THE OJVIAIIA DAILY BEE ; jfalESDAY , MARCH 15 , 1892. NORFOLK'S BILL NEGLECTED ' \ Vhy it is Still in the Houao Committee \ Pigeon Hole. OKGRESSMAN KEM HELD RESPONSIBLE | n Order to 1'nr Off Old Scores Ho to Miiko nn im : > rt to Ucmrrccl the Jlras- i.rc HtnudlriK of Nebraska1 * JtpirpSPMtntlvp | * . WAsntxoTox BtntEAU or THE BBC , 1 513 FOUIITKKNTII STIIEKT , > WASIII.VOTON , U. M. , March II. ) \Jnle s vigorous work Is done nt once Nor- gotk will not got oven the poor compliment of ft report on Its public building bill , which Is looping peacefully In the pigeon boles In the house committee. Hustings' bill having b'octi reported In the last congress , had nn advantage ever Norfolk , which Is seen In the fact that it Is to go on the calendar nt 100,000 , ( while Norfolk , owing to Kern's desire to rcvonco himself on that city , Is left without B representative tn advocate Its claims. Son * Rtors Matidorscm nnd Paddock , ns they hnvo tiono u halt dozen times before , made per sonal appeal * to members of the house com- talttcu. notably Messrs. Mllllkon , Hwoot nnd THHIIOV , to pull Norfolk out of the hole. Mr. Bern suys It Is no u o to work fet Norfolk , wid ho has already written the mayor and blhcrs to this effect. , Tlio trouble with Congrossrunn Kern Is that no tins neither the ability nor desire to work for anything and his district must suffer tn consequence. It is n sorry commcntnry on Jiiibra-iUn that In Its delegation lu the house H has three men who by lack of experience or of nullity or both , nro absolutely Incompe tent to glvo the state prominence or results. McICuiKlian has moro political common snnso thnn his two associates cocnblnod , which Is not particularly complimentary to him or them. ICoin Is a clpbor. Urynn is swamped In Iho contemplation of his owu possibilities an national boards , and Nebraska is to htm but n llv spoon on the political horizon to bo canned through a telescope , but ignored nt ( hart rungo ; mcantlmo Nebraska suffers. Porttofllci ) ItultilliiKA lor.Smull TOMMI. j Thu senate Into this afternoon passed the Pnddnck-Vost bill to provide for tlio erection of poitolllco buildings lu small towns. Sena tor Paddock introduced this bill originally In the la-it congress and this year senator Vest Introduced a similar meos'uro which , how- aver , lucked some of the best features of the JPiiddock bill. The Nebraska senator made R Vigorous light for tbo restoration of thu clause * ollminulcd nnd the result is thnt the bill OH It passed is almost on the lines of his original proposition. All the ofllcos the sum of whoso gross annual receipts is $ 'JOCO uncl lass limn $30,000. for the thrco proceeding years before the building is constructed , will bo entitled to a building , the cost of which Is not to exceed t'JO.OOO. All others whoso gross receipts nro up to and Including 10,000 will bo entitled to buildings equal to the urn of the gross annual receipts of the three years preceding , and not to oxcnod a cost of 75,001) ) . This will ombrnco about all Iho otllcos not already provided for by special acts. These are the oftlccs whose gross nn- nual receipts are from 1,000 to J.'tO.OOO per L annum with the maximum limit of receipts for tlio three years preceding Is $00,000. MlHCOltnlKMIIIS. Ex-Congressman Conger of Iowa , minister Of iho United States to Brazil , was at the oapitol today shaking hands with his old friends. Ho is on his way homo to Iowa and Trill bo nt the Dos Molnes convention on the 17lh. Ho loaves tomorrow. I Congressman Bowman today succeeded in Securing the speaker's eye , and the result of tbe glunco was that the member from Coun cil lihiITsvus recognized , and ho nt ouco Bskcd unanimous consent for the passage of the bill creating a port of delivery for Coun cil Bluffs. There was no objection to the bill nnd it was passed , and Mr. Bowman is , Jn consequence , happy. Thu bill providing for tbo erection of au Indian school at Uapid City , S. D. , has boon referred to the committee on education , of Which Mr. Haves of Iowa is chairman. It Is rather unusual to rotor a building bill to a committee of this character , but Judge Hayes promised to take it up at once aud to glvo it arly consideration. Ttiu chairman of the committee on Indian Affairs , to whom thu bill for an Indian school t Chamberlain , S. D. , was referred , prom ises to make a favorable report on that incas- yro tomorrow. * bcrdeant-at-ArmB Valentino , who hns peon out in Lincoln for some days attending to u legal case , returned last night. Ho said this morning that ho is not in tbo race for congress and that ho is not in auy seuso u candidate. Ho believes that tbo delegation from Nebraska to tbo Minneapolis convcn- .fticn will bo solidly for Harrison. f. The clerk of the United States supreme jtBour' , when asked what bad become of the mandate of too court In tbo iloyd-Thavor case , replied thnt the document was deliv ered to General Garland , representing Gov- krnor Bovd , on March 1 , and that ho ( the clerk ) oollaved thnt It had boon forwarded 'promptly to Nebraska. General Garland , . .who was seen this aftornoon. said that there tvas no delay at this end of tbo line ; that the taundalo was promptly forwarded to General CovvIn and that ho has an acknowledgment iroin that gentleman of the receipt of the 'document ' on March 5. I Among tbe political gossip at the capital today vas a story to the effect that Into president of the Omaha city council , Mr. Clarence H. Ctmffco , Is putting up the pins for bis own nomination to congrosaon tbo republican ticket In the Otnatm district. Colonel D. B. Henderson of Iowa will 1 leave hero tctnorrow for Old Point Comfort , tvlicro ho hopes to regain Ids strength. Col onel Henderson hns been sulTerlm ? very much of late from tbo old wounds which ho received during the war and It has boon im possible for him for some days post to attend to his business. The comptroller of the currency bos ap proved the selection of tbo Importers aud Traders National bank of Now York and the Schuster Hare National bank of St. Joseph as rosnrvo agents for tbo Otoo Couuty Na tional bunk of Nebraska City , also tbo State Rational bank of Sterling , i In rnsponso to n letter sent some time ugo to Prof.-Lancley of thu Smithsonian Institu tion , Inquiring as to tbo chance * of securing collections of marine fishes for some of the colleges in Nebraska , Senator Paddock toduy received n letter from tbo professor in which bo says that ho has six such collections of 100 wch and that If the colleges uro willing to pay ttio expenses of furnishing jars and elcoliU tboy will be sent aa soon as thunecos- eary expenses are paid. It Is probable that tbo Nclirnslca colleges will avail tbomsolvos v of this offer. * Judge McDIll of Iowa , thonowly appointed member of the Interstate Commerce coramls- lon , bus bncn joined by Mrs. MuDill , but it Is not the intention of the family to go to bousekeaplng in Washington , as Judge Mo- lilll'a term expires next winter , ho being ap pointed only to till a vacancy. If bo is roup- polntcd , as ho expects to bo , it is likely thnt v permanent homo will bo established horo. Thn postmaster general today appointed G. . A. Anderson postmaster at Clay Point , Clay f\ * Bounty , S. 1) . , vice H. Oakluud , resigned. P. S. H. Wt'itum 1'rinloin. WitwxoTov , D. C. , March 14. [ Special { Telegram to TUB HEK. ] Tlio following list of pensions granted U reported by TUB UKU nd Kxamlner Bureau of Claims : Nebraska : Original Silas S. WolU , Jo- eph Hilliaru , Lerov A. Simmons , Jacob P. Mnnn. NeUon W. Mark * , Israel H. Hoed , John N. Tharp , Daniel lUohardson. Addi tional-George Attljr. Darius U. Qulnby , A'lulamor Ely , Bartlelt Smith. Increase "Manford Molt , Original widow * , etc. Ma ria Grove. Iowa ; Original Mathew H. MoCluskoy , Solomon Nordycko , Wiley D. Brantlold , Ellas K. Andaman. Abjulotn H. Strothor. \Vllllnm Goodin. William H. Tenant , John W. Woodman , Danltl S. Pock , Mark Hmltb , James Phillips , Merit Norturup , George Nell. Additional Tbouioi MoCarty , Honrv Fry. Brudfora W. Kenyan , John 1C. Fill , jr. , John B. Brodlo , George ItoRors , Phillip J. Darner. Kelisuo-Jamo * 11. Flflold , George J Oriftilh , Wllll * E. Gate * . South Dakota : Original George Wll- Ham * , Thomas S , Sharp , T. W. Ferguson , J. Augustus Fowler. Additional Allan M. Bturks , William U. White. Original wli- t , etc.-UuthA. White. Trulu Cnitureil Drunken Miner * . Pi dim , III. , March 14. A saugof drunken bourdoa a Burlloetoa train Uil Ight , and when Conductor Salisbury asked or their faro they boat him terribly nnd brow him from tbo swift running train , ovcrcly injuring him. Tbo engineer cut his nginc looio from the train nnd went to the carcst station for asslstancn. A posse Is ow In pursuit ot tbo roughs , and ns public xcltcmont runs high quick work may bo made of them when captured. A OENTUKY OR MORE. onio Uoinnrkiittln Iimtnncn * ot I.ongnvlty Cited. Thomns Parr , who wna born tn Slirop- hire , Knpliiml , In 1318 , lived until ho tilled lilmsolf from ovoronlinf' in the car 1035 , when ho hud atttunod tlio rroutngo of 152 yours. Ho lived In three centuries und tlflod the soil until after ho end of his 113lh yonr. King Clmrlcs I hoanl ot the wonderful old nmn anil sent him to coniound dlno at ho royal mansion. I'nrr lind nlwaj's for 152 years tit least ) boon uaod to the nest almplo fnro. At the kind's tnblo 10 lot his uppollio } 'ot awny with him nnd nto so much that ho dlod the sumo Henry .Tetikinp , also nn Englishman , tvod to bo 103 years of ago. A sketch of this romnrlmhlo old patriarch has nl- ondy boon tjlvon in "Notes for the Curious. " Mixrpnrot Patten , the Scotch cook to lames VI , did not Rlvo up the trhost intil she linil 2 round out almost exactly ; I7 years. Henry Kvans , n , Wolshtnun , dlod tn 771 at the nffo of 12 ! ) year * . Jane Scrltnshav/ lived In London dur- ng Iho roijjn of eight sovereigns , from Illxaboth to Anno. Of her 1127 yearu , eighty of them wore soont in an alms IOU30. Marlon Dolormo , who was born in ? rnnco in 1012 , and who hud romantic experience enough to 1111 a half dozen good-alxcd volumes , lived to bo 134. A most extraordinary instance of hn- nan longevity may bo found In'Smollio's 'Philosophv ol Natuntl History , " where in account is given of Peter Tortou , a latiyo ol Hungary , who died January 5 , 1724' , nt tlio advanced ago of 183. Lotitla Cox , who died at Uybroolc , Jamaica , in 1838. claimed and brought ovldunno to prove that she was 100 years old at the time of her doath. As late as 1SS-1 Tutnah Brooks was Hv- ng at Atlanta , Ga. She was said to bo I2i ; years of ago and to have given birtli to several children after passing her 100th birthday. A Lawyer I'regiestlio Ituttoii. A Now York lawyer who was on n sleeping car the other night , says the Tribune , unwittingly caused something t u htif among his fellow passengers. Every one had gone to sloop ana nothing atoso to disturb the slumbers of the travelers until about . ' 5 a. m Then the boll In the porter's room began to ring. It wns jane of these rings which settled down to * hard work at once and , as they say , just do nothing but saw wood. It was n steady , perfectly contented ring. Soon it bocatno apparent that it was no sprinter , but a long-distance champion , [ or it rang and rang , as only an electric boll ean ring to wreck a man's nerves. Some ono in the end of the car awakened and groaned : "For hoavon'a sake , stop that rackotl If you want the porter , go out and get him. Don't waUo the whole car up. " But the ringing continued. "For God's sake , " cried n llttlo man , leaping into the aisle , his hair standing on end , "what's the matter , is the hotel on fire ? " The boll sawed wood steatHly. "Stop that ringing , " baw'lod a full lunged man , sticking his liotid out between - tweon the curtains and glaring savagely at the little man. A baby woke up and began to howl. Its mother tried to calm it and its father aworo like a trooper. Ho threatened to have the life of the man who was mak ing that "infernal noise , " nnd tlio bell blazed away as merrily as if it were a twenty-four hour alarm clock. Everybody in the car awakened except two people the porter and the New York lawyer. Then a delegation started to the porter's room to assassinate him. They found him dozing peacefully on a seat , wlillo the boll was now carrying on its work with tlio regularity of a patent circular saw warranted never to stop. The wrathful passengers decided that before they cut the porter's throat it would bo wise to have him stop that boll. They pulled him to his feet , and shouted in his oar , and when hu opened his eyes they yelled : "Boll I Stop the boll ! Stop that boll ! " The porter wont down to the lawyer's berth and stuck his head between the curtains. "Did you ring , sah ? " ho asked. There was no answer from , the lawyer , though the ooll kept up Its ringing , while the baby ran a rival uoiso-making factory and its angry father invented magnlil- cent swear words. "Did you ring , sah ? " ronoatcd the porter , and the nervous mother began to sob. But the lawyer slept sweetly , ono kneu , which hud restlessly moved against the panel in the night , pressing the button of the electric boll , and U and the oaby did the rost. City Uovoriiment In ( ermiinv. Prof. F. G. Ponbody , In the March Forum : With us , municipal olHces are the spoils of successful politicians ; In Germany they are of successful exports. It seems to a Gorman as in credible to hoar ofa city governed by men who nro just pausing on their way to some higher place as it would be to hoar of a railroad or of a cotton mill thus superintended. Good city admin istration with us Is an accident. It oc curs because the man with the appoint ing power happens to appoint a good agent In Germany , city work is a science ns far from politics as is the sulonco of engineering or architecture. Each salaried alderman is responsible for a single department , or for several closely allied parts of the public business. Ho does not servo , undo our aldermen , on thrco or four scattered committees schools , licenses and sewers about none of which he him any bciontlflc knowl edge. Ho is elected to hisolllco because of his knowledge mid skill in a apodal Hold of municipal work , and takes charge of that department Thus , city work offers to a young German n life career , just aa railroading or manu facturing does In America. An edu cated mini makes a special study of water works or building laws or poor re lief. Ho Icnrns the methods of the best European cities. Ho serves his time in tlio administration of some small town , und perhaps gets a place at the head ot his chosen department in some small city , und trios to mnku that department * n model of ellicionoy und economy ; finally , ho finds the end of hid profes sional ambition in bnlng promoted to the satiio work in ono of the great cities of the kingdom. Hero ho has u place of tlignltv in the social world , and , if suc cessful' , holds a life ofllco with tlio as surance of a pension for himself uud his family , DeWltfs Sarsaparilla u reliable. IlHrolt Chief Hentenuml to Death. RANUOOX , March 14. The celebrated Dacolt chief , tba Mlulaung prince , leader of the revolt against tbo British near Arrokan , has been condemned to death , Five other * wbo took part in the revolt have also been condemned to death and the father of the Uacolt chief hu boon sentenced to penal acrvltudo'for life. Dr. Btraey.uoiouua DEIS bldg f ITPlMT'TC' I YTTMIT PVOTP1I SUGGESTS A NEW SiSTEM nvcstigating the Adjutant General's ' OfBco Indicates Legal Deficiencies. APPARENT SHORTAGE CAN BE EXPLAINED TlimiRhn Unity lltnmlimtlmior tlic ItcronU Would ru\ur the Idrn of IrrpRiiliirlty > U U L'mloMtood thr 8tnto Will Loin Nothing. LINCOLN. Nob. , March 14. [ Special to TUP. BKE. ] The resolution of the military board authorizing Governor Boyd to employ nn expert to go over the books of the adjutant general's ' ofllco has naturally created some comment. It is assorted by these who know lint the hasty examination of the records reveal n shortage of something like t2SOO In ho accounts of General Colo. Chocks drawn by the ecnornl for the payment of his family expenses nro m the hands of these who uro ) ushlng tbo Inquiry. General Cole mot with , ho military bonrd last week nnd stated that 10 could and would explain the nppnront shortage In n manner perfectly satisfactory to nil parties concerned , nnd oven these closest to tbo present administration do not icsltato to declare ttiolr belief in his uoillty o do so , and that the state will not uo the oser of a single penny. the t.nw Nooclrcl. Spnaittng of the charges that nro being whispered around tbo state house corridors against the late adjutant general , a promi nent state onlcial said this afternoon that tbo laws of Nebraska arc doliclont In at least ono rojpoct. Ho said thnt no fund appropri ated by the legislature should bo disbursed by any ether olllcers than the treasurer , who should only pay out such fundi upon war rants Issued and signed by the auditor. If Jonoral Cole had disbursed the money np- iroprlatod bv the logislnturo for the support of Iho militia In this manner ho might cscnno some of the criticism which is being brought against him nt Iho present time. the Titctlrft. Adjutant General Vlf < ] ualn was today preparing - paring u general order Instructing all com panies of tbo Nebraska Mational guard to adopt the now tactics nnd roeulatlons pro scribed by the War department for the regti- ar army. The now tactics will bo adopted 3y the national guurds of nil states tn order tn bring the guards in full accord with the regular army , nf which It Is properly nn auxilllary. General Vifqunin thinks the now .nctics are no particular improvement over the old ones. 'Ibey nro calculated to bo showier thnn the old onoj nnd nro harder to master. Tno Nebraska troops will , of course , tuko up the now regulations nnd by the next encampment will exhibit 'them with their usual prpllcloncy. Will Undoubtedly Itrcuvor. It Is now believed that Judge Borgolt , who was shot in the police court by n drunken vagabond last week , will recover from tbo effects ot bis wounds. His condition lias Rtcadlly improved since Saturday night , and bis family , as well ns bis physicians , feel greatly encouraged. No indications of in- llammatlon hnvo as yet made their nppear- auco , and ho Is able to rccclvo nourishment at intervals. The portion of the bullet is ' still occupying a pla'co In the hidden recesses of his brain , and it will always remain tboro if ho recovers. Whether It will always bo a source of danger to the Judge If ho recovers his physicians are unable to say. His friends gain no llttlo encouragement from tno ac count of the mart In Nebraska City wbo died recently , nftor living for ever twenty years with a bullet imbedded in his brain. In the UlKtrlrt Court. The forenoon in Judge Hall's court was taken up In finishing up the case brought oy Editor ( Jalhoun to compel the city council to comply with tbo election ordinance passed last December. The case will bo decided to morrow. In the case brought by tbo mambcrK of last year's ' league ball toarn against P. W. Little , the defendant was given until April 10 to lllo his answer. In Judge Tlbbett's court the day was occu pied with the case of Barber & Fowler ngulnst Julia Hlldobrand to recover commis sions for services rendered as agents for the sale of real ostato. In the case of Jamison against Cole the Jury , which wont out last. Wednesday , is still deliberating over the intricate points of law presented by the attorneys. Woe * of the Morrison Family. The woes of the Morrison family of High land precinct are still being retailed In the district court. Thomas Morrbsoy , Jr. . whojos- capod the clutches ot the law only last week by the leniency of his sister Mary , was after wards rearrested on a warrant sworn out by the fickle sister , who regretted her previous soft hoartedness. Ho gave bonds for his good behavior , but bad hardly returned homo than another fracas occurred. Toduy Thomas came Into court and caused a war rant to be Issued for tbo arrest of Mary. Uo based his complaint upon the assertion that she had chased him from the house with a steve poker and hastened bis exit by throw ing a pair of shears after him. Odds anil Km ! * . Material has boon ordered to Lincoln for tbo completion of tbo Hock Island's line through the eastern part of the city. A young fellow named Corneal was tried and acquitted of the theft of an overcoat in Judge Brown's court this aftornoon. Ho proved that bo had pawned the coat for another man , who has disappeared. A. J. Bandqulst found a diamond ring that was stolen from him last 1'Tiday at a pawn shop today. The republican city convention moots to morrow afternoon at Bobannon's ball. A mass mooting of women wbo propose to vote nt tbo coming school election has been called to mout at iho stuto capital Wednesday afternoon. The committee appointed to select a nonpartisan - partisan ticket for school ofllcors today an nounced the names of Lewis Gregory , H. E , Lowls and H. F. Bowers. UnlvorHiil I'nilsii Menu * Merle. The success of Chamberlain's couch rem edy In effecting a speedy euro of la grippe colds , croup and whooping cough , has broucht It into great demand. Messrs , Pontius tius & Son of Cameron , O. , say that It has gained a reputation second to none la that vicinity. James M. Queen of Johnston , W Va. , says it Is the best ho over used. B F Jones , druggist , Winona , Miss. , ays : "Chamberlain's cough remedy 1s perfectly rellaolo. I have always warranted It and It never failed to give the most perfect satis faction. " 50 cent bottles for sato by drug gists. H7I.B HKM 7M/.V Jf.i/f/.VO SKC11KTS. KniiHiiH MIMI Cliilui to Hnvo Discovered MeJ- Imnrun'H MtithiulH Their Oiler. TOPKKA , Kan. , Marcn 14. The experiments of Melbourne at Goodland , in this state , have loll an unexpected crop of rainmakers who claim to have discovered his secret and who are now ready to supplant irrigation for a consideration. Two companies hnvo been In corporated and have proposed to make con tracts wltb counties at ftiOO a county , engag ing to aooiiro from ono to two inches , of rain under each contract. Tboso companies are much more liberal than was Melbourne , as they will sell tbo secret , with but ono con. dltion attached that tbo purchasers will not use It in adjoining counties and tbui ruin good territory. The rain must also bo con- lined to the county purchasing , for this great boon is not free. Too secret has benn placed at tbo nominal price of fiM ) per county , which It is claimed is cheap , tbo rain being produced whenever wanted. In order to make good their claims as "successful operators , " tbo two companies have men at work in California and Arlzone experimenting in the and regions. Most favorable reports have been received from these. Telegrams from Mejsr * . Border and Llndea report one and one-half Incbos of rain produced In California. The Immediate re sult was tbo sale ot shares of stock at pat value. Ono of the most sickening headaches li caused by railroad traveling. Brndycrolluc prevents and euros It. Close Cull lor Kullroad .Men. NOKTII YAKIMA , Wash. , March 14. PreM dent Oakes ot tbo Northern Pacific and part ; ( topped bora yesterday to inspect tbo com pauy'j property , The party left tbo Irak and took n drlvo nro'irnn' the country In n wngon. A vohtclodrawtt'bv four hoMos con- nlnlng W. S. Mellon , general manager ot the Northern Pacific ; K.v , , Smller. editor of the Northwestern Uiuotto ; Walter Oakoi nnd P. A. O'Fnrroll wjite overturned by Iho current In n stronra ( the party at * tomntcd to ford. O Fqrrell nnd Unites reached n shallow polrit and Mellon swam nMioro. But Smiley wni carried Into deep valor by tno current nud .went under twice joforo a small boat rononcd him. Ho was nkcn to tha train and soon recovered. TKAII-.M.\IK : ( CASIS. : 11 mm Walker Son * of Cnnniln ( lot 1111 In junction Ayrtlint > k ( IhlcnK'i House. A case recently hoard before Judge Droshnra of the United States circuit court 'or ' tbo First district of Michigan goes to show that persons who use whisky must bo on tbo nlort If they would escape being Im posed upon. The plaintiffs nro Hlrahi Walker t Sons , Imltod , \Vnlkorvlllo , Canada , distillers md bottlers of n whisky known as "Canadian Jlub. " Under the Canadian oxclso rogula- .lons whisky may remain tn bond Indoll- iltcly , and the distiller may , It ho so wishes , bottle It while still in the custody of tbo gov ernment oftlcors , nnd thereby * obtain nn ex- , clsocertificate ol the ngo and goinilnonoss of the liquor In the form of nn oMclal stamp ever the cork of each bottlo. This sunrnn. tto Is naturally very much prized by the dis tillers who have tno old whlskv to secure It , mid all whisky bottled by the Walkorvlllo es tablishment Is so guaranteed. \ Chicago llrm have put up n spirit which .hoy call "Montreal Club1 alleged to bo mndo by Iho "Alontroul Ulstlllln ? company. " Which was shown to have no oxlstonco. In ill but name , the Wnlknr labels were closely 'mltatcd , ns was nho the ofllclul stamp of tlio JnnnJiiin oxclso. The proceedings were rendered somewhat novel bv thu appearance of Mr. 7 . A. Lash , Q. C. of Toronto , on be- inlf of the dominion covornmont , to supnort tbo application of the plaintiffs to restrain defendants from further use of the counter feit certificate. The dufcndanU were prompt- y enjoined from continuing to Infringe upon ilnlntlff's trade-murk or labels , or to copy .ho Dominion exclto stamp. A significant fcaturu of the case was the production by the defendants of affidavits by several liquor dealers ot Chicago nnd Detroit , who hardly could bo Ignorant ot the cnaruc- tcrof tbo good * in question. It would that the consumer must lopond upon his own care nnd Judemont for immunity from such attempts to dotraud. Bonfort's \Vinonnd Spirit Circular. That cough of yours can be stopped surely , quickly by Piso's Cure for Consumption. L'leasont , effective. ! ! 5c. All druggists. HAD IT UP AND DOWN. Current Topic People on thn I.oneth of the rreilclelitlul Term. The Current Topic club discussed the ques tion of lengthening the term of ofllco for presidents and governors of states last night. Mr. J. H. Conrad opened on the side of tha affirmative , holding that It would bo well for iho country to lengthen the presidential term to six or eight years and make It im possible for a man to servo moro than ono term. Ho pointed out the expense of fre quent campaigns and the confusion nnd dis turbance to business that the country always suffered during prosidahttal campaigns. Mr. J. N. Ulllnn bpldi that presidential campaigns were very useful as a moans of educating tbo people upon Important political questions. Ho thouent four years wus long enough for tbo country to put up wltb a poor president and when the iucumbnnt proved his fitness by satisfactory service then It was no creat trouble to re-elect. E. E. 2iimnornmii.Jold that under the present arrangement thopresidents spent the first two years of > ttiolr terms learning the duties < .of ofllco .and . the last two in scheming to secure U second term. Ho thought the term should bo six or oigbt years and the possibility of a second term immcdiRtoly following , iho Ursi entirely wiped out. Mr. Allen Hoot pointed but tbo tremendous expense of a presidential camnulgn. A very largo sbaro ot tbo money that was spunt , ho said , went to tbo railroad companies and they did not need It. ' 'Ifo "wanted tbd term of ofllco lengthened In order to shut off tbo expense of elections. Mr.V. . A. DoBord showed that It was necessary to elect congrqssmen every time the presidential year came ro.iuil nnd the additional legitimate expenses of ejecting a president wcro therefore but normal. Gessler's Magic Headache Wafers euros all headaches In UUmlnutos. At all druggists Looking Up III * Company * * ! Property. Mr. John A. McCall , president of the Now York Life Insurance company , will arrive In Omaha today at 0 o'clock. Hn is making a tour of the largo cities in which tbe company owns valuable property. This will bo his first visit to Omaha and ho will doubtless In spect the splendid building owned by the New York Llfo on Faruum street with a good deal of Interest. At R o'clock this afternoon President Mc- Call will meat a number of the representa tive business mnn of tbo city at lunch at tbo Omaha club. He loaves this evening for Kansas City. Me for a box of Bochain Pills worth a guinea. Gigantic Fly Wheel Hursts. CINCINNATI , O. , March 14. Shortly before 2 o'clock this morning the gigantic lly wheel at the Cincinnati Eloclrlu light works at Hunt and Broadway , bust with destructive effect. It was twenty-four foot high , weighed twenty-four tons nnd was mnulng seventy-throe revolutions per mlnuto. It smashed a $10,001) steam engine , destroyed the ofllco , crushed several dynamos nnd Knocked out ono side of the building. The direct loss may foot up nearly $20OUO. Thcro were several narrow oicapoa but no ono was hurt. Tbo wheel was made at Milwaukee. Hu Will Swim thu Itiipldx. LocKrouT , N. Y. , March 14. Another hot brained enthusiast thirsting for Ni- oijira rapids notoriety , loft England on Sun day for Now Yorit. Ho proposes to swim the Niagara river rapids , selecting the same route pursued1 by Captain \Vobb , who was drowned In 1BS.1. The now aspirant Is Wil liam J. Davis , hailing from Sydney , N. S. W. Ho 1s a strong and nrtisculnr t man , about ! 55 years old , nnd Is unmarried. Davis will start his swim from tbo Canadian sldo of tbo river. Kuiinnn City Jilts Nuturnl Oils. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , March H. The Midland - land hotel In sinking an artesian well on Its property , has struck natural gas at a depth ot 200 font. The gas was carried In a straight plpo up to the seventh story windows dews of the hotel , wben > It was ignitod. When burning at nlgbt.tbo contcr of the city 1 * Illuminated for several' ' bloeus around. Dr. Birnoy euros cuuirrn. BKK bldjr Kntttunfflve lines or fat uniltr thli htadJlftu ctnt ; cach aMltlntuil line ten ctiit * . iUNlioi' JuiiiesM at , yiu Kronzlor , : S.p. . m. , Monday , aced fiO. ltcuulns will be taken to ( julnoy for burial , " ' " WOUTH A G INBAABIOX. " ; NXX/ / / \ V * > ' ' 4 Notprunk. ] ; j Just dliiyl There la a pre - sure otx'lhe brain , owlnj ; tea a clogging of the ystcm. BEECHAM'S PILLS _ < will remove the obstruction > and pcMuJ ( the vital tune- lions to act naturally. They cure * Blck Ilcuducbe , uud nil BlllouiI unU 5NcrvomUl order .nrUloB V niW - U SStouncli , Indlccitlun , Uuuttluutluu Sand Disordered I.lver. J ! Of all drut-eiiU. Price 35 cent ! a box. ! . New York Depot , 3 5 Canal M. 3T BOLD BREAK OF A BURGLAR Max Meyer & Bros' , Store Window Broken In by n Daring Thief. SHOW WINDOW WAS TOO ATTRACTIVE Wlillo llm Crlmn Wnn n llucl Onn Hit Ho- nnnU Wrro Not Very ( trout Church-door * Line n Sinnlt .Sum. Max Meyer ft Co.'s Jewelry establishment , nt Sixteenth nnu Farnntn , ' was tlio scene ot jurKlnrlous operations yesterday morning1. Tlioso ganlloaiouvcro of the "brilliant dash" order , ns opposed to the besieging sort. At about a o'clockvhllo the watchman was standing on the platform occupied by .ho bookkeepers In the roar of the store , and .ho policeman was lost In n train ot Sabbath reflection * a few blocks distant , tbo largo' ilato-glnss window on tho'Fnrnnm front of : ho building was smashed Into spllntors by something which must have bad the force ot a battering ram , for the glass xvns nearly half an Inch In thtcKncss. A pair of hungry hands appeared through .ho opening , scooped up a baudful of Jewelry ana vanished. A pair of foot wont pit-pat , ilt-pat down the moonlit street nnd ulsnp- > eiirod in the mists. Among Uio articles missing wora n number of small diamond rings and thrco or lour gold wntuhes , but no good osllmiUo of the loss cut uo made nl present. 1'iMiiilty of Urine I'loui. . The residence of Mr. liauseman 2544 Dodge street wns empty yesterday morning while iho family was at church. An enterprising burglar grasped the opportunity and when tha household returned tliov found ono of the shuliars mutilated nnd a'uolo cut throuRU a pauo of glass and blotches of blood In every direction. A small sum of inonoy , a gold ncuklaco nud locket und au amethyst" ring were missing. The blood bad evidently boon shed oy tlio burglar himself from a out received , while opening the window. BRIBED A WITNESS. Anton \Vi'l > ln-raiil Alfred < ; , Oslo In Serious Trmililp. The state. In the case against Anton Web ber , charged tvlth , soiling liquor on Sunday , fulled to prove that Webber was n licensed snlooukcopnr nnd Uo was discharged , tbo court holding that the provisions of the Slocumb law were for the regulation of licensed saloons. It , developed during tbo trial that witnesses for tba prosecution bad been bought off , and the police Judge advlsoJ an investigation. Sergeant Ormsby looked into the matter a little and the result was n complaint charg ing Alfred C. Ogle with compounding a crimo. The complaint charges Ogle with ac cepting n brlbo of $10 , paid to him by Web- Der , ns an Inducement to stay-aw ny from the trial and refrain from prosecuting the casn. Ai a result of Ogle's absence the prosecution fulled to prove anything nnd the case fell through. A warrant was Issued and given to DC- tnctlvo Savage , who found Ogle sitting on iho curbttono In front of the Paxton hotel and placed him under nrrost. A Sf , O I/A I1KMKX 2V * . Cora Tanner nnd her Park Theater com pany will glvo three raoro performances hero during their present engagement tonight and tomorrow afternoon and night. Henry Lee Is ono of the most versatile character actors In America. In a society drama such as "Tho Runaway \Vlfo" ho ap pears nt his best. It Is a beautiful plav , pre sented by a compacy of artists second to oono on tbo road , and the tour has boon ono continual series of ovations. Booked at the ITarnntn Street theater this wouk. Denman Thompson and George Ilyor's ' plav , "Tho Two Sisters , " will bo the at traction at Boyd's ' now theateron Thursday , Friday , Saturday and Sundav next. The play contains much of that Intensely natural element that is sucb n prominent feature In "Tbo Old Homestead , " Donnmn Thompson's other play. Ted Mnrlis , the "only nnd original , " whoso card announces him "tbo friend of the widows , " Is In tbo city in the interest of Ills most particular friends , "Wilkinson's Widows , " who will be soon at tbo Boyd next week. WE'VE GOT IT ! YOU WANT IT ! Treatment A Homo , Glowing Health ! Rosy Gheaks ! Healthy Bodies ! Costs Four 'Boon ' Companions' ' Cents u Day. -OF- It curcjantnrrli swiftly , radlrnllj' . You Inhale the warm , rich hualtli lailun vapor. ImtnoillMcly It wnrniK. nootlioK , uibllt'rntoj. ( ilvoi npputlto incl ewot't uleopinitiiriilly. . 1'osltlvi'ly cures ( 'ATAHIIII llrunchltls , Aithmn. La UrliU'U. Contuniptlon llonilnchu , Drtpcpglit , Nervous I'ruatratlun , K.MINKNT iihjilrlani In chiruu of Omiiliii ofUoai. Inlinlntlani nnd ailvlca { run lit olllcai. OxyKCii Manunl free. A poitnl gels U. Cull or wrlto todsri hundroda linpiillf havo. TUB BI'JCCIFIC OXVOKN CO , . WOf-hcoly Iliilldg , cor. 15tli nnd Howard slrco'at Oinntm , Nobrnaka. YOU NEED NOT FEAR that jiooilo ( will know your hair Is ilyed If jou use tluit { Hirfcct Imitation of nature , Tuifs Hair Dye It Import * ufrlnssy color uiul f refill Hfo I n tlm Iiulr. J'lk'c , l. Olllcc , 3D 1'urlt 1'Jiicu , N. V. Wlllil mm SYRINQEL ThaOnly I'orfoct. Vnilna nn Jtuctnl Hyrlnk'a In llm world. la Iho onlr arrlnxo crcr In- vcntrd liy wblrh vuvlnal In- lection * can ho udinlnliturcd without leaking nml olllnir he rlothhiKor iiiiruiiltillni ! lui u > o of n reuol , mid which cun alto ba mud for reclnl lajocllont or Irrlta * Ion , tiOIT ItllllllKU. 1IAIII ) UllllllKltllKl.Tj. i MIM : , ya.ou. Mull orders lollcltcd. Ilic Aloe & Penfold Co Street , to I'oHtofflcii. rhyalclana * pruurlpllnni mrofultjr propurod ut low price * . r , YOURSELF ! r r Aik your DniggUt tot - , . botllti ol IliK U. The only . / non jxiitonmu reuitJy lor oil the uunaturul illiclmrgti tind I prlvmo cli erw.-i ( it incu uuu the debilllatlus wcakneu peculiar I to vromrn. U curci In a I w Ida ) a with nut tlio uld or iinlillclty ol a doctor. 1hi rniimnl Ataaican Curt. Maiiufartiirnl by I ' kTbs Evans Chemical O.1 CINCINNATI , o. U. 8. . OAHE. An ItuUnnn Mnn h Snvoi ! by n covcrv * A rcmnrlmMo case hns occurred In our territory. J. N. Berry , a mnn nlxnit thirty ycnrs of npo , was Rolni ; down rnplilly. Ho tried phj'siclan nftcr | ihystclnn , jvitotit infdl- dues , homo rcccltits In fnct , ovcrythiiiR. Ho went ton tiokxl tvittlUirltiiii nud returned no l ttcr. Wo nil thought hens tlyitiR with coustiniptlon , nnd thnt only n few weeks of life were left for him. Ho conmionml taklnc Dr. I'lorco's Golden Iteilicnl Discovery , nnu nt the sntno tltno commenced to tneiuL Uo 1ms used nlxnit two down Inittlcs , nnd U still using It , Ho hrui rnhuil In weight , color nnd strength , nnd is nblo to do light work. It U Jtt > t such n case ns wo should hnvo listened to rather suspiciously , hut when wo see It , wo must Iwllovo it , H hns trebled our snlos of "Golden Mixl- lonl Dscovory. ( " Jens IlAciarrr & SON , Ilofinoko , liul. "Discovery" strengthens Weak Lungs. nnd cures Spitting of Mood. Shortness of Hrunth , llronchltis Sovcro Coughs , and ktn- ditxl nirecUpns. Jon't IHJ fixilcd Into tnk- ing something o1seRiid to Ixj " juM. as peed , " tlutt the dealer tuny make n Inrger profit , A Written Gimrnntco SYPHILIS to Cure Kvory Case or Money Hotundod. Our euro It permanent nnilnotn piu'iliu up. rntotl KOTon yean ami tiara never soon s Miuptni Mnrp. ly ) ile'crlHliiR ciuo fully wo ran treat you by nmll.nmt wo Klvollio innio pining Kiiarnnti'Q to euro orrofitmt nil money. Tliosjulio prefer to comu lipni fortivntnienlrnndo oiiml wo will psjr rnllmiul faro both wnyi niul luilcl Mils wlillo lioro If wo ( nil tit cum Wo Clinllenco tlio WorM for it cno thnt our MAOIU HKM1CDV will not euro. Wrlto for particular * mil grttliooTMnnrp. In our coven yoirV prnMlaj with IhliiM.VOIC IIKMKDV It hns boon m'Ml ' dbtloult I ) otcrconiotho iirojuillcos njivhut nocillot spjoMn llutuiulorouratroni ! Kunrnatoo tliouinnil * nr , ) trylat Itnml liolnif enrol. Wo Ruurnntoe to cura orrofual ercryilollnr , nnlm wo Intvnn | tl ) i la prjtot nl'cilinnnclnl backing nf JSJO.OX ) It li porfoctlr unto to nil who will try tliotrofttmonl. llurotofo-o you IIIT.I boon iiuttlimiipnnl payluz nut your iiumoy fnritina * imttrriitmpntt. nn'1 nltliouihjrou urn not yet no ono luvi pnlil Imck your mnncy. Wo will innltlvuly euroyou. OIJ cliroule , deep sunlo.t C.-XIH cure ! lu II to W ilnys. InvcsdKnto our tlnnnclnl rlniKlbiK , our reputation n < luislnt"i men , Wrlto in for nrunoi nn 1 nOtlrvH esof Iho o wo hnvo rured who hare clroa P9riul99loti to rufur to thoin , It cosli you only po't * n oto ilo this. If your nro sere lhn > at. tnucoud pntclioslu tuoutli , rheumatism In bouoinnt Joint ? , hnlr fallhm out , cruptliian on nuy part of th ) lx > tly , foolbiK of uoiieral ilcprunlon , putnt in hen I or txmes. You have no time to wa to. Thcua who nrj ronstiintly Inking mercury a 11 potiuh lionl 1 dl 3in llnuolt. Cou tnut uflo of thuso ilruK wilt uroly br'tnii foreH nntt cntluK ulcers In the cmt IXm't fall tn wrllo. Allcorrusponilonro nont lonltil la plnln enrolopai Wo luvlto the most rlicU ! InvostlKfittoti itiKl v , 111 do all n our power to aid you lu It. Adilroo OOOK REMEDY i 0. , - Ounhi , Nobrirta. MAGIC CURE Wotw for n CURD of I.ovr or FAIM.VII .MAN- noon , Gennriil or NKUVOUS DRiiu.iri' . weak ness ot body or mind , the olToutsof errors or o- cossoslu elder yotiii thntwocannolcuro. Wo etiiirantcoavory ease or refund every Five days trial treatiunnt . Wt . , . full ciiursu i I'ercoptlblo boiiollts rivill/od In three days , lly mull , securely p lokml from obsorvntlon. COOK HEMKDV Uo. . OMAHA , NEII LADIES ONLY UARIP I'K AI.K KKOIJI.ATOn. 9afo and mHUlU Ctirlaln to a day or money rcfnndod. Hy nmll $ . ' . Homirely soalol from obsurra- ton. ! C'OOK MtKJltiltV Ct . , Uinaha. Neb at any time wiih DOCTOR : IT WELL CURE A GOLD ; j IN TWELVE HOURS ; j ! A SB cent Bottle may save you : $100 in Doctor's bills-may eave your life. Ask your Druggist : ; for it. IT TASTES GOOD. : S PURE PINK PILLS. : Dr. Acker's English Pills : - Smntl , lilcu.iint , 11 ruvurllo with the Infllfn. ; ! \V. H. IIOOKClt & CO , ill Veil llroadirny , N. V. 3 lilt . r.llll l. > ! . , f For sale by Kuhn & Co. , and Sherman & McConnell , Omaha. INSTANT RELIEF. Klnmcure PILES in luuioa. mm uuvcr returns. Ito IpurKu.imsAlrfl.nuaiimtnHitory Suf- ferera wllllfftrn of ft simple remmly Kro * . liy ad- . JO..TBNimvbt..N.Y.UItr. SlorlifilnB ' 35MTO PAENS For Inventions PUOUUHKD y THE Bee Bureau of Claims OMAHA , NEB. Kqunl with the Intoron of llioro hnvln < clul n nKftlintthoHOVornment U Hint ot IN VI'.N 1'OIIS , win otlc'ii loiu thu bonollt of valunblu ( iiTontljiii beavna of thu Incoiuiiuuicior or limltontlon of th9 ntuirnoirj empluyod to obtain ttiulr patuntt , Tou inucli oirJ run not bo oxorcliol In oiiplnrlnt oo-npjtaiit un < l rcllnblo tolla'ton ' to procure imianti , fur t'u valm of apatiintdapondi ifruallr , If nutontlrulr , upun till caronn < l 1)1111 ) < if tha nttornvr. Wlthtba vlevr o > protactliu Inrontori fro n worth loai or caroldi Attorneys , anl of eln < tlitl uivun- llon nm well pro lee let by v.nlll pilonti , Tlllff IliJ.t IIUUKAU lm $ rotnlnud countul oxpjrt la patant irnctlco : nnd It thoruforo pruparttl tJ ( tbttttn jiiitcntH , Conduct fjntinlniitlani , MroHecitte rvlrrti'tl niHtm , triitli : tn < trln and ci > j > i/rlnliti. jitnliiiiH IIH toHi-ojia it ml full it- ttu ofjttiti'ittu. tinil ilefenil tnfi'lity uinvit , etc. , etc , Ifjrou Imroaii Invantton on hnnd enrt TIII5 It I ! II UUHHAlIn nkolch or photograph tliertiuf , to 'otlijr with a brief description of the Importiint laatiirui. line : you will bo uaos ndrlnoil at to IU9 bull iwiriu t , punue. Moduli nru not nucaiiarr union thu tnron- tlon li. of n ooiuulluitled nalurii. If othur < nro In. frlnKlnvon your rUliti , or If you urj cuar/ui wllli Infrlnicernoni by otnuri , lubrnlt tli9 matter to THIS lltntKAUfor a rellnbla OI'INIUN buroru aotliu on Iho innller. Till- BEE BUREAU OF CLAIMS 2'20 Hro lliillillii' , ' , Oiniiln , Noli. rr"Tlila Iliireau | g ) ! iiaratlU > od liy tlio Oniiilm I toe. the J'Junour 1'rusj miJ thu Han Kxunliiur GUI this out and send it with your in qulry. INDIAN DEPREDATION CUIMS I'nrsons who Imvo lott property front Iiulliin ruiU dliould Ilio tliolr claims uiulur tlio IiiUluu Dopro I u tlon Act of .Mnr li ' , l&Jt. The tune U llmltud , an I tbo oluling uro takun iii | by thu cnurtiu the orJur In which tli y urn received , Take Notlcu that all contract ! entered inlr with attornoj-4 prior to tha Aat uro maJj null uiul vnl'J. Jnfiirinatlon Klvou uuJ all claims Dromptly attonilod to liy lliu BEE BUREAU OF CLAIMS. XV < > line /Inllilln-j , OMA.MA , NEBRASKA. ny TliU Iliiroait la cnnrantuuJ by the Onuiliu lluo. the I'lonoor I're i uuU thu Hail i'ruuclbco Kxuiuliiur , FOUND AT LAST After Yo.irs of Unsuoojssful So.uch for .1 Cure , Mnrtln , Anderson Gets Holloffrom the Chlii3S3 Doctor-A VoluntuTjit mental. OMAHA , Nob. . Jnn. 18 , 1803. To whom It May Concern : Thitt is to uortffv that I hnvu boon n constant stifToror for many years witli catarrh , asthma anil bronchial nffoc- lions of the throat , ntttl tried nil the mtont modicltiOB and roinudlos I ever luurd of , but with no success , I tiontoil with doctors in various parts of the country , hut none of thorn could do ma any gooil.furllior thnn giving mo shor temporary roltof. I btiltorod nit'lit tin- ilny. and continued to jjrow worse not withstanding nil the mcdiolno I had taken. I had almost given up mv CHSO ns hopo'ioss wlum L wntt informed by u frioml of Dr. C. Gee \Vo , the Chinosa doctor , ami advinod to go and HOO him in tlio hope of gottiug relief nt loiwt. if not a pornianont euro for my trouble. I was slow in making up my iniml to muko such n radical chungo tn my treatment , ns I know n trial with the Chinese doc tor would bring mo , but I timilly con eluded to give him n trial , to I cnllod nt hisollico with that intention. Liountl tlio doctor n clover , entertaining gentle man , thoroughly pustod on my condi tion , nnd it took only a vary short time to convince mo thai ho was the party I was HO long in search of. Ho told mo my case was curable , und that ho could euro mo , and pratmrcd mo n stmclal treatment to suit my condition , nnd in two weeks 1 wns * o much batter thai I hud tlio fullest conlidunco in the doctor's ability und committed my case to hie treatment. I continued to grow better rapidly nnd am now entirely well. I ewe my euro to Dr. C. Goo Wo , and urn not nshumod to admit it. I ndviso all who want relief from their troubles to call on Dr. C. Gee Wo , nnd they will bo cured. For all purlloulurs apply or write to MAUTUV L , ANDKKSO.V , 3121 Ctiming St. , Omaha , Nob. rm. c. ens is wo , Kogular eradniilo of Chinese tnudlnlne. oleht years'study , ton years' practice. Tnmtsmie- uessfully all discuses known to sutVerlns Im munity. Hoots , plaiitHund herbs nature's remedies his incdlolnos the world his witness ; I , ( > JO tos- tlinonliils. C'all and HUU him , Consultation frco. IJusiilHO constantly on hand remedies for tbe following dlsoasus raady prepared : Asthma , Cainrrli , Itliuuiivitlsin. Indigestion , Lost Mnnhooil , Koiualo WuiilciU'SS , Slok ncho , Illooil I'lirlHnr. and KUIn.y uml I.Ivor. 1'rlce , ono dollnr pur bottle or six for llvo del lars. These who cannot call , unelnsu 2-cunl B tamp for question list und full particulars. clHco , Cor. 10th and California Sts. , Omsh AXDAI.WOOI ) CAI'SUIi:3 nro Hip buit ami only cnpnulen iiruHcrltmtl rujjiilur pliyHlcliui * for tlio euro of ( lonorrliiu unit dlprlmrKi't troiu tlio urinary nruum ; BtrxcH In 6 iliiyn. ( l.'M I'i'r ' IKIY. All tlriiKKlHt. REGULRR Army and Navy Soldiers in the Regular Army and Sailors , Seamen and Mar ines in the United States Navy , since the War of the Rebellion , who have been discharged from the service on account of dla abilities Incurred therein while in the line of duty , are Entitled to Pension at the same rates and under the same conditions as persons ren dering the same service during the War of the Rebellion , except that they are not entitled un'lerthe now law or act of Juno 7 , 180O. Such persons are also entitled to pension whether discharged from the service on account of disability or by reason of expir ation of term of service , If , while In the service and line of duty , they incurred any wound , injury or disease which- still disables them for manual labor , W i flows and Ch ildrc n of persons rendering service in the regular army and navy Since the War are Entitled to Pension if the death ofthosoldior wasdue to his service , or occurred whlla ho was in the service. Parents of Soldiers & Sailors dying In the United States ser vice since the War of the Rebel lion , or after discharge from the service , from a cause originat ing therein , leaving no widower or child under ; the ago of sixteen years , ara entitled to pension If now dependent upon their own labor for support , whether1 the soldier over contributed to their support or they were dependent upon him at the time of hl-J death or not. FOR INFORMATION OR ADVICE , As to title to pension , ADUUKSS - THK - Bee Bureau of Claims UOOM iiiiO , IJBK UU1LDIN * .