THE OMAHA DAILY .BEE : SUNDAY. MA1101T 13 , 1892-S1XTEEX TAOKR. OMAHA BEE , COUNCIL I3LUFFS , OFFICES - NO. 12 1'EARL STREET. Dcilvetcdhy Carrier to any part of the City II. W. TILTON , MANAGER Hil lnM Office . No 41 Night Kdltor . NoSJ I MlXOIt JMJA TW.Y. N , Y. Plumbing Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal. Crnft't chattel loans. 204 Sapp block. Wanted , ijlrl for general housework. Mrs. T. F. Thlckstun , 7Ut Willow nvonuo. A meeting of the Merchants nnd Manufac turers association will bo hold Monday oven- Ins In the Board of Trade rooms. The ladles of the Broadway Methodist church will have on apron snlo and enter- tnlnmontln Hughes' block Thursday , March 31 , Frank Donahue , who was arrested Thurs- rtav afternoon on n chnrco of stealing n \vatch , was discharged by Judge McGee yesterday morning. An adjourned mooting of the Council Blurts nnd Omaha Chautauiiun trustees will behold this evening at 7:30 : o'clock lu the Board of Trade rooms. J. M. Oursler , secre tary. tary.Mrs. Mrs. Kudd , who got drunk and created n tllfiturbanco on Washington nvenue night before - fore last , was given n ono day sentence In the city jail yesterday morning In police court. The case of F. U. Peterson , charged with resisting nn ofllccr , was sot for trial yester day afternoon In Justice Hammer's court but the prosecuting witnesses , Constable Kvnns nnd his deputy Leo Lucas , failed to make nn nppenrnneo nnu the case was dis missed. B. F. Clayton is still nt work securing contributions to the Russian relief fund. So far ho baa collected and Rent away four cars loaded with corn , and ho expects to have six moro cars on the way by the laat ot next week. Ho expects to have the business ottled up by thoSSth. W. F. Snpp has returned from DCS Molnos. While there ho took occasion to fool the legis lative pulse on the quo-alnn of temperance legislation , nnd states that from nil ho can learn , the chances for the Gatch high license local option bill passing the house of repre sentatives nro very Blight. Addle G. , xvlfo of J. J. Mnurnth , died last ovcnlnir at 7 o'clock , aged t7 ! yours , at her residence , S02 Avenue C , after an Illness of ono week. Her maiden name was Addle G. Klch , nnd she was married to the husband Who still survives her oleht years ago. No- Sico of the funeral will bo given later. Gcorgo Mcschondorf had nn express wagon itolon from his place about two weeks ngo , pntl over since then ho has boon on the truck of tho'mlssing vehicle. Thursday iiiuht ho found it in tbo possession of a man on South Madison street , who claimed to have bought it from /.od Bothers , who is now in the county jail serving out n thirty day tontonco for ono of the potty crimes which bavo made his name familiar to police court habitues. An information will probably bo Hied against Bcthcrs ns soon ns ho completes his present term of imprisonment. A dog light was arranged for last evening nt Coylu's saloon on the corner of Broadway nnd Twenty-first street. Ono of the dogs was from Omaha , while the other was n homo talent artist. They wore both on the Hold and a crowd of about twenty-live sports of this city nnd Omaha who were lot into the secret had gathered to son the fun , when they were notified by Ofllcer Peterson that the patrol wagon would bo on the scene in n very few minutes. The mooting immediately adjourned sine dlo , but the tight will prob ably come off Sunday night nt some place to bo selected without consulting the author ities. I'licnuincimt Sueccsi. The special coat , blanket , comforter nnd underwear sale that opened Monday last at the Uoston Store , Council Blulls , la. , has been a success beyond our most eanguino expectations , the hundreds that have been made happv is no : iamo for it. The prices on coats were simply aston ishing ; it wus next to giving gold dollars lars for 25o and 80c. At this writing \vo have only about 75 garments loft ; by the end of the week wo don't ' expect to have one , provided wo sell ONE-THIRD as many as wo have the last few days. ROOM WE WANTED. Room wo nro going to got by the heln and timely aid of our thousands of patrons at this criti cal moment. OUR WELCOME LOSS YOUR PLEASANT GAIN. A few of the prices until Monday ivoning nt 0 p. m. Ladies' jackets and nowmarkots that Hild for # 5.00 , S7.CO , $10.00 and $15.00 , choice for $1.08. Our entire line of children's coats , 60.50 , $7.50 and $8.50 garments , for $2.48. Ladies' $10.00 , $12.50 and 815.00 jack ets. choice , $ .198. Ladies' Walker plush jackets that sold for $15.00 , $10.00 and $25.00 , choice for $7.1)8. ) Ladles' 42-inch long Walker plush encques , former price $19.60 , $25.00 , 83 ! ) . Oi ) and $35.00 , choice for $14.08. 10 dozen ladies' all wool knit jackets , file voices , worth $1.25 , in all colors , dur ing sale for 48c. $3.25 comforters for $2. 19. $3.75 comforters for $2.60. $4.75 ( ino French sattcen for $3.75. $5.00 all wool blankets for $3.75. $4.60 all wool rod olankets for $3.08. $ o 00 all wool red blankets for $3.0R Ladies' 50o vest and pants for 3c. ) Ladies' natural wool vests and pants , ibbed , $1.00 garments for OOc , Ladies' all wool scarlet vests and pants , $1.25 garment , extra line , during sale , G9c. G9c.Gents' Gents' lictvy gray camel's hair shirts nnd drawers , 33e garments , sale price , iJ-3c. ( JentB' Scotch random mixed shirts nnd drawers , also natural wool and camel's hair , all in nt ono price , 37c ; wo to COc. Gents' all wool scarlet shirts nnd drawers , wore $ l,00 > and $1.25 , sale price 02Jo , or $1.25 a suit. All childrcn'ti garments knifed the Bamo way. BOSTON STORE. FoTiiKitiNanAM , WIHTKL.AW & Co. , Loaders and Promoters of Low Prices. Council niulTs , In. N. B. Store closes at 0 p. in. , except Mondayb and Saturdays. 13. Li. Shugurt has returned from Dos Molncs. ! ' . K. Dlaekston of Lincoln , Not ) . , was la the city yesterday. Mrs. Anna Schultz of Missouri Valley 'Is in the city , a guest of Mrs , James UrooUs O , K. Oaston , court reporter for Juago Thornell , loft last evening for u visit in Oak land. land.Miss Miss Hose Tearon of Jacksonville , 111. , Is Iri the city visiting her sister , Mrs. L , . H. Dcvluo. Mrs. Ida Powell of Stanbury. Mo. , Is visit Ins her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T , L. Smith. No. 1623 South Seventh street , In this city. Dr. Horace Warren , ono of Missouri Val ley's fat aldermen , was in the city lust evening - ing on ofUclal business ( or tuat nourishing town. Jesse Walter * U confined to bis homo , 107 Frank street , by severe Illness , Ills phyai clans fear an attack of paralyils of tbo brain , as ho has already bad a slight stroke of L. Heor OKcn is In the city trying to make Arrangements for putting a largo pipe organ In the Broadway Methodist ohuruh before the dedication of the building , which Is to take place in May. Mrs. HommliiRway of Kansas City , wife o the well kown conductor on the Kansas City road , U n the city , a euost of Mr . F. H Orcutt , A Kensington tea was entertained by Mrs. Orcutt Thursday afternoon in ho honor , neil utjout thirty-llvo Indies wora present. Ij NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Bnd Beads Responsible for the Sale of Much Bogus Butter , NO CHANCE TO BUY THE PURE ARTICLE la the 1'nnt IVw Wecki Mnny llclnllcrs Unto round It Necessary to Tuko tint Ilnttrrliin Merino I.ornl News Note * f Interest. The people of Council Bluffs have been having a peck of trouble for tUo pa t two weeks In gelling enough butter for their household uses. It has boon almost nn un known article for several Unys past , nnd those storekeepers who have been so fortunate - nato as to get hold of any of U absolutely refuse to sell moro than n pound of It to nny one customer , nnd will not soil any except to these whom they count ns regular custom ers. What the cnuso of the famine If no ono seems to know.nlthough thobnd roads doubt less have a peed deal to do with It. A well known gentleman has been buying butterlno lately nnd palming It off on the members of his family as the pure stuff. Ills family nro somewhat fastidious In their tastes , and If they knew the deception that Is being practiced upon them they would doubtless Co nflltctcd'wlth nsovoro nttaok of sea-slcltnojs. Uiit so long "as they do not know that it Is butterlno that nppoars on their taulo morning , noon and night they are well satlslied and It Is a matter of conjecture how many other families nro being deceived in the snmo way. Sorao Idea of the butterino trade that has sprung up lately , however , may bo obtained from tbo fact that sixteen , now licenses have been taken out by the retail merchants within n few weeks past. Only 11 Few ny Moro. Tlio Biedormnn stock will bo sold , or inoro properly , slaughtered nnd Riven tiway , in spite of everything. There is an immense stock of nil crudes of cloth- ing- , much of it the finest mailo , and Uiedornmn's creditors only ask about one-third his prices. The slock is goinjj fast , but there are plenty of bargains loft. There are plenty of 25o and 3oo socks at lOc ; the best balbrlggau under wear made at10c and neckties , collars and suspenders at oc and lOc. Call today and see what yon can get for nearly nothing. 502 Broadway. Republicans Hlect DeleKiUiM. The republicans mot in the various wards last evening to elect delegates to the county convention , which is to bo hold at the county court house this afternoon. The primaries wore well attended in almost every instance. The following is the result of the vote In each ward : First Word Chairman , U. T. Bryant ; sec- retarv , W. J. Connor ; delegates , Alexander Wood , M. A. Moore , W. .f. Connor , C. O. Saunders , W. C. Stacy , Henry Stevenson , Henry Coffcuti. Second Ward Chairman , J. J. Steadmnn ; secretary , L. C. Dale ; delegates , \V. f\ Sapp , George M. Gould , Theodore Ouittar , J. l > . Williams , J. J. Steaaman , L. Hicder- man. W. M. McCreary , J. M. Scanluii , C. Boson and L. C. Dalo. Third Ward Chairman , Alexander Wood ; secretary , G. H. Mavuo ; delegates , J. C. Mitchell , William Arnd , G. W. Hewitt , E. " : . Hart , H. ri. Van Brunt , James Arm- trontr , George F. Smith , W. E. Ilavcrstock ud P. C. Devol. Fourth Ward Chairman , t > . Everett ; sec- etorv , J. D. Edmundson ; delegates. 1C. L. Shugart , L. W. Uoss , Dr. N. D. Lawrence , \I. do Great , Leonard Everett , * F. H. Hill. jeorgo F. Wright. Fifth Ward Chairman. W. A. llighsmlth ; ecrctary , George \V. Strong ; delegates. Ovido Vion , Elmer Pratt , F. E. Hoagland , > eter Smith , C. H. llutchmson. George W. strong , W. A. Highsmith , John Skinklo nnd lorry Jamos. Six'thVnrdCnairmnn , L. M. Shubert ; ecrotary , W. E. Morris ; delegates , G. A. Ynncoy. A. C. Harding nnd Friend Covalt. . W. Weightman was appointed ward com- mlttooman. _ Broadway Snbbath school plvos onter- nimncnt tonight. Hughes block , to assist n furnishing their room in new church , lolp the little ones. Eastern money to loan on real estate ' > y E. II. Shoafo' Broadway and Main. Carpet weaving at 928 Avenue P. Charged with Insanity. A. E. Woodsworth , a fanner living a short distance east of the city , was placed under arrest yesterday afternoon on a charge of in anity , preferred against him by hU wife , from all that can bo leal-nod their relations iavo been nnything but peaceful for a lone line past , and the woman claims her hus band has threatened to kill her on a number of different occasions until she is afraid to hnvo him around. The husband tolls a dlf- 'oreut ' story. Ho talks as connectedly as any ono and does not seem to hnvo any of tbo characteristics of insane people. Ho de clares that the tiling of the information is all a piece of spite worK on the part of his wife , and thinks It was aono mainly for tbo pur pose of fretting him out of tbo way , ns sbo owns all the properly tboro is in tbo family ind consequently does not feel the need of its protecting euro. Mr. nnd Mrs. Woodsworth wore together n the cfllco of the county clerk cud both did i great deal of talking without imparting very much Information to tbo occupants of tbo office.Voodsworth will have an exami nation by the insane commissioners this morning. Money to loan. Lowest rates. John ston & Van PiXtton , Everett b iosk. Jarvlswlldblackborrv i the boat. lluzrltnn May Not Oimllfy. A legal complication has arisen in connec tion with the appointment of A. S. Ha/.olton to the position of deputy clerk of tbo United State : court which may possibly result in his having to decline the appointment. Back In 1878 nn order was made by the secretary of state that no QUO should bo allowed to bold nn office if he bold any other ofllco whose compensation amounted to moro than WOO per annum. This rule has alwnvs been ob served since that time , but whether It is to bo regarded ns a lixcd rule or merely a cus tom remains to bo decided , Mr. Ilazolton is In correspondence with Judge Woolson , who probably did not know that ho was u candi date for the city attornoyship when ho made the appointment , and whether Mr. Ilazolton qualities for the position or not will depend on tbo decision of the judge. Ills friends claim that iho old rule will not Interfere with nU position ot the deputysnlp. O. Yunkermnn&Co. , feed , seeds , com mission , country produce , 108 Broadway. Swnnson Music Co. , Masonic temple Roltor , the tailor , 310 Broadway , has all the latest styles and newest goods. Satisfaction guaranteed. Walnut block and Wjorcing coal , fresh mined , received daily TLmtohor , 10 Main street. Tying Up the Hiedermnii Stuck , A petition la on lilo iu the district court In which tbo vlnlntllt's make allegations against L. Biodorman with a view to having the sale of his stock which took place tbo other day set asldo nn tbo ground of fraud. S. J. Nathan , Son & Co , , Strauss , Lood & Co. , and J. L. Noboig & Son are the plaintiffs , aaU L. Boiderroun , K. Rothschild & Ilros. , Kohn IJros. , J. M. Paul and W. M. McCreary are uiado defendants. It Is alleged In the petition that Biodorraan confessed judg ment on tbo 3d of this montb , lu favor of H. J. Nutban , Sou & Co. , in tbo sum or K,071.50 ) , In tuvor of J. U Neborg & Sou for $1,344.75 and In Strauss , L.OOO. Co. forS67. On February 2 , however , ho executed a chattel mortgage In favor ( of the Council Bluffs Savings' bank covering the wbolo stock , for W , ! > 00 and that tbo bank at ouco took possession by virtue of this mortgage. Toe plaintiffs allege that the oxocutiou of thomorlgnpo was i fraud on the part of Biodorman , for the purpose of hindering the ether creditors In satisfying their claims. They demand that the snlo under the mort gage bo sot aside for , fraud , and that a decree Issue from the court subjecting Iho property to the payments of the debts nnd Judgments. Wnntoil nt Nnc City. Several days ago Sheriff Hazcn received n letter from Sheriff H. B. Allen of Sac county asking him to bo on the lookout tor William Klncnld , who wns wanted at that place to answer to the charge ot seduction. Klncnld wns found , after n close search , In thu box factory nt Cutoff Island , whore ho had boon worKinp slnco last September. When ho reached Nebraska soil on his way from the Island to Council Bluffs ho refused for n tlmo to go nny further without n requisition , but finally decided not to put the oftlcor to nny unnecessary trouble nnd waived his rights. Ho stated that the woman who Is alleged to hnvo bean his victim has been in the city nil winter nnd spent n part of the time visit ing him on the island. Ho claim * to have formerly been In the employ of Lr. ) Horastoad of Wavolnnd townMnp. The sheriff of Sao countv has boon notified of the capture and Is oxpcctod to arrive in the city todny to take the prisoner In charge. an 1.3 To 50c n dny will buy a flrstclass piano fit half price. For particulars wrlto or bee the MUELT.KH PIANO AND OllflAX CO. , 103 Main St. , Council BluiTs , la. Oflluliil City Clerk Slophonson finished , rovlsln ? the election returns yesterday. As they now stand iho returns nro somowhnt differ ent from those heretofore publishoJ , on no- cajn t of n mistake which was made by the Uidges 1 In the Second precinct of the Sixth 1v 1t ward. The vo'.o In this ward \vns announced to t bo 10 to 4 In favor of the republicans , but should have been 17 to S. The following nro the official majorities of the several candi date J * ; N. D. Lawrence , mayor , 21)3 ) ; George M. Gould , auditor , 228 ; L. IClnnohnn , treas urer , 'JIM ; A. S. aazolton , solicitor , 471 : E. E. Cook , engineer , 123 ; J. L. Tomploton , marshnl , 252 ; W. D. Hardln , assessor. 3H3 ; A. B. Pans , woighmnstcr , 522 ; V. Jennings. aldermnn-at-lnrgo , 148 ; Fred Geiso , alder man First ward , 73 ; C. A. Tibbtts. alderman , Second ward , 78 ; Peter Smith , nldorman , Fifth ward , 10. _ JnrvislSTT brandy , purest , safest , bes * . We have our own vineyards In Califor nla. Jarvls Wine company , Co. Blullu ItnuiKl for Cliirliulit. The sheriff of Woodbury county was in the city yesterday , onrouto for Clarlndn , with an insane patient in bis charge who was to bo taken to the asylum nt that place for confinement. The unfortunate man spent the night In the city Jail nnd during a pan o [ his confinement ho was very noisy , saying that all tbo oQlcors of the state of Iowa could not tnko him against his will. Uy morning , nowovor , ho had quieted down and was taken to the cars without any trouble. Ho amused himself part of the tirao by writing out orders upon different storekeepers In the city , asking them to send him certain articles of clothing and charge to the account of n Sioux City firm. If all the ardors had booi lllloi according to his directions it would have bankrupted the Sioux City lirm. Criminal Assignment. The following assignment has been made of cases on the criminal calendar , which will bo taken up in the district court next Mon day : Monday. February 14 The case of the state vs Ivlssoll , I'etor Kgan. KU. . Howe , E. O , Tohlu and William t'rlss. Tuesday. I'obriinry 15 State vs Timer Say- era. William Cupscr , It. T. Hryant nnd I1. J. McMahon. , Wednesday , February 10-Stato vs til Schroder and Thomas Sulnncr. C'HUltCll XOTICKS. People's church , on Eighteenth street , between California nnd Webster. Hev. Charles W. Savidgo , pastor. Preaching at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : r > .m. by the pa .tor. Seats free. All are "welcome. Sabbath school at 2.-0 : ! p. m. Colonel Hugcland , the newsboys' friend , will give a line illustrated address to the hoys and girls of Omaha nt the Young Men's Christian Association on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock. First Congregational church , Nineteenth and Davenport streets. Dr. J. T. Duryea , pastor. Sunday morning services nt 10-50. : immediately followed by Sunday school , Eveulne services at 7:15. : Prayer anil praiio meetings , \Vodnesay evening at 7:45. : All nro welcome. St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church Services at 10:3J : a.m. and 7:45 : p.m. will be conducted by Kov. John loano of Grand Island. Sabbath school at noon. Mission schools nt : i p.m. Young People's meeting at0:13 : p.m. Kov. J. M. Wilton delivers Sunday night the fourth of bissenesof sermons on Eminent Men in the History of the Church. Subject , "Hildourund and Absolutism. " Castollar Street Presbyterian church. Six teenth and Castollar streets , Kov. J. M. Wil son , pastor. Services 10:30 : nnd 7:30. Sun day school 12 m. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 0:30 : p. m. Trinity Methodist Episcopal church , corner Twonty-flratamlBlnnev. W.IC.Boans , pastor. Preaching 10:30 : a. m. ar.d7:30 p.m. Sub jects : Mornlnjr , "Lessons From The Bee , " evening , The Women's Foreign Missionary Sooloiy address by Mrs. Bishop 'Nowman and others. Sunday school at 12 m. J. T. Hobluson , superintendent. Epworth League nicotine , 0:30. : Scats frco. Everybody made welcome. Cynthu Christian church , 4318 JNicholaj street Joseph Shields , pastor. Preaching at 10:30 : n. m. ana 7:30 : p. ra. Sunday school at 12 m. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 0:45 : p. m. Morning subject , "God's Only Hopa of Humntilty. " Evening subject , "Is Baptism a Saving Ordinance ! " The public la.Invited through the basement up into the auditorium. Kountze Memorial English and Lutheran church , corner Sixteenth and Harney streets Kov. A. J. Turkic , pastor. Services at 10:30 : a. m , subject , "Call of Moses , " nnd 7:30 : p. m. , subject , "Following Christ. " Preaching botli morning and evening by the pastor. Sunday school at noon. Young People's Society of Christian En deavor at U:30 : p. m. Everybody invited and .receive a Christian welcome. WestminsterProsbytorlun church , Twenty- ninth and Mason streets. The pastor , Kov. John Gordon , D.D. , will preach at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school at 12:15. : MootIng - Ing of Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at0:45 : p.m. Unitarian church , Scvontconth nnd Cass streets Services at 1U30. ; Kuv. Now ton M. Mumi will preach on "Tho Kingdom ot Hoavon. " First Prosoytorian church , corner Seven teenth and Dodge streets Kogular services at 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. in. , conducted by the pastor , Kov. W. J. Hnrsba , Dl ) . Sunday school at noon. "Voung People's Society of ' Christian EndravoratO:30 : p. in. First Methodist Episcopal church , Twen tieth and Davenport streets , Uov. P. S. Merrill , D. D. . pastor. 10:30 : , "Was Peter thoKockl'1 7:30 : , "In Touch with Jesus. " Sabbath school at 2:30. : Kovivul meeting nightly , St. John's church , Icornor Twenty-sixth and Franklin streets Kev. J. O , Ferris , rec tor. Second Sunday In Lent. Holy communion at 8 n. m. Sunday school 0:45 : a. m. Morning prayer , litany and sermon at 11 a.m. Con firmation class at 3 p.m. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:30 : p.m. Tno bishop of tbo dloceso will visit this church next Friday evening and administer holy condonation. Service , 7 : 0. Church of the Good Shepherd ( Episcopal-- ) I. P. D. Lloyd , rector , During the remodel 1- ing at 1811 Lake street , as follows : Sunday > school. S ; 45 Men's bible class. 10a.m. Morning prayer ana sermon on "Tbo Brand of Christ , " 11 a. m. Evening prayer idu sermon on "Practical Atheism , " 7:30 : p , m. Seats free to all. First Baptist church , corner Fifteenth-anil Davenport streets Uov. George H Kemp idof Duluth , Minn. , wlllsupply themilplt morning and evening , Services 10:30 : a.ui.nnd7:30pm. : Prayer mootlngb Wednesday nnd l'rluay evenings nt 7:30. : At thoContrat United Presbyterian church , Seventeenth street , between Capitol avenue and Dodge Kov. John Williamson , D.D. > . pastor. Preaching tomorrow at 10:30 u. in. subject ; "Business in Kcllglon. " And at 730p. in. Subject ; "Tho Endvf tUeWJcked. " Sabbath school at 13 in. nnd young people's meeting nt 0:30 : 0 % in. Everybody welcome. First Unlvorsnlttt church , corner of Nine teenth nnd Lntbrop streets , Kountzo Plnco. Hov. Mrs. Kyai | will preach Sunday morn ing nnd ovoniBffint tbo usual hours. Sun day school ntiim ( The First Society of Progrosilvo Splritu- alls Us meets every Sunday In Marathon hall , corner Twontytflfth avenue nnd Cumlng street. A conllnl Invltntlon is extended to nil. i * Loivo Avcnudl'reibytcrlan church , corner Fortieth nhd Nicholas streets Hov. Charles G. Stcrllntr , pn'ilor. ' Sabbath preaching ser vices at 10 : HO nj m.1 nnd 7:45 : p.m. Bible school nt 12 "m. Young people's prayer meeting ( Youn Pc'oplo's ' Society of Chris tian Kndcavot1 ] nll:30 : p. in. A welcome to all. ' < > ' ' Southwest Presbyterian church , corner Twentieth nnd tJoavon worth streets Preach ing by Hov. M. C. Butler of St , Louis. Mo. Morning subject ! "Prollt nnd Loss. " Matt , 10:20. : Sunday school concert in the evening nt 7 :30. : Both'Edon Baptist church. Park nvomio near Luavonwortb , Hov. B. N. Harris pas tor. Preaching at 10ir : > < \ . tn. and 7:30 : p.m. Morning subject : "Joy. " Evening subject : "Light. " Sacrament of Lord's supper nt the close of tbo morning service. Sunday school at 12:15 : p.m. Sitting * nil free and everyone welcome. Immanucl Baptist church , North Twenty- fourth nnd Blimey streets Hov.Fcnnlt W. Foster , pastor. Kogular services ntlO10n. : ! m. , and 7:30 : p.m. Morning theme , by the pastor : -'Business Sagacity. " first lit series of "Business Sermons. " Evening thorao : "Tho Gold Cure. " Hlllsldo Congregational church , cor ner Thirtieth and Ohio streets. A. II. Hess , pastor Morning service , 10:30. : communion service foilowlnp.postponod from last Sunday. Sunday school nt noon. Young People's Society ot Christian Endeavor , 0:15 : p.m. Vespers , 7Up. : ! ) m. Hov. Lewis Greg ory of the First Congregational church , Lin coln , will prouch in exchange with the pas tor. Ail arc welcome. South Tenth Street Mothodls ! Episcopal church , corner Tenth nnd Pierce streets Hov. Alfred Hodgctts. L.L ) ) . , pastor. Class meetings , 10 a. m. and (1:30 ( p. m. Preaching , 10:31) : ) n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school 3 p. ra. Morning subject , "Spiritual Astronomy. " Evening : "A Transformation Scene. " Seats free. A nearly welcome lo all. St. Philip's Chapel ( Episcopal-Twenty- ) first between Nicholas und Paul streets. John A. SVllllams. priest in charge Holy communion , 7 a. m. ; matlms nud Sundny school , 10:00 : n. in. ; litany , holy com munion nnd sermon , 11 n , m. | choral even song with lecture on church history at 8 o'clock , subject , 'Tho A/o of Councils. " Associate- Mission ( Episcopal ) St. An drews , Forty-second and" Nicholas streets Wnlnut Hill , services 7:30 : , 0:15 : , 11:00 : n. m. nnd 7:30 : p.m. Sunday school , 10:00 : n. m. Frida > ,7 : 0p. tn. St. Paul's , Casn street , two doors west of Thirty-second : Services 11 a. m. and 3 p. m. ; Sunday school , 10 n. m. ; Frldny , 7:30 : p. m. St. Augustine , Thirty third nnd Francis streets , Windsor Plnco : Service , 4:00 : p. m. ; Sunday school , 3 p. m. ; Wednesday 7:30 : p. m. Grace , Twenty-ninth nnd Spauldlnp , near Druid Hill : Service , 4 p. m. ; Sunday school , 3 p. m. All Saints. ' church , corner Twontv-sixth and Howard streets Sermon topics Sunday , March 13 : 11 a. m. . "Tho \ ision of the Dry Bones ; " 7:30 : p.m. , "The Kosponslbllitlos of Life. " The public nnd strangers welcome. Free Church of S. Matthias ( Episcopal ) South Tenth street and Wortblngton Place , Kov. Alexander W. Mncnab. rector. Second Sunday In Lent Celebration of the holy communion , 7 n. m. ; Sunday school and bible class , 10 n. ' m. ; morning prayer , lltnny nnd sermon. 11 a. m.- baptism , 3 p. m. Evensong with sermon , 7:30 : p. ra. Daily morning prayer 'at ' 9 o'clock ; Monday , Tuesday , Thursday evensong nt 4:30 : p.m. ; Wednesday nnd Friday , 7:30 : p. ra. St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran church , cornorTwenty-llrat and Burdotte streets Kov. J. G. Grimtb , pastor. Regular ser vices at 10:30 : U ; m. and 7:30 : p.m. Subject for the morning service , "Doing the Lord's Will. " Prayer'uieotlng on Weancsaay even ing at 8 o'clock ! ' ANOTHER ERUPTION , Omnhii'N irratl6-OcyBcr ; Itrcalts Out In n Niw ( spot. A conplo of''pistol shots llrod about , U ( ' o'clock last uoajr'lho corner of Fourteenth and Capitol avenue created considerable ex citement for a tow minutes. As S. L. Hard , accompanied by Maud Clifton , was passing the corner mentioned Dan Geyser came along with a Jag ana a pibtol , nnd commenced shooting at Hord. Geyser nrnd two shots and then ran.Tho noise attracted the attention of Oftlcor Husscll , who hurried to the scene of the shooting. Geyser was found standing on tlio porch of bis house near by. and when he saw Iho oftlcer throw down his empty pistol nnd commanded him to halt. Hussell dre " his own pistol and both men stood still , each looking down into the barrel of a big six shooter. In a moment Ofllcer Ryan carao up and put a stop to the little plav by taking Geyser into custody. Herd was also locked up nnd held as the complaining witness , while Geyser wns charged with being drunk and shooting With intent to kill. Maud Clifton , the woman with Herd nt the time , was arrested later nnd held as a witness. This morninir Geyser gave a cosh bail of $250 for his np- poaranco for trial. TWO 31011K STilTS 1'll.ED. Xe\v Orleans Made Defendant lu Oilier CuxeH for Damages. NEW OULEANS , La. , March 11. Today two moro suits against tbo city of New Orleans were tiled in the United States circuit court for fJO.OOO each in behalf of the following named relatives of ths Italians killed in the parish prison on the 14tb of Mnrc-b , 1801 , for the assassination or Chief of Policn Hennes sey : Carolina Lo/zo ! , widow of Hocco GcrachI , ns widow , nnd ns mother nnd as naturatrix of her four minor children. Lulgi , 8 years ; Maria , 0 years ; Rosalia , 4 yours ; Giacommo , ! l years. They are aliens and subjects of the king of Italy. Anna Falcone , widow of Gerolamo Caruso , residing in New Orleans and subject of the king of Italy. Tomorrow tbo suitof Anna Homand , widow of Poll/.m ( Politz ) , will bo Instituted , Siirrnmliiroil by IIU llondsincii , WASHINGTON , Ind , , March 11. Ex-Auditor James C. Lavollo , whoso $18,000 shortage was reported by the exports Monday and who was undonndlctment for attempting to burn the court house und for mutilating the public records , was surrendered by his bonds men today. A ( Imiulmi Detroit Free Press : IIo was such a gentle , 8woct-/uccd old man , that ns ho came up to tlip dpsic in the dingy ofllco of the Slutt\viii ) On/otto the editor smiled and wtbhcd there was moro in the world HUa him. "Good jnorftinjA" ho said cheerily. 'Good ' morning , " saluted the editor pleasantly.Jt , , "I have a piiqm hero , " lie began. The editor * face hardened and ho looked up wortril.y and vran , "Yes,1' ' ho rfAld'querulously. ' "Yes , " smiled1 the old man , going down Into hispp'okot ' ; "I thought you ' might find rooj'n Ijor it somewhere , " and ho laid a crisp now $10 bill on the edi tor's listless hand and walked out. The editor kissed the bill reverently nnd credited' ' the old gentleman with live yoara1 subscription , Dr. J. H. Hill of Buffalo , who died last Saturday at the ago of 70 , hid been in pra > tlco fortyrtbrco ye.ars. In 185' ! , when cboera | and smallpox were rasing , ho was health physician for the city , and treated 1,000 cakes of the former disease , Of the latter ho lost only ono out of ninety-nine. Ho was the first practitioner in Buffalo to operate for cataract. Ho was connected In an ofllcial ca pacity with many local , state and other char ities , and for years was president of tbo . Young Mon'e Christian association iu Buf ale , First Parlshoner 1 think we ought to raise Dr. Thirdly1 * salary. Second ParUhoner I don't. Ho Is such a conscientious man that ho would feel bound to preach louder bcrmons , THEY WILL HELP THE FIGHT Chicago Roatls Glntl to Sco Kansas Whole salers Fall Out. PRESENT RATES WILL REMAIN IN FORCE While th Slnto .lolilirrn Arc MORntlng to Quill NomlimlilnntiiRrn All Will 1'ny the Krgtilntlnii TnrlHX Tlckrt Troubles CitiOAfio , 111. , Mnrch 11. | Spocinl Tele gram to Tim Bnn. ] The traffic managers of the roads Interested In Kansas business hold n mooting hero today to consider the now rates on low class freights orderoit to bo put In effect Mnrch 10 by the Kansas railroad commissioners. This meeting was called several days nco nnd the railroad ofllclnls wore not nwaro of the fact that some of the Atchlson grocers bad obtained nn injunotlon restraining the Hock Island , Santa Fo and Missouri Pacific from putting the now rates In effect until they read the news In the papers yesterday morning. Nona of the roads had any ofllcial information ns the scope of the Injunction nnd consequently nn adjournment wns taken until tbo particulars had boon received. Full confirmation of the news wns on hand when the meeting reconvened in the afternoon - noon nnd there was general rejoicing. It was decided to stnnd by tha Atcblson gro cers in their light ngalnst the Kansas com- mlsloncrs nnd lend them nil the aid possible. As a result , the rates now In effect , which are the new commissioners' tlfth class rntos , will bo the tnrilt until the courts here ao- ci'lo the matter. From the general passenger ngont of n big western road who returned yesterday from n visit to Now York , It Is learned that the immigrant agents nt Ellis Island , N. Y. , nro now unxlous for a compromhio on the question of commissions. The Santa Fo's reduction on second class rates to California has alarmed thorn. To show their ROIICI-OM- ity they express a willingness to reduce tholr commission ona-half , making f3 the tax from Chu-ngo to the coast and $3 Irotu Chicago to the Missouri river. Chairman Finloy today hatied down a ruling in relation to the liability ut roads In the Western Passenger association for tbo redemption of tickets issued by tholr con nections. The decision was called out , bv Iho refusal of the Omaha to redeem n milongo book issued by the Chicago & Northwestern , and which had fallen into the hands of a broker at St. Paul. The ticKet , which was issued In favor of L. E. Mulford , was pre sented for transportation over the Omaha road by an ngont of the association who lieu purchase J it for $30.43 and received a rebate order on n Chicago broker for SCO.OO. The passenger signed the namoof "LeoNutford , " but the ticket was not accepted by the con ductor. For this the Omaha was called upon to redeem the ticket nt the rate of 2 $ cents per mile , but declined to do so on the ground that the mileage had been regularly issued by another road. Chairman Finloy rules , however , that under the agreement the road accepting tickets , wbuthor of its own issue , or that of a connecting line is liable for its redemption ; otherwise it would bo possible Tor both roads to evade the redemption clause. Copies of n bill introduced in the Iowa leg islature have been sent to the managers of the interested roads in this city , The bill provides , that tha railroad companies of the state shall bo required to furnish reports of the gross earnings of their respective lines within the slate every year for taxation pur poses , U also provides for the classification of the roads and the fixing of maximum rates according to tha classification. The unto of making changes in rates pursuant to change in classification Is fixed nt July 4 , following such chance. Any failure on the part ot Iho roads to make tho'roports required of them will subject them to a fine of 3100 per day for every day tbo reports ara withheld. A detailed statement of the earnings and expenses of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul for the six months ended December 81 , wns issued today. It shows gross earnings $17,553,035 , an increase as compared with the Fame period in 1SOO of $2,350,015 ; oper ating expenses ? 10.4')4,135nn ) increase of $ ' .H > 7- 014 : not , earnings $7,058,899 , an increase of 81,420,010. Conl Men Still nt War. PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , March 11. The freight agents of roads in the bituminous coal trade hold n protracted meeting hero today and discussed the situation. The roads repre sented were the Pennsylvania , Baltimore & Ohio , Norfolk & Western , Chesapeake A.- Ohio. Erie & Allegheny Valley , Western Now York & Pennsylvania mid Rochester & Pittsburg. The trouble umong the bitumin ous coal men is likely to bo settled soon. The impottanco of ranking some arrangement re garding prices was generally recogu zed. Plan * . EXCEI.SIOU SI-KINGS , Mo. , March 11. In formation has been received hero to the ef fect that the Burlington has fully deter mined to complete its line from Bogard to n point on the Hannibal & St. Joseph , north of Liberty , a distance of sixty miles , at onco. This will give the Burlington fifty miles the shortest line to Chicago. The last survey , which runs through this city will Do chosen , and It is stated that they wil1 begin securing the right of way Immediately. K1LT.K1 * AKKKAT/JK.V Successful Tlncliel Conducted by Ottcrtull County , Minnesota , Farmers. ST. PAUL , Minn. , March 11. [ SpecialTele gram to THU BBK.J The great wolf hunt , which has boon the talk of Ottortail county for the past fortnight , came off today. Over 1,000 men formed the lines , enclosing an area 144 square miles in the northern part of the county , and valkcd toward iho center , each man covering six miles in n slraight lino. The march occupied about six hours. Tbo ground was plowed and it made rather hard work for the hounds to run , out they dashed from ono side lo anolhor ns Iho crowd shouted. The jack rabbits flitted around llko wblto specks ; the dogs rushlne Into the ring added"to the excitement. Occa sionally a wolf would make a dash and got through the lines , not , however , without n jab from someone's epeur. A wall wont up when n boar was seen to ctiarco tbo lluo nnd escape. A shot gun would have stopped him , but they had been forbidden owing to the danger on ac count of the great crowd. The wolves continued to dash around until at intervals one would receive n fatal thrust. The circle grow smaller and the wolves uglier. They would make an occasional dash tit the line , but only to receive a death wound. At last the slaughter was over and seventeen wolves were killed. The boar got nway. The rabbits worn too numerous to count. Tbo wolvis were impaled and held aloft on the spears , making a sight never to bo for gotten. Tbo hunt was n great success , jtiiMo ran FIWM inn i > ntKi > TT.Y OWICH I'Hthur Kuhlman Iliitulplliieil for ( mint , ' Circulation to tliu Dunne Letter. ST. LOUIH , Mo. , March 11. This afternoon it was stated upon good authority that Rev. ' Father Kublman , who , it was ulloged at the 'tlmo , was responsible for the wide circula tion of the letter of Judge B. F. IJunno , re cently published , f ovoroly criticising the work of tbo archbishops in connection with the Catholic congress of 1SU3 , bad boon sus pended from his prlostly functions by Bishop Ryan of Alton , III. , in whoso dlocoso Father Kuhlmun Is. Inquiry brought n confirmation from an attache of father Kuhlman's paper. Father Kuhlman was not In town , but It is learned ho was making preparations for n sudden visit to Rome , and this is also consid ered confirmatory of the report. Admitted the Women. ST , Lov'is , Mo , , March Ih The central Missouri conference of tbo nlothodlst Kpis- copal church ( colored ) voted today on the question of admitting women to the cloc- torlui and ironoral conference. It was voted to udrait women , the result belng40 to 13. Charged ultli Mliol. j MoNTGOUEiir , Alu. , March 11. Governor Tbocias Jones today swore out three wnr- ' lidlto'r Ball jell of tbo Alliance Hernld for criminal libel. The warrants xvoro Immediately served ana bond plvcn. Thucnsos ircw out of A publication In the Alllnnco llornlil recently , chnrRinc Jouca with bolnc an unfaithful nnil incomratcnt | oniclnl with improper motives. am. c/.Ki'Kf.j.vii'.s i'i ii.v. Ho Oiitllnm What Should Hn the Volley of tlio Drinoerntle I'artj. lUi.riMonn , Md. , March 11. Kx-Prosldont Cleveland cxprossod his vlo\vs nbont national politics todny to n reporter of the Hnttlmoro Sun nt Sivjtivx Island , Mil. , where Mr. Clovo- nnd had como to shoot ducks. "What , In your opinion , " ho wns nsked , "should bo the main Issue of the demo cratic party In appealing to the voters of Iho countrv ! " "All evidence , " replied the ox-prosldcnt , "of whut the people want nnd what they expect pect of the party would seem clearly tn'lndl- cntc that tariff reform must bo the Issue If wo nro to KO Intou winning lluht. " "What do you consider thu best plan of attaching the tariff In congress I" "My idea is that the Konornl bill will bo the Dost method , but I nm willing to defer | to these who nro on the p round nnd hnvo the battle In congress to UK lit , I hope the HprliiK'or free wool bill will pass , nnd am nlso in fnvor of nny ether measures which will lighten the burden of taxation now rest ing on the pooplo. In met , I fnvor nny measure in the direction of genuine tariff reform. " "What nro the prospects of the democratic parly's ultimate success I" . "I hnvo out ono opinion on that subject , If ' the party is' true to Itself , trtio to ills principles nnd fulfils its pledges to the people it { ( cannot fall. " AN.s wn.r. UITAI.IATK. : Schemed of KaimiiH DcnioeralH AVII1 lie Prop erly Met In the South. . Tot'BKA , Kan. , March 11. The action of the Kansas democratic state central commit tee. in deciding to put no stnto or electoral tickets in the Held In the coming campaign and to work for ami vote with the people's party In consideration of n certain number of congrcsMonal candidates whom the people's party nprccs shall bo democrats has aroused the republi can lenders throughout the stnto , and It Is understood that in u few days u committee of prominent Kunsas republicans will go be fore the republican national committee nnil nroiont a request for a retaliatory cam pal an in the south. The national committee will bo rcquosto.l to organize the party in Georgia , North mid South Carolina and Vir ginia for united action with the alliance ami 'In this way offset nt least the action of the Kansas democrats in trying to turn enough states into the people's party column to throw the election of the next president ! nto the house of representatives , which the dem ocrats are attempting to do. It is stntod hero that President Polk of the fnrmers nlllanco favors a combination with ho republicans In the south. TIT FOB TAT. lory of T\vo Omaha I.iitvjcrfl nnil Their Talk for KITH. 'Speaking ' of lawyers' court room quarrels na the friendliness which they afterwards isplay outside the court room , " says n vritor in the Cheyenne Leader , "I am al- vays remindo'l of the experience of S. P. uckolls , n crocoryraan hero in the early ays , and the llrst delegate to congress from' ho territory. There existed n very bitter oud between Nuckolls and another man , nnd .lie matter got into court. Ono of the men otaincd A. J. Popplotoa nnd the ether J. M. Woolwortb , both of Omaha , and now two of ho biggest lawyers In Nebraska. Each jllont Instructed his lawyer to rake the other party to the suit over the coals in the live liest possible manner. As to the suit they didn't cure much who won it provided the other party was shown up to the queen's nsto. Nuckolls in tclllnc the story said : \Vhon my lawyer got up I settled comforta bly back In my seat ready to enjoy myself thoroughly. As the lawyer warmed to his work ho pave my opponent such n tongue lashing that ho seemed to Hay him alive. When the lawyer sat down 1 thought it was proven to the satisfaction of everybody that the other fellow was the meanest skunk that over infested the earth. When the oppos ing lawyer got up I wondered whnt bo could have to say. I didn't have long to wait. Ho ailed into mo nnd belted mo nil over the earth. Before ho got half way through ho pictured mo us the meanest scoundrel this side of Jericho nnd I sneaked out of the court room until the storm was over. After ho was through spoakine I came in again and silOown hosldo my" lawyer. 1 took it for granted that the lawyers hud as much per sonal feeling in the matter ns their clients had. 1 was therefore very much surprised to see 1'onplcton hand a nbto across the table to Woolworth , who opened nnd read it and then simply smiled back. This note ho twisted up and throw under the table. I had the greatest curiosity in the world to lind out what was in it end after court adjourned remained behind. T'IO note contained these words : "What will wo charge t hew two damned foolsC" I wns mad. I took the note nnd hunted up my friend , the enemy , nnd showed it to him. Then ho was man nnd wo both went to the court bouse , had the suit withdrawn , settled the costs , renewed our broken friendship and bent the two Omaha lawyers out of big fees. " ' F011TY MILKS OF 11O.11 > . HondH Issued liy n Chicago Street Itntln.iy to i : teil ( Its Ifile. CHICAGO , 111. . March 11. The West Chicago cage Streo * , railway today notified the Stock Exchange that that company had provided for the Issue of fl.OUO.OOO In bonds to provide for the construction of about forty tniles of new lines , ordinances for which wore passed Dy the city council last night. These bonds hnvo been prepared nnd registered with the Illinois Trust and Savings bank and will bo sold ns money Is rcijulrca for the work. Something of u sensation wns eroutcd this morning In financial circles by a published statement to the effect that these bonds bad been bccrctly issued und sold. miniINSTITUTE. INSTITUTE. Eye & Ear INFIRMARY FOU TREATMENT OF ALL Host faslllllns. apnnr.iUH and ItumedliM for successful treatment of nvory form of dlseaso rcqulrln : medical or silr lual tioatiiivnt. 50 buds for patients botril mi'l attondaiieo. lleitt uciomodutioiiM In tlio west. Wrllo for elrculais on deformltiiis aim urai-ou , trussus , eluli fuel , ciirvuturaiof slilno , iilleu , tinnorn , cancer , uatanh , hionchltiH , In Imliuloii.ulectrlflty. p.iralysls. epllciwy. Hi nny , I ) , udder , eye. uar , kkln an'.l hlpoil and all wn WPW A s P i : o i A i. T v. V/UMbtl / llookonlUUa ) iuof Womun KKKK. Wu have lately added a lylns- In department for woinnn durlnif uimliiiuiiicnt. strictly private. ) Only Itollablo Medical In- . All Illooil Il ) eiiho3 bneeetsfully tioited , Kvnhllltlu 1'olson lomovud from the hystun w'liliont innnniiy. Nuw itu lnrullve Truut- muiit for Loss of VITAL I'UWKIt I'lirxons un- nhlo t visit UK mav ho troiiteil ut homo by eorrosiion lenuc. All communications confi dential. Medicines or Instruments bunt I'y mall oro.\prcsa , seeuruly | mc ! < cd , no iiuirKB U Indlcntu enntuntu or seiidur , Ono pi.-n'oiul In ter/lew prufei red. Call and consult IIM or Bend hlKtory of your cane , anilve will send In plali n MPN I'KEE' ' iippn iTivate U men , faaM \ or NurvoiiH Dis. ciaseH. Impoteney , Hvphllla. ( lluut anU Vuilco polo , with MIICS turn 1I U . llracea. Appllanecs for Deformlllea & IniHOB Only manufactory Inthu Wcatof ' 'l'l"'f- ' rrv .ti-i'i.i.t. ' tn , i-itun tf , I'.i.Kvritw , . . . . Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute 26th nnd Broadway , Go .moll Bluff * Tun niliiuti'b * lido from center of Oiniiha 01 Omaha und Ouunoll II I u Its ujcctrlu motor line SHE HAD DROPSY. Ontnrrh of the KUlnojn Cnuslna Dropsy , Heart Dlsonso nncl Anomin. / Mi . Patrick llclrno. wife of \vrll-known miner of Vnll , Cr.iwfora Co , , town , urltos ni ollnws : Tor several yont l had l.ron very m'snrnblrt ml sntToml much from my tillnunu. 1 wnt xlromoly wvnk nnd minimi to iitteml tomy duties. 1 always had u fainting M1IS , PATIItCK I , nnd could scarcely will I ; orork at nil vitluiut fccllni ; entirely u.xhnustcd .My en or vu-4 tialo and wlilto ; nut only my skin bill oxon ny lips nixl tontfiiu ao thin nun Imimvct lulled VMS my liluod , .My iipputltu was almost un- Ircly gone , anil the ; little I did out , lay In mv toinauli nmlluostod nxroiit when I Minified , isVIIB ufti'ii tliu case , l al-o Inul violent ralpltiition of Hut 11 car I vlilch was very iinnoyliiB and groutly dls- urlieil inu nielli nnd dny. My limbs \\ciu badly s'uollcn. also my abilo- neil nnil faeo , and my Mdnuys ai'lucl Imdly. I ind hovutu Pnlim In Uy Itark ind Ilinb-i. My binatli nii xury short and t I'.xoitlonuiilJ &ct my heart t iri very fast nnd liar.l. Siv In-art trouble , drouslenl swelllm. nnil vonlviioas oceiiniu sosmuro tlmt 1 cnvn tin till tope of gut Unit \voll. My filenls and ni-l.-h- UOH. nlso , illd not think 1 could tot well. VflurconsultliiKphyMcl.itiH ft mv lion emil , o\urul other iihicesvltn nu ln-niMIt , 1 Dually iliiead myself In chnro of DM. I'miclaiul. slioiard | and Munsllelil , and In tuo month * 1 vus anew \\OIMIIII. At present my niiputllvN good i my .Strong ! li HIH : Ilelnrnril , ny heart troubles mo no moro ; my 1Idnnys iiuotieen restoiod to u healthy iictlon , tlm iloatlru and swelling aru'ly cone ; my olur has coino back and mv Improvement It n every way a welcome stirprKu to my family ind f l lends. I work ovrrv dny without f.itlzno nnil am tcadlly KnlnliiK In llcsli , Htieiutli und amlil- lon. I realise l lint mv case was a voiyscil- > ns one. us It leslstcd nil medical treatment null lira. Cojiolaml. Sliepard mid MaiMleld ook me In hand. 1 thanli llieso gentlemen or tholr kindness mid skill oxurelseil In my jolmlf. MKS. 1'ATUIOK lir.lltM : . Vail , Iowa. THE CAUSE Of Her Torrlblo Suffering Catarrh. The following Interesting statement Is miiiln by Mrs. T. U. Cuminln ; . . of Laramlo , Wyom- , until recently u irolilont of this city at liltSouth ) Ninth street : Tor u IOIIK tlmo I siitreioil much from hcnil- ncheand pain through mvcyus. The pain was 'onstunt mid very dlstiesslir.I'slnj ; my eyes M rending or at woik pieatly Increased my . .iill'er'n1 also had imlns In my back and , ldus which aiogicatly Impiovuil. I wnsKrunt- y Doubled with liullKO.stloii , pain In .stomach mil bloating. Those Kvinptoms aio Meiullly mpiovlnsr and 1 inn foelliu better In o\ cry way. AnothoraiiiioyliiK symptom lli'it caused no much discomfort was constant drojinln : : of miens from the nose Into the throat ; als-j.soie- less and Irritation of the nostrils. All mvo disappeared , an'l I hnvo good leason to Jcllcvo that In a icasonablo time I wl.l lie completely cured. " MKH.Til , . OUMMISM. BOTH CLASS PRESIDENTS. A Coincidence III tlio Nntalrin Credentials o > the 1'Iiynlcluns of the Copelnml .Medleal Institute. Dr. W. H. Copeland was president of his cla'5 ' nt llellovuo Hospital Medical Collude , No l X Voric , where ho Kradniiti-d , the most famous \ Instilntlon of UH kind In the country Ills diploma 1'oars the written omloi Cement of the inuiliunl authorities of Now York , of tlieilcans of prominent medical colloi03 In Pennsyl vania. r. O. S. was president of Ills class at HiiHh Medical Col'oc. Clilu.ik'o , wli'cb Is acknowledged to bo the lending la- stltut'on of , ts kind In tbo west. llr. .Shepard'it thorough hospital oxpoi-ioiR'ti and spiclal study In tbo diseases of the eye. ear , nose mm throat , place him union. : the loading Hnrclal- Ists In the west. Or. T. II. Mansfield's crriicn- tlals aio no less abundant and iiniiialllle | > i llo also Is formally Indorstiil by the of various county and htato meillcal societies. CopeW Medial Institute , ROOMS 311 AND 312 , New York Life Building Cor. 171k ami Fnrnam Sis. , Omalu , W. II. COI'Kf.ANI ) . M. D. C. S. Snisi'Aun , M. IX T. 15. lUA.vsrinu ) , .M. D. Consulting I'hyslulans Snonlnltoii Oitarr.'i ' and all dl isi4 of tin Eyl > , Kar. Throat an I I.IIIUM. Nervous Dls- eases , skin Diseases. Uhroiilo Diseases. Ofllivj Hours 0 toll a. in. , - to 3 p. in. , 7 to Op ' S-unday ' ID a. in to 1 p. m. , , , , , , uU'irrlml tronl.les and kind roil .Ho up. in-ill. . Hund treated suocoBSfully by If Mnmps for mioHtlon ofroiilurs. AddrJSi all letters to CopolnmtAludloal Iintltuto.Nu York l.lfo Uulldlnu' . Umaha. Nub. $5 A MONTH. n ATA HUH AND KINIllii ) > DISEASES rui.rII AT TIII : UMKOU MUATI-.OK r. A 'lONTII MNTIL AI'IUL luTII-.MKDI- OI.NKS KUHMrillKI > I''KKU CFJMS'STATEBAl Of Council IIIUITl. OaplUl stoo'J . . . SiurpliiH aiiJ I'rollts XntUnultnlnnl HurpliK HtHHUU Illrii-tori I. I ) . IMimmiliivi. K. Ij. hlm/ir. IMJ. ISIuniiin , li H. Hirt. I. A. Mlllur , .1 , V illnoliiim an.i.'liiirlcn ) U. Iliinnna , TransactKt'iiural liinli- ina bnmnuss. lar o t capital anil siuplilH of any l < anl ; In HonthwoHturn Iowa. NTBaEST ON TIME DBIOSITS SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS. FOK KALK At u liir aln , i : > uuru fruit null uariluii faim adjolnliu etiy ilmltKi 1'ooJ dwolllns. U II. Slinafe _ _ _ \ \ ; ILL trade house nnil lot for lemiij will 1 1 ulvo long Hmoon haliince. i..ill at MJ * Cth ttient , ' _ _ " " " "iJUHMH. pirlon ltttnl "holism , lots unl J ? biulnetB hlo.-ki for ilu or n'rit. Diy. Hess , 10 I'ourl Htrout , Oouiiull IllulfJ. _ HKNT Over 10 } dwollliiTs of cvory l * - SCrillHUII iiv | i * vua vnryliu fiom II to - ' : -1 ix > r month , loi'iitoii In nil puiiHof the ulty. L. II , hliojff , 50 llruadway. " SJ pur acre for uood fanim In Iowa. I'jiiu. $ iinooth corn liuid. 1'or panIculurs call mi oriidilrvbl Johpiiloii & Vail 1'uttuu , Council IlluIVa.