6 THE OMAHA DAILY HEEr-TrKSDAY. MAROII 15 , 1892. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Wheat Was Firm in the Early Trading , but Broke Later , LATE CONTINENTAL CABLES WERE WEAK There Wnn i : ery I'rospeet of n Oecrr-no In tliii Vlilhlo Supply unit" Very l.lttlo .Selling Prenstirn While Short * SOUK lit ( 'otrr. fniCAnn , III. , Mnrch II. Whcnt wns rntlicr firm In the curly trading but tlio rnnrket htoko Inter , hccomtnic vi > ry wcnk nnd closing with n lots of Piocoinpiirod wllh Haturdny's lust Us urps. The early flrinncsi wrti duo to the bol ter pi Ices lit Ijiverpool nnd llio cold wmo wlilcli rovurcd most of the wboat belt west nnd outliwosU This was nbout nil thcro win In the way of news for 11 conildcr.ihlo tltnoi the iloiiiL-slIc murUi'lsRcnorally showoil nn ml- vnnclni ! tendency , the locul fouling wus for n tltnornther bullish , Tliuro XT in ovary pros- pcct of a Occrenso In the vlslb o supply und M-ry llttlo Boiling pressure , whllo shoits allowed n disposition to uovur nnd scciiru pro/Us / or protect themselves against pdsslhlo loss . I'ardildKo , however , hud p.nntv of whont for fmlo on nil HID llriti ( .pitlx , mid I.estor lilso Hold Kcnciously , whllo Logim , Hitlilwln & I'timum mill Mllinlnc-llodmln , nctliiK presumably for New York nnrtloH , weio ulso ruther frcosell- ors. I.ntu contlnentiil eillcs : , liouovur , eanio la wi-iik , nnd wnrmer wunthor huliiK leportod im prnb.tblo thu dpmiiml fell nnd the Halllim liecnmn moru lllipral. The export movement from New York wiis light , only 47,000 1m. of whcnt nun 77,00 ( ) bbl . of Hour. Ondur tliu In fluences the market became weak nnd olt miitcrlnllv. On this break some of the fthuit sollois on the oarlv market hesnn to tnko nrollts , both 1'nrdrldtr.o nnd I.esti-r tfovnrliiir llherully , nnd there win same roui- tlnn. Tin ) docrcnho of 73-1.0 0 bu. In the visible supply nnd 11 Into enb.o < | iint Inn I'nrls hluhei on continued cold wcnther ulso helped , the markets MIIIIO. and there xvii ) ) n HllKht reaction. Just bofoio noon , however , there boomed to bo u Ki-noriil rush to hell , which milckly broke the price u cent fiom the lop HKiiro early. 'I his was utti United to n statement that the world's sliluments for linrope.tn countries for thu p.iHt week ueiu 7.7M.IIUO Im. iiKiilnsl MiM 000 lti. tlio preceding week and < i.uuUUO bu , thrto weeks IIKO. Danublan , India nnd Austrian nhlpments were heavier. The shipments as reported exceed estimated requirements. 1'earw of anti-option b.-'lslitlon : bv conxross nnd uc ik sales was u ueal.enlnK factor and the feeling eontlnne.l to the elo-o. Muv opened at from S7'c | to b73 e avt-iliist 875,0 at the close nn S.iturd'iy. sold to tea. broUo to K7Jc. ! rallied to B7XiC , III olio to S7o , advanced to H7ie ! , itroppo , tosfiVe. rallied to b"c , broke to anil closoil weak at Mi'iO Corn WIIH quiet and slo.idy but without feel- In K , and rather weak The situation contin ued to bo regarded as bearish and there were flee olTcr II 'H of IOIIK pioperly and some short sell Inn. the buy I tic being most. y to cover short Hales and secure prollts. Unities wmo weaker. and us thu day progressed the weakness In who.it was sympathetically felt. May opened lie lower at W.c. and with Immaterial rallies hold down to nnd closed atiltl'ic Oatn hyn > pathl7cd and closed ! ie lower at SO'fc for .May. MOB products wore decidedly weak and lower. I'ho locelpts of hoi s wore 4.0JU head more thnn oxpectoil , and prices at thoyarls were from lOo to l"io lower. This started free helling and Jlav pork fell from $ ll.7 ( > i early to $10.r > 7' . re.icted some tint weakened aualn , Kolm : to 1 10 ! > , " , $ , closing atSIO,1) ' ! against tl .87'i nt the close on ! ? .iturd.iy. I.anl closed lOo loner and rils : : ire Pie olT. Estimated lecolpts for tomorrow : Wheat. ? JJ cars : corn , IWJcais ; oats , KiTi cars ; ho s , yi.OOO head , The leading futures rnncod as follows : Caih quotations weru as follows : Ki.ouii-N'omlnal. WHBAT No. U sprlnx wheat RPjo ; No. 3 hnrlni ! wheat , HlftlBJ c ; No. a rod. KSVc. OUIIN Unchanged ; No. L' , Mt'Jc ' : No. 3 yel low , ai'c. ' OATH-NO. L' , ss' c ; No. M wiilto. f. o. b. , 31i-'c ; ! rso. : i white , f. o. b. , ftlJiQ Ic. UvK-No. 3 , 8 : u. IlAiiLKY-No. a Me : No. a. ft o. b , , 4553c ; No. 4 , f. o. b. : iSfil.lc. ( I-'IJ\XHIKII No. I , lW'/5)7c. ) TiMDTiir SKBP-1'rlmc. JI.S4. ToilK Mess pork , per bbl. , JtB.a7'ttl040 } ; Inrd. per ewt. , m'JJJ5 : short ribs side * ( loosol. KiW : dry salted shoulders ( boxoU ) , 4.7.VitViO : bliort clear sides ( hoiod ) , JO.tk WIIISKV Dlstlllors' finished sooJs per go , ' . bunAii-Cut loaf , unchanged. Hecelpts and shipments ted ty were as fol lows : On the I'rolucooxchnn u today tlio butter market Him ; fancy cronniorv. 2sii2S > ic ! oidl- nary , tUiTfJ4o ; suloctcd dairy , \U32Gc ; oullnary. Ibiii'lc. K , ' . s. 1 H illlic. jnr.r.ar. l-'lim ; full cream chcdilnrs , Uj'c , ; Hat" , ll'iif.r.'i ; ; ouni ; Amer.c.i us , 12llc , lliiia AND TAI.MIVV -Unchanged. Now York M NEW YOIIK , .March 14. rt-oun-ItccolutB , If. . DM pkRHi pxpoiK f.l75 hUls , S.4'JU sau ( s : mnrkot dull and huavyj sales. 1H.70J bbls. CHUN MIM < Dull. WIIKAT Hecolpts , OVJ5J Im , : exports , 47,740 bu. ! sales , 2 , . ir > , OoJ bu. of futures ; 1WX , ) bu. ot spot. Spot dull , lower : No. 2 red , H.0146 l.O.'W In stoic and elevator ! No. a , ILUlii nlloiit ; tl.Ou' ai.nriiU f o. h. : No. a rod , WiD Wi' o ! iinErnded red. tKic4tJl.oi'i ) ! : No. a northern , tl.C' ( ; No. 1 hard. ll.U'.ftl.ijJS : No. ' . * northuin , W tiiii o. Uptlonsadvnnccd ? ® ! eon on cold \\eather ahroud nnd e.t and with l.Ucrpool cnhles llrmur , an Incrcaso In stocks hero and the vlslhlo supply , declined H&l'to on IOIIKS sellniK. lower contlnont nnd cnbfc.s nnd repotted an incrouio In world's shlpmcnti * . Uho dopr sslun in cotton also hud a iuirkod Inlluoncu. The close wus wonk nt ! ( ii > iiiiio- ellno. i\o. S rod , March Oilfeed.TKiv , uhn- ' ' ! ? nt..l'JW0i.April. ) . W.cl.01 ! , closliiK lit ttl.Sus . 07 \ . Mny. l.\-lfiQOUc. ! closliiB at OS'ie : June. HOHttU7.'c. clofc'ns at lKf ) < o : July , osy 07c. cliwIiiK ntU J c : AilKust , UJSOUlJio , clin- lni ut O.I-'MC. IIVK Weak and quiets western , 01luJc. Mocks of Kralii In btoro nnd allont .March IS : JV'Uiitao07.U03liii : . 'orn. 1,021.02:1 : hui oats , I.- ll .uajbu : rye , 520,108 but hurley , OM71 liii ; limit. fi'.OXt ) Im j pens , 2,571 Im. llAi"F7HUlllly ; ! Nll ' Milwaukee , CwaOOo. Enlcrf , 10.10J Im nVO'Jc. COIIN KocutptH , 8.740 bu , : exports , 16.707 tin. * , sales , .WVliM ) bu. futures : 2.M.WO Uu spot. Hiiot iimrkut , lower , fulrlv actlvoj No. 2 , 47 ? < a 4H 4o In ulpyutori 48aili4e ( ) nlloati uiiKriined mixed , 47tt..Jui No. a. 47 47 o : slonmer mixed. iiflUXs , Options declined SCiyij on cold weather west. Increase- stocks and visible tupply , olostiiK woak. Mnrcii , 47iO ? n'4C , closlnat 47'.o : Alirll , 477ia4SJc. clonlnu'ut < < * > ei.May. 4 < MO4l > 1c , ulosliiKut 474oi ! June. tW , < &W u. closing ; at 4 ! Jo : Jiily , 47'iai7'4C , closing at 47 > Sc ; August , 474 il8o , closing at . OATK-KoeolinK , 40.123 bu.i oxportR. none ; lules , 2&O.UOO bu , futures ; 78,900 bu , spot ; spot HAY Klrin , quiet. Iloi'H Steady , iiulou . HmiAii-lttiw. iiulet. steady. CoaTON bKKii Oil , Weak , uiilot. TAt.i.ovv-titcudy. ItosiN' yiilct , steady ; strained common to good , tl 37iC ! l.42'i. ' TUHTKNTIMOulct , higher ; 3Si30c. ! KddB-Stoi dy ; webturn , ! 4Vio. I'OIIK Uulot , utcndy ; mussy.r > 545io.3) ) ; prlmo moss , f 11.60. OUT MBATS Steady ; middles quiet ; hort. clear. 11.50. lltiTTEii titoady , modoratQdrmnntl ; western dairy. 17iI22o ; viiisteru croamcry. 2.'Uei west ern factory. ItKa 'o : Khiliu , 2-Joi Imitation cronmery , It U'Oa ; roll , 17ic.'lo. Btcudy ; part skims , 63 . l'io IIION Steudy : American , (1.150317.75 , LKAU rinui domestic. ( ( .VS. TIN J'lrni , ijiilet ; Btrnlls , lU.C03lftC5. | llrltldh Urulu Trade K 'vlc - , LOKIION. March 14. The Mark Lane Express „ 111 Its weekly review of thu Ilrltlt.li uraln Uiulo mys ; Kncllsh wncats uro llrmor at nn uvor- Xo rise of fid , Korolan uhouts are weak. The tuiipllos of Indian wheat are Increasing. The old crop Is bollix snipped with f over- Mi haste to not clear of It be fore the now hurvunt comes In. American red winter Is ( HI lower. Hurley , uats and corn uro film , Ilpans mid peas aio dull. Linseed has dropped Cd. At toduy'i market English und foreign whcnt ilccllnol fd. American Hour WBS prnsied for lain nt 2M. Oal uiltl corn were hold for d advance , llar.oy wus firm. pans were * fraction do.ircr. Omnlm I'rodurr . ' I'rlrcion ItUorslifooranjzcshnvo been nd- vnnccd nhout 2T > c in California , wh'ch utieiisttlicns the market lu-re. nn tcin celery li out of the mnrkot nnd there li tint much California stock olTorcd , The market is bate of i-plnacti. A few pen * urrlvcd throthci day ntul have sold nti.M lief * i bu box Htrawhcrrlrs uro nrrlvlnz very freely for this time of the yonr. rixitm Omiiliii Mllllns cotup.inv's itoltnnco pntont , if.'ftO ! Invliiellilc piitcnt. JJ40 ; I.ono Mar .Siiiierlutlvc. J..i ) : Snuwllako , JI.NV 1'iuicy I'MIIIIIV. 1.7ft ; S. r , Cllmnn'sdnld Medal , lifiu ; Snow White , f-2.it novvflnkr. ? . ' .OD : low prude , $1.00 : Qucon of the I'.intry. firl Potn.Tii v Chickens , cooil stock , oaiOc : pceso and ducks. ll < ilr.V : turkey , l.'liillc. llUTTKii Ilitat choice country roll , SO Io : lo erciiuhv < . 17 ® IW. MlliFd No. I Kreon salted hides. 4'iQ.t'lc ! No. 2 arocn saltrd hides. 4'3l/l'ic ' ; No. 1 Krccn H.iltcd hides. 2.1 to 4'l ' Hi" . . : H6.l'c ! No , 'Jpreeu s.illod hides. 2.1to 40 llx.iai'c : : ' : No. fvonl calf. 8 to 1.1 lb . . fc : No. 2 veal cnlf. 8 to l' Ibs. . 4o : Nc. I dry Hint hides. 7 < 3Hc ! No. 2 dry flint lildcv r , < 3c ( ! ; No. I dr.r-.nl I oil hides WtOc. Tat- low , No. limillc : : tallow. No , : i4c ; gro.iso , white A. ) c ; . reusc , vvhltii It. ilMGfc'Yoi irrciiso. yellow , : ici ureiiMO , dark. 2'ic ' ; old butter. 2 < ft 2'i i beeswax , prime. ICc ; rough tallow IHft "c. Koos-Aithounh the supply was not Inrco there was still a wcnk undertone to the market nnd salee vvoru reported nt llUiilllc. II AV Slow at J4.n < aitHI Tin ) lattur prlco could only bo obtained for uiuothlng i-xtra RO < U ! I'nuiT California riverside oranucs , S.NX3 > 2.0 : Wnshlnmnn tiavnls , JI.'Hi ' : coed apuk-s. Jifixa'lOO : I'holce lemons J .uol.23 : fancy lemons , I4.ro ; ban an no , crated. $ iJ5.rii ( ) ; cranberries , shipping stock. $ .1.M > iiG.OO : straw berries , I.Vfi'iOc it. | VMIKTAIII.KS California cahharo , 2Uc.I'er Ib , In crates : homo crown lettuce. 4 c pcrdor.- : onions , ? r > eJI.M > per bu : NobniKka hand picked beans. $ ! .7iViM.S.1 ; medium , f I,3'J(31.0'J ( ; California colury. tl.)0'Q ( ) ' > l.2lt sweet potiiloos. * .7nai00 : ; Co'orndu anil westurn Nebraska potatoes. : LW. I c ; natlvu potntocs , limit bonus 4'45l ! > c per II ) . ; wntorc-rcss , 2l-it. ; discs , r jffjlfo per qt. : spinach. Jt.uoyj.25 per 1)1)1. ; Spanish onions , JI..VJ perurato ; radishes , UAMK-Mnllnrd ducks fl.OOOaM ; teal , JI.5MS 2.00 ; mUud. fl.'JVjjI.M. _ KIIIMIIS I'lty .Mnrkot . KANSAS Oirv. Mo. March 14. Ki.o'in rirm ; pntcnts , I..t0 ; choice to extra fancy , Sl.UOffl WIIKAT Dull and oisy ; No. 2 hard , 77c ; No. 2 red quoted noniln.illy nt H c. COIIN Stonily ; No. 2. c ish , 32'4ai4c ' ( : : No. 2 ml\OLli4c : ; No. 2 white , IlPie. DATS liull and vvu.ik : No. 2 cnsh , 27e. ! HYi ; ririuor : No. 2. 7iic. KI.AX SUED S.1c on a basis of pure. lliiA.v Sliiady ; ( Vic Backed. llvv ytroni ; : timothy. KOO per ton : good to fancy prairie , &V.U iMT.IU. lIUTTKii-Sc irce , llriu ; good to extra fancy ore uiH-ry , 2230c. Kens lliisy. 11)1 ) 0. KECKIPTM Wheat , 4'liOO : bu. ; corn , 17,600 bu ; oats. : i.2 0 hit. HIIIPVIK.NTS Wheat. 24,530 hu.j corn , 14,000 bu. ; oats. 2.4JO bu. . Oollco .Market. NEVT VOIIK. Mnrch 14. Options opened steady to 5 points down to 15 points up ; closed steady , r > to 15 points ' up ; sales , lli./0i ) bacs , Inclmllnj Maicb. ? 1 1 UVTuaTO ; April , lti.20ii.2.1 : : ; May. * l2.Wl'.n,1 ! ; June , S12.Ki ; December. Sr..0.vai2.10. Spot Kin nulot. stonily ; No. 7. J14.i7' ( < . KIO.IANKIIIO. March 14. Tteiular first. 11.1.10 rols per 10 kilos ; peed second , 10.7.X ) rels Ko- celptsdurlnff thu past week. U1.UOO bazs ; pur chases for tlio United StatcH. 54OMbiKs ; ; ship ments to the L'nltnd States , 12 , OU bans ; stock. 21I.IHHI b.iKS SNriis March 14. Good uvornRo , 10,800 rels nor IJ kilos. Hecelpts during thu week. ill. 000 bacs ; shlpmenU to the United States , 4.,0 0 baxs ; stock , : it > 0.000 lings. _ _ H _ _ _ _ Mllvvauki-n Markets. Mir.wAUKKC. WK. March 14. WHEAT Weak : No. 2 spring , 89c ; No. 1 northern , 8,0 ; Mav. H44c. CoiiN-cjiiiot : No. : i , : iysv5c. OATS. Dull ; No. 2 white , auiic. No. 3. nom inal. HAIII.BV Steady ; No. 2 , ra'ic bid ; sample , HO ® V > c. KYE-NO. l , KHJc. .St. l.o uH .Murkoti. ST. Loui ? . Mo. . Jlnrch 14. WIIBAT hlaher : ca h , 69 0 ! options , lower : Mnv. 8UJjS9' . CoitN-Lower ; cash , IKHSaaihe ; May , 'Me. 'Me.OATS OATS Lower : cash.2nyo : Miy , 23 > ic. POIIK Lover at S11.7.1OI1.87U. LAUD-LOU or at JU.KHit.ii.lj. Cotton .Marker. NEwOliLEANS , La. , March 14. Cotton , onsvj mtddllii ! . ' . CSe : low mlddlln ? . eye : net re ceipts. 4.8S5 hales ; uross. 4.RS7 bales ; exports to the continent , 2.5.14 bales ; sales , (1,530 ( bales ; Mock. 441.1)11 ) bales. NEW YOIIK , March H. Cotton Futures closed steady ; sales , 119.8JO b.tlcs. MliincapiitlHVhe.it .Market. MIN.NKAPOLIS. Minn . March 14 _ May wheat opened ntR.Uc , Krudually do llnlnicto oloso of b2c ; cash , verv nctlve for No. I northern : off crudes HOW. ! Keceluts , 490 cars. Close : No. 1 northern , March. fil'4c ; Muv , 8'n on trick : No. 1 hard , 84c : No. 1 northern. 8Jc : No. 2 northern , 7760c. CliielniKill Milrkntl. OIN-INNATI. O. . March 14. WIIKAT-III light domain ) ; No. 2-rcd , nominal. Olc. COIINKasler ; No. 2 mixed , 4l42c askod. OATS ste.uly : No. 2 mixed , WIIISKV Sl.k New York ry < ! < IOIH Market. NKVV YOIIK. Mnrcii 14 The murkct for dry goods romalns stondy with only thooccaslonal tradlnc in off styles of fanoy fabrics. The juoblnu trade was active and u largo week Ib promlsoj , I'orelii ( Oil Market. LONDON , March 14. LINSEEII Oi. ISs Od(218s ( 7'fdpercwt , TUHI'KNTINK Sl'IHITS-2fis 0(1 per OWt. LivKiii'oor , , March 14. LINSIII > OIL 10s per ovv t. _ Liverpool .M irUen. Liv-Eiirooi. . March 14. WHEAT I-'inn - ; liold- orsolTor p.irliiily : No. 2 rod winter , 4a lOd p.-rcontal. KXTIIA llEEr India mess , 70s per tlorce. Toledo drain Market. TOLEDO. O. . March 14. WHEAT Lower ; No. 2 cash. U.3J'iO. COH.V Steady : No , 2 cash , 41o , OATS-Qulot ; cash , Me. Havana Sugar Market. HAVANA , Mnrch 14. tuuar oulot ; on Sntur- diiy 2,100 baiBconlrlfiiKals , W'to OS dc-rees poiarUntlon , were sold for Spain ut W.1UU © .1.20 gold per quintal. iiKln : llulter.Mnrket. ELOIN , III. , March 14. lluttor flrm : sales , 1,500 Ibs. at 27Kc ; S.1CO atrfcj 4,503 nt SS Trader * ' Talk. CiiiCAflo. III. , March l4.-Couselinan .t Day to Cookrell llros : Wheat rallied Ho ourly on the cold wave and some predictions of crop damagu from Indiana to Kansas , but became weak ( in receipt of second cables nnd closed lo lower under heavy selllni : , started by a re ported Increase of a million and u half Inishels In the world's shipments to Europe Apparently thu only buyliiK nt the cloro was to cover short sales and tno market looked llko opcnlnK lower tomorrow. Corn wus weak un der heavy roboillnn of Slay by shippers. The Incioasoot I,2JUUUO bu. In the vlslblo supply discouraged buyers , and the market closoil sick at the bottom. Oats wa weak under model ute oirorlii'-s and closed Jio loner. 1'ro- vlslonadecllned uhnrply with a largo business done all mound , Commission houscu sold and packers worn the biiyors. The selling pics- suru wiu Niilllclont to close the market heavy at low prices. OiiiOAUi ) , III Mnroh 14.-Konnett. Hopkins & Lo. to H. A. Mohorler : The cold snupnnd hotter tonu to cables caused u strong opening which lasted bomo tlnio liecnuso early Iliiures on thu vlslblo supplv Indicated a dccroaso of over 1,000.000. UlobiiiR , forolRii markets were ilUunpoliitliiKly heavy. The world hhlpments for thu week were l,7iU.03J bushels luraer than for the pruvloiib week. Exports IlKht , now buslnohs rather slack , primary market receipts liberal , a promUo of warmer weather were the conditions under which InlluonccH the prlco B.IVC way ami touched thu lowest limits on the crop , The weakness of the Clilcuco mm ket Is commonly attributed to thu trade hero buln unusually bearish , but this Is merely thu effect of a cause not o tjenerully undoMtood. Cnl- OBKO Is now almost exclusively u sprliiK wheat miirUot , the winter wheat mm ket hnviiu been taken out of store and placed In vebSiiU lo such an extent' that It would probably be found Impossible to pick up another cur-o here There uro In puhlle and prlvatoe evutors In Chicago ut-Krly ii.UW.000 bui.ho'8 which Is prnctlcnlly unsale able , from the fact that Duliiih errors to lay doHii in llullalo u butter quality at about lo undur thu Chlcii'-o prices. No matter how low values BO In Uhloiua , Dulutli do- ol nos UH steadily und keeps offerliiK u better urtlulu lo holow.us , thus practically taking uvvny our market und rurektallliic po/- slblo miles. Ulevator m n sny there has not for some time been tiny deinnnd here for lake hhlpinentuiid there U not Ilkulv to be UK IOIIL- is thmo conditions pievull. Advnnco sheets of the government 's report on foiulun crops of IMII kliow a very considerable Incro.ibe over former estimates of wheat raised. This wus not Kcueraily known at thu close and will ho lfm > ly to have a bearish effect when published tomorrow. Corn mm OIUB have iiono better than could have been _ expcouu foiisklcrlnB the general weukneas. 1 hero ling been somu buylns of com bv pur- ties who dUcredlt Mr. Dodiro's IlKurt'e. Tholu w ere certainly a KreutsurprlBu to Ilintr'nle nnd some well Informed tradcis ballavo that the umouutt lu farmer. ' liaudM liuvo bucu ov er st * ted nt least 100.0X1,000 and possibly I AOOO- 000. It I * ilnubtlctR true , however , that the trade will accept tlio Kovuriuncnt's figures and act on then ! which Indicates miitorlally loMor | ir cc > . The umi\pcci 1ly largo receipts of hos rcsulttntt In lower prlccx at the yards , und the Knncr.il wcikncss In other products cnrrted provisions do.vn with the rest , prices touehlnit the lowest limits for tunny months. There Is such a Konorally bo'irlsb fenlln/ tlic tnociilntlvo nlr.w hclher owliiz to the Hatch or Wnshhurii hills or nm other mysterious c 11111 * , time nnmtttcrhow ciicouraclnz n stntlstlc.il outlook in.iv up- ticnr nobody cirosto bo loiu on ntiythlin The bulls have been whipped all around , have lost tholr couraao ns wfll us moiiuy , nnd now titofrr tlio role of dislnternstod Nitctitor | < . The trade Is almost exclusively professional nil. I the old came of swapping jnck-knlviis ROCS on with vaiylnR result' . CIIICAOO , III , Maro'a 14. K. U. Lojmn & Co , to J. Minds Commission c-ompanv : K.xcopt- IIIR the cnrly stroiiKth , due largely tu Nuv York Inivln ? ordni.s , thu wheat nrirknt has ruled lie.ivv. 'I ho ro.d w outlier In thn fur noitliwcst WIIR more than counterbalanced by the bearish scnllmunt of our locil operators and the Ion ? wheat that uiimo out on hton or.lers. The world's shipments were 7,20 , two bushels n * . nuulnst r > ,70),0m ) , iirjuliu- for an In- cn-iiso In the amount for pissnKe. This cnuscd tue Into weakness. Whllu tlinmntkot Is snuetiiK vvo notlio a L'row.iic conflloncu In the short side , especially by our lot'nl ipecii- Intlvu frnternlty. Export doin mil lloliU Com heavy , wltli. the lecelvlnu houses , sellers , Thn local crowd took the lone side , tint ov- pectins the prlco to RO through 4ic. In this they were disappointed , Our cash market Is above a working li isis w th the east and wo hollovo prices will s IK until they moot tlrit ( leiuand. Kxpurt purch'isos at Nuvv York , Sd'i loads Outs heavy iv lib rosjrvus moilor- ute Boller.s. Moro ho s thnn atitlclpalod biuiizhtout cons'dernblo Ion ; stulT In the provision innrkot , causliu ; u vvu.ik . opcnlnt ; . 1'rlces VToro moderately vvull siislalnotl by n local operator , who was i llboral buvor , but puckers dolinc very little. Otitslda business continued Unlit. Indications are that as the country roncis Improve wo will got nioro hogs. * STOCKS AND 1IONDS. Developed Little of liiipnrtiiiice In Now Vork Yesterday. NEW YOIIK. March II. The d en' In , " ) In the slock m ir > ot to lay were neither larzo or Im- porUnt nnd whllo numtlne. durlni ; thu foro- noun , was unusually active , its advance was In no way In conformity with the amount nf business done. The Interest In the market was confined to a few stocks among which IteiullnV , Laukawanna , HlchmonJ & West I'olnt , Tennessee Coil and the Sustiah.tuiia | .V Western pinforrod were must proiiiluunt , the rest'of the list bulii traded In on small amounts and lluutualluns confined to the smallest fractions The opening was loner except In o fiiw cases , Tennessee Coal bolus up 1V8 per cent on the absorption of Immoillato coal , but thuro was Hcomlni : solllnx of Siuar on a Inr.'e scale until the iiniioiincumont of the applloatlon of the company to list $21- OUO.OJjO now- stock to be Issued In the aoqulro- nientof now properties. A full rally Immediately followed und SOILO- thlnj more wus gained , Tboro were two Im portant weak points In tlio list , however , and thcso were Lake bhoro and Cnlcneo ( Jus. though each lost n material amount onory llulit trudltiK. The advances In the coal stocks Induced free realisations toward Urn final ilealluKs , but the most part were ru- ta'ncd und the buying by Insiders holued to make the downward movement a short 'one. The oloso was qu ot nnd firm , Konerally at In- skiilllcunt changes from llrnt prices , whllo the active shares were generally utuioso to tlio best prices of the day. The 11 mil eh in-zes were unlniportuut except In a few eases , and union ; ; these. Siicur Is up Us per cent and Missouri I'aclllc 1 percent , while Chicago Gas Is down I7 , per cunt mi'l Lake Shorn 1'6 iwcont. Aovciiuncni bonds were dull and steady. btate bonds have been dull and firm. Thu follow I ML- are the closinc ( ( notations for the loading stocks on the Now York Stock ux- chunxo toduy AtClllBIHl AV do prctcrreil . K4H AU.miB Kx ] > resj 145 N. V. Central . lil.H Alton , T. II 3,1 N. V. Chl. A HI. It. . . . 1UK Alton , T. II. pM. . . 12 do preferred . . . . 77 Amerlciin li | > ren..UTH Ohio Mississippi. . . . 21 H II. O.K. AN fiO I do preferred ; . . . . . . 85 Coundtt.l'nctne 83)'Ontarlo ' & Western. . 20" Canadn'Sonthern . . . . . . Oregon linprovcmo't Central 1'acltlc 31 Oregon Nnv . HT1 Clicn A Ohio ' 2JL , Oregon Trnnj . . The lotnl siilos of stoclts toclny W ro 370,184 Hhnrcs. liiuliiilluz : Atchlson , 4'H.I : Dolnvvnro. Ijuckiiwnnna A\Vostorii. il.5U ( ; I rlo , 5.400 ; Jlls- s > url I'aclllc. 7.745 ; Now Eiizlnml , 5.470 ; I rad- inir. IMI.IKKI ; Hlchniond .t West I'olut. ai.foi : M. 1'nul. 14.18J ; Union I'aclflc , 4,012 ; U'oston , Un ion , O.ur. . I'liiiiiiclnl ICnvlon. NEW VOIIK. March 14. Tlio Post snys : Under - dor thollsiuvnntniC | of profo > .siunn , > lliiuldu- t on the prlco of t-UL-nr curtlllcutcs wns iiKiilii pushed up todny nnd nlliirlnt ; reports wore clrculitton of the fliruro uhlcli liihldcrs propose - pose to touch. The motive of nil this niovo- iiiont Is puifcctly clonr. The tlnio Is now ap- proiichlni ; nlion soiuo of the h'irKiilns contoin- plutoil by the roccut uulhurlr.itlim of an oiioriiioiih now stocl ; Issue must ho con- buiiiiuiited. EvL-ryhody fnmlll.ir with the iiiurl.ot hlhtory of the trust knows vvhut this inonns. Itlvnl refiners huvo ueon olfercd the iisiinl L-\tnivnennt iiiiruliuso price , to ho puld In HiiKiirconipiny slocl.s ; nnd. t < iclinch the hnrKiiln , high market iiuulntlons for the now shares mo irunrantocd thoni , hy which ii.'torthotransfor Is nuido they tuny "iinloud" on the "outHlilo public. " J > oiy seiisatlonnt movement in these stocks hits told the BIUIIO Htory. The present iniinlpulntlon of Siisnr ocrtlflcutcH Is the note of Invltutlon for iin- uthor oxporlenco of the kind. Its outcome will purtlally settle the ciucstlon whether the nutbldo pubuo over loarnu anylhlni ; from tlio past. Now York Mmmy Murket. NBVV YOIIK. March H. MONBV ON OAt.r.- Euey at Yt to 2 percent ; lust louu , 2 per cunt : olohcd ulforou at2 percent. I'uiMK .MKUIIANTILE I'Ai'Eii-iao - i > cr cent. STUIII.INO EXCIIANOE Quiet , but htoudy ut (1.85 1 for sixty-day bills und 14.8714 for do- mauU. The closliiK ( ( nutations on bonds : tl.H. lacoiii lib N , J. U. Int. Ccrl.Il | * { tl. H. IH roit < ioo North , Pacific lBtcll7J ( 1'aclHciisof'Oj < 1UU North I'Hcldo ; iidn..n.u l.n stamped 4 t'M Northwoturn Con.'lMli Tcnn. DOW setCa , ,107 North. Dobunt. 6 . , .107K Tenn , now set 61 1UIH St , U & I. M. lien. & * . B6H Tcnn. new set 3i 11 St. I. , ft H , K. ( Jon.M.'IOS Canada So. Knils 10IK at.I'aul Consols. , . . * | 27W Cell. I'aclllc Ills 107 St. I' . , U. * l'nc. Uts..ll7 Den & H. ( J. lats , , IKU Ter. I' . K li , Tr. Htls WW I ) . IL U , (1Vuit < s. . . hi Tt-r. I' . H.li.Tr. Item Krlei'nds 10714 Union Tactile Ista . . .1US M K , ATlien.5s , . SI Went Hhoru JOJjf Mutual Union tis.lU8 bid ' London .Mock .Market. Cnp < irl'jMc ( 133 ! l > i ; Jii n < flir.tTi lint it' ' . LONDON. Mnrcii 14.-INow York Herald Cable -.Specl.il to TIIK lieu. ] Vary llttlu was done In thu money market today. Call loans were oiioieu at 2i.lo24' ! nor cunt , tlut'o months' bills 1 > , pur cunt , with ou-aslonal business n bhado iindur. Thu tendency , liuwuvur , was linn. Thu stock nun ketH have shown a dull tendency. o\cept forolsn covonimonl hceurl- tjus , which wore supported bv hotter oiiota- ttonu fiom thocontlnunt. Homo rails mark u junural docllnoof ) , to " .4 norcunt , whllo Dover foil fi pur icnl and IJiout Northern do- ollned li , per cent. Amcrlcnns opened dull on Now orkmiotatlunu , bimiu descriptions fur ther receded , notably I.uku hhore , Denver preferred ami IJeudfnir. Urand Trunk was also woukcr , but baa rallied a little. Mexican rails also recovered tholr drop , except the nroforoncea. In the foreign market the chief feature was the Inuulry for Argentines , Uru guay , IVruvlnii , Mining shares weru qulto featureless. * 1.0MU1N , March 14-Tho following were the Uiimonstock quotations oloilua at 4 p. Consoli , money.05&-1U Mexican ofilln nFy. VU do , ai count Ui 11 In St. I'aul < om VUml N. V. . I' . A O lit. , 8144 N. V , rentral fan. 1'arlUo . . . . . Ultt I'viimilvniilu Krle "H HAH8ll.vni 4li4d. WpsKV-Ujai percent. Ituto In thoopun nitii ket for both shurt and thrcu months' bills. l' pur cent , A mount of bullion vvlihdr.iwu from the lliinU of l.iiKlunU on baluncu toduy , XWO. I'luunrliil > oti- . ICAN8AH OITV , Ma , March II. Ilauk uloar- . HAVANA , Match ll.-Spanlbhgold,2.lla'.U'i ( NKVV VOIIK. Murch 14.-Cloarlnss , Jgl,048.lU-Ji b.ilnnpes , | l.ir.lMil. Tcuo. , llach 14. . uw York ox- Clp.ir < ii ; < i , . I2,7al- o per i-otit , Krnk olcfir- NMV OiuR NMi' Mnrch IJ. .cn. $ l.lMt.2S4. Now Yorb'Vxchnntrc. ' I'oiniiicrcliil. flJc itortMOOt mink , fj , l per * IVJO. llonnt , Mnss. , Mnrnh II OlcarltijM. 114,034. . 112 ! bnl ncc4. Jl.-il.lia. Money , 2 per cunt , Lvch'tiiRo on Now Yrin 12'jo ulscoiint , Louix. Mo. MiiWh H.-Uauk Jl4.MtiImlnncrs : ) ! , ITA .vi > monry. 1 7 per cpiit ! cxchaii o on Acw-Vuru. wacoc preiiiluin. CIIICAOO. 111. . Mar. t > M4. Monov uncli iiin-d nt4iJ5Zriporccnt. UslnU clcurlnii. tlVKn..OJO. Now Voru oNchiinKp.otatWi.dlscount. HtotllnR I'xchnino. 11.81'i foi sltty dnv bills nnd Jl > 7 ! ' for sight draft * . _ _ _ _ Ito toiuNtuck Mnrkrl. HOSTON , M n'ss. . Mtroll II. Thofollowln J were the cloilin prlco ? im stocks on the lloston stock iniirkct tolny : Pnlrly Good Supply , nlth J'rlccs stoutly on Cuttle mill I.ovtrron llo n. OMAHA. March 14 The line vvonthor nnd thu iiruvulllng linn prices at the e.oso of last week brought out u liberal run of stock for n Monday. lu the eattlu line receipts were largely nindo up of steers , the xcncrul iiualtty of the ollor- IIIRS hcliiK pretty much thosnmo nson Satur day. In fact , libido from a dllTorunco of u lit tle over 700 In receipts , the cenoril market was but u rupetlllunuf S.iturduy'ilrailo. The export demand vviSTxiiiiuvvliat limited , and blus for the heavier grades of cattle ah , ded lovser. Shippers toilk ) several loads of good inodlutn and heavy cattio , iMvltm to the light iccolpts the latter 'illf : of last week , there was a fair dcin.iud rpr'tloiliablo beeves from local dressed beef houses , but as the supply vvasfuliy sunicient for the dcinamm of the trade , prices paid if vvcie never more than steady , and occasionally u shade easier. Husine-,9 vrab not vary brisk and the move ment rathoi-bluiKl- > litrclthouh the clos < ! found the pens pretty n ell cleared , at least of desir able holdingsUooU l.-UJ to 1,430 uoiind Htccrs sold from * l.-U to K10 : < falr to good I.1UU to I.IJOi Dound steers from W.au to J.UH , and odd bunches of light stufflt , from 8J.OO to $ .l.il. Tboro were hardly a dorun loads of butchers' aii'l cannurs' stockjnjhe yards all told. The demand was strong , 'und while tr.idlng was mostly In sin ill buridlits. odds and ends , busi ness was fairly active and prices steudy to btrim ; , ' . Oood to choice cows und heifers sold ut fiom t-.Go totU'O : flilr to good stulV from f.'J" ) to S..ili ; Inferior and canning stock from tl.41) ) to ti.i'i. liulla , oxcii mid .stii s.w ro about , stoady-ia from Sl.hO to KI.23. KuJr to Kood veal' calves weio firm nt from 81..W to $5.25 Fresh receipts of cattle did not Include a Kroutmany stock and feeding cattle , but what ihero weru found u. ready snlo ut Kcnerally -strong prices. The country demand wassome- what limited , but luvular dealers were free buyeis. bales raneud from J..OS to Ji33 , but $ .Iu5 toiM.25 boir.'ht the bulk of the fair tu good slock. Itcproscntatlvo sales : 6TEEKS. No. Av. Pr. 5 I2S4 | J til 14 11(1 , ! .11,0 18..W71 a ti5 10..11117 303 22. 1200 305 20. . l.t'JJ a 70 20.G3. G3. . 1.1.17 " iO , .law ) 3stf" 32. .K(80 ( a sea 70 1343 a si 111. . 128 J aw ; 20. .1102 3 as It ) . .1414 405 : io 1405 4 10 au. 1417 4 10 23. DCO 320 28. 10.15 320 5. OH 325 20. 11117 3 25 1 1040 335 0 , 858 335 COI.OIIAUO OATrr.E. No. Av. Pr. M feeders , ' . . ; . ! 1018 K ) 25 MILKKIIB rV ' BI'IIINllKltS. 1 cow and unit , , . . , j.s , $27 00 1 cow and c.ilt , . , . , . ' 5 to 1 HprlnKer , 'i , 2200 1 HptlliKcr i.'Ji1 3000 Hocib Keceluts. 4T'iar.s ! , weru 11. liln linprovu. nient o\er lust MauUny , whim only JI cars uniiiti In. As far ua miullty It , concerned theru wns no notlcoablu clijinio compared with thn luttur n.irt of lust wpck. Kccolpu nt Ulileumn iiveirun the ostlmntos about 14,000 and thcniu wnb u bail break of idu to 15u there. This fact produced a very ho irIsh - Ish fueling hoio and tSlicnlni ; bliid uuru rlcht nround lee lower thaH. Hatiirdny , Thuro were a few uiirly EOiiiti'h > ila es of heavy biitchnr weight , ho 8 at 14 UTViVlund * 4.79 , but the bent heavy shlpplni ; ho\b \ Und uood ll-ht and me dium weight hovs tAl.d mostly nt tl.liland tl.05. whllo common | lht and heavy lio- mid mixed packers sold -wnlly at tl.V ) to * 1.)7'/S , The market wax ficij r very nctlvu nt any ttinudiirlHR the dnyJuut nearly everything llnally cluinguil Imml , the buU at ( . .V to JI.05 HKiilnst l.ia to'(475 ' ! batiirday , The rieu- eral uvor.ine of prlce p ltd was < ( , ( W , u nliibt tl.70'i Saturday and il.3i lust Jlonday , Uop- rcsoiiliitlvea.iics : No. Av. til * . I'r. till H 40 3. , 4 45 fO , . .245 3U ) 4 i Ul. , . 13 10U 4 .V ) % . , 200 4 U Ul. , llvoii 4 . ' 5 .2.17 4 M Ill , . .271 4 % 5 ' 4 .V , l' , : ; . .2io - 4 53 73.CU . ISO 4 .V , CU , ' 'J7 III ) 4 53 ft ! . , 80 M , 210 4 tt Ul. 240 4V r > u , 4 .V > 0 , . . .2 S 4/v-i , . , 'iVi 4 M 1G3 4 .Vi taj 4 5714 M. . I'JJ 4 r.T'i ' 4UII 4 Wi 74. VM no 75 1'40 ' 4 57i ) SJso C7 , 217 so ' M..361 120 4 60 Cg 'JM SU 4M fT. , . .271 IB ) 470 , . . BI4 - 4 ill . ' ,7. : . BW - 47i ) to .as ; 4 no rim txn nounn 1 . . . 42J 2 51 2. 210 110 SiiKKi1 Sl\ double decks of 'hoop vcro ro- cch etl lull fontof tlicmcru choice IftinOs cnn lencil through JoClilcn o mill notolTcrcil forsnlo while ono loml wiii hlllc-il direct to Swill A Co , The rcnmliiliiK Umili fnlr western pwi-s nxfMKIiig n tipty-llvo pounds sold icntl- lly for JVOO. n pee I Mron.r nrlco. Tim diMunnd Is native nnrt jmt M Mronir , 1'nlr to com ) imtlvo * . fl.SW.4Ji wrotcnm. ! l OOU.V.K : com mon nnd stuck shccD. $ - ' . . " > ( > % 1.71 ; rood to choice lambs wulgliln ; : forty lo ninety pounds. * l "A ( IRQ ) . ltepri' i'iititl-.L' ; Siilcs : No Av. Pr. IM western owes U" > tt 00 Receipt * u i I ll < , itiulil of Sln'i , Ofllclnl rjjoluM ii-i 1 dlspixltlo-i ot SUM ns shown by tlio l > j > ' < s of I'm iTiiton Stock YrmU comiKiny for tlio twenty.toiirho-JM. ending lit fie clock ) ) in. March II. Is.1. HKri.ii'r . rirri.K | notit SIIKEI * . UOIHI.S * M'l.s Curt , - Head Cars illr-n.l Cms. jllcail Cut * . Ik-nil s i nil ; ! ITi a.a7 ; 1.1 1,7.11 M IIHI'JSITION. CAT t-K IIIIUB , Oinnlm I'm Unit ! itO TliiKS. II , llniiunund Co 157 Hntlt A I o. 7111 MIT \\'j \ \ Ciirtnlir I'nr , . . I.SIi'l ISH John IMiiilrcs I A Co. Siirrry A II IS4 lllppl'rs nnd feeders , 17'j l.clt over ioj 2.IIU 8,1 17 LAST lUHx's I-I'IU | | A KH. Clileiuo I.He Stock Miultot. CIIICAIIO. Ill . March 14. IS-peclal Tooiram ! to Tim IlKK.l Thocattlo market \\nsstronu today. There wns an active demand for east ern and export account , and as tlu > dressed beef men and the c.innors were also flee buy ers , the IIMT.IKO of prices was a little liluhor. bomo grades could not bo moved at nnv lunancii , but the most desirable sorts In the sever il classes nonet ally commanded nn advance of fiom " > o to lOc , TradIna w.ison a biisls of from ji.su to&l.V ) for poor to i'\trii cows mil hnlfors , jl.1 to S.I.7. ' ) for biills. f.'Uitof ISA for stocl.ers and loeders. H.IU tniAi5 : for shliiplnt ; steers anil MOO lo $4.li ! forTi-xnscaltle. Tlio day's business was nccomplished largely at from t..OJ lo JIUO for cows and bulls.md nt fiom M.G. ) to tl.r.O . for stcors. As .1 result of the recent "frce/o up. " ma terially uiminonUul leceipts of ho s wore counted upon by the tr.ido Kcncrnlly , but no cno bad looked for any such number us airlvud , which was IIITKU cnoiuh to c.uiso n tumble In prices of from lOc to i.'ns per luo Ibs. the market receding to fiom 4.40 tu * 4.8 > for uoor tocholeo IlKht and to from H.M to U.IO for medium andbuivy weights. The fooling wns very \ \ < s ik throtiKliout. There was n llu'ht run of sheep today and prices weie very firm , a little hUhor than for Saturday. Tlio demand was active and tbu supply was soon exhausted on u basl < Li > f from I4..KI to $7.i" ! > for poor to oxtr.i sheep , anil from J3.1K ) to 5:8"i : for lambs. .Most of thu offerings bold abovuV" , " > . thu iiuallty uvor.isliiK 'oo.l. Hecelp's woio : o.iit P , IVtu ; hon's. 45,000 : shoot ) , 11.110" , The Evening .lournnl reports' 0TTI.E lio- cclpts. ti.fXM ! ; shipments. 4.5W : mnrkotinlet Lilt stroiiK : tool to eholco steers , * l. ( > ( i ® 4. J : others. $ I.-.U ® . ) Ul : slockeis. { J.IA IK ; Ti-xiius. $ . ' . 'J'1SII : cows , S..uu&MKi. lloil.s Receipts , 42.000 : snlpmoiits. 10.010 : market active , but l.Vj lower : Mdps nnd rouKh. $ l.7.'i4.-5 : pnc ors and tiilxoU , $4.BW4 4.W : pilmo heavy and butcher weights , J4.8J MI.DO : llRht , $ l.01@l.8j. SHEEP Kecolpts. 0,010 : shipments. S.Ml ) : mar'iot ' active , ind stronw ; owes SI.'iSW.1) ) . " ) : mixed. $ > .niii.ViO ( : wethers. J" > . " > iiltl.uU ( ; wcbt- erns. $5i' > a. " > .70 : yeaillims. $ . " > . ( ! & . " > bJ : lambs J.7.V2 > 7.00. New York l.n Stock .lIurKet. NEW YOIIK , March 14. IlKmvKs UocoljitH. 77S head , Incluillni ; hfty-four cats for sue. -Market , shade tinner , and for all gr.tdps ; na tive steers , $ .1 iWit4.j ( ' per ewt ; bulls and cows , JI.Sj't. < U : dressed bo-jf blow at OJiSc per Ib. Shipments tomorrow. tfJO beeves. CAr.VKS Hecelpts. 47. > bead : market quiet nt 'iv higher : ea'vcsSiilUo per Ib SIILKIKeeulpts. . 1,270 heidj sheep firm : I'.itubs lie per Ib hluher : sheep. $ 'i.0ittl.75 ( ucr 100 Ibs. ; lambs. W.MI7.GO ; dressed mutton steady utSf&lOu per Ib. ; dressed lambs , linn ni 11 ® lie. Hoes Hocelpts.ll.fiJ'ho.id , cousl-incd direct : nominally steady at ? l.yo2)\10 per leO Ibs. Kansas City I.lvo stock Mnrkot , KANSAS CITV. Mo. March 14 GATTI.B Ue- colpts.,700 ; Bhlpmonts. l.UOC. Mnrl.et iiilet | and generally uncliaiuoU. S.ilrs : Dressed 'louf and bhlpplni : steers , $ .1.4 > W4.2."i ; cows and heifers , H.Q.WJM ; stockcrx anil feeders , ? .I.'J3 © 1.40. HOOS Receipts. 2,1)03 ) : shipments. 2,000. Maiket dull and lOc lower. Extreme raiue , W.2.-i@4.X ) : bulk. J4.4r ai.G9. SlinKP Receipts. 2,10J ; shipments. 2,100 ; market aet.vo and lOc higher. Mutton. i-.oOT < . 5.10. St. I.oulH I.Uo stock .Murkct. ST. I < ouii , Mo. March 14. OATTi.K Uccolpts. l.SOO : shipments 200 ; steady to stronger. I nlr to soon native steers , ? , ! 2 ifil 70 ; fair to good Indian and Texiin steers. $ . ' ,7. > 'gil ' ( > " . lloos Kecclpts. : ioou ; lower , honvy.fl.70 ® 4.8V mixed , * ! . .V34.80 ; light , Jl.COffll.S. ' . To Test a Non \Vnr Kii inr. NEW YORK , March 14. On EOIIIO Ooy in the latter pait of this week , probaolyon Thursday , the 17th , the "aerial Fub-nquatic projectile , " the one to the invention of which Ericsson dovotcd so many yours of study , will bo tested at Wudsworth under the sup ervision of the board ot ordiianca and fort ill- cations. General Schollold will como from Washington to witness the test , the result of which will bo nw.iitod with interest. DoWitt's Sarsapanila destroys such poi sons us scrofula , skin disease , eczema , rheu matism. Its timely use saves many lives. NiiKby'H Nnpliow Aoqnlttril of Murili-r. VANDAI.IA , 111. , March 11. Hess Locke , n nephew of the late 1) . 11. Loclto ( I'ctroloum V. Nasby ) , was acquitted boio of the mur der of Charles Stollo InOctolicr , 1890. LOCHO was n reporter on the Vandnlla Unlcm at the time. The niRbt of the murder Stollo , who was drunk , attnclccd Locke anil the latter shot him In self defense. Stollc died t o weeks afterward. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for cliil- dron taothuiR euros wind colic , diurrbua , etc. 2 ? cents a bottlo. I'rlxoiicia Kiti'iipii noin , lnll. Ti\AitiUNA , Ark. , March H. Seven pris oners attempted to escape from the Jail here yesterday by cutting through the floor and tunnelling through a brick wall. Four suc ceeded in getting away. Two of the fugi tives were white and two coloiod , the latter being for murder. The sheriff and n posse have gone in pursuit. Do you enjoy Uio good tilings of this worM ? Does a lieli dinner ilis > tienn votiV Are you troubled withplcvnlrosiiPFH/ A pioiniiicnt nhyfiiciun from Cincin nati fuiyH : "My patient litis jimt fininhed the lust bottlu of tliu gt'iaiino.Jdhaiin Ilolf'u Malt Extiact with iniiilcod impiovcnieiit. I can cheerfully ouy it in all , and nioio than you claim for it , for in my jmtifiit'H case of ( lyBjuijuila nothing \voiild icinuin on liei stoniuch ; hinico there W.IH t-x- ticnio dohility , nnd r > ho ceitainly could not huvu mirvived much longi'r. "After taking the second hottle we could eeo qulto nn ] miivrment. | Her appetite became l > etter , aiuj nhu could retain - tain food without diuiieHsing her. Shu feels for the first time in nix months that eho lian been in bed Hint elio will recover. It lias certainly jnoved in her cnbou Kteat boon. I can u'locifully ' in dorse the genuine Johaiin lloll'a iialt Extract for nil you claim , both in dys- ponsia , aniL'inia , and kindred ihbeahCH. I will take great pleasure in recommiMid- ! ng it to other piuctitioiiera and to my patients. " Eisner & Mendelson Co. , Solo Agents nnd Importers of Mineial Watera , 0 Barclay Street. New Yoik. Look out for counterfeits. The genuine must have the si ; natuioof " Jolmnu Ilolf " on the nock of every bottle , OMAHA Manufacturers' ' Jotters' ' Director } AWN1NT.S AND TUNTS. OMAHA TENT AWM- 1110 COMPANY. 11(18 * . Imtninnckf , nil nn < t riiblior clntlilnu I-oti.l fur cntnlouiic 1111 Knrntni HAGS AN'l ) TWIN'KS BEMISQMAHA BAD 00 Importer ! and nnnaf 10- tiirer . Klourbncks , llurlipi ami TT , Imf. UICYOLKS. M.O. OAXON , lllr'i'les sold im monthlr pn\incat . ISO N IMh t , Onmlia BOOTS AND S11OHS. MOR6E-COESHOEOO. 110J llownriiatrejl. Knc-orr cornt-r lltti uml IMiiulfi' utrcoti \Vp ro mnklnK cliuo prlpo * tu o nil 1) irorj , nn I nro i-ellliiB n clm "f KoiuH which l xorj lo- abloi'lth morch'inti. KIBXIHDAU , JONES & . AMERICAN HAND SEW UOM ED SHOE CO. \Vholonlo Mnniifnetirri llootn. i-hoe < , rutibcri AucnlH for lo tin Itnli- mul full K o < l9 bcr Slmo Co , 1IIK. IIUI mill HIM llnriuij-slroet UOI'l'i llnrncr Ktrool CARUIAC5JJ TOl'S. OMAHA CARRIAGE TOP C. j , ANDtRSON. CO. , ilnnufiu ttui' bujw tups A T D.ithir MnniK r. hacki , cushions , etc Topi i uililon * , llnrk , . . Dishes , i-tc. iciul fur CntaloK.io. SI N ISthit - Orn.dia Jl'.S Ulh street COAL , COKE , ETC. OMAHA GOAL , OOKE & . LIME CO. , llnrd ami soft cml f It corner lull nnd Douxlis CORNICE. | CLOTHING. EAQLECORNICE WORKS GILMORE & . RUHL , .Mnnufnutururi of (111 Mnmifncturcri nnd vnnliuJ Iron Cornlct * . Window cn-s - , iiiutillc Wholonlo Cluthlor ) , FkyllKhtt , etc. Ilium. stroot. DodKO ft. lnrncy DHGOODS. . M.E. SMITH & CO. , KILATRICX-KOCH DRY GOODS CO. , Dry pond * , nntlon , furnishing ' Ill ) nn Is.notion ! . i/on' nishing KOUJ * tcirnliliinx iiuudi. Corner llth and Ilonnrd Cur. llth mid IlowunlsH. ICLlICTRIUAL SUPPLIES WOLF ELECTRICAL CO. , lllnotrutt-il cntnluKuo fice. 1014 Capitol Arcnuo. FURNITURE AND CARPETS BEEDE&RUHYAN FUR NITURE CO. , Siicccssori to C A lloobe \ Co , Qrnco nnrt GENT'S PURMISH.VG G3 BLOTCHKY& , COHEN , ROBINSON &STOKES CO Oents * furnishing cnoda , ' "Huck- m'fV celolirateil - clothing nnd notions. " ( Jive us a trial We send kln" Ovcnilli , panta , slilrlH , coilf. etc. IC.ist nniuples cxprou prepaid , . Oiinh.l. paid lll.l llnrncy. GROCERIES. DRUOS , Etc. 0. M.STEELE&CQ. , BLAKE , BRUCE & CO. , ISOl-lM.lonoi ftreot , 10th anil llnrncy , Omaha , Omnhl , Nol > . Neb HIDES , Etc. PROVISIONS. CEO. OBERNE&CO , , S. A NIC WHORTER , IluycM of hi Idl , vroM , 211 lloanl of TrulJ tiilluw anil furi I rokor In urnin , provi sions nmlstockg Private 51 ! South Kill it. wlrut to N. V. , ami HI. I.onli HATS , ETC. IIARDWAHIi RECTOR IL WILHELMY LOBECK&LINN , CO. , Dealers' hnnlwnrc anil Cor. 10th ami .lackton ijti nieiliank'3 too Is. Omaha. 1(04 Donglns btrcct. LUMBER. CHAS. R , LEE , JOHNA.WAKEFIELD , Hnnlifooil liunlur , wool cnrputu ami parqiiot lmpott9.1..Vmorloin fort HuurliiK , land cement , MllwMikoH hritraclle cement and flh niut ( jnlney white lime. ' " L-IQUOR'S. HER A , en , , R. R. OROTTE , t.tqnnr Mnrehanti , lmpnrt r an I .lobhar of Illillarnoy 9trp t , \Vlni' ninl l.lnnori. AlaDiir&otnr'ri KonnoJy'i 1070 nnil ion KarnamSt. Kait ImlK llllterj. 1'rlcolhlion nppllcMlon. FRICK A , HERBERT. \VhoIo a1o liquor 1001 KarnnmiU MILLIN'ERY MUSICAL. C. ASTOHEHILl , A.HOSPE.JR. . , Millinery tuitionscloaks I'lanos omani , aril it * | etc , mnterlali , etc. IllMlS 8 li.th ft. Omaha. IMS Douiilai strcoU X OVSTERS. A.BDOTHPACKIND GO. PLATT4.CO. , ' - , Ftili unit i I'ncki-ri of oyjtors nih nml I'olorjr , aioHoutii lat'i st liOSLutvonnnrtli St DnvlJ Cole , Mtn&or. OILS. COHSOL10ATED TANK LINE CO. , Ilctlnt'i ] nnd lubrlcittnz ull , n lo urumu , etc. PRODUCE COMMISSION. KstnblMied , IB73. BRANCH A. CO. , WHITNEY IL CO. I'ruduccs frnlti of nil Ilntter , I'.fn * and I'onl- tr > kinds , oystori. 3PJB Dth tt. - Uumliii 13th nnd llarne.r Street ! . KIRSCHBRAUN& . JAS. A. CLARK & . CO. , SONS. , llutter , cheoie , O'BJ , Duller , gK9 nnd poultr/ poultry und Kama. r.'J < Jllownril-9t ,117 South IJUi RIDDELL&CO. , G. PEQAU , Co in tultilon Merchant , llutter chcoia , I'roducc , llutter. Kt , etablee , frnll , poultr/ Oiuma nnl IVuUrf. nnd . 12th nnd llunura SU. vAtne. Uinuha. MULLIN&MCCLAIN BINGHAM&SOM , liutier. Solid ui jrour Knit' , Hut- o. poultrr , ota No. tor , I'onltrr , ( iauio , 15 S III i Hof. lu lllduj , ICtc. Lank. 1TOI-3 KotTjnwor 'i 3t. SCHROEDER - CO. MOORE-I FERGUSON. Hultcr , KKIIB , I'hccsti , Cn ll Inijcm hiitior nnil I rultJ , I'uultrj , ( 'nino. I'k'K" : hnndh-n nil uthar AKi'iitu fur Ali < r > llojrnt liroiliKuiiiicoiiiiulBslon Horn ) nml Culllu Hilco * .MS lllh St. 'iUJS. lllh nt. - Omnlm OREELEY&CO. , J. B. HUSE&CO. llutti-r cutty , noullrj. Our | ii cliltl09 : llutter , Kiimi1 , hliU < > nnd fruit , OK.nnd poultry , IUU 1UUT llunnnlaU llunnril ctroot W. E. RIODELL WlioNnlo butter & c IliiTB nml gulls fur cnsh. 113 S. llth bt. PAPER. CARPENTER PAPER CO KINO PAPER CO. ' all klnill VV'rAppliiK paper , Carry n full flock or of twlnen , uto. printing , wrapping anj HIM Howard at. wrlllnii paper , card pa per , uta Tal. I7J3. STOVE REPAIRS. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS , fctovo repairs nnd nrntof aitachmunti for uny kind uf BIO\U mndc. 1207 Doiiidii. SASH. TOYS. M. A. DISBRDW&CO. H. HARDY 00. ] J nufiicturers of past ) . Toyv flolli , alb unit , . floun. blind , and ' n r oo.ti. . homo fur. moiildlnKi Branch of- , nl hln pooJi , cldlil- Uce.inh.nd l rdtU ) SOUTH OMAHA. UNICN STOCK YARDS CO , , LIMITED c5MMlSSldN MKliciIAN'rS. ALLEN ROOT * CO. , OASMAHN A DUDLEY. llooiu .14 Uxchanuo Hulld. Rooms , ti ) and 01 Kt- HiilMhii ; South chiuua Oiuilia. : Ho nth Kvei y MAN cull ho I S'/UONU and VIO- urn OHOUS in all rB , , cris _ Jhy usiiiR ai'ANJSH NUUVINIt.tliegreat bliaulah Retnedv. YOUNG MltN OR OlvDsulfcmm tioin NIJUVOUS D15BII/ITY , JvOST or PAII/INO MANHOODilKhtlytr.jissloi.cionvul6lon ] . , ncivoua . prolration , rnnsi d bylbi-nce of opium , luhacco or alcohol , wakefulness - fulness , menial deprMibion , loss of power III cither sex , fperinator * nrFnoio : AND AFrra liar. rhu-a caused hy self abuse and over indulgence ur oni personal weak * ness c.m lie restored lo perfect health and liie NO 111II VITALITY OF STRONG MI5N. We give a uiittcn guaranlee with G boxes lo cure any case or refund the inonry , Ji t > boi.O boics Jj For sale in Omnha by Snow , Lund & Co. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. The eminent i > clilli' In nervous , chronic , private , hlnol , iklnand urinary dlsonfri A nwiilnr and registered uradiialo In inuilclnu , UK diplomas an'l ' etTIIHcato iliovr. mull trcallnK with tnugr ilti t miLceif catarrh , ipvnualnrrlini-a , lux manhood , iiunlnal vvoakncn. nl.ht lorioi , jmpnioiicy , i/i > tilh . irloturo. uon- orrluiea. ulcel , vnrlcixolB.tlc No mercury utoJ. N w Iruntruunt fnrloit of vltiil putftr. I'arllej uimhlo lo T | H mu mat Lutroatotal homu liy corre | iondncH , .Mo.lUlne or Intlruuenl * Mint ' ' / mall Jroiproi ! eurPlynackol , no niaikitn Indicate tonlunU orjitndcr. Olio IKTSOIIB ! Iniurvloir lirorerreJ. Cnuiullallua Iron. ConripundJncuslilctly prlruta. HooK ( Myulirla > uf Ufui'tuut Irue. onicu UuJn'Ja in. to U p. Db Bundays 10 a. m. to 13 m. bend itaiup tor reply. COOK'S HIGH CLASS EUROPEAN TOURS. All Tiavullni : ixp ; < ! iin ( Ini'liidiiil I Illy- II rut Irur. A hoilm of partlei to Hnropo ilnrlni ; Ilia cufiilnu' H'.liOll will Irniu n follimji Sliiy Tarty T ( r . S Majcutlc. April -7 Hut .Inn e 1'iirty 1'er.i . < lltrurla .Mny 2 hptclal Hhorl Tour I'cr H H Klrurla i M-nindJunuTarty To * r .s 'lauionlii , June 8. 'Ihlnl .Inno I'arly I'ur h H * T njiTr1 - o Jiinii w Houitli.lnno I'aity Per - b I'Hy ol I'nrln.Jiinc Twoelpiiliil r-hoil Tonr I'm H n City uf .Now \iirL.I ill ) Hi mill I lly ( if 1'arU AUKuM.t Nurlh I npuanil llnmlnn 1'iirly Tor rt H Klrnrlu Juno IB. We mi ) ilnlly liooklnil ini'uibjnfur Ihato on ur- Bluiia , undtnvllu linineilluleuppllcjitlon fromnll who Ititend Id nvull tlicintoUc/iil ihoiu llln lrutt'il ile- irlplUe proKrnnuni'X'nn bo obtnlned by aOdrvitlnv / , , ( / . i < jOh , V At ) , Ml Ill-nail way , .Now York. jdll Dwlioo rdllluD , Under the iwtroiiiiffo of Mrs. M , 0 , FRAZAR , 70 and 71 Clo e Hd . , Boson. Tour of 80 diiyri. WOO ; Tour of 60 diiya , * 100 ; Tour of tjtl daya. 487.5 ; Tour of I ( luyti , 4tKJ ! ( , All trutelhu , hulel uiid > lilit ivelnn ciiitiuo In eluded ( l'urilc tu tall tilth Mr l-rii < ar , July 2 , IUHIU > hlp Ml ruiA.I nuard l.luu llu lou i NOHTII i .U'K I'AHU lu nllJnnt > IB , MA Ironi lloi-lou i5lii7 ( flW AiplmllHH | ! ( inuil be luado ul outo lui tbli 10 uucl for tlreular uuil ruloreuto. . . . . ' . . . TLc .LuFKC-t , KfUilt.t und Fine * ! In Ibe World * ruwcDKer umudutlon * unuir riled. NEW YORK , LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW. Kvarr Baturdnr , NKW YOHIC , OIHKAl.TKll and NAPLES , At ruifulur Inurvnln. SAIOON , SECOND-CLASS AND 8TEERAOE rates on lime t loriut fi und from Iho principle ojorca , zHiusn , isiaa ALL CJUTISIEMTAL romii. t icuulun UcVeu nrallal > l.i turolurn lir tlllitr Ihr i > ta < I'l * | uc Clido * North nt IruUnd or Nnples 4 Illbriflu Dutu Ki Unt ; Ordcti fr if Anut it ' critt Eitic. .Al > | ilx to nnjr of our local AttonUorUi IIUOlUKltH. Uliloaso. III. Easily , Quickly , Permunontly ( ieatored. tlio , 1kur"l.JS ? ufcvllt > rv01"1' . " ' i Hlli. nnd nil Inira earlr erroraorliitereituMO. , ? " , ! " " " ' ' l < " " ' " " ' " /.elc. Kull dtrcnglli. dovt'loiimeiil , nnd tone irlrcii | o orfrr orirai ) nd iMirilon oi tliu bddy. bluiiilu , nnlur l rticthiKli. JuiuicdliilB Impruvijujcnt mm Knlluro iiiUHjMlblo . ' ! < ) rcferinicn. Jlimk , ilainilloiis Mia priMitn umllcrt ( tcnledl free. AUilrrn EHIB MEOIOAL CO , , BUFFALO II. f MntTering from Uie I'KucU ot . youthful urrora ly ucrar , wiutlnj wcnk in M , lokt mauliixKl , ut ill M < uil uvahul.lu InallM in al l ) conlaliil full i rtleuUn for lunio cure. Fit I'.K of rlmrKi" A fru-mllil - medical work l fhuuld l > mU Ly evvrr man who U in rvoiu mnl UrblllUU-d. Adilrrt * . i'rot. If. C. VOVLlUt. . flXooUm. Coiuu