TWENTY-FIRST YEAH OMAHA , SATURDAY fe6llNJNG , APRIL 2 , 1802. NUMBER 289. Wiclo Spread Destruction Lingers in the Wako of Thursday Night's ' Storm , liUI.D..EOS OF BUILDINGS DEMOLISHED Great Swath Mowed Across Nebraska by the All Leveling Cyclone , ITS FULL EXTENT NOT YET KNOWN ' Nelson , Norfolk , Button , Beatrice , Wymore , Edjar and Otlnr To ns Damaged. TWO WOMEN WERE KILLED AT EDGAR Bruised and Mangled Beneath the Debris of Their Fallen Homes. SNOW ADDS HORROR TO THE TORNADO Great Drifts Blockade the Western and Central Part of the State , OMAHA AND VICINITY GIVEN A TASTE Much Minor Damage Inflicted During the Hurricane in the Metropolis , PROSTRATED WIRES DELAY THE NEWS Tologrnph I.lncs Illoivn Down niiU Commu- iilvutioii Cut Oir Tlio Worst Storm ii i\cr : Kxpcrlcnceil De tails us 1'nr ns Known. Nebraska was swept by a cyclone last night. The Urondful tornado struck the state curly Thursday night and left desola tion In Its wako. The extent of Iho destruc tion Is not yet known , but reports received show that the thriving town of Nelson , the county seat of Nuckolls county , is laid waste and many buildings , Including two churches , are wrecked nt Norfolk. Reports from other points indicate that the Btorm swept northward and eastward from Nelson with great fury , but owing to tolej graph wires being prostrated it is impossible yet to definitely outline the track ot the storm. The wind struck Nelson , in the southern part of the state , from the soutli- wcst and reports received Indicate that the storm included in its track the town of Edgar and other places in Clay county , brief dispatch from Norfolk says n cyclone If the Norfolk cycloco was the the same one which devastated Nelson , it must have traversed over 150 miles of some ot the finest country In the state in Nuck ells , Clay , Flllmore , Yorif , Polk , Plntio and Madison counties. Tin : BBC has made great effort to secure news from these counties to day , but the returns nro mcagro. In till ) .Storm's I "a th. In thcso counties , nnd perhups > n the track of thi ) cyclone , nro the towns of Edgar , Sutton - ton , Graf ton , Bradshaw ( which was wiped out by a tornado two years ago ) , York , Stromsburg , Osccola , Columbus , Madison , and many other villages. From Clay.Centcr comes the report that a cyclone passed through the center of Clay county between 0 and 7 o'clock last night. The wind blow from south to north. At Edgar it was reported that a number of houses were ' bluwn down and the depot wrecked nnd two railway employes killed , but the report can not bo confirmed. There nro vague reports of the destruction of several farm houses. From \Vaboo conies the news that a very honvv wind , but probably not a part ' of the oyclono , struck that place nnd swept through Saunders county about 8 o'clock last night. It did great damage to barns , bouses and other email frame buildings , nho killing some Block. The violence of the storm was so great that It caused a great many of the Inhabitants to seek refuge In collars nnd cavo.i. During Its duration , which was three hours , much excitement prevailed. Reports from the country have boon re ceived that considerable hall fell. A farmer whoso nnino could not bo learned Is reported to have been overtaken by the storm while returning from town , struck by lightening and killed. The damage dona is estimated at about (10,000. SITUATION AT N1U.SON. Hundreds of VUltnr * In tlio City Two 1'armorn Iteportml Hilled. NEI.SON , Nob. , April I , ( Spocinl Telegram to Tun riBE. ] The oyclono Is tbo only thing talked of In tbo village of Nelson today. Vis itors from Superior and other surrounding towns nnd country nro hero viewing the wreck. A heavy wind prevailed nil night and all day , making the work of repairing impossible. Fortunately very little rain has fallen , for it would do as much damage - ago now as the cyclone. I'lio windows are all blown out ot tbo opera house building's three stories and It Is feared it is a complete wreck. The window class was blown out of the west and south side of tlio court house. It Is fearoJ the new school bouso , which was completed at the beginning of the year at a cost of $18,033 , will bo a complete wreck The Presbyterian church was crushed to tco. ground , not carried away. Miss Draptnnn , who was reported injured , Is doing well , Her home , a new two story building In tbo west part of the village , was taken clear off the foundation and part of It blown many rods , literally tearing It to pieces. Mr , Gallmlll's tiouto was taken off the foundation and lorn into kindling wood. Seven persons wore in Iho liousn at tbo time but none were injured. Dr. Hufllng- ton's house , a fine now one , of tbo finest in town , was leveled to the ground. ThU house wet on the highest ground in the city. Ton persons ID Iho bouso took refuge In the col lar and none were hurt although the floor itrlngora were taken off and the foundation of the cellar was exposed. Tbo families of T. W. Cole and W. I. Tom- plcton were in their houses when wrecked , Fortunately none were hurt. Most of the families In tbo party took refuge In caves nnd cellars. This accounts for so few being Injured. Thirty of the best residences in the town nro completely destroyed. Almost every bouso In the north nud west part ot the town Is moro or loss damaged , and almost every store In the business portion tionsustained some Injury. The damages nro $100,000 or probably moro. The loss wai most complete. There was not any tornado Insurance. Most of the sufferers will bfl nblo to got along without outside help. Five or six families will have to have aid. No measures for relief have yet been taken. There is talk of n public meeting to take measures as to relief. The sentiment Is divided ns to whether outside help should bo received by sufferers. The school house is wrecked nnd Iho schools will close for Iho present. The cy clone crossed the Kansas line at or near Bostwick , this county. Much datnago Is re ported done r.t Bostwick. The path of the storm Is one-halt tnllo wide. Most of the farm houses in its path from Bostwlck nro leveled to the ground. As yet It U Imposiiblo to obtain nccurato news. Tuo bouses of Anderson Hose , Abe Stnpo , Brlorby and others couth' west of Nelson , also the outbuildings , were leveled to the ground. Several persons nro reported injured in the country and two were killed. This Is not verified. It Is the worst storm that ever visited this section. The pcoplo of Nelson suffered from the oxtcnsivo storm In April , 1SS9 , drouth In 18'JO , another extensive lire in April , 1891. The cyclone fol lowing ns It has this year makes the loss hard to bear. Few towns In Ne braska have suffered so much , yet It Is be lieved tlio work of ftjbuildlnij will begin Im mediately. Perhaps a few will bo unable to build nt present. AT NOKrOLK. Tlio Tornado Sweep * Through the City with Terrlllc Force. Nonrot.K , Nob. , April 1. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bic. : ] A full grown cyclone str.ick Norfolk last night. Iho day bad been quite warm , and early in the evening clouds of no unusual appearance began to gather. Presently there appeared in the southeast a small cloud , much resembling in shape , siio ann general appearance a medium-sized bal loon. About this luno n rumbling noise was hoard. Almost immediately the storm broke- . It commenced about 8:30 : and lasted about three minutes. It struck the city llrst in the Heights , doing some damage. It tore down a house partially constructed for A. J. Durland and broke many windows. Next it struck thu planing mill of T.V. . Wheaton , partially unroofing it. A tent occu pied by a family named Palmer was blown away and u litlio child was seriously in jured. The next obstacles In the nith of de struction were the Episcopal church nnd the residence of G. G. Miller. Miller's house was badly demoralized , falling debris seri ously Injuring two of his children. The Episcopal church is a total wreck and canuot bo repaired. The cost of the church was about $2,200. Next was Dr. A. Bear's barn , which was bodily carried about a block and totally mashed to pieces. Tne doctor's ' carriage was also destroyed. The Congregational church had the bell and dome blown from it and landed in the street below. The church was otherwise damaged , probably in ail to the amount of S'3,500. At the time there were about twcnty- 11 vo teachers In tho.bailding. . As it was early and raining , the teachers had not con vened , and this probably resulted in savin ? many lives. The sidewalk was picked up nnd dashed against the house occupied by Herman Sailor , whoso wife is lying very low with consumption , giving her n severe shock. The house occupied by Mike Weir , con ductor on the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railway , was blown from tbo foundation nbout four feet and badly wrecked. Mr. Weir's little child was lying very sick , when a largo timber was thrown against the side of the nouso , mashing the side in and completely covering Iho little sufferer with class and other debris. The barn of Charles Durland was com pletely destroyed , together with most of the contents. His house was also unroofed nnd otherwise damaged. The house of Gcorgo Davenport wns wrccuod , a 2x4 scantling , four foot lung , being driven through the building sideways. The barn of C. A. Mast was completely demolished. It contained a cow nnd horse , which escaped uninjured. „ H. O. Whyman lost a barn nnd his homo was damaged. Mrs. Desmond lost a barn nnd the damage lo her housu was about ? 500. She had it insured in the Springilold. This Is the only policy on property destroyed. Scores of other outhouses were destroyed. Nearly all the window lights in the polh of the slorm were broken. Sidewalks are all torn up and carried away. The path was nbout throe blocks wide , de moralizing nearly everything in Its path. No fatalities are reported , but there were very many narrow escapes. The loss Is estimated at from J30.000 to $50,000 , with but ono policy of Insurance. Many peculiar freaks are re ported , ono by Hon. II. H. Ilako , who had a line Jcrsy bull picketed out. When found the animal was three blocks fiom homo , where It had been carried by the wind , Tlio plekot pin was driven into tbo ground and securely fastened , The nnlmul does not appear to bo hurt. All buildings will bo replaced by bet ter and moro substantial ones , Damnci > In llctitrlce. UiuTHtcn , Nob. , April 1. ( Special Tele gram to THE IJiiE.J The heaviest wind storm known to this section for vonri began about midnight last niht and has prevailed with grcu'.cr or loss severity all day. The storm was preceded .vltli rain nnd limited fall of hail. No sorloiu.lamigo Is known lo hr.vo resulted thus far other than the de struction of several barns and two or three small unfinished buildings. Outhouses , Ehctls , sidewalks , fences , bill boards and electric poles wore overturned and broken without limit. Tbo aggregate damage by the storm will roach several tbouiand dollars in this city. Word from various sections of the country toll of the destruction of barns and sheds and some Injury to llvo stock , No cnsualltics to persons have 'occurred In this city or county as far as can bo learuod to- ulpht. Heaver City lloimra Wrecked. Onv , Neb. , April 1. [ Special Tclecrarn to TUB BEK. ] A strong wind , being almost a tornado at Intervals , has been Mowing from the west since last nigut. Many buildings have been wrecked fn this city , while the damage in the country dis tricts Is great. Slight Dumaeu Ht riuttkiiioutli. PI.ATISMOUTH , Neb. , April 1. [ Special Telegram toTuc Bun. J Ever since midnight a terrlllo windstorm has raged in this vicin ity. Inimcuso damage has been done to trees , fences , outbuildings nnd roofs. Tbo root of lion. F. E. White's residence wns blown off , | ns wns that of the Perkins hotel. The root ( on the barn on Iho farm of Martin Proosl , south of town , was blown off , entailing a loss of $500. Tonight the wind is still high nnd shows no sign of abatement. r.VTAMTY AT iil.Vlt. : ( MM. Thoma * Ctnrk Killed mid Her llnl- ileneo Hloun to Pieces. Ewiut. Nob. , April 1. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE Bnc , ] The storm passed from two to four miles smith and cast of hero , sweeping everything before it , The house and barn ot'John Marshall , four mlles south , was literally scattered to the winds , hardly n vojtlgo of thorn romaluinir. The family was In the collar nt the tune and escaped In- Jury. The school house nuros Iho road was also demolished and the heavy steve blown a distance ot half a mile. The house of Martin Ellfrltz was abso lutely blown to tUoim , but the family es caped unhurt , Thomas Clark's house , three nnd n halt miles southeast , was torn to pieces nnd Mrs. Clark fatally injured. The school house across the road nnd Iho barn are also mUslug Ihls morning. The bouso of George Tucker , four miles cast , was completely demolished. Mrs. Tucker re ceived n fractured leg and Internal injuries. Reports nro meager at thU lime , ns points where damage was done are widely sepa rated. Numerous barm nnd outbuildings nro reported blown awny and houses un roofed nnd moved from their foundations. It Is impossible to estimate the damage , but It Is groat. H Is the greatest storm that ever visited Ihls section. SOMK MIltACULOUS KSCAPKS. MlllH , Houses nnd Hums Near Button Ic- Ktroycd , Hut No I'cople Hurt. SUTTON , Neb. , April 1. * [ Special Telegram to Tan 13ni ! . ] Mr. George Hltzol , living in Flllmoro county , twelve miles southeast of hero , bad his mill blown down nnd then picked up by the cyclone nnd cast down and mashed completely. Ills barn was also blown away. Mr. Harrington , living In tbo same neighborhood , had his barn nnd house literally crushed to pieces nnd blown away. The force of the storm was so great that the buildings were loft in flue silvers. The family and stock escaped without any harm. Joe Nccdon hod his family , including eight children , in bis house when tbo building was crushed nnd scattered all over the prairie , but not n scratch or bruise was iu- fllntod on any of the family. Messrs. Trollopo and Pearson had their barns and houses blown nway , but no damage was done to stock or themselves. The windmills , as far as can bo seen from this neighborhood , are all down nnd many men nro hero buying new ones to pump water for tneirstocir , which is sulTering for water. The storm came in the shape of n black , circling cloud and went from south west to northeast. LINCOLN WAS IN TIIK PATH. 'Many Small Itulldlngs Unroofed Damage nt the I'emtentlnry. LI.NCOI.N , Neb. . April 1. [ Special to THE Ben. ] The storm which prevailed lu this part of the state lost night left a few remind era In Lincoln. The wind blew the hardest about midnight. Plato class windows were broken and small buildings unroofed or over turned. A dray load of scenery belonging to the "Sinbad" company was picked up bodily by the wind and overturned , burying the driver and the borsos in an almost inextri cable mass of tropical islands , diamond val leys , sea serpents and scenic effects in gen eral. The driver , John Pace , was picked up unconscious , and upon being conveyed to bis homo was found to bo badlv injured. The storm was felt with considerable severity at the state penitentiary. About forty feet of the high blono wall which sur rounds the buildings nnd yards of Iho insti tution was blown down during the progress of the storm. The wall was a double one , with n space of probably twelve inches be tween the insldo and outside courses of stone. This space was filled with sand. The storm had tbo effect of disclosing some of the peculiar methods pursued by the con tractors who built the wallwhich has always been supposed to bo a solid stone structure. The state will bo to n considerable expense In repairing the damage. iik : Creek's Ktpcrlence. ELK CHICK , Nob. , April I. [ Special to THE Buc.J A storm began hero last night about 0 o'eloeic ' , accompanied with severe wind and rain. It continued nil meat , and this morn ing revealed Us terrible work. Oulhouses , barns , sheds and sidewalks were scaltcred everywhere. At 1 p. ra. today the wind is still blowing at a fearful rule. The wires are all down from this place and nothing can bo learned from neighboring towns , HiiKlness .SuHiH'inlctl t Wallace. WALLACB , Nob. , April 1. [ Special Tele gram to Tin ; BKC.J The worst blizzard thai iho inhabitants of ibis county have wit nessed Eince November , 1S58 , has been ragIng - Ing hero loday. The wind is blowing n gale and so full of snow that ono can see but n few rods. Business is entirely suspended. The temperature has not fallen much , however , and hut lltllo damage lo stock 1s expected. Iimralo HiillilIngH If Ion n to I'lcce * . ISAVALB , Nob. , April 1. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BKB.J The worst wind storm known hero for several years has been raging all the afternoon today. Chimneys nnd out buildings have boon flying every way , while hundreds of hay stacks have been demol ished. The damage will aggregate consider able. IVIt thu Htorm. DUMIAII , Nob. , April 1 , [ Special to Tim BEE.I A strong wind has been blowing from the southwest for the last twelve hours and has crndually increased till It Is almost a hurricane , Fences , signs and chimneys have been blown down. Several persons were blown down , but none were hurt. Aim-lino's Hotel \Vrt'el < ed. AX6EL.MO , Neb. , April 1 , [ Special Tele gram to Tins BcE.l This afternoon a wind slorm raged with unusual fierceness , It car rlcd the upper pallory from the west side o ; Smith's hotel clear over the top of thu build lug , demolishing onochitnr.ey and some fencing ing and gates ono block distant. Sterling Sum-red I.ltle ( , STEHUSO. Nob. , April 1 , [ Special to THL BEE.I Tbo work of tbo cyclone in Sterling lubt night wns confined to the wreck Ing o outbou'jcs and window glass , The damagi in this line will amount to several hundred dollars. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ York Han l.lttlo Taste YOHK , Neb. , April 1 , [ Special to THE BKE.J Last nlyht occurred the hcav lost wind and rain storm since the Hood In Juno , 18S1 , The rain wus accompanied b ; very heavy > vind , but no damage dono. SU I-'eet ofMiotv at Dilute , EI.SIE , NOD. , April 1. ( Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] The most severe blizzard over wltr.osied hero oosunod from 1 a. m , t 3 P , m , toauy , Tbero are snow drifts from tix to eight foot. store fronts were blown in. Tholraln yolng west'ls dead bore. Stock is suffering , iho t > torru Is now about over. HOW OMAHA Telegraph Wires Itadly t > iiiiiprd A Church mill DtrcUniff AVrecIt il Ineldunts. Yesterday's ' iorrlflo wind storm brought terror nnd destruction with It. It wns moro turbulent and zerlous than any of tli3 blustcrln. gale Ibftt bavorocetilly swept over the western country ! 'In Omaha during Iho forenoon and thn groat- cr part of tbo nf lornoon the winds seemed to coino swcnplng through the streets hko they were remnant gales from tbo disastrous cy clone. Thu storm played hnvoc with both the telegraph lines ol the Western Union nnd Postal companion x Tbo former's wires hrougbout the west and south and n portion if the east wont dbwn , and the company was mnblo to do nny business except toTJhlcngo py tno way of SJoux City. This was the mly wire working during the morning. fJc- wcon Paxton and .Ttilosburpr ilflv miles of vlro nnd poles Vro down. The Western Jinon was entirely cut off from all commu nication with Denver. AVrcclceil Telegraph Wires. The slorm covered a great extent of terrl- ory , nnd Iho locat/Wostern / Union officials as yet don't know _ ow serious their damage s iu the eastern 1'art of Iowa. Manager Jmstcd at noon thought tbo wires to Council JluIts would bo rppulrud and In working order by 2 o'clock , 'but It was late at nigbt jef ore nny thing llkp a sorvlco was cstab- ishod cast. Nebraska wires were Iho first 0 recover from tlioeffects , of the storm , nnd 1'nc IIKB received | * ery good service from In- erlor points. Tub BEK'S leased wire was got Into working condition nbout 10:30. : nud 1 line news report b thus furnished. ' The Postal Telegraph was also Idle all 'orcnoon. Manager bltnmock said it wns muossiblo to do { any business while 'tho empestuous stonnlwns raging. Great injury has been done , by the wind , and Is very disastrous to the telegraph lines , which ouly a week ace liajl tjioir wires and poles down on account of tbo heavy snow storm. Early in the evening communication east was established. A Church Madly Damaged. The Seward Street , Methodist Episcopal cuurci , n vonoered'brifk8tructurewns badly damaged at an curly hour yesterday morning1. The brlclc wall un'der ho west gable broke and fell , stripping the frame work to tbo window lino. The frame w all withstood the storm nnd tbo interior remains intact. The damage to Iho brick wall pill roach $ .Vjn , and the trustees have commenced work already to repair It. lilowu HOIISD Down nt HciiHon. Suburban residents northwest of the city were considerably agitated by the flerco winds. Barns nnd ! outhouses , , of all de scriptions were overturned and rolled pro * miscuously over tho" prairie and upon the lots of the neighbors. < . A family named ( Anderson had just moved Into a sraallijbrick residence in Benson - ' son additionarl'droticcilcarly Thursday night conliqeiit In the Ji rogcab'jlji&.jf [ their- brick , walls. SVortfyJaftcr midnight the two gables were blown " out with a report like that of n cannon. " Mr. Anderson sprang from bis bed , and tasavo his children sloep- ingr-ln.a cot adjoining , leaned , over thorn and received the falling 'debris 'upon his own back. The family wns panic stricken for n few minutes , but managed to make their way to a barn , wboco they wore huddled till neighbors arrived. Incidents of the Storm. A funny incident of tbo storm occurred during the morning.'if Goorje King is to Pa relied upon. A party of Savpy county people were In the city , and la passing do wnFurnam street tbo chief inojjul of the congregation saw a form just < ahead , and in bis superior manner ( jailed the attention of the oxcjrsionists the fact lhat Just ahead was Governor John M. Thaycr , who hold the omco < governor for several months after the election of Jarajs E , Boyd. The party , with morocuriosity , than discre tion , stared at tno "governor" as they passed by , which visibly ombarrasaed the "gov- nrnor" to such au extent that he objected strong nnd earnestly against the attention shown him nnd oscappwd. through the nearest door In sight. It wa JHenry Vow , the archi- lect , who had been taken for hU excellency , the ex-governor of Nebraska , and ho Is la menting the mistakeas , only tbo true Gorman 7J citizen knows how.7J The brick wall of a now building In CDUMO of construction at Nfnth nnd DoJgo stwots was blown J - Just at noon a covered delivery waijoa of the Paqitlo Express , company was noally turned upiido down at Sixtoanth an J Far- nara , but no serious damage resulted. Ono of the plow glajb windows in the Emerson Seed company's store in the Shoeloy block was blown in. Council'UlllllH MiiiKOU Up The wind of yesterday morning was only n trillo less severe in Cpunsll Bluff * lhan that of u few days ago , when so much damage was dono. A number of yranks , some o them moro or Jos * sonous , were played. The plunk sidewalk on Lower Broadway wa ( picKed up nnd carried into the middle of Iho street for a distancffof nearly a mile , roach- Insr from Twentieth to Thirtieth street. The telegraph poles butwpori the Union Paclllc transfer and the rlvor .woro badlj damaged , they being swayadhwc [ nnd forth by the wind unlll Ihey * VQ' / . loosened from the moorings nnd ncarlyevory , wire was broken , It will bo a number .outlays before the damage ago will bo entirely repaired. Ono of the wlndowsM the church at the corner of Twenty-nlpfh , street and Avenue B. which is used as n' school building , was bloivn in and fell oupii | floor with a great crash. Minnie , the 0-y car-old dan ghler of B S. Harrington , haprjepqd to bo sitting dl reotly under too fallfnx glass , and her faca neck and hands worobjdly { ; cut. Miss Board ' ' man , iho teacher ot th'o'ohool , and another ' lady carried her to lyfc'ljomo on Avenue G whore sbo wai givcij ' firpner attention , A number of chlrap'o.y were blown off In various parts of the ' cjtyf awnings fell down nnd fragmcnls of tl wore lora IDOJO and came clatturlog d own about the heads o passers-by. Hardly t > bill board lu the city escaped demolition , j Damage ulj South Oinuliil , Some damagolwarfdone about town by the heavy wind yesterday. The gilt sign on tbo horse barn nt tlio stockyards was blown down and broken into a dozen pieces. It wll cost tlOO to replace It , Ono of the chimneyn on Iho Exchangebulldlnjj"blow ; down during Ibo forenoon an < scaUerod a shower of brlcl bats over tbo sidowalu at the soutlieas corner of the building. It was a miracle thane no ono was hurjt ns thoro.aro usually at leas half a dozen mon standing at that corner. A chimney was blown down on H street In the Third ward , and ono of the bricks struck Anton bobensky on tha uoad , inflicting a severe sculp wound , CoititlilcrubloVluil at Wjmaro. WvJtoiiE , Nob. , Apilt I.--Special [ Tele gram to TUB BEE. ] This viomlty was vis itcil bya very hloh wind last night which has been blowing nil day with n heavy rain. A portion ot iho roof of the residence houses nnd the corner of the First National bank was blown away. Several largo glnaa windows ' dews were broken nnd n great many sheds nnd I outbuildings were blown over. ItAflKI ) WITH rUHY IN KANS\S. limy ratalltles nml .Much Destruction He- ported from That .State mid .Missouri. KtNfcisCrrv , Mo. , April 1. A tornado of nad dostvucttvcncss swept over vansns last light. Butler county scorns to have been , ho scone of the greatest havoc , The town if Townnda was entirely wiped oft the face of the earth , Augusta , n few miles dU- ant , was btiftctod out of nil semblance to its former self. Not n house or building was loft standing n Townuda. The town wns nslccp when : ho storm swept down upon It , razed every- .liing . In its path and left dead and dying In U wake. Six dead bodies have boon recovered - covered from Iho rums already searched. Twenty persons nro fatally hurt and forty norc suriouily Injured , besides a largo nttm bcr of more or less Injured. l.elt Death tuul Uula In IU WnUc. At Augusta three wore killed outright and scores of houses wore wrecked. Apparently the saino storm touched nt Klowa and Wellington , lu ICtown Iho Mis- Bourl Paclllo depot and n number of dwell ings and buildings were demolished. Although no loss of life is known , several mishaps are reported. The damage to prop erty Is suld to bo great. Wellington and vicinity also suffered con siderably , nnd several people were killed. Joe Shownltor's house was picked up nnd thirteen of Iho occupants wore moro or loss injured , Sam Buttcrworth's house and its occupants were carried two yards in the air and some of the family were lutally hurt. Towtnda is n small village of ouly UOO in habitants , situated ten miles west of Eldo rado. The storm laid the whole town flat with Ibo earth , nud loft not a slncla house standing. Uf tbo eighty families composing tbo population there is not ono tonight that Is not cither mourning for u dead or dying member or sorrowing with the suffering. Six persons were killed outright , and sev eral are so badly injured that they cannot live. live.Tho The killed ore : JAMKS llAll.BY. HlCKsllIlL , CllU'l' . WlbMAM MAim.nV , . JH. J. 1) . aoDr'KKY. JOHN IIKAlvK nnd INFANT CHILD. The list of fatally wounded is as follows : I-iiiTM ! Gun. , blown from bccond story of hotel n distance of 150 feet , badly crushed. MK . G. A. UOIIIII.NS , skull crushed by flying timbers. Et.MEit BAI.V , internally injured. Mas. WALTKU MOO.XEV , side crushed. .AI.ICE Tiiou.vrox. 'GsoitOK ' CoiisnLiua AND win : , both badly crublica. Among those seriously injuied are : A. HOAUII. JIns. TcxcCviiEV. MJIS. Jens ICouu. , , iltJi..Qiiius xxn WIFE. "C.'C.WESTCOTT. . Liouis Pooitiuuoir. Mil. AND Mus. J. N. SOUTCH. ' FlUK Cil-NCT ASH WIFE. Gnouoi : MAXWIU.I , AXD TUUEE WILMAII MiTrciun.i , AXU WIFE AND GUILD. Mm. IIo\inu BUCK. MUS. HOKTON AM ) YOUNG SOX. POSTMASTUU GOUOO.V. Many others were loss seriously hurt. Eight physicians are attending the wounded. They came from Eldorado on the first train , and but for their timely assistance uiany more of these injured must have died. More Victims to the Storm's Ttiry. At Strong City , Kan. , the storm raged furiously. The house of Joseph Glasscn was completely demolished. Glasscn and his \\ifoandchild were killed outright. Sev eral others were injured , but none fatally. At Aucus , a the storm wrought great havoc nn-1 caused aconsideiablolossof life. Houses were levelled to the ground nud the inmates woio crushed and mangled and some of them killed. The dead at thatplaco are : HARMON IIOSK1NS. AIjllEHT BAKNES. 1VILL.IAM BAUNES. WILLIAM RHODES. Tbo faially injured are : Mits. HAIIMO.V HOSKIXS. Mil. AND Mits. H , AUHOTT , J , H. AND FOUH MEMUBHS OF HIS The people at Augusta and vicinity lost nearly everything , and relief Is' being sent there from the surrounding lowns. At .South Iliivcn. Soulh Haven suffered severely from Iho storm both In the way of material damage and in the number of lives lost. The house of John Moorohouse was levelled to Iho ground , nnd Moorehouso and one child were killed , Ihe other inainbor * of the family os caping. John Burraaster's house was crushed like an egg shell and the whole family was killed In an instant. They nro : John Burmaster , wtfo and Ihreo children , Mrs. Frann Shepherd , killed by ( lying Urn- ber ? , sustaining a fracture of the skull. A score of other people were injured in the slonn , bui It is not believed moro fatalities will be reported , Eight miles northeast of Wellington the house of Joseph Showaltors wns demolished nnd the whole family of thirteen members were Injured , none , however , seriously. Wiped Out an Kntlrci I'ainily. A little further north the house of William Lilllo was blown down nnd the family within were terribly mangled nnd crushed. William Little and four of his children were killed outright and Mrs , Little was so ter ribly Injured that she survived uut a short time , A little to the west of Little's farm lived Samuel Buttcrworth , an aged farmer , with his widowed daughter and her two children , Bullcrworlh and the two children were badly Injured , Mr , Butterworth's daughter escaped with slight injuries , The tornado continued in Kansas and the northwestern part of Missouri today , but t was loss destructive. At Fort Scotl , Atcbl- son , Lcavcuwortb , Lawrence , Olalho nnd Sallna , Kan. , and Warrenshurp , Chilli- collie , Ht. Jojeoh , Mo. , and many other towns in both states , houses wera unroofed outhouses blown down , trees uprooted , windows blown in and much general damage done , amounting in the ag gregate to hundred- thousands of dollari. No further loss of life , however , is reported. DKATII AMJ DKSTIUJCTIO.VAT CIIJCA < J ( > \Vrti-U of u noten-Slory Hiilldinjf mid the 1'utalllii-n J-'o I lotting. CHICAGO , 111. , April 1. About 0:30 : this morning the sky , which had been threatening all iho afternoon , became densely black , and in another moment a cloudburit occurr d The wind ] which blew at a hurricane rate , swept everything before It. At tbo cottier of Ilalbted and Pierce streets the cycle no blow down a seven-story brick oullalnp , tur- rounded by ono nnd t p- story irnmo and brick bulUlugs , which "woro crushed to cnrlh , killing three people mid fatally or seriously Injuring many other * . Thomas Htilett's house was Immediately In the rear of the bcvun-slory brick building. Tiio family wens At supper when the seven-story building fell nnd crushed the Iluiott residence. Of the Lhlrtoen nt the tabio , G-nionths old llnby llulott was crtii led into n shapeless mass. The others were pinned under broken timbers and brick * , but were soon rescued. These klllod Instantly were : 1IOUAOK MOTT , ascd 5. inmr : MOTT. nscus. DAVID HUMCTT , iiu'ivl 0 months. Tito fatally Iniurcd are : AI.IOK HfuTT , aped S years. MilK.At.MI ! KOWFN. HOItAOiVVtlAXT \ , JAMKS Moir. Mif. .1 \ir.n MOTT. JAMKSlorr. . .in. , MAMIE MOTT. Ous Blch , a toanmcr , wblto driving alone the strool , was struck by falling irco und severely Injured. Charles llcislcr was blown from a scaffoldIng - . Ing and received possible fatal Internal In juries. As soon as the disaster was reported to the police the dead unit Injured were at once re moved to residences nearby. Tlio Hulott fam ily occupied only ono side of their dwelling , nnd on this the ruined building descended like an avalanche. The following nro known to bo burled in ruins ot the Gownn house and nro undoubt edly dead : Mrs. Sarah Gownn , William Gownn , aired 10 ; MM. Mary Walsh ; Samuel Evlsduloof Jollnt , 111. In two of the demolished houses upset stoucs sut fire to the ruins , but before seri ous damage was done the flames were extin guished. _ Wind In linta. BOONE. la. , April 1. [ Special Telegram to TIIC BEE. ] iloavy winds from the south hnvo prevailed all day muldopo several Ihou- saud dollars damage iu this city. Several houses have bon unroofed , nmoim them being n largo hotel , ttio Butler house. The brici : veneering on ono end of the Boone Milling nnd Elevator company's plant was blown off. No injurins to people are re ported. Uprising : Among Mo < tiiiltn | Indians the Kc- sutt ot Cnu-Hy. Nnw OIU.BVNS Li. , April 1. ( Special Tele gram to TUB Ben. I Too steamship Morgan , which arrived today from Biuollolds , Nic aragua , brings the following account of an uprising among the M iscjuite Iiuiinns : Ono of the Indians employed ns a soldier of the Nlearnguan government having committed - ted a orimo , was tied and llogge 1 nt Para , n. point not far from the bar of the river Hucso. Ho was afterwards in carcerated with the understanding that the next day ho was lo tinderjo the same treatment , in tno meantime some of his friends collected and visited the com mandant ami expostulated on behalf of the prisoner. They thereupon urrcst < ; d the com mandant , tied him nnd look him to Sandy Bay , whore he wus tried , found guilty and fined $ oOJ , with Iho alternative of receiving the same punishment that lie had ordered for the prisoner. In lieu ho gave them his watch and S.'H , being all that ho hud , but they refused to release him until the full amount was paid. Onc'cil tie commandant's ' men had in the moantirno gone" to the oapo to notify the NIcnrapuan authorities. Two boats loft the latter place well armed and on arrival were promptly solzad by ino Inuians Later the colonel of the capo forces came himself. Ho wns told that no harm was meant to him , so ho wont ashore and attended the Indian council. He was treated well and sent b.ick to his camp. The Indians securely tied the eggros- ser and dispatchoJ him to dreytown to the Nicaragua ! ! authorities there. jur.\io Farmers -Maho u > nir r.illtleil Alliance In "Mlniic-oln , ST. PAUL , Minn. , April I. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEIJJ. .Tho much talked effusion fusion between the democrats and alliance ot Minnesota , it would appear , is on the verge of consummalion. The democratic managers have agreed to nomi nate S. M. Owen for governor on their llckot. Owen was the alliance candidate for governor two years ago. Tbo deal was made last night by which the loaders of the domocralic parly pledge their influence for Owen. Donnelly and Fish on ono hand , and Hompe , Furlong , Halo and Cnrrington Phelps on the other , are dividing the alliance in twain. Donnelly wunts to drac it bodily into the people's party. Tlio Furlong forces see their rdvautago and only hope for fusion with ihu democrats. The basis of the fusion , It In understood , in that the alliance is to have the governor and most of the s'nto ofllecs. It is to control the patronage of the state departments , and tbo alliance is to bo helped pecuniarily In doubtful counties. Wherever the alliance U strontr no democrat is to bo encouraged to seek n nomination , and in democratic strongholds the alliance people are lo flock lo the democratic standard The democrats are also to receive the aid of the alliance in the choice of congressmen , nnd especially in the choice of a senator. Michuol Dorun Is to bit the sonnlor It Iho combination goes through , wir.r UK iiKi.n .ts vsir.n Annual Stuelc Miotv Will llo I'rovlilDil I'or. CHICAGO , III. , April 1 , [ Special Telegram to Tun Bui : . I TliQ demolition of the exposi tion building will not prevent the holding of the annual tat stock show in this city. John P. Ueynolds , the aeorotury of the State Board of Agriculture , says the show will open as usual In November next. But its location will bo far from the lake front , The Un'on Stockyards company has long needed a largo structure for the d IK play und sale of stock and will have such u build incr erected In limn for iho or.hlhl lion. It Is to bo located In the olu Dexter park und will be 12oxll.ri feet. Lengthwise through tbo building will bo a track thirty foot in width nnd nbout f > 'JO feet in length with turnouts at each end , The state board will ment SVedncsduy or Thursday next when premium lists will probably bo provided and complete details of the show arranged. The sbow will continue for ten days , but the now building will bo nt the disposition of tha board from November 12 to 20. / : > I'ltuit.ini.v Seven or Klglit "I thu ( loldeii llulo Crutv CINCINNATI , O , , April 1.-So fur tlio only life positively known to have boon lost through iho burning of Ibo steamer Golden Hulo last night U that of Nellie Malonoy. The following persons aru believed to bo dead : FRANK TERRY , second mate. Mite. O'LEAUV. cook. BUCK WAUNER. BILLY MADISON. MACKRL HOWAN. There ara'i'umors that from six to fifteen roustabouts p\nshcd in the Golden Rule hold. One who escaped says nine were IhcrJ when he led. The nrobabilltloi ore that the total number who perished will reach bcvjn or eight , , Mrs , George Btono of AdaUon Is also among the missing , None of tbo bodies have yet been recovered. A number of unknown deck hands , now believed to bo four , are missing , making a total ot clov.iti. Aimrc-hliU Kipello.l I'roni Spntn , Mioini ) , April 1. FJUF more French auurchiiU have bcou cxpclloJ from Spain. LANDED A BURGLAR IN JAIL Ho is Said to Bo Wanted in Jackson County , Iowa. CAPTURED BY TWO BLAIR OFFICIALS ItepuMlram ArnniRo for the Ap- pioiehlng t'nmp'itn | by Oreitnlrlni ; n l.ocul Tilth of I'mherit Oilier > ieliriiil < ii NIIWD Notes. Bt.un , Nob. , April 1. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bar. ] Sheriff llnrrlman nml Deputy Sheriff Mcnko wont to Arlington lust night where they cnntiiroil George Bruin , who was working In Blessing's harness shop. They returned t'.iU morning nmt plncoil the prison er In Jail in nw.'itt thu nrrlvnl of ofllcor. from lovvn. Ho is wnntoU In .Inuttson county , Iowa , for burglary. Worlf of Nehrasltn Tenehers. TKCI-MSCII , Nob. , April 1. ( Special Tele- prnm to Tin : Bii.J : : The Southeast Nebraska. Teachers association adjourned nt 12s30 to day , after a very profitable mooting of luroo days. The nntuo ot the association wns changed to the Educational Association ol Southeastern Nebraska , so ns to liicliuta .school ofllcors in Its momborshlp. The fol lowing ofllcors wore elected for the ensuing : u. C. I'ool - yonr , pi-esldunt : George Chapman - man , vlco president : Jlines Hosic , secretary and treasurer , nnu A , A. Koccl , Charles Fordyco nnd Prof. Barton , executive com nilttoo. The following resolution was nit opted : Wliereiis. Wo ns educators should represent nnd rolled thu highest moral Huntliiirnl of the country , and Who KM ? . There exists a dliciisslun relating to thu Sunday closing of tlioorUl's fullIn. . IMl.'i therefore , ho It Hesolvoit , That wo instruct the cuuiinls- slonors to close thu World's on Sunday. The next meeting will bo hold in Beatrice in the early part of April next. Clny < 'eiit i-'n New Chapter. CI.IY CnvTrm , Nob. , April 1. [ Special to- TUB BKB.I Ei-onlng Star chapter , V. D. , Order of Eastern Star , was instituted hero- Thursday evening by Grand Worthy Matron Ada M. Hillings of Ocoova , assistej by Mrs. Whitney , worthy matron of Su perior chapter , and Mrs. Dompstcr , worthy matron of Geneva chapter. Seventeen applicants wore initiated , and n number worn- unnblo to bo present on account of sicKness. Following is n list of ofllcors : Mrs. Sarah , S. Tuttle , W. M ; Mrs. II. E. Stein. W. P. ; Mrs. W. D. StiUte , A. W. M. ; Mrs. II B. Stein , conil. ; Mrs. G. A. Shine , avah ; Mrs. W. U. Martin , Hiith ; Miss Hattlo Moulton , Martha ; Miss Nettle Noyoi , Esther ; Mrs. n. I ) . Glllett , Elesta A tine bamjuct was served at the close of the exercises. McIUnley Will Nut llo nt Kearney. KcAiixrr , Neb. , April 1. [ Special to Tim Br.ii.JJ. . L/Keck , wtio made a trip to Ohio , n short time ago to invite Governor McKin- Icy to alldrcss the republican state delegate convention in this city April ! , received an , answer yesterday morning from the gover nor's private secretary , saying : "Tho gov ernor directs me to say that It will bo Impos sible tor him to accept your invitation to- speak in your city on April 'JO , as that' dtuo conllicls with ih'i data of the republican state convonllon of Ohio. " This pleco of news was a aero dtsapnolnt- mont on the purl of the advocates of MijKin- Icylsin in the slate. It is not known posi tively who will bo here : from abroad to ail- dress the sta',0 delegation. Itepiibllean Club. HASTINHS , Neb. , April I. ( Special to fiia. Bfin.J An enthusiastic republican club of ! ! 00 members was formed hero last night , The list was out but , a short time and names were ntided to it with surprising rapMity. James N. Clarke was choien president ; E. E. Ferris , llrst vice resident , second vlca- president , W. P. McCreary ; secretary , F. G , Test ; treasurer , William Kerr : executivocora- niitto ? . D. M. McElkinnev , M. A. Harligan , F. P. Olinstcad , William Lowman and 13. C. Wobbler. The name adopted by ! lie league was The Hastings. ' Heibubllcan club nnd the constitution rccnmiQciulcd by the state cen tral committee was adopted. Meetings will bo bold every two weeks. The club will im mediately begin work for the presidential campaign. _ V.'ill 1'nio York' * Street * . YotiK , Neb. , April 1. ( Special to Tua Bin : , | York people are talking of having the streets of the city paved. Mayor Bcmls , to got the matter before the people , ex pressed his ideas in a special message to tho- people , showing the advantages of having paved streets. Ho stated that Iho day of our financial depression was over , and that nothing would moro enhance the value of property than to Improve the principal streets in that way. York's lintel llurned. Yoatc , Nob. , April 1. ( Special to Tun lir.r. . | The Wyoming hotel was destroyed by fire this morning. The building was la ilamcs when discovered. Several puost escaped death by leaping from thn second story windows. Landlord Ashtqn was com pelled to leave the hotel in this manner Ha was seriously injured by allghtlnsona fence. The contents were destroyed. The building was insured for $1,000 , In the Pbtunix of Hartford , Kiitertiilned Her Noiiroi.K , Keb. , April I. [ Spncial to TUB. Bin : . ] Wednesday night Mrs. H. II. ilako gave u most enjoyable party In her pleasant home in honor of MrE. . G. Harris , wlfo ot Superintendent Harris of the Fremont. Elkhorn - horn & Missouri Valley , and located at Chad- ron. Mr. and Mrs. II irrls wore , until one year ago , located at Norfolk. Thu party was h must enjoyable affair. Cards were the order of the evening , after which u most de licious luncheon was served. Nehninltu Mortgage * . GKNUVA , Nob. , April 1. ( Special to Tun- DUE. ] Following la the mortgage indebted ness of Flilinoi'o county for March : Number of rent estate mortgages tiled , seventy , amounting to { & " ,033.04 , j roloaied , US , $09- : ( ; city mortgaaos filed. lwcntvll,7'.4.t5 : | released , iwenty-bix , 1lO.-IOvV.25 ; chattel mortgages filed 249 ? 4iblS.'JO : ( released T0 gages , , , ; , , f7-J- lUJ.l.r ( ( . Total amount of mortgage * of all kinds lllcd , ? HO.lUH.iiO ; released , $ IM,610.2(1. llitniptoii NRUM Notes , HAMITON , Nob. , April 1. ( Special to- Tun HUE , ] Prof. Gcorgo M. Caster , prin cipal of the Ked Cloud High school Is spend ing the spring vacation with bis brother , ,1 , G. Caster , principal of the local High school. The funeral sermon of the two Thomas girls , who died of diphtheria in February , was preached at the MotbodUt'EpIscopal church Monday morning to a largo concouria of Iriends. Cellar Counl.'tff < : < > iu t Hoime. JlAitTiNT.roN , Nub , , April 1. [ Special to , Tun Htu.J : Work will commence on Cedar county's ' court house at thU place' again next \\eok. The building was completed to tuo second story , but winter set in , nnd the work was abandoned until spring. Contractor Patterson of Omaha is in Ilarllngton looking over matters In regard to the structure , i'lio Duilding will con about f 11,000 , when com pleted. Iteilureil tlio U.tmugri. Oitn , Neb , , April 1. ( Special Telegram toil THE IJi'.K.l The Jury In the case of Nash against the City of Ord retiirucd a verdict ngalnst the city for fiOO today. At the former trial the verdict was for $1,700. The city secured a now tiial with this result. A new trlul will boask'cd for and if rchuod un appeal will bo taken , Seuaril I'cople Klilertulnuil , SE\\AHI > , JJob. , April 1 , [ Special to Tu > i Uii.J--The opera hcuso at thU plcco