TUB OMAHA DAILY , BEl WEDNESDAY. MA110II 30 , 1892. THE SPECULATE MARKETS Ono Oent Was Added to Every Bushel of t. Wheat Yesterday. IT NATURALLY CAUSED MUCH EXCITEMENT Hlntoniriitft from Hatch of Option Illll J'nmci Tlml HI * llrnsut-n Woulil Not 1'rc- \cnt Lrgltlinato DonlliiKK Helped Trading Largely. CniCAno. III. , Mnrch Sft The strlnjjs tylns Oown the wlioat nmrliot wcrocut loose today. As a result ixblff round cent for ovcry buihol wns n'ldod to the price of the cct-ual , almost In n JIITy. The nnnounconicnt inndo by which Jlntch , In n tologrnin from Washington Is al iened to h.ivos.ild that the proposed null-op tion measure \\ovld not obstruct or prevent n Klngla trtnsnctlon now ntithorbo I by the Hoard of Trndc. hnj the ulTcct of llttlnj the May delivery to Me. Last night the closing JlRiiro wns ? 0o exactly. There wns llttlo In the situation early to load to strength. Cables were weak and nil represented the Kurnpcnn markets as much depressed nnd quotations caino decidedly lower. Private dispatcher from Parts RUVO a Bloomy pkture of the market there nnd said that It wns rccnrdcd us ccttaln that thu duties on Imports would bo fully restored on Juno 1 , The weather continued exceptionally favorable and WIIM rc iir.lud its nbunr factor , whl.o the export business was very cncnur.i.'InK Hut there wns n demand to cover shorts nnd prices ntnrtod In nhovo ycslcrdnv's close , or ut 7UiO ? for May. Then Homo bullish news caiiiu In ; outside mat kets were hUhcr , the union nt \\hentnnd Hour on oconn pnss.iitu showed n decrease of 1,111V , 00 bn. , nnd the Ijcnl receipts proved to be UO cars less than expected. Thcso mthcr Increased the demand , nnd the cables helm ; nthcr tneajrre , there wns a grad ual rally to'O..c , butiiulckiy wcakcnuil , us It > TIIS fuiind that : i ROOD deal of wheat cnmu out at the advance. ( Jutlcr selling prcsumn- lily for I'ardildRO. This sent the price elf to VJlie , nnd uhllo the mnrket hold In n sluggish , uncertain condition , A. Kline mndu Iiulillu t\\o dispatches fiom WashliiRtou , naylnit that the null-option hill was lieitiK considered In committed and sunniv nmcndmcnts adopted , which , If passed , would not nITcct u fliiL'lo tninsnctloii now author ized. The messages from the uuthorot the llutcn nntl-'iptlon bill wcro answers tu In- iiilrlo' | , Kllno huvlnit wired the congressman rcKiirduiK the stutusof the bill. The incssnKCh uro as follows : "Tho bill Is bcltiR considered incoinmlttcoand will prohn- > ) ly bo reporlo I to the house within ten days. 1 cannot possibly say when It will come bo- fora the house for Its action. Committee bill will notolMtructor prevent a Minnie transac tion now authorised by the Hoard of Trade rules. " "My brief answer of ynsteulay Wus Intended as a reiteration of the expressed purpose of the members of the committee not to report a 1)111 that will obstruct lej-'ltlmato tradlnc , butte to suppress Illegitimate ami Kamblltii ; trnni- nctlons now prohibited by tlio Hoard of Trade. Make this us public us you desire. " \V. II. HATCH. " The result wns that new life wns Infused Into the trade and thcro wns quick develop ment nf strength , Mry soon touching Hue. UuruiR the last hour the innruet became very weak on the receluiof lower cable ) -1111(1 free bollln ? . Mny Fold elf near the clnso to Tll'jc , but reacted nnd closed firm ut from ? 0io to 7U c , Corn wns moro actlvo and recovered almost entirely from ycatordny's weakness the 10- fult bclnR largely duo to the reaction In wheat , bliorts Hliowcd considerable nervous- ni'Sa and were anxious to cover. Selling nas restricted. Local receipts \\ero8mallertlKin expected and the Inspection still very unsat isfactory , ijhornmn und the Wcare uommls- Bleu compuny were the principal buyers nnd were ( icnerally thought to bo uetlnR for Cud- iiliy. May opened nt 40e , sold vo 4Ujo ! nnd Itopt firm until near the close and reacted to xO'te , at which price It closed firm. Ontswcro quiet but linn , Kovorned Inrsoly by the better feeling In corn. There was a firm feellnK In the provision market and bettor prices ruled , but the advance established at tlio clnso wus not heavy. I'ork for May is ? ! So hlu'hcr. Maylnrd Is un changed and'rlbs are up4c. ! . Mitchell bought pork early , supposed to bo for Hoam , und Hynn wus the principal seller. Packer * claim that there Is u loss of 51 per bbl. . mulling pork nt Its present price , and that hogs nro ut the same price now us when ribs were sellln ; for tO-.O. The difference between Muy und July Iiork bus now narrowed to 17i4c. The cstl- Jiiatod receipts for tomorrow nro : Wnoat. 141 curs ; corn , ILO curs ; outs , 143 curs ; hogs , UO.t-OJ licnd. The lending futures ranged as follows : ( lash ( iiiotatlona ucro us follows : 1'i.ouu ' unsettled ; prices entirely nominal. WHBAT-NO. 2 spring wheat. 7Sfic ; No. U prliu who.it ra c : No. K rod. ai'034c. COHN No. 2 , iwct No. : i , y7H Ki7 c. OATS-NO. 2 , l'85cs ! No. \vhlte.2So ! : No. 3 white. S8Wo. HYE-NO. 2,7Sc. lUni.KV Nn. 2. 63c. f. o. b.j No , 3 @ 54c f. o. b ; No.4 f. o. b. . : ir > ® ( i5c. I'LAX HKEII No. i,07o. x TIMOTHY SEUu-Prlmc , < I.271,28. . , PoilK MOBS pork , per bbl. , Jt0.27iffilO.0 ! : ! ; Inn ) . poruwL. JI.25S3.-r7H ; short ribs sides , ( loose ) . J5.7ifft5.77 ; dry .salted shouldcrsboxod ( ) . * 4..U(35.tO ( ; Hhort clour sides. IO.tO0.r.'H. WIIISKV Distillers' tlnUhcd foods per gal , , Aun AUS Unchanged. Itccolptsnnd shipments today were as fol lows : On the Produce exchanKo todny the butter nrirKotwns steady ; creamery. S O'-'Sc : flnu western , ! tt < a.0cordlnury. : ; ' 'O Hue dairy , wculc at fMilg Now York Markets. Nr.w VOIIK , Mutch 2fl. Ki.otiit Hccclots , 31- OUokpH. ) exports , 8,170 bbls. ami V8c.8 : sneUs ; ninrkct bleher for tellers , moderately active ; enlcs , .M.bOO bbls. WllEAT-Ileeelin . 69,500 bu. I exports , 41.50 ] liu.i baleB , fi,403oujbii. of futures nnd 137,000 bu. of spot. Snot stronger , IrroKular nnil Mulct : No. 2 red , tau&DGUu In store and oleva- tors,08 > 4 < ai'0 ' ! o ullont , l ! | < a1.00i No. 3 rod. oaa V.'Vio ; ungrnucd led , UJUittl.LO ; No. 1 northern , WSWSUo ; No. 1 hiiril. l JiI.OO ! No. 2 nortnorn. ItiW-Me. Options advanced ! 41Jio ? on the ilecrouBed amount on imssogo nnd from forcljn buylnp. dncllnud on the In- sod H iiEllsl ) vjtlbfo nnd lower ublcst Qloscd steady nt 'sQj.'o np ! fx'o , 2 red , M droli. IMo l , K < 395Uc closInK Btltsot May , til , olosln ut It'ci Juno , r 9 ? < iIK4c ! ) ! , easing ut Ji.ly , wj CMO-Uo , closing ut OSo ; , ' ' ' " uYoi- IIIR nt SDKct " ' ItVK-Uull ! wcstein.l-- llAULiiV-Stuudy und ciiilot. ' COHN HecolptsC4.BOO bu.i exports , 14,40 bu.i ulrs. Mn.000 bu. f iituroa and IH.OOJ spot. Knot , higher and fairly uotlvo ; No. " . 5ii(2l ) ! ( ; 5i ( In olevntpr ; 4'Jift)0'io ' itllout ! uu- Kraded mixed , 4S > it50e ; No. 4 , 48Uo ; learner mixed. IHJiiHOSJo. Optloiii ndvnnced wl'PuA.t.i"dllR ' t : > ' > ro- cmiitsi Miiroh , 481.0 Apill. 48i ! < Bi8Uo : closlni nt4Hios May. 4U7fcJ7io ! ; eiosiiiitnt474oJunu ! : < Mi 5fc ( olosluic at 45Soi July , 4WDllOiCi ! cloeliiKut40Sc. OATB-Hecelpts , 31,851 bu.t exports , ib.IS : Ini.jBulcs , 1CA.UOO bu. f utui es , 88,000 bu. spot fipot , stroiiRori less uctlvo : options , quiet firmer' April. IHUas May , atWiSJIKoi closlui nt 34 , 01 No. 2 white , April. ! WU. Bpot No. : yflhto.asueasjic ! western , aiiaaooi vrhlto wcit- wru , 37 < 4mc. HAV Qulot , steady. llors Dull ; otRto. common to choice , 194 C5o | 1'nollle roust , loanSc. hiiOAK-lluw. iteadyt modoratlvoly nctlvo alos. 364.00J pounds ; j,84fj baua Muscovado 6 tot , S c , 4,500 buga centrlfuguiWJttst utaiic utid 3.6,0 bugs inolusos ; rcllnecl , qu'et , kteiidy MowsE8-KoroIgu , dulliNewOfleaiis , Hrni good demand. HlCK-mcidy. : actlvo , flrm. I'KTiioi.tuu-htoudy , cjuict ; United , closci Bt 55o for April. cuTTUMiKKU OnPlrm. . TALLOW Dull.Jcnsy ; city , ( ti HOSIN Quiet , steady. TUIIPKNTINB Quiet ; aw KensI'ulr demand , firmer ; nottcrn , 13)ic ) receipts , W.UI'J pku-s. lliurs Inactive , steady. Wool Uulet und ousy ; domostto fleece , U5oI' ; pulled. UttX'ci Texan , IC&Uc. I'OIIKjulot und ktendy. CUT MKATS-O.UICI nud Urm ; middles , firmer thort clear , IG.O ) . -UiieuGd strooger , clotca ttouki went * - W W PP HBlH crn stcnm olosod ntt.fl ) bid : fnle * . .I.T.'O rnns. Option ftulos.V.VXUlorcOil Mnroli. M..VI April , M.v ; May. MtaaaM , c.oslng nttool ; July. t-lTii. clmmz nt ffi.7J hid. HUTTKH Steady , qnlct ! western dairy. 1f J S2M western crcunicry. 2j&94c ! | western fac tory. 1i45W.'c : Klein. v.iJic. CIIEE.IK lalrdoninnd , steady ; p.irt shltni , MMOc. , I'm IttON Quiet : Aliioi-lcnn. $11.75010.25. CoriT.n Quiet ; Inke. tll.uft iihkfd. l.KAti Dull ! Uomcstlc. HIS bid nnd tt.3 nskcd. TIN-Kasy i straits , } IQ.7Mil(1 nnd 8IO.M asked. St. t.imls Market * . ST. I.oum. Mo. . March 20. Pi.ouu Very un settled and llttlo dolnc. WIIKAT AlilioiiKli prices nuctuatcd some- wlmt the CL'iicral fcoilna was liulllxli anil the clnso was * c to JU'o above yeUerday. Onsh wheat n fraction ofTul 84 ! < et Mny Closed at bJ ? OSIf4'c ; July , WVC ! Aniiut. 78 ! < e bid. UoiiN rMroiiK all tlmmttli nnd closed hlchcr ; No. 3 cnsli. : i.W < iWn'c ! May and .Inly. .W c. OATS-rirni ! No. a cash , aUo ) ; May29o. ! llvi'-lhill nnd lowor. lUiit.EV- Nothing dnno. KUAN Loner itlbl'iQOic. llAV Quiet ; prairie. JiSOOS.M : tlmotliy , LEAD Plrnilv hold nttl.OO. KI.AX fEKii Lower at injje , Con.x MiMt.-Qulut : it fl.W. WHISK v bto.aiy nt M.l L lUnniNO UnclmnKCd ; fi'44iSo. IIKIN COTTON 'riKR Uiiciiiiiidctl ; ! ! .EOt.S5. I'MOVisiciNU Klrrn nnd better. roilK.-tlOIUiiQKi.73. liAltIHU.Vit 10. Uitv HAI.TPII M BATS Loose shoulders. J4.CO ; lonps and ribs , V > .7ii shorts , JV'JJ ! boxcrt lots , 15o more. HAUO.V Slionlders , iiic : ! ; loncs nnd ribs , $0.'K ) ; Hhorls , H45. StidAli Ulliini llAMR W.OCQ10.fO. KLCBIPTK Klour. " .UOJ Ibs. ; heut , W.OOO Int. ; corn. 1W.OJO bii. ; oits : , 43.COJ bu. ; rye , S.iioo bn. : barli < y'JO.iiuj bu , tfllll'llEKTri flour. 0,050 Ibs. : wlicnt. 10.011 bu.t corn , 01,00. ) Int. ; eaU , 3U.UOJ bu. ; rye , 1OOJ bu , ; barley , Itx)3bti. ) Omiilia I'rodnrc 'Miirkrl. HIDF.H No. 1 zroon salted hides , ( ' { fSI'ic ' : No. S green sailed hldo , : i'l'T ' iite ! : No. 1 crucn lildu ? . 2 % to 4J Ibs. . : ( ® -i'iu : No. - ' KIOCII hides , 25 tn 41 Ihs. , La.4c : No. 1 venl calf. H to 15 Ilia. , He : No.J vcul calf , 8 to 15 I In , 4c : No. 1 dry Hint hides. 7 < 38c : No. 2 dry Mint hides. 5 < tjCc : NO. i dry salto I hides. f > 30j. T.il- low. No. 1. : ji'fc ! | ! t.illow. No. 2. : i'/5u : B roasc , whlto A. 4c ; urc : Fc , whltu I ) , lllitt 'jc ; crensp. yellow , : iu ; KIUIISC. dink , 2c | ; old butter , V © 2'to ; bciiswux , prime , lUc : rotiuli tallow , li ! OI'P. OI'P.KlltilTS CallfornU Klvcrsldo or.injres. $ i73 ® 3.IU ; WashlnKtnii un o.s. 14 uo l.ffii ; choice up- pics , IKI.ui ; cholio .onions. 84 00 : fancy lemons , JI..V.VB4 00 ; binanas. cnitod , $ . ' .0j-1.r > 0 ; i-nin- bcrrlcs. slitpD.iiK Block , bushrl bo\es. tJ8.i | Rtrawboirlcs , 43int ; 1'lorlda tomatooj , 5i50 ( © 7.nopei crntoof six bnskoli , Vt.OKTAiii.KS 1'uncy Miisc.itlne sweet pota toes. $ i50,7."i ; seed sweet potatoes. $ . ' IKX3.-V.5 ; Unllfonili cabbage , " ! tu per II ) . In cr.itcs ; homo crown lettuce , 4Uc per dor. ; o.ntons. nCe5MI.no per bu. ; Nebraska lutiiflplclicd beans , } 1.7.Vftl.amedium. ; . $ I..Vj@l.oO ; Cull- fornln celery , $ ' .00 ; Colorado and western Nebraska potatoes , Ido : native potatoes. 20 ® 25c ; lltiia tfans. 4c per Ib. ; uatcr crnss. 24-n.t. oases. lliHSSl.ic perqt. ; aulnach , J'.tX ' ) per bin , ; Hpunlah onions. Jl.ro pcrcr.ito ; rndlshus , 40c ; rutubaKns , $1.75 per bbl.j now turnips , 50o pcrdoz. _ City Markotfl. KANSAS CITV. Mo. . March JO. WHEAT A trifle more nctlvo. but prices did not show much Improvement over jrostorday ; No. " 2 liurd , 7l'ii ' lc : Nb. 2 rod , nominnl ut 8ic. COIINtmng ; No. 2 mixed , 3JJJ'ie ; No. 2 white , : ii one. ; OATS linn ; No. 2 mixed , 27o ! ; No. 2 wbltc , 23(4c. ( HVIJ Steady ; No. ! < iuotcd iioiiiiiinlly at70c. KI.AX yiiKD-Mo on thu basis of pure. HIIAN Weak ; sacked , file. llAV Cliolco Is steady nnd other trades nro weak ; timothy. $9. CO ; fancv prairie , TO 50 ; wood to choice. f5ui ® .01 HUTTEH Unruly steady nnd unchanged. Kaos AotUo , llim to hlirhor , lie. 1'i.oun Dull nnd docIlnliiK ; li'cli pntent , t2.40 : patent , tU.20 ; eho co , ! l.bO ; XXX , SI.OO ® 1.70. 1.70.KKCEIPTS \Vhcat , 0,200 bu , ; corn. 1,233 bn , ; oats. none. SHIPMENT ; ! Wheat , 22ooj bu.j corn. 10,000 bu , ; oats , 1,000 bu. Cotton Mnrkrt. NEW VOIIK , March 29. Tuturcs closed quiet ; sales. 5 ,200 'jnlcs ; Mnrch. W.42 : April. } il.42 ; Mny.G.52 ; Junc.SOCU ; July.IO.G9 ; August , ? a78 ; SoDtembcr. tOBi : October , W.07 ; Noem ber. t.07 ; December. $7.17. NEwOiiTjKANB , La. , March 20. Vorv steady ; middlings. G ? c ; low , 5 c ; good ordinary 5)ic. ) Net receipts , 5.TO4 ; gross , 5,1170 ; exports to Franco. 2,707 ; to the continent , 1.5S7 ; coast wise. : it > bales ; sales , l,7uu bales ; stock , US9.8J1 bales. _ Liverpool Markctd. LivKiiroor. , Mnrch 29. WHEAT Dull ; hold ers olTcr moderately ; No. 1 California. 7 OJ percental : Nu. 2. red winter. 7s 7l/4d7a 8'id. Itccclpts of wheat for past three davs were L-5CHIU centals , Including 170,000 centals Amor- lean. lean.L'oiiK Quiet una lower ; mixed western. 4s 7d per cental. Hecclptsof American corn for past tbrco days , 120.2UO centals. IjAiiu I'rlmo western , 'Ma cd per cwu Now Y rk Dry Goods Slnrkct. NEW YORK. Mnrch 20. The dry poods jiinr- kot disclosed no new features nt tlr.-a hands. The doninnd wus modoruto us \\holc. . tliough fair nnd steady for gooUs of popular brand. Of staple fabrics there mo few ucuumulntlons of nny. Importance. In fuucy fabrics fine qualities luu o hud the lend throughout the season and lower grades adapted to the south ern trade , hnru In sotno Instances been dllll- cult to market In full. Colleo Mnrkot. NEW YOHK. March 29. Options ooened steady , 5 points down tn 5 up. closed steady , unchanged to 8 points down ; hales , 1K.75U bnga. Including : March. flJ.40U43 : Aurll. Sia.O1.1,2U ; Jlny. JI2.70@lS.tfi ; June. * l2.4.1ll > .rU.lnly. : J12.4 ® l..45i Auunst. tli35 ! ; October. 812.15 ; November , S12.10 : Decombcr , $12.05. Spot Ulo dull , nominal ; No , 7 , JU.'j ; ; ; . Ilnvann S HAVANA. March 20. Sugnr. 2.000 bags centrl- fnciil.lH ) to fiTuosirces polnrlzatlon. ere sold onspcculutlon ut3.0Ji ! cold pcniuintal , I'orclen Oil Slurlcct. LONDON , March ift ! LISSEEU Oir. 16s OJ per cental. 20s 4 5d per cwl. Wool Market. IlnsTOK , Mass. . .March SO. There was no cliungu in the wool market. Traders' Tulle. CniCAno , Murch 29. Kcnnett , Hopkins k Co. toH. A. MoWliortor : The cold out condition of the market loft It In shape to rally on tlie unexpected dccrjUbU of ] , WOUOO bimhols on ocean passage , but tliero wus renewed and goiiorul Celling at the top which the market wus too narrow to tuUo nnd bold prices. It sold elf from SUe to 7UUo but n moro cunlldcnt tonu prevailed and linestora took hold morn rrculy. The price Isuttrnctlvo and for the present It looks safest to buy on soft i-pots. In corn and oats there was not much dolns. Tlio manipulators uo'.d May coin ( Irmly whllo Inter months una lower grades aie relatively weak and outsldo markets fall to tosnond materially to the advance here. The cllniio are coiintlng on light iccolpts the Hrst Imlf of April to help them out , lorolgn markets have been declining since the bull movement hero be gan , but oxporti. are fair nnd now engage ments encouraging. OutBihow no snap. With good weather for putting In the next crop wo shall probably see lower prices. Provisions have scored a further moderate advance which Is considered encouraging In view ol the luck of outside business , STOCKS AM ) UONDS. Tendency or Trading Wan Touanl a Suiallct Volume. Nuw YOIIK , March 20. The tendency In the Block market Is still toward n Bnnllur volume of business. The speculative * spli It In Wall street has arrived at a very low ebb and some thing of n positive nature must occur to re vive It. 'J hero Is no Inducement topurtwltli stocks nnd holders tire believed to bo fully nulo to protect their Interests , or In othoi words , Blocks have main passed Into stront liunda. The market today was nothing mori than the remnants of last week's trading unc presented au unusually small amount of In tcrest , vlio trauanctlons after the f01011091 being restricted to a nann to mouth business wlillu lluvluallons thruuchout the day wen conllncd to the narrowest limit except in foui orllvo htoclie. Hook Island was azaln under the hamnior and the marketing of a imall lot of Lak < bliorelntlio absence of support wn sutHclen to knock it down 1 per ccnt.but Sugar was thi only other weak fpot In the forenoon , and nltlioiish I ho market opened ut advances o from ! to 14 per cent over lantnlElit'a figures the rally toward noon placed the wliolu list i shade ubovo the opening prices. The dull ness wus moat Intense until toward the close vrlien the pressure to soil became oven groutc than In tlio u.irller trading , and was main tnlnod throughout the rust of the session New England bearing thu bruntof the attack though Erie , Atohlson. Northern 1'uclUc I'oiinsylvnula nod Itock Island were all olofli followers. The llrst named retired 2i ! pc cent und the other * In tiroportlon ; the las prices were generally tbe lowest cf the day Thoclosownsactlvoundwoak.no rally up pearlng us Is usual lu the llnnl deulliiKt 'Jhore was no motcmont of Importuncu union the Industrials , though Cord us u uasudvancci In the forenoon , only to full awuy ugulu late In the day. Thu llnul chungoa are only biuul losics. liut New Knglnnd ft down S per cent Krle li ( and Hock lslni 1 percent. Uovfrnmcnt bonds have been dnll nnd firm State bondi have boon entirely neglected , itio lolloivlng uro the closing yuutatloui foi the lending stocks on the Now York Stock ex change todnj ! Attrition . . . . .17 | NorthVeiiern . , AcUnn Kxpre . . . . 114 do pretrrmi , . . . . 141 Alton , T , II 114M N. Y Ccntrnl . . II4L , A lion , T , II. | iM , 141 NY C .1 PL 1 . 18H American Kxiirous. II * do iitofotrod . . . . . 73 II C. U. A M . . . , .VI8S -Ohio MlMlntlppI . . 23M fnnailn I'nclllc . . . 8S I ilo preform ! * M Cnniiln Southern. lOVttantiirlo AVp tern. Central I'nclllc. . . . SOftiOrcKon ImprciTCm't Chen , tt Ohio , 2ll < Oreitort Nnv. ild 1st tirofrrreil. Ml lire-iron Trims ilo Zml preferred. 4lM I'nclllc Mull Clilcngd , \ Alton , . . Itt rrorlnlicc. A. I ! . . . ( ' . , ll. \ l ) , O. , C. . tl * St I. . . . I'lillmnn I'nlnce . . ll'l ' Del. tludton ( lending Del. I * fi W , Hock Inland 8.1 II. , V II. Ii , pfil MiM M. U A f. K Ittptil 7rlnH Knttlrnnpnnpo , . . M t 1'nnl nH ilo lit preferred. II ) do preferreil ilo 2nd prcfcncd. M. I1 . Mln .V Mnn. . Hi Krlo. . . SI 1'aul.V Oninhi , , , 4n ilo preform ! . . . . ilo preferred , . , . . . ' 114 tort Wnyne , Tcnn. Coal A Iron . 4 i < Chi A. Hint. III. , . . Texii 1'nclllc 10 ! ( Hocking Vnllcjr. . . . To ) . . \ O. Ccn. | ifil , . M HniKlon .V Texai. . Union 1'nrtlc 4O < Illinois Ccntrnl , . . , II. r1. Kxtrots , . . . . . . . 47 St. I' . A llulutti Wnbnfh.Sl. I , . A , 1' . . Knnin , VT < > xn * . . . IM * do tirefcrrcd l.nke Krlo , VVe l. Wclln tnrito Kx. . , . in ' Wcntern Union 87) I.nko shorn . . . , . . . . 1M ! ( Am. I'ctton Oil I.nulsvlllo A. .Snsh. 7iH Colnrndo Conl : ctu l.oiiUtllloV..N , A. , Zl . 'ilomertnko u tlemphl * \ chnr. , to 'Iron ' Silver IUJ lXi4 ( Untnrlo . . . . . . . . . . . 41 .Mil. Ill .Mil.Mo preferred do preferred ID Mian. AM. I. . ID Sutro do preferred Diilncr 40 Mtfsoml 1'Bcltlc. . . . ItUh. & W.I' . Ter. . . 40"M MnhltoA Oliln WI-coiiMii Centrnl. . .NniliMllo t hntt. . . . Oicnt Northurn pfil N. J. Centrnl Us , eid Trust .Norfolk A w. pfil. . . < > c-nitnr Tru t .Northern Tnclile , . Minthorn 1'ncltlc. , . . North. I'nclllc pfd. . , 0.8. I. . XU. N U. I * . Dcn.Atliiir. . . The total sa'cs ' of stocks today woto 2.AO.'J5 shales. Including : Atchl < on. U.-j7 ! ( : Chlcaao cu , r > , o 0 : nrlo , at.oro : Louisville , t Nashville. I'.48J : Mnnhnttiiii. 0,1115 ; Missouri Pnclller < i.500 ; Not them Pnclllu profcrrod , 20a3' . : DOW Kng lnnd , 4U5ju ; llondlng. vtllXiJ : Ulchmond & AVestl'oInt , 5,4'OSt. Paul , 17,818 , Union Puclflc , a , o i. York Money MiirUet. NEW VOIIK , March so. MONKV ON CAM/ Knsy nt 1J ! to 2 tier cent ; ) nstloun,2 percent ; close.l oficrcd nt2 per cent. PnlMB MKIICANTII. ! : I'At'hn 4QO per cent , i-TKitriM ] i\ciiANii-QuIet : , but steady at $4.t > 0 for sixty days nnd I ' .bd for demand. The doling quotations on bonds : I'lnuiicliil Iteileu' . NEwVotiK , JIarcli29. The Post suyssYestor- duy'd llnul chccUnitUo to free colmmo leKl.sla- tlon In this session of congress foil Hut on the market. There wus not n whisper of cnthusl- nsm this iiiornln'nnd , lu fact , If the results of all the early trading vtoro to be summed up declines would probably bo found consid erably lu the majority. When the stock market icfuocs.to to up on u piece of fuvor- nblc news It muy nlways ho Inferred that somebody Is left ullh speculative stock for sale. Acting upon this theory the brokers set to. work lu the liiBthourto hammer the nmrKct. Now Knglnnd stock , always1 a subject for quick manipulation , yielded llrst ; the nrjuuor stocks generally , followed. Under the bqar attacks trading be- eumo moro ucl\o townrJ the close , I\ow ICiiK- lund continuing to load In tlio weakness. Sucnr certificates guvo wav along with other points of utt.iclc and declined rapidly as slop orders were ro'ichcd. The eloslir. . thouiili In- nctlve , w s dispirited und lust prices were the lowest for the uuy. London Stork Market. [ Coptfrf0/iclH / ( ( JO.J.iintt . Oinlin. Denii M LONDON. March BO iNow York llcruld Cubic Special to TIIK Hr.K.I I'rogrois In the settlement , has continued to cnguKo u full amount of attention lu the Stock exchange toduy , othcrwl'-o business for the new ac count has been of n must mougru dcsrlptton , Funds nro unchanged , but Indian rupee paper Improved from ? to 7 per cent though silver pruspccts ci.uso some uneasiness now thut the silver bill In America Is virtually ti dead letter. Foreign gov- urnmcnt securities have been tolerably IIrm all duy , u good tone being reported on continental bourses. Homo rnllwuys opened dull and heavy , continued moro or less so to the close , the stock proving In better supply than was expoutcd , wlnlo tomorrow's tr.illlj statements ara o\pcctDd to show unfavorable results. Changes established In prices , bo\\c\er. are unimportant , several de scriptions marking u dccllno of H per cent to H per cent. Drlgbton deferred however Is ! per cent higher utter having been li percent lower. American rail ways have been llttlo affected by the more favorable advices regarding the lierln ? sea dllllculty and the utter fulluro of the silver bill. Money has been lu fair demand , but rules have been easier , short loans being quoted utYt per cent discount. The demand bus been moderate , two nnd three months' bills being quoted at 1 ? > per cont. LONDON. Murch s ? . The following wcro the London stock quotations closing at 4 p. m. : MONEY 1 ! uer cent. Huto of discount In open market for short bills , lily percent ; for three months' bills 111. 1 percent. Thu amount of bullion cone Into the Uank of ICnn-land on b.Uanco today JC 1711,000. I'liuinclul > 'otes. NEW OIILBANS , Ln. , March -Clearings , HAVANA , March 0. Spiinlsh gold , f2.444' ? < 3 2.4i ! exchange , ' - ' . PAKIS. Murch 20. Thrco per cent rentes , Oflf , Sou for the account. KANSAS UITV. Mo. , March 20. Clearings this duy were tl,5UtU ) . Yniuc , March 29-01oarlngs$14l,53l,3:5j balances. f4V.40.4.'l. ItAi.TiMonr , Bill. . March 'JO. Clo.irlngs , $2- OCaouij balances , JJTH.XO , ItatoO per cent. I'liiLAnnr.i'iiiA. pa. , March SO. Clearings , ilt'.un.lUii ; balances , JI.rbOhUl ; money 'J per cent , CINCINNATI , O. , Mnrch 20. Money , 4CM pc.- cpnt ; New York exchange , 7io ) discount ; clear s , ll,8 3'5 1 MKMIMIJB. Tenn. , Blnrch SO. Now York exchange - change selling at par. Clearings , $301,041 ; bulunres. * ' 'lt.a ! NcwToiiK , March 0.-Sooolal Telegram to TIIIHUB. . } Kxchuiigo WUH quoted as follows. Chlcugo , 40o discount ; lloston , 1'O Jo disc ount ; St. Louis , par. CIIICAOO. 111. , March 20. Money In better demand. 4 ifl percent , Now York oxchanzc , slow , 40u discount. Sterling exchange , heavy , 8 .so for Blxty-dav bills , Jl.bU for demand. Clearings , SU.Ml.tCO. lioBtun Block . Muss. . March 20. The following were the closing orlcus on stocks on the Uos- ton stock market todny ; Denier Mining Stocks. nENVEii , Colo. , Murch W. The followlnRllsl Is the elnsliu nuotutlons on the Mining ox- chantfo todny , Bales , 10,5)0. J.IVJ ; hTDDK .MAHKKTK. Dvmunil NtroiiR nnil Slurkct Artlvo on Al SorlM Hag * Illulu-r. DOMAiu , March SA-Ilocelpts for two days ar l cfttllo , 3VO 4lojtB nnrt t.OHliGop. ncnlnst entile. 4TT.Um mid S , 1hcou \ the IIrat two dajr of lust WeV'k. Tlio cnltlo inftrKet wa only different from Mondnv > tcitrkcl In that IMMHOM was nioro nctlvo iiml Hie tone nr the trjtlo liot'.or. ltt > - cclnls were onlv fplr nliil wtili an iictltu local micl ontslilo ilcm.v" ! , trading win ncllvpunil the snpn'y Uuirmi'd Imiuli bcfcirno'clock iintwlthst.indln llio tint ) wn.itlier. tlood , liunvv l..ui to 1.41)itcorsA ! > cro not nioro than stciuly nml went Ittrgoly to uhlppota anil exporters nt frtan1 fllA t < JIUU 'i litre win tintliltu rcnlly cHli ( > o In this line lipro. Pair to coort light mill medium \\clglit cat Ho uclftlilng from l.vpjji ) I , ; non \ \ wcra pcrliiilisii slniilo Mi-OMKOMit jUO : tu MIA Tlio Ronrr.'il inn of tuiinnon Hunt stnlT cold tin IIMHII largely iiroiind KiMO to JIH3. UROO.I many of tins rliiss seillns us feeder * . \vnsnopartIciiliiri'liniiKo In the nmrKot for butchers' mul cannero' Meek. Thu ilotniind wus coed nnii ( irlcoa wcro certainly no lowor. Some clinlcu rows nnil lirlfori sold nt front $ .l.ir > to M.io ; , but SIM to tittl IwiiKUt the hulk of thu common to nrotty coed sttilT. In- frrlor and oannliu stuir sold us tKtinl from Jl.lUto t.UO. Hulls , oxon mid stnu" < wore In coed demand mid stronger tit from JI.IW to M.M. Clmli'o veals were lm"d to llnd I'horo wni n need npply of fair to proity good atulV licro Hint --old trom J.MK ) to tl.tt. There W.IR not u % try tictlvo ttailo In Mockers mid feeders , this liolnj malmy duo to the bad we.itliur , tloulors not bolnz unxlolia to dhow or IniycuUlo on such u tliiv. Prices , lie over , wuro full stronu. SIOJ to J.UO about covering the range. Ucpri'suntatlvo sales ! stnr til. . ATJJSTEUN ' CATTLE. , „ _ No. Ay , . I'.r. No. Av : IV. 2 bulls 12hU$2 7.1 Ul fcc.lors.1011 JJ 4J 03 COWS , c.-f . .lUOJ 3 25 MII.KKIIS NI ) SI'llINnUllS. 1 cow and calf.8-1 03 1 cow and calf.$24 00 1 COW and ualf. 27 UO lions The market was active and a good r c , generally 5Uc , higher th..n Slondny on a'.l grades of hogs. The supply was not large , and dealers cannot expect very liberal re ceipts so long as this wcatner continues. Thcro wus no change worthy of note In thu general quality of the offerings , the average weight for the past two urMirce weeks remain ing around 24) to 245 Ibs. lioston wns the only shipper In the market , but wns it liberal buyer , t.ildng fully a fourth of the offering. There wns also an uctlvo fresh meat demand for good ll ht and ship pers , and fresh meat men paid (4.00 for nc.ir.y everything of this class. Packers .bought common , heavy und mixed hogs laigoly ut $ I..V > . Some prime butcher weights brought Jl.ti'i , while bomo very common loads und the rough ends uf sorts sold ut $4.50 to 8I.521S. Not a treat deal of setting was dune , hut where such u tiling was done the tbrowouts sold ut $1.00 to SI : i5. The pens wcro cleared early and the bulk soiling 0.1 71.55 to 81.00 ngulnstf.5j to J4.53 Monday. Tbo general averugu of prices paid was tl.nHU. ugalnst * l.5uV : Monday ana ; 4.ni.'n Tuesday of lust week. Kcprcsentatlvo sales : 2 . .20D 425 80 431 4i ! ' - 'JJO 4.-W 1. . 540 423 o 420 4:13 : 275 40 435 . ii' Three double decks of westerns \\urti received , convened direct to n local puekor , Three HlnKle decks of very K od mixed bliiukfiicca , mostly lambs und yeiir- llngs broiiRht $ VTJ and u uuule dock of very common mixed unlive * sold for Jl.TO. The do * iiiiind Is good nnd the iniirKet Htrons. Quota tions are us follows : Kulr to good niitlvos , t4,5tH3J5.50 : fair40 iood westerns. JIOO3.73j coiniiioii und btuck bhoep , S..W ) ® ! 00 ; good tu choice forty to ninety-pound lambs , S1.W30.W. Koprcscntutlvo uiiless No. J ' Av. I'r. 8. natives mixed 70 tl IS l > 2 bluckfnces'inl\ed 0 } 570 160 bluckrucca.'jui xcd 85 573 Itccclptx iiijJ ) DUpnsltlnn uf Stuck , Itocolpts nt Ulo Union Stock yards , .South Omulin , Neb , for the twenty-four hours end ing ut 5 o'cloclcjl. m. , March 20 , Ib'-rJ. tuns. Curl. Tlcnrt Cars. lluad tuo JIISI'OSITION' . Chicago I.U < < Stock 'Market. CiiiCAnn. III. . March 29. IBpcclal Telenr.in to THI : IlKB. ] Tie | cattle pans wore n iUlel | look today. They contained ubout thuimuul Tues.Iiiy's supply und thu demand wus of tin restricted character uauul to thut duy of tin Keek , In vtilucx there was no noteworthy chaiiRO. UuverH wuru willing to pay Monduy't prices for what they wanted und wo ijuutc the inurkoVdteuciy ut from Jl 51 to fJ.2) foi poor to choloo eow und bulls , f..VS to JJ.7 : for siookers und feeders , if.LUU tofi.OU for com moil tooxtra steers. I.MO to Jl UU for Tovut cuttle and from (1.50 to 13.50 for veal ealvoa. Thcro wus but llttlo builncus below t-0) and cenorully u limited amount ut better thuii (4.50. Itecelpts for the remainder of thu week promise to bo moderate , und prices are likely to work ti llttlo llnuer. The ho iiiarKet wus uneven. It wan bluhor at the oiienlnir , but war iiulto wouk Inter In the dny , ( Inully closlni ; about as fur Monday. Tlio inoraxu of sales was a llttlo higher , the great bulk of the day's trudlu being done ut from 14 (0 ( to 11,00. CloMnz quotation * were Jrout U.d ) to fVwi for hoivy nnd medium , und SI.MtoJl.iO forlljliu I.Ubt nnd medium wclnlit sheep old quite n wolln * before , but In henry untile * trade CTHB lo nethc. nnl tlio tcellnp wns wuakrr. Thnro wni n contlnnfd cool duninnd und the R.UOO on ale nmiln none too lingo n supply , Quotations ranged from ( A.to to7A ( for poor ID extra , Tim Inmb market wns steady nl from f. 00 to W.7S. Itccolpts were ! Cattle , C,5M ; IIOR . 15,003) ) sljeop. 0,000. The r.vcnlnt ? Journtil reports ! CATTi.ri Hccclpts. anoj ; shipments : i..Vtfl ; ninrkct stonily ] trtxil to elmlco steers $ I".V3I TV otli- rts , Rl.Sl.vai.M ! stockorfi , ( SoiXSl4j [ ) Texan ? , f l.4i l. 4'i : cows. (1.4 * 1.00. lloiH-llceoipts. 1.\IKJ ) ; slilpmcnts. 7,003 : tunrUot upnno.t stron ? , clostvi lower : rnuRh nml common. ( I 10 < iM.iM : pickers nud mixed. . .S.1 : tirlmu hcuvv and butchers' . 4.IKII sorlrd llRht l , SI.7.VI7ll.tPO | piss , SI.fiOa4.70. SitKF.i'-Ilcculpts. 7.00J : vhipmoiitM , u. < yifl ! sheen fctoadv. lambs lonort owes. (4,00iA\S.1 ( | mixed > Vnaftn..i ) : wethers , (3,003(1.00csturns ( : , ' > nw York Livestock Markrt. NEW YOIIK. March IS. IlKr.vr.s KccolntR , not ) head , nil for exporters nnd slauvliterers. Nor trade ; fcolini ! llriu. Dressed beef steady. Fbc pcrpiiund , Shipments todnjW.2bt'o \ o- * ; tuuiorrnw 2" > 4 beeves mid OAVJ ounrtors of beef. CAi.vm Receipts. IKS lioail. Markets > o e\vt , lower ; veals JlttO per 100 Ihs : lambs , f' < a7.2dicsopd mutton stcndy , 010' < o per Ih.t diccsed lambs , ilrm ; 1 IKxis Itcco | its. 4.5SQhuai ) , couslpncd direct ; steady utl.tO < ( &U5 per UO Ibs. City Live .Stork Mnrliot. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Jluoli 2 > . OATTI.R Itccolpts , ll.ilu ; shipments , ) ' . The nuirkut was generally Rteudy , drosscd beef nml ship- iiln stcoi-s sold ut } : iOOS.l.S7'4 ' ; cons , } | .7o3 3.40 : BtocKcrs und feeder * . CJ.T.MdJUTli. llOOH Itccolpts , H.9W : shlpmunts , P03. The market opened strong to do hUhurnnd cloicd Honk with the uain lost ! all grudos , 'l.ioiii 4Cot bulk , H.fi4. ( . . SllUlU1 Uccolpts , : i. ' > 03 ; slilnments , 203 Ouod sheep wore ticllvo and steady ; others \\oak. INSTHUCTIONS TO ASSESSORS. Mr. .Snckott Tells Them lionto Clot All 1'ropcrty Listed. County Clor'.c Sacuctt Is dotcrmtnod thnt tUo nssasstnont of property tbis year shall l o lair nud cqultublo ; that all taxable property shall ba assessed , and to this end bo has Issued tlio following instructions to the \varJ assessors of the city of Omalia and South Omaha : Iu order to Riitdo you In the disc tint-go of your duties as usscssor of the ward of Omnha , 1 doslro to call your attention to tbo following matters : It seems to unvo been the custom of former county clerks to enter In the assessor's book certain lauds in red in It. presumably those not taxable ; but , wuilo I have adopted this custo r. I wish to bay that it Is your duty to determine whnt is not assessable , nnd not tnlno ; so that , should you llnd among the land entered lu rod ink any that should bo taxed , vou will place a valuation upon it and it will bo treated as taxable. ; and I would call your attention to section U of the revenue net , that you"may study it carefully and ex empt only that property contemplated by low. All railroad property outside the right of way nndocpotground } in your precinct must bo listed br you for taxation. You will also list und assess for taxation in this county all the property of whatever kind of the railroad known as the Omaha 15elt Uiilvvay co.npany. The roadbed and rlcht of way , depot grounds , tool houses , main and siUo tracks will bo listed and as sessed the same as other real estate. Any rolling htoslr. or other personal property of this roaJ kept in your precinct will also bo assessed bv you. Ycu will also list and assess as real ciuto tharoidbod of all street car lines within your precinct , estimating its value by tbo inllo. inllo.All All gas and water mains laid down nnd all telephone lines within your ward will bo listed and assessed by the assessor of the ward in which tbo main ofllcc is located , and I xvould suggest that In the event that none of these olllces are locatoa wilhin the boun dary ot your ward , that you use nil possible diligence to see to it thut nil the property of such corporations is properly assessed" by the assessor of the ward la which the main uflico is located. I wish to call your attention most particu larly to tbo law relating to the assessment of corporations nnd the blanks provided for this purpose. The returns for each corpora tion must bo made upon two blanks , one for the capital stock and other Horns of credit , nnd one ( the regular personal blank ) for the listing of all personal property owned ly such corporations other than capital und credits. Great injustice is done those corporations which malio their returns according to law in allowing other companies to witbold facts that should bo included in their returns , therefore I hope that not onlv you but every assessor in the city will see to it that no ef fort is spired to secure a complete , honest nnd equttablu assessment ol all corporations of this class. Another important class of personal prop erty that has baou uniformly neglected is franchises , both public and private , you will note that under the law these are taxable nnd should bo listed and valued as personal properly. You are required by law to actually view oaon piece or parcel of land to ba oYsossod , and to list that which is improved and that which is unimproved in separate columns. In order thnt I may make nn honest return to the auditor , it is necessary that vou observe - servo the la.v in reference to list [ tig tbo above proportv in separate columns. You will observe that upon the personal blanks herewith there is a place for tno street and number of the location of the proporty. You will be particular and 1111 this out in all cases. You will return to mo sparato and apart from your regular personal sheets , a list of such porsonrl property as you may llnd in your precinct owned by persons residing in other precincts in this county. You will observe strictly the requirements of the law in regard to tiling an account of the time you are employed and also the time of any depu ties you may employ. Those instructions nro not intended to amend or substitute tbo statute which is your only nutnorlty , but are Intended to alu you In Interpreting the same and assist both you and myself In obtaining a fair , rquitablc , complete and intelligent assessment of all taxable proporty. Similar instructions have boon issued to the assessors of the country precincts. Mr. J. Lane , general manager Georgia Southern and Florida railroad , says : "I was entirely relieved of headache by Brady- crollno in fifteen minutes , it is the only thing that relieves mo after tbo pain com mences. " This man is tryinpr to joke his wife about her cooking ability. Uo Buys the houBohola will Buffer from dyHpcpsm. It'u a poor joke. Americans eat too much rich food , without taking advantage of natural an- tidotcH to overcome tlio bad effects. Nobody wants to diet. It is n natural desire to want to enjoy the good things in this world. Read what a prominent Now Yorker writes ; ho had been troubled with gouty rheumatism and ita attendant painful symptoms for eighteen months : " 1 have Hiibjected myhclf for months to the severest mien of met recommended for Btich conditions , and used almost all the remedies recommended for gout and rheumatism , without any benefit , until I heard of your imported Carlhbad Sprudel Salte , which I used faithfully for nix weeks , dieting for the first three weeks and nfterwnnh eating almost anything I do- hired. All the gouty and iheumntia symptoms left mo after the fotjrth week , mul my general health and spirits have become excellent once again. " Yon try them to-day. Tlio genuine have the hignatimi of " liiuncr & Mendelson Co. , Bolu A gouts New York , " on the bottle , OMAHA. AWNINGS AND TENTS. OMAHA TENT & AWN WOlFDRdS , & CO , ING COMPANY. Tenlo , ixwnlnup , tnriiou Hnit , hamnioeko , ollnnO UIK , eoTPts of nil Mini * , ruhhcrclolhlnir , feud fInifs. tnnnrni. rtr. Ceml Jorent'Kiie. 111,1 Vntnntn for cnl 10Kiic,703 S. lull HAGS AND TWINES BISHOP CO. BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO 8l nl , umnllli , cotton Importer * nndmrfntlnnr roiip , hemp , Jiito. cot- stick * , bnrlnps , tnlno. Ion t\MHe .tnm-il eoril- dMiicm nil s. miiM. UIOVCLES. BOXES. li.C.TQDD , M.O. DAXOH 8ucee or tn.l.J , Wllk- , ( li on. MTit cliinr. | i it v ld on tnnnlliljr inirllnitlmxvs All no\cl pnynient * . I'-O .N. IMh-M ilo In licix Hue. 11IU DoiiRlns St. UOOT3 AND SHOES. MDRSE-COESHOECO. 1101 ltowu.1 SlrcoU I'nolorr corner lltliniot IKniKlrx' trj3'.i. Wo nrn niitklnicloto price ) tjonh b lyo.-i , ml nro tolling n cHs ) of Kanli wnioh ll > err BIO' nblowltii inoruntnti. KIRKtllDALl , JONES & AMERICAN HAND SEW CO. , ED SHQ ! GO. Wliolcoala Mfrn. Agent * Ilnot * . . rnhlicra IIOKton HubtierBliueCo , Irll goods , Ktll U llnr- lll , I1UI. no ) nt. 13HEWEUS. JOS. SCHUTI BREW ING CO. Oniec. S , IMi nnil I.envcn- \vonh Hl , Oninlin. Juhu Mnrliovcr. Aitts. CONPEGTIONEHY. VQEOELE& DINNING Mfrg Comfectlancrs nnd jubticmot lorclgn nnil doinoMla frails , 1IIU Howard Bt. CARRIAGE TOPS. OMAHA CARRIAGE TOP C. J. ANDERSON , CO , , Mrfs. buggy tops , bncks , A.T. Dnrby , Mgr. Tops , eushlons , ete. Send for riiBhlnni , bnckn , etc. catnloi ; . 319 S. Utb st. 214 Noitli l.Mli st. COAL , COKE , | CORNICE. OMAHA COAL , COKE & EAOLECOR ICE WORKS LIME CO. , Mfrs. gnlvnnlred Iron conl , S K. cornice , window cnps , llnnl and soft mctnllc skyllKbtn , etc. rcr. 1HU nnd Douglas- 1110 , xts. CLOTHING. BLOTCHKY& COHEN , GILMORE&RUHL , ( . 'lothlnu , notionfurnish. Mnnufrn nnd wholesnl IIIKS. ( ilvo us n trial. clothiers. 1IW llnrncy Simples prepaid by cv street. press. 111(1 ( llnrncy. DRY GOODS. KILPATR1CX-K03H M.E. SMITH SL CO. , DRY GOODS CO. , Dry Koods , notion" , fnr- Dry Koodi.notloiifi , Kcnt'H nl'lilnc poods. Corner lurnlihlUK iioodn. Cor. lltli nnd Howard Ms. IHh n nd llon nrd-tt. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES WOLF ELECTRICAL CO. , Illustrntcd catalog free. 1114 Capitol nvc. FURNITURE BEE3E&RUNYAN FUR NITURE CO. , ( irnco nnd Thirteenth streets. GROCERIES. DRUGS , Etc. D. M.STEELE&.CO. , BLAKE , BRUCE & , CO. , 1201-1:03 Jones street , 10th nnil llarncy strcctn , Omnbn , Omnlm. GRAIN. S.AMG WHORTER , 215 lid of Oratlo. nrokcr In grain , etc. Private wire to N. V. , ClilcnKO nnd M l.uulB. HATS , ETC. GATE CITY HAT CO I W. A. L. GIBBON & CO. , lints , cnps. straw cooili , straw irnoiln " " inltlens-OwncrH ? " ' ' ? ? ] ' Bloves , - , „ „ , h' cclebrnlod ( Jalo tlty hat. 11th and Hiirnoy. HARDWARE. RECTOR & WILHELMY LOBECK&LINN , CO. , Dealers' liardwnro nnd ' tools. mechanics' Corner 10th nnd Jackson StruutB. KOI Douglas Street. A Household Remedy. ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS are the only reliable plasters ever produced. Fragrant , clean , inexpensive , and never failing ; they fully meet all the requirements of a household - hold remedy , and should always be kept on hand. For the Relief and Cure of Weak Back , Weak Muscles , Lameness , Stiff or En larged Joints , Pains in the Chest , Small of the Back and around the Hips , Strains , Stitches , and all Local Pains , Allcock's . .Porous Plasters are unequalled. Bc\varc of imitations , and do not be deceived by misrepresen tation. Ask for ALLCOCK'S , and let no solicitation or explanation induce you to accept a substitute. Dr.DOWNSi PER CENT INTERESTPAIDONCEPD5ITS ATOMM10/WTRU5TCQ / 5AVINKS BANK 5E.CDR. IG ' . . . CAPITAL'.S 100.000.00 DIRtCTOnSAUWYMflN-C.W.HASH : . . . JHMILLARO CUV-CDAnTON'G.U. LAKE. Jd.BNOWN-TMOS'U.KIMBALL. LUMBER GHAS. R. IEE , JOHN A.WAKEFIUD Itnnlwooil lumb r. wool ciupon unit tnrnuot tmportol Annrloin Pnr noorlnir , Inn t combat , MllwmViJ iir < 1rnillc : coniciil nnd Ptti ntil Doimtiv ( jnlncr Trlillt ) lime. J.IQUOHS. llERS.no. , FRIGK& . IIER8EST. Manor mcrclinnt , 1112 llarnpjr-fit. Mfri Ken Whole nln liquor denlcrt npilr'R Knst Imlla lilt 1U01 rnrnnm t. tOM. MILLINERY C. A STONEHIU , J.OBERFELDER&OQ. , Importrra nnd JoMiersof j > Mllllnerr. notlon .clo'k , iiilllnpry. notion , Mull % J etc. 110-118 H. lUlha ( inlet * prompt. 'W3 U U. lllli Jt. MUSICAL , I'lnnos orgnn * . nrtlut * inntcrlnln , flc. Iil9 L'OllRlllS Bt. OILS. CONSOLIDATED TANK SNOW D3JP OIL LINE CD. , No bid odor , no smoky chlmmyj , no clinrrltu Ilcflncil nml InlirlcMInn of nlck < , As c ) our tire * oll.i , nxlo Rrcnjo. etc. cor for It. OYSTEHS. OVEUALLS , SIJIUTS , liTC. KIHQ SIMEAD , ROBINSON Mfrs of "Iv .V S" imntB , Kfrs eelclirnteil Blilrta nml ovcrnlls.ctc. Bkln" overall. , pnnt , I11M8S. lltliBl. Mdrtn. rents , etc. hnst Uainlm. PRODUCE COMMISSION. KslntilMilMl , I87S. BRANCH & . CO. , WHITNEY & GO. Produce , fruits of tnll lluttor , CKKS nnd poultry kinds. ojBters. til , S , : .ri H. mu-Bt , Uth st. * KIRSCHBRAUN& , JAS. A. CLARK A. CO. , SONS. , lluttor , cheese , ejiti , Duller , tsg * &nd ponltr/ poultry nnd Enma. 317 South Uth Stroot. J. A. RYDER & CO. 0. PEDAU , Uuttcrei.'K , chco9cpoul- ComndsBlon mcrchnnt , trv. tildes nnilKuino. Produce , butter , urn * , UIS Howard strcut. eioo ! u nnd poultry liefer to Com'l Nntllank Ulli and llowiirilet. MULLIN&.MG CLAIM BINOHAM&.SOH , S-'lieclnltlcj. butter , CK ' , Send IIB your PBK , but- rliocic , | ionltry , otc.No ti'r.poiiitrj-.Kiuiie , lildes 15 S. Kth. lief. lalNntl etc. 11.cnvcnnorlli fctrcet. MOORE : FERGUSON. . & SCHROEDER CO. lluttor , OJK * > ch dull buyers butter nnd fruits poultry , K v AKunts for " < 'KKV liandlCB oil other ' proilnca on oomnilsloa Honl borsennd eiittlo' 421 U. lUli bt. eplcc. 6U3 S. 11 til Bt. , Uuinlin. QREELEIT & CO. , J.B. HJSE&OO. Duttor , PKUI , poultry , Our spccliltloi : Uuttsr , name , blites nnii fruit , ec s aid imultry , U1J IU07 Hownrd Street. llownrd street. W.E. RIDDELL RIDDELL & CO. , \VliolsnIcbuttcr , v cess Butter , chcc c , fgf , HIITB nnd noils for M-KCtnbles. frultr poul > try und . KMIUU. cash. 4IJ8. lltli-Bt. PAPER. CARPENTER PAPER CO - KING PAPER CO. Cnrry n full stock of Wrapping pancr.nllklnili printing , wrapping nnd " / twl"cs ' I } ' * * , Ho nrd utrcct. Tclo- card - wrltlni , ! paper pn- per eta phone , KIJ. STOVE REPAIRS. OMAHA STOVE REPAIrt WORKS , Stove ropnlrs nnd wnto nttncbmcnts for and kind nf utovo iiiiida. IJUTDouitlnn. SASH TOYS. M.A. DtSBROW&CO. H. HARDY &CO. > , Torn , dolls , album * Manufacturers of sash tancy Kooils. liouco fur doors , Ii M n d s nnd n'nliliiK K00d , ctill'l monldliiCH. llrnnch of- ren's fcarrlnKOi. Ul llcc , I2tl > and Unrdsbti I'nrnnm htrcct. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , LIMITE3 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ALLEN ROUT & CO. , 0 ASM ATI Iloom 34 Kxchnngo liulld- Itooiiin , to nnd Cl.z \ * Int ; , Uoutti Umnlin. thnnxu hullrtlim. HoutH Oiiinlui. NEBRASK National Bank. U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NES Capital , iirphii. 11(1,5' ( , OttUcn itrKir > lradirIIoirjr W , Valei.prjililjn It. C. CuililiiK. vice proiMeir. I ) . S. M tuilnk. XV , , ilorm , JulinH. Colllin , J N. II. 1'atrlu'x lovll A llccil. Ci hlur. THIS IRON BANK. Corner liUU au4 Farnam SU.