THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , MARCH 23 , 1892. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE : - NO. 12 PEARL STREET. t'cih ciccHy Carrier to nny pnrt of Ilio City II.W. TII.TON , - MANAOnit. ' Office Np < rrl . ri' . llin'noos Tn.J.I j NKlt | ) junior N , Y. Plumbing Co. Council UlulTs Lumber Co. , coal. Craft' * chattel lonns. 201 Sapp block. Next Friday i * tb.i lost day of service for tlio April term of the district court. Mizpah Temple. 1'ythlan Sisters , dnncoto. nlRht nt Masonic tcmplo. Music by Ualby's orchestra. .7. O. Hedmnn and Monvlim Honncss. both orOmalm , were married yesterday afternoon by Justicn Hammer. Tlio funornl of Snrnli Macltland will talso plnco tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock from the residence on Upper Uroadway. Snm Tutty was fined (2.1.70 yesterday moinlng In police i-ourt for disturbing ro- llKlous worship at the Uclhany Baptist church Sunday night , The business in the city offices was all closed up last evening at 0 o'clock nnd the cfllcesill bo turned over to their now in cumbents tbU mnriihife' . Katie , the 0-months-old dauRhtcr of Pat rick Casey , died of membraneous croup Sun- any mornluir. The funeral took place from the family residence , S02 Twentieth street. IVod Koohler nnd Andy Dean , who com mitted nn nssnult nnd battery with n beer pluss urxin Joseph Ludcr nt n saloon a foiv nights ago , were Hoed $0 nud costs by Justice Hammer yesterday. An error caused the dispatches of a day or two nco to state tlmt E. W. Hart , had been appointed delegate to the republican national convention nt Minneapolis , The unmoor 12. K. Hurt should Imvo boon used. Cora , the -l-ycar old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 11. Kingston , died yesterday afternoon nt 40 : ! ! o'clock. The funornl will occur to morrow nftornoon nt 4 o'clock from the family residence on Madison street , The cnso of the stnto against Hess Savers is rapidly ncnrlnp completion. The argu ments of the attorneys were commenced yes terday afternoon , nnd it Is thought the cnso will bo submitted to the jury about uoon to day.J. . J. E. Hamilton , n young man from At lantic , applied for lodging nt the police sta tion Saturday night and loft for homo on Sunday. Yesterday his brother was in the city looking for him. Ho stated that bo bad not boon seen In Atlantic and his frlonds were anxious about him , as no wns not thought to bo In his right mind. No trace bad been discovered of him last night. W. It , Brown died at 1 o'clock yoMerdnv afternoon of pneumonia , after a week's Ill ness , aged GO years. Ho wns n member of the Indcpcnuont Order of Odd Fellows and funeral services will bo held today under the auspices of the order. The pro cession will stnrt from the residence , eight miles east of tuo city , nt noon , and arrive nt Walnut Hill cemetery nt 2 o'clo'ck. Ho lenvcs a wife and nine children. Dan HlioOcs , nllai William Lyons , was caught by Oftlcer Weir Sunday night about imdnlRUt btcallng coal from si pile owned by Joseph Wnrdinn , at the corner of Broadway and Sixteenth avenue. Rhodes bad n com- tmnlcm who escaped the ofllcer by Jumping over a six-foot foncc , surmounted at the top by n couple of barbed wires , and falling down n steep embankment on the ether Hide. Hhodcs was given ten days in police court. A letter was received from the Kimball Brothers elevator manufacturing firm of Annmosa yesterday , stating that they would , ni-rlvo in the city early this week and com mence operations nt once on their plant , ' \yhlchfs o occupy the corner of Ninth street tibij Eleventh avouuo. The contracts for the worKJ'Vvtll bo lot during this week. The commlttbq appointed by the Board of Trade lo rniso/tho , / necessary bonus Is calling upon thdjbli'lnoss men to pay the amounts sub- i scrloed'by them. Oil Paintings < ! l\ni Away. The liglitninp landscape 'artist , who tins attracted such crowds at the Boston ptoro , Council Blulls , during the lust few dayswill remain in his studio in one of. the largo bhow windows for several days yet. It IB to bo hoped the weather will bo plonsantor this week so that the crowds outside can bettor enjoy the opectaclo of nn nrttst pnintlnfr a lurce hnndsoino landscnpo in oil with light ning rapidity , completing n picture elton in ten minutes time. Many o ( thcso pictures are very fine , and would not bo out of place in any drawing room. As fast ns they are painted and dried they are given away to the cus tomers of the store with every $ o pur chase. All thcBo pictures are framed on the phtco at about one-half the cost com monly paid for the various styles of frames , ranging in price from 03o to $1.75. This la much loss than tlio frames can bo bought for elsewhere.To trast that each of our patrons will cot ono ol thcso pictures. Recollect the picture costs you nothing ; yon get your goods at special sale prices and the pictures arc given you as prqsonts from us , your expense - ponso only being for the frutnus. John N. Baldwin has returned from i western trip. Miss Hnttlo Becker of Lincoln , Neb. , Is It the city , ihu guest of Miss Ola Ogdon. Mr. nnd Mrs. F , A , Conovor have roturneil from a visit of several months in California A. WhltcUw of the Boston store returnee ycstordaj from a tbreo weeks' trip In thi cast. cast.C C , E. Stone is confined to his homo on Uraci street by n severe attack of la grippe. Hi BUffcroa n rolni'so yesterday morning tiia left him In a dangerous condition for semi thuo. How are your awnings ? , T. M Lamckc , 181 Pearl. Only homo factory Vor Kulo. The Stalling residence on Eightl fltroot , half a block north of Fifth nvc line motor lino. Apply to First Natiorm bank Omaha , or N. P. Dodge & Co. Council Bin lie. Started Kurlyus n Trnmp. A little follow about 0 year * of ago wn : found wandering aoout the streets last evening ing and tnkcn to the oftlco of Marshal Tcm ploton with a view to finding out whore hi belonged. When he arrived at the station at examination was made and a brass placan was found securely fastened about his wills by a chain and padlock , baarlng the follow ing Inscription : "This boy has n mania foi runntnirnway. His nniiio is HarrvTaddlckei and ho lives at II''O South Ninth street St. Joseph , Mo. " Ho said that hi had run awnv from homo about throe times ho thought , but tlih wan tlo dm tlmo hi had done so lnco his people moved to Chi capo two weeks ngo. This time ho eucccedei In boating his way in some oiannor fron Chicago to tliU city , and , although ha had m complaint to make ns to tbo way ho hud been treated nt homo , bo said he was not a < nil anxious to got back. Ho wns given i berth over night In the city Jail , and hU parents onts will bo notified today. O. Yunkormnn &Co. , feed , seeds , com mission , country produce , 103 Broadway Mint l'ay lor Tlielr run. Judge Tuornoll cited County Attorney 3 P. Organ and J. B. Sweat before him yosto day to answer to the charge of contempt o court. The complaint against Organ wa that bo had called Sweet a liar , and agalus Sweet that no had applied an abuslvo opl thct to Organ while court was In session Both tbo attorneys stated that they had ui excuse to offer for the transgression of cour rules. A line of f ID was imposed upou Swce and 110 upon Organ. Eastern money to loan on real ostnti by K. II. Sheafo , Broadway and Main. Money to loan , Lowest rate ? . John ton Si Van Patten , Everett block. SEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS First Meeting of the Now Council Attracts Much Attention , THERE VMS NO FIGHT FOR SMITH'S CHAIR At tlio Last Moment I.nlilnirt nnd His I'llnuls CoiU'luilcd Not to Miikr n tc * iniiiut lor the Position Itcpnvts of the Olllccrn. The council mcctlnj last evening was at tended by an audience that filled uvcry Inch of available room In the council chamber and extended half wny down the stairway out side. No one grumbled because n scat In ho parquet or drojs circle had not boon ro- erved for him , but everyone appeared to bo .atlsflcd . If ho could find llo'or room enough , o put ono foot upon. It was the openlne nootlng of the now council , nnd that fact ilone would have been suftlctont to crowd ho room. But when the nddcd nt- motion of n "scrao" between the .wo men who claim to bo aldermen rom the Fifth ward was promised the jagernoss to got In became something Ire- rcomlous. It had seen expected that Lob- .lart nnd his nttorncys would bo present nnd make n formal demand that Smith's chair bo turned over to him , nnd such indeed had boon their plan until within twenty-four lours before , out those who looked for any- hlng ot this Kind wore doomed to dlsap- lotnlmcnt , ns no move of the kind was made r oven hinted at , although Lobhart , bis nt- ornoys nnd frlonds were there on mnsso. At 8 o'clock the meeting was called to order bv ox-Major Macrae , who proceeded nt ouco ' 6 the reading of his parting nddrcss ns lot- ows : "Gentlemen I have the honor to present .oyou the minua ! report of the different de partments of the city of Council Bluffs , In. , ns compiled nnd presented by tbn heads of suld departments , nnd I congratulate you upon the favorable showing ns sot forth In aid reports ns hereto attache' ! . " The report of the city solicitor is short , butthepistof itlsns follows : Juden.cnts against the city when tbo solicitor assumed ho duties of the oftlce , * 50XW.7V ( ( money In , ho trcasurv and JudRmnnts paid durlnc my orm of ofllcc , $ .W.OtM.7r ; thus making the udlclarv department virtually out of debt. The report of the city physician shows that .he death rate is only 0 in 1,000 , mak- ng us ono of the healthiest , If not the healthiest city in the United States. Heretofore croup , diphtheria and llko con tagious diseases have been responsible tor the majority of deaths here , but careful quar antine nnd strict Injunctions to parties In volved have reduced the mortality to the present low standard. The report of the chief of police presents for consideration certain points which ho makes in connection therewith. They include - cludo the following : First , The largo de crease of arrests during his term nf ofllco. Second , 1 ho increase ot receipts for city crime , and the large increase of days' work douo bv prisoners on the streets. The "report of tbo city engineer shows an enormous amount of necessary work done by his department , most Important of which Is the work dcno in completing the sewerage system of the city. The sewers of the city have been thoroughly cleaned and purified , Indian creek hns'becn deepened and straightened to the city limits nnd an outlet has been con structed to the Missouri river outsldo of the city limits. This undertaking cost n largo sum of money , but tbo results in increased healthfulness and tbo purity of homes nnd surroundings will repay the cost which has been entirely liquidated. The llnances of the city nro lu a sound condition as will bo seen by a perusal of the reports of the city clerk , auditor and treas urer. The receipts for city crime have been extraordinarily larcc , a sum approximating SbO.OOO bclnir received within the last two yean for lines , licenses , etc. , of which amount the taxpayer has had to pay no per tion. tion.Tho bonded Indebtedness has been reduced within the last two years f-VJOOJ over and above the amounts expanded for scworatro , bricks , paving , deepening Indian croclc , grad- Inir , etc. Tbo mayor continuing , said : "I am sorry to remind you that Fnlrmount park is still lu litigation. It seems to me that in order to estop the largo drain of money required lo keep these suits lu court that a compromise should bo effected between fie park com missioners , the city council and tbo parties in suit , which would forever settle the tltlo to our beautiful park and stop the constant demand for means to carry on thcso suits. 'lu conclusion , gentlemen , allow mo to lhauk you for the uniform courtesy you have extended to mo , and in taking leave of you 1 can honestly say that I have nothing but pleasant remembrances of my intercourse with you during my term of olllco as mayor of the city of Council Bluffs. " Mayor Lawrence then took the chair anc the regular business was proceeded witb without any further formalities. Thu follow ing committees were announced for the com ing year : Finance Vun Brunt , Pare , Jennings. Judiciary Jennings , Goiso , Tlbbotts. Streets and Alleys Smith , Tibbotts , Graves. Bridges and City Property Gelso , Brown , Puce. Claims and Printing Tibbotts , Vun Brunt , Gclse. Firoand Lights Pace , Smith , Brown. Police and Health -Brown , Van Brunt , Graves , Water Works Graves , Jennings , Smith. The bonds of tbo Incoming officers were road and approved and the reports of the outgoing ofltuers read. Among them was the reportot the city marshal , which contains some interesting flcures. The number of ar rests during the past year was : Males , 1-)09 , ) ; females , TitI. ; . * / ) lodgers have been furnished with quarters ; the expenses of the depart ment , including the salaries of deputies , has boqn $5S.Vi.iti ( ; the amount of lines paid over by the marshal has been $ liltj.i : > 'i. In his re port the marshal .suggests that the jail bo enlarged , as It has been too small to accom modate the number of prisoners that have been on hand almost constantly. A fair Idea of what mny bo looked for m the future was obtained when n ballot was taken for the olllco of president of the coun cil. VuuBrunt nominated Smith and Graves nominated Brown , The republicans all voted for Smith and tbo democrats for Brown. The consequence wai a tie. The same kind of a thing look place lu the bal loting for clerk. Smith nominated A , J. Stopbeiison anil Graves C. J , Lange The republicans voted for Stephen son and tbroo of the democrats for Lange , while Gelso How the democratic track and cast his vote for H. S. Hawllngs Two votes were taken with the same result nnd it wns derided to Iny the matter of ap pointing officers over until the next mooting Alter transacting n small amount of routine business the council adjourned until n wcel from next Monday night , when nn attouip will bo inndo to till nil the city offices. JarvislST" brandy , purest , safest , bes < Reltoi1 , the tailor , . ' 110 Broadway , ha nil the latest styles ami newest gooilrf Satlefaution tjtmrantced. School Hoard Mcotlntr. It was a small , good naturcd and poacofu crowd of gentleman that assemble i lu the olllco of the Board ot Education last even Ing. 1'ho mooting was chiefly for tbo pur pose of parting with the old members whoso terms expired and the welcoming and in stallaUon of the new. A communication was received from Will lam Slodontoff and Lewis Howe stating tha they bad a suitable silo to offer for tbo new school hulldlnu on South First street. The matter was referred to tha new board. Member Waite stated that tba t'Jl ' worth of flags ordered by tbo board to be placed on tbo school buildings hod boon received , but the staffs nail not boon put up on account of bad weather. When the sun came out again it would have un opportunity to kiss the llagi. D. H. Smatloy & Co. of FondDu Lnu.WIs. presented u bill through Superintendent bawyor for ft number of charts and maps said to have been left in the schools in ISS'J. Tbo special committee looked the matter up and isearchod collars and garrets , but bad found no such property , ana were unable to conscientiously entertain a bill for goods said to have been delivered ten years agu , Superintendent Sawyer made his monthly report for February , thawing a total attend- aiu'o of > lCi7 pupils for the month. The rcKulur monthly bllU were allowed , ncludlng that of the Globe for printing iO.OOO democratic election tickets , nnd of the Nonpareil for 'J0,000 republican tickets. The act that the SO.OOO republican tickets had > ccn able to moot nnd down the 50,000 domo- rntio called forth n few answering remarks n the sldo from Schoentcon and \\nlto. Tno udgcs and clerks were allowed & each for heir dn.v's wngcs. The canvass of votes cast nt the last clcc * ion wns proceeded with nnd the votes for bo several cnndldntcs found to bens follows : Schoentgon , IMI2 ; Klwcll , 1,074 ; Brldonsteln , , S73 ; Field , 1,007. For school house propo- Itlon , S.TWJ ngnlnst , 3' . Brldenstcln and Field wore declared elected nnd sworn in. A ballot was tsken to select n president , resulting ns follows : WnltoI ; Field , 1 : Stacy. 1. Wnlto was doclnred elected nnd ook the chair. Ho nn noun cod that ho brut decided upon the following committees : Teachers , Stacy nnd Brldensteln ; build * tigs nnd grounds , Field nnd Shubort ; Jnnl- ors nnd supplies , Shubert nnd Stney ; Inance , Wells nnd Field ; fuel nnd heating , irldenstcln nnd Wells. Swnnson Mualc Co. , Masonlo lomplo We have our own vineyards In Callfor nla. Jarvls Wine commny , Co. lllulTs IIOSTON STOIII : . mmciiso ArrUiilfl uf Spring < ! oocl ( Srcat Jlnrgiiln * This Week. Wo Imvo appreciated the remarkable mtronngo extended us during our great mdorwoar sale , whieh closed last night. and , although wo made prices so low as o leave no profit , wo wish to thnnlc our nany friends for coming and taking the goods awnv. WUJ WANTED ROOM. Vnd whan you visit our store this week mil see the immense stock of SPRING GOODS 3n display you will understand why wo nid lo make Btich great sacrilices. Wo tnke pride , ns you know , in securing for our counters the latest and best the narkct affords , and in allowing none to uxcel us in the eomlotoncss | nnd excel- cnco of our stock. Como to our store his week and see the display and bo mppy. InDRESS DRESS GOODS wo will show you the latest novelties , jotli in wool poods and the liner fabrics. SPRING UNDERWEAR we have just what the llrst warm days of spring will make you sigh for and in losiory wo can gratify you with many lovoltios. Wo perhaps ought to call special attention to the largo line of LADIES' SPRING WRAPS capes , etc. , just received nnd placed on sale for the lirst time this week. And finally ns to prices you know they will bo right , for this is the BOSTON STORE , Council Bluffs , In. FoTiiF.niNGHAM , WHITKLAW & Co. Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices. N. U. Store closes evenings at ( i p. m. , except Mondays and Saturdays ; Mondays I ) p. m. , Saturdays 10 p. m. MOTOR COMPANY IS MAItl.i : . Must Decide ! Under Which Charter It IIan Kxlstcnce. Judge McGcc bandcu down an important decision yesterday In the superior court with reference to the Omaha and Council Bluffs Bridge companv and the paving be tween its tracks , which has already caused so much litigation. Tbroo suits wore de cided , ono of which was that brought by J. C. Bixby to enjoin the company from run ning its trains over South First street. In all the litigation over the question who shall pay for tbo paving between the tracks the company has claimed to bo operating under the charter granted lo the Council Bluffs Street Hallway company in 1SR8 , in which there was no stipulation as to paving between the tracks. At the same time It claimed to have all the privileges granted by the now charter ot 1SSO. The suit was brought for the purpose of compelling tbo company to decide under which charter It is really running. Judge McGee in his decision hold that if , as was claimed by the defendants , the char ter of 181M was the ono In force , the company had no right to run on First street , nnd nn application for an injunction would bo granted. Ho was Inclined to favor It so far as possible , however , and accordingly allowed until Wednesday for it to como In and amend its pleadings and admit that it was running under the 18SO ctnrter. The writ of injunc tion Is , therefore , withheld until that tinio , when , if the amendment is made , the Injunc tion will probably be refused. The property owners will got what they are after , how ever , as the company will have to stop run ning on First s'treet or else agree to run under the 1SSU charter , which compels them to pave between the tracks. Tbo case will probably bo appealed to the supreme court , however , as there bavo been a number ol conflicting opinions rendered la the various stales on tbo points ridsed. Tbo cases of Grassland against the bridge company nnd Everett aealnst the bridge com pany were also decided , the court holding that the company was liable for the cost o ! tli6 paving between the tracks , the value o ; the pnvmg at the lime Ihe trucks were laic bolnir the measure ot damages to bo paid to the properly owners. The case wns left open so as to allow the question ot the value of the pavlne to bo decided. This will bo done In the course of a very few days. Mllllnrry Itcmotnl. MISECS Sprink & Fenron Imvo romovei their millinery parlors from Broadwnj to 10 Soutli Main st. riorco Street. COUNCII , Bi.urr * , la. , March 21. To the Editor of THE Biu : Tbo article in THE Sux HAT Ben referring to my withdrawing a pc titinn for paving Pierce street , etc. , loads the public to believe that the incoming council was not capable of ordering a street paved unless I was In it. I would like to say a few words in explanation. My opinion is thai the city council will attend to the business o : the city just the same as i ( I wasn't in exist ence. 'Now as to the poiltion ; wo have two- thirds of the abutting property owners sinn ing In favor of paving Pierce street , and the only reason that tbo council has for not or dering It paved is a little triangular piece o ground fl5U foot long. The selling price ol this probably , nt tbo present time , wouldn't more than pay half of the abutting paving , I wish to stnto that this strip of paving is a fraction over eight blocks. In that eight bloc us thoru is nt the present tlmo but one- half intersection. By this you can plainly si-o that the city cannot pave the street for loss money than It can at the present Ume My object In taking out the petition was to circulate It through tbo city nnd got tbo endorsement dorsoment of largo taxpayers who are inter cstcd in the city and Its publlu thorough fares that load to it , and who Know that that part of Plorco street is one of the heaviest thoroughfares lending into the city The city In general would receive more ben efit limn from any oilier strip of paving it the city. It is my belief that had 1 sub mitted to the Seventh ward political scheme the street would have been orJorcd paved Tbo same council that refused to pave Pierce street ordered Frank street paved un intc Morning Side , and that street Included 000 feet of parking1 , for which the city will have to pay. It is mv belief ihat eve U.OOO vehicles pass ouJPleroo street to one 01 Frank street. Morning Side Is high and dry and Pierce street is low and swampy. ' have a great many names signed and I In tend to cull on a great many more. Yours i especially , L , A. CASI-KK. Walnut block and Wjon-.lng coal fresh mined , received dall > Thatcher , 10 Main street iterNlioii Jliirncil. The fire department was called out yostcr day morning about 11 o'clock by an alarm o lire from the .corner of Seventh street am Broadway. A small boy made the discovery when u little smouo was issuing through th cracks In tbo rear end of the building occu pled by W. A. McMillan as a carpenter shop but by tbo tlmo the alarm was sent in th whole building was a solid sheet of llame It was completely destroyed before the fir wus extinguished. An alarm was sent In about 3 o'clock in tb afternoon from the Northwestern depot. I was caused by a burning chimney on a bous on Avenue A between Eleventh and Twclftl slreels , but tbo blaze wan extinguished bs fore any water waj thrown by the hose. DEATH'S ' SUDDBS SUMMONS Awful Results of n Golfer Explosion m a St. Louis PERISHED IN A BURNING BUILDING VJ 0 Almost Utter Kttlnctlifallor n I'mnlly In a riroVlilch Ir ) trnjriMl Its Itc-Milrnco Unfortunate ol/ittrrrnten / unit t i Deeds of Violence. ST. Loui , Mo. , March 21. As the result of the explosion of a boiler nt the works of the Lnclcdo Flro-Brlck Manufacturing com- mny , Manchester road , near Suulolto nvo- lue , Cheltenham , Ji St. Louis suburb , nt 2:43o'clock : this aftornoo.i , four tnon ore ring dead nnd two are fatally injured. The dond arc : Ii.VUKV HtJSSnV , married , crushed to tenth. IinVNOLD DinntUClf , marrloa , thrown 100 'cct In the nir. JOSKl'It linuiCLEY single , thrown 100 feet n the iilr. JOHN DUUUC11Y , married , thrown 100 feet n the nlr. The fatally wounded nro : FitANK XKdKit , fatally scalded. MOIIOAX LSMAX , fatally Injured about the head. The holler exploding wns ono of a battery of six , which It Is supposed ran out of water nnd wns suddenly supplied with cold wntnr nnd the explosion followed. The boiler house and contents were completely wrecked. llloun IllKli ! the Air. Bcckloy , Dubuchy nnd Dlodrlck were at work on the holler house roof , putting uu n whistle nt the tlmo of the explosion. Hock ey and Dubuchy were blown high in the air. whllo Dlodrlck's body was found on the third leer of the clay mlxlncr building , having falling from so great n eight as to break n hole in the roof , lasslng through to the floor below. Every jono in his body wns broken nnd the bend nnd fnco crushed beyond recognition. Dubuchy , who was assistant engineer , was blown high In the nir and fell on the roof of .ho generating house , a quivering mnss of blood , flesh and bones. Becktey landed on the roof of the main julldinx and was horribly crushed. All three of these men were blown at least 100 feet In tbo air , and falling struck so icnvlly ns to smash them out of all sem blance to human shape. Hussey's remains were found in the ruins of the boiler The pecuniary less is $2. > ,000. AMVXKMKSTS. "Mr. WllkliuoiVil Willows. " A "comedy fnrco" with situations suggested by n French playwright' ' ( Alexander Bisson ) , which In the original liort ) the name of "Feu Touplnol" and crodlteu otably in black and white , was the attraction iast evening nt Boyd's theater. The ) title of the so called "comodv farce" la " "Mr. AVIlklnson's Widows , " the author-adaptor that clover dramatic cutter of situations and dialogue , Mr. William Gillette. , The plot encompasses a oisjamous wealthy old man of business. Kauh of the two charmIng - Ing young women whom ho has married believes - lieves that she Is the . -"only orlgwnl" widow , nnd , after his tirnelyi.jlcatb . , marries again. Each has consoled herself with a young and handsome husband , and when the plav be gins both couples , byn , coin old once , which only exists in farces , , are living lu separate apartments in the same "Hal" bouse. Hero you bavo the basts o ono of the brightest society farces seen here in n very long time. Of course there are other character ) to add "fuel to the ilamo" and contribute to the fun , which , like Tarn O'Shantor's ride , is "fast and furious. " Mrs. Georgia Drow-Barrymoro as "widow No. 1 , " Mrs. Perrin , although just recovering - covering from quite a severe Illness , not having Uoon In the bill for a week past , in vested the character with much grace and refinement , yet here and tbero were sugges tions of exaggeration which the artiste should tone down , notably in her scenes with her husband. Emily Banckor was an excellent second. In her part of Mrs. Dicker on the same op portunities nro presented nnd there nro good chances to display ability , which the young comedienne accepted , showing excellent traits of good schooling. Individually the success of the evening was made by Mr , Josepn Holland as Mr. Perrin. Ho gave delightful expression to the emotions felt by a young husband who Is brought face to face with hla wife's parlldy and his transitions along the line of pathos and exaggerated comedy were delicious bit of acting. As the bombastic Major Mollory , respon sible for all thu mlsunderstundintn , tho'dlf- ferencos between two happy families , which at ono llmo threatened to end very dis astrously , Mr. Thomas Burns was capital. iMattlo Ferguson gave a clover character sketch as n port Irish sownnt , whoso pertness - ness while n bit too bold was necessary for the effect intended , the nutho ? and not the actress Doing responsible for the pronounced character or the maid. Annie Wood , as the despotic cook , with the O very long , gave ( an frresistablv taking study. Mr. Kyley , as Mr. Dlckorson. hardly realised the Intention of tbo author , although the latter la to bo ronsurcd for giving the part so few good lines or situations , Tno rest of Hie characters wore acceptably tnken. "Mr. Wilkinson's Widows" is n great go nnd the author has more than justified the assertion made In previous years that bo Is without n peer us n farce writer on this sldo the . water. _ _ _ _ Whitney MuclcrlilKo Concert. The concert hall of the Young Men's Christian association nssunnd a decidedly festive appearance yesterday evening ut the concert which was given under the auspices of the Omaha School of Music , of which Mr. L. A. Tor ran s is director. The hall has been recently palntoa and frescoed and the stage has ueon considerably altered. Tbo ball has not got the best of acoustic proper- tics , and this Is especially noticeable wnoa It is not well tilled. It did not , therefore , give the nrtUts scope to appear to their best ad vantage and a little''llatness" was noticed once or twice. Miss Cccilea Kppltfc-Balioy has a delight ful , clear and puro'soprano voice and her execution is brilliant In addition to this she has tbo faculty of imaklng her audience feel kindly to her jb.v her gracious smites and pleasing manners- . Her solos were Ardltl's "EnchanUTPS * " and Benedict's "Carnival do Venice , " She sang In duet with Mr. Borosfordj-Jjnsso , nnd also with Mr. Mockrldgoln "Ahl Clio hi Mono , " f om "II Trovatoro. " Her voice was also very effective in the trjp.i from "I Lombardt" ( Verdi ) , which wan.jsustamed equally well lir Messrs. MockridKO and Bcresford , Whitney MockrlU 0ilho old favorite , was greeted with his uanftl tvatlon on his ap pearance. His bcuutKul touor voice novel sounded bolter miditlio dliplay of feeling nnd expression was very rnurkoi ) . The solos bo selected woio carefully chosen and were hicbly suitable. "Oh , VUlor. Entrancing" ( Goring-Thomas ) was particularly choice. Mr. Arthur Ueres'ford has a wonderful bass voice , approaching to a" " and stilt having good barltouo quality , He was most effective in Judo's "Deon in the Mine. " Miss Bulle Botstord , a talented virtuoso , wns well nlL'h perfection In her violin playIng - Ing nnd was honored by being the recipient of two choice bouquets. Miss Mockrldge played the accompaniment with tustu and case. Kach number was repeated nnd from a musical standpoint tbo concert was u suc cess , SlicilrjI'roprrty Ottnrri. The regular meeting of the Shcoloy Prop erty Owners club of tbo Seventh ward was held Saturday ovenlnp , March ID , nt its club room at Twenty-eighth and 10J. Crelgbton avenue. Tbero was an unusually largo attendance and the enthusiasm ot those present was un- ooundcd. Councilman Ed. Howell , Hegtstor of Deeds Mepeath and Hon. J. B , lluse took an active part la the discussion of the pro posed chnnso of prndo on Twenty-ninth trcct in order to place the strcot on n sulta- > lo crado so that the street car company nay run its crs over It. There vas n grade agreed upon that is bought will suit the Street Car company , and the majority of the property owners. Tbo question of sloping of bink was dis cussed , nnd those who were responsible for 101 having them sloped received their shnro of n roasting. A commlttoo was appointed to wnlt upon the board of public \votlcs In regard to the opening upoflho old county road that had been ordered bv the city council soma time ago. The sccrotnr.v was nptnictcd to write n letter of Invitation to Messrs. P. W. Blrkhatuor , C. L. Cb.ilTeonnd 1. Stcflo , to moot with the members of this club nt their next meeting to bo held March JCth , nnd hoar the wants nnd complaints of their constituents. > f.i W. J. Biles of Fremont Is nt the Mlllnrd. W. B. Field ot Lincoln Is nt the Arcade. 11. Thompson ot Blair is nt the Mlllnrd. E. W. Pratt of DM Molncs It at the Mur ray. ray.J. J. S. Oliver of Huron , S. D. . Is nt the Pax- .on. .on.F. F. K. Snnuldlng of Kearney is nt the Pax- : on. on.M. M. Well of Lincoln is stopping at the Mil- ard , . P. J. Baldwin of Hasting ! 'is nt the Dol- lone. Clark Shelley of Falls City is nt the Mor- chnnts , II. G. Corcll ot Crolghton , Neb , , is nt the Arcndo. P. Jennings of Holdrodgo , Nob. , is at the Dcllono. K. K. Porrino ot Wnyno , Nob. , la nt the Mtllnrd. John Tlplio of Humboldt is u guest nt the Mlllnrd. G. W. Klrby of Hastings is registered nt the Paxton , S. Flnnn.ll , n banker of Hamburg , la. , is nt the Piixton , J. W. Handier of HotSp.-lngs , S. D. , Is at the Paxton. Colonel E. V. Stunner ot Fort Moadc , Is nt the Dcllono. Peter Anderson of Wnhoo Is n guest at the Merchants. J. It Morris , of Carroll , la. , Is stopping at the Arcade. Frank Hice of Kearney , Nob. , is stopping at the Paxtou. E. H. Hubbard of Sioux City is registered at the Paxton. Chnrlos G , Stale of Norfolk Is registered ot the Mlllnrd. W. W. Bromor of Dos Molnoa Is stopping nt the Dollonc. Mr. J. S. Browning , n Sioux City attorney , is in the city. J. H. Ho wells of Lincoln Is among the ar rivals nt thu Mlllard. E. H. Morrison ot Glenwood , la. , Is stop ping at the Murray. J. E. Pntton of Macedonia , la. , Is regis tercd at the Murray. Anton Pick and Fred Olson of Hartlngton , Nob. , are nt the Arcade. Dr. Franklin K. Carpenter of Rnuld City , S. D. , la n Paxtou truest. H. P. Christiansen of Wakofleld , Xcb. , is ropistered nt the Arcade. George M. Carleton of Fullerton , Neb. , is registered at the Arcado. George E. Dorrlngton of Falls City , Nob. , is registered at the Mlllnrd. Attorney Martin of Qlarks , Is In the city nnd called upon Tim BIK. : C. W. WnlliuRford of Fremont wns among the arrivals nt the Arcade ycstordav. Herman I-'roeso nnd T. H. Graves ot Pen- der. Neb. , nro stopping nt the Area'do. Colonel Sumncr , stationed nt Fort Moadc , is in the city en route east on a lo.wo of nb- 3611 CO. United States Marshal Slaughter Is rec reating nnd talking politics nt his old home at Fullorton. Postmaster Clarkson will return tomorrow morning from a ten days' business trip to Washington. Elmer D. Frantr Is recovering , nnd will probably resume the duties of bis ofticn within n week. J. D. Clurlio and wife , MUs .Tcssio Clarke and Miss Clara Parker -or Papllllon are domiciled attho Paxtou. H. Yoder , who was arrested for stealing coal nnd proved to bo a deserter , will bo turned over to tbo federal authorities today. Mr. M. Hellman. who has been suffering from an obstruction of thu larynx , was re ported slightly bettor Dy his physician last nlcht. Immanuci Baptist church In Kountzo Place will begin revival services Wednesday even ing , which will continue probably for a num ber of weeks. The Brotherhood of Hallway Carmen of America will moot at Clark's hall on North Fourteenth street tomorrow night to perfect Its organization. Captain A. Alice of the government gaug ing force has been transferred to Nebraska City to succc'd C. B. Coon , who is returned to the local ofllre. "Isms" will be the topic for discussion at the Live Issue club nt l-lninger's art gallery tiinorrow evening. Hcv. Irving Johnson will bo the principal speaker. Deputy United States Marshal / . E. Jack son returned this morning after a month' absence sonco on trip to Sun Francisco , where ho wont to return a colored deserter. Ho came homo via Tucson , coveting over-1,000 miles on the trip.Now Now Stove Store I will open a now stove store between Kith and 17th on St. Marv'a avenue Thursday of this wci > k , where I will keep nothing but stoves , ranges nnd gasoline stoves. Will keep only llrst class goods nnd the largest variety in the city , will sell on weekly nnd monthly payments. W. F. Mc- Doiiaid , The burglarizing community have not yet taken n vacation. Last ulght tuev visited the Omaha Packing company nt Fifteenth nnd Cuming street , pried open the door.blew oft the outer door of the safe and gave up the Job. There was u family sleeping overhead but it wns not disturbed. Jarvia' wild blackberry is the best. ( CANCEROUS. ' "In the summer of 1800 , a sore ap peared on my face similar to it Cancer. I tried various remedies , but found no relief until T took Swifl's Specific. which cured me entirely. I used 0 botllca. .W. F. 8TiMtN9. Alexander City , Ala. " AVe have had a largo number of COSCSN Skin C'unccr reported cuitd by tie usu of 8. 8. 8. It n vogi'tube ! , builds up thu general neiillh , nnil forces out the poison Bend foi book on Ihu Hloix ) , BWIIT Sm-iric Uo , Atlautu , CJa , A fl.VUINK.MICU01IH KlLl.HIUl IClDU'd OKUU iKAIJi\TOU--Uurur.ll : rte e.ii3i lieciui } Itltlld I ho lulcrntooriform. 1'ut rotalled In J ! titinl tinzui , the latter ll < UHOM | | < . Bent atijwliaro pre paid on receipt of price r U O. I ) . Wclimj a KUir. BMluo tocuru. Tlio imblla Irila un I Jo'Jbjn ui > - nlloil Ur till Klnn'or l > ruCuiip mjr. Oim'uj 'O. A- Meldior , Howard Mogrernnd i ; . I' . Sajrkora , 'Hnulli Uiunlia : A , D I'toternnJ II. J. Kill I , C'o jnll IlltlHn. HARD DRINKERS Bun" ( > rlnKIn mlnrt , body BnUpurso from DIIUNK- KNMSBHurDll'bOMANIAcantu anrulv. 4rr < y urn ipcuUDy cured by tliu wondcrtul nuw tpcclUi CHLORIOGOLD ! No matter whether tbo portun In n inodcmto or tuirloui ! " drlnktir or n , ' total wruck , " C'lII.O- ItIOOUI.II destroy a all ui | * tllet r cruvlup ; fur uleoliullo itllaiiluntu without l.nrul or In- coiivt'rlenco , iiniloBsun's the tiatlenlnuw Ufa and ImpuliioM. HuliiH Cu > tele > u can l > u ulvc'iiiy \ a Irlctul In ten , colfve , lenionnrtu , l < i > er , llquom , or Ic'oa nlllioHl thu patient' * knunleiliia , or It can Lo takrn hy the imtlunl In the tnnio llqtildii , with a nunrar.U'O of abnolutfl Biicci'es anil n rndlciil euro iniMthorcanu. Ilundrcdnof curcihuvu nouaiimilo wllh t'lII.OKKXKM.II In Illinois nlono. I'rlru wlibln reach of all. only 18. cun lie hud oTotir uveula fir avitt pmtiiil < l liy in. I'nmphluta f urnUtiMd froo. All rornistMmdenco rnntldvtitlal. M A l > n I IM > 11 KM liA 1. CO. , Bole 1'ruprtutor * for the U. ti. , & > d Dearborn BtChicago. . eoil 8AI.K IN OMAHA. NEB. , 11V Kulm ft Co. , far isttt ft IXHIK ! u bit. J .A , Puller & Co. , Cor. Illh ft Douulu tita. A. I ) , KoiU r 4 C . Council HluIK. l - LeDuc's Herlodloal Pills. ThoKrencli rumady usti dlrootly upon the tenurctivuortfaiisand uuroi sitpprustlonof tha uieuKu- . liar tliroo for li. anil cun bo mallod. Should not be useJ tlurlnpru < nunuy. Joblior * . Hi tTlnUaudtha uubllu auppllotl tiyOoodmaa Uruz Co. , OuiaUi Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing , Cures Ohnppotl Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. Removes find Prevents Dandruff. WHITE RUSSIAN S8BP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water. DOCTOR will stop a Cough In ono nljht , : check a Cold in a day. and CURE ; : Consumption if talton in time. ! IF THE MTTLE ONES HAVE ; WHOOPING COUGH OR CROUP : Use It Promptly. ' . A 25 cent | , bottle ma ; ( vsavo their ; t lives. Ask ; -your druK-i .cist . far it. HTaslesGocd. : rime. I-IBR. iiLL8. _ . _ _ : I Dr. Acker's English Pills ] CONSTIPA-I ION. : ( Mrmll , i > lcui.nnl. u favorite wlili the lmtl . ; ; W. II. 1100UEU CO , U Won Ilroodway , N. Y. . For silo 1 y Kulm &CJ. , &McConncU , Omnhtu VETERINARY SPECIFICS Fcr Hcrscs , Cattle , Shcop , Dogs , Hogs , AND POULTRY. SflOI'uBO Rank nn Trrnliueut of J.nlnialn unit Churl Soul Free. cunr.R ( T'c'vrrR'oiiBfHtion , tnllnniiimtloii A.A. ? Splnnl Mi-ulnirltlH , .Ulllt I'Vvrr. ' II.II.trains , Iiiiiiirni'HN , Itlieiimiitlhtu. . , ' . , Nnnul . ( ! ( --DiHtcmixT DlncliuruCii. D.I--Hots or ( iruliHVormn. . K.i"CoimIis : , IlruM's , I'ncuinonln. K.l' . Cnllu or ( JrlticN , Hclljnclir. < ' . ( ; . -OIlNcnrrlaiM' , IlcmorrlinccH. Il.ll.--t'rhmry ami Klilm-y IMai'imed. J.I.--iruintvn ; DixitnKCN , IMiinoe. , I.K.--llaeaNf nt' Dlgtatiun , Paralysis. BlngloUottlo ( o\cr50doses ) , - - . ( JO tftnlilr C'liNCt wllh Specific1 ! , Manual , \Vtcrliinr > ( Tuo Oil iinil Mcillcator , 87.0ft Jnr Vi-lcrlimry CnroOll , - - 1.00 BoM I * . ' I > rnpUU ( or fcrnt prrpnlJ anjMfcfre * il In my ftuatllljr on rrrrlpt of jirlrr. HtJIrilKhlS'JUII.CO. , Ill i 111 Hlll ! mSI , , > e Toifc. In use 30 years. The only nucccasful remedy for Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness , nnd Prostration , from overwork or otlii-r catura. 91 per vial , or S vials and Urco \ inl powder , for ? i Snlr ] 1.7 . ImiKKliu , , > r > * nt ) > ostinl | < l on rccel | t of prlc * . , 'JOhU. CO.,111 AmmUIu M. , lorli. 1)1113.C. WC1T3 NKaVd A.N'I ) IlllAIN TICK IT. MKNT.n peculator llriterli , llzzliii ) ) , Fill. NJU. mUlii , UOHitunlio , Norroni 1'rjJtratlon cimuj by ut coliol or tubncco , Wnkefulnoj * . Mental loroisl.n ; BoftcnliiK of Ilia Ur.iln , oiutla ; Innnlty. luliar/ , dcc-iy , cloi li. 1'rJ'mt.lro OM Aza. Ilirroniou. LJII of I'uiror ta either SOY. Imiiotzticr , Ij3jcorriit > 31 ai I nil Female Woiknoaiai , Involuntary l.oum , ojr- iiinlorrhoou ciinu.l liy ovur-uiortlun of tha brain. B'lf-i\bu ' ! , avor-lmtulRoacJ. A'lua-h'a treat none II , C for ( j , by mill.Vo liinr.intjj nit boxet t ) caro. K.ic-li orlor font ho TIM , wlchfi will wI I .vrl t ten ciiixr.iiilno to rofaad If not c.irol. ( iii.irintin iKHiiuit ( inlr br A. Sclirocor , Driu lit rn\y \ ntoatl , f. K cor. loth and b'arai'ii * U , , Umxli i. .N'ol ) . CUBEB ISA One Minute Remedy I'or all affeetlonsof tlio Throat , Lungs and DronciiUl TU'JJJ nXCEI'T CONSUMPTION 25 .AND BO OlSNTS. I'or t'ulo by CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council lllutri. Oiipitil stccic . 9/ . > , o r > buipIiixaiiU'rofita . . NHOHU N'otCujiltal nnl .Surplus IHrrrturn-l. I ) . Kilnnii'Jinn. K. I * . HiianrS , KJ , Olunsun , K. U. Il.irt , I. A. Millar , . ! . V Illiic'inii iindClmrloB It. Ilnnnnn. Trans'iutcenuial liuili- IIIK Iniainoss. Largest eapltal and surplus of any bank In iouthwestoiii lowii. ON TIM3 DB POSITS Or Ilio I.liiii > r llalilt l' < lll rly t'lirca by niliiiliiUUTlni : I r. llaluc * ' < ; < > liluii Niii'dllr. It cr.n bo given lu a oup of cotleo or too , or In food , without the too w ledge of Iho patient. It Is absolutely barnilaas , a&tl will elTeot a permanent and speedy euro , nnetber the patient It a modcrulo drinker or an aloohollo vvrocli. It lun becu Blvcn In Iliougindu of cuiM.aoiiln rvery Initnnce a perfrct cure tiaifol lowed , llnrrrr I im - The ysteinoncelmprr'cnaied wllh the becom in utter ImpOEiibllily for the liquor appetite to cilit. UIII.IIF.N hl'lKJlKIC CO. , frop'ri. rinrlnnall , O. 40-paaa book of DurtiouUra Iree. To tut bad of Kulm &Co , 15tli niul Dnaglnn tia. ( and IStM , V Ciiinliii ; tx. Wliolos.ilo , IIIiln. : llrncu fc Co. unit Itluliurnsnii lru Co , , Uiuulia , Nub Or , Bailay , $ | ' The Leading Dentist ' Third Kloor , Paxion : Tc > ! cilioii3 | 1085. lOtii niul 1'ar.iru Stl Afuiliotuf tooth on rubber for f i. 1'ertoct lit , Truth without pintur ruinuvnMu brIUi ivo.-i , jutt tlio tiling for aliu H or pubiloniioiijrj. ami drojirluwn. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. All Mllli" i nl roiiouablo ratei , all work warrant ) 1 CuttM ojt fur a auldo. glj ChlchKltr' . Koall.h llUraond K.-MIO. rENNY Y PILLS " Orlieliiul Ouldtuuluv . uuu / - "TW ' / * * rc.'BiwVtr7uUi < T . tADiVa ik I'luaicUt ( jt CU\rttn ANolU I > - wona ffm * < tia Itrd buj cvfj nitulile U > * * n. ealtd with tlutf ribbon. T ke . . . . . . . . . . , - itt6it.ii * . No Chestnuts BUT EVIDENCE AS NEW AND FRESH AS THE YEAR If You Are Rheumatic , Neuralgic , Sciatic , Please Read OlHre of K. M ( Jrovt" , Cllr I I.I I'.HUTnml lllitilMitor , > rvntiMlIlo , Intl. , .lanintrr , IS-fl 1 Tin : ATiilot'iinmiH Co. , Now llitvpn , i'onn , ' ( ionlleinoi ) 'lltpio l iileiity of llheminll m lioro. Hmoliml It ni > cir. I tried . \ lliloiho | ro , niul II iroiiKlit mj ol.t nil rltlit In two il.i ) it. 1 ml winter 1 rlcil t'VoiTlli MH oxcoit ; .Mh-tci-plio-ios Mini lind rlit'tiraHtlstu o\ur tlilco month' , Yours truly , K. M. tiituvr.s. Colmnlil.inn , U , Jan. ( i , IStt. Tin : . \TIII oi'iioimx Co. Your.\th-lo | ilio inn Is Up tup U will Inock oul ) llnlulu. Kc pertftdljr y > IIM , . ! , ( ] KKKKN. M.Minuiil St. , Atchlioi. Ki . . .Inn ! . ISM. Ienr ) Sirs My htiMmiil Imi moil Ath lo'i'lui rtu for rheuimitliiu niul Minis tlmt It ilooi lilm n crenl ilcnl of Kooil. MIIS. O. 1. . SANIIUIIN. 2 ? Dnrtnioillli St , Ioitiin ! Mm . , .Inn. 7 , 1SW. Drnr S < lrs My fntlier him licon very ulrk with rlH'immtlJtn. lie IIIIK tnul tlirc'O bolt If of Atli-lu- Iilic-tos limllt ciiiudlilin. .MINKS I.IVKIIMOUIC. Herman Slcvcnn , Doalcr In Stove" , I llnnlnrnro. Tiiuln. ctr. > Nnpnnoeli , UIMurUo , N V , . .Inn.l&ii. . I Tilt : Tllloi'iioitosCo. lionttvincn SIMIIO ji'itr lnco I wns nttnrknl with Inllnmnintory Hhuiuiiuthni for tlio tlilr.t tlmo. I ciinnncncod tr.klnj ; mrilUIno nncl In tlic aliort tlmuuf Ini-nt ) four hoilri I nnn much bvltar , nnil rlncolliittlinu 1 hiivu liail lint lit lo nf that coin , plnlnt. 11mTC rrc-umtiiemled U to ninny tlit > ri < , wlm 1 nvc ranch toni'litlcd by II , mil ihunlil I cvcrl'O nttnckfd nginln Ath-ln plto rtM will bo inn nicdlclnu. 1 tnko iili'n urc In rocoimniidlni ; your . \th-loplio- rJ * llosiucfiilly | yours , II. STKVU.NS. The Athlophoros Co.N3W Havan , Cnn H ( lorlmttlo ; < for 9V All Dnuu ts. lU-antlfu\ plctuic llo nii > ono who nlllnrlto for it ' ( II ( INSTITUTE , Ml ' INFIRMARY THE TREATMENT ALL Host f.ioll tie ? , itiHKir.uiH mid Kmuuillos forsuucus rul tro.ilniDiit of nvoiy form of dlsusiso icciuirlii : umdlcal or siirJleiu truiilmvnt. 50 beds for iKUtcnts lioml nnd nttciulanco. llc t in'i muwJiitions in the west. \\rlto fur vliviilnrs on < lcfonnl ! ns and briu'os trusses. clnl > fuot , curvatures of sulno , pllus , tumors o iiiecr.cutiiidi.nbronchltib , In- biiliiilun.u'ociriclly , pinlys's , collviny , Kid ney. b amlrr. ovo. our. s-kin ; iu I blooj and all > ; > rr.ttloiis. DISEASES OF WOMEN Women KUKH. Wo liavul.ilulv uiUuil .1 lylnu- In department fur \\omun iluilim vontlnomunt. Mrletly pr.vnlc. ) Only Ite.iiiUlo Jluillcal In- slitutu making u Sped , lty of . JMUVATK All It cod UlsuascH micuiHsftillv trontol. Syphilitic 1'olMin leiniMed from the synlum ' without im-rciiry. Now HoMtor.itlvo Trciil- ment for Loss of VITAI * I'OWKIt 1'erions im- utile to vis t us niav bo tiuatul at liomo liy ( ( irrosiion cnuc. All communications confi dential. Me.licliu's or Instruments hunt l < y mall oru\pres . scenii-ly packed , no nmrlo. to Indicate c'ontentsur sontler. One pur i > riiit In terview prcferro I. Call nnd consult , us or sum ! hlstoiy of your ease , niul we will send in plulu nrapuui. our I-'KEE : Unon rrlvuto. Rnnif TH MFM DUUn IU , spcuiui , , r Nervous Ills- oases. Impotency. SvplilllH , QleutanJ Vailco- rok' , with question llsu llr.tce.s Appliances for Deformities & T ruses. Oiily.mnnufuutory In the Wcntof II 1 ,11 I'l.l lAiitA. Kl.KUl'HW II A TV Kit I hS A . % II It > il. 1 .1. Omaha Medical anil Surgical Institute , 2Oth nnd Broaiway , Oo moil Bluffs. Tun m I nut m' lido from center nt Omah i on Omiihu and Council Bluff ) eloutrle motor Hue. THE GRAND HOTEL , Counoll Bluffs , Iowa. Now , modern , well-appointed , thor oughly \voll-lcopt , $ J a day , E. F. CLARK , Prop. Chas , Lunkley , Fiinrrnl IMroctor and Unilcrlakrr. 811 Broiidwny , Council SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS. 1/DK KAI < U-IU UCI-CH of lluu li.nil , Biiltublo JL1 for [ tunlcii and fruit : iirli'p. JSiu per uurri two nillos from cllv ; will uUapiut puymunt in cliy proptirly. Apply to Iconn id i ; suit-it , Council lllnira. Oil BAl.K-At n liitr/iln , UNanro fruit uTiiT L-nriluii faun uiljolnln ; city limits ; good duelling U 11 , Bhuufe. I71AUMS , K'irJun lanils , IDIIIOS , lots mil A' liuklncss lilojlci for silo or rant. Day A Uuaa. cU 1'u > rl atruut. Uoiiiull llluffj. _ TjlOlt HUNT Over KlJ tlwollln ; a of every < in- A Hcrlptlon m prices v.iry In : from ( I lu tluo pur month , lou.-ttoj In nil parts of tlio ulty. K. II , Hlii ) iff , Mi llro.ulway. $ t' > puraorufor farms | n Iowa. Tine , Minootli earn land. I'or partlcularf , cull on or address Johnston Van ration , Council 111 nun , UUMHIIKO 110UMS roil UENT-Mfolr furnished rooms fur gcnllomcn , X'OOaU- liuul avunuu. uFlTlCAN aildltltin Hals for runt , bovea roonibo. it'lii Ujtli ; hut and uolU water , Day k llosa , alien Is. TTUJIC BA1.K C'olnmlilu xafuty blcyulo ; 16UO Jnattcrn ; cost tlJ3 ; will gull for I7J cash. llowaril N. llattunhaiiur. l-'jrat Nalloiml banlf. GAKDKN farm , II ucriH In city llmllsihouscv of four rooms , uood olbtorn ; 7 neica undur ctiltlvat on ; n mo Hinull fruit ; prlcu I.vQ. I.ouguu & ' 1 owlt < , 'j.n 1'cnrl ht. T * ( J hTc Xii f K f , T > ruuir ? To w foumlluhtl Tl OKI 4 t white hpot/ou Inoust : immu "Don. " Ho ward for muni to U.'G Third avenue , Council lllulU.