L. G THE OMAHA DAILY IfltK : 'ITKSDAY , MARCH 22 , 1892. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Eoporta of Much Snow Onusid Whsat to Take a Tumble. ALL NEWS WAS OF A BEARISH NATURE rnnlrl.tgo M Said to Have Cleared Over H Hundred Thousand DiiHiirn on III * Dentil of Ycfttcritny How Ilo I thu Work. II ! , , Mnrch SI. H w s down prado jadny on the board , us two .vomit "Napoleons of II11 iirice. " employed ns clerks liy I.nmson llros. . learned when tou lulu. Thov were sur reptitiously carrying SM.OCO Int. of wheat In I the nntiii ) of tlio ( Inn's chstomcrs , und It lirovcd too much cm u day when older muscles felt thostrain. Tliusrnnil went homo shorten on Saturday wlth.thu expectation of very uold weather overSunduy. Tula cold bclnsiceotn- lianlcil liy snow In many places disappointed thntn , and In selling out they stir ted a break nhlch continued to Increase during the day until the prleo was ? io below Saturday's closIng - Ing quotation. Corn stood up comparatively woM , but provisions - visions succumbed to the bci-.i-.sli Inlluo.ia'u of wheat. Nearly ovuryililng In the w.iy of news was of udcortBsing nntuie , particularly from abroad. Wheat opened about We below Saturday's close and gradually lost ? ic moro. The early Liverpool cnblcs limited that market a trillo better for futures , but contlnuntat advices were discouraging I'.nd domestic markets nearly all showed a declining tendency. Milder weather was reported as probable In the southwest ) though the cold was still 10- liorted as seven1 , but thcro was said to have been a generous snowfall over u largo urea of winter wheat , and the apmuhcnsion of dumugo wits prcntlv lulluvod , About the lltst news from nbnnid was that of u heavy fiilluro In Ant werp , causing MIIIIU local hulling. In thu tiottliwusl receipts were liberal V--O ' cars-unit thu Bulling t-oou lie- runio urgent. The shorts appeared to have covered very generally IMI Saturday s , but thcio-was consciUently | littlu or no de mand ftoin that Interest. Hut. the weakness hlurtcd the longs to liquidating and nearly ovorvbod v hid : some to tell. The result wns a sluiri ) break which curried Hay from S4"ic early toKI&c. before noon , and nt Ii o'e oek the niarliot was about.Mlc. I'ard- rlilgownsu good l.uyur around thu opening while llrussouu also tool ; a considerable line. Hut liuldwIn-Kurnum Logan , Mllinlnu-cod- iiuin , McIJotigull mid other leading houses hail plenty for .sale and promptly mot thu wauls of buyers. Dunn also sold ficely , understood to bo for foreign account. ' 1 ho visible supnly showed tin Increase of aS2,0 0 bu. last week and hnlpcd to depress thu market. Tlio market grow weaker < lur ng the last hour iind liny sold off toKIic } , closing easy at Kl3c. I'urdrltiKO , who Saturday was reckoned by Nome to bu short H'.WO.tiOO hu. . covered thu largo uniount today , and would have netted tl ! j.OJO If reports of bis dealings were correct. Thcro was some good buying for IOIIA account on t'.io break below Kll o. Foreigners were reported as Ircosullurs of wheat at the sea board today , mid New York and St. Louis operators were also said to have sold heavily. Corn wastrudod In fairly but was generally weak , influenced by thu depression In wheat , the liberal receipts and tlio general bearish feeling In all pits. Thcro was not n uch ship ping Inquiry. The iccclpts wore larger than expected , hut offerings wciu tree with but llt- tlu disposition to buy. May opened at liS'.ic , bold at : ! S4u ! then went oil' to from IIH'&o to :8.4c. : and nt J'J o'clock tH ; ' o was bid. During the lust hour kept dull and easy with May nt from IltJ'ic to ilHio and closed at Ilt'ie. ' Thu estimate of 1,000 ears for the week was a heavy factor. The scarcity In New York forced local buyers there to take rJS.OJO bn. from elevators , ac cording to a dispatch from thcro. and -Xi.UOJ bu. decrease In the visible supply was another feature which somewhat helped to maintain ttio courage of bulls. Oats were ut all times below Saturday's ( lose. The crowd was bearish and this , with heavy selling by Norton-Worthlngton , was the principal cause of the weakness. May opened at 2J 8 touched to from -T. ' e to ' 'be ii nd then rallied to from 28'ic toSSUo. only to react to8c , closing at ! ! 77 c. The visible sup ply had no olTcct. Hogs wore reported to bo lu aetlvo request nt.'ic Improvement on Saturday's closing 0.110- tatlons , ) > ut the provision market maao no rc- Fponso In the better demand for the raw ma- Icrliil. Weakness In the wheat market en couraged a raid by local speculators which was i.ot resisted by the packers. Knnant sold l.euu.uuj pounds of .May ribs. Groig taking ftW.GUO und Norton-Worthlngton 5nooo. The decline slnco Saturday Is lOe In pork and the same In lard and Ac In rlhs. KstlniHtcd receipts.for Monday : Wheat. 128 curs : corn , ICO curs ; oats , 315 curs ; ho s , T..uuu ticad. Tno lending futures ranged as follows : AIIT1CI.K8. 1I1UI1. LOW. CLOSE. WM EAT-NO. 2. March E3H t 61 Way SO * July 8 U 64 COIIK No. 2 64S7 March ? ! ' ( .17 S7 Mny luly CATS No. y March 57 27 27 Hay 8 KSKGtJi 277J 57 Mies I'oiuc Jin roll 10 00 to 0214 I ) t > 0 I 80 May 10 IS 10 17H V SI5 I OJ J.A1II ) March C20 I ! 20 6 10 i 10 May 025 U 25 0 IS I 15 tllOKT 1IIUS- Murcli. . . . . . . t > ta S t < 0 Ii 40 May 6.U < 7. ' ( Cush iiuotatlons were ns follows ; l'i.oun-Qnlet ; winter uatcnts , I4.40ift4.00 ; Blrulglits , Jl.0ffl.4n ; spring patents. $4.'Jo4.0J ; straights. 'L53Oa.80 ; bakers. tXU 4M.i\ : \\HKAT-ISo. 2 spring whunt. SJJic ; No U spring wheat. 77o ; No. S rod. tOlic. < "oim No. S. ! ! 7c. .OATS No. 5f. 274W7'ic ; No. 2 white , S7ffiaOc ; l\o. 'J white , HSc. Hvu-No. ' . ' . Sic. JiAitt.Kv No. 2. r > rc ; No. 3 , f , o. b. , 4Cjc. l''l.AXBEKD ' No. 1 , U8c. TIMOTIIV SEBD Prime. tl.al.:9. roiiK Moss pork , per bbl. , to.tiyita67 ! } ; lard , iiere'wt. . IU.lUa ! ( .lf > : short ribs sides iloosoi , i&,4.V2.\4T ; drj salted Bhonldurs ( bo.\od ) , J4.7MS B.M ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , fO.lfl. WiiisKV-nistlllor ! . ' llnlshcd goods , per gal. SuoAii-Diit loaf , & 254'c ; granulated , 4.'jc ' ; Blandard "A4BC ! , Heculpts uud snipmcnls loday were us fol lows : Ontiio ProducooxuhaiiKO todny the liuttor : : ici dlllry- New York .Miirlcoti. NEW YoitK , March 21-Kiouu-nceelpts , 23- tOU plK : oxportc. 418 bbls. . SMOJ Hacks : market dull and heavy ; sales. 10,100 bbls. CORN MKAI < Qiilot. WllUAT-lSei-olpts. ( H.250bu.s exports , 154.052 bu. ; sales , 8,205.000 bu. of futures : 78 , 00 bn. fcjiot. Spot iimrkot unsettled , weak nnd dull ; No. 2 roil , psQIW'ie ' In store and cluvittor ; ll.oty © I.U2J } Htlotit ; | . ( H4 f. o. b. : No. 3 red. Site JSS'o1 ? f arto S roa- * ' -0'-u2 ' > J : No. 1 northern. l ? . ? .OOMc : No. 1 hard , Jl.0lffil.01 ! ' , ; No. 2 iiorthoin. mK&ai'io. Options advanced U ® Wo on hotter Liverpool cables , declined JJiiyo on weak continental advices , ronortod falliiro in AiitwerDnndlu visible supply ; foiolcnurs wt-ro cullers ; the close Is weak at Ufflijc undnr but u relay ; No. 2 red , March , OTJtfitUJliu : olosliiK t W'la ; April. 07 ! tt'JSUc. closing Ht OTJjo.Miiy.insttUOiiP. closing ut U55Jo ; June. lOHauie , oloslng t irjfic : July. lU.VBOHic ! cliwlna ut9.'l ? c ; Au u t. UlSaOJ'ie. closlnn at Ul\ct ! ? ontpmbor. 01KiKc. ! | eloslue utll ) ? c. Hvilhill uud IrreguUri western , Oitt'JIc. ' Htooksof grain In store and utloat Mureli 10 ; JVhout..7il.WObu. ! ; corn , 3.82.,87l ) ; oats. 1.005- W4 ; liiolt. U7.0.0 ; bnrluy , 100.03J ; ryr , 070 , U ; peus. J , | , llAIII.KV Dull , llAin.Kir M ALT Dull. Uonw-ltocolpts , 00,075 uu.t exports. Wi,77tl bu. : antes , l.32i.OOO bu , futures ; 107.WO bu. spot. Hpot market llrmor. fair trade ; No. 2. 4Xil4tlio ( ) 5lvotorl,4Ta7'onllOBtl ( ! itngruaed mixed. 5Hdt.yjl'o ; No. y. 40 > , 'c ; steumor mixed. 43Vi ® 47ct No. V white. Klc. Options udTanced ! 4 ® < < eon on apcrousod visible , declined 4tioon ? Urge receipts , oloBlnK weak tit Uo up to Uo down ; March. W.ei April , 48iO10 ! c. oloiliiK at I6 ? u ; May , 45iSH ! c , closing ut llfic ; Juno. u0sl"1 "yoi Jmuury' : "w VJ T8 Uoi' l > tn. 51.200 bu.i exports , none : saloi , 210.000 bu. futures ; W.oOO bu , spot ) spot iimrket lliuicr , iulet ; options dull , caslur ; JUroh. J4u ; April , 34Uo : May , 34O3l.io ! , olos- ing nt 34q ; spot No. 8 white , 3ti4c ; mlivd . . IjAY-Mrni ; fair demand. Ijoi'8-Stoudy , eiulet. Mot.Assui-t'orolBu , Uullj Now Orleans , firm nul quiet. IJICE Firm anil quiet. 1'KTHOi.EUM-O.ulet and btcadyj Uxiltetl Closea nt57 oforAurll. COTTON Str.o Ou/-ynlot , steady. TALLOW-Qnlot , nominal. HOSIN Steady , quint , Tuui EKTiMS- > lull and Hrm. ' ° ' "Ori wc ter"i 1"IS ° I receipts , l'W k - , quiet. ( julot nna stcadyj sales , 115 hliil nnd 3.SS ) bais imiinvailo. 80 to < t at S'.o to I'hlladelphlui rednoo , quiet ! powdered , 4' Oil1 ! . CUT MEATS -Steady. Quiet ; middle * easy ; sliort clear , fX3i. I < Atiilowor ; moderately nctlvo ; western stiinm clo o.l $1.4i ! ( ; sales , 103 ttcrcos nt ? < U7U SM.l ! ; option snlct. : I,2.V ) tlrrcoM Murch.fl.lB : Mny. * 0.4 SllM : cloMnff. U40 tildt . Inly. Wf > 7 < a O.CO ; closlnjl $3.53 ; Anuust. tl.57 ; closlnR { O.G5. llUTTKii-Jlodorntcly iictho ; frcih. llrm ; wcitcrn dairy ( now ) . lj(32fo ( ; ( nuw.i. S.fWl'lct western factory ( now ) , KQ.'J.'c ; f'limi . .ii'ji1. OiiKr.SK-Qnlta nnd oaivi part skims , ( lU l'll Iiio.x-Quiet ; AtneMcan.JI4.75SI0.2i. ( Joi'i'Kii Htron.or ) laki111.50. . I.IAII Dull ; domoitic-.ai.15 n kod. TIN rirni ; strnlt , 8ifl.75 bid. Oniiiliu I'rnilttrn 5lnrkct. 1'i.oun Omaha Milling company's Itollanco patent , $3.iV ) ; Invlnclclo patent , f-Mfli Ijjno StnrSiipcrlatlvc..t2.20SiiowllakP. : JI.81 ; Knncy Kamlly , tl.75 : S. V. llllimm's ( lulil MciUI , * . ' .5 | : Snow White , (3.25 : Hnowllakp , n'.OO ; low uradc , ( ! . ) ; Quccnof the r.iutry. JiiW. IIllics .No , l croon nailed hides. 4'fiilo ! ( : No. 2 crecn salted lildcs , 4'ilJO ! ! No. 1 wrecn salted hldl-s , 21 to 4J Ihs. . aiS'l'iet ' No. B preen salted hides , 25 to 41 Ibs , aaitfc : No. I veal calf. 8 to 15 Ihs. , Be : No. 2 vciil calf , 8 to 15 Ibl 4c ; No. Idry Hint hides. 7 ® ! < c ; No. 2 dry nint hldef. 5SGc : No. I dry saltol hides , r.UfiD. Tnl- low , Nn. 1,3' ' i'aie : tallow. No. 2 , 3 < ici proaso. wlilto A. 4c ; preiKc , white II. nii&liici uicasp , yellow , : ioi cieaso , dark , 2ic ! ; old butter , 2(14 ( 2o ! ! bcciwnx , prime , 10c : mush tallow , Hi 4t.'c , KitttiTS California riverside oranges. JiVii \\nshtiiRton ; nave's , JI.OOUI.25 ; cnod up- pies , $2.7.vr.3.oi : oholco InmoiiM. $ I.OJ34.2.i ; fiincy lemons , $1 r > oi banitnas , crutod , Ji.OJ © 2..V ) ; cr.tnhcrrles , shlpuili Htook , 83.50(23 ( CO ; Htr.iwbuirlcx , 4)iiqt ) \ niKTAin.KS l.'ancy Mimcntlno sweet po- toes. $ ; ,75 ; ( -'allfornt.i u.ililiasu. 2'Jc ' per 111. In cr.itp.s ; homo pronn lettuei1 , 40a per dor. ; ( i.iiono. 75ciUU)3 ) tier bu. ; .Ncbniska liund- nlcknd lieaim. tl.T.v t.R'S : modlum. SI.5/ai.iO ( ; California co'isry , ti.OJ6l,15 ; sweet potatoes , ? 2.7.Viii.oO : ! fiilorado nnd western NebnisUti | ) otitt : > GA.i5Hc : : ) ; native not tea < tS3 ® > J4c ; Ilinti lieiins , 4 > iH4e ! per ID , : water crcs-i. 24-nt. anwt. I2iil5i ! ; per it | , : spinach , SMI ) per bill. ; Spanish onions. Ul,5 < per crate ; ladlshcs , 40r , MAY ( . 'holco liny. $5.0J5UO ; pour , $ lUdTU.oO. OAMI : Miilliird due..s , tl.ou ; leel. JI.50BI.7. ! > ; mixed. i'.nujftl.iTi. 1'oi't.TitY Choleo dressi-il chickens. lOe : turkeys , llMlll'c : cco-so and ducks , good stoclt. HCffiU'c , poor very .slow. HtriTKit-riiulcu country roll , 2S25c ; fair to good. ISlrflc. K ltlS--A temporary scarcity has stllTetird prices uud salts were generally reported at 12o. _ St. l.on ST. Loui ? . Mo. . March 2l.-Fi.otw-Steady und unchanged. WHEAT Declined early under the tr.lld tcm- puraluro nnd fur-rtuuliliiz , snowstorms and after two or three tips and IIOWIIM closed at ? ; < fft lo he-low Satiirdiiy ; No. 2 cash , s'J.Si'S'fec ' : May closed at h7y i87'ic ! July , We ; August. Colitf Cash , lower nt IM'W-U'Jc ; options about steady. March , 34c ! bid ; May. 'Ml ? . OAIS Nominally , cash -"JijC ! May , llnnor at "iJia. HYK-QnlctatKiaSlc. HAIIMIY No sales , HllAN ICusy iiti7 ( < JC9J. HAY Dull ; pralrlc.J7.00tt3.50tlmothyl0.53. ; LEAD-lullati.W. ) Kr.A.v SEIO Dull at 69e. CoiiNMrJAi Steady ntSI.OO. WIHSKV Steady ut fl.ia. IlAcidiNn Steady nt 0',5'itSc. lito.N Cono.v Tirs fl.'J.@l.25 , PltoVISIONS Dull and uaslor. POIIK $ i . : i7ii for now ; SS.'i for ol d. . . DIIY SALT MEATS Loose lota , shoulders. JI.40 ; lens and rlb , J5.R5 ; shorts , 8 > .7J : boxed lots 15c moro : bacon , shoulders , { 5.25 : longs and rlhs. Jfl.20 ; shorts , $13'i ; hums , fl.OC10.50. ! UK < jKiiTS--I''lour. S.OOJlb.s. ; wl.oat , 4D.IOO bit. ; corn , 112.000 bu. ; oats , 4I.OJJ hit , : rye , 0,003 bu. : barley. IS.OOt ) bu. Siui'MKNTS li'lour. 8.0)0 Ibs. : wheat. 243,000 bu. ; corn , lll..OOO bn. ; outs , 22,0 JO bu. ; rye , 2J- COObu. ; barley. 2.03J bu. Kniisas City .Market * . KANSAS OirtMo. . . March 21. WIIFAT Was lower ; No. 2 hard sold at 75 < l704e ! ; No. 2 red , h''c. t'otiN Was about ! Je lower ; No. 2 mixed , 3' ) GttJUc ; No. 2 white , 3l31le. OATS In poor demand und steady ; No. 2 S8n : No. 2 wlilto , 28ic. ! HYE Steady : No. 2. 77Jc. ! ) it.AX SEED Mia on the basis of pure. BttAN Wcuk ; Clc forsackcd. HAY Strong und unclmngcd ; timothy , JP.OO per ton ; prairie. J. > .OJ3.75. Kens Klrm at 10c. llUTTUIt Firm nt22O33o. HECIII'TS Wheat , 12,000 bu. ; corn , 5,000 bu ; oats. none. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 42,003 Int. ; corn , 3,003 bu. ; oats , none. Con'co Market. NEW YOIIK. March 21. Options opened steady , 10 points up : closoJ llrm 5 to 15 points uu ; sales 10.500 baus , Includlni : March , U Xai3.8-i ; April. 113.45 : May. J13.00O13.05 ; June. S12.RO ; .itily. 112. 70 ; September , J12.40 ® 12.45 : December. * I.2012.25. Spot Kin dull and easy ; No. 7 , { 14.59. Hio JANKiito. March 21. t'lrst ordinary 11,050 rcls per kilos ; good seconds , 10.COJ rols : receipts during the east week 5,00'3 ! bags ; purchases for United States. 1S.OJO ; shlumcuts to United States , 4 ) ,000 : utock. lliCOO ! batis. SANTOS , Murch 11) ) . Good uveragp , 1,330 ros ! per 1U kilos ; icceljits during the week. 53,00. ) ; purchases for the United States , 20.0UO ; ship ments to the United States. U2.UUU ; stock , 32S.- 000 bugs. Jtllwankco Alurkots. MILWAUKEE. Wls. . March 81. r&oun Very quiet. WHEAT Weak : Mav , 83lo ! ; No. 2 spring , 81c : No. 1 northern , foUcj May , 81ic. Cons-Weak ; No. 3. 37c. - OATS Quiet : No. 2 white , 25i@3Ic ! ; No. 3 white , 27i20Uc. ! HAIU.EY Declining ; No. 2 , 54o ; sample , 37 fflCOc. IlYB Easy : No. 1 , 83e. 1'uo VISIONS Quiet , 1'oitK JI0.15. . S 1'Iour , 0,103 Ibs ; wheat , 30,000 bu ; barley. 5.30) bu. Smi'MESTS Flour. 27,200 Ibs : wheat , 11,700 bu. New Ynrlc Dry ( Joints NEW VOIIK. March 21. The dry goods mar ket opened with a relatively iiil ] t business at first hands and U nioilcratobut fair trade with Jobbers. Hood weather was a cheering indica tion that there were goods moving ulonz the channels of trade In u satisfactory manner , while nowhere Is there nny excess of stocks. Accnts have a few goo.ls here and there they would like to fell , but In a general way the market Is well sold and inanv articles const - crably uhcad of the looms. I'rU'us of desirable poods are steady. Nothing is yet being con- f 1(1 L' rod fur fall. Thuro Is xonio cutting , as usual nt this period , with jobbers and a little with agents , but there Ij les 3 of It than usual. Liverpool JM-.irkon. IivKiu nou Mareli 21. WHEAT Steady ; demand poor : holders offer moderately. COIIN Stoutly : demand Improving , Tlio Imports of corn slnco January 1 , have amounted to 1,07JOJO quarters , against 1,010.300 ( inartcrs during the corresponding Unionist year , OAT.S Firm. HAIILEY Wcuk. At today's market tbcro was a further ad vance of Ml In English wheats ; foreign wheats rtro rnthor firmer. Fi.ouu Very weak und declined to Cd. Cotton .Marki't. NEW VOIIK , March 21 , COTTON Quiet and steady ; sales , 121 , 300 bales ; March , J0.411 ; April , J5.lt ) ; MUY. MOJ : June , JU.cn ; July , * i.77 ) ; August , M.Hd ; September , Km ; October , J7.00 ; November. 17. HI : December , J7.20. ST. I.ouis. Mo. , Miuvh 21 , Quiet ; middling , C'ic ; hales , l,4'0 bales ; rcco'pts. 1,000 bitlcs ; siilpmcnK 700 bales ; stock , 121,200 balcc. NEW OHI.EANS , I.n. , alnruh 21. Cotton , StiMiily ; middling , GUe ; low middling , flje ; good oidlnary , Aic ! ; nut receipts , 3.G21 bales ; gross , 4.4SO bales : exports to France , 550 bales ; sales , 7,100 bales ; stock , 420,001 bu.es. ItrltlHh ( irnlu Trudu Uuvlow. LONDON. Murch 21. The Mark Lane Express lulls weekly llrltlsh grain tritdu review sayti ; KnglUh wheats are stronger , Thn average ad vance In prices In London Is Oil , nnd in the provlncus.itd. Foreign wlicuts are gruatlv ilo- prebeod by the continued arrivals. With the Hu3kcnod ) demand American cargoes have dropped Is. Hales of California have been pressed atUSsOd , Flour Is ( Id lower , corn Is down'Jil , 1'ornlicu Oil Market. LONDON , March 21 , CALCUTTA LIMSEKD 38s OJ per quarter , I.iNBKEii OIL 18s Od per cwt. 1'UTiioijKUM xuas'i per gallon , Tqiu'ENTiNC Hi'iniTd ; ISH IKl per cwt. LiVEiirooi * March 21. Tuiii'ENTiNK Si'iniTs lt ! ld ) per owt. Nortlnveitern U'livat Stock , MINNEAPOLIS. Minn. . Murch 21. The slock ot whuat In thu northwest Is estimated ut 31,2.17,751 bu. , ti doc'rotse o. 0,780 tin. for the wouU , A your ago the stock was 21.008,173 bu. Wool Market. PT. Louis. Mo. , Murch 21. Woor.-lte- colpts. H.OOO Ibs. ; shlpmunts , none ; market very dull ana stocks pretty well reduced , Trailers' Talk , OiiiCAcp. 111. , March 2t--F.O. ; Logan k Co. to J , Hands Commission Co. : The wheat mar ket openi'd fairly active at 84jo ! for May. The hlKhUbt point touched was 8l ; c , the lowest b3ic ! , The closing was at MJ.c The reports of iluinufo to the growing crop of Missouri , Ohio. Indiana and Michigan continue tocomo und they uro Kunural aim widespread. English values are steady nlth a moderate business , Continental WOUK and a shade lower , Influ enced by tine weather. For the next week or two any opinion as to the course of the market Is valueless. It Is u question of woathur. The business doing lu corn has been light nnd fluctuations narrow , May sold us hljh unIiSHoand closed ut3S ! c. Our opinion U unchanged although tbo price bun declined 4)ic ) slnco we advised selling It. Shipping ilnmand l fair but thcro Is no No. 2 wanted , nnd the low grades xupply nil the demand. Provisions Mcndy , with n Rood local trade dolnj principally between packers. CitlOAon , HI. . March 21. Konnott , Hopkins A Co. to S. A. McWhortcr ! Wheat opened easier on line blanket of snow over the grow- In , ' crop nnd tnlldcr tomporuturo The cx poctat on tluit the visible supply would de- croufu upwards of M ,000 bushels hold the market steady fora time , lint prlcosguvo way when It hccMno ovldcnl Hint there would bo nn Increase. I'ardrldgu Is reported to hnvo bouglit about 530.0JO bushels at the opcnlnir. Clearances were light , o.xport business slack , und It Is Imril to sea nny thing to advance prices whllo Diiluth hut such largo Blocks am ) continues to undcr otl us. Thnlr wheat Is not nniy better than our-i , but It Is deliverable on Now York contracts , whllo ours Is not. It Is expected that tno amoitnt on ocean pass.i2o will shownuood dccroase , ns the world's shipments have fallen off 1.200,003 bushels for the week as compared with the previous week In corn und oats trade lias been IIlit ( and without feature , Tliosmill Changes In the visible supply helped to sustain price * . The export demand for corn snems to he falling oil , whllo receipts nrc Increasing. Kiilllu.s. wo think , will bo foolilo and lower prices tcsutt. Provisions hiivo been hnnvy alt ( lav und ulc.so weak , but on their merits they oiuht to bo u purchase. There Is , however , no speculation und no outsldo support. STOCKS AND IIONDS , I.lttlo I'rnturc nt' lutrr' ! tVm t Developed In Ypstrrilny'x Trailing. NEW YntiK. March 21. The apathy of oper ators In the stock market showed n still fur ther Increase to-lny and tlio do illngs In iho market for the great majority of the list and ( luring the larger portion of the day were un usually devoid of foattiro of Interest. Thcro WHS no demand for stock oseopt the Industrt- nb , nnil the selling ot Heading by Phila delphia caused u iniuor.nl depres sion In the prices of coal stocks and especially depression In Heading In the early tr.idlng , whlln thuoircrlng of the Juno dividend on the Northern Puclllo ut thrco-fourthsof I per cent caused u similar ( techno In that stock. These Influences were supplemented later In the day by tlio rlso In sterling c.\olmno rate * , which served to keep the ( imitations nf most stocks below those of the opening. Dili-Ill , ' the day Ittcliinund & West Point attained considerable prominence lu the market , but uftiirn continuation of tlio decline started last week It Joined with the general list and remained without movement for the greater portion ot the day Among the specialties only Ohio Southern and Pullman showed nny animation , but both wuro Strong and scored substantial trains. The strength In sugar helped the other lu oustrlals ns fat as maintaining a llrm lumper was concerned , but It fulled to develop any animation In ilium nnd among thu leading railroad shares ; while SU Paul , Noithwostcrn , Atchlsonaml I'lilon Puellleworo fairly active tliclr movements were eonlltii'd to the small est fractions. Tlio opening of the market was at Instgulllciint changes from Saturday's Dual prices , though Delaware & Hudson was up fiucrcont. It later reacted , however , und Its loss ut tbu ctoso was hO'ivy , though for u larger business than one lu the stock. Koiidlng and Northern I'acllle preferred were thowuttk points among the active shares , and tlio whole market responded to the declines In these shares ton limited extent. Thu after noon saw u further slight depression , but no material change occurred In the market. It dually closed dull und heavy atorncur the lowest prices of the day. The lliuil losses were generally In-slgnlllcunt , hut Delaware & Hudson Is down li percent , ana Heading only ? i per cent , all other changes being for frac tional amounts. Government bonds have been dull and steady. State bonds have been dull nnd steady , The following are the closing quotations for tjiu leading stocks on Iho Now York Stock ex change today The totnlsnloof stonks were 2iOil8 : : shares. IneluninR : Atchlson , 5.1)00 ) ; Chlcapo ( Ja , H.-IOO : Delaware & Hudson , , ' 1'iTli Krlo. 4r."i ; Missouri 1'iiclfle , a.'J35i Northern 1'uolflc preferreil , ! 0 ; Northwestern.aW'i ( ; Hoiullng.OJ.IOUj Rlch- nionil Sc West I'olnt , 15,770 ; Si , I'aul. UUiCSj Union 1'ucIHc. WISH , rininrlal : > ii"toi. NEW YOUK. Jluroh 21. CloarinR.s , $71,712,431 ; Imluncus , } . 'iKi. ( ) , 2. I'AHISI. March al. Three per cent rentes , OOf 23c for tno ii''coiinU HAVANA , Minqh 21. Spanish golil , 2ia © " 41 Kxchunxo quint. KANSAS CITV , Mo. . Muroh 21. Cleurlnss this day v/erol4a,8IO. ! HAI.TIMDIIK , Mi ) . . March SI , Hunk clearings , J2.MII.il : . ' ; hitliinces. ijoM.i9 : : : > . Money , G percent. I'liii.ADKi.i'iiiA , I'n. , March 21. Cloarlnzs , $ MiW,5'JO : ; balances , > I,63I,042. Money , y per cent , MISMPIIIS , Tonn. . March 21. Now Yurie ox- iii ut par ; clearings , balances , ? : WO,037. iNNATi , O. . March 21. Monev 4 < 3Q per cent ; Now York oxchaiiio , O. au'o discount ; clearings , ! : .Vrit,003. ST. f.oilis. Mo. , M.irch 21 Hank ooirliu ! . J4.07.V-U ; baliincos , Jl'4,155. Money 027 per cent , Kxchunve on New York , par. NBW OIIISAN < , L-i. , March 21. Cloarlnzi , $1,77(1,104 ( ; New YorK oxuhanic. coinmerclal , Sio tl.Uuo preinlutn ; hank , tl.ro per Jl.OOU nrcinluni , UOSTO.V , Mass. , March 21. Clearings , JH.4I- 777 ; balances. fl.UVJ.utW. Monuy , 2 uoreunt. Kx- chnngeon New York. lJQ.'a nor cent discount. CHICAGO , III. , March 21. Money steady ut45 ! vfr ) per cent ; bunk clearings , flOKHuou : Now York o.\chungo dull , 0 o discount ; - ' * ' " n exchange steady . York Jlonny , Mirkut. ; E Yoiuc , March 21. MONEV ON OAt.tj Etuy atl ! { < S2per cent ; lust loan , closed of fered at 2 per cent , I'uiHB MKKGAfTii.K PAi-Kn Ifti percent HTKIIMNQ ExciiANOE-Qnlut , but llrni nt * 4,8'J for sixty-day bills and 4.87i for do- inanil , Thu closing quotations on bonds : II. H , (8 reu UU M. K. AT. ( ion. . " > ! > . . . .1U7K II. . 4s coup lir Mutunl Union ( I II''H IJ , H. 4 n nv 100 N , J.O. Int. Cert.,117 > i U. H.4HB , coup'M \ .North. 1'aclllo 1 > U.IIU Puclllo ( is of 'ill KM North I'nellloSnilj. . ,137 MI BOiirIS | * 10.t } | Nimlmostern Con. . .IOM Tfnn. now net fin , . . W OroKin Trami , ( i * fi ! Tenn. nuw act Al , . . . , 70 SI. K A I. M. Cen. Ss.KMH ! Tenn.new set ii.ldO St. I. , .t H. F. ( iun.M.lii Canada Ho , itnd * 107 rit.I'aul Coiuoli 117 Ccn. 1'Aclna Ut 117k ; Ht. ! ' . , ( ; . Al'np. UU. , HI Den , A ; It. (1. lots. . . . 19 Tcv. l . Kll , Tr. Is. . . il 1) . & U. (1. Weil Ism.107 Tet. \ \ U.IJ.Tr , 2 , . .1U7U Krle''mlB H\f ) U. P. UU mi M. K , iT.don.lls. . . . ) ! \VujtSlioro 71) ) lloslon Ntook BOSTON , Miiss..March2l , Thofollowlnz wore thu olotlir ; prlcoi on stocks on the llosioti stock market toJuy : I.oiuluii Ntoek .llurket. LONDON. MnrciiSI. ( Now Vork Herald Cabin Spoclul to TUB ItEK.l Tlui absence of busi ness nas bee t very marked In tint Stock ex change today , tbu majority of the uo.ilor * ' broKurs having been completely Idlu. I'unds are steady , whllo Indian rupee paper has given way U nor cunt. Colonial corporation stouks huvu been well malntalnoct. ( irook bonds uro alee loner , but other International stocks have boon well maintained , Hpnnlsh hiivo odvunccd 11-10 tier cunt , A small Im provement U oUahllshtid In Itusslun fours , ICicyptlan nnd several others of IhuTurk'sh Issues. With oncortwouxcuptions home rnll- wny have been more or loss dull ull duy , eipaclally routheru lines , which Imvu Leon In- lluencudby dlsippolollni tr.illlo ktatuuiunu. Urltfhtou Ucfcrroi bus fallen . ' per cent ; Soiithcastrrn Oofeno I. 'i per cent Ocol'no. A ( locllno was .tlitl stilili : ! > lied In ( . 'iiU'iloiilii , North llrltlsli MMIand , Nurthcustcrn , London and NorthwcstPni. An Improvement N miirkoJ In Motrrtifojltan nnd Snofllo rt stocks. American r.illuuyjf liavo been very little ili-nlt In , Mono.vtTlns boon In good ilcniHiid with not too .iliitnil iit suup'y of lloatlntt cup * Hal. Short loiin huvc been charged to S to 3 percent In the lUti-ount mnrkct , Illlls have ngaln boon scartmid tiioso nt t\vo nnd three months are iiuoy/Jgt | , to ty per cent. LONDON , March ! . The followlnj were the Londonstouk < niU l'tlnn ? closing nt 4 p. mi Consols money. , . ' . > .vi-h Metlcan onllnnry. . , itn.nrcaunt , . . . l'ir > i < it. I'nul com . N. Y. . I' . A O lito. . 'MH N. V. Centrnl . 11-s' Can. Pncltlo , , , , . , . Mi ) i Pennsylvania . b'.U Krlo , . iilVlllli-iiln ; ! ! > . . ltd Hex. Cent. U . Illlnol. Centra ! ! ! ! , UU Mn.NKV-l'sli per cent. Amount of bullion cone Into the bank of r.nglnnd on buloncot today , 1'.000 iiouiuls , Denver Mining Stocks. nKxvnrt. ( tola. M > ircli3l , Tlio tollowliu list Is tlio ctoslnt quotations on the Mlnltu ox- cnatigo today. S.ilus 2.-i , X\ I.IVK STOUIl Catllo Stronscr unit More Active HOKS Srnrrn nml llih < > r , OMAHA , Maruli ' 'I. The week starls out with a f.ilr run of oaUlo nii.1 shnnp. but i-iitlicr llchl iccclpts ot ho s. 'I ho Ronural uattlo niHrkiM. was tolerably ac- tlvo anil In the nuiln prices\vcrastronscr. lf- furltiK' * Incliitlcil a llhcral sprlnlclltiK of vi'ry tiL'siruhto boovcM , Thuro were not a great many vlitht chok'o huavy cuttlo liutn. lint there were plunty of very ( food stoor.s wcl hln from 1,1M ) to i.Uuj uoiinilM. shlnpliitf anil export buyers took sonio of thu host.uattlu , but loual ilrossoJ houf IIOIISLM ivuro thu most active buyers. Sonio choleo 1.511-10. stcoM bronchi $ l.iu : atid a biinuli of likt--ll > . lii'oviM toppo : ! thu niarlcut atl.r : ) . Untslilu of thuso coiiii 1'jm to l.no-lb. stuurs sold ut fro n Wi } ' > to Ji.'J. : ) . l''alr ' to coed I.UJOto l.'jO-lb. Htcai-H sold at from JI.4J to HliO. with coinnion and Iluhl RtulV at from C-l.Ulti ( ) ? ir : > . The nest heavy and common .iKhtcatt.o wore fully btoacly , whllo the need niodlinn weight steers sold btronit to Sc to lOu hlKlior than Saturday. Thosupply of cows was very small , as thcro were hardly half a dozen full loads In tlio yarJs. All unities of butchers and canners stock were In iietlve demand nnd stronger , al- thouRh prices were rather uneven and tradlns largely In small odd hunches. Sales wcie from Jl.'iito W.ithe bulk from lt > * MUtoM.H.\ Hulls , oxen and stuns were stronger at from t--OU to JJ.Ba. Calves steady. htockcrs and feedoM were In aetlvo demand , principally from the regular dealers , at prices from oo to ( Oo hlcliur tiian the mltUlc ot last week. Hcprcsontativo sales : STF.EKS. MtiKins : AND 1 cow and calf J'J3 00 2 cows and calves , each 230) HMOS Only txvun'y fresh cars of hogs wore received anil there were not a great many held over from Saturday. Tliu quality was rather bolter thnn usual , tlio proportion of good light anil bittchur xvcight hogs being abovn tlio average. The shipping demand WIK : light and the local buying confined to two houses. Heports from other markets , however , were favorable , nnd with only meager offerings hero trading was moiler itoly brisk , with prlcoi rang ng from steady to 5o higher than Saturday on all grades. Tim popular prca ! for heavy und licuvy mixed hogs was J4.40 : u-d for light hogs $1.50. The latter were generally sortnd moro or les- , buyers throwing out heavy nnd rough hogs. Homo prime butcher hogrf were sorl03 up to a hhior | at il.Wii and pomwon heavy hogs and throwouts went at from $1.30 to $1.35. The pens were fiilrly well ivloarcd and In good soil-on , the hulk selling ut from JI.40 to t4,53 against Jic. : to SI.4' , Satur day. Tno general average of prices paid was II.4Jfj against Sl.40 ? Saturday and ( Mil ) Mon- uay of last week , Ucprcsontutlvo Hales : No. Av. SlL Pr. ii2 ro 4 30 1G3 4 : 4 10) ) 4 40 123 4 40 100 441 20) 4 40 100 4 40 rO 4 40 10) ) 4 4. ) 01 255 203 4 IJ 05 100 2IU 4 43 oo..sen ; : " ' ice KiiKKi1 llccolutsiwero six loads , only four ot them , howotor , olVt-red on tlio inurkut us one load , A dodtilo duck of Moxlcan your- llnuH was blllod.dJreut to n local packer and another , u doublftflcokof choice lambs con tracted In thu country , was vvulgboil up ut (0.3L The it-mainliig foiirloadH , nil westerns , i-ol'l ut from M.U > , | o t.V43. The demand Is very active und the market htrong , .lu to lOe higher than a wouk ago/dii' ilr to good natives uro ( Itiolcd ntfroniJMiiO to (5.50 ; westerns , from fl.25 to3.43 ; I'oiuiniin uii I stockcrx , from te.M to f I. ( Kj ) good toicbnlcn 40 to UJ-lb , lambs , } | , S ) to M.50. Itcpresunlullvo sales : No. ' < M Av , Pr. 207 westsr wethcrM.0. 121 } 3 43 OS western uilxblf. l 4 ! 414 Colorado o y's ; " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 ti DO Heoelpti u'l'lirilU ' jiulo i of Htnok , Hoculpu nt thif.'TInloii ' stock yards , bouth miilia. Nub , , fir'liu } | twonty-foiir hours end- \'i \ at 5 o'clock n.fli. . Murch 21,1S'J2. ( 'ATri.i ; , IIOllA HIIKEl' , llOIISfSK H'l.H. Cart. Head Curs. Cnrn.lHcad Can. I lleuil. 84 I.WI 20 1.41)1 H 20 I.AHT WKUK'M Clilrugo I.lvo Stock IMurkut. CIIICAOO. Ill . Morch 21. ISpeclal TaGirani ! to Tliu IIEI 1 There HUH no considerable nd- vnnco today In thi < price of cuttle , but th-Mono of the marKut wns vury llrm. It was lally llrm fur butcbcm' uud cunuurn' for which thcro wns nn nctlvo demand and a inoilerato supply. Shipping sorts were iiilol. | \Voll fnttcd lots nvoruclng from l,03J to I. 'WO IDS. sod : with -iome trocdom , but nvoragos of from I , too to 1,700 lb . were neglected , that elnsn not being wanted cither for homi' or expert - port account , Thcio wnssomo demand from looal speculators for slocki-rs nnd fecdoM on n basis of former ( imitations and ton ! values were llrm. Tlio rutno of prices Is from J'.wto 8.1.I.V Today's sales , howovpr , were iirlnclpHly nt from J'.tn to tioo : for i-own , heifers mid bulls , and al from } J.V ) to JI.5U for steoM. Hccolplsof hoys were larger tlinn n ma jority of the trade had counted on. hut values itOM not unfavoriibly oirectcd by that fact , on Ihofontraiy , Iliu market was stronger than on Saturday , both forllghtund heavy weights. The former WPIII in nutlva ilnmatul at from 14.60 to Jl.s'i for poor to cliolci- qualities , whllo the tuttor sold friK'lyut from jte to * ( . ? . ' . This Is tin iidviincoof fie. Thcro wns trading In culls nt ftoin 9t ftj to 5l.vntiit n few fancy light ere taken at from mu to Jl.uV Tlio otialltv tivoraged rather poor. A row prlmo heavy bogs weio olToruil , but dtovcs averag ing under -.V > Ibs constltuti-d the mij ; ir ptrt of tlui supply and at from J I. Ml to ti. 73 were tlio pruviiiilng prices. I hero nasusmull ailviinco In thu shcup mar ket , good urudos generally selling at from flo to K'p higher thnn last. wonu. Lambs tilsn wcio higher. Supplies of both were light nnd were bought up early , on a basis of ftom JI.W to t1.i\for : po'ir tduMra shcoti and at from $5.2,1 to $ , .00 for lambs. Hales of western sheep \\ero largely nt from W.O' . to W.U.i. Heculim Cuttle , l\'jju ' ; hos , : i\03'"t ' sheep , if.l ) ) ThoKvenluj.Ioiirnalroporls' OATTI.K Itc- celpts , l.'i.Whl ; shipments , noiie ; markul sti-udy to strong ; good to eholco nti'i-rs , $ 'l.M.vul.7i ; otliL-is. tLV LbO : 8toi-knr . lilWitll.V.'i ; cows' . Jl. . C'I.l.lii. lions HccelptB , OT.ODO ; fiilpmcnts. u.noo ; miirHct "iu higher ; rough , f.l.ii. > ifl. o : ml.Nud tiiul pacUdfs , yi.l'JiU.tJ : prlmu huavv nnd butcher wnight ? . * 4.v.i4.fti ! ! ; light. l.'j.a'l.8\ Siiiii--Hccelpts. : ? , o o ; snlpmunls. S.WKlt in.ii ket. closed lee higher ; u o . * 4.r. 6v4D ; jyelhcrs , $ .Y.Vil'l.1 ' : wosu-rns. e\Aj 3uui year lings , ! .7.'i7.il.lO ! Iambs. 8' .7r.a.7.UO. . Nuw York l.ivn Stuck .Market , Xnw Yoittc , Mureh UI.-UiiBvr.s-Kocolpts. nill ( head. Including slMy-Ilvo cars for s.ilo und murlict lOo per 100 Ibs. lower ; native stcern. M. ! ) < al.'J ) pur 100 His. ; Tax HUM and Color i it 03. < l.wilt. : : ; bulls and cows , ? l Wift il.70 ; dtcssod beef stonily at r/i ? > e bur Hi. ; slilp- muiits,470 hcuvi's ; tomorrow , " ,0i."i beeves and 2.il : ) iiuarlersof beef , OAi.vi'.s-Hucolpls. MI.VJ head ; market llrm ; veals. SVUi > au. ! > l per 100 Ibs. SIIIMJIItuculpt.s. . 10.101 Im.id ; mixrlfct steady ; sheep. J.'i.COtlO.S'J per RU ) hs. ; Iambs. itl.Mii7.iu ; ( Irussud mutton steady at IKDJlO'io ' pur lb. ; drc. etl lambs higher nt I ' ® llic. ! lions Itoculpts. l ' .liH lin.iil. consigned ill- rucl ; iiomlnaHy stonily al { 4.1HJ@\rii. Kan mi City I.lvfl Stock Al KANSAS Cirr. Mo. . March 21.-CATTrK-Ko- oelpts. ' . ' .SOD ; shipments. , ) ) ( ; steers weroiliill and steady to loc lower , soiling nt $ ilUill.-J ! cows. W.4) ) ; stockisr.s anil lecders , ipilot and stoidy at M.IXB ) > ' .4Y HOIK Hicclnls. illOO ; shlpmonts. s.100 ; thu market , wns fairly active nnil .steady ; all grades $ L'.Y4.0 ) ; bulli , * 4.irl.V ; ) . hliKKl' Kui-uIptK , 1,10.1 ; slilpmunts. R03. Murket btroug doniiud : , aii'l nominally very strong. Sun I'ninrlseo . Mining OnntatlnnH. SAN I-"nANC co. Oil. . Murch St. The olllolal closing nuotatlons for inliiln ; stocks today were us fol.o\vs : No\v York .Mining Qunt I'.loiu. NBW VOIIK. March 21. The following are the closing mining stojic quotations : Anpcn 25. ) Illonii'stiTko 1303 " A llelcher 210 { Horn Sliver MO ralcduula II. 11 Ill ) ; Untirlo SIM Chollnr KM Oplilr S U fon. Oil. A Vn ISS I'lymoiitli 175 Dondnrooil 200 HIi-rraNuTiiiln HO KnrekiiCon ! 7S ' ' ' ( iouhlACurry HO Union Con' , , 110 llnle A Norero s. . . . KVJ | Yellow Jnckpt lOi TIIK ICK.M.TV > IAKIvir. fNSTUUMENTS place.l on rojara Marsh ai , J. IBM : WAIUIANTV DESD5. J I1 MallPtider anil wlfo to John Hcr . lot I'.1 , block 10 , West Albright . * 130 F. J Iloblusou to J A Smith , n W- acres of no no nw 8-15-13 . J A Crolghton to Commonwealth Ground Kent company , ! IO\44 feet In nw corner lot 5. lilouU 121 , Omaha . a : > ,003 I'loneer Town Slto company to 1'eter Hotbt , lot 2li. block fi. IteiinlnRlon . . . . 125 1' I ) Hi own to U .M IClmlroil , o 'M feet lot v , iiiook 11 , Kuod's 1st nciii . coo G K Dyman and wlfo to V U llatoi , a US5 ; feet lot 245 ! , Mlllard &U.'s.iiia . 0,000 J M Davis and wlfo to A G C lloimnlng , ailot'J.1 ! , ralrmotint place . 050 G H I'ayno and wlfo to U 1' Uellois. n ' , ; of mlddlo H lot 20. Johnson's add ( ox w75i feet ) . 1 Q-jtr ciAtst on s > .i. Freacrlcli Ilomloy to Catherine Komlcr. lutn. block 7 , .Tetter's add . 1,003 Jcnnln llorthwlek ct al to K T Uiil'e , trustee , 2nd add to Itodford plauo . 10 DEEDS. Ernest SteiiKor to i'ubllo , plat of Ston- Rer's 1st and of lots 1 and - ' . block 110 , South Omaha . Sonio to same , plat of Stcngcr's ind sub- illv of sain ? . Same to saini ; , plat of Htenier'.s llnl stib- dlvof S'inic . J I ! Mclklo ( special master ) to It K Thomas , s'j. ' tot 5 , block 5. > , South Omaha . Total amount of transfers f.V..UK ) Trouble In u Cbira o llcillcal College , unit Its Probable Iti'snllx. CniCAfio , III. , March 21. A rebellion or considerable mnt-nltudo lias been In progress In tlio College of IMiysicians and Surpcons on West ( larrlson street slnco Thursday , ana Is patherinR force at each opportunity for inter- cliango or opinion among the rebellious. Ulti matums , mnniroHos and resolutions have been sent nnd received by botb the faculty nnd the class that lias takun umbrage at what they term unfair treatment 0:1 : the part ol their instructors. In all previous classes examinations lu anatomy were not held until tlio close of tlio second year's work. The subject is studied , bowuvor , during tUocutl of the llrstycar. Thursday , Prof. Hutherfonl , who supervises all instruction in that study , announced that on the following Monthly lltial examinations would bo held 111 osteology and myolocy. The announcement took the students oy sur prise. "Wo are not prepared1 was hoard on nil sides. The students remonstrate J , urging that as there had boon u general study of anatomy only it was unfair to subject tlium to a test on the separata divisions of tlio subject , thul they had not given attention to it BIIICO the middle of the term. Saturday evening n committee from the class waited on I'rof , Huthorford and in formed him Unit the class had dccldod not to stand the threatened uxamitmtlon , also giv- intr their reasons for such action , The com- niittoo was told to call later for nn nimvor. They 6d ! , and the answer proved to In brief , and to the point. It read thus'Kvoryono \vno refuses to stand the examination will bo 'plucked. ' " 'However , the committed wns Informed that the examination would not b-j holt ] until Friday , in order to give moro ttmo for prep aration. IJut the "froshles" will have noth ing of the kind , uud oven tha mast conserva tive mum DOM ol the class are of ttio opinion that at their inootlnir tonight a revolution will bo precipitated and the clem will code from the institution. DoWltt's Sarsaparilla destroy * sucn poi sons us scrofula , skin disease , eczema , rheu matism. Its timely use suvou many livoi. A I arifo. Number Of dyspeptics luck the necessary power to digctit tsoliil 1'ootls , nnd n H BtiniuhinlH ineruly < > xcilo nml wraki'ii the btonmdi , therefore ) ( ho iinnu'iiso vilno of thu guniiinu Joliaiui Iloir.slnlt ] \ Extract ati ti mitritimm tonic ciainot bo over- CBlinuitcil. It not only nets us a tonlu , but us iiutriuiit as well , and the most tUubborn case of ily iii'jwiu cannot withsttind ita wondoiful'tiower. . Write to Kisnor & Mcndblsou Co , , ( J 13iircluy St. . Now York , for a di-scriptivo pamphlet. Look out for iinitiilioiiH. Thin * nro dangfrous. Tha goitihui mutt hiivo the Bi iuittiro of "Johauu Hoff" vil tUo neck of cvtry bottle. AWNINGS AND TKNTS. OMAHA TENT & AWNING - ING COMPANY. Minn. linminnc\ . oil nml rniilKrpnihln | . Hcml fur 1-at.iluHue. 1113 Karnim. HAGS AND TWINKS BEMIS OMAHA DAQ 00 BISHOP.VCO. lmi > ortcr < nul min.if c- tnror ) . Sinai , innnllla , cotton rope , hemp , Jato. cot flour Sack * , lliirl.ipi nnJ ton t liH' .tiurc'l ritril- Twine. nl.iKP , not III2S , I HICYCLKS. M.O. DAXtN , lllcycloj mil t on monthly inymcnti. 12)N. Uthst , - U.-nnlu HOOTS AND SI 1OKS. MORSE-ODE SHOE 03 , 11JI lloir.iMHlro-l. I'nC'.orr norni-r lltli and IMiulii Mr.ioti. \Vo nrpitmliln. ! clo < u pilcei t'j cih biyeri , m I are a elm of itouli < r,1l < ! ! i Ii very nllo- n'jlo tvllli mcrch rill. KIRKfllDAU , JQNE3 & AMERICAN HAND SEW GO. , ED SHOE CO. Whnloinlo Mnmtfni-tu'rt. Axontii for Huston lloot < . fhoas rnliborj Huh- - niiit li'lt . . KOO.IJ. uer Shoo Co , 1103 , 1101 sail HIM HnrnoyMrooU 1711-3 llnrnr ntrjo' VOEDELE& DINNING Mfru ( "oiiifi'clluncrs mid JonliiTNof Imolxa nml ( loiuo.illo Irulu , 111U llownnl tt. CAttUIAGH TOP OHIAHA CARRIAGE TOP D. J , ANDERSON , Mnniif.tctuici A. T. Dirby , Mnnieir. clc. 1'utii , lUJliluiK , llncks , Dashes , etc. Sciul for I'll N. lilh st. - UmalM. ol'JS. l.'ih urcot. COAL , COKE , | COKNICM OMAHA GOAL , COKE it. EAQLECORM'CEWORKS ' LIME CO , , Mnnnfaclurori nf ( l.il- vnnlm.l Iron Cornlco. llnr.l an 1 soft coil. 9. I ? , Wiulow cup i , niot.ilto corner lUlli anJ Iuu < li5 ekvllghtv vtu. IIIOIII'J itrcetn. CLOTHING. BLOTCHKY& COHEN , GILMORE&.RUHL , ( JpntV furnl litn pooiM , Manufacturer ) nnl clothing nn t notion * . ( ilvous n trlnl. Wo ! > I Wholcinlo Clutlilen , paniplo ! ) cxpron uru- pnlil. IIU llnrncjr. 1IOJ Iliirnoy struct. DRY GOODS. M.E. SMITH & CO. , KILPATRICX-KOCH DRYDQQD3GO. , Dry \ inni , nolloin , fur- Dry uools.notion : i , s aitr fiirnlililnj Kno.lt. Corner llth ami Ilo\vun1. Cor. lltli nml UotrarJiti. I3 f jliCTRIC A L SU I'PLI KS WOLF ELECTRICAL CO. , IlliDtratOil cntalogua froe. ICIIOipltol Aronuo. PUrtNTTUKB BEEBE&.RUNYAN FUR NITURE CO. , Draco na Ilth stj.Omilm GROCEUIES. DKUGS , Etc. & . M. STEELE & 03. , BLAKE , BRUCE & . CO. , I'.tll-l''OJJonc ! street , 10th nnd Harncj , Ouialii , Omaha , Nob. Neb. GRAIN. S.AMC WHORTER , 215 Honnl of Trull Trokor la Krain , provl- sloni nnd stock * . 1'rlvato wlrus to N. V. , and St. IoiiU. HATS , ETC. GATE CITY HAT GO W. A. L. GIBBON & CO. , lints , caps. Ftrntv eood . IInt . cap * , i-lriw goo If , ulove1 * , mlttens.0wni r3 Kluvei aal iiilitjni , tvlobruleil ( into illy hnl. lltli uud . llnrney. . j 12th nnd Ilnrnoy. nARDWAUE. RECTOR & V/ILHELMY LOBECK&LINH , CO. , ' hnnlwaro anil Cor.lOlh nndJuckiouijti. mcrlianlci' tools. Omaha. 1101 Street. THE "LAWK PHTO SYR.INQEX. oct \.i jln 1 1 n Ht'iUnl Syrliuu In tlu norlil , In Iho only e > rl"0 over lu- vl'UK'il liy wlili'h vnulnul III' run I ) " nilinlnlituri'il Icukliix " ' ! ullln ; Im i liilhlMf tir ni'coiiltitln/ liu nto ul a venal , ninl wliicli run nlu bj uiuJ for reclul injuutloni or trrlti- lun. to IT ItrilllHIl , 11111,11 IIAllll HtJllllKH IIICI.U it , Hit , tt-'t.HH. ilull oiitcrj sollflll'il. The Aloe & Pen-fold Co J.ttli ktrect , to 1'ontiiffhie , jirencrlpllnni ut low KoptrtlU c r.l. Oil J DTSrHEKB.L.blBJO < WOODSY PENETRATING PLASTER. ( it UK. Others U comparison art ! flow or li.Vl ) . Jfiufferlugtry WOOD'S ' PLASTER , H I'enrtrutSB , } IC > llt > viH. Cures. Ml Dru liU. CIIAS. R , LEE , JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Itfiriliroo.l liiuiber , noo.l cnrpvK nml tmrqiict Iinporlol.Amorleinl'ort lloorlnir , Inn.l . rcm nt , Mllw.\nk ( > hrilrnullc rcmiTt niii ] ttli mill Dongli * . lillilimp. . LIQUORS , ILEH&CQ. , FRICK& . HERBERT , Manor Jturctntitt , llllllnrncr Streoti Wholonla liquor ilcnlcn Mnniif&otur'r 10)1 ) Karamnit , MILLINERY C. ASTONEIIIll , J.ODERFUDER CO. , Iniportcm A Jotibcrii of , Millinery , tiotkm'closV' iiill.lncr.T , iiiitloim. Mhll . - etc , onliTs prompt. iM-l ? , T lli'-l'S ' S Ifth M. OnmlU. S. lltll-Bt. MUSICAL. A. IIQSPE , J.I. , I'lnnoi. oriim , artlitl , mitcrltli , ot : . 151 / OILS. COHSOLIOATtD TANK SN3W DR3P OIL LIHECJ , , No I'd ' I o.lor , no nmnkr rtilliuiy < . no rliiirr'ln ( Itonnoil nnl hibrloitln.t of wlokH , Ask your uro- oil. , nslo groii } , eto. ocr fur It. OYSTERS. A.EOOTH PACKING GO. PUTT A. CO. , Orstori , I'nckcri "I flih 5D Hjiltil 10th St ItavU Cole , .Mlinf.v. OVKUAILS , SIJIHTS , KTC. _ _ KINQ SIMEAD , ROBINSOM&STOKESCO < ' ' "Hiirki Mnnufnctiirors of " 1C .V in'f'ir cjlobrntoit Bkln" Oi'i'ralli , miit . * ' | b'pitntH , plilrts A over- nUi > , vtc.iil4-18H , lltli'St. Milrti , coV.s. uta ICnsl Oainh I. PRODUCE COMMISSION. BRANCH & CO , , WHITNEY & . CO. I'roituro , frulti of nil llultcr , Kiius anil Poul try. kind ] , oy.itor ) , ; ; i'.iS. l.llli nt. - Oin.tlin. I3tli nn.l llarnor Slraatv KIRSCHBRAUN&SONS. JAS. A. CLARX & CO. , SONS. , Ilultor , chcoio , ( ugi , Butler , rgzt nnJ poultrr poultry nml k'nins. 12JU How 317 South 13th Struct. RIDDELLA. CO. , 0. PEQAU , Commission M or olinnX Ilultor. chcoso , cnei.TOt- I'roilucu , Ilultor , Km , ctnblo , fnlltl , poultry ( 'ltoo'O iind I'oultrj- . 12tli nail Itonnril SU . nnd KAnii. MULLIN&MCCLAIN BINGHAM & .SOH. Pppclnlllcs. buitJr. O Sunil usour Kjn , Hub clieoo. puultry , eta No. tor , 1'oultrr. Ciiiiuo , H.-i. lid. Ujf. ut lllilos , Ida. tank. 1TOI-3 IxjiTjaiTort'i 3i. SCHR3EDER & GO. MOORE-t FERBUBOH. Ilultor , KgM , t'liccso , Cnfh liiior butter nml Kriills , Poultry , ( ininiiu * t'trxx : linnillpj nn other AncntH for Myi-r'a Itnynlr proriureoncoiiiiidsaloa Horse nml CuttlO Splca' 4'.l S. llth at. lltli st. - Omaliu QREELEY&CO. , J.B. HUSE&.CO. Iliittur. OUKS. noiillry Our spocliltlui : lluttor , KiuiH' . hlij mid fruit atf n'ul poultry , 1JIJ 11KJ7 lloivnnl at. llownnl atrt'Ct. W. E. RIDDELL Whol nle butter X ejrus Ultra unit Bolls fur cuBh. 113 S. llth-st. PAPER. CARPENTER PAPER CO KINO PAPER CO. Cnrry n full itock of apiiliiK piper , a'l hln t\Tlnn , et3. tirlntlnx , "rapping anil . . HO ) lloanr.Dt. wrlllntf p&pur , cant pa * [ or , oc. Tel. 1M3. STOVK ItUPAIRS. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS , Storuropulrj and witt r altachnienlB for unj kind of ituvo mails. 1237 liouBl.ii. SASH. TOYS. M. A. DISBROW&CO. , Manufacturer ! of rnsli. duon. bllnila and mouMlnif * . Ilmnch nf- flcc , 12th nnit liar.l Slf. . 131U farnnm Htreat. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , - - LIMITED COMM1SSION MUUCIIAN TS. ALLEH ROOT 00. , lloom XI Kic'.ian o 11 jllJ. llooiui , U ) nnil 01 South chiiUJ bullilhu. Oruah.T. South Onlu. : ! Every MAN cwi ha S'JKONO and VIG OROUS in all retpcr.ts _ _ _ by using SPANISH NiSRVINB , tlicgreat Hpanlnli Remedy. YOUNO MIJN OR OI BiilfrriiiB from NERVOUS I > WI1IIITY. J < OST or If AILING MANHOOD , nifihtlyeiiiissinns , convulsions , neivous lirokir.nion.cHUsiil bylhcuse of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wake. fulness , menial drprtssion , loss of power in cillicr sex , ( peimaior * np.rnoRK AHU AfiKH ui > E , rlicea caiiftrd by eclfabiiso anil over indulgence or any personal weak ness can bo restored la pcifcc ! health tiul the NODI/Iv VITALITY Ol' UTRONO MItN. We give a v.'ritten Ruaiantco with 6 boxes to cure any c.ibo or refund the inoni-y , $ i p bos0 ; bates $5 Forsalein Omaha by Snow , Lund & Co. r , 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Th eminent iiioclnllit In ncrvom , chronic1 , private. Moo I , iklnana unnnry dl nn t > . A roiriilivr n4 reulstrreil craduatu In muilclno , o .1lii.umri nnil rertHlratciiitiow , lintlll troatlni : with tliopriuti'tt > uccii . cntiirrh , upermulorrlioen. li t mniilioail.eemlniil wuHknum , nltiht lonei , liiipntuncy , Bjrpullls utrlcluro , Kim. orrhuen , iiluut. vnrlrorelo.ctt1. No mercury me I , Now tnintinCMit tor Ion of vital | iow r , I'arllei unntilu to Tlslt ma inu ; bomntoluc liiimo liy corre | ionilencp , Me'lldae or Instrument' mill / nmll tiruipreti ourclynackcU. ni > Piftrki lolndlcato contcnlit or rniler. Ono nerionnl Inturvlow pruferreJ. Um ull llun free. Corru > pon60iiii > Urtetly prlvntu. Hook ( Myat rl i of Llfu ) § aat Iron. UlUcu UourJ , ra. totf p. bunil3T 11) ) a. m.to j3 m. buiiU ilamp fur reply. INDIAN DEPREDATOS CUIHS who have lost propurtr from dlionlil Iliu tliolr i-ialms iinilur tlio Indian DuprulutUin Act of Mur-'h ' ' , H.I. Tliu tliiiol * limited , nn.l tliu claims are taken up by thu court in the order In which they nro loccivud. Taka Notion that all contract ) entoro.l into with attprnoyj prior to tha Act are nv i null nnJ void , information given nnd ull claims oromptly uttontluJ to by thu BEli BUREAU OF CLAIMS Iliitlilliui. OMA.L-IA , N rVThls Iliiroivu Is gitarantoel by tha Omaha lien , the Pioneer Press anil Iliu Sau Examiner. Ask your PwgUt for t botllo of JIU { . ll"- " " ' ! ! v lemeciy lorflti f non-poUondUt J the unnatural rtlichargc * jma I private ilUv Mt ol men ami tno wenkiiMspc'-mlor ( Ubilltatlna - 1 to women. It eutrt In i i w days without the aid or bllclty ol r. doctor. > , Vnfttnal Armiean Curt. Manufaclnrril by I Tb Evws Chemical O.1 CINCINNATI , O , U , 8 , A , - * / :