Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1892, Part Two, Page 13, Image 13

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Eomo Interesting Talks About the Prepara
tion of Sormons.
A Tew of the I'romliiont I'Mlori of
Omnlm Trll How Tlirjr 1'rcpnro
lliclr IMilpIt lUicoiimcd Oca-
criil Clitirch Now * .
Do people who occupy church pews over
wonder bow long it takes the minister to
prepare 1m Sabbatn morning sermon ! Do
they ever speculate , mcntnlly , upon the
jours of study nnd lho days of general read
ing that n flno sermon bas costl These nro
thoughts that tnny well claim tno considera
tion of every thoughtful and Intelligent
church Boor. A very peed story is told of
Henry Ward llccchor , that is called to mind
by the remark mndo by Kov. W. U. Mackoy
in this column. As the story nms Mr.
Dcocbcr was rusticating ono summer in n.i
out-of-thc-wny place nnd ho attended n rural
church without making known to tbo nudl-
once his Identity. The youcg ranmtor
' who filled the pulpit delivered a fervent -
vent discourse that appeared to Jill
the entire nudionco with admiration for hli
eloquence nud profound sclioiarshlp. At the
close of the services Mr. Beochor asked the
young man how long It took him to prepare
the sermon ho had delivered , with an air
of great Intellectual superiority the young
minister said ! "Oh , nbout three days. "
"IS thotsoJ" remarked Mr. Becchor. "It
took mo nearly twenty years wnon I prepared -
pared that sermon. "
Hero is Dr. W. J. Harshn's plan of preparing -
paring hi * excellentsotmons :
It has been ray custom ninco ray college
days to kcop a series of what are Known as
'Commonplace Books : ' but I keep thorn on a
plan of my own. A text or theme that
strikes me as significant or useful 1 put at
the top of the pnso , mid tbon us I road dur
ing tbo xviiok 1 note down any thoughts or
aupgcstlons , poetry or illustrations that maybe
bo broucht to ray attention. In that way I
am working on 200 or aoo sermons at once.
When the time comes to select them 1 usually
Imvo n great mass of material from which
my only trouble is to eliminate the bad and
preserve the good. My morning sermon 1 go
over rarefully with pen in hand writing
down full notes , tbon 1 dtctnto it to a stenog
rapher and rood it from the type-written
copy , Mv evening sermon I deliver without
notes. The Ideal method I bellovo to be , to
write out the bcrmon in full , then road lho
manuscript over carefully several tiraos ,
then throwing It nwav and standing up in
the strength of the spirit of God , preach the
rjuro gospel out of a sincere and honest
heart. WII.I.UM J. HAKMIA. "
Kev. P. S. Merrill of the first Methodist
church has the reputation of being a fluent
and ofTcctlvoYponkor without notes. lioro
is what ho has to say about bis method of
sermon building :
"I sometimes have a subject nnd tbon find
B text to suit it ; generally I start vrltk some
text The lint work is to analyze it and
make an outline. Then 1 road all within my
roach bearing upon the different divisions of
truth. This is done , when I bnvo my way ,
early in thu xvcoU. After that I ponder on
thoHUbJocts in baud. I never xvroto npcT-
snon to proucb. I make an outline contain
ing less words than I hero xvrlte. I gather
only subject matter before hand and depend
on the moment for words.
Rov. A. J. Turkic , pastor of the Kountzo
Memorial Lutheran church , is ono of the
most interesting speakers among tboyoungor
paitors of tbo city. Ho gives bis Ideas upon
the subject of preparing sermons In the fol
lowing words :
"in answer to your question , How do I
prepare my sermons ! 1 shall say nothing of
the previous acquisition or knowledge both nnd general. That Is essential. But
when 1 am ready to prepare taj sermon 1
must , bo In my study , at my desk and pen in
band. Sometimes I then select a text and
work out my sermon , foraging lu literature
and experience for facts to Illustrate tbo
truth. Again I want to present a certain
subject und select a passage of scripture fore
o text that will help to olucldatonnd enforce.
But I nearly always xvrlto out my sermon in
full. I never rely on inspiration in the pul-
Elt. I bcllovo In Inspirations most heartily ;
ut 1 believe they coma to these who work
on the preparation not to these \\ho shirk.
Kov. T. J. Mackoy , rector of All Saints
Episcopal church is a very effective and on
ergotlc pulpit orator. Ho says : "I keep a
commonplace boon lu which I Jot down
thoughts as they occur to mo upon all sorts
or subject * . I keep adding to this stock of
> random thoughts , kooplnc them arranged
under proper heads , until I hnvo the frame
vrork for a number of discourses. In this
\vay I am always accumulating materinlupon
a wide rungn of themes , and when I take ono
up for development I often find moro in It
than I at flrst imagine. I rrad every good
thing I can got hold of bearing upon tbo sub
jects I take up for consideration.
T. J. MACKcr. "
Rov. W , R. Mnckoy of Pittsburg , brother
of Rov. T. J. Mackoy of this city , has boon
holding a mission at All Saints Episcopal
church during the past week. His many ex
cellent sermons during tbo past week have
boon board by largo audiences and have created
atod a deep impression. Hov. Mackoy is a
scholarly and aggressive ttjlnkor and his
style of oratory is forceful and direct. Ha
deals with a great many practical problems
that arn eschewed by the majority of minis-
tore. Speaking of the length of time bo
usually spent in preparing a sermon , ho said :
"If you ask mo how long it takes to prepare
my sermons T will sny thirty years. Every
thing that has helped to rouko mo helps to
maKe my sermons. My sermons are the re
sult of thirty yours of growth. It would bo
impossible to state Just where and when 1
acquire this or that element of my dis
courses. Sermon building 1st man building.
It Is tbo result of progress along Intellectual
" "v pod spiritual lines. "
/ Among Kollglous Workers.
Tbo mission held at All Saints Episcopal
Church the past xvcok bas been a pronounced
success , Tba meetings buva boon attended
by very largo audiences and tbo interest
awakened has boon qulto romaikablo. Kov.
"W. It Mackoy of Plttsburg , brother of Rov.
0. ' . J. Mnckoy , pastor of All SalnU church ,
lias preached a number of exceptionally able
ormonn and bas been tbo moans of creating
& deep Interest In religious work among n
largo number of ixjoplo who do not , as a rulu ,
attend uharcb. Kov. Mackoy will oreach the
closing sermon of the mission this evening ,
taking as n subject for the discourse the very
UBgo tlvo xvord : "Remnants. "
Dr. Kerr , piosidont of Bellevue college , Is
hopeful of Hocuriug sufllclont funds in tbo
near future to put up n line largo boarding
ball for lho boys on the college campus. Ho
ays that this is at present the most urgent
peed of the college ,
Rov. J. O. Waterman of Kalamnzoo , Mich ,
bus preached txvlce at St. Mary's Avenue
Congregational church and will 1111 the pulpit
goln today. Ho U n scholarly gentleman and
npcars to bo a pleasing ana successful
preacher ,
Cranston & Stowo , publishers of the Western -
ern Christian Advocalo ut Cincinnati , xvlll
publUb a dally Christian Advocate In Omaha
( luring lho month of May. They announce
that it xvlll bo an eight page seven column to
tbnpogo nowspnpor xvlth general religious
I < Una secular news lu adaltloi lo the confer ,
uco proceeding * . The paper will contain
cuts of prominent men nnd leading cnurchos
nnd Institutions of learning. A full corps
pt editors oud reporters xvlll bo brought to
Omaha to get up lho inaiter for the caper.
ii.1 ° /f"ow'nB ' y ° "tr men will "complete
tbo first year's course at the Omaha Theolo
gical seminary this week : B.C. Swank ,
Alex Lltborhand , E. A. Enders. G. A. Mc-
JSwan , t. W. Sytumonas and li. P. Kolly.
Auoclnllou Note * .
Too concert hall of the Young Mou' § Chris ,
tian ossoclatlon bas been beautifully decor-
Hod and is now QUO of the handsomest audl-
lorlurns In the city.
j The Junior blcyclo club recently organized
- U the Young Men's Christian association
promises to bo ono of the sprightly organiza
tions of lho association. Several long ills-
J , tan co rides and speed contests uro already
| { f looming up as a result of tbo organization.
2hgYoutlP MenU Christian Association
Aid society lias been organized among the
jfolorodmon of Omaha. Tno society gloria
tut with bright prospooU. Fo r lho prcson
.ho meetings will bo hold nt the loading
African churches , but it is the Intention to
secure rooms In the near future where the
society can claim a homo of Its own.
Conference ! Dclrgntr * .
The work of securing entertainment for
.ho general conference delegates moves on
very satisfactorily. Tno rlllrons of Omaha
are wide avrako to the fact that tbo confer
ence will bo of great boncllt to Omaha. For
a whole month , the name of Omaha will bo
telcgrtphod Ml over the civilized world In
connection with the conference proceedings
and thousands of people will visit the city
during the month of Mny to bear nway favor-
iblo impressions of our city and people.
.Three hundred donates have nlrcady
aeon provided with entertainment
in private families and within n
couple ot weeks It is hoped
ill the private onlortnlnmnnt desired will
uivo been secured. A request has boon sent
lo ilfty Influential citizen * nixinc ; them to
provide entertainment for three each , and if
this is dona the work will then bo finished
and the others will DO provided with enter-
talntnont nt the hotels. It Is hoped that
many more cards will bo sent to Mr. Norman
A. Kuhn , corner of Fifteenth and Douglas
streets , by citizens who will agree to lalto
ono or more delegates. The following is n
complete list of those who have agreed to
entertain delegates. If any have been
omitted by mistake tncy nro requested to re
port to Mr. Kuhn at once. The physicians
appear to bo in tbo lend in this entertaining
enterprise. There are thirteen physicians in
tbo list of ontcrtalnora :
W. F. Alton. J. W. Arnold , 1KU Worth
Eighteenth street ; Q. Abrnhumscn , II13 !
North Twenty-sixth ; John Andcnon. 20.U
Chicago ; It E. Alien , liOl ! ) Webster ; J. H.
Arthur , Council Bluffs ; Joseph BarKer , C.
E. Bates , Thirty-second nnd Dodge ; W. J.
3roatch , 'JoUO Dodge ; J. L. Brandois , 2209
Uodgo ; E. A. Benson. 4T28 Dodge ; Samuel
Burns , 1723 Dodge ; Louis Bornsboltn , 2510
St , Mary's nvonue ; Mrs. Elizabeth Boll. 4jr > 28
Spaldinir ; Mrs. T. C. Bryant , -111) ) North
Forty-lint ; Henry Brown , Twenty-sixth
nnd Charles ; G. M. Brown , 2318 Woolworth
nvcnuo ; C. C. Bcldon , 1011 Capitol avenue ;
It W. Brockcnrldgo , 1210 Thirtieth avenue :
C. F. Breckenrldge , 70:3South : Twonty-olghth
street ; O. S. Bonoua , 321 Burt ; Mrs. Lldn
TJoyor. Kov. W. 1C. Beans , 2111 Locust ;
W. J. Council , Twenty-fourth and St. Mary's
nvonup ; O. M. Carter , 8310 Fanmm ; C. L.
Cbaffoo.Tblrty-flfth and Burton ; F. C. Clon-
dcntng , forty-seventh nnd Davenport ; A. S.
Cost , 1800 Binnoy ; David Cole , 2153 South
Tenth ; H. A. Crnno.2211 So ward ; J. B. Car-
mlohael , 4915 Cass ; Dr. B. T. Crummor , 2:311 :
Wlrt ; A. E. Cobb , 8020 Woolworth nvonuo ;
F. Colpotzor , Twenty-fifth nvcnuo and Doug
las ; Dr. U. Cuscadon , 2015 Cass ; Dr. C. F.
Clark,2011 Woolworth uvonuo ; U. W. Doane ,
2021 Chicago ; John DiUo , VSA'A Pork nvenuo ;
J. T. Dale , 12IW Thlrty-tlrst ; O. P. Dlotz ,
1C02 North Twenty-eighth ; J. T. Dillon ,
22'0 Se ward ; 11. D. Estabrook , 8012
Howard ; Mr * . Eastman , 20IT Chicago ;
Dr. D. A. Footo , 80S North Tweutv-socond
street ; Kov. J. M. French , 1220-Emmott ;
John F. Flack , 4011 Howard ; A. C. Footer ,
1024 South Thirty-fourth ; L. D. Fowlor,1812
Wirt ; D. Farrell , 1221 South Thirtieth : G.
W. Forbes , 3015 Nortn Twenty-fourth ;
Jacob Fawcctt , 2107 Spencer ; A. G. Frodln ,
511 North Nineteenth ; Dr. Clark Uapon ,
1313 Twenty-fifth ovonuo ; Mrs. J. W. Gan
nett , 212 North Twenty-second street ; Dr.
W. S. Glbbs , 1515 Sherman avenue ; W. A.
L. Gibbon. 4115 Lafayctto nvonuo ; J. J.
Gibson , 2117 Wlrt ; C. F. Good
man , 1S05 South Tenth street ;
Mis. Gurney , Glen avenue. Council Bluffs ;
A. P. Hopkins , 820Twenty-first street ; G.VV.
Hall , Park avenue ; C. Hartman , 3111 Far-
nam ; D. M. Huvorly , 11)14 ) Farnam ; John
Hamlino , 2023 Charles ; M. M. Harallno , 1830
Spencer ; Mrs. Anna Hustis. 1821 Bluncy ; J.
W. Hoffman. 2210 Seward ; G. N. Hopper ,
2024 Twenty-eighth uvonuo ; W. It Homnn ,
1S04 Binnoy ; Mrs. C. Hardy , 150S Soutn
Thirty-fourth street : Mrs. R. A. Hutchison ,
1408 North Twenty-fifth street ; James Hoclco ,
2153 South Tenth ; Alex Hedge , 2201 South
Tenth ; Robert Hedge , 2203 South Tenth :
Mrs. A. J. Harmon , 814 Pierce. Mrs. j'
Haynes , 024 North Twenty-fourth ; A.
Hodgetts , 1U07 Pierce ; R. D. Hills , 2018 Cali
fornia ; L. A. Harmon , 2220 Ohio ; G. M.
Hitchcock. 2014 Farnam ; Mrs. J. B. Hawley ,
2514 Capitol avenue ; J. C. Howard , Thirty-
second and Woolworth avenue ; A. D. Jones ,
2312 Wirt street ; Mrs. E. A. Jackson , South
Fourth stroat ; C. A. Jacobson , 1515
Dodge ; T. C. Johnson , 210 North Twenty-
second ; Harry Johnson , South Thirtieth.
Howard IConnedj',2224 Dodge ; J. M. ICeycr ,
2110 Binnoy ; Mrs. J.V. . Kline. Solli North
Twenty-third ; J. A. Kellar , 1314 North
Twenty-seventh ; A. B. Karr , 1830 North
Twenty-seventh ; Mrs. S. E. Kennedy , 2010
Dodge ; Mrs. Dr. Knodo , 3120 Mason ; Alton
Koch , 2120 Wlrt ; F.B. Kennard , 1834Dodgo ;
F. A. Konniston , 1824 Binnoy ; Z. T. Lind
say , 313 North Fortieth ; S. W. Lindsay ,
3115 Mason ; Mrs. Helen A. Lewis , Twen
tieth and Chicago ; C. O. Lobeclc , 1G31 North
Twentieth ; Mrs. A. L. Loboek , 1533 North
Twentieth ; Dr. P. S. Leisonrlng. 700 South
Eighteenth ; Dr. S. D. Mercer , Fortieth and
Hamilton , W. B. Milliard , Twenty-fourth
and Howard ; George C. Motcalf , Thirty-
fourth and Francis ; 'J. M. Mara ton. 2518
Patrick avenue ; J. J. McLain , 2209 Spencer ;
Mrs. Jennlo Mclntosb , 2323 South Tenth ;
Robert McClelland , 2214 Webster ; Mrs. W.
C. Mulford , 4723 Capitol avenue ; Mrs. A. G.
MoAusland , 2100 Locust ; Alfred Mlllnrd ;
Max Meyer , Twenty-fourth and Harney ; M.
O. Maul , 030 Park nvenuo ; E. A. Mills , 10
North Tbirtv-tilnth : J. C. Morksll. Twenty
second and Dodge ; W. S. Maync , Council
Bluffs ; G. M. Nuttingor , 2003 Plorco ; W.
N. Noion , Seventeenth and Cass ; J. VV.
Nicholson. 221U bpruco ; Ole Olcson , 2128
Wirt ; Z. H. Oxmnn : M. T. Patrick , Twen
ty-fourth and Lake ; J. N. H. PatrickIlaupy
Hollow ; A. J. Popploton , 1020 Sherman
nvcnuo ; E. A. Parmalco , Twentieth and
Corbv ; J. O. PhlllippI , 2410 Cass ; G. H.
Paine , 2537 St. Mary's avenue ; Philip
Potter. 100 Soutii Thlrty-llrst avenue ,
A. T. Rector , 1802 Binnoy ; C. S. Raymond ,
114 South Thirty-eighth nvouuc : J. T. Rob
inson , 2103 Binnoy ; M. T. Roys , Twentieth
nnd Binnoy ; J. T. Robinson , 20 North Spen
cer ; D. G. Khoades , 1919 Binnoy : H. Kboad ,
1715 North Nineteenth ; A. L. Knad , Twontb-
llftb nnd Dodge : Mrs. L. S. Sklnnor , 213
Twonth-flftb ; Mrs. Minnie Sturgls , 030
North T-vonty-third ; Dr. It M. Stone , 23TO
Dodge ; W. S. Strawn , 2015 Douglas ; C. E.
Sharp , 102'J Smith Thirtieth avoauo ; Mrs. N.
J. Smith. 2100 Soutb Tenth ; M. E. Savage ,
4000 Dodge ; W. L. Selby , 43UO Davenport
Ellas Swenson , 2003 North Twouth-fourth ;
Brad D. Slaughter , Twenty-first and Wirt ;
Dr. E. Sherwood , 2915 Woolworth ; Dr. S. 1C.
Spaldlng. Twenty-fifth nnd Charles ; Charles
Silkworth , 830 South Fortieth ; Mrs.
Phil. Btlramel , 423 North Thirty-
ninth ; Dr. H W. Shriver , 2'i03 Maple ;
Martin Tibko.2129 WlrtDexter ; L.Tbonias
1001 North Twenty-seventh street ; Charles
Turner. 33lGFnroain ; Mrs. L. M. Tuttle , liS !
South Twenty-Ufth : W. G. Tomploton. 4010
Cumlng : L.V. . TullysCouncil Bluffs ; M.A.
A.Vurlng , 4003 Seward ; 1C. B. Webster ,
: LS40 Hamilton ; J. H. Wharton , Twenty-
fourth acd Locust : Dr. T. It Ward , 2121
Win : W. Z. Wright , 20H Seward ; W. S.
Wright , 1120 Twcnty-olghth ; A. P. Wood ,
123 South Twenty-llftb ; H. Whiting , 403
Lowe nvonuo : P. Whitney , 1311 South
Twenty-sixth ; E. Wukoloy , 007 North Nino-
toenlb ; Mra. J. T. Weston , 2803 California ;
A. J. Worloy , 2510 Seward ; C. W. Wcller.
2102 Wlrt ; C. R. Wilson , Fiftieth and
Curalng ; A , Wagoner , 1212 South Thirty-
Kocond ; Mn. E. Young , Thirty-second and
Mr. Cubic' * I'tTHoiiiilltj" .
Oeorgo W. Cable , the well known southern
author , who will road at tbo Young Men's
Christian aisuciatiou ball on Friday and Sat
urday evenings , April 1 and 3 , is a slim
built man of middle height , with dark , beetling -
ling brows and a high forehead , surmounted
by a shock of rich , black hair , and wears a
full board slightly sprinkled with gray. He
is rising 5 and 40. Before bo was 14 bli
father died , leaving a widow and children as
hostages to fortune , and but a few hundred
dollars whorowitU to redeem then ! , co that
youug Co bio wo * coin polled to leave school in
order to aid In the support of ( ils mother and
sisters. Ho began as a olork , and alter
"doing" the war 030 soldier returned to New
Orleans and made such a living as ho could
first as au errand boy.theu as a surveyorind
finally secured a position in a prominent cot
ton bouse , which be resigned In 18TU to devote -
vote himself exclusively to literature. His
uovcl * show such a luastory of the Louisiana
dialect and iuch n ueen insight Into the
Creole character as to give him a front place
among American romancers , and the public
readings from his works bo t > as givou dur
ing the past few yean have boeu greatly
appreciated and larauly attended. As u
reader no uses bis Jluo voice to great advan
tage In tbo Imporsonlflcation of bis various
characters , and tbo negro dialect scorns to
come to him naturally. Not the least at
tractive part of bis programme nro the
creole songs that ho sines each evening. The
advance Aulo of seats will begin nt the Young
Men's Christian Association office next
Thursdav nt \ ) n , m. A lively demand is
llrllglnu * Nntr * .
The total Income of the church of England
is about $1,000,000 a week.
Colonel Elliott F. Shepard lollows the ox-
ampin of Mr. Rockefeller nnd Jny Gould.snys
the Globe Democrat. Ho has Just canceled
$30,000 worth of God's wrnth against him by
donating to the Presbyterians of Brooklyn n
homo worth that amount.
The receipts of the American board for
February wore $ 7.50.31 , ns against K > 3Wfl.2o
for February , 1891. The falling oft is in
donations , which were onlv $23,703.11 , in
stead of f37.SI9.13 as last year , lho total for
tbo half year isf3IS,2a- ! against $3-21,003.44.
Donation1) bnvo Increased $031.57. Legacies
have fallen off $3I5 .03.
Nicolas , tbo now bishop of the Greek
church In America , has arrived in San Fran
cisco. Ho was formerly tbo bishop of IIIlls ,
in Asia Minor. When the reporters tried to
interview him they could not Induce him to
talk for publication , but ho is n hnndsomo
Russian and seek * to avoid needless I or mall-
Tbo Roman Catholic mission among the
Dyaks of North Borneo has now eight
stations wlfli 000 Christians. There are
fourteen priests , two brothers nnd nine
Franciscan sisters. The slsteis hix\o two
convents where they instruct tbo girls and
small bo.vs. Ono of the missionaries , the
Hov. Thomns Jac > cson , Is in this country
seeking to arouse Interest in tbo mission.
Tbo work on the foundation of the Episco
pal cathedral of St. John the Divine m New
York , will bo commenced In n few days.
During the absence of Bishop Potter in
Europe , all the arrangements ubout the
building nro in tbo hands of Rev. Dr. Robert
J. Novln. Dr. Novln U of lho opinion that a
line crypt can bo rando randy for holding ser
vices by Enstor , 1S93 , and the sanctuary of
the cathedral will very likely bo completed
without the great unvo and aisles , r.nd bo
ready for consecration by Christmas , 1803.
To complete thu entire work ton years will
bo rfaqulrod.
Rov. W. E. Smith , pastor of the Central
Presbyterian church of San Francisco. Is
doing for that citv very much what Dr.
ParKburst Is doing for Now York. Ho
preached a sermon Sunday before last en
titled , "Poops Into Holt ; the Dark Sldo of
San Francisco , " in which ho gave n terrible ,
though true , picture of the nelhtr sldo of
llfo in Sun Francisco. "San Francisco is
wicked , rotten , " writes a correspondent.
"Thoro are good people in it , virtuous , high-
minded , homo-making , duty-doing people ,
but the mass is mndo up of small-brained ,
selfish , monoy-at-nny-cost creatures. The
muss drinks a great deal , gambles , cheats ,
swears and is thoroughly Vila In short , San
Francisco is an average product os our
Christian civilization. Ono of the particu
lars in which it is conspicuously Inferior to
most other cities , however , is tbo intellectual
poverty of ils pulpit. Wo have not even
ono preacher whoso name is known outside
of the state , or whoso abilities would fit him
In secular life for higher duties than counter-
Jumping or persuading others of the laity to
insure Iheir lives. "
TI1K TllE < tTJilt ! > .
Tonight nt Boyd's Now Ihoaler , theatergoers -
goers will bo introduced to David Hcndor
son's latest spectacular production "fainbud ,
or the Maid of Baliorn , " SInbad is tbo
legitimate heir of "Pho Crystal Slipper" and
Bluebeard , Jr , " and in it are found all the
favorites of the Henderson enterprises , in
cluding Eddie Fey , Henry Norman , Artbur
Dunn , Dan Hart , Sponoor Gracoy , Louise
Eisslng , Ida Mullo , Jessie Villars , Franklo
Raymond and Topsy Venn.
There is no doubt that "Sinbad" is a su
perb sconlo display. Its most striking
scenes are the port of Balsora at daybreak ,
tbo dock of a pirate ship , a tableau repre
senting tbo ocean depths , a cannibal island ,
the frozen valley of diamonds , Sinbad's pal
ace and the transportation scene , "The
Morning of Lifo"roportod to bo a most mag
nificent scenic picture.
"binbad" has two trrand pageants , "Tho
Winter Ballet , " led by three premier
dancers , and "Tho Wedding Procession , " a
march of 100 people attired in lho costumes
of dtftorant nations. The piece is full of
catchy music , the most talcing songs being
"The Bogle Man , " "I haven't Got it Now , "
'Thcro are Moments Wbon Ono Wants to
bo Alone , " "That's What the Wild Waves
nro Saying. " and "
a parody on "Maggie
Murphy's Homo. " The story is as simple as
exlravaganza stories usually arc , but it is
sufficient to those who euro for plot In the
sensuous whirl of mirth , music and color.
"Oh What a Night , " nn ontortalning farce
como'ly , with the following well known cast ,
will appear at the Farnam Street theater
this afternoon and evening for a four days'
stay , with Wednesday matinee : Mr. Charles
A. Lodor , Charles Edwards , Billy Lang ,
Warren Ashley , Harry Moore , Mlna Gnn-
nell , Bessie King , Ruby Lytton , Edna and
Marie Leigh nnd others. The piece has
made a great hit east and Is about the only
faroo comedy that can lay claim to n
plot. To doscrlbo tbo numerojs complica
tions , ridiculous situations and general fun
arising from the attempted marriage of the
pnv , young , but bankrupt "Howard" at the
unusual time of midnight to tbo nolco of
' 'Judge Herman Pottijelsor" ( Charles A.
Lodor ) , and tbo Interference ot the actrosa ,
' Celeste Vuvasouro" ( Besslo King ) , who is
herself in lova with the handsomn
"Howard , " would take too much space ,
but Is funny , awfully funny ;
and the singing , dancing and medleys
that pop In from time to time
make this ono of the most interesting of
comedies , and cannot fall to plcnso every body.
The special feature of the performance is tno
woi.dcrful dancing of the famous English
twins , "Tho Sisters Leigh , " wboso specialty
called the "Delusion Dance" bas excited
much comment throughout the countrv nnd
is conceded to bo a most wonderful per
formance in the dancing lino.
For week of March 28 at the Wonderland
Musoo" nnd Theater company , Fifteenth
street and Capitol avenue , a great bill of at
tractions Is offered to the patrons of this
family resort. Prof. Woodward and his ed
ucated seals and sea lions , introducing Frisco
the first and only trained sea lion. Mr. and
Mrs. Toboy and their seal baby , Spot ; their
fifth year in the United States. F. D.
King's enchanted castle , made entirely of
paper. Carl Mullcr's imported panoramic
views. Ho will present this week scones in
Switzerland. Honor Porrlns collection of
curios and works of art from old Mexico.
The art glass engraver , Prof. ( Corns. Broul-
lard's wax works , Catulli's illusions , the
half laay and the three headed songstress.
In tbo theater Edw. Newman , German
comedian. The celebrated lady corn ot solo
ist Miss May Kossler. Harry nnd Ada
Price roilnud sketch artists and Dan Ma
son's Comedy company in the "Rival Trades
men , " and a host of other attractions. Four
performances daily ai 2:30 : , 4.15 , 8 nnd 9:30 :
p. ra. _
Conrold'a Cnmlo Opera company will sing
tne grout Now York Casino success. "Poor
Jonathan , " ut Boyd's now theater on Thurs
day , Friday and Saturday noxt. "Poor
Jonathan" was written by Carl Mllloeckor ,
tbo composer of "Tho Black Hubsnr. " "Tho
Beggar Student , " and other coralo operas ,
about two years ago , at the suggestion of Mr.
Courted , who wa then visiting Vienna. Mr.
Conrled wanted something novel-different
from tbo general run of comic operas and
tbo idea struck him that ono with an Ameri
can subject , devoid of the picturesque and
gorgeous costuming , which is considered the
necessary adjunct of comic oporu , would take
In America. No sooner said than done , and
"Poor Jonathan" was the outcome. Either
Carl Mllloeckcr became very much Ameri
canized or Mr. Conrled convoyed to biro bis
idea in very complete form , for it must bo
admitted that the production is thoroughly
permeated with the ilavor of Americanism.
Tha plot is Infinitely amusing and interest
ing , Now York is the scone of action. Ruby-
gold , a bonanza king , luckless in bU suit for
tbo fair Harriet and weary of supporting tbo
responsibilities of bis vait wealth , transfers
it all to Jonathan Trip , his cook. Poor Jona
than takes every advantage ot bii ohango in
position , and hero is where some of tbo most
excellent morsels of the opera are developed.
Finally true lovu conquers , and Harriet and
Kuoygold coming tojjuthor , Jonathan and the
latter arrange about the wealth , and all goes
merrily on , _ _
i'rof ,
There is a growing interest shown in
Omaha in loot urea and similar entertain
ments of a high literary order , .and an appro-
Our Fir
Gouts' Gold Filled Wntohcs , from Wo are constantly replenishing our
812.CO upwards. stock ot line Diamonds and other prooious
Ladles' Gold Filled Watches , from Stones , and uiin slate without fear of
$ ll.r > 0 upwards. contradiction that our assortment ot *
Gents Solid Gold Watches , from those bountiful poms Is the largest west
S22.CU upwards. of Now York. Homovo all doiibt ot this
Ladies' Solid Gold Wntehos , from by coming In and taking u look through
$21.50 upwards. our establishment. You will find
Gents' Solid Silver Watches , from hundreds ot elegant solitaires and clus-
. 18.60 upwards. lor Diamond Flncer Kings , ranging in
Ladies' Solid Silver Watches , from prices from $12.60 up to $1,000 oaeli.
$4.75 upwards. Diamond Lace fins nnd . 'omlnnts ,
from $7 to $3,000.
Nickel stem wind Watehoa from $3 up
wards. Diamond fcnrrlngs , all sizes nnd
styles , from $7.50 to $3,000.
Diamond Studs , from $ G to SI,000.
STATIONERY DEPT. Diamond Collar Muttons , from $3 to
Wo have the llnest line ol stationery $100.Diamond
In the city. Fine Writing Paper ( with Diamond Scarf Pins , great variety ,
envelopes to match ) sold by the quire from $2.50 to $ ! iOO.
or } roam boxes very low. In addition to our immon&o assort
Weddlnp Invitation und Card Plato ment of mounliid poods , wo have thou
Engrurlng a bpoclalty. sands of loose Diamonds in all sizes ,
FOR Tills WEEK ONLY. from 1-01 ot a karat to 10 karats cauh ,
and worth from $2 up to 54,000 each ,
Wo will oiifr"'ivo your niuno on copper
which can bo sot as desired
, us wo manufacture
plato and print 50 visiting cards
ufacture our own Diamond Settings.
from same for $1.00. Now is your Diamonds .
re-cut or reset.
chance. This ElogantGold Filled Watch , Elgin or Waltham Move
ment , only $ li2.6O , former price $2O.OO. SOUVENIR SPOONS.
CLOCKS. An endless variety ; t > olid silver.
200 dllTorcnt htylos , from ! )0c ) to $10
1,000 line Clocks , over 100 different
each. Come and see the Omaha .
styles , wood , iron , bronze , marble and Wo are the manufacturers.
Mexican onyx .cases , from $2 ut > to 8100. '
We are closing out 200 Clocks , a line ROGHRS' TRIPLE PLATED
8-day and i hour strike , with ornament , KNIVES , FORKS and SPOONS.
for$7.50. Seethe Clock in our show Sot of Rogers' triple plated knives ,
window. only $1.05.
1,000 nickel BiVYor Salts and Poppers If You Need Spectacles or Glasses only Set $1.0,3. of Rogers' triple plated forks ,
nt $1 per eot. Eye Sot of Rogers' A 1 plated teaspoons ,
600 line silver plated cabinet frames only 81.
at 81. * ' COME TO US. Set of Rogers A 1 plated Tablespoons ,
200 line Fountain Pens at $1.50. We ore Headquarters in Omaha. Our "Perfection" only $2.
200 line solid n old Pens with pearl Spectacles and Eye Glasses , with finest Brazilian Peb Complete Carving Set ( knife , forK and
handles , $1.50. v. & ble and hard pure white crystal lenses , are the BEST Btcol ) reduced to $1.50.
REPAIRING. Our Prices Are Always the Lowest. We carry a full and complete line of
Solid Gold Spectacles from $3 up. all the most popular and latest Sheet
Watches , Clocks , Music Boxes and all Fine Steal Spectacles from $1 up. Music. Solo iigents for Steinwny.Knabo
kinds of Musicalf'Instrumonts ' repaired Your * eyes examined free of charge and fitted Voso Sons. Bohr Bros. , aud Sterling
bv experienced workmen arid nt reasonable Practical ' Pianos. The colcoratod
scientifically by a Optician of many years' and only
able prices. All work warranted. Coino experience. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Emory Guitars and Mandolins ; Fair
in and compare with our correct timo. banks & Colo's Artist Banjos.
elation of this fact influenced the nitarian
churcn people to'brlrig''to' this city Prof.
Jehu FisUo , the eminent historian , for a lec
ture , which will bo delivered In the Uni
tarian church tomorrow evening , the subject
being "Tho Discovery of America , " Prof.
FisUo bas many friends nnd admirers in this
city , who will sivo him a cordial welcome on
the occasion of bU first visit hero , and the
advance sale , now In progress nt Utmso &
Eddv's , indicates that bo will hove a cooUly
audionco. The teachers' association of this
citv , fully appreciating the exalted position
held by Prof. Fislce in tbo literary world ,
particularly as a wrllor on historical sub
jects nnd concerning evolution , nro now en
deavoring to arrongo for a course of lectures
hero by him next season , and they have good
hopes of success In securine him. The
bringing of such a distinguished mau in tbo
world of letters as Prof. Fisko to Omaha is
an important event.
Another Frlro Problem.
A gentleman visiting a patient in a hospital
said to tbeotlendant "Thatsick man's father
is my mother's son. " What relation existed
between the vliltor and the patient ?
The Queen will give an elegant Mason &
Ritch or Stainway flno toned upright piano
to the Hrst person answering the above prob
lem correctly ; an elegant gold watch for the
second correct answer ; a chlua dinner set for
the third correct answer ; nn elegant silk
dress pattern for the fourth correct answer ;
and many other valuable prizes. Elegant
special prizes will bo given for the Hrst cor
rect answers from each state. Each person
answering must enclose II f icon United States
2-cont stamps for "Tho Canadian Queen
Galop , " the latest and moit popular ploco of
50-cont copyrighted muslo issued during the
past year , Just out , toeethor with a copy of
The Queen containing full particulars , nnd a
'beautiful water color engraving "Easter
Morning. " The object of offering these
prUes is to incraaso the circulation of The
Queen , which already Is the largest of any
publication in Canada. By sending today
you may sccuro a valuable priie. Address
The Canadian Queen , "O , " Toronto , Can.
The summer girl promises to bo gayer ,
smarter , and moro Independent than over
this year.
Roman-rod coats and capes are likely to bo
qulto popular next season for tbo beach , for
driving , and for mountain wear on cool days.
This season there nro mure jackets than
capos in the opening fashions. Young ladies
will wear more jackets than capoi or fancy
Anew bonnet is said by an enthusiast to
bo "a little dream. " A good many of tue
Ihcator bonnets that are worn are inorq lilto
big nightmares.
Very dressy coats arpjlp bo much worn for
visiting. Some of them are poems and seem
not tit to tau worn on tgg jtiad will oo sought
for carriage wear. ,
"I'd like sorno half boso , " bo said. "With
clocksl" Inquired tbo clcrlf. "Yes. I'm
particular uuout lho clack. I'm making this
purchase on tick. "
Husband Have you ttccldcd what Itlncl of
a dross you nro going to gt > \Vifo-Not
yet. I am vultlng Ulitll our new servant
girl unpacks her trunk , ai
* A styllshlv made wpojon gown Is among
tbo most desirable of ufl tbo so-called service
able dresses , and the'View ' spring patterns
show a variety of doalgns.
A now dress for houlo wour is of olectrlu
blue cropon with a straight bUlrt trimmed
with a band of gold ribbon embroidered with
Russians designs in rotund bluo.
Mrs. Wllhorby Mrs1.3 Plankinglon doscn't
drcs so well as she useil to , doai she ? Mrs.
Hunger No. Since her husband signed tbo
pledge aha hain't the bold on ulm that fiho
used to havo.
"I don't think , " said Clara , "that the e
flowers match my complexion , do you 1" "No ,
they don't" suid Maude , "and you mustn't '
go out that way. But I wouldn't bother to
change the flowers if I were you. "
1'rlncossu dresses of black or golden brown
camel's hair are brofdod in matching colois
to represent a yoHo and girdle , and are given
fullness in the back of the slilrt by velvet
breadths that form a slight doml train.
A pretty toilet for dinner is of light silk or
brocade , trimmed with black tulle ruches.
Ihoio ruches are a favorite trimming ju t
now , having the boftcnlug effect of feather
bands , which tboy resemble at a distance ,
Rose stomj are twisted Into brims and
crowns of hats the rubber stem ? being
adorned with most natural ttorns. Leaves
and foliage , with a bit of laeo , form thu trim
ming. Most of lho hats and bonnets have
strings lying under the chin J
Pluu DOUUBIS , trimmings , llowcis and bits
of Dink color are seen every where , end it is
moro than likely that the rosy shade will
have a special vogue given itduring the sum-
mnr. The shade of pink preferred U the real
rose Du Barrl , the most dolicnto of tints.
The roost beautiful nnd costlv of nil clrdles
are the narrow , flexible gold ribbons wilb ex
quisitely enameled buckles that nro imported
in great variety of design from Russia , and
will bo worn by tbo fortunate women , rich
enough lo afford them , with light dresses.
Tbo plain tailor jacket , well cut und close
lilting , is always in style , out there are many
novel ideas this season and many of the jack
ets are much trimmed , not with braidingbut
wilb flaps and gauntlets aud revcrs of tbo
same cloth. Immense rovers uro ono of the
now touches.
Another mantle for a moro elderly woman
has a blade corded silk cape , held in at tbo
back aud riunly cmoroldored in the back and
on lho arms in gold and black. A tlounco of
black lace finished tbo bottom , and trimmings
of luco like ruffled epaulettes pass over the
Tbo latest Frcnco touch is the use of white
satin us plastrons , corselets and belts , parts
uf sleeves nnd DOWS on costumes of uny color
or kind. It is also usea as a foundation under
gauze , lace or grenadine. It gives a touch of
grcal clcgnnco lo the toilet , and Is dlslinol-
ivoly 1'arislan ,
Impelled dresses of French glnchnm ,
batiste , India muslin and linen lawn are made
with olabcralo bodices and simple skills.
Tucso are models for summer gowns , und
ihoy ore very drossy frocks inilcod , being
fashioned like tboso of fancy silk and line
sheer woollen.
Tbo little bonuols are graceful acd now.
The capote with point over tbo brow is moro
fumlltar looking limn most of them. Asquuro
crown nn Iuch und n half high , with a raised
point In the front brim , is beautifully , pro
duced in flno , delicately colored chip , and
trims to advantage.
Mask veils are the latest. A flno dotted
lace , with a border two or tbrcn Inchon deep ,
of a close pattern , is Ucd around the bat.
Tbo plain purt of the veil is worn downward ,
tbo patterned part is turned down over the
Hat brim , making a double thickness and a
musk effect across the eyes.
Haudsomo gowns of silver-colored Bedford
cord or K re in el camol'u hnlr ara inado with
Louis XIV coats , or tbo longer princeaso
shapes , bruided In gold aud silver In unique
Moorish paitorns , ovorahapoly pointed waist
coats of silver corded silk , tbut fasten under
the loft urni and on tbo right shoulder.
A coao bonuot that Is too queer lo talk
about Is ttio faithful copy of a mirst-open pod ;
uomo sort of wlla-woodb.v pod that bus dried
up inside and split down tbo seams. It boun
tifully suits ibis year's woodsy trimmings ,
which arc BO attractive thai it m hard to pass
them by even for a llnii ; . Another cone bon
net U an Egyptian pyramid on u small tn-alii ,
Tbo fashionable parasol is un incongruous
combination of trills nnd frnllty lilted out
with a Htick of gnarled and llnttil wood that
would do guod service as a nifiht watchman's
weapon. The stick Is shot I and nluiu at lho
end , and has a knob lliat would dollgbt a
London "chappy , " The material with winch
it Is covered is u rig hi-colored glusso ailu ,
changeable taffeta , gny striped and spotted
china silk , floral-sprayed crepe uu uhluo ,
tnoussvlllno do sole and chltfon ,
Lacu waists and tea-jackets will ho very
popular next season , end boiides cntlro
toilets of lace or not , there will be skirls of
surah , foulard , veiling , challi , and crupallno ,
with lilted waists of silks covered with flounc-
Inir lace drawn umoothly over them , will :
prolty oelt ribbons , wito long loops and ends
matching tbo strips or llguro in the : > ltirt
fabric ,
A prolly wrap fora young lady is a straight
rape of tail-colored crepon , with very much )
crinkled surface. A yoke of open jot passe
menterie forming V aud points over a plain
yoke of lho material is odycd with a uerlha
of black , full on tbo shoulders and scant
across the front. In the back tno capo Is tluu
in to lho waist , the lace bortba follows in n
narrow point lo tbo waist line , wherj It la
allowed the fall in open fulltiosjon thu skirt.
The summer girl's costume is cosmopolitan
and democratic : it levels all rank und doui
away with social distinctions. The man that
falls in lovu with a goddess done up inhlto
yachting flannel , with silver anchors , inity
flnd his divinity bending over u typewriter
or writing fusblonn for tbo newspaper , und
the man that scorns the girl with sunburned
face aud pluiu dark blazer may bo asking ino I
Blii'd tick father for u job wnon the t > uiimior
Is over ,
Tbo maid of honor at an Kustor wcddlnc
will wear a gown of white surah trlmmod
with three narrow ruffle * of jolluw chiffon ,
writes Isabel A. Mallon lu the A pill Ludloa'
Homo Journal , 'lho bodlcoof thodiessis
PABST , Milwaukee.
SALES 1891 . 700.20O BABBBLS
The Empress of Table Waters , Bottled at the
Springs , Idaho. Special Attention to
Family Trade.
Telephone Nos. 79 or 1745 , - Omaha , Neb
Eye Glasses ,
5 or ll'O coriccllon of nil defects of Tlclon
Cold Spectacles
From (3 09 upward
? Fine SteelSpectacles
\ Krom { 1.00 upward
Frotoctand improve your eyesight.
Your eyas tested tree by a praatlcal
Oftlclan.MEYER & BRO. CO. ]
IBMi.I'AHNAM nnd ICth bt
Wo ernil tlio marvolona French
Komedy CAI.THOB five , ami a
legal cuaruntootlmt CALTIIOS will
r.Tfll * IMtehnrcc * Ac nmluloni ,
CITflft Hnitrlnfitnrrhco.VarlcoCL'10
und ICKUTOUi ; l t Vigor.
Uie it anil fay iftatisjitd.
Mdrcii.VON MOHL CO. .
Bbl9 Zurrino AcraU , Cfatlaaall , Ohio.
ril.K.C.VUJT i NBHV.t ANI ) 11 HA IN Til IS AT.
11KNTu upoclllofor Hjralorli , DlHlnoii , fc'Hi. NJII.
rtlKlu , llo.uladiu , Nurvoiu I'ronr.itlon c.iunU bjr nl.
toliul ortolmcuo , Wiikufulnoii. llontnl Duprouljii.
tioflunliu of tlio llniln , omiliu Iniinltjr , mliar/ ,
iU'C.iy , ilui li , I'ruiiintura OIJ A . Murrannoii , I.on
of I'owur In I'llhorooi : . litiliotuncr , lajcorrlmy\
nil KomnluVoikiiusiui , Involuntary JOJIDJ , Sojr-
lUntorrliQcncuusud by oTur-nxurllon of tlio brain ,
Bc'If--iljuni'ovor-IiiiliiUonco. Auiuntli'i treataiant
II , U for tby in.ill. Wu Uuaranloj tlx b < iioi 13
euro. Kncli order far0 boTiji , "Hliti irlll ion I nrrlt-
ten cnarantoo to ri'fund If not otirjJ. Guarintao
Umioitonly by ( \ . Solirolur , Drucidit. ole luo'iti , 8 ,
li.cor , H'tli and KirnniiiU , , Uaialii. Nab.
lourut , and over it will ba aMurlo Autoliiutta
Jlrliu of yellow cnllTon , whllo on tlio licaa
will bo n larKU tint of Locliorn trimmed with
yullow cliIITou ami whtto rosoa. Tlio shoos
nro of uoft volluw IdU , tlio mocking of j el-
low slllf , and tlio loni ; gloves of yellow uu-
Urtmcd lilit , TtiU U to typify tbat it is
really an Knitor wedding , because tlio jon
quils , and daffodils , though stately Indies ot
tlio Held , coiuo lira to toll Urn I tbo spring
days uro ut band.
Not HII lliul After All.
13. V. Wood of McICoo's KocUs , Allegheny
county , 1'a. , In spenUInu to u tiuvullnn man
of Clmtnborluin's mudlclnns suid : "I recom
mend ttiom ubovo ull others. 1 bavo used
tbom inyielf ami know I hem to bo reliable.
1 always guarnntco tbom to my customers
und lia/o never bad u botllo returned. " Mr.
Wood bud hardly flnUhoJ spcuUliiK , when a
tittlo gill came iu tlio etoru with an empty
bottle. It xvas labeled , "ChamOorluln's i > alu
Holm. " Tbo traveler was iutoroitod , us
there was certainly u botllo coming back ,
hut wailed to hour what tno little girl said.
It was iu follows : "Mamma wuuts another *
bottle of that medicine ; sbo savs it is tbo
best uioillcino for rhoumulUmsho ever used. "
.VJ-coat bottles for sale by druggists.
Mrs. Pbcubo Hearst , widow of Senator
Hearst , is doliiK good in tbo right dirccton
and bus recently founded and endowed llvo
.100 scholarship ) in the California Btuto uni
u reliable.
At Ida CJrove , la ,
IB successfully ( rcnllug cases where
ntlioiliiitilntes liuvu fulled.
Under tlio putromigo of
70 and 71 Globe Bldg. , Boston.
Tour of 80 iliiya. $300 ; Tour of 60 dnya ,
$100 ; Tour of (10 ( nays , $375 ; Tour of 43
days , i300.
All traveling , hotel und Blzht-mxilru oxion | os In
( I'artlos to mnltli \ { Mr * . Krniar , July 2. ( teuin-
lil | > Hc : > TiiiA..iinunl l.lnn , IleUm )
NOIITI1 OAl'K 1'AUTY to mill Juno I * , by etoaill-
slilp TAVUNIA from lltmon. JSrtnyi , fJJ (
Appllcntloni muil Immailont unco for lul tou
mill for circular mid rcfornnco.
A noir nnt Co in pinto Trt'iiitiioni , ( ouilitlntf of
Suiipoiltorloi , Olniniontla Capiulc * . ul o la llox
nnU rilln a 1'u.ltlvo Curj fur KHirnul , Inturnul
llllud or Illoolinx llcblnC'lironlo , lloaont or
llerudllary I'llui. 'l'lil Itumaily li.ii nurur boon
known Ki fall , | l purbux.U forli ; ant li/ mull ,
Why nurtur from tnU turrlble ilUiiiU ) irhoiia writ-
lea L-uurnntoa l > po > ltlruly Klrua wllli iib3 * 01 , or
refund Uu monuy If not cur.ij. HJII I itump Iqr
tiea tiauiplc. Oiuranloo I u3l by ICub _ & to. ,
JruiiEltt > , riola Aifantt. ooradr lilli nnanl > ouiliu
loot * . Uuiulia , Nob.
_ JURE ,
, Ailc your Druggist for ft
, UotVo of IH J , 'J'lioonly .
/ neil pohono't rumedy for all -
f the unnatural illKlmrgu ana
I ittbilltatlni ; umkncu peculiar
I to ivoinen. It cures In a few
dn > r. without the did or
, publicity 01 a doctor.
v " ' L'nftrrtal American Curt ,
Manufacturcil by f
U. O. * .
TP °