco cannot bo made In the state building.
They must bo made In the different buildings
of tha national cominlsslnn , under the rules
Cf tha nutioiial association.
In adultlon to the above amounts the lop-
( slnturo will bo roquoatcd to make an appro
priation to cover tba expenses of maintaining
the exhibit lu CMcneo duringtho fair. Thcsj
expcnsci will bo necessarily bnavy , and the
nmount aHkod for will bu fi-O ; J.i : ; ) . The os-
tlmala was based upon the most careful cal
culation and the commissioners all expressed
themselves as satlsllod that It wai not ati un-
roasoimblo ninounU A circular latter to tha
pooplu of the state will be issued at once in
s \vhich the cnttro ontimato will be given ,
khowlnir just what each Item consists of and
way It li necessary.
PrcimrlnK for Frelitnlnnry Work.
In order that no delay may bo experienced
In the mutter of preparing exhibits for the
fair , the commission appropriated the follow
fug amounts for tbo several departments for
preliminary work , thoamounts tobododucted
from tbo amount asked for from the legisla
ture : Education , 11,500 ; agriculture , fl.r.CHJ ;
horticulture , $1,500 ; dairy , $50i ) ; apiary , fi50 ;
woman's exhibit , $1OUU. Thcso amounts
wore appropriated In order that the sovural
Departments may begin making1 tboir plans
lit once. The various state organizations
representing the several industries of the
ktato will bo requested to taka charge of the
exhibits and the wotk of preparing them.
Those exhibits will bo bused upon tbuamount
that tha legislature will bo requested to
nppraprlale. As soon as any state organiza
tion slnill signify its doslro to commence
Work the tnonoy appropriated for the prelim
inary work will bo drawn. VVhoro state
organUatlons do not tnko hold of the matter
tbo commissioner general will appoint n
Uperluteiidout for that department.
No Word from 1'roslilunt Htrnng- .
Up to tbo hour of adjournment at 0 o'clock
this evening no word had boon received from
President Strung , who Is still in Texas. Kx-
Comtnlsslonor General Greer sent him an
urgent telegram lost night to notify tbo com
mission tlmt ho would start for Nebraska at
onco. Late this afternoon a telegram was
received from a friend of Mr. Strang at La
Porto , saying that ho could not bo reached ,
but that ho would probably bo heard from
tooforo night. The commission thereupon de
ferred any action upon tbo matter until to
morrow. It ts believed that Mr. Strong bos
already tendered his resignation to Governor
yd by telegram from Ls Porto. At 0
. , ilock the commission adjourned until to-
tporrow morning.
Cji > 88lp lit the Stilti llouno.
Messrs. Hastings , lionton , Kill , Allen and
Humphrey of the State Board of Transporta
tion Blurted for Washington , D. C. , today to
attand the national convention of tate rail
The state military board was In session
today upon the report of the expert who has
boon working on the records of tbo adjutant
general's ofllcc. Tbo report U not yet reaUv
( or publication.
The Kearney Manufacturing company was
Incorporated today with u capital of $350,000.
Spcrk iinlH'zzlomcnt Cnso.
The Sperk embezzlement case occupied the
attention of Judge Foxworthy today. Tba
principal witness today was Robert Uorgan ,
\vbo testified positively that bo had novur
bad any conversation with Beabm Many
place ; that bo did not have a speaking ac
quaintance with him. Know Ilcuhtu ant )
Cowcill by sight , but bad no conversation
with oltborof them or any ono also relative
to the payment of any money to them. Did
not have any conversation with Cowcill , in
Tvhiob bu hud told Cowcill that bo had paid
Spark a part of the f5,000. This question
was to tbo effect if ho had not told' Cowgill
that at tha Durllngtoii'dopot on February 10 ,
Whun tbo Junketing party went to Denver.
Deahm was again put on tba stand and
subjected to ovoro examination by Attor
ney 1'hllpntt , lie denied having used any
whisky or cigars in inlluohchig senators.
, _ 5Vltno s said do did not pay a cent to Son-
nfor Collins. Spark had ottered Collins t&OO
to vote as bo wanted him , Collins refused ,
and told Sporic to his face that ho wanteii
nothing to do with bun ( Spork ) . Witness
stlil tiu bad never offered Collins any mouoy
or nnylblng olso. All that Collins did was
for friendship to wltuosi. Iteahm haa uskoc
Bporlc why bo made that break. Sperk sale
bo wanted to 'cinch him. " Sperk iutoiidet
to pay this out of bis own pocuut , bo was
worth $75,000 and could stand it. Itoabn
emphatically asserted bo bad uovor usou or
nltoinptod to use corrupt means with any
member of tbo legislature. Witness was
asked if ho had boon present at a couversa
lion between Dorgan and Cowgill at the
Capital hotel , but this was ruleu out at this
UnimuM Cast ) In Court.
Judge Drown wit outraged tbl * monilntrln
bearing a rather unusual case , In which
Uildgot Mulhn auos tbo Wcstorn Union
Telegraph company for 300 damages. Mrs
Mulllu secured tbo services of Datectiva
Pound in finding bur husband , Daniel , who
bail mysteriously disappeared. Tha oftlcer
IInally found out tuat Mullln bad last boon
board of in Seattle , Wash. , working in n
lumber yard. A telegram was sent tha
chlof of police at Seattle iuqulrlug if Mullln
vroa still employed there. The next day a
telegram from Aspen , Colo. , was tmat to Do-
taotlvo Pound , which react ; "II. is bure.
Come on. Will moot vou at Gleuwood
BpricRs. W. H. Fltrgorald. "
The latter ! * olty marshal of Aspen , and
Ibo telegram haa reference to the presoaoo la
XAspeu of Fred Hammond , whom Detective
Pound wanted for forgery committed hero.
The telegraph company , however , sent tba
dispatch to Mrs. Mulllu'a bouso ( the dotoo-
tlvo being out of town ) and tbo messenger
tola her it was her telegram. Sbo rend it :
"Ho is hero. Come on , " She Immediately
purchased a ticket to Seattle , not being well
VDrsed In the tdlosyucraclet of the ir.oJcrn
tolagram , but cot it by way of Aupcti. Of
Bourse sbo didn't flad Daniel , and now
Llose ,
Fust bluck tlmt will not rub oil , slzos
7 , 7 { , 8 , 8i , 0. Hi ; worth i5c ! , being very
Boys' -
and Girls'
These have double
kneodoublo solodoublo
hcol mid toes , worth 35o
iipuir. Special for three
days at 25c. They nro
( list non-crocking black.
Hose ,
Thesa nro a great bargain , being
solid , not crocking black ; half regular
Silk Taffeta
Gloves ,
Tans , brown , gray and black , worth
35c a pair ; on sale tomorrow at 15c.
Lisle Thread
. worth $2.50
These are worth
$2.50 each.
They are the same
f | as the cut , but
have long sleeves
Gloves ,
Tans , browns , grays , eight Inch
length , worth $1.75 ; now fresh quality
05o ; worth $1.75.
Morse Dry Goods Co.
brine * suit ngnlujt tha company for tbe
money ibo was compelled 10 pay out.
Juror * Urnwn for the 1'reient and Succeed-
\UK \ DUtrlct Court Term.
Doing short of Jurors with which to run
tht builnei * of the present term of court
Judge Davit , assisted by Clerk of toe Court
Mooros and County Clerk Sackott , yesterday
morning drew tbo name * of tha following
thirty men who will report for duty upon
the opening of court this morning ;
A. Anderson , K. K. Harbor , Otto Uarache ,
C. J. Oaumann , lUchardBreituner , Amos W.
Drown , J , Carlson , Fred Clauseu , A. L > ,
Cooper , Louis Dankla , A. T. Fuller , Fi-ank
Gardner , George Uodfroy , W. S. HouRblon ,
I ) . M. Jonuston , Fred Laufr. Peter l yon ,
jr. , Charles A. Wagner , John Williams.
Having commenced the work of drawing ,
In connection
with this sale we shall offer
a line of
All Wool
New Tan , Gray and Mixed
Chevron Effects , really worth
being all fine wool 750.
Open tomorrow for three days'
sale at 550.
We received a few pieces of
the new Alligator Brocade
Dress Goods that are late in
delivery to us , and we will offer
them in the morning at $1.25 ,
worth $1.75. The manufac
turer pays the difference.
tbo three gentlemen continued until they bad
selected tbo following named taxpayers , who
will serve during the 11 rat , throe weeks of the
May term of court which convenes on the
7thday of noitmouth :
Loon Anderson , H. H. Avorjr. F. W. Allen ,
James Barrett , J. S. Dardtok. Jamas P.
Brown , J , II. Boxton , William C. Uoydston ,
S. A. liarron , Heury Brooker , Gus Carlson ,
II , J. Chapman , John Coblo , D. W. Carpen
ter , Cbarlos Cuinlugs , George T. Crandell ,
Patrick Conner , O. J. Custor , Patrick Cul-
leu , Thomas Crocker , Michael Donovan , C.
A. Dayhoff , Cbarlos Doll , H. C. Derby. Gus
F. Knoneter , W. C. Evans , Charles B. Frey ,
F. A. Fuller , J. A. l-'ry , r. J. Fleming , M. C.
Foster , George \V. Frauds , L. 12. Gardlpeo ,
K. G. Glenn , August Grlbo , S. A. GooJell ,
Peter Glandt , John Hnllonbock , Henry
Hardy , Hlmor E. Johnson , W. K. Kurtz ,
Henry KoUey , Otto Kinder , II. B. Lock-
wood , Andrew Lawlor. John M. Lewis ,
Boa Long , W. T. Morford. W
T. Mllford. W. R. McKnlght ,
W , II. McCord , Gooruo W. Msrsb. James
Martin , D. D. Mack , B. tMiller. . Michael
McDonald , George Nelson , Frank Overleap.
P. E. Peterson , Thomas C. Parkins , M. P.
At so much less for the best qualities
that you \vill buy for a half year's need
This Beautiful Fancy
Flannel Shirt , 750.
First Floor.
lige ,
TOO doz fancy striped
flannel shirts , . , extra
good quality for the
price. Weyill sell
them for three days for
75c :
Worth SI.
Powon , J. Plumbfcclrj Uonry Paris , Joseph
Itlajsn , C. S. Uoher , 1'olor Ryan , Jlornmn
Hartnor , W. F. Itlco. Francis N. Storm. Ij.
E. Simpson , O. 1' . Shrura. Joseph T. Smith ,
Malt Skew. L. C. Smith , Charles Stlen ,
Charles L. Smith , Hans Kinder , \V. D. Sher
wood , Charles i < ' . Spoonor , Hurry O. Todd ,
John H. Tobblnn , J. W. Thomas , Ueorgo W.
Tillson , Ira Van Uamp , U. K. Westgato ,
Cleveland Ware , Itobert Wilion , O. K
Walker , William Weobor , Job WeUi.
L'ur the Second I'liuol ,
Then the namet of tbo following jurors
wore drawn to report May 31 and soivo dur
ing the second ttirp.o , weeks of the lorm :
tiurry O. Africa , W. .Anderson. George W.
Ambrose , George Cull. George K. Drown , J.
H. Doutello , Frank Darbor , John Deuson.
John A. Crolghton , Tnomas Deard. E. F.
Hrown , Thomas Dosso , Howard Cook , Pat
rick Convoy. J. 1 . Cooper , W. J. Council ,
Carl G. Carlson , John H. Creigbton ,
Uanlel O. Clements , Tnoraas Dw.vor ,
Peter Donohue. W , n. Elston , Thomas
Evans , Michael Fischer , Daniel Ferroll , Jr. ,
A. U Fitvb , William Gibbs , Sol Greonbcrg ,
W. N , Uruuvillo , George H. Hess , John A.
Half Hose
Half Price
100 do7.011 mon'a heavy sonmlcss
half hose , lOe ; worth lee puir.
80 dozen inon's fine soaintcss bal-
brlg-giui half hose , l:2c : puir , worth
7o dozen men's fast black half
hose ( Hornisdorf dye ) , loc ; worth
CO dozen inon's fast black , sjlicod )
hod and too , 25c pair.
CO dozen inoti'd fast black superfine -
fine hose , 33c ; worth f > 0c.
Thcso are the kind you must
coino here for honest bargains in
honest goods honestly represented.
Fast Black
Seamless , heavy double
heel and toe , 150 , on sale
tomorrow ; worth 250.
Men's noRlleo fast black saloon shirts
f I ; worth JI.50.
Men's Madras cloth fancy striped shirts ,
It ; uorth S1.5J.
Men's zephyr cloth shirts , very nep.t
styles , ( I : worth $ l.i > ' > .
Men's Oxford oloth shirts , 81.00 ; worth
Men's conulno French flitnnol shirts , SI.SO ;
worth W.
Men's Eonulno KroncL llannol shirts. J2 ;
worth 8J OX
Men's ' tulTota cloth shirts , $ ± 00 ; worth
MOH'H bcaford cord shirts. I ! : worth
Men's ovorshlrts at a great bargain.
This kid plain black
warranted not to rip ;
worth 31.
Fine street kid glove
strongly made , good
for wear ; worth 81.55.
First Floor. Quality If Id. made
with the now
Actual value 81.50.
First Floor.
Men's English D r I vlng
Gloves , 81.59.
Men's Mnclia KIdStroot
Glove , J1.S5.
Men's ICungaroo Driving
Gloves. J1.75.
All t specially attrao-
tlvo prices.
Harknoss , John Hoggorty , Dan II , Honin ,
Henry C. Holtlday , Bon It. Huydcn , N. A ,
Jensen , Frank Johnson , Ira Kunes , H. V.
Kulglit , John Lakostrom , Allen A. Lambert.
Carl Loudat , Albert Long well , J. L , . Laskoy ,
Hobort Lloyd , T. F. Mosoley , Charles MIUOII ,
Jnbn Murray , James May , .Martin Muri ,
nun , James MuQuadn , Jerry McKviliy-
Joha Nelson , diaries F. Naion , Claus Oft ,
Nol > Pedurson , Danlol O'Coonell. Frank
I'hlleo , Fridmsky Hunt , O. NV. Pickard ,
F. J. Persons , Chriatlaa PicKrpll , . I *
Purkhurst , John Polling , liustou Hico , Don
Kosontbal , Michael Hobort , II. C. Sumoy ,
Barton C. Smith , Harry Sharp. H. L. Stewart -
art , Herman Snldor , Olaudu Stockman , It.
\V , Satton , Claus G , Stlllo , J. I ) . Smilov ,
H. A Thompson , Jaraoi W , Taylor , F. M ,
Thompson , Ed A. Tavlor. .1. U. Tnrt , Wil
liam Wilholm. John C ! . Whltted , William IS.
Watson. James H. Wiliou. 10 , U. Woods ,
John Wilson , W. H. Williams , Joha teller ,
T. D. Viekroy.
Court Nulos.
In tha district co'irt Lulu Peterson h&
declared that she must bo divorced from liar
husband , Peter Potursoa , to whom she s-wo
This Sliirl
Muslin ,
Worth 75c.
bor heart and baud on December 1 , 1800. She
ulloges that Pater bos committed adultery
upon numerous occasions ; that bo spends
bis time and money in wine rooms with lewd
women , thus fulling to care for aud support
his vvlfo and child.
In Judco DavU' court the case of the state
against Herbert Lewis Is on trial. Lewis U
charged with having entered tbo rosldonco
of Gergo W. Wurohatn at Seventeenth and
Ohio streets , und stolen a shot im , a soul
skin cloak , besides many other article * of
wearing apparal.
In the ciso of Anton X.legokoovsky against
the Pokruk Zapidu , a suit broucht in which
ttiu plalntllT nl egod that a certain article
published In the paper damaged bis reputa
tion to tha extent of ? : . ,000 , , secured a judc-
mcntof flOO in Judge Ferguson's ' court yes.
torduy afternoon.
Hurry Goldstein is seeking to recover
fl,500 from William Hay , Thn allogaMou is
tbut on September liS , 1690 , Hay assaulted
and battered Goldstein's wife.
For u short tlmu yesterday afternoon busi
ness was suspended in tbo courts presided
ever by Judges Ferguson and ICoysur. Five
Juries ware out aollbera ilug over legal prob-
100 Dozen.
I'ancy bordered hemstitched , lOo ,
three for Uoc ,
Plain white Irish cambric , lOo ,
three for " 5u.
Kino fancy bordered , lUjo.
Kino linon. fancy bordorcd , 20o.
Fine linen , now designs. " 3c.
In every way the beat for the
money handkerchiefs are horo.
Good muslin , fancy trimmed , 50c ]
wortlt 75o.
Regular nitfht shirt muslin , neatly
trimmed , 75o ; worth $1.
Fine iilnin white night shirts , $ l\ \
worth $1.75.
Fine cambric nijht ( shirts ( suuv
mor weight ) , $1.
Fine Now York Mills muslin ,
fancy trimmed , $1 ; worth $1.60.
Special Sale Window Shades ,
Opaque Window Shades , 7 ft. long 3 ft. wide , mounted on spring . roller , 43 cents each , worth 75 cents
We have these shades in all colors.
Special Sale Portiere Curtains , $1.5 0
NAIL SILK CURTAINS , 3 1-2 yards long , 48 inches wide , $1.50 , worth $3 00 ,
NAIL SILK CURTAINS , 3 1-2 yards long , 48 inches wide , with beautiful dado , $2.25 , worth $4.00.
Nottingham Lace Curtains , 67c Pair , worth $1.10.
Nottingham Lace Curtains , 93c Pair , worth $1.60.
t J r
Nottingham Lace Curtains , $1.43 Pair , worth $2.25.
Nottingham Lace Curtains , $2.75 Pair , worth $3.75.
Real Irish Point Curtains , 31'2yardsScllesWice , $4.19 Pair , worth $6.25
Imitation Chip Silk , 36 inches wide , 10 l-2c , worth 15a
Imitation Chifa Silk , 36 inches wide , 13c , worth 17c :
Imitation Chiija Silk , 36 inches wide , 16 2-3c , worth 24a
loins that tmd boon submitted , whllo two
Juries were hearing case * ou trial in Judge
Uuvls and Judge IJoauo's rooms. This hud
exhausted ibo vonlro and but onolono juror
could bo Jound.
_ _
DoWltt's Sarsapurllla cleanse } tha Olool ,
incroasestho anpetito and tones up the ays-
torn. It has bouetlttad many people who
Imvo suffered from blood duorJon. It will
AInrrluu |
Tbo following mirrlago llcansoi wore U.
sued by Judge Idler yesterday :
Niiino ; iiid Addreas. Aso.
I John Malions. Oinuhn . -1
1 KMIth Sohu. Jllllurd . 31
i Ari'litu Deriliurg. Uinalia . . . . 33
1 Jlurtlia Kitsluy , Omuha . 14
I John I' , llyrnu. 1'ortnl . 20
I Mary I ) , lilordiimn , I'ortal . 18
DoWitt'a Sarsaparilla destroys auon t > ol
sons us scrofula , skin discnso , eczema , rheu
matlsiu. Us timely use saves many lives.
O '
Dr. Biraoy , uoso und throat. Boo bldjr