8 THE OMATTA DAILY BEE : ffiiJESDAY , MARCH 15 , HER MARRIAGE WAS A FAILURE Mrs. Wellwood's ' Experience in Getting Rid of Her Divorced Husband , DEPOSITIONS THAT GREATLY DIFFER Btorlrnof tlio Ilimtitnil nmt tlm ito lint Dotctnll Uoitl llniiRO Keep er * IMnul ( Inllty IVlIt .luroni lor April. JiHgo Hopowoll Is hearing a divorce cajo In wh'.rli tlioro Is n Rood deal of romance ami moro of n strange otory of ft girl's misplaced confidence and n man's success In covering hl faults and leading n double existence , one of pious bearing In the proionco oC his Imme diate relatives and a very different one In other walks of life , If the dcpoiltions offered in the case arc to bo bollovod. In the case In question Leopold A.V ell- wood is seeking to have sot aside a decree of divorce RrantcU hU wife , Kdna Wcllwood. about a year ngo. The divorce was granted on the grounds of drunkenness , failure to support and several other charges , well- wood seeks to have the decree annulled on the ground that the plaintiff was not n resi dent of Nebraska when the decree was emitted. The story Is that Wcllwood , who Is n great big shambling fellow , appeared us n public school teacher In a coun try district near Detroit novernl years ueo , and In the course of his career In that capacity became acquainted with hU wife , then a girl of Ifi years of ago , the daughter of n well-to-do farmer named Dolan. Wcllwood , It Is alleged , claimed to bo n near relative of Hon. Edward Bluko , the famous Canadian statesman , and to num ber Sir John Mncdonald umong his Intimate friends. The old folks wcro simply dazoa by the man's prcatnoss , and wore easily led Into giving bun tbo haua of tholr daugntcr in marriage. Mnrrlvil nnil Parted. When the girl was but 15 years of ago she was married to Wcllwood and was placed In n convent while her parents advanced sev eral thousand dollars toward sending their son-ln law through college. This wns done and then Wellwood claimed his wife , bbo went to him but found it impossible to live with him. She alleges that ho drunk to on excess that made It Impossible for mm to hold any position and she was finally com- compelled to nond to her mother for funds , to take her home. She cumo to Omnna In January , 1S90 and In July of that year applied for a divorce , bho worked hero for a book concern during that ttmo and Is still so employed. Last December Wellwood arrived In Omaha and commenced proceedings to bwo : the case sot nsldo. Ho was awfully shocked to hoar that ho had boon accused of drunken ness ana brought letters from Canadian min isters by the score tolling what a real nice man ho wns. Ho was going Into the ministry and tor some time was hand In glove with lomo well known Omaha divines and was going to pronctilng at once. Ho didn't however , and then ha got a certificate to teach school , but hasn't found the school yet. He hired a force of detectives to shadow nls former wife , and now the same people nro wildly shadowing him In an effort to quit the game oven at least. The motion to sot aside the decree was made , before Judge Hopowoll in Decem ber ( and continued from time to time until yesterday. Several score people In Canada were asked for depositions , but most of the documents wore delayed through the persistence of the Canadian au thorities In demanding fees before the papers wore forwarded. Then the other side sent for depositions , which camo. Tnoro wcro a dozen or so of them and they unanimously ngroo that Mr. Wollwood's reputation for sobriety and voracity was rated very low lu towns where he had lived In Canada. The case will bo before tne court for several days. Itoiiilhouso Keepers I'lcml Guilty. Joe Howlos , August Hartman , C. Huntz- ingor and Ernest Soohl , four of the Indicted outsldo saloon keepers , pleaded guilty yostnaday morning In Judge Davis' court , to soiling liquor within tbo" two-mile limit but without a license , and Mr. Gannon moved an arrest of judgment on tbo ground that the facts al leged In the Indictment constituted no of fense , as the statute touching the case was unconstitutional and void , aand special leg islation. The penalty was not Imposed pending tbo argument of the motion. Wants Divorce. Mrs. Knto Lcncar has taken her domestic trials and tribulations Into court , and because - cause of them wants a uiyorco from Charles Loncnr , whom she charges wltb excessive and art-repeated violation of his marrlugo vows , and cruel , gross and wanton failure to support her , though abundantly able so to do. She names Abbio Boll and Georgia Ayers as co-res pondonts. 1'ctlt Jurors lor April. In accordance with yesterday morning's drawing the following potlt jurors will report for duty in district court , April 4 : Harry A. Arnold. K. E. Anderson , John , T. Andoison , 11. 11. Ames , James L. Black , AugustHohmo.G.S. Bradley , Monroe M.BIn- gor , John Balliot , R. U Bailey , John L. Carr , Frank H , Clarke , Moso Coons , Ernest Carter - tor , L.V. . Case , Nols Clausen , Samuel Cot- ner , Ed J. Dee , Gcoruo Duncan , Samuel Engel , Thomas Eugnn , Mlko Elfmand , Law- roy Fay , D. O. 1'reeman , C. W. Foster , Den nis Fitzpatrlck , Charles Franlc , George Gould , John C. Grimth , Charles Gardner , Gus Gray , James It Green. Martin 'Graff ' , Charles Hardo , August Hodwoll , James Hughes , U. C. Herdman , Gust Hamol , Henry Hlldbranco , Charles Johnson , George W. Jackson , F. A. Jaclcson , David Kolloag , John Lompko , Nols P. Llndqucst , F. E. Lons- Unlo , Andrew Lnrson , J. If. Lucas , John Llndiay , Ed Langen , Loon Kopild Edgar Lcazarato. George Lodge , John Lynch , Joseph H. McConnell , Jamus Mc- Ardlo , Nils Marlltibon , 'Clarouca G. Mor- ledgo. Lars T. Nelson , H. A. Nolto , FroJ Mnrtln , Adam S. Ostrom , Nols A. Peterson , Frederick Rugg , Edward L. Kboadcs , K. E. Kink. NIckHiucknn , John E. Hcagan , Morris Smith , Cornelius Smith , Frank Shrnffor.Am- broso Shonn , Joseph Strukol , Ferdinand Snaldold , II. U. Smith , L. C. Strati ; ? , N. Stevens , Charles E. Thornburg , Louis Ul- rick , Jarnos Wlthrow , llonrv Woldomoyor , Uoatty W. Wilson , D. B. Waugh , William West , George L. Wass , E. C. V/olcott , Ed ward Wise , E. E. Wbltmoro. In the case of John B. Findlay against the city , growing out of the condemnation of certain tain lands alone North Twentieth street bn- twcon Lake and Locust streets , Judge Fer guson ruled that In such proceedings where tbo owners of lund were assessed for special bcnollts , the olty could acquire no lillo to iho land In controversy and that the owner could maintain on action In ejectment. A KaiuusAIiui'n Hxnm-lonno with C.iuj'u uml Cold * . Colds and coughs have boon so prevalent during the past few months that tbo experi ence of Albert Favorite of Arkansas City , Ivan. , cannot fall to Interest some of our readers. Hare it. Is lu his own words ; "I contracted a cold early last spring that sot- tied on my lung * ana had hardly recovered from It when I caught another that hung on all summer and left toe with u hacking cougb which I thought I never would en rid of. 1 had used ChamborUln's cough remedy some fourteen years ngn with much sucoois and concluded to try It ugaln. When I had got through with one bottle my cough bad loft sua and I have not suffered with a cough or rold slaco. I have recommended it to others nnd al | speak well of It. " CO cent bottles for sale by druggists. Iloavtl onicitlth Doing * . The Board of Health bold a short special osslon yesterday afternoon. A resolution was passed requesting the council to amend the ordinance which divides the city into nine garbage districts and reduce the num ber of districts to flvo. It was thought by the board that bitter results would follow If there were only flvo authorized districts. Count Pulaskl has BO far failed to ilia a baud for tbo hauling away of dead animals and co the board decided to advertise for now bids. This will bo dona at ouco. An order wai iisued requesting all em ployos of tbo health department to bo pres ent at every regular mooting of the board. lloliemluu Kcjmbllcani. The Bohemian republican club held us regular monthly mooting Suuday afternoon At National ball. T&o me Ung was well intended nnd was called to order oy the > rosldont , John Hoslcky , Charles Sieger aci ni ; as secretary. Ton now members signed he roll , which contains now considerably over 100 names. The oolillcal Mtuatlon was lucimod Interestingly by Messrs. Hoslcky , erak and oth6rs. Next Sunday afternoon n public meeting will bo held , nt Avhich nn ntorcstlng ( paper on the protective tariff bv John A. Ollvorlno , will bo read. The club is getting In good trim to do effective vork lu the next campaign. Mrs. L. U. Palton , Hockford , 111. , writes : 'From personal experience I can recommend 3o Will's ' Sarsapnrilla. n euro for Irapuro > looj and general debility. " Dr. Cullltnoro , oculist. Uo6 building \Vo 1mvo bought Wolty < fc Guv's stock nnd Imvo removed to their old stand , 516 Farnntn stroot. C. D. Woodworth t Co , , harness tind siiddlory. Oiuiihncompressed ycnst strictly pure. 'HUU.\I ) .tllUVT VS. Hayes Center boasts of a uniformed drum corps , Sioux county cnttlo are said to bo aflllotod vltb blackleg. DoJgo school boys have organized a mill- ary company. Mayor Bcmls of York has declined to bo n candidate for re-election. Blair is preparing to have a ball team that vill bo a credit to the city. Ono hundred nnd fifty students are attend- tig Gate's colloso nt Ncllgb , The Beatrice drunkard reformatory has already turned out four graduates. The German Singing society nt Blue Hill vlll build an opera Uouao this coming season. A democratic rally Is to bo bold nt Blair ilnrch 24 and Governor Boyd will bo present. The Central hotel at Blue Hill , which was ccoutly partly destroyed by llro , Is to bo ro- bullt , Ono hundred and llfty-flvo cars of grain vero shipped from Grosbatn during Feb ruary. Oakdalo guarantees good patronage to n > arbor who is a llrst-class cornet or clarionet playor. Holdrogo Knights Templar Indulged In a > anquet at which a number of visiting sir mights were royally entertained. . The Hock Island surveying corps is nt kelson getting ready for active work on the ino of the proposed southwest extension. Albert Lemp , living twelve tnllos ti'om Columbus , is nursing two lingers on his Ight hand which wore ciushcd in a shelter. John Porter of Weeping SVater went to 'onnsylvnnia on a visit and on returning > rought with him twenty young men. Six ottlod In Cuss county and the rest scattered ovur the stato. Dawcs county farmers are organizing n lock company for the purpose of building a argo flouring mill at Chadron. Good hond- vay Is being made and It Is oxpcctcd by the armors that they will have the mill ready or this year's crop. A. P. Nelson , living north of Gothenburg , vent alter a dog which hud killed a cow. He ooit a shotgun , but Instead of shooting tried o club the dog with the gun. Ho struck ho ground and the gun discharged both bar rels Into Nelson's bowels , fatally injuring ilm , Holdrogo water works couldn't keen up the necessary lick the other day because ono ot ho walls failed , The city was in darkness ono night , as the electric light company gets he necessary supply of water to run the same from the waterworks. When the city akes charge of the works , which is expected soon , a now rcgimo will take place and moro wells will bo put down. Niobrara has a great deul of musical talent confined In Its borders. Us latest organiza- iou to attain fame Is the Niobrara Parlor Concert quartette composed of Prof. Charles tlarschal ) , violin ; Prnt. Fred Opocensky , lute ; Prof. J. F. Longer , cornet , and Prof. 3harcs ! A. NIppol , piano. Fort Randall , Yankton.Crelghton , O'Neill and Chadron are jooked for future engagements. Disease never successfully attacks the sy tern with pure blood DeWitt's Sarsaparilla makes pure , nowolood andenriches the blood BOARD OF TKADE. Severn ! Important Mutters IMncussod at the nebular Muctliifjr. At the regular monthly mooting of the Board of Trade last evening there was a argor attendance than has been present at a meeting of tbis organization for some timo. The special committee of tlvo appointed to look Into the matter of securing the aboli tion of the Union Pacific 5 cent arbitrary bridge rate was granted further time to pursue - sue its Investigations and labors. The special committee appointed to act with similar committees from other organiza tions of the city to look after the prepara tions for the people's party national conven tion submitted an exposition of the work thus far done , and was continued. The proposition of tbo grain men submit ted to the directors in the afternoon was dis ] cussed. It was a request that the board glvo 51-5 a month to pay for tbo market , reports and a caller in order that the work of the open board might bo resumed. As there was barely a quorum present at the directors' meeting iho request was not acted on , but will come up again at a special meottncr of the directors to bo called In a few dayu. The general sentiment Is in favor of granting It , as without a daily call the work of the grain exchange is a farce. Memorials , one of which was In advocacy of the postal telegraph system , were read and referred to the proper committees. A letter from the Miles City ( Mont. ) Cham ber of Commerce , asking the co-operation of the Omaha board In securing proper railroad facilities between tbo two clllos was referred to a special committee. The financial reports were submitted and referred. The special committee to which was re ferred the proposed sale ot tbo board of trade property roportea progress , but that it was nimble as yet to submit any definite proposal. It will uoep pegging away at the matter. Wur.iMSn WATKII , Won. , Oct. 28 , ' 00. Dr. Moore : My Dear Sir I have just bought tbo thlra bottle of your Tree of Llfo. It is indeed a "Tree of Life. " Doctor , when you so kindly gave mo that tlrst bottle my right side was so lama and sere and my liver en larged so much that I oould not Ho upon my right aliio at nil. There was a soreness ovur my kidneys all of tbo time , but now that troutilo is all over. I sloop just as well on ono side as on the other , and my nleep rests and refreshes mo , and I feel tuu best I've felt in fifteen years , and I know that it Is all duo to your Tree of Llfo. Yours very truly , D. F. DUDLEY. For sale by all druggists. GNU i-.viti : ixtuiisi : ! < > N' To Ukliiliiiiini March 33. Round trip tickets will bo on Rivlo via Sunta Fo route , March ii2 , from all points In ICunsuH nnd Nobrnsku to points in Oklahoma and return lit mto of ono faro for the round trip. Tlckota peed until April 21. Stop-overs allowed In Oklahoma. For tickets nnd full information mation apply to your nearest ticket agent or address K. L. Palmer , passen ger ugont Santa Fo Route , 1310 Faniatn street , Omaha. Dentil of .Mr.MIclmul Trunk , Mrs. MIchael Frank was burled Sunday. A daughter , Dora , U working on a farm near Papllllon , her address being unknown to her family hero. Her father desires to have her return to Omaha , as oho Is needed to care for the family of smaller children now mother less. < AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Eosult of the Investigati n of Police Judge King's ' Pinancinl Records. A SHORTAGE FOUND AND MADE GOOD licit Ion of Circulation Agnln llrforo tlio City Council Olllerr Mniitnvuo'K ICM'er- Icnco In n Siiloim right Jingle City Noted mill I'crionnlt. The city council hold nn unusually snort session last evening , The flnnnco committed reported that It hud completed the examination of the books of Police Judge King nnd found n balauco duo tbo city of fi'JT.OO. It rscommended thut that amount bo paid without delay. The re port was accepted. Councilman Wood offered n resolution au thorizing Judge King to retain the amount of bis salary for January , February and March from lines collected for January ; carried. Ordinance No. 2W , ordering n sidewalk laid on the west side of Twenty-third street from F to G nnu on the north side of J street from Twenty-second to the nlloy bolwcon Twenty-second nnd Twenty-third streets , was road and referred. The finance commlttoo was Instructed to adverliso for bids for the saloof the Twenty- fifth street and Twenty-sixth street paving bonds , and ordinance No. 373 wu * passed under suspension of the rules. Tbo city attorney was Instructed to draft nn ordinance establishing the grade of streets in Brown Park'nnd Corrlgan's addition. The following bids for grading were opened nnd referred to the city engineer nnd the committee on streets and alloys : For grad ing Twonty-thlrd street from J to L , Ma- honov & No'lnn , 11 % centi per cubic yard ; Ed Falling , 13 8-10 cents. For sloping the banks on Twentieth street from O to Q , Cash Bros. , 32 cents per. yard ; Dan O'Noil , 25 cents. The blda of Mnhonoy & Nolan nnd Cash Bros , were afterwards accepted. Mutter ot License .AilvertlHlnjr. The council then went into committee of the whole to consider tun matter of circula tion of the Omaha papers in accordance with tbo resolution passed nt the meeting two weeks ngo. This action wns for the purpose of preventing any misunderstanding among saloonkeepers as to the paper in which ihoy should advertise their applications for license- The aflldovlt of W. H. Dox , city circulator of the World-Herald , was road and stated that Iho average dally circulation of tuo World-Horald In Douglas county for the slv months ending March ID was 10,443 copies. The aflldavit of N. P. Foil , business man ager of TUE BEE , stated the average dally circulation of Tuu lici : , exclusive of sample copies , in Douglas county durine the year ending February 29 , wns as follows : Even ing edition , 10,142 ; morning edition , 3,180. The question arose whether fue figures fur nished by the World-Herald referred to the evening edition alone or to the combined cir culation of both editions. Mr. Hosowater , who was present , road a transcript of an aflldavit made by tbo business manager of the World-Herald before the board of county commissioners last week which claimed a combined circulation whicb was slightly loss than the figures before tbo council. In reply to n question Mr. Rosownter said furtber that the legal application of the words "paper having the largest circulation in Douglas county" considered the morning and evening editions as two separate papers. Tuc EVCNINH BBC unquestionably had a larger circulation in Douglas than Tun MOIIXINO BKE , or iho morning or evening - ing World-Herald. In support of this position Mr. Hosowatcr exhibited n copv of a petition filed by tbo World-Herald in the district court in which Mr. Hitchcock's aflldavit alluded to his publications as the "newspapers known as the Morning World-Herald and the Evening World-Herald. " Ho could not go into court nnd swear that they were two newspapers and then coma before the South Omaha council aud say that they were one. On motion of Councilman Wood action in the matter was postponed for ono week and the city clerk was instructed to request each paper to furnish an aflldavit of the circula tion of each edition for the preceding six months. Mayor Sloano notltled the council that the city was the defendant in a suit brought in the United States court by the California Petroleum Asphalt company for $08,000. The council adjourned until next Monday evening. _ Worknt Hammond'H I'lnnt. It is feared that the oroctton ot the now building of the George H. Hammond mend company will necessitate a partial shut down of the plant and enforced idleness for the greater part of the men now employed for about three months. President - dent ComstooK is expected hero Wednesday and how complete the shut down will be will not be decided until after bo has been con sulted. If the boot house is erected first ns was originally intended the entire force of beef butchers will bo Ittld oft together with the gangs in the ether beef departments. It is regarded as a possibility that work will bo entirely suspended while the now building is being erected. Tots would throw probably 500 men out of employment. The directors are anxious to get the new building in readiness for use In the shortest possible lime anil the ro ular business ot the plan t will become of secondary importance until tup improvements are completed. Iliinillcil l > y Houghs , Ofllcer Tom Montague was severely han dled about 1 q'clock yesterday morning whllo attempting to quell a dis turbance in Martin's saloon on N street. Ho was called in by the proprietor to separate a gang of switchmen who were lighting nnd the gang proceeded to concentrate their entire forces on the ofllcor. Montague fought hard but could not cope with tlioir superior numbers mid finally wont after assistance. Ho found Captain O' Kara and they succeeded in arresting James Fergu son nnd John Koatlng. John E. MuBrido another of the gang , was arrested. They are charged with resisting nn ofllccr. Montuguo was severely puinmoled about the body but is on duty. KOIIK of Veterans Surprised , The Sons of Veterans were pleasantly sur prised at their mooting nt the Knights of Pythias hall last evening. Tbo ladies of the Women's Hellof Corps entered ut the conclu sion of the order of business , cringing with them tbo materials for a sumptions repast. The youne veterans were taken by surprise but rallied before they wore entirely muted , The remainder of the evening was pleasantly spent In discussing the refreshments pro vided by tbo ladles. to ( iet to Onmliii. The Northwest Texas Cattle HaUcr assso- cintion mot last weak and passed a resolution Instructing tholr secretary to correspond with the trafllo managers of the various roads and acquaint them with the desire of the Texas cattlu raisers to have the Omaha market turown open to it-cm by the estab lishment of a just and equitable basis of rates. A similar resolution was passed bv the Na tional Butchers Protective association ol Dallas , Tcic. _ Xolen uml rerHciimlc. John McMillan is in Persia , In. Ed Adams is seriously ill with rbcuma- It is expected that Iho grading on Twenty Powder Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard I fifth nnd Twenty-sllAtt streets will bo com menced teen , J , F1. Cornish is confined to the house by illness. J. C. Southwell olUllncoln was In the city yesterday. I ) . M. McDonouehiitf i'oorla , 111. , Is the puostof C. I ) . Dowlta ? . The Ladles' Auxiliary of the Episcopal church will moot with. tMrs. 12. J. Sokora , Wednesday nfternooni The six months' old.on of Mr. ana Mrs. Mlcbaol Smith of" Tbirty-socond nnd L streets , died yostordAjr. The funeral will beheld held at K ) o'clock thltp'foronoon , William Hllcy htjfls the championship vagrancy record nt "South Omnhu. Ho is now serving his sentence for the twentieth time within a year for that offense. Nols Lundgrcn , caption of the Swedish tug-oNwnr team , Is highly indignant , over reports that the Swedes sold out frlJny night's contest that have boon circulated noout town. Ho says that they did tholr best , but were beaten , nnd they nro ready to pull the Germans again In any other hall ox * cept Ulum's. If your grocer don't Keep Cook's Kxtnx Dry Champagne order n case dtroct ot the Ameri can \Vlno Co. , St , Louis. rirn unit 1'ollcn Muttrrn. The first communication brought before the Ilourd of I' ' ironnd I'ollco commissioners at their regular moating last evening was n request from Chief Soavoy nsking that a typowrltor DO employed to uandlo the corre spondence of his ofllco. This request was rofcrrod to the committee on property. Captain Mostyn nnd Ofllccrs Cook and Hudson wcro granted ton days' leavo. Plpo- mon Mulvllilll of hose company No. 0 nnd [ load of No. 10 were onch granted a ton days' vacation. Truckman Joseph Laux reported that ho had Inspected 031 collars and basements stnco January ! M nnd sorvcd sixty-three notices to clean up. A communication from the Western Union Telegraph company offering to rent electric clocks and place them lu the city Jail for the sumofftpor month was referred , to the committee on property. Cltv Dumpmastor Albrecht complained .hat liromon unloaded manure on the dump initoad of throwing the refuse into the rlvor. i'hlb matter was referred to tno commlttoo on men nnd dlclplluo. Charles Wlodmun withdrew his applica tion for allquor liceaso at Teuth and Arbor streets. The board adjourned without transacting any special business In oxccutivo session. Uov. J. W. Burke , Macon , Go. , soys : I invo found Bradycrotlno an Infallible and al most instant euro for headache. i'Eitso\.iL IMJM ait.irns. 3. II. Ulggs of O'Neill Is at the Arcado. J. C. White of Lincoln is at the Murray. M. M. White of Lincoln is at the Arcado. C. H. Dcttrlcu of Hastings U at the Mll- ard. ard.L. L. E. Stotvart of Lincoln is a guest at the Paxton. T. E. Kelley of Wayne Is a guest at the Arcade. C. J. Phelps of Sohuylor U a guest at the Millard. C. K Tobbetts of 'Frpmontis a guest at the Millard. Miss D urban U of Pepdcr is a guest at the Millard. O. T. Howard of Hastings is a guest nt the Arcado. Jacob Fisher of Humphrey is registered nt the Arcado. Charles M. Chamberlain of Tocums.oh is at the Paxton. James Heaton of'Lincoln was at the Pax- : on yesterday. / Judge P. G. Hamor of Kearny IB registered at the Millard. William "Von Dohrcn , a grain man from Millard , is in the city.- R. E. French anuj John F. Cracker of [ Cearnoy are at the MXirray. Peter-Mangold oftBennlngton.was a visitor at thO'Board of TraQoibuildlng yesterday. < Henry Blumor of1 ChoJco , a heavy shipper , was looking ever Omaha markets yesterday. John A. McCall , president of the Now Yorit Lit'o Insurance company , will roach Oraahu today ana will stop at the Paxton. Check Adulteration. What is needed to check adulteration is intelligence on the part of consumers. The inducement to put adul terated preparations on the market lies in the fact that a large part of the purchas ing public is always ready to accept the cheapest that can be had , without thinking that the'quality of the article must be cheapened in pro portion to the reduction in the price demanded. People must learn that they can bet ter afford to buy Dr Price's Delicious Flavoring Extracts than the cheapened substi tutes. There is economy for the poorest in purchasing pure and reliable articles. WHITE RUSSIAN Specially Adapte'dlfor Use in Hard Water. DUSKY DIAMOND TAR SOAP , For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics , Curoa Chapped Hands , Wounda , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. NEBRASKA National Bank. U. S. DEPOSITORY. OMAHA , NEB Capital . . . $400,000 Ottlceri an < ! Director * Ilcnrr W , Tatoi , president n. C. Cuitilnir , vleo vriuldent. . B. Mauilce , W. V Mono. John U. Colllm , J. X , H. 1'iUrlck. liawU A Iloed , Cnuler , THIS IRON BANK. Corner 12th and Farnam Sts. IN ITS NEW QUARTERS. Opening of the IMcn Mmro ARitlii to the ( Icnrnil 1'nlillc. The E'Jon Muteo , recently destroyed by fire , rcoponod yesterday In Its now quarters nt the Urnnd Opera house and was vlsltod by Inrso nnd onthuslnstlo crowds. The old foyer ot the Grand Is bolntr used temporarily ni n curio hull. It ha * humorous attractions , but the principal onas are Iho midgets nnd a wonderful Illusion , Among the IllIlpullanR nro Admiral Dot , Mlsi Jonnlo QulRloy , Mha Lottlo Snmrtwooil and ether noted lllllo follts. The tliontor l n great Improvement ever former convenience ? , bctnRono of the largest and but In Its nppolntiiioiits of nny In Amer ica connected with n museum , The nro- frnun yesterday wni ono of unusual excel- lenco. First cumo n number of inturoUInK specialties , nnd It was closed with a farce by the Dan Mason Comedy company that k ; < pt the big audiences In nliornutlng tutors and roors. The JJden Musoo Is now onn of the most pretentious nnd best cqulpnoii enterprises of its kind In the country. This popular plnco of ntnusomonl has evidently entered upon n now era of prosperity with a higher class of entertainment. rounded to Drutli by it Neighbor , ntm.r.ii , Mo. , March 14. Hobort Johnson and Sam Kcono , farmers' , returning homo from this city , quarreled on tbo road , ana In settling the dispute with tholr lists Keene was pound eel to death by Johnson , Johnson has boon arrested. Jo Soften the Hands. licfore retiring take a large ti.ilr of old cloves and spread mutton tallow litsme , also all over the hands. Wear the gloves all night , and wash the hands with olive oil aud white castile soap the next morning. The above , tocetherlth 1001 other thing ! , ' equally K not moro Important to know , la found In the handsomely Illustrated new hoolc lust published by Betts& Belts America's most gifted , popular and successful SPECIALISTS. This book they send to any address on receipt of 4 cents to pay postage But DRS. BETTS & BETTS do more than write valuable books which thcj Clvu to thobe who need them. They euro Catarrh , Piles , Stricture , Hydrocele , Varicocele , Gleet , Spermatorrhoea , Syphilis , Gonorrhoea , Lost Manhood , Blood and Skin Diseases , Female Weakness , Effects of Early Vice , and every form of Nervous , Chronic and Private Diseases. „ Jontultatlon free. Call upon or address with stamp , DRS. BETTS & BETTS , 19 South 1-lth St. , N. E. Corner 14th nnd Doupliw Sts. Omaha , Neb. IN fltt ADVERTISING. For four ceuls In ntninpt we will lie bUBuefttioiiH for new ] iixrr ; ailverlUcmenlH , cards or circulars , llrlclit , lively , humoroiib- sultahle for ctery line of lni iiicts. I'ruin sketches liy our licst nrlibls. 1'or merchants 01 bubitifkS men In city ur country : theynre ( 'rca I charming novelties that will mid life and Umi- actcr. Try Alt in AchcrtUi AIDEN& FAXON , NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AGENTS , 00 t (18 ( W. TUrJ bL , , CINCINNATI , 0. You M ould Pay / * K ' to a doctor who guaranteed to cure your Kidney Trouble , Nervous Debility , Rheumatism , or remove that dreadful Scrofulous humor from your system. Now , reflect ( MOO will purchase a bottle of the celebrated Pl"77" Kickapoo Indian Sagwa Nature's own blood purifier. Simple and harmless , made of roots , barks , and herbs. We will pay OOO to any person > - } \J\J\J who can prove that this remedy will not re lieve or cure the troubles above mentioned , and that any of our testimonials regarding the cure of these diseases are not absolutely genuine. IIKAI.Y A UU1ULOW , Agrntl , Xen ItM nConn. Kickapoo Indian Oil $1.00 n bottle. "Pure Blood , a quick cure 35 vents. fnr all ( ulns. All druggists. Perfect Health. " ' Puoiniooo ? What's uUolHoSS : It depends a good deal on what business st man is engaged in , what he should wear for g business suit. A merchant intending to "sack" a few clerks , should , of course , wear a "sack" suit ; A real estate man , one that won't show "dirt ; " A capitalist , engaged in clipping coupons , a "cut"-away ; traveling men , ex changing a few lies , "swallow tales. " A pugiN ist should \vear "striking" colors ; A carpenter , "plane" colors ; A bank cashier , "checks , " and we have it on good authority that in certain exclusive society in Lincoln "stripes" are all the go. Here in Omaha , -where every man ; works , some for pleasure , but most of us because - * cause we have-to , the convenient sack is tha recognized suit for business. This week we intend - * tend to do a great business in business suits\ offering 'three big stacks of suits ( a hundred suits in a stack ) , made of very fine all wool eassimere in a handsome , dur able steel gray , a color that looks well when you buy it and looks well so long as there is a thread of it left , made with lap seams , lined with fine Farmer satin and with striped sleeve lining , at VVill also give you your choice ol either a Sack or Cut-away suit , made ! of fine black Clay worsted , lined with excellent Farmer satin , bound with , substantial Mohair binding. Tha Clay for a combination business and ] dress suit has no equal. Among the many good things in our Overcoat department , where we are showing a line of garments that we're proud of , and where you can find an overcoat to fit you at any price from five to eighteen dollars , we want to call your special atten tion to two new lines of fifteen dollar garments , at Open Till 8 p. m. Saturdays , 10 p. To promote health , preserve and length en life , stimulate and invigorate the whole system , tone the stomach , aid digestion , create an appetite and repair the waste tissues of the lungs , nothing surpasses an absolutely pure whiskey of deli cious flavor , smooth to the taste , mellow , mature and of richest qual- Unlike inferior whiskies it not rasp or scald the throat and stomach. Call for CREAM PURE RYE and take no other. For sale only at high-class liquor and drut ; storps. DAU.r.MANI ) CO. , CHICAGO. We nml Iho marvelniu Frenrli ! It tn iy CALTH08 fler , nnd [ loaal nuar II | > HIIliatU-u.Tiion will I STOP rl thurKf A-rml lun. , I C'tlRI' Kofraimtan bra. \ t.rlcovrlo ! uud lIKh ( Old : lM.t'lor. . j Use it anil far ifsatnftd , jlHieii.VON MOHL CO. . . Bull imrrlft * l | cU , ( l.iluD.U , llblo. Or , Bailey , $ f ThoLciidlnt ; Dentist ' Third Floor , Paxton Tclcplionu 1085. Kllh and Fann u SU AfulUetof teeth on rubber for IS. IMrroHflt , Teeth without platui or removable UrlJrfa worfc , juutliolblnv fur ilnxari or jiubllo apeikori , UIDI Oropilonn. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. AllUllluici at roaionablo ruttiall workir.irranUa DR. J. E. McG-REW , ' THE SPECIALIST , PRIVATE DISKASES AND AU. DISOKUUnS AND DEBILITIES OF YOUTH AND MANHOOD , 17 YEARS' EXPI5IUEN01L WHITE FOll OIUOULAHS. 14TII & FAHNAM STS. . OMAHA , NE1 PENETRATING PLASTER. a yt it'll , Otberili compnrlton nro flow 01 DU.VU. JfiuflerlDgtn WOOD'S PLASTERi U I'eiiKtruief , UCQ llt'ViM , Ciiirf , i All Uru lit * .