Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BffE ; MONDAY , MARCH 28 , 1802.
iowa's Twenty-Fourth General Assembly
Will Shortly Adjourn.
Iltimnr Doclnrcn That nn Approaching In-
VcitlRiitliMi Will IHnrlone Some Very
Loriita llnslncM In tlio Wny nt
Ordering Hupilln < .
DBS Menses , la. , March 27. [ Special to
THE BP.K.J There nro Just three days raoro
loft for the Twenty-fourth general nssombly
of Iowa to make laws by which to govern
the people of thl * great commonwealth for
tlio next two years. Tno committees on np-
liroprlatiotis have completed their duties nnd
nearly nil the appropriations to bo made have
passed the senate nnd house. The appropri
ations asked for amounted to nearly S2.000-
000 , and the amount granted thorn Is about
$ OiO,000. The work of this commlttco is
generally considered satisfactory.
On Friday the senate Indulged In a llttlo
lovlty at the expense of the Iowa State band.
This musical organization desired
to become o protogo of tbo slate ,
mid soURhtnn appropriation or1,000. . When
this bill came up nn amendment wns Intro
duced to Include m the personnel of the band
two hand oritans and a monitor , svith nn able
bodied Italian attachment. The appropria
tion was defeated , but the name of the band
was localiznd , which Is small comfort.
The defeat of the Gatch bill In thohouso
on Tuesday was n blttor disappointment to
several largo cities which are controlled by a
republican government. Since the action of
the house upon this bill Sioux City and
Council Bluffs have ocouly protested against
tbo action of the house republicans In voting
down a measure which they claim would
have boon of vast Interest to their general
welfare , from a commercial standpoint ,
Could Not Ho llccnnsldorod.
A movement was made among certain lib
eral republicans to try nnd sccuro a recon
sideration vote on this mil , but it was too
loto. There may bo nn effort made , however ,
to pass a rcsubmlsslon resolution and call a
special election in May. Should the people
so docldo that prohibition Is n failure a spe
cial Hosslon of the legislature would bo neces
sary In Juno.
An editor of n prohibition paper In Musca-
tlnc , who was here during the passage of the
Oft tch bill in the senate , was filled with an
ger when two republican senators voted for
it , and after hiring ono of Dos Molnos' notori
ous searchers named West ho went home , nnd
between the editor and the searcher they
have saourod evidence against twenty saloon
keepers. The saloons In that city nre H-
ccnsod and glvo the citv a revenue of about
$13,000 annually. The tax payers nro now up
in arms and have called a meeting for next
Tuesday tilght at which they will express
their Indignation and take stops to send this
searcher bark to the city where bis record
still loaves an odor not pleasant.
Their IntcrcHts Well ( iuurilccl.
The railroads have had sway this session
oi the legislature and not n single bill in the
intorcsts of the people has boon passed. The
Birk commission bill which only applies to
os Molncs nnd Sioux City has boon passed
and is now a law. It will glvo the people of
tbcso places an opportunity to provide public
breathing places.
Another legislative scandal Is likely to re
sult after tbo report of a quiet Investigation
is made known. It is said that ono clerk of
a commlttco has drawn $ -100 worth of sta
tionery when less than $40 would have boon
sufficient. The chairman of this committee
is xaid to have had so much faith in bis
clerk that ho signed blank requisitions , and
the clerk ordered stationery In wholesale
quantities. None of it can bofound'and it is
supposed that the stuff has boon shipped
i The senate Is getting down to hard work
and proposed to clean tha calendar with a
rush. Ycstoi day "President of _ the Senate
Bestow appointed a sifting committee as follows -
' lows : Kelly , Boltoi- . Shields , Cleveland ,
Yoomans , Gobble , Kent , Gatcb , Perkins ,
Brewer nnd Mack. This committee began
work this morning nnd they hope to fix the
calendar so that It can bo cleared before high
noon , Wodiioboav , March 80 , when the legis
lature will stand adjourned.
Doc : Ituces lit Ucn\or Attract A Grout Deal
of Attention.
DBSVEII. Colo. , March 27. The interstate
coursing match oponcd hero yesterday ,
California , Kansas , Texas , Montana and
Colorado being roprosented. On account of
the Humane society's Interference a dummy
rabbitt strung on a wire was substituted.
The doss did pot relish the couutorleits and
did not do as .nne work as they might other
wise have done.
First rnce , C. N. White's ( Colorado Rprlncs )
Van General against Dr. Van Hummcl's
( Denver ) Violas won by Van Qonernl.
Second race , O. II McDongnli's ( Ilnttc )
Yonder Ilo Goes , won from William fahnw's
( Denver ) June.
Third rnce , II. C. Louo'a ( Kansas City ) Will
O' tha Wisp won from Dick William1 * ( Denver )
Fourth race , D. L. T.ovov'a ( Sjn rrunclsco )
filmmrjck won from J. U. ivcmony's ( Clifton )
1'lftli race , I ) . L. Levey's Itaron Walked On
won from U. O. Lowe's Uoiucdy ,
Sixth rnce , M. I'ape's ( Denver ) Klootfoot won
from D. L. Levey's California nolle.
HuvenUt race. H. 0. Lowe's I'rlnco Charlie
won from Luviw's ( Snowball.
KlKhlhr.ico , LOWO'H Llttlo Climber won from
Dr. Van llumniel'a ( Denver ) Van's Oloiiurm.
Ninth race. Levey's Bait Lake lloy won from
Lowe's Twlsller ,
The coursing \vill \ continue Monday.
I'liittHimmth Duly OrRiml/ocl.
Pi.ATTsMot'Tii ' , Neb. , March 27. rSpeclal
to TinBni'.J Base ball matters are ' - assuming
ing a decidedly roseate huo. A largo and
enthusiastic mooting of the subscribers to
the local clue was held Thursday night. The
following ofllcors were elected : President ,
Edward A. Oliver ; vice president , Henry ( J.
McMakou ; secretary , Charles S. Shortnnn ;
trosuror , T. M. Patterson ; directors , Thomas
M. Patterson , G. F. S. Burton und Byron
Clark. The commlttco on subicrlbtlons re
ported that enough money had boon guaran
teed to carry the club through the season in
good shape. T. M. Patterson was selected
ns temporary mauator to have control of the
club until tbo players bad agreed upon a
successor to him , Tbo schedule was examined
' nod considerable dissatisfaction was created
by the discovery that one-fifth of all the
games thii loam plays are to bo played dur
ing the first ton days , of the season.
Tips lor Tnduy.
Tlicso horses are looked upon as the good
things for the races today ;
J. 1'ardon Onager.
L' . Itrown Chtirllo llluokburn ,
: i Toutonlo Ilollvur.
4 , Albs Hullo ll.idee ,
0. 1'orost Kln Ilnrr.sburff.
0. 1'lrolly I'ulhuni ,
1 , ArUona Lothorn.
' . ' . Ouii'l T oil Florlinoro.
U. Mlildlosloue Question.
4 , lluiijnililli MnlMl ,
6. Hurry Uussoll Defendant.
0. Ituvullor Lnkowood.
- , ,
Kicking nt ritUburgv
PiTTsuuiiu , Pa. , March 27. Abotball \
match between the Plttsburg nnd Newcastle )
teams for & 0 a sldo ana the championship ,
was played at Exposition park In Allegheny
yosterdav afternoon and resulted in a victory
for the Pittsburg team , by tbo score of b
to 1.
Third lliinuimiu Hecured.
GiUNi ) ISLAND , Nob. , March 37. [ Special
to THE BEE. J Manager Rourkc has secured
Third Baseman LeoKipp , with Kearney in
'SO and Cedar Kaplds iu 'U ) . He will cover
third for Grand Island.
'Poor Jonathan , " the great Now York
Caimo uocese , will bo sung here shortly by
Conrled'a Opera company ut Boyd's now
theater. "Poor Jonathan , " although first
produced la Vicuna , is essentially an Ameri
can opera , with alight foreign accessions. It
posieiict tbo peculiar distinction of marking
a entirely not ? departure iu the modern
* cb03l pf opera cotnlquo. The muslo IB by
u.t Mlllocchcr , the composer of "Tho
Beggar Student" and 'Tho Black Hussar. "
Ono ot tha important lecture events of the
season occurs this ovootr.g in the Unitarian
church. 1'rof , John Flsko will deliver his
very popular lecture on "Tbo Discovery of
America ; " Reserved seats cun bo secured
today nt Chase ft , Eddy's , The ndvanco sale
has boon qulto largo. Tickets ere BO cents ,
and at this low price the church should bo
A wide-spread Interest among literary poo-
pie is nlrondv apparent in thu readings by
Uoorgo W. Cable , from his own worKs , to
take plnco In Young Mon'n Christian asso
ciation hall , on Friday nnd Saturday even
ings of this wook.
Mrs. General Torn Thumb nnd the Llllpu-
tlftns will appear at tbo FnrnamStreottboator
on Thursday , Friday and Saturday evenings ,
March 31 nnd April 1 ana 2. with Friday nnd
Saturday matinees In a bright , brilliant nud
bustling performance , nlcaslng , harmonious
and refreshing. Head the following :
In these days of trashy and commonplace
shows , it b n rare treat "to see nn entertain
ment tbat is rollnod and pioaslug all through ,
ono to which vou can take your family nnd
llttlo folks with perfect safety , nnd with the
assurance that all will bo cntortaluod aim
cdlllod. Such were the performances elvon
hero yesterday by the Mrs. General Tom
Thumb company. Tliuy nro simply dollght-
ful , nnd on ovo'ry hand nro hoara praises of
the company. Tlio public HUe to bo enter
tained and the management now has an ag
gregation whoso performance charms and
satisfies all , nnd deserves to bo everywhere
greeted with crowded houses. Now Orleans
Picayune , December III ) , IS'JO. '
[ rnoM viwmituT's SECOND nwriov. ]
Onmlm luilopcmlnnU MnrtH und Untlly thu
M. l.oiiln Instrument.
About twenty member * of the pcoplo's in
dependent party mot last night nt Gate City
hull fertile purpose of ratifying the platform
adopted nt the St. Louis Industrial confer
ence.Mr. . J. Joffcoat was elected chairman nnd
Anson E. Blgolow secretary of the mooting.
The plnttorm was road and after some dis
cussion was ratified.
During the season of oratory Mr. Anson E.
Blgolow said iu great aarnoitnosa and a sten
torian tone of voice that the keynote -
note of success In the organization
of the people's party was sounded
in the very first plank of the conference plat
form. Thut was the plank which sot fo rth
that all the Industrial and labor organiza
tions in the country bad nt last united for
mutual hclo and for the overthrow of cor
rupt und tyrannical laws and lawmakers.
Wniuleroil 111 the Corridors or Tlmo.
Mr. J. Joffcoat then adllrossnd the mooting.
Ho began b ick in 144 and came along down
the corridors of time , knocking out great
chins nnd chunks here nnd there from politi
cal policies that ho did not approve of at the
time nnd lias found no excuse for tiuco. In
Mr. JclTcoat's estimation the whole
pith and point of the present situation and n
great deal thitf has happened politically la
Iho past hinged upon just iwo points , vl/ . ,
the interests or the debtor and the creditor
classes. In short , tbo moat in the political
nut just at present was the llnancinl problem.
Mr. Cfoorgo W. Browster was present , and
although ho was not a member of the pcoplo's
independent party ho requested the nrlvilogo
of saving a few words. Ho was given the
privilege. Mr. Browstor then proceeded to
announce that the American people were
slaves. When the negrooi were made frco
Iho whole American people , with the excep
tion of tbo bankers and capitalists , became
slaves to tbn money power through the blun
ders that were made in securing funds to
carry on the war and meet the necessities of
the trying time through which the country
bad to pass. Ho was glad to sco thnt the
people were setting their eyes open upon the
money question. Ho proposed to go with
that party which presented the most
rational and honest solution of the
financial problem. The Government should
create all .tho raonov needed for building
.railroads' nnd developing the country , in
stead of permitting foreign capitalists to
loan their- money to the people and make
slaves of the oorrowing classes. The gov
ernment should lend Iho moooy and the
people should pay tno interest to the gov
ernment rather than to foreign capitalists.
If this plan had been adopted years ago every
toiler in the United Stains might now bo un-
joying the luxuries of life and there would
not be a tramp in the country.
Mr. Browster then announced tbat
on next Thursday night there would
bo a club organized for the purooso
of discussing the financial prob
lems of the day and ho hopca to i > co a largo
number of the independent party people in
attendance at the club. It would bo com
posed of people who wished to see financial
reform no manor what their party aflllla-
tions might bo. Every financial reformer
would bo welcome at the club.
Hut Do" n on Mr. llro\v tor'H Scheme.
And then about half a dozen of the most
energetic members of the people's party took
turns in sitting down hard on Mr. Browster's
scheme 10 organize a financial club.
Mr. Fawknor said the people's - independent
ent party wns making a specialty of financial
loform. The people's party had tbo idea
copyrighted and these who wished the latest
und best wrinkle in that particular Una
should simply atop right into tbo people's
independent party. The organization of
clubs and side shows upon that issue was , in
his opinion , simply o was to of timo.
Mr. Joffcoat then shot a long string of
reasons at Mr. Browster all tending to show
that ho ( Jeffcoit ) and the people's Independ
ent party were the only and originallinuneial
"Wo are simply the old orlglual greenback
party with a now name , " said Mr. JolYcoat ,
' Wo are following up the original ideas of
financial reform a * begun by the loaders of
the old greenback party. Finance is our
shibboleth and our battle cry , "
Mr. Blgolow thought it would do the Inde
pendent party good to have its members join
finance clubs and enter Into a general discus
sion. Members of the people's party , ho
thought , were wasting too much wind at
homo. They should got out and do some
missionary work.
Mr. J. M.Taylor hold tbat all honest nnd.In -
core financial reformers should join tno pco
plo's party. There was no excuse for any
such remaining outside the party.
Chniion to ( let ICnurultH.
Mr. Browser replied to these numerous
flings ut bs [ finance club fldiemo by saying
that there were a great many republicans
and democrats who really wanted a financial
reform , buttbey were not yet persuaded
that the people's Independent party would
plvo them what they wanted. If the loading
members of tha people's parly would moot
these dlcsatlstiod republicans and demo
crats half vrny und lot taora
fully understand tbo alms and oojocts of the
now party , In all probability tbo people's
party would recolvo material benefit
by absorbing this dissatisfied clement
of the two qld parties. Ho hoped tbat the
people's party represented u principle , and
if it did its members couM not bo injured by
n mutual exchange of views with houost ,
earnest men of other parlies wbo were sock-
log to promote financial reform.
But Mr. Brewstor's efforts to create
an interest In tbo organization of
n now financial reform club outside
of tbo party mot with a Hat failure.
A motion was. put and carried to adjourn tha
ratification meeting until next Thursday
night , when moro oratory will bo uncorked.
The committee appointed to loon after the
pcoplo's party national convention will also
hold a meeting next Thursday night at
Knights of Pythias hall.
There appears to bo considerable dissatis
faction among tbo members of tbo Independ
ent party with the citizens' committee of
fifty appointed to make preparations for the
great July convention ,
A indbot time is expected at the mooting
next Thursday nlijht ,
II. It. hlmomU.
JACKSONVILLE , Fla. , March 'JO. H. K
Slraonds , vice president of First National
bank of Chicago , and well known in financial
and business circles ID the west , died of
Brlght's disease at St. James hotel iu this
city. Ho has boon here About six weeks ,
but wa not considered dangerously ill until
tcu days ago. He was Ki yean of ago.
Do Witt's Sarsaparlila cleanses the blood ,
Increasestho awpetllo and tones up the sys
tem. It has bouoiUtod many people who
have suffered from blood tiuorJon. Itwlll
Do Witt' * diw " ' ! M ' raiUbla , '
[ rnov TRsrsnoAT's sr.coNit
Omaha Hardware Company's ' Immense Es
tablishment Oomplotjly Burned Out ,
Saturday's ' Fearful Experience with Wind
and Water Topped by Fire.
Heavy Stock of the Hardware Oompany and
Other Institutions Badly Damaged ,
Tcrrlhlo Condition of tha Strcptn Interferes
with the Oprratlonfi of tlio Depart.
iiiont Dotntla of u Sunday
Morning UlniHtor.
Air , lire nnd water held high carnival la
Omaha Saturday nnd Saturday night. The
promiscuous dcs < ruction wroaght by the
wind and snow was shown to a
few bravo firemen Sunday morning by
rod light tbo glare of the Omaha Hardware
company's blazing six-story pllo serving In
lieu of a calcium light. And , not to bo outdone -
done In ruination by his brother elements ,
Fire made for himself In a few moments n
record on the mouth of March that will
stand long unexcelled In Omaha.
At 2:15 : o'clock yesterday morning an alarm
from box 10 brought the department to the
corner of Jones nnd Tenth streets.
Hard Itldo of the 1'lroiiicii ,
Although the storm of the few preceding
hours had played havoc with the 'electric
light system and loft the town In total
darkness , the pace of the diflerent compa
nies to the scene of the II ro was
a rapid ono. Dangerous pitfalls hidden
by n cover of darkness , swaying wires
stretching across the streets , or piled In
tangled masses in the route of the running
horses , made the rldo of the flromon a
perilous ono. But never for a moment was
the mad pace slackened , and soon numerous
streams of water from front.and roar were
playing on the flames , which were reaching
out of every door nnd window of thn six-
story structure occupied by iho Omaha
Hardware oompanv.
Was ii Ilurd Tight.
Chief Salter , upon his arrival , immedi
ately caw the fire was a dangerous ono , und
a second alarm was sent in , bringing ether
companies to the scene. Their services wore
needed , as the burning building was sur
rounded by high , towering'structures , filled
with vuluabla merchandise. It was la the
wholesale quarter of tbo citv. and time was
everything. The lurid flames which now
lighted up the floating clouds and touched
with their reflections the higher portions of
the city , told them to hasten. ,
As companyoTfter-company-scamo rushing
to summons , and stream "nftor stream wns
added to these already playing on the burn
ing mass , the fiery fiercenessof"4 the
flames gave llttlo wnv. The firemen
braving the terrible boat pressed closer and
closer. The flames gave back as they ad
vanced , and after a hard fight tbo fire was
under control.
It was a gallant piece of work , undertaken
in the face of greatest difficulties , tbo sur
mounting of which adds another jewel to tbo
crown of efficiency which is so gracefully
worn by Omaha's fire department.
Terrible Explosion , Followed by u Durst of
1'luiiio Ironi 1 o rioors.
A couple of men passing- the corner of
Tenth and Jackson streets at tbo time said
that they heard an explosion and a moment
later the fiames burst forth from the second
story windows at the north end of the build
ing , immediately followed by a great crash ,
caused by the breaking of tbo third story
u mdows by the intense boat.
Hose company No. 3 was the first on the
ground and hnd a line of hose laid In a
twinkling. By this time tbo fla'raes .had
worked their way upward and burn through
tbo roof sending a great shower of sparks ,
bright as stars , heavenward. As the other
companies came up they saw at a > clauco the
mighty task before thorn and know the
dangers attending the work of extinguishing
such a seething , cracking mass of Inflam
mable material mixad with cans of powder
and cartridges.
Here was where the splendid discipline of
the firemen came into play , and every ono of
the lira lighters turned In and worked like
slaves to get every of water
onto the firo.
When the rioorn Fell.
The ground floor was the first to give way
and fell with a crash. Tha others followed
in rapid succession and then tbo roaring
flames shot upward between the bare walls
of the adjoining buildings nud nearly to their
roofs ,
Heavy Iron floor girders Jay across the rod
hot mass , all twisted out of thor ] former
shape. Tiireo streams were Kept constantly
pouring gallons of water through the win
dow-casing at the north end , but , without ef
fect , for fully half nn hour.
At the Jones street front of tbo building
was where the hardest fighting took place.
The water pressure was weak and tha half
dozen streams onlv reached to about tbo
third story and the btrong wind blowing
from the wostsont considerable of the water
drifting to the eastward In the shape of
Chief Barnes , who was m command of tba
battalion , hod a Siamese nozzle attached , and
thus was able to send a powerful stream up
above iho third story windows , or straight
ute the heart of the lire.
Threatening to Hpreud.
At ono time it was feared that the fire
wall between the burning building and the
United States Wind Kngino and I'nmp com
pany on the woat could not stand the heat.
The extension laddnr on truck t ! was raised
nud the t1)lrd-story ) windows of the Wind
Kngino company's warehouse broken
open. A half dozen lire men entered nnd
searched carefully for fire , but the wall was
holding its own Tbo firemen could not getup
up onto the other floors , aud so were u liable
to ascertain how the top of tha wall was
holding out.
Ilruio DCIM ! of un OMlriT.
During the hottest part of the wet k in front
of tbo entrance to the hardware company's
store , some ono told onioor Kirk that an im
mense chest of gunpowder was standing at
the head of tba stairs just inside of where the
door hod boon. The officer called n couple
moro , and with the assistunca of several firemen
mon wont Iu under the half dozen streams of
watnrand carried tbolron-bouud bo ic tou place
of safety In the tnlddlo of the street. To
prevent IbO possibility of un , arnlilnnt. a
stream of water was turned onto the chest
which wns olroiijy'jjjulto ' warm.
At ono time tbo flames leaped their bounds
anil wrapped tbxlnsclvoa nround the upper
% vest windows ol'tWb ' I'nclflo Hotel company's '
building. The S nose stream was turned
upward for n moment nnd soon had tbo
safety of Iho Pacific building assured.
A largo dotachtiibht of pollca was on the
ground , along \fUtf the patrol wagon. The
vehicle was kop jj readiness to convoy any
poi-sons who mlghVii bo Injured tonplacoof
safety. i. j _
Notmtbstnndlfiffholntcnoss of the hour ,
the Tenth &troot"vmduct over Jones street
wns lined with cii pus people , ns well ns the
street below.
At 8 o'clock the fire was under control but
the streams were kept playing until morning
in order to cool the walls nnd extinguish
every vostlgo of flro In the mass of debris.
Ho v the rirnn Were rixpil niul Whnt I.ogscn
They Suiter.
Iho brick block In which the Omnha
Hardwnro company'n business \VM located
wns built by Fred H. Amos of Bbston four
years ago. Tlio portion of the building fronting
the railroad yards was occupied by the
Union Pacific as a storaga for Us hotel de
partment. The flvo floors nro filled with
hotel material. Tha damage to this stock
will bo nominal , resulting from water from
the Jones street entrance.
The forty-foot frontage between the Union
Pacific's promises nnd the portion destroyed
wns vacant. The remainder of the building ,
extending forty fcot to1 the west on Jones
strcot , wns occupied by the Unltod States
Wind Engine and Pump company.
The block wns fully insured , 'iho damage
to the building was not limited to the de
struction of that portion occupied by the
Omnhii Hardware company. The adjoining
walls nrc cracked in various plnccs niid
threaten to bulge out and crumble to pieces
in aovoral places.
I. A. Miller of Council Bluffs is tbo general
manager of the Omaha Hardware company.
It was stated bv a former employe of the
company that the stoolr of the organization
was valued nt from ? 300,000 to $500,000.
Under the manaaomont of T. H. Taylor ,
who wns succeeded by Mr. Miller about n
year ago , It was the policy to carry a full
insurance. At present , however , it is said
that the insurance covers only about one-half
of the stock.
Thursday Airs. P. O. Himohaugb , who
owned J25.000 worth of stook in the Omnha
Hardware company , oxohancod the same for
outside Interests.
Secretary Carter ot the company could not
bo found this morojug to give any Information
mation ou the subject.
Two freight cars loaded with valuable con
signments for the Interior of the state were
removed from the tracics in front of the
hardware company's burning building in
time to save the otitiro lot. The trainmen
removed the cars nt'tho risk of being crushed
by falling walls , us the debris from the
burning structure"jvas flying thickly in the
vicinity of the sx ftp at.tho timo.
County CoiuuilsaloiVWg IIuvo mi Intercntiiig
Tlmo Dnr'lfijil HuslnoHS Hours.
5 i.i
Three years agOt < it was no uncommon
thing for the county commissioners to fio-
qucntly pass thrill ] and even indulge In
personal c'hcountcrs while sluinc'ln regular
session to pass county affairs.
Since that date /members of the board
has hammered Itrsword Intoapruning hook ,
as It 'wero , and tP'fSellng ' of brotherly love
have bovo'rod nbqfiV3nd oVer lU deliberations.
Yesterdayhowqjror7tvhor spell was ibrokon
und the war broke-oat anew. ,
It was brought about ' "when Mr. Berlin in
troduced this resolution ; :
Hcsolvcd , That tlio oounty'dork lie and Is
hereby -Instructed to notify1.the sheriff of
Douglan county that ho will bo allowed the
following help In bin department : , Unu clerk
utVper ) month , three deputies nt $73 per
month ouch , ono deputy atfttt per mqntb , one
jailor htJSO per month und two lullor.s at $ ii >
per month each , to take effect and bo in form
on and after April 1.18'C.
Mr. Paddock arraigned Mr. Berlin nnd his
resolution. The board , in' committee of the
whole , had settled1 the matter , and it had
been passed upon , The compensation had
boeu equalised and the compensation of the
outside man was fixed at $50 per month.
That man was a coloied man and a bowl
went up. Tbo compensation was ample for
the services and no objection was made. It
was the policy of some members to go back
on the action of the board. Mr. J-MJuoci :
warned Air. Berlin that public sontlment
would not approve of any such action.
Up and Douii They Hnd It.
Mr. Stonborg thought that Mr. Paddock
wns perspiring very freely under the collnr.
Tbo committee sat three months ago , but
hnd never reported. In justice to the sheriff
and the men it ought to'bo known how many
men would DO appointed and what they
would receive. Mr Stonborg had no desire
to Jump the issue. Ho was willing to face
tbo musio and Bottle the salary question lor
all time to como. ,
Then Mr. Paddocl : got mad. He said ho
was not excltod , but wautnd to amend the
resolution by outline off ono of the jailors.
Mr. Sten bore said that It bad been moro
than a month since the committee had bad a
meeting , "and now , Mr , Chairman , " said
Mr. Stonborg , pointing his linger nt Mr.
Paddock , " 1 want to ask you whoso fault if
Isl"Mr. . Paddock said he spoke In all candor
and with some feeling ; that ho trlod to got
the committee together , but could not. It
was contemptible to clinrco him with taolng
to hlamo when the other members would not
attend the meetings.
Chairman Timmo of the board called Mr ,
Stcnberg to the chair and spoke upon the
question. Ho sald thp.t iho color line was
not drawn. He did not know there was n
colored man on the jail' force * .
"Nor did J , " interrupted Mr. Paddock.
Chairman Timmo thought per.sonu ; feelings
bad something to do with the introduction of
Iho resolution.
"That is false. ' ejaculated Mr. Beilln
"Hold on , Mr. Berlin. " suid Cuulrinnn
Tiramo , "while I hold the floor. "
Chairman Tiramo said that ho wns not in
favor of lovv salaries. Ho had i nephew in
the sheriffs office , but lhat did'nol cut unv
figure. Ho could not vole for the resolution ,
Mr , Puddock bradi hoard that Ernest , the
colored man , bad Op iti compelled to do the
sumo work us tuo'dthai jailors , but it
only occasionally.'Ufa win willing \o \ pay
laboring men fairjalnrjos , but did not want
to pay them more thin was Just. Many men
could bo fqund who would uoglud to perform
the services at &ii per1 month.
Mr. Paddock BQjtv'thut bo was about to be
defeated and movcduiat the matter lay over
for ono weak.
"Yes , it lays ovir'EaId tbo I'hiir.
" 1'ut tbo queaUon'hnfi aoi > , " s ltd Mr. Her-
lin. I -i.
"Well , then , \y4llcj > ut I ho question , " said
tbo chairman. Uiiuu a veto thu resolution
was adopted.
( R (
Aliothrr IhvTvut Tor I'tiililoclc.
After the feelings , of the members bad
reached anonnut , tompcrature Mr , Paddock
fired their biped ujilj.thU resolution :
liosoUod , That hur/mfter flip county attor
ney sli.ill not bufy.i\t'd \ ) upon tu y\\u \ lozat
opinions upon m. U'ia lonuurnln : which the
bond m ii y lm\o takfcn. or m.iy hereafter t.iUu
cognizance nd ni'tlqn. iinli.'sa requested so to
do by thin Ixuril ttiilmuli Its cliulrninn or hy
the drill-man ot voiiiinluccs. and in the Utter
CUM ) only mi surli questions as aru pui llnont
to tlio linestl.Mtloii } of committees ot which
they may I o uhnltnun.
Mr. Stenborg moved the resolution lay on
the table , -That was un > indication of trouble
and for a minute It looked as though there
would bo n row.
Mr , Berlin said Iho resolution was aimed at
him. Ho bad uskod the attorney for an opin
ion and It buu beau mailed to Mr. Paddock.
Mr. Stonbergsald that bo understood tbat
such was tbo casp. The resolution was an
insult to the board , ncd especially to the
mmnbcrs of tbo minority ,
Mr. Paddock was angry. Ho did not be
lieve tbat Mr , Berlin had ever boon told that
tbo opinion was loturnod to him ( Paddock ) ,
If such u statement had over boun made it
wut fulso.
" 1 nuvo been KU Informed , " answered Mr ,
Slonbcrp >
"Well it is not afail. " riwivwulml Mr Pud-
dock , "Ana I don't bollovo thnt vou wns over
so informed. "
The Ilo had boon given direct nnd Chair
man Timlno scenting war pounded his desk
nnd pleaded for peace nnd ordor.
Mr. Stonborp wns willing for pence nnd
withdrew his motion to table.
Mr. Paddock urged the ndoptlon of his
resolution , but nn hli coworKer , Mr. Vnn
Cutup , had stopped out while the turmoil
WPS at its hoighl , there wns no member
present who would second the effort. With
look of sadness Mr. Pnddock. watched his
pet go into tbo clerk's hand * to como up ns
unfinished business ntsomo future meeting.
Down to Itoiitlnn Work.
By resolution the county attorney was In
structed to tnko some action looking to the
settlement of tba boundary between No *
brnskft nnd lown In the vicinity of East
Omaha. The resolution nlso Instructed him
to report his findings to tbo board at the
earliest possible dnto.
In reading the bills iho clerk stated tbat
when parties hnd several bills before the
ooard , In making up the reports , for con
venience , nil of the bills had been grouped
together nnd appeared ai ono item.
Mr. Pnddocu took occnilon to say n few
words. Some oi tbo bills showed thnt nn-
counts with the same partv had been con- ,
doused nnd put Into ono bill. * Ho blamed the
clerk , but that gentleman cleared his skirts
by saying thnt the auditor was the man who
made up the reports for the vnnous commit
tees. Mr. Paddock said lhat thnt wns shlru-
Ing. Ilo made the reports for nil committees
of which ho wns chairman nud ho did notseo
why ether gentlemen could not do the same.
It wns for that work thnt the members of the
board wore drawing ? lfiO per month onch.
Mr. Berlin did not fool hit by the arrows
fired by Mr. Paddock. Ho hnd tailed up n
number of committees , but hnd not boon so
unfortunnto na to bo obliged to serve In the
capacity of chairman.
J. W. Kussoll nskod to bo nppolntod engi
neer nt the hospital. The application wns
Julius TrlotBcho filed notice that when his
saloon was burglarized some time Btnco thrco
couutv warrants were stolen from his safo.
Ho asked that now ones bo Issued.
Prank Payten asked to bo appointed assist-
nut janitor nt the court houso. This was re
ferred to n committee.
John A. Or and In , who was n purchaser of
Douglas addition lots , nnd against whom
foreclosure proceedings had been instituted ,
offered to pay $700 if the county would dis
miss tbo suit. The matter was referred to
County Attorney Mahoney with instructions
to investigate.
Charge * Against a Justice.
Serious charges were preferred against
Frank Shannon , justice of the ooaco in nnd
for West Omnha precinct. Duncan Turner
was the complainant , nnd in his charge ho
stated thnt bhatjnon had taken illegal fees.
Mr. Pnddock said it was a matter for the
Mr. Stonborg Insisted that the coramiE.-
sionors could net ns a coutt to hear the
The whole mutter was referred to the com-
mltteo on judlclnry nnd Instructed to lix a
day for hearing evidence in the case.
Six hundred of the residents und taxpay
ers of the county petitioned and asked that
John J. Mahoney bo rct&inod us superinten
dent at the poor farm. The petition wont to
the committee on poor farm , of which Mr.
Von Camp Is the chairman.
The contract for furnishing flour , oatmeal
nnd starch Ut the county poor farm was
awarded to P. J. Lange. In his contract ho
ncroes to furnish Nebraska manufactured
Mr. Berlin offered a resolution that all
dogi outside the corporate limits of the city
b ? listed br the assessors.
Air. Paddock did not think that the
statutes provided any such thing.
Air. Stenborg said the taxing of dogs was
for the benefit of the farmers. The money
arising from such taxation would be placed
in a special fund and when any sheep owned
by farmers were killed by dogs , they , the
farmers , would bo reimbursed by the dumago
being paid out of the fund.
The resolution was killed and tbo dogs , vill
go free.
The committee on court house and jail re
ported against purchasing call bells for
Counly Judge Ellor's office. The report was
adopted and the ] udgo was informed lhat if
ho would present his demand at some other
date , possibly they would , bo considered.
William Uohl , assessor of the First ward
of the city of Omaha , on account of ill-health
tendered hla resignation. The same was ac
cepted and Prank W. Bandtower was ap
pointed to fill tbo vacancy.
At the request of n number of citizens and
upon motion of Mr. Stonberg , the board
voted to hold a special session Wednesday
Tlio Marino liiiuil Concert.
Notwithstanding that the elements con-
sjilrcd to defeat the desires of theater-goers
the ploy houses were really well attended
last nleht , the Marino band being particu
larly fortunate in the character and enthusi
asm of Its audience. Exposition hall , which
received its baptism last night under the
now regime , through the witchery of the
playing of the nallon's band , wa < < comforta
bly filled with music-loving people , who ap
plauded the numberj in a manner which must
have told Air. Sousn that ho had not been
forgotten ,
The program was ono of great variolv and
brilliancy and the members of the superb
organization played with consummate skill
throughout. In technique the oand Is ubovo
criticism aud feeling tbat each of the jpcuta-
lors deserved n premium for braving tbo
sleet and tbo slush , gave t&o audience n
thoroughly enjoyable evening by playing
with tbo precision for which this bund is
justly famous.
Tbo numbers which deserved greatest
pralso were the "Khnpsodlo Honjrroiso , " No.
0 , by Liszt , nn Immense favorite with every
piano virtuoso ; the intermezzo slufonlco ,
from "Cayiluria Uustlcann , " by Muscagni
and tbo overture ' 'Mysora" by Wcttge. The
arrangement ot the Lls/t rhapsody is particu
larly musicianly , the famous dltcctor of the
president's band showing line discrimination
in its rounded form. The Intermezzo from
"Husticana" was finely plavod , the shading
nnd crescendo passages being particularly
well accentuated.
"Sheridan's Ride" was also given , and a
very catchy show piece It is ! It is brilliant
in its description nnd set off with a bit of
funeral march which shows evidence of
broad cultuio In n musical sense.
Miss DOCCJ was in beautiful voice , slnglnc
as her first number an aria from ' 'Son-
nambul.i , " which gave ttio ariisto abundant
opportunity to display her technique ) ,
although la the allegro movement she gave
evidence of incorrect phrasing wnlch de
tracted somewhat from her otherwise brill
iant porformanco. tforo and there were
shown evldenct ] of coldness and hardness of
quality , which detracted bomowhut from her
complete triumph. For an oucurosho gave
' Robin Adnlr1 ' a song unsultcd to the young
lady'n style of execution. As her final num
her Miss Diicca bang "O , Luca di Quest
Anlmn , " from "Linda , "
Madame Modjoska gave two performances
yesterday , "Much Ado About Nothing" at
the afternoon performance nnd "Macbeth"
last night , In both of which she showed the
versatility of tier art. Her Beatrice is
a charming , attractive personation , bub
bling over will ) a bright comedy
element which won enthusiastic pralso
from the s-nall though none the
less discriminative nuuiunoo. Modjcska's
Lady Mauoeth i ? u virllo portraiture , a fit
companion piece for her Mary Stuart. A
close , analytical Shakespearean , Iho nrtisto
has shown In this engagement that , In the
full maturity of bet- powers , she is today the
loading nctrcis of the stage , capable of play
ing , and playing well , n greater loundof
paits than any of her sisters engaged in thu
The support at both performances was
fairlv acceptable , although Mr , Thalbcrg is
not by any moans a great Benedick. Mr.
Lnno played Macbeth last night , end gave
un Intelligent reading of one of tha groatejt
characters on the stage.
first Trip Through Nebr.ukn.
Sursitioii , Neb. , Alarjh yd. ( Special Tele
gram to Tni : puB.Jr-Tho OoldcnOato special
passed through this city at 10 o'clock tills
evening on Us first trip from Nciv York to
San PrancUco. A largo number of citizens
visited tbe D. & AI , dcinl to witness it. All
Ihoapirtini'iitB uio of thn most modern Im
provement and lighted by olectrlcl'y.
Judge J. II. Barnes of Norfolk , accom
panied by his sou , was in the city yesterday ,
and called upon TDK BKK. 'Iho judge was
once a member of the Omaha bar and a law
partner of the late General H A. . KtrloUlund.
Abnor H , Gafford Kills Mnbol Stavons and
Himself in a Bagnio.
Very Mttlo Known of UHlior Pnrly to tlio
Alf.ilr liy the IninnlPfl of tlio
Iloiuii * Wlmt Uoulit Ito
1'outnt Oul.
With their oyollds closed ns If In stoop , on
a bed In 0110 of tlio rooms of Nclllo King's
fasblonaulo maUon do jolo on Ninth street ,
Iny a young couple In the omlirnco of Uoalh.
Doth thn victims of n Jealous love ,
Mnblo Slovens , a.young Rlrl of IS Or 20
years , nnil J. J. Qnfford , a young man np-
purcntly but n few yoora her senior , were
llio victims.
The gli-1 had boon shot evidently while
sleeping , the bullet from a 33-eahbro revolver
volvor penetrating the bnclc of tier head at
tbo bnso of the brain Death must have
been instantaneous , for alio hnd not moved
and , as If to mockery oi her awful fate ,
a sweet smllo wns on her lips
nnd HI her rothor pleasant fenturos not n sign
or trace of pain wns noticeable.
Her murderer Iny unon his loft side.
A blue mark upon his right toniplo
showed \vhoro tlio messenger of death
hnd entered and summoned turn before his
Maker. As in tno cnso of the young woman ,
GnfTord's death wns also instantaneous. Ho
had not moved , and his right hand utlll
clenched the weapon with which ho had
committed the double crlmo ,
The crlmo must have boon committed
about 1 o'clock this morning and was not
discovered until 3:45 : , nearly three hours
Ttio youug woman had been an imnato of
the house but about two months , and Gaf-
foirt had maclo her acquaintance about a
month no. They both seemed to bo fond
of ono another , and Gafford , who
was , from cards in his possession ,
a wholesale denier In butter and ogtrs , of
Manning , la. , always sought her company
when m the city. Ho wns completely
infatuated with her nnd wanted her to
leave the city and live with him at Denver.
Kho refused , and he killed hor.
Mr. ana Mrs. Frank Brown have taken
the cottage at 503 South Twenty-Ural ovenuo
for the summer.
A bulldlnc permit has been Issued to Dr. J.
E. Mctiraw for a two-storv residence , ? JUOD , ,
at 1U10 Webster street.
Tno opening service wil' ' bo omlttod to
night at the Univorsaliat church. Morning
service at the usual hour.
The ctisos against B. F1. Williams and Hubo
Harvey for Heccinc u Ked Oak granger out
of SJOO were dismissed in police court yes-
tcraay for want of prosecution.
Harry Nolan was taken in out of the storm
yoatordav bv tbo police because ho wa *
suspected of stealing a suit of clothes" from
John Uumgarden , his room mute , who lives
at 50J North Twentieth street.
A laborer who crnvo Ills name as J. F. Me *
Cabo complained at tbo citv } all hut night
that ho bail bed ) robbed of $15J in a dive on
Ninth street. Tbo police arrested badio t.oe ,
a colored prostitute , for the ciimo ,
Cioorgo A. Ouster Woman's Relief Corps
will give a progressive high live at Grand
Army of the Republic hall , North Fifteenth
street , Tuesday evening March JJ9. All who
wish to coin pole for the prizes should bo at
the tables at 8:30 : sharp. Everybody is in
All cllizons of Omaha and vicinity , re
gardless of party , who are opposed to the
sDocio basis contraction policy of the govern
ment , ana are in favor of an increased vol
ume of United States monoy. nro requested
to meet tit Kaulf man's hall , 1314 Douglas
street , at 8 o'clock D. m. Thursday , March
31 , 1893 , to aia in organizing u ti&anclal re
form club. Tell nil your friends to como.
There will bo a meeting of the Young
Men's Christian Aid association at the
African Methodist Tiplscopul church , corner
Eighteen and Webster streets , Monday ovon-
inp , March 28. We especially iavito nil
Christians and friends of this causa of right
eousness to bo present. Ttiero will bo sueeeho ?
made upon the object of the organization by
some of the most prominent speakers In the
Climax Art company have locatoJ in
Omnua nnd are prepared to undertake com
missions for portraits and gonoralJrcoratons | !
In oil , pastel , water colors , ink and crayon
A visit to the studio , 409 Boo building , and a
talk with Mr. Hedges convince that tbat
gentleman is an artist in portraiture. From
a photograph be can produce u picture.
Some of the examples of ills work on view
are of a merit tbat is rare , clvintr all the
effect of line pastel and that dainty piquant
tone at the totter French water colorlsts
combined. Mr. Hodpea has won his spurs in
other cities , nnd bis studio In Lincoln holds
few empty e.isols at any time. Some French
lapestry ( iecorativo work , something now in
Omaha , is also meritorious , and as rate's are
in ado us reasonable as .such excellent art
will allow of commission * should bo many.
PltltoOXAl , 1'A.U.lUUJ.l'llS.
J. C. White of Lincoln is at the I'axton.
H. E. Smith of IJaatrico is at the Mil-
E. F. Pottls of Lincoln is at the Mil-
W. H. Gilloipio of Phillips , Nob. , is at the
William Baylor of Lincoln U at the
Arcade ,
C. Salmon of Ceutor'viUe , S. D. ' , Is at the
.1. Byew of Davenport Is registered at the
Dollono ,
D , Ilolstem of b'crlbnor Is stopping at the
John li. Kopor of Pawnee City Is at the
! ' . C. Maltcson of Sutton is stopplnir at the
A. J. nnd W , It. Ourland of Norfolk era at
thu Mm ray.
tieorco A , ICollorfij of Missouri Valley U at
thu Millard.
W. li. Harrison of Urandlslund Is stopping
at the Murray.
C. L. Patterson of North , Platte Is stopping
at the Murray.
O. Ancltwon of Aurora , Nob. , U registered
at the Arcade ,
Judge F , H. Ilamerof Koaraoy is stopping
nt the Paxton.
V. T. Prh'ooIUapldCUy , S. D , , ls stopping
at the Puxtou ,
G. U. Martin nnd L U. Terroll of Lincoln
art ) at the Millard.
J. B. Barnes and son of Norfolk arc stop
ping at the Millard.
William Wolfe of NeHgh , Nob. , is registered -
tered at the Murtay ,
Uoorgo D. Crothers of Bellevue , Nout | is
stopping nt the Arcade ,
Frame Wells , jr. , of YanUton , S , D , , Is
registered at the Millard. *
Union May and wlfo of Lead City , b. D. ,
are stopping at tbo Paxton ,
O. L. Hoic , U. D , Itiwu and A. M. Bishop
of Suttou are a * the Paxton.
J. F. Wayne and W. W. A. Cassldy of
Sboibv , la. , are at tbo P.ixton ,
Anna Malay and Mrs. V. M. Boat of Au
burn , Neb. , ura at thu Arcade ,
H. J. Miller nnd Charles Warner of Mis
souri Valley are ul the Arcido ,
James W. Eaton itnd ulfo of Nobraika
City are stowing at the Millard. I
Frank P. Ireland and Kobert Lorton of No- >
bruiku City are registered at llm I'uxton.
Stick to it I
BoniotiniM you
limy have to twit
Tlio troubles that
liuvo Iwii ycnrs
In gathering can't
cihvnys bo cleared
nwny In n lny.
. For all the tils-
( / cn os nnd disorders -
' / orders jccullar to
womanhood , Dr.
rlorco's Knvorlto
Prescription Ii the surest nnd speediest rem
edy. \ on can deiKMid upon tlmtbnt If your
cnso la obstinate , Rlvo It reasonable thno.
It's nu invigorating , restorative tonic , n
soothing nnd strengthen Ing tirrvino , and n
jxisltlvo spcolfio for femnlo vonlviirsscs nnd
ailments. All functional disturbances , pain
ful irregularities nnd ( Icrnnrt'inenta nro cor
rected nnd cured by It , AH iiiiiiatnml dls-
charges , Ixxiriiijj-down Renditions , wonk Imck.
nccomiKUilod with fnint Fpells nnd kindred
symptonn , nro corrected. In every cnso for
which It's reoomtnonded , " Knvorlto IVo rlp-
tlon , " Is fiuarantml to glvo satisfaction , or
the money Is refunded. No other modirlno
for wonen Is Bold on such terms. Tlmt
proves that nothing else offered by the denier
can bo " just ns Good. "
BOYD'S TiiBr&M * .
Only Mulnco Wednesday , Marali 30.
\ .
, - P1UUKS.
1 tour Nights , CoiiiimMielnitSuiid AT Slnllni-e , MntcliST.
In 1 ha ( ircnt Comedy ,
14 I'rolt ) Cltlj.anl Kuiiny Mon-ll.
Tlio fo.WM Knullsli Wonders
In Their Marvelous Act , The UANC1NU DKI.USIOV
Grand Opera House.
Kdcn Aliibco Co , , Owners.
1 Porformuccs Dnily tit 2tO1:15 : ; , 8:00 :
nntl 1)0 ) ; ! ! p. in.
Woodward's Educated Seals nnd
Miiy Kessler , Cornctlst. boa Moiis
llnrrv Jl. mid Adda I'l-lcv , SI , etch Artists.
Kd Newman , Uuinian Comedian.
D.IM Mason's Comedy Co. in "Tho Kuril
Ti.ulesman. "
OPEN IAIIY. 1 TO 10 l > . M.
_ Pnrquct Seats , Iflo ; llo\ Seats , a s.
Ktliiuul CnssStrcctJ.
Monilny Kvcnlni ; , .Mnreli SSth.
l'tiOIi > . OO11N F1SKE ,
Willilellvcrlilsii'Icbrutoil lecture , on
{ * The Discovery of America"
Tlckct Wccnt * . Now 01 silo nt 0 mo i n I If
LooH for
It is to be found on the bolts of the YALE
locks ; and it means that the reputation ,
skill , strength and security of Uwworld-
famous " Y ALE " is in and back of every
lock on which it appears. YAI-0 locks
have steadily grown better and better ,
while the imitations have grown worse
and worse. Whatever is wortli lociing !
at all. is worth locking witli a "YALE.1' '
Sold wherever locks sell.
( I rude i iarn.
. &
The iibovo brands of ulovos are for sale
The Boston Store / -
N W. Cor. 10th anil Dotijrlns Stg. '
Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing ,
Chapped Hands , Wouuda , Burns , Etc.
Bomovos aud Prevents Dandruff. ,
Specially ' Adapted ( or jjso in Hard Water.
Under the putroiiiigo of
. , , ,
70 and 71 Globe Hld . , Huston.
Tour of SO diiya , $300 ; Tour of fiO daya ,
4400 ; Tour of 00 uuys , $375 ; Tour of 13
days , S-'tW.
All traveling , liolol nil Uhtiooliu i'X | > oiii i In
( I'nillei luxill n I Hi .Mr * . Kruiar , Julr t. ( team-
lili | br > TIIIA.I iiunnl Una. ItuUJii I
.NOHTIl < Al'K I'Altn lo unllJnlil ) H. 1)7 loiiu-
hli | I'IVIMA fr ui Ikiituu ; ScUr < , HJ
/\lijl04tluiu | mint buiuadaut ouco fur tli l toil
u I lor tlrcjlur and raforonoo