THE OMAHA DAILY HEK : TIIUHSDAY , APRIL 7 , 1892. 'TRUSTED Omaha's ' Ball Team Takes Advantage of the Weather Olerk for Ono Day , NICE PRACTICE GAME AT THE PARK New Men Show Up In Good .Stmpn nnd Glvo Kvldrnro of Wlmt .Miiy Itrnaonnhlj Ho Ilipcrtod of Tliiini Next .Summer , . ESTEHDAY oftor- noon wan an Ideal ono for ball playing and Manager Howe did not allow It to pass without duo ac knowledgment. The full team , with the exception of Sprnguo and Ivory , wcro out nt Sports man's Park-that Is what Pioslilcnt Stout has christened the grounds and after an hour's vigorous prac tice at batting , catching , throwing and run ning n team ot amateurs and soml-profos- Btonals was made up and' pitted for six Innings against iho regulars. This was the Jim suggestion of n gonutno contosttho boys had boon engaged In nnd the first tlmo they hove been urrnycd In rceulnr position with each other. There was n largo crowd prosi ent in the stands nnd on the bleachers , nnd despite the foot that the boys ail lacked the necessary limbering up to render it pos- Blblo to do anything like the work they are capable of tlio unanimous verdict was that thovnronll right. If they continue to Im prove like they have in the last two days , there Is little fenr but whnt thy will bo nblo to hold their own with any aggregation in the lenguo. Kelley Is n luminary. There is no discount on the reputation that preceded him hero. As n Holder ho Is the poor of many n man holding down a position iu tbo big league , ntid is bound to talto rnnk with the best in the business. Ho runs llko In door , is n dead certain catch , picks 'up ' grounders llko nn old finished vet , nnd his batting well , yesterday after noon It was oloctrifying. Ho wns four times nt the and connected safely four times , 'once for a clean "homer , " once for a two- 'cushion ' drive nnd twlco for singles each hit ( being a rillo shot In Itself , line drives every 'one ' of them to deep loft center. Deb Ollks , too , won thu crowd by his nd- iinirnblo work both In the Hold nnd at the bat. Hnyos was strong behind the plate , lilt out from the shoulder , once for the tHn round the glebe , und ran the bases llko n ten-second man. Nick II an ill boo took his turn in the box With Young Darby and conclusively demon- orated that Ho is out for a wlnnor this year. Spcodl Well wait until you see him. Vlckory nlso did nice work at practice , out will tuko no chance * until ho gets thoroughly accli mated. Darby is alt that Howa claims for him , a regular little cracker-Jack. In the box Omaha is us strong as any of them , and her outtiold is Immense. Fitzgerald nuts up n beautiful Holding gnmo at scsond nnd Is a speedy man on the linos. Ho didn't do much with the club , but will give u good account of himself inter on. Collopy is a quiet genius , but always has his mind on the gnmo. Hn shoots them across like a catapult , and is neat and graceful on bnrd hit grounders. For the picked team Low Camp played third llko nn old campaigner , his lieldlng ceir.g up to the very blghoit standard. There's ' a boy good enough for any team. Uadka caugh aplondidly , Stevenson did good work in tbo points , as did Stonoy nt second. Baldwin , Chamberlain , Hnskell and Moiroso led at the bat. The score : OMAJ1A. Totals 25 IB 15 5 ! IIV IN.MMld. Omaha 0 4 0 2-11 I'leUodNlne I 0 00 3 BUMMAlir. Earned rims : Omaha. . " > : IMcUod , 1. Two- Imso hits : Kolluy , Huscall. Homo runs : Kelley , Ilayus. Doublt ) plays : ( lamp to Htoney to llusciill , 2. Umpire : Vlckt-ry. C.louci-Hior , GioucnsTKii , N , J. , April O. Wonthor cloudy , traclcfnst. l-'lrst race , sovon-olghlhsof a mile , solllnc : Kotchnm ( the favorite ) won , Vosburn second , iKsarjnona ( Illy third. Mlddiu-ttone , 1'arlc KldRo. Uarivood and Itouiilo King drawn. Time : I'M. Hocond race , soven-s'xtcuntlis of n mile , 2- yoar-olds : llonnella colt ( the favorite ) won , Dillon J uoconcl , Jerry McCarthy third. Happy Maid drawn , Tlmu : 4055. Third race , ono mile , eelllni : : Illlun ITOII , Gardner ( the favorite ) second , SUcozo Uolster tlilnl. Tlmo : l:4 : ( i. l-'o tilth rn oo , six nnd u quitrtor furloncB , sollliiK : llemul won , Owen Golden M-c-tmd , Little Addle third. Dofondiuit dnixvn. llul ) < onstho ( favorite ) ran unplaced. Time : ! : ? . Klfth racf , nvc-olRlitlisof u mile , sclllnB : I'vnznnco ( tha favorite ) won , A. O , H , si'cond , John Atwood third , Count-Slo-In and Jlarty It druwii. Tlmo : lom. : Sixth rnco , sovcn-olchtlisnf n mile , sclllns ; Itoylo Khiiilus uon , Hlchnrd K. 1'ox ( the fuvor- itu ) second , Aiiius-o | ( third. Time : 1:34. : Jtacliif ; nt Nuw Urli-aim. NKW OHLKAMS , La. , April 0. Weather fair , track fast , attendance good. The propo- nitlon mnda by Charles Buroh and his associ ates tolcoso the traolc for two years from October 15 to May 2 has been accepted and the fall nnd winter moating will bo under their management. first race , hulling , flvo furlongs ; I'holun Dorluuoii , C'hnrloy I ) second , John Uludlsb , third. Tlmn : HW . Bocond race , boiling , live and ono-lmlf fnr- ! onus : Koscolu won , second , Miss rriuicU third. Time : l-.o'Jii. ' Third race , solllnc , pur o , onumllo Tom Jones won. Mean Knoush bucoud , tt. II , third. Tlmu : IM2U. Kourth rnue , hnndlcnp , nix furlongi mini won , Sir' i'lniiot euuond , AsUoy'o third , Tlmo : liUU- _ Tljis lor Today , Following nra tbo horses looked on as nmoug the good things presented by the card today ; . 1. KipKscloro Miss Fox , 2. KliiKbtook Lovuller. a. llalluratDob Arthur. 4. lIudKU-Mubollo. & . lUiicoous Infurno. 0. Nojitunus Cuntiuir. 1 , General Honlon Queitlou. U Sonoolhoy Arlzou * . if 6. Huiiday Annlo li 0. Woodl/urn-DarlliiK. ( iiilii nt < iiitlenlnrr. GurrusiiEito , N. J. , April 0 , Tne truck was in line condition today aud the attend ance lurgo ; first race. UvofiirlonKSi Uneirtiilnty , tilooiistono bceohd , I lthbcr third , Tlmu : 1:0. : I Booond raoo , flvo furlongs : tilratogem wen , Hob Arthur second. MoKvur third. Tlmo : 1:04 : Third ruco , four f iirlomtbyiiltchcnd : won , Hloanor ncc-ond. 1'Uu colt third : Time ! 5JK. I'ourtlt race , lx and ono-lmlf furlongs : I * > - renzo uon. Kuniblur bocund , Miss ilolle third , Tlmot 1:8IS : , ' . , , , Fifth race , pno mile audouc-sUloenth : lllco won , John Hlokuyioeond , Elyton third. Time ; - , filxtu race , srvon f miens'1 : Innovation won. Handstono second , Koroat Kliu third , 'ilino ; Aealiut the ( liittenbcrj- Truck * . JKKSEV CITV , N. J. , April -Supreme Jus tice Worts , in charging iho Hudson county grand jury , made distinct remark * to tbo Uuttenbori ; bookmakers. He paid ; "Pool idling or boakmaulng ou hon > o races , or ny other event , is contrary to the laws of this state , and nnr plnoa , whether open or in an enclosure , where such practices , , nro habltu- nllv carried on , Is a nntsnnco and the persons who keep such or wno pnrtlclpato in its maintenance , wholhcr ns owners or members of the co-pnrtnorshlD or eorpornllon , nrn in- dlctablo ns keepers ot n disorderly houso. " rovxn ins MHTKH'H , After T o Yrnr * ' Sriirrh Kduiird Solid ln- rnvprn Ills .Man 111 ClilraRO. CincAoo , III. , April 0. After two years' fruitless effort to locate the rourdoror of hN sister , Kdward Solid ol Davenport , In. , sud denly found the man In Iho Dosplalnos slroot court this morning. Over two years ape Mrs. Alexander Movers was found dead In her homo at Davenport , la. , with n partly rmptlcd bottle ot laudanum bcsldo her. Her husband , Alexander Meyers , could not bo found. Two weeks later ho wns discovered In nn ndJoinlnKcliy and brought back charscd with murder , but escaped nnd hns been nt Inrtre over since. The dead woman's brother Solid continued the search. Ho wns in the poiico court this morning when n warrant was sworn out for Meyers for MPalltiR 5U cont.3 from n bootblack , Solli secured n de scription which snlUllcd him Hint Meyers wns the mnn ho had been looking for , and swore out n wnrrnnt for Mayers' nrrest for murdsr. Meyers claims ho bus resided In Chicago two years. Ho Is now proprietor of n bser bottling establishment on West Kan- dolph ait-cot. Tlio pollco nro looking for him. I'.tSSKIt Till ! Al'I'UltTWXMKST HILL , Nuw York CoMcrrxiIimuI District * AMU Ho ItrurriiiiRccI , At.tHNY , N. V. , April fi. The bill provid ing for nn apportionment ot the counties ot the state into now congressional districts passed the senate tonight. The democrat loader , Senator Cantor , replying to criti cisms of the bill , said the now arrangement wns n fair ono , whereupon Mr. Saxton said said ho hnd examined It nnd found , on tbo basis of the last congressional vote , that twonty-ono districts would oo democratic and thirteen ropubllcnn. The basis of rep resentation would bo 17C > , UOO. The nveniKO population of the democratic districts was 17-OOJ nnd of the republican districts 183- 000. This looks very much lluo fnlrnoss. Jilt. I'AltKllUHUT - Ho In Wiirnoil to Stop Ills 1'rusmlo Crlmo or Die. NKW YOHIC , April 0. Hov. Dr. Park- burst's llfo has been threatened If ho persists In Ido crusade which ho has pursued with such relentless vigor. Ho has boon Informed of his fate in anonymous letters , which were evidently written by responsible persons. Dr. Parkhurst is afraid ho will bo assaulted at night. The letters flro all written on ono kind of paper nnd in ono hnud. Tbo cinroR- rnohy , which is evidently disguised , is tli ou wlit to be thnt of nn educated person. Dr. Parkhurst is understood to have re ceived eleven letters. Some promise bodily harm nnd others tlircaton to deslroy him. I.umbor Trust riirmeil In ( i NEW YOIIK , April C. A Macon , Ga. , dis patch to the Times tolls how tbo Gnorcia Lumbar association root in Macon Monday nnd organized n lumbermnn's exchange , which is in renllty a gigantic trust , having its headquarters in Macon. Forty-live of the most prominent luinbor men in the state were represented. S. H. West of Albany wns iu the chair , with , Merritt W. Dixon of Savannah as spcrotnry , A commiltoi ud- viscd the organising of local branches , each with nu executlvo committee , which com bined will form the general committee , with nn oflk-o in Macon. This exocutlvo commit tee will control the business. The general executive committee will moot in Macon , April ' .I. and elect president , six vlco presi dents and n secretary. The prices nro to bo uniform and will bo lixod by the oxccutlvo session. The combine thus formed is in tended to eliminate the commission mon , thus'ihrowing the middle men out of work. . Row York 1'olli-e Ulllclnls Mud. New YOUK , April 5. The interview with Henry Al. Tabor , foreman of the grand Jury , caused something of a sensation iu poiico circles. Inspector Williams was seen this morning and asked in reference to Mr. Ta bor's charges. Ho waxed warm ever the Implied and direct charges. Ho said : "Ills nil nonsense that any man it. this city can bo intimidated through fear ot vbo poiico to withhold facts from u grand Jury. If there is bribery or corruption why doosn't the grand Jury Indict instead of throwing put iu- nuondoosf I am willing to stand nu indicl- mout , as I can provo inv innocence at any timo. Lot thorn give isacbanco lo vindi cate ourselves. " Cuiof Inspector Byrnes said : "Any man who would make the stalomcnt attributed to Mr. Tabor is a peed subject for an asylum. " ; from the Compmiy. NKW VOIIK , April 5. K. V. Stnnton , suc cessor to Theodore Bunta , n cashier of the Now York Llfo Insurance company , bas re signed bis placo. His resignation lias not boon occoptod , but a trustee said today that It would bo and tbat the appointment of a successor was loft to Air.AltCall , prasidont of tbo company. It Is considered prolmblo thnt Mr. McCall will roinstalo Air. Bunta in Ills old placo. Tlio reason for Mr. Stantou's resignation , it was said , was that Iho place was not con- Ronial lo bim and also that ho did not exactly "fill the bill. " It is probable that ho will bo appointed to another place in the company's service. Shot lliu Uuluitliful Wile , BT. Louis , AIo. , April 0. About 1 o'clock this morning William Griflln , a traveling salesman for the Campbell Manufacturing company , having : traced his wife to an ap pointment with un unknown lover inndis- ropulablo house , fatally wounded her. lie Is iu jail and bis wife is dying. J.OU.IL iimnxiK8. Ten minor permits , aifgregatincr 94,750 , were Usuod by tuo superintendent of build ings yesterday. A complaint was filed yesterday by John H , ilowoll againstlames Fancy , nn ex-om- p'.ojc ' , for stealing a 310 pair of leggings , Dotoclivo Vizard recovered a $75 gold walch yesterday whlcti was stolen from G. H. Phillips of Kt. Joseph about a month ago. Frank Atkinson claims tha distinction of being the ffwt mnn to pay n city tax for 1S'J > . Ho visltod Treasurer Bollu's ofllco yester day , where be depotiitod his contribution. Jake Flsknr , n resident of South lOlovcnth Btrooi , was tnkon into custody last night for discharging llroarms insidoof the city limits. Fisher polutod Ins weapon nt Charles Alack , a South Omaha yardmaster , nnd threatened to spill his brains nil over the sidewalk. Joseph Cook , the well known Boston lec turer , will appear nt the First Aiothodist cliuroh tonight , His subject for the evening will bo "Tho Aggressiveness ofthoJcsuiti in iho Unllud States , , " Mr. Cook lectures for the bonollt of the Wesloynn university nt Lincoln. A mooting of tbo Police Hcliof association was hold yesterday afternoon for the pur pose of electing seven directors. Sergeants Hnzo and Graves , Ofllccrs Bloom , Mitchell. Clark , Cook and Chief Soavoy were electod. The dirt-ctora will hold n mooting next Wednesday to oleot thu association ofllcors , W , A. Spruol win taken charga of by tbo pollco Tuesday iilcht for being insatio * and wus released by lliu county jailors yesterday , as bo appeared to bo rational aguln. During the attorooon ho raised n dlsturbauca out. near Tweuty-llrst and Capitol UVOIIUQ and was again locked up. Later ou tbo poiico sent thu young man to the county oftiulaU and ho will bo exarultml today. A homeless mini named lludolph Huons wont to sleep on a pile of buy iu the Aietz Brewing company's barn yesterday after noon. While nslecp ho rolled ever and fell from the hay stack lo tha floor , a distance of flftncn font , injuring himsnlf quite severely. Ha was taltun to policu headquarters , whore Dr. To\vno examined his injuries mid had the patient removed to St. Joseph1 * hospital. Hucus suftvred more , from tbo shock aud jar thun anything1 eUo. The Veteran Firemen's association held a meeting last ovenlng in tbo poiico court room and elected Henry i'undt treasurer , to suc ceed Iho law Joseph Stieely. A resolution was offered by Max Mojer , changing the by law * of tbo luiooiatlon to road BO as to allow veteran firemen who served tbreo years in tha volunteer service to Join thu society , Till * was paused. Resolution ! of respaut on tbo death of M. Helliaan * ud Jcttpu Slitoly were pined. RHODE ISLAND GETS IN LINE , Republicans Capture tha Logislaluro by a Good Majority. REPUBLICAN STATE OFFICERS ELECTED Senator AH rich Will Ho Itcturnril tn tbn t'lilli-il ' Mnlon Soimto-llrpiibllcnii ( laliu li > ) ry linre I'olltlrnl Nan * from Other .Stiilrt. I'liovincxcG , It. I. , April 7. At 2 o'clock this morning the roturni from all ever tlio stuto were not In , owing to the extra count- lup necessary under the now Australian ays- torn. The returns ut hand nro sulliclcnt , however , to indlcato that there Is no election ( or state officers , with a probability of n re publican plurality In the legislature. The state law requires a majority vote to elect , nnd thcro nro n sulliclcnt number of rtpub- llonnn returned up to this hour to secure the election of Senator Alrtricu to the United States Ronato nnd tlio cbolco of the repub lican candidates for ntato olMccs. Newport probably elects but cno represen tative , nnd it will rcquiro another election to determine tlio choice of the other four. It requires fifty-four members of the legislature to elect on joint { ballot , 1 nnd the republicans have nt present llfty-ono , with prospects of having elected six more. The city of Providonfio wont , democratic by about -100 majority , but the oily assembly Is In UouUt. 1'nwtuoltot was carried bv the democrats by about 100 majority , uml Woonsockot by a little lei ? . The doiiiocrutlo assembly Uchrt \Voonsociot is elected by thirty , but the I'awtucket assembly ticket is In doubt. The vote polled was the largest in the history of the stato. The result is u surprise to every body , and shows that there nro several thousand people in the stuto whom the party managers can never locate. Incitement ICnn lllrli. ) Nr.wroiiT , K. I. , April" . The state elec tion in this city 1ms been n hot light , and in dications point to the election of the full democratic legislative ticket , Ono district is yet to bo hoard from , which will not prob ably chance the result. The vote polled lias been very largo nnd the ward rooms have been centers of excitement all day. This culminated in the Fifth ward , whore tha re publicans claim that u democratic paper owner , who is also president of the common council , violated the ballot low bv Kivinir n solicited assistance to voters. The repub licans propose to bring a criminal suit against the president and Supervisor Boyle and par- haps the warden ot the ward ns well , nnd also if necessary appeal to the supreme court nnd contest the .souls obmombcrsof iho logls- latuto elected hero. Thpro was n serious row over the election in Jamostoun , culminating in n assault by a republican representative , .1. 13. Banders , upon Dr. Ilowland , n democrat , which necessitated the attendance of a phy sician nnd may result seriously. The town of Lincoln elected six republican assemblymen , thus insuring the republicans at least lifty-sevon votes on Joint ballot. Aidrich will bo returned to the senate. The democrats mndo legislative guir.R in several towns , but tbc result is n surprise to the democrats. The ordinary alny-at-homo voters came out and outnumbered the demo cratic registration. At I a. m. returns glvo Brown for gov ernor SI,17S ; Burton , 170 ; Gilbert , 1,411 : Warawoll , ,07 . Total vote , 415,840 , the largest vote ever cast in the stato. N KUSUI..T.S IN NKIJKASICA. Some of tlio Contests Wcro Deridndly Iiilur- ChtliiK and Yury CluHo. HASTINGS , Nob. , April 0. [ Special Tele gram to Tun UKII.J C. C. Ulttonhouso"t can didate for mayor on tbo citizens ticlcot , was elected by u majority of six votes , . nu.dV. . W. Miles and G. J. Evans , candidates on the citizens ticket , are easily elected. Tbo re publicans got two of the iivo co uncilmen and both members of the school board. It is highly nrobnblo tnat Alexander , , tbo defeated candidate for mayor , will ask for a recount. STAXTOX There were three tickets in the Held law and order , independent and pee ple's. The following people's candidates were elected : Adam Pilger , Julius Poess- nocker and O. J. Trent. The > lolloivintr law and order candiaatos were elected : Henry Stephens and P. S. Carrier. The propo sition to issue water bonds was carried by 100 to 20. BEATIIICE The full returns on the city election glvo Colonel Harry Phillips , inde pendent candidoio for mayor , a majority of J7 over Shultz , republican. TilO rest of the republican city ticket is elected bv majori ties ranging from 100 to 250. Republican councilmen are elected in each of tno four words. AIXSWOUTH At the municipal election bore yesterday the temperance -ticket was elected complete. KIHINCIS A. D. liritoll , A. C.'Stafford , W. H. Sbepard and A. vv" . Lndd nro elected and \V. S. McCoy nnd T. H. Wade have u tie vote , which will bo decided later. The vil lage is prohibition as in tbo past. IliVKUTOX The license ticnot was elected by the usual majority. Lour CITY Tbo entire republican ticltol was elected , Dc.s'KKi.MAX The result is < so unsatisfac- ton' that neither the high license nor prohibi tion side can claim a victory on account of so ' inahy ties , and It will noces'sltate the casting of lots to dacida the result , with the odds a little in favor of the anti-saloon people. Sunox Mayor \V. M. Cjrelss has 33 ma jority , and Etchler , treasurer , fi majority. Others elected nro Thompson , Burllngumo , Bcruls , Uschsnor , P. J , Hoergor and Theo dore Mi'ler. ' HED CLOUD D. B. Spanocio , republican , tbo regular nominee for mayor by the m nss convention , defeated B. P. Alisor , democratic candidate by petition , by it2 majority. 1) . J. Myers and U. II. Potter word elected coun- ciimen from the Second ward "with no oppo sition. Joseph Kubick and Ed Pulsipher will uo tbo councilmen from the First. Jclt Ward was easily elected. Henry Cook , re publican , was unanimously chosou treasurer tor another term. The city wont for high license : i to 1. PKIIU The people's ticket was endorsed by tbo Independents with the exception of K. T. MoAdanis. Ho was elected. Tha others are S. P. Glasgow , Jacob Good , B. L. Phillips and S. R Williams. HEI-UIIMCAN Orry The entire republican ticket was elected , ns follows : C. A. Luco , A. T. Smith , B. Glfford , J. B. Vallicott and D , K. Williams. The city will bo dry an other year. lUxDoi.i'u The election yesterday was very quiet , with only ono ticket. Tbo city council members elected- were us follows : T. K Xiefilor , W. P. Hill , Jutuos Thorndyko and J. Shortnan. Ai.i.iANCK Two hundred and twenty-two votes wcro cast at tbo election for vlllngo trustees bore today. There were elgnt can didates , representing two factions. Those elected nro. T. W. Brown , F. W. Smith , I. H. Toxton , A. J. Sitnonson and A. C. Pravor. CIUWFOHII The election passed quietly. Messrs. Von Vortices , Ballingcr , Grablo , Deitrlck and Wilson , tnu independent nomi nees , were elected bv a majority of 25 to < 15. McCoor. JUNCTION The citizens tlcitot wus olocted. It is the general opinion that the board of trustees elected are for license. .An election was also hold at Hod Lion Mills tor the purpose of changing the election place from Hed Lion Mills to McCool Junc tion. A largo majority voted for McCool Junction , Ccinu HAt'ins Tbo election yesterday was vorv qulot , The successful candidates ' nro ; S.'S. Hadioy. J. I ) . Hamilton , P. M. Hie wart , S. W , Sunoorlund aud N. W , Good rich. It is hard to say whether the town will go dry or wet. HKHHON The municipal election passed off very quietly , but hard worn has peon done By tbo churches for the last two icontbi. Tbo following were elected ; Mayor , O. H. Wltlard , independent citizen ; cleric , James Watson ; treasurer , W. U. Hughes ; engineer , E. II , Hoadly. Tim school election was also a complete victory for tbo nonpartisan tisan citizens ticket. James Dlnstnore , J , II. Stickle , O. H. Scott , F. M. Wothor ldt M. G. Loach nnd W. A. Heath were elected. OxNNEunoa The new village board elected yesterday consists of Modsrj. Nelaou H&ld , G. B. Baiter , Chris DIoroks , F. W , Hart and Oscar Carlson , It is purely a citizens ticket , and neither prohibition nor license cut the least figure. Oai.LAU.A-The village election passed quietly yestcrdnyT The now boar.l ls mndo up of three republicans and two democrats. They are all gootVWn and pledged to take bold of the Opnlfilrn cnnnl and extend U through the townr-nffordlng a peed water power nnd xvatcQtwerks. FALLS CITT The -city election resulted in n Waterloo for tfio democrats. The follow ing republicans woie elected ! H , C. Smith , mayor ! P. M. H nil toy , clerk ; 1C. E. Mottz , treasurer ; J , D. OIlAinn , police Judge ; L , O , Worth and W. ItJ'SSohuok , councllmer. ; W. W. Abbey nnd P. fl , .fusion , members of school board , . ( listen Is tlio only democrat saved from the slaughter. BAUTI.KV There wan onlv ono tlcxot In Iho Hold , called the Tlflzens , and the election awakened very littleIntoroit. . Tbo trustees nro : S. W. Clark , J. B. Hnthorn. C. W. Hodgkln , T. M. Sexton and W. V. Vickrny. LtTC'iirtKLD Tbo village election passed off qulotlv horn yesterday , bomi ? virtually only ono ticket It In the Hold. Nominees of the caucus were nil elected but one. that being Mr. 11. Bass. The town board ns elected Is : D , W. Titus , A. Flint , C. Smith , \V. S. . Iob on nnd E. 11. Bradley. Politics cut no llgure in the election. The bonrd is n license body. HILL The municipal election passed very quietly , tbo vote being light. The only contort was for citv treasurer and resulted In the election of William Craig , the present incumbent , ever F. C. William , the regular nominee. The ofllccrs elect nro : W. M. Young , mayor ; B. fa. Walthor , city clerk ; Robert I'latoiiborger nnd O. E. Bishop , couiiclltnen , No special light was made on the llconso question. The bonds for exten sion of water works carried. IlAitTixdTox Yostordav's municipal elec tion In this city was ono of the most qulot ever held hero. Thcro voro only two tickets In the Hold , ono composed mostly of demo crats and the other being a strict anti-pro- hibillon ticket. The tollowlng trustees were elected : Perry Little , Otto Hoeso , A. B. Gable and Josnph Gordon. Nni.-jox The election was very qulot , only twenty-lour votes being cast. There were no issues involved. WEST POINT The election passed quietly. The principal contest was on mayor , between C. Itupp and M. J. Hughes. The former was successful. The majorities are as follows : Mayor , C. Hupp , 151 : H. Doramgor , city clerk , 217 ; P. F. O'Suilivnn , city treasurer , .MO. .MO.FIUXKI.IX FIUXKI.IX The village election passed qul- otly , with two sots ot candidates , tha citl- zeus ticket being elected. F. J. Austin , Joe Brooks , Steven Uohcr , John Dopitor nnd C. E. Textcr were elected. It Is u no license board. Bi.omitxoTox The election resulted In the vlctorv of the anti-license trustees , Tboy are : W. S. More , 0. C. Brown. U. II. Ma- brick , G. W. Harlow und C. Hlldrich. OHLHAXH The election resulted as follows : Mayor , Al Wlcken. high llconso ; First ward councilman. M. / . Huff ; Second , Walter Green ; Third , G. M. Kowlcy. The council now stands a tio. with a high license mayor. IMPERIAL C. D. Fuller , L. Moricr , Lnban Fisher , l { . A. Ewing and J. F. Morris were elected village trustees at yesterday's ' elec " tion. They wore the iiouimrtisnn" caucus nominee * . The llccnso question was not an issue. Financial rd'form was the leading question. ItusiiviM.R At the election held yesterday tbn following village trustees were elected : W. N. Ford , E. 11. Taylor , P. G. Crcutz , W. H. Wostovor , E. J. Hose.crans. Tlio main issue wus license und the newly elected board is a licinisn Ort'KdU ifcpuhlli-uns. PoitTHXi ) , Or ? , , , Anril ( ! . The state republican convention in session hero was presided ever by Hoii. Ilufus Malonoy. J. F. Caplcs , Hi H. Miller , G. M. Irvln and W. D. Hartor Avtfro chosen presidential electors. Joseph Hijnou , Jonathan Bourne , Thomas N. Tomruoj G > . n. Applogato , C. M. Donaldson and O. B. Wolvcrton were ap pointed dolegatcst-tO' iho Minneapolis con vention. t i , The ptatlorm reaflirms devotion to the re publican doctrina of protection , endorses the McKinley bill' ; denounces the democratic doctrine of free trhtlo : endorses especially the reciprocity clanso-or 'tho McKinley bill ; demands protection for tbo wool industry ; denounces the Sprincor free wool bill ; en dorses thonmcndodicainaaoactof tliulast-re- 'publiuan.unilcross'jDpposo'J ' the immigration ofi Cbiicso [ laborers to the United Statui and demands such nn oxtonston 'of existing laws that shall forever uxcludo Chinese laborers from American soil. An amendment to the constitution of the Urtttod States providing for the election of senators by direct vote of the people is favored. K. K. Hays was elected delegate to the notional convention. Elgtit alternates wcro selected. Congressman Hermann-was nom inated tn succeed himself in tlio Fir t con gressional district by acclamation. The last republican Congress nnd tbo ad min is trillion of President llarAson ware en dorsed. The platform also favors mnnlo de fenses of the coast and tha building of an ef ficient navy. I'nrty .Split. NKW OitLi\N3 , La. , April (5. ( The action of the democratic committee In throwincr out tbo McEnery ticket is causing creat excite ] racnt. McEnory has iloclded to miiKc no contest , but the organization will bo kent up nnd an attempt mndo for recognition before the national convention as iho regular demo cratic organization. lii-piilillcan ( iiilng In XVlHcolisIn , - ' " MILWAUKEH , Wis , , April 0. Practically complete returns show the election of Somors , democrat , for mayor , by 3.COO ma jority. The republicans gain 4 , QUO. WnsT Sui'ciuoii , Wis. , April 0. The entire - tire republican ticket was elected yesterday. IH Oomocratlc. LITTLE ROOK , Ark. , April ( i. Tbo elections in Arkansas yesterday under the Australian system wont quietly. The democrats were generally successful. Taconiii IH lii-piihllcaii. TAIWU , Wash. , April 0. The republicans yesterday elected the mayor nnd a majority of the city council. KKWS OI'1 l'K , Domestic. The strike of the river men ut St. Louis has been ended , Heavy r.iins In Mississippi have caused n ioitt deal of damage to r.dlro.uls In that htntu. Governor Kloworof Now York has sinned tbo bill appropriating f.WJOl/0 for an exhibit t tlioorlds fulr. Kirorts will bo iniulu to raise tbo bull of tia | Golden llnln , whluh hiinlc a short tlmeuxoln tin ) river ut Cincinnati , O , Confederate veterans decorated the Knives of t hull- departed comrades and read memo rial services at Now Oilcans. Mrs. Otto Sonidor was killed and her two children sorlonnly Injnrod by a cyclone iliut destroyed p. portion of oluun , N. V. 'f lie inombers of I'rlnco Mlclixol's millions colony nro rapidly ihisortlir , ' tnu standard of ( hull- louder , who I * m J.iil ut Detroit , Mleh. The ujiiioliitiiHintiiiCf.loliM It'nssell Yniinu , thu well known jonrmUMt. as fourth vli'u IiruHldontof the Kunijl/ii / ; Isotllolully 1111- 1101111030 , , H The Mlclilsan Afror.firiicrlcaii I'rotootlvo loatiuu liusJiiussed rusylutlons uulllng ou non- gross to onfort'o the -law granting colored Iiuoulo equal rlcbtb- ' ' ' v Tom and 1'rea SlVSVI'ns , two Chicago boys , ased rcsnwtlvoly Uitnd II yoirs , have been missing from lioinu Jlnco Haturdny nlKht and dillKunt hoarch has /ulled to ustublUh tbolr " ' wlioionbouts. , Armour & Co. of CTitcii'so liavo bo/iin twon- ty-onu suits In the ( fliuuit court to recover in tbo uggrejiuto illV j pufllroin | viirlous ritllioiid ( . omininlea tliroiiKliijnt ilio country for over- cliurKUHon dressed wofi1 On the S.I of notf lho carpenters In the inlnulpal cities of tbu yiiltediitutoj and O.ia- udii will limiiKuruiuJu.uiovi'immt looking to the soeiirlni ; ot n cj ht ami a nine hour uny . I'roiulnniit loadursof'tha proposed movement untlulputii 110 troublfc'llr tfuourhuvlmt tlioy will demand , onlzi Allou Bklllor of , Iroliiiul , bout his wlfo's hrnliib our with u hummer and then crushed In thoBUulU of hU two children with Iho sumo weapon. Sir Kdwln Watklti , ono of rnxluud'a mag nates , has boon nmrrliiil to Mrs. Ingraham , widow of ilio former nrojirletor of thu Illus trated London News. Advices from Bimoa shoiv that ulliilru there are dully becoming muro unsottlcd and that n war Is imminent. The sovoriiinont Is powerless - loss to maintain its authority , The upper liouso of the I'russlun legislature unproved thu Guelnh fund bill , Count Min Minister , on Uuh.Uf of thu people of llunovcr , thanked the umpcror fur Initiating the measure. Dispatches from London chronicle another assault upon a woman ou an ( viiKllsh railway train. Tlio victim's name Is Williams and i > ho had boon cruelly ubused by u villain who us- ojpod dutvctlon. According to Journal do * Dosbats of i'urla a surlous iiuurrul Is threuu-iiud tiutwuun thu Uniteditulos undKpulii over lliu refusal of tbu latter country lo grant Minister Uund. consul to the ( Jurollna inland , a I MURDERER DEEMISC'S ' TRIAL Witnesses ( live Damaging Testimony Against the Oold-Bloodod Fiend , HIS COOL AND CALCULATING VILLIANY Narrow l > pnpp of n Young l.nily from Up coming HIM Murilrrrr'ft llrliln Kxnlniiro of lilt Unlit AiMMiinuhitlng HU Iden tity fully Kfttiilillshrd , MEMIOUUNK , Australia , April 0. The Inquest - quest Into the death of Mr. . Deeming wns contlnuod today. Immense crowds were pres ent today and uvrry word of the testimony wns uaporly listened to. Deotning's bearing throughout the proceedings was insolent , nnd ho continually tnado remarks whllo witnesses were , testifying. Ho conversed freely with persons uoar him nnd seemed in no wny dU- mayod at tbo evidence piling up against him. Among the witnesses today wns Kato Kounsovillc , to whom Deeming wns prepar ing to bo married when arrested. NJ testi mony of peculiar Interest was mi- duood. The most important document thus far1 produced " is nn Invita tion to n banquet given by Dooming nt Hnin Hill , near Liverpool , which wns found In the kitchen llrnplnco at tlio Windsor house occu pied by Doomincr. This card Hist suggested to the police the link which led to the Knln Hill revolutions. Tlio Ago miblishos n Sidney telegram any- Ing : "While Deeming wns In uuslnoss hero , with a wife and children in the city , ho ' married n young woman under an alias' , ami destroyed tbo license Immediately after the martingo ceremony. Ho vhltod iho de ceived woman twlco weekly for n month nnd then oosertcd her. The woman now recognizes Deeming by the published de scription of him. " I-KINCII SOM > MUS : IN DANOIMC. Sir Thousand Dnlinmnyitns Surrounding the Garrison at 1'iirlo Nova. P.t ins , April 0 , [ New York Ilor.tlil Cable Special to Tin ; Hun. | We nro still receiving oad news from Dahomey. King Bohnnziu has sent an iusolonl letter to the commander of the French troops , in which ho says : ' ! have not gene to Franco in order to wage war , but you have come to make war upon Africa. What do you moan ? If you nro not satlsllod , hero I am reads' for bat- tlo.- Under such circumstances Franco has boon obliged to prepare for war , and has decided to send two regiments of Songalcz sharp shooters ana two bnttorioi of artillery to Africa. Unfortunately it is feared that "they will not arrive in ' .Imp , as the latest dls patches i-ay that 0,000 Dahomovans have ar rived nt Porto'Novo. where thcro nro only 700 Frenchmen. If tbo French soldiers are repulsed tbo ministry will bo in danger. AI.HXAVmCK GltATKPUI , . Ho Desires MlnUtm- Smith to Convey Ills TlmnlCH In the Amerleiin People. ST. Pr.TKiisnfKG , April ( i. Mr. Charles Emory Smith , the United States minister , was given nn audience by the czar today , preparatory to bis departure lor the United States. His mnjostv spoke appreciatively and warmly of the offerings sent from Amer ica for the relief of Iho famine sufferers and nskcd Mr , Smith to convoy his thanks to the American people. Itul luui I.OHPS a .stiuesniiin. ICnwirlulited ? Jiy Jamc * Gunlan IlcimM. ] BUUSSKI.S , April U. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun Bnn.l Count do Moro do Wostcrloo , president of the Belgian senate , died this afternoon from influenza , aged OS. Ho exercbod great influence in the clerical party and was president of the Mo lines church congress last year. Tbo de ceased nlso bore tbo title of prince do Grirn- borghe and prince do Kubompro by alliance with the old French aristocracy. The Liege police arrested this afternoon a man in a house of ill-fame who declares him self to bo Mathlou , nn anarchist , and Uavn- cbol's friend aud accomplice. His self ac cusations are disbelieved , but inquiry as to hib identity is proceeding. Ho is n French man and onlv arrived In Lieao two days ago. Doubts , however , exist as to his identity with Matbicu , the Paris dynamiter. Argentinian rolltlrs. ICapyrtgliteil l nii'j J iimi lianlnn newM.\ \ Buexos Aviiiis , Argentina ( via Oalvoston. Tox. ) , April fi. | By Mexican Cable to the New Yorlc Herald Special to Tin : Bui ! . ] Thu political prisoners have been interdicted from nil communication with their adherents. The radical clubs have resumed their meet ings. A meeting of tbo cabinet was hold today and adjourned after a long discussion of tlio state of affairs. Nothing dollnito was decided upon. The executive's orders in re lation to next Sunday's elections permit the reunion of political clubs. The reports that Brazilian soldiers have iuvaaod Uruguayan territory are untrue. Deelnrcd Jor I'riMi Trulu : , OTTAWA , Out. , April G. Senator Boalton , formerly an enthusiastic imperial fcdoration- ist , will announce his conversion to the free trade principle iu the sonata and has written an open letter aftlrmlng his conviction that free trade is tbo only policy suitable for Can ada. Tha" failure of the negotiations with the United Slates and the stagnation of busi- nefs is duo , lie says , to the present ppliey , and Canada should adopt n free trade policy. Ho advocates the immediate formation of n f ice trada lenguo and predicts that if the free traders pronogato a vigorous policy it should bo adopted. Tin ; Denth Itoll. Loox , April 0. The ourl of Ijoltrim is dead. DunrQfK , la. , April 0 , Michael King , ono of the earliest settlers , died yostoruuy , aged SI. LONDON , April ( i. Lord John Kussell is dead. Uovr.i : , Dot. , April 0. Hon. Willnrd Sauls- bury , sluto chancellor slnco 187-1 and United States tienatnr from 16.VJ to 1S71 , died this morning of apoplexy , AimrehUls lliiinli.ini a J'nllco Station , PAWS April 0. At Angers lait night an- orchUts exploded u bomb against the police btatlon , seriously dnniKiui ; Ibo building urn ! wounding ono ollk'or. The bomb ilmt was exploded nt thu polioo depot Iu Anglers today was Hindu of abeot iron and contained , besides the explosives , eighteen pounds of nail rlvots nnd scrap iron , and has u detonator of puuuliar make. iniliiiiiPn ; I nt erlerenen Supported , irtipurtoMcJ 1& > ! till Jamtt ( innlnn Ilciiii'M 1 C\tn < > , April ( ) . [ Now Yon : Herald Cable Special to Tun Hnu.l Italy is Bup- porting very strongly England's resistance to iho acceptance to the sultan's lirman , Tlio ituutlnn continues very strained. The slirilUb squadron iu tha Ked bca has been reIn In forced by several vessels fiom tholCust India station. _ Promoted lor Kllllni ; u M.m. HKIILIN , April ( i. The scrilmol who on Sat urday last killed a man who assaulted him In front of tlio hut-nicks of tbo Third regiment of the guards of this city , has been promoted to bo u corporal. Aiiot her .Modus Vivendi Prolonged , LONDON , Anrll ( I. Tlio British arid French governments hnvo agreed to proloixr the modus Vivendi in regard to tbo Newfound- laud llshenos for the present season. Will Proh.ihly Ite-ICIeet Dm/ . Cmop Mexico , April ( I. The national doctoral convention mut last night. Diaz' le-oloctiou Is indicated. _ Seized AnuruhUt P.iper * . HKIU.IX , April C. The customs oflloers at TiUlvl have seized a quantity of nihilist and anarchist papers. _ lluccaileer Won tlio Suburban , LONDON , April 0. The fatuous city and suburban handicap was one by Buccaneer. The FlrJ llucurd , ST. PAUJ , Minn. , April 0. The Meihodist church nt Mandaii , N , D. , burned yesterday and there is great ndlgnntlon expressed slnco It Is supposed to have boon set nn lire out of rovongo' on tha pastor and leading members for tholr work In enforcing pro hibition. Sr. Putt , Minn. , April 0. The St , Paul While Lead and Oil worns at West St. Paul burned this morning. Loss , $10\000 : Insur ance , $50,000. llon't ItnlliMp I'litnit Pnrlllr Humor * . BOSTON , Mass. , April 0. It U not believed hero that the radical chnugo In ihe Union Pnclllo management hinted nt In Now .York nnd London is Imminent. Dillon , however , Is 80 years old and may think It proper to retire - tire within the next year. H Is believed the foreign stockholders dotlra the uhnngo nnd have concentrated proxies lo bo used If the opportunity oftors. The Idea that ( Sould has parted with his holdings Is questioned. Vrlic/uelil hi Muni l.lne" . New YOIIK , April 0. Senor Gorgosn of Venezuela hat nrrivod hero. Ho says the trouolo there la worse than reported hero. Ail tha states ate in upon revolt ngntnst Paluclo , tlnanccs nro wrecked , trade is dead , the revolutionist forces outnumber Iho nov- ernmont troops , and It looks us If they would bo successful , o I'riini roller Ciiptulu to Ciimhler. Niw : YOIIK , April 0. Ex-CuptnIn Unrlnud , who has boon connected with the pollco for upwards of ilfty yoaw , is at present n "sheet writer" In Murphy' * pool room. This occupation , In iho opinion of many , Is hardly consistent with his former policy. i'ini < vx it * C. S. Brown of Fremonl is nt the Arcado. J , S. Ternplo of Denver Is nt the Murray , > ) . .1. Pcrshingot * Lincoln is at the Pnxlon. K. P. Fountain of Lincoln is at the Dollono II. C. Hanson of Hastings is nt tno Millard - ard , A. L. Conhisor of Loup City Is ut tUo Ar cade. cade.H. H. S. Monvillo ofTildon , Nob. , Is nt the Pa Mon. B. T. Dunn mid wife of Norfolk nro nt the Paxton. A. N. Sullivan of Plattsmoulh is at the Mlllard. Mrs. C.eorgo F. West Is visiting at Codnr Kapids , la. J. VV. Kjelyuud of Norfolk Is slopping nt the Mlllurd. C. M. Stnulon of Fremont is stopping nt tbo Mlllard , Charles A. Pierce of Bennett , Nob. , is at the Millnrd. E. S. Butts of Fort Randall , S. at the Dullono. Henry Chamberlain of Wood Hivor is ut thu Paxton. J. H. Pojb [ , n grain man from Silver Crook , is in tbo city. Henry Gorpies of Fremont was nt the Mur ray yesterday. Charles G. Steele of Norfolk is registered nttbo Millnrd. L. U. Cottrell of Seward , Nob. , is stopping at Ilia Arcado. T. M. Edwards of Woodbine , la. , is stop ping at the Paxton. V. Abrahamson of Mindeu , Neb , , is rogis- istcred at the Millard. W. M. Siundorson aud J. C. Whlto of Lin coln nro at the Murray. C. F. Hunter aud wife of Fremont are domiciled ut the Dollone. Chnuncpy Moliso of Fullerton , Noli. , was at the Pnxton yesterday. D. A. Pool nnd Jnrod Cashof Ottumwa , la. , are stopping at the Arcade. A. E. Dye of Sargent , Nob. , was in the city Tuesday nnd called on Tin : BEE. J. H. McClay aud N , C. Brninord of Lin coln uro stopping at iho Millard. ' W. A. Hout of Parker , S. D. , was among yesterday's arrivals nt the Pnxton. F. M. Liorsoy nnd N. S. Porter of Pnoc.i Nob. , nro reuistered ut the Millard. F. .1. Waitishok aud wife of Schnylcr. were married hero yostordav. Ex-Lieutcnnnt Governor G. D. Moiklejohn of Fullerton Is registered ut the Paxtou. J. F. Pnhdo , A. S. Ballund William Carl son of Talmago , Nob. , are nt tbo Arcado. J. H. Hamilton , tbo Norfolk beet sugar manufacturer , wns in tbo city yesterday. A. J. Hnnscom , wife and daughter have ro- tarued from ti winter's sojourn in Florida. C. S. Murphy and T. Fulton Ganlt of North Platte are registered at the Arcade. Mrs. M. E. Cuff nn.1 Miss Emma Odoll of Nebraska City nro registered nt the Paxton. C. U. Opilvio. John Gillis , George Miller and Gus Spies of North Bend are at the Dollono. Smith Ingalsbeo of Inland , Nob. , wns look ing over the Omaha grain market Tuesday aftcruoon. .Tudco J , M. Wool worth loft by the Burling ton yesterday for u short sojourn at Hot Springs , Am. Mrs. W. II. Pearson , who has boon visit , ing her parents in Iowa for the past month , returned homo last week. George Crosby , general freight agent of tbo B. i M. , returned to the Puxton after n two weeks' trip to Moxico. J. B. Fiulay , a director of Bellevue col lege , has returned to tbo Paxton from a throe weeks' trip to Sau Francisco. Mr. E. H Cook , who has boon in the sor- v'co ' of the Union Pacitio for u doz'in yoar-i , has resumed his duties as train agent after a month's vacation. Lieutenant W. A. Mercer , Eiehth in fantry , Fort McKinney , was nt headquar ters yoUcrday ourouto to Columbus barracks on olllcial business. J. A. Buckstnff , president of tbo Lincoln Vitriliod Pressed Brick company , tile Lincoln Paper company nnd the Lincoln Saddlery company , is in the cily. 11. U Slacir , secretary of the United Elevator company of St. Louis , is in the city accompanied by his family , the cue ts of .1 , B. Christian of tlio Board of Trado. E. C. Bnycr nnd J. B. Nugenr , prominent agricultural Implement manufacturers of Uny tor , . O. , nro in Omnha on their way west ward. They visited ItmVr.n building yester day In company with T. O. Eicbolborgor. Henry T. Oxnard of Urand Island was In tlio city yesterday on bis way homo from Washington. Ho thlnlts thru congress will deal kindly wllh beat sugar muniifuclurerH , in splto of Congressman Brvnu'H opposition , Captain Charles Keller , Second infuntrv , Fort Omaha , is ordarod to report nt Oavid's Island , Nuw Yorlc harbor , April 15 , to con duct recruits for the Seventeenth infantry to thu Department of the Platte at Fort D. A. Kussell , Wyo. Huv. W. .1. Horsha , D.D. . and wife departed - parted yoiterday for Now York City. Dr. Ilur.slm"will occupy tha pulpit of hU prospective - poctivo new Held'of labor for a couploof weeks und then uecido positively whotbor or not to accept the call that has boon extended to him by tbo congrocutlou of iho Dutch Ho- formed "church at Fifth avouuo und Ono Hundred nnd Twenty-fourth btrcot , .New York. It is said that some very strong in fluences nru belnL' brought to boar upon him to induce him to stay in Omnhn , but an yet ills future course is not positively decided. Tickets for aiilo nt Mnx AIc.vor ft JJro.'H music btoro for Josph Cook's lecture lonichL. A WASHINGTON MTITIIH. Ono I'lrni In iniffnlo SpoiiilH ITIoro nionoy ut lliti lluftulo I'oht-offlro Hum nil ilio Kiuilin nnd r\i < m - combined , A 'Washington ( IX CM letter Bays , thnt the imht-ofllra nuthorltln * nt AVnihliiKton report that ( mo linn in HuTnli ( > the World's Jisx | > n- sary Moillcnl A&sm'iution spends annually cm ) hundred thousand dollura ( f 1KMKI ( ) ( ) for Ktani | alone , in rurryiiiK P'i ' tlirir oxtunsivB pi-jprictnry ImsiiH-sd. Tills Is morn than all ili luinkn und iicwgpuporM of liiill'nlu i-oin- biiuxl hixiiid for | > --.taic. llero'n n firm which linn grown , stop by eU > p , through many years to gi iiotncss. The reason for this wonderful grow 111 hns Ixxm that they hnve faith in whnt they wll , to much fiiitlt thnt if they cnu't l"on ilt. or euro , they don't want jydiir tnntiey. Vor mniiy years lliey have bu'ii Bulling lr , I'ion'n rumoilliw one , Dr , 1'ierco's Golden Mtxllcnl Discovery , for rogulallna nnd in- vigoiatlug the liver and pnnfyini ; the blixxlj the other , Dr , l'icri ) ' 8 Knvonta I'roM-npuon , the hojio of weakly womanhuod , uml thoy'vn Ixan told for yeqrs , sold lithe ) iiiiUl'oii bottle tle * ; Hold under a potittre uuuruntrf ft Ix-nellting or curing , or your money will bo rufuudoJ. WHAT ITRHAI.LY IS _ The Mont DniiRoroiK of Modern nUordcm dourly DHInrd riimiiiionlii mid \Vluit ( ; RII ( M It. ThorolimbccnnKront mlMftko n towlmt pneumonia really Is. I'oople. and oven no mo physician * Inn oenllod It n dnnvoroin < ll en o I'liriimoiiln Nnlwnvs nil nflor a ( Toot , tt tli system IH rim down. wtiaKptu-il , dubllltatpd , If the life font n Umohb. the lint : * tuny (111 ( op ami the Dor on illi-Mtddunly. and It h r.illoil pni'Utnonln. No limn \voinnti over died of pmunmmlii u-lir-ii the body was strong , vigor OIM nnil hoalthy. It comci niton ono wlicn we.ikencdliy Krlp , by u MIVITO coil or over work unit n Kcnorntly wpakonril cnndlllon. Such being tlio ease bow ciin thli drcuiHul troiiblu known ns pnetlinonli bo prevented or wnrneil oil ? Mttnlfcstly , by ilroiiKthonlnif nnd fortlfylnR tbu liodv by having tt.u health nnil strength uiuppiiro Hint | iiiouinonltt will not at tuck , or If It vlimilil. outi tvully 1m wiirdodolT. Tlilirun bo done by oarofill llv I up , oueful : dirt and n modt'r.ito USD of n luirn stimulant. T iitpnilv im < Nt nature u stlinu- ( .nut U rumllred , homi-thlni ; that mldn to tbo llfo nnil vliror. Nothing for lliH pnrpnto oi n fiiiinl pure whiskey , nnd It should bo berne In mind tlmtthuonl.v pun < nnil nindlolnnl vrhN- ki'V which bus roci'lvod tbo iin < | imllttlnd en- ( Ini-Ptm < iil of pbyMelain unit seientHM N Dtifly's PunMalt. . It Is n i onlliniiy ublskoy , but po-w-.ti'miroportlcs known to no other iirtli-lc. It wlllntfccllvuly wurrt off minuiuonln nnd Imssavril tbo livcsof tbniionnus of pen- plo. It should bo HMm-mhorot ) . bowovur. Ibat it Ullmoiuy wlitiKy wbleb i-nn ao omplish thK andany uroccroi drtuciit who BOCKS to innvlnpo you to tbo contrary Is dooolvlnu , Inal't upon having Dairy's I'uro Mult. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water , For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics , Cnroa Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A DMIrrhtful Shampoo. for ID. IJid. , and In America for 25 cents a bottle. IT TA-STES GOOTJ. Dr , Acker's ' English Pills Cure Sickness and Hcadacho. Smull , pleaant. n fuTorllo ultb the W. n. I'O. . IIK. For sale by Kukn & Co. . nnd Shannon &McC'otincll , Onmhn. io torpid Ilvcr.stronstbonj 'tlio illR4-stlvn organs ri'Riiliitu b < > k Imn-pN , anil nro imrqltalrcl iiHiimuili- . Jbilious inrdlclnc. Io Hlnilll. Vi-l < - < % . " < - . < > lll < - < ' , : t ! > A : 4 I rurli I'liirc , N. V. AMUSU1MI5NTS. . Boyd i. . I'rlriai nnil Hntunlnr. prll 7. 8 rrl ) BJturdny ntnu * ROBERT Will present the folluwlin lopoilolio ; Tliur&any o veiling MONBAHS. ' IIAMI.ET , I'llilny ovciiliiBIIAMI.ET Saturday niatlnco-THB LOUISIAKIAN and THE LESSON IN ACTIN 3 .Saturday < I'liicT.s-I'nrmiot , (1.03 ; paninut clrolo , 7f > o nnd IIK ) ; halL'oiir , Mo and 7'iOi gallury , i o. Hulu ojiuni Wodnuscluy. THEATER. borftilccntli nnil llnrncr Slrurts SUNDAY EVENING , APRIL ( O. b | > i'cliil KiiL'twmont nf lliu luiuorllun STUART ROBSDN- ANII COMl'A..Y OK J-J.AVBUH , IJnilur tlio Direction uf W H llnlcn I'rnentlut llroniiin lluwnnl * druntoit Oomcdf BUI < - ( I , THE HENRIETTA HOIISON mi"IIKITIKTJIK I.A 1II. ' I'rlcoi rnniiict II 'i ' i > rq rt clrrlo II M unfl II.WJ. bnli-ony Tiouiiil 11.00 , unllBrj , 3Jo halo gpunt Hntiirin | > muriilni ! . Farnani'Slreel Theater. Three Nights. Commencing Thursday , Apr , 7. i BA'JMtHUAY. NEWTON SEEKS hnii | > urtodl > 7 nn K c. In HLOl'IiDWIl'II Farihuii'StrccTfhcaieiT I ilVoi ! 1 FlvoMjjUls Cuiiiiiioiicliifc Similar Mat- incc , April lU. 01D oitiuis M. SPOONER COMEDY CO , MATINKI2 W O N 1J 15 li JA A N O ANU Grand Opera House. WKtfK OK AI'HIMIh' l/Aiauldlrlr , tliu aniriil Kll lluivon IU ntliul lo. Jlmlc. tliu Kunitlau forlunu lullur , I'nper 11 niunil lilt viiclunlul taillu. llroulllarn'i vtux JIke , I'urrul' * , Mo u-un oililblt. Ju < ! > - . Cllflou' n > In lliu Kniu-li KinAOuiUiloii Oue Uluif , ( li.inn , iOf , Jio * i ti , ' . ' 'C Open ilillf Stoat I to lop w