Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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President Harrifion Arraoging for & Snipe
Sot rrrparrd to nnJoj-Nrrrniiiirj-ItrM Until
thn llrrlnp Si1 * r.ontro nr ij"lii Settled
In ItrtallVu liInpton Mlorel-
Inneoui ( ioBKlp.
WisntsoTOK BUHKAU or THE Brz , )
r.l FoCitTnr.N-rn BTKDET , V
WAMJIXOTO.V , D. C. , April 4. 1
President Harrison Intends to go snlpo
booting Borne tltno this woek. Itvos bis
purpose to leave Washington lor u liltlo
vacation and recreation tomorrow , but ibo
Beting sea controversy tins cot been fully de
termined and bo docs not want to leave tbe
city ur.tll tno modu * viveudl bus boon re-
cexrod or something equivalent to it has bnon
tgniod upon , wbich will bo about Thursday.
Tbe president will probably go down on iho
North Carolina coast , wbcro it Is said snipe
Abound al this time ot ibo your , und bo ex
pect * to bo absent three or four days. The
departure of tbo president upon bis
punning expedition can bt lukon us nn ludl
cation mat the controversy with Lord Salis
bury bus bnon bronchi to an und.
Tbo president is onjoving splendid health
now but be bus boon very heavily worked
during the present session of congress.
When the Bering sea controversy and the
seal fishery 'disputes were not bearing upon
him and demanding bis attenllon and time
tbo many important questions before con-
press nud the largo number of appointments
which bo hns had to make have drawn upon
bis mental and physical resources , Almost
anv other constitution would have boun
racked by tbe work which be has performed
duritic the past four or live mouths , but
aside from hdtig a llttlo fatigued now und
then one would not think the president had
been subjected to extra duties.
Senator Warrrn'n Put Measure.
Senator "Warren of Wyoming said today
tbul bo hoped to got his bill providing for the
cession of arid lunds to the wosletn states
before the senate ut an early any. The bill
bus been discussed thoroughly in the commit
tee and vuriuus of its members are preparing
to jirusi'iit the different phases of tbe subject
to the .senate when the matter is taken up
for consideration. Senator Warren said tbat
be wus not at ull bide-bound In bis advocacy
ol any particular clause of thu measure , and
would readily yield to such modifications us
might scorn necessary fur thu passage of thu
bill , provided they did not interfere with the
principle or defeat the great object for which
tbe measure was drafted. He looks for prac
tically u unanimous support ol ibo western
members on the moasuio und thinks it will
become u law ut this session.
Mill Working fur tlie liidlnn Sun ice.
Senator 1'otiigrcw said this ufternoon that
bo believed ho would yet succeed in striking
out of the Indian appropriation bill the pro
vision which xvas inserted by tbo bouso
nutborir.lug the president to detail army ofli-
cors to act as Indian agents. Tbo senator
intends to have a motion entered to roeon-
tldor'the vote by which last week the senate
refused to strike out tbe provision. Tbo mo
tion to stride out lust xvcek failed by a ma
jority of nve. Sonutor Potligrew has se-
cureo promises from throe senator who
were not with him in bis Una effort tn strike
the provision out ot tbu bill , lovolowilu
bim uud now if ull the senators who voted
lust won ; stand by their position the provis
ion will bo stricken out. A great deal of in
terest has been taken in this subject und
considerable fueling has boon worked up in
certain quarters.
( oed J'ortuno of u Xchraslciin.
Senator Maudorson has submitted to the
senate his report from the military commitee
upon ttie bill to pay C. L. Coder of Nebraska
a claim for military services. Coder xvas
enrolled in company H , First Nebraska
volunteer envnlry. for three years , July 11 ,
1SG1. and served until October 12 , loGi. , when
be was admitted to n bospitul witn fever ,
wbcro ho remained until December. 160 ; ) ,
\vhen ho is ulicgcd to have descried. He was
urrcsted August 4 , lfcC4 , and restored to duty
without trial , but with loss of pay and allow
ances to September 1 , 1SC4 , and bo served
after sucb restoration until aischargod Nox--
ember-1 , IMiTi. Because of such restoration
with loss of pay anil ulloxvnnces the War de
partment holds that it bus no power under
the law in this case. Such uct being a legal
liar nud a final disposition of tbe case and
thcro is no provision permitting the War de-
parttneiit to reopen the case. Coder , when
convalescent in the hospital , obtained verbal
leave to be absent a. few days , acting upon
which be left for Rule , Neb. , xvbcro bo .suf
fered n rolnpso , aud bo assorts that be re
ported every thirty days , of which latter
statement , however , there is no no record
but hospital evidence. Tbe committee
believe Coder should be paid.
I'etltioiiK ' .
Nuurntkti I'rrsontKd.
Senator Paddock today presented petitions
from Nebraska as follows : From Fullmoon
alliance No. 2,078 of Gothenburg , ottlciully
Vsicnod , urging the passage of tbo socalled
Wash burn-Hatch anti-option bills ; from B.
H. Loud is and twenty-two other citizens of
Lancaster county uud James B. .Tones and
seventy other citizens of Custer county ,
urging tbe passage of the uuti-option bills ,
from M. F. Vnine and flfty-thr jo other mem
bers of the regular army nnd uuvv union efFort
Fort Niobraru , urgiug tno passage of bills to
Increase the efficiency of non-commissioned
ofllcers , retirement nftor tx\enlj-flve years'
Bcrvlco of non-commissioned ofllcere , prefer
ence to soldiers and sailors for civil oftlce ,
pension increase for soldiers and sailors and
the measure known UB "Kuighum's navnl re
tirement bill , " ul o favoring the enlisted men
in nnx'y.
lie Wiifc In thn I.nBt Sluux Campaign.
The Evening Star has nn prticlo by an
army ofllccr upon Lieutenant Phillip A.
Bo tic us , jr. , of thu Ninth United Status cav
alry , who died in Arizona the other day ,
from which this is taken : "Tho services
rendered by bim in the lust Sioux campaign
were meritorious , bis efficiency as a quarter
master gaining for him high ancouiiuras.
Ono march was especially notexvoiuy. Lateen
on the cvuntng ( .f December 5 , IB'JOl orders
were issued to break camp. At 1 o'clock the
next morning Llouteuaut Buttons had his
wagon train thirty-six inulo wagons
Bt Hartley Springs , a distance ol
nearly sixty miles from the starting
paint. Such D march in such a country was
by uo means BU ordinary achievement.
Lieutenant Cottons was born In Switzerland
couuty , Indiana , graduated from the military
academy in IbWi aud nerved continuously
> * vitu his reciment until bis fulling health
compelled him to louvo Fort Hobiusou , Non. ,
for the warmer climate of southern Arizona ,
He was uu officer of " 1C" troop , uoxv * ta
tloued at Fort Myer , Va. , but ho wr.s nol
ordered there. His wife the only duughtoi
ofMojor Thomas B. Dcxvoose , late of the
Ninth cavalry survives him. "
Representative Perkins today rocom-
men dud to Secretary Husk the uppoiutmeul
of Jotiu Grant and Thomus Cow ill us tag
gers lor the Sioux City meat inspection
plant , It is expected they will bo appointed
very soon.
Tno senate committee on public lands to
day agreed to report adversely the Mnnder
sou bill extending tbe coallawsof tbe United
Stales over the districl of Alaska.
J. Kiniioy was todav appointed postnaitci
e.t Haco Truck , Deer Lodge county , Mont.
The decision of the homestead ontrv con
test of Peter Bough apuiiut Myrtle V.
O ven , formerly Myrtle V. Axtell , from
Mitchell , S. D. , u continued by the assistant
secretary of tbe interior , dismissing tbe con-
test.On January 14. Ib91 , tbe commissioner ol
tbe general land oBlco held for collection , the
preemption entry of William H. Carter it
the Bozeinnn , Mont. , laud district , on the
rrouud that tbe section bad been selected bv
tbo director of the geological Burvev us o U" (
lor ft reservoir. The assistant socruiarv of tin
interior today reversed tbe decision "und dl
reeled the entry uf Curler to stand as if tbf
reservation for reservoir purposes bad no' '
bbon made.
In the preemption contest cash entry cast
of William F. Kdwurds against Lionel Cam
pique from North Plutto , Assistant Sucre
tary Chandler today nftlrmed the decision o
tbe commissioner , aUruUslug the contest.
P. S. H.
D. C. , April 4. * SpecU
to Tut Bur.J Tbe following IU
of pensions prantofl is reported by Tne Bet
nnd Cxamiuer Bureau of Claimt ;
Nebraska Original Porter Hoape ,
.lama * M. Taylor. Laloblo Shepherd ,
Jonathan LandK Andrew .1. Ballkngor ,
Andrew J. Downrr , Alrln Dennlnp. Tboo-
dorc Iflpp , Albert G. Dole. Jnmes C. Tollvcr ,
McKendrco Domotto , Franklin Bo.vor ,
Thomas At. IiiarshBll , Warren Ilusco , Prod-
ericit Hoidon , Lewn P. Lyborgor , Nnnoioon
C. Toj-r. Increase Jobs M. Hoyl. John
Hoodcroon. Jatno * Holle , Daniel .T. Lee ,
Volnoj- . Setter , William Allen.
loiva : Oriclnal Cbarloi H. Ho.vward , Jr. ,
Goorce H. Moore , Alfred Hus&oll , .lobn T.
Snyder , \Vlllintn Eddv. JobnV. . Garland ,
Peter Sewerllle , Henry H. Simmon * . Francis
H. AdamKon , Epbralm L. Curtti , Cbotor
Victory , BertusVcpel. . John Mai-cay , Jacob
B. Trecoo , Allen A. Noah , \Yllllnra Copo-
land. Thomas O'Brien , Bertram StouHer
William .1. Carlisle , nollln Stills.
Alexander Younkln , Newell Hotinos.
Cornelius Twomey. John S. . .LluKrolli
Additional Noab li Palmer , Goorpo W.
Nowoomb , William H Youcp. Eli Beer
bower , William Straun , Kuzc Kicks. Sup-
olementnl Miles O. Stanwood. Inrronso
Brayton A. Campbnll , Tbeodoro H Jenulncv
John T. Bvors. Backer \Vyatt , Robert B.
Wallace , Charles W. Sterotiion , Nelson I' .
Summers , Albert S. Kussoll , Elliott Wotbor-
b o , Jobn U. MorUn , Oooreo W. Madden , El
liott P. Taylor , Ilobcrt Kunyard , WlllUm
Poyton , Gilbert W. Norton. Thomas Evens.
He'KBUo Benjamin D. Wicks. Oriplnol
widows , olc , Minors of Asa WhitlocK , Jane
Halt-lit , Mary M. Hutroll.
North Dakota : Orizmol Leroy Woller ,
Robert J. Mitchell , Charles Stearns.
South Dakota Original Adutn C. Tor-
roii ? , Gooreo . Smith , Lcandor W. Collins.
Hcisbuo Harvey 7. Hawson.
A Clo e < Cult.
Mr. .1. P. Blalre , an extensive real estate
dealer in this city , narrowly escaped one of
the severest attacks of pneumonia while in
the northern part of the state during the rn-
cent blizzard. Mr. Blaizo baa occasion to
orivo several miles during the storm and was
1.0 thoroughly chilled tnat be was unable to
pet \\arm , and inside of an hour after his re
turn ho was threatened with a severe case of
pneumonia , or long lever Mr. Blairo seat
to the nearest drug store and pot a bottle of
Chamberlain's Co'ugh Hcmody , of wUir.b bo
had often beard , and took u number of lanro
doses. HQ snys the oitoct was wonderful
and that in a short time ho was oroathitig
quite easily. He kept on inking the medicine
nnd ttio next dav u-us able to rotne to DCS
iloinos. Mr Biulze roirards his cure us sim-
ily wonderful , mid says he will never travel
pain without a bottle oi Chamberlain's
. 'ouch Keinedy. The ( Des Moiues. Iowa )
Saturday Koviexv. i and 50 cent bottles lor
ale hy drucpUts.
low Attorney linker JTarticrn When He Is
> < it Ollii'rul-r iuii > l } il.
Uuitea States Proiecutinp ; Attornev Baler
s not a natural born humorist , wcp nor
irbctlcal joker , but he hopes to ho some day ,
nd to that end is practicing assiduously on
he callers at his ofiice.
Deputy United States Marshal Jackson
dropped In to see him yesterday mornitip , to
discuss tbo upproucbinp execution of Mur
derer Ducon , which is boo. > oJ for April - - ! ,
and at which the deputy is destined to play
un important part , Uiouph much against his
wu inclination.
"Hello Jack " Bator's salutation
, , was as
.he ilnor opened. "I've pot home good news
or you. Dixon's sentence has been com
muted. What do I get for tbo Information ? '
'I'm mighty glad of it , " responded Jack
son. "Have a clpur , " and bo handed over a
lie lookinp wood , which the prolocutor
carefully laid away in a drawer to await the
coming of Postmaster Clarkson. Jackson
tnon became quite Jubilant and said that he
had felt sure all along that news of the com
mutation would be received , as be had al
ways been very lucky in getting out of work
that , be didn't want to do.
As Jackson proceeded u change stole over
Baker's countenance. He opened his face ,
the aperture oxtendinp from the center out
ward' but be succeeded in stopping it before
"t l.ud amputated tbo upper portion of tils
: ioad , and slowly said : ' 'Jacirson , I was only
lokiup. I'm sorry I fooled you , out the
Tact is that the prrsident has refused to Inter
fere and , on the contrary , has sbortened the
iuioso that the hancingr will take place
on April 3D. Here is the letter , " and ho held
up an envelope buarinp in bic letters tbo
lamp of the lepal deoartment at Washiup-
The deputy swallowed that , too , tbouph it
was an unpalatable dose , nnd he sat down in
a corner nnd brooded over it for home min
ites , until Bakser arulti broke tbo silence by'
ayiup that bo bad only sprung another Jjke
and that bo bud redly not heard a word.
"Baliser , " said Jackson , carefully weipblng
each word to see that it went sjxteon ounces
to the pound , "there are some artists ic the
federal service , but you are tbo d dest
prevaricator in the covernmont omplov.
When you do tell tbo truth a man can't hole
thinking that you are lyinc , and when you
lie is the only time that what you say has
the slightest appearance of candor , reason or
truthfulness. "
The attorney was not piven an opportunity
to reply , for a reporter on whom Baker tried
to spring tbo same production as an April
fool story taree days ago grabbed Jackson
by the arm and took him out and bought him
a big sack of tobacco and the finest cob pipe
in the inaruet. He would have done even
more , but bo only bad a week's salary in bis
pocket , and as it was Jackson professed to
fool satis Cod ,
Flftv cents buys u bottle of Bradycrotiue ,
a bottle of Bradycrotine will cure four bead-
bturtllug JJxjicrleiicc of a rnltticl States
l > itiuty MurKliul.
United States Marshal Slaughter aud
Deputy Jackson left yesterday for Fullerton.
The latter will there rncover from a shock to
bis nervous system sustained on a trip to the
western part of the state from which Jie bad
Just returned. Hovont to Marslnud to nerve
a bubptuna on a young man who is > vantod
here us a witness. The latter lives iu the
country about eipht miles from Marslaud ,
and thu deputy proceeded thither , ipnoraut
of the fact that an aged relative resides with
the family. The relative aforesaid is un old
soldier uud draws a pension of li-1 a month ,
aud it { .coins that eltner because of this
or suine other reason there has btxin
much ill-Ieoliuc engendered between the
various families ot his blood-relations
In that section by tbo struggle for possession
of bis body and pension. Of course , Jack-
bon did not know this , neither did he know
that the old man bad been warned to keep
biinsolf aloof from every caller , at all thev
wanted was his money. Thus it was that
when Jnckson stepped inside the door the
needlessly alarmed veteran pulled n gun a
foot aud n half lonp , with which bo covered
the intruder and said , "Now , you pit right
out of here. "
Tbn deputy was afraid to run and , stepping
forward , told thu demonstrative old gentle
man to nut down his weapon or he ( Jackson )
would till his stomuoh full of ti-ctli. "J no old
fellow wilted , and the gun was laid on the
table. When Jackson revealed his identity
the aped pensioner was frightened bulf to
death , and bopped not to bo brought to
Omaha mid locked up. Jackson was lenient ,
but bis nerves were still considerably suaUen
when bo reached home.
J'or I'urn I'riinurlnt.
At the last meetlnr of the Lincoln club too
following was unanimously adopted
Kubolitid , That the tbunkkof tbu Lincoln chit
buuxtcndod to thti uourity und cjir republican
rfi.tral tHiiiiinlttui's for net Ion looking ion arc
a iflorin in the luodoaf conducting primary
ulcrlloiib aud the adopt Ion of thu imi t onion-
tl&l fnaturuk of thu A ustnUi.m ballot sytom
to such elections ub fur un uppllcablu.
In acknowledging the receipts of & ropy o
the resolutions Chairman D. IL Mercer o :
the county central committee expressed nil
sentiments an follows :
A > for myself. 1 liuvo always been an adro-
cul * of the Australian ballot luw in oirrtiims ,
uud 1 ourtaliily kbull uk-oim < the day with u
dual of pleasure wliun ilio .Noliruhla ;
uture will pun * u UK covernln ; primary
which i'julltm us strict und conclu
sive u It thu law upon our statute OooUi
today coTurnlup uloctloiiK. H ii > blRli time In
tnU romibllciiu Turn : of govoriiiutuit of uur
that tbllilv should havu KUIIIU cnanre wllti
wetiltil. llcrclofore juouey has ( lomluutoc
too n.uuy iiU'C-tlons. both un election days anc
In the priiuurlu . The tluie is past Hore- the Ivplsluturo duos iu duly , tliu
humlilest citizen of ttie state witlhuvuun
tguul fchowlut In U.e prluiury ulrctioui Mith
the most promlnunt uud the richest ,
DeWitt's Sar&aparilla destroy * suca pal
> oai u scrofula , skiu ditease , eczema , rheu
ractism. Its timoljr use suvus many iiro& ,
Dr. Blruoy , nose und throat Bee bldg
Nebraska Oitizans Officially Eeqnestod to
Assist Btonn Sufferers.
Subscription I.Uti lltpected to lie Opened
\ > f Itonrdn of Trade unit Other Or-
pnnltntlmn to Help the Cy
clone Vletltii * .
Ltsoot.x , Neb. . April 4. [ Special to Tnc
Bnr j This afternoon Governor Boyd issued
a proclamation calling upon the state for aid
for iho cyclone stricken people of Nelson ,
whoso homo were destroyed by tbo terrible
storm of last Thursday evening. Tbo
proclamation Is as follows :
AVhereus. H has come to my knowledRothat
n ( IpvaHtiitlnc tornado destroyed u. vns.1
amount of property and caused much desti
tution In the town of Nelson. Miekotls
count- , Nebraska , on thn ovtmlnc of March
31. IMU , renderlnc homeless many of the
nioplo uud causing want anlsulTerlii g.
and ,
Wnerpns , The representative people of that
ItV huvo iippilcd to theco\uruorof Nebraska
o Isiuo u proclamation ciillln : upon the citi
zens of this state for aid In their distress
Now. therefore. l.Jnines Ei lloyil , governor
of the state of Nebraska , oo issue proclain-
it ion ietiesllnc ( ] of the people ot IsebnisV n.
nit of tbo fullness of tlielr stoic , to contribute
ucn aid , money In subscription. clothliiE.
urnlture , lumber and bullcllnp material , etc. ,
us Is in their power to ameliorate the con
dition of tlieli stricken follow cltljons.
And 1 do eiul upon mayors in the various
cHlrs. cominotclul organizations , board * of
r de. etc. . to further the peed work ' y opun-
up subscription lists and thu rucuUluc of
ut'h contributions usi'ltlzous may lie disposed
to contribute
And 1 flo further respectfully call upon tlio
Incs of transportation for such reduction of
ruluior freociiirylns of material UP the CM-
; cni'lus of the case do w iin ant.
This proHaniatlon to BO Into oilrct und I > B Iu
orce on and utter this 4th day of April , 1SC. !
In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set
nv hand und i-ausod to ho ullixud the Croat
seal of the state
Done ut Lincoln this 4th dny of April. ITO ,
by the covermir. JAMES K. llorn.
JOHN C. AI.I.IN : , 5-ocrclary of Mate.
Hoard ol TrnnsportHtlon Iteport.
The fifth annual report of the Nebraska
State Board of Transportation was received
'rom the printer nud binder today and is be-
vend question the handsomest volume ever
ssuod by tbo state. It is well printed on a
; oed quality of paper and handsomely bound
u scarlet cloth. It forms n marked contrast
to many of the cheaply printed volumns
turned out for thu slaio. It contains 12
mges of matter , consisting of the rules ol
iractice iu proceodinps before the board , re-
; iorts aud decisions of the board , tabulated
statements of the Nebraska rail
roads , report of secretaries on local
freight rntes , forms of practice und n directory
of the officers aud directors of all Nebraska
roads. The most valuable part of tbe report
is the portion devoted to the statistics of
Nebraska roads. These comprise downs of
mileage , characteristics of roads , equipment ,
comparative table of assets , comparative
; able of liabilities , rross earnincs from opei-
ntions , operating expenses , income account ,
statistics of freight nnd passoncer truffle aud
report of accidents.
GOSK ! ) ) at the Itute House.
The Commercial State bank of Oxford -was
.ncorporated today with a capital stock of
$ r..oou.
The Board of Public Lands and Buildings
aold its monthly meelinp toduy. The only
Business transacted by the board was the
examination of bills nnd allowing of monthly
claims of the several state institutions.
The Bank of Elcin was incorparated today
with n capital of f5,000. The Pickering
Banning company of Pickering filed articles
of incornoratlon today.
Dr. W. G Bell of New York City trans
acted business at the state house todav.
J. B. McDonald of Omaha is the new rec
ord clerk In tbo governor's oQlco.
William Wiuegur In Court.
William VVinegar. tbe gentleman who has
ucen for some time under nrrost charged
with stealing a hoise and enticing a number
of vounp girls from homo for immoral pur
poses , hud his trial today. He proved
that bo had a legal claim upon tbe
borse nnd consequently was discharged
upon that count. Ho was then arraigned
upon tbe charge of enticing Hose aud
Lillie Lobnugh uway from homo. Tne to : > ti-
mony in this case was highly interesting to
the crowd of men who gathered to listen to
the details of a savory morfcl of moral rot
tenness. The story told by all the parties
would hardly look well in print. After ull
the testimony bad been taken County Attor
ney Snoll concluded that he couldn't make
out a case before the district court , and there
fore Winegur was released. The lather of
the girls was present during the trial and as
soon \Vinegar had been declared a free
man he became exceedingly indignant and
made a number of sanguinary threats acalnst
the life und person of the fellow.
Kock Island Allalrs.
The right of wnv matter along Nineteenth
street , between O and K streets , and the
uoncral situation bus changed but little
within tbe past two or throe days , as far as
securing waiver of damages in consequence
of the proposition receutly made by tne Hock
Island to close P street for a distance of 100
foot west of Nineteentn. Although inter
ested property holders , with but fnw excep
tions , have recisterpd their consent by sign
ing the proposition , none of the optious given
have been closed. Of the few who object to
signing nearly all admit that their property
would not suffer in value by the adoption of
the proposition. They are simply objecting
and ask further lime to consider the matter.
No monov has as yet been paid out on con
tracts for property south of K street.
Oilda and KnUs.
Petitions are being circulated in Lincoln
today asking Governor Cora to pardon Cap
tain Yocum. The petitions nre being largely
There nre Just forty-one atvorco cases on
tbo district court dockets.
W. A. Pnxton of Omaha was a Lincoln vis
itor this afternoon.
The case brought against F. W. Little by
the First National bunk of Chicago was dis
missed today.
Mrs. Annlo M. Starr , 5Brewer street. New
London , Conn. , writes : "I have used your
medicine for a number of months and find .it
a 'sure cure. ' I have Buffered since a child
with neuralgic headache and have spent dollars
lars upon dollars on medicines for this trouble
alone , without any benefit until I got your
Brndycrotlne. I cannot Ih-o without it now. "
Moryol \Voiiiun Who U Confined In the
t'ountv Jail.
Mrs. Murray of 4il ! ) West Twenty-sixth
street , Now Yirk , bus telegraphed Chief of
Police Seuvoy for information of her fainter ,
Mrs. Mahou of San FrancUoo.
Mrs. Mahon is in tno county jail. Last
Monday she was taken from the Union
Pacific overland train at the requosi of Con-
ducior Wilcox as insane. She was respectably
dressed and evidently u woman of rotlno-
meut , but intensely hot-t
nervous and - m-
perod. She bad a through ticket to New
York , which she tore up in a fit of excite
ment. She nlso bad $51 in money with her.
Since bning in the county jail sbo bus kept
up an almost continuous appeal to the crowd
which collucU in the alley between tbe court
bouse and tno jail
"Assistance , please. Please make tbeso
lieopln release me.'hy am I kept beret
What is tbe ctiarpe against inoi What have
I donel They have kept me hero now for
U days. Wbv can 1 cot go on to my sister
in Now York ! "
In her quieter moments she tells the in
mates that she U murnod to n brother-in-law
of the chief of police of San Francisco , who
has cruelly mtsusnd her , und that the only
wants to continue her Journey to New York.
Tbo authorities do not fuel like trusting
her on the trip without an escort , nnd will BO
notify the sister , Mrs Murray.
DoWltt's S&naparitla cleanses the bloal ,
iucroaiestho appetite and vonua up the sys
tem. U has boneiitted rnary paaple whs
have suffered from blood duorJori. It will
Jtcri ecl H Heavy Sltuclc.
There came near beinc a case of electrocu
tion in ; he claim department at the Union
Pacific headquarters yesterday afternoon.
Tne oftice is supplied with iucaudosc-ont elec
tric lights nnd onetof th rwires mpportlne a
desk lamp run through ) U > o cat fixtures above
Ihe desk occupied by W. C. Hnphos , & rlerk.
The llent vrns wurttlni ; poorly nnd Mr ,
Hughes stepped up oii'Jco desk to a-cerlain
tbe cause. Ho took hold of tbe e-.nll iron
chain connected wi b tbe cas fixtures with
one band nnd with tnb other grospod tne
electric light wire. In a moment be was in a
honp on tbe QMS. In < hia fall bo broke the
obalu to the gas fixtures , thus probably sav-
inp bis life. As it wai bis bands wcro tcr-
ribly burned nnd the jucmnp mnu WHS so so-
vorcly shocked by the electric current that a
physician's services \\era required. It is
supposed that the iunbnaosrcnt wire was
crossed with the wiro.of an arc light.
It * Memlirrn IHnptiMCrt An e p < or nnd Taxed
Hi l.u t MehtV Meetlnp.
The Current Topic club meeting at tbe
Young Mon's Christian association was vcrv
iulcrcstlnp last iilght , although the attend
ance was cot RD largo as usual.
In the absence of tbo young man who bad
been assigned tbe work ot presenting the
leading events of the week , Dr. Duryca , the
cbalrmun , epoko of several of the. more im
portant events of the past week. Among
other events ho mentioned tbo death of Walt
Whitman aud that culled up the discussion
that has recently appeared in , newspapers
uud magazines upon the merits aud demerits
of Whitman's poetry. Dr. IJuryou said
tbat be thought Whitman \\rittcnsome
of the very best things ever produced iu this
"Whitman was a man of genius , " said Dr.
Duryca , "ho was B plain mindoj man , and a
genuine lover of mankind. Things that ap
pear to bo Impure in his -vork wore only tbe
results of W hitman's transput-put purity. Ho
took the world to bs real wbereas much that
ought to be real is artificial and sbam.
Whitman treated matters of life in u strictly
natural mauuer , whereas the nveraco
thinker is accustomed to a very unnatural
method of treating n preut many subjects ,
nnd Whitman's \\ritiups tberefor toern out
of place "
Tbo topic for discussion was then taken
up. it xvas stated thus. "Would it bs de
sirable to have one reliable bonded assessor
elected lor the entire county instead of hav
ing one assessor lor each ward uud precinct
as at present } "
The nfllrmativo side of the question was
taken by Mr. George Anther. Ho read u
carefully prepared paper in which he held
tbat the present system of making assess
ments u us vicious and unfair , lie hclu that
it xvis practically impossible lor forty
assessors to inaue assessments that would be
equal and fair to all purls of the county und
city. Every assessor had u dillurent idea
about the value of prop-rty and lor this
reason thcro could 03 no such thine us oauit-
uble assessments \\bile the present system
prevailed. Ho believed that the respousi
billtv of mukltip equal uud fair usspssmuuts
all over the city should bo nlacoa upon one
man. The speaker tbcu referred to several
instances of unequal assessments of Omaha
Tne leading spaakcr on the negative was
Mr. S. Roberts. He held lhat the plucinp of
tbe responsibility and authority of making
tbe entire assessment of the county in one
man's hands would be Hlmly to cucourago
corruption. It would be onsior , ue said , for
tax shirkers to influence ono mnu tban to in
fluence forty men. The bonded assessor
would bo obliged to biroassistunts , and tboso
assistants , being interested only iu their
wages , would bo more than likely to show
a great deal of partiality.
Mr. Zimmerman took up the debate for the
nOlrmauvc , holding that n great reform
could be inaugurated by the oloctiou of one
county assessor inslpnd of ono for every
ward nnd precinct.
Mr. J. M. Gillan thought tnat the election
of one county assessor" Iri lieu of the assessors
now elected in oacb : ward uud precinct ,
would bo n step backward ruthor thau
forward Ho believed that the present
method of electing un assessor for each ward
und precinct was good so far as ; t wont , but
tbero should be one supervising assessor
elected to superintend and direct all the
ward and precinct assessors and see that
they do their work ny-sVenmtically and with
some sort of uniformity ,
Dr. Cram was asked tq speak nnd offered
some very pointed remarks upon the prnclice
of tax shirking. He claimed that a
many -weulthy people'evadoaheir just share
of the taxes ana some method ought to be de
vised by wbicb overj' man should be com
pelled to bear bis share of the legitimate ex
penses of tbe city ana stale.
The matter of taxing property held by re
ligious bodies and not actually used for
cnurcb purposes \vas brouput iu us u side
issue and some very portiuont remarks were
made upon the various ptinscs of tbe subject
under discussion by Dr. Durvea.
The subject for discussion next Monday
night will be : "Would it be desirable to
have a larger military establishment in the
United States f"
In about two weeks the club will bold an
open session to close the work of the year.
Monthly Keport of Vital Statistics-Some
Koutine Aork. .
The regular meeting of the Board ol Health
was bold in tbe oftice of the city physician
with Mayor'Bemls iu the chair and the full
board iu attendance. The division of the city
into districts for garbage purposes us previ
ously reported was approved ,
The monthly report was presented as fol
lows : Deaths , males , 03 ; females , W. Of
those i0 ! were married and ( Wsinclo , S7 white
nud 5 colored ; 20 were under 1 year ol ape
und 1 was over SO years. The total number
of birtbs reporloa wus 11R , of which 110 were
white and ! i colored ; DU were males and 54
females. The annual death rate per 1,000
was 7.9. .Of the deaths 14 were from con
sumption und ilfrom diphtheria.
Count Pniaski burl a communication in
which he claimed f ! ouoh for shooting dogs
under Ihe order of the police judpo. Tbo
board decided that it was not a matter for Us
Tbo complaint of the residents of Gibson
over the dumping of garoape in that locality
came up again under u communication from
Superintendent Holdrege of thn B. A : M. ,
saying ho would see that there should lie no
furtner causa for complaint. Ho had not
done so , however , nnd the matter was re
ferred to the city attorney.
The complaint of citizens and taxpayers as
to cattle conals on Cuming street wore con-
biderod and the nuisances will be abated.
It was decided to proceed to the nrrost of
parties who refused to obey the ordinances
forbidding tbe dumping of refuse on vacant
lots , etc. TbU will toucti some people who
are amply ublo to pay their tines.
There were throa doaihs from croup re
ported during the month , but no cases of the
disease. Hereafter failure to report uny
contagious disease will result in the prosecu
tion of tbe delinquent physician by the
board. The matter was brought up bv Chief
Scavey who considered the management of
contagious discuses umuni ; thu most impor
tant duties of the board. .
Meal Inspector Besnflcallod tbe board's at
tention lo several pieces of diseased moat
which ho bad taken-'from a butcher shop
kept by Frank KrainWrt , Twenty-second und
Pioicn streets. Tbe butcher claimed bo hud
bought tbo meat iroiiH .man named Levy.
Upon learning thisthquspeclor \ investigated
nud found that Levy had been in the buhlt
of buying dead uud dueasoa cattle ut thu
stock yards , culling thu'intmt ' up aud so.iiug
it daily to some of Uiorjitcrer class of butcher
shops. The board ii speotod the uiout and
found that it was absolutely rotten. Chief
Scavoy s&id that be v ould huvo Levy at-
rested this morninp.
Al a special mociimr of iho Board of
Health held last week tne city was divided
into seven garbage districts , to each of xvblcb
one garbage man was usiigned with Instruc
tions lo visit Ihn hotel ! therein dully and
every private residence nt least once a week
or oftetor if required to do so by the board.
Tbe garbage Haulers were also rucumtueuded
when possible to make moutbly contracts
with Ibe residents of iho district.
The garbage men appointed wcro Charles
IVcsiercnrd. Ole Frodnckson zr. . N. N. Doy.
Henry Combs , H. Clarke. Jotiu Trover * und
Charles Preston. Tnese men nre each re
sponsible lor their own district und are not
ulloxvcd outside of it in their business. . This
urraogament does not in unv way interfere
xvitb tbo ordinance coverning ices to be
charred. Tbo council xvas requested to can
cel Ihe licenses of Mrs. Trover * & Son , Ole
Fredrickson jr and Dalion , whose occupa-
lion , by this division , is gone.
Dr. BIruoy euros catarrn. BUB bdjr !
Droves of Cattle Drifted Into the River bj
the Storm.
of TYIrpnipli 1'olM Hewn
Throuchout tlic Miitr I > Hmapr nt Illuo
Sj > rlnp Hcllrvril to lip ( Uin l < lrralile
Comiiiuiititlnii ! : Cut OIT.
OGAI.AM.A , Keb. , April 4.- [ Special
to THE Bcrj The big storm Thursday
niput drlfttd caltlo in drove * into the Plate
river , where muny chilled to doatb. Thee
o s will be heavy. Telegraph coaimunlca-
.lon has been cut off slnra Thursday. A
arge force of men are ut work repairing the
wires. Miles of tclcgrnph Doles arc lying on
tbo ground.
ftns Hint Missouri ViBltrd t > j
KANSAS CITT , Mo. , April 4. A storm of
: rcat intensity prevailed late last nicht iu
tunsas aurt western Missouri , the details of
vhlch arc only Jt'st beginning to ba re
ceived. So far as presout adv.coi indicate ,
ho storm Wai not so severe us that of lust
vcck , but the telegraph lines in both stales
lave buuu.scriously damaged and reports arc
lot obtainable from ull iialnts where Ihe
storm is Known to have rased , it may be ,
hcref ore , that later dispatches mav show
bat tnoro lives wcro lost and ir.orc damage
lone than is now apparent.
The Elorm WUK of u dlfiorent character in
almost every place heard from. Al Chorrv-
ule , Kan. , it was a tornado. Ono inilo east
of tbo town the wind destroyed six houses
and two people were killed. It has been itn
lossiblu to learn their names. The news of
.he disuslcr was brought to Wichita. Kan ,
> y passenger * on Iho morning Irani Lp to
6 o'clocu toiiictl it bin been impossible to
; ot telegraphic connection \vtth Chorryvalo ,
ind tbo particulars of Iho disaster cannot bo
Knornious Hull Moriiis.
At .Burlington , . the disturbance- tool ;
the form of a bail storm Hundreds ofin -
dou lights wore brciKon nud much damage
was done to fruit trees and crops generally.
The hail stones were eight iucneb in circum-
'ercnt-e nud the fut-ilaflo which they made
upon roofs of houses was alarming.
At Kmporiu , Kun. , bail ulso fell , the stones
measuring un inch and a ball in dinmclcr.
The storm prevailed in the country dislricls
iu Ihe vicinitj- Emooria nnd did great
dntcnt o to fruit trees and crops.
Al Fort Scott. Kun. , the storm was the se-
verosl tbat ever visited tbe city Many
roof were blown away , stables demolished
aud outhouses blown down , beveral win
dovs iu as many store rooms were smashed
in and altogelher Ihe damage is very consid
erable. There was no loss of life , ullhough
narrow escapes were numerous.
Garlapd , near Forl Scott , a town of about
403 inhabitunts , was visited by the same
storm. The hail smashed cvary window in
the towu and did great damage to crops in
the strrouuding country.
HoiiM'b Drill ( illshcil.
Al Bos worth , Mo. , the storm was seen approaching
preaching nnd the people , nuiurally nervous
if ler the terrible experiences of their Kau-
sns neighbors last week , sought safety in
Lbeir cellars. The storm came on with tern
bio swiftness , but as it scorned about ' .o
strike the town it veered suddenlv to the
northeast , in that direction Is a Illicitly set
tlt'd farming region. Six houses in the nuth
of Ibe storm were demolisbotl. Ferris ! \ur-
dis was badly hurt by flying timbers. Mrs.
vVrlcht , Ihe wife of u farmer , was less seri
ously injured nnii several others were Eiichtly
The storm , besides being similar to a
tornado , was accompanied by n water spout ,
which Hooded all the erodes. WauUunda
crock is out of its banks und rising rapidly.
The creek is just cast of the high rock road.
The road is inundated uud tbo lields lor miles
down the creeli are under water. The croos
there have been entirely washed out nnd the
farmers will be obliged to replant their
Illjlh Wcterut Kfittricr.
BUATUICE , Keb. , Apnl 4. iSpocial Telegram
gram to THE BEE.J Indian creek , whica
courses through the northoru part of the city ,
is today on Us un.iual spring boom. Jl has
flooded the bottoms. One or two small
bridges hnvo hud their abuttmenls under
mined by Ihe flood , nnd n continuance of Ihe
rise would resall iu the comnloto isolation of
UlenoverValdcn nnd Beck's additions. No
special damage bus yet resulted otbor Iban
lo Ihe small bridces. Tbo Blue river U also
rapidly rising al this point ,
Storm Damage ul lilttr Springs.
BI.CE SruixoE , Keb. , April 4. | Special to
THE BEE.J In addition to the general havoc
nnd dismay caused by the wind storm of
April 1 a heavy rain and hail visited this
section yesterday , flooding the whole coun
try. The bridge on the Union Pacific rail-
roud at Mud creek , between here End
Holmesvillc , was washed out uud trains can
not pass. Farm work is entirely suspended.
Severn Morui at .Surprise.
Si'iii'iiisn. Jsob. , April 4. [ Special to Tnu
Ren. I During n heavy thunder slorm tbis
morning lightning struck a farm bouse on
tbe furm of Abe Towner , one-half mile east
of Surprise , touring Ibe end of Iho barn open
from the roof to the foundation and killing u
verv valuable 2-yoar-old horse , The storm
was about tbo heaviest of tbo season. Much
ruin fell which will delay the farmers from
their spring worit.
I'roaliur Kijioricnre of the Mrn Wlio Were
Sinking un Oil Well.
The boring for oil in the valley of the Lit
tle Pnplo has been abandoned tud tbo
chances now are that tbe oil company will
go out of business und continue to purchase
its oil from one of tbe tank line companies.
Wild rumo are afloat to tbe effect that
somebody monkeyed xvith tbe drillers.
A geutlemun wbo bus hud - ex
perience iu oil matters said yesterday thut tne
bund of tbo Standard Oil company was visi
ble in thu abandonment of the bola Some
person connected with IhU company had
boughl up the drillers.
In ibo first place , he said , the drillers
struck tbe oil sand , bui instead of ( .topping
Ihere , they went on into the rock , where
the } struck a hoavv ( low of water , which
drove the oil back into the crevices. This
wus just what iho Standard people wanted
and having accomplished tbeir objecl , it was
an easy mutter for them to huvo the drillers
report that tbero wcro no indications of oil.
"Late to bed and arly to rise will shorten
thb road to jour home iu ibo t > lue . " But
early to bed and u "Little Karly lllser , " the
pill thai inukos life longer ana holier and
C. D. Wood worth & Co. , suooosiors to
Woity < k Guy , 1810 Furnutn street , num-
ufucuirerd uud dealers In hurnuas , dad
dies , olc.
Complying with general re-
J quest ,
Swill in future for the United
S States be covered with
i A Tasteless and
\ Soluble Coating , I
completely disguising the *
{ taste of the Pill without in any
jjway impairing its efficacy.g
i [ Price a f rents c Dor. ?
! Kcw York I > c ( > otbe Canal Strtct. 2
J Symptoms. High fever , bounding pulse , swelling of the
joints , with great tenderness and severe pain , especially if
the patient attempts to move ; and on moving after resting
hi one position , lameness , stiffness , and seveie pain.
Rheumatism is a blood disease , and must be so
treated. There is only one preparation of which it
can be said that no instance of a failure to cure
Rheumatism or any blood disorder has ever been
recorded ; .and that preparation is furnished , not by
science , but by Nature a harmless vegetable com
pound of herbs , roots , and barks , called
Kickapoo Indian Sagwa
If you are rheumatic , and do
not try this Nature's blessing
to the human race , you are
responsible for what you suffer.
Here is a person who had faith.
FRttMAN STRtTTOK , [ aft ralrficld. VI. . declani.
"After being 3/cA / ninny months ultli Khcumatltm ,
most otlie time cotfinetl In bid , / uai InaurtH to
try Klcitnrmonrfon / { tapira I took tlirrr bnttlcs. and
It cured me t have not been troubled s/nrr / /
haiir no fumpathu for anv one uihv euffcri with Kheu *
niallsm and don't try Sngit-n "
J 1.00 n bottle All drugplsts
Kickapoo Indian Worm Killer ! PRINCESS KICKAPOO
Nature1 * rctnceh for worms Sntifcfucllnn I Pure Biood Perfect Health '
guaranteed : ; ccnu
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water.
For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics.
Cur 68
Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Ktc.
A Delightful Shampoo.
DU.EC VTS5T 3 NEIIVJ A.VO Bit A.1N Till ! \T-
MKNT.a spBclBcror llrHterlit , Dlizineii , I'll. , .N'uu
rulcla. llaaflacbe , NLTTDIU 1'roitrailon cnu od by al
cobol or tobacco , \Vukclulneii , Meuttil lajirtisli > a
boftimluK of ttie llrjiin. uauvla : lusinily misery
drcny. ( loi'-h , 1'rmimturo Old Asu , Ilarronnen I < -il
of 1'owcr In either ex Impotuncr. Jrfucorrljooa un ]
nil 1 cinalo WuaknoMCM , Involuntary ljo < < B4 hnar-
iiintorrlioaacauaud by ornr-cxortlon of tb3 brain
fiulf-abuxe. ovor-lnilulsftncs A monlli's trcatiuunt
TI , Gfor fj. by mall Wo Gua nLno nlr hnioi la
euro ISaoh oraur for ( i tinXQSrlthft will Henl wr ) t
ten guarantor to refund If nut curod. iruuruntoo
l ued only by A. Hchrotsr Urucel't Hole aiifntb. s
1C. cor 1UU itiid 1 arouui flm Omuliu , Nb
A nav anl Complete Trrntuioat , ronnlttlnr
6uipnBltorU' , Oliitmeutlu ( uisulus ; ulna In Hoi
nnct 1'llla , D 1'oitltlro Cure for UrtgrnaL , lutoruul
Ullna or liloodln ; Ho til MS , Curonlc llucont or
Hereditary J'lli'i 7'bli Kouiedy tiui auvur txicn
known to tail fl per box I ) lor ( .1. > eit by uiiul ,
\Vliy ruflur Irom tliU tBrrtblo dlsm : whaa a writ-
Inn puaruuiite Is pOHltlrely fiTiin with 0 baxoi or
relundtbe money U not ourud BonJ stamp tor
Iruu hamplo ( juarautuo IM.UBJ liy ICulin & Co. ,
Drutflcls , bolo AKBUU. roniur i : > tb uuj Duuclui
ri'iito Onmlia eb.
Kupll.rtlUccr > d.Il.J.CT FBEI ( ( > .L > l > ui9r
Doctors disagree. They
have to. There are differ
ences of opinion among the
best ; there \vill be so long
as knowledge is incomplete.
But there is one subje'ct
on which all physicians are
completely in accord , and
that is the value of cod-liver
oil in consumption and scro
fula , and many other condi
tions in which the loss of fat
is involved. And cod-liver
oil has its greatest usefulness
in Scott's Emulsion.
There is an interesting
book on the subject ; sent free.
SCOTT ( i BOWNC , Clicroisu , i jj South stli A venue ,
J ew York ,
Your druggist Lccpt Scott'i Ciauluon of cod.Iivu
oil all drugcuu everywhere do. ( t.
An ouUnuiird rciicnilnir Urdluaucu Nu. i"JCl ,
orderln : tlm prudlns uf l.aku Urout from lid
ktmi'l to 45lli i-l rent.
lie U ordutned by the city couuoll of Uie oltjr
of Omiibu.
hicilunl. TliatOrdmunto No 2UG1 , orderlnc
llic crudlu ; of l.u'.c Uroot from 42d to4Mli
ktrt-tiU. bo un < l tlie saiiio litircby IH rtiiieulfd
Suutlou V. That tuU ordinunut ) Buail tulo
ofluit uud belu force frctu uud oftur Iu patk-
Marcn ! d , 16'Ji
I'rosldutit of the Oily Council
Avprot-od Mnrcli'JJlli. In'Jt
UFX > . 1' . UCUIB.
For Inventions
Bee Bureau of Claims
Tqunl with Hie Interest of tlmir hirlnj ot.V n
rciilnn thpcovcrnmont I , tlnl of INVICNTOItS win
often loie ttie benellt of valuable Invention ! Imj nu
nf the IncomjHitonej' or InatUintlua of ths tutor n 371
pmployrd to obtain tbiMr iiilti.'ili TIKI much cirs
cannot lie ururclioj In ouijlorla ; ooaip3tB-Jt nit
rullnblG Millc IOM to iiro-uru pilsT.i for ti ! > Tiku
oltpatoutdippnat c-Hitlr If notoatlraljr. 11,133 t.u
caru ml nklll of thu attornsr
wulitbo Maw of iirotu-imlnTonton fr > n wnrfi
l < ' orpirpli-j iittoniByt , au3 uf * iuln r t iv. IDSJn
tlnnt uro wnll nroticte : ! tT valtl iiitdiiti Ttitf tJ
IIUIUCAU bin rotntnaJ counjul urur ; : Iu
practice and li tboraforo propirDj Ij
Slakr * j > rdal Join ,
fraiJc marks airJ
ileiitlcr o ] > ialon > > antostiajts and rall.l-
itfi mf patent * .
anil ffe/BJJJ in frln7nnr i
> . , < / < . , r/e
If you tmvenn Invention on liana enl TIIE 11E3
nUKKAl a Btu.c'i or i > ) jt > tuirnili | thereof to tl3r
with : i brlof de-tcrlittitm < if the lui ; > urtant luaturji
nndyuu will Im uncj ulrlnudal lo tUu liuit cj'.riu ' u
purtue Models uru HUT umiemrirj unliM * ttia inrei
tlun In ot u rimpllcutHd tmtiiru. Ir nttiuri or a n.
Jrlnclnion your rlcliti , or If you urj umri.u wlti
UifrlnKi-niHtil nr uinurt. nulimlt thu JU itlur tu Til C
IICUKAU lor a rjllablo Ol'lMON liotora scan ; 03
tint miillur.
220 IJco Bulltlin ? , Omab i , NC'J.
C5J Thts Iluronu Is cirirunteaJ by thi
OmuliB llea. lliu j'iouuur l'ies iiuJ thu aau
1'runclkco Kxamliiur
Cuj this out and sena it with your ii
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul R'y , as represented
on this man.
Turn. ,
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Yestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH. Gen'l Agent.
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass Agent.
I . '
TLt Xjitrcwt , Pintail &iiA Flnrit In tbe World ,
riu > Huuri < r wti-uiuiuiiLttQiu unrircliBa.
liturr Saturday.
Atri't'ulur intcniiU
ruumuu lowom tiirm > t und Jrniu Ibo prmcliile
BsarsH , nrau'H , itisjj t iLL csHiurnTTii rsaiio.
izmniiun : ticket * nrullnlilu Iu return by nithur Uio iilo-
tun 'juf ci > Ji' & No-tb nf Iruland ur bullion & OlliriJtur
Drill : ui line ; Order : la IXT tsatsf. it ItwttA tilH ,
Apply lo liny ol our local Apunta or to
N JtUOTllttUS. Chlcut" , IU.
31 PH135 ,
Undertbe itroiingo of
Mrs. M , D , mm ,
70 and 71 Globe IMd . , Boston
Tour of 80 duyg. 4-JOa , Tour of 60 dn.vs ,
4400 ; Tour of 00 auj-s , W75 ; Tour of 45
All irurulluc ] ljUt ouioj ux uaiei lo
ifarilut lo tall irltti Mri 1 rasar. July : , tilt-am
klil | > brrTuiA. < uuurd I < lue , llutuaj
NOitTli < * 1'K I'Aim u. tail Jonu U u.lp m-
klili'AvuMA | trom Ilontou Ticnyi , I'JJ .
Aiipllcotlou * mutt IxiujaJout ouw > furtUU lour
enU tor circular und roluruuoa
Or , Bailsj , 5
The Loading
ThlrJ KioaP'Xton 'Blots.
10S5. ICIh uud I\intuui Sis.
A lull M't 'f liclli ou rubti-f ) cr H lulnl
TcittU ultljout ( iimrii or xmoiijlJl l ( Uf < >
] u l tliu tlilne lor ulncere ( jriutllc * e | 'ii.lfi ' . but
( lri > | idov > u
AH ttlllnc ut ttv work wnnuuto *
Cut Hit * tiul iur u