2 T1IK OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , MA110H 22 , 1892. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Oily Council Session Enlivened by the Wrath of a Member. MR. ROWLEY QUESTIONS MAYOR SLOANE ml of CnjitnliiO'lltirnrrom Iho I'ollco 1'orco tlm Sulijrol ot lll'uriiMlon Fur ther Consideration of tliiOInttor of Nownpnpcr Circulation. Tbo regular meeting ot the city council was held last night , with all members pres ent except Walters. Ordinance .No. 037 , establishing grading district No. 18 , was road and referred , The district Incltidos Thirteenth street from Jills- sou rl n cnuo lo Armour strcot and Ivlftcontb street from Armour strcot to the Snrpy county lino. Frank Plvonka was given lenvo to move his wooden buildings nt Twonty-alxth and N streets In order lo erect a brick block on the slto. slto.A petition for a now steve In the city Jail was referred. A communication was rend from Captain O'Harn , who was dismissed from the pollco force by the raiuw. Mr. O'Hara said that ho had boon discharged without reason , nnd that his salary was behind $300. Ho said that ho would net deliver up his star until that was paid. Mr. Kowloy nroso to ask the major for what reason O'Hnrn ' was dismissed. "Tho charter gives mo power to discharge nn ofllccrnt my discretion , " replied Mayor Sloano. Mr. Uowloy then gave vent to something that has been rankling in the hearts of a cer tain number of lojal democrats slnco the recent primaries. "I undcrstntid that you bait the pollco out electioneering Friday. " "I huvo Instructed nil the pollco not to talco any part whatever In oloctlont.1 "it has como to n pretty pass when the mayor himself Is out peddling tickets. " ' Yes. sir , ns I have a right to do ns a free American citizen , " replied Mayor Sloano with Homo warmth. After some additional verbal sparrlnp Mr. Kcnvloy moved thai the reasons of Mr. O'Hara's dismissal bo investigated by the council. "I tell you , gentlemen , right now , " said Mayor Slonne , "Hint man is discharged and this council tins nothing to do with it. " "I know what wns the matter with O'Horn , retorted the alderman from tbo Third ward. "Ho wouldn't work the way you wanted him to nt the election. " The matter wns dropped linally after the city treasurer had boon Instructed to pay Mr. O'Hara the balance duo him. The grading contract nnd bond of Mahoney - honey & O'Neill was approved and tbo ap pointment of Judges nnd clerks for the spring election was postponed until tUo next meet ing.Tho The matter of deciding which newspaper had the Itirpcstclrculatlou In Douglas county , for the guidance of the saloonkeepers In pub lishing their applications for license , was taken up. The unidaxtt of N. P. Fell , busi ness mannedof Tin : BUB , was read. It staled that tbo average circulation of THE Evcxixo BIE : in Douglas county during the preceding slv months , exclusive of sample copies , was 0.910 copies. That THE Monx- IKO BIK : during the same purled was 3-l'.y. The World-Herald had not filed an nllldavit as requested by the council , E , O. Mnyfleld , representing the World- Hnruld , Inquired whether the council had power to dictate In what paper the advertise ments should do published. Ho said thnt his paper was ready to give n committee access to its books and inquired whether THE Bcu would do the same. Hon. 1C. W. Slinoral , who represented THE JJin , said thnt the law did not glvo tbo coun cil tbo right'to'diatalo ' In what paper the ad vertisements should bo published , but it did provide that they should bo published In the paper Having the largest circulation In Doug las county , nnd thar , was the question which wns for tno council to decide. Mr. Ulmornl 1 cited decisions of the supreme court that tbo morning nnd evening edi tions of a newspaper wcro two sepa rate papers , The World-Horald persisted In offering affidavits combining the circula tions ol both editions. Their scheme was ono of procrastination. Mr. Hitchcock had said before tbo council on a previous'occasion that no would proteot saloonkeepers who should publish tneir notices in the World-Horold. Then when It was found that the notices so published wcro not legal ho said in nn Omaha saloon that bo would droo the whole matter , and if the saloonkeepers wan toil , to flsjht it out tuny must do it ut tholr own expense. Tuat was the wny ho protected the saloon keepers. "This matter must bo decided , " continued Mr. Slmeral. "or the snmo trouble thnt ox- isiedlastyear will bo repeated. Yougavooach of the papers notlco to tile nflldavits showing the circulation of both tholr morning and evening editions before the council last Mon day nisht. THE Bun did so , but the World- Herald failed to furnish the circulations of the two editions separately as you requested , and as the law requires. You gave them an other chance and they have not done It. Why ? Because they cannot. If the World- Herald was acting in good faith would it not bavo it nflldavlt hero tonicht ) Is it troinR to ploy fast nnd loose with this council ) That is exactly what It Is trying to do. " In reference to the proposition of the World-Herald representative that a council- manic committee bo allowed to examine tbo books of the two paper * and determine for themselves which had the largest circultion , Mr. Snneral asked if tbo World-Herald would ntp-eo to bavo the committee accom panied by a representative of each of the papers who wns familiar with newspaper ac counts to BOO that no misrepresentations were attempted. This was oa led by the World-Herald representative , and when thov question was pressed ho finally admitted that Ins paper would not consent to that ar rangement. The matter was linally referred to tbocom- rnlttco on printing , who will report at tbo mooting next Monday night. Cnntiiln McMulion Now. Oniccr Patrick J. McMahon was promoted to the captaincy of pollco by Mayor Sloano yesterday aftotnoon , vice Charles O'Hara , removed. Ofllcor McMahon has served as captain nnd patrolman on tbo South Omaha pollco force for nearly ilvo years and is ono of the most cnpablo nnd popular men on the force. The appointment gives general satis faction , Herman Tuniiman and -J. P. Hourigan wcro appointed special patrolmen and went on duty last night. Vrp Ut'limrtr. Tlu > dolsartlan entertainment which 1s to bo given by the young ladles of the First Presbyterian church this evening will bo ouo of the enjoyable affairs of the season , The young ladles have boon iu rehearsal for the past two wceltd under tha training of Mltscs Ketcbum nnd Allen of the Omaha conserva tory of music. They will present a variety of emotions Iu groups costumed In ( irooU drapery und-tbo tableaux-will be Interspersou with music. Notea nml I'l-rsiinuU. A. S. Day of North Bond , Nob. , was In town yostordny. Mrs. J6bn D. Robinson Is recovering from a severe uttaoic of astbma. U. Poison was found guilty of larceny bo- toro Judge ICiug yesterday and lined * 100 , nnd cost. Ho was accused ( of purloining a suddto , brldlo and harness from the stock yards. Miss Coo Hunt , who Is attending the young ladles seminary at DCS Moiues , ( a. , Is homo on a short visit with her parents , Mr. and Mr * . C. M. Hunt. Ed Kent , operator at the D. & M , depot , who has boon quite 111 with pneumonia , loft fern \lilt with his parents at Plnttsraouth yesterday. Harry Cbrislio accompanied Dim. Dim.Tho The winter term of the publlo school will nd on Friday of this week. The spring term will begin Monday , April . A set of haruosi was stolen from the barn ot W , I. . Holland Saturday night. A petition has been filed with the city clerk presenting K. 1) . Towlo ns an indo pendqnt candidate for the mayoralty , A coffco festival will OB given at t'.io Swed- Ith UautUt ) church , Tweutv-iecund uil 1C street * , on Saturday oventnfr. A pronm will bo given , after which tha refrdihmsnts will oo torved. C. 8. Jones of Chicago was nt the ynrds yesterday. Ho Is the cuost of bis brothers , GeorRO W. and Arthur Jones. The first consignment of stone for the foutirtattuns of the now buildings of the Cud- nhy Packing oompanv was received .vestor- day , About ! ) * ) carloads will bo required. The Bachelor's club will clvo a card parly on Tuesday evening , March 29 , In honor of tlio newly married members of the club. What baa become of these committees thnt were appointed by the Board of Tnido lo canvass for moans to ndvortlso South Omnhal XOT I'liT Sullivan' * Mouth In Stilt In Ktcollont Hull- nliiR Ordrr. CHICAGO , III. , March Sl. Sald Champion Sullivan nt the Auditorium : "Of course I'll sign n guaranty of good faith. " Mr. Sullivan referred to the agreement proposed by the Olytnplo club of Now Or leans regulating the affair between him and Mr. Corbott which the club will witness September 7. The Olympic demanded ibo right of naming the roforeo. providing time keepers of its own and asking Hint $2,500 deposit bo placed In Its hands by both mon. "It's only right , " continued Sullivan , "that I should give them to understand that I nm In oarricst nnd want to do tbo right Ihlng wllu Ihcm ono and nil , otlll this man | lho champion did not honor Corbott by Baying his niimoj this man could get out of it oven nt that by feigning sickness or saying that ho had n bad lung or u bad ankle. I don't think much of him. The follow is looking for ono of these dude jobs of teaching spir- ring in n Now York ulhlollc club at Sl UO n yoar. That's his business. " John said that uftor the light that Is if Corbott had the oouraRO to fnco him Unit ho would never enter Iho ring again. Would ho go on Ihostnjio nltogolhor ! Well , ho did not know. Ho was n trllla old lo begin lo slutly iho drama seriously. Collier baa been after him to study gladiator parts nnd ho thought well of it nt ono titno. but now ho believed ho would po into iho gytnunsium business utter a couple years moro of melo drama. Another 1'ull 1'romtard. Jnck Prince has returned from Now York for the express purpose of putting on nn international tug-of-war. Last November Prlnco promised tbo different captains of the teams ho organized for Iho coll'oum tug , thnt ho would assume the management nnd got ut ) n big struggle for this city In April. Ho Is hero simply to make his word good. Had ho not entered into this agreement ho would hnvo sailed for England last Wednesday with the professional byltors. The tug that Prince now has under xvny will embrace many chances over the former event under his management. In the lirst place , the learns , Instead of ten men , will con tain but live , und the pull will bo limited to thirty minutes lo each heat. This , ho says , croalns much moro oxcltomcutthnn Hie unlimited null , as Iho speculators , as well as the contestants , are nil uwaro when the end will como. This mauos n tremendous final struggle and causes the most inlonso excite ment. The grand tug will commence Mon day evening , April 18 , nnd continue every night throughout the week. Lewis AVou tlio Match. CIIICAOO , March 31. Evan Lewis , of Mad ison , Wis. , this evening defeated John King , of Michigan , winning three out of flvo falls. C , O. Duprco was roforce , and the contest was in the tallowing order : Cutch-ns-catch- con , won by Lewis in Oj-J mluutos ; Cornish , won bj King in 1 ! ) minutes ; sldo hold , won by Lewis in S minutes and IU bcconds ; collar and elbow , won by King in 15 mluutos ; Grrcco-Roman , won by Lowls in 5 minutes. About 12,51)1) ) ) wcro present. Ituatrlco Completely Organized. BBvrmcE , Nob. , March 81. ( Special Tele gram to Tut BEE.J The Beatrice Base Ball association stockholders mot nt tbo Paddock tonight and organized by electing Horace L. Ewing president ; Al T. Cole , secretary and treasurer , and E. G. Drake. John Duryoa nnd A. L. Fisko , diroctors. The nssoc ntion starts out in flno shape with nmplo funds subscribed. " , Flro anil I'ollco. Ofllcer Cullen was up-boforo the Fire and Police Commissioners last night on charges preferred by the chief , alleging that the ofllcor remained in u Fnrnatn street saloon for fifteen minutes whllo on duty. In order to give Cullen time to procure witnesses the case was laid over for ono week. Tbo Von Muggo case , which has hung lire since Ibo Tib of February , was again poslponed. City Moat Inspector Peter Besen was clothed with special police power. The following liquor licouso transfers were cranted : W. Eiibtrt , from 1801 at. Mary's ' avenue to 124 North Fifteenth street , and Eberhard Bibler , fron , 118 South Tenth street to 524 South Thirteenth street. Three drucglst permits were grunted as follows r-u. H. Blofio , 1101 North Eighteenth .street ; W , J. . HUghes , 031 North Sixteenth street ; W. J. Hutrhes , ' 2233 Farnam street. There was no business of importance trans acted in executive session. Fled from Louisiana .Tustlco. A United StatesExpress company dotoo tivo'arrivod in Iho oily yesterday and proceeded - coodod at once to tno policp court , v/horo ho swore out a complaint ngainst"Frank Bouton , ' alias J. A. Mill's , a telegraph operator , for forgery. The ofllcor stated thnt JJoulcn was a fugitive from justice , and thnt ho bad forged express .company money orders for $50 while working Iu Now Orleans H short tinio aoro. Sergeant Ormsby look a trip around with the detective , and insldo of nn hour bad thoir"mnu landed.in Jail , where ho was booked as a fugitive. Bouton arrived in the city last Friday night , nnd obtained work nt onco. Ho will bo taxon back to Louisiana today. I'artlculiir Who IIu KnU With. H. C. H. Duenslng , a traveling man stopping at the xVuulsor hotel , spent yester day afternoon and last night in bed nursing u badly bruised forehead and n blackened eye. The cauao of the commercial tourist's facial decorations originated nt tbo dinner tnblo of tbo hotel when ho refused to eat at the same tnblo with n barber named Koch. This refusal ou Duonsing's part angered iho shnvo shop proprietornnd ho laid for the gay young drummer. Outsldo the hotel the bar ber cornered his enemy 'and wont for him good and hard. Both contestants were taken lo the Jail , where tboy gave bonds for tholr appearuuco In court today. Xcnv r.nilge formed. An Eastern Star ledge was organized at Mascnlo nail Saturday night. Worthy Grand Patron W. N. Nason , Assistant Patron Mrs. A. Whitmarsu n nd Worthy Past Patron Thomas Battorton of Vosla chaplorof Omaha were In attendance and installed the ofllcors ns follows : Matron , Mrs. Mattlo C. Haywnrd ; palron , W. B. Wyraan ; assistant matron. Emma L. Talbot ; secretary.'Mrs ' , Mary E. Monroe ; treasurer , Mrs. B. F. Carpenter ; conductress , Mrs. Dr , Simpson ; assistant conductreis , Mrs. A. B. Miller ; sentinel , Miss Abblo Curtis. After the installation ceremonies bountiful re freshments were sorvod. Tlio now phnptor begins it ? existence with forty-six momoors , ICev. Marlon lining Itudly Ilurncil , Jlov , Marlon Bolos , pastor ot the First Christian church ot this city , loft last week to assist In revival services at Manning , la. Yesterday Mrs. Boles received the Intelli gence that wbllo boating water for the bap tistry eve r u casolino steve the steve ex ploded , and Rev. Mr. Bolos was seriously burned. His mustache and hair wore nearly burned off , his face was blistered , nnd lib was also badly burned on the left arm nnd sido. Hq is conllnod to bis bed. nnd Mrs Bolos loft for Manning to attend him. IlurglnrH ( iuve It Upi Burglars forced the front door of D. M. Steele & cjo.'s store sometime Saturday night and attempted to blow the safe. The combination knob of the vault door was knocked off and n hole bored through , the thin nlato of o tool , On account of thostmco between the outer and Inner doom of the vault tbo burglar * saw that It was useless to try to open the safe and gave up tbo Job. Tha elty detectives ar aft r tha men who did the work. n ' .Ytt'i S ripirtlla deitroy * such pel- ton ! ai icrofula , * klu diieat * . < ojem , rhau- matlim. It * timely un tre amj llvti. fPnCOt TESTKIIDAT'ft ' ECOXII EDITION' . | RAlSEfffilLlAff VERY Sill Gormftuy's Toting Emperor is EulToring. Intansely at the Chateau Hubertus. PRINCE. HENRY SUMMONED HURRIEDLY Ills Mother Calls Him llomn from Ilarin- Klnilt und Srnd * Him to .loin Ills rather llrrlln 1'rnpla ( IroallyViirrloil. . [ CnpurtvMtil tSUi l > u Jamts Gnrdnn PAIIIO , March20. [ Now York HeraldCab'.o Special to TUB BUB , ] The situation In Uortimcy Is still ominous , nnd continues to bo thu subject of convarjntion of the official circles of Europe. Even the foreign minis ters nt Berlin do not know when tiio emperor will return from the Chateau Ilubirtus. It was said on Saturday lhat In accordance wilh his physician's ndvlco ho would romntn there till the end of the month , but nt noon today It wns announced that he would re turn next Wednesday. Moanwhllo It Is said that Caprivl hat been summoned to iho Chateau Hubortus. I nm told on untiucstlonnblo authority thnt In ftplto of nil statements to the contrary , the emperor Is really very ill. He Is suffering , not from catarrh , but from nn ntocoas in his car , the wont which ho has ever had. For the past twonty-four hours the physicians hnvo been very uneasy , and have proscribed for him the most absolute roposo. AVhnt OOPS "Crrnhrnl" Mean ? In reply to a dispatch from Queen Victoria the Prussian court has cxpluluca that sucn repose was necessary on account of "very intense cerebral ntuionla , followed by pain , " It can readily bo understood that the word "cerebral" has given rise to many com ments. In London , nnd oven in Berlin , there Is much talk nbout cerebral troubles , but my Impression is that the stories are much exaggerated. It is true thnt Prlnco Henry wns summoned from Darmstndt by a dispatch from the empress , nnd nfter a two hours' Interview with her , ho started for the chntoau Huber tus. As ho wns stnrtmg , however , ho said lo some ono : "Thank God , Iho cose Is not as serious ns I foarsa. " Still it Is certain that the action of n sov ereign like William in leaving bis capital for eight days In the rmddlo of a political crisis , nivos good ground for people lo say thnt ho is not well balanced. It is well understood thnt in the case of any now political crisis no ono knows whether Cnprlvl will remain nt tbo head of affairs or not. Certainly no ono believes that lei Ecolairo wns the solo cause of the crisis. Its Kll'oct Disagreeable. I may add that in London and Vienna the resignation of Caprivl has producad a dls- agrcoablo effect and has caused moro un easiness even than in Paris. There has been , I do not know why , considerable tele graphic correspondence boUyeon the foreign office and the British embassy in Berlin. In London people believe that tbo en Lira politi cal world of Germanv is bent on adopting a western policy. Iu Vienna people nro rest- loss. The Czechs will profit by Iho recent in cidents in Berlin nnd will cause now annoy ances to the government. ( iUATJi'Ul. ItUS.SIANS. America's It oiler Committee ; L > liic < l nnd I'ototl nt Llbau , . Lin\u , MnrchSU At a dejiinor today an Illuminated address wns pp'oscntcd to iho Amoricnns , bearing Iho Russian and Amer icans arms und two clasped bauds. M. Balniakoff , president of the Judges of peace , in welcoming the Americans , remarked J that Hussians esteemed tbo Indiana gift , not so much on account of its value as on account of its being an expression of brotherly love which America cherished. At the banquet last night there were pres ent the American consuls , tbo members of the Philadelphia committee , the oulccrs of Ibo Indiana , Count Bobrinsk ] , the president of the relief society nnd all the city authori ties. Municipal Chief Adolphl presented to Captnin Sargent a silver cup Inscribed : "In Hoinoinbrnnce of Lioau , " with written underneath : "But the greatest of those is charity. " In the course of bis presentation address M. Adol phi said : "Our satisfaction must llnd a special echo because this noble deed emanated from the United States , with which Hussiu has always slood on terms of heartiest , friendship. " Consul Crawford replied : "Whllo tbo cargo of the Indiana , especially , when com bined with that of tbo .vlissouri" and thai of a third vessel , will probably bo considered by you r.s no trifling gift , I wish to assure voii that the sivors regard this on absolutely" in significant act , which pales into nothingness in comparison with iho service rendered Ihirly years ago by Hussin to the union , sending a powerful fleet lo our shores ns a standing menace against nil efforts of other powers lo sully thn American. flag nnd tear from her beautiful banner some of her most brilliant stnrs. " Mr. Crawford concluded by ofllcially pro- sonllng iho Indlnna's carco to' Count Bobrin- skj ns the bead of the special committee , nnd ox pressing wishes for n speedy relief of the disircss in Kussla. Count Dobrlnsh-j , speaking in English , said that tbo czarowitch was deeply touched by the humane motives and son tlmontsol friend ship that prompted this noble net , and had charged him to cpnvov to Uio donors cordial tbanus for the token of International brotherly love extended to iho JJussIan peo- pl'j. Ha concluded by drinking to the pros perity of Philadelphia and of the United States. Messrs. Drexel and Blddlo of tha Philadel phia TOiuuiltteo acknowledged the proofs of the friendship received from Russia , Tbo municipal authorities gave a dinner last evening to the crow of the Indiana. The Indiana sullod this nlternnon on her return voyairo. TIlllKK VtSAHSnP iriHlllSOt , _ Y rli . The administration of President Harrison in some of its features is necessarily like many that have preceded it. The traditions of this country are such that it is impossible for the administration ot any man to dovlato very widely from the established lines ; and yet , without Instituting any invidious com parisons ; it Is possible lo'polnt oui corlain greal characteristics by which this adminis tration has already established ils claim lo popular regard ana by virtue of which it has secured for Itself in the tlrsttbroo years ot ils coullnunnoo nn honorable nlaco In Amer ican history. ' It is a great thlntr for any man at any time to so prosldo over thonlTulrs of a nation of overOO,00KOot ( ) people us to challenge the respect und admiration not only of bis coun trymen but of men of nil nations who are acquainted with his publlo ncttons. Among iho crouiiublo cbnracierUUcs of iho present administration wo may note the following : Its Ability The president and his unmod- lalo associates bavo shown themselves able to urupplo intelllgonlly and sirongly with all tbo great questions thai Imvo presented themselves for ndimnlstratlup consldoralion , . During the past three years , In ad dition to the ordinary ootalU that claim nUonllon , there have been very grnvo matters , Mich as the Bering sea question , tbo Now Orleans affair , tbo Chilian difli- culty , etc. , which bavo called for extraor dinary care und ability ; und wa think It is not too much to say that in nil these casis tbo administration bai conducted the affairs of the government in such n way as to com mand the contldonco and respect of all in telligent observer * . Of course there are always opportunities for criticism and fault finding ; but wo believe it will be conceded that the administration has every where moro than satisfied the expectations of thoughtful men In its method of dealing with thcso com plicated and grave quoitlons. its EQIcleupy Wbatfivcr Ji beau U u by . the present udmWistration has been done well. The prCTJTtolhits' surrounded himself with ft body of workers , und n visitor to Washington wfldttns ctislnoss with nn.v ot Uio departmoifw Ot bUronus 1 nt once Im pressed with tlloTact thnt these In chnrgo of them uro industrious nnd cfticicnt In their discharge of pmifitt duties. From Iho presi dent down to fno'varioiis urados of clerks there Is un nlr ol Industry , of devotion to publlo dut.r , OMIhorouirhness in all that is done , of tm ino.VsllUo efllciency ; and It U rare to Und nny 1-H Jn councctod , with any of Iho dopaVtu/cnts / who Is nn Idler or InnttcnilV * ' Jjin his duties. With each succcodlnU' ' year , o vln to the growth of tho'Jdrtntrr , public business of necessity IncreiWh , nnd on the part of the < o who nro chat-pM With Its administration calls for ability of' Hlitlih order. These now responsible - sponsiblo for' ItftJ transaction iiuy fairly chnllongo the cr ! osl scrutiny of their meth ods nnd the rcsulis of tholr work. This aomlnlsUaUoii has been called upon to disburse un extraordinarily largo sum of money , and wo believe that tlio method of its ilULunoincnt will bear crltlc.il Inspec tion , In the construction uf tbo now imv.v , tin ) improvements madu In rlvors nnd har bors , ibo payment of pensions , Iho ndmlnls- ttiillon of Indian uft.ilrs , or in whatever way iho vast millions nt the disposal of the ad ministration have been dliDiiMCil , solo re gard has boon had to Iho publlo service , and the ouo great thought has boon efficiency in the worn that has been prosecuted. Its Clcannesst-Ono of Iho most common remarks wlilc'i ' uro heard Is the very signifi cant ono that lilts Is n "clean administra tion. " The mon whom the president has Rolcctod for high otllco nro , ns n rule , mon of oxnltod personal character , possessing spec lnl Illness for tholr respective dtlllos. It is rare lo llnd nuywhero. especially In Wnsli- inetoii , n publlo man who nrrcsls attention by tiny defect of character such ns Intemper ance , vulgarity , slovonllnoss or other often- slvo personal habits. The men bo has gath ered nbotithlm rooresoiil thu' best elements of our national Ufa This is pro-otnlnoully irue , if wo may particularize , of the Justices of the supreme court und thu Judges of the district courts whom ho bos boon called upon to appoint , mon stnudlng high In their pro fession , whoso appointment tins given well nigh universal satisfaction. . .ills nlso true , in general , that thu president takes the utmost pojstblc , pains in the selection ot mon for high places , insisting nil the whllo that thev shall bo the boat that uro obtnlnriblo. There hnvo been no scandals connected with iho administration , no defalcations. Wherever mon have boon oven suspected of dereliction in duly Iho attention of tha ad ministration bns been nt once nrrostod , the most critical luvosllgnlious bnvo been or dered , and where found guilty they have boon promptly removed. A very eminent man , who has boon in pub lic service moro thiin thirty years , said re cently that ho bad uovor known nn adminis tration which wcs more fully deserving of the epithet "clean ; " Tbo president's high personal character , bis consclculiotisiioss in Iho discharge of duly , his faithful personal attention to the details of administration , his unbending integrity , have given the stamp of honor to his Wliolo administration. I is Safety The pcoplo of the country rest in perfect security , with iho full assurance that nothing will bo done by the ndministra- lion which can inuro.tlio ] publio peace or interrupt the steady currents of public pios- pcrily ; that it is. not likely to rush into foreign complications , nor to bo drawn into ivnr without the most itnporntivo reasons. In Us advocacy of honest money , insisting that every dolhtr'shall bo us good ns every olhor dollar , the tndminlstrallon has con tributed very Inrtfely lo the financial pros perity which isevbrywhero apparent. It is a mailer of slnca'ro'cong'ralulatioii in u coun- Iry so vast as oUM where the personal inter ests uro so extensive' nnd tbo current of ordinary business o vast , that it shall bo so governed as to fgiVo reasonable assurance to capital lhat no act10 of the government shall needlessly croatO'j\larm or interfere with its ordinaryoperatfoiisJ. * - ' Every nr.t , of' Iho'-adminlstraUon-all UUor- aaces'of ibo president , have lended lo pro- molO n reciprocal understanding between cnpllnl and laboV/dnd bsUvccn all classes and sections of'tho country leading all of our citizens lo feel ( britIhoir interests uro ono. and'tb'ttt , so farnsfChoyiaro in the keeping of Iho administration , they are safo. U's'-PatriottsifpaTho administration has been conductcdAipan a.bigh plane of patriot ism. < > In his speeches-ibrouKh too south and iwost/thfc prcslddhtnbrcatod Iho , impression every where lhat hc-'ls'siht'erolynndcarneslly dovoled lo the welfare of the entire countrv ; that ho is as deeply InlbrostodJ lii the pros perity of the south , through a diversification of its. interests , as ho is in that of the north. In tbo handling of the dellcnto inter national quonions Iho notion of iho adminis tration has been such us to unite the people , regardless of party conncctious , in the ono common sentiment of love of country nnd national pndo ; anda ) dclernilaatloii tp vin dicate , If neccssaryf the national honor'nnd maintain our lintlonal standing. The criticism has been made in some quar ters thnt tbo president/i.s lacking in party spirit ; tnat he is indifferent to the success of the party to which ho owes his elevation to his high placo. But wo belicvo ' thnt whnto'vof may bo chargeable lo him in Ibis respect is fully accounted for by the fact , whichis , greatly to his credit , that bo thinks moro of country than ho does of partv , believing Ihnt ho servos his party best who servos his country best. Eveu In his strong advocacy of tnoisuros for the pro- leclion of Iho ballot In the south , ho placed the matter on so IJigli , a piano of common welfare , and liftoU It , so far out of aiero party considorat'.ojis ns to command tno re spect-oven of these who are most violently opposed to any such legislation. Tbo admin istration is national , actuated throughout by Iho loftiest patriotism. Able , olllcient , clean , safe ami patriotic , the administration of President Harrison chal longns comparison with any that have preceded ceded it. JUST A TRIFLED TOO KNOWING. Mistake That nil Kutremely riirxplrnrluus Deputy Slierlll'.Mailu .vitimlny , Whllo in n law ofllco in iho Now York Life building Saturday -afternoon Deputy Sheriff Dally served n reporter with n summons in un injunction case. By the order of court mid tbo horvico of tug deputy sheriff the re porter , bis agents , servants , pages and em ployes , were restrained from selling , mortgaging or disposing of a lot of House hold goods , including easy rocking chairs , divans , bed room sots , Brussels and ingrain carpets , refrigerators and many other things that go to maka up tholhapplncss of homo. "Wonder if it is possible thnt I ever did or do own such luxuries of life ! " wns the first tiling that flashed Ihroupb Iho reporter's mind. "I haven't boon homo for so Ions iu day tlmo it might bo thai I do own them and have forgotten about my earthly posses sions. No , this could not bo. Could 1 have fallen into a trap ) Thing : . BOCUII strangh. I am in the law ofllco. Around me are two lawyers , n stranger nnd the dopuly sheriff. noilhor of whom I had ever mot before. It is no dream. Still there is the injunction. Why should I bo rustrninod , unloswltnvero from going lo JallJ If I had credlior lbio property that I didn't own nor had uo/or keen' could do them no good. " vca Only a wordlHras spokon. It. was by tha deputy , 1 * ' " "Mr. Bough ? ( Udresslng the reporter ) , horn Is sumino/i3n4n / mi injunction case nitainst.vou. " v/o' Ho started to lonvo. "You are mlstuKeu iu tlio party , " sug gested the roporriaio' "Woll. I'll lakO'ltWor granted that your nnmo is Baugb.'iaud the Japuty us the door closed behind hlrtit " The lawyers1 ! ) . ( Jiggled , shrugged their shoulders nud Jsliwok hutiiin , wbllo the stranger HuddoitlVT-dlsappearod , It w > u ho whoso nnmo wasiilliugh und whom thu mis led deputy wautcaio The reporter witsMhen ; informed that Rob ert O , Backus' hnd'sucured _ ' an Injunction against Robert "Hauuh , enjoining li'm ' from disposing of tha'hdjusohold ' goods In n house at 1IH8 Sherman avenue , The order was re turned to the sheriff's ofllco yoitcrJhy iiud Dopuly Daily will bo given another chance lo try to tlnd the defendant In the case , HI I.I. Ills Southern Trip J'lcaxitat Qnu IIu Think * of VisitInj- tint MVsl. . WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 20 , Tha south ern tour of Senator Hill' bns terminated bv the nrrlval of iho party in this city at 11 o'clock a.m. tgday. Senator Hill expressed great gratification at the hospitable manner in which ho was received throughout the south , and does not conceal bis pleasure over the enthusiasm which his visit caused In Georgia , Alabamnnml MissiiMppl. Numerous invitations bavo boot received by Senator Hilt within tuo p.i-st wocic to visit various .yostern and southwestern cities , and ho h being strongly urged to make u tcui * Into ; ou through lh > > HCU an .i DULLNESS ITS ONE FEATURE Business on Wall Street is Well Nigh at a Standstill Just Now , POINTERS ON SOME OF THE SECURITIES lialtlimtro i- Ohio n Onoil Tlilnj ; toVitcli Itill.ini : Natural ( In * Not llnd Au- ulysls of tlin Itlrlitiionil Tcr- inliml lleorijiiiilr.itliiii I'liin. NKW Yoitic , March 20. ( Special Telegram to Tin : Iliiii.J I'lio debate on the silver bill not down for this week and the Issuance of tlin Richmond Tormlnal sehomo the last of the week seem lo bo tha Items ot principal Interest to Wall strcot , nt this tlmo. It is dull. Trading lins fallen off ; activity is con- lined to a low stocks nfToctcd by special o uses ; largo operators nro uncertain what lo do , ami therefore tlo nothing , to bo on the safe sldo. To bull stocks nt so uncertain a season of the year ns Mnrch , when , ns yester day , the wontiier U such thnt on ono sldo of the strcot It Is freezing hard and on the other It Is steaming hot , is Inking large risks from natural onuses , nnd , besides thnro is the pending silver bill. At such n time the speculator might bo moro In- cllr.oti to Iry iho short sldo of the market fern n whllo , but ngnlnst this there Is the fact , obvious to n very Intelligent observer of the market , that there Is no press uro of stocks for sale. At the prices recently made It ap pears ns If Holder ? were content to hold on to what they huvo , In the conlldcnt expecta tion that this will bo a bull year. In certain spots evidence appears that stock Is being marketed , ns in sugar , for example , wliero now buyers are sought for the $25,000- UOU of freshly Issued shares , which , it is rumored In the street , have boon taken by insiders ut n prlco considerably below pres ent quotations. Some holders of Heading hnvo unloaded nnd depressed the price two or throe points. Take it all around , however , the only real bear feature of the market is the aulfness. Dullness is generally favorable to de pression , temporarily at least , ns traders got tired und drop their stocks in disgust. Korp Your Vye on llicse. Among the now things which will occupy the attention of the street when tbo market becomes nctlvo again is Baltimore & Ohio stoolc. IVoplo do not yet realize that the status of Ibis property has grcally changed. It is no longer a family railroad terminating at Baltimore. Control has boon transferred nnd broadened.Thocompanyisoxpandlng , the road will eventually have its main terminus in Now York. It is destined to becoMio nn equal in the family of seaboard trunk lines liistcnd of being'an outsider of small nc- ciount. Such growth supplies n cause for broadening speculation In this stock. In connection with a etoclc which has al ready tignred largely in speculation Chicago Gas U is risking little to say that such stockholders of the company who nvnll them selves of the privilege to subscribe for the securities ot the Indiana Natural ( Jas company , which is to sup ply Chicago with that article , will probably have no more cause to regret it than did thn poplo who bought Chicago Gas stock around 59. It will pav nn investor lo study some of the business ot distributing natural gas and what sort of profits are to bo made in it. A business which can pay back all your investment in three years is a pretty good thing. Klchmoml Trrmliml AllUln * . If the course of the Hlchmond Terminal securities in Ibo market , since the publica tion of Iho now plan , should bo taken as a measure of public opinion on it , then tbo conclusion must bo that it is not favorably received , for they have declined badly. Under the circumstances it. cannot bo so taken. There is no public speculation in tbo market , which is profoundly dull , with business conllned mainly to the contingent of small professional traders. Many of these have bought the .securities on Iho tboory that there would boa sort of bull flurry iu them. When the plan linally ap peared , they hastened lo realize ; when it cmno out It found no inside support , and of course quotations wont off. But the belief is growing that the plan will comment ! Itself to the public the bolter it becomes known. In tbo llrst place it. is generally conceded that it is equitable to nil Interests. Holders of some of the old bonds of the road are disposed to complain - ' . plain that tboy derive 'no bsnoflt from them , but those bonds are nil short , having only u few years to run to maturity , when they would bo refunded anyhow at n " lower rate"of interest lhan they now boar. This is the only complaint that has been made from any quarter. Another strong nr- eumont for the plan Is that it thoroughly simnlilicd the accounts of the system. Tbero " " will" bo ouo mortgage covering "it all , bearing 4 per cent interest , n preferred stock and a common stocic. No lien can be put on the properly ahead of the preferred without an assenting vote of the holders of that stock. Two main purposes are sought to bo effected - fectod by the plan reduction of fixed charges lo a limit well within the earning power of the property and relief of iho ex tinguishment of tbo lloatlng debt of the various companies in the system. For tbo latter purpose there will oo raised in round numbers ? 14,1 > 00,000 in cash for which will bo given JlS.'jao.OOO 4 per cent bonds nnd ? 0,8S2- 000 preferred stock. The subscriptions have been guaranteed by the syndicate , whoso names have already boon published. But stockholders of the Terminal company and holders of the trust only have the right to subscribo. There is no compulsion about it. Tbo securities will bo taken anyhow , but stockholders who subscribe will doubtless find it profitable. Some I'lguroH on the Plan. Of the now 4 per cent bonds there nan bo no doubt. Tbo security is cood. The system is already earning more than enough lo pay the interest on them. The not earnings for the veer ending Juno 30 last were fS,741,000. Four per cent on thn $ > 170,000OJO of bonds calls for $0,800,000 , but of the whole issue ? 10,000,000 will bo re served in" the treasury , only to bo paid out for the acquirement of now prop erty. So if the property should do no better than It is , in lha way of nui earnings , lliere would bo enough to meet nil requirements nnd secure the bonds beyond question. Next comes tbo question of probable re turns on the preferred slock. On the $11)0,000,000 of bonds to bo tssuod nt onco. 4 percent IsSI.-IOO.OOO ; to which 11 to bo added for rentals Sl.aw.OOO ; total , $7.000,000 ; surplus , fl.OSI.OOO. To which surplus maybe bo added SWJ.OOO of Income from treasury assets , making $1,1317,000. Now , If tit bu assured that no bonetlt by way of an Increased oftlelency , moro economical management and development of business , is to accrue to tbo now company an the result of the reorganization , th.in U would appear that the return to iho preferred stockholders - holders would bo small indeed. But if reasonable expectations bo fulfilled , it is cer tain that the not earningn of the system should Increase certainly by about fl.OOJ.OOO , for horu wo are figuring on n big system of several thousand miles of road , whoso net cat-nines uro already fS.750.000. Allowing Hlich un Increase , there should bo about if per cent loft ever for the $70,000,000 of preferred took ( of wnliili $5.000,000 is reserved iu the treasury ) . ThU amount may. bo decreased or Increased , according to the general pros- pcrlty of the south ( noiv at its lowest stage of depression ) mid tno ability of tbo manage ment , Only Ont > Thins ; to IVwr. Upon this point , It is well to sound a note of warning. The past management has been aui'h us to cause a profound publlo distrust. The property ban boon worked for Walt sireet and over tbo ticker , not ns a railroad doing a legitimate carrying business. Unless this , element be thoroughly eliminate- } from tha now company and unless the publlo can be convinced that it is so eliminated , the \vell-inoftoj | distrust will continuo and tno now securities will sell nt pricoi represent- The recent chanjros In the management look like n start toward a obttcr state of thing * . Tno good management of the Southern. Kullrutul company should , as It can , uiako the iiivustigaiion publlo of the inUmamigomcnt of iho old \Yosl \ Point Tor- niinal company. liltlHl'J\U ou tH" I'Ar.utllau I'nrlllo Luiun I'roi'iirltiiiik. | WlN > 'll' < . Mar. . , Muii.U ' 'O.-'l'iJ .ui < 1 situation on the Canndlan I'Aoiflo looks moro fiorlous tonight than nt any tlmo alnco the men went out , from the fact that a deputa tion of engineers , have had several Inlor views with Superintendent \ \ hyto lnco yes lord ay ntut the trouble also exists on the Pnctflo division to Vancouver as well nt on the western division from Fort Williams to Donald. The result ot the Interview ol the cngl noers with Superintendent Whvte is kept secret by both mon nntl oftlotaU. but the general supposition is thnt the engineers nro objecting to carrying "scab" crews of trainmen - mon , nnd if satisfactory mon nro not put in charge they may nlsojoln the strikers. The news of trouble on the I'nclllo division did not reach hero until this evening , when correspondence by mail shows that n similar state of affairs exists from Donald to Vnn- couvor ns nt present In Winnipeg. The con ductors nnd trainmen of the Pacific division have mndo practically the snmo demand ns these of the western division , but the former bad loft the matter In aboynnco pend ing decision. The company , fearing that the Iron bin on the western division would extend to the Pacific , required that all conductors bo required to say whether or not they were satisfied with the company's sarvlco , * notifi cation being vlvon that these who would not glvo n pledge of loyalty lo tholr employers were to bo dismissed from the service. As n result of this order nearly nil the trainmen on the Pnclflo division refused to go to work , nnd slnco Tufsdny Inst nil trains hnvo been run by suporlntondcnts ntid other olll- rials of the ro.id ns conductors mid brake men. tSbcclal constables have boon sworn In at Vancouver to protect the company's ' prop orty. The situation In Wlnnlpng In also moro strained todav owing lo iho nrrlval of Chlaf Clark of iho order of conductors from Dos Molnes , In. Clark's nrrival has given rise to many rumow , chief of which Is that ho cninos with u capital of $150,000 , which Is to bo expended , If necessary , in securing n victory for the trainmen , Yesterday's through passenger trains were from six to ton hours late ntid all branch line trains were cancelled. The effect of the strlko is already being foil in business cir cles , many cars of freight , being sidetracked between hero nnd Fort Wllllums nnd east of thoro. Kmrs or'KSTim > .ir , Domicile. The 1'lin'iil.v Iron worl < i of Trenton , N. , T. , U In the hamis of a receiver. Now York City Is to hnvo n llronroof clrous millUInz , to bo ono of the Iliioat In tlio world. The depot of the Now Haven road atMuw Haven , Conn. , has been burned. l.tm itboul * BO.OOJ. Hornoo Stoolc. while attempting to burglar ize nn office In Urowlay , La. , was shot an J in sUntly killed. In the bidding for furnishing fuel for the World's f.ilr , tlio Standard Oil company has imido the lowest bid , Kab llrolhcrs , wholosulo Iliinor dealer * nf Denver , Colo. , have assigned. Liabilities K4.SI0.4 : ! , nsscts $ W,400. 11 y the falling of iisnowshod near Loadvllle , Mlku McCarthy , ti si-ctlon hand on Iho Colo- rue ! o Midland , was killed. Mills' election na senator from Texas Is nil hut assured. It Is Intlnmled thai Uhllton will withdraw from thu contest. In IL quarrel over politics ntS'in .loso. Cnl. , O. II. \ \ ileox shot and fatally wounded John Combs and .lamei Dougherty. Tlio permission cap factory of M. H irkus & amis of Walliniiford. Conn. , 1ms been de stroyed by lire. Loss , } 2ooui ) . Klio In the Itnrton block. Olilcatjo , canned a loss to Hovornl small iimnufuotniers ainount- Ins In the iiKKrupito to about t'.U.lOO. ' The Michigan Central an 1 Lake Shore ro.ids having ieduced Iho liis : < onser r.ilo botworn Chlcacoaiul lliill'alo. N. V. lo $10 ; competing lines have followed suit , Thomas Do Kiirnoy of Denver shot nnd killed Michel Iov , a bookkeeper In lliutcltv. Vex had bcori forcing his attentions upon Mrs. Do Karnoy , much to her displeasure. .Tnmes A. Tanner , who Hays he killed a boy In .Toll'er-ion , Jackson county , Oa. , has boon remanded al the Tombs , Nuw Vork , until Inspector specter Byrnes can hear from the authorities llioro. A dlspitfh : from El Paso , Tcstutos that It K the Intention of Juy lioiild to br.duc the ICIo Urando nt that point , anil thus initko n direct connection between the TOMLS& Pacific and Iho Mexican Central. A sovcrn snowstorm IMS been rugln : throughout Kans-is. and tlin ground In many localities Is covered with an elulit-lncn blnnkctof white. No wind accompanied the snowfall and the weather Is mild. The transportation buroitn of the Salt LuUu Chamber ( it Commerce has fllod a uotiiplaliit with the Interstate Commission a alnsl tlio ui'ids entering Utah. Exorbitant ehur es for set vices Is the basis of the en in ) J a Int. 3'ho eonunlssloners of the Western Trafllc association hnvo declined to ullotr the Houk Island and Biirlinirton routes to maku a t- rate fiom Colorado und Utah points to the Missouri river. An apueal has boon tikun Conor D'Alenoisilver mlno owners have rc- sohed to a'-ain resume ojiuratlons. It will bo remembiired that u few months ago theMlver- lead mines of that section were closed down In an od'ort to regn'nlo the prices of these moti'.ls. Andrew C.irnocle was Interviewed ut Den ver on the proslduntlnl campaign , and Inn's opinion Iho candidates will be Clevo'and or 11111 on the democratic side , and Harrison for the loimhllcans , and that Harrison wl.l bo elected. Chairman I'lnloy has reversed his rulln ; re lating to the application cf unused portions of mileage tickets In payment for nuw books. The practice now auoptod will allow persons wishing to make a purclniso to slvo the. un used mlleiue In purl payment , mile for inllo. Miss Ma Klo S'nikoy of Oblc.iuohy the will of her adopted father was loft * 0 with which to purchase a torn Us tone. The estate Is valued ntlfluO.UOO , and tlio younz lady hnscoinnibiiec'd to have her adopted father's will bet aside and an equitable division of his estate made. I'orcujii. Emperor William has suiniiioned Cliuncfll'or vnn Civpilvl to como to him at Hubtirtus- Stock. The negotiations between Kr.inori and Hpnln for ucommuicliil treaty are about to bo ro- snmed. Tno Aborliirn. Wnlos. Tin Plate works hnvo cloaud , and : > , ( M mon hnvo boon thrown out of ompl-jyment. Mmo. ClHinoiiccau's divorce from her hub- band , the well known radical deputy of 1'urJs Is publicly announced. I'riuco H'sniarck ' , nt n dinner uhoroho was a miest , imarie < l : "Von .sou the emperor is still his own chancellor. " Tlie llutlory colliery In England IIUH locked out 411.001 mlnoi.s. The Dnrliam ijiltiors have hold inci'lluKs nnd decided to eonUmio the strike. A semi-olliclal dispatch from St. I'otur.sbnrg denies that there have I'oon ' fresh hunk fail ures theio or any emb.irrassmcinl there ro- qulrlng treasury help. Two'.lnfoinal marliliies wcru found In Paris ono machine was , with a horning fusu at tached , round in n letter tex In the UuoTal- liout and anolher In thn Hue Temple. 'I'he Paris pollco have arrested n prominent Purls nnarclilst named .Muyemu' . I'apnn found In his rooms piovo that hu dlslrilinted amonu accomplices dynamite < : arlrld-es ( Htolt'ii from Holssy , The pollco of Hrnssiils hnvo madu further fil/nren ! of anarchists'documents. At DUKU the patrols discovered an Infernal maehlnn on Iho threshold of the residoneii of Iho first commissary of pollco , Advices liuvo horn received from Mussoway , the Italian colony on tlio Afilcan coast of tlio Ited sea. Unit Cantaln llottlii ) . un Itall.in otllcer , WIH ; killed by bandits whllo returning to I'ort A .oliannes IJA meotliiL'of llio ( lerinan cablnot has huen held. All tlio ineniljeisvere pre.sont. uxcopt the cliancelior and Count / .unlitIt Is repotted - potted the urnnd dukoot II idon has used tils influence with tin ) emperor to Induce him to iihuiidon the education bill. Advlofsu from Tiootown , Sierra Loon , atulo tliat the ilrltUh exped tlou to Timlin. In tiuiiindi'p , h.iit mot with n h'nviiro ropulho. It Is reported that Capt Un Koblnson of Oovcrnor Hayes1 ntalf und u pilvutt ) wnro killed nnd t 10 ollluorsof thuoxpi'dltlon and tlilrtfon ot thu men were wounded. - * the 'progrtt of Con sumption. In nil Ifuivirller htAgea , it can Iw cured. , It's n Bcrofuloui affection of Uio I lunss n blond taint nnd , ns In every other form of facrofulo , lr. ) Pierco's Golden Jlucllcal Dbeovcry Is o ccr- tain romudy. Hut it must | jo tnleu Iu time and now is the timu to take It. It iiurilUH Uio Ill-soil Hint's the efcrct. Nothin ; ; cliu r.ctfi'li ! : < it. It's the moat i > c tent fctri.'H3tli-rot-rcr , lil'xxl-cleniiscr ' , nml llesh-bulltli-r Umnvii to jiiolii-jil wiciirt. tor Wr.ik I.uur > , hplttlim of TllooJ , Ilioitcliltlt , AiUinvi , t.itairli , iiivl nil llnjcering Oiuglia , it's n u'liiwly tb'.tV yutintHttttl , iu qvcry . . - , i . si it io < * n't , the moii Ji\ Mhi'iOP ! * , t' M-itl on ti tut. J\i Mlft m-i.'J'-i'Je ' of 5' * klu. ! If. Aii-1 ib.il r'rr' ' } il > t KoU'lng ' ol ° > I * ' crxvd ' Mt * ' IViMoyery ' ' n. defter Is ( niiAinc o ? AM froth , notcf rour * . uhtn h < u-'iT" HJiJr'.nl.l ) ; Jn , Jivll * fi A GUINEA A BOX. f - . -I .f NOTICE Complying with general rc-S quest , BEGCHAM'S PILLS will in future for the United ! States be covered with n ! Quickly Soluble , i Pleasant Coating , completely disguising the taste of the Pill without in any way impairing its efficacy. / Vv as tents a Dox. New York Depot jfisCnnal Sttett. MANHOOD RESTORED. "OAMATlVO , " thJ Wondorlul Mpnulih JtfiiiMy , l < N > M trllli a Written Giinrantoo tarn to nil NtivoiMllU- runt. BUdi ncslc Memory , \tr of Drain 1'owrr , llrnilnclir , WnVffiilnr" , Lost Man- liocxl , Hervomnm , t u- rllnOc , nil dinlm iml 1o of ircr i tit ttio ( IcncrMlvo Orcnin In flllicr FCI , camcil lijr orri-csrillnn , jonlhml ImlKcrrllmi'or tlio ctrmlvn n oof lobncxv , ojilinit , 01 dtltmiUhlA , u lilt It tiltlmnlcljr Inulto lMlliinltOiiMml | > llnii nml Insniilly , Tut up IncoliU'iilnit form In rnirv In llicMKl 1'i'ikct. Illcn 11 n imckDEr , iirGlurfA , VItli cnylm > lrircil' ; n written Rtmrnutoo to euro or rofuml the mono ) , hnit lijr tnnll 1o iiiivudilrrM. Clifnur fiee In I'lnln cmcloiK ! , > lviilonllil'fl ! | | < rr. Adiliw. MADRID CHEMICAL CO. , Ilrnmli oniio for U. S. A. SM PfiulKiri ! Slrcct. ClltCARO , It.t. TGI ! SAI.K IN OMAHA. NKD. , DY Ruliu & Co. , Co r IStti A Doueliu St . J .A Fuller & Co , Cur. lllli A Dmieliu Sti. A D Foster A Co. , Cuuucll lliiff , Iu , nti.n.0. , v icT'ri Nisitva AND IIIIA.IN TJIKVT. MKNT.nspitoltlofor Iljritorlt , Dlitltioj ) , nti , Noil. OU ' rnUla , llotutncliu , Norroui I'ruttmUuii causal bf nl > coliol or tob.icco , Wnkafulnuii , Mcntnl Doprouljn. Softening ot the llraln , onuln < Irmnltjr , mlior/ , decay , iloi'.h , IVaui.itliro Old Ago , llirronnoii , lijn of 1'owor Incllhoriax , lmi < atoncy , I.onporrhoon ui : I nil 1-VinMo Woakno oi , Involuntnry 1/onoi , 8 3r- matorrhuoic-xusoJ by orcr-oiortlon or Ilia br.iln Bclf-.ilii ! i > , ovor-ln lulKuiioo. A mun'.h'i ( roatmant II , C for 13 , by mill. Wo ( iuarJiitoa alt bnt t to euro. IC.ioti onlur forS boxii , trltliii will son ! wrl ten uuixr.intoa to roftinJ if not cur.iJ. ( hnruit ) HauoUonly by A. Solirotur , DriUKlit. ( Ole n onti , U. cor. lUtli unit Itanium it * . . O.unlio. NO'JL The palate is almost tickled with Scott's Emulsion of cod- liver oil. The stomach knows nothing about it it does not trouble you there. You feel it first in the strength it brings ; it shows in the color of cheek and smoothing out of wrinkles. It was a beautiful thing to do , to cover the odious taste of cod-liver oil , evade the tax on the stomach , and take health by surprise. Let us send you a book on CAREFUL LIVING I free. SrorrR HOWM- , Chemists , 131 South 51)1 ) AvVntic , New Vcrlc. Your drujgiil Veep ? Scott's I jmilu'cn of coj.liver oil all druggists everywhere ilo , ( u MHTSTROUSE& 6 MFRS.4IZBWAY.N.Y.I AMUSISMI NTt : BOYD'S TIIIATUR NKW EXTRA ! ' ] III ) Rrcutuat CnuiL'Jj' ICvunt liver In Uiuulia , Th O9 Ni.jhU O.ily , Monday , Tuasdianil Wodnssday , Mnroh HI , 82 and 23 , OHAS , FROIIMAN'S ' COMEDIANS , I'rom Now Vork , In William ( Jlllottu'n < ! ronU' t CouiiHl ) MD Ulll l/IUQnMI ? I AI.MAIKJIITKUI MR WILKINSON S U . , , ; , , , , - WIDOWS hi ; ! ; MA81 ! ' runniest CoiiH'dy I'urcu of Ilia Vuir. iilini\AI : < X , V. CM ST. . .loiniili Ilulliintl , Tlionnn 11 , llnrii" , Tlionint H , Hjlny , Kilw.Oilonian.JwIin Vi , 'I'liuminoii. < orxl Drew ll'irrjni'To. ' Kmlly II inoiur , .Miiltli ) t JrKinon , Annlu Wuml , Ailelnldo ( Jroy. A a I'lnroil IJJ Nltflitu In Nnir Vnrlc I'rlrCB ZSp , Wo , 7.C , ft ami II M. Hunln on i-il lliu liltli. FARNAM ST , THEATER popgtf&a TONIGHT : ii Ami lil > j , In The. Runaway Wife , \VKIXK-iJ AV. HHAMST.EAnE , SJlft 'Jli 'lia OATUllUAY. TIIK IIKelT CIK Al.l. 'H Kinlfll ; llurloigilt ) Co , , 111 HIS XaiBS i 32XS NOES iliuiK'lj- Women , Kntruni Inn Jlunln , OrvlMfin' jliincoi , ( iortv'iHu ( 'intiiiiH'H , louilirnlcilr ! ! , Kutitiy lunirdliin , Unoioel'tiJ Kiit'Cfnllli > , Murllnf hiiriillsiia. SACKETT AND LAWYER'S WONDERLAND GRAND OPERA HOUSE 1 5th and Cnpltot Avc , OPES DAILY 1 TO 10 P. H = 3 0 , 4:15 : , 8.00,9:30 , : 1' ' . M ' , ix WnrVi , Illiii'.ont l'VntliS , full