: -n THE OMAHA DAILY BEKr WEDNESDAY. Al IUL G. 1892 BDRT COUNTY'S ' BROAD ACRES Fertile Fields nml Verdant Meadows of Ono of the World's ' Garden Spots , WEALTH SHOWN BY THE ASSESSORS Featurenf tlio Country 1'rrioiml I'.iperl- cnc.cn offline- Ilio Mm Who llaxo Made Tlii'lr Hume * There. Hurt county was organized In 1831 nml named in honor of lion. Francis Hurt , Ne braska's ' first Kovornor. The total amount of lax levied In 13"i was $91.04 , the rate being 7 mills on $111,00(1. ( It U ono of the river coun ties , Is bounded on the south by WashlnRton nnd Uodgo counties , on the west by Cumin ? , end on the north by ThUMton. It contains D12 square mites , J'.iT.OOa ncrcs. Acoordlnc to the 1851) census the population at that tlmo was 0,0i7 , : , mid In 13'JO was 11,009 , showing an Incruuso of 4,1W ! , or f 'J.f ' > ! ! per coot. AccordIng - Ing to the latest assessors' returns there uro In the county lfi."i , I.1S acres of Improved lands , exclusive of vlllnfru nnd city lots , nnd of un improved land * , Ul.UJt acres. The assessed valuation for I Mil was $1,870,1120 , and tbo net- uul vnluu'lontH.-'UJ.UDO. The next report of the auditor will show n luri-o gain In Im proved ncro.iso. The totnl assessed valuation lor lbH ! was f > , U2'.lK ( } . < ! liliidlcatlnc nn actual vnluutlon of SIJi.UAVJ'.ij. ' In IS'.U the assessors rolurnod 4t,05S : cattle , 817 mules , 011(1 ( Blicun. ! ) , ID ! hogs nnd Ui23 : horses. In Ib'JO"thcro ' were raised In the county 7,08-1 acres of wheat , Tfi.iiOri acres of corn , 13 , 70 ncros of o.its , ; l acres of barley , -101 ncrcs of Max , 2iU ! ncroa of rye , II11 acres of millet nnd ni7 [ ; ! acres of meadow. The soil Is exceedingly fertile and admirably adapted to thu production of n variety of crops , grain , grass , fruit and vegetables. Well culti vated Holds of corn often yield 00 to 100 bushels to the acre , nnd In ordinary seasons the farmer who iloos not Anther llfty to sixty bushels per aero thinks no tins n Unlit cron. Hurt Is n great stock county owing to tlio abundance of hay and grain raised , nnd lus a lurfjo number of blfj farm and ranch own ers who feed lariro herds annually , while a urcat majority of small farmers feed stock enough to consume the grain they raUo. Owing to close proximity to market , speculative lative- shippers of stock nro unknown In liurt county , every farmer nnd feeder mar keting his own products direct. The Chl- cagc , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha rail- roud runs diagonally through the county from the southeast to northwest , giving the county aDout fortv-tlvo mlles of road , on which is located Teliamah , the county scat , with a copulation of 2,01)0 ) , Grig , SOU ; Oak land , bUO ; Lyons and JJucatur , each , 500. Although the line of railroad mentioned is the main line of the Chicago , St. i'aul , Minneapolis & Omaha , nnd traverses the county in such n way as to provide convenient depots , It is virtually inado a branch , Uocau.su of a diversion of all through trafllo to the bioux City & PaciUo on the lowu side of the river. I.inv Price of I/inil. There is no county In the state where land can bo bought so near to market with so lit tle money as in IJurt. Tuo real reason Is that oulv ono railroad laps the country , and on that , no through tralHc , either passenger or freight is handled , on tnat lino. Homo seek ers usually travel 01 : well known main lines of road mid never think of stopping so near Omaha for cheap lands , nnd yet there are thousands of acres of good unimproved lands in Hurt county that can bo bought for $10 to C20 per acre , surrounded by highly improved farms which hnvo made their owners rich. Bosttlos proximity to a market , equally as favorable to the Nebraska farmer as Chicago is to the Illinois agriculturalist , Burt county has an nbundni'co ' of timber and water. Four-foot cord wood soils in Tokamah for $3 to fl.50 ; pnr cord. Last year there was shipped from Tokaman nlono 100 cars of bay , most ol it going to Omaha. Dl-ptll of Soil. Thcro are thren kinds of soil In Burt county , known as bottom , bench and ridpa land. Tolcamah stands on the bench land now six miles west of the river , but formerly onlv throe , the river having receded. An idea of the depth of the soil may be gained by the fact that In digging wells cotton wood logs liavo boon discovered twenty foot below the surface , nnd dirt drawn from the bottom of wells has produced corn stalks ten fuel high. Tlio bench lands uro about thlrteot foctabovo the level of the river. There uro Holds on this bench land that have been planted in corn for thirty consocutlvo years , and in no year yielded loss than sixty-tlvo uushels per ucro. These facts have boon gleaned by per sonal Interviews with farmers on the streets end at their homes , which is the only way to pet rolinblo In formation with regard to farm natters , following Is the testimony of farmers from diftorent parts of tha county : Lost Ills Improvements. II. S. Spielnmn is ono of tlio most success ful old-timers of Burt county. Ho says : " 1 caino to Hurt county from Pennsylvania , 18.r > 7 , and pro-emptod a quarter section in Section eleven , town twenty-ono Arizona precinct , the following year. To nay for it 1 hired a government warrant , issued in favor ot Lucy Turner , whose husband was killed in the warof 131:2 : , for the use of which I waste to pay -I ! ) per cent for ono year making , in- torcsl and nil , f''SO. During the year I built n storv nnd a half log liouso , 14x18 , and ntablo and oroko twclvo acres. I was unable to meet the payment and three forties In cluding my Improvements were forfeitod. That loft u raw forty on which I live today. "When I landed hero I had $10 in money and there was ubotitfiO charges on some bedding - ding which 1 bhlppod through , so you too 1 was over S'J worse oft than nothing and I only handled Si in money during the year of 18. > 3. Next mouth it will bo thirty years since I sotllcd on that forty. I now own 1.140 acres of ns good farm land tv > lays out of doors , all In Burt county. The 'lowest prlco 1 paid for laud was $15 per aero and from that up to $10. I have bought a picco nt a time along us I could roach it. I have nine acres of orchard altogether. I feed from sovonty-llvo to l , " > u head of cattle every year nnd sell no grain except wheat. 1 In1- liovo Inck of success in farming is owing to lack of energy and bad management. Last year my corn went from forty to s > ixty bushels per acre well worked Holds the lat ter llguro. " Mr. Splolman'B appearance does not Indi cate that ho has put in all these years of toll. Ho laughed heartily while describing his first outfit of furniture to your correspond ent , ijnld he : "I made mv tlrst wash tub from n log about four feet long , which 1 Kb u pod into a t > ort of trough with a foot adz , leaving the sides 1)4 ) inches thick. My chairs I mndo out of pieces of plank with tiolos bored and legs driven in and the tablu was made of boards , but wo enjoyed the Btnols after a hard day's work and rollshod the victuals placed on the rough table. " raid til ) Ifor Cunt. Mr. II. C. Lydlck , residing in Arizona pro duct , Is ono of the largest nnd most success ful farmers in Hurt county. Ho cntno hero Jnuo 1 , 1S. > 7 , and bought bis Initial farm of 100 acres at the first inna sulo held in ( Jumna for ? , ' > per acre and paid IK ) per cent of the money. In speaking of It to the writer , ho aid : "I have never had the benefit ot a pre emption , homestead or timber claim , but ) mvo bought my land at different times and at various prices. I could not toll lust how many acres I have without consulting the records , but something over 2,000. I have mauo u all farming and feeding stock , nnd wlnlu I do not think conditions are now quite as favorable for farmers with out means at they were a few years ago. yet tboro 1s no need of industrious , economical farmer * mak ing a failure. In all tbo years I have been In Nebraska there has never bimi a failure In crops in this section ot the stuto. Ono thing very much in our favor now that wo did not bttvo a few years ago is the Omaha stock market. I linu it ahead of the Chicago mar ket. I bavo been qulto successful In feeding lies and have fed cuttle for the past eigh teen ynars. I feed 150 to 200 head ovary your nnd am an equal partner in the linn of Lydlck it Duulop , which feeds OG to 400 head a year. My corn last year averaged forty to llfty biuliols per aero. I planted between 700 and 600 apple trees clxtoen years ago , and they have ilono well. I would advUo formers to buy native nursery took , as it U a mistake to got trees not suited to the cllmat'i. " Mr. Lydlck has just re turned from a month's visit to friends and relatives In Illinois , Indiana and Ohio , and nltliouirh he 1s u modest man , not given to ex aggeration , yet ho sayi the poonlo who once bad confluence in him seemed to look with sutplcion on BOIUO of tbo stories told them about farm life in Nebraska , but ho thinks if Lho.v road Tun DEB and see the corrobora- tlons of his story they may yet bo convinced. Now n It.tnhor. .t. P. Latta , now a banker nt Tckamah , came Irom eastern Iowa to Hurt county twonty-nlno years ago , landing hero with ? l,10-a $1 Imnk note nnd n dlmo In silver. Ho now owns 3,000 acres of land , all in Hurt county , besides a trroat deal ot other prop erty. When nskod how ho got stnrto.1 ho re plied : "Well , I hardly know. I am often tiskud that question , but I wonted around n while nnd saved a llltlo money with which 1 bought forty-acres ot government land In ISM , broke part of it the snmo vear , and the year following raised a crop on It. The same ycnrdSGb ) 1 bought 120 nere. ' . adjoining nnd built n llttlo house. I bought but little moro land until ISiO , In which year I started the Hurt County bank and run it until IbUO , when I changed It to the First National. Of late years I have put most of my tlmo In nt the bank , but havu farmed and raised stock ex tensively every year , I kcop about flvo hundred ho.id of cattle all tbo tlmo and this year nm feeding 200 head. The Omaha mar ket has been n great boon for farm era nnd small feeder : ! , ns It enables them to market their stock direct Instead of selling to specu lators , ns they had to do when Chicago was our markot. Most all my farms nro well Im proved. 1 have nn l.SUU-ncro farm between ToKamah nnd Uecatur which is probably the best improved farm in the county. The buildings are good and I have nn orchard of ! ! 00 trees nnd plenty of small fruit of nil kindM. I hnvo 100 ncrai ot clover and will now tlfty acres moro each year until most of Ills seeded down. It doss llrst rate is a complete success. Corn , the pros cut season , averaged forty-llvo bushels nnd oats forty. I buy about fifteen thousand bushels ot corn every year used to buy moro. 1 think that any man who will manage right can mnlto money farming In this country , and it ho can not there is no country under the sun where tie can. The class of farmers who do not make it pay nro these who stand around on ' the street'corners airing their grievances while their cattle and otuor stock goas hun gry or dry nt home. Peter Cameron began farming operations in Hurt county only ton years ugo under cir cumstances dlflcrcnt fiom many quoted In these columns. The fact Is ho had about $12,000 to begin with , which ho brought with him from Wisconsin , where ho lived and fol lowed firming prior to coming to Nebraska. Mr. Cnmeron says : "I llrst bought a half- section ot choice Impiovod hind , probably as good as the county afforded at that time , for $ ; . " > per acre. In 1S3S I bought 100 ncros of bottom land for $1,100 nnd last spring -100 moro , for which I paid $15 an acre for 240 ncrcs and $13 for" the other 1TJ ( acres. The 400 acres , of course , was raw or pasture land. Last September I bnusht forty acres for $ ir > 0 cash. At llrst I sold some grain and fed snma stock , but of Into > oars I feed moro grain than 1 raise. This year myself nnd sou nro feeding ISO head of stocic. Hopj nro very profitable If it were not for cholera , but sometimes wo loio them all , or nearly nil. My corn last season averaged about forty- live bushels per aero , some of it goiug as high as sixty. The yiuld was not very good , owing partly to poor seed. Barley made thirty-live bushels per acre and oats forty. I have 35U apple trees , most of thorn just be ginning to boar , and will plant moro this spring. I thitik Dun and other counties in this part of the state are as good for farming purposes as I over saw In any country. 1 have done well farming hero nnd" see no reason why I cannot continue to do well.ou nsic mo it I have any kick to imko with regard to conditions under which formers are oparnt- ing in this country. I will bay that the great est objection I have to offer s that in my opinion farmers as a class are discriminated against to some extant by the protective tariff. Thcro is ono part of my fanning operations - orations that 1 am proud of and that is that myself nnd { . A. Tcmploton are the pioneer clover raisers of this section and wo have both made a. success of it. Clover will grow hero equal to Ohio. Illinois or any other .stato east of us. I have 10J acres seeded now and will sow twenty-live moro this spring. Last year I had sovonty-llvo bushels of seed nnd this year sixty-four bushels which 1 sold to neighbors at § ( to $0.30 per bushel. Yes , farming pays very well , I" cut considerable of my clover seed in my hog lot. W. W. I.iitta. W.V. . L/Uta is ono of the old timers , set tling in Hurt county in 1857. Ho now lives in Tokamah In an elegant homo with thirty- live across of door yard. Ho is the owner of a largo amount ot property In the city , and is largely interested in the bank. Ho is ono of the men who made his money exclusively by farming and stock raising and bo-ran at the bottom. By the request of the writer ho took the witness stand and deposed as fol lows : I came hero in lS57with a few dollars In money and a lot of truck that , all told , would probably have invoiced $ OJO. I never took advantage of bomustoud , tico claim or pre-emption privileges , but bought my first i09 acres and wont to raising hogs and butch ering them nnd hauling the carcasses to Omuha. 1 followed that business for several years and bundled hundreJs of them , and usually bought another piece of land every time I came back fron market , so as to take euro of the proceeds. I kept on buying land in small tracts at different , times and various prices until I now have 4,100 acres , all either under cultivation or fenced for nasture. I gradually drifted Into raising corn and feed ing cattle. Have fed ns high as ( iOO or 700 head a year. I line horses and have dealt pretty Inrgclv in that Kind of stock. I have on hand at this tlmo 13 , ! head of horses nnd six mules. Mv stock is Porchoron. but lately my son went to Kentucky and brought homo some blooded trottors. I used to raise a creat deal of wheat , but when the price pot below$1 I quit it. Wbe.it used to do well hero , but is not so profitable now. I have not been a very ex- iraypgnnt improver of land , but hnvo good buildings on several farms , with plenty of orchard and small fruits , which grow and boar well hero without trouble. This is ns good a farming country as there is lu the world , and any man , whether ho has moans to bocin with or not , who will work nnd manage well and bo content to live economically nt llrat , can muko money farming in Hurt county. With the exception of ono year , when the grasshoppers toolc our whout , 1 have never experienced n failure of crops. For n small payment any homosccicr can no- quire land hoio for from $100 ! per ncro. and have the advantage of tno Omaha llvn stock market at his door ; so I consider it an excel lent place to start. I had nlont.vof corn last fall that went slxty-flvo bushels per ocro.and thcro was about 20,000 bushels raised on my land , bat I bought a great deal of It besides. The farmer who does not succeed hero , as a rule , has himself to blumo. Siimui-l Mc.Mullin. Samuel McMullln owns a farm of 110 acres' in Ari/.ona product nnd eighty ncros In Tokamah. Ilosay : " 1 came to this coun try In ISO ) , took a homestead llrst and bought nftcrward. 1 had a little money , about f-'Ot ) . 1 paid $ Ul.tli'i ! ! } an aero for part ot my land , and four years neo I paid $ ' .r > an ucrn for the eighty in Toknmah precinct. It was wild land ; no Improvements , 1 have good buildIngs - Ings and orchards on both places. Iliad 120 acres of corn this year that averaged about sixty bushels an aero ; thlrty-livo ncros of small praln , twelve of which was wheat that went twenty bushels per ncro ; live ncros of oas , llfty-ono bushels an aero , and the balance llfty bushels. I feed some stock and sell homo grain. I have never made it pay to food stock on a small ncalo. 1 think to make feeding pay n man should have onougn to amount to something. Yes , I raise fruit of all kinds , and It does well. ( J rapes boar wonderfully. 1 have never seen a failure of crops , and you can toy that I think any man , whether ho has capital or not , can make money farming if ho conducts U properly , The worst drawback wo have is the high rates charged by the railroads. There are plenty men hero who drlvo feeder * from Omaha rather than pav the freight , but you know those who are farther from market cannot do that , and are compelled to pay ex orbitant freight charges. Mndo It I'liriiiliitr. John H. Shorto ! of Arizona precinct came to Burt county in June. 1657 , with a horse team , which was considered a big start In the world in these days. Ho pre-empted his Jlr t 100 ceres by hirlug a warrant at10 per cent , and was lucky enough to soil n forty ai f5 nn aero to pay It with. Ho has Improved mid sold several farms and still owns -1'Xt ' ncros , well improved. Ho built a house in Tolutnah costing M,200 , but lost by it. How ever , ho has sold over $ . ' ,000 worth otT his farm this season ever and ubovo his living , and thinks ho would have doubled it had ho ted his cattle , but ho sold them bccauso ho could not got the corn to feed. Mr. tihortol has boon unfortunate , has met with many lassos , but in spite of it all is a rich man to day , and made it farming. * Wo will for thlrtydiiys eoll $12.5 full cushion 8ifotlo3. : IBUtl pattern , now , far $5)5. ) Wrilo for our catnloiruo. A. II. Pcrdgo ft Co. , HOO Dodge street. On Account of Municipal Politics Little Trailing Was DODO. PRICES WERE GENERALLY HIGHER Cnblpi Were Slo rr Mini WrnU Slnrniy Wcalhcr Itrimrts from tlir Northwr t till' I'lrmtKMi In U'ho.tt Stocks nml CIMCAOO , III. , April ! i. On nccount of the nnttilriiil | ; ( ilcctlnn there win no re.'iil.ir eos- slon of the Chlo.tso Hoard ( if Trade tolay : , hut there wns u liberal nttend.tncd of operators on thu curb. Whllu not much htislnoss wits Irnm- acted , pi lees woio Konor.Uly u shade higher , the trndltu \ > o'.i\x eonflnol almost entirely to wheat. May sol.l nt from 7S' o to 70'ic. nnd nt 1 o'clock nns iihotttTOUc. O.ihlns were Blow or and weak , hiitontsidodonicstloninrkats , where trudln was K"ln : on us usiiiil , wcta toported Cunonilly hltjhur. Thl fuc-l , with the stormy weather coinphilnt ? roculved from the nortli- wcst as lo the hackwlirdncss ot tlio codliu and the statement that the ninotint of Hour unit wlio.it on ocean passage wus over H'J.OJJ ' liu. dm nix the p.ist week , vttiso I the llrmncss. A con4lili < rabludcirunsj ! win ulso lupoiluil In till ) Kllo'lllll VlsljlU ! , tlUlV. | ) Now Vnrlt NK\V \ Yonic. April fi. Ki.ntmKcrottils , 2. " > . - TRii likiti. ; exports. (1273 ( I)1)K ) nnd III/J.'l pUgss dull : vale ? , 18,500 bbls. UOIIN MCAI. ( Jnlot. WlllUT UuoelpK 1 11.000 liu.i exports. iXi.4'6 hit. ; s ties , lu.llu Int. futures nnd UlU. ) liu. spot. Spot , nurkot dull , Irro.Mihir ; t-lusltu uusv5 No. - ' red. DS jC In store nnd olovalor , iwWHi'jB u Hunt , tis'icffiti.ti' ) ' t f. o. I ) . : No. : i n ti , WiifW.unnittradi.'diod , MiUHl' c ; No. I nnrtli- urn , umi'.iPic ; No. I liurd , fl.uu ; No. Snortli- crn.ni'iff..i.i'ie ' Options deellned early h 'Jo ' on woaUor eiiblo- ) . reacted 'I'L&IC on IIIIMOIIHO In the Kiullsh vNlblo and uinoiuit on lias-iaKc. Hales Inu.mlod No. 'J rcil. April , lilWIV. oloilnpnt IBI'jCl Mny. lOJ5fJlli-IBc. : closlni : nt UO'nc : June , bs O D'if , u.osln ; ; at KHu : .Inly. Vie , clnsliu ntbD'nu ' : Aiuilst , SjOsiiMI'BC. ' ut Wit'i Suptomher , bS'Su ' ; Uouoinbor , . IUIII.KV K'isy ; s'lles , ' . ' 0,000 hu. : Canada In lioiid ut "In for export. IUitiiv MAI.T ijnmu rim.N Itocolnls , U-'T."i ! hn. : exports. 101.8'S hit : sales , -lii.uua bii , futures : 8SUO ) bu. spot. Hpotdull. e.isy ; No. 'J un radu. ! mixed , 48'\ ® fi''c ! No. 3. 4e ! ) : ml.\ed. 4 ! < 'iS.V.lo. Options ad- vaiircil ViWSc and closed steady on tlin de crease lu the ainoniil on pnsiavo nnd moilnr- atelv nctlvo trading. April , 4Sc ; May. 4.r.J4iriHc , closing nt. 4fi'5e ' : June. 41' , © 4l'e. closing 4) ) ' e ; .July , 44ifll4'5c ' , clojlu ; ; at 4l ° 8e ; August.44J4' . DATS Kucolpts , 70.02 1 bn ; exports , ' 42.337 tin. : alo-i , .I't.OUJ un. futures an I HH.WJ bu. spou Spot firmer , modor tuly actlvo. options dull and llrmor nti5L' : , eloslii ) ; 'Ma ; May , HUtu : No. L' white April , : icljc : spot No. S white. Il.'ic : mixed western , 'll'iWfi'jir ' whtto western , ; MJ ® 41u : mlxn'l stile , 'ttVQ hi'ic. ' 1IAV Quiet an 1 sto.uly ; shipping. $ r.00ffl7.)0i Konil to uliolcc , S8.0 11J3..VI. liora Dull and llrm : Pacific oo-ist , 2.7o ! SilfiAH Kaw. modcrntolv iic'lve nnd llrm ; sales. , vYJ ) tons centrifugals. 1C test , Il'Se ' : x- shlpmcnt , S.OiXI lius ; centrifugals , tH test , at II'BC ' e. I. f. ; rellncd , steady with moderate do- in and , MOI.ASES Korclgn , dull ; 50 test , lPc ( : Now Orleans , llrm and quiet ; common to fancy , 25 Steady : crnilo In bbls. I'.ir lior' . W.fii I'ai-Kcr's In bull ; , il.'JO ' ; united closed ri7"e. ; COTTONSKUD On. Steady and ( inlet : crude , 23c : yellow. "S'je. ' TAi.t.ow Dull and firm : city ( $2 for p'tck- njios ) 41 ; o. HOSIK Dull and steady ; strained common to seed , $1..T.I.4 i. TUIUMINTIM : Steady at Il'c. Hnns l-Mrin , fair demand ; western , 14jc ! ; rcro pis. l"i.iu plvtfs. HimIniicllvo : and Ftendy : wet salted Now Orlu.ius 4i to"j IDs , ( XjlSc ; Texas select , 50 to 0) ) Ibs. . t/3Se. ; Wooii Ouiet and easy ; domestic fleece , Il'e ; pulleil. ' . ' .W lic ; Texas , 182lc. I'oitK Active and llrm , CUT MATS : Inactive ; middles , quiet ; short clear , W.4"i. LAUD About steady and dull : western steam closed at W.W bid ; May , $ j.lau.r)2 ( ; July , JO.Ui < 3 ( > .r3 : August , fata llUTTEii Dull : wcstoiu dairy , H'4i20o : west- crn creamery , Ib5i27c ; western factory , llffi 2Jc : Kl lu , % . ' 7c. ( ) HKI : < K Quiet and wcolc. 1'ir I RON Steady : American. J14.00OI0.2.V Coi'l'Eit Quiet : 'laliO , 8ll.7.VSJJIl.la ) asked. I , HAD Dull : domestic. Jl.l'Oiai.-Ti. TIN Strong ; straits. J10.UJ bid , $ -U05 asked. SI. I-oiils .Marknts. ST. J.ouis. Mo. , April 3. 1'i.oun 1'lrmer , hut uiiclian.'ccl. \Viin VT- Was fairly firm throuchout and closed 'Se for .May and 'ac for July ubovo yosloid.iy's lu No. S. ensli , : .May closed at fclJniSSI'/se ' ; July. 77' < a8c. Cou.v C.isli , lower. Ill'jo ; ootlons very slow , but closed ! ® ; nhovii yestorday's ; May closed , itr : > e ; July , ICt'gc. OATS-Hottor ; cash. ! ! Jc ; May , 29J c. ItVK-No s-iles. llAitiiv : Nothlns doln . IlliAN Quiet atilOIic. ( ! HAV Quiet ; prairie , $3. . " > ( Xit9.00 : timothy , . . . LEAD Quiet nt $ l.0 * > ; spelter , $4.33. lii\x SKII : ) Klrm ; ' .He. CORN MKAi.-Steady : $1.83. WliisKv-Qulot ; Jl.l'J. ItAdoiNn Quiet : ( \y \ ' < iif. IKON COTTON I ir.s t'iii.S9. ! I'uovisio.vs Quli-t. easy. Tonic ? IO.VJi ( ! , 1 < AIII ) Jli OJ. Duv SALT ME vrs Loose shoulders , $1.00 ; IOIIKS and ribs , $ " ) .0"i : shorts , t\Si : boxed lots , 15n more. lUrow Shoulders. $ "i.2."i : longs nnd ribs. J6 : iJiS..iTi : shorts , $ J4. > < 5i1.5U ; sugar euied hams. } 0.03l . . " > ) . KECEil'M 1'lonr. fiUOJ Ibs. ; w heat. 1R.OOO bn. : corn. 0" > ,030 bn. ; o its , 'J ,00) bu. ; rye , 10UiK ) bu. : barley. lO.nuibn. Siiii'MUNTh Klour. 7,0)0 ) Ibs. : wheat , I'.Oll bu. : corn , 7il,00 Ibii. ; oats , 7,03 } bu. ; rye , 10,000 liu.i barley , U.OOU. St. I.onlH Monk PT. I.ouis. Mo. April n. CATTLE lccclts ! | , 1.5UO hend : hhlpiiioiilH. li/O head ; htron : : fur natives ; fair to cholro iialtvu steers , Jll.U'ufJ 1.4 1 ; Texan and Indian Btuera lusher , K.'H > & 3.40. 3.40.lions Ifccolpts , 4,0)1 head ; shlpim-nts , ( no head : steady ; heavy , $1.6/24.70 ; mixed , SI.OU ® 4.UJ ; llsht.tl.OOa4.OX. I.lxrrpiiul .Murkrts. I.iVKiti'oor. , April . " > . WHEAT Quiet ; holders offer modorutoly : No. 1 California , ( is ild s 7d per cental ; No. 2 ri'd. winter. 7s 4 ! d@7s X d. Kecelptsof who it last tlir-io days , IJ..UJO een- tuls , InuliidliiK lil.OHi American , COMN StO'idy , demand fair ; mixed west ern , 4s 3d percental. Itecolpts of American corn past three days , 101 , UJ cental : * . ToliMln ( inilii .Market. TOI.KDO , O. , Apill 6. WIIKAT I'Jrin , No. 2 , cash , h.lc. COIIN Steady ; No , 2 , cash , ufllc. OA'lH-Quloti vaihtic , Cliu'liinatl 'Miirki'tn. CINCINNATI , O. , April fl. WHEAT Dull ; No.J red. 8Jo. COIIN Hironzer ; No,2 mixed , 4lic. ! OAIS Kulr demand ; No. 2 mixed , JU- . WHISKY Jl. 13. _ Cotton MarUut. NEW" Yonic , April ! > . Kutuius closed quiet ; Nuw OniiKANS , I.ii. , April -Market wax bteiuly ; mlddllni > . G'tu ' ; low mlildlinus , ! ' \u ; good ordinary ? > \v. Nut receipts , II.- ( ill hales ; mports to Grout llrltalu , r > , r > .V ) bales ; to the continent , I.UJQ miles ; biliw ; , : ' . ( j 0 bale : . ; btoelc , 341b2t bales. Cu Him .Murkrt , NEW YonK , April fl. Options opened steady. unehuiiRcd to 5 points down ; closed steady , iiiiuhunvcd lo. > points down : bales , 2:1- : , 7x11 Ijuk'j ; Juiio JlL'.Ouar.V'ii Iseptembor Jl--VOlO 12.23. _ STUUKS AM ) IIONDS. Tlit'ru AViiH 11 Ituuli tor Higher 1'rlccn All Aloiithu I , Int. NnwYniiK , April 5. Thu stock market was Btoudy with n rush for higher prices , but the force was Insiifllclent to tmrmount the 10- straliiliis elements and the advance was ef fectually cheoKi'd for thu tlmo belnj , There wan a moro continued bullish feeling In the street than has been seen for some tlmo. and the oiu'ouragln ; art vice j from abroad were supplemented by buying orders from Lon don nml the continent uud traders were forced to cover liberally In the early dcal- liH'i. The advance , honevor , met with a spirited rcsUtunco from the bear element and thu early trading wus not extremely active , with some decline from the opening prices. The covering of shorts , with the bny- ) ng for ' .ho long nccount , HtlimilMeil by the uncourujlng outlook , forced prices up. though no rapid rise was seen , The news of the re fusal of the governor of Now Jersey to sign thu bill legalizing the road's combination , howom , effectually put a stop to the new buying , though us usual of lalo there was u disposition to irirt with thu btooUs ncijulrt'd , The local Htocka wuro itpparoiitly affoutou by the news , though both Jersey Central aim Delaware & lludsun guvo way materially , though thU wus to bu expected uftor their Intomlncrnl ndvlcvt : llovllne. whllo rp.iot- Ing , WHS veiy actlr < i'iinl tr.issnpporK'd about fWi. I.luldailoii ( | In Niow Knttlaiul was nlarlv.t by this time , nn I \\ost I'olnlcold heavily , the common stook for. .UiO first time slnco the November piinlc suninj below those nrlco * . Bonds and preferred 'WPIO ' deprcsso I , Tno of- ft-ct of these movement * In the rrst of tlio market worn rniup.nnitlvnly allahu titrl while the upward inurement wns cheeKed , no serious decline watti n outsldo of the few stocks muntloiiuJ , anil gains ut thu opening were retained until very late In the day for some concessions M > I < O nivlo. owing to the liorslsiiMit procure on tlio Iniulcr * . New Ktiglund espcilallv dlsplayrd the moot Dronounccd weaknrj , the whole list sympa thizing for thu llniu t/GIn / ? . The uhaiactur of Ihu trading In the rt\st \ of Iho list mav bo juJpcd from thu ftiL'tfllint ' 1'rlo closed n < innr- tor lower fur tlio day. The market dually closed fairly tictlvu and rather heavy at the oloso from the opening iirlcc , dosplto u llnal r.illy In thu Until dealings. The list Is gener ally only sllzhtly channel ! trom lant night's fUiirt's. but Kli-hiiiond " : West 1'olnt. pre ferred Is down 4'i per cent nnd the common only * i per cent. Now Knalnud2' > percent and Sugar Pa percent tJovcrnmont bunds have hr-cn dull nnd steady. Stale bonds have been dull and steady. The following nro the closlns nuotntlon * for the loading stocks on the Now York Stoa. < ot- change today ; Tliototalsaleaofstuckstocl.lv wore 30I.SSO shares , liicludins : Atchl on. l.V-"J ; Delaware It Hudson. U..ViU : Kile , 11175 : Hooking Val ley , 3.1117 ; Louisville ft Nashville. 8.8IU ; Mis souri 1'nelllc , 5S ) ) ; Not them I'acltlo preferred , lfi.110 ; r > ow KiiKlund , 47.72H ; Heading , 1SI.WO : lioohoster & West 1'olnt , 10,307 ; SU I'aul , 32,02J ; Union Pacific , U,071. Now York Money .Market. New Yoitic , April r > . MONEV ox fAt.i. Easy ut t',5 to 2 per cent ; last lo.iu 2 per cent ; closed offered at 1'jJM per cent. 1'uiMi : .MBHCANTII.K I'AIMSH 'l ® . )1/ } nor cent. STr.ltt.i.Nd UXCIIANOK Oulet nut steady at Jl.Stlli for sixty day bills and Si.SSU for de mand. The closing nuotations on bonds : London 'S tor It .MitrJirt. ICnpi/rlglitcd 1S11 ltjJj..n ( linlin tlinnM. } LONDON , April 5. iNow Yoik Herald Cable Special to Tin : llii.l : ; Although them has been nothliij approaching activity , IIIDIU biiblii3S has been traiHactud in the Stock ex- chanpo tod'iy than for some time past. Uon- solH Are 'a ] iur cjilt easier. IiuiUn rupee papers bau K ven way ' / > per cent , owluj ; to a lelapso In sliver. 1'Oreljiu ijovorniiii'nt se curities have been oMremo.y llrm from the opeiiuu to olosliiR. a strong tone being re ported on the continental bourses. An ad vance Is established In all International stojks Homo railways have shown a fair tloKreu of htremith , but the rise In or lees did not oxcojd 'a to 'i per cent. Hull u nil I'arnsley have Klvun wiiy 9i per tent ; Shclllcld preferred ai.U ( < oat Kastern are somewhat easier. Ameilcan railways havj bcoii extremclv buoyant the whole day ' with evidence of mo'ro actual dealings on the part of Ihu public than for homo tlmo past. The distribution of consul dividends has caused the-dfiii'ind for money to fall away a most entirely. Short loans have been easily obtained at 1'i to I'i nor ct > nt discount. The marl.ot has been-ory qnliH. Two and three mouths' bills are not. quoted hotter tluin l'u 10 1'j per cent. LONDON , April j. The followInworo ; the London stock inotations | closing at 4 p. in. : ContiolH , money..iiu .MU Illinois Ccn . IUT do , account UJu-ld Mexican ordinary . .SJ N. V. , I' . A O. Ibts. . . 35 X. V Central . 1IUJJ Cnnnillnn I'ncltlc. . . .i | ! < I'cnnsylviinln . Aim Hrlo 3IH do Snilt lU'J ' .Mm. Cen now ' . , 7JJ ( HAH SuvFu : i''ad. ) .MDNKV IBI'S ' nercout. Itatoof dlscoiiiil In open murUet for both short and three months' bills , ll'j jicr cent. I'iiiiinclal Notes. New OHI.KANS , ia. . April 5.-Clearings , $ JltO.IKI. Nisw YDIIK. April 5.--CIearlng ? , JlC/.W.'iOI ; 'b , $ D. 10'.H" ' . I'AIIIP. April 5. Three per cent rentes for the account. llAi.TiMotu : , .Mi ) . . April .r > . Clearings , l.,24'.li.'Ji balances , &TIi'.l ! ' > ; rate , I ! percent. I'niLAiiKi.i'iiiA. 1'a. . Apill 0. Uloarlncs , JU,4S.,12J ; balances , S1OOJI74 , ; money. 'J pur cent. MilMl'llif , Tenn. , April P. Now Yorlc c\- chaiixe selling at par ; uieailujb , J.V'il.CU ; bui- ances , ! f.l'J"l. ST. Louis. Mo. April .1. Cloarluss. W.4I5- Ilft. ; balances.tlUl.iK , ! . Money , r.WU per cent. Now York uxvhiiiiKC. par. llofiox. Muss. . April 5 ClcnrlngB. flfi7ti- ) ! > Kbalances. \ \ . * ll'k,224 ( ) : money. 2 percent ; e.\- chaiiKO on New Yorlc , K&12edt count. Neiv York Dry ( iiioilH Market. NEW YOIIK , April 5. llnslnoss In tlry coeds was without decided new features. A Ion ; ; with a moderate tr.ide theio was moro Inter est lu rt'Kaul to future wants. Yet the latter had not disclosed any actual transactions of moment. Some descriptions of dress Roods , blankets nml underwear have attracted at tention. The market was unchanged In tone. Theie seems to bu more conlldcncu as to val- ut's. Thu binding trade wus fair and was en livened by a drive lu Dresden cloth. I.IVi : hTOOK MAUKKTS. Itt-ffSU'crufio to Klc HlKlirr CtwsSU'iiily HOKH Striuly. OMAHA , Apill S. The receipts for iho two < lnys of this week weie II.7HG cattle , V > SI IIIIH ami 2bsu slic'np. aS'fompaioil ' with il.li-'l cattle , r''JjU ho's and 1,218 fiheep the Ilibt two day u of last week. ' ' The market on beef nnd shipping Hteois ruled active nml' ' ; > o to lue higher. Thutle- innnd from both JOi'iil hoiitei * and shippers WIIH k'ood and rwvulpts chanced hands lieely at thu advance. The quality of ! 1 | < J offurliiKR was bettor than It has been lu bomo days , some very good biters belli ; ; on salt ) ! C'onx. bulls am ] licifors showed no material clninpo from yufVorday'B general tniilu on Hlmllar Kradea. the inai Kot In the main being Btoady and the iiintuincnt fico a full do tr ance boliu mudo. early In the day. tomu prime fat cuwb , slfld at W.SU , and bomo fair hafetl western oou8 and heifers nt J.'RI. The. market on Stock rattle continues weak mul dull , but fovt"icountry orders ID IUI and speculators hiiyli .sparlnK'ly. Uood stuff .sold today m from'f.l.141 to f.l.2.pruttv decent cat tle at from t'i.'Kl3li' ( , and Unlit slochcrs us low as SI."HJ. Kepffcaontatlvo sales ; * No. Av. I'r. N6.AV. IT. No. Av. I'r. 2. . 1000 13 DO 3J .1110 { 3 40 1. . Ut ! ) 3 13 7 . 1 > h7 3 40 : w .my 3. Httfl II 1 , * 1. 1IUO 3 40 17..lilt ) 7. IUI8 U 2J 17 1VN.4 3 43 10 .1110 21 1148 aw 370 0. 1024 3 25 fl. UIO 351 20. .1181 3 73 toll 3 23 10..1207 a 50 1U..I221 4 3 2i 1'J. ' 1231 a 50 20 1233 111. . U3U 3 2 * 5s..1108 35) 75 l l 2. . 850 3 23 2 144 * a m 14. . 1)70 'I 25 rj..iiv > a &o 18.lItO ! : G. i : 330 21..1143 3 50 0 .I21K ! 13. . 115:1 : 15. . Mil a 5) 3UO 10. . 1)14 ) a is 4..12.7 350 10..1378 310 15 .I2 i a 35 111 .1U.-2 350 400 1U. . 117(1 ( a a. * ) 10..111)7 ) 3 5 * VlSIO 400 14. 11.10 3 33 42. 1417 4 12 ! ' , H..1U8I 3 40 fliiisw it ui Ih .11)1 415 12 1002 3 43 5 .1'.vi a co G0..130J 415 1015 3 40 SI..1201 3 U ) cows 1 50 1. . 2 23 4..10S7 375 . ll.'h ' 1 50 3 , . 2 25 14 .1111 275 I''CO 1 M 1. . 2 23 5..1140 ' " 612 1 50 I 2 35 ' ' 273 OJ 1 01 10. . 11 2 40 fc''lU7 757 1 I/ ) 7..UIO 2 40 5. 1)18 ) 273 bOU5 1 IS 8. tl7 4) 2 UIO 27. ) -5 1 03 2. 115) ) 3 40 1 IUI I 2)1 ) hs'j ' 1 1040 35J 4 b77 2t 010 1 7i a. wo 2 so 1..1.140 2t 1 1040 1 73 2 . 02" S M 10. 1M1 S03 7 7ft 173 _ ' 1115 2 f.J ft 1I5J SOI 1 010 173 1 10.M S 50 20 UIO SM -J. . Ml 100 I 1170 2 M 1 USD .IOJ 1. . iPO L' OJ 7. IKil 2 a I. .1170 303 a .nro 200 2 isrv 21.1 s..inoo : ioj 1 . 705 2 OJ II .lOSfl 2 IVi L.tljO II 0) a . tttl 20) 17 .Ilf7 2 0 * > 7. . 12 14 110(1 ( 3. . ( Ml 213 0.1140 270 I.V.I 13.1 ! l OJ i . P-JO 2 13 i . nro 2 7J sa. . ion a to 4 .10.VJ 220 5. . 1)70 ) 270 f..lKU II M 1. . 117,1 2211 1..1I4J 273 2 , . 1M 23 1. 1 W ) 22 31 .1K4 273 2. .1000 273 a..lttJ ( 2 23 1..1KW 2 75 CALVES. 17. . 2M i r.o r. . . C9 nr : . i. . 101 40,1 I. iltnl 173 1. . 13) 4 M 1. . 180 423 ft. 2W ( 223 1. . 170 3 110 1. . UU 460 7. . 1)7 ) 2 W 1. . i'U aOJ nuiruiis. 4. . . ' 173 2 23 nut.t.s. l..lft7J 203 2. 1313 210 n. . 10.17 2fO 1 .lOW 211) ) 1. . 12,11 SO ) 1..1SIO 243 1..1IHI SU ) 1..17.-U 273. 1..1IH 223 1..1B10 2 IIJ 2..IWi 2 2i l..lftW aiO 1..II70 2 V3 1..7JO II 10 1..137J 223 1..1UVJ 3 13 STAI ! < . 1..13I3 300 1..1IVJO I ) 23 3.ir.(5 ( 300 O.XKN. 7..1i7J 1 73 STOCKElt1 ? AND FRBIICtt . in . 4f > 3 i ro o. . 4 fl so ) 7. . MS an 1. . d7J 2 il5 4 . 733 273 1. . 7-M a 13 1. . H.'J 2 4 60. . 7S * SID 21. . i'8 ' a 13 1. . 72J 2 SJ 4 . 7V ) atl ) 18. . Mf a 13 1. . 710 2 ft ) a. . ? il U 10 7. . U7S 323 ( i. . 40J 2 M AVYOM1NO CATTI.C. llcclnvltli , Qiilini , t Co. 51 cows and holfor-t , liay-fod . 031 } 2 S" > 73 cows and hulfors , liav-fod . 1M3 2 S3 73 cow-in ml holfors , hav-fod . 1HI 2 81 lines Tuo rjeeiiitH of h i s wuro a.fiOO. The liox market opened up fairly brisk on llcht and ltttchorbuluctlii ( ) < t , but ulosutl If anything a shntlo easier , ost)2clally on ii.iuUlnu uradtM. The tuculnts , whllo only inotloratc , were ulll- clunt to fully siiuuly the duinanil and pr'co-i ' on the hulu 'worn tiiottLlly ) ) tinchansud from these iiruviillltiK yustunliiy. I'li Ums hoiiRht till their ho s at 81.43 and Iho hulk of Ihu sa.us thuw at that IlKiiri ) . Hhlpoors and fresh meat huyurs paid from $1.30 to jl..V > for tliulfstrinus ami the Kdiural uvcrncu was iUSli , a fraction uoluw yustur.lny'.s average. itci'itEsc.vrATtvn SAI.KS. Ntx Av. 8n. I'r. No. Av. Sli. I'r. 110. . . . LW OSD Jl 4S 00 . S14 Jl 47'L ' 77 . S23 2S ) 443 74 . 211 2U I 4r'T 78 . . . .218 28) ) 4 43 72 . ! MS bl ) 4 W KI . 2JI l-fl 44 * ) 7(1 ( . 2 : 40 4 flj U'l . 217 443 73. . . . I'M ' 1W 4 M til . Will S3 44i ( IS . 211 W ) 43) ) ! I7 . ai7 413 44i ( il . 221 120 430 OS . 2Ji 4U 4 l * > 4U . 21RI hi 4 30 81 . 2CI 200 44i 01 . VU7 bi ) 4 f.0 ft1. ) . Soil 210 44 * . ( K' | . 24' ! 4 .r > ) 02 . ' 'SJ Ifa 4 4' > f > 8 . Id ll 43J OS . 2M 2ifl 443 00 . 2JII 40 4 W 01 . 28) ) 12J 443 7. . 214 2JO 4fW'J 72 . . . .2liS 1(11 ( 443 a > . . . .218 120 4fr.5 : > o . : io3 10,1 443 : > ' ) . uii i.vj'i 78 . . . 234 100 443 f > 0 . 2.C1 IOJ 4 . ' . * > 18 . 277 D20 4 13 02. . . .2(10 ( 4 3 * 0 * . . . . 231 I'M 4 4 * > M . Kl ) 40 4 'M Kl . till 10) ) 44 * > KI..2I8 433 72 . 1'4'J mo 443 Kl . 237 HO 4 .V. 101. . . .272 4 4 > C ) . 200 43 * f > 7 . i.27 24) ) 4 4 * > 53 . 212 453 01 . ! KI 12J 4 4 * > 01 . 214 ? ) 453 58. . 2.11 h ) 443 hi . 24'J 4 55 70 . . . .232 fcO 4 47' { ( ,3 . 207 100 453 33 . 210 4 47'/t rios AND nouniis. 1 . . . .030 250 , ' 1 . 3.17 40 413 ft . iu4 325 10 . an : 420 00. . . . 112 4 00 0 . 341 - - 423 I . 411 413 12 . 313 120 4 25 II . 340 415 2 . . ' 130 - - 423 MIKKI- Only ono load consigned direct to a loc.il honso was all Hint NCTO ruuolxod. Thu market was nominally stonily at the following eiuotntlotis. Kulr to peed natives , fiom ? l.51 to J.1.5J ; fa r to coot ! wo > > torii3. from JI.UO to S'i.75 ; lonimon and stock sheep , from f..50 to $1.0) ) ; oed to eholco 40 to OJ-ll ) . Iambs , f 1.5'J to $ ti..VJ. ItiTi'lpts nnd nlHpiisltliin ol Stock. Ko olpts at the Union Stoj'c ' y.ir.U. South Om.ih.i , Neb , for the t wontv-four hours end - Ing at 5 o'clock p. m. , Alirll5 , l Oi HECKIPTS. DISPOSITION. CliiciKo : I.lvc Stock. CHICAGO. 111. . April r . The Evening Jour- mi ! reports ; . OATTM" . receipts 4.IWO : ship ments , l.'ijOj Market steady to higher : irood to pi-inio steers. UI.IWOI.U ) ; otbets , S.l.7.r > ( (61.2.1 ( : stockers , $ . ' .25i.2j ; Texaiis. S3.40 ; cows , $ J.5S 2.M ) . Iloos Itcccipts. 15.COD ; shliimcnta. 4.030 ; tharUi't dull but steady ; rou h and cummoii , Jl.1. ) ® l W ) ; mi\ed and pickers. $1 ( iTtl.75 ) ( : prime hcavv and butchers' weights , $ l.73l.bO ; llRht , ? I.O < Pit.7. > . SlIEKf Receipts , 4t-UO ; shipments. rOl ; marliot fairly active and steady ; fancy wethois. f'.OO ' .OO ; fair lu prime wcbterns , $ j.5.0.25 ; lambs , $ "i.f02,0.75. New York l.lviStuck 'Market. New YOIIK. April 5. llunrus He'celuts. 2l.4sl hoa'l , all for export ; no trade ; fcellns ; llrm. li'es < cd beef steady. ( iSc per Ib. Ship ments , " > u t coves and 2t',80 quarters of beef for tomorrow. UAI.VKS Receipts , ahead ! ) ; market steady ; venls. fl.OWJI.M per 10) ) Ibs. SiiEUi' Iteccints , 7 ( > s head ; market steady : sheep. J\2.vt .2. > per 100 Ibs. : lambs. * 7.i24 ; < r0 7.75 : dressed muttons Moady , MJllc perlb. ; dressed lambs s'o.v , uifiarjift' . HOOH Kecolits. ] n , ' , : head , consigned di rect ; nominally steady ut il.'JJ per IOJ Ibs. Disonso nnver succosstully attacks nsy - tom with ] ) tire blood Do Witt's Sarsapnrltla makes pure , now blood and cnricho ? the old. WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOA ! rurllio Hkln.Hcolp nml Complexion. . , jr/ m < * nt. pent fCfilul. fUr.i Jltfl-nrc ) ( * incuts , llliIII Matl.ii. Molc , Wnrtn , India Ii.k Rinl I'ttwilur > InrkH. tnrtll I'lltli.gB , Ni- " He ! i.on nf Kotf , Siiporl'.ii"uii Hair , 1'lm. jilet , elc , rcniuveJ. Consultation fn-i' , nt uil'.ce ' rr by mall. lOHH II. WOGOSUnV , Dermatologies ) Inslilulej 1 5Vi' tl nil Mreul , A'c\v York City. J3OXJTH Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA , llest cattle , hn ; ami i-bccp market In the west COMMISSION HOUSES. George Burlcc & Fraxier , Live Stock ConiinlsstoM - - The l.uutlvra. Hnulh Omiilio.Vrllolo this houi.o lor correct nmkt't roiort | , Wood Brothers , Hoiith Omaha ChleuKO. - Toluphono IIW. MurUol rupnrls liy mall and who cheerfully fiiniKhcd upon apiillcatloii. THIS James M. Campbell Company , Chicago , K'istSt. I < onln , Kansas City , foiith Uiniiliii , sloux t'lly , Kort , Worth. A. ( 'rill , Vf.V l)3nnjr. ) It. 1' . Tnllmaitvo. C'lilc.iKO. Hntf Salesman. latllo t-nlesman Crill , Denny & Company , I.lvo Ktock Comuilihlon. llooin ' . ' 7 Kiclmiuj Illil't' . tiuutli Ouiulm. A. D. Boycr & Company , fiS anil .V. ) Kvchanpo lltilldliiK.Soutli Oinulia. Correspondence sollt'lt : < l anil promptly answurud. Special mtentlun toonlers forntuukera.V feciluu. r.atabllihcd , ISSil - - - Incorporated , IS'JJ Capital fully pnld , I.UUUU. Waggoner liirney Company , Wrilo or nlruuii for prompt and relluLlo market reports. Perry Brothers & Company , MvoHtock Commission. Koom 51 n.xuhaiiKu Iliilldlni : . south Omaha. Tulujihoiiu 1707. Gasman & Dudley , M. nHogarty S-Oo. Itooms CX ) niidfil. K\- Koom 31 ICxcanjo thiino llulldlii- ) Foiith Omulm , - Neb South Omaha , - Not ) Miller 13rothers , llullillnif - - - titiutli Onmlia llooin M , K clmunc SOUTH OMAHA BANKS. Union Stock Yard National BANK. The only tank r.t the ynnl Capital and ur- nlu * . ' J.l JO Cillt ) > flloiiiitrowlnii uut of Ihu llvu itock tiuilncki nhuulil l't > .fill direct tu tliln bunk hhlpper * iitnileiionltforcrtiilUof tliclr liuuiu imnk OMAHA ' " ' and" iory / AWNINGS AND TtiNTS. OMAHA TENT & AWN- WOIFDROS.tCD. . 1110 COMPANY. Trill * , atrnlnx * . tnrimu Kln8 , lintmnork' . ollnml IIIH. rotor * of nil kln < l . rnlitx'r ctnttiliiK Coml t * Iwnnpr : * , ntc * . MMirt iurcnt'Kiio. liurnrnniu .IOi f li > lh HAGS AND TW1NKS GEMIS OMAHA BAD GO DISIIOP CO , lMl , nmnllb cotton Importer nmiiirfn , Hour , * | rope. luMnp. jlltn. rot- cncki- , burlaps , t Mine Ion lnlnt' .tnrn'il cnnl 110J UowirilS'.roJt , Fnoorr ; corner lltti ntvl P.i.ulm ntroiti. \N o nrnntahlnJ cloo prlro * to enh I ) iyo. * . ui I nra n elm of neil i wills' ! U vurr Bito- nlowlti ! murchiiiti. KIRKtNDAll , JOrlES & . AMERICAN HAH3 SEW CO. , ED SHOE 09. \Vliolp nlo Mfrs Audits lloot . J. million ] | 0. UIM UlllllXT ShoK'O , li'ltK'o rui u llnr- ill1101. . 1IUJ lUrnoy Kt 111 ! ) M. JOS. SCHLITZ BRE , - INQ CO. . Offlcp , S. l > : h nml Lonvon- worlli St . ( Vniitri. John Mnrlioiur.il. | . VOEGELE&DIIININB Mfru romfpctlnncra tuul jonlxTN of foruUn ninl ( lomoMIc frulli , 1I1J Ho mini t. e'AHHIAGKS. W.R.DRUMMOND CO. Cnrrliuro biilldero. Ho o anil p.ilrol neons a 15th , oip | Court House. CARRIAGE TOPS. OMAHA CARRIAGE TOP 0 , J. ANDERSON. CD. , Mrfn bUKxy I'1 ' ! ' " , bnck.i , A. T. nnrby , Mur. Topi , cushions , etc. MMII | for oinliloin , li.icks , etc. ? U Norlli l..tli-U. . COAL , COKE , | COHN1C12. BLOTCHXY& COHEN , | oiLMORE & RUHL , CVlt.1'nn ! ' : ° lI'rilr.1.1'.1- ! ! ! ' Mnnufrs nn.l . l.ol , . , l0 EljECTRICAL SUPPLIliS WOLF ELECTRICAL CO. ) Illustrated catnlog free. Kill Capitol arc. FURNTTUIIE BEE3E&RUHYAH FUR NITURE CO. , ( irnco mid Thirteenth Btroetn. GROCERIES. DRUGS , Etc. D. M. STEELE&C3. , BLAKE , BRUBCO. . , 1201-KO' Jones street , 10th and Ilarncy etrccts , Omulm. Oiualin. GRAIN. S. AMD WHCRTER , 21.1 lid of Traite Ilroker In Kniin. elc Private wheto N. Y , Culcauo and M I.onls. HATS , ETC. DATE CITY HAT CO W. A. L. OIQBOH & . CO. , Hats , caps , straw coed * . Klori'i , nilttt > n .Oniii > rn lints , caps , UniwKOOilp. reletirnted ( into illy KlOVCh , IlllltCllS. Htll hat. llth and llarncy. nnd Hut ney. THE OPTICAL. NEW HOUSE OK TUB ALOE & TENFOLD CO. , Ill Smith I.Mh Hheer , Noxllo I'ostonicf , Oiuaha. Practical Opticians Anil branch of world rennwnort optloil itabll > ! i. mentof A. S. Alee \ Co. , St. J iili. Our method li uperlorto all otlmrsi our lon cs ro superior : will not weary or the the eyes. The frumci properly ad ( ustoil to the fuco Eyes Tcatotl Free of Charffo. Prices Low for First-class Goods. INDIAN DEPREDATION CLAIMS IVrsons who hnvo lost property frn-n Indian rnlilu nhonld II : D thnlr claims under thu Indian Dcjirti liitlon Act of Muivli ' ' , IS I. Tlio time U llmllod , mil thoolalniK are tukcn up l > y tlio cotirtiu tlioordurlii whloh they are lo.'olvod , Toke Notice thatall contraoti entorel Into with attorneys prior to ths Act ara miJi null and void. Information Klvun au4 all claims uromptly attendcJ to l > y the BEK BURHAU OF CLAIMS. OMAM A , NmBUA-SKA. t"iT"riiN Iluronu U pnnrantcoJ hy the Oiniihu llco. the Honour 1'ruH * uud thu Sau i'lauolbco Kxamlncr. Diamond Urwto * Pni/gl.t hi t'kltkttttn JinyUt * t nonJ ItrilHj lu Hi ll > Ui ) VM jruUlc\ ! ! ntk wllb tlu * rttUm Tulie MuutbtT. A / yifdanrouf | / lubiti It jiuurtd twUaltont Atlrufli ) , cr rDd4c. lu uic | for | jftrllouUr t vtiuM.bUli tb < l "Ittltif for Iuiillv , " lulilltr lanluru Hull. | U 000 TnUuwliU A'ant I'upir , lrr t'lituilcul Cu.Uuill > un H < juure , | UU. I'klUilu. , I'o. SCHROEDER & CO. MOORE & FEROUSON. Ilnttor , , . Cnuli buyer. " tinttpr nmt frnlt-i , poaltry , K.IIIIU. t'KBt ; linnitluH nil other Afcnts for .My T'II product ) on cotnmlfdon. lloyal horse and cittlu f. . ! S. Illh bt. tilcMj s. II tli tU . CD. , J. B. HUSEt CO. Ilnttor , rust , poultry , Our apseliltlon lluttar , fiiiuc. hliicH nnd fruit , o/cs mil poultry , 1 Jl i lU'JTllomiril Struct. lion lint street , W. E. RIDDELL RIDDELL & CO. , Wholsale butter & c Iluttor , clioa s , HUTB and sells for vcKotablen , frulta.punl * try tinU Ktiinu. cash. 4US. llth-st. PAPER , CARPENTER PAPER CO KII10 PAPER CO. Carry n full stock of WriiiliiK : | raper. n .fclndi printing , w rapping and of tnlnci etc. II < M rlllii piper , card pa HoHuril Mrcct. Telo- per eta. lihono , 17 U. STOVE REPAIRS. OMAHA STOVE REPAID WORXS , tovorcpalrti find water attiiclimentn lor niiy kind of ntnvu mudo uu ; SASH. TOYS. H.A. DISBROW.tCO. H. HARDY &CO. , ' Toys , ilnlN , a I bnmi Jlnnnfnctnrcri of sash fancy ootlH house fur- d o o r s , h 11 n d s nnd nliddni ; iioodi , chll- moidilliiKS. llrnnch of- ilren's currhiiiui. UIO llce , 12th and l/nrd Sta. rariinm street. DR. J. E , Me GREW , THE SPECIALIST , IN THE TREATMENT OF ALL FOIIMB OF I'rilVATK DiaKASKS QONOH- HHOKA , STJIIOTUIIE , 8YPHIMS. ULKETAND ALL WKAKNK88 ANIJ DISOHDEHS OK YOUTH AND MAN- HOOD. IMMEDIATE nELIEfc' WITH. OUT LOSS OF TIME FROM I1USINES8. Wilto foru.iuulara. N. liC'or , lllii and Punium sts , , Omaha , N cb , TIIK SHORTEST LINK TO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , as represented on this map. Tin , . " Til CEDAR RAPIDS DESMOINCS Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leavd Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m , , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. ni. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.