Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 THE OMAHA D VILY B15E : SATURDAY , APKIL 2 , 1802.
Supply of Cattle Bather Small anil of
Inferior Quality.
Shipping nnil Kxpnrt lluyorfiatitcl Clond
llcitty Ntutk nnil I'M til Well for Anj-
tliliiK III Tlmt l.lnc t.lttto of In-
tcrest In Triinimctlniis.
OMAHA , April l.-Kccolpti for five dnys foot
Op 10,027 cullte , 1D.4 C > hoje. ' . ' ,470 sheep , ilHiilnst
12,0'Jl cuttle. 1T.M2 lie s. 4,023 shce | > , the satiio
fHodnyi lust week.
The supply of cuttlo wns rather smnll nnd
Old not Itioluilo a creat many rcullv do lrahlo
bcovei. So far this week thcro his been n. f.tll-
InR olT In rocolptt cnmpnroil with last wcok of
tbout S.OOO head. The tntirkot continues 1110-
Botonoiisly steady nnd prices for the cntlro
nook have not varied rnotisli to quote. Blilu-
plim nnd export buyers wanted peed heavy
cattle nnd paid Hi in prices fur wlint feu wcro
liero nnd would ha\u honpht more linil they
been on s > ale. Tht-ro was nl o u fa r demand
from local killers for cattle of tills L-r.idu Un
the medliiiii and common caltlo the loual
liii ) en had U all lo thcmiulroi nnd wcro pen-
rrnlly Inclined to bid u llttlo louir than
Tlniisdny. 'Iho limited demand for foeden
nl o had it depressing Inllitcncu on the ItRhtor
crndcH of inttlo and iirlcvs shaded lower.
' ] radlnu as iiece s.irlly on the dull order but
n fulr clcarnticu wni oirocted. Uood 1'J'il to
l.W ) ) ] ) ( ) niii ( itiors told at from $ iu" to HOi.
fair to t-ood i.uu to 1'Jiia uoiiiid stcurs ut from
| L : to ? .ri > . with tommon llclit stnll , largely
odd buiiuhfs , nl from i I "U to i I.IW.
The morodoslrablo aradesof co s anil holf-
ers cold al steady to stroni : pilces. Ordinary
Rrudrn veto nut iiiolably | lrnliro\rd. ( ! oed
lock bold from } 'J.Tu to tl.lj. fair to t-'oml from
12,11) ) tojidl and riinncr * . ns usual , from $1.41
to 12 ( )0. ) Hulls , o\en and stag's were In fair de
mand nnd llrm al troni J..PO to JJtO C.iHes
were iiMHtly Lommon nnd htoiighl about
steady prkti nl from $ .1.00 to $1 00.
( Hookers nnd ferdi'ri were blowe-xlont pilccs
f > e to llin loner than Thursday nnd lie lower
than Wednesday. Thurowas u very limited
ilomnnd , nnd tliu supnly belnj ; rather llhoial ,
bnyersiould chonpen up M-'iy successfully.
Iteprcseul.itlto sales :
y. . 024 a 10
1 cow nnd calf tiO 00
I cow nnil calf 28 OJ
1 springer 28 00
1 springer 30 CO
lions Tboro wns u fnlrly active IIOR mar
ket with prices ranging from steady to 5o
blcbcr timti Tluirsclny. sblppurs wnntcd good
boss ot nil \volebts , nnd Ibcro wns n ery fair
Inquiry for lights ntul butcburH from the fresb Undo. Good 181 lo 1(15 ( Ib. IIOKS sold
Inrgoly ul from { 1.50 to $4 53 or slcndy
to htroni ; prices. Thcso wuro moslly
lortcd. the thiououts. s usual , scll-
Inz ul from $4 10 to { 425. Common , hoa\y
and mixed puckers so d most , nt 14.43 or
stoiidy to 5o higher tbnn Tbiirhdny. Fomo
prlu o he.i\y hogs topped iho nuirkcl nl $4.0) .
and some > cry common ho.ivy loads reslcd
flrmly on bottom prices , ul II 4i ) to Jl 4. " J. The
market linpro\ed us Iho moriiln. ndvnncud ,
some of the hogs tolllnnrolty close to 5c
tilKhei thnn tbo curly niornliiK sales. K\eiy-
thlnK cluuiseii hands In peed so ison. Iho bulk
of the sales nt from $4.45 lo f4.iO ! iiKiilnsllfl.40
to Sl.r.0'1 luiraday , the meiiiRoof prices ] iilil :
. ) S1 iiKiilust 4.47 Thursday and $4.47
Siir.KiKceulpts were llglil null tbonmrkc
quolnbly luiuliuiiireil. I'uir to coed nulUci
from f4 50 lo 15 50 , fair to good westurnu froir
W.lO toW.75 , cuminim mul hlock Blaep fron
t.,53 to SI 0 > , coed to ebolco forty lo iilnuty
puuiul lambs fiom JI.W tolfa.50 ,
Itcei'lptt mul DUpimltlou iifSturli.
Hoi'uliilH ut llio Union Stock y inU , Koutl
Oinuli i. Neb , for llio iwenly-foitt buurs eiur
* tog ul 5 o'clock p , ID. , April 1 , IblU
Can Ulead I Cur [ llead Curs Illenil Cam lie-ill
E9 ] 20 ? ; IS I GiO
1'nckem' ruriliium for Miirch ,
Tbo folldwlni ? tublo eUes tbo inirclinsca r
cattle , bops nnd blieop on tbU niuikol b
puvUcrs und oilier bujers llio uusl inuntli :
Ajilll Tool Cuiiio III tbo AVny ufhoino Hi
Oiurtun , III. , April J. Whip-saw wn 111
countorsln toduv In the Khoil pit. UUIK
euro rnoiis ) ) April fool market for seine ot It
bit : bouses nn well as tbo sunlperb. There wt
ucliuiiKcof ncnrly''cln tbo prices In less Ilia
t o bours. TbU c\cnliu an
every aitlclo on the list tbovs a
advance ovci tea prkei cunei
twenty-four liours ago. But
oiionoil o weak n to boioml-p in cky , The
heavy ckuliu Instnuht nnd iho depression
which socinud to pcrviulo thowhont maruct
broil lit In n peed many sclltri and iho mar
ket win from So to 1'Jo lowers Mny soiling nt
from "Hi : to7'o HI about Iho same moment.
Hut the local sentiment wns very atroiu nnd
the ottering * wcro rapidly absorbed und thcro
wns on uns.ttlsflcd urccd for more ,
fcoon the selling fever wtis over nnd bids
were r.ipldly roallrod. 'I ho prlco
tout hod lu'lo.entoir somj. but thcnrnlllol
to70.Vcnnd nt \ o'elock was n limit 79'ic. '
Cables were decidedly woikor nnd from Id to
IHd low or , but the export mnvonicnt was Inlr
nnd the deiuMiil for cash was reported
nclho nt nearly nil outside points and prices
cencriilly iiiotud | nt a Inrxo premium over
flay. Thl < n as p irlleularly tbo cnso at St.
l.ouis iind Now Vork , and to Chlca'.oans indl-
catod light slocks of cish and iire.itly
ationglhencd the L-nnlhlonco of holders. It
WIIH also said tint the wo itbcr had been such
in .North Dukoti ns to nearly destroy 801.000
to 10.nco.OUJ bu , ot the whcM which left In
shock or stack last winter. There was also
.oiiio tilk of a cold \\n\u which was gradu-illy
working Its way Into the winter wheat bolt.
The market wns generally regarded as
over-sold , Considering the sic idy dcollno
which had taken pluco during the
lust fowwoks and the indications that the
liquidation h'ld been \cry complete and th it
llttlo was left to comu out , the bhorls
wuro onslly frUlitonoit and when iho biivlug
shoucn uctUlty , nun \lcor thcv
quickly tin to cover. I ojan. Limsoti llros.
Aillmlnc-tlodman , fcchwnrt7-liipeo and
neuily all the prl\.ilo wlro houses were nc-
tl\o bii } uts Duller boiuht hni\llv e irly.
presumably for I'nidtldce , I'll.In : all ho ( .mild
KCI under 58i' , and Lester bought generously
for Now Vork.
During the hist hour whoilliad a weak turn
and EO d oft to 7Uo for May and there reslcd
awhllo. tutor there > v is n sb iru spurt on
homo bolter eablcs and lar o liuvlnir by [ imm
inent houses , with Lo an In iho lead , and
under ( onsldcrauto oxciiomoiit these sold lo
8l > j orS'so above the low prlco early , iho clos-
liu was llrm at 79s c hid , Uiiooxplan itlon of
Iho rumarKablo reto\try In wheat la that u
lot of Gi.OU bu was wanted hi-ro for ex
port ; 4I.OJJ bu. of 11 as No 2
spilnc. thu rcmuhidrr red of various grades.
An elevator proprietor WIIH also ( piotod as
ulborlty for llio slatPincnl that orders wcro
Biroled hero ted .y for o\cr fO , OJJ bu of
e ulnr No.'Jsprliu , bul It was wantol at Uo
cr bu. under May prlco and not an elevator
inn In Lhli ii''O would soil except al
iroiiilum 'I liuro Is much otlrliHllv regarding
lodgoV coming report of the April
ondltlon ot winter who it. opln-
on serins to favor some Improvement
i pun Iho Nl 3 stilus of the pl-int ns it went
nlo winter quarters M. J lltixbairn , wherein
rein InOng gtiessi.l ( usnctlj Del o's e tl-
ualo of llio ( iiiiintltyof vshont In farmers'
imN Is thoiiKlit to bo nblo to ro id Iho mind
f the Washington stntisllclan , Is rcuortrd ns
lying ho expects the forth"omln statement
oslicnv iho condition of 87 and a f motion ,
jr o Smith Irul .i LUorpool e iblo reading :
DcprcssiMl nnd lower owlus to Amoilean au-
vh es ; olhcrwlso position strong. "
In tliu i urn niaikcl Iho bulls are said to bo
ifliT I'nrdriilce. who is roporlcd as bulng
iiiavlly shor * . 'Iho ebnmplon shorl clliT Is
repot ted lo bo less Lonlldcnl ot his abllliy In
opo with the lorn crowd than with the pco-
> lo In the wheat pit Tbo m irKct opcnul
vi"ik and 'io lower In svmpithy with the du-
irt'sslon al the .sumo tlnio in wheat. The
udden lecoxorv in the latlor Ind tin Im-
' .cdlalo similar cllect upon corn ,
thlch after selling momonlarlly ' u
iclow the openlnx prlco , btucrdu
'roin Iho low polnl and after .1 whllo liumui-d
Isclf ngaln , celling Its up to from 4) ) 0
o 40'aO on the lallcroccna on , after h.nliiu
icen to I'.l'ic ' near the oucnlug. Tlic ollerlnpa
vcro light and It took but llttlo buying to put
bo prlco up.
Outs showed llttlo Independence of fooling
and on important Ir.idliifr Undiluted with
vheat and corn , cln&ln. ; al from Jto to Uu
ilirlicr yeslerday.
Tbo pnnlslon market In a general way fol-
owed the Muctuations In grain The trniisao-
lens were at the lowest pilejs of tliu ( Jay and
llioolosln rates wcro the highest , Mitchell
ind llolmholtzoro \lgorous buyers In Iho
nlercatof Wright , it was s.ild. 1'ork opened
T'jO hlghor ; 1 ird is up 74o and ribs lOc.
Tbo estimated receipts lor tomorrow are : , 101 cars ; corn , "JO cars ; oats , l.Oc.irs ;
OKH , 1.1.0JU.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
AHTHI KS ci osr. man. lou. OPLN.
iVlIKAr .N'o 2
April S 71 ! S 79 / /
Jlny SOKi
July 78H
: otiu No. 2
31"/ / ; SSH
Ma > I'l'l
.lu no
OATS No. 2
May 5SM 28C M
June 27 > s
Mfss roiiK
Mny 10 1TH 10 tO 10 17h 10 40
July 1037H 10 55 1037M
I.Altn -
Mny. C2o 0274 I , 25 c no
July 6 jiB I ) 374 G 40
blioitT IIIlls
Mny B CS 5 72K fK b 72M
July . ' .SO 687 ft tO S 67M
Cnbb ( juoiallonscro as follows :
1'i.oUK Qulot ; prices Irregular and In favor
of bii } crs
WHEAT No. 2 spring wheat , 78'4c ; No. 3
sprln. f. o b , 74ffi74'8c : No 2 red. 84'.ic.
CoilN No 2 , U'lUc : No. 3 , 37i4J73BC.
OATS No. 2 , I8e : No. 2 while , f. o. b . 31"c ;
No. II while. 88@3 j.
HVE-No 3. 7"ic.
HAltr.m No. 2. 52cj No. 3 , f. o. b , 4C52c ;
No 4 f , o. b. 3Giilbc. (
1'r.Ax SKFD No. I , 07' c.
TIMOTIIV hEUli 1'rlnio , J1.221.23.
1'oilK $10..7 > i10.aO ; luia , J026:7'5 ' ; ribs.
$3 ( > 7'iWi.70 : shoulders , 84.73S5 OOj short clear
sides , KUUKQ'l % '
WHISKY ti. 11.
SUOAKS Unchinccd : cutlonf , 8335l4c ; pran-
ulalcd , 4 iU ; stumlar.l "A4"ic.
Ht'colpts and bhljimcnls today were as fol
lows :
Oinnlri I'roduco .Murkot.
HIDFS No. 1 crccu s iltod hides , 41il'to ' :
No 2 green salted lililua. : : ' -ilije : No 1 J.TCCII
bides. 2i to 4J Ibs. 3l'o : No. 2 green
hides. 23 to 4D Ibs , ' . ' ® Ji'8c ; No. 1 vcnl
enlf. b to lr > Ibs . ( , e ; No. . ' vo il c ilf , 8 to 15 Iba ,
4c : No 1 dry Hint h'dcs. 78o : No. J dry Hint
hlilCH. "itt'iu ' : No. I dry b ilto I hides , 530u Tal
low , No I , : i'ilc ' ! tillott.No 2. 3'je : gro isc ,
wlilto A , 4t' ! rense , whllo H. ; iJ5Ql' ej KIC.ISO ,
yellow , Jos Bioiiho , dink , 2'jc ; old bultcr , ' . ' ©
2'4e ' : beeswax , prime , IGcs rough tallow , iyt
KniiiTB C illfornli Klvorsldo or uisos , $2,750
3.00 : WnhhloKton nu\o s. $4 UO1.3 ; choice nii-
plcs , W in : clioUo .omoii" , SI ( X ) ; fnnoy lemons ,
Jl5 ® I M : b iiunuH , ciatod , $ , ' .00i4..50 ; cran
berries , Khlpn'ng btooU. bubliel boxes , JJ.2.3 ;
strawberries , 4 lo ( it i riorldi tomatoes , 1053 ©
7 OOpererutii of hlx uaskots.
VinKTAiu.hs Puncy Mtihcntlne sweet pota
toes. JJ W,7A ; * oed swcol potnloos , $ . ' loa ' . , ' 5 ;
California uablnigc , ' 'Ho per Hi. In crates ;
homo ciown lettuce , 40o per iloz. ; 0110110.
DOcSJI.O ) per bu. : Nebraska ImndpleUed
bo , ins , $ l,75ftl.83 ! ; medium , 31 5jt.UO ; Cali
fornia co. ery , $ ' OJi Colorado and wcslein
NobinsUa polatoea , 33c ; natlxo polatocs , 20 ®
23t ; lima Icuns , 4o per Ib. ; water cross.
J4-it , ruse : ! . rJiiOlli ! port. | ; spinach , K'.IK ' ) per
bin , ; HpanlHh onions. il5i } pcrcratoi radishes ,
40 ; rutabagas , J1.73 per bbl. ; nou turnips , 60o
per do/ ,
I.odGonornl imirltet ,
lIUTTCit-A liiro proportion of tbo receipts
gent IML'Jiu ; kolcetcd lots in u small way to
the. iel ill Irado al'.oQ"c. )
I'owi.THV < 3ood dicHsed chickens , lOttllc ;
tin keys , llQnc.
U \Mb The innrKot Is glutted with ducks
and prices are most too demoralized to 0,11010.
Kiuisax City ,
KANS\S Cnv. Mi ) , April 1. WIIRAT Dull
and nominal ; No. 2 haul , cash , 7.lic ! ; No. 2
rod. hKbh.'o. %
Cons Kxtramuly dull ; No. 2 mixed , 3Jo ! ;
No. 2 white , : i5c ,
ovrt 'ti'iidy ; No.2niUcd , 27iQ27J4o ! ; No. 2
white , SiJie.
iuilU ( irnlii
. . Minn , , April l-\ViiEAT-
May oiii'iioil nt 7)\e ) , a'lviincod stoudlly to
T UCitnon wont lo'te. the oloilna point. Cash ,
iintl , 0. , April 1. WIIKAT Tinner
No. ' . ' red. UOe.
COIIN I'irm ; No. 2 mixed , 40JU o.
UAI > Ilurelv bteudy ; No. 2ml\od , Me.
Toll-ill ) ( iniln Miirltct. O , , April 1. WHUAT Higher , No. 2
CUbh ,
.s - btc.uly ; No 2 , casli , 40c.
UAibQalei ; cash , 3Jc.
l.Hcrpuol .Markets.
Ii\Eiirooi. , April 1. WIIISAT Kasyj tlcnianil
COMN Qulot ; demand poor.
STOCK * AM ) lid.NDS.
Tradcri A ( ill In Tri'uteil to homo D
IlIK IlllllK'llCI' ,
Ntw VOHK , April 1. Thu slock market to.
dujr was tioatod to another ( Uuircssliu Inllii-
oncolntho bhupoof tbo renewal of t ho out-
wurd mokcnient of fold , but the nuriouiicsi
of the speculation nnd tliu rcmurkiiblo tenuc.
lly with which blocks uro hold pro\cntid iinj
material dccllno outildu of tbo few MocUi
nLlch ro itlll subject to tpeculatlve ) n >
flticnocs. The announcement , wbllo not
nnronsotriblf. WHS ut lonst uticxjiccted ,
Unit a lurpo sb pnient of ( .old win
lIUcIv tomorrow , wni intlckly fo lowed by tbo
iinmiiiticfiiipnt that tbo coin had uctn illy
been cnjjnpcd. The effect was to check the
sIlRbl up ar1 movement In proiross In tbo
tcncrui list nnd to Intensify the wonkness of
tbotuo o krjt stock ? .Now 1. inland nil I
Hiitfnr. lo nos iimoii : the other pro-nlnont
stocks , linwovci , I'ttcndod to 1 per cent mid
o\oi , tbo temper of Iho doallius boliu "it
BOIIIO time ( kcldoJIy wcik. The most dis-
rouratiliiK tliliift to the bulls , ho cjcr , ivns
tVio ultcr fnlluro of the mnrkol to rally elToc
tUoly , nnd especially I" these stocks which
nro known to bo subject to boar attacks fiom
tiny to ( Hy. . . . , .
In roznrd to Pnstir nnd Now nnsland. Ibcro
was mi news of ah iraclor lo b no nny poll-
tlvu Inllticnco upon thorn. Amoiu the rest of
the list 1. ilto bhoro nnd .Ml soiirl I'nclllo
showed most wc'ikncss. lhouili Houllnt catiiu
naaln tot bo front and scorol n dccllno on u
lare hdsliip' . ! ' The dlsDiiisemontu for Inter
est ilh Idotidsdtirln ? the dny were not offset
by tin ) shipments of coUl , nnd will o there
\\cro \ boino nllorts loco\cr shot Is In thu nf tor-
noon. they \\ero of llttlo olTVot nnd oven
M.inlinttiin lost n portion of Us Inlo siibst in-
tlal iKhnnco. The tr.ullns In llio Into dcul-
Inps wns llcht but no material recovery took
11 1 n CD and thomirkot llnnlly cloned dull but
lie ivy and nt or no u the lowest prices of the
day. 'Iho uuioral market throughout WHS
dull nnd fluctuated within Iho usual narrow
llmlls and nliho Inclined to advance Jusi
nftLrtho oueiiln ? . yioldoa tolnlliienco of thu
cold shipmcius and foil nwny below the
open i n , ! urlces. The . Until . . chnnges . . . . are Itnnr- . .
' - - - -
lably Inssc * . the most Important union : which
\.oto i Now Kti lainl. 3' , per ci-nt ; bilgar"t
'cut ' ; Iakn Hlioro nnd HcadliU cncli 1'i '
percent : J/ncifnuinifi. Missouri I'nolllo oath"
) ! i percent : nnil Union I'nclllc , Atchlson and
Manh'tttin each 1 per cent. ,
The following nro the eloslns nuotntlons for
thu lo iillng slocks on the Now Vork btoe.t e\-
change today :
' bid
riiiunclul Kuviow.
NBW YOIIK , April 1. In rorard ; to today's
sluiimentof sold to Europe , the 1'ost s.iys :
1'no ICIIUWH ! of cold experts to Kuropo
uno\iccted and banco wns of uncommon
viiluo .is a lnu'ahoo for profession il spoeula-
tors Exclianccs woroboiow iho normal cold
sh pp nuolnt. . bin Ihoy tire no lower than
ihev wore , while last month's shipments of
i .OJO.OOJ were Roln out. So fir as U
s a moro qno'tllon of moiioy supply , Ihcro it
10 reason lo suppose thai a , very much 1 ir or
nitllow wou'd bo foil at all In our in irKct.
Jnr city b inks now hold In npcclo and le al
tender neatly Jl.liOJ.OiO moro th in a ye ir nuo
uit ( It Is no\\ becoming moro nnd moro ( II1II-
cnlt to put out this surplus any u hero In
loins. Unfortunately the cloirln. ; bouse
does not distinguish In Its weekly reports
the kind of money hold by the banks. The
comp irison s tboroforo unsitlsfaotory. for It
cannot bo lo irncd how much of the > oars' In
creased surplus consists In silver currency. A
vaxuo fear ib il wo are sending cold to the
foreigners while repl.ic.iiu Itvith new slher
currency. Is the one ro isonablo crotiuJ of un-
oublncss at the gold exports.
York Mono } Market.
NEW YOIIK. April I. MO.NEV o.v CAtt ,
Hiisy. at l'/i tu 8 per cent ; last loan U per cent , ;
closed olTorod ul2 par cent.
1'imiK MKItOANTir.E I'APEll tQO DOT CCIlt ,
bTMIMMl r\CIIANOB : Qlllot , mill llrm at
for sixty day bills : uU Jl.Si'i for du-
mand ,
The closing quotnllons on bonds :
1 Notoj.
NKW YOIIK. April 1. Money closed oasv ;
b-u sllver.H'Uo.
\\AMIIMITOV , O C. , April 1. Offers of slh or
to the tio.isuiu $ 4"i03 ounces. ; amount
purchased , IU3.UOO ounces at $ .S7SO to I 8753.
Chic.iKO I.Uo Stoek.
CuiCAfio. 111. . April 1. [ Special To'ogram lo
Tin : llKi.l : Thcra .is no radical change
today In prices of c ittle. Tlio nrirk-l wns
Him mid nothing moreIt was quiet .ind ll
took sullcrh iho iireilur parl of iho dny to
i mptv tno lions CoHsand holfors wcro sil-
ublo : il Itl 25 lo ? I.LO for Inferior lo exlra ijtinll-
t\ca \ , nnd Ihcio were sales of
bulls nl SI. 3) to $ .17) . The r nzo of
v. ilucs for drob cd lout bhipplu ;
and oxporlstcors was $1.13ai.10. There wcro
oMiemcly few tnides atovur tl 30 , und otny u
few hnndrod ho id chiinuod hands holow i ! 2r ,
Iho pi-ovailim ; prices being $ . ' .2J.UO ( ! fet cons
und bulls , and WUViil , n for atuors hto-Kers
und feodcrs wcro In peed daniuiitlntjl'3&.l75.
The general murko ! c'osod stoudy.
lions The m irkct lil.-hoi nnd EOIIIC-
wh.HONcltoJ. so a mnincd falling elf In the
rctolpts was entirely unllniod , and thoio
alivuly hcr.imblo union , ' hnyora to socnro
iht'lr shares The comiiotlllon was
so sharp mat prices at once cllmbc'l to f4 IK )
or choice huavv. and medium wnl.'Mts sold ul
Ifllljfof cho'co 10 fancy light. Them ucrd
Instances \\liciu ho/s hold Ilo higher
yi-htcrdny nnd the advance wns a gooJ. louna
lUc. The liens nero emptied In ( jiuuk ordnr.
nn I the oloso wns llrm at from fi.VJ to tt.W for
hoavv and medium wo'ghi and fiom II. U to
tl.h'll for light. Very llttlo of the ( lay's work
u an done below 11.75 , the popular prices being
vt 83.
The niimborof hheop hero today was small ,
but did not fall so far short of meeting the
demand us to m.iko ll possible for sellers to
KHII | any material advance. Trading HI us on
a bus a of $4.75 lo $1.70 for poor to extra Hicop.
and * 1.SO to S7.00 for lambs.
Uouolpts were ; C.iUlo , 7,000 ; liogs , J7.030 ;
bhcep , 4.00U.
Ciiiuioo. III. . April I. Outllc. receipts 7,100 ;
qulot. Good to piimo steers. W.7.X ! ( ) : others ,
W .ioa'l.7.1 ; stockers , t-.UKaj.3 ; cowo , ( l.2Mf..u\
lions Heeoipls. 17,00) ) ; slron ; higher.
roiu-li packers , fL7.Viil.23 ; mixed paokcrp.
{ I fi3tt4.i3 ; prime heavy and bnlchers'
welghlf. 4l.Suffll.Wi light , Jl.8X4l.OJ ; pigs ,
biiKEi1 KecolptB. 6'M ; stron ; to hUhor ;
is and yoarllnth. } 000S ( t > o ; inl\od. 4 > . &o
westerns. 43 OOffiO. I ) ; lambs , fl.UOdO.lU.
Kans is Cily I.Uo Stock .Mnrkiit.
CITV , Mo. April I , OA-m.B Ito-
cclpts , J.'lW ; hblpnicnlH , I.UOJ ; bteor-i were
itroii.nnd higher nt J-U'Sil 2J ; hlockers and
feeders hUher ut $ J.G3CGfiO ; cows sie.idy in
} l 41KTM40.
llilh ItocclptH , 0200 ; Bblpinents , 4,200 ; niur-
kulbtrong iina hUbur ; extreme ran o , t.i.7)45 ;
ill1 , _
St. I.oulii I.lxo Stock Market.
RT. I.outs. Mo , April I. OATTC-E Kecelpts ,
1,000 head ; hblpmcntH. 1,0 0 bond ; hteady ; fair
to choke native hti'ors. } .JU.I.5J ; Tuxan und
Indian uttuirs. i. WdW U ) .
linns Hecelpts , 4 , Oi head ; sblpini'iits , : PO
liead ; blghor ; heavy , tl.7i4 4 BJ ; mixed , JI.1K2
4,70 ; light , $1.00 4.70.
No Tiill I.eiiKtli l-ortrult for Him ,
ThuuKorny wna not n vum mnn , and he
dlbliked vanity in othort ) , und iniulo it
hlu btibjcct of ridluulo und Barcasm , BU S
the Cleveland Loader ,
After lonu pleading his family Induced
him to have his portrait piiintud , anil
I.awronco. a famous London nrtibt , gludl.v
undertook the tusk.
Soon iiiTcr the pleturo wns completed
Thaeltcray ehnneed to bo dlnln ; , ' at hit
club , uhcti a pompous olllcor of tin
guurdb stoicd ) bebldo iho table and said :
"Haw , Tlmc'Uoiay old boy , J hoar Luw
ronco has boon painting your portrait * "
"So ho has. " was the response.
"Full lengthy
'No ; full length portraits nro for sol
that wo may BOO their spurs ,
Hut the other end of the man is tin
prlnciprl thing with authors , " eaii
How Saul * AnthVs Thousands Bosoiged a
Terns Hn-.ilful.
TheI.iiiR TFrrlfilnVlglit tlmt Kmlnl In tliu
Slaughter ( if Ciiptiiln Tr.uli , tuy
Croci < rtt'olohrt Itnulivmd Itcry
.Man ot Their Couip "lions.
San Antonio Is the oldest ot Texas
cities , mul possesses historical and
picturesque- show places which in any
other country but our own wuulil bo vis
ited by Innumerable American tourists
pton.ircil to fall do vn mid worship ,
writes Itiuhiml HarJiiifr D.xvls In Iltir-
ror's weekly. The Alamo la to the
southwest what Independence hill is to
the United States , and Bunker Hill to
the I it ; but the prldo of it belong to
every , whether ho lives in
Texas or in Maine. The battle of the
Alamo was the event ot the greatest
moment in the w.u * between Mexico and
the Texans , when Santiv Anna was
prasldent , anil the Texans wore lighting
for their independence And the stone
bulldinp to which the .Mexicans laid
siege , and In which the battle was
fought , stands today facing a plazn In
the cantor of San Anlonio.
There are hideous wooden structures
around it , and othort not bo hideous-
modern hotels and the now postotllce , on
which the mortar is hardly yet dry. lint
in spite of thcbo the prace anil dlprnUy the
monks gave it in 1771 raise it above these
modern ellorts Unit tower above it n id
dwarf them.
On the 2t d of February , 1820 , General
Santa Anna himself , with -1,000 Mexican
soldieid , matched into the town ot San
Antonio. In the old mission of tliu
Alamo wore the town's only defendo.'s ,
145 men , under Caplain Travis , a young
man 28 yeais old. With him wore
Davy Ciockett , who had crossed over
ftom his own btito to help those who
were freeing thcits , and Colonel Bowie
( who gave his name to a knife , which
name our government gave later to a
fort ) , who was woundeil and lying on a
Their fortress and quarters and maga
zine was the mission , their artiilory ,
font teen mounted pieces , but there was
little ammunition. S inta Anna de
manded unconditional surrender , and
the answar was ton days of dogged defense -
fenso , nnd skirmishes by day and sorties
for food and water by night. The Mex
icans lost hea\ily dui ing the first days
of the siege , but iiol one inside of the
Alamo was icillod. Early in the weak
Travib had dispatched courieis for help ,
ind the defenders of the mission wore
ivlng In the houa of rc-enforccmontb ,
but four days passed and neither cour
iers returned nor ro-onforcoments came.
: } ti the fourth 'day Colonel Funnin with
JO ! ) men and fqUr pieces of artillery
started forth ftotn Goliad , but put back
again for want of food and lack ot teams.
The garrison of the Alamo never knew
of this. On the 1st ot March Captain
John W. Smith , who has found teams ,
nnd who has found tations , brings an of
fering of thitty-two men from Gon/.alcs ,
and leads them f safely into thq fort.
They have coma with forced marches to
their ovii graves ; but neither do they
know that , and the garrison , now 172
strong , against 4,000 Moxicanscontinues ,
its desperate sorties and its desperate
On the 3J of March , 1830 , there was a
cessation in the bombardment , and Cap
tain Travis drew his men up into hinglo
tank and takes his place in front of
Ho tells them that ho has deceived
them with hopes of reinforcements , false
hopes b ised on false promises of help
from the outside , but ho docs not blame
those who failed him , ho makes excuses
for them , thcv have tried to reach him ,
no doubt , but hao been killed on the way.
Sidney Lanier quotes this excusing of
those who had debortoil him at the very
threshold of death as best showing the
fineness of Tnu is , find the noet who has
judged the soldier so truly has touched
here one ot the stiongest points of this
btory of great he'oism.
C iptain Travis tolls them that all that
remains to them is the choice of their
death , and that they ha\o but to decide
in which manner of dying they will best
servo their country. They can surren
der and be shot down motcilosbly , they
can make a sot tie and bo butchered before -
fore they lime gained twenty yards , or
ihoy can die fighting to the last , and
killing thuir enemies until that hist
Ilo gave them their choice , and then
stooping , draws a line witli the print , of
his hword in the giound from the loft to
the right of the rank.
'And , novv , " ItosajK , "every man who
is determined to remain hero and to die
with mo will come to mo actoss that
line. "
Taploy Holland was the li st to cross.
Ho jumped it witli a bound , a though it
were a Rubicon. "I am icady to die for
my country , " ho said.
And then all but one man , named
Rose , marched over to the other side.
Colonel Bowie , lying wounded in his cot ,
raised lunibolf on his elbow. "J3o.\s , "
ho said , don't leave mo. Won't some of
you carry mo acrossi1"
And those of the sick who could walk
rose ftom the bunks and tottoicd across
the line ; ami thoxo who could not walk
were carried. Rose , who could speak
Spanish , trusted to this chance to cs-
cano , and scaling the wall of the Alumo ,
dropped into twitch on the other bide ,
nnd crawled , hidden by the eaotu-i , into
n plnco of fuifo'ty. Through him wo
know what happened bofote that final
day came. Ho had his reward.
Three days after this , on the morning
ot the Oth 'frf1 March , S.tnta Anna
brought fon\nrl all of his infantrybup-
ported by liiagnynlry , and stormed the
foitrcjs. Thounftiitij came up on ovoiy
side at once pfy long black solid rows ,
bearing the bCaling ladders buforo them ,
and oncouragqij by the pret'B of trroat
numbers nbont them.
Hut the bauahnsido the mission drove
thorn back , and those who hold the ladders -
dors dropped'vlfein ' on the ground and
ran against the bayonets of their com
rades. A soqgnd time thuy charged into
lite line of outlets , and a second time
they fell back jlbaving ne many dead at
the foot of the ladders as thoioueio
btanding at bay within ttio walls. Hut
lit the third trial the ladders ate plant
ed , and Mexicans after Mexicans bcalu
them and jump down into the pit iiibido ,
hundreds and hundreds of thorn to hemet
met with bullets awl then with bayonet
thrubts. nnd at lust with desperate
swinging of the butt , until
the llttlo band grows binnller
andscakor and is driven u ]
and about and beaten down and stainpcil
beneath the woightof overwholmingant
unending number : ) . They die lighting
on their knocB , hacking up dctmoralcl
a Ihoy are beaten and pinned down by
a doze'n bayonets , liuirio leaning on his
elbow and fhooting from his cot , Crock
otifighting like a panther In the nnglc
of the church wall , and Tiavls with If *
buck against the wall to the west. The
ITiJmen who had held 4,000 men at baj
fpr two Bleoplebs weeks uro > wept nwti'
BB a ilumgocd tni'.t has bold back a I.cod
ind the Mexicans open the church doors
rein the Inside nnd lot in their comindos
mil the sunshine tlmt shows them horrid
icaps of 622 dead Mexicans and 6-0 more
rounded ,
There nro no woundeil among the Texans -
ans ; of the 172 who wore In the Alamo
hero nro 172 dead.
With an example llko this to follow it
vas not dilllcult to gnin the independ
ence of Texas , nnd whenever Sam
loiihton roJo bofoio his men crying ,
'Komembor the Alnmol" the battle was
Uroady half won.
It was not n cry wholly ot revenge , I
Iko to think. It was rather the holding
ip of the cross to the crusaders , mid
rylng : "Bv ' this sign wo conquer. " It
\as u watc'hword to remind men of
hose who had suffered and died that
heir raiibo might live.
V Itcnmrlmblo Cnno of Inliituiitlon of One
Woman for Another.
A most singular story has just come to
ight at Richmond by the boparatlon of
Charles Worral and his wife bccaubo of
ho btrango infntuntlon of the wife for
icr Blslor-ln-law , Mrs , Martin Worral ,
i widow. The love that the \\ometi
mvo for each other is llho the love of
\lico Mitchell for Kroda Ward , and
coins to bo us strong nnd uncontrollable
on the pni't of one or the other.
Mrs. Churloi Worrall Is a woman of
ducitlon nnd icilneinnat. She is the
laughter of James L. Pierce , a pro-
nlncnt mot chant of Wllliamsburg.
iliu at one time held n position in tin
Ohio college , and boino time since was
i teacher of penmanship in Ktirlhmn
college , IiiiiiiuunioliM. llorslslcr-in-ltiw
vith whom she infatuated , Isth
vldow of her husband's brother , who
tas been dead throe vears. She until
eccnlly hold a position ot bookkeeper
inU typewriter in the ollico of the Swan
kltihufacluring company of Richmond.
Jightpcn months ago tills lo\c-liko In-
, im icy botveen the wife and sister-In-
uw began , and since then their conduct
oward ouch other has been prectboly
us the billing and cooing of
Jio most at dent lovei s of the opposite
ex. They cpuld not boar to bo sop it at-
cd and they would embrace and kiss
tnd glvo the groitost demonstration of
the unatutal lo\o they felt for each
oilier. The husband's remonstrances
vero in vain nnd only served lo intensify
sify his wife tigaitib't him , until finally
iis wife , rather than bo separated fiom
ho widow , decided to leave hot- husband ,
ind the widow Ihrcw up her posilion to
; o with the woman she so strangely loves.
I'ho husband and wife made tin
imleablo division of their propoity , nnd
v few weeks sinro the wife visited her
uronts tit Willinmsburg , but she could
lot bo happy and contented away fiom
.ho widow , and a few days since they
eft together and went to Loraine , O. ,
\here they now aro.
Loading physicians who are acquainted -
od with the facts bay that the lo\o of
iho two women is precisely the sinio as
that Jolt by Alice Mitchell for Miss
Yoda , Ward. The ladies are o.ich 2G
. ears old and prepossessing in looks and
nannors and above the avotago in point
of intelligence. Phy&icitvib say that to
ipparato them might result in a start
ing tragedy , that their love is purely
Dowltfs Sarsapanlli cleamas tuo blooJ ,
A bcrono Girl.
It takes n gtoit deal to disturb the
oven tenor of certain \\cll-o.deted and
serene minds , s-iys Wide Awake , in
( lustration of which the following inci
dent is given : An old lady living in a
certain Now England village was going
lown a flight ot back stairs when she
'ell and wont rolling to the very bottom
of the stairs , where bho burst open the
do-r and came rolling out into the kit
chen. J3
Her servant girl , Jane , screamed in
: ilTright , and var'ous members of the
family came running into the kitchen
Lneathlcss with alarm.
Before any of them could sneak a
word the old lady lifted herboif to a
ntting position on iho floor and , hold
ing one finger warningly and snilhng at ,
the air , said calmly :
" .lane , them biscuits in the oven are
burning and I know ill"
Diaonso nnver successfully atiaocj nsyi
tcui with pure Mood Do Witt's Sarsnpnrllla
uialios pure , novv blood and enriches the old.
0. W. IToDKixs , Poslmnstcr nt Enst
L&moinc Mo , wrllci that Mrs. Kelly's
son , who nad been conOuctl to lied four
teen months w ilh an Abscess , lias Lccn
cuicd Bound pnd well by Svrift's Spe
cific. The boy is fourteen ycsire old , _
lives noU door to me , and I know the |
statement lo be truo. g
S , S. S. Iia3 n wonderful effect on ?
cliildrcn , nnd should bo phcr , to cvery ,
wc.'k and debilitated child. Bend forv
our book on the Blood nnd Skin.
Swirr SrKCirir Co Atlniin " >
Union Stock Yards Company
Ilestcnlllo. lioi ; und sboi > | ) imirKot In tbo west
George Burke & Frazier.
T.lvo Stock Coiiiinlsslon - - Tbo l.oiulors.
Poulb Onialm Write to tills b"ui > o fir iorrcl
larkit rcpint *
Wood Brothers ,
f-outli Oinali.i Chli-ngo Tolepbono 111.1. ivporlh by iniill nndAho carefully
fiiriiUlii'il upon uppllculloi )
James H. Campbell Company ,
Chlenuo , Hust t I.onls , Kunsiis ( l.ty , toutli
Oiiialuloux Ulty , Ton Worth.
A. Cilll , W V llonny. II 1' Tulliiriuo
ChleiKO llni ; S-nli'sinun. liilllu i-nlesmiin
Grill , Denny & Company ,
I.Uo Stock Commission Itiom 'JT ICxclinn.-e liia'ir ,
r < outh Onulia
A. D. Boyer & Company ,
f > S und 50 r.xcliaiio ; lliilldliii , ' , Hoiilh Oinulin
Corronpondciuo nolliltid an ! pr iinpt' > niiswcrcd
fpeclul utlcntlontoordi-ri f or mocker"foidora
ICitatdlibcd ISSd . . . Incorporutud , 1HC
Chpllul fully paid ,
Waggoner Mirney Company ,
\Vrllu or Mire u for | ironiit ) and rellulde tuarkel
Perry Brothers tV Company ,
1,1 vetook ( CoiiiinUstoii.
lloom 51 ixeluin/o Iliilldln. . r-oulli Oninlia
To epbono I TUT
Qaaiman& Dudley , M. H.IIogarty&Co. ,
Hooins ( O nnil HI , i\- : UHJIH 31
Fouth Omaha , - Neb i-outli Omnlu , r Neb
Miller Brothers ,
llooni > , Kcbani.o IlulldlnK - . boutli ( linalia
UnTon Stock Yards National
13 ASK.
llio onlr bank at thu yard Capital and ur.
plu. JJiOUH Collettloiuntoinlnir out of llio ll\s.
nuiik tiuilneu should lonl nl cit to tilt tank
fihlppTJ i u dfpu llfurcrcdltjf tbilr boiuo bank
berimr located.
- lift , ImmimiokB , oil nnil HIK , oo ct of ( ill kind"
rnlitiprelothlnjt Send tltigr , banner * , ftp vnrt
lorcntuue lit. ) 1'nrnniii tor cutnlugup.'lU i < IMIi
l' 1 , ntnnl'lt , cotton
[ nntlmrfs , flour
mporlcM robe , liemp , Jnle rotten
fnck , biirlip' . tnlno ton tnlne tnrtoil ronl
ilnirp ptc SI7 > < 15tb t
npxis. :
nTo. TDDD ,
M. 0. DAXQ'-I 8 ieoc or to 1 JN Ilk-
. . , . M f clRnr ,
rn o i. n p ippr
field on monllil- pickl.iii : IJOAOS. All nutul
l.-O N. 1Mb el lie'In lioi Inp
11 Jl 1 1Stra > t
Pno'orr ooricr llthnnl ld.i li utrJJli
\V niinjcloio ! p'l-oi UCiih bira'i , il irj
n elm of uuolt wtita'i H vorr sila-
CO. , ED SHOE 03.
\\lio1"inln ( Mfrn AKOiitn Itools. 'ioo . rubbers
llo ton Itlllibi rSliocfo. full Kouils 1VUI Ullnr
IIUV HOI HUJllnrnrj nl
iwn co.
OHlpp. " . M H mi I I cixven-
orili S , Dmnlii
John Miirliuvur , At Is
Mfrt ; i oiiifictloncm nnil
Jo lii'm uf lorulKn nnil
ilor.i tlc fruits , 1110
Larrln o hulldcrn IIiuc
nnd piitrol MUKOIIS a
jSth , opp Court House
Mrf biipey tops , hicka ,
A T Darby , Mcr. Top * , cushions , itc J < end lor
( unhlonH , hacks , etc. citulo ) , ' . 319 b 12th ft.
214 North l' th t
LIME CO. , Mfri > calvanln'cl Iron
cornice , window caps ,
Hard nnd soft ronl B K
mctnllc BliIUIilH , etc
c ( r lotli nt cl .
1110 , 1ll21 > udRe at.
Clot'ilnjj. notion fiirnHi Mnnufrs nnd nholernl
IIIKS Clvc us n trial clnthtcrs 11011 llurney
biimples prepaid li > ex strict
prrsa IllJllnrney
H.E. SMITH It. CO. ,
Dry Roods , notions , fur- Dry ( -noils nolloni" , cent's
nlhlni ) ifoods Corner lurulshlng coodn Cor.
llth nnd Howard Ms llt'i und Howard ft
llluMrilcil cntnloz free
Capitol nve
( It-nee nnd Tlilrtccntb
iOI-KO'i Jones street , lOtb nnd llarncy streets ,
Uiu.ibi. Omnua.
SI5 lid of Crude liroker
In era n. ele 1'ilin o
wlieto N \ , LliUniiO
and M l.ouls
lbit % cips , straw uooiH , " Mriwcuoils
- '
-Jwnors , , , ! tVnsM "ith
! ll rDOJ. Hill
CO. , Dcnlert' bnrdirnro nnd
Corner ICtb nnd Jacon meclmnles' tools
Streets 1(01 DoiiKln Htrest.
od Itimba
\ma-lflin lor
enrpeK nn I mrni Importolmalflin
tlootlnu , Inn t re nf\t , Atllwiii 9
br Irni'llc romcnt and
fill lit IOU1\1 yultar wlills lime.
FRICK ft , HEA3Eflr.
Liquor mnrc'mnt , 1113
Ilirn'j-it Mfru Koi- dcalor
Wlioloiiile Iliinor *
nedf B iiil : lulls Hit
lers 11)01 ) l-nrnaiu it.
Importers nnd Jobberdof
Mlttlnerr notion' clo'ln , inlllnorjiiotlont , Mkll
etc. Ilo 113 B loth s orders prompt AH1 9 ,
llth it
A.HD3PI , JiJ. , THE MtlrlBERQOO. ,
I'lnnin nrtl t 10" V 1Mb M 1'lnnoi , .
iniiterlilii , etc HIS nnirle nnd tuuiliul In *
s nt "triiincnt * of nil kludi
UN-CD. , No Iind odor , Hi ) iinok
chlinii' ) i , no rliarrln
Itellned nnd lubricating of nloki An\your lira *
ollf nxlu Krunie eta ocr Mr It
I'nc'iers of oysters , II'i Ojr ter tl'li nnd oolerr.
nnd celerj u)3 ) Leaven Ill ) H lOt'i it D.-xilJ
worth Bt. Cole , m i
Mfr > of "K A , & " pnnt' , ifr : cclclirntod "lluok *
lilrlnnnd o\crullstie. pkln" OMTiilH. pant ,
Cliieb. HtlisU flilrti. coats , etc. Kail
i : tnbll hcil , 1S7S DRANOH&Ca. ,
WHITNEY & CO. Produce , fruits of i ll
Huttcr , egjis und poultrr klmK o)9tcri. 311 IL
S181ISlli st Utli st.
SONS. , Hutter , choose ,
Butter , etxt nnl poultrr poultry nud tm .
l.'J'J llo nrd-st. 317 bout'i ' IJth Stroat
_ _
luttcle ( I6lcbeusepOlll- romntl Mon lnorchnnt ,
trv hides tint ! eimo , I'roduco , nutter , rvira.
l.'l.'i Howard street cheeiu and poultry
liefer to Com 1 .Nut Dink Utli nnil llonuril u
Fpeclnltlef , butter , cgu' , Send us jour rfgt , tint *
rhcc'e , poultrr , etc No U'MIIHI try nuuie. lililud
15 S lUli Kef. 1st .Null cti. Kul J I tviTc
Uuttor , C2KI , cnoctt.
Ca li buyers hatter find fruit" , iioultrjr , name.
CKK * ; bin dies ell other AKcnts for .Myor't
Itoyal hor-e nud oattltt
produce on coounlalun.
IUS llth bt. splcj MJ S Illb it. ,
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
SlOa m.toiam.Honil tumplor rcpljr.
t >
Practical Opticians
rnt ifa r crsr. . ? ' ' ? . ' ! ;
. will
IUPI rlor to ll other. , our Ifnin r. mperlor
Tb frames
gut wenry or lira llio aye
tutlud lo tlio faio
Ey B Tv'atocl Free of Cbar o.
Prices Low for lirst-class ; Goods.
National Bank.
, , . . iflOO.OOO
rapltnl „ „ , . ,
Corner IBtU aiil Fornam 3H.
nnnilTISANDAl.WOOI ) OAl'SIJI.ICS are th
I QBe l uud onlr ta | ulc procrlbud br
UUUU I Hrjur [ , | pbynlclant fur lliu euro of
( .oui.rrbio and dUtbaraei Iroiu the iirliuiry or au.
.liltturo In S day II W W * All drutiiUtu
DB. J. E. McGREW ,
A k your Irucill ) ' for a
debilitating wtuknrss ptuillar
to women. It runt In a aw
IdavB wl ill out the nld or
i publicity ol a doctor
lTA I'ndtrinl mfrfran Cure.
Manufactured by
Tb Evan : Chemical to.
U.S. * . ,