Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1892, Part Two, Page 16, Image 16

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The Grandest Aggregation of GOOD GOODS at
Butters , lOo. Celeries , lOc. Ice Cream Saucers , SOc per
Sugars , lOc. Oval Dishes , lOc. docn.
Cronms , 7c. Desserts , -loc per dozen. Tumblers , 35c dozen.
Spooncrs , Sc. Olive Dishes. 75c per doz. Rose Jars , 15c.
Covered Bowls , 15a Ice Cream Trays , SOc each Toilet Bottles , 20c.
Comporlors , 15c.
Decanter , one doon glascs and a handsome tray , all of fine Bohemian glass ,
colored , with gold ornamentation , $2.95 set , worlh $4. Basement.
A Hundred This lamp in brass
or nickel. Complete
with silk shade ; best
Pittsburg or B. & H-
burners ,
at a
Prices Cut
Send Mail orders
for this lamp.
We will pack safe
ly free of extra
In Two.
. charge.
Vase lamps , richly decoraled , 10-inch shades , double burners , $1.75 , worlh $3.
Vase lamps , same style but bettor , $2.45. worth $5.
Others , still better and more beautiful , at a little less than half what others
ask. Basement.
Fine Opaque Toilet Sets ,
12 pieces , for $5.75 , worth 88.00.
12-piece Toilet Sets ,
Beautifully decorated , various styles and shapes , $5.50 , worth S7.CO.
Individual Sugar and Cream Sots , 95c ,
worth Sl.fiO.
SMALL THINGS Toothpick Holders , holders , decorated ,
lOc each. LOOS AT
Decanters , glass , engraved , 20c each.
FOR WHICH Tea Spoons , plated white metal , oOcdoz.
Table Spoons , SI doz. THE LOW TRICES
Table Forks doz.
Blacking Brushes , lOc , 'JOe.
Blackllug Sols , plated back covers in ON THE
MUCH MORE nice cases , ! )5c. )
Hand Bags , 8c each.
Lunch Baskets. 3c each. LITTLE THINGS.
ELSEWHERE. Fine Lunch Baskets , 2Hc each.
Dust Pans , Sc.
Fry Pans , lOc.
Thousands of Useful Articles ,
which wo cannot toll oi in an advertisement , at , LOWEST prices in the west ,
are upon cuiry table and counter , and shelf in this large , beautiful ana com
plete household department.
130-pioco dinner sots , elaborately decorated in three colorings , fine English
china , artistic ; sot complete for $10 , worth $18.
125-pieco dinner sot , opaque china , plain , $18 , worth SL'5. This chum Is war
ranted not to croke. Baseman t ,
55-pieco teasels , decorate. ! , 8 colors , best English ware , $3.50 set , worth so.
SO different styles and varlouf prices. Basement.
Molases can , Brittania , top , 15c ; worth 23c. Finely engraved molns'cs can ,
Brittanin top , 20c ; worth 35c. Fine Bohemia glass syrup can , ulated top , 40c ;
worth ( ioc. Sugar shakers { largo size ) , plated top , 8c ; wet th 15c. Oil bottle , cut
glass stoppers , 20e ; worth 40c. Basement.
Four-piece glass sot , sugar bowl , cream pitcher , spoonholder and butter dish ,
all for loc set , worth 25c.
Another set , liner and handsomer , 30n sot , worth 50c. . , ,
Two quart pitcher , finger bow land full complement of glasses , and gjass tray.
all frosted , 75c a set ; worth $1.50. Basement. .Jnj. > -
Four bottle , all glass castors , 40c , worth fiOs.
Five bottle , all glass castors , fiOc , worth $1.
Fine Pittsburg glass , largo and beautifully shaped , lOc each , Worth 25c.
Finer qualities at slightly higher prices. Basement. : > *
Fitly new s tyles to select from at these prices :
Seven inches across , graceful shapes , loc each , worth 2-"c.
Frosted 8-inch bowls , finest Pittsburg glass , 40c , worlh 05c.
Ten-inch frosted bowls. Coo , worth OUc. Basement.
Berry sots , 10-inch dish with dozen saucers , elegantly ornamented with nat
ural colored llowers and sprays , $1.50 sot , worth $2.50. Basement.
Coffe or Tea Pots Tea Kettles
40c , 45c , SOc , 60c , 70c , SOc Round bottom , 6Sc , 70c75c. .
and 90c. Flat bottom , 90c.
OUR. BA.SEXMEXNT Only a few of the useful an ! ever necessary articles \vc \ sill clicipcrUian anyone.
Fine steel blade , 2oc. Plain China , cuspiiloros , 23c each. Sewing tables , closing legs , SI. 10.
Gcod hatchets , lOc. Decorated , GOc each. Sowing table1 ! , closing legs , with
Better hatchets , oOc. measure , $1.20.
Saws , 2oc. Clothes Card tables , closing logs , $2.
Meat saws , 25c. Wringers Basement.
combo lOc.
Curry ,
Horse whips , 2oc. Iron frames , solid rubber rollers , New Arrival
PuU's Dolislung pomade , Sc box. $1.7o ; worth $2.r > 0.
Chopping knives , oc each. Same style , better goods , $2 : worth 50. In dinner sets , small dainty decor
Horse bits , Sc. . * Wood frames , best wringers , $2.7o. ations. Toilet sets handsomely orna
Ice picks , So. worth * : ! .2o. mented.
Dinpur , so. Wood frames , $3 , worth $1.2u. Crocker jurs , tea files , creams all
Scissors , Cc. Basement. sizes , jugs and tno now
Iron Cake spoons imus. Sc. , Sc. Wash Tubs Com bine t Toilet Sets ,
Pie pans , Sc. slop jar , slop dish , brush vase , mug ,
Scrub brush , Sc. Wash tubs , largo slve , COc. 70c and pitchers , bawl , mjuth ewer , $0.75 per
" cakes ol'Sapollo for ISo. ' SOc each. sot ; north $9.
No. 1. Youths' Three Piece Suits.
Long Pants ; flno Blncc ) Cheviots , Gray and Wood-Brown Cheviots , Tweeds , Homespuns , Worsted , Serges and Cassi-
moroB. Those suits are tailored to an absolute ( It , artistic lines and perfect goods : are a special feature with U3. SlAss. 14 'to
IS cars. Prices , $5 , $0 , $7 , $7.60 , $8. $9 , $10 , $12 and $11 suit.
No. 2. Youths' Double Breasted
Three piece long pant suits ; these nobby suits are made of Black , Gray , Wood-Brown. Cheviots. Tweeds , Homespuns , w
Worsted , Serges and Casslmoros. Perfect lilting { as are all our suits ) . Sizes , 11 to 18 years. Prices , $5 , $0 , $7 , 3 > 7.SU , * b , i'J.
$10 , J12 and $14 auit.
Great : ain Table.
iWo have placed upon a table in our Popular Boys' Clothing Department Complete 2-ploco suits , ranging in ages from
4 to 1 i
Suits worth $5 for $3. Suits worth $10 for $5.
Suits worth $12 for $0. Suits worlh $1S for $7.
Nothing wrong with these suits. Too many that's all. So they go out at a great bargain for you-
A Blow at the Kilt Suit Price
Four Hundred Kilt Suits.
These suits nro Scotch Cheviots , wash goods , fast colors , and are worth $0 , $0 ,
$7 a suit. The take-away price for Monday , $3.50 , and with every suit purchasnd
of UB , whether Kilt these euits or any other suit , wo will give you a base bull and
bat for the boy.
Knee Pants Bargains.
The $1.50 quailty ! for $1. The $1.50 qualltv for $ l,2o. The 76c quality for SOc.
Shirtwaists New Style
Now style , that is , cut with round collars. In Blue Ponang , $1 , worth $1.C5. In
White Printed Percales , $1 , worth $1.25. In White Printed Percales , 75c ,
worth $1 ,
Second 1'loor.
French Shirting Sateen ,
25c yard ; 40 inches wide , ncnt hair line strides , blue ,
black and red. actual value-lOc.
Printed Whip Cord Cloth.
New spring colorings , artistically printed in the- now
Gliiun silk design , loc yard , worth loc. !
Homl for our Illustrated Fashion Cuttilo uo for Sprltifi Mnllcil I'rco
New Flannelettes , 8 c Yard.
23 pieces of the I'JJu quality for tomorrow ut Sic.
Spring Challies.
Light and dark grounds , good styles , good cloth , worth
lOc , tomorrow Co yard.
White Goods ,
50 pieces checked nainsook , lOcynnt , value , 15c.
3o pieces white dimity , l5c ! yurd , worth 'loc.
Fine French Ginghams.
No color of sky or ( lower escapes the Frenchman , llo is
always UHvo to the charn of the beautiful.
The o ginghams are the pick of the heat that the French
looms produce. Coino and bco them all the buying comes
nuturaliy. Second floor.
Send for our Illustrated Piishlun Uat.ilogno forSprlne Mallol fuo
Jouvin's Gloves.
These gloves are the genuine .TOUT IN. See that ovnry
pair you buy is stumped .1OUVIN , as these ollorud as the
JOUVIN mid UiaUlo not boar the JOUV1N stamp are worthless -
loss imitation' ' .
Wo lm\o tlio .1OUVIN gloves in green , navy , vichymode ,
1'Yoneh eray , tans and browns ; iii fact wo can match any
taste ever BO fastidious.
Children's fast black hose loc. Children's fast black
hose , double knee heel and too , 25c. Boys'ii on rilnd hose ,
fns > t black , Mo. Ladies' fast black hose , 40 gunge quality ,
15c. Ladies'fast black hoao , oxtia fine and doulilo heels
ana toes , 23c.
Special in ladies' ribbed jersey fittine vcsls , ribbon
trimmed node , all sixes , lUji % .
Ladies' line Egyptian cotton vests , pure white , jersey
fitting , neck trimmed with ribbon , 23c.
New polka dot Faille Ribbons beautiful spring shades.
THE NACLlFi Morio Ribbons two satin bunds show
through the morio surface making a softotTcet.
New Cable Cord Ribbons.
Moire effects , now shad ings in Moire ribbons , in fact a
perfect sea of ribbons , in the daintiest , in the most e.xqui-
site colorings arc grouped under
Lowest Prices.
On our main door.
100 dozen handkerchiefs , embroidered and scalloped ,
COer regular price 3oc ; ( lloor. Another bargain in
handkerchiefs : 100 do/en embroidered and scolloped , 15c ;
worth 2ic. "
Titst floor , '
Scud for our Illustrated Fashion Catalogue for Soring Mulled frco
Spring1 coloring in
French Plaids
Now henriotta weaves , actually worth 75e a y.ira ;
50c a. Yard Monday.
62 inches wide
Ribbon Chevrons
A full dross pattern
patternFor $6.75.
This is an unprecedented bargain , all now coloring * ,
new goods , worth nearly a third more.
I'lrst floor.
Ancona Wrapper Cloth.
Handsome French printings ; atripo * , ptald-s figures , in
variety of beautiful colorings ud designs , ! T > c yard.
English Batiste , 19c Yard.
Tills season's most desirable wash fabrics , lOcyard , worth
2dC j ard.
I'rinted mulls , 15o ; light and tinted grounds.
I'rinled diminitiop , 20e.
Wide Arnold Indigo prints , lOo.
French percales , t > ( ! inches \\ido , 12Je.
6 , 000 yards colonial cloth , 8Jc yard , worlh 12jc.
8.000 yards French saloons in ono and two dress pruVjrn
lengths , IScxard , wore ; ) uc yard. \
Send for our Illustrated rashlun Oataloguo for Spring Mulled froft
Second I'loor.
Writing Paper , 25c a Box.
6,000 boxes extra superfine society paper for polite cot"
rcspondenco , worth just double the price.
Grand display of our now spring styles in
L-ulios black parasols.
Indies' colored parasols.
Ladies'fancy parasols.
Ladies' sun umbrellas.
Ladies' rain umbrellas. j
Ladies' " " *
carriage umbrellas.
Ladies' coaching parasols.
In all of the above wo have exclusive styles , which cnn
only bo seen at Morse's.
New Dress Stuffs. '
Shepard blocks and plaids , bright and sober coloringsi
full -10 inches wide , all new , absolutely fasl color , \\aslmblo ,
Monday and Tuesday , 2nd floor , 4oc yard.
tend for our Illustrated I'lislilon Cutaloguo fur Springnmiled frco.
Zig Zag Cheviots.
Tans , Beiges , Modes , Old Rose , Vichv , and nil the new
spring popular shades and effects. The prices startling' .
First lloor , ooo yard.
Send fur our Illustrated Taslilon Catulocue for Spring Mulled fr 8
Genuine Scotch Cheviots.
Pure Scotch wool , elegant mixtures , tans , modes , bother-
shol in red and brown , and Ian , llick , spots , -18 inches.
uctuul width ; Tin : ritici : ? ComoandBco. First lloor.
New Cole do _ Chevals.
New Crocodile Weaves.
Now Whipcord Chevrons.
Now Diagonal Plibso.
Now Turtle Back Cloths.
_ _ _ New Silk Flock Silicia , etc ,
I'lrat Floor Dross Goods Department.
Imported China Silks.
A rich and beautiful grouping of rare and exqulsilo
design1- , navy and black grounds Jmostly ) with brilliantly- ;
colored figures , o7jo , ( ioc , 75o a yarfi. First lloor ,
5 Send for our Illustrated Fashion Catalogue for Spring mulled * ? ,
A Rush Price
On 100 do/on pure linen
Huckabuck Towels
Docp hemstitched ends , solid liberal towel , worth 36c
everywhere ,
/ Monday I9c Each.
I'lrst floor I.lncn Dojiaitincnt.
New Wool Challls
Not the conventional slylcs you see elsewhere. NElo1 1
gant designs , new ideas , beautiful , attractive.
I'lrst door.
An Elegant Style
as illustrated , is finished with
military and detachable hood ,
which can he worn with New
market proper , or cape and hood
alone. Must he seen to be ap
preciated. 1'rice ' -jr
Fine wedge wale chc\ron \ ,
light gray mixtures. The capo
and ulster can be worn separate
" ly. So having two garments in
"We ask comparison with $30 4
garments shown elsewhere. one. There are none elsewhere
iii. Omaha or adjoining cities. '
Another Box Coat The cape is finished with llenn
II. collar ,
with military cape finished with 16.SCX
"Anne of Austria" color , cape de .
tachable , cavalry band fastenings.
Material , herringbone cheviots , See what others are shoeing'
in rough camel's hair effects.
in similar garments for $25 first ,
then come and sec ours.
1Ttf y-v i
Send for our elegant Illustrat
See what others are showing ed Fashion Catalogue mailco
at $20 , then see ours. free.
Ladies' Box Coats.
Lined throughout with bntin maiioleux , notched collar
Black , only $10 , worth ? 13.60 oisowhoro. Another box coat
made of flno Clay Diagonal , bound with cord , tnilor-madu ,
binoked pearl buttons ; price , $15. Look at wlial others are
olToring for $20 , then see thoso.
bond forourllltiBluUod 1'abliloii t'atulougo forsprlnj. MiuIi'tHico *
Misses' Reefer Jackets.
Beautiful mixtures grays , tans , etc. ; square-cut Bolero
collars ; jaunty , stylish ; price , $7,60.
Children's Reefers , $3.9O.
"Never heard of such good values ; " navy , tuns and mix
tures bplondld for wear ; worth S3 anywhere. Third lloor.
bend for our Illustrated 1'uslilon Catalogue for sjnln ; ; . Malleil free.
Handsome embroidered yokes and collars ; some trimmoiJi
in jot and nail beads , others plain ; all good , all bf" "
$5 , $7.50 , $10. All new spring faluulcs. Third lloor.