Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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Affairs of Uio Now National Laagno Oon-
tioliod by a Powerful Rirg.
Van ilcrAlio. llrutli , IMiHn | nml Hj-rno Hun
tlm Mnrliliif IticuUtrr dull Airnlrn
TUB of War CoinliiR Other
Nuvv YOIIK , AprlU. The Hoston base ball
correspondent of n mornlnc newspaper sends
this to his 'japcr : "It will bo uows of n
startling nntura to the base ball world tlmt
the now bljt twclvoclnb lon uo u governed
by a combine , thai four votes absolutely
carries the day In all In present notions , Hint
tlio four oldest lunguo clubs uro liolplcssly
under the feet of the American association
oloiHont , anil that tlicy nro HUcly to remain
there. The formation of thU combine toott
plneo In Indianapolis nnd other western cltloi
before ttio icccnt consolidation was made ,
nnd wm part of the nRroomcnt whereby the
Louisville , St. Louis nnd Athletics were won
over. ThO combination comprises the clubs
from St. Louis , Cincinnati , Cleveland , Louis-
vlllo , Washington and IJnlllmoro.
"This combination votes ai i whole on all
ImporUint questions anil also In the election
of oillccrs. It notually controls tlio votes.
Kour vote ? out of the seven It Is ngrcod will
govern , and so four clubs by the same nproo-
incut or compact can control ami , In one case
at lonst , has actually controlled the now
league legislation. Von dor1 Aho , 1'holps ,
Byrne and Hrush lormod a now combination
within the combination af lor the InJmimoolts
mooting. They sccrotly agreed to stand to-
gothcr as a unit on all Important Issues. Any
tbreo of the four agreeing shall control the
fourth , and these four , of course , under
the contract nmona the seven , dominate the
other thr.Jp , thusHyrno , Hrush , Von dor Aho
nnd 1'holps have tlio twelve club league by
the throat , and whenever the three of these
four ngroy to prevent a measure carrying or
introduce n wrong measure , It may bo con
sidered ns uono. The Ilrst ofllcinl net of tlio
coalition was to put Nick YOUIIK In before
the election. Ever since 1'roMUont Young
lias been vorv subservient to the interests of
the council of sovon. 'I his Is In reality , how
ever , at the present tlmo only 11 council of
four. "
ST. Loui ? , Mo. , April 4. The story of a
base ball combine telegraphed over the coun
try to.-lay finds no confirmation horo. Presi
dent Von Uor Aho , charged with being ono
said "It's all a
of tbo uhlof conspirators , :
newspaper fako. Thorn is absolutely no
foundation for It. There may DO a llttlo
jealousy , but that does not amount to any
"What do they moan by referring to things
that have Impuoncd since the Indlannpolls
nicotine ! "
"I guess thov moan the orcnnlrntlon of the
committees nnrl other work , done with a per
fect understanding on nil sides. "
1'uur Trucks Under ( Jcnisldcratlon New
. Mciiihcm Iliiindly Coining In.
An enthusiastic meeting of the Gentle
men's Koiulstor clue was held last night at
the Millard hotol. The attendance was largo
nnd much Interest was manifested in this
spring and summer drives. I'lestdont
Hirhard Smith was in the chair.
TLio committee to which had boon referred
the mutter of securing n race traclc , reported
that it had made no progress since the last
meeting a week ago in making arrange
ments either wiih the lOast Omaha people.
the Council HlulTs park , the Sherman nvenno
fair grounds or 1'lckard's grove. Through
U. 1C. Burbot further time was naked and
granted. The fair grounds seemed to bo the
choice of the members present , and tno com
mittee was empowered to select n Iraelc , and
j if It had to make a contract with Thompson ,
/ * who has chaigo of the fairgrounds , agreeing
to pay him $1 per capita of the club's mom-
Uorsblu. -
The by-laws nnd constitution comuilttco
was not prepnred to report and was granted
further time.
Tbo following names were presented for
membership In the club and weto favorably
noted upon : Fred Nnsti. Charles Sutphcn ,
JT. Wit brow , W. H. Van Arnum , H. D.
Baldrluge , George W. Ames , G. It. Gris-
weld , J.V. . Paul , Andy Murphy unc ) H. O.
Much discussion was had ns lo the nilvlsa-
billty of Incorporating the club. The
subject , was introduced by President Smith.
who stated that there were several reasons
why1 the club should be Incorporated , ono of
which was that no Individual member would
bo responsible for the club'i indebtedness by
it being an incorporated body. II. 1C , Durko't
was of tbo opinion that incorporation was
what was ncrdod , as ho thought all the mem
bers recognized the desirability of Incor
porating. A committee , composed of Wil
liam H. Beolcmnn , H. C. Terry and William
A. Motcalf , was appointed to prepare arti
cles of Incorporation and submit them at
next Monday night's meeting of the club.
( irrnt 1'rnmlse troin I'oncn.
PONCA , Nob. , April 4. [ Special to Tim
BEE. | The Driving association of this city
Is already mulling notivo preparations for
Eomo of the llnost oxbitions of speed during
the coming season over witnessed in
Nebraska. The mlle track owned by
this association was built and offered for the
first time to the consideration of horsemen
loss than n year ugo. Owing to its recent
construction tbo track was not nt that tlmo
in us good condition as tbo directors had ex
pected lo have It. But nevertheless it was
pronounced by all to bo ono of thu
llnest courses In tno state , If not
Inihocnino country. The soli is perfect
nnd the grounds nro ns level us n lloor
throughout their entire uxtont. The track
is now being put in the best possible condi
tion ; all tbo buildings are being enlarged and
moved to Uio most suitable part of the
prnunds , and everything dnno that can add
to thu satisfaction of horsomcn nnd the vis
iting public. The first series of races nro
arranged for July fl , 4 , and f > , at which $12-
000 will bn olTorcd In premiums. At the
October races , beginning the 4th , & > ri,000 will
bo offored. At the last i ocular mealing of
tbo association a coimmuoa was appointed
to confer with the Nebraska Association of
Trotting Ilorso Breeders , nnd endeavor lo
accuro us seventh annual mooting for this
lii'HtilU lit Gloucester.
Gi.oucL-aTKii , Ni J. , April 4. Weather
clear. Track fast.
Klrst r.icc. six nnd one-fourth fnrlnnes , eell-
iiiKt IIt.i non , KutL'linm second , Cornollu
third , Uarnnoil , Miijulln. ami Cold Dlpgur
drawn. Wi | tunosci ( tlio favnrlio ) ran un
placed. Time : iS2 : f.
Sucond i nee. sevon-slxtocntliH of u mlle ,
2-yoiu-oUlb. Mttlo Mudum Colt won ,
LIttUi scrum ] , AthUrno Kllly ( thu favorite )
third , l.oslJIurs < lrawn. Tlmo : W .
Third rucL'ono inlln , soiling : Itululph ( thu
tavoiItol , won , Unrdnor second , llllun third ,
Florlinuro dnuvn. Time : Ittx.
1'ourth , tlirco-minrturaof n. mile , sall-
Inir : Onard won , Dickens second , A UII third ,
tieiiuul Uritwii. UnrrUon ( the r.-worltu ) r\ti : \ mi
ni iiuml. Time : lilf.
1'lftli HUT , nlno-slxtrcmtlis of n mlle , soll-
inu : John IjuuKlnnd won , Young Lottery second
end , Yamo third , Connl-Me-ln nml Uuosnr
ilr.iwn Sunday ( thefuvorltu ) unplaced.
U'lnw : 5TK.
SIMli riu-n. thlrtoun-slxtoonths of a mile ,
eolllng ; 1'urU Itldse won. Itu-hiird K. Fox
second. Aiimihco tlilrd. linr-
don , Monroe , Ulioily 1'rliulo HIKI Vnndyl.o
ilr.nui. Hill Itikinoa ( ihu favorite ) ran uu-
pl.icod , TIIUU : li'Jiiii ,
lining lit ( iiiltciiliuri ; ,
GurTEXiiEr.ii , N. J. , April 4 Tlio track
was dry and fast today. The attendance was
very largo !
I'lrst race , live f nrlonzs : Ilruvlnr won , Pat-
lioltbounnil , .MUs I'ox third. Tlmo : l0li. ; !
Second rtn'0. four nnd ono-hnlf furlongs :
IlobArtliur won , CunUni second , Manila II.
tlilrd , Tlmo : M'l.
Third nice , llvo furlongs : Alum T. won , San
Ardo second , Moouktonn third. Time : liO''U ,
I'ourMi r.tcr , flvo furlongs ; Cold titroam
won , /I'mibla oocond , Uncertainty third.
Tlmu ; l:011i.
i'Ktb r.icv. ono mlle : Humbler won , Ely
rcond , John Hlelipy third. Tlmo : 1MIU.
Sixth nice , Buven furlonzs ; Infcinn won ,
Orl plnnu > 'oad. i'uurl Sot tlilnl. Tlmo : Jsau. :
Hume Sale nt llcutrlce.
Nub. , April 4. [ Special Tola-
gram toTitr. Urp. . ] The Fulton nnd Troxell
combination sale of light roadsters nnd
standard bred trotton Dogan horotoiUv with
n largo attendance of out of town blduorv
Ucprcsontatlv.0 horsemen are hero from
Iowa , | { nh4a < * , Illinois. Colorado nnd Mis
souri , The sales this afternoon wercof Hcht
roadsters and generally untried horsn. The
lest sain of the afternoon was for fS's.'i. The
sale will bo continued tomorrow , nt which
time n number of flnolv bred standard trot
ters will bo offprod , Tbo woalhor has boon
IPO unfavorable to induro much spirited bid
ding. A r.umbcr of very promising young
stcr.s will bo put on Iho blocK to.i.orrow.
Tips lor Toilny ,
Hero are some of the good things offered
by tbo cards for today.
( IMITC.VnK.l ) .
1. IlurrUon Conlinr.
' . ' . Mnbclli1 l/ovollur.
II Turk-l'nnclon ,
4. llidiii : ( ! . W. Cook.
< v ItollnOolt I'lsixUolt.
0. Kirolly Ullmav.
I. Tomimst-.Horrcnto.
U. I'littbnsb Vnlkyr.
II. Mncanloy - MI < lulpitoni .
4. Itciiontor Thnil llo c.
5. Uonerlove Annie h ,
0. l.omax Jim Gates.
Nmv Orli'int Uarlng.
Nr.w Oiir.Htxs , l..a. , April 4. Another
day of cloudy weather cut down the atten
dance nt llio spring mooting todnv :
1'lrst race. MolUns , llvo fnrlonxs : Olondlvo
won. 1'liolan norland second , Charley U thlid.
Time : aiir : ,
Second r.ieu , so lltu. six furlong * : lied
I't mutt won. .Me in Knough second. Hob Jacobs
third Time : I : IV
Tlilrd race , Howard selling pnr-u. six nnd
ono-lialf fnrloiua : Knklru > n , Antoinette
second , I'owur.s tlili'l. Tlino r.-J't. '
I'onith race , handicap , one mlle : Ormlo
uon. 1'nttonloy second , Marie 1C third. Tlmu
1:4JS. : !
W. II. WnlkliiH l.ocati-s llcrn.
W. H. Walklns , who was manager of tlio
famous Detroit team the year It won tbo
National league pennant , afterwards with
Kansas City nnd St. Paul , but now con
nected with the Turnor-Frazot1 Mercantile
comnany , St. Joe , has taken up his perma
nent residence in this city. Mr. Walkins Is
probably 0110 of Iho best known base bellmen
men In tbo country , and though out of the
business is yet an enthusiastic dovotco of the
great game , and koaps thoroughly posted us
lo Its progress. Ho will bj n rooter for
Omaha this summer.
( 'aimtan ( iocs lo Chicago.
Louisvitu : , ICy. , April 4. A deal between
the Louisville and Chicago bull magnates has
been made nnd Proffer will wear a Louls-
vlllo uniform nt the opening ame this sea
son. It Is in tbo nature of a trauo. Canavnn
and a bonus being given for Pfoffor. The
amount of the bonus Is said to beSJ.OOO , but
this is not positively known. Canavan b as
uotyctsignod the Chicago contract , but this
will probablv bo done tonight. All the othsr
details have been offeclod.
< < ot Another I'ltohcr.
Giuxn Is i. \ Ni > , Nob. , April 4. [ to
THK BIK. : ] Manager Hourko of tbo Grand
Island team has n contract in his inside
popkot from Pitcher Summers of last year's '
Rock ford (111. ( ) team , to pitch for the Supnr
Citys auiinc thu coming season. Grand
Island has now one-half the required number
Of UlttU.
mi : n'K.iriiuit.
Oiricc OP WniTintn Bunnxu , I
OMUM , April 4. f
The center of the present .storm moved
eastward across Nebraska during Mon
day and is now over northwestern Iowa.
As Uioro Is decidedly high temperature In
front of it and below freezing weather , with
snow and strong northwou winds It its lour ,
it will nrobably develop great onercy wl.llo
crossing the upper lakm , toward whioh it , is
The difference in temperature this evening
between the upper Mississippi valley , and
Minnesota , Dakota anil northern Nebraska
is about oU3. At St. Louis llio tcmporaturo
ntTn. m. wasTO = > , at Valentine , Nub. , 'il = .
Snow Is pretty generally failing In Iho
uppur Missoun valley and Minnesota
and a cold wave is ppurmg down
from Manitoba into the lear of tbo
storm. Several local storms , in connection
with tbo general disturbance , seem likely
this tlmo for Illinois and the Ohio river
country. That region noiv lies in the dan-
uorous part , of ibo storm urea. In Inls sec-
lion wo nro not likely to have anything be
yond high winds from the northwest , snow ,
perhaps , nnd polder weather. An nioa of
high barometer Is entering the country that
will probably give us a period of fine , settled
weather during the close of the week.
For Eastern Nebraska , Omaha and Vicin
ity Continued cloudiness , stronc northwest
winds , probably snow and much colder
weather by midnight.
W \9inxoTov , D , C. , April 1. For Iowa
Showers , colder northwest gnlps.
For Nebraska-Fair in thu wont ; sbovvors
in the east ; colder in the oat ; north gales.
For Missouri-Fair ; colder ; winds becom
ing northwest.
For Kansas Fair ; colder ; northwest
Cincinnati In Itcpiiblican.
CiM'iXNATi , O. , April 4. The only candi
dates voted for by the whole city today was
for tbo oftlco of Judge of the superior court of
Cincinnati. Twenty-ol ht. thousand nlno
hundred votes were polled. F. W. Moore ,
republican , was elected Judge by 4,800 ma
jority over Lowrcy Jackson , democrat. Tbo
republicans oleciod ten out of fifteen mem
bers to Iho board of the legislation nnd eleven
out of Jifteon to the board of education.
The Slxlh , for tbo llm time lu its history ,
elected republicans for both its ward offices.
Steamer ArriviiN.
At Liverpool Michigan from Boston
At Antwerp Norman from Now York.
At Southampton Allor from New York.
At Qucenstowii British Princess from
At London Sighted , Hhynland from New
At Now York-America from Bremen.
l''l\o A\Vi-i ) Ikrottnml.
Mass. , April I. Six Ger
mans , employes of tlio Grlswold Manufac
turing company , whllo boating on the nvor
woio carried over Iho dum and five were
U'asliml Out thn Track.
FT. MAIIIIOV , In. , April 4. Last night's
storm wuihod out liOl ) feet of the track of
the St. Louis , Kansas Northern rallwav hero ,
\\lll ( , o to C.iiUliiil.
BKIIUX , April 4. Tne Noith Gorman Gazette -
zotto snj.s ibat Chancellor von Cuprivl will
go to Carlsbad all or Kustor to tuko thn
waters ,
A'JJII 5 0V YiSTKltn.l V ,
Donu-xtlc ,
Gcorpo K. WluRlna of I.aeonla , N. ( I , , shot
an'l killed his lfu.
The strlKo at Ht. LouU of the river men and
alcumhiMt Inbororn Is still on ,
.Mrs. Miiry Diuin of Nu\r York has boon nr-
rustinl for thu murder of John llurke.
The rnih for thu now Inndu to bo opened to
st'ltlument continues , nnd thuiisamU h.ivc
dupurtod from Kl Uono , Ukl.
"I'rlncoMloliaol" boon biiiml ever by n
Detroit jnd-'o to awall the aution of the
grand jury and his ball Ins boon llxccl ul
Two iiniiiihlvrs of Mr. Worloy Minjsoll ,
whlli' , MNxtn ( 'arrld anil Muttlc , aged ' 'I and
17 ii'sni'cllvoly , anil Iholr Uitlo 4-yoiir-olil
nloi-e , > luy Mnshiill , eril drowned In the norlli
fiukof ihu lluuspur rlvor Uultvlll , Va.
Oonilns'x Melbourne , Australia , alturnoy
will enter us a defens-o a plen. of Inaan ly.
( 'animal ItlcbariUof 1'arli hold a service
for tbo voluranrtof ihu 1'reni'li army and nav >
vhluh Mas atlundud bv every prominent inll <
lury man of l < 'ranco.
Thu StalTorilsblro , Kuntnnd , pnttnra nnd
ntlior manufuutnrur have decided lo lock oni
W.IOJ worUors , thu lultor refusing to oubinll
thulr disputes with the employers to u board
of iirbttrjtlon.
Two ilyiminlto cartrMKoa omlodod In front
of Ihu house of Ihu foreman of u mlnu at er-
nn , Belgium. It In bolluyod ttioy were pluuutl
Ihiiro by Boiiieono who had u crudgu iigulusl
thu foreiiiun. No ono was Injuiod ,
At u meeting of London's unoniiiloyi'd Ituv
KoLort tlro or.v , < loan of St. I'anl a , was vlo
lontly iittaolced bytho spuakers. whocharsod
him with bud faith In rufuslnt ; to carry out n
pro m Uo rnadu to pronch on llio labor troubles.
Kmiiuror William of Uermuny ( IBS sent U
llurr KotcluU ) , tlio loader of tlio 1'olei lu the
Ualolmtui : , u painting of iho Imperial yuoht
lloliuni'.olloru , wilh his uuto rauh mid Mi
llmnkH ( or tliusupport clvun the govorumuut
by thu I'ollih party ou tha nnvy e tlmutoi.
fCONTIM'Rtl rilOM riH'T 1'AOF.l
vpr.snllon wfthout being interrupted by the
Without tnktuc a vote upon Mr. Burrows'
amendment , tbo ooimnllteo rose and iho
house adjourned.
ix TIII : HKXAII : .
Air. Morgan's ltc ilntlons Dlnpimoil Sun.
ator Slidriiian on SIHrr.
WASIIIVOTON' , D. C. , April 4 The reso
lution of Mr. Morgan calling for n report by
the treasury department on Iho effects of
existing silver legislation on tbo industrial
conditions of the country , w.u laid beloro
iho sonalo. Mr. Morgan expressed a willing
ness lo lot thorn go ever until tomorrow , seas
as not 'o stand In iho way of tbo Indlin ap
propriation bill. Finally , after some dis
cussion , Mr. Oawos , la charge of the Indian
appropriation , consented not to Interpose
that mcatuto nnd finally , after Mr. Wolcolt
gave notice that ho would luldross Iho sonnto
on the silver question Wednesday , Morgan
proceeded to address the sennlo on tits
AVIH Make Thorn Kxprcss TlieiincHri.
Ho know that the subject was ono which
struck the attention of iho senators In an
aim-mint , ' way. because the people wcro very
pnrnesi In their doslro to have some relief
from the existing ilnnnclal condition nnd em
barrassment. Ho know that. Iho behest of
parly Blood in thn way of a frco expression
of opinion In the scnato on the question of
Ireo coinage of silver. Ho proposed to strip
the musk off the fncos of thcso parlv men
and make them look iho matlor dead In tbo
face.Mr. . Morgan criticised the silver act of
lb'.K ' ) and Mr. Sherman romarko.1 that there
was not the slightojt doubt as lo what was
meant bv the not of 18W.
Mr. Morgan 1 know when the conference
committee made its report on that net ; I
rose nnd wanted to know what wn were
dolnir. but. I was tola that I must not Inquire
into that secret performance of the commit-
too. U'hat lingering reservation Iho senator
from Ohio , who made tbo conference report ,
may huvo had for tbo proposed purpose of
qunllfylng 1 do not Know. "All lean say Is
that tncro Is not a man of ordinary common
sense who would not bnllcvo that It was the
purpose ol congress tlmt the two metals
should bo kept in parity lu their circulating
Mr. Sherman Undoubtedly. The Inn-
guago of the law Is so plain lhat I do not
sco how anybody can doubt it. It declares
that tbo government will maintain the parity
of gold and silver coin. "
Mr. Stewart Oh , no ! Gold nnd sliver
Mr. Shot-man Well , gold and silver
Mr. Teller Very different things.
Mr. Sherman They uro not different.
The act also provides that for every dollar
ceililicato issued there shall be behind It a
dollar's worth of silver nnd thut the secre
tary of the treasury shall not coin this silver
into dollars oxcont'ns t'joy arc nocdud.
Mr. Morgan That clause Is not in the law ,
by expression or intondmcnt. or inference , 01
the guess of nny man , although it inuv have
been understood bv the senator from Ohio.
Mr. Sherman 1 understood it
i Ii-ant ( Milan < l's NniMinuf Ion.
Mr. Morgan You may have understood
The colloquy between Mr. Morgan and Mr.
Sherman continued at some length. Air.
Morgan in tlio further course of his argu
ment romurltod incidentally that ono of the
consequences of the defeat of free silver
legislation would bo the nomination of i\lr.
Cleveland , but Mr. George suld that , ho hud
his doubts about that. Ilo also referred to
Mr. Sherman ns being in the lead of n largo
faction of the democratic party ol the United
States as well ns of the republican party.
At o'clock the presiding ofllcci laid be
fore tbo senate tbo unfinished business , be
ing tbo bill in relation lo courts of appeal ,
but Mr. Morgun was permitted lo go on
wltb bis addruis. In the course of it ho re
ferred to Mr. Cleveland as having
como to tbo presidency with a
sort of Wull street coniiesllvo cbili
upon him , as commencing'to prophesy evil
and as throwing the whole weight of nis mi-
ministration against silver , beginning wilh a
lettpr which ho addressed to congress before
his inauguration , in which ho begged them
by all the sainls in Iho calendar to suppress
and destroy silver coinage Ho brought up
the charge that Mr. Sherman was resonsiolo
for the demonetization of silver in Ibt3 , but
Mr. Sherman was probably not in tbo cham
ber at tlmt , time. At all events he paid no at-
lonllon to this so ottou repealed and .so often
denied charge.
It Tlitty Could Aslili ) Ambition.
"If , " continued Mr. Morgan , ' 'senators
could only forgot Cleveland and Hill and
Carlisle and Cullom and Allison and other
great and good men who were aspiring to
the prcildnnoy of the United Slater , and
the honorable senator from Ohio ( Mr. Sher
man ) , if ho had not discarded nil such
pretensions if senator1 ? could ducard
their friendliness for those aspirants and
would como together and lock their hands
on the silver question and say that they
would do all that wisdom and n dovoiod lava
of the country suggested. Ihoro would bo no
moro trouMo about iho silver vuestlon. Then
tbo senator from Ohio would have the light
to iHjJoico , contrary to his will , nt being led
up to such u high position.
As soon as Mr. Morgan resumed his sent
Mr. Sherman rose and said that ho did not
Intend to enter on the discussion of tbo sil
ver question , but ho wished to have t'io
sense of tbo senate whether senators wcro to
have a silver debate and in order to have
that question sallied bo proposed to lay tbo
resolutions on Iho table.
Mr. Teller The senator can hardly take
advantage of us In that way. "
Mr. Sherman I do not propose "to take
any advantage.
Mr. Allison asked the vice president , as a
point of order , whether tbo resolutions had
not passed from tbo consideration of tbo
senate and bad not 1:0110 to Iho calendar at
o'clock the bonator from Alabama having
been allowed by courtesy to proceed with bis
remarks. The vlco president expressed the
opinion that the resolution had gene to the
Mr. Sherman Then they cannot bo taken
up exeunt on motion ,
Mr. Harris remarked that as a mailer of
courtesy nny senator could call up the reso
lutions and address the scnato on them.
Mr. Sherman Yes , nsn matter of courtesy ,
DcturmliuMl to ho llr.inl on tliu Om-htlon.
Mr. Teller said that ho wan ted to say to tbo
senator from Ohio who , being Hushed , ppr-
haps , with the victory apparently achieved in
Uio house against silver , scorned lothltiK ho
could down a dabato In iho senate on that
subject. That senator nt the lust session
had prevented him nnd othori who ibought
wilh him from securing n rule that would
cut off debute ; and that senator ( night as
well meat iho question now us at any tlmo ,
because the question would bj debated. If
not debated on tbo ro oKitlons , it would
ba debated on ether resolutions or a bill , and
and tbo friends of silver would tuko just us
much time as they wanted , unless the senate
could bo driven into adopting a lUoturo rule ,
whioh bo did not think would bo done any
mnro now than at tbo last congress. Ho
gave notlco ibat under the rules they would
ba heard In splto of the honorublo senator
from Ohio , who appeared to bo so anxious to
silllo debute.
Mr. Sherman denied In the most emphatic
terms that ho had endeavored to stillo the
debate. Ho declared that Ibpro was no
eround for such an assertion. Ho had never
objected to any bnnatnr speaking at any limo
on any subject. Kvury senator present'know
that. Mr. Sherman went on to defend the
act of Ib'.U nnd saiu that it woulu bo made
( with proper amendments ) iho fulcrum on
which rested the wbolo financial system of
the country. There wits no bunk in iba world
so strong ns the treasury of the United
Stales of today so strong lu its ability to
icdocm every outstanding oullgnllon. As for
the greenbacks and United Stales nolo-i ,
there was In the treasury $100.000XX ( ) In gold
sot aside for that purpose , and tbero was n
better reserve than could bo found in the
Bank of ICuglana today In proportion to lia
bilities. Again , for every ono of thcso trcas.
ur.v notes ibora was a dollar of gold bo-
bind it.
Wlmt I'ri'n fjolnugn Mfiiiu.
The proposition now was , bo said , to sub
stitute free coinage ( or the present system.
That was practically to take off Ul per cent
from evary psnilon granted by the govern
ment of the United Slates. [ Murmurs of
disapproval from tbo democratic side. ) Fern
n tlmo it would take off 31 per cunt of tbo
labor of every artisan who depended upon
bis labor for his dally bread. It would tuko
bl cents from a ilobt contracted ou iho basis
of a gold vahfJCa'h'b people of the United
States were poihinlnp to untlor tftnil this.
They wcronskUl'iM pay * L for what they were
now oujmg tn''H cents , Sonntom would
porcclvn that thn question ns now being prc-
sontod was dlffccont from the ono presented
in the past. Not only was be willing to dis
cuss this qucstdthe but ho desired to have It
Mr. StowortJiliAti made n speech on the
general subjpct oLsllvor , At tbo close of his
remarks the matter went over
Mr. Morgan'sYrJiolutlbPs will bo placed on
the calendar under tbo rutej ,
After an executive session the sonata ad
journed ,
_ > f |
ClllM ) i : EXCLUSION.
homo of tlm * > nn of tlio HIM I'IMMM !
liy tli < ViViiii o Vrstfrdity.
WAitiiNdTov , 1) . C. , April I. A bill hold
by friends nnd foes alike to bo oni of the
most Important now pending In congress was
passed by the house today after only thirty
minutes debate. Tlio bill In question Is com
monly known ns "tho Chlnoso exclusion bill , "
nnd was reported by the committee on for
eign affairs and today taken up on motion of
Mr. Geary of California , Mr. Goarv said
that the Chinese government , both through
Its ofltcors nt homo and In this country , bad
done everything In Its power to violate the
spirit of ( ho treaty.
Messrs. ( lerrman and Cutting also favored
the bill , nnd , nfler further debate. It was
passed yeas , 17U ; nays , 411 , The bill abso
lutely prohibits any Chinese , whether or not
subjects of China , excepting diplomatic nnd
consular onicers and servants , from entering
the United Slates , and tno Chinese who nmv
hereafter leave this country Uio prohibited
from returning to this country. It makes
liable to arrest on n.warrant issued by nny
Justice , Judgoor United Statmcommissioner ,
Chlnoso entering this country bv crossing
Its boundaries or found unlawfully In the
United States , nnd provides for the punish
ment of the Chlno'o by imprisonment no , to
oxreed llvo yeais , and subioiiuont , removal
from this country to that from whnnco
they came , provided lhat they , when
they como hero from Chlnn by way of
contiguous foreign territory , shall bo
returned to Cblmi. The not applies to sub
jects of China and all Chmcso , oven If sub
jects of any olhor foreign power. A proviso
allows the secretary of the treasury lo admit
Chinese other than laborers or nrtls uns
temporarily visit tbo United States under
such rules ns ho may proscribe. The last
clause repeals all acts inconsistent with this
nnd sets asldo the provision of all trjatio )
now In force between tbo United States and
Chlnu wh Icb may conflict with the pro
visions of this act. Violations of the law
will bo followodby fine and Imnrisonincnt.
The negative vote was cast by Messrs.
Alexander , Andruw , Boeman , Belkimp ,
Beltshoovor. Bergen , BrosiU" , Bushnoll ,
Choathnm , Coburu , Coollduu , Craig , Cnlbor-
son , Curtis , English , Bpo , Flick , Grady ,
Greonloaf , Unrlor , Hoard , Heiuphill , Hen
derson , Illinois ; Herbert , Hilt , Hooker.
Mississippi ; Ilopidns , Illinois ; Johnson , In-
dlanu ; Johnson , North Dakota ; Lawson ,
Georgia ; Little , Lodge , Miller , Perkins ,
Post , Powers , Hand all , Hobinsou , Penn
sylvania ; Stevens , Stockdale , Storor , Stout ,
J. D. Taylor a
NIW : ! > r.ou TIII : AIMIY.
1. 1st ol ( liu Order * of u Day In thu ICcguliir
Jst-rvlcp ,
WASiiixoTovij > DJ. C. , April 4. | SoccIal
Telegram to Tnft'BfeiTho ' : ] following army
orders were Issdt
So much of spocjjjl orders March 30 , 1SW ,
ns relate * to ifi\rt \ Liontenant David D.
Mitchell , Fifteentli-lufantry is ravouod and
Second Lloutenanularaes Mitchell. Fifteenth
infantry , will report in person to Colonel
Hobort K. A. Crqton ( , Fifteontb infantry ,
president of the lixamtuing board , appointed
to meet at Fort $ Uqridnn. III. , April 30 , for
examination by lhobourd | ns to his fltnoss
for promotion. , Lc4yo of absence until Mav
1 , IbO'J. is crnntcd Licutonant Colonel Jnrrd
A. Smith , corps. o onginocrs , as onctncor
Tenth light bousodistrict. . Major Xjcorgc
1C , Sundprson , $ i > teonth infnntry , having
served over thirty years in Jthp army is , on
his own application , retired from actlvo sor-
port to llio prosldfnt of. the army rotlring
board nt Washington , Barracks , "D. C. . for
examination by Uiu board , is suspended till
f'jrtbor orders. Tho"ox tension of leave of
absence on burgoon'jjvrtillcato of. disability ,
grunted Captain Augustus G. Tastiiu ,
Twelfth Infantry , Npvembor 23 , 1891 , is
further extended foqr mouths on account of
WASHIXOTOV , D. C. , April t. The Lopan
case , which has bepomo celebrated through
out the south , was decided today by the
United States supreme coarl in favor of the
United States nnr ) against Eugene Lopan ,
Waggoner and Wallace , the three men do
fcndnnts to iho suit.
Secretary Noble loflay made on order
( hanging the site for the county seat
of county "I1 In the C'hcyenno nnd
Arapnhoe reservation in Oklahoma. The
site Ilrst selected was lound to ba
unsuitable for the purpose on account , of its
liability to overflow from the neighboring
stream. The now site Is the south half ol
section III , touuship t ) , range Id , west.
Secretary Noolo rendered a decision in the
case of Quonlnl Grant against the Northern
Paeillo railway , in which ho holds in favor
of Grant. The land involved U located near
the city of Spokane Falls , Wash. , and is said
to bo very valuable. Tbo case has been before -
fore tbo department for nmo years.
The national silver committee \\ill moot
here April 'JO.
CmiHrniefl by Uio Somite.
WASHINGTON" , D. C. , April 4. The sonalo
in executive session confirmed the following
nominations :
United States Marshal P. H. Hunt , north
ern district of Texas.
Judges of Probate in Utah G. W. Barton ,
county of Salt Lake ; W. B. Kirk , countv of
Box KI.1tT.
Po < tmaster : Missouri M. J. Benson ,
Excelsior Spnnss. Ohio George Uussoll ,
Napoleon ; C. H. Washbum , Delphoi. Penn
sylvania N. L Block ,
Geary , Catnwnssa ; J. C. MuICnan , Cnarloroi.
Texas B. J. Sprigon , JCagln Pus. Wiscon
sin G. C. Rigbuo , Beaver Dim.
AKiiIiiitiiiiKidi C'lork Viiiinif.
WAHIIINOTOV , D. C. , Ajiril 4. In the execu
tive session of the sen a to today thnro was a
brief loferonco to the case of Kxccu-
tivo Clerk Jiimes * ! ! . Young , who was
accused of betravmg executive secrets.
A mujority of the sonatori : tp-
pear to have reached the conclusion that Mr.
Young was wrongfully nuaiucd , and n propo
sition to Invr.stlj.'ato tbo nmttur came to
naught when it Wjis scortaincd that no sen
ator was able to unuf ? a har n wlthovon tbo
faintest probability as u foundation ,
in llio Navy.
WASIII.VOTOX , H. & , April 4. The presi
dent nominated . Director John W.
Browne to bo surgWw general nnd chief of
the bureau of jne'u'ic'fne ' ' and surgery ; Com-
tnodoro James A.m'i'ii to bo x-ear admiral :
Captain Henry Knii to bo commodoro.
C'lilnuso ivcliisl : n Kill riiHKitd.
\VAfliuxoioN , W/d. / , April 4. The hou&o
has passed Iho CiiTijtso exclusion bill yeas ,
179 nays 4-J. '
; ,
_ _ _ _
fl : "l-t1' ItOIHlKltN ,
Slv l.lulio < ; / ( l AVhllii IloldhiK l'l '
SALMON CiTVi | J/lfl io , April 4 , The
has boon frequently- hold up near Harvoy'n
ranch. Harvey and his family , consisting nf
his wlto and six daughters , were suspected
of being thu robcors. Thu sheriff laid n plot
and bagged tbo wbolo party wtillu holding un
a utngo ut the inu zlo of Winchesters , The
glrU wcro In mala uttlro. Ono of them con
fessed that they bad been trained In tbo
business by their father and mother ,
Olllrerit of tlm llabhur Trnxt.
NI.VI YOIIK , April 4. A moellng of the
United States liubbcr company nowlv elected
directors was hole ! today and the following
elected : President ; William L Trenbolm ;
secretary , J , Wuierbury ; treasurer , J. P.
Townsend ,
Hun A | > i > IUnl lur it Dlvorcn ,
Cuic.uo ; , 111. , April 1. The application for
a divorce by Margaret Mather , the nctro < s ,
against her busnaud Musician Kmll Habor-
kern , on the obaryu cf dojortioii , 1ms boca
made publlo.
Intorestm' ? 'Testimony of a Lobbyist Con
cerning tlio Last Legislature.
Now n Lincoln Court U AsKril to Compel
Ills AlloKit.l Companion In thn Deal
to Dlvlilo tinI'roccciU
LINCOLN , Nob. , April 4 , ( Special Telo-
grnui to Tin : BRK. I The preliminary exam
ination of Farmer Spork of Ulysses , charguJ
With embezzlement of $ J'JT > 0 from A.V. .
Bouhm , was. communcod uoforo Judge Fox-
worthy thU afternoon. The patties con
cerned were lobbyists before the last legis
lature mm Uio paitlcular plcco of work In
hand was the defeat of the famous "con-
curicnl resolution No. 0. "
Attorney Woodward In stating the case
before Judgu Foxwortby this nttornoon said
ho proposed lo prove that Spoilt nnd Bouhm
had , in February , 18'Jl , entered Inlo a com
pact to buy llvo sunaiorlal voles
against tbo Joint resolution for ink
ing up the i-ontost on oxoeutlvo
olllcers , they lo got 5UW ) . Hobort IJorgun of
Lincoln was to handle iho cash , which was
contributed by Omaha ; lhat Sperksii3
paid J..TOJ near thu Capital National bank nt
( i o'clock ihoovi.'tiing of February li ! , hut
lull without dividing It.
Bcahm , thocompl'jlnlng \ \ Itnoss , was put
nn iho sinnd. His testimony vuis lo the
effect that ho and Spark hud agreed to turn
over enough votes to dctuut the resolution In
the senate. The bargain between thorn wus
made nl room I ! I , Capitol hotol. They were
lo divide ? : > , UIO between tlioui. On the evenIng
Ing of Fubiuury It ) liobert Dorgan paid
SpurkJTOU. . Spent immcdlntely returned
lo his homo In Ulysses. As soon in Bcalim
discovered that Spork" had received money
ho went to sou him about It. Spork denied
having rdeoivcd a cent from Dorgau. Beam
then returned lo Lincoln and saw Oorunn ,
who declared that ho not only had paid Spork
fJ.TOO but bad the balance of the J-V100 1 Uuly
to pay over.
Bcabm testified that Collins of Gage was
ono of the senators who bad been influenced ,
but declared that no money had been given
Collins , who hud simply yielded tu tnelr ar
guments and persuasions. Boehm's testi
mony was tbo only evidence taken this nftor-
noon. The case was continued until .tomor
row morning.
During KHcapn ol u rrNonur l > v I.uaplng
Iroin u Train.
YOIIK. Neb. , April 4. [ Special lo Tin :
BII : : . ] Patrick McGanan of this city wus
lines ted lu Lincoln Satuiday for assaulting
Philip Median. Whllu cnrouto with the
sheriff ho sprung through the car window
and cscapi'd. Tlio train was stopped but the
funitivo could not bo found. When the
sheriff reached York ho happened to glnnco
toward the englno and discovered McGnnan
calmly sitting on the pilot. Ho was Jailed.
.Superior Will Help.
Sui'iiiion ! , Nob. , Apr.l I. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim Br.i.l : Pursuant to the call of
Mayor Cotlon in tbo interest of the cyclone
sufferers of Nelson , n representative meeting
was bold tonight at which C. E. Adams was
elected chairman , E. O. Capps secretary and
G. L. Day treasurer. After listening to the
report of Mayor Cotton and citizens generally
who had visited thu sccno of the disaster ,
tbo following icsolutlon wus unanimously
adopted :
Ke.solvcd. That our warmest sysnuatbv ba
extended to Iho mifui tuti.ito iiitlerorn In thu
Storm stricUun districts In mill aojut Nulson
and recommend that siiustiinii il aid and
sympathy .should set hand In bund until all
thu unfortunates are restored us far us Is in
Ihu pcmer of hum in bands to assist.
I&lief committees wcrj appointed and lib
eral aid will bo promptly subscribed.
Holt CountKcpuhllciins Dcli litnil.
O'Nniu , Neb , April 4. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEK.J Judge Barlow's decision
in Iho error case of Scolt ncala Ibo board of
supervisors was banuod down in writing
Tbo decision is in perfect harmony with
Iho s > nopsis ho gave vet bally last week at
the closing of the case. TU3 republicans in
O'Neill and llolt county are jumiant over
the llnal success of Mr. Scott in the case
nnd the opinion Is freely expressed by u
largo majority of men of all .shades of politi
cal belief that the court's decision is omiroly
lust and Inuudod upon facts.
No S.ltlslncl ion for I'.iriiH'M.
Bi.L'ii Sl'itiXRs. Nob. , April 4. [ Special to
TniBni.J Olbsntisfuctlonls growing among
the farmers along the UDO of the Union Pa
cific railroad in this vicinity on account of
the dilliculty experienced in potting pay for
damages caused by lire } from the engine .
ItlsclaimoJ that in nearly every Instuiico
iho company refuses to piy more than two-
thirds the value of n-operty destroyed uua
the injured party is compelled to lake thut or
expend the difference in attorneys' fees to
prosecute claims.
Slinltr. KofntiiMi a X < nv
Uiivxn ISI.XSD. Nob. , April I. [ Special to
THU Br.K.J Cuylor Snultz , tna convicted
murderer of J P. Farr , will have no now
irinl in this Judicial dl ° trict. JudL-o T. O. C.
Harrison , before whom the motion was nr-
tued lust , week , so decided this morning.
The allotted errors wcro not , in bla opinion ,
made , yhultz' ajlurnuvt will luke thu matter -
tor before the supramo court. Sentence will
not bo imposed for several days.
Heavy lini.i : i-i Dmnuiiilcil.
D\Knrv Cirv , Neb , , \pril 1. iSpecial
Tologrfiin to Tun Bun. I The case against
John Alberts who was arrested luut week on
complaint sworn out by Perrv Bros. Ai Co.
of South Omaha for diipoain ? of morlLMged
ptopcrtv was heard todav and rcsultc.l In an
ncqnltal. A suit for ? 1IOUJ ( darnagoi for
malicious prosecution was at once Instituted
by Alberts. _
Siriiy County Mt Igal losi ,
PAi'Ji.i.ioy , Neb. , April I. [ Special to Tin :
Br.K. I District court for Snrpy countv
opened hero todnyvith Judpo Scott on the
bench and n number of lawyers from this
pluco and Omaha present. The session will
lust two or three weeks ,
TronliNt Tor Harllni lon Itarlmrs ,
IlumsnTox , Neb. , April 4. The rumor Is that the Woman's Cnnslian Temperance -
anco union will iiltompt to close the barber
sbopi in this city on Sundays.
Ono ISoinliiKtoii 'rj' | rltor Solil livery Five
.Mlnntos ,
Ni.w Youic. April -Special [ Telegram to
Tim Bm. I Some idea of iho prudent won
derful crowlh of iho typewriter business
may bo gained from thu fact that the : -alos of
the Ucmlng'on typewriters for January nnd
February , iS'-U , cxueoJcd these of the corro-
bpoiidlnc rnonlbs of It'Jl by ? 1 ( , IK)0. ) The
great nnd constantly gaining popularity of
iho Hcmlngton is clearly shown by the fr.ut
that tbo buHlncss has rnoro than dou tiled
within thruoyojra , The Homingion factory at
lllon , N. Y , , employs ? UJ men lo 1111 mo do-
mauds created by ibo sales of iho agonu ,
Wyolioff , Bajiu\n ; ti Benedict , who disposed
of iho machines at the abtonlsbltig rate of
ono every live minutes.
ItiHpccliMl liy.Svrrctiuy I'ostur.
NKW YOIIK , April 4. Secretary of the
Treasury Charles Foster made u lour of the
dlffeieut departments on ] ; ilti Ulund today
and was In consultation with Colonel Weber
and General O'Biilrno in regard lo immigra
tion matters. _ _
Tlm Duilli Itoll.
BAi.riMoiiK. Md , , April 4. Washington
Booth , ex-collector of ibis port , dlod this *
morning. Ho wus resident consul for Chill ,
niiu was 71 yean old.
DiiLUTH , Minn. , April 1 , [ Special Tole-
grain lo TIIBHBE- ] Captain Is. G Yocuin.
once state treasurer of South Carolina , dltil
hero this morning. Ho was I > ( J year ) old and
tolerably well off. Lately ho was very
prominent In Ixko navigation and Is very
well known In Omaha and Sioux City.
JUi.Tinoiii' , Md. , April -General \V. S.
Singleton died today , uged b'3 yca . In IhO , ' )
President Lincoln ontrusto 1 O ncral Hlnelo
ton with a mission to K chrnoii I , wblt'ior h < .
went four tlmos and conferred with Jcftorjon
Dnvls nnd ethers.
Bosrov. Mass , Apill 4. MM. Wclthoi
Lvtllo Spraptie , widow of Hon. Solh
Sprague , dlod at Onxbury loday , nt the ugo
of I0i. :
< } .i n : nin n 1 1 : TIHH\IA\I ) .
Conclusion ot nn lnorr ( < tlng Cine at < ) <
Italoos.t , la *
Osuu.oosv , In. , Avrll I. ( Special to TUB
BRK.I The jury in the celebrated Robert
onto returned n vorrtlol ibis morning giving
iho plalnllff , Miss Nannio Robcris , Judgment
for f.\0t)0 ) , otio-half of the amnunt stiod for.
The Judgment , is agnlnst her father and
brother-in-law , whom she charged with
attempting to have her IncarcoratPd In an
Insane asylum to cheat bur out of her right
ful Inhoiiinnco. Tbo Jury wnsout farlv-ono
hours before nit n < ; roemcnl was reached , the
undcrstandlni ; bstug that they stood 0 to ! 1
In favor of the full amount claimed ,
louit Klcctlons.
DPS Moivns , In. , April -Spcclal | Tolo-
Rrnm to Tin : DKP.I Tbo city election
occurred today nnd everything passed off
quiotly. Lane , republican , was elected
mayor by nbout GOJ nnjoritv over Hill.
democrat. Kltht ; precincts show
that Lnnn had n not gain of 101
ovnr the vote for Boles for governor
last fall Ho carried hU own precinct bv 4lo. !
a nut gain of 'JiU. Lane also carried his op
ponent's precinct oy 13i5 , Hill having carried
it for the legislature last fall bv forty-ono.
It appeal's lo have been n landslide for Lauo
which Iho republicans weio not expecting.
Lane In an nrdont prohibitionist nnd will en
force the law. The entire republican ticket
is elected.
Uiiitqii : , la , April I.- The democrats
elected mayor , uudltor nnd four out of llvo
aldermen today. An Independent democrat
wus ejected us assessor. The city council
now stands nlno democrats ami biio Inde
pendent republican.
I'rHorriMl Death In Siekness.
D m\rouT : , la. , April 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bui : . | George Nelson , ngcd
(50 ( , wus found In his room nt Iho Sherman
house hero this morning hung with u rope.
Ho was 111 and despondent.
DrouniMl In tlm MlHs
CI.INTOX , la. , April I. 'Yulia Aliens , Lubbo
Groodo nnd n man named Lohtmiu , nil of
Fulton , III. , attempted Jo cross the Missis
sippi in n skiff. A hih wind upset the boat
and ull wcrodrownod.
.MnUrrn I'lijslclun Injured.
MM.vrnv , lu. , April 4. [ Special to Tun
Bpn.J Dr. S. F. Brothers fell from lib
buggy todny nnd broke his right cheek bone.
I im-Ht iKiitln ; ; the "SHi'iili'r" Synlein.
CllicMio , 111. , April 4. Tbo congressional
committee Iho "sweater"
InvostlgalinK sys
tem in the largo elites b"cnn won : here lo
day. Its members visited u number of
pluccj wbcro cigars are given out to bo made
in tenement IIOJSQI nnu cloaks to bo raado by
women nnd children in miserable hovels , anil
visited u number Of manufacturers under
this system , and startling testimony is ex
I'atal Klre al l.c
M.i : , Col. , April I. A lire attended
by fntnl results occurred hero yesterday.
The uiimonso boarding bouso owned bv Mrs.
Fitzgerald eauctit fire and wus entirely con
sumed. John Kearney , ono of the boarders ,
was ounied to death. John Noble was seri
ously burned. The llri slarled bv n inlner
leaving u candle burning which sot fire to
the canvas In bis room.
IMV.II. jiit
D. P. Galvau , ensilnoer of the gas works ,
is sick at the St. Joseph hospital.
Five bnlos of Havana jonf tobacco for
Kosunstock it Co. wcro received at the cus
tom hooso ycslorday morninir.
M. H. Jamison got iljhtinir drunk last
ni ht and struck Constublo J. F. Clapp In
the face. Jamison was locked up.
The lines collected in colico court for Iho
month of March amounted to Si'Jii ( , JustSIOd
moio than was collected in February.
On account of the absence of Mav or Bemis
nnd Mr. Hart man the tire and police commis
sioners did not hold their regular meeting
last cvcuiue.
Tbo W. A. Paso Soap company was yester
day awarded Iho contract lor furnishing
: Mi,000 pounds of laundry soap lor Ibo Depart
ment of the , Platle.
Edwin Jackson has ooen granted a divorce
by Judge Ferguson from hli wife Georgia
JacKson. The report , as published , was that
the decree hud boo-i granted to Mr ; . Jackson.
S. G Graves , who live ? out near the fort ,
started n lilllo familv row last evening and
threatened to shoot his vvifo. An onieer sent
Graves to the citv J ill ana his family rested
in peace the lomaindcrof Iho nipht.
Gcrt McCov , n petty thief and all'round
tough , was released from Jill KatiirJuv and
arrested njiain Sundav night. Juuga Borka
cave him thirty days on the hill , with n diet
of bread and water for U"clvo ot the days.
Cora Knbinson , whoso uddrojs Is civon as
1017 Chicago street , wus nrraitod yesterday
on complaint of Gartrudo Uflod for living
wilh Billy Wilde witnou' ( jouig through the
marriage'coremonj . The womin was ru-
loascd on bail.
\VbiIo workmen wore unloading a case
containing eight lariro plato gla s windows
in the roar of the ICcnnard Glass company
yesterday afternoon , the box fell , smashing
every plato into thnusinds of pieces. The
glass was worth about $ SO'J.
Gertrude A. U''ol caused the arrest of J.
M. Oaborn nml wlfo ye > tuntav for disturbing
Iho peace by throwing hcrsnlf and her offccts
into the s'.rcol. The n'roU v/as the icsult of
n noigl'boi'hood quarrel In which both parties
nra .said to bo ciinally lo blnmo.
,1. I' Preston of the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul force isn't womng hi * olhor overcoat
coat now. The garment .s probably deco
rating the form of the man who stn'o ' it Sun
day nUht , or urncing tbo reserve stock o
some dealer In second hand clothos.
, A mectlnir of the Live Issue tluu will beheld
held nl Iho Lin'nper art gallery \Vodnesdav
evening at7:1. : ) o'cloc.t. The executive com-
initico has arranged a novel pie rain for Iho
mnotinir and will relv upon n full attendance
of members for Its cucooisful consummailon.
Mussr.s. Iloplrlns anuSmilh Imvoopennda
btcnographlc olllco In room IDT , Ben buildii g.
This llrm is probably ibo bjit equipped for
ull kinds of shorthand work of anv In the
city. Their ofilce is richlv fiirnlshol and
they have provided themselves with iho host
typewriters nnd every adjunct of u complete
stonnsraphlc ofllc ? . Their buslntt s hai
crown so rapidly the pist year ihut belter
facilities bi'ii.imo init'railvo. | )
Police Olllccr Shoop. who fell down a
flight of Elixirs about tlio middle of February
and surioufilv inj'ircd ' his nirht hand , under
went u surgical opjivitio.i yuiturday ns u Itist
re.'ort. Tlio Injury has baan iiouiiig wono
Instead of hotter and It was feared that it
would lu nncoisary to nmputato the band
unless nomothliij ; was uono nt onco. The
har.d and wrist was cut open in four placet
and an immense amount of pus and dead
tendons taVcun out. Dr. SumtnuiM , who per
formed the operation , said that ho was In
hopes of ultimately saving the hand.
Where Have You Been !
Ill what part of the lialiitalilu pi oho docs
Hie Jive HJIOW riles without ntMreui or
. date , thus : "Iror tlm find time your Great
a Remedy ( or I'.iin ,
has been broufilit to my Xuottlcdffu j * '
/ < r Isthre .1 , vvoman or i.hllJ who
P docs not l.nnw that II rurra
5 Rheumatism , NcurnlQln ,
Sciatica , Lumbago , Sprains , Bruicea ,
* Cuts , Hurts , HeaJache , Toothache ,
Thousands tntUy that for nil Allies and
Palnj Us cure U Prompt anil Permanent.
_ niisi IMOR. ]
It turned to snow and comlmicifnll ilny'wltti
n strong wind , giving It the np
pcnrnnco of a , and shows no
.sign of stopping. The snow Is very iltnip
nnd felt to iho depth of over nlno Inches. Tii i
Ilrst train from Iho casi since Iho mottling ui
the 1st lust , passed today. There was no
snow fell here last WOOK during the N >
bniska norm , and all was calm until today.
Cold III Colorado.
DHSVKII , Colo. , April 4. A News special
from Julosburg , Colo. , says : Charles Kosou-
tiest , P. J. Gcrhnrt and Joseph Close , to-
collier with Uosonquost'a two daughters
have been temporarily living In n barn , awaiting -
ing the completion of their fa m bouso ,
which is being built mtlo <
from here. At , T o'clock this morn
ing n heavy wind blow the burn
over , carrUim It clear off iho eround for u
dlttmtcb of fifty foot , and , as tbo barn bad no
llnor It left the vlc'lms lying exposed lo thu
sovoilty of the storm , their bpds scattorol to
the winds and their ploilms lorn nway from
them , until finally the blinding snow covered
thorn In adrift.
At 'J o'clock In tbo afternoon iho slorin
stopped Just In llmo to suvu Iho lives of the
U\o girls , who worn carried to n lire behind
some boards and their suflctlngs niiovluteit.
The intense cold nnd ii-o froze their limbs ,
feet , and hands , but they will mi-over.
This last stern has been rnelntr here since
sunset Sunday. The loss of cattle and
horses Is great In the different parts "f thn
surrounding country. The Union Paeillo
trains nro bohliul lime , caused by u train off
the truck. It havlnx boon derailed by snow
drifts. No ono was injured In llio wroch.
\VlniU nnd XVutor.
Lnn.ii HOCK , Ark. , April 4. A severn
wind nnd rain storm passed over eastern ami
western Arkansas today doing much d imago
to buildings nnd crops. At Pine Bluff Uu
building In Cltloiis' park was dcmolisbol ,
nml so was thu colored Methodist church.
Several small houses were blown Inlo Iho
liver. At Lonoko nnd Carlisle lives
were uprooted and several faun houses do-
slrovcd. H. Hubert's house nt Cnrllslow.i *
among the number destroyed. It was split
into kindling wood by llio eycluno and his
wife's legs and arms i\eio broken.
Cabin croon , In Franklin county , on the
Little Hock & Fort Smith railroad , Is over
Us ban its. 1'ortlons of thu railway track
have boon washed awav and no Ir.ilns nv-
rlved there today. Thousands of feet of
lumber and many bales of rolton nro l)6lnj [
washed awav by the swollen streams.
llxprclcd n rji'lonr.
OTTUIWIn. . , April 4. There Is great
anxiety manifested here tonight over i ha
fact that the people uro fearful of a cyclone.
The Milwaukee olllcials bad orders Horn
Kansas City to lock eleven switches , cloju
nil box CUM , secure thorn firmly and sot all
brakes , ns Iho woalhor butoui predicted a
cycloiu * . A stilt gnlo adds to the ulurni.
K.illrimil 'I nilllc AlMiulonml.
MiN'Miu' , Minn. , April I. A storm n
prevailing ihrougLout Minnesota ami the
tViO Dakotas. In Minnesota llio slorm is
mostly rain , whllo in North and South Da
kota the rain has turned to damp snow
which , aided by a gale , is drifting in every
diivcllon , grnatly impjdiu ; railroad Irani .
At Ellcndalo all forms of locomotion cxcotil
podostrianism have been abandoned. In
many places seeding operations had begun
bv iho farmers , but the continuous rain has
nncps.sitnipd an indefinite postponement 111
the ground is too wot. There m ly bo
slight discomfort , ns the winter's supulv of
fuel is running short. Llvo stock in exposed
portions of the country will undoubtedly
sutler somewhat , but no material damuijo Is
expected. _
lilnnlni ; .1 C-iln In Drnvi-r.
Dnvvnit , Colo. , April 4. Hoports from
eastern Colorado show that n second bliz/urd
is racing. The Huilinston railroad is badly
blocked wltb snow between Curtis and Stur-
linjr , where it is cvpsctud that the roail will
bo cloareJ at a late hour tonlcrht. Tn Denver
the wind has boon blowing n gale nil div.
nnd indications are ibat a snow storm will
soon bo experienced.
Wheat ! ii-iiis rioodpil.
BfnuscTOV , la. , April 4. East night's
rain storm was terrific in southeastern IUWP.
A number of bridges were washed awav nti'l
wheat llelds llood < ; d.
Set nj/ ; . ail
the proper
tions ot vvomaii-
hoo'l. Dr. I'ici co's
Fnvorito 1'ro-
bcnption is tbo
lemcdy. It rcsu-
luloT nml pro
motes their uc-
tion , nml icmoves
the obstructions
nml suppressions
which pause trouble nnd misery. At the
t o crit..cul periods in n woman's life the
change from girlhood to womanhood , nml ,
Jntcr , the "change of life" it is n jieifcctly
safe nnd nn especially valuable icmodia
agent , that cnu produce only good results.
It's n powerful , invigorating tonic , nnd a
soothing and sticngtlicninj ; nervine ; n legiti
mate medicine jmrely veRctnble , perfectly
harmless nnd carefully adopted , by nn ex
perienced physician , to woman's deliwito
For nil the derangements , irregularities ,
and weaknesses iicculiar to the Bex , the
" Favorite I'icscnjition " is a remedy so cer
tain that it can bo guaranteed. If it does-n't
give satisfaction in every case , the money is
jcturiiod. No other medicine for vvomen it
* old in this way. No other medicine can Ixj.
Farnom Slreel
Anderson Unique Comedians
Miitinro Woilim il.iy.
lliVnil J'OlMTIjAH
Thiil/ir I
ollC.l Hlcilltr. | i'ltlUI- >
T/ireo Nijfits. Commencing Tluinila/ , Apr I 7.
MA i iNKJ * ATI'1MAY. '
l if a , i I'.xroilont ( luG
HLOl'Iil ) WIl'l
WON 13 I H U A N U
- \NIJ -
G rand Opera Houso.
Wl.liK III' Al'ltil. fill'
I. .ni/illrlo. tlio anzol of tlio air r.ll Itunun Iho
uti ! lul . M.uu. ! Hut Kt-rpllnn furluno llor I'.ipu-
nn I hl < I'lirliiiiiUMl nollv. llru lUUril * .i <
Ki rc-rrul' ' .VnMcnn axlilMI , JM H CIlHun's
la"lhJ Klnu" AiluiUil in Onu IHuiu
lri. I'Jc ' , llux BUJt > . ' . ' -c Uimii iinUf fruni I to
America QRAISLD Sweden
Scotland INTERNATIONAL Bohemia.
Germany Indians
t'oiimiciiri ! < „ ' liiril lilt'i , lit lXi > o llluu