Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1892, Part Two, Page 10, Image 10

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Speclnl nttontlon Is called to the fact that
TUB Bnu has exclusive mo In Its territory of
"M. Quad1 * " current writings.
ICojn/rfyMcd / ISmtiU C. II , 7/dH .l
A WoiU ) IX KlN-nSEts. Two unys ngo his
boner the mayor ( which is oursolf ) received
n written communication from the leader of
Major Throckmorton's gang of cowboys to
the effect thnt bo was comltift In with his
crowd nt on onrly dnto to cnpturo nnd hold
the tow n nnd have some fun. Ills honor wns
advised not to Interfere with the program , if
ho desired to llvo on and coatlnuo to enjoy
tno best cllmnto in the world.
Wo wish , ns editor of the Kicker nml
mayor of the town ( elected by a largo ma
jority ) , to say n word or two Iu kindness to
this crowd. As editor wo have always ex
tended a warm welcome to the boys , nnd on
two or thrco occasions wo have mounted
our mule nnd "dono" tlio town with them.
lint things have changed. As editor wo
could do things which would bo beneath tbo
dignity of the mayor. The crowd can como
in and shoot The ktckor oftlco full of holes ,
but their fun must atop rittht thoro. As
mnvor wo have a duty to perform nnd shall
perform It. If the bovs attempt to tnko the
town wo shnll rally our botiy guard nnd wlpo
out as many of them ns possible.vo shall
shoot to kill , and wo caa positively guarantee
that from six to ten of the RBIII ? will bo loft
on tbo street nnd burled nt the expense of
the town. This town can't bo run by outsid
ers. It can't bo run except arcoiding to tno
rules nnd ordinances Inn ) down.
Wo want the cowboys to not nil possible
enjoyment out of life , nhd wo want ovcry
citizen of tbo town to feel and realize thnt it
Is good to bo bore , even if they nro dead
broKobnlf the tlmo , but tbcro must bo a
limit to tbo game. The gntig who attempts
to monkey with the peace anil order of this
burg will'ilnd eight two bnndod shooters on
deck nnd loaded to the rhln , nnd If any get
nwny it won't bo our fault.
TOMI HIM So On Wednesday night nt
nbout 11 o'clock wo were nrousod from peace
ful ( slumbers by Major Turner tnppluRon the
alloy window nnd Informing us that the
boys were going to bane Shoshoao BUI nnd
Wnntod our rene nnd our assistance. Wo
were BDoedily dressed and on route wltn the
major to tho'usanl spot. Three weeks ago
wo dropped n fjcntlo hint to Bill in our
local columns that ho had struck tlio wrong
town and ought to move on. Ho sent us
word that wo were off our food and hadn't
sized him up correctly. Wo were pretty well
satisfied that our diagnosis was correct nnd
that tbo boys would soon take a hand in ,
tlnd wo were rifiht. Sboshone Bill wns in
the care of thirty determined men , nnd Ilko
tbo ucrago bluffer bis sund was nil gone.
As editor of The Kicker wo brought n rope ,
but as mayor wo auviscd tbo ooys to Rive
Bill ono moio chance. Ho wns cJevuted nnd
lowered times enough to trivo him n fair idon
of what n regular hnnglne would bo , nnd
then set f too nnd headed to the wo t nnd told
to travel. Ho didn't stop to ask nny ques
tions nbout the route , and there is no fear of
bis return.
The Kicker has never raado a mistake on a
man yet.Vhonachap who thinks ho is a
bad man and goes blufllng around with a chin
ou bis shoulder sees a double-loaded notice in
our local columns to tbo effect tbat land can
bo had further west at 50 cents an ncre , ho
should tnko it ns n hint and start out to look
for n fnrm. Tboso who bnvo been obstinate
about it have mot with n surprise whicU was
both sudden nnd painful.
DON'T WANT IT Our contemporary down
the street , tailing to mnke tbo public bollovo
that vyo had to leave Connecticut for stealing
a cow , now charges us with seeking to nssns-
sinato tbo postmaster of this town sons to
secure his place.Vo could not secure tbo
appointment even should boicslgn in our
favor. Mho Kicker nnd Mr. Wannmaker
have ahv.iys been antagonistic. Wo don't
Ilko bis way of tunning things , nnd ho re
fuses to subscribe for our paper : There Is n
yawning gulf between us , and neither of us
cares n continental cocked bat lor the other.
True , wo have s > hot tbo postmaster tbiec
times , on throe different occasions , ana ho
has sbot at us ut least a dozen times , but
tboso were sWo issues. No ono ran make
bim bellvo we want his place , and wo refuse
to bollovo thnt ha insplrea the nrtlclo re
ferred to. Wo shnll probably shoot him
again within n mouth If our mall is not de
livered tnoro promptlv , but ho will under
stand our molivo and do us full Justice.
No man would have noticed him ns he sat
ID the walling room ot tbo Erie depot with
a satchel between his feet but. for his cough.
He was nbout lifty years old , plainly dressed
nnd his couch wns a cress between the
aouna of rt horse Ilddlo and the roar of an en
raged lion. On a still dny It could huva been
board almost across the state of Rhode
Island. It lasted about thrco minutes and it
moved him about Hvo feet along the bench
on which bo was sitting. When ho had ttn-
ishca ho turned to a man who scorned anx
ious about his condition and sold :
' "Scuso mo , but I can't help it ; I'vo had
this cough for ton years.1'
"Can't you cure 1U" asked the other.
"No. Spent ever $500 uud It niri't no bet
tor. 'Tuln't no coug h from catcbln * cold or
Anything ot that sort. I swallorod sunthin'
in my sleep aud it lodged down there somo-
wbcro. I shan't git no better till 1 cough it
up. Hero she goes agin. "
Ho stood up and ho sat dowu again. Ho
rocked to and fro , and ho coughed to the
right and loft. Every ouo who &aw him ex
pected to see bim explode and fly In pieces.
Ho was making ono lust trcmcnduous effort
when something full on the floor in front of
him , nnd the man wlio had boon sneaking
with him stepped forward and picked up the
object and caid :
"You seem to hare coughed it up at last ,
and I congratulate you. "
"W-what U III" queried the coughor.
" \Vby , I should say it was a tonka bean. "
"Tonuu bean , ebi Yes , I gur-ss it is. I
remember now. Wo bnd n dozen of 'em
around the house , and I'vo ' allus suspected
that I wns Just hog enough to swallow ovary
blamed ouo of'cm ! Kinder eland back , all
of you , und lemma sea H I kin ratio the other
'lovon mid go homo a happy man ! "
A mewl may bo blind In ono eye , but I hev
nil us noticed dat bo Kicks on dat aide Jest ns
quick as on do odder. In tlo case of mewls
it's do hoofs you want to look out fur.
Comets mav cum nn1 comets may go , but
it's our bizuoss to keep right on while-
\vnshln' at regular Uppers , jest do sumo ns if
cotnoU was sollm' for ii cants aploco at do
co'nur grocery.
Whtlo I ar > constltushunnlly opposed to do
Uicoiy of lynch law , I bov Invariably noticed
dat do practice of li nobbor Heenis to hurt
anybody 'ccpt do man who counlod on a trial
nu' a disagreement of do jury.
Any fulo kin kick atln mircumstancos , but
It urn do wlso mail who conquers mlftfortuuo
an spits nn bis hands to tackle advarsity.
1 tiov knovvod Instances of n county treasurer
urer mysteriously dlanppenrin1 an1 'his ac
counts bain' found all right , but ! didn't glva
him any credit for it Ho simply skipped a
coug fcomowhor.
Ho long as liberty was a porslmmoti grow-
in'ou t ho highest branch of do tree every
body looked up to it wM roveronco. Now
dat it has become a pumpkin klckln' around
under fpot nobody pays any uttonshun.
There is no sort of doubt iu my mind that
wbanevor the month of February has twenty-
olno days Iu It au unmarrloa woman has a
perfectly lo al and moral right to propose
matrimony to any man she thinks will llll the
bill. Iu fact , no ono cau advance any other
plauriblo reason why February should over
Lave over twenty-eight dnj-a iu U. The extra
d y wai added to glvo woman a fair show ,
and it ouehl to bo token , advantage of Iu
every locality.
H lias l > eou ray sad nnd painful duty to
rojeot the hearts of several females offered
mo in leap year , and I never look back ever
the list Without wishing that , it had been
otherwise. Ono leap year nleht. muiiy year *
Ago , I found lodgings In the cabin of a Ten
nessee mountain widow. Next day , whoa I
vas ready to resume my Journey , aho stood
peforo mo aud said i
"X m tblny-t o years old. pood-tempered ,
kind h artca aud economical iu mouoy mat
ters. I h\roToen ( n wiaow for two ycnrs anil
am tlrotl of IL Will you mnrry mo ? "
Wasn't ' tbul tilcot Could nny man have
nsltod for .inythlnp brtttrt I too It bor Imnd
nnd toltf her htjWfiorry I wai thnt Inlrotdy
Imd n wife , nnd llieroforo couldn't antcrtnlu
her proposal. Wo couldn't mnrrv then , but
I'd put hnr tmmo down nt the head of the Hit
nnd Rlvo her the lint show. 1 wa Hvlnp in
a hotuo next to a church with n tnll stoonlo
which wohblcil when the wind blow , aud
them wtn no tolling when that steeple would
fnll and ninlio mo a wldowor ,
The widow llotv msvl. She alio flow for n
shotgun. 1 llltoivlao How away. Ttiul's the
trouble \vllh tliosox. When ono of them 1s
rejected Mio tnltoi it too much at tioirl. In- of pracofully wnlltuiR awny to plno and
droop and co Into n tlocllno , they want to
pull hnlr aud raUo n row.
On the second occasion 1 wo < t rented on n ,
vcrand.i In the summer twilight with nu old
nmld. I wns not thcro to pros * her soft ,
whlto hnnd nnd toll her thnt ono llttlo word
from her would imtUomotlio happiest man
in nil creation. 1 was there to olTer hr-r ? 3
cash down for n dojr , which I iironosotl to
tnko out and kill without an hour's delay.
Susan suddenly cuddled up to me , and said
thnt she had loved mo for yoara , hut feared
to b re nit the Joyful lldhiKi. Sha could
stnnd it no lotiRor , Without mo
life would bo ai daric as down
collar nt midnight ; if I would have her , the
world would ntoncaapproach pnradlsn within
per cent. I hunt ; off till I found that filio
wanted ? T > 9 for the doir , nnd thnn I told her
that she had spoken too Into. Ony ton mtn-
tiutos before I rencheit her side another Rlrl
had nsliod mo to bu lior ? . und I Imd elvou her
a promise In writing. Wo would bo brother
nnil slstor. Slioiniclit alt in our pew nt
church and plav with our children , but J
i cave her a splendid opportunity to rctlro
with honor , but ht ? xvould't take it. She
leaped up uud scatrhcd mv none nud ruluod
inv bat , and ns I lied slio oiicouritROd that
inlsorablo dog to follow nnd harass mo nnd
Jump mo over fences. 1 cannot bollovo 11ml.
she truly loved mo , nndouldlinvo glvon mo
the tender care nnd protection a huabaud ex
On the third occasion I was driving over a
highway In the state of Illinois. A loiin ,
Intil : girl , with uliilt Rlinbonnot aud bare foot
niul carrvlng a piece of saisnfras root In her
queenly loft hand , suddenly Jumped the rail
fcnco from a corn Held nnd stood before mo
In nn agitated stnto. I had * only to glauco
into her beautiful orUs to road the truth
she loved mol How long she had been at It
I can't say , for girli arovcry deceptive about
those matters , but probably n long time-
over since the old horse raised the dust two
miles awny. I know what was coming , nnd
my choelM were suffused with blushes nnd
my heart boat turaultuously. I don't thlntr
she read my answer In mv eyea , for I was
wearing1 blue goggles , but In nlty I tried to
stop hor. It was no use , however. She put
ouo foot on the bub of a fore whcol , gave me
tbo biggest half ot the sassafras root and
tenderly said :
' Stranger , I'm old BlllJohnson's daughter
Sal , lit ) yours old , sound ns a brick , and f can
hoe moro corn , cut moro grass aud plant n
bigger 'later patch In 6110 day thnn any man
iu the county. What do you say to hitchtn'
up with mei"
I tried to appear cov nnd pretended nut to
understand her , and she brought her hand
down "spat 1" on the old horse , killed a bi ?
horsclly uud continued :
"It's leap year and I'm going to git a hus
band or bust ! Hero sbn is , stranger , light
from the shoulder will you hnvo mot"
Although' fuily expecting the proposal , I
had to ploco both hands ever my heart to pre
vent the bolt slipping off. In n broticn voice ,
with frequent pauses /or breath , I told her
thnt it could , never , never be. That steoulo
no longer wobbled , having been braced anaw.
aud the future hold out no brighthope. . It
grieved mo to reject her love , but I had
to tlo it. She must have realized
how much In earnest I wns , and
how painful it was to go back on a girl six
feat long , and for a time she was pensive nnd
thoughtful. It was her first odor , and to bo
rejected was Ilko the stab of a Itnlfo. By
nna by , however , she tallied from the blow.
She bit off about thrco inches of the root for
a now quid , kicked a horsolly olT the hind leg
of old Uoobin , and forgivingly said :
"Wall , old man , I'm going to lot you off ,
owing to circumstances , but that tin peddler
coruin up the road is my mutton or you'll
hear of a tragedy 1"
That ovoulng tao tin peddler drove Into the
villaco where I was stooping , nnd I made
some Inquiries. Ha was a doomed inau. Ho
had piomiscd to bo heri , and her old dud wns
guarding the road out of town with a shot
gun to see that ho didn't escape.
Hero are two field battorlos- twelve , six
ttiicl ulnc-poundcrs in all firing as rapidly as
they cau bo loaded. The reports blend into
a roar , and you must rolso your voir-o as if a
hurricane was howling about you. You are
not. . impressed , but rather aggravated and
uuunjcd. ' .there's a snap to each report , line
the cracking of a great whip a spiteful
souud which reminds vnu of a dog following
at your heels witti his yelp ! yelp ! yclpl
There is no moro trying situation for a
soldier than to bo lying down m support of a
battery. He is only a few yards in front of
the guns , and bo not only feels thn full force
of the concussion as communicated to the
earth from the "lilck" of ido puu , but the re
port itself seems to strike the spinal column
and travel uu to the back of the bond. Then ,
too , tticro is tlio fear of shells exploding pre
maturely or of grape and canister "drib-
blitijr , " to cause wounds or death , and it is u
positive relief to see a column of the enemy
break cover for a charge. Tbo roar of the
guns does not linger for hours after , ns Is tbo
case with morturs and sicgo guns but vou
llud your nerves on edge and your temper
spoiled for a davor two. The mou who lav
in lines with a battery tiring over thorn pro
bably endured more mental suffering than
tbeeuemy at whom the guns were pointed.
The llro of great guns Is terribly trying for
tno llrst fe\v minutes , but tills feeling grad
ually gives way to ouo of awe aud sublimity.
There U something so tomtit : and appall
ing you feel yourself BO utomloss In com
parison thai you would speak in whispers if
the roar should suddenly cease. You are an
onlooker ; If assisting to work a gnuphysical
activity would take away from the mental
strain. When Admiral Porter got his twenty
mortar boats , ouch armed with n oitrlit and a
half ton mortar and a thlrty-two-pouna rifle
boll , at work acnlnsi the forts below New
Orleans , and tlio big guns iu both forts had
opened in reply , tticro was somothlug altiu to
the sound of heaven and earth coming to
gether. The mortar shells weighed ever SOU
pounds apiece , and the rush of them through
tbo air made one's hair feel as if it crawled.
When the llnug had contlnuca uiitlll all re
ports huu been merpccHtito ono steady roar
there was llttlo short of an earthnuako on
hind or sea for ten miles around. Ttio earth
shook as If a great stouni hammer was
pounding It n few yards from your feet. If
standing near u tree you could fool the roots
letting go of the soil with a ouud Ilko bugs
crawling over dry leaves. On the water
great mud spots rojo up hero und thnro to
show where tbo earth fortv foot below hud
been disturbed. In the Mississippi river it-
sell hugo cattish leaped above thu surface In
fright and palu or floated bally un and UTro
carried along with the current gasping for
breath. Outonbluo water nir bubbles as
larco as dining plates floated to the surface
and burstcd with a snap , and llsh ot till klnJs
exhibited the greatest con f usiou and alarm.
Thirty n.llos nwny the roar was Ilko that
of a t'nlo swooping ever a pine forest ,
1 lorscs and cattle sought to hide away , birds
How about uttering cries of distress and dojrs
pointed their noses toward the suy and
hnwloil dismally , Jilrda and fowls felt tbo
air unit earth waves long before human be
ings did , and their uctlont were BO queer as
to become ularinlng. Tbe coming of the roar
to tliosoafur off wnj preceded by a Jarring of
the earth und a moaning In the air. Bptings
overflowed nnu the water In wells circled
around as in a whirlpool. The wlldast
species o ) birds left the wood * and thickets
and ctiuio Hying about the houses , and rub-
bits dosortpiltliolr burrows and sought tbo
companionship of domonlo anlmala. The
thunder nUirms of a score of years combined
could not have rent the hcurous nor din.
turbod the solid earth as that , cauonado did-
It the bozlntilug was painful and oxnspnr-
ullng the ending was something to bo remem
bered for its grandeur. Ono mortar after
another , ono great guu after another was
silenced by order. The levcrberatlons had
traveled through air and oattb and water a
OUtanco of fifty miles. They now uuomod to
return back to the gum. Tim rout and riven
skies had kept up a constant inoaulag and
comulaloiug. Tbosp oundi gradually died
away , as a man In pain finally drops off to
sleep. Tlio earth resumed its solidity again ,
the sun aLown forth Iu Us old famllar way
nod the bank ot clouds piled up in the wont
nnd tinged with gold all alo&g their lower
edges seemed proot to tbo eye that the world
still .stood as > vo had lived hi it tbo day before -
fore Itioso monsters awoke and demanded
human blood ana wreck ana destructlonsa
the price of thulr aileuce. M. QUID ,
A Beautiful Testimonial Presontad to Sen
ator Mnndarson by tlio Nineteenth Ohio.
llcni'irltnliln Ilicipoof mi Inillitii .Sulillnr
Troni Itclni ; Hnrloil Allvo A Stntilo of
Hlicrlilun In Sun I'rntK-ldco
rump riro "mlos.
WAMIIVOIO.V , O. C. , Mnrch 'JO. { Special
to Tin : HKI : . ] It U rtn ornor buttuiiR. Every
ona seems to luwo 0110 tn his coat Inpolran -
sonic nnil uiiiblcinuUc , tradoand profi'Rilonal ,
military and clvllliui. Iloro in Washington
ydu son thorn in endless profusions , from tlio
tiny bum nndvlilto silk puffed Insignia or
Sous of tlui American Havolutlon to tlio rod ,
whlto ntul blue Imtlgo of the Lojal Loglon.
Hut tlio most interesting to tlio mass Is tlip
plain brou70 oinblom ot the Grant ! Army ot
ttio Republic. To mo it nlwnva apoaks of
comrndRhln mm fellowship In dnngcr , of ac
tion at tlio front nnil not at tlio desk , of
swords unslioathod nmld shell nnd sbot , nnd
not worn only nt inspection or tires * parade.
I enjoy hearing thrco or four of llioold timer *
with tuu broiuo patent of patriotism mul
pluck on their coats pot together nnil aw.ip
ramlnlsconcoH of the olden tlmo or renew uc-
Oimmtnncui inudo when It cost something to
"touch the elbow. "
Tinco mnmborj of the Nlnotooiitb Ohio aat
the other day In Senator Mrtndorson'H com *
mlttco room tnllcltig with the senator. They
were member' ) o the regiment in command
of a company of which Captain Chnrlcs F.
Mnndorson of Canton , O. , was captain uttlio
outoreak of tlio war mul they were discuss-
lug the result ot n regimental association
meeting held lost August in Detroit , whoti
the following resolution was passed :
On motion of Comrndo Julltii Itrnchcr , u
coniinlttcu eunslstlii ! ; of Julius lltachur. Com-
uany It , Gallon , O. ; Captain \V. A. Knui ) ] ) .
t'ontpniiv , 1' , Washington , I ) . 0. . nnd Thuiniis
11. D.illy. Conituii.v A , lioihou , 1ml. . was ap-
uolnted to pruoiu'o u envoi tu bo rr.ndo out uf
wood ohlaliiud fioin o.U'b of till ) b.ittlo HeltN
on which Colonel Miindurson with hlH ruct-
incnt was encaged , nnd to have thu nnmo nt
ouch baltlo OIIRIIIV oil thereon , nnd present tlio
s-iino tu our botovoil CoUniol Ulmrlcs 1 \ Mnn-
tk'raoii , now senator from Nebraska nnd nroi-
lilunt pro torn , of the United Status senate. "
In compliance with the resolution the committee -
mitteo procured n KUVO ! beautifully uiiuto of
nine different ploess of wood and bound to
gether with a gold band boarlng the inscrip
tion stated in ttio accompanying letters , The
letter from the committee is as follows :
"Dear Sir : At the icguliiivincotlnz of the
Nineteenth Uiv'itiiuut Ohio Inr.intry assoola-
tlon , hold In Hutrolt. Mich , August 0 ultimo ,
tbe undersigned \vcre npuolntcd n coininlttco
to procure and prosunt to you u gavel to bu
iniide of woods from the Ullfuicut b.ittlollnlus
on which you were oii < ixcd wltli the said
regiment , nnd to Jiuvc engraved thnroou the
nainos of stii-h ImttlolloUls. A couy of the
resolution K herewith transmitted.
"It the Intention of the committee to
nmko the presont.itlou at the opening of the
present session of congress ; but 1111:1.void : ible
delays oucut red. nnil It Is only qullo recently
that the commltlee has boon nble to comply *
with the requirements of the rosotutlon.
"It Is now our pleasant autv to present to
you. on bolmlf or the surviving members of
the i oilmentwlUch you commundod wlttisuuh
slguiil ability , the uucompanvlng token of
tholrlovo nnd esteem for you personally and
oftbolrgrodt Rratllluntlon at your elevation
to the oxlted posltlonyou now occupy In thu
councils of the nation ,
It Is n sihiill thin ; ; wo olTor you ; but the
names Inscribed thereon toll nn ovuntful
story a story of loyal service and horple en-
cleaver ; ot duty nobly done ; of weary
inarches , mtlont enduraneoml haul foucht
buttles ; of "halr-broiidth csc.ipes ; " of trials ,
sulTurln s niul death ; of victories and defeats.
It tells also of the admiration- respect and
loxe borne by bravo men for a wise and iriil-
liint leader. It Is nn emblem of the unswerv
ing luvulty. ot the undaunted br.ivory In the
face of Imminent dancer , and of the
fnst devotion to duty exhibited ny you as a
Holdloi ; of the kindly and careful considera
tion for your subordinates which you have
shown as an iillluor , and of the wisdom and
patriotism yon have displayed as a legislator.
As such o beg you to receive It. with the
assurance that no one can more heartily ro-
jolco In your continued prospurty and further
advnncnmcnt than your former companions
In arms , the ollloors and soldiers of the "Old
-Nineteenth. " blncoroly yours.
W. A. IvNAPl1.
Senator Mandorson who was much uffccted
oy this gift had prepared a letter since sent
which was 113 follows :
March IS. 1S32. Messrs. Julius Bracbor ,
Thomas II. Dally and William A. Knapp , com
mittee * My Dear Comrades 1 lia\o received
your kind favor lufiu mmg mo that at u roeu-
lar meeting of the Nineteenth regiment Uhlo
Inf.intry association , held In Dotrolt , Mich. ,
In August List you were appointed a commit
tee to procure and present to me a gavel mane
of wood obtained fiom some of the battle
Ilclds In which our duar old regiment nas en
gaged. Accompanying your luttui thorn unmo
to mo a beautiful ga\el , mndo of dlflerent
woods , bcailng the names "IJIch Mountain ,
Shlloh , Jonosboio , Htonos Hiver. Roc : > y Face.
1'lcKetts Mills , ICenesiw Mountain , Missouri
llldzo and Lovojoys Station" and with the In
scription :
To Urev. Drlgadler General Charles F.
Mandorson. I'rcsldcnt pro tern ot thu United
States .senate from tils former comvanlons In
arms of the Nineteenth regiment of Uhlo Vol
unteer Infantry. "
1 find JUillIIlciilt to express my dcoo sense of
obligation for and appreciation of this unique
gift and am crnbarrnsaod when I read the
kind and loving words , all too eotnpUmuntaiy
to your old commander , combined In thejel-
torof transmlttal , My Jove and esteem for
those who wore mycomp.uilunslnurmasuirere
no diminution as the years go bv and Intensi
ties with the ever shortening line of survivors
of the oignnl/atlon ofwhoso leeorcl wo nro
so proud. It Is to me a mattoroT serious con
gratulation that dining all the war fiom
Apill. 1J01. to April , Ibio. Iwas connected with
no other regiment than our own Nineteenth
\Vo had a bravo nnd gallant leader during
the llrst year of thowifin the lamented Ool-
onol Samuel lleutly , and If. as his successor In
command credit attached to me , much was
duo to his vigorous disc-Inline and louraceous
example. The history of our rudiment IH the
history of the war of the rebellion In the cen
ter weal. Its noble and patriotic dead , and
bravo comrades , fell on every great battlo-
lleld from Itlch Mounlaln , the llr-t Hold tight
of tl.o wur whore Kosecrann led to victory ,
to Nashville , wheio Urn rebellion lecclvcil the
last ht.r.'gei Ing blow at thu hands uf our great
chliiftalii.ULMicral George II.Thomos , Through
Virginia. Teniiosbco , Ooorglu , Alabama ,
nnd Mississippi \\o followed our Hail ,
ever upholding It In heroic endeavor to do our
dutv. No regimental coinm.indor ever h id
truoror braver men. They were ever ready
to follow whmo ho led and often led wliyro he
dreaded to follow. Wo may Indeed exult In
association In a regiment upon whoso Iliic Is
Inscribed such glorious names us Itlch Moun
tain , thlloh. Crab Orchard , fetono.s Jttvor ,
Miirfreisboro. Uhlck'imaii * a , Ohiittanooija ,
Urjhard Knob , .Mission Kldvo , D.illns , New
UopoOhureli , I'limpkln Vine Creole , ICcncsaw
Mountain , C'luittnliootcliie , Atlanta , .lones-
bnro , J/ovejoys btatljn , Franklin mid Nauh-
1 thank you and through vou all my former
companions In arms , the surviving ollleers
and soldiers of my dear old reulment , for thli
gift. I shall pluco It by the cldoof the br.iuis
of pUtols tint uainci to mo from their huma !
after the desperate battle of Huina Ulvor ,
wheiu the lojs of1. . ) killed and wounded out
of JI'J present fin-duly linlt us to clusaJy to
gether , to bo chmlslicd and most valued of
my iioise sloiis. Very truly yours ,
In canversution .Senutor Mandorsou said
that tbe Nineteenth Ohio Infantry hni ouo of
tbo most remarkable records of any in the
war of the robollton. It was organized In
April , 1S01 , iu the counties of Stark , Colum
bia , Mauonlnc anil Summit mnlnly , nnd alao
in ndjolnmir counties In Ohio. Its ilrst
colonel was Samuel Beatty , Mandorson was
In the thrco uioritbs servtco , tbo captain of
tbo right IIauk company of the ruelmcnt ,
having enlisted as a nrivato the day that the
news of Sumpter came , hut Joining with
Deatty In raising a company , lieatty became
a captain oud Mnndorson a llrst lloutouant.
When Beutly became colonel of the regiment
ManUei ou bocama captain , Tbo regiment
in tbo three mouths' service was a part of
Hosocrans' brigade ID McClellau's Army of
Occupation oi West Ylrgltiia. It was tbo
llrst field battle of the wnr , Ulch Mountain ,
and was among1 the lint troops that entered
West Vlivlnla. It re-onlisted In September
and October , 1801 , ami the service of thn
throe ycnr ' regiment was n.alnly with tbo
Army of the Cumberland , Mandersou took
comuiaud of tbe regiment after the battle of
Bhllob , having participated in that engage
ment as acting lloutouant colonel. After tbo
battle of Mission Kldso tbe regiment partici
pated in the winter campaign of J''asl Ten
nessee and on the 1st ot Januaiy , IbOl , ever
400 of the men of the regiment ro-unllsted as
veterans. It participated la tbo Atlanta
campaign and In the winter ot ISfit was In
tbe battles ot Franklin uudor coiuioaud of
Lieutenant t'tSonol Strnlton , Mnndorson
being nbtanlJropi wounds received nt Love
Joys tntiooggptombor , 3. 18fU , The roffl-
mont in IbOTi wifsont ) to Toxnn to ho n part
of the col urn nan moro into Mexico nnd was
not muMorcdioilt of the aorvlco until Octo
ber , 1W15. H.if
Senator iUindorson bai never boon lost
sight of by hohl \ boya in bltio. Tlmo nmt
ngaln ho has lr vcloil onit to attend rcgl-
montnl reunions nnd niMros * Rnthnrmgs of
mcubors of l/i | ) / phi regiment. None of them
overcomes tornwi\hnKton | without hunllmg
him out niul rtn'Usltor ' li moro tvolcomn nt
his commitlofii't ' mi or homo limn n votormi
onrliiR the lltUu bron/o button who snrvoil
years ngo iindenhli uommnml ! ti the Nine
teenth Ohio. ; W , K. A.
irm niooi.
CUSTHII CITY , 9. D. , Mnroli II. To
the IMltor of TUB Hun : 1 HOD It Htnloil
iti Tun nii : : of the J2th Hint Mr.
lltiwhon of tlio poilulon olllco claims to
hitvo seine of the folooil of H \ < \ Kelley
sltctl at I'hlllpnl us the IltMt blood uf the
Tlio ditlin Is not con-act , The drat
iniin Itllttul In West Vlt-Rlnlii v/iis Llou-
Uiilllo Urown of the Grnftnn
by 0110 of Givrnott's
Bontrlcs In the town of KottoTimin , on
the Baltimore & Ohio railroad , it num
ber of tin j's before the battle of I'hlllppl.
1 aw the Hhoolliir ( dotio In both OIIBOS
nnd know that 1 urn coi-root. Captain
( tuorfro H. 1/ithum of ( Ji-uflon can ( , 'lvo
thooxaut datcH. H. K llUdliS ,
C Company , Sixth Weal Virginia Cav
alry. _
A Itmiiurltnlilu C'anc.
Mr. , T. C ! . Wilson of Morse BltilT , Nob. ,
vouchua for tlio truth of till ) following
ronmrlcnblo Incident , told by the Spencer
( Ind. ) Journal :
Thomas Townsend , who resides six
miles west of Spencer , Ind. , Is ono of
those who attribute their present exist
ence to ctrctunstatioos falling little short
of a miracle. It w.a3 diu-lnjr the slogo efFort
Fort Dounolson in February , ' 02 , that
ho foil , shot through the cheolc by a
minnlo ball , which tore away his palate
and loft him unable to move a rausclo.
TIe retained uonscloitiineas , however ,
tiblo to understand all that was goinir on
about him. Ho 'laid on the ground
twenty-four hours when a detachment of
comrades came to bury the daad. Ho
could hoar them talk na they per
formed their sad duty nndwhen
they had completed his grave
ho learned from their conversation
that ho was to bo interred with Com
rade Hal torn. The boldiors placed the
corpse of his cofnrado in the grave. Two
of them then rolled. Mr. TOWJIBCUI ! into
hie blanket and lifted him from the
ground. His form was limp and one of
them suspected that life was not yet ex
tinct , and they loft him unburied until
they had completed their litbk. They
returned in nnlhour nnd after some debate -
bate decided tSf tTvlco him to camp. The
same day ho , v\\as \ placed on board a
steamer with aj.hpr wounded to bo taken
to St. Louisoa ® n the way the boat
stopped to burjt those who had suc
cumbed to wounds and again they gath
ered about hint&to decide whether ho
was nlivo orj"aead. All save a citizen
physician of Stt'l.ouis wore of the opin
ion that ho slKu d bo buried with the
others , and it fway only through his in
tervention tbfif Mr. Townsend was
saved. Ilavingv arrived at St. Louis
this physlcianjv to vindicate his
judgment , toekn $ charge of his case.
The llrst Ijirfo that Jilr. Town
send rouiomljfi having lp.en able
to move ti jnnji lo .w iis when given a
Bwallowof _ br ndyisoon after His arrival
nt hiSidestination. . JHis recovery was
slow , but it came , and ho returned to
Owen county. His power of speech had
left him , and in tho"rroof 'of his mouth
was a hole through which , by the aid of
a glass , could be seen the optic nerves.
For several years ho was deprived of the
power of speech , until a drunken , roving
doctor cruno along and out of a silver
quarter hammered u piato which ho inserted -
sorted in the mouth to cover the hole
loft by the loss of his palate. He soon
WUB able to converse , nnd today ho
speaks with remarkable clearness. His
chief suffering comes from nervous
trouble and dimness of vision caused by
the wound. Ho is ono of those who
draw a pension by special act of con
A Stiitiio to MiPfldilil.
There is n movement on foot to erect a
statue in Golden Gate park , San" Fran
cisco , to General'- Philip H. Sheridan ,
which promises to bo crowned with suc
cess , as the gentlemen back of it are
workers and very earnest in their pur
pose. The nucleus of the fund which
will bo required for carrying out the
project , says the Chronicle , will como
from the proceeds of a celebration of
March 17 , at which'a committee of ono
hundred citizens was selected to cooperate -
ate with the gentlemen who conceived
the idea of honoring the hero of Win
chester , and to devise methods by which
a sufficient amount can bo secured to
make the tribute n worthy ono.
General Sheridan has a record for gal
lantry which appeals to every American.
His dtibh nnd bravery have been the
theme of Hpeoch and song. Ho is ono of
the few heroes of the war whoso acts
commanded general admiration. Ho
crept into the hearts of the people and
caused them to turn their eyes from the
dull and sickening spectacle of men
being killed to kindle with enthusiasm
ever a gallant achievement. This fool
ing has not died out ; It only slumbers ,
to bo awukonod by an appeal such as
that about to bomade to flttingly com
memorate in Sail Francisco u man of
whom all Amorlcans are proud.
A Cliunvn Ai
Ingorsoll told a > good story to a party
of gentlemen who were sailing upon him
at the DeniBon. o , wcoks ago , eays the
Indianapolis Joiui/U. : ; / A gentleman on-
toi-od a street c.afjft'/idHook ' / UN Boat op-
poslto a line , poffi aristocratic-looking
personage , whom liu at once thought lie
recognized. Ho looked hard at the man
for a tlmo , until'p aw ho was canning
him oonHidnrabla-mscQmlilura IIu then
changed his eoiU ' 'for ono beside the
handsomo-lnoklik mn , nnd , its ho did
so , turned to lhoaVter | with the remark :
"I bog your par dwi , sir , for my question
but ! am BO strongly seized with the Im
pression that wo have mot before. "
The gontletnafl'good-naturodly ' replied
that ho , too , thiiijf bt lib had soun the
other's face , buWfk at a loss to toll
whore. JjH
13oth rodoonift.fjnonuo for some blocks ,
alternately exchanging side glances , but
saying never a word. Finally the man
who hud broached tbo subject broke out
with , "Hold on ; I Imvo It , sir. Weren't
you blown up at j.ho battle of Vloks-
burg ? "
"i'osV" tno other
ropliotl inquirlncly.
"Then that explains it. So was I.
When you were going up I was coining
down , and 1 thought , as I looked at you
then , thafthnt follow would give tv oed
doai to bo as nour the ground us I am. 1
know I had seen your face some place ,
comrado. " (
"Now that Is what I call a wonderful
memory , " said Coltuol Ingorfioll , with a
hearty laugh.
"A word to the tylso Js sufllclent. " but it h
no * always wlsa to say ( hat word to ono who
ii suffering tbo torturoi of u licaducho.
However , ulwayi risk it anil recommend
, Sculp unit CompUtlca.
n rtiiiu ol 10 ftirt * p rtMic .
tlmnKlvl * nnrnl hr nmli ,
Itoftk en TitrmdMngt > n < l "fim'iitV"
Illtlitrttud , nn ruin , t < r li | , Norton ,
( in.I iiinml in , iiml thtlr lr t.
mcnt. urnt < IM , t r.i IMtflturo.
.A ili , Iltrth M tk Slold , , V ttti , lndl
. . Ink unit I'nwrtor > ! ! l , ! o r , , nlllnn ,
v i If * n nti * , f f Ni , ftnp rflnnnn Itftlr , 11m *
( ildi , tie , rrmotM. Ooninltttlon trr * , > t oBlcoor tj moll.
JOHN H. WOODBURY , D rmaloloolenl Inititulo ,
1JSS Wr.l 4an.I Ntrrcl , Ar Tork Mly.
wit i. . o nn M it [ IY
Kllowtl rnmnnAiiM
In nilvnnce of or-
PI AQTFR tllinry porom plas-
r LHvJ I tl\ , c.3i ual | , wiy ) tt
miccTtth hy Woon'.s I'I.ASTUK U
\\ollll Inking trouble to ic :
N.Y.Utpot , si William St.
is a whiskey smooth ns cream , particularly
pleasant to the taste and guaranteed to bo
absolutely pure. By reason of its ago and
rich quality it is recommended by physi
cians to sufferers from lung diseases , heart
failure and wcaknesssuccccdinR La Grippe.
It has no rival for sideboard use. You
may linow it by its delicious flavor and the
proprietary bottle in which it is served.
Call for Cream J'ure Rye and take no other.
For sale at all first-class drinking places
and drug stores.
ii DALLEMAND & CO. , Chicago.
'Whfcn I ( ny euro I do not moan merely to etnp them
for a tlmo and tbcti have tbrin return & &ln. 1 mean a
radical euro. I have mads the < l reisacf 1'ITS , lU'I-
U-.l'SY or FALMNO UICKNKSS a lifo Ion * ttndy. I
nairant my mnody to euro the norat cnios. Because
ot here have fulled Is no reason fur not now receiving a
euro , bend ftt occo for a iieatiso cud a Krco llottto of
rnj Infallible remedy. Glvo Kxprrts and Post OQco.
jll. (1. HOOT , IH. C. , 133 I't-url St. , N. V.
aa JfcM M * * * * * * * ir niiM rafcg j ui"i i mi ! n
Invcstinuiitb In our Treasury Stock " 111 pay 25
per cent , nnil upnard per iumum. Moin-y to ho
uscJ to extend business , liest bank refcrcnco * .
Dr , Bailey , $ |
The Leading
Beiitisb '
Third Floor , Pucton Blo 'r.
Tclcphono 10S5. KJIli mid Fnrnani SLs.
A lull net of tcetli on rubber for 53 Perfect tit.
Tuoth wllliont plates or ruiuovnblu Urldro wort. ,
liiEt the tliln for alngera or publlo epeakers , never
drop down.
All tilling nt rcasonnb'o ' rntcs.nll work vrurrnntcd.
Cut tills out for a guldo
Klnua , hnininocki. oil nnl
ruliborclotlilnx Bond fur
cutnloKilo , 1111 Knrimm
Our botllod cnblnot boor Uuirnntoad to equal ntlt-
aellruruil to unr | mrt KIO Vlnnna
bottlol tojr
of tlio city , ICxpnrt
1UUJ Jaeluon Btrout rillrero4 tu futnllloi
Nailed nnd Dovotnllol Manur > u.lnror u ( paper
Uoxo * . rnpooltr 64/W per boicoii , liJ-2l ! rHM r '
ilnr. K t OraMiR. ' 1'oU US
' AVL'lllHl.
I'.O boxBl'i
f'ontrnclorof brloi , utiinn
Tubular nuoi , oil nnd \nll kluli inaiiiiirr nnit
wntor taak4 , breooli- mt'a liulhlln < . euuorniKt
uu , ncet Iron work , ate. 1 % U bjc
I'.ali nn1 I'lnruo.
, All Ulnilinf brlck . Vltli It
UM lilt. J , I'Thuaim
ll'f'r tine carrlnnoj and riiirlim Wnjon Mftf. Co
lliik'il03.C ro Inpjlntln ; . Incorpurattul.
nml rujmlrlnj Koi | lrlnz on * liurt nu-
' lieu. I'nrrla o | > .tlntlnir ,
'lei UK > ? .
Cnrrtnao bullilerJ. Ho e
und pairol wwon * o
. .
ISUi oi'P Court House
< (
It's Jusf fls c oodlhe Grocer said ,
Prof f ering aifoiber brand , < S/IHTA / CLAUS SOAP cH
fsWbatvcwanlliDveuoudnij now or > bard ? F cC
Ve'll cerfoiijlij rake woller ; , v/e use uonc hot the best , A C
AndolJ shrewd dealers keep i are you beljind tbe rest ? " G n
that the
Belir Bros. & Go's.
Hiiro attained , nnd the hltjli praise they luno elicited from the world's MOST KK-
N\VNii ( ; ) ARTISTS , from the press anil from n public long prejudiced In fin or o !
Idcr makes , it is safe to assume that the iuslriimont must bo possesses ! of UNCOM
Sole Agents , Omaha , Nebraska ,
Established 1866 ,
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Th eminent spcclallil In nervous , clironlc , private , I > loo1. sklnnml unnnry dlw so A rozulnr nnd
registered crndtmtutn nmlctnu , n dip omajun.1 curUllc.Ucs hn\r. l.i still troutlne vrllli the micros
eafirru.sperninturrhnen , lent maiiliooJ , wonkneii , nlsht Iojic3 , Impniency , sri'hlll * . "trlcture. u'oci-
orrliccs. cloel.nrlci > ono.clc ! , J o merrury uao 1. New treitmi-nt tor loss ofltnl poh IT. I'urlloi unulilu to
Tlslt monnj botrsntel nt homo liy cirra < ponrtcnc . J'.o lUloo or Instruments foal liy nmll orosprau '
ciut'lrpicLe. ! . no mark to In JU-ata contents or lender. Ono pursonHl Interflow preferred. Consultation
tree LorresponJenca strictly prlvnto. Jtoox ( .Myuterlss of Lite ) cool tcoo. \ OOlco hears 1) ) a. in. to a p. to.
U a. 12 in. deuu itamy for reply.
THE ORICINALAND CZ.NUirjC Th only fafe , Sure. n1 rill Tor iile.
Lnitlc * , art Drutclsl for ttfcliratri SnfUnliurtonj Brand In llnl no I CoM n lllo
" " ' n. TlJcn otirl.ln.l. ; Jefun iuJ liont ( amt fmtlattonl.
All pill , iaristcbomH.ox " . plok irrKipn [ ireilanecrna r * > nnrrrilt ( . At Drnggiiw , cr tfnt at
> U&V4 r r nirt'ccbrf , tcKtlniomall , end licllcr lur l idlr * , * * ( n Ittltr , by return .Mall ,
JO.OOII TatliionUl- ant Hi'tr. CHICHCSTEH CHEMICAL CO. , MM < ll .in
( JnU br oil Uooal UruczliU. ' -
Baby's i j'cUll'.ci aTii' ' ,
Is it Madame Ruppsrt's bleaeti ?
No ! but baby's mama's cheek
Volumes to its praise doth speak !
Cill for Mmo. ISap.ierfs lioolc. "How to t > 9 Beaittl
taof \ ilrs J. Ucnson. 210 b. Ijth bt. , ( .matin , Nob.
CAPITAL ; ® 100.000.00
By Purchasing Goods Made at tltc Following Nebraska Factories. If you
cannot find what you want , communicate with the manufacturers as to what
dealers handle their goods.
J , BECKMAN , SITc of Cuban martj nnil
tliefnmuui at.ilu
ICll I'nrnsn. J , .M. lllrahttoln.
\'M \ I'anmm
Special lr nd invli to
ordur , Clgnri Toliiieeoi nni
BmukorV ArUtlJt.
I nctorr. 8403 Prttrloi nva
htoro. 8W N.
Xobrii'ka Manufacture
Jiujut ) J.itltiiluit. m'f'
" '
Inovil'irVUri-ii ifovsrr
I ilmnrJpllu.1511 l
. .on-is-i- . ictu
OnJco A mill. HI-I N. Ilit'i
0. li , Illaclt , Mminjor.
: INM H > l .S'l'KUl NO.
CO , ,
I'urnUuro. ' O rp i ana
IKON AV01tK.- > .
IRON WORKS , Bute' vmilti , 1 U work ,
Wrought mil 1 lro- > Irornliutlorj on1 tlraao
bullilinj work , cupott U. Aodr on.
btnrort , etc. lull unl -.kiim
J 1 ATS.
full ttock. Kolibjr
Itlndtlnic na inwduat ftanla tlmi > oi
at roiijouuljlt ! ixlcoi.
Ko tOumiu ! Tul. 411. KO M , 1DIU.
CO Manufacturer of
tunl ( netl and uf (
Wnttresmi , fuitlicr pll- llonitt Md9 Allnao
lunnnna comfurlur * . ilo.ilt. AIM llutiiu
Tu tniJ'i unlr , Made I'll ) * , llfl 3i i < i ! >
llU-l-t ! N Itl. I'lO. '
KATZNEVINSCO.Ktl aslsn City Cereal
Mfir. rcroa cooii
your Krooer tut qi
rolloil oati
Snocosiorj to ( inmha
ItDii. I'rlnt. i'n. Culorjl
iHbvlintpeclnllir llnntc CO. ,
iupplkv , blnnkB , etc ,
lUtli nnd lloo MulMlnz.
I'linto onurnroM , iirtltti I'ollslilntf brntf , cliinJi.
nnil do Unu . ull I'ax- llor ivurk , tutiluwaru , uu ,
Ilium. luplatc.l , Ull DoJvo nt.
all SADDLER/ ,
kluili ol riiblior ' fitork siulillo , an I lU'it
llrunn" cuoil < , tiurnas * n nucUltr. U
11W Knririm HU
Moulding , rnlli
powiilv. bn , turall
oniiu nn 1 I5. iik nort a
orkuu ,
* JI North Oth llth anil Murajr Mtrouti.
FARRELL & CO. , C. H ,
olllutf , I'roinrvaf. Mlnsa Mnnufiictvuurj ot
.Munt uni | Ai1 | | > Hut Trunks , biui
UT , Srrn ilns lln i , ute
ZITrt. 8ti ! UJ1 Duu lm ,
HI 11 UTS. HOA1' .
it fit. Union Soup
liitubllilied , 1373.
Ull 1'hnmui.
O'rmsn Yumt Se a Currodiir * und lirlnlurn.
uick.iv'i > VUJulu Omalia. Birlctlf | iura ntillj
llll lUrour IcaJ.