Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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    < 3 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , Al'lllL 2 , 1892.
Resident * of Ncmalia Oounly Will Test tbo
Ilandlcy Bequest.
Inw SulU In theI'ntnllv Canned HIP 1 roulilo
How n 'ebrnska Tanner Itegnrds
tlio KrtortA to Outlier Agri
cultural StuUntlcs.
Ltscot.v , Nob. , April 1. ( Special to Tun
Unn. | The Hnndloy bequest of tGO,0X ( ) to
the Homo of the Friendless in this city Is not
to bo secured by that Institution without n
hotly contestcd'legal battle. Mrs. Hnudloy ,
the lady who bequeathed bar estate to the
homo , was for many years a resident of
Ncmahti county nnd hni n number ot rela
tives living there now. It is stated that ho
lias a number of sisters nt.d other relatives
who ant not In well-to-do circumstances , nnd
the contest wilt bo Instituted by these pnr-
tlo * .
Her husb nd , who died some years ago ,
was n successful business man , nnd upon his
death lolt his-cnUro ostnto to her. His rela
tives contested his will nnd succeeded In get
ting n largo share of it. Since that tlmo Mrs.
Hnndlv is Bald to bnvo been on unfriendly
terms with her relatives , and it IIIM long
been known that ho intended to dispose of
her propeity In such n manner that none of
It would co'to the parties she disliked so
heartily. Some tlmo ngo she adopted n boy
from the Homo of the Friendless nnd lias
always looked upon him as her ROII. She
was also fnr several years a member of the
board of managers and has always boon a
warm supporter of that Institution.
HIIJH It's > ono ot tlio Stnto'ri lliislnrsi.
Commissioner Andres received the follow
ing latter todav from n farmer , In response
to nn Inquiry ns to the cost of raising corn
In his county : "I pay 7 per cent on WOO. I
had my own kccd and don't ' know Its value.
I tended mv own corn. 1 kept no account of
rav tlmo. I cut my own com up. I can't
BOO what business It U to eny of you white-
shirt sharps what I raise or how much I
raise , ns long as 1 support myself nnd pay
my debts. I have no monny for ony of you
money sharps. I hopa I will never hero
Iroui nny of you sharps again , "
Notary I'ulillcs Commissioned.
Ton now commissions were signed for ns
ninny notary publics this morning. The list
Is ns"follows : S. W. Schooly. Co/ad ; J. A.
Chambers. Hermau ; G. L. Wood , Ponca ; J.
1 > . West , Erickson ; C. E. Cushman , Stroms-
burg ; C , II Keith , Lincoln ; Li. LI. Edwards ,
Hastings ; A. Merrlam , Crawford ; Benjamin
Lmdsoy , Pierce ; Charles A-ttschulcr , Alns-
State Ilnuso Ciosulp.
Hon. Leopold Huhn of Hastings Mas at the
eta'c housii this morning.
Poitmastor Warren ol Red Cloud was n
Governor Boyd started for Chlcneo thls _
afternoon , where he will deliver nn address
before tbo banquet of the IroquoU club.
But ono case was fllod with the clern ot
the supreme court today. It is entitled
McAuley against Cooley nnd comes from
Adams county.
Labor Commissioner Andres todny re
ceived notice that the next annual conven
tion of the National Association of Commis
sioners of Stnto Bureaus of Labor Statistics ,
of which ho is a in r in bo r , will bo held at
Denver May 24 to 23 inclusive.
Superintendent Goudy returned today
from Norfolk , where ho had been to attend
n meeting of the Northern Nebraska Teach
ers association. Last night's storm demol
ished a part of the church building in which
the association was holding its meeting nnd
nn adjournment taken until some tlmo
when the elements were not quito so en
Articles of Incorporation.
The Lawrence , Sweeney & Horn Live
Stoclc Commission company of South Omaha
was Incorporated todnv by T. II. Lawrence ,
A. J. Sweeney and J. P. Clarey , witn a capi
tal stock ol S'io.OOO.
The Fanners' Milling and Elevator com
pany of Madrid , Perkins county , Hied its
articles this afternoon. The capital stock Is
$10,000 nnd the incorporators nro A. Ellis , U.
L. Gardners , C. A. Bockut , M. Ellis , John
Purncll nnd Charles Purnoll.
Amended articles of incorporation of the
Windom bank of University Plnco wuro filed
with the secretary of slate this afternoon.
Itud I.lndscy'a Liquor License.
When the time comes for the granting of
saloon licenses in this city some lively times
nro expected over the application of Bud Lind-
BO.V. The law provides that U It shall bo sat
isfactorily proven that the applicant for n
license has been guilty of the violation of nny
of the provisions of chapter iiU of the com
piled statutes or of any law or ordinance
within the space of ono year prior to the d.ato
ho liios his application ho shall bo refused a
license. Lindsoy was n short time ago found
guilty of sclllnc liquor on an election day.
IIo was lined $100 , and In order to test the
case ho carried it to the supreme court. Ills
claim is that the law provides that saloons
shall close only upon tbo days when a gen
eral election Is to bo held.
Oiltls and Kmls.
The case of Mrs. Ann liana against the B.
& M. ualltond company was up before Judge
Hall todny. The plaintiff sues for 810.000
damages , which she claims to have received
In a runaway caused by the company's neg-
llponco und carelessness.
County Attorney Sncll this morning fllod
Information ngainst James Caunoy , George
MotRouort Shepherd and Marshall Rich
ardson. The former is charged with robbery
and the latter tnreo with grand larceny.
Frank Rocko was lined this morning lor
slapping the face of Hulda Scbroedcr and
calling her names that are not in vogue in se
lect Eocioty circles. The row grow out of a
neighborhood quarrel.
General Van Wyck Is In the city.
SujiiiIK'K for Nliito Institutions.
The Board of Purchase and Supplies hold
an all day session todny to open bids for
furnishing supplies to the various stnto Insti
tutions. The following is a list of the suc
cessful bidders ;
Insane hospital at Norfolk : Coal , II. T ,
Shannon ; moats , Fred Knro ; dry goods ,
Johnson Dry Goods company ; drugs , l > J.
Kudiso ; Hour , Burcuard , Bridges < S : Co. ;
groceries , Raymond Bros ,
Iiibnno asylum , Lincoln : Flour. F. S.
Johnson ; butter , J.'M. Belts ; drugs , Shil
ling Bros , ; paints nnd oils , Shlllins Bros. ;
dry goods , Bloch & IColin ; moat , Hubbard
Bros. ; groceries , C. H. Rhomau ; coal , While-
breast Coal company.
Home for the Friendless , Lincoln : Coal ,
\Vhltebrenst Coal company.
Blind Asylum , Nebraska City : CJroreriea ,
Dunn & Coleman ; meat , M. Gardner ; tux-nil ,
T. Woberlng ; Ice , G. W. Leldieh : coal ,
Incurable Insane , Hastings : Dry goods ,
AVolbach & Brasch ; coal , Hastings Fuel com
pany ; oread , Jacob Fisher ; Hour , Hastings'
mills ; meat , Doyen .t Kolph ; drugs , Hurst
& Co. ; groceries , F , J. Bonodlct.
Soldiers and bailers Home , Grand IMand :
Drugs , H , D , Hoyden ; meats. Fry & Cor
nelius ; clothing , S. Wolbach ; groceries , H.
B. Kerr ; coal , R , T. Shannon ; Hour , Henry
Glade & Co.
Institute for Donf nnd Dumb , Omaha :
Urocoiloa , Courtrlght & Co. ; coal , J. Bed
ford ; drugs. J. U. Fuller it Co. ; paints and
oiU , J. U. Fuller & Co. ; meat , S. Dreifuss ;
bread , Otto Wagner ; dry goods , Huydou
Industrial Homo , Mil ford : Groceries , W ,
T. Orcutt ; dry goods. W , T. Orcutt ; boots
nnd shoes , W. T , Orcutt ; meat , W. E. Dan
iels ; Hour , F. S. Johnson ; coal , G. A.
Institute for feeble Minded , Beatrice :
Groceries , Emit Lang ; coal. M. T. Cum-
inings ; meat , J , J. bkow ; bread , Briuker
Girl's ' Industrial school , Geneva : Flour ,
Geneva Rolling mills ; groceries , Mohrman
&Ahrons ; dry goods , Mohrmau & Aurons ;
co l , F. F , Boats & Co.
State Industrial school , Kearney ; giocer-
lei , J , N , Wright ; coal , G. H , Downing ;
Hour , Kearney Milling company.
Rev. J. V Burko. Maron , Ga. , says. : .1
1 nye four Br 'Ivcrotlnoan Infallible and al
most luM nt cure 'or headache.
IVnccil la tlio Clty'n Property ,
Street jCoimnlialoncr Winspoar yesterday
finished hi * fencing and discharged the
twenty-two men who bavo been lu his employ ,
At a result of tbo work Mr , Winspcar bai
fenced In 200 noroi of bottom land which ho
ins ttikon possession of In the nnmo of tbo
Itrgulntlons Wlilrh tVIM Oo\crn the Nat -
t tonal Contrnt.
Slnco the establishment In the J'nxton
block of the headquarters of the National
Competitive Drill association Secretory John
E. Altchlson Is receiving many loiters of In
quiry regarding the oncnrr.pmont which U to
bo hold nt the old fair grounds In Juno. The
Inquiries como from the various military
organizations of tlio country and from several
of the adjutant gonoials of different states.
Tbo Uclknap Hillos of 'loxas nnd the
Branch Guards of St. Louis , the best two
companies In the United States , have already
tnndo application to bo entered In the com
petitive drills. Of course , dozens of other
companies have made application to compete
for the generous prizes offered by Omaha ,
but the two mentioned nro the craclc teams
of the entire country , ana ono or the other
keeps possession ol tbo great Galveston cup.
This prlzo Is considered by military com
panies as the greatest that can ba won.
Now .rules and regulations which have re
cently been adopted for military tactics will
govern the contest at the oncampmont.
Ciiinp ItiilrA ,
The camp regulations for companies nro as
follows :
All commands nro requested to enter camp
Sunday , Juno 12 , nnd will bo required to enter
camp not later than IS o'clock noon , Mondny
Juno li ) , and to remain until the end of the
encampment , unless sooner relieved by the
camp commandant , nnd special exceptions
may bo made only by the oRlccrs of the asso
ciation yr commandant of camp for such rea
sons ns they may deem Imperative.
Onicors will furnish to , the secretary a
roster of all thu oniccrs and men of their
commands , nnd n list of all the employ-is nnd ]
servants ; end they nro o podnlly nnd ur
gently requested to furnish said rostsr not
Inter than May 15 , 1SIU.
All companies will bo organized bat
talions nnd regiments.
All orgnnl7uttons will bo required to par
ticipate In such inspections , reviews , dross
parades and other ceremonies ns may bo or
dered by the commandant of thtt camp.
Non-competing squads of nny number of
men from nny military orcanl/ntlon , under
the command of a commissioned ollleer , will
bo received In the camp precisely ns compet
ing companies , und will bu expected to do
guard duty If called on , nnd will take part In
reviews , dross pnradcs , etc.
No other soldiers than these referred to
will bo permitted in camp or allowed to puss
camp bounas on nny pretext whatever , ex
cept on business , or when vouched for by an
ofllcor of the companies In camp.
All odlcors nnd .soldiers belonging to the
camp , In regular uniform , will , of course , ho
allowed frco Ingress nnd egress at nil times ,
under such laws nnd regulations as the com
mandant of camp or the association may pre
Commanding officers will bo required to
have their quarters policed dally , and will beheld
held responsible for tbo behavior of their
men whllo In camp , and nil individuals nnd
organizations will bo required to perform
such camp duties as may oo ordered by the
commandant of camp so lar ns tboy may bo
consistent with tactics and rcgulationn nnd
customs of service of the United States
llulos for the Drill.
The rules for the drill nro hero appended :
All Infantry organizations shall drill
strictly in accordance with the now urill
regulations approved by the secretary of
war September-J8 , 1801.
The time allowed each company for com
petitive drill will bo forty-livo minutes ,
counting from the time the llrst movement
on the program is commenced by the com
pany , credit to bo given each company for
tlrao saved.
Inspection of companies will bo hold in the
morning , and companies will drill without
Tbo program fnr infantry companies mav
embrace nny movement in the school of the
soldlor , squad or company , excluding bayo
net exercises und extended order drill.
The junges will bo competent United States
army otlicorsilto will malio the program ,
and the program of drill for pri/os In all
classes except the rouavo class will bo
handed commanding ofllcors one hour botoro
the tlmo for their respeotivo commands to
drill , and the commissioned ofllcors , non
commissioned ofllcers ana privntcs of such
companies will not bo allowed to witness the
drill of companies prior to their own , and
must pledge themselves neither to cive nor
rccoi\o any information relative to contents
of said program until the drill is over , and
at the completion of his drill the captain of
encli company will return his program to the
Commands must report ten minutes before
the tlmo of drill , rain or stilne , and these fall
ing to do so will have lost tlmo deducted
from time allowed to drill.
Commanders of companies competing for
the grand national infantry pries will not bo
permitted to drill tholr commands in practice
drills during the encampment ( prior to the
time for entering the Held for compolition ) ,
oxuopt for one hour immediately succeeding
dismissal of dress parade , and then only on
the regular parade grounds. The manual of
arms may bo practiced at any time. All
companies competing for grand national in
fantry pri/es will be considered ns pledged
on tholr honor to observe this requirement.
In making up tbolrscoro on inspection of
arms , Judges will take into consideration ago
and condition of guns and equipment when
received bv organlatlon. ( This rule is
adopted owing to some of the companies hav
ing received old guns nnd equipment which
were in bad ahapo at tbo time of their Issuo. )
Artillery nnilouuo Drills.
Drill for artillery will bo In the manual
and meohanlcnl movements pertaining to the
soctlon , and will embrace the command ,
"mount aud dismount piece nnd carriage. "
nnd fire two rounds of blank cartridges.
Bach gun detachment shall consist of ton
men , rank and Hie. Sabro oxorclso oxcludod.
The arm used shall bo the muzzle-loading
Held pteco , of the slzo applicable to bo drawn
by four horses , und shall bo with gun , Um
ber and caisson ,
The drill will Do by program , and ofllcers
of artillery will bo subject to the sarao regu
lations us infantry ofllcers regarding compe
titive drill.
Drill of section to include drill at and with
piece , such ns chancing posts , limbering and
nnllmbering , tiring ; In fuel nil movements
that can bo mndo without the complement of
horses. Drill with diminished numbers , the
cannoneers to bo fallen out , to bo selected bv
the Judges. The original gunner can ho re
tained. Taking part , dismounting , remount
ing nnd assembling tbo piece. Gun detach
ment to coiibist of not loss than seven men.
Gun dotnchments to bring tholr own ploco
nnd 1,000 rounds of blank cartridges suitable
for lirlng in their piece.
Zouavo drill will bo covorned by same
ru us as these made for infantry , except ns
to tactics. General military uppoaranco
quickness In execution and work distinctly
zounvo , will bo considered in awarding
The object of tbo National Competitive
Drill association Is tbo elevation of the stan
dard of the military companies of tbo United
States. All soldiers will appreciate the no-
proclato the necessity and Importance of a
correct military discipline in u came so largo
ns thib will bo nnd will cheerfullv do all In
tholr power to advance taoobjcct'of the as
sociation , At the snmo tlmo , they noea have
no apprehension that there will bo anything
ofn innrtlnot seventy , or anything , lit tact
more than U strictly essential for the govern
ment of so largo u oody of troops when la
catno together.
In view of the many companies coming In
and the difficulty of providing for thu in at u
late date , no outrloi will bo received after
May 1.
Omahri comnressou yonst strictly pure
Ji R. Fnrnam's DoatU Results from a
Rithor Peculiar Oauso.
to Cntch Ills lint AVIilcli tlio Wliul
I.lltcil from Ills Hcnil , II Tuinblcil
to the Stone
nnd Died.
J. U. Parnnra was riding on the rear end
of a Sixteenth street motor car yesterday
afternoon nnd when near NlnotoentU nnd
Cumlng streets his hnt blow off. In attempt-
Inc. t ° Crab his tile , F.irnam lost his balance
nnd fell over backwards , strlKlng his head on
the stone pavement between the car tracks ,
The injured man was carried Into a store
hoar by nnd u physician summoned. Far
nam remained unconscious for nearly half
nn hour. The patrol wagon was sent for and
convoyed him to his homo , 14iJ ! North
Twenty-third street , whcro the doctor In ill-
tcndancomado an examination ,
Everything possible was done for the suf
ferer , but In spite of medical treatment Far-
nan died ut 7:30 : o'clock.
Ho was a very heavy man , weighing nearly
250 pounds , and his fall must hnvo been a
very hard ono. Dr. Davis said that his pa
tient died from concussion of the brain. Alnul was notified nnd investi
gated the caso. IIo examined the only cyo
witness to the accident and decided that an
inquest was not necessary.
Not So Itiul After All.
E. V. Wood of MoKoo's Uoclis , Allegheny
county , Pa. , In spoalclnt ? to a traveling man
of Chamberlain's modlclnns said : "I recom
mend them above all others. I have used
thorn myself and know thorn to bo reliable.
I always guarantee thorn to iny customers
nnd hu"vo never had a bottle returned. " Mr.
Wood had hardlv flnlshoJ speaking , when a
Httlo girl came In the store with nil empty
Inboled "Chamberlain's Pain
bottle. It was ,
Bnlm. " The traveler was Interested , ns
there was certainly n bottle coming back ,
but wnttod to hoar what tbo lutlo girl said.
It was ai follows : ' 'Mamma wants another
botttobf that medicine ; she savs it is the
best medicine for rheumatism shoovor used. '
CO-ceiit bottles for sale by druggists.
MlsblUo In the TIcltrlH.
It was discovered last night that there was
n doled In the potitioi.s fllod by the candi
dates for the school board on the citizens'
ticitet , which raised a question as. to the le
gality of their candidacy. The candidates
are Fred Pearl.V. . B. Chcok nnd Ivor
Thomas. Two of them are to bo elected for
three years and the third for ono year.
Through some oversight the term was not
mentioned in the petitions and it was claimed
by their opponents that the omission inval
idates the petitions , and that ull votes cast
for them could bo contested and thrown out.
The candidates thomsolvo's vrero not qulto
sure thut tnls Is the case , but obtained n
special order from Judge Eller to cover the
deficiency , nnd last night notlco was served
on the citv clerk by n bailiff from Juilgo
Eller's ofllco to put the names on the ticket.
Very I'ltsuiaiit Soclnl.
The Ladies' Aid society of the First Presbyterian -
bytorian church gave a very ctijoyablo maple
sugar festival and tnusicalo in tbo E gors
block last evening. There was a largo at
tendance and the affair netted a considerable
sum , which will bo applied on the cuuich
debt.Tho program was of cxcootlonal merit ,
some of the best musical talent of' the city
participating. Mrs. E. J. Sekora gave a
piano solo. Miss Susie Do Grott a character
recitation and Mrs. Dan Sullivan a dialect
recitation. Dr. Berwick and Sigmund Lous-
bprg contributed two piano ducts and re
sponded to an oncoro. A harmonica solo by
Mr. Abbott was well rendered , as was nlso n
song with guitar accompaniment by Mr. G.
II. Sutherland. J. O. Corloy contributed
n song nnd Misses Funnlo Slabaugh
and May Robinson , n pair of very small
young people , gave recitations which com
pared favorably with the efforts of their
Notoi nnil I'ursunals.
Todav is the last day of registration.
J. L. Carey of Ponder was in tno city
J. M. Callahan of Muscauno , la , , is visit
ing Mosu Hedmond.
Mr ? . E. J. Vaughn of Fremont is the guest
of her son , C. C. Vaughn.
Mrs. David Andarson is quito ill at her
residence , Twenty-fifth and M streets.
Inspector Howard condemned nnd killed
twenty-six lump Jawed cattle during March.
There will do a special mooting of the Live
Stock Exchanjro at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
Arthur E. Burn ham nnd Miss Sadie James ,
both of this city , have taken out n marriage
Miss Ncllio Khodes of Pittsburg , Pa. , is
the guest of her cousin , Mrs. A. L. Bishop ,
of this city.
H. L. Moore of Hlckman nnd George StockIng -
Ing of Wahoo were among the visitors in the
Magio City yesterday.
The republican primaries for the purpose
of electing de-legates to the county conven
tion will bo held April 31.
Harry Dunbar of Kaltunazoo , Mich. , is vis
iting his sistur , Mrs. D. S. Pinnoy. IIo will
probably romaiu In the city permanently.
Al Cmigbey of the StocKman loft yesterday
for Atlantic , In. , where ho will spend Sun
day with his family , who are visiting thoro.
The mooting of the Epworth league of the
First Methodist church which was to have
been hold last night was postponed for ono
The April Fool joker was nn unknown
quantity in South Omaha , yostorduy. Tno
average Joker had enough to do to kcop his
bat on ,
The Uuautauqua Litornry and Scientific
Circle will meet next Tuesday evening nt the
residence ) of Mr. nnd Mrs..W. J. Temple ,
Twenty-fourth aud N streets ,
There will bo an Important mooting of
Robert Livingston post , Grand Army of the
Republic , Monday inglit. The members of
the Woman's Hollef corps are also requested
to bu present.
E. J. Freeman , telegraph operator at the
Exchange building , died at bis home , Twonty.
lirst and I streets , yesterday morning of con
sumption. The funeral arrangements huvo
not boon decided on ,
Mr. Thomas Wfialon ontortalnod a number
of bin friends from Oraabn and South Omaha
at his rostdenco , Twentieth and Drown
streets , Thursday evening. The occasion
was in honor of bh1st birthday ,
Constable Martin of Wahoo arrived in tha
city last night and will return this morning ,
taking with him Ed Fitzgerald , who is
wanted for breaking into n U. As M. box cur
and stealing a quantity of clothing valued ut
C. M. Snnford runs a grocery at Thirty-
llrst and R streets , Johu Hawkins is ono of
Ills customers. Mr. Hawkins obtained a
warrant for San ford'a arrest yesterday for
assault nnd buttery. According to his story ,
Han ford bit him with a weight.
That cough of yours can bo shopped surely ,
quickly , by Plso's Uuro for Consumption ,
i'leasant , effective. 25c. All druggists.
Ono Muii Illuivn to Atoma ,
PoTrsviu.c , Pa. , April 1 , The mixing
of Homes 40 Years the Standard
houio of the National Dynamite and PotvJor
company nt Fcrnndnn b'low up todny , The
explosion left mliMo fifty fcot square In tlio
earth. Loss ,
t\ Close Cat I.
Air. J. P. Dlnlra , an extensive real estate
donlor In this city ; narrowly escaped ono of
the * ovotcst attacks of pneumonia whllo In
the northern part-of the state during the recent -
cent bliz7ard. Mr. lilalzo had occasion to
Uilvo several tntld * during the storm and was
so thoroughly clilllcd that ho was iinnblo to
get warm , nnil Insldo of an hour after his re
turn ho was threatened with n severe case of
pneumonia , or Ions lover. Mr. Hlalza soit :
to the nearest drue store mut pot a bottle of
Chamboriam's Couch Karaedy , of which ho
had otton heard , nnil took a number of largo
doses. Ho sajs the effect wai wonderful
nnd that In n short tlmo ho was oronthlng
qulto easily. Ho kept on taking tha modiclno
nnd the next day was able to coma to DCS
Moinos. Mr. Ululza regards his euro ns sim
ply wonderful , ind says ho will never travel
ngnln without n bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Uetncdy. The ( Dcs Moines , lown )
Saturday Koviow. 'Jo and 50 cent Dottles for
salu by druggists.
JM.V/C itujniKits . .uit.1 / / iirr .
They Secure n Nc-it Sum of Mimcy at
Jllrny , Wl .
Ei.uorVU. . , April 1. About 1 o'clock
yesterday morning ; the Hunk of Klroy , owned
by ndmuud Hart , was robbed of ever $1,500 ,
of which $ J,4UO was In gold , about t33J lu
bllvor and the b.ilanco In p.-tpsr. The bank
is centrally situated , about a block from tha
depot , where there are always about twonty-
flvoman nil mnlit , but none of thorn hoarder
or saw nnvlhlng unusual during the tlmo
the robary Is supposal .to have tike i place.
The burgl. r.j gutnoJ. an entrance to the
banlc by prylug opoti the front door with n
pickax , which they took from a blacksmith
shop nuar by , together with n number of
other tools. After ( jotting Insldo tha buildIng -
Ing thov drlllnd u hole In the vault door
near the combination and by the tiso
of an cxplustvo they toro the com
bination ofT , giving them access to the In
terior of the vault. Inside the vault there
was a largo safe , which they opened i'l the
same wav. The cishbox wai tusido another
combination , which was blown to atoms.
Thopaperi , deeds , notes , mortgages , bonds
ntid other vnluabln Securities were thrown
promiscuously about the vault , some of
thorn being turn to shreds. The cloclc stands
directly over the vault door , nnd It Is sup
posed the jir of the firU explosion stopped
it. The hanus pointed to exactly 1 o'clock.
Will Nut Orlpplu tint limit.
The damage to the vault nnd safe will
reach , 1,000ind will temporarily embiir.iss
the transaction of business , as it is the only
bank in the city. The financial los \\lll not
Incunvonlcnce ilio bank , and the depositors
will lo-to nothliitt. The bink is capitalized nt
? 'JOOJ. ) and Its book ! snow deposits of about
The robbery was lirjt discovered by
Oashlor Ocorpo Clark when bo wont to the
bank yoitcrdiiy morning nt 7 o'clock. The
no\\s of the burtrlarv soon spread unit * busi
ness was almost suspended during the day in
The cashier had qulto a collection of rare
cuias which wcro uilcon and which ho can
iduntlfv. There was nUo ono bill which IIP
had murkcd in a peculiar manner , nnd
which if found will iilTord a clew to Ih3
tnieves. There Was also stolen from the
vault a gold wiilch belonging to the
Catholic priest nt Kendall. The bank ollicer ?
have the numbers of the movements nnd the
case.Tbo burplurs left pieces of their tools in
the vnult , and irom their npponramo it is
thought thut the Jou was done by oxpsrts.
There is only ono passenger -train leaving
here between 1 o'clock and morning , which
is the 'Nonh ' western limited , -going south , at
'iKt , and railroad man report that several
en wcro seen boarding that train between
the engine und the express oar. Pnlluo
ofiiclals all over the state bavo been notificJ
and are on the outlook for the robbers.
-t 'A MJ story. j
Thcffd is n , rumor floating nbout in
fashionable circles that , if true , will
oatiso quite a sonsition in bocioiy's four
hundred. Dame Rumen1 has it that u
well known young1 man of good family.
n , sociuty swell , in faot : i protojro of
AVnrd McAllister has eloped with a
young Indy connected with the theatri
cal profession. It seems they became
acquainted while the young lady was
filling an engagement at 'one of the
theaters some time ago. A regular cor
respondence has boon kept up binco , and
the climax of this love affair was
reached when the Indy returned hero
and the young man , rather than risk
thi i-onsentof his father , eloped. Watch
Sunday's paper. The Mystery explained.
To tlio Hot Springs ol Arkaiis it Vl'i the
Vt'iib'isli IC'Ulro.ul.
On April 7 and 8 the Wabish will sell
round trip tickets at above rate , good
returning until May 10. April 12 the
government will commence sale at auc
tion of town lots from the reservation.
Only 157 hours from Omaha to the springs
via tlio Wabnsh. For tickets , sleeping
car accommodations and u map showing
location of the property to bo sold , with
description of the springs , call at Wa
bnsh ollico. 1502 Farnam street , or write
G. N. Clayton , N. W.1J. . AgU , Omaha
C. D. Woodwortli & Co. , successors to
Welly & Guy , 131U Farnam street , man
ufacturer : ) and dealers in harness , sad
dles , etc.
Tlio MortKHK" Kccoril.
Tnn records In the oftlco of the county clerk
show the following chattel mortgage trans
actions during the month of March ;
Mortgages riled , Sit , SliJO.rr' : ) .
Mortgages released , U7U , J7t)7S. ) ! )
Dr. CuUlinoro , ocuusc. Uoa building
ffutlces nf flw Itnti or le.ii uul'rilili hM.lflflj
cents : caclutitJltl mill lint ten emit.
HAU Dr. Henry. Thursday March III. iit4iO : :
li in , , nt Ills ri'slduni'O , ' . ' ' Hiunov snout ,
1'nnoral Sunday morning at 1U o'clock from
lamlly rc.slUenco.
- 5
Dizziness , cr'IMmmlng In the HcaJ , Wind ,
Pan ! , and Spins at tha Stomach , Pains in
lha Back , Crawl , and flying Pains In the
Body , nheuma&m , etc ,
_ Take four , fcrc or even six of Beccham's '
< > rills , nml in imtecasti tut cfltnthey will \
J , ftt-t rtlitj , * Entity . ; , tutet ; for Ilio pills .
, i will go dircuilir.nj remove the cause , the '
1 \eautt \ being no-more nor less than wind , ;
S together WitlnpoiEonous and nonlousa - 1
2 pours , ana sometimes unwholesome food *
Olall druxRutc. Price 2t centsa box.
New yittk Depot , 365 Canal St.
Persons vrlio linyo lost property from Indian
nuds should Ilio tliulr.clulms inulur tha Indian
Dcpra laUon Act of .Maroh'l , 18 I , Tlio tlinoU
limited , an 1 tlio claims uro tukon up by tha
rourtiii thoorJiirlu wliluh they uru roolvul.
Tale Notice that all contract * tnitero'l ' into
with attorney * prior to tha Ait arj ina-l >
null auJ volJ. Information ghou unJ all
claims promptly uttouilcj to by thu
HiO Uee anllillny.
F # Thls Iliiresu Is guarantee ! by the
Oimilm lire , the I'ionocr I'rcss uuJ tlio Ban
Frauclfcco Examiner.
Tor.nriiiff Disease of llkoil nnil Skin.
Many Doctor * Fall. Cured bjr
tlio Cutlciifn ll'ino llc .
Ihi\Ton l ! or IroubVil witli blooil or Vln rtlp o
It commenced tilict nboiit ono rent old. Wo woiiM
try onoitoilar mil then another , uml It conoi1 Ilko
llicy woroKint to eel HI ot It.Micn thowoiill
commence , they mill sayltlspa y ilrlot up unit
cnrcil , but nt lat thpy wouM IRit cotiM not bo
cnrpil. It run on nboitt two ycsr . Wo tin I trie.1 nil
the iloclnrs nrouml , nml the ; hlid fnlloil. 1 n v your
ndvcrtl cmcnt In Iho piper , nmt wtolo you for il
tdlotunnt you sonlmcn copy of jour bonk ntonco.
\Vothcn ot OlTlcflu Ut.ui.iucs nml oil It. It
ilrloil up Ilio < oro9 n nl litaol thorn up ruht nwny.
HorfRo , lion Ian t | n'ts ul tier boily wcro n folM
tc b. The viny It would coinincneo It wiull rnlsc n
snin'l tump iindor the skin , then bocimo n unmll pirn-
plo nnit Ittltcil so Hint Mieunt no ro t ululit or ilny ,
mill she woilil B'ifito'.i them , nil yellow mntter
woiihl CDJIO out of thoni nn I they noulil keep
RprpnillnUHhd itrhltiR. 1 nm Hire from nhnt t Know
ofthoCl'Tlrunt HnMl.niM. they nrj Iho be t mo II-
tInm fc r scrofuln , or bloo.t or kl i ill cii e < Hint nny
01ICCIU1U9C. ( iioi : u : 0. ( jAitro.v ,
II'u ' t P. I it , loollo.1 Co. , low.i
Cuticura Remedies
Tlio o iinti'inl tfftlmoiilili tell His turof
Rrmt pliyMcnlsiiiTcrliiK.iif iixmtnlniiKiil'h , tiy renon
of liiiiullatln illsiliz ration . nml of thrcntpuul ilan-
Konlinpnlly unit n'e-Mlly ' oiilol , by NIC I'rrtrt IM
Itcut mi's , the uro.Urst ! ? kl i Ciirc . lllojl I'lirlrlrri
n'lil Humor llcmoillci tliu norlit lias cvi-rkno n.
CUTK UIIA HI : OI.VI\T : the ni"v IllooJ nnd
. ' ' , . " /"lur Intel nitliy no v erinsa the blood
of nil Impurities and DO'SOIIOIIS olmni'tits ) ,
und I'UTicuitA. the SUIn Cure , nml Pirn-
' ' " " ? . ' , ' ' 1't < | ulsltu Skin I'uilllcr. mill
Hoautllli-r cxtvririliy ( to elunt llio riln and
H nil ) nnd rostoru the linli ) . euic-u\ory disease
mid huinor of the skin , bdilp , uml blooillth
loss or hair , from Infancy to apo. from iiltuplcs
to Mirofiiln.licn llni best phvslclans hospi
tals , nnd till other tcincdlos fill I.
. .F'-'y fywIierp , 1'rlcc. Ct'Ticru \ . Me ; SOAV , SV-i
TorTMl DllflANl )
Skin Il ) > cn c , ' ' Cl
PIM 1CS , blaik-itii ! | , rut , rotiKh , chapped und
ully Bkln ciiriMl b ) Ct'TICl'llA boAl' .
I'Ats' IM.AOIPK r llovi. rluMiiuntlc
arJntk' , lilp , hlJnc ) , IIIUH uurunil ilu > ? t
pilns. 'Iboilrclaml o.ily Inttniiinncuus
' U pla tor.
! W&SY & M Y08J 1
Do you Icnoxv'tlcnt a Httlo
Is a dnnecronrj tlltii1
V/ill Stop a Cough at any time
and Cure the worst Cold in
twelve hours. A 25 Cent bottle
may save you $ .100 In Doctor's
billa may save your life. AGU
Dr. Acker's English Pills
BmalT. plcnuutit. n Invnrlle with Iho Indie * .
W. U. 1IOOKEH & CO . it AVfrt llroadway , K. Y.
For sale by Kukri & Co. , find Sherman
& MoUonnell , Omahn.
Dr , Bailey ,
The rt
Third Floor. P ton Blos'c.
Telephone 1085. l th nml r miam SK
A lull m of teeth on rutbcrlor f5. ' ' " //"J / " '
Tt'i'tli Million ! iilutea or ii-movable .
J Vt lliu tllll , lei . { IBM. or.utlle | i-.Caki.r. | . uem-
All Hlllni : nt rfOBonnti'i ) rate , nll work nrjnotcil
Cut tbU out for
" 111 Prompt ri'llct-Lastlns Curo. I
I IILiL > will bund ( scaled ) free to any , su-
AlinV r prescription to ciilurgu
I'llUL ll "auk purls nml tpuudlly
1 1 Illl r oura lost manhood cinlBsloiit. .
UVIILi vnrlfoculo anil iiiip' " ° "oy
A 1'ohltlvo Iteuiucly. Address with utump
DAVID U. EMMET , liox Kll , TOI-J.IU , KA.NS.
* TheNebraskayoubet ! I used to go to some
hat store , buy a hat with some swell hat mak
ers name on the inside , plank down five big , ?
hard earned dollars and walk out into the cold
world under the impression that everybody
was admiring me and my new hat. I'm wiser
now. I go to the Nebraska Clothing Company ,
buya "Nebraska" hat , put up three dollars
and walk out under just as good a hat as I ever
wore. Another thing , I can always get a
shape to suit mo. . "
We do sell as good a hat for three dollars
as any frvTe dollar hat that ever was made. The
stock is there the linings are there the trim
mings are there it's all there but the two doK * *
lars we save you. This saving not only applies
to the best hat made ( the "Nebraska" three
dollar hat ) but it applies to low and medium
priced goods as well. For instance , we sell a
derby hat for seventy-five cents and another
one for a dollar. You'll wear out a pair of' * "
shoes hunting a hat store that sells the same
qualities under a dollar fifty and two dollars
Perhaps you've no idea of the stock of hats
we carry. It's great. We carry all shapes , aU _
" "
shades , all colors , all qualities. "When you
come to us for a hat you can buy a hat to suit
you. You're the man to ' be suited. All we
\va nt is "to"please you ( and to make a few shil
lings to buy bread with ) . Our full spring stock
of "Nebraska" hats is now open.
Soft Hats , SOc , $1 , $1.8O , $1.78 , $2 , $2.28 ,
$2.3O and $3.OO.
Stiff Hats , 7Sc , $1 , $1.28$1.SO , $1.9O , $2.25 ,
$2.SO and $3.OO.
Boys' Hats , 3Sc , 48c , 6Oc , 78c , 90c , $1.29
and $1.4O.
Crushers , 68c , 88c and $1.28. / A
Open Till 8 p. m. Saturdays , 1O p. m
THs is whcrovo bottle and soil more water Ihnn was ovur bottled by any
American Spring Water Company :
And yet to-day , March 10th , 1S92vo , have on the books bona-fiilo orders for
moro-wutcr than wo can bottle in thirty dnys. If any ono doubts this , wo will pub-
libh absolute proof of the truth of our claim.
This is why the market is flooded with imitations that are
"superior to Londonderry , " the first natural sparkling Ifthia
water ever offered to the public.
Tlio Now York Medical Tlmoa says editorially :
' 'Tho Lithiu Spring , situated in Londondoriy , Now Hampshire , which has become -
como so widely and popularly known to the profession , has recently doubled its
carncity for bottling this excellent mineral water , by enlarging its works at
"Tho writer visited both the spring and bottle establishment the past summer ,
and was surprised to hear of the quantity of water which was being shlppad. Thu
profession and the public have learned to look upon this water as a specific
in many ailments to which the human body is heir , hence the great demand which
it , made for it all-over the country. Now York City and Chicago being the
largest distributing points.
"Thcso waters arc almost universally prescribed now in rheumatism of all
"It is well known that the skin and kidneys must perform their normal func
tions in order to have health , and these llthla waters are of the greatest service
in this direction. It is to their dim-otic properties that wo o\vo \ so much of their
ssrvico in the treatment of affections of the kidneys , bladder and urotha , parti
cularly when caused by calculi , whether of the lithic or uric acid variety.
"Tho cliniquo has not only demonstrated the solvent value of lithia waters in
thcso greatly dreaded cases , but has shown the power to change the diathesis and
parjnnnently euro the condition upon which it depends. It has also shown that
Ijithia in solution as Nature has proviJcd , is practically botiar than any the
chomibt has yet mauo. "
For Sale by all Druggists and Grocers.
CHARLES B , PERKINS & CO. , 36 K'lby ' St. , Boston , Mass , , Selling Agls ,
Paxton & Gallagher , Distributing Agents for Omaha.
The best whiskey for consumptives and
invalids mast sjrely bo the most whole
some for thobc who use it as a beverage.
is the best for all purposes , because it is
guaranteed to bo absolutely pure and
doubly matured. You may know it by its
delicious flavor end the proprietary bottle
in which it is served. Call for "Crtam
J'tireR ) e" and take no other. For sale at all
first-class drinking places and drug stores.
3 DALLEMAND & CO , Chicago.
Army and
' s in the Regi a r Wrm
and Sailors , Seamen and Mar
ines in the United Slates Navy ,
since the War of the Rebellion ,
who have been discharged from
the service on account
abilities incurred therein while
in the line of duty , ara
Entitled to Pension
at the same rates and un.ler tha
some conditions as parsons ren
dering the sani3 service during
the War of the Rebellion ,
except that they ara not entitled
under the now law or act of
Juno I > 7 , 189O.
Such persons re also entitled
ts pension whether discharged
rom the service on ac count o
disability or by reason of expir
ation of term of service , if ,
whllo in the service and line
of duty , they incurred onv
wound , injury or disease winch
still disables them for manual
labor ,
] Vi do w s c i.d C h licit ( i\ \ >
of persons rendering service
the regular army and navy
Since the War are
Entitled to Pension.
If the death ofthosoldler wasdu
to liis service , or occurred whila
ho was in the service.
Parents of Soldiers & Sailors
dying in the United States ser-
vica since the War of the Hebcl-
llon , or after discharge from thoj ,
service , from a cause original
ing therein , leaving no widowl
or child under the age of sixteen |
years , ara entitled to pension if
now dependent upon their own
labor for support , whether the
soldier ever contributed to their
support or they were department
upon him at the tlmo of J * 3
death or not. *
As to title to pension , AUUUESS
Bee BieaT'of Claims