Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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There 7c e n Number of Very Bearish
Factors Yesterday.
Uotrruinpiit Ciiiiiillntlon of tlin Uorlil
\\lirut Crop for I.uM Vriir .Milken It
tlio l.nrci'Kt I' rr Itrportnl llmv
tlioTruiloVnt Klloctcil.
CHICAGO. 111. . Mntcli 15. Ilioro wnroa mini-
lierof Miry benrisli fnetoM In tlio rmirUot to-
duy nnd thcso. liken In connootlon with tlio
Ronouvl dlscountRLMl feolliiR ainonj holder * ,
linil n very ilcircs | ln4 t-ITotton viilncs. There
wctuunly tx few points which could \ia \ tnuilo
to favor the bnlli tind they produced very
little oirect. 1'crlmps tlio govarntnonl'fl ooin-
pllutlon of the wlic tt croo ot the world In li-UI ,
which \ii\i uulillshcil tills inornlnuwni nbont
tlio most iliscoiiniKlnir piece of nowi This re
port inaUcstho whoitt crop ot the world ln < * t
year nonrly bti. In excess of tint of
1HO , nnd. In fust , tlio lnrost e\er ruporlod.
bolus 11,000.000 bit. In rxcc s of the crop
of 1SS7. hcrutoforo the liir eHU Tlio effect en
those who h.ivn keen hnlllnt ; the iniirUot on
nn allozud dollclcncy In Inst yuitr'scrop w.ia
most illslieurleiiln , ? . Of course this report
intikcs no mention of rye , which Is univer
sally ndnillled to bo very dullctont. und there
fore , It Is olnlrned , does not fairly ruptcsont
tlio Kltttntlon as to broadstulf ; nllll It was re-
Cnrdcd as very bo irnh. Another caU fnclor
was tliy onoriiioiis Incrciiso In the ainonnt of
wlient anI Hour on ooo.inp'tssaKe.wl.luh shows
1 uti lucre.ise of II.MS.00 bu. durlni the week
and Indlciitcs thutothercoitntrics than Aner- :
Icn : ire inaldiu larxo slnpinunts.
Hut the bulls exnlnlned Unit thli Inurnnso Is
chlelly dtlu to the storms uh'.cli liu\o pre
vented vissels reachliiK port Cables HOIO
nil lowor. anil In I'nrls urlccs were nolod a du-
cllnuof frniuSu to-iSupor I ) " . This was at
tributed to llnnnulal trouble'liero. . nnd at
bl. I'otctsbtir. . I ) ink failures oie 10-
portui ! . Un top of nil this , uhllo the
weath'er was cold all oxer the wheat
belt , the plnnt was reported nn Kcner.illy
pr teilcil liy snow. There weru some str.iK-
Kllnn icporlHof dninnKO by free/lii ) ! , About
the on v favorable news \\nstbe report that
the Kmtllsh vlsihlu supply decreased I.40J.OUO
bu lust eel ; und the liberal export move
The ( lour exports lontitiito larRC , over W.OOO
bills. havtiiK been cleared from the o.iboird
yesteidav. llolikrs Hlioueil much dlscour-
nKfinent nnrllhoro was free liquidation In
( ( inio 14111rtcrs both by local profosslonuls and
for outside account. On the biouK theio w s
npiiutently some Investment buyliii ; but the
chlrf deinnnd was toioxor shorts , buliwnrtz-
Diniee , Colc-Kliuiiiinn , Mitchell nnd others
took a uood deal of ulicat nt
fcOo and I'ardrldL'o was alee bellevoil to ha\o
coveted a bl lino. The lowest prlco touched
during the sonuon was recorded , and the close
J wns weiik , thouxli soniowhat bettor llmti the
bottom tkures Muyopcnod attO'ioiuid from
\ \ \ HJ'ie to 8'i c. soon sold ut M c , then rallied to
\\f \ \ 8 ( > ! ic. woiikoi.ed and sold oT toSTio and closed
at W o nculnst Sb'le nt the oloso yesterday.
The local fcrlltix continues boar'sh.
C Corn WHS heavy nnd lower , rooting contin
ues bc.irlsh and there wus a Kood deal ot Ion.
com for H.ilo an'I generous short sclllmr. The
slluntlon In wheat W.IH also fnvorabio for the
bearx. and they used thuli advantacc. Mny
opened .tt from IJU'nU toll'i ' tc , butwn.iKeiiL'd to
UUUc. adrunccd with wheat to Wo , mil wo.ik-
eneil with wheat aculn and closed steady at
y'JSc. a lossof ' 5e.
Outs were dull and easy , c'osln with a loss
ol yi :
f I'lin Islons started with a show ot weakness
! , on account , of heavy receipts and loucr urlocs
for hoi's , but crow strong and advanced
mainly on free covering by shorts and thou.'h
then1 was some reaction the close shows slight
udValues o\or yesterday's lust quotations.
rstlmatc-d receipts for tomorrow : Wheat.HS
car. > : corn , 270 cars ; oats , 10J ears ; ho s , 27,000
The loading futures ranzod as follows :
Mai th 84
C01II < M > . 2
June- 33M 38ft
March 58' ( 2796
1IFB8 PdltK
Mnrch 1085 10 474 1030 10 124
May 10W 10 bttt ID 45 10 574
1A tin-
March 6 20 (125 ( C 20 H 25
Mny 1/25 030 62j b JO
March 5B5 lirs
570 & U )
CuBh quotations wore us follows :
ri.ouit-Demorallred nnd nominal ; no do
rm nd.
WHEAT No. 2 spring wliont. W'ic ; No.
3 spring wheat , TUVio : No. 2 rod. 87JtC.
COIIN Lower ; No. 2 , 38c : No 3 , vellow. 3 < ) c.
OATS-No. 2 , 2sffi23io } ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. ,
tinH&JSci rso.J white , uliic.
live No. 8. MJc. !
HAiiLKV-No. 2. f.0o ; No. 3 , f. o. b , , 45@12c ;
No 4 , f. o. b . 4KftlCc. (
PI.AXSKEII No. 1 , 07c.
TiMoniv SEKII 1'rlmo. I1.24O1.30.
I'oitK Mess porl. . per bid. , Z10.42 ! ; ; Inrd.
per owt. , IG.30 : short ribs side * ( loosoi ,
fS-Ci'/j ; dr > salted shoulders ( boxed ) , (4.7S ®
6.'iO ; short cleur sides ( boxed ) , ffl.2. > .
WIIIBKV Dlstlllors1 llnlshcd goods , per gal.
bUQAU-Cut loaf , unclmngod.
Hecelpts and shlpmonls ted iy were as fol-
lo si
On the 1'roluceoxchungo toduy tbo butter
tnnrkot was steady ; fancy croamorr. 27J ! ®
SMJti-i llr.n wostoin. 2527o ; ordinary , 2lttV4c ;
selected dulry.'i-'icOVbc ; ordinary , lbJlc. ivs.
Now Vork Mitrkets.
Nl.w yoiiK , Murcli 15 ruiim lleoolpts , 85 -
BOO pkgs : exportH. 12.0JJ bbls , 20.000 sacks ;
mm ket dull and heavy ; sales. 10,000 bbls.
Cons MK\I < Dull and steady.
WllKAT ItecolptD. 73.000 bu. ; exports , 312,000
bit. ; sales , 2,40JIWJ bu. of futures. Spot lower ;
moderate business , ohlelly oxpott ; No. 2 rod ,
Oll'UQlfl.oriJJ In storq nnd elevator ; J1.015 , ®
1.021 | nlloat ; No , 3 red , MjiSOOo ; ungraded red ,
OI'ic < al.tPlJ ! : No. 1 mntborn. in\ No.
1 hard , tl.i2)ll. ) < U > 4 ; No. 2 uorlhorn , uj a
1 7(0. Options docllnod ittlo ; ! on largo In
crease lu amount on nnsnnge. lower cables ,
ruiuoisof llnunclal tronb'o abroad and con-
alderablo pi ess nro to boll , advuncod JSfOJio on.
< lecreasod KngllshlslDlo supply ana freer
olearanccs. declined ! © 1 'o on lower Into
cablta nnd closed weak at ? < cJHJo under
yesterday. .No. 2 rod , March OSMaiiu'ie. clos
ing , at OSJi'o ; April , l)3i ) < iiKMc ! ) , closing ut
BH u ; May. UO'.diw 1-lUc. closing ut W.i-j
June , lOiiftiU , l-lbe , closing nttl 'jei ' July. Uiy
UUJhc , olodlng ut'JI'icj August , WlKlo } , clos
ing at UJltc.
HYK Lower ; nostern , O.'G''To. '
t.Y-liill but steady ; No , 2 Milwaukee.
llAiu'.EY MALT Quiet.
CoiiN-ltecelpts , H5.475 bti.i exports , 04.171
. bu. . . ! . sales , l.lDO.ixiO bu , futures ; bu spot ,
mBi-Ketmodortttoly active ; lower ; No. 2.
'to jit elevator ; 4801)8 ) 08110111 ; unKradod
! .Trt..J l'1 * * . ' " " " < " 0 ! "tuainor mixed ,
lOiiQi o. options are i4'o lower on In-
ciouvo on passage , lower cables and general
utiloudliig : March , 4U > iit47Uc ( , closing ut4 < Hio :
April , 4.U4. , c. closing at47'4o ; May , 401 , ®
.7i4c , elosInK at 40ye : Juno. 4 M , e. closing
l July ; 40SiMO > ,0cioslngat40'ic.0 ;
VATS.T1et'olB" ; { < ' 65l'io : bu. ; exports , 10,083 bu.j
Btilcs , 410,000 bu. futures ; 105.0(10 ( bu. hpoti spot
, i esorit , o ; we
* SiS.r"i'Mi(1Ho ! ! ( ! No , 2 ( Jhicngo , alloat. nominal.
oi BOO < 1 to
lloi'B-Oulet , stoiidy.
BuaAii-Itaw. dull , utoadyi reHnod , Driu , In
JlOLAsaus-rorolsn , dull ; Now Orleans ,
KiGE-In good deniand , nrm.
PtTUOLEOM-Stoady and qulot ; United
closed at 68'o for April.
COTTON bKtu UiL-Dull. oay ; yellow. 281So.
TALLOWI'm , , quiul , 0ty ( ( iuo for pack-
OBPS ) , 4 U-lOo.
ItosiN Steady , dull.
Tuiti' iMlNE-ull | , teady , atssesflije.
L < iQ8-I.ower , freely offered ; western , Ho.
Receipts. 1M48 pkgs.
Wooif-Oulet , Btondy ; dnmcstlo lleoco , J83
ittc ; pulled , 85iU2oi Texas , 10iC24e.
POIIK In moderate demand.
OUT MKATSblendy ; ploklod bellies , fl' ' <
CfiiOi pleklcd Rlioulderii. 65 o ; mlddlosdull ;
iliorl , clear. IJ.50.
LAUD Opened weak but closed firmer ; west-
rrn ttuum , flOTli bid ; sates , 1,100 tierces nt
1368 ; option sales , 750 tierces : March , W.68 ;
Muy. Mi itatJ' ' , closing uttd.0. ; July , K1.U&O.OI.
closing ut JO V. ; August , (0.77 , clo lni ; ut i079.
llUTTEU-Stoudy , fair demand t western
dairy. 18 < 322o : western creamery , 2 < .tt20u ; wcst-
truautory. . 17a2i'o ( ; Kleins , am.
t/'iiKtSE-tJiilct uud easy ; part iklms , GO
( Or.
Pie IIION Dull and cacy ; American ,
Coi'i-Eit-ririnl lake. HC.75bld.
I.EAli-Qnlct but tlrm ; domestic. 11.25.
TlN-Qulet and dull ) btr.iltb , I19.L5.
SllnnrapollsVhiMtt Murkut.
. Minn. . Murcli 15. Muy wheat
did not reach fSn today , Hdld not go much
hto\o ) tboopt-ntiu tirtco. whlrli wns so tinder
laat night's clo r. It closed * * c under the
opening , o the position oiinnot bo classed us
uronThoopenlnit wns at 81 p. tlio c'osu
FIc for < Pllurs nn I the lowest point wm HOV' .
The trail In ( was l-onsldfrnhlo in a Rmall wny ,
Tbcro WHS some long nbcat out- The cnsh
market presented no * pcc-lal feature except u
pee I demand for .No I not them and sales Ic
nboto Mny. Low grades dr.-iguod for otno
time , llccclpts ht-re were L'Oc-ars nnil 377 at
Dnlnlli nnd Hitponor. Close for No 1 norlli-
ern ! M-iy opened alfll'tc ; hlgho t , S "ici low
est , 83 c ; oloso , Slo for sn Icrs On ttnel < !
.No I Inn ) . Ki'ic ; No. I northern. S.'c ; No. 2
northern ,
Onmlm Pioilncti Mm Itots.
ii Oinahn Milling romp in v's liollanca
patent , JJW : luxlnclblo nilont. ? J40 ; l.onn
StarSuporlatlvp. f-20 : Snowllnkp. tl.Mi I'lini-y
r.inuiv. 1.7.1 ; H. P. Oilman's Uold Medal , ;
Know White , t ! 21 ; Miow II iko. * . ' ,03 ; low gride ,
$1.00 ; Queen of the Pntitry. $ ' .00
Poui.Titv Chickens , t oed stoeVf. 07 ! 'Oc ' ; pceso
nnd ducks. Hill V : turUoys , l.litUe.
llUTTKit llcstcholco t-otiutty roll , 20 < < l2lc ;
lower grades. 170.19. .
Illlira-No. Igrccn salted hides. 4U'Sllic !
No.Jurccn sailed bidet. I'aili'ic ; No. l green
sailed hide * . 2.1 to 4J Ibs. . .Tili'jc' : No , "Jglevn
s.iltnd hides. 8,1 to 40 lira. : > $ . ! > { ( ; : No. I veal
enlf. 8 to 11 Ibs. . To ! No 2 veal i-ilf. S to 1.1 Ills. .
4c ; he. I dry Mint hides. TWO Nn. 8 dry flint
hides , . ' ® 5c : No. l dry Malted tildes. W'ic. ' Tal
low. No. 1,34(110 tallow. No , 3V" gtease ,
white A , 4ci grease , ntiltit 11 , 3IS © 3 0 ! cre.tso.
yellow , 3c : greusc , dark. 2Si- ; old butter. 2 < n
8'iP ' ! becsH-iN , prime. IGc : rntmli tallow 1'i'it '
2cKnns Aitliouli the supply was not larjc
there was still n wuil. undertone to thu
market nd sales were reported at In'itMlo. '
HAY Slow at Moftiuo The latter prleo
could only bo obtained for sometb n extra
riitms-CallfornIa rUei-l'lo ot.inics , $ . ' ,10 ®
2. < \\iis1ilngton ) u iMils , Jl.'o : good iipult-s.
eliolco lemons , il.nidl.2.1 ; fancy
lemons , $1.5) : bnniinii , erited. JiO'iS. ' . r
cranberries , shipping hloek , * 1. an.OO ; straw
berries. 4. < s$41c it. |
VKir.TAitt.m California cabbae , ' . ' ' 40 per
Ib. In crates : homo grown lettuce , 4 u nerdnr. :
onions , 7.1cfl.W ) per bu ; Nebraska hniitt
picked banns. II.T.V3 I.M ; medium. JI.1)l.fiO ) ;
California celery. $ l.oOii > l.2 > : S\M ot nolatocs.
t.7.VT .IoO ; Colorado and western Nebinskn.
potatoes. HVrfl'c : natlvo potatoes. 21H.IJe ;
lima beans. 4Uii4'ic ( per Ib ; watercress. 21-u.t.
cnscs. - ! ® per iU | : Hplnach. S.oo ) 3.2.1 pur
bhl. : Spanish onions , Jl.oj perei-atc ; radishes ,
430.O \MK Mallard ducks , Jl.Ooa'J 50 ; teal , SI. , ' 03
7.00 ; mlxod. tl.aVBI.M. _
.St. I. null Murkcts.
ST. Loui ! > . Mo. March 11. Kiotiit Dull and
weak , but prices notuuotabty lower.
Wnnvr nroppodoll ' .c oirly , then recov
ered , but later It swayed olT tig ilu and clo < e < l
about lo below ycstcrd iv ; No 2 reel , cash.
8 $ " e ; Jlay closed at 8" ' c ; .Itilv , h-a < o ; August ,
Sl c.
Coit.N followed wheat and closed 'io below
yesterday : No. 2 cash , 3"io : May closed at
OATS Lower ; No 3 rash , CD'Jc askotl ; Mny ,
28 ' c.
RYE Nosalos.
HAUI.FY Dull ; sample lots , Nebraska , 4'c ;
Minnesota. 4"e.
IUi Huh ; pralrlc , I753S8.00 ; tlmotliy ,
81 1 001513 m.
I.KAU Weak : ofTeren nt S''J.'J.
KIASEKII rirm ; 9Jc.
IlUTTEit Lower : creainory , 242So : dairy ,
Cons MKAI. Steady ; { 1.1M.
H \naiNfl Quiet ; OSS'ic.
. .
DHY SALT MuAr Lease shoulders , JI43 :
longs and ribs , Jj.To ; shorts. ? " > R1 ; II icon
shoulders , SVI'l ; ioius and rios , } 0.4J ; hhotts ,
JO.IJ : hainH. ? n.0oaio.o.
ICECKlllt tfloiir. 3.0JJ Ibs. ; wl.oat , 37.C03 bit. ;
coin , O'j.ooa bu ; oats , r .0jj bu. : rye , 3.00J bu. :
barley. J.OOJ bu.
SlIlrMPNTB 1'Mour , 0,0)0 ) Ibs. : who it. ll.OJO
bu ; corn , 107,000 bu. ; oats , 10,0 0 bu. : rye , 2.0JO
bu. : barley. 1,000 bu.
Kansas City .11 irkcts.
KANSAS CITY. Mo. March 11 ri.o'iit In
good demand , firm ; intents , $ . ' .25 ; choice to
extra fancy. $ lW aj.2a.
Win' AT Dull but about stoidy ; No. 2 hard ,
7077c ; No. i red , nominally at 8 c.
COUN btrong on light receipts ; No. 2 , mixed ,
Illii.ll'/ic ; No. 2 white , 3Lc : out.ons easy ; No. 2 ,
Match , dJo ; April. 3J'ic ; May. 3-'o hid.
OATS Very dull and weak ; No. 2 cash and
March , 274o bid : No. 2 white , 29o.
HYB Steady ; No. 8. 7sc.
KI.AX SKKD Sou on u bnt > lR of pure.
HAY btrong ; timothy , $ ' .00 per ton ; good
to fancy pralrlc , J.1.0 © 7.03.
Eons Steady ; 18'/Sc.
IJUTTEii-bc irce , firm ; creimcry , 2210c.
HECF.II-TS Wheat , 5JbOO bu. ; corn , 1J.OW ) bu ;
oats , 1,2 0 bu , .
Sini'MENTS Wheat , 53,003 bu. ; corn , 16,400
bu. ; outs , 2.3 Obu.
Liverpool .Uarkju.
LtvKlirooL , Mnrch 15 WIIKAT Quiet ; hold
ers otter moderately : No. 2 California , bs ! ' , ilii
8s l d per cent tl ; No. 8 red winter , 7s lO d ®
7s lid. Kecelpts of wheat for the past three
days were 27,000 contula , Including 22.UOO
COIIN Qulot nnd lower ; mixed western. Ms Del
per cental. Receipts of American corn for the
past three days wcro 5H.2 0 centals.
PEAS Canadian , 6s Ud pet cental.
HACOV Long ana short e ear , 53 lb . , ills Od
perowu ; long clear , 45 Ibs , , 31s l > cl.
LAUD -Prime western , 3Is 9d per cwt.
Cotton Market.
NbwOitLKANS. La. , March 15. Cotton , onsv ;
middling , 0 i5-i ( > c ; low mliUllln' ' . 5 ll-10c ; good
ordinary , 5ll-10a : net receipts. 15,811 bales ;
gross. IGbS ) bales ; exports to Oreat Britain ,
4,270 bales ; lo the continent. 2.200 bales ; coaht-
wlso , 4rlo bales ; sales , 2.800 bales ; block , 44'J-
01. ! bales.
NEW YoiiK , March 15. Futures closed barely
sto idy : salon , 180,000 b ties : Mureb , Jiiai ; Apr.l ,
$ )3l ) ; .Mayio.4) ) : June. $ J 5.1 ; July , W.UI ; Au
gust , tll.72 ; boptember. $ J.8- ; October , $01)2 ;
November , $7.01 ; December , $7.11.
Unliith Wheat JllarUot.
DULIITII. Minn. , March 11. Mny wheat
opened } Jo oft" hero from yestordav and ihere
was largo trading on u fairly steady market
during the llrst two hours , fho prices began
to fall , May dropping from S4'tC ! to BJ1 c before
1 o'clock , the market tulng unable to
stand up under the bearish Inlluonccs ,
Following wcro the closing prices : No. 1 barn ,
cash und March , Hl'ic ' : Muy. bV/Jc : No l
northern casb and March. 80o : May , WVo ;
No. 1 northern , cash , " . : < : , No. 3 , 07ic ! ; rojcctcd ,
fi''c. On track : No. Dutrd , Ua ; No 1 north
ern , 82e. _
Mllwnukou Markets.
Mir.WAUKKE.Wls. . March l5.-WiiEAT-Unsot-
tledMuy ; , 8Jc ; No. 2 spring , 83c ; Na 1 north
ern , 8 < c.
CuitN Dnll ; No. 3 , 3Sc.
h Quiet ; No. 2 white , 32c. No. 3 white.
Firmer ; No. 2 , KJ'ic ; sample , 425 !
Hi K Lower ; No. ) , fCo.
Ciillce .llnrket.
NKW Voiut. Murch 11. Options opened
steady , 5 points down to 5 points up ; sales ,
3,000 bugs. Including March , tU7U5 ( ) ; April ,
tU2.Hj2U.UO ; May. SI3.0U ; June , $12.80 ; August ,
li.5.vai..00 : boptemhor , $12.31 ; December. tl'MO
® 12.15. fruot Uliniulet. steady ; No. 7 , J14.02VJ.
Now York llry CiooiU Mnrket ,
NEW YOIIK. March 15. Trade In dry goods
wns moro moderate toJay. There Is no spec
ulation In cotton to inako buyers moro con
servative , yet goods are regarded as cheap
wbllo stocks group. Print clotha uro llrm.
Cincinnati Murknt * .
CINCINNATI. O. , March 15. WiiKAT-Freoly
offered ; No. 8 red , OJ39lc' .
COIIN- Weaker ; No. 2 mlxod. 4Ui(342ic. ( !
OATS-Wcakor ; No. 2 mixed , 3'c.
WllIBKY fl.lJ.
Itoston Wool .llurket.
IIOSTON. Muss , March 15. The wool mnrkot
shows no material change. Hales uro mudo
freely at oiiriunl prices und manufucttirors
uio buying liberally.
Toledo tJritln
TOLKPO. O. , March IS.-WHEAT Lower ; Ko.
8 o.ibh and March. 013a'o.
COHN htoady ; No. 8 cash , 40c ; May , 39 ic.
OATS -Quiet ; ciuli. 38c.
Jluiana hugar Jlnrket.
HAVANA , March -Sugar iiulot ; last week
ut Contlf uegO ! ) 11.000 bags centrifugal. 05 to no
dogroex poliirl/.utlon , were sold ut t3.25iiJ.35
gold per quintal.
Foreign Oil Mnrket.
LOMION , March 15. TIMI-KNTINB Si-iiurs
87s owt.
per _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Traders' Tulli.
Oiuiuno. III. , Mnrcii l5.-Counsolmnn & Day
toCockrult llrolhcrs : Wheat started ? , o lower
under heavy sales of futures by Kngllsh
houses uud declined to Me for May dulhcrv.
During thoduy somollnos which costfl.OJ uud
uboutvero thrown overboard and local bhorts
were the principal buyers. Tlio CO\OTU-
ment llgures , partly estimated , showing
the world'a production of Ib91 lo
bo KJ.OWJ.003 bushels greater than the
year previous wus so largely In CMOMI
of pievlous estlmatei ua to completely
demoralize- both foreign anddotnestloho.dt-rh.
Cables called the Imiulry improved ut the ilc-
cllno quoted , but Indicated no donmnd boyand
linuicilluto wants , Corn und outs doelluul
about Ho on further selling by tired holders.
aiunplu lots were \ery blow uxropt ( or low
grade corn which wuu rclutuoly llrmor for
shipment. I'utuics were heu > y. Pro > ls'ons
declined slightly at the opening , but offerings
wt > ru meager and p.icl > oni reudv buyers. De-
oroased receipts ot hogs furnish the untUir-
tonnof cotilldLuiound the market cloboil at u
vllxht ailvuncii. The heavlnow of thu grain
markets and thadoarth of speculation teem
the only Inlluuiit-cs to present thu advance.
CIIICAQO. ( II. . Murch 15-r.O. LoKuu i. Co. to
J. baudi ComuiUjloucoiupiuy : After the first
rtib of KGltlni. tlio wheat mnrkpt ratheroJ
fttrenglhon buying by the local crowd , who
were plnvlng for nn mnurn , 'this bcuamo
quite cenornl. but on the continuance of
liniildntlon stnitcd by loner Kuropenn fables ,
tbr crowd threw early purchases. W notlct-d
oino buying on sen In or.ic s during thn do-
cllnr. I'nnlrUign wiis the Lest l.iner of the
d y. I'orolinrrs are tcporteil as nailers of
options In New York , but the v iiabolt hi a
falrnmount of cash wheat In the west lor
shipment at the openlui ot naviga
tion So fir the boirs ba\o the
upper linttil. and If no bullish news
comes In they will foreo values lowet. Kx-
port purehn c at Now York , twenty-three
loads. The shorts weie the principal buyois
In corn anil receiving houses the sellers. The
mntkul c'oied slcadv with a mo ternlo oxpoit
ncmand. Local operators arc bearish oil o its ,
Any up turn In wheat will st irt coveting , but
wonolieMi tliiton h-ird siiots they should bo
sold. Provisions show n slight rcmtlon from
the lowest pi Ices , The demand Is mostly fiom
shorls Ollorlnus were scattered and p ickers
mo'lerato sellers.
CnicAdo. Ill , March II Kpnnotl. llotikl'is
Afato S. A. McWhorter : Continue I liqui
dation by longs i-xpla its today's wotkticss In
the wheal market , foreign -idvlies weto not
pirticitlnrly dlscouratrln ? . bill Mr. Dodge's
sUtomcnt of the world's hietcinn wns consid
ered qtl'to ' bear'sh. as well ns the fact tint'
Dnlntli eontlnitnlly untor ° els | Chleivo ntid
liitcrcopts eastern or ( lure , lent In ( a n.iriow
tradn here In which to curry
12.000.000 bu. ullh n rather dlsm tl pius-
pect of flnuliig u market for II.
On this brc'ik "heat nhotild tin a putoh sp.
Atotitid Slj froih liuver * will umie In. pos l-
bly notcnoiiuh to tutu the mnrkut but the
eh incos sconi to fnvof a tallv. On Is haMi lo I
thn downwind moxemeul todnv. shorts co\er-
Ins llbcrullv In corn and Hirordlng thomai-
ket wiiuo support. London reports
the lllaek se.i iindersulllng American
corn and It looks as if offering
mtcht Inureaho from every quarter. In pro-
v slons thu hems h i\o not been dUposed to
crowd the mourning longs but h ivi- entered
moderutely ami atone tlmotho mm ket looked
as If it had touched hotlo-n for a sulstautlal
upturn. Spcclllntlvo sciitlinvnt Miows lather
moro conlhlcncu In values.
No DIspoHltloii mi thi < I'tirt of ' mailer
liullH to Iti-alt/e.
Nr.w YOIIK , Match 11. Thoeonllnuei ) dim
inution In the amount of business dunoaud
the nrnkcil tcstrlcllon In Iho iloa'.ln s to a
few stotks which .ire elteetod by p tttlculnr
circumstances , Indicates thn growing apathy
of the public to the lluclu ittons In
the stork mai'Unl and dullness Is fast I ct'om-
li\A \ the Important characteristic of the trail-
In : ; from day to day. The profession Us ute
again left to make quotations for Iho momelil
and nil the larger Interests tonni to lm\o
withdrawn from the m irket for the thro
being , There Is , however , u ) illspnsltlon , een
on the part of the sin illor bulls , to re il 73 on
their hold Ings bute\ cry advance causes some
i-clllngand thedccllnos bring In now buyen
on u llmttej scale , Keeping the prices at about
tlio s line level until the waiting attitude of
the le idets is thrown elf or something of tm-
poitauce liirns up to depress prices Today
Keadtn' ' . Sugar , No v Ln hind and Kk.hmoml
& . \\04t Point wore the only active features
und the Impoit int II net nations woieLI v few
outsldo of these font t > iovl < s.
Tlio general list , wns dull thioughont the
session nnd alitolntclv bain-n of sneel il fe i-
ture. and utter a Htendyopenltu the we ikne s
Inbugar alTcctcd the murkot to that extent
Hint slight fractional losses ftom the opening
llgnres were Hie rule. Later In the d iy , ho.\-
o\er , the upward movement In the eo.ucrs
which sent L ickawann i ait'l Jersey Centi il
up over l'/t per cent , effected a recovery In
the rest ot the market ; Hip llnrt : changes are
in almost overv ease entirely Inslviulli-int.
The close was dull hul sloulv to llrm at the
close to last night's ( Uuros The only Impor
tant elmnges a loss of 130 per 1 cut In
bugar. while Tenncbseo Coal Is up 4 per cent
and New England 1 percent.
Government bonds have been dull uud
Kteady. fctato bonds ha\o been enlliuly neg
The following uro the closing qnoi itious for
the leading stockb on the New Vork Stock ex
change today
Tlio total sales of stocks today w re 29.1017
bh.irca. Including : Atchlson. J.OJO ; Lucka-
w.inna. 40,0,0 ; Northwestern , 3.81.1 ; Now Eni-
land , 17'ilfl ' ; Heading. I8U.IOO ; Richmond &
West Point , 39,0 0 ; bt. Paul. 7,030 ; VYesten.
Union , 4,000.
Now York .Moany .Uirkot.
NKW YOHK , March 15. MONBY ov OAi.t.
Kaey at ! ! to 2 percent ; last loan , 2 percent ;
closed olTeioU at2 percent.
I'll IMP. MISIICAMIM : PAI-EH 438 per cent.
London Stock Market.
[ Copi/rfo/itel / 1832l > u Jamu flor.lin netmrll.\ \
LOMION , MarcnIS. INow Vork Herald Cable
Special to Till ! liisu. ] As regaids general
business thli bits becuouoof tbocjuletestdnya
of any tlmo this your , the publloelomont hav
ing been almost entirely absent , for which , no
doubt , this miserable weather Is partly ro-
stionslblo , I'nnils are 1-10 to ' { percenteiiNlor ,
A decline , moro or loss material , was estab
lished In Urenk , Italian , hnanlsh and Itusslan
Tours , On the other baud I'orluguc&o are !
per cent better , and Cadulns bomm are some
what ouster , although the premium on gold
has declined to'J4lper cent. Homo railways
have been sln.-ulurVv little alfnctcd by tbo
great coal strike. The only Important do-
cllno was Ii per cent In Northeastern , owing to
th'j Hiibpenslon of Irafllc on u Hinall part of tlio
sjstom. Southeastern deferred unit Midland
mo per cent lower , Ilrlghtoii deferred VJ
per cunt , and others nro ' to ' . per
percent. Thorn has not been tiio slightest
pressure In sales. In fact , dealers lm\o bum
nearly ut a standstill. Operators In the
markets for Ameru an railways have been u.\-
cccdlngly Idle. \ \ bllo the general , tendency
has been good prices moved with some Ir
regularity. There has bcon very llttlo do-
iniind In Lombard street today. Hhort loans
have been easily obtained at 1'J per emit dis
count. The market lias been ( inlet. Two and
three months' bills uro quoted at li per cent.
LONDON , March n The following were the
London stock notations closing at 4 p. m :
Consols , moneyOS I.I 10 Moilcun ordinary. .
ilo.uicount , . . , , , KTi , at. t'nui cum. , . , ; , ,
N. , ! ' . & 01st 'li.Ki M. Y. Cuntrnl
Krlo SttH
Krlo iMTiinil HUH
IlAll .Slt.Vhlt 4
MONEV 1M percent ,
Amount of bullion cone Into tlio Hank
of Knglaud on balance today , 47OOU.
I'lnanclrtl Notes.
NEW Oni.rANS , La. , Maroh 15. Clearings ,
* oO J81X
KANSAS OITV , Mo. . March 15 Hank clear
ings , lUliLb-U.
NEW YOIIK. March 15. Clearings , llOJ,423i7Hi
balances , fS Wi.I.'S.
I'Aitin. March 15. Three per cent rentes , 05 1
75(3 ( for the account.
HAVANA , Muich l5.-Spuush | gold , 2.I3M ®
2:4 : iy Kxchangoijulnt.
UALTIUOUE , Md. . March 15. Olearlnus , fJj02-
331 ; balances. tJ'JO/'sl. Hate. 0 par cent.
I'uit.AtiKM-iiiA , ! ' . , Mnrch It llrnk clonr- y.xjj balances , $ lJ47.V 3i monoy. Ui !
MKMI-IIIB. Tunn. March 15. Now York ox-
olmngo bellliic nt pur. Clearings. tJ'.V.Olsi
balances. UM. rj
CINCINNATI , O. . March -Money. . 4aa per
cent. New York oxclmnge. wy&Wo discount.
Ulourlngit , ( | , U JdOa
I'Aiiifi , March 15. The bourse Has unsettled
today In conseonen'o of the failure of M ,
Qucusburg , tbo St. J'otcraburs bunker , and th
tmrket closed dcpreWMr. INircign government
Hecurltlescitoiped ( lffW tif percent.
S . . M NUil' flearlngs. JI.VTfS.-
. : bilnnces } . ' , 77Jid Money. 2 tier ctnU
Kxch'itiROon Now York. 12 < i lo M percent tils-
count. -
ST. iViui * . Mo. MsrMi is.Hunk clo'irlngs ,'.SIC ! halant-f * . JSUi.Cs.S' money. OPT per
emit ! exchange on Ne York Iricguitr at 2ilJ
Mi1 premium.
IlEiit.ts- . March ISJ-Vhn botir'o < eoms af
fected by the iinnotfM.-cnicnt. of the ( lucns-
bnrg failure anil Kn Jin gentilities declined
seven-eighths of I pci-ijenU
Ciur-Ann. III , . Mnrch T' . Money on call 4 ®
4 > 4 percent : tlmo loniis. fiftc , per" cent , llnnk
I'lo.irlnirs , fl4i'r.M ( < iLf t iiNew York uxehniico ,
TOcillH'onnt. Metllnif I'Vehantfo unchanged.
llostonStock MurKet.
HOSTON. Mnss , M irch f. The fullowlni were
thu uloslnt prluoj 0:1 : stu.'ki on the lloston
stock market tel iys
AlchVon , \ rotickv rPTtio ston r lent ni . .W <
llfiMoa A Allmny. 10 ! Cnlmnnt , V Ilic'li. . . 2 > s
l'o ! oii A M.ilnu . .Kir II rankll-i. . . .
WK Kpu''ir1
Hlchluirit It II . . S3 Osconhi OT {
Flint , V IVre M 24 "niit.i l-o Copper . . 41
Flint A Peru .M pfd /tnntarnii )
- - ' 'lostnn l.n
ItiM Illtiirti T.nnd11
r > - ! *
_ MM
Deiuer Alining Moi-M.
Drvxr.H.Jokx.M iro'i IV I'hu following list
s the clotltu qnot.itlnns on tbo Mluliuex-
loJay. Siles " '
AlU-Khnny , . ' . < ( lulilc-n 1 ic iMirt1. . .
y ( inld ( lock
ArKonant Ironclnd
Hnllnrnt . S Inhn.l . . . - . ' <
iiuniihiiK Cert 1) ) . . . 4 i Ilil-tlcO 1 < -
rntes'Hiuitcr . . . V , | I.c ieiiwiirtli H
HU Indian . , 10 iLexlnitton 41
I'll ! MX 4 l.lttlo Kille ! < 0
Itro-vnlow 4 Mav Mnjpppi . . . . V >
Ciilllooc 17 Moinliu l.llcl 1
Chiudl'i J 2'1 , ' > ro 4IH )
Century 7 U'nr * foii'iilliltled . I ,
Clny Count ) 1) ) I'M Itor'i I'j '
CnMl 10 l-i.In.I . y
ni'iinond II i iitlmto It" ,
Ilinvcr dns nnd till 7 Wlnilti fl
Kinmuno < s 211,1011 4 > s
< leUjral > ur.t 4J I
'MIII rr.inrlsro Mlnl'ii ; < juiititton ; .
i-'Av rt\NCt'iCi. Oil. . M u.'h n.-Tha olllelil
clo'ltu iiu itatlinu for mlnliu sto-jlt ? today
ere as fol ows :
York Mlnla ; u uit ill > ni ,
NKW Vo IK. March n I'lio following are the
stn-u iiiul | HIDMS :
i.ivu srociv M.viHirs. :
Kcci-lptH MlJn.Soiitli Omului I'lnil
Uiither I.imer I'llipx.
OMAIM. March l"i Tr.o days' n-cclpts were
I41 c iltle , l..4li hogs and 2.V"il sheep , against
4,4 7eittle , : i0i hogs nliiU1 , l l sheep .Monday
und Tuesday of I isl week.
The \ery ilucral runs of eat tic. togethei
llh the tnther uhfrtVor.iblo reports fium
e.islein m.nueis , BU\O ! buyci- , the he-ttof Hi-
situ moil and pi ucq slmdul knvei.
a light o\pott duintlnd , but shlppeis were
falt.y nctue Dlilder pn tlo | betlei guides of
steerAnrtliliiKthlunoit. . could use or any
thing on which hhlppln biiiers erelliblo lee
o on.o In coniulioii with buyers for local
houses-old at sulstintlally bte.nly nrlees. al-
tbon h the movement was anylhln ; but free ,
( . 'ommon and medium lleshed cattle , bo i\s \ In
liberal supply , weio drug on ihe market
and bids weiu anvwhoie fiom 5c to l. > u lower
tbin Mo.ulav. Hu flCks nitui.tlly dragged
all forenoon. . After Jfniior liadlin : was moiu
II\elv. but otliorwl-o the sllimtlon was iinlni-
pioxed. There wcio'rjltlto a few c ittlo nn-.olil
utlhec'oso. ( loot ! to choice I.WJ to 1.4 H ) Ib.
steers soldrtom , $1.7r > lo" I.2"i , fair to good l.luo
to 1.233 Ib. s'teers f roiWj.4a JI.I3 ( and com
mon light slull fiomf .OJloJr ! : > .
The ptoportlon of butchers' und eanners'
stock nn salu wus laistr th in It has been for
Weeks east , there bo ng homo fottyodd loads
of cous and mixed stun" here. Wliflo the de
mand was tolonbly active , the tone of
tbo market wus soniowhat weaker , especially
on the commonoi grades Uood cous and
liulfcr ? sold steady at from J2.U ) to JlOl ; fair
to good stulT was a shade lower at from { . ' .25
to S-50 ami Infeilor stulT at from ! > c lo IDe
lower at fiom * .10 to $ , ' .00. Hulls , o\un and
stags were ( jnotably unchanged at froir. M.'K )
loJ.3 CaUes wore Him at from t..U ! ) to
$300. was moderately Ihcly and a
a fnlr ule.iraneo olTc-cted.
There was a falr.y active trade In the
stocKer and feeder line , and prices were fully
steady. Oiretlngs of both fresh and htalo cattle -
tlo ueru liberal , hut both local -mil outside
buyers took ho d froolv. bulcs were largely
at from $ . ' .73 to 1.23. ) , eprc entaU\ sales :
No Av. I'r No Av. i'r No Av. I'r.
j.iuo ! 7i rj iuitjri ; i ! ) i2ufiflr >
2. . Oso 3 IX ) 20.1141) J J5 11..1101 .1(10 (
I.I. . 873 3(0 ( 3.1 1142 340 2J. KVJ 30J
2. . ' 13 3 U 0 123J J 40 21.1201 3W
4. . 802 3 T. 17 II111 3 4'J ' 1G I.45 3f,0
S . 012 3 1 > 12. ItfflJ .140 2i 1J1J 300
17..1010 313 I'l..1175 340 10 Uil 3 uO
I7..I01" 320 11) 1231 340 2J llt 315
1..1100 323 Ib 1IW 34) ) li..U70 .16
1'.101.1 323 1..1IM 3 ID H3.20 ! J C5
.7 . Nil 32i 11.1101 340 10.1375 3 ( ,3
5 IOSI 3 25 17 1IC.I 340 7 .Uflt 3 7J
7..1'J18 32.-1 21 112i ; 340 20 Hul 37,1
10.1045 325 2D..H41 'Ul 20 I41J 375
20 .W. 323 22..1110 3 4"i 111 1U2 373
8,1112 3 , IJ ft Illto .1 43 4. 1.112 3 7.i
14 .ll'U J30 1 ! ) 1117 ! ! 43 17 11,3 373
20..1111 3 JJ 15.1101 345 17 1125 375
3. . ran JtlO 40 ll.M 3.-.0 22 ll'il 3 HI )
17.1017 33) ) S5.1115. 3f,0 II ) 1.TI7 3 rO
41. Klt8 U 11214 17..1157 3ft ) 18 13.10 3K >
11. 1090 J 33 20..1083 351 24. 1400 300
Id..1128 J 31 1 1100 3U ) 24 141.1 .11)5
41..105) 333 19.1220 3 M 17 III. ! 410
2.1015 , ) 33 10.12'kS 350 18 14SI1 4 CO
4 ID3 ; : i3 n i2is : i ro HI i m 4 no
20.1140 331 4.1055 3',0 17 I4')4 400
20..1311 J33 21..120.1 3.15 24 14Jb 415
18. . 1003 3 35 1 ll.T.i 3 55
2 .14r 2 03 10..11U 3 4'
4 . fM 1 40 10 DID 225 2 1130 270
! > . . 7bN 140 1 110J 22" ) 3 1110 270
7. . 78J 140 13. 115.1 225 0.1124 270
2. , 1)20 ) ISO 4.1053 225 20..10WJ 270
0. 10 3 1 00 8. 1111 230 4. . 101)1 270
1..1UO 175 9. . U7I 23.5 0. ft5 ! 270
3 , . 783 173 1 T30 2 4J 10. 1K.M 270
1. . ffiO 175 II. 8.5 240 24 1021 270
1. . 810 175 I..1ISJ 240 2. 12(10 ( 275
17. . bOU IHO 1) . 1U55 240 . 1..10BO 275
1. . 1)10 ) 1 tU 21. . IhO 240 4 1IKI1 275
1..II40 1 K5 10. . 790 24' 20 I3JO 275
1..1IM ) 200 0 .10(15 250 4 . 1IOJ 275
1 , lOJ'J ' 200 8 10"i 2 5J G 1018 280
1 .lull ) 200 1 ) I/J ( 2ft ] 3 10JO 2hO
19. . 76J 200 2 , .1115 250 1) ) US I 2 M
1 , 1)10 ) 200 14. . 717 2 BO 2 11.13 20J
3,10.10 200 2llbO 2 f,0 7 1009 20J
1 1110 200 3..1110 2M S , . U72..2UO
3 , . 1)4(1 200 12.,1010 253 2 Mfi 291
4,11.12 211 14. . Ml 255 1 1330 3 UO
18 . 8JO 215 3 , . 1027 205 II 1091 300
12 . HJO 221 20OM 20J 4J , Sl 300
3 .11)1,0 2'J5 S.Mi Sta 7 , W74 300
3.1123 2 5 2,11110 2(10 ( 12 12.11 301
1.1000 225 4 ta ) 200 4. l.W ) 300
2 , lOsO 225 1 ' 11)70 2 M 4. , 1)20 ) 300
1. 1112 221 12 1003 2(15 1 , IOJO 300
2 , 10.3) ) 215 BnSW 201 4 1117 3 DO
14. , 7 2 VI lU.f.W1 2tii II 1240 3U3
I ,1)10 225 3J./ ! ) } . < 2 ft * > 10..10U ( 301
2. 915 225 7..12.-7 270 15 OJ7 301
2. . 040 1 00 3.1I5J7 2M 2.010 2 ni
8. fcb3 250 0 , IW)3 205 4. , 2JO 210
1. . 330 200 2 , . , 91 353 4. . 118 473
2 2S3 210 2l.J1)5 ) 400 1. . 1JJ DUO
1. . 18J 300 l..W ! 4 50
1 1301 200 1. , 1(150 ( 250 1 lU'U ' ) 280
1 , , 950 221) l < itf > 0 2 50 1..1MU 2 bO
1..1270 221 l.-.UIU 250 3.1490 2WO
1..12IO 223 l.wlfJJ 270 1 IKiO 3D )
1..15QO 240 1.1)410 ) 271 1..I80U 3 00
1..1MO 250 1..1400 273 1..1740 310
fc AOi
1..11SO 5 75 1..1400 3 25
2. , 4'13 200 11. . SOI 300 10 . W7 315
2. , 92i 2 15 4 772 300 II , 9IJ 315
2. . 0.1) ) 250 1. . OVO 3lJ ) 10.020 32 ; )
32. 55.1 2 (1J ( 5 . KM 310 21 010 320
I . 'i-M 2 Ii ) 7 . 817 3 0.1 5 . 115(1 ( ,121
3. . ( W 2 7.1 10 . bJ5 3 03 3.90 J20
18. . 9U 271 ttt . 47(1 ( 301 1) 9JJ 3 2J
3. , 400 271 31.,1000 310 G IC'JI ' 321
11 . Wtl 283 ' . ' . . U3.1 a 10 22 10.VJ 32.1
S . 444 2 ( HI 5 , , till .1 JO G , 1U7I .1 il
17. . 470 21)0 ) 1. . 710 3 10 5 . 1IHI 321
2. , GIL1 300 12 . fl.'l ' 3 10 8. . hS3 3M
1. , 10) 300 10 . 8sl ail b. , 710 35
2. . fltt J 00
No. Av. 1'r.
r.Mco s , eorntcd 1010(1 lu
JlOOb Keculpls weru the heaviest since- Jan
uary 20. Compaied vith the light receipts
Monday und Tuesday last ncek , tboro has
been an Incioasoof KWO head so fur this cek.
'Iho marketoiiencd slow x > lln bldu 5e to lOc
lower than Monday on about everything.
There M us u good Nblpplni : demand for heary
uud butohcr-wulght hogs , but the demand for
llghtb wusinojtly uonllned to the frcsii meat
dealers. The range was t-oiupuratlvuly nur-
row , uud the spread Lcuvewu heavy aud . " '
boz * nnrrotvcd down lo Toro , The best hogs
of all weights sola mostly nt (4.51 to Sl.ti ) .
Some iirltno butc-bcr weights sold as high is
J4.M. unit itomn very common Ik'ht nnd toiuh
stuff in low ns440. After shipping anil fresb
mo it orders worn filled the m-irkot set tied
down to n ll-tt lOc decline , closing notk wltn
u few loads unsold , Trndliu was Inivoly nt
from { ( .no to f4 55. airalnst * I.M loll.GT. Momlny ,
' 1 ho general nAorneo of prices u ml wns JV6. ,
agalrt9llU ( Mondav and $ lon't Tue dny of
Instueok. 1'rlres h ixn declined l.lj to 2 c In
tbo pisl Iwodayc. Itoprosoiilalhe s lies !
n .
8 .
( II
71) )
in. .
< > 7 . .
CO . .
70 .
51. . .
111 . .
79 ' !
74 . .
' '
M . .
Ul. .
7.1. . .
7(1 ( . .
109. . .
7' )
I )
I'tnS AM ) ItOLUlllS ,
.1 .10 1
. .I7J 4J 4 20 1
.120 4 2J fill
f Hut two double decl.s out of the
nxe roiehed were olluro.l foi sale , the others
being billed direct tnhnlfiA Co. ' 1 ho sheep
-old were xoij fair Wvomlng wethers ; i\er-
iiilng utoiinil IOJ Ihs. and biou.'lit $1 2.1 and
1430. Donuind good , market stiong. I'alr to
gpjd native- l. ' , ' > io J1 40 : westerns , 81 0) to
S53J ; common and block sheep , 4..50 toJ73 ;
geol loeholc-o lanius , ueU'hhu 41 lo OJ Ibs. ,
H 21 lo JllilJ. Represent itlve sales :
Av. Pr.
7j western wothcrs , 100 $121
Ui wo'tiiuelhci3 93 C > 25
71) westui'i notlioM 101
I'M western wethers 101 51)0 )
KccelpM R-I 1 Oli.iMltlil of St > sk ,
Olllclalrjelnt Mi 1 dls ; > islttoii ot stoj'c as
shown bv fie bo i'ts of th-j Union Stock Varda
compaiivfot thb twonly-fourhoijr , , ondliii at
! > ocloci < p m. .liarch II. I'D.1.
OlileiiRo l.Stock Market.
CHICAGO , III . Mnrch IS [ Special Telegram
to TIIK HER 1 Trading In cattle was on 11 basis
ot veslerday's prices. Homo grades looked a
trlllo stronger while fin others It was hard
work to get former prices , but tboro wus
scarcely a ciuot'iblo rhiuuo auywberc. The
demand was quite as ncthi ; us Is usual on
Tuesdays and the small suuply In the yards
were nearly all bought up by midday. Quo
tations ran from IM.2.1 to tl 50 for scaluw tg
cmvs to from $1. .1 to J1U.1 foi extra steers
Halos weru mainly at from $ . ' .00 to Wuo for
cons and bulls mid at from tluU to tl M tor
stsors. \tr.icowsiind I belfeia were salalHe
at from $ .1 ITi to U ( a nnd thu tirst class of bulls
sold iiioiind fiomJ5) ) to 8J.75. Thoto was a
continued Rood demand for stocUuis and fecd-
eis ut full prices.
Hales of IIOAS were generally at from $4 01 to
$1.7.1 for lltht noUhtn und at fiom $4.11.1 to
$ l.7Ta ! for medium ami heavy. As lilgh asfl.B.1
waspitldforaery few of the latter , and
there was a sale or two of fancy light at I ) . ' .I' .
Those quotations show a decline of Ac In light
atid of lOc In med uni and heavy. Hliuo bat-
urduy there has been a reduction of from voc
to2.1c. Them was not much life In the packIng -
Ing demand oven at Ilia lowei prlcox , but
shippers bought very fieely and not many
Logs had to ba cari.ed otcr.
Theiowas an unchanged marKet for sheep
and lamb * . Both met with a continued gixxl
demand and quotations ncro from JI..V ) toiU2j
and 8.1.21 tof'.uo respectively.
Hecelpts wete : Oatt.e , 7,000 ; hogs , 'JO.OOO ;
sheeii , MX)1.
The I2cnlng Journal reports- CATTLE Uo-
cclpls. 7."iW ; shlDinonts. 2..V > 0 ; stceis dull
und lowei ; butcher urados strong ; good
to choice clefts , Jl.OCOl. O ; others. $ .1.10 ®
a.83 ; stocl'crs , $ l,7,1ji.lo.1 ; Te\ans , i..SVS.'i'U ;
cows , f l.7.1i ! l IK ) .
llotih Kecelpts. IK.ODO : shipments. 14.000 :
inarkot lower : rough. H OOJJ4 21 : paekors and
mlxoil , } 4..r > l4.7 ) > ) : pilmo hoavv and butcher
WOlglits. 14 7yJil.BOi ( light. J4. ( ii4.0 ' .
biiBBf liecolpls. f.oiOj shltimenls , 2,000 ;
sheep steady ; taints lower ; natives f4 5:440.2.1 ;
westerns , M.OJG5 80 ; lambs. } l.ouI.V5.
N w York I.tvo Stock .llurkot.
NEW YOHK. Maioli 1.1. IlKiivns Rocolpts.
001 bead , all for exporters and Hlaugliterers.
No trading , fi-iillng Hun. Dressed hcofslo * :
shtpmenls \nv\Oi \ \ beeves ; tomorrow , 5,010
quarters of hccf.
OAI.VIW Receipts , . ' 18 bead ; no trade ; veals
nominally linn , $1.00EB.2.1. !
bilBKlKecelpts. . 1'JU ho id ; sheep. f.VOOSn.OJ
per 100 Ibs. ; lambs , W.i > ® 7.J ; dressed mutton
slfi'ly atSIOu per II ) . ; drcv > < > cd lambs , dull
at lOBIIc.
II OCH IV ) head , eonslgnod direct ;
nominally steady at tl ! K1 53 per 100 Ibs.
City l.liu Stork .llarhot.
KANSAS Cur. Mo. March II. OATTLE He-
colpls. 4,400 ; bhlpinenls , 11.000. StoeUers nnd
foudi-ra weak to lowor. fcteors dull at 5IOo
lower. Sales ; Dressed 'joef and shipping
stccis. lUlSuM ( ri ; cows and tielfera , D.OWWSO ;
stockers nnd ( ctdurs , , .
lions 1'ecolpti. , B,2)J ) ; fililpinc-nts , 7DO. Mar
ket dull und rxQilOe lower. Extreme ran e ,
Jt.l.Vlil.W ! liulk. * 4 40Q4.55.
HIIKKIHccelptx. . l.OOJ ; shipments , fiOO ; mar
ket Hlcady at yesterday's prices. Muttons ,
M. I.lio .Stork JIurkrt.
ST. I.ouii , Mo. March --OATTl.K Roeolpts.
l/iOO ; slilpnicntfi , 200 ; marUot steady on all
UlndKj fair to good nalho HlcorH , tiWfH 00 ;
fair to good Indian and Tovjn steers , H.VX&
ILO'i.llons Itccolpts. 7,203 ; shipments , l,23i ) ; mnr-
kot weak ; good to pilmo heavy. J-UHlffil HI ;
mixed ordinary to good , tl.20t3l.i5 ; light fair
to best , * lt > ai.75.
Bllfcl'l1 Receipts. 1,11)0 ) ; shipments , none ;
mnrKul Mrnng ; fulr to drslrablo mtitions , JI.OO
( in oo.
Contributions to tc ! ; Atlantic
Our contrHiiitiotii towird : tlio
general health ol Anicri n eoino
auioi the Atlnr.Jic , iVoin thn 600
year oil Iioallli i i'oi to.ilvd ! Carls
bad. Our coiiiii1 > uoii ( : to Aiiiuiiua
is willed CruliLail S ] nuU'l .Salts.
They rciqn Mipvcmo "s ; i t > lamlui < l
icinedy for all ills aribinjr S'lom con-
'stipation and impaiied ili cntion.
Tlio geiiuitio has the r.ij nature
Eisner & Mendolsiw Co. , N" . Y. ,
Solo Agents , cm every bottle.
5 n1
id MID
l it nil it
Hiia . Immnmclti , nil mil
runhor rlothlni M-nd for
c-Aliluguc , 1113 1-ariiMii
Importer ) inul immiftc-
1'loiir Sckv llurlnpi nmt
Illc'clos sold on monlhlr
turnout )
I2J N IMh t , Omnliv
11U ) I Inwirl Stroll.
Tec.ory corner lltli nnil IHmli troot <
\Vo nro making cloioprliot to 01 i.i bjyoft. nil ira
i-elllnif 11 elm of nod whli'h U M-Tr sulo
ulilowUh aiorohvilJ.
Wholo'nlo Mnnufnctu'ri HooK ulioct rubbers
Altc-nts fur Iloitim Huh- md foil itoa Is
bor xhiio Co , tl'JJ ' , 1101
nnd HOu llnnu'j street 1211.1111 urn or "trdot
Mnnutictmoi bung ) t > | n
A. T DKlijr , .MnniKOr , Imrki , clshkini ; utc
Tups , < tnlilom , llnckn ,
Sc'iid for CntntoRtio
Dn he * * , etc.
211 N' < it - Utiiilm ,1111S. mh street.
linn ! mill soft conl S K.
mrncr lull nnJ.
JlnnnfncluruM of Manufacturers nnil
Tnnlred Iron Cornlco
Window caps , mctillc \Vholo ale Clothlcri ,
etc. 111 ! ) 111.
IJUdtfO * ' - HO1) ) llixrnoy street.
Dry Kood , notion. , fur- '
Dry goods notions , tfonti'
furnlitihiK noodi
Corner lltli and Howard Cor. lltli mid llownrdsls.
Illustrated citnlozua
1GII Capitol Avonno
Ocnta' furnishing iroodi ,
' ' "
clothing and notions , m'f'e celebrated
( flveus A trial Wo end akin" Overall i , pnnta ,
shlrti , coats , etc. Kuet
samples oxpron uro-
pald 11U Hnrnor.
0. M. STEELE & . CO. , BLAKE , BRUCE & CO. ,
1201-1205 .tones itrjot , 10th nnd Ilarney , Omaha ,
Omnhi , Neb Neb
lU7or of Iclilol. troll 215 Hoard of Trad )
tallow nnd fun I rokor In grain , provi
sions anrtstock I'rlvnto
511 South 13th at. wires to N. V , ChlcaKO
nndHt Ixul !
Hats , caps , trwgoo3i , lints , cnpi , nxrnu uoods ,
Klovo * ftn'i mitten i. Kloves , mittens Owncm
celebrated ( into I Ity
12th anil Ilarney. lint , lltli and Harnoy.
CO. , Dt-ilern' hanlirare nnd
Cor. 10th and.Iaolctontits mc-cliniilcs' touts.
Omaha. 14U4 llonxlns Btrci't.
Iliiltcr , rgtf , Clieono ,
Cnth lnicra butler and FrultH , I'oultr } , Oamo.
< KK : Imiullc-sall other AKi-nts for Myi-r'i Itoyal
prodiico on commission llornu atidt attle Uplco
4iS. llth Bt.
WJS llth st. - Omaha
Iluttcr. cge * . noiiltry. Our Fpepliltloi : Hotter ,
( 'imic , ) i | < lc and fruit , OURS and poultry , 1U1J
Itm llonnrd Bt lion uril street
Wholinlo huttcr A CBCB
Ilurit nnd ells fur
cnnli. 41,1 H. llth Bt.
Wrapping paper , nil kluilf
Carry n full itock of
printing , wrapping and ot ttvliiLB , etu .
KOd Howard St.
urlllng papar , card pa-
1'or , eta Tol. 17 U
Store repairs and water
attnchmontit for any kind
of Htovemado
I2J7 Donidni
Manufacturers of Banh , Toyi , dolli , nlbutni ,
fanny aoodi , liouiofur-
door < . bllndi nnd
mouldlngt. llninch of nl'hlni ! RooU , child-
fice , Htii and liard SU. > en' < carriage * .
131U Carniin Streat.
= 3
lloom "I Kichaiu'o llulld. lloorai , a ) and 91 Uf
UulldliiK Sout'i change building.
Omaha. South Oaiihv
A Common-Sense Remedy.
In the matter of curatives what you want is something that
will do its work while you continue to do yours a remedy
that will give you no inconvenience nor interfere with your
business. Such a remedy is ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS.
These plasters are not an experiment ; they have been in use
for over thirty years , and their value has been attested by the
highest medical authorities , as well as by voluntary testimonials
from those who have used them.
ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS arc purely vegetable and.
absolutely harmless. They require no change of diet and are
not affected by wet or cold. Their action docs not interfere
with labor or business ; you can toil and yet be cured while
hard at work. They are so pure that the younge&t , the oldest ,
the most delicate person of cither sex can use them with great
Beware of imitations , and do not be deceived by misrepresentation.
Ask for ALLCOCK'S , and let no solicitation or explanation induce you to
accept a substitute ,
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Tb eulnont spodallst In nervous , rhronlc. rrlTnle. blool. skin mil unnnrjdlicmes A regular anil
rcflstrrnd Kruduutuln uiDilcliiu , -llplomof und Lerllllcatcs iliuw. Is still Irdallnc with tlio Kriutml suicril
cnlnrrh , siii-nimliirrhneu , loftimtihoo I , tunilnal Wi-i > kneiii , nl.'tu loooi , Impotpncr , sn > bll | > . stricture , KOII
orru.t)0 , KCI ! t , varlcoci lo.cto. Aonirriurr urel. Nrw trculiucnt furloi ul vlnil puwvr , I'arllos uoabl * to
Tlilt inn mny lx > ircnle t m linuiu by curron on-li IICH , Mudlvlno or Inilruuitnti sent binu'.l ar eiutim >
ourul > pJrkuJ , nu marks lu Inill'ntu ( oauinti or jt-ndor. Ono inrsuiml luturuew preferrud. CunnulltUu *
free. I cinopondenco itrlcll ) privxtu. HooK ( Jljulurloi or Lite ) tout /fog. UrUutt hours V > ui. to 'i o. I * .
. to U in bend stuuip lor replr ,
Or ( lie I.l < iuur HuMI 1'iu.lllit-ly Cuicil
Ity ntliuliilkU-rliii : l > r. It.iliuV
< jiiltlen Si elllr. .
It cn bo fflven In a oup of colleo or tea. or In feed ,
without tlieknonledcaollhe patient. HUabioluicIf
barmleia. > nd will olfeot a pcrmaacDt nd upoccly
our # . wnoiber thu patient In a moderate drinker or
an aloohollo wreolc. It lias b en given In Itiousands
f ojici , aurt lu very Instance a perlect cure lias rol.
R iwed. llurirr I'ull * . The yittm onoe Imprtgooltd
"lib Ilia uecomta an utter iupoasiblltly
for the liquor auji tlt < , to exist.
UUI.HEV M'KCIKIU til. . 1'rop'rs. OUrlnnatt , O.
43pjura book ol particulars Ires. To t > o had of
Kulin fi.Cn , nth und DnugliiH Htu. and IRlh k
( Jiimlng Hts. Wholesale , IllaUu , llrnco & Co.
ud Ulcburosou Uruu Co. , Uuiuba , Nub.
! Weakness of Body a ml M ind , EltscUl I
JofErrorsorEtceawaiaOldorYouar. V
Aliul , . * > UfIUMIIMIII ; full ! Vntvrri. lll > In K l > u4 fV
Iff IIII1IK Tii Tll\T-llmilU l dif ,
DOCUTAg and unlr ciiiisulcs prc-strlbc-d l > r
ruifular ( ihrslclans fur tlio cure ui
( Joiiurrluu anddlscUurKDs trout this urina
tinslcSdars. IIWfirtoi.